9 minute read
Cover Story - Audifax Art - “Wonderwall“ Interview by Pretty Vacant
COVER STORY AUDIFAX ART Interview by PrettyVacant

It was more or less a year and a half ago, I was looking for Angels and I found her. This kind, passionate and talented girl who immediately struck me for the positivity she transmits. Audifax, or so she is called for the “rest of the world”, is an artist, a writer, call her what you want, for us she is a special person who wants to communicate and paint some gray city walls with her art. And we think she has a story and beautiful things to tell. Ciao Audifax, tell us something about yourself...
For many years I struggled with the perception that work meant survival. Like many of us, this was ingrained in me, when all I wanted to do since birth was be an Artist. I was told this wouldn’t make money, and with my family unable to provide financial support, art school was not an option without severe debt. As I grew into an adult with this passion bursting, I followed my heart and said “enough” giving up the illusion of security in exchange for my purpose, to paint. It’s scary to face status quo head on and listen to your intuition, but nothing else will make you happy. When we rise above what’s in our past and push beyond our comfort zone, we open to what’s possible. Whoever you are, wherever you’re from, if
you honour your heart, are dedicated and have integrity, your dreams will come to fru-
This Art is not me, this Art is all of us. It brings the message that you create your life. It is here to inspire you to find courage to live your passion. You contain all you need to discover strength, joy and live your journey to the fullest. THAT is what this Art is meant for; to guide you to see your potential, believe in it, and live it.
Audifax, who is the Superheroine behind the mask?
Just a girl attempting to shift humanity for the better, through a spray can and paintbrush.
Look to the right, then look to the left, what’s behind Audifax and what’s ahead?
Walls, walls and more walls! Life for me is all about exploring, so I’m excited to travel and paint in new places. Every area and culture provide a completely different vibe that affects the outcome of the piece, helping create it. In addition to walls, I plan to expand further into sculpture, by exploring 3D printing. In the meantime, I taught myself how to use fiberglass, so I need to discover a well ventilated work space that will allow me to continue the experiments. I’d also love to revisit fashion design.
Why painting and street art, what or who brought you there and put a paint spray can in your hand?
When I was a child, I used chalk on the sidewalk and glued together regular sheets of paper to make the project as large as possible. (I mean, why draw a small dragon?). On the playground, my mom recalls instead of playing, I’d have my head on the ground watching to see how the merry-go-round worked.

Creating, for me, is all about building.
Something inside was urging me to paint and my first canvas was 183cm(6ft) x 91cm(3ft), which just wasn’t big enough. Immediately I moved onto walls, picked up a spray can, and fell in love with it the first time. Street art satiates this desire to build/create, since I continue to challenge myself by discovering new techniques through experimentation and dedication.

Street Art, loved and hated, truth or perspectives?
Who hates street art? I can see it becoming more and more mainstream and I love it.
There is a sense of a renaissance hap-
pening because of all these walls being painted. It’s bringing Art back into our lives as an important piece - affecting our very being on a daily basis. This is the power of Art; it adds color and life to otherwise boring walls and enlivens our community. I can only see the hate if the art is sub-par, in which case, call me.
Art, music, book, photography, people and life, What inspires you?
Next question! (Joking) This is difficult because EVERYTHING inspires me. The ideas flow and I can’t keep up. Nature, food, art, colors, intuition, all of it.
I carry passion for life and appreciate the little things that essentially make up the big things. When you take a moment to absorb the components of the larger picture that are in front of you, i.e. the feel of the ground you’re walking on, the texture of the food you’re eating, you appreciate where you are and how you got there. This gives pow-
er in knowing the next choice you make will
affect where you land tomorrow. Absorbing the moment you’re in instead of waiting for the next one, is the only way to live fully.
Inspirations, work, planned or spontaneous?
Planned spontaneity. It’s important to focus on a desired outcome, and equally to be flexible; understanding that we allow for greater, unexpected things to unfold when we’re open to change.
Passion, technique, messages, concept, position...
What makes a Street Painting, Street Art?
All of the above, along with the fact that it will disappear, gives a unique perspective that I’m doing it for the love and personal progression. I’ve painted in areas very few ventured and made pieces that disappeared the following day, and still did my absolute best. Every time I finish a
painting, I can’t wait to do better next time
with the experience I just gained. Bringing your all to each and every moment, to me, is what street art is all about. That and the ability to share the message you created with whomever “happens” to see it.
By the way, we are a magazine about photography... So, which is your relationship with photography and the image?
Large black and white photomontages by Scott Mutter adorned my walls growing up. I spent hours on adventures in nature, cemeteries, abandoned buildings, snapping images and developing them in a dark room at school. Aside from the love for black and white, I was, and still
am, partial to fashion photography, be-
cause of my equal love for fashion. For a while I was selling my photography on the website, but with far too many interests, the powers that be narrowed it down once I picked up a spray can.

