A Publication of Oregon City Schools
5721 Seaman Rd., Oregon, OH 43616
Save The Date: Clay High School Class of ‘79 Friday, Oct. 10 Gathering at Football Game/ Alumni Band
Saturday, Oct. 11 Dinner/Dance @ St. Michael’s Contact: Terri Hook 419-693-3994 or 419-509-0542 thook@oregoncs.org
This Is For The Birds Clay High School Environmental and Agricultural Technologies student Austin Fisher spent the past weekend in Columbus, Ohio, at the Midwest Veterinary Conference (MVC). The MVC is the third largest veterinary conference in the United States. Austin attended lectures on veterinary medicine, including advanced fluid therapy, anesthesia/analgesia in rabbits and small animals, and an update on adrenal gland disease in ferrets. Austin, who works at the Bird and Exotic Pet Wellness Center in Toledo,Ohio, also assisted Dr. Susan Orosz, PhD, DVM, Dipl ABVP (Avian), Dipl ECZM (Avian), with her lectures on Sunday afternoon. They taught veterinary technicians on different subjects of avian medicine. Austin demonstrated proper restraint of different sized parrots for physical exams and helped the technicians learn the difficult job of parrot restraint.
Local Author And Illustrator Visit Jerusalem Jerusalem students were treated to an exciting program last week. Genoa native, Diane Terry, author of The Happy Faced Spider and The Bubble Gum Fairy, shared with the students “ways with the students to be bored no more.” Her presentation focused on ways to look at the world with a different perspective. She encouraged classes to use their imaginations and creativity to develop new ideas. Accompanying Mrs. Terry was Rachel K. Ackerman, illustrator. Ms. Ackerman, a Jerusalem alumnus, shared with the children how she developed artwork for the stories from start to finish. Both Mrs. Terry and Ms. Ackerman inspired students to explore possibilities in the world around them through writing, art, music, and creative thinking.
Volume 13 Number 3 — April 2014
Superintendent’s Message
Thinking Big, Taking Action, Expecting Results Dear Oregon and Jerusalem Township Residents, I would like to begin by saying thank you to all of our parents, faculty, and staff for their patience and support during this very tough winter season. From the bottom of my heart, Thank You! OREGON SCHOOLS FOUNDATION + STRATEGIC PLANNING = ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES On March 24, 2014, The Press ran an article entitled, “School Board looks at strategic planning.” The information used to write this article was taken from our March 18th board meeting, where I discussed how important it is for our district to deepen our connection with the private sector to discover new funding opportunities. This is where the Oregon Schools Foundation can play a major role. By definition, a foundation is a non-profit entity that exists to help fund projects and programs for a specific organization. The Oregon Schools Foundation has been in existence for over 23 years, and was founded by Michael Armstrong, Larry Vrizelaar, Thomas Bashalske, Helen Lybarger, Theodore Jenkins, Jack Murphy, and Robert Millen. In the past, the Foundation has predominately awarded classroom grants that support innovation and creative learning in every subject reaching every school in the district in addition to various project support. The goal of the district and the foundation is to
continue funding these items while also expanding to other projects and programs. The vast majority of “statefunded” universities have well-established foundations. More and more, K-12 public schools are Dr. Lonny J. Rivera developing their Superintendent own foundations, as they have become keenly aware of the success that has been experienced by higher education. Most, if not all, of the large universities within the U.S. have foundations that have accrued over a billion dollars in total assets. The vast majority of these dollars did not come from the business sector as one might think. A recent statistic provided by Aly Sterling Philanthropy states that over 80% of donations come through private individuals and alumni. As you are well aware, our school district relies heavily upon revenues that are generated through property tax. We could not operate our district without the continued support of our residents. As a relatively new superintendent, I have quickly learned that the loss of state funding, decreased valuation of real estate, and the increased costs of operating a district make it very difficult to provide our students with the educational opportuni-
ties they deserve. A strong and vibrant foundation can become the mechanism by which we can supplement academic programs, expand the fine arts, and improve our athletic facilities. Brent Shimman, President of the Oregon Schools Foundation said, “The Oregon Schools Foundation is ready and eager to assist the district in moving forward toward excellence. We believe through collaboration with the administration, Board of Education, and Aly Sterling Philanthropy, we have the right pieces in place to put together a strategic plan that can help take the district to the next level.” As stated in The Press article, our district is going to partner with the Oregon Schools Foundation and Aly Sterling Philanthropy to update our district strategic plan. In the very near future you will be receiving a series of surveys and questionnaires that will help us determine what priorities our students, parents, staff, and community would like addressed. Based on this feedback, the district will align our resources and put together a comprehensive plan that will assist us in reaching these goals. I encourage everyone who reads this letter to respond to our surveys and questionnaires to ensure that all voices are heard. Over the next few months, I will be giving updates on our strategic planning process. As always, please do not hesitate to contact me at 419-693-0661, or by email lrivera@oregoncs.org.
Jump Rope/Hoops For Heart
Students preparing to jump on heart disease using jump ropes
Students at Jerusalem jumped all over heart disease and stroke by participating in Jump Rope/Hoops for Heart. The students raised more than $1,300 for the American Heart Association, which funds research, programs and education to fight heart disease and stroke, our nation’s No. 1 and No. 4 killers. “I’m so pleased with the success of this year’s event,” Ms Rossler, Jump Rope for Heart coordinator, said. “We all had a lot of fun, and the kids enjoyed learning about the importance of physical activity and how they can play a role in saving lives.” Jump Rope/Hoops for Heart is a program that promotes physical activity and heart health through jumping rope and shooting hoops. It is co-sponsored by the American Heart Association and the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. A huge shout out goes to all those participating and/or encouraging involvement in this worthy cause. Way to go JETS!
Meet Your Child's Most Important Teacher Who is your child’s most important teacher? You, of course. No matter how experienced, gifted, and hard working your child’s classroom teachers are, their influence over your child is small compared to yours – even during the school day. In any given classroom, some children have greater success than others. Part of the reason, certainly, is ability, but there is much more to it than that. Studies have clearly shown that children of low and average intelligence can consistently outperform brighter children. Most children who succeed do so because they come to school every day with advantages other than natural ability. They are more eager to learn, they’re willing to work harder, and they’re less likely to give up at the first sign of trouble than their lower achieving classmates.
These are advantages that they’ve gained at home, and that parents can give to their children. You are being watched. Much of what children learn at home comes to them simply by watching their parents respond in different situations. It pays, then, to think of the time you spend with your child as teaching time. Not in the formal sense, where you are lecturing and directing and asking questions and testing your child. But in a relaxed, casual sense, where you are setting examples, modeling behavior and sharing experiences with your child. When you start a project, for example, keep in mind that your child is watching and learning. Perhaps you can talk to him or her about how you read the directions all the way through first so you know how the entire job is supposed to go
and can plan for the time, material, and tools needed. Even projects that are botched can teach good lessons. You could, for example, think out loud as you try to analyze what went wrong and what you could do differently to succeed next time. The attitude you demonstrate can help your child learn how to bounce back after falling short. Also, draw your child’s attention to the times you use skills that he or she is learning in school – proofreading a letter that you wrote, for example, or adding fractions for a remodeling project. For a youngster, the best reason for learning is to know how to do what Mom or Dad does. THE LEARNING LETTER To Parents Helping Their Children Learn
"Exemplary Reading Program" Award
Top Left: Coy staff receives news of award from principal. Top Right: Very Hungry Caterpillar Salad. Bottom Left: Storybook-themed luncheon. Bottom Right: Intervention teacher Julie Greenberg with Christine Watters, president of the Ohio Council of the International Reading Association. In March, Coy Elementary School was thrilled to be selected to receive Ohio’s Exemplary Reading Program award by the International Reading Association, which sponsors this award to recognize outstanding reading and language arts programs in elementary, middle, and high schools. Each participating state can choose one winning school and this year it was Coy Elementary. The criteria for judging includes (but is not limited to) excellence in reading and literacy programs, encouraging the development and refinement of exemplary reading/language arts programs, and improving literacy in society. Specific initiatives that were examined to determine Coy’s award included the Coy Reads tutoring program, community volunteer involvement, comprehensive Daily 5 practices throughout the
Random Acts Of Kindness Week
"Ride the Kindness Wave!" (students wore beachthemed clothing.) As part of a proactive anti-bullying initiative, Starr students participated in Random Acts of Kindness Week from February 10-14. Each day had a kindness-related theme and students wore clothing related to the theme, including “Crazy for Kindness!” (students wore crazy colored socks) and “Ride the Kindness Wave!” (students wore beach-themed clothing). During the event, students were challenged to complete 10 Acts of Kindness and had the opportunity to “mail” messages of friendship to others through our Valentine’s Post Office. On the last day of RAK Week, students celebrated “Share Your Heart through Art Day!” during which they painted one-of-kind watercolor heart artwork with the goal of creating a warm and caring school climate.
building, ER&D Comprehension Strategy teaching practices, professional development in the area of literacy, staff involvement with The Toledo Area Council of the International Reading Association, Title I services, involvement with Right to Read Week/International Literacy Day/ Read Across America, various author visits, participation in the Read, Write, and Think Organization, and participation with the Accelerated Reader program. Students from Coy also participated in a community project sponsored by Toledo Area Council of the International Reading Association. Students created Christmas ornaments and cards using theme poems from readwritethink.org. These ornaments were made to send a positive and uplifting message to local cancer patients undergoing chemothera-
py. Three council members from the International Reading Association spent an entire day at Coy School visiting classrooms and watching lessons. They spoke with and observed teachers, instructors, tutors and volunteers, toured the school and had a lengthy interview with the school principal. In the afternoon, they attended a beautiful storybook-themed luncheon that included tasty treats like (Cloudy with a Chance of) meatballs, (The Very Hungry Caterpillar) tossed salad, (Chicks and Salsa) chicken salad sandwiches, and (Blueberries For Sale) blueberry muffins. To end the day, Mrs. Greenberg’s students delighted guests with a Power Point presentation. In the words of one council member, “Coy Elementary School, Oregon City
School District, has an outstanding philosophy and practice in the teaching of reading. From our visit, it is absolutely clear that the effort put forth by reading educators, administrators, staff members, and Oregon community members has resulted in a strong reading program that supports the literacy needs of all Coy students…… It was abundantly clear that reading at Coy Elementary is not just a subject; it is a way of life, and is valued by all staff and community members.” Coy School was formally recognized at the National Reading Association conference in New Orleans in May, and principal Amy Molnar, intervention specialist Julie Greenberg, teacher Julie Marciniak, and board member Carol Molnar represented the staff in accepting the award. Congratulations, Coy!!!
