,{# ! 5{ r' { ffl{rrltS,tAfr hll0fl, 5 -iLf .sPtzl. {RA $f - 1fi$.ffiffisena to
Bob Cal.loue,!'!{ESSEX AVE.rLONDOSrgwlg }Dt.Ol-542-44A? dnythiag ao co-ver bnt thj.s page of rrit5"ng lastead.so*y about tbe lack of pbotos.tbi.e issues csAR3r1z19?Os fEE, LICKS(SpttEpttCS),2: DAf DABE f$g r'{EKOA'.S,' SO BULLSEIT JUSf BOCK&BOtI, sEaG Nasrgr4 t"lEA? Do you wAr.rr cRAss,5 fiol.ocausf cnisrsr5 LETTERS rs raE pos? THE HEKoI{s 7 ?E;.E'VISO$ SABOTAGE POISOI{ GIRLS,U'IIEERES CAPI.trIRK? SPIZZE}IERGII9 HA^RKEA PE$S 9[E nED pLAGC'E,,,1 O AI{rHAI, WORT,D {trvE) THE LASE WORIS, SSS HOp I Especially the l{erton Farkas , Just cause lhe decide to stop being psbrer pop a:rd became mod"e ever ybody lrra:xts to knaw about them" llle]-1 h,eres sone band. from l{ertonr4{ord es SH 1 I aad tbey I re A,?.t be t t er thaa those poxy mods"?EE PRCItES playeC lb.j-ee firet gj.g +rhicb was pretty bad at the Link Club 123.3,79*the lj.neup thea was Joha r gai tw/Lawrence , bass/Sav€ r drum aad Horde:rs o:lbr anslrsr lo S " Rottea, Terry !'ied, aka Dave 5'.They did Ranoa,es and lrarkers aunbsrs plus several of - thier own,but the souad was a disater & tbey wre crap. Hcwever, * tfrlsr thj-rd end, lst SiS to date,exacily ti*o Bontbs lat€rrand they had, inprcved beyoad rscogn:|fioaoand lrow had a set which hras mor€
thaa ha3.f tbier ownt tb.is being tb.e best of the set. Joha and. Lawreac e forned the band. br-itll th.e b.ope a f recreatiag $snl* s f lhe spirit o f ?? taad. why not its bet t er than 196O what ever it was * The two Dven lef t, in i{af , but tbey ncw have a- n€hr drus.m€r r and arflB aadi tioaing singersr?hey play cnly for lhe enjoy eent ii and Lost fi?.6 at one e-p gi.g hiriag ------eeqrripn,ent, = DOGGg RYA$ ie Horder&trik Ritagerald _*"i-+r ga,.ttc..L}",nor", craiil,-bl ea CI
id"nsa trneg tbe brere gootr
if you keep that .ia rn:lad they aist bad.fgf f4 are soulboys vhose owr:, set is:rt bad, btrt bthen they do otber peoples etuff ljlre Cranked up really hlgb. of Feel- the Paj.s they soulxd like heavy aetal.tEE U$KlIOl{}I-pvc trousersrTRBrl,lod,rsoft poplcraprAs punk as !o]lal. BEi.GRAtrE used to be great but sow I I s wo ncierj-ng. ?hey se*E lo So pTrrposely out o f thier way to be Itdif f ereni tra;rd ttdisturbingr?.?hey like ihe Ssdd Flis* aad
sj-oaaris$ r pI3,, ?he Fack, anC F'ashaos r alrd are i:.eavi3-y iafluenced b'trtben*hflhea they I r* good th*y ar* exceS ess , but *#herr,qj.se th"e songs ( all se} fpenned bar chainsmok:Lng by Subaray selt )are loag il:-ched and boring $ Cl?A.t{tsls$ AC}IE S*' t nenti s ae d. j-a so und s Eig " " DeaJ."fhis baad ussd lo be iike a.'better.T€rrica of fbe Lurkers aad bett er live lhae sany b*s bands " Eg'? o ihey start ed. getting clever r slorrerrilnd addj.:r"g ' &ore lead g:xlf ar solee, alrd asw tirey r ?e turne& ieto acro€s betw*ea tb.e Boys aaC Rac*;r 'by edd:-:rg keybos* inevilabie disproy*d ?Sardly* I,i::fr?SF€sFian BARRY riOR{AJ, are b*ring and wo}se tban B*l}rad,e au ^{irying ts bs wierd.T$E YS$e a-re poppy.Gnoff and l-r-4, L, bell-e are gaod sing*rs but the rest of its lj.ke soff rock with a nod g'uitqrisi*sY$o Ros what a a$g this band" went for about 6 &oath.s ia early TT a$, rtl ,3re:is*trethiag o f a cuJ-t . Like the Swe3.J. i{aps wo uld gerbi 1/vznse/ bori xf rnri- sr/.nl-i{e,iS be if tbey wre anf Sood.F'ina11.y* ?EE REF PLAGSE' ti*o ,i-i basds in cae rwho are sinus e ffiffihey *"* prec si s s?sai XFsf to l}l*{_ ?yn 'l rp*f lte'l i .,?] tfo . GLUEI,/}I* hxactly what yCILffi bfpecfl n
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frorn a band with"such a wunnerJul moniker" A drrlm burst, sorne powerphords and a onea, twoa- threea Lurkararna with gloricusly siily strangled ferret vacals.
Surrey punks dispro've ' Pr*gr*sssion inevitable' Th*ory! 'Pcor Cow' is almast a nCIte fcr note blag frorn 't Wanna Be Me' wtrich allows one to as$ume theY're heavilY
influenced by the Sex
just llke ia the reaJ- papers)"I spoke to
17,9,79 and h* lells me th.ey
Pe:rny lllnband
fi:risirei ihe Rew reccrC,It is three sides at 45rpry conlainiag eO :rew tracks , anc a FFjlive sid.e { at I he $o * 1 Club , lhe AngF&) I t e cnlys) . H* a]-s o seys the lrsuble ef ti:ei-r }ast c*nway HarL g'ig was smashed by meabers of tge sKp to forced thier ,"y io to lrick anv-skin in tni" tne ban has been llfr"alc"rJ, ":s-!l-r!lt-{grp,:--t" sigs go like thj-s:swtlilot+ aarzglrEonrnfiprorq-ei7g nsupcRy 3/1o BR4DFaRT ?/ 'tc/'ru.'rhe possi bly Ip,gWIf,H r-iDr1,r-u' 1A/ ]/w-o.rv-rJ i C, The next_L.ondon gi6-isat likely to be uatiL the the 7/l1twb,ete veaue could be tl1e$4ar'.,ncc-iirf' rhev thev -.::: t -,.-_ a. *ir: lower rhier pric*s ::""::T'iyquee, suf fi*nctly. uress al-sc haqte
*mk"'*ffi*64ruddry6{d previouniv.-q8. fu.e$'a-*ff
$.ru% fu&\rop fw ffi#fugqK$
l, w d' e.., .,. tj tfig SPILEPTICS trere a band Ird wantod to eee a6ai.n fsr a J-ong timeiin fact since l{ay ll ',*freu-tGy-."pp"rted C&A${i at Con""i naffofh*n at-ColomUo tiait Faul fro* n*yi:*gi. irve- !; me t"hler phone nunber"Colin said come d.own and eee us rehearse and. then do the intervievri;' eo afLer a'eecod chnce of hearing arnazing nunbers like lgT}sr$grgetrMental fron before lf and sosa equaLly great nevr onea itwae off to the pub.... bi 0OLII{-VOCALS,KIIV N-GUIEARTDEREK-BA$$TRICHAAO-DRUMS.
rcr$O hllIEI{S TI{E I{EXT LOI{DON gIG? ColinlWell we havenrt actually got onerbut we were hoping to get a Lot for when tho
eingl'o comes out o rc:THS STORTBEAT SINGTllrCIR fIIE ONfi YOU WER$ G0ING TO D0 FOR CRASS? Colin;the Stortbe*t one.1g?Orslwith Syeten ReJecier/fiitler waa a nazL.
ti; $, i:i
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[}IE ONE OTI CRASSI$ LABST? #; ColLnlTbey asked us to d.o a singJ"e tho day befo!'e we went to record. the Stortbeat'one,, ;i' otherwis€ we probrably wouldntt have done the $tortbeatrbut Crase wanted ue to do a 6 [: tr:ack ]]$ recbrd.
