Sonubaits Carp Magazine 2013

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Ian Russell shares his winning PVA bag mix



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Carp ace Ian Russell explains why our hookbaits will help carp anglers everywhere catch more fish


The years best catches


Sonubaits anglers explain their preferred mixes


A selection of bait specifically for surface fishing


Everything you need to catch carp


Ian Russell shares his winning PVA bag recipe


Big fish expert Nigel Williams explains how using stick mixes could transform your season

MAXIMUM ATTRACT HOOKBAITS Carp ace Ian Russell reveals why he believes the hookbaits from Sonubaits will help carp anglers everywhere catch more fish.


Ian Russell and the benefits of Supercarp Method Mix


Expert specimen angler Dai Gribble targets big bream


Barbel expert Ade Kiddell explains why Spicy Sausage is his all-time favourite bait


Perfect when targetting big fish

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Refresha Pop Up dipped in Booster Cloud


As far as I’m concerned the key to success when targeting carp is an effective rig and a high-quality hookbait. Whether you’re fishing over a large bed of bait or using PVA bags, I think it’s important that your hookbait stands out from the crowd. I’ve tried pretty much every hookbait imaginable over the last decade, but I firmly believe the range from Sonubaits is the best I’ve ever used. The range has been developed in conjunction with the Avid Carp team of consultants, food scientists, chefs and an aquaculture expert, so you can be sure big carp are going to find them irresistible. The team have pooled their knowledge of bait together and selected a range of productive flavour combinations that will work on a variety of different venues.

Whether you target runs waters or low-stocked pits, this extensive range of baits will help you catch more carp than anybody else around you. I spend most of my time trying to catch as many carp as I can from well-stocked venues, so these highattract hookbaits suit me down to the ground. There are five flavours in the range and each flavour range boasts pop-ups and bottom baits in two different sizes. By producing a variety of different hookbaits, anglers now have the option to fish in a number of different ways. At the start of a session, I will

usually start out with three different hookbait presentations to gauge which the carp prefer. I usually start with a bottom bait, a snowman rig and a standard pop-up presentation. If I have early success on one of them, I will swap the other rigs over to match, therefore maximising the chance of more action. Regardless of how I’m fishing, you can guarantee that I’ll have one of these super-attractive hookbaits on the end of my rig. I’ve used all of the hookbaits in the range and I’ve found they are all very effective wherever I take them.

“ extensive range of baits will help you catch This more carp than anybody else around you. ”

Over the last two years, the hookbaits have been thoroughly tested and the results have been absolutely astounding. I had one of my best seasons to date last year and Avid consultant Chris Lowe, who also uses these hookbaits regularly, had an equally impressive year. We both put a lot of our success down to these super-attractive hookbaits.

available as: • Pop Ups (12mm, 15mm & Dumbell) • Dumbell Bottom Baits (Small & Large) • Booster Cloud

flavours: • Refresha • Chilli Chocolate • Pineapple & N Butyric • Currami • Peppered Krill


Although I don’t have a favourite flavour, I tend to find that I’m drawn to the Refresha and Peppered Krilled pop-ups the most. I found the bites come quick and fast whether I’m fishing them over a bed of bait or as a single hookbait. Since joining Avid Carp, I’ve started using solid PVA bags more and more. While lots of anglers like to use hi-viz pop-ups like the Pineapple and N-Butyric hookbaits in their bags, I prefer to use darker baits that closely mimic the pellets inside the bag. For this kind of approach, I don’t think you can go wrong with a small Currami dumbell pop-up. Created by combining curry spices and Pepperami, they boast a unique aroma that carp cannot resist.


