Keep Upright Do Not Bend #1

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$ryY BHHffim" IFo IW P


Tr ow pri a6e b an ct luiosKow hav e si-gnect with the new ijristol label, Rival recorus. A debut I:.p,with Hiv"lrinclu*tin6 rl4an I'rom U.N,C.L,E.t, I Where t s Uao.dy? | s.nd t options r, r which wan oribinalfy scheduled for September releasertras been pu{i}reu back to Decer}tberror lat€r.

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ci rl er eny' V i:"l en t in The Oortrnarr. 'fhe ottrer thr€€r urru€riJex




nave Ieft

stanuar:Iy feel put cut by tnerr depart r &s they felt ttrey vtiere;;r'figressing weiJI. Flj.n-e f'evuin$ uelieveu [na.t if thtl iTlreauY recorcled tJ3$ c afiIe out t it weiuld be too 1ate . ^dut it

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demolstrate.,solidarity with Rivaf reco-iclc.



detailr ere still . tlnt:$ e ar e t10 ir,rture plaris es yet. cneems urrc

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Two of Bristolrc prenier Inew wavet bands are to play the i l,i.r.lo"" club , London , in Septeltber . ou"dez Darkx are to play on ttre lst of septenber'whilst ; are playing I frt" piedia will play on Septeurber l6.8oth oanrls to sign conpanies record enticing of i tf.u venLlerin the hope then in ttre near future " Have tne F}igp spli-t upror are tirey aoleep?Rumour has it ,, that they no 1on6er exict.But an drnfornteo source has ' told oo irr*t trrey arerlreotingnrbecause two members have . gone to Oxford to further their educationl l


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the llght.,.

Probably the uroct ctrj-kina,:around the tj .K.) , he asked hj-m thing aribut Latif Gardez, i]:f he,pllyed baor r trl'lo r but Ir that he ic an indivi_dual.Ile'i, know thio guylPaul, who doec, not part of any current trendr"ll. v,'ho can put you in touch or fashion(not even anti-faslr-'with some mucicians.lf Latif met Paul $umners( now ion l); n6r 1oes he ceern to be maniput;rteo oy--rn* ;;;;";- ilraur Darkx),who wao poaiog "o *l n.aintain any set j_nage o He bacs 8uitarict , until it wac striltec me ac being aOJofutef, found his real talents lay w]-thi cincere about hirnself ,;nd abour, a trulrpet;whi-ch hac now becone the group: There j.o no preter,cJan integrar part of their riound latir and Paul constitutei about r.,atir s;';;"--; ;;;;;;-; kind of honeoty and iirectnecs.the nucleuo of Gardez Dukx"' whj.dh one hao to admirerand yel'Latif Gardez io very nuch the t'rt'8 dot to te mY band: there i" ;;;";;i;;--;;;;;"-ni-']teaaer: which makes me feel a llttf; ..oI create the impetuc 6TO ttrc'i d.irection;I write e.}l the sonS$' f-nsecure " is the only band Irvet At the Big Youth gi$ ii...This Bl.r.stol1lact yearrLatif Gardez had control over ; if this doeo, met Geoff $ Latif wa.c not workrthen therers sonie!$;i-ng interested in starting another;wrong with my ideano band(having been in ceveral all .,?l






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i iio uuch self-confidence has ,he, in both hinceLf and in his idcas, that he f6elo sure they' will land a na jor recording contract before Xmas. (Poosibly wlth Srsnzs r Virgiqpr Islflnd) . This nucieus was augmented by Julian Helibutton bassland Danny Pepworth (now vlith colortap*s " ) , on drurnn .$oon af ter ' f Freeae (in the t was recordedr Danny vuas replaced by Charlie Llcwellyn' which brings


YocaE,:Lon i TYIIaI lrg


es hirnself best in.llven so, her does have other exprescive re-!

-l"*"o:He writec a little( in fact , the name Gar<tez .Darkx r, comes frorn a- book he is writ-

ing-Gardez j-s a lrrench word r meaning, rbeware of the dartmes -and in thic book, a sort of future - shock science-fiction s e t in Br j-c t ol n there tnriller

