Music Therapy Today, Vol. VI, Issue 4, (November 2005) a publication from
Musical features in music therapy improvisations of clients with mental retardation
Riikkilä, Kari M.A., music therapist University of Jyväskylä, Department of Music PL 35 (A313), 40014 University of Jyväskylä, Finland
Abstract Improvisation has been used in clinical music therapy with a variety of conditions and can also be used in the education of music therapists as Erkkilä (2000) has reported. Analyzing improvisations is a time-consuming procedure and is therefore mainly applied in research. This study has emerged from the need to make the analysis process faster and more objective, and thus more usable in clinical settings. The first aim of this research is to automatically analyze musical features of music therapy improvisations by clients with mental retardation, and to compare these
Proceedings of the 6th European Music Therapy Congress