Aquarium Management Competition tests; salinity tests; tank decorating and cleaning techniques; bagging, feeding, and sexing of fish; and troubleshooting of aquarium problems. Instructor, Mr. Charlie Schneider, teaches Aquaculture and Aquarium Management as part of his Environmental & Agricultural Technologies Program at Clay High School. Students used the knowledge they learned during class and after-school practices to prepare for this competition. These students managed
Senior Tyler McKibbin, from Clay HS Environmental and Agricultural Technologies Program, tests salinity in one of the program's marine tanks. Clay High School’s Environmental & Agricultural Technologies students earned THIRD PLACE TEAM in the District One FFA Aquarium Management Career Development Event held recently at Penta Career Center. Students from seven counties in northwest Ohio participated in this competition. Clay High School’s students who made up this team were: Tyler Mckibbin who earned SECOND Place individual; Nick Buchan was FIFTH Place individual; Dylan Harsh, Eddie Donnelly, and Brendon Knorr completed the team. These students were tested on their ability to identify over 200 species of freshwater and marine fishes, as well as aquarium plants, snails, diseases, foods, and supplies used in the aquarium industry. They demonstrated water quality
and helped operate the Environmental & Agricultural Technologies Aquaculture Lab for this school year. They cared for over 30 tanks of freshwater fish, successfully raising and breeding home aquarium fish. They managed and worked with four marine tanks, including a 200 gallon coral bed, and a breeding tank. They also worked with the program’s aquaculture tanks, where other students are raising rainbow trout, yellow perch, channel catfish, and freshwater shrimp.
Oregon Schools Finance Update Oregon Schools Finance Update: Jane Fruth, Treasurer/CFO Based on data received from the Lucas County Auditor’s office Oregon City Schools has the lowest Voted Millage when compared to all other school districts in Lucas County!! This benchmark includes all types of school levies Lucas County Taxpayers support ie: general operating, bond funds, permanent improvement, and vocational funds.
Voted Millage Comparison 160.00 140.00 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 -
** Districts where taxpayers pay 3.20Mills to support Penta Vocational School. Oregon City Schools is a comprehensive high school and we offer vocational opportunities to all interested students as part of their Clay High School education. Digging a bit deeper into Lucas County data shows similar trends but due to our dropping property values individual homeowners are paying more as effective millage rates on old levies increase. The one constant as values and effective millage rates change is that the Oregon Board of Education will work to provide an excellent education as cost effectively as possible.
History Comes Alive!
Top Left: Starr third grade students: (left to right) Emily Lott (Sacagawea), Kennedy Bohland (Florence Nightingale), Makenna Granger (Helen Keller), and Alyssa Krontz (Mary Pope Osborne). Top Right: Third grader, Solana Fry, reenacts important facts about Michelle Obama to a parent. Bottom Left: John Newton stands proudly as the 35th President of the United Statesm John F. Kennedy. Bottom Right: Jordan Silva proudly holds the US flag as Gabby Douglas, a gymnast who won a gold medal in 2012. Abraham Lincoln, Helen Keller, Martin Luther King, Jr., Neil Armstrong, and Susan B. Anthony were among the many celebrities portrayed by Starr Elementary third-graders during the first wax museum during the week of March 17. The biography and wax museum project, where students gave speeches and dressed as the celebrity of their choice, encompassed many learning objectives through the common core curriculum. During the third quarter,
each third-grade student was responsible for researching a person of their choice, who has made contributions to society. After reading a biography about the person of their choice, the students completed an outline, wrote a one page report, and decorated a poster displaying the selected person’s life and timeline. As an extension and integration of the common core standards for language arts, social studies, research, and speaking and listening, the students then pre-
sented their person of choice through a wax museum, with a brief one to two minute speech in the first person point of view telling about the person’s life and contributions made to society. All of the students were in full costume and recited facts, in character, to teachers, visitors, and other students. Overall, the responses and feedback from teachers and parents were positive, and students were thrilled to see history come alive at Starr School!
Join The Living History Day Camp
Competence In Animal Management
Ashley Tolliver, a senior in the Clay HS Environmental and Agricultural Technologies Program, is shown working with the program's rabbit, "Thumper." Clay High School’s Environmental & Agricultural Technologies students earned SECOND PLACE TEAM in Ohio in the District One FFA Animal Management Career Development Event held recently at Penta Career Center. Students from seven counties in northwest Ohio participated in this competition. Clay High School’s students who made up this team were: Ashley Tolliver, 4th place individual; Daniel Wiedmann, and Alyson Jadlocki (tied for 10th place); and Amanda Morris - 12th place individual. Also on the team were: Alexandra Furll, Austin Fisher, Kyle Myrice, Jared Jacobs, Josh Clark, Zack DeWitt, Vincent Lewinski, Baylee Sondergeld, Sidney Sauerwein, and Katie Duncan. These students were tested on their ability to identify over 200 species and breeds of dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, amphibians, rabbits, rodents and other animals, as well as supplies and foods common in the pet industry. They demonstrated handling, restraining, and sexing animals; trimming wings and nails; setting up cages and accessories, and use of equipment in the pet industry. Students were also interviewed by several judges to determine their level of understanding of animal management and care. Instructor, Mr. Charlie Schneider, teaches Small Animal Management as part of his Environmental & Agricultural Technologies Program at Clay High School. Students used the knowledge they learned during class and after-school practices to prepare for this competition. These students managed and helped operate the program’s Avian, Mammal, and Herptile Labs for this school year. They cared for the program’s birds, reptiles, amphibians, and mammals during the year. The Animal Management competition encourages interest and promotes excellence among students interested in careers related to the care of companion animals and the pet industry.
A Romeo And Juliet Sonnet Who knows Johnny Appleseed? Who was Mary Todd Lincoln? Who knows how to weave? Who can use a farm tool? Do you know Toledo was once called Frogtown? Hear ye! Hear ye! Come one and all 2nd, 3rd, and 4th graders to the Living History Day Camp at the Oregon Jerusalem Historical Society. Find the answers to the above questions. Have fun learning and playing with authentic museum artifacts at the Brandville School Museum on Grasser Street in Oregon. From June 17-20 children will come to play, sing, write and do Civil War formations as children of that time. They’ll prepare authentic daily snacks from the 1800’s era. They’ll take home a hand-made treasure daily. They’ll learn how fun Living History can be! After all, we are living history daily! Contact Dianne Powers at 419-698-2410 or Pat Davis at 419-836-4792.
By Dominick Espinosa Romeo and Juliet — their blood shall pay the debt. Montague and Capulet — a raging war they now regret. Poisoned lips and daggered chest . . . their children now laid to rest. Two star-crossed lovers made of gold . . . both of body and of soul. Evil is just the absence of good, to tell this story, I should. Remember this story good and well, the story we forever tell, for their story we shall not forget — the story of Romeo and Juliet.
Honor Rolls on pages 6 & 7
My Principal Thinks I'm Great
Cuttin'-A-Rug Like Romeo And Juliet
Jessica Joyce with Mrs. Molnar. Each month, every classroom at Coy Elementary chooses two students, one boy and one girl, to have lunch with Principal Molnar. Every student has a shot at lunch with the principal, since the names of all possible candidates are put into a drawing and two are chosen. To qualify, students must stay on “green” in their daily behavior chart by following Coy school’s guiding principles: Be Respectful, Be Responsible, and Build Relationships. To ensure fairness, a student may be chosen only once during the school year. During their regular lunch hours, students join Principal Molnar in the multi-purpose room for juice, Marco’s pizza, and dessert. They also take time to chat and share news. At the end of the luncheon, each student has his or her picture taken with Mrs. Molnar, and she later delivers copies of the pictures to them as a memento of the day. Every student also leaves with a my-principal-thinks-I’m-great! sticker to announce to their friends and family that they had lunch with the principal.
Dr. Seuss Rules The Week
Top Left: 1st hour class L-R: Travis Breen-Meyers, Hussien El Rez, Cameron Large, Brianna Kolodziejski, Brenden Shanks, Jacob Hutchens, and Jared Martin. Top Right: 3rd hour class L-R: Myles Collins, Jacob Fields, Austin Herrera, Jacob Mies, Noah Materni, Crystal Gechter, Mason Ensign, Kevin Curry, Lexie Kolodziejski, and Cody Giovanoli. Bottom Left: 5th hour class L-R: Xavier Juarez, Mateo Garcia, Andrew Vass, Eric Kutchenriter, Wes Ruedy, Connor Furniss, Mary Wooten, and Nate Berning (reclining on floor). Bottom Middle: 7th hour class L-R: Halie Gears, Dominic Espinosa, Carisa Timmons, Peyton Demoe, and Ally Homel. Bottom Right: 8th hour class L-R: Samantha Madison, Jace Gutierrez, Davion Dawkins, and Cameron Mullins. In conjunction with reading the curriculum-prescribed Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare, students in Mrs. Punsalan’s 9th grade language arts classes participated in kinesthetic learning by engaging in a Baroque period dance sequence similar to the style of dancing in Shakespeare’s time.
In Act I of the play, Lord Capulet, Juliet’s father, throws a masquerade ball to which Juliet is invited. Romeo Montague crashes the party, where he meets Juliet—and so begins the series of events that lead to both the feelings of great love between Romeo and Juliet, to their eventual demise, and to the end of the feud
between the House of Montague and the House of Capulet. Students created their own masks at home to wear as they danced in class to Haydn’s Symphony #71 in E-flat, the Andante movement.