There is also a Booster Cloud liquid to compliment all of the hookbaits and this really has to be seen to be believed. It has a multitude of applications and, if used correctly, it could totally transform your catch results. I like to dip my hookbait in it before casting out because it adds extra attraction. Once on the bottom, it will release a cloud of flavour, colour and highly soluble food ingredients. Alternatively, if you want give your hookbaits even more attraction, you can soak them in the Booster Cloud for a long period of time, giving them the chance to take on the


extra flavour. This unique flavour is PVA friendly, which means it can be added to bags and stick mixes, or poured directly into the bag. Once the bag has dissolved on the bottom, you will be left with a cloud of colour, taste and smell around the hookbait. It can also be added to the spod mix for spodding over Zigs to create a cloud of attraction that the carp will quickly home in on. Recently, while targeting a heavily pressured syndicate lake on Linear Fisheries, I realised just how effective these hookbaits can be. All of the other anglers on the lake were using standard boilie hookbaits, so I decided to use hi-viz dumbells because they were slightly different from what the other anglers were

on. The approach certainly did the trick and, over the course of a year I managed to catch countless large carp from the venue, including the lake’s largest common at well over 40lb. I tried the full range of hookbaits on the lake and they all worked as well as each other. When the hookbaits are as attractive as the ones in the Sonubaits range, I think they will work in every scenario. There isn’t a carp in the country that won’t go for these hookbaits, so whether you’re bag fishing, using them over particles or casting single hookbaits onto showing fish, they’re bright enough and attractive enough to work in every situation you can think of.

Tie a small loop in the end of a length of supple braid hooklink.

Attach a Sonubaits Pop Up to the rig and fix it in position with a boilie stop.

Carefully thread a piece of 0.5mm silicone tubing onto the hook link.

Manoeuvre the point of the hook through the tubing and fix it in position with a knotless knot.

Thread a length of shrink tubing down the hook link and steam it over a boiling kettle.

Finally, add a split shot to the supple braid to weigh the hookbait down.


BAIT GUIDE 2013 Ian Russel l Fish weigh t: 43lb Venue: Uni ty Lake, Li near Fisher Bait: A Code ies Red pop-up that had be dipped in Cu en rrami Boost er Cloud.

Angie Lawley lb 2oz Fish weight: 39 Farm, Linear Venue: Manor Fisheries A bag of Bait: A solid PV d Super an ts lle Pe S2mm Shaker ur vo Fla Seaweed

Jon Jones Fish weight: 42lb Venue: The Avenue, Shr opshire Bait: A PVA bag of mag gots that had been dusted in Krill groundbait.

David Preston Fish weight: 53lb Venue: Ashmead Carp Syndicate Bait: Avid Carp High Lite that had been soaked for weeks in Refresha Booster Cloud.

we Chris Lo t: 46lb igh e w Fish Farm, M anor Venue: s e ri e h is fished Linear F pop-up a h s e fr e R : ’ Corn, it ‘N a B of Hemp d boilies. d e b a r e ove o de R ts and C S -Pelle

ge Neil Ed lb 12oz ight: 45 icate Fish we rn synd e th u o -up S : e u n e /7 V 4 pop ubait s 2 n p ‘N ’ o m S e : H it of Ba r a bed e v o d e fish . d T igers Crushe

Nigel W ill iam Fish weigh s t: 41lb 10 oz Venue: A cton Burne ll, Shropsh Bait: Cod ire e Red pop -up fished P VA bag with a of 4mm T iger Fish Pellets.



HOOKBAITS A high quality, large grain with a supreme splitting rate.

Because the hemp and hookbaits are cooked together in the tin, all of the juices are kept with the bait which optimises the level of attraction to all species of fish. Unlike when mixing the particles separately, the flavour of the hemp is infused into the hookbaits meaning they are even more irresistible.

Hemp is a bait that has stood the test of time. Carp find it irresistable and actively seek it out and spend time hoovering it up, it is the base for most spod mixes.

Hemp ‘N’ Tigers is the perfect combination for specimen carp. Tiger Nuts are rich in natural proteins, oils and sugars.

Hemp ‘N’ Black Tigers are a different variation of Tiger Nuts where the skin naturally turns black, this is a hookbait which most carp will not have seen before.