are characterc called rGardez Darkxr.) usually poetry r &nd aloo paints. us to the ningle; They recorded His bookr and hir Poetry t records,whS-ch demo a at Island are closely connected to his wan used to make the pressing $ong6,(Alttrough tney are prinu'ith New Bristol, around 19.ot cipally for relaxation'tt1 foeL; Xrnag * no need to $ucceed witlt themt rl'reeze t was oesigned to whereasl feeL l haYe to succinpact; itrc an although nake -eed in; ffi-oongetrand. impossible to guage juct how nis book and poetry) are based' ouccessful it has beenrj-n terms around individualsl who ha'vei of copien ooltl,due to an appal- two sides to ttreir charactersling lack of connunicati.on bat- almost schizophrenicrfor exampr ween the group and New Bristol. -1e:-rFreezer ir about a' man In fact, Gardez Dar.lot are trying to escape from the law less than pleaoed with Nevr Bri- enforcement agencieorin an unstol Recordn3-rrfilsy just ripped licencerl (U.L" )zone, Iike the us off ; fiIoney-wlserand in puoh- rno-gorarea6 j-n Betfact,but a.t -ing r}'reezet and everythj-ng the same timerhe in experiencelse.fitatif thinks even lesr of various strange,feelin6ol Milen copeilano , who posoibly -ing lligut niri , which iu orvea him$4oo-5oo in royaltieo *u",Trrc *1"*l * :::: t""* gvonmouth, frorr the single, for which he io, ol }l*t-n"oi"i" conciderins oueinso ::;:-jironmentr;;A-rm-o're Soon a.fter the oingle was $ti"nti"l:;""":*:":ttlil reLeasedrLatif deciOed to add a bccomec en-largedlnaoaituatlo4, he findc .tceyboarda player r l)ave becaussrl he rs lost in -a wildernecs of thought the oound vr a s too gas and pollution I write sparse live.rrl)ave, in fact, ic Nhen put fiction sorrethingrapd eitrenely 'veroatiLe,a-Iso piaf: ,into it-ccience fiction,if you



-itrg guitar and. trunpe t . Ilver oince he was 1)r when he picked up hic firrt guitarr (and wac greatly infLuenceo by , hory Gallagtrer)tatit has tvanted to be in s b4nd.lle ltau alwa

want-Z0 or ,0 year$ on; thi$ ic wnat I tbink itre going to be Iike:These complexcc are goingl 'to get lar6er and larger.rf

Ttrese sonBs are oonnccted-almost like a story.In a wayrhio ys geen_ $Us.-io "a$ .hiij- only hopc s:tn$s could well be alott him-

Hic songfi arerpclj.tiealr, j-n ao far &"srrev*ry vj_ew poinl ic political n but it r c individ* -ual politics, as oppesecl to group politics r which I don r t believe in: _f never vote, f ncvcr intend. to vste r and. itrs about peCIples r own palitics r the laY they ryn their own livâ‚Ź$.rl The band is ttnst juuf fun to be intt.Latif takes lJ very seriously, and is fairly ambit-ioug f or the banci. The b and play what he feelc" i s bect terned flndustrial Ja"nn r. Hr. wants to secure a good contr&* ru -ctrwith a good conipanyrand tn maKe albums , where it is easier to hear lyricsrand to compre-hend tlre illusical j-dea behinci them. It would oCI very ea$y for Gar cex Darkx to j unrp on t o trre bandwagon of sinsins about how' aweful ttre d o I e is(Latif , Charlie and Dave are ell on the dole*Julian is a computer prosre;nmcf rand haa a B,SoCo in physics rand PauI ic a research selfrac he is a particularily Chemj.stl) , but Latj-f thanks strong insividuall & n d he that f or a musfrc ian th e dole wriles by planting hirnself in is Sreat,au it lets ,you do situations which stirnulate his nore or lcss what you want- it imagination, Hif Eong's are also does nst restrj"ct you, opservations . Latif fipends a , luenc es inclucte I -tlVoc&lot of tirne wanderins around -IIy Inf i Scot t lrValker ; Itory Gallagthe city in the early hours of Davis rrnoocl n wine I the morning r with hil: ever-i)râ‚Ź- .-her;l'liles 'Aa,pFR-becau$e of fria ide&s r and -sent note - book, in which he He$drixrbecause hets a guitar* ' vrrites clown the r briigtrt irnages ',-istrf jaar. ranct trauitional vrhich he observeil ( fhese t bright Latif hac very firrn icrean imagesr then get changed into anont how the band isttThe band lyrical patternsrthen to lyri- is baned around mucf3rartcl itrn a -cals toriss r then fitt ed to around a bookr or a chord sequence.) He feel-r that not based ic a} iue a or this is the time that one c&n ' tlreory r or ainPoliY ic al unit t ilnus & really see hoyr the city is eny thindt ! It anfl it n like & cell I *it FroSrtructtlred, in ffociological ; r*s{:esrit ntartn #ff in a ctsr* ratner then physieal wftg r






Lai.n wety r the.n it multiilli*s ; ottrer sicte all tne ti.ruo-itfr* lrllen it ffitryf; pro6ressin6-t'l'*i just .}-ike football iri :liganisrr:ll *

ll rplit trF' ill'tus i-c is fil u[i ic - an o in i t self o it u enougn colrtllitlnication thr cugh that . It .frac a gre at influence , nut you ctpnf t neeA to involve I r 0h I support the cornniunis t"', or t ttre fascic t* i or clonft anytrring lixe that,....I feel this need to be so fuclc*ing reactionary asainst the

'ove t


-the Blues agains I trre RecJci , So nuch f cr tlre poli t ic al b &n - dwagon


trlverytlring Latif Gardez d.oesrseerns to fefJ.ect the rs&,*Iity he ltnours. He appears nob to be at all escapistralthougtr he saysrtll wander into fantacy oc c as sionally , b ut my f inanc ia,I situaticn alweys reminds filâ‚Ź o tl



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s.r..s00Ks urcc.