Students Honor Holocaust Survivors Far Left: We were fortunate to have several parents join us for this once in a lifetime experience. Pictured here are Brandon Hardy with his mother and Aron Zoldan. Near Left: Students were excited to thank Mr. Zoldan for sharing his story so openly.
All wearing green for "Grinch Day." Read Across America Week was March 3-7. We were very excited to celebrate reading during the week with a Dr. Seuss theme. Each day students were able to participate as follows: Monday was Grinch Day, and students wore green and demonstrated random acts of kindness to combat that Grinch attitude. Tuesday was Cat and the Hat Day, and students wore stripes and hats. Wednesday was wacky mismatch day, and students wore mismatched clothes. Thursday we had an IMAX Theater time for each grade level to watch a 30-40 minute Dr. Seuss video on the IMAX screen. A family IMAX movie night, playing The Lorax on the big screen from 6:00-8:00, followed. Friday we read the Sleep Book, and students were able to wear their PJs to school. A great time was had by all!
Don't miss the Clay Fall Sports All-Academic Athletes on page 8.
As a part of the unit of study of the Holocaust, including the novel Night by Elie Weisel, eighth graders visited the Holocaust Memorial Center in Farmington Hills, Michigan. During this visit, the students toured the memorial which is focused on education and preservation of the history of the events both in the displays and the architecture of the structure. At this center, there is a tree from a sapling of the tree outside Anne Frank’s window; one of only seven saplings sent to the United States for planting. Students were able to stand in an actual cattle car used to transport the prisoners to the concentration camp and imagine how cramped and uncertain it would be to travel in those conditions. Our tour guide was quite knowledgeable, but the wealth
of knowledge came from an actual Holocaust survivor who spoke with our class after the tour. Mr. Zoldan spoke of the difficult times and the inspiring experi-
ence he endured. Many students commented that they were inspired by his positive attitude after such a horrible experience.
Pre-school Screening For All Oregon City Schools is offering a free screening for children who are between the ages of 3-5 and who are current residents of Oregon City Schools. Screening will be held on Wednesday, June 4th beginning at 9 a.m. Screening will involve: x Assessment of developmental skills by Early Childhood Professionals. x Screening for potential developmental delays in the areas of communication, fine & gross motor skills, and social and emotional development. x Information about different activities to prepare your child for preschool. If you are interested, please call Jan Deleon at Oregon City Schools Student services 419-698-6000 by Friday, May 30th. Appointments will be scheduled on a first come first served basis. Screenings will be held at the Wynn Center, located at 5224 Bayshore Rd.
One Hundredth Day Of School
Ecosystems And Food Chains
Top Left: You can tell these students are 100 days smarter. It says so on their crowns! Top Right: Students participated in various crafts to celebrate the event. Bottom Right: Students celebrated by parading around the school.
Students at Jerusalem celebrated the 100th day of school on February 24. First graders spent the day participating in hundreds of fun activities. In addition to bringing in a collection of 100 items, they made necklaces from Fruit Loops and Cheerios, crowns, and wrote about what it will be like when they are 100 years old The students also counted down the first
Top: Jessica Payeff and Cole Watson dissecting their owl pellets. Bottom: Clockwise from left: Hayley Sturm, Charlie Mitchell, Hayden Matthews, and Joslyn Jurski making observations of their "fossil."
100 minutes of the day in ten minute increments with a timer and tickets. Winners received a 100 Grand bar! They read 100 Hungry Ants and The Wolf’s Chicken Stew, as well. At snack time, the students ate a 100 made from Club and Ritz crackers and cheese. The day ended with a parade and hundreds day treats! A great time was had by all.
Fourth grade students at Coy Elementary have been busy! Students learned about ecosystems and food chains. They used the scientific method while dissecting owl pellets to learn how to tell what an owl has eaten. Students have also been learning about fossils, making predictions and observations while creating fossil models using bread, gummy bears, and gummy worms to simulate sediment layers and the pressure needed to make fossils and their molds and casts.
Be Mine!
Excellence In Social Studies
Top Left: Back Row L-R: James Whaley, Maci Karrick, Ricky Jurski, and Caleb Scarberry. Front Row L-R: Ian Wiedmann, and Coryn Rose. Top Right: Back Row L-R: Jonathan Marsico, Tyler Koehler, and Charlie Mitchell. Front Row L-R: Allie LaPlante, and Brynlee Sheetz. Bottom Left: Back Row L-R: Kaden Carroll, David Curns, Dakota Wamer, and Andy Villegas. Front Row L-r: Kenady Cox, and Paige Baumgartner. Alyssa Lambrecht
Fourth grade students at Coy Elementary took part in the annual Valentine’s Box Decorating Contest. Students got their creative juices flowing and came up with lots of amazing boxes to collect their Valentines. Winners were chosen from each fourth grade classroom based on creativity and Valentine theme. Congratulations to ALL of the students who created boxes!
Engineering It At UT
Alyssa Lambrecht, daughter of Paul and Cynthia Lambrecht and a sophomore at Clay High School, was recently recognized for her excellent achievements in social studies. The Educational Service Center of Lake Erie West honored Alyssa and her parents at a dinner and ceremony at their March 11 meeting. Alyssa was nominated by Clay High School’s social studies department for her exceptional work in American Civil War and American History.
Mud Dog Challenge
Left: The winning team from Clay included Gavin Nelson and Logan Davies. Right: The second place team from Clay included Paige Arman and Kayla Dickerson. Several gifted/talented students from Clay High School, along with students from Findlay High School attended a “Career’s in Engineering Day” at the University of Toledo. After seeing a special-
ized program of what engineering is and touring the different types of engineering facilities, the students were combined in teams to meet a specific task in a specific amount of time. The winning team in-
cluded Gavin Nelson and Logan Davies from Clay, and the second place team included Paige Arman, and Kayla Dickerson. Good job Clay students!!!
The Coy Ram Fit Club is working hard to prepare for an upcoming local charity race on May 24 at the Mud Dog Challenge course in Swanton, Ohio. This event will be a great opportunity for children to learn to conquer a physical challenge, while encouraging teamwork. Although the Mud Dog Challenge course was designed to test the toughest adults, the organizer for the Mud Dog Challenge has opened up a shortened course specifically designed for children. The Coy Ram Fit Club is excited and working hard on their preparation for such a challenge. Good luck to Coy’s Ram Fit Club on their upcoming endeavor!
Oregon City School Honor Roll
Clay High 12th Grade
