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pretty Ponies
prettypinkponies™ is dedicated to encouraging women achieve and maintain success without sacrificing their personal relationships and/or themselves. The "survival skills", "killer instincts" and stoic personalities that have helped both men and women reach the top of their professions have simultaneously undermined the more sensitive, feminine and nurturing instincts required to foster and maintain healthy relationships. The 'persona' we take on to achieve a successful and rewarding career can, at times, minimize the importance of being gentle and flexible in our personal lives. While living a full and balanced life is tantamount to all, our focus on women is primarily based on two reasons: 1. These are the shoes in which we've walked and are familiar...thus, having a more knowledgeable perspective on the specific concerns, challenges and obstacles that women face. 2. Helping women attend to their personal relationships will, consequently, help men, children, other women -- all th