I mean, why draw a small dragon? ” “
Three superpowers and three weaknesses of Audifax
Superpowers: Intuition; Determination; Creativity. Weaknesses: Perfectionism; Music (Distraction); Coffee.

Three places where you would like to paint, and three “partners in crime” with whom you would like to do it.
Places: Luxor (Egypt) on a faux wall, not the monuments, Paris, Fiji… so I could hit the beach after. Three partners in crime:
Hopare, Etile, Hans Valor.
And now some actuality question… This pandemic, in addition to so much suffering and so many difficulties, marked, in our personal opinion, the defeat of “Western Society”, which suddenly found itself unprepared, unable to follow few, simple rules and even more selfish and ignorant than expected. What is your opinion, as a citizen of the world and daughter of one of the most important nations in the Western World.
In any crisis we all have a choice to make; whether to succumb to anger or use the experience as a tool for growth. This does not stop at the national level, since individuals with personal agendas are behind each decision. As humans, fear and ego can drive us, like any other emotion. If we allow these attributes to control us, we fall victim to a cycle of complacency, blame and an illusion of suffering. Instead, we
need to be focusing on a solution for the
betterment as a whole. I believe this truth for every situation, everyone, everywhere.
Web, Social Media, Marketplace, and any new digital instrument: are they a new opportunity and a new frontier for Art and Artist, or in the mid-long period will bring art to a point alienation without confrontation?
Web, social media, etc. can be used as great tools to discover new information and connections, however if we allow them to distract us from the physical world, we risk losing beautiful experiences.
Limiting your exposure to these “outlets” in order to be present in your real life relationships, with others and yourself, is extremely important. In my opinion this individual choice will determine the progression or destruction of our society. Many have reported the Art I create is very different in person, at times moving them to tears, which I’m unsure happens online. Art is an experience. This is no different than looking at a photo of incredible architecture, like “La Sagrada Familia”, and standing inside of it.
Next Plans? Personal and artistic.
As always, I’ll be challenging myself to make the best art I can one wall at a time. Check my website audifaxart. come to see where I am in the world, or to book a mural in your area. I’m counting down to seeing old friends, making new ones and bringing life to streets and communities. Through art I not only bring
to life messages from deep within my soul, but also hope to inspire others to follow what is truly within theirs, fearlessly.
This year I plan to find a space to bring sculpture ideas to fruition, and time to get back into fashion design on the side.
Dear Audifax… we wait your return, in Europe and in Milano.
Can’t wait to do a fashion photoshoot with you (Me too darling, @marcoredamuses - Editor’s Note) and have some fantastic espresso coffee!

IMAGES CREDITS Audifax @audifaxart Pages: 13, 14, 16, 17, 19 Kyle Hilker of Shatter Imagery @shatter_imagery Pages: 10-11, 12, 14 Faisal Abdu’Allah @fauhaus Pages: 15, 18

CONTACTS WEB www.audifaxart.com INSTAGRAM @audifaxart FACEBOOK facebook.com/audifaxart EMAIL audifaxart@gmail.com