Al Sorghali, Hanna Armstrong, Vincent Baron, Garion Bartley, Amanda Beair, Isaiah Bee, Jessica Belkofer, Jennifer Berg, Dylan Bomyea, David Bourdo, Morgan Breeden, Mariaeh Briones, Jordan Broka, Chase Broughton, Kelsey Campos, Alexis Carpenter, Aaron Castilleja, Bryce Chung, Michael Chung, Robert Cook, Trent Coughlin, Cassidy Cousino, Andrew Cufr, Payton Daniel, Taylor Dansack, Matthew Dart, Shyann Davies, Logan Davis, Jared Degg, Ashley Degg, Lindsey DeMeo, Jody Dickens, Andrew Duke, Marisa Dunbar, Tyler Duncan, Craig Durkovic, Nathaniel Dusza, Dylan Eaton, Kacy Ewersen, Tyler Faneuff, Jacey Flores, Anyssia Floyd, Amtheyst Frederick, Stephanie Fussell, Alyssa Gallaher, Brooke Gargac, Sierra Garmon, Shalynn Gift, Tamra Gill, Taylor Goeckerman, Megan Graham, Troy Gray, Cassidy Greenblat, Corey Gregory, Ross Grindle, Samantha Gyurke, Erin Hairabedian, Curtis Hartford, Brandy Hassan, Leena Heilman, Blake Heintschel, Alyssa Heinze, Samantha Heninger, John Herrera, Katelin Hornyak, Chelsea Hudson, Adrienne Huffman, Zachery Hughes, Leilani Isbell, Cooper Isbell, Harleigh Jacob, Jared Jaquillard, Samantha Johnson, Veronica Joselowitsch, Simon Joven, Amanda Kapfhammer, Alexis Kegerize, Daniel Kellar, Joshua Keller, Jillian Keller, Jordan Kesling, Hannah Killen, Tyler Klostermeier, Alexis Kovacs, Morgan Kristof, Molly Kubicki, Haley Lafountaine, Anna Large, Courtney LaRue, Jacob Lazur, Kurtis Lee, Aaron Lodzinski, Madeline Lorenzen, Danielle Lozano, Antoniette Lucas, Jennifer Lutz, Jared Maher, Hayley Marsh, Olivia Maynhart, Megan Maze, Samantha McCloud, Chrystian McDougle, Mariah McGath, Sydney McKibbin, Tyler McNutt, Charles Migliori, Chelsey Miller, Chelsea Miller, Samantha Mominee, Lily Mottmiller, Mia Mowrer, Keegan Myers, Mackenzie Myrice, Klaudia Nagy, Jay Nagypaul, Dakota Nelson, Gavin Nelson, Rachel Nicholson, Shae Ogburn, Drake Osenbaugh, Joshua Pennington, Joshua Perez, Antonio Perlaky, Spencer Phillips, Madison Powell, Jeanette Quinlan, Courtney Rahm, Cora Rayner, Riley Reich, Bethany Reindel, Haley Rice, Kylie Riley, Bridget Riley, Kellie Roberts, Taylor Rodriguez, Shane
Roman, Emilie Row, Kyle Rowland, Kaddie Saenz, Luis Salazar, Javier Sanders, Nyla Saull, Chase Schaefer, Kayla Schinharl, Mackenzie Selee, Ashley Sellgren, Crysta Sharlow, Eric Sheahan, Kaitlyn Shields, Hailey Sibbersen, Emily Smith, Ashley Smith, Jay Spencer, Karrie Staudinger, Joseph Stelter, Rachel Susor, Allison Susor, Honnah Swihart, Heather Szegedi, Macie Taylor, Kyle Timmons, Jane Tolliver, Amanda Tolliver, Ashley Trowbridge, Evan Trumbull, Julie Twining, Dillon Ueberroth, Anthony Urias, Breanna Vartorella, Austin Wieas, Chelsea Wiedmann, Daniel Wolf, John Woodrum, Jacob Yoder, Emily York, Matthew Zalar, Edward Zunnoor, Syedah
11th Grade
Anderson, Brant Anderson, Bryce Angel, Jesse Arnold, Ryan Barnes, Kimberly Barney, Shannon Barney, Shelby Barrett, Sydney Barron, Jimmie Bassiouni, Omar Beckman, Nathan Bee, Mary Berger, Jeremiah Berning, Chad Billiard, Brianna Black, Desiree Bocook, Baleigh Boersch, Madeline Bohland, Jessalyn Bowmer, Tenayah Campbell, Madison Cannon, Alaina Carpenter, Collen Chancey, Logan Chizmar, Tabatha Cluckey, Emily Collins, Ronald Connor, Morgan Cordle, Dylan Coughlin, Bailey Cousino, Madalynn Culver, Sarah Czop, Abaegail Davies, Marissa Davis, Jacob Dean, Brandyn Dolt, Emily Dudley, Dalton Dunn, Rachel Durkovic, Nickolas Duwve, Madeline Edwards, Ceara Emch, Katherine Enck, Samantha Ferencz, Hailey Fernandes, Elijah Fournier, Ryan Gabella, Devin Gajdostik, Regan Gargac, Alexander Gears, Meghan Giannetti, Rebecca Gibbons, Matthew Gladieux, Cole Glesser, Rebecca Gonzales, Morgan Grimes, Maddison Gwin, Austyn Gyori, Brandon Gyori, Brooke Hagdohl, Emily Halka, Kaylee Halka, Logan Harshman, Angela Hartkopf, Samantha Heck, Alyssa Herbster, Bryan Holman, Kerstin Hommel, Carly Hook, Emily Hornyak, Megan Horvath, Joseph Jacobs, Joshua Jankowski, Sabrina Kaczmarek, Rebecca Keilholz, Benjamin Keiser, Mackenzie Kelly, Krista Kidd, Jenna King, Andrea King, Breanna Kuecher, Rachael Lavallee, Hannah Laws, Clay Lee Moreno, Jacquelyn Lefevre, Benjamin Lewinski, Vincent Lewis, Lauren Lindsay, Ashley Martinez, Arica Mason, Emily Menchaca, Kaylah Merritt, Kelsey
Mildenberger, Tyler Miller, Jamie Miller, Jared Miller, Kayleigh Mills, Marisa Moore, NaKiya Mosiniak, Morgan Mullins, Blake Murray, Kaitlin Murray, Lynley Musselman, Alexa Nelson, Caleb Newton, Kara Novak, Hannah Orr, Haley Peters, Christian Phanthalasy, Vassana Phillips, Connor Pieters, Alison Pollauf, Zacary Pringle, Wyatt Reder, Anastasia Rettig, Kirsten Rheinbolt, Connor Rigg, Carly Riley, Malaya Robinson, Justin Rodriguez, Nina Rodriguez, Peter Rollins, Markus Ruiz, Katherine Rumans, Andrew Schiavone, Hayley Schloegl, Andrew Schuller, Kristina Schuller, Stephanie Schwind, Sophia Screptock, Richard Seimet, Kailie Seymour, Aaron Shaffer, Monica Sheetz, Coral Shelton, Chloe Sherer, Jacob Shinaver, Allyson Shinaver, Danielle Shrewsberry, Alexis Siegler, Devin Simon, Kara Snyder, Tristin Sobecki, Erica Spaulding, Ondrea Sterling, Andrew TenEyck, Lindsey Trouten, Rachel Twining, Justin Ulrich, Megan Ummel, Michael Upham, Megan VanNest, Austin Veler, Kaylee Vermett, Katelynn Vinet, Ashleigh Vriezelaar, Alec Wagner, Autumn Walden, Charity Ward, Lexis Wells, Mackenzie West, Austin Whitten, Diana Wilbarger, Tyler Wilson, Courtney Winckowski, Grace Witt, Kevin Wolf, Delaney
10th Grade
Alore, Adrienne Andrus, Benjamin Angel, Jay Arman, Paige Auger, Victoria Badenhop, Noah Baumer, Hayley Beamer, Tyler Belinske, Brock Bleau, Landon Boros, Stephanie Buchan, Nicholas Burgess, Maggie Burgess, Megan Burns, Adam Canada, Shawnee Canterbury, Ayla Case, Austin Clark, Dylan Clark, Hannah Cluckey, Logan Cousino, Amber Crosby, Ryan Cummings, Mason Davis, Jeremiah Davis, Maria Dickerson, Kayla Diebert, Rayann Dominique, Haley Durczynski, Noah Edler, Allison Filka, Abby Fouke, Jeffery Garner, Michael Gast, Trenton Giles, Ashlynn Giovanoli, Donte Giovanoli, Gino Goralske, Brittney Goucher, Miranda Graham, Noah Groll, Erynn Handy Jr, Michael Harrison, Joshua Hartwig, Stacey Hassan, Miranda Hauter, Kelsi Henegar, Taylor Hess, Haley Hess, Hannah Holliday, Jonathan Hughes, Markie Isbell, Bailey Jacobs, Anthony Jacobs, Aubrey Jadlocki, Alyson Johnson, Jade Jones, Chandler Jones, Megan Jones, Melanie
Kochanski, Austin Kovacs, Eric Kuhlman, Hannah Lajti, Hannah Lajti, Kaitlyn Lambrecht, Alyssa LaPlante, James Larue, Nicholas Latta, Anthony Lee, Dustin Leichty, Zachary Lenning Keirns, Makaila Levally, Lorenzo Lopez, Thomas Lozier, Austin Mahaney, Nikolas Maki, Kurt Malczewski, Benjamin Mantyla, Jenna Martinez, Sara Matuszynski, Gregory McKinney, Emma McNeal, Marlena Menter, Katherine Mohr, Joshua Morris, Amanda Neverauskas, Audras Nguyen, Steven Ortyl, Tyler Palmer, Carley Patrilla, Ashley Pioterek, Katie Reichert, Allison Repeta, Cruz Resendez, Estrella Rios Branstutter, Madison Robarge, Kaylee Robinson, Austin Ross, Alyssa Sattler, Kennedy Sauerwein, Sydney Schroeder, Max Sherer, Jonathan Shope Mohney, Monica Slovak, Madison Smith, Gavin Smith, Toni Sneed, Madeline Snyder, Callie Sondergeld, Brittany St Julian, Alexa Stringham, Richard Sullivan, Jarrett Susor, Brooks Takacs, Jessica Teneyck, Ty Todoroff, Briahna Toth, Katherine Trowbridge, Amy Vriezelaar, Jake Walls, Emily Wend, Grant Whitmore, Sarina Whitt, Jaret Winslow, LeAnn Zeiler, Monica Zunk, Alexis
9th Grade
Baker, Mason Batch, Abigail Bird, Sara Bollman, Alysa Bourdo, Ashley Bowmer, Xanthe Breeden, Maranda Bricker, Carl Broka, Paige Bryant, Dylan Bundy, Hannah Burre, Taylor Bush, Nathaniel Bustamante, Alexis Camarillo Garcia, Hugo Ceja Villasenor, Kimberly Cindle, Katlyn Clark, Keshawn Clere, Karleigh Coates, Diego Deneau, Jamie Dickens, Reece Dokurno, Maegan Douglass, John Edwards, Robert El Rez, Hussien Elmajzoub, Mohammed Emch, Nicholas Evers, Gabrielle Fiedler, Calvin Finger, Luke Fuller, Tyler Furll, Jaden Furniss, Connor Gajdostik, Grant Garcia, Mateo Gargac, Keaton Gaskins, Adam Gears, Halie Gechter, Crystal George II, Michael Gerrard, Hanna Gibbons, Elizabeth Goulet, Ethan Goulet, Nathan Grimes, Mallory Halka, Levi Halter, Starra Ham, Jessica Harris, Tori Harrison, Dylan Heintschel, Samantha Hernandez Goderich, Hess, Sydney Holzemer, Autumn Hommel, Ally Horvath, Jenna Howard, Lauren Huss, Megan Hutchens, Jacob Iler, Dustin Jankowski, Kate Jehany, Hannah Joven, Ailene Juhasz, Drew Kigar, Ian Kiss, Joshua Klatt, Donni