Derek:It was 1977lWe were etill at schooL- t4ryl F ColiniHe never had e. group though:.._ .... ,ri H Derek:Yes we didtlt was up J.n Clivea bedroom then. Colinll got s,guitaf and couldnrt play itrso I gave it to hln (Clive)rand Derek just used to come round and anney uerto thi* blohes bedroomraad we said he ehould ptr-ay bass t for usrbut he said playing baso was a morons jobrand he stil-L has troubLe withit uowt i ($3't+]"'s3*t33 $h3'olttf,"fHi3'nt'3"13"9f ?3 ti"f, g$s"Efrt* afftg,l8t""tt i,le"?g n8el*ifu ; for usrso we did.Thie other bloke dJd, wri.te the tunes to Hitler w&s a Nazi and Anarchist;i, 59. Kevin:Itd. Iiked then since'I ealr the name sprayed on a bin in the ehoppdng centret $ rc;WF,AT HAPPfiI'IED ABOUT YOUR oLD TMANAGERTTHE W.&S TRYING TO SUE IOU OR S0i"1ETHING.., Col-in:WeLl he wasatt realJ-y a nanagerrwo Juot called hirs that for something to cal-l hinn I Imean he oaly got uc two gigsrand they were botb contests-lre sorted. all the Crass gigs;
W F,
WORD,S AND THg NASf OT' YOU... DereictNorhe (Kevia) doee very :"rmplicated stuff which I canrt do the bass to! fieviulAll Colins songs are about bei:rg mental... rc:3T AtL SEEMS TO Bg SAPPLII{ING ROUND I{ERETWITE YoUTCRASSTPOIS0N,S AND ALL TEE OTHER SMAtt BANDS.. Kevin:It is good round here tbi.s year but tast year it was only the Sod.z. rc:ARE THERE MANY PUNKS R0UND EERE? E & 6q,gF ge q$e ten in "_8 $ ::ifrffi*'iB3rl'ilfrErih,tlfiil$ai8rgad Andy:Well llike regga€rJoy DivisS.on, ColiniAnything exept heavy netal t rsrltrTou"DO SiG$ UF Wrtg STORTBEATTHOW LOIIG UNTTLL rSA STNGLES OUT? Coli.nlThree to four weeksrlF we sign.
I\1t, IT YOU DONT? JJvI'ata,,
rC;WHAS J.I -v.trlJ,It.t
Kevin:Wetll take it to Crags. arad ask then to do it. rcr$O Y0UIRE THE TICKS NOW Derek:YeahrI mean the Epileptics wssnr{: a nise name..lt did predujice peopIe.. CoLin:We got a stroppy letter fron the British Epilepsy Ass.because thely saw the postere I for the Bradford, gigrwhich we Dever did cause the van broke dbwu,. Kcvj-n:trConcieted .iocularityrtthey accused us of.. 'fo continue Derek:They sald eiery nenb-er of- the group had to be an epll-epti.c if wpl were t -.-- "using the nane. Kevincl tbink thats stupl.dtl meanrlike if we all had. one leg each and, called oureelves the Amp-uteeslpoople r*ou1d just feel sorry for us.Ime"n whats the piont? Dere!:-A,nIryaIrI don!t think the nane matters. rC IHOI,I O3'TEN DO YOU MANAGE
first did a gig r'rith Crass in a place called the Bas'enentrJuet
S#i**$td3;t;:"' *m*m
down the road-
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to the baes player to ask for a badgeraad thea aeked if we could support lhenrso he gave us tbeir adreEs aad said comeroand aad uet].l see if we like it..asJruraJr we d5-datt go round there'but i-u January t!"y raag up and said erou3.d we do a,gig in niaatord yilh them.Bradf,ord r*ae n:LJ.es away aad tbe van brokE dowararrd, we got theie-a,bout 11.]Orbut they gave us a tenner for tura5.ng up.fhen ne d:id a g1g aJ this teds pJ.acerthe Rai3.eray, aad at that ti-ne ao punks rere coqiag to s€e uE cau€e we dj.datt come fram Earlou.the:r lt Has Sept ford, tbat turned $ut t,o be a shanbles. Kevin:$idn t t bre do Cosuay Hall bef*re Sept fsrd3. Collncob yecrrle did.AayuayrDeptford, nas a aesE.It was goiag t"o be fron 12 io the:r ? to 1? and they sti'll expected all the bands could all play. I Eevi:r I Then it hras Stdls.ehenge , $ith Crassq,71';Ff DerekiRryliegh wss first 3 Kevia:Yeahrth5.s tmaaqertbloke got ae iato a nerody aaker coatest d.ova therelife c&a oa first and rea&ly went dora r*elL with the crowd a3,1 pogoingobut rre sane last.Oae of the judgea Hqs a Bay city roJ.Ier, colin:Then it was S.toaehbagerrbich was aaotber ehanbleerwbea they said wetd be oa at elevea aad thea cbaoged it to tworplus lle we}eatt prepared.rl meaa Orass had tents and. all that but we didatt know..After lhat was a gj.g at ialiag broadray with tbe Satelites, nho rere nazi but +idot-say so_unlil sud.d.euly-tney started, shou'ting seig heiJtaa d alL the*r lot started tbror*ing-cbalrs through w1idous'aad ia tne eaa-"!a"i-E"a-lorice ,"iia dogs down there. Kevia:!{etve been sLagged off a:1ot locaLlyrbecause rire froa Harlowrcau,se rra nere anti-Stortbeat.until eYeryone cane round lo our-TaJ ofwereat thitlkiagreause of beiag too poBular round her6rea{lae in rrom-sifrrb" waraon aia ue wasnt fron Earlowcolia:Punks rouad here"e-laa-a-bIoke tend, toget oa your tit.rts all very cliquey. Kevis,lAlso werve never been trendy ltke sone baads rouad, [.""r*li"b I thj.bk is good. lr. laean whea r*e i*ere popular for tUat ltt and doiag a coacsrt a week we lrrels * just - "-* it,oat,aot ',*- iat".r ,g up,
carias wirir 1r
tol{Dg$ Gf,GS F-OR lu-*:Og Kevia:*bey rnight do. . Cou-a:the thi!6 isrwith a siagle oqt itt1l be eqsier to get gigs.:refotre we did send * tape to Joba Peer and he riked it but .ioue warters di.cntl Kevia:we got a hoax call sayiag werd got a eessj.oa.Ia the end it tueaed out to be bae of thg f naaagerst rna,,tes having. us or1 D e r ek :!e l.l- r' v e -vqip -rrq93.:g o q:-t M go-t *!o gga-lg:
-" -1i-..-.-
€? lbt> Nr LIK F *iol, 8ur tqg Tl,t*x srrlL stTfg-* -*rge$T c**5" rt21- Gc}lhs Hant* &r,€g#Or$6 r- Srug,$*6 Br{€Y S*p-l6 *ul
*-i FggrYl *trKfll',trrtIOC i ep il+ p eqooT
'-. Jo