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MEnnOrV Of A FREE FESTIVAL (nsHroi, cuux' ry?o);

IT this age of constantly direeteilrwheneas: the two . 'rising and ticket guiitar.l,sis seemed to be fl,ghtprices fPgord this Free rrestival irg, instead of cornplementfng vras l1ke a breath of fnesh :eaefr othen,



air in a smoke-riclden builrl- vodl d.onlt like to classrry jln8l A qglper -qf recorri^ed. their musira and f,eeL they bandsairtlttre.bestoTthehavenocontemporar1es'ihey l"ocal talent fon absolutely rallso say they are not lnflu= nothing ls lvor:th making the ;enced bt the }iew Wave.2Jret. effort to go eind sâ‚Źâ‚Źr As wel15eir music Ls certaihiry aS Lhe banris, there tvere a rdeeply rooted there. It seems number of stal1s selling allstninge that they pliay ldew sorts_,of things; from ![e y/ave musicl when tirey- only Antl-llazi League to fndian to reggae and lazr, food. You could even book flsten was oily thefr 5t1 glg ?his yOUf Seat On the Over:1and. nnrl ttrpr, ...r-^l,linar:t ?.{l*oLus to rndia. Let us begln. ?#*,tffrIu";T#3'ffi*"o3:til*{n" ,rtg.91ped.nean1ya1}saturd?r'*ratoiina.ghIe"Seem"-io

ntorning, so making it very' be a major p"oUfe,o in ffieiof", dlfficult to set up the Marry taiOs irant ;i"t-o,rt_ stages to the necessary sid.e gg.letoLj butt;without a

requirenlent'6.' manager, thls ls -Two And a ne1.f hours artef6iyflcuit. "itr"*"ry the advertlsed start, the I '=0n ;iien r/oc1i were The meagre number of people on ' Glaxq .[&tbies. i fo|nOffi** t,he eiite were at .ilast abXe acTffiunpleasanL al, times to hear some muei.c. The'majin Tlreir jagge6 souncl. r,arl.* stage was sti.ll Leaking watery very lis,Leni'g, "nei6y so the ilnaller second stage sometimes menel;, Aeg[neratwas used. -!e4La five-pl.ece. ing into a noise.fhfs band local-_band.lf6oys, z gfrfs) i"Et-a-onti fit boget,trer played. a f,airlly bright set certainly a rnixture of of, songs you might be ab.lie 'bo -personallties- the dr"unlrrer

hum second or th-ird time 0f' hearlnge There was lttt}e visua]-

cCIul"tl :'rl&y for T'l:e ix;hCI I th* bassist laoked., f;.cLsclr nnr:l. p ley{: d 1i ke l}au} imot} o}} , b he voc{r }i st hn d" ftrr til voice, rnade worse lry his ,$

etrlvith only min"lrtral movement fnom the bando fhe sound. earne oven in one d.ense ,st;,ige nrnnnerisrn* a-rrh the bloek, leavfng you to plck ." guitalnist w'as I.'ongettable, out, any tune., Iirt the vocals . First iirrl.rress:ions ..;,rer.e Frere extremely clear and. welf" th*rt t;hey flre morc it,igl,y impa






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v$rie b;' Ltll ltrr:

{}"u"t t; lic'


ing i f: I ;* &''*r-rl]rt s By ttre #a'qcleA p&rb&' t L:i;r tr1.y 77 ( :i n r-r rrlo r"c $e carne or:r the w ,-r.1r.r1 titO f, bi 11 t'felr J, briglrt enecL uF r and. there werf iioweverr l:lrvj-n-: ;,:l-ep-L t:11 I1olv a few hunelred Feople si tito I i:Illl rIC)\nI (:ont'tittcr:l11 thlrt; ting itr front of the Ini:.itt t;hcy ltsrrr:; striveri 'Lo r: i;ter i:r sta$e * Yiilth the 11ne*11*c of' Lhi s $ou.irri-/nr:i. r,* *f':l-'er:t. .i\. guitar, trutttpet an,-t- kesr i1uiclr 1oak a t, Lioiiic o.l' i,,].tr: boards, there was the sonS iit'len nckJsi t;o thi,* t''' fLost pos sihilj-ty of great Car-i$er:rl, bel-ief : I I t mu$lcs]L variati on vitithin iiilled iirucc l-,ef; n I;'}en].r the J:,end., I b may heve been i.i nd t, he lii or gt vrr r l,i i nt: o:l' r mix they had"r, bt:t lt the ljlhe,te lrnOt s lije1* e iuier:J_r lj,r:r t that the kelrboard"s seemed. rel * rl r i at 1]r ing ( * spec j. a lly j:i; trurnpet ancl i r: si ril*'l y The i"lltix e: j.'ol:' trumpet the 1;jris soL;"ttrl lvlrich. ,tt,j.iFr. ) were irot the f or.e enoushu brought to c i.b he r rnCI t s i"nil t o bl:.e $pot lnras absolutely There no or rtlpels ;r)i-l *if '5op 1;ha"f;f s any atmo sphere and $.pplnrune f'i-nen i:*l* r L tl