Kolinski, Hannah Kolodziejski, Lexie Kozlaker, Connor Kuecher, Caitlyn Kulwicki, Jenna Kutchenriter, Eric Ladd, Mallory Lambrecht, Trace Lammers, Jacob Lapeep, Madona Lee, Andrea Lipper, Brittany Lipper, Ciera Lohrer, Erica Madison, Samantha Mahler, Jenna Mallett, Mackenzie Martin, Alaynah Martinez, Lisa McGee, Hailey McNutt, Hunter Meier, Lillian Miller, Jorden Miller, Madison Mills, Christopher Miner, Ashley Mullins, Cameron Murphy, Kerrigan Myrice, Kyle Nagy, William Nagypaul, Kyrsten Nino, Jenna O Shea, Caitlin Orr, Christian Ou, Wenxin Pacheco, Emillio Parker, Joshua Peace, Curtis Peart, Keagen Perlaky, Logan Phillips, Bailey Powell, Bayleigh Quinlan, Jonathon Reder, Alexandra Reese, Alexis Reynolds, Calee Riley, Timothy Rodriguez, Alayna Rossler, Madeline Russo, Jessica Saenz, Patricia Saunders, Grant Schacht, Zachary Schneider, Amelia Schweizer, Jacob Shanks, Brenden Siefke, Caleb Snow, Pete Spraggins, Alexandra Stach, Lilli Steingraber, Jacob Strohscher, Brooke Takacs, Ashlyn Thiel, Lydia Tilton, Chase Timmons, Carisa Tresso, William Ulrich, Alyssa Urbina, Maranda Urias, Brian Vartorella, Alexandra Vass, Andrew Velliquette, Alyssa Verb, Joci Vislay, Marisa Wamer, Jaycee Ward, Alizabeth Webb, Austin Weirich, Lucas Wilbur, Sydney Wilson, Kailey Wiseman, Michael Yenrick, Bekah Zachel, Breann
Fassett Middle 8th Grade
Aiton, Dustin Anderson, Garret Andrews, Hannah Andrews, Haylie Andrews, Kayla Andrus, Aaron Ankney, Zachary Asbury, John Badenhop, Austyn Baker, Cheyenne Bassiouni, Dalia Batch, Breanna Bauman, Destinee Beamer, Trevor Belegrin, Lauren Berg, Sara Berl, Normandie Bermejo, Sianna Berry, Adriana Binting Andrews, Nolan Bliss, Walker Bockelman, Dakota Bolander, Alexandria Bomyea, Austin Bonnice, Ruth Booth, Pillar Brantley, Zachary Brezvai, Marissa Brown Teneyck, Alison Bruns, Craig Burgess, J Glenn Cahill, Mirisa Calkins, Dakota Campbell, Owen Canterbury, Emily Carlisle, Michael Carpenter, Adrianna Carr, David Carr, Kasandra Carter, Denise Case, Joshua Cathers, Hannah Cavaliere, Nicholas Chancey, Rylee Church, Alexandria Church, Phoebe Clark, Reagan Clere, Hailey Cluckey, Thomas
Combs, Myranda Connor, Charles Cooper, Destiny Copeland, Alanna Cortez, Nicholas Coughlin, Shannon Cousino, Christopher Cousino, Kirsten Cousino, Macy Crandall, James Cutcher, Edward Czop, Lillian Daly II, Nicholas Daly, Morgan Daniel, Justin Davies, Alexes Davies, Selena Deleon, Ariana Delgado, Ignacio Dempsey, Tristan Denmark, Nicholas Dickens, Alyssa Dickerson, Hayden Dippman, Haley Donbrosky, Damien Downour, Cameron Duwve, Andrew Eckenrode, Kelsi Eischen, Bradley Emch, Jake Estep, Angela Evers, Aubrey Fell, Anthony Fennewald, Andrew Ferguson Jr, Toby Fernandes, Jude Fernandes, Philomena Fisher, Adrienne Flanagan, Colin Fournier, Alyssa Frasier Jr, Paul Fravor, Ezekial Fredritz, Jacob Fry, Jaclyn Gardiner, Brian Gardiner, Brianna Garmon, James Garza, Christopher Gechter, Robert Gietzen, Nolan Giles, Merria Gonzales, Macey Groll, Zachery Guerrero, Cecilia Gwin, Donavyn Hadzovic, Alma Hales, Sydney Halka, Michael Halley, Marc Hansen, Erek Hansen, Hannah Hanudel, Kaine Hardy, Brandon Harrison, Kendra Heck, Caleb Heck, Jason Heinz, Connor Hendricks, Madison Henney, Taylor Herman, Cassandra Hernandez, Joe Herrick, Tyler Hoffman, Riley Holliday, Alexandra Hopper, April Horman, Brandon Hosick, Haley Huffman, Alyssa Hymore, Hanna Hymore, Olivia Isbell, Joshua Ivan, Zoltan Jackson, Makala Jacobs, Kendall James, Skylar Jaquillard, Alec Jaquillard, Mason Joldrichsen, Ryan Jones, Makenzi Kaczmarek, Kristina Keel, Mariah Keel, Samantha Keesee, Kaylee Kegley, Austin Keilholz, Jacob Keister, Hunter Kellerbauer, Raymond Ketron, Dominic Kim, Kaden Kimbrell, Robert King, Megan Knecht, Riely Koster, Donovan Kowalski, Jenna Krieger, Caitlin Krieger, Jessica Kuhlman, Trent Lafountain, David Lambrecht, Chase Leathers, Caynon Lee, Madelyn Lewandowski, Gavin Luce, Payton Lunsford, Devin Madison, Danielle Malloy, Madison Markus, Morgan Marsh, Evan Martin, April Martinez, Marissa Maya, Shania McClain, Haley McCreary, Breanna McGath, Logan McNutt, Paige Meinke, Joshua Meldrum, Kelsey Migliori, Marissa Miller, Delanie Miller, Nadia Alyia Miller, Nicholas Miller, Zachary Moffitt, Morgan Mohr, Matthew Mottmiller, Alec Myers, Chandler Nagel, Kimberly
Naugle, Alyson Nelson Jr, Robert Nickles, Zackary Nottage III, Michael O Shea, Carly O'Neal, Morgan Orra, Joudet Pappas, Simon Paquin, Savannah Paul, Grace Peery, Tatum Pelfrey, David Perry, Jacob Petitpas, Cheyenne Phlegar, Jonathan Pickering, Chaz Plentz, Meryssa Pope, Kyle Preston, Arianna Pringle, Dalton Pulter, Stephen Pusey, Adrian Quinlan, Natalie Ramsey Banks Fisher, Alicia Rasheed, Amirah Rayburn, Miranda Reardon, Rooster Reed, Maegan Reed, Matthew Reichow, Grace Rew, Taytem Rice, Madison Rice, Natalie Rickman, Hannah Roberts, Joshua Rodgers, Kevin Rodriguez, Alexia Rodriguez, Lily Rodriguez, Sophia Ruiz, Tyler Ryan, Delaney Salgau, Nicolai Schacht, Ryleigh Schenkel, Jeffrey Schmidt, Hannah Schrader, Kristianna Schroeder, Mason Self Jr, Andy Sellgren, Alec Serratos, Savannah Serres, Camile Shaffer, Jonathan Sheahan, Dalton Shelnick, Cole Shively, Dawson Shrewsberry, Eric Siefke, Avantaea Smith, Madison Smith, Megan Smith, Tylor Sneed, Wesley Snyder, Matthew Soto, Christian Stager, Regan Staudinger, Jacquelyn Stevens, Roger Suto Jr, Daniel Sutter, Skyler Swan, Emily Szymczak, Bo Talton, Joseph Teneyck, Leah Tilton, Olivia Titsworth, Paige Tracy Jr, Mark Tristan, Lisa True, Cole Turner, Carley Twining, Ryan Ueberroth, Matthew Upham, Mackenzie VanCamp, Leah Venia, Max Vidra, Connor Villarreal, Kaylia Vincent, Elizabeth Vincent, Samuel Vollmar, Mariah Walter, Nicholas Warrington, Jonathan Weller, Chase Wells, Kendall Wiedmann, Alayna Wiggins, Chyna Winckowski, Jack Wisniewski, Meradith Wolfe, Holden Young, Emily Zak, Elizabeth Zak, Jacquelin Zapata, Audriana
7th Grade
Ackerman, Ariana Adair, Sean Aiton, Cameron Ali, Ahmed Allan, Heylea Allen, Austin Allred, Emilio Angel, Joseph Arman, Emily Arnold, Kaylie Barnes, Katelynn Barney, Taylor Baumberger, Chase Belinske, Brodi Bliss, Mason Bomyea, Monica Boros, Alex Boros, Nicholas Bowmer, Keeley Bradley, Caleb Briones, Daniel Brittian, Cameron Brown, Alaxandria Brown, Andrew Burden, Jaden Burns, Allison Cain, Blake Campbell, Lyle Canada, Branden Canada, Dustin Canterbury, Courtney Carlen, Sidney Caryer, Ashton