Hemp ‘N’ Crushed Tigers are great to form a base for spodding, because they have been crushed the natural flavours leak out at a faster rate.

Hemp ‘N’ Corn is the ideal combination for all species of fish, the corn in the tins is a tough variety which is perfectly suited to hair rigging.

Hemp ‘N’ Maize is a classic combination, the sweetness of the maize is infused with the hemp providing a unique flavour and taste.

H emp & H ali Crush Seaweed F lavour S haker O ctopus F lavour S haker Spicy Me aty Meth od Mix 2mm S-P ellet Feed 4mm Ellip t ical Pell et s H emp ‘N’ Crushed Tigers


In the handy 1kg tin you get the optimum amount of hookbaits and free offerings that are perfectly prepared so they are totally safe to use. They are PVA stocking friendly straight from the tin, and mixed with groundbait to absorb some of the liquids they are also suitable for using in PVA bags.

Chris Lowe “I like a really varied spod mix so it gives the carp something to grub about for, I start with a base of Hemp & Hali Crush and add to this Seaweed Flavour Shaker, Octopus Flavour Shaker, Spicy Meaty Method Mix, 2mm S-Pellet Feed, 4mm Elliptical pellets and a couple of tins of Hemp ‘N’ Crushed Tigers. This really gives them an area to home in on and keeps them there, often resulting in a number of fish from the same spot, I like to keep it topped up so if I see any fish activity or get takes from the spot I will top it up with a few more spod fulls every hour or so.”





Spodding is a great way to introduce bait into your swim and is used by many, but here is an insight into the different mixes used by Sonubaits anglers and the reasons why they use them.

Ian Russell “I like to spod whole and broken boilies out onto clear areas through the summer to create a feeding zone, but to stop them spilling from the spod I add Salted Nut Crush Flavour Shaker to them as soon as I take them out of the freezer which coats the outside of them, and I use a fairly stiff mix of Salted Nut Crush groundbait to block the end of the spod. On impact with the water this comes out, so releasing the boilies also increases the attraction by having the groundbait drop over the spot.”

Ellis Brazier “Spodding over Zigs is one of my all time favourite methods to catch carp, this works best if there are plenty of fish in the lake. My mix consists of Hemp & Hali Crush, Salted Nut Crush, Supercrush Krill and Peppered Krill Booster Cloud, I mix this until it is a really sloppy consistency. It is a messy job spodding this out but with some h s u r amazing results, when you Hali C H emp & get them going you will ush Nut Cr d e often get runs on more t l a S l il r K than one rod at the same ush ud Supercr lo C r e time because you have oost d Krill B created a feeding frenzy.” Peppere

Neil Edge “I spend a lot of time fishing over fairly dense weed and this creates a problem in its own rights by spodding. Anything which is heavy falls straight through, so I like a nice light mix that will hold up in the weed so I can either fish to clear patches or directly over the top. My mix is based around particles, I like to use hemp mixed with Hemp & Hali Crush as the base, when adding water this creates a nice milky, light weight mix which settles gently on the weed, to this I add crumbled rehydrated boilies which are fairly neutral density and again settle over the top of the weed. I simply fish a chod rig set up so it can come back up the line to the depth of the weed so placing the hookbait over the spodded area.”


FLOATERS Surface fishing is one of the most exhilarating ways of catching carp, here is a selection of baits designed specifically for the job.

Oily Floaters • These hookable fishmeal floaters have become extremely popular. Every floater is impregnated with fish oil to create a super-attractive slick. When it comes to surface fishing, these floaters are the easiest and most convenient on the market. With high levels of oil and a slightly softened texture, they are very easy to hair rig. • Available in 8, 11 & 16mm

Floater Pack • The bucket contains boosted fishmeal floaters, which are ideal for loose feeding with a catapult or spod and two tubs of Hookable Floaters in Strawberry and Fishmeal flavours. • Simply introduce the boosted fishmeal floaters until the carp are feeding confidently then cast a Hookable Floater amongst the slurping carp.