,ouTaq Joop goq s prrnos sq? p$€il idyse
aH c-r$r ,IHsIu fi,g'x:$fi gtO *'uaq3 prr€' I' gJTg? ffigg?Elu %,,sT{? dn Su:;aqsrqT pJesq s 6l aJ:rFrJ e8nqY 't:ado s,tT ,:, -roop 3q+ .€luappns *Fo I aT{? o?TrT srTE?sdn }I€€s ,{ s're ?qFT$ smTrs pTC€r?rr i JnoJ aii,5 * +eTnb seoF TT sdoS s au.:r8ua aqg.FuT geo.rdCe padoin € Jo punos
spu€l ?r'TTT?s ' o f . r r..pJEe
tq? "qT aEo$.JaAg'
s T punos r
?TreHorr +Eq? ?s ; attq u:.:or,a se+a3Fns r.r aTTx ? 8usp8 TilTq JoS dn rreao sdetTaJd,, .peg *8"_+snI . EUT.IEps?T € r{3ng Auoii e$.e FTnC Cq& JO r eirrTJr aq? Jo uosEaJI ? Jo qETql o? s"fi; "v*3 punsJr EsoT {aqx
"{ep -sr:tcq 6{'+lZ Jro ags:1od_B"{13arAsT pua ss pl3€rq sqosT asnoq aq? s ?s"er aq+ Tr?. .xo$TJr {r€q -+Tq eq'3 Ec 3trt.,t1 J€rrxrl r FtaEoeluos sT aTJJnes' Efiff----: ROCK AGAiNST TEE ---,--NUCLEAR H0LOCAUSt;o ugts f,1uo aq1 puespa as5P' -r-dsnoq'$qft ;tt{; beiSg conned at tbe llashvitle, irrto lhio{"qc Jo eusos aqx oq ao* ffter ing that foyab were: playing oaty,r:o: pue {a11or? ag? o+u ted bv the Psvchadelic lhra,we weat to"::l"oo{rtg trrLs cdJrl6 ii;;;ij;;Jr"?E ?ue acert (eDrg84) at tr\rlhan Gleyhouad ia not e${iprla sTq Tt€ pae padd= Euch aa entbusj.astic nood as usua1.4"fryrFlt*pgq u=q s.re1s.:adns a. heary netal discorJ.t qas str!.otu:ced that the I """q supporr band .had:r't ruraed, ffi;'f*3?Tui5"lii5r* "p,sieo-iui"-irrors. gol oa stage and st"rted tal"ki.ng about fua t$,1 a.:og'lgdu-ry pTrsu;,oo doat FTow I {o aq i.*q: 1** 1!:i:'r rrhat rdas shaating they i*t1:'f-ry491-I are as ssse bignouth il : "*"g6u'{coqspoon his noatb of ia ay ear.rha sis clear poverwith loads of iateresting Ieafletsft1o..r1 s.d.raqsutes-pa3.raqc Tha-group uit. (?) stage dressed. ia seni^-c"a"e | -aqraq eql rrr dn 11nd uaiforasrexept the eiager had t:- O" dif,ferent s*oq aqlreaqe.:q 3:o gulu I aad bave a re{ suitrand set up.They hava one fua.:ce € q1Tn.....igtrd}Ulv guitari-stndrunnerrkeyboard player and eiager,-lI eaurp Eurrrp €rrrrrp €urrrp ald a lead bass (?.??)and ordinary basso1hi eau.gp €rnrT?:Bgulp BurrTp lead bassist sits d.owa and Aas nittione_of W{ BuuTp BqETp als that make soae realIy wierd noises.They a{ "oo-91 euuTp Errqrp Errurp ?urrrp ee eet that seems.tg be xhorly nusbErs agaiaet, '.'...is.{oq uol | "ruTp nuclear energy with titles like'alhite sot Mel*uo3iraao 4q3Ta 11,"ri dowarDarkest Night'and thier siagle on voyage "q lrdurB:,v,c ko..?o*eads RuseianE are coaiag.The set ie good but fq+asuil-;;;qdi;G;+ ;r{i 'thethe all nurnbers are a blt lougrthe siager keef uaqn sr;raeE JTou o1 sri! lapsing iato heavy,nela,1 style vocals and the [ua1st1 ore Er.rojel pue peg Lead bass could do ui.th bej-ng r* bit to FroO aqX pue 11du.rg.Xde3 ]99s.11, the front.Also they didat fiaiEh until $ili"#;r::;r;;;;*;^i;;i nh:lch neaat 're had to leave before the end.noy["r*ooc arqqag aarsnrsxe were.better tbanj[bg_Folice,who atso l Tasalca,r aq? u,T asnoq e I?yftl"y. played
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stroagly 'that. pua} bne , ., ! become ., toi cgrn-',,.,i ,,
Tercialised, with nany- of
&e- tgp -bqd"'-.chargin* "''-i gush high fe€s that &anf ,;- ,"1 yo1rngst€rs " caanot a{fard "' t
tt"t i*
charged for.-' g€ats at,
concerts. ..';
The group can't afford to pay tZO lor equipment €very ti'ae they do a Sig
hui tbey will pFt anywhere iust for Brpenses, Puut, tbey techon, shoutd be like it wss when it all gtart*d,
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21'7.79 In Brixtrbn.Crisis are having a neeting witb two Norwegiana to d.iscuss their upconing tour o{ the country.After going to the wrong house we srentually found them aad etarted the j.nterview witE Pg"g:l'g:terrluko and Tony of the basd pfui 6ome mate'. Qi$OW Lo$q HAVE you BEEN GOll{C AS CRISTS? DouS'lWell theres throe orlginal members left nowrteny Leeter aad Merwe J.oet quite a ferr druuunere and a singerrso about the begining of 1g??. Lest;tale used to be good thent
q!SO!{ DID YOg MAI{AGS TO put THE SINGTE O{JT? Doug:WelJ.rwhat happened wqsnPeckhan Action Group rang ua up and askedu.ss to do a march for thenr and thien'canpaiga against the town hall.Wo dld the raarch ,and theo * *u"k or
aga5.n and. saidrrWerre thinking of putting oui a eingle frlso I 1"9"f*!:r-they {aTS-up eald 'IohrFaSttand didnt really thi.nh much moro about tt unltl sudd,en*y th.ey"rung'up again and asked if wetd wrltten anything yet;do I said no.Lester aad f d.ecid.ea,to p[oai Tony because we thought r.re thought they night be ggite.eerious abput the recordrand in 5 eeconds hcrd written the eongs Eio r,!re were atiigUtt Q:WHo WRlTEg. TRE SOi'iGS TREN? Douglghe baeic bits are me and
lonyrbut everyone else puts in their. bit to contribute to it. Leet:IrnyOU the one that nakes then sound good. START-UD,WAS IT BECAUSE you ef,r, Um Tnx sAl,,IE THISC IN CS'IMOI{ p0tlrIfiS-&I,y Sg Q3WSE!{ ! wA.s IT BECAUSS otr"LIKE TEE PUNK THINg? Doug:It r'rae really a nixture of thenn botbrbut what f wleh w&,s tha b the le ft would see ua on thier side instead of the enemy.r nean we feel more alienated at tbier gegs than ordinary ones.They dont gibe. us any breditraad the noney we Set they don I t even d,ona"te in our name! Q:lroULD YOII sAY TIIEN
of them coulilnt give a fuck.The Left in Seneral &re really still scared of punkrand thats wUy a J-ot of progress hasut heen nade.
