A m costa rica: second news page

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A.M. Costa Rica: Second news page


A.M. Costa Rica's

Second news page

San José, Costa Rica, Thursday, Jan. 7, 2016, Vol. 17, No. 4 Sports




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U.S. not near top in gun killings Dear A.M. Costa Rica:

Dentistry Marco Cavallini & Associates Dental Implants and Crowns Dr. Marco A. Muñoz Cavallini has placed and restored over 17,000 dental implants since 1980. The Dr. Marco Muñoz Cavallini Dental Clinic, is recognized as one of the best practices in Dental Reconstruction, Dental Implant placement and Cosmetic Dentistry in Costa Rica and the World. Dr. Marco A. MuÏoz For more information, visit Cavallini us today at: marcomunozcavallini.com 8365-5/12/15

Psychotherapy Dr. Lucinda Gray California Licensed Psychologist International Practice • Anxiety • Depression • Relationship Problems CR (506) 2228-2041 US (310) 827-4241 www.LucindaGray.com New World Meditation

After reading Mr. Kantrowitz's comments in the Wednesday edition, I was left scratching my head as to why it is that liberals seem to think it is ok to totally fabricate information to suit their positions. So Mr. Kantrowitz, you stated that right wingers kill more people than suspected Muslim terrorists in the U.S., but such a statement is totally unfounded. In fact the mass shootings were pretty much all done by liberals or people with Democrat roots. As far as the false statement you made that the U.S. leads the industrialized world in firearm homicides at a rate of 3.5 per 1,000, you forgot a few zeros. It is actually 3.5 per 100,000 per the U.S. Centers for Disease Control for 2014, and per a Washington Post article dated 17 December 2012, the USA isn't even close to the top in gun homicides. At that time the USA was at 3.2 per 100,000 and showed over 270,000,000 firearms were owned by private citizens, a ranking of No. 1 in the world for private firearm ownership. Costa Rica's gun homicide rate was 4.59 per 100,000. Brazil's was 18.1. Mexico was 9.97. Belize was 21.82. South Africa, 17.03, and pretty much all of Central and South America and many other parts of the world, despite their gun regulations, were much higher than the firearm homicide rates of the U.S.A. By the way, most reasonable people believe in some degree of gun control, background checks, keeping them out of the hands of mentally ill and criminals, and the reason there are many opposed to new controls is that they feel that once liberals chip away at gun rights it's only a matter of time before they try to abolish private gun ownership completely. Criminals and terrorists don't care what kind of gun laws there are, they don't follow any laws and can easily get black market weapons. Jim Day Playas del Coco


Insurance professionals

What will happen in Europe in five years? Dear A.M. Costa Rica:

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2016-01-07, 1:30 PM

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