Hookable Floaters • Soft enough to hair rig, these 11mm floaters are super durable so they can withstand repeated casting. • Once in the water, they release an attractive scent that pulls carp towards the upper layers. • Available in: Strawberry & Fishmeal


ActioN E free spod INSID

Action Spod Mix

Action Boilies • Developed by Sonubaits especially for day ticket waters and highly pressured venues. • Containing large quantities of soluble foods, Action Boilies leak irresistible attractants into the water. • FREE matching Pop-ups in each bag. • Available in: 10, 15 & 20mm

• With our unique, nutritional recipes including the latest tried and tested feeding stimulants and taste enhancers, action is virtually guaranteed. • Available in: - Strawberry - Pineapple - White Chocolate - Crab & Crayfish

• Action Spod Mix is a blend of high quality pellets which leak off their attraction at different rates therefore giving an instant reaction and holding fish in your target area for longer. • Ideal for use with all flavours of Action boilies and can be flavour matched to an Action boilie by adding some matching dip.

“ Chocolate White Action Boilies are perfect for quick bites; the hi-vis colour is easily spotted.

Action Dip • PVA friendly. • Flavour-matched to Action Boilies. • Full of feed stimulators. • Use as a Boilie Dip before casting. • Available in: - Strawberry - Pineapple - White Chocolate - Crab & Crayfish

Action Pop-ups • Flavour-matched to Action Boilies. • High flavour leakage. • Available in: - Strawberry - Pineapple - White Chocolate - Crab & Crayfish • Available in: 10mm & 15mm



up PVA bagging is rapidly becoming the go to method for many carp anglers especially on short sessions. Ian Russell is an avid user of PVA bags and has developed a simple bag mix which he is confident using at all venues.




S-Pellet feed as this gives the carp something to grub around for, I then crumble in some boilies which match the hookbait I am using and finish it off with a good glug of PVA friendly Hemp and Cheesy Garlic oil, this helps it compact in the bag meaning it can be cast further and more accurately and also the oil comes off the bag into the water column pulling any cruising carp down.

I like to make up my bag mixes fresh the night before fishing so I know that they will be at their most attractive the following day, it also means I can pre-tie some bags at home so on arrival at the lake I can be fishing instantly. I always start with Seaweed Flavour Shaker, this is full of natural salt and minerals which carp crave and it has a fantastic smell like rock pools. I also use the Octopus Flavour Shaker, this is one of the very best all time carp attractors available and it is fairly light in colour and density so provides great visual attraction which rises up in the water when disturbed. To this I add some 2mm

I use a cup to measure out the ingredients for this recipe so I can be sure it’s the same every time and is very easy to replicate if more is needed.


When using PVA bags you are fishing for one bite at a time and it is imperative that the baits used are full of attraction to get the carp interested. With this in mind, you need really high quality ingredients that must be suitable for bag fishing; so no large particles that the hook can get caught up on, nothing too heavy so it just stays on the bottom and nothing too light so it drifts away.

ker vour Sha weed F la ea S of er 1 cup our Shak opus F lav ct O of 1 cup ellet Feed 2mm S-P of p u c ½a led boilies of crumb sy ¼ a cup and Chee of H emp p u c a ¼ of garlic oil

“ You need really high quality ingredients that must be suitable for bag fishing.

I mix all of the components in the bottom half of a Bagging Bucket and give it half an hour to rest so the oil can penetrate the ingredients before making my bags. I store the readymade bags in the top half along with spare PVA bags, Bag Loader, Scissors and PVA tape so I can tie more bags up quickly and easily, this also prevents the mix from drying out. Ian has ultimate faith in this concoction and although he has developed it around fishing Linear Fisheries in Oxfordshire he is happy to take it anywhere knowing that it will result in a take.

Slide a Bag Loader into a Transfer Bag and place your hookbait into the corner of the PVA bag.