7 Cascadden, Skylar Cass, Connor Casselberry, Bryson Cathers, Jaylon Ceja, Joely Cerveny, Cassandra Chanthakham, Alannah Collins, Magdalena Connors, Lillie Cook, Camry Corder, Taylen Cordle, Alexis Coughlin, Dempsey Coughlin, Kennedy Cousino, Taylor Cowan, Isabella Craig, Rhianna Crandall, Andrew Curavo, Madison Curry, Mckenzie Curtin, Charlotte Cutcher, David Cutler Jr, Charles Cutshall, Haley Daly, Jasmin Danko, Kelsey Davies, Brandon Dean, Collyn DeWitt, Maisy Dunbar, Tommy Duncan, Katlynn Dunmyer, Ryleigh Durkovic, Noah Dutton, Haylee Eccleston, Evan Elmajzoub, Ibrahim Faneuff, Gregory Feller, Kenneth Fiedler, Sara Fields, Crimzen Finch, Nolan Finger, Sarah Fisher, Emilie Flores, Jasmine Fonseca, Hallah Fournier, Rylie Gadus, Taylor Gaertner, Kelsey Gallaher, Victoria Garcia, Alina Garcia, Brianna Gargac, Delaney Gehr, Alex Giller, Anna Girardot, Kamron Girardot, Karleigh Gladieux, Jacob Daniel Gladieux, Karis Godfrey, Innocence Gorajewski, Heather Graver, Bailey Grimes, Macie Groll, Lila Guerricagoitia, Raven Gyurke, Todd Hagdohl, Zachary Hager, Bryan Hall, Leah Harsh, Deborah Hart, Lynsey Hartford, Hanna Hauter, Zachary Havener, Kaden Heber, Kirstin Henegar, Nathan Henninger, Madison Henry, Jaron Henry, Maeghan Herrera, Brandon Hornyak, Blake Hornyak, Madison Hudson, Kyle Ireland Baum, Averie Jacobs, Alexis Jacobs, Corey Jeffries, Lillian Johnson, Alexia Johnson, Anthony Johnson, Ian Johnson, Katherine Jomaa, Malec Jones, Kara Joyce, Christopher Juhasz, Ryan Kapfhammer, Shelby Keiser, Zoe Keller, Alexis Kendrioski, Dominic Kigar, Maximus Klatt, Gracie Kohne, Brayden Kolinski, Abigail Kolodziejski, Mark Korek, Kayla Krego, Devon Krieger, Cassidy Krieger, Lindsey Lajzer, Chance Lammers, Alexander Lants, Amanda LaRue, Mason Latta, Adam Roy Laws, Connor Leichty, Brody John Lesniewicz, Alaina Levally, Michael Lewandowski, Kayla Lott, Haley Luda, Marissa Lutz, Justin Maag, Alexander Madrid, Kaylee Maville, Kyle Mawhorter, Megan Maxon, Kaitlyn McClain, Keegan McCoy, Brandon McCoy, Joshua McDougle, Samantha McGee, Jacob McGee, Michael McHardy, Ariana McLaughlin, Shayla McLeod, Victoria McNeal, Nikolas McNutt, Forrest McQueen, Mason Meinke, Caleb Menchaca, Cameron Meyer, Dylan Mies, Jena Miller III, Donald Miller, Chancellor Miller, Kyle
Milligan, Avri Mohney, Angeleana Mominee, Michael Moore, Kenneth Moser, Madison Mosiniak, Jacob Musselman, Jayla Myers, Emily Nagy, Joshua Nagypaul, Jaden Neate, Cameron Neverauskas, Lidija Nichols, Dominic Norris, Guinevere Notheis, Delanie Novak, Jacob Olvera, Vicente Oswald Jr, Joshua Parker, Makenzie Patterson, William Peace, Jordan Peacemaker, Marina Pope, Justin Power, Noah Prater, Jaelyn Prottengeier, Grace Rajner, Xavier Rast, Brianna Reagan, Blake Reddick, Treighton Redick, Matthew Revenaugh, Kelli Rew, Anna Rice, Scarlet Richardson, Jenna Rigsby, Kaitlyn Rison, Gabriel Rivera, Dalani Rivera, Jared Roach, Lucas Roberts, Lindsay Rodriguez, Faith Rojas, Mariadelosangel Rokicki Counterman, Claire Rossler, Morgan Row, Zachary Russell, Wyatt Ryan-Parker, Drake Santana, Emmanuel Sattler, Regan Sauceda, Ramon Saxon, Amber Schimmel, Alayna Schweizer, Faith Scott, Alyssa Sharp, Adrian Shepler, Elijah Shope, Jason Shreve, Danielle Siefke, Samantha Sigler, Hannah Silva, Samantha Slinker, Samuel Smith, Cheyenne Smith, Gabriel Smith, Hannah Smith, Olivia Snyder, Alexianna Soto, Christopher Spaulding, Daniel Spears, Grant St John, Raymond St Julian, Andrew Stahl, Alivia Stricklen, Brandon Stults, Michael Szigeti, Alexander Tawil, Nabil Thayer, Nicholas Thompson, Madison Thompson, Skylar Thompson, Wyatt Titgemeyer, Andrew Todoroff, Macenzie Tuttle, Brianna Ulch, Jacob Ummel, Adam Urbanski, Kyle Utter, Jason Van Hersett, Jarod Varner, Amber Vartorella, Ashley Villegas Jr, Salome Villegas, Diego Vriezelaar, Madelyn Wallace, Madeliene Wamer, Reese Weber, Ashtin Wells, Lana West, Jennah Whitt, Ean Wiggins, Zion Wilbarger, Audrey Williams, Ryan Williams, Sadie Wilson, William Wismer, Natalie Wolf, Caleb Wood, Aliyah Young, Addison
Eisenhower Middle 6th Grade Abbott, Katelyn Abdo, RaeLynn Adams, Joshua Akins, Kaylee Alba Jr, Oscar Amonette, Grace Andrus, Isaac Armstrong, Lily Auger, Jay Ault, Savannah Avad, Maricela Baker, Nicole Banks, Markayla Baranoski, Justin Barnhizer, Adolfo Batch, Gary Baugher, Grace Baumgartner, Hope Baxter, Chase Berman, Alexandria Berry, Chase Bird, Jacob Blade, Michael Blausey, Hannah Blossom, Rhianna Bohland, Garrett Bohland, Samantha Bohland, Sawyer Boisselle II, Charles
Bolander, Derek Bonnough, Brianna Booth, Dawson Bronowski, Sierra Brown, Haley Brown, Robert Burgess, Charlee Burling, Lon Buschmann, Callie Cahill, Taylor Campbell, Colton Cannon, Brendan Canterbury II, Willie Canterbury, Sadie Cantu, Isaac Carroll, Lucas Caryer, Sawyer Case, Haley Cash, Jayden Cathers, Grace Chandler, Trenton Christman, Alissa Church, Kaylee Cindle, Kayla Clark, Megan Clark, Rylee Collins, Andrew Collins, Brigid K Cook, Michael Cooper, Tyler Cortez, Alexander Cote, Evan Csengeri, Larissa Cufr, Daniel Curns, Kayleigh Cutler, Taylor D Amore, Hannah Dalton, Audrey Daly, Alexia Daly, Amber Davies, Nathan Deal, Derek DeBlaere, Anastasia Deluna, Christopher Depinet, Adam Derby, Sydney Detlef, Colton Deweese, Cameron DeWitt, Brandon Dickens, Aaron Dickens, Emily Doggett, Aiden Dokurno, Tyler Drown, Chad Durkovic, Natalie Dykema, Madison Ellis, Sarah Engle, John Engle, Maria Erdmann, Jeremy Fayling, Jenice Ferguson, Chase Fischer, Maranda Fletcher, Robert Fournier, Madison Fouty, Carter Freeman, Claudia Frohlich, Nathan Gadus, Timothy Gaines, Steven Garrett, Hailey Garza, Katelyn Gears, Kayla George, Christa Gladieux, Madisen Goetz, Baylee Gonzalez, Emmanuel Gray, Lamaya Haas, Gregory Haase, Logan Hansen, Emma Hansen, John Harris, Brandon Hauter, Morgan Hayes, Hunter Hendricks, Christian Hendricks, Kaylynn Hendricks, Payton Henneman Dallape, Olivia Henry, Mackenzie Hernandez, Eduardo Heuring, Dominique Hill, Joshua Hoskins, Lucy Hudson, Aaron Hudson, Hailey Hughes, Andrew Hulls, Dakota Huss, Madison Jackson, Maliyah Johnson, Autumn Joldrichsen, Eric Jones, Courtney Jones, Rachel Jones, Raecie Juhasz, Anthony Kapfhammer, Elizabeth Kapfhammer, Paige Keel, Brooke Keel, Emily Keller, Carrie Kellerbauer, Henry Kelly, Madison Kiss, Jonah Klein, Shawna Knipp, Krystina Koepf, Nicole Korb, Megan Kramer, Kody Kromenacker, Liam Kurek, Angelina Kusian, Delaney Lafferty, Jacob Lairson, Amanda Lajiness, Sierra Lambrecht, Nathan Lambrecht, Zachary LaPrade, Amber Lodzinski, Adam Lowry, Austin Luce, Delana Lutes, Carter Madison, Ally Manthey, Alexandria Martin, Abigail Martin, Brooklyn Matthews, Bryce Mays, Skylar McGrady, Preston McLaughlin, Daniell McVicker, Ellie Mead, Andrew Mead, Elijah Measel, Samuel
Meinke, Sydnie Messenger, Kiersten Miller, Kameron Miller, Theodore Mitchell, Karmen Mitchell, William Mohon, Bailee Montoya, Francisco Murphy, Austin Myers, Dorian Myrice, Nazieha Neyrinck, Adam Nowak, Cassidy Oatley, Anthony Olinger, Jaylin Olson, Dalton Olvera, Victoria Osborne, Braden Ovall, Cassandra Owens, Mckenna Peery, Grace Pendergraff, Tony Jr Perry, Jacob Pickering, Casey Pirooz, Melissa Popkin, Jamieson Preston, Bradley Prottengeier, Hannah Quigg, Cali Reese, Tyler Rew, Alivia Rheinbolt, Michael Richardson, Jeffery Richmond, Benjamin Rigg, Payton Rodriguez, Asilia Ross, Madelin Roughton, Cristian Rowe, Zachary Rugg, Averi Russo, Julia Saldivar, Lynda Sandoval, Nathaniel Sass, Haley Schivelbein, Nathan Schloegl, Owen Schroeder, Andrew Schroeder, Matthew Schwartz, Amanda Scott, Alexis Segura, Mariah Shaffer, Carissa Shannon, Logan Sharp, Devin Siefke, Cora Sigler, Kyle Silva, Luke Sims, Kaitlyn Skitowski, Alex Slovak, Kennedy Slowikowski, Emilee Smith, David Smith, Grace Snoderly, Katherine Snow, Mia Snow, Zachary Sondergeld, Connor Spencer, Brian Spencer, Emily Spitler, Elizabeth Sprague, Caitlyn Sprague, Mason Stewart, Madison Storm, Dakotann Strasbourg, Tyler Stringham, Jasmine Susor, Jake Szymczak, Ty Tawil, Ahmed Tawil, Ali Taylor, Alex Taylor, Madison Teneyck, Nicholas Thatcher, Olivia Thiel, Spencer Thomas, Allissa Thomas, Drew Thomas, Parker Thompson, Austin Tilton, Luke Timofeev, Austin Torres, Dominic Truman, Taylor Tuller, Amanda Ulch, Marina Urbina, Bianca VanCamp, Kate VanSickle, Katherine Vartorella, Deion Vascik, Dakoda Velasquez, Kelly Vislay, Jenna Walentowski, Cristian Wamer, Ruger Weirich, Ashlyn Weirich, Caitlyn West, Lilian Westerman, Briana Williams III, Wendell Wilson, Grace Wilson, Jacob Wolfe, Hudson Wurm, Kylie Yancey, Anthony Yanez, Madison Ybarra, Shane Young, Keenan Youster, Seth Zunk, Carson