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t'r] h;r d (: CIIlt* pipirt sf, , i:y t ely" iti,p Ctl'5S1L)i:1Ueflr fiY t!$e ?s,,1"e 1B r-eE%Ly J-re l; itne f,'fie ,uurop ap;iea red {Lis tttldtstofrs r}Jls}jer to lhe iloirslton lTulrJeettr??)* Any ban$ ''rJl c play e.n *ll(.: ir"** i r. f e st va i l' r., rl tlte tr' ?r:-l- evr:tr$i{i, rrrr-rst ;\ny

n tlito




li l ,t',i,' wlta t t he.y i;l I'€ '"i oin r 'l]:e fiuro!€;:1T1,$ c erte in-l_3r d"id.. j_1,


irst ccltl:tir]:ison I'res 'rith j. s ng " 'll:e3r ]-o nk t r en'J yl rf ve,r.t i s i ng } i-rut areyr t i :ke rt { "t , ?}i*;r h*ve 'b h*'*rit ,$arite f armet rr $ ir,rlvt*rt i s i.n.$ r *lre rocll ha *ed" a::rl nnl;r vsr,ge CIi1 pop iii"y f






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Tlre op*nsr, t -ilur:'oll*i,.tts t (whit:l: i s S$itrg 1, o ir* t]:*

*irlsl* i, esteblishecl thr;:lr arrrJ" tlreir {:oi}nfgten"{, rr}ltg icin n*}ri,:r -elt

inu,*ical. n t;yle

l;ili:resr ,$otilr*ing 1i_]rc the be st lr$ i:t n 13f Sl:e Z*ne s ( pu rt i{:t^1 l-a r'1r' {*-x*On-LCI::,tllpe t

lirf,r"s r, 1*;n


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in,i it j;l,fi;,i,].tr;I'





s voc* In ) eh l;l:r:: titcs1; ttcrnorit hl* ri(lt;lg nf l;he rs6t. The J',ey l:6ir prl ll'ie:trt,:rtri'J $ollgS i1]:e t,hr-: r:*b* rTottathn.


only.pol1te" Kven after e subtle plee from Lalif Gard.e ,YLabod"y st irrerl* A-s with most Brl"stol auriianser it t s either all up, * or everybody stays d.ovrn* f,t wa$ a ,slrame eYeryhod.y stayecl seat ed, beceuse the set rva s excellent * Latif Sard eu, he s some gocd" irlea s, anrl sonle rrery strong songs, Both of the s;ingle were played. with Dnve (ttre newest rnemhsr r on keybcard.s ) d"oubling as guit*rni st.o ljlrlt] ,two guitaFs r this geve the 'sorlgs rnore strength mhlcing them the two strongest in the set But ilar:kx are a thinklng man t s band.e "s.nd. their fiongs n$ec1 further llstening tr: be fully particule.rly, i4lprec*ated.,lanA songs like rt.t's Caliei s.nd t tTobody Rule$ oK? t . Tl:r newe,:t $ong $J{r s t *$teeJ- i*inr whic tr $€r:rir.$ to be poln"t ing vtras

Stare I vocals sould l{azz-lased dlrectj.on i'rhichr.ltoo rnuch rLke Elvls costeilor' t.Iplesun€l^1gwhatLat1f,.andPhi1Cougerp1arystoo want$, , ,mrrch like Bruce fnomas for l$ardea rnost The lntenesting song bhe band to be really origin,i . :l-II t,fi€ SeX was lne OnIy ^ al at ttte mOment, non-or'1gina1; Seott waikerF" these cnltlcisms :r*inl F*om The $treetr, uvrvvv ,r However, u+II Jrrv . t lMrr t lfGardez Darkx