Doug_:Ieahrnost Q:POLITI0AL
w*erd, bheyre
Dou6;ltorfor the punk movement" . QIWELL WHAT PROGRESS WOULD YOU HAVE LIKED fo HAVE SEE}T? personally ;;uid-4""u-ritea Doug:I pui.onaiiy doueli r+ould bave liked to rrive-se.t have aeen j.t it tecone becone a: ranguaTdralr TanguaTdral1 thats happ? ened ie that the rlght rring no*r have got a stroag base in punk. QIAT CROYDONTTHE ORGANISERS TRIED tO CSUCK yOU OFI'Doug:YeablThat was-really.bad.We saved that gig.fhat morruing they rang u6 up and said, they wre biring a 1OO0 vratt prdr;so we aeed no[ bring along*our ioo wit,t.we*went up tbererand what do you knowrtheyrd got a 10O watt with no mikes or l-eadsrand sa;Ld ttthls i-s the tha be.qt, rl dnllYpt fthav harl rl Ee na a aarr-t L^..*^ earlier is best wa we r:orr'l could d.orrlet $hey had ial toLd couple ^--r: ^- &L of bours ^ a.e -- !!i - they wre getting the IOOO watt.So^I_was reglJ.y pissed off gnd- 3 decide& wefd go bqck to Wohinb to gft o,."" p.aor&ich wae a a-3 hour dri.tel?here aud backeand even aft6r thatltuei-quiEfea.f,u.y---would'nL even give us the ruoney we had asked forrwhich was dirt cheaprs)O or something around theretdirt gh9"p considering as a group we didnt nake anythiig out of the gi; and forth and all ihe other hasglelphey just turned .iround and, ssai4 PloutrLookBolngat alllagk the hasstes wsvE hait'iand it war bnri-ifiiei i.uit;"fr;; il;;ias-"rou[-being th nost or6an5-sed RaR group l-n the countryland tbenrwhen we eventually wenb on stage around llrsome policemel appearedlandtheae-peopLe were totally inti-noidated. and satrted sayS-ngrrQuickrcalL off the gigttiand tryrni ti pull us off stage!..r.o.......,..
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SOBWAY..CRISIS returned from Norway oa the 18th. after playj.ng around Z0:gigs out therer[ to good receptionsrexept for the fact that no-one mov6s, about out ther.grand ia the p3-a- i; ees-with seals tneitre- forced to eit down by bouhcers.They did the copcerts with the it reggae band SIGNUSTand eupportedi by Norwegan bandsrthose the band lilied being The Belsenii .Boysrand Norwegan Cramprboth of wh6n pl.ay totally self penned sets rather than loads of other peoples stuffrrohich most other bands did.The ner* single WHITE^YOUIfI/UK 79 should i, be out within a week. (* g geNc&'tr$ thl â‚ŹN$q#r$so u.rssgs up) lt 1:
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tist:'..the worst people are nsua-1Ly the eo ca]led piJ.lars of society-srs.Shatchers probrably the: slrnbol for aIL thatrour onn prine aiaister voti:rg for capital. punisbmeat. Q:WHAT DO YOU tHIriK ASOst HOD? luhe:I rea& the otber day a, iatervi-en nith the Eecret affair aad. it nas eayi.ag heur qice and snsrt all ?hese aode areraad this mods says Hpunks are really gonna. gei 5.t aatt and hor theyrra o.at for punJcsl loay:Whea the revivaL started. it was notb.ingrso because it was nelr it was oa the froat of the ISIi{S and aext dayr.. Doug:they all go oa about punk aot pro$ressingrbut if aod. isart R8E.Q0gressiverl dont
kaon what i"s.
Doug:Everyihingrs got to get lrorse befme' it cEa get beitterrWhea I f,irst hqrd the Clash it kept ne going for noathsreo if r*e ca:r aohieve that ror a few peopl.erthen r{erve sâ‚ŹrYed our purpossr
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r'r- t"rJut' "*" *r*?"?ift"fi,Za-u"ua tn" base hurts your bolbckE.fbe druss were inaudible. guitars nake aI on for abou! 5 sinutes which wouLd have fhier titles are things lj.ke srulou'ETtgrnhicbweat but it lapeed into about four'getting progresel beea alright i.f it hai stuck to one tune iry ina hear'lt before forkiag out.9HE AtMflfrstRaf? o"ill"i vety worse.TheJ. ;;";-; ri"iie the crowdrbut ae and ny nate thougbt tbey of ORS {ereband off the evenilg the najority just pissed abouf, on etage for 10 rninutee if oor"nd ,,ere as bad as tHS LEoPARDs.They ciru looh arou:rd. 18.They tuae uprthea tuae up they but alL aot aore.Tbe singer is the etdest at last they do.Tbe firt aumber ie unwith it and aeaia.Tbe crosd start sayiag get on and a Lead solo its a lessoa in hon 4 etop/startE iu ltlafter ;:il;;;;i":i;;-s";ri.o" that would nake Hotorhead feel lo ruin a, perfeitry good song.al1 this at a volumeq'o1eve1 peEler\aot ny ssl-4ss:s6.r' hard by eI r&J reckouiag)' yoar band could dg belter(not f,Ias{.r Oano cou.l.q y"o ?bl-blt tAi* yolf ge6y faffeftylf,f, raffertllif yOU like like gefry aad_nint to heJ.p nin r:.ng:PmVEZ 6n-O85t or JO 228-7OOO eve:ringe"
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great day tkis could have been if lbase bunch of i*iots who ggt_oa.staga andlhrerr-U6itles *id. geo""a11y acted lj.ke" a'i load of, baboons i:r tba zoo had stayed l&*kb€ fj.rst band of the d,ay were TEE VERDICT who a:i-ght be doing another gj.g for'i'fand,suortb R4p' beon.they couLd hevg been a lot better il tbefq shortened the eoogs and didatt l.et then get *11 blasd it tbe ni-dd.J.e.Eb.e three in the grorlp wrlte lhe songsrlike Subuay 4tDtT Gj.rl Dont Blane j.t on the Working Haal (boring)aad the Bassj.st and Gu:itarist shse tb e vocals. .A.fter they went of we vrent off to get somethiag to eai.Re"turaed to aevec eae*iagreggae sound sysfen so went off to tlb saa11 stage to sae ggE SPOII.SPORSS aa al.3. gJ.rl notovru baad nho caae oa nearly aa hour }ate aad werentt nuch cop.Back to the big stage aad SI'F. SUSPECT DSVICE ie first and the atmoephere i.s amaziug.Sext is RUDIS IIESO and alrea.dy tha apes are trying to get oa stage aad fighting.lAW&OgDER STRAW IOGS and CAI{|T SAy CRAP 0$ TgE RADIO irith its Capital C1aeb pisetake at the eadrthe best thiag theyrve done in a long tiae.People-sorryrthe $onke€€ Here now clambering afJ. over the stage aad one cleve nanaged to get oa to tbe por*er line and dagle ]O foot above tbe caowd.'tl'e3.l d,oae nat thinp to tbe gorrilla rEo ki.cked a giil helper iato lhi crowd you nust be a: rea! rranrBottles flying all the tirne and lots of people getting hit.Eveatually th,e novelty wore'off alrd the apes all weat back to thier caves aad Flj-sty ca'!l€ ooo f,hs !fusnkn corner:to FEE!. at PARAPHANALIA which is in Croydoa and well worth a vislt. se11s fansiges records clolhes etc.gef to west croydon slation and go down statioa rd. to SkeyrBob-florn,Charlie RED& Dave of THE PT,AGUE/-RE! f9r-!9:-lg.-i!9-glegt.9.P.!-baadiever' -l.p chaii;1 i{r$rEiiaND-ti',ro7sEx-prsmt,s aprxK $Ac/,.IrRE }nnsBrrn5Als/rgE MEKoNsr}68fiu*iJp 7i{E-RAr,toNss-tapAci nrwg,ZsAi^IKwINt 5tss li,sul't/EAtER ?*Fq rst'-p,1p112{srytl;1: b Cnq l,io;in' os,]qg/psns oB'- 10 cyc',Fn'!,rclroqls.i;l;opd:e'*t-,il-:*5f*j-S":35L1;tntu 'r.ibat *