Cover the hookbait with a sprinkling of pellets and drop the lead into the bag.

With the bag filled between half way and two thirds full, twist the top of the bag.

Using Transfer PVA tape, wrap around the bag and tie the contents tightly inside.

Carefully trim off the excess PVA and fold over and stick the corners to make it more aerodynamic.

The finished setup is devastating. There’s no better way to tie a solid PVA bag.



K STIC Stick mixes have been around for years and have accounted for thousands of carp. But, for one reason or another, they seem have fallen out of favour with modern-day carp anglers. With more anglers choosing to use chod rigs and hingedstiff rigs, the use of PVA sticks has diminished, which could give you the ultimate edge this year. Big fish expert Nigel Williams explains how using stick mixes could totally transform your season.




So what is a PVA stick? Well it’s a small PVA mesh bag full of attraction that you thread onto your hooklink. The key to creating a good mix is to use top-quality ingredients that are absolutely brimming with attraction. I like my stick mix to have little in the way of food content, yet be full of flavours. You’re not aiming to feed the fish, you just want to draw them towards your hookbait. As well as adding attraction to the area around your hookbait, sticks also have a multitude of other advantages. They camouflage the hook, protect the hookpoint and totally eliminate tangles. Now you can see why I use them so much! I’ve tried a whole host of effective stick mixes over the years, but I recently stumbled across a combination that was a little bit special. By combining Sonubaits Hemp & Hali Crush, Salted Nut Crush Groundbait, Super Seaweed Flavour Shaker, Currami Booster Cloud and Hemp & Halibut Liquid Enhancer, I discovered a mix that big carp found simply irresistible. So why is this mix so attractive to big carp? Well one of the key ingredients is the combination of the groundbaits and Flavour Shaker. Hemp & Hali Crush makes up the bulk of the concoction because it contains crushed hemp and pellets, so it releases loads of attraction when it’s on the bottom. Plus, when you add PVA-friendly liquid, it is the perfect consistency for creating compact PVA bags. The reason I add Salted Nut Crush and Super Seaweed Flavour Shakers is predominantly because of the salt content. There’s been an influx of anglers adding salt to their bait over the last couple of years and, as long as it’s done safely by using bait that contains low levels, I think it can be a real edge. Like humans, carp need

a certain amount of salt in their diet, so they will quickly respond to a bait that contains it. I think the most important ingredient in the mix I use, and any effective stick mix for that matter, are the liquids. They add incredible amounts of attraction and little in the shape of food content. If you use the right varieties, you can ensure that your mix releases attraction at various levels of the water column. Personally I think combining Sonubaits Booster Clouds and Barbel & Carp Liquid Enhancers gives you the best of both worlds. The Booster Cloud isn’t oil based so it releases attraction in the lower and middle layers of the water column. The Hemp & Halibut Liquid Enhancer on the other hand does contain oil, so it releases plumes of attraction to the surface over a long period of time. If you use the correct combination of liquids, it doesn’t matter what depth the carp are sitting at, because the liquid attractors will draw them straight towards your hookbait. Stick mixes can be used in a variety of different scenarios. They are perfect for nicking bites when the fishing is tough but, on the other hand, they are also brilliant for drawing the

H emp & Hali Cru sh Salted N ut Crus h Super S eaweed F lavour Currami Shaker Booster C lo u d H emp & Halibut Liquid

carp straight to your hookbait when you’re fishing over large beds of particles or boilies. Although I’ve had great results on the stick mix listed in this article, you may have your own idea about what ingredients you’d like to use. The great thing about stick mixes is the fact that you can alter them and customise them to suit the venue you’re fishing. Take a look at the complex range of groundbaits, liquids and Flavour Shakers that the Sonubaits team has created. If you experiment with them, you could end up creating a winning concoction that could see you annihilate your current target water. Like with any tactic in carp fishing, if it doesn’t get used very often it can be extremely effective. While other anglers are concentrating on the latest whacky rig, try increasing the attraction around your hookbaits using PVA sticks. You will not be disappointed!

