Where to Dine. What to Do. Where to Find It. When It's Happening.
Preview 918
For over 30 years, Preview has been the best resource for discovering Green Country and locating the perfect place to eat, visit, shop and be entertained whether you are here on business or just enjoying a few days away from the grind. Preview is proudly displayed in the rooms, lobbies and/or front desks of over 100 hotels and motels in the Tulsa and surrounding Green Country communities. Copies are also available at hundreds of other locations including Oklahoma travel information centers, Tulsa International Airport visitor displays, Expo Square, office complexes, hospitals and Cancer Treatment Centers of America. You can also find Preview at participating QuikTrip, Reasor’s CVS Pharmacies, Panera Bread, Fiesta Mart and Walgreens locations as well as in Preview yellow boxes throughout the Tulsa area.