in a more

; ;efi


---:-: -.; -aside, tney are an interest_, i bancl, ivlth intrlguing i guitar. for* 'ing swopped his ;f,atif ilTnw,'-,1 i il*;::-*^,e t-. /rn.:{na tl 'Howarcl !-' Songs ^+^'-^^-^Cralne fn la been can and staggered. trlexicot, about an Ameri1*"o""4 ifr" JCoSu, oceasionallyN"ew I poet ' s . suic, I Feet rnicrophone to th.ei,r,eturning 9gt ty Gerald i,wo. gut t1e $tart ]l'ialklngl'?ITew ,tfor a verse or lValker-Jnr.1 qulte Hearts fn 1o wonk 6ue dldn,t ""* ,ii":fu"nCf, uri.i the fact that Actionr ancl ?Love Fallornt t 'i-t, see*6d to lack a partic* _(about a bloke strtek in a ',iiuo-ii;;. - 8";- ii er-;rpu d.onf 11ft-shaft ) , and t'rhe $aint j]|Fril;"ir-Crt*l' *'I1i ilot u'" Jean \tlnesfi are particular ]aoie io riira out what works exarnples. But the two most memorable 1and what d.oesnrt.." son$s vrere the__single I Blnleft to ; minghamt' ,j any. vlsuaLs were if,atii,- trn one numben he also cqva,Ltv!'and r llere Come ilhe tr&p 6q- ve* wlth his li;i;;;.i .j . i' --*':-* -:. . -.' llr+s.y vq rti"-e"itar 1-. lt -became: darkert n" Iteei,fr, pernaps showing I !ts, ,Hendrix-tnfluenc€Sr ItItl's all 'r the only piece of rea113r occupoart of the act!'rt he remapked.- bad organipat&on Fitzgerald; PatrlR red. trumpet l-pauf Darkx blew hJrs had" to,*lay at exnctly ,lsklllfully, and made extnernely jokes lhe again. now and i ttre same time-as ?he ,lsffrv OnlU Onesr_which mge1'! rock steady.r; wag inhythm section between bstlt Tvanrlering Ll-e:nr&llyn iCnarlle _banged-_ ?yay stag*s grab"bins &s rnuch iglesfully on hls drums whlle as possJ-ble. lluttan hllbut was Just efflci-i of each act wa$ grlsffisral$ ent, wi-thout excelllng hlmself* €atqrb. the $&m* for ebout his on on versatilitY had. i,Dave }*ngth of time as The $l-CL€* ,,i All that t's ll.eed"ed" now is, a Only One s : t+5 n: j-nut * * f saw hi s f l rst i*-nC. .recofd.r, last numhsr$r Ancl fnorn ,**ffiffi-6ernHffi; ffiIre wlrat f s&w, l:e s esmed. has'is, 'now d.ropped" ffiplayed all his have s'o ,,:.ncl progr?ssecl tn & mclre t rrew wave f' style o, They provid songs *rqrrJ nn i d n 11 hi n r ded a pleasant nncl nlightly l,-^'oelns etnil wa s start ing ,.

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tl:ougl: rtct sxcitirt$r ch 'becarne Insrtr back*. ,Stround. to the *theln festi-/-rJeil.selss-$ '"ities {anri t,he ichs.ttering in front cf the

rrgei-r:. A dirtrinutive f i gutrs r hi s ffiltsi c' Put s ilcrCIss a $rerrt ':leal

' vtlried, set ; vrhi

1 ,$ter{e } r ,.:-.l'-







of bitterness about life an* pesple * lle ste rt e ql

flow orl to the Si.g:* The set, nt i i-1 f :- *,:;nl-g l:a s e{* r..ff*:un*, "i; he *.I **:ru lriii) s-{i *f wiii c i'i wa s record.ed" ovtrr a Year asor before l;heir Becord contract

i-ntitir a pceru nl:out how he "Ll::t": s Ci m*fl:*i:i* {: ***" lvit}t .'{ilorld- t' I -ilW* cirh,r).g,{l i; iie i at b i iud-e . H} s $ongs are , very much &rD*r-lt ever;tdaY-

;i ,.q



*r Bac]';street foYs l' thiirgs tlit,tlc Dippers r, t sourrcls i of l,is street n I{i s }yrie s ri are siniple Y et' ef f ect ive. i The;' implnnt an i-nrage in ,


CF$ )


Peter Perrett r in gl-ittered claFs r st oorJ" on t he extreme right of the stage near his anlps so he coulrl hear his



to star,rd" ln vocals. I{e used .t,he stase'r andof mid-dle the ,,j,. even vli th rnfurit or s a s Pov/e r* ' t kre nro st ent hus ia st i c ful as the FA, he could. no* au,C"ir*tlc€ of the clay; and" hear lri s vocar l,s ' : Fightly sol' TheY hacl" all There were three nev!'songs i returned f'rorn vri-ll, Iexpeet, be 0n virhich i: halldeys and" so preparati< alblurt which they *lre new the :: on for the $*g" had been process of recorcli-ng. t,,' the in ,$ntall arrd hurried *hence was over t,he conf'L1",gion There i *o stroboscoper riate it of rel€l -either '$e The Only Ones ltave heen ?{ovemi:er or Jerrr.uary. f ,She Says together f or tY*ro yeer$ Yras the open€trr Jolrn FerrY foririlng in the most, clecorat ing the song vri tlL unlikely circumstanc€s r sone splenrlii i3uitar' FerrY Feter Perrett met John s llke Rn art i st n int r:ntl'd.0n i form to decided Ferry and paint ; every det*il, He a founela band, f'lrey pieces if cnntinue ex*$pooky but ilrulrunsr rli r1n I t end. ii the songs Ke}l,fu Mike drrmxn€F Tooth r I s loy,rer' nurnber e t }tlowe rs Di e cams into a rehersal rCIoffi lTas very rernini seent of Lou I anrC. prCInounced hinrnelf Reecl t s t llua lt< on The tri'iltl $i de the rus.n for the iob ( sounds like Keith i'doon sspscially the bass line' archives Ed.) even though .Th; third nevr number we,$ the other d"rurffner was ' t i t led t You I ve Got To -TtAy t'n g$or1":tlan Itrtair ioined" tn, ft was only the seetiln,3 time evell mor* extreme c ircurll- they had played it. After staflc€sr He heppened to one false sta rt r 'Lite 'superli jerky riff evolved. It Yras be passing a rehersal L:es:b of lheir new non$s. room The On"Ly Ones were the i:oth si11es of the l-'irst ll,$ing and" noticed" rttvro chicksn he rather lik*tl. single Yrere lllayecl and ahout He walked" inn not i ced, a ira lf t;he a I burn. t Tlre ho le has$r played arounrl far ]f The Law t sounded slight}y a blt end" lef't." ffverYbodY- bare without the snx r and" r aftnired him" I{el}le Avro-bher Cirl r l\notlrer i:)lnnet I happened" to know l:im anrl f'*&ture.: d- 5:a rt i r: ul-n rly st rong r"liytl:nr piiiyirrg (1t is ,$oot"l sI) he Sot t}:e io I'ru i your ntind'

