Where to Dine. What to Do. Where to Find It. When It's Happening.
Preview Magazine (Tulsa and Green Country)
For over 28 years, Preview Magazine has been the best resource for discovering Tulsa, Green Country and locating the perfect place to eat, visit, shop and be entertained whether you are here on business or just enjoying a few days away from the grind. Preview Magazine is proudly displayed in the rooms, lobbies and front desks of over 150 hotels and motels in the Tulsa and surrounding Green Country communities. Copies are also available at Oklahoma travel information centers, Tulsa International Airport visitor displays, Tulsa Chamber of Commerce, convention packets, Expo Square, 18 Reasor's, Tulsa Convention Center, office complexes, hospitals, 67 area QuikTrip locations, Walgreens, Kum & Go, Panera, Starbucks and over 200 restaurants.
Editor: Chris Greer | chrisg@previewgreencountry.com Preview Magazine 10026-A S. Mingo, Suite 322 Tulsa, OK 74133 918.745.1190 info@previewg