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‘If you spell my name wrong forget about it’ Tips from the top on landing your first job XII 02.05.08
The Big Decision
It’s frustrating, but employers expect you to know what you are doing before offering you a job. You need training; the best courses select carefully – so should you. Paul McNally on how to pick the course; Adrian Monck (above) on how the course picks you. II-III
What it costs
Whether it’s nine weeks intensive postgrad study, or a three-year degree, training is expensive. You need to get good value. VIII
So you want to be a journalist?
Getting into....
They all employ journalists, but TV, radio, print and online media have their own nuances. XII
Don’t be a churnalist
Paul Lashmar has strong views on what’s happening to his profession. The new generation must fight back! XIV CONTENTS What to look for in journalism training II If I’d known then what I know now IV Getting the most from your journalism degree V What price a job? VII Directory VIII Getting into.... XII How to fight churnalism XIV
Christina Lamb Foreign Affairs Correspondent of the Sunday Times, describes how the desire to write and have adventures got her into journalism
’d like to claim it was a vocation but it was a cheese-and-wine party that led me into journalism and a wedding invitation that set me on the path of being a foreign correspondent. I didn’t know anything about being a journalist. At home, what the neighbours were up to was more
interesting than the six o’clock news and we got the Daily Mail for the horse-racing and the crossword. What I wanted to do was to write and have adventures. On Saturday mornings in Wallington library, I discovered the reportage of Hemingway, Kapuscinski, VS Naipaul, and Kipling and Ed Behr’s unforgettable Anyone Here Been Raped and Speaks English. At school careers day, I ventured that I’d like to be a writer or journalist. The careers adviser tut-tutted and replied that personnel was a good area for a woman or, how about being an engineer as I was good at science and it was Women in Science and Engineering Year? But then I got into Oxford and accompanied a friend one evening for some free cheese and wine. The party turned out to be for Cherwell, the university newspaper, and it seemed like lots of fun. The little office full of clattering typewriters and carbon paper soon took over my life and I ended up editing the paper. I also discovered the FT and wrote to the Asia editor, securing two weeks as an intern which turned into the whole summer. It was very exciting, though in those days of long liquid lunches I could never work out how the paper came out. Most exotic of all were the foreign correspondents, who wafted in and out of the office from faraway places. One day the foreign editor sent me to a lunch for Asian politicians. I ended up doing an interview with Benazir Bhutto out of which an unlikely friendship was struck. A few months later a gold-inscribed invitation landed on my mat to a wedding in Karachi. Being Benazir, this was no ordinary wedding. Not only was it a spectacle like something out of Arabian Nights but, after the ceremonial parts, there would be discussions late into the night on how to topple General Zia, the military dictator.
Pakistan seemed the most fascinating place on earth. But when I went to talk to foreign editors they were more interested in Afghanistan. So it was that I set off on a Flying Coach to live in the border town of Peshawar. I had no idea what foreign correspondents needed – in my suitcase was a giant pack of wine gums, Kipling’s Kim, a bottle of Chanel no 5 and a rented Tandy word-processor that showed just three lines at a time of green on green – these were pre-laptop days. If you don’t have connections then just going somewhere and setting up is the best way to start. These days email means you no longer have to go and bribe telephone or telex operators, and cutbacks mean there are few staff correspondents whose toes can be stepped on. But you do need the luck of being in the right place at the right time. At the beginning it felt like sending stories off into a black hole as the FT never made it to Peshawar and this was long before the internet. But the war in Afghanistan meant I soon had all the adventure I could wish for. There were other advantages I hadn’t thought about. For someone who is endlessly curious, being a journalist is an excuse to talk to anyone, from presidents to the most destitute, to go inside prisons and behind front lines. And caring passionately about injustice, I thought I could change the world. There are downsides of course. It will drive your friends and family crazy that arrangements are always made “small wars permitting”. A lot of people lie to you. Some even shoot at you. And an awful lot of time is spent waiting for planes that never come in, airports that offer only cockroaches and overflowing toilets instead of Caffe Nero and WH Smiths. Lamb’s book Small Wars Permitting is published by Harper Collins = news<jobs<events<blog<subscribe