PlaYed to








, i






i;o be re-rtl-eir.s*,ln



t,liey dlrln't push lt harti

ba.ncl; Haedov.g-ry

iprogressive eilouglif.i:s.b.tirr:e).'Lto:^'g-iiis{,who,Jis;-r1.ayefffit. uege ;)rohiemt r-ri Lli irs I TEaT'they are- on- extrenrely superb lyrics ancl tThe Bead eompetenl muslcal unit, who rrhich sounded" par.ticulanly ] enjoy what they do* They viith some excellent ; sounded a llttle like Steely strong . uuitar" from Perry. Koulla I Dan in places; Huqgett who eame on stage to stng on nlayecl ird raieffi-verOf, Furrt ancl the encor{ iioils of Rock t'nt Roll ]cit"y t'The Ironortal Storyi. i gneats; Lizaq.d vrho vrere. Flnally, at the end of tH profabiyEceTlent, but dayr some kind of atmosphert repelled me. prevailed, d"ue to a superb I Socfqt__Sgglti_lg clid nothiet' fn SeptemberrThe Only jingT--Jrnp::e5;lTfelrt frorn 0nes embark on & sevell rreek tour of Hngland. So end.eth $aturclay on

r stage annotlnc erruen'bilRisht. this is st hit of FunE RRRRRoclc rt they wers

t hei


utt*rly predictnble, ever high note. $und.ayr in compari son vva s , sltpplYing the obligatcrr:Y a great dj. sappointment, It ", 1 23t+ bef ore every ntunbstr r rained hard, anC, inbermit* , Social $ecurity are a group tently dunlng the morning lvho thtnk a lot of tl.l,en'and the music didnr't ,,selvesr, w$ich in the.f"endn exactly help matters. But is-*fr"i *Iif stop them -r" as saturd-ay, as the out of this ,iro* wor:e on, the sun calne d.ay'rith ;Brlst.ol backwater stard'om out and things became a whtch they fincl themsel11ttle more pleasant. ilhe ;in t*?Srouents musj"c wijisa great rleal more At Grunwickrva-niecl as vre11r with every-,, 1Z3b -o""*"fur**. A;-ior tfrei rI'e$r the ur.*r.l-lfYllii',I*" thing ulurrB fr"om [tusiclan.s r'lrrr"ir.a.l rrnrr.l .l -^tl :lyrica1 r.nrrf.e,.,*.. contentn fT coulcl notf

3ffi3 fl3fl'tff,3?'3ff3: ""u

il'i#*:n,ii::[illi:frli: inspined musj.c till late bhe eveninu. --

l:t*;':**:tl: *t"xi*:l :*^,


ffi$:;:?li:i5;j wi i"; ff#:i*is]ff fi"e ui it,n**r at best

wlA hdr"Taai t i. on;1*i.rn',o5u*1.

of rock musle seefned. to be the orcler or tfiI"ali ii*--,rn3*3"t;::"ii-:i,E?llt$1nce rnost.of it ), wlth a speciaf;;;;i;"i-piu*". Howerrerr representation .th;t ;h;;"ii.-a rnodic'rn of Jv sbrong from Jazz-Rock. Unfortunat"l*ii"o"'-.] ;;"; about l{'e


know Itrttle

or nothing

lii"'Ero"*P'ffiirli"Sllir.rty rny ro l!::l=llggg_ror:mp, ili ?:Tl :y?l l"u,,:f o31t:" : * 1*.** 1,,..,1o ;;-;'"'rI - i"n'i, wir:" e rr r e " *hv thev I9l"ljlr,tt"'e rniin neason ^tT".:::l:1.:"-::" lnentlon are !^ J\1X. -neavy.,/ii6nrt* oI' Ilawever,, lf ilre;r-