5th Grade
Abdoney, Danya Ackerman, Ava Alexander, Gavin Allee, Justice Amborski, Alexander Anderson, Dwayne Anderson, Dylan Anderson, Westley Arey, Samantha Arman, Noah Ashley, Emily Ashley, Samantha Baden, Grace Barney, Carlie Beat, Levi Beat, Luke Beavers, Kaylee Blausey, Jordan Bleau, Jadyn Bonnice, Mariann Boyd, Cheyenne Boyer, Jackson Boyer, Jacob
Brammer, Gary Briceno, Landen Joshua Bricker, Sierra Brooks, Allison Brown, Emily Bruns, Grant Bundy, Caleb Burgess, Macy Burkey, Dominic Byers, Alaina Calkins, Keeghan Campbell, Madison Carlen, Jacob Cassoni, Ethan Cathers, Mariah Chen, Vicky Church, Erin Clark, Gregory Clark, Lauren Coleman, Cameron Collins, Lucas Cook, Cameron Cook, Madison Cousino, Jacob Cousino, Jeremiah Cowan, James Crider, Landon Crider, Logan Crisp, Eric Cutler, Carson Daly, Michael Dart, Paige Deal, Carlee Depinet, Kelsey Doggett, Lucius Domagala, Alison Donbrosky, Dyllan Downing, Kaylin Duncan, Colin Dupler, Clinton Duran, Cameron Faris, Grayden Ferguson, Micah Finch, Alyssa Fisher, Jackson Fitzgerald, Bryce Flanagan, Chase Flanagan, Johnathan Franke, Riley Frasier, Caleb Freeman, Rosalind Gajdostik, Harrison Gariepy, Riley Gill, Abby Gladieux, Nathan Glass, Gage Gluza, Kaden Godfrey, Heaven Gomez, Nicholas Hagdohl, Noah Hamilton, Destiny Heintschel, Eric Henneman, Roger Hentges, Danielle Hinojosa, Blake Horman, Brady Horsley, Orlo Howard, Nathan Hudson, Alyssa Hunter, Spencer Hutchings, Olivia Hyslop, Paul Jenkins, Elizabeth Jones, Kierra Jones, Olivia Joseph, Jessica Jurski, Trevor Kapfhammer, Chloe Karrick, Jaiden Katschke, Mikaeli Keel, Marissa Kegley, Savannah Keiser, Richard Keller, Joshua Kellison, Emily Kennedy, Isabella Kesling, Halayna Kessler, Andrew Kigar, Cecilia Kissell, George Kovach, Tatiana Krontz, Nevaeh Kulwicki, Caitlyn Kyer, Alanna Lagrange, Deklan Lajti, Thomas Langschied, Leo Lants, Nora Lapeep, Tomas LaPlante, Gracyn Latta, Alexander Latta, Ashtin Leichty, Jacob Lepeak, Megan Lewandowski, Jada Lewis, Kalie Limpf, Nathan Lowe, Sofie Luginbuhl, Allen Lutheran, Matthew Mabry, Isabella MacDonald, Mia Mahaney, Nathan Mahler, Lauren Maix, Madison Maletich, Dominic Malin, Lillian Mann, Makayla Martin, Elizabeth Mason Jr, Kristofor Maunz, Kevin Mawhorter, Andrew McGath, Becca McGee, Matthew Mehlow, James Meinke, Seth Meyers, Olivia Miller, Kadyn Miller, Korbin Miller, Quinton Minkowski, Karlee Mohon, Laney Moon, Jacob Moore, Trenton Morales, Maximus Morris, Emily Morris, Jakob Morrison, Benjamin Mullins, Mya Murphy, Sonia Myler, Zoie Myrice, Brianna Nadeau, Bryce Naugle, Andrew
Nelson, Mallory Nichols, Sydney Nonekowski, Julia O Connor, Sean Ou, Mingliang Pappas, Nathaniel Patrick, Natalie Peace, Ella Pena, Amador Perry, Zachary Potter, Ashia Powell, Elijah Powers, Michael Pusey, Aubrey Ramey, Selena Rasheed, Kayla Reed, Jacob Resendez, Carmen Ricard, Tyler Richardson, Alyssa Rigsby, Kelsey Rivera, Alec Rivera, Dominique Roach, Zachary Roberts, Isabella Roberts, Logan Rogers, Esperanza Romine, James Root, Ayden Roughton, Deavaihn Rutkowski, Breanna Rye Barailloux, Courtney Sanchez, Jelena Sass Denmark, Dakota Sauceda, Gabriell Schrader, Aaliyah Schultz, Carly Seimet, Kendall Serres, Calli Sheetz, Cara Sherock, Nickolas Shope, Erica Short, Raymond Skadsheim, Hunter Smith, Abigail Smith, Amber Smith, Michael Snider, Gabriella Snyder, Austin Snyder, Easton Soncrant, Tyler Spears, Ethan Stanton, Jacob Staudinger, Thomas Sturm, Justin Takacs, Katelynn Thompson, Owen Tilton, Ava Tolles, Justin Tuttle, Katlyn Ulinski, Katie Urbanski, Kylee Urbina, Victoria Villegas, Serena Waganfeald, Frank Walentowski, Gabriel Wallace, Zoe Watson, Trinity Wehbi, Adam Wehbi, Mohammed Wellman, Jayden Wenzel, Alexys Wheet, Alexandra Willis, Tristan Wilson, Skylar Wolfe, Hannah Woodbury, Kaidon Woodbury, Keldon Woollard, Scott Woollard, Zachary Wooten, John Yeager, Dylan Young, Aaron Zachel, John Zapata, Seth Zsigrai, Jeffery
4th Grade GT
Abbott, Nicholas Batch, Geremiah Bisaillon, Andrew Brammer, Molly Chanthakham, Chantah Cuttaia, Angelo Gaertner, Cooper Gatewood, McKenzie Giles, Alexia Horvath, William Judy, Jamie Kennedy, Layla Klein, Kasey McQueary, Bernadine Quigg, Kara Rivera, Kendal St John, Garrett Wells, Kurt Weseman, Tyler
Coy Elementary 4th Grade Alore, Braden Barnes, Courtney Baumgartner, Paige Breeden, Maycie Buenrostro, Olivia Camarillo, Nickolas Carr, Maura Carroll, Kaden Chasteen, Veronica Chen, Zi Lin Coger, McKenzie Cox, Kenady Day, Ashton Eischen, Brooke Gierke, Maxwell Gschwind, Morgan Hager, Amy Hernandez, Gabriel Hierholzer, Kayli Iler, Alexis Jones, Mackenzie Jurski, Joslyn Jurski, Ricky Karrick, Blake Karrick, Maci Kish, Brennan Koehler, Tyler Lants, Elliott LaPlante, Alyssabeth Lindsay, Tiffany Major, Sarah Mann, Danielle
Marsico, Jonathan Martin, Colin Materni, Ava Matthews, Hayden Merren, James Millhouse, Olivia Orra, Raiyan Orra, Youssif Overton, Juleon Payeff, Jessica Pence, Aubrey Racz, Dezarae Richardson, Jordin Ruswinkle, Dominic Scarberry, Caleb Sherer, Karliana Smith II, Edward Spears, Elizabeth Sprague, Hannah Sprague, Haylee Stewart, Lawrence Varner, Avery Vaughn, Dominic Villegas, Andrus Wagner, Katelyn Wamer, Dakota Wang, Winnie Watson, Cole Wiedmann, Emily Wiedmann, Ian Wolf, Kennedi Wyrick, Damion
Jerusalem Elementary 4th Grade
Alm, Maxwell Belli, Maxwell Bench, Caleb Booth, Brendan Bourdo, Emily Brady, Lydia Cannon, Haley Clark, Logan Combs, Dakoda Cooper, Daniel Curtin, Mitchell Dalton, Grace DeMaria, Elise Dolt, Nicolas Donaldson, Emberlynn Fortier, Spencer Fuller, Logan Gladieux, Ariana Guy, Emmalee Henry, William Horsley, Carmen Jackson, Ian Jones, Benjamin Kennedy, Jackson Kolinski, Luke Krieger, Cory LaRue, Lauren Lewis, Jaylynn Long, Garret Madrid, Carmen Mauder, Kira Maville, Carleigh Migliori, Dominico Miller, Charles Mowrer, Kyleigh Przybylski, Meah Rigg, Nicholas Schenkel, Breeann Sharp, Victoria Shireman, Brilee Skitowski, Joseph Smith, Cole Snyder, Keana Splichal, Kayleigh Truman, Tanner Wolfe, Kayley Womas, Riley Wuertz, Conner Zuver, Ethan
Starr Elementary 4th Grade Anderson, Molly Barney, Mallory Baugher, Elijah Brown, Chloe Coughlin, Delaney Coughlin, Donovan Coulliette, Travis Cousino, Zoey Daniel, Luke Dazley, Steven Deneau, Jake Ewersen, Jenna Gadus, Brian Gibbs, Owen Glass, Erik Haas, Hannah Henry, Keagon Howe, Michael Hughes, Megan Isbell, Jebediah Jaros, Jonathan Jehany, Jarod Johnson, Savannah Kauffman, Victoria Keller, Cody Kirian, Hailey Lambrecht, Luke Marquette, Dominic Miller, Camryn Miller, Dalton Moore, Ava Morse, Mason O Connor, Jason Plavcan, Benjamin Plavcan, Zachary Prottengeier, Nathan Robinson, Haley Root, Zoee Rossler, Braiden Row, Eric Rowe, Isabella Schaefer, Madelyn Shell, Hunter Snyder, Carson Stahl, Lindzie Susor, Lauren Tabler, Kylee Tuttle, Brock Wamer, Deighton Wells, Zachary Williams, Jessica Willis, Elliana Young, Lucas
Clay Student/Athletes Sign With Colleges For Next Year soccer player in school’s history to earn First Team All-Ohio. Alyssa was recently awarded All-Region by the National Soccer Coaches Association of America. Region IV is made up of five states, and Alyssa was one of five keepers to earn this recognition. Alyssa had 32 career wins and holds the school record for career shut-outs with 24. Academically, Alyssa earned AllLeague, All-District and All-Ohio honors. Alyssa ranks third in the senior class with a 4.38 gpa. Highlights for Alyssa include playing this year with her freshman sister Sami, winning the 2012 TRAC championships, and receiving a Yellow Card against Anthony Wayne in 2011. Alyssa will attend Ball State University on an academic and athletic scholarship next fall.