Stick mixes will draw carp straight to your hookbaits



Method Mixes are often under used in specimen fishing but on certain waters during the summer they can be devastating. Using a Method Mix is a quick and easy way of creating a big bed of groundbait containing lots of particle baits; to attract carp into your swim. The groundbait can be catapulted or thrown in, and for bigger distances use a baiting spoon with a long handle. This is a tactic often used in specimen carp matches for delivering large amounts of bait at range.




Ian Russell knows the benefits of Method Mixes and often uses it to his advantage.

“ become very Carp confident when feeding over mixes like this, often becoming less cautious as they become engrossed in picking up all the feed.

The key to this is choosing the right groundbait which binds well and can be moulded round a method feeder or method lead, so the groundbait ball with the hookbait in, is exactly the same as everything else in the swim. The ideal groundbait for this is Supercarp Method Mix which already contains a large amount of feed but the good thing about it is it can also take other baits such as small pellets, particles and broken boilies to really give the carp something to grub about for and hold them in your swim. The best pellets to add into this mix are 2mm S-Pellet Feed and 2mm Krill Feed Pellets, the smaller the pellet is the better it will bind and these two are fairly heavy and stick together well in the mix. I put a 2kg bag of groundbait in a bucket and add half a bag of S-Pellet Feed and half a bag of Krill pellets, I then use warm water out of the kettle to mix this together as I find that this really increases the smell and binding properties of the mix, although cold water is also perfectly suitable.

that don’t break up in the air, but you do want it to break up fairly quickly on the bottom which will result in quicker bites. Carp become very confident when feeding over mixes like this, often becoming less cautious as they become engrossed in picking up all the feed and this means that they will also pick up the hookbait. It is best to use a short hooklink when fishing like this because of the way in which the carp feed, they will sit over the baited area hovering up the bait so a short rig will hook more carp, also a good tip is to tuck the hooklink in the ball especially when fishing in weed or chod as this way the hook point isn’t exposed but as soon as the groundbait starts to break up the hookbait will come out right in the middle of the bed of feed. It is also best to use a critically balanced hookbait as the carp will be sucking and blowing so you want your hookbait to rise up into the carps mouth easily, rather than a heavy boilie which will react differently to all the feed around it.

The consistency you are looking for is something that binds really well so it will stick to the Method Feeder and make in to hard compact balls



Expert specimen angler Dai Gribble has targeted big Bream for many years, and firmly believes that his success is down to knowing how quickly Bream can hoover up a big bed of bait.

Bream will often give their location away with bubbling or clouding the water up

I have spent many hours on the bank in pursuit of big bream and caught my fair share of true specimens; the key to this is knowing that a shoal of a few bream can quickly demolish a baited area and move on if there is not enough bait to hold them there. I tend to target big gravel pits that have the capability of holding some real specimens and my heavy baiting tactic has produced fish to 18lbs 12oz. When approaching any water it is always important to look for signs of fish so you know where they will be feeding. Bream will often give their location away with bubbling or clouding the water up, and quite often you will see the smaller bream flick their tails. After locating them it is vital to get a big bed of bait down which will initially spook them off but they will be drawn back to feed on the bed of groundbait quickly. As soon as I have picked my swim I set about mixing my groundbait up, I mix up enough for a couple of nights and like to get about ¾ of it out straight away, holding the rest back for topping up if I have caught, or seen signs of fish. I take plenty of bait with me and it consists of the following:


sh & Hali Cru 2x H emp oundbait Halibut Gr 1x Marine Feeder 1x Bream ts alibut Pelle 1x 4mm H ts alibut Pelle 1x 6mm H ’ Corn f H emp ‘n o s in t x 2 ur Shaker 1x F1 F lavo r uid F lavou 1x CSL Liq