* f,ry rtrui t e o }ta rtl , *-p i l:t: *ru::lnirrg eirur:l 1f v:arie* the Yoca-Ls a bitt th*y tTiay }e s'b unt i 1 next ye*].r I s f'e 'gt ive, i- * ller'* Anei i'{og played ir: t}e bn the Inain fa stags" ilhey been bi}led" to pla;'CIn the $aturda;r. f jus L heard. the la st tv;o songs in their net r one of 't,hem hreing the excellent t Opir-u;r For The Feople t . The large auclierree seemed. 'r1i r3n t

bel, te

r song,$ anrl s. ntxnbe r

of hi Ei r:r j.ginal cover versions (e what? *literary }ld). f sairv ju st ove r ha lf hi s set and by the t lnre f left everyi:orly was on their f e et . 'Sport ing ili s I Fe st lva I h:onn€t | , he $Ltpl:)liecl u,$ vuith the t inner heat t we aII neecled.' JlTow that Christian Borrle has returned t he can aff ord t o exper j"ment inore r;nd expan.ri hi n i de& s r ft also lets ldilquette fill Llre whole sotrnd out 'ntore t extrernely app.reciative ?:ut now that she needntt play t,ime we'$ runrling short and gli s sanc{.o. John ivic}cenr. ie t so they had. to make way for notv red-unrlant &{'t e r }',,{*rn Sunnercade who Pleyed' me cli- spllt rF r played f lawle s s ba s s and ad d.ed we lc ome ffirock. Ylie first thing the €vent-Eg, back-up vocals but in. too ,$m411 i-irnount s.'5teve I-Iillage organi rer *ver knevs' o{' to he returning t o seems lvas $n" annot-ln* Acge.lr_rato"L$ playing lomger songs r after Lliey that tl:* Fl-tE CrinienL in hi s dai:bling wlth shsrt r{gf$ p}eylrig the Ashton hit-s, tne& one s. Even Inree rrentival", Tire ffit I s I Ge"bt ing Ire st lvgr I organi- ser s *i (i not Lennen/{cCartney t' epiiro*.clt thern; n*r dld The Better Yie s given t he space treatment * iSut Hitlage i s Jt ccel-erato rs ePproach the orge,nisers *they just turrr* always best when he gets ed ilFr expecting l,o;:}aY. ,$o ing rintl thc rhyttun i -* lTitl,r thi s knowled"ge r You st eppe el * up r There are t oo songs in hi s few of these l:ri$ht l:ave *xi)ected" The | $alrruon $ong t net. Sven be &n t* Accelerators obnoxi ou.$ e ra shr loud" j*ch* wlth lts potentially ord. wa st elanrl t:ur:]r baild r othl powerf'ul riff is sornehow played. at half*pacs r Some songs get going f or just a jr.:nrped. on thc bandwagon ln ,$

r-li eqJ



and havenft progressed nincs I ,hardlY vrorthY of a 677-

mgnttan *1rouftd. he right'.

As the evenirlg vuore 0l1t it hecatme a Sreat clea 1 cilIder ar"lr:1 it l"'Jrir:nf * rintil ca-Irle on t ltat en lo Set better I{e g,lnye d r* "bwo hcur ns t in*brpsrrlt in"t$ rrtns t, of lri s

f ew seconcls nnd. {,}ren sud.derl* 1;r revert to a Inore n&tura lt j swi shing sort of sound r €S. t t : Searchins i"ror The flpark . ' rJ o


s lthi Ie $teve ltillage ir/{}.'blre lng hi s ntuf'f , up cln

;olher sitegn a nrxnber o:[' llri st ol new wave bantl s t\re re playtng. i'rh*:: I rsache d. th* stase r r? seetningly*uF

Dlrnd v/ere lllay j-viij. iJU,I o-i.' l';iii.Lt I rirrul,i tlte:y,$erjtrrir(l i,o caILed',ilesco Cha"lnsto::e,hei,rl'e |iu;aqsacffiiner:tuttr.es9iroo)'"$i.lntlirl,iec,.,ni., two ntentlrers of'The ll'leclla, i'iiytlriir sechion. I:yr"ics, one ruember of Vocli anrl idick e-rcc;pl, l-'or i;crric cl-:orr-ise$


i,.iI")(J..:it:;]i"{,.1:.l\.j{:}:'{jl;.Lri*,:.i; ;jIlcpirer:rJ. (no rlott.i-''t; at it i'rrler:ipl-rera'blc. '-lhe i'krr-[j.r;'lter encl blre clemise after. ;1oose i:ir,-'-i 1;ri ,r:lf vj: ttrrl i.Lr] 'clte;' lei;rt{, 'fhe Cortinas). 'l'hey

cover versions 'llayed grll thr: incrcdiole ;includirtg tAll The Day Ai;d Of 'i(inlcst All 0f The i.Tiglrtt. Energy pourgd. out of 'l,lr.eir eans anO it tvas ive11 r,vo.r'th waiti-n-g l,he cirly juqt f gt -' {)n i;o T}tc lner-1ia rry-hor-


ii cof?r-{;ll" oil l,lri', elrla lJ {: "Lit.i.{ie'l r:.1-, Jr,.. Tlic fe.:stival f'lirall;' eliirc t,o iltr:r ,:u1l ripoi.rt, :rrr liorrl :al'ter tl:e fj-nst eoitl.',]-aj-;r""Ls lfroln Ihe pâ‚Źii'1,: of i'ir:ia.1s i'rj.ti _ir- seL, J-'.r'otit ;llie -ilirl.rlc. ,:l -onloOlieP j-'i'rc)1lrt,l i-t-r