Left to Right: Alyssa Heintschel-Soccer-Ball State University, Honnah SusorSoftball-Wright State University, Joshua Pennington-Football-University of Findlay, Erin Gyurke-Cross Country and Track and Field- OSU, Brooke GallaherSoftball-Lourdes College. Brooke GallaherBrooke Gallaher is our ace pitcher and a three year varsity starter. In 2013, Brooke pitched her first varsity no-hitter against Notre Dame. She not only led the team in the circle, but she also hit in the number three spot in the lineup. Brooke led the team in RBI’s and doubles. She earned Toledo City League honors as a freshman, and 1st Team All-TRAC in each of the past two seasons. She earned TRAC All-Academic, State All-Academic, TRAC Pitcher of the Year, 1st Team NW District, and 2nd Team All Ohio honors. Brooke signed a letter of intent to play softball at Lourdes University. Erin GyurkeErin Gyurke has participated in 3 sports at Clay: Cross Country, Gymnastics, and Track and Field. Erin was 1st team all League in Cross Country all four years, and was individual league champion two of those four years. Her personal best time of 17:57.6 was run at this year’s TRAC championships, earning her a TRAC League Meet record on the Fremont Ross home course. Erin was the team leader on the 1st Clay girl’s team to run in the state cross country championships. Running in the state meet all four
Way To Go Joe!
years, Erin has already been honored as All Ohio in Cross Country twice. Erin came off her junior year of Cross Country ready to go for the 2013 Track and Field season. Because of off season cross training on ice, Erin’s track and field season got off to a late start; she ran her first race on April 23rd. By the middle of May, she was a 3-time champion at the TRAC Track and Field Championships. She had 1st place finishes in the 4x800m relay, 1600m and 3200m runs. After helping the girl’s team capture a first ever District Team Title by running multiple events, Erin concentrated on the 3200m run for state. At state Erin placed 6th in a time of 11:04.13 to earn All-Ohio Honors in Track and Field. Erin has signed her National Letter of Intent to be a Buckeye next year and to run for The Ohio State University. Alyssa HeintschelAlyssa Heintschel started at keeper all four years for the Lady Eagles. Alyssa is the first player ever to be voted by her peers as a team captain all four years. Alyssa earned TRAC Keeper of the Year, First Team All-TRAC and First Team AllDistrict her sophomore, junior and senior years. Alyssa is the second women’s
Congratulations to Clay H.S. teacher and former CHS basketball coach, Joe Guerrero, for attaining his 300th career win. Over half of those wins came while he was head coach at Clay from 1994-2009. Most recently, Guerrero was also named the Ohio Basketball Coach of the Year. His team went 24 - 3, which is the most wins in Bowsher history.
Honnah SusorHonnah Susor is a very gifted athlete who is blessed with speed and strength. She led the team in runs scored, singles, total hits, walks, stolen bases, batting average, and home runs. Honnah got at least one base hit in 27 out of 30 games and multiple hits in 18 games. She got four hits in seven different games and three hits in two games. She broke the Clay High School single season batting average record (.566). Honnah led the TRAC in batting average in 2013. She has earned 1st Team ALL-TRAC honors twice, TRAC Player of the Year, 1st Team NW District and Honorable Mention All Ohio. Honnah was also a four year starter in soccer, earning First Team All-TRAC her junior and senior years. She finished her soccer career with 23 goals and 22 assists. Honnah signed a letter of intent to play softball at Wright State University.
Clay Fall Sports All-Academic Athletes State All- Academic Alyssa Fussell Erin Gyurke Brooke Gyori Alyssa Heintschel Haley Hess Hanna Hess Molly Kristof Haley Kubicki Samantha Maze Courtney Quinlan Kaitlyn Sheahan Kellie Riley
Joe Guerrero
Joshua PenningtonJosh Pennington was a team captain, and named honorable mention All-TRAC in 2012 and 2013. Josh finished his senior season with 111 completions for 1,889 yards and 18 touchdowns. Josh also rushed for 385 yards and 6 touchdowns. As a junior, Josh threw for 2,025 yards and 16 touchdowns and rushed for 411 yards and 7 touchdowns. Josh broke numerous school records while quarterbacking the Eagles. Most TD’s in a game 5 (2013), Most passing yards in a game 367 (2012) , Attempts in a season 243 (2012), Attempts in a career 468 (2012, 2013), Yards thrown in a season 2,025 (2012), Yards thrown in a career 3,914 (2012, 2013), Career touchdowns thrown 34 (2012, 2013). Josh also earned All-Academic TRAC honors his sophomore, junior and senior year. Josh will continue his football career at the University of Findlay.
Michael Chung Robert Chung Bailey Coughlin Cassidy Coughlin Mason Cummings Taylor Daniel Logan Davies Brandyn Dean Haley Dominique Dalton Dudley Nathaniel Durkovic Dylan Dusza Aaron Fanueff Jeffrey Fouke Ryan Fournier District All-Academic Stephanie Frederick Alyssa Heintschel Alyssa Fussell Haley Kubicki Matthew Gibbons Taylor Gill TRAC All-Academic Donte Giovanoli Gino Giovanoli Brant Anderson Brittany Goralske Bryce Anderson Noah Graham Paige Arman Troy Graham Sydney Barrett Corey Greenblat Jimmie Barron Erynn Groll Jennifer Belkofer Brandon Gyori Landon Bleau Brooke Gyori Jessalyn Bohland Brooke Gyori Adam Burns Erin Gyurke Austin Case Emily Hagdohl Logan Chancey
Michael Handy, Jr Joshua Harrison Brandy Hartford Christopher Hatfield Alyssa Heck Blake Heilman Alyssa Heintschel Haley Hess Hanna Hess Ben Keilholz Joshua Kellar Jillian Keller Jenna Kidd Austin Kochanski Eric Kovacs Molly Kristof Haley Kubicki Rachael Kuecher Hannah Kuhlman Kurtis Lazur Aaron Lee Dustin Lee Ben Lefevre Lauren Lewis Thomas Lopez Jennifer Lucas Samantha Maze Tyler Mildenberger Chelsea Miller Lily Mominee Rachel Nelson
Steven Nguyen Drake Ogburn Haley Orr Joshua Pennington Spencer Perlaky Connor Phillips Madison Phillips Courtney Quinlan Allison Reichert Kellie Riley Taylor Roberts Justin Robinson Emilie Roman Kyle Row Jose Sanchez Hayley Schiavone Max Schroeder Kailie Seimet Ashley Selee Aaron Seymour Kaitlyn Sheahan Kara Simon Jay Smith Callie Snyder Rachel Stelter Alec Thompson Darren Todd Julie Trumbull Megan Upham Alec Vriezelaar Grace Winckowski
This newspaper is issued by the Board of Education and staff of the Oregon City School District. Questions raised by this publication or other activities of this school district can be answered by contacting one of the following individuals or places: Information Specialists: Tamara Swartz 693-0665, ext. 2044 Dave Copsey 693-0661 ext. 3308 District Office: 5721 Seaman Rd. Oregon, OH 43616 Superintendent, Dr. Lonny Rivera Assistant Superintendent, Hal Gregory Dir. of Teaching and Learning, Dawn Henry Dir. of Student Services, Dee Hepperly Dir. of Business Affairs, Dean Sandwisch Dir. of Technology, Dawn Schiavone Treasurer, Jane Fruth (419) 693-0661 Clay High School: 5665 Seaman Rd. Oregon, OH 43616 Principal, James Jurski Asst. Principal, Nathan Quigg (419) 693-0665 Fassett Junior High School: 3025 Starr Ave. Oregon, OH 43616 Principal, Becci Bihn Asst. Principal, Jeff Straka (419) 698-6008 Eisenhower Intermediate School: 331 N. Curtice Rd. Oregon, OH 43618 Principal, Tim Holcombe (419) 836-7215 Coy Elementary School: 3604 Pickle Rd. Oregon, OH 43616 Principal, Amy Molnar (419) 698-6010 Jerusalem Elementary School: 535 S. Yondota Rd., Curtice, OH 43412 Principal, Dean Ensey (419) 836-7704 Starr Elementary School: 3230 Starr Ave., Oregon, OH 43616 Principal, Jennifer Conkle (419) 693-0589 Wynn Center: 5224 Bayshore Rd., Oregon, OH 43618 (419) 698-8003 Career and Technology Education 5665 Seaman Rd., Oregon, OH 43616 (419) 693-0668 Director, Steve Bialorucki School Board Members P.J. Kapfhammer, President Carol Molnar, Vice President Mike Csehi Heather Miller Jeff Ziviski The Oregon City Schools Board of Education has regularly scheduled meetings on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the administration building. The public is always welcome to attend, however, the date and location may change so please call 693-0661 to inquire before attending. The Oregon City School District complies with federal laws which prohibit discrimination in programs and activities receiving federal assistance. Title 1 Regulation-Parents may request information regarding the professional qualifications of their child’s teacher. Contact the Oregon City School administration building for information (419-693-0661) or visit the Ohio Department of Education’s website for teacher certification. http://www.ode.state.oh.us/ Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 prohibits discrimination on the basis of handicap. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex. The Age Discrimination Act of 1975 prohibits discrimination of the basis of age. The Oregon City School District also complies with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 which grants to parents/guardians the rights to examine their children’s offical school records. Inquiries regarding unlawful discrimination may be directed to Hal Gregory, Assistant Superintendent, Oregon City Schools, 5721 Seaman Road, Oregon, OH 43616 or by calling 419-693-0661