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fHE f,iret time .t" heard CRASS nas r*hen a mate said Lieten to the I'SEDING Of' TSE 5OOO in a record ohop in Putney.Impreseed bar a couple of tracke we went to see them at tbe Conway SalJ. with Charge who wre ok but' went on a bi"t too longrand the 6reat Poieon GirLs.Afetr that we went to alL thej-r London gigorand. it nas at the Hope and Anchor, uhere Like nost pqf,e we dldntt 6et inrwe amaaged arr intervieu for 29o?.?9 w5-th Andy Palmerrthe guitarj-stland Penny R:Lhbaudrthe drumnero$he Suaday of the interviowrit turned outrwas after the puach-[p gig at Colombo Ea]J..We got to Crass ear]y and woke half of then uprrr QrFIR$trOfT' CAN YOU GIVE US A BBIEI' STORI Of' THli BAIID? Steve:We started about two and a half years ago.Itd writtea about four songs and wanted f,o etart g band.Origina3"ly it wae going to be Just drums and vocaf-arwith Penny oa druns.More people came bere and vranted to $oin in until the band reached its preeent Li.ne up.We didnft sit down and thinkrfOh wet3.l have'an I piece band w5.th two girls trrthats Just how its bitilt upe P6nny:Ttri first song Steve aid nyself did was rrowe uE a J.ivingttljuet druns and vocal.sn r+ae Just the 6ame real-Lyor*lth ne drumming-ch aad Baliing rfcourse thoy dotr. Q:YOU sgT oUT trIITa TEE MUSIC SECONDARY TO PUTTING A0ROSS A P0INT OF VIEW [UEN? &ndy:Tesrit t'*as always the words firstrtheu the backi-ng. Q:HAEE YoU WRITTEN AlIf MORE $EW SONGS REC.0NTLI? Penny:$lx that werre working on at the rnoment.
Andy:A l.ot wj.l.l have changed though before our next gig. Penny:tJhat we try to do is inetead of some bande who go .on and try to nake vsriety by doing eoneth:lng diff,erentlyrwhat we do is a set thats built tlp over two years juggl..ir:g blts 1n so j.t very sJ.owly chngee,A lot of wbat we do j.e to create a situati*n and J.et peple nake thier own vnl.nda Sp. Q:IiOW nID yOU COME T0 l.iAKE TEE TESDING Or TliE SOOO I.OR Sl,lAUt WOI{DBR? St-eve:Sgne bloke at nyrmatgs house wqs doj-ng record displays for S.W.dtrd he heard one of our demo tapesotooK it in to Smal-l wondeF and said,tthightrListen [o--[Uiit;f[en-tirei decided they wanted to do a single*r"ft*e Os a tlvingil.We said what did they want on the otber siderand he eaid he couldnt decide as he Liked all of itrso we d,ecided to do the ?
.1Zrrand get it all on exept for three tracks. Q:I{HY THE CHANGE TO YOUR OWN tABttt rOR ASYLUM? A:rdy:What happeaed there wasrthe 50OO hrg6 recorded. and
up, and
tlre master pr*ssing
to the presssrsrwho obv'iouslf listeaed to the fi-rst track, end ssid they rEsuldn i; press the record ualess this track was taken off.So we said no , i.t was very important to usrand tryed to work out other ways of pressing it but no-one else r*ould ds j-t so we said ok thenrso J"ong as none of the others come off.The reason they would"nt press it was because they eai-d it was blasphernousrbut theres a lot of stuff equal.l.y rrb3-asphemoausrlon the record"Now wefve nanaged 6o pnt it out ourselves for coet pricerAsylurn r,tas an important parb of r*hat we wanted on recoadrand nor.r r,relve done itn Q:rT COI{ES OVUR BETTER ON RSCORDTTSOUGII rT SOUI{DS LrKS yOI}VE AITERED If A Brr NOK. Penny: Ies rr*e I ve changed lt aow. Q:E.a,Ve yOU pBCfOru Otr THE NEX'I SINGLE YET? fiAyiw"iru e;i;g a double version of the 5ooo for s,/Wrwetre recording it nowrand r*erre going to csrry oa putting out snralLer records ourelves as cheaply as lre csne w*r.rt
Peany:!{hen we canrbut most of thern are ehit. Q:AS THS BAND GITS BIGGEP !{ILIJ YOU START TUR}IING TO BIGGSR UALLS? AuCy:I d.ont thinkkso. nennylf ini-nt werll get biggerrbut I dont th5.nk that wer1l play rrBigrr pLacesrl nean : it would have to be on our t.erms.. Andy:I thinh once you consider playing places li-Le the ELeetrJ.c Ballroomlyoube also got to consider that people who run theee places are only in it forlmoneyr€ro they are golng to rip people offra3.so wefd have to contend with the fact that these people ernto be Z-Jthoueand people there.I think even though 2OO P}?y"bouTcersrapd.theres people didnt get iaot the.SQing Hope and anchor it.was Stiil an eventrrather than jusf goi_ng down to tho E.Ballroon and paying €2.50 to seb Just another bandrwhich is r+hat wed be, and then going hone a6ain ui ir nothing had happened at all.
Pc*ny'tX urean erten & gig llire }-astl rri-glrtrth*re wr:uJ'd i:*ve b*eri more voilenni*.*eally r\'*tr3. been pl.ayiag tir* nii,lsiq: mar..r'li-nrrewhsre they v*onb let skins i"i:r* | And.;.lltlhsn r*e pJ-*.yed &al*,ng it was;r l:e:iofit, f*r the pr*p-i.e'n+ho g*'b hi*ked rr* $*uth.allu l attd rJ* sai.d vv* riid"nt r+ant tql malee r: d'iffe;"e;i*c b*t$een p**ptr-e who w*re rrj.clr*cl *rrd )rap.* peired. tc be rn*;:icher6 of the $trnlFr*:" p*npJ-e wli* gct xj.*]rerl end happe*ed tc' be Hentlsrs of the i{}!'nbu'b i-"b was *r.dverti*ed, s,rr a}i $!iJP gigrno erll the sl';iss turnecl &pecws er}so al"*ayn tr;}*y lsith. the Fci"son Gi.rlsrand. trh*t rse irare wr:rked eut lr:i.th then rt * ttght eveaj-ngc *n*ert*i.nrnentra;1d we alweyn knCIw tiro third" ba::el if th*re is oneeand laet night thtr. fsd:Sa* hand plageS for a.lot longer thaa-th*y ehouLd ilaveuantl, were very"sep*rai; e from i t.le*a*d dorsinated tlbs enti-re evening*In effect r"re were *quached *n a;t tLe efrd ae an
: l
i Fennylfhat wJ-ll be f,he lasf 6ig werl-l 6o under other peoplec organ{eatlonc i: $te'lre:Srren the bandssabc*t tw;rfy of t.hem started to fi6h* w*.th each other a.i Deptforcl* l Penr:,yll*s wrong to blamethe skinheads entirel$eeverybody'w*s to bl-ene J.ast nightrinc* :, lueitng ue.Theres ao ma&y things dnvol"vedrbut n**one want* to go up there when you kur.ow i. ,: thercs going tc be troubJ-e, l'JollLD volj lfil$ DIISCRIBfi AN/IRCI{Y YOU $ING AB0US ANil iN XOlIRit&NAl?CHlf AND FfrACnt'? QrHOW furdyllt$ not cha*ticait dsesnf nean goi-ng round smaehj"nâ&#x201A;Ź; everytleing u.g:rj-ts ju.e| a *l"f* fere:rt r*a;. of going about ysur Llfernot destroylng everytl:.*.-aga li ',
Fenny:5 think i.t means d.eatroyS.ng bamisfa*c.laat night Eoise wor*en with anarohy armbandc were ia the toil-otm smaehing up the Lavotories and mirrors when Joy went i-n there.