This may appear a lot, and it is, the weight of it dry is 12kg and when it is mixed up with water it is roughly 20kg, which is works out to be about £2 per kilo, well worth it for a couple of nights worth of bait especially if it results in a serious sized bream. I mix the groundbaits together along with the halibut pellets and then separate the mix into two buckets as it is too difficult to mix it all together. I then add a tin of Hemp ‘N’ Corn to each bucket, half of the flavour shaker and half of the bottle of CSL, then I start adding the water, the easiest way to do this is add about a pint of water at a time and mix it



thoroughly, the mix takes loads of water but it is important to get it mixed evenly so they make good compact balls which are easier to catapult out. Once it is all mixed together I separate it into ž and Ÿ so I know exactly how much I am putting in, I then sprinkle a few Tutti Frutti Mixed Method Boilies in each bucket as this is the hookbait I have ultimate faith in, I fish two 10mm baits on a hair and this provides a real focal point in the feeding area and I like to have just a few mixed in with the groundbait. I then set about making the balls up, it is important to keep them the same size so they fire out the same distance, once the bigger bucket is made into balls I get them into the swim with a catapult or method blaster depending on how far out I have to fish. I like to fish one rod in the middle of the feeding area and one rod just slightly to the side as bigger bream are often quite cautious and will just hang on the edge of a feeding area, letting the smaller less wary ones feed in the middle, with the bigger ones picking off odd bits of bait that get disturbed. This tactic has proved so successful I would take it to any lake with specimen bream in knowing that it will work, it has also been known to catch the odd rogue tench too!


Spicy Sausage

Success Sonubaits resident barbel expert Ade Kiddell reveals why Spicy Sausage is his all-time favourite bait.




If you need to keep your Pellet O’s hookbait on for longer, try soaking them in Hemp and Spicy Sausage oil to slow down their breakdown time.

A couple of years back I spent some time at the Sonubaits office speaking to resident bait guru Ian Day about a spicy, meaty flavour that I had once used. After a few weeks we had a sample of a bait for me to take away, test and give my opinion on. It worked – in fact, it not only worked, I had barbel climbing up my rods! This was the beginning of my all-time favourite bait range, Spicy Sausage.

We managed to mix this fantastic flavour with the bait that I took everywhere with me, halibut pellets. This enhanced the smell and taste of the pellets fantastically. I’m 100% sure that the addition of the Spicy Sausage additive draws extra fish upstream into my swim. It’s not only halibut pellets that can be infused with Spicy Sausage, after a bit of work we managed to include the Pellet O’s hookbait into the range. To get the best from the Spicy Sausage Halibut Pellets simply mix half a bag of 4mm’s, a bag of 6mm’s and half a bag of 8mm’s into a bucket and add a cup and a half of water. Give the bait a good thorough mixing. Do this in plenty of time before your fishing session to allow the pellets to absorb the water and become softer.

Available in: • Spicy Sausage Halibut Pellets (4mm, 6mm & 8mm) • Spicy Sausage Pellet O’s (8mm & 12mm)

This makes them perfect for packing into a Korum Combi Feeder. I like to pack my bait in really tightly when fishing rivers such as the Trent or Severn. It allows a slow release of bait from the feeder not overfilling the fish, but with the water rushing over and around the feeder, the full flavour is still being carried downstream. Start with a long hooklink of 5ft, and as the fishing gets better you can get away with as little as 2ft when the fish are really confident. If the going is tough I’ve even been known to lengthen the hooklink to 8ft to get a bite. Accurate casting stops the fish spreading all over the river and concentrates them into your swim and onto your hookbait! I use Spicy Sausage Pellet O’s for hookbaits, the size depends on flow, river condition and the size of fish that I’m targeting. There’s no need to waste time drilling out pellets, these pre-drilled pellets simply slide onto the hair and can be secured with a Korum Pellet Stop.

“My all time favourite range.”


O T W Hemp and Halibut HO Make a PVA stick

After following the mixing instructions on the bag; Load your PVA funnel with stick mix.

