Staying Motivated When Your Life Isn’t Motivating The every day routine of life can get monotonous, and when it does, life can start to feel uninspiring. It’s at that point that motivational author and speaker Shawn Anderson believes it’s time for a personal wake-up call. Los Angeles, CA, August 26, 2014 – The every day routine of life can get monotonous, and when it does, life can start to feel uninspiring. It’s at that point that motivational author and speaker Shawn Anderson believes it’s time for a personal wake-up call. “When life loses its passion and our purpose becomes clouded, that’s the time we need to realize the best version of ourselves has left the building,” Anderson says. “When a lesser version of us starts showing up in life, then motivated living turns into mediocre living.” Anderson, the author of six books, is passionately dedicated to empowering others to “live the life they love.” Besides writing and speaking, Anderson is the Founder of Extra Mile America, an organization which will lead an estimated 500 cities to declare November 1, 2014, as “Extra Mile Day”... a day to recognize the capacity we each have to create positive change in our families, organizations and communities when we go the extra mile. Anderson offers four tips on how we can stay motivated when our lives aren’t motivating: 1. Introduce yourself to the person in the mirror. “Our actions led us to an unmotivated place; our actions can lead us out of it, too,” Anderson states. “Life only sucks because we let it suck. If you’re not motivated, pointing fingers at others for being responsible doesn’t fly. Looking at the person in the mirror and asking ‘How do I want to change?’ will.” 2. Pull the plug on negative energy. “Negative people bring us down. Negative thoughts derail us. Get rid of both,” Anderson says. “Focus on the positive, fill our brains with the positive, hang with the positive…and daily life becomes far more energizing.” 3. Screw what others think. “Why let someone else’s opinion chase us away from pursuing an adventure or life we’d
love? When we’re walking a path of our choosing, life is always more motivating. Be true to you,” Anderson shares. 4. Change the world. “Get involved. Take your focus off the internal and cast your vision on the external. The world needs for you to get involved. Find a cause you passionately believe, and get your feet moving in helping that cause achieve their goals,” Anderson says. “We get one life and there are no do-overs,” Anderson concludes. “Why choose for it to be anything other than inspiring and adventurous? It’s always our choice.” To book Shawn Anderson as a speaker, visit or write to Bio: Shawn Anderson is a six-time author, keynote speaker and motivational success coach. His "go the extra mile" philosophy and ability to produce winning results have been praised by political leaders, Olympic Gold Medal and world record holders, and media outlets around the world. Contact: Shawn Anderson Los Angeles, CA (310) 402-4826