h*rye',*hey81}beg1adofarricecleanbog'Irrtearr,r*qaLaaarchywou1dbeicnowiasyoue6r,r}d eliit toitltout a l-ack on the doorrknowiug if someone sud.deLy cones i.a theyro not goi.ng tr:ahugg-f9u'orfi.nd'youabueiagyourxuelf"Anarchyiefreedom,movement,:itcetcnowingyrlu dont need Locksrnot snnaehing thingr up.I mean wairts the diff6rence bet"*rwwn punlcs ileirin6 anarchy arrnbands $ho smash up bogo and skinheads? $teve;#eople tend to uee the word anarchy as an excuae to punch Eomeone in f,he mouth* And.yiThe definiti,one rrts deetroy systemsrrsbut real-ly i"t shsuld, nean rethiukingnchangging
Q;I,I0ULD YOU SAs y00JRSELVES As A SORT OF srgpPIlIG SfSNE FoR pmptarso THAr THEY C*,N S'OTT},{ SSCI,SIO$S AND START SOI.{ESHING MORE LIKS YOU I D WANT TO SEE? Pennylblornot what r'rerd l-ike to seerwhaf, THEY wou1d.'tbrough J.ike to see.Even j-f it rnegns soneone turn,s ir:to a violent nari6at l.east they have gone a seriee of queetione t* get
there*ifiteon1ytenpeop1e1athewhg].etinowe|veeventr:a}1yp1ayed'w}rohaveaskeCt a, ceries cf questions about thenselve and eo&e u-p with real- anewersrthen 'i;hats wliat mattersnrn the end its up to people to make up their own niads. QrI TtrIllK yOU SAID THIS YoURsgwg,BY TIIE TIME YOUIIE OLD EI{OUGH TO FORI'I YOUR Oillf pOIbiT
oF vrr,"bJrYoutvE EAD Att TEnsE STANDARDS puMp$D rNfO YOUTAI{D ITS VERTPennyllt boils down really to Lhe greatest act of courageosaying |tThats what f bs&isrrs inrthats what I vrantland Ir3-l. pursue itrrtstanding up against all this cond,itioningolt takes enornous courage to face your own feare. QTWHAT DO fOU fEINK LgOUr pEOPIECALTING yOU "'TIDDLE CLASS"? Annie;ALt this cLass bueiness is amaxingBusheJ-l claj"ns to be workin6 for the und,erpriveJ ldgedrand rules out two th:irds of the world. Fqnt{l.I think its siily-you cant help where you were born.If I qould bave chosenrthea I rociuld have sj"ad the $oirtL of Francersomewherb nice and coef,ortaEil-dllT &i-d.nt want do be born in Middle$exrtbats juet. where I happened to pop outc Annie;I mean al"l this cLase etuff ,aL1 it boils dotru to j"s different sets of shitj t*orkin6 claes shitrthe image I went throughrie different to middle class or aristocratis shitlbut everybcd.ies been indoctrinated wittr sornethingrwhether.its to be a genera-,l- or &i squaddy.
Stevell ouppose I could be labeLed r+orking classrwhere I came from and me accentiand Garrl Buehels idea af w/a is a, stupid thich idiot with a, cockney accent"Well okrmaybe Just as ItYu_pgot the accentrbut IrM not gonna play ou the fact that lrn stupj.'d"fts I i-ntelklgent as everyone else. Pete.:f think tb.erets a thing of rnaking a. personal atteck *sx Buehell"f dont th*nk it, is persoraS-,Ilets vrorkl"ng for a corporation that gets lt m &- prlvats in s, I:rlvate !:rlvate cnq$Usr/thet they ieeep ln 1r 1!l
h""lqdiri'qp ln holcl/keep ln /.v*rt,lcal vate ru.?*ryy/ llne ftrlghtne $ rirltree p ln lln I g,rrl ffi*tr?orkln$ for securi cn 'i */*ontqe.s r/tak** the money s.nd. sone b ;ij|fp${ Ci'l/ 1;/1,,e ep J-n 1lne/Vl$ .,r , it r lteve : th ,. a,ck fq:r nore/l wan't, to ,1o i d.p od re ally be ln J g shoulcl,/for t e sy stem?we 11! OK/I Bri LTE\G t sss, kn*w- 1 hs cumtarfiâ&#x201A;Źr and the comrnoll IN ANARCHY lN TllE UK/ Sr,)OClr/
a. prlvate
tn e prl lillil *t,/}rgrlzontal 1lne
l'erlicing &ird record. s;;stci:isranC *iir":t'gf,o::*r:ii'.rtpie v;o:lri-ni,; for su.cir a ne,rr;:iltri"]r r{oiJlC 'l',r 'nr..r l',rvC i,ri bc 1r:-,r't r:i that j..ir'::l,nr..So l,r,:irq:11 is cl'l:l.rl.il.;ll: .{jn"tt -4,trr1y:?he tirou;ht 'cehi::ii '.'.'ll;t hets liying :-: tlic i:ort (;i nleftyrrt'r:;ltJ '"rhich sa;'c el.ierirun* is erlua-!- arid shruli- tlo l':l:at'i;il,-t-v vl:intrlll:-:,;lr to a ccr:l,a:i-n cx!:e::.t I a;ree rgALL Tlts 6166 y$u'\'€: bo},lg I]D b*f€' Hhv€ ts€FN &A€FlfS.b0€s t$"fr
Yeu &*nffi-: f&tq€
6NY Mo6l6T? Fcn::.;':.ic. rLali,-' ci:pet:$(j,trbirt 5ene:':111 l,' 'lre l-oJ': on e ;i5.It.s {1i't^ir'i-.;' n;-;.,.r'.r?',t fc> 1,,c. l" >r''i ,.':r{" 't-t':,., ' ,... .prganl.s.*r'€ Liad,e a J.ot inorc'than they thau;ht the;." .,.;re ;oj-lll tc, I i:t#alt 1;l::i' ijj.r-i.,: ? l: ,, re:a||y:'):ri"ou riuch aboT;t ue ,th,c;r nalr have ihought a-hcut e*C iriJl c i::i :;h" i: {; r;.3.-n I,ii;. r,l;'.r r' ,{:}.r,ct. iitl;rc or.cr the hi.1.1 wiij." ih,: r"tsr.J"r ihr:;,'maCe ,ancl l;ht.' F'; * : l. *,,, -i -; :; l,!',.,1,i*,n" :, il,,, {,
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Sope & spI nnx
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have a sing}e out on tbj-er owa labelrcalled I{O BIJLLSEI1 JIIST ROCK & EOLL.Haybe tbe title sounds li.ke status quo ol so&e load of cf,ap Like thatnbut iie not a bit.Its 4 aiautes of fasi guitar bash and is great'Bought tbe si.ngl.e in Bath of a3.l p-lace€taad raog Georgertheir nanigerrup to see about doing an iaturview.We arranged to do it after a tebearsal ia Eolland farkrUot I couldnt gat lhere.At that tiaerthe band rere hopefuS.rdeepite the facl th.at they have only been able to get a bare niqisu.n of Sige.Eowecer'the rehearsal ue r,rele subsequealty to neet at nas canoelLed oming tg t!9. dpar_ture C".99 tb9 baad of,.6uitarist Riff Stirrleaiing the other JrlgickrGary and losb wi.th i blokE caLled ?ony belping them oat whea he could as hee ia aaother baad.Because of this they bave aLso had to caacel a gig they aganged wifh a youth club i.a \ngston on the 6th.Oct.Tbey are now due to play Saaeiietd Youth dtoU(eao"fi;Id Ave.off Tud.6r Dribe Kingston) ou the testh.Charlie Earper has eaid. he wiLl try and get Shag $aety ia as eullprort soqetlselnlich ',rotrld give tb'em the size crowd. they-deslrveraid @or!. reci<ons theytd-b1or the Subs off stageAayrayrmore detail aad hopefully arr iatErvies soon.Iling George ot 95?*8791 or ?67-5511 if you want tbe singlc otr caa help oul wi.th gige. SSAS t{ASfY