Hemp & Hali Crush

Halibut Pellets in PVA Bags

Marine Halibut Groundbait

Halibut Pellets

• 95% crushed hemp and halibut pellets which are rich in oils and feed particles. They provide a constant and prolonged stream of oils, and the particle size variation will entice fish to feed and take as much of the bait as it can. • This versatile mix can be used as a method mix, stick mix, feeder mix, spodded or balled in to create a bed of particles.

• Called ‘Go Bags’ these pre-filled bags are ready to go. The ultimate in accurate baiting. • Simply fold the bag, nick your hook through it and cast it out. There are 10 pre-tied PVA bags filled with 4mm Halibut pellets and some free 10mm mixed boilie hookbaits.

Squeeze the bait tightly into the PVA using the plunger.

It should look like this, then tie the PVA off.

Push a gate latch baiting needle through the stick and hook the loop of your hooklink.

• A blend of crushed halibut pellets, crushed carp pellets, fishmeals and salt which has been sieved to create a very versatile groundbait. It can be used on a method feeder, in a cage feeder or simply balled in. It is equally at home on commercial carp venues or on rivers for barbel and bream. • Because of its heavy nature it will also act as a carrier for other particles such as pellets or corn and gives off a very rich cloud of attractants creating a tight feeding area.

• The use of halibut pellets has greatly increased due to their fantastic fish catching capabilities. • They contain the optimum balance of protein, fat, carbohydrate, energy, vitamins and minerals. They are carefully formulated using a mix that includes highly palatable fishmeals, pre-digested fishmeals and fish oils. The use of betaine, green lipped mussel meal and shrimp meal ensures high levels of attraction. • Available in 4, 6, 8, 11, 13, 17 and 22mm pellets.

“ Pull the hooklink through the stick and you’re ready to cast out.


emp & Hali Crush is perfect for laying down H a carpet of bait when fishing for big Bream. I like to put in 10 balls laced with small Halibut Pellets to kick off a swim and use a Hali Hooker as a hookbait. Chris Ponsford



Barbel and carp If you’re looking for the very best baits for specimen fishing, we believe the Sonubaits Barbel & Carp products provide the perfect range when targeting big fish.

“ bag full of A PVA

mixed size Elliptical Feed Pellets and a big lump of smelly paste on the hook is guaranteed to get you a bite.

Dai Gribble Barbel & Carp Paste

• Paste is often used to enhance hookbaits for barbel fishing. And we believe this Barbel & Carp Paste provides a higher level of attraction than any other. • The paste we have designed specifically for this purpose is based around hemp, which is one of the best barbel baits available. This has been flavoured with three of the best barbel flavours we know of – Spicy Sausage, Cheesy Garlic and Halibut. • It also has a unique texture, so it can be wrapped round any bait or fished by itself providing an irresistible scent trail.

Barbel & Carp Hookbait Pellets • Barbel & Carp Pellets are designed to be needle friendly, high in oil and leak out flavour and attractants in water. The flavours we’ve used match the Barbel Paste, so are ideal for fishing on the hair and wrapping the paste round. • Available in: - Hemp & Spicy Sausage - Hemp & Cheesy Garlic - Hemp & Halibut

Barbel, Carp and “Chub just can’t get

enough of the Hemp and Cheesy Garlic Liquid. Elliptical Barbel & Carp Feed Pellets

• The perfect pellet for barbel & carp, these high oil, high protein pellets are elliptical in shape which means that they don’t roll on the riverbed, concentrating the barbel in the area you’re fishing. • Available in: 4, 6, 8 and 12mm pellets.

Barbel Liquid

• Designed to be squirted on groundbaits or pellets to give extra attraction. As they are oil based flavours, they soak into hard hookbaits like Pellet O’s and make them last longer in the water. • Available in: Hemp & Halibut, Hemp & Spicy Sausage, Hemp & Cheesy Garlic.

Phil Spinks


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