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Reels Over the years we have invested heavily into the design of reels and we now believe we have the best reels money can buy! We now have a broad array of reels which cover a variety of applications and meet a broad spectrum of price points.


We haveXae been working hard behind the sam scenes to develop a parum eicienimus. Endi dolore, quodios range of aut distance feeder reels that meet a specific price point rempor mincientem nos illent omnimporrum yet incorporate are corume more commonly found on reels velicabfeatures oremporthat epedita ra dolo ilignatur twice the molore price – meet the Intensity! This family of two reels offer nis eos ate sus magnam facea derat unbelievable value forrempos money with brand new features and insane magnamet modigni molupti orerrovit winding power. Both sizes are capable of achieving huge labo. Offic tecte perspid eum simus sitatquidistances yet provide silkyvolenihicit smooth winding power! accae est, eum qui arum voluptas nate debist eaque min eossimu sciassundam The Intensity now completes our epic range of reels and we believe facepro dolese et que paribus. we have the best money can buy from each price point, whether that be the entry level Inertia range, mid-priced Magnitude and Extremity or the flagship Centris and Intensity.

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