eouinnj95,wtri;;ri ffi#*ffiK iliwur'ry;r-*:ry"o*[i1i?fl lurrs -it lm# q
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fi -,;,* | 3he F-ulha;n ffreyhound tbie particrrlar "W" i. llii$ lTuesday was the ,scene of errch. aansoyanc€ *n*ffi; and, con,fusi.orrr-tccordj.ag to Sp$litr$ fh* ,ffi*ffifii- 1ffiii,irirffi l PACK -rr€re playiag'Cn osr arrival it, | WtoI$ffdd$.D}GruSjre{ffi lturned out the poster sai.d 5HE PAC3. $ffi ll{ever uindrprehaps this band are good*
f;ri;,l,$ I *f.Ar.aL ,il^-"1.-i *r*r'.l *,.r{'trA.rr {.^ 3-i -'.1 ,^re.{*I,rrl,rr j.iil't thoug: olrf I *Je ars d,esf,ined aaver to fisd
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,uass shanbres? A band.
j,ffi lvbo have appeared from aowhere $itb a :ra"ne so bllody loag its nst wortgh ke*p p.q,m snpportrrEe cEITIcE. lwritiagr"oiafter a. iire disco d,jnsplodsr laveutuiily
gw5l:::.^::*:T-"ilo11]ate.Visua3.1ythey € la:,:i"_D?ltr.s3x {arel,?te.saasr.y foi"ied gaitarist &. bassist/siager that 1:i]?j1+e.
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$.Bo*th is this liroppy aumber e;fu*a-to ldo anything at al]. to ae.}[ext is aaotber lnbun'song ie about pi3.es.th,e aueic is
9;;;+gsffiffil$l!iy_rY::as,ts!raj.t.rocir.Alothersong |:b::t pilchaids&buas.A lit
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wuere the
lfl':r:"";ni:":Hi l?u,lll"":13": u.
semorable numberslthea the secotd- to last improveo and is a great tune,bui'cant renember tbe uordsrand the lsf ones good too.tbey went off to a good recettion frou down the tugh r persoaally didat see a lhlng io then.They hal previ-oully beea banned ro" *5"""i,"itU:" gr.gsrso
-:;"";i:rlll*-1il"3': ?:rlx'"?: illt:1.:""e.?"33:r "r:11*1.t1?"1?T ru*i**giiru$oi[i, ""a ""itif i??f f; sas,evse?66cs ,r6,ur€ <-ricke: 4u) u€'GenrrcrNe$! aiq,e'0.;,'*i 6q:-gz#l
GRAF X/TSE I4ESS TnE LICKS /T,fiI. Ktll{soss, ErsEoPS STORSTORD 23,9 ,79 ,
Arriye early at Triad, and iato the haIl...oa 6tage rrere tbe baad we were goiag to n-iEs thanks to Brltish Bail aad the great rrlast traj.arrr doiag a souadcbeck.Ilgh.these are tHE trLIIfGOI{Ssa Souxie souad nj-th a BLondie style vocaLiet (?)tlier souadcheck lests about quater oi aa Hour as they throw aborrt a rrierd slow lrunber. foLloved by_a wigrggr slorer. riurutr.M"e{-peopre-lhere-seemed to like thenrbut I thought they were-BoRIIlG.Tbe guttariet kapt poxing atoutrd with sone pedal all the tinertbe base didnt red.ly coatribute aaytbiag tne arunnlug wae goodrthe onJ.y tLiag that didnt keep chopping aad changing all over the place.aad tbe vocale r'refe D,Earry courtesy one D.Earry Lookaiike.If alL tbeir aumlers-are iik;-iGt tirea f i* if"a I nissed- thenraud-if theyrre aoi I caat say Itn sad.GRAf X did a: sourxdcheck aest.Thie wB calJ"ed EaLuciaatioa (possibLy)aad was neally gocd'Shea cane .the tura of tbe LIQX,S (aIies the EpileptS.cs). and after a debate witb prat fror fflj.ngias who doat raa! theo io do it tbeY do. tese tlaa ha.lf an hoqr latei the thiag starts.UnfortuaateJ.y we ra-issed the first GnAtr' X number a€r ue were i:r the pub bJ.t oeparate to the stage'A€ j.t tursed qnrt is $as Ealueiuatir uhlcb wac a bit of a: bLonr.Arynsr the rest of the set is s1n:L].artagaia Sousie etyLerbut they were twice as good ae tbee poxy Klingons.Underrater iE another good lunber aed fhe ffan.tbe baes is inaudblerthe sing:tag is Cxellentrexept for being ratber Souxierthe guitar tigirateyuto use its orruers descriptJ.oareven tbough kl"iagon had to aLter the souadtaad the drunrulag ia tioe even J.f it was very basj.c.Once agala tha idiot fron tha liliagoas succeeded. in beiag a pain up the aree by tel.lilrg them to go off before theyrd firrisbed tluier set.After sone of, the b-side of Cuttthe MESS carae on.A. pretty apt name'that'fbey played aa ayerage eet of average Raaoae souad a3.j-kec aad even dicl Rockaway Beach.tbey seeged, to be enjoyiag itqas did the erosd but it rrasnt- really meaorable_.More Cut and ifter wha,t seeni iig6 an'age the Eeaaon f,or oar aausoth trek out into the couatryrt$E IICK,Srcane oa stage.Shey start rith ASAACEISI Sgrxhich geto a' f,er peopLe aoviagrtbea oa iato lARGET..twoaumbere and theytve k4ocked the reet of the eveaing rtght out the rrindoy. fhey elor dowa for UEIq'.'ALrand Co3.in rolls info a baIL hae fits.lhe souad ieat too great because turd froa the Kliagoas nouldnrt let Eeria uEe his ova f:rzabo*,raad everyoue else hag to ba?e Lon s6].uss.hmA! EAVE IOU GOf TO SHItrE ABOUT?,19?OgTAIDY PANDI,EUBE DISA,StER aLl follou in rapid suceseEionrColin cli.robing off eta6e and geaera!.ly goiag nadiAJ-J. the 99ngs coae-alolg aad ite bard, to eoapare tbea wLth anyoae else.Pr.ehaps a bit AtYieh but they have fouad a geauiae bouad of lhrier otra rdtbout beiag boriagra tuneless rackEt or eLectrriruic.t!$O YEABS TOO lrAtEranother f,aat oaertEBlES(I think)folLorrj.ag on rapldJ-y aad. tbea its SISTB{ RF"trE0?rwhich le elorrsini.lar style toAlternativee on the fret AIV }p, but Ltsabout the nedias treatneat/reactioa to puak.She b:ig ekinhead(somyrno uanc)cones on aad playe second gu:itar.?h5-s j.s the si.aglee b-siderand sJ.owLy builds up into the bionic(?)(oal-y word I can thiak of)BM,SBS sfILL A IIMI.A'fter thi-e seenJ.ngly very short namberrand a eet of around J5 ninutee they neat offlaad we ueat bEck to lhe s,tetJ.oal *oaderlng wbea thie bard xill be in luoldon agaia.
