College acceptance letters get seriously dark, beginning with one in the harvard crimson adweek

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College Acceptance Letters Get Seriously Dark, Beginning With One in the Harvard Crimson

The college acceptance letter, that iconic feel-good document that every university-bound student cherishes, gets a disturbing makeover in a campaign from Goodby Silverstein & Partners and production company Prettybird that broke Saturday with a print ad in the Harvard Crimson. The point of the campaign is to raise awareness of sexual assault on campus, and pressure schools to protect students better. The creative approach: Mock up an acceptance letter that takes a dark turn halfway through, in which the admissions director apologizes in advance for the accepted student eventually getting raped on campus—and for not doing enough to protect her. The ad below ran on Saturday with a print buy in the Harvard Crimson newspaper, timed to the college's accepted-students weekend. A letter will also run in USA Today from Wagatwe Wanjuki, one of the sexualassault survivors who stood on stage with Lady Gaga when she sang "Til It Happens to You" from The Hunting Ground at the Oscars.

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