'lubi;r,:11 1;}iern



Feelsoo,ls' *'d si ti ll"il, .,|H?l3lu3"ol,jj,,;:;3.N":#;"'r,rb3r rfhelLi fet'"; ycans ,1

,lvorth 1'Jatchillg. They uJere also extremelJ wâ‚Źl1 vuorth ffirvait. luzlcocl<s clidnf t reall;r enten into j.t. llhe sound. s)'stetn was rtot aiiiaz-


to tnu'.|' a coulcl be a realrv ' .(i(Jr"l. 'l 'l l"l r:) l" l- 1.. r. -.r' .


lil:i ui1'rr('L'





t j



In the lrrirLe open spaees of tion is tiglr.t and the $u1beautifully; clifton live the tvl6,Lla- ;tars intermingle 'l,ake pri-rle. of llhich is faLr'ly surprising, ;The vocals non-. tlie of seeing that Cl-j.fton- fs fuii place: a mixtune ord.i.n:rny' amourous, sensicalr of O.A,Ps, trenclles ilnd. and serloupe lntellectuals.. ITot tlie type of area that a f new wave-i- And thatts all 5rretty gooct band might revolve 1hemsel- r'eal}y, when you reallse the vesaro[nd.B'',ti,tho,1ttsonebandl-initspr' .been tpgether of the best f'new wave r bandshave only of' thi-s- year, Februal:U' slnce in Brtstol. The I'{edla are a five pieceiffi-rinele l'i'lt*?_TP-:( bant1 , vrho base thej:.n musid vocals'?9|" :19h1 -le"}l?It direcily around the guitar ivocals,2?): t{igk -(guilall !?9), RacheL -(b??*, Yo"l;lt' e,.nd strong tunes. fheir ntusie 1s 6xtremel.y energetlcl9)t and Thos -(d'rluns, Zttr)' anA purf*ct for tive pe;fo;:Thby all_Iook extremely inahcesl in fact, the penfe*t,normal;.Rachel being a $urrlive band. The band slem 16 iogate -ITow,$iottxsle on to the hletorv' rn h;;; ;-;;;';"""i[i;it;;;l;;fornut^of griginal *itrt oitt.* ln thein theil year'-onty tvio iasf, e;rly "tErt playine; ancl proJectlon of



it;i;';"ru;. "i;;

l :







{ ffi "rl: : 1I+


I 11

:e1s .J


fi I

t , Irf

l' I

J Utlli , RACi{HL , BOB I THUri I'l '


&nbrane left I l,Ilck after oire sie antl Rachel the bandstayed (hooray for our hero) (who r*u u"Uf*" arlu The t_'Ire Primates .rl.].lllales conse"o"i"e)-toot dorlrt and cons John , ihis p]-aee* The other two to off Lonrr.on li"""tiv-ou."t members wgrg Frnbrane, on key- ifo see- r,,frai was happenlng. boar.d.s u(r.:lr-u.D crrru Uvans \Jrl and. -fL,.DDs-Lr Russell rv.?rr.r, on ir,r^+r.l;- llfgsr ;;. drurns. rrThe rhyttnn. sectlon ilrtrothtng t too tishi rirst.- i "ronrr"returned" to Bnistol ,ryaqnfwe lvere. rtnd

stuff lilre

"i playing old- lrr,-'iffi";;;;'""iiiir;il;: lillusioneb., an,f with the

iust rLond-on

Lacly''rr. l;;il;-;"iJirtio" or joining At that tlmer.-.i1_seenls, .. itfr" Media. I{e needed un oltnone of.them hari. flourished lr*t ro*-his-songs. At this ,i*..:l*tlll* yl:ii!-q:_ ltime, rhe media-vrere using |l:, lt*:{_:o:!i*}i?11-::, -_-_ ir rol or &nbnane's- uo"eu--["a Russell Evans was kicked. out_iuom" oi }ti*r.iu *"o *u"E..nlt last. septernber (now in-a rgUpioe";;-;il; But... band) and, &irbrerne l.tas leant r--;Ti.-Jr,iiiE.a",l"ili wrren r on to leave. Hef s nor.r in ,.j19in*a-il;iit.*Th;-";il; ;" Folnt Blank. Things,norv begirj,iia tot"iiv Cfi""e to get slightly rnudd.]e<l and hyere non oi.lyltranged. ab6ut two or ineomprehensible* it_h:ree songs tirey wene rt seems at thls tlnie, Joiucloing ln :bhel,n"t set ner"ore- rplaying guitar for The jolnerl.rl prirnateil and they needed. fhings continued t6l change another guitaristr rio John ,, lf'or ttre better lvherr fn"u-'?,$\