Launch Night Booklet 2011

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GlobAl summer Institute in jerusalem


Welcome to Launch Night! Recession can spark innovative products and services that make the most of limited resources. It can also be the chance to launch a dream venture and improve the world in the process. Tonight you will witness sixteen social entrepreneurs launch dynamic ventures in the digital age. The Fellows envision a world better than the one we have now and are working to make that world a reality. They sow the seeds of a revitalized Jewish community in classrooms, art museums, political organizations, and the web. And they are not daunted by a market in which many non-profits have sunk, but rather are jumping right in. That is why we are so proud to bring the Fellows ever closer to their ventures’ success tonight. But they won’t have to do it alone. The Fellows have gained a community of co-creators with whom they have lived, worked, and grown over the last six weeks. Together, supporting one another, they have accomplished more than they could have individually. B’hatzlacha, Staff and Steering Committee of the PresenTense Institute

institute sponsored chairs 2011: The Gorlin Family Foundation, The Gottesman Fund, The iCenter JDC Europe, The Rosenbloom Philanthropic Fund PAST AND PRESENT Sponsors: American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, American Zionist Movement, AMITAI Heritage Foundation, Avi Chai, Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation, Combined Jewish Philanthropies, Greater Boston›s Jewish Federation, Foundation for Jewish Culture, Gary Gross, Hillel, iCenter, Israel on Campus Coalition, Israel Venture Association, Jewish Federation of Cleveland, Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia, Jewish Funders Network - Philanthropic Services, Jim Joseph Foundation, Joyce & Irving Goldman Family Foundation Inc., Lippman Kanfer Family Foundation, Natan, Pamela Applebaum, Partnership for Effective Learning and Innovative Education (PELIE), Professional Leaders Project,, Sharon Ungerleider, The Covenant Foundation, The Gorlin Family Foundation, The Gottesman Fund, The Immerman Foundation, The Kopelman Foundation, The Morningstar Foundation, The Nathan Cummings Foundation, The Oregon Jewish Community Youth Foundation (OJCYF), The Rosenbloom Philanthropic Fund, The Wohl Family Foundation, Tribe 12, UJA-Federation of New York, Virginia Bayer & Rabbi Robert Hirt, World Zionist Organization.

What’s your inspiration to Innovate? Someone explained to me once that omanut (art) has the same shoresh (root) as emunah (faith). I believe that by putting my Omanut at the service of my Emunah I can make a contribution to this world.

Evelyn Goldfinger

Most valuable thing learned at PT: PresenTense brings Hertzl’s “Im Tirtzu Ein Zo Agada” to life in the hub. I learned why Hertzl’s phrase is in the plural mode: because we are each other’s best resources. Thanks to the coaches, mentors, staff and fellows for this unique experience of learning, sharing and collaboration!

Buenos Aires, Argentina Evelyn is a theater practitioner and an international award-winning researcher in theater for young audiences. She has a passion for theater and Jewish education. Recently, she wrote “The Bubbe’s Trunk,” an educational play to teach children about Yiddish language and culture from a hip perspective. In 2007 Evelyn founded El Toratrón to share the stories of the Jewish People. She serves as a director, playwright, producer and actress in the ensemble. El Toratrón is a Jewish Educational Theater ensemble that presents innovative and interactive shows with Biblical and Jewish themes, bringing Torah and Jewish heritage to the limelight in unique, fun, profound and approachable ways. El Toratrón has presented performances for thousands of children, their parents and educators.

Changes you hope to help achieve in the next 10 years: I hope to contribute to build a society that cares a little bit more for each of its members What’s your inspiration to Innovate? The opportunity to make a significant social change.

Barbara Reich Buenos Aires, Argentina Barbara earned a degree in Education and a Masters in Human Rights. Until recently, she has been the Cabinet Advisor to the General Department of Minorities, creating many educational programs for the youth of Buenos Aires. She has been active in the Jewish community for her entire life.

Encontrarse en la Diversidad is a training program which aims to create a space for youth to teach the value of diversity and its impact in daily life. Barbara directs the program together with Ariel Dorfman and Gabriela Schnook.

Ben Wiener Jerusalem, Israel Ben specializes in private equity transactions and business development, with particular expertise in international dealmaking. He is a graduate of Columbia Law School and Yeshiva University. Ben is the founder of Portofino Equity Advisors, a fundless sponsor of private equity transactions and investment in emerging markets and was a Vice President at IDT Corp, where he managed acquisition projects and established and managed a number of new corporate subsidiaries. Ten in Hebrew means “give.” Tenpartners leverages the power of grass-roots activism, technology and financial sustainability to help a new generation of local lay leaders enrich their local Jewish communities through innovative Jewish programs and events. That’s the power of ten.