r...etarted the set wi.th Pete aad $piaz coning on stage i.n red&green uige slag:ing Dagwood Stage and piseing about rith kazoos and toy trr:.upets.fhie sas a great laugh.Eowever this tj-ne Jin the bass1st and Hark keyboards colae on firet aod do a number(?)on thier oult1a r*S'r'erd boriag a€s6 la.s was tbe get gven when Spizz and Fete caae oa.tbiE carried, or for quater of an hour or eoruntiJ.l tbe drnnnelr colee oa.Froo the moseat he starts p1aying the whole group livea up aad it seens lilre a differeat gig.Oapt.KirkrAnaesiarCold City, aad a, dlffereat vereioa of Red&BLack.Soldiersold.ierrthe nen siugler(which goes oaa bit) aad the neJic b side Virgiaia PLainrA- nev o[erby SpizzlBeconiag Kaowarwhich lE El.osJ.sh but stiLl goodqthe drunniag add:iag a lotrasd bot o*i.sg a take-over bi.d llke soae heavy netal bandror even some punk bands.They cone back for an e[core nbich is Capt.[irk anud Spizz gets pulled oyer tEe sonitore iato the cror*d aad under a maesive buadLe.Off they go aad back sa agaia for Cpt.KirL sith Spizz aor J.eap5.ng lnto th,e a:rord.they did sone cther lusbers I cant renemberrbut ihey aever did 6000 Ctazy oace.Prelaps they feeL the eamp way to that as F{ire did to l2XU.which ig a shaffi.in both ca AIfD I{OW..its tbe trl caat be&leve itrrcoruelwhich ie dedicated to the l,l.EKOl[S fbr SEILIilG o0t.Tbe beEt band ia the *or1d becooe the new tfthi.ngrt at vlrgi-u b.ippyhouse and rrho knows there night evea be a CARRtr OI,I MEKO$S in two yearsricho rliJ bother to eee them now they are going to be or 8.O.T.P?huh8tbate nhat I call obsceneftOh yee5wbatever bappeaed to tEE DESPR.A,IE BI CYCTES ?Anyone trorow?.
ef i\G
Nt{E fc*Crf:}
f.tg}*4€$ S*fts-irssr* sl!
:@B Ies its-the
rgss*y-erusarsesstst$sii@ %mg,ffiffids wrlte aad say wby & i.f you'did Eend aay Laet pag€.If you didnE like DRI ROT
rubbish you want.Didat saat to have a faazine vtj-tb' 1t page6 so beree one.trlor€,Arrd nou... adverts (a11 two of then) f*. rew BaND FoRl.{rse rN cRoyDory/wAr.r.rueros a.nEA NEED A GurrARrsr"RrNCt cEoFF pLAcuE 'raNT A DRTJMMER.$o fltasgY Blts BEqurREDrJUs[ o14r]I Krf r,$D ABrr.rEy to gEEp Itm aBo aa4t.wE FIEKOI{S/CRISIS/SPIZZ/AIID LrKE CROSS BETWEEN
OR' BOBrB[3] lesue baE
?f3;193'.ruo" to septenber to set our so christ knows rrhen no.2 wifr rone out.Dont know wbat wLll be in,it g4ept the other Crqse tape. Aalbody froa rou:rd Morden ia a baad wilJ. get a nention if they
m e"U!. f W"Hl"q Y JU,? *:*ffiffi ,:':",. -
' . i--* to miadrnot in aay particul,ar ordef. 1:adam & the aats..eo rf,ats so br1lLiant about thea? lt"wmetal J?
ilru$*t*mff !: the
r|Brrrlr rOOF}f|| qfq1l ri}t||flli
1]:the i<aack..'rthey ABE puak-i read it in the paperttcrap'l
Ww,![M#,vi;, #J ;i;:* *3ih"l::1"ff.&l*;;"m*#,'i"13'rlil"'""'"nffii,^$i!"ff",":d;#fuf'at-; 18:ehaz & d,aye..o&ore predictable eoass about tbe-pub{*Ftrd}{qi.}fii![+ iiiiff:i';*:::i*i:';'-:;*ln'=*:*1lll'i'""i
:-*y -3i"*i*i:':
l+ ::: I
fri;ffi#b"fr'ffi'jlt A A\ l lel |[)f n N l'1lc f : A D=1-Earvs . tu*;; ;; ffi&,r eg'ffitr-"d',1ffi'' l"y,H{ J Lkvffi* H JJHRL;, . o!:ii9"=il-" b:| nuuber vbicb '-v.o,i.,"'fil',tfti".1
tnri, fi,ilii'i.
lffil|fl,jfiti'i*-;o}I'f,lji.'" fliq,this reunionli6u'm
aJ go6iJ;s their
ia. alL the _ eiaser did ras To"y, lz3+567891o.After . - i:t th:Ls nunber he left stage Lookiag embarresed.. lcouat | The rest of the band-afe. & girL baeeistraaother girl on drungryhicb I
uil-ril; ;;"i1; "liirili ;"S';.il-!iiii'eost i&iresti"ei;ftiili bloke rho acts lilce a junkie oa lead guitar aad a; r*aJ.Ly/pratlia:.ot
f Ia
oa flute/eaxaphone that
reckon ruine ine entire souad.Also after
&,h.".r*e*t-off ta?t,eayipe garcaslleLy fr;v1;,;ii"i|iiifiri,.'ijLtntt,n', I l*l!_gig ry applauded very nuch foi oes'piteslipiin-s-i,iili'iniilii"r beiag so kindll Then a fe* wbeks later they ]rou f "Ths''k ililuulc-age Ine tnstde sleel -' pinnop nou q'I'l I o€ l]llggle-agetheinsidesleeve leuooorted the fALL-and hed nat n'ilae trcf-taa^Tha eiager rrrau suag nrrnc al.l the I'AIuL'aad bad nilee better.the gupported sot | I,lffiiri:1['.'*tj?:j::,"tlt3* lgis,s0_,gq,ba1qass in ty. stilidil
i 1:l"I
n.) ;:: ;:T::Ilnil"?'i"l'ldi":"ff";3i1"3'"*il'*o:"i"ff';lirlii"!"fr3, aumber is caLled Music B but thie is boriag.They hane a-great