Your vision for the future of PT: PT is a lightning rod for creative and innovative social entrepreneurs. I see PT continuing to blaze new trails in helping a new generation of Jewish social entrepreneurs launch their ventures. What’s your inspiration to Innovate? Recognition that many of today’s Jewish institutions are dinosaurs and are not attracting or engaging a new generation of lay leaders. Tenpartners is designed to help address this important problem.

Laura Bialis

Where do you see your project in one year? A year from now, we hope to have completed the first version of educational materials to accompany our film REFUSENIK, to have also completed our film about musicians in Sderot, ROCK IN THE RED ZONE, and will be planning the release and publicity campaign in cities across America, and most importantly, on North American campuses.

Tel Aviv, Israel Laura is an award-winning documentary filmmaker. Her films have included topics such as the Shoah, wartime Berlin, post-war Kosovo, poverty, human rights, and Jews in the USSR. Much of her work focuses on stories of the Jewish people. She holds a BA in history from Stanford University and an MFA from University of Southern California’s School of Cinema Arts. Foundation for Documentary Projects uses media and the art

of powerful storytelling to engage Jewish youth—with the goal of strengthening Jewish identity and connection to Israel. REFUSENIK, our critically-acclaimed film about freeing Soviet Jewry, was released worldwide. Now we’re creating THE REFUSENIK ARCHIVE, an educational web platform to document this important chapter of Jewish history. ROCK IN THE RED ZONE, a new documentary about rock musicians living under fire in Sderot, Israel, is in the works.

A person you relate to: I have been inspired by Hillary Clinton and the women she has worked with over the years promoting human rights and empowering women to take charge of their lives. Your Biggest Challenge: To get individuals to convert their excitement and interest in WTW to financially contribute to our efforts.

New York,rosen New Yorksinger Ellen New York, New York

Where do you see your project in one year? I hope in one year many children will know about Rafi, and they will follow his adventures with excitement.

Ellen has managed a consulting firm finding solutions for clients in a range of business sectors. She has traveled to the Middle East, Southeast Asia and Africa teaching business skills and helping people start small businesses. A graduate of NYU School of Business, she hopes to teach other women the skills she through her organization, WomenTeachingWomen. WomenTeachingWomen is an international organization devoted to empowering women by providing them with the skills and opportunities to become economically self-sufficient. Its principles are based on the belief that women who are financially independent not only provide for themselves and their families, but they are also responsible and active community leaders.

Your Biggest Challenge: My biggest challenge is to have one episode of the game ready. After that, we will be able to better see how it works.

Laura Gaspar Budapest, Hungary Laura is currently a computer science student. She has always had a passion for teaching Judaism to children, as both a participant and a madricha with several Jewish camps, including Hashomer Hatzair, the International Youth Camp of Szarvas, and Taglit-Birthright Israel. As a madricha, she learned that the most effective way to educate children is by interactive games which hold their interest and foster a love of learning.

Rafi - The Matzo Ball Revolution is a series of educational game applications for elementary school children. Rafi, the matzo ball, one night decides to run away from Grandma’s delicious soup to start his own life in the real world. Children can explore the basic moments, holidays and symbols of Jewish life by helping Rafi in his adventures.

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Ricardo Szyfer Montevideo, Uruguay Ricardo is from Montevideo, Uruguay and currently studies systems engineering at Universidad ORT Uruguay. In addition to being a student, he also teaches data structures and algorithms at the university. He is also an active member of the Hillel Tzedek group, which frequently engages in social service activities.

What inspires you to innovate? Looking at great people and companies who come up with revolutionary products and ideas that change our lives. New things can be done every day, and finding what can be done to improve our lives is a challenge that I’m willing to take on.

Contá Conmigo is a website where different local community projects are posted, and interested participants can donate money, materials, or time to the given initiative to make it happen.

DAVID GLOSS Philadelphia, Pennsylvania David is an active social entrepreneur and strategy professional. He lives by the mantra that is it possible to do good, while doing well. Before founding Here’s My Chance, he was the operations and business manager for Ryzing, building social games for social good. David’s background is in business consulting and venture capital. A Philadelphia native, he has an MBA from Temple University.

What’s your inspiration to innovate? My inspiration to innovate comes from years of not following my teachers/ parents instructions. But, in reality, we are lucky to be in the right era of human history. Technologically, things change and evolve so rapidly and it allows the entrepreneur to propose which direction these technologies will go. From just living, meditating, having a clear mind, a good heart, and a passion to see the world be a better place, inspiration comes daily. Jai Guru Dev.

Here’s My Chance (HMC) is a platform of games and applications that help organizations run successful awareness and fundraising campaigns. The first application is an interactive video tool that allows organizations to harness the power of personal participation in a way that activates previously untapped supporter/customer networks. Check out The Israel Conversation Project for a glimpse of how HMC is revolutionizing the way organizations use video.

Yair Tobias Kibbutz Yahel, Israel Yair grew up in the desert of Israel, on a small kibbutz in the Arava area near Eilat. In a pre-army academy, he studied Judaism and economics and became a fighter-medic in the army. His love of Israeli-desert life has inspired him to teach these principles to other young adults through Beit Midrash BaDerech.

Where do you see your project in one year? I see Beit Midrash BaDerech finishing a second successful year in which up to 40 participants will have taken part in our program. Graduates will have a platform to keep in contact and influence their areas of passion. Another goal is to standardize our program to sell it to other Kibbutzim and agricultural plantations around Israel.

Beit Midrash BaDerech seeks to establish a place of study that will integrate study, work, tikkun olam and community. The study program will include Jewish and spiritual studies together with environment and desert studies.

Anne Hromadka Los Angeles, California Anne holds dual masters degrees in Jewish Communal Service from Hebrew Union College-JIR/LA and Public Art Studies from USC. Her interest in art led her to serve as the program director for Jewish Artist Initiative of Southern California, as well as direct a contemporary art gallery in the Culver City Arts District. She is an independent consultant for Hebrew Union College-JIR/LA.

Where do you see your project in one year? Nu ART will be touring the SoCal area in 2012, headed to a street near you, bringing Jewish art and education to all our unique communities.

Nu ART [ Insert Jewish Culture Here], once completed, will be a fully functional art gallery and educational space set up inside an altered Recreational Vehicle (RV). This mobile art space would house cutting edge installations, soundpieces, performances, paintings, sketches and videos.

A person you met at PT who made the biggest impact on your project: Naama Katz, former CEO of Israel’s Green Movement and my personal coach, has made an enormous impact on my venture with her insight, experience, and connections to Israel’s world of environmental and progressive organizations. She pushed me to better isolate the focus of Camp Amir and to build a network of connections with organizations with similar attitudes and goals as mine. I expect to use her as a resource as my associates and I continue to develop Camp Amir and watch our dreams of our summer camp experience in Israel come true.

Michael Landes New York, New York Michael is a recent graduate of the List College Joint Program between Columbia Univeristy and the Jewish Theological Seminary, where he studied political science and biblical studies. Last summer, he volunteered with the American Jewish World Service to work in Uganda. These experiences have inspired him to positively impact the lives of the less fortunate, Jewish or otherwise, across the globe. Camp Amir aims to build a pluralistic summer camp for both Israeli and Arab children on the common ground of environmentalism and organic farming. By teaching sustainability in environmental work, Camp Amir can empower children in the region to build a cooperative future with one another.

Your Biggest Challenge: The Activist Institute requires a large startup cost, so I can’t just go out and start it tomorrow. On the other hand, that’s the excitement of starting something so big--something that could be replicated in cities across the United States. I’m building something that could potentially be huge.

Becca RussellEinhorn Washington, DC Becca is a native of Washington D.C. and a graduate of Pomona College. While in college, she founded the Claremount DREAM Act Coalition, an on campus immigrant-rights group that raised awareness of issues related to immigrant status. Becca loves to travel, and spent a year in Israel learning Hebrew and Arabic in order to better understand both cultures. The Activist Institute is a place where young people come together under one roof and work to solve today’s most pressing issues, becoming the next generation of progressive leaders in their communities and on their campuses.

Rachel Brody Washington, DC Rachel has worked with Teach For America, and the REALITY program, where she was able to study innovation and leadership in Israel. She received her Masters of Education in special education from George Mason University, and currently works at KIPP (Knowledge is Power Program) DC as an instructional specialist. The 3E Inclusion Movement works with organizations to provide inclusive programs for the Jewish community through empowerment, engagement and education. Communities will benefit from the interactions between individuals with and without disabilities. It provides a platform for organizations, communities and individuals to put social justice into practice.

Where do you see your project in one year? I hope that in one year 3D Philanthropy will be known as a reliable organization that hosts all kinds of creative fund-raising events. I hope that 3D events will become a part of the social calendar of Jewish young professionals, and that being a part of an advisory committee for 3D Philanthropy will be something people would line up for. Changes you hope to see in the next 10 years: I hope to see Jewish communities of St. Petersburg and other Russian cities blooming, independent and sustainable.

Changes you hope to help achieve in the next 10 years: I hope to contribute to and be a part of an inclusive community in which people with different abilities are treated as equals and seen for their unique gifts and talents that they bring to the community. Furthermore, I hope to “put myself out of business� by not even having to discuss the idea of inclusion because it is so ingrained in the community that there would be no need to discuss it or establish programs to contribute to the development of inclusive communities.

Zoia Kolton St. Petersburg, Russia A native of Russia, Zoia discovered her roots after the collapse of the USSR. As a child, she was an inaugural member of Adain Lo, a Jewish Family Center. Her passion for Judaism continued throughout her life. Currently, she works as a PRmanager of the Russian Jewish Congress in St. Petersburg. The principles of 3D Philanthropy are action, kindness, and generosity. The goal of 3D is to create a new cluster of young Jewish leaders who could financially and organizationally support Jewish community of St. Petersburg in the future and ensure its stable existence and independence.

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Fonda Weiss Jerusalem, Israel After transitioning her longstanding high-tech career into informal children’s education, Fonda is the Founder and Director of PEAK. She initiates, designs and facilitates PEAK’s in-school and after-school programs, in both English and Ivrit. Always believing in the power of our kids, Fonda aims to bring out the best in children and to counter bullying. Fonda’s vision is for PEAK’s engaging models to connect and empower Jewish kids globally. PEAK (a Place for Expression & Action for Kids) is a grassroots initiative by and for kids in Jerusalem. PEAK offers both a physical and a virtual place for kids to share ideas and talents, through creative handson programs. Using an innovative model, dedicated kids coaches inspire younger kids to celebrate each other’s contributions to KIDS4KIDS shows and activities, while upholding core values that support cooperation.

What’s your inspiration to innovate? Innovation leads to progress. Jewish Kids Groups is a smart new model of supplemental Jewish education and it works perfectly for some families. But it should by no means be the only model. Fostering innovation will lead to the design of more models, which will result in the engagement of more Jews. And, that’s good progress.

ANA FUCHS Atlanta, Georgia

Most valuable thing learned at PT: A phenomenal experience in my own “backyard,” PT has exposed me to a wealth of tools, people, and resources, both in Israel and abroad. It has been most valuable to take the intensive 6 weeks out of my life, to step back, away from the pragmatic programming aspects of my venture, and to invest solid time from morning to night on packaging the PEAK venture, so as to ready it for the next level of launch.

Ana is the founder of Jewish Kids Groups. In addition, she is an instructional designer and editor at Emory University’s Institute for the Study of Modern Israel. There, she leads teacher training sessions and assists in research. Ana is an active volunteer, working with Big Brothers Big Sisters, and serves as a director for Camp Limmud. Jewish Kids Groups draws on the ethos of Jewish summer camps: kids build communities and memorable Jewish experiences together! In 2012, Jewish Kids Groups is adding an awesome afterschool care program.

Read what our past fellows have been up to: REBECCA ZEFFERT, PTI ‘09 Israel-Asia Center

Israel-Asia Center founder and executive director, Rebecca Zeffert, meets with the Chinese Ambassador to Israel, Zhao Jun, at the ambassador’s residence.

The Israel-Asia Center is a Jerusalem-based nonprofit organization promoting understanding and furthering cooperation between Israel and Asia. Our website and newsletters provide news, features, and analysis on Israel-Asia affairs, covering economic, foreign policy and cultural issues. We also hold events in Israel, the United States and Asia. In October, 2011, we will launch our Israel-Asia Leaders Fellowship for Asian students in Israel. The program is designed to build the next generation of leaders in Israel-Asia relations—providing Asian students studying in Israel with the high-level access, contacts, skill-set and support network necessary to build long-term, strategic partnerships with Israel through their professional fields once they return to their home countries.


Volunteers show off NU Campaign’s merchandise. Pictured left, the ‘Shark and Fish’ T-shirt honoring Gilad Shalit and supporting the Kerem Maor Foundation that assists families of kidnapped Israeli soldiers. Pictured right, the ‘Pink Parachutes’ T-shirt remembers Chana Senesh.

Taken from the Israeli slang word ‘NU’ which means ‘C’mon’ and begs a response, NU Campaign creates Human Billboards for Israel by inspiring people worldwide to wear uniquely designed T-shirts representing Israeli stories. On the inside of every NU shirt, the story behind the design is printed opposite the wearer’s heart, so that they literally carry Israel’s story with them and represent it out on the street. Since 2009, NU Campaign has sold over 10,000 shirts in 40 countries worldwide and recently opened its first retail store in Jerusalem. NU Campaign has partnered with world renowned musicians to further the cause and they are in the process of setting up a global network of student representatives and interns to spread NU’s message. David says: “One story at a time, one person at a time, we are changing the way that people connect, perceive and understand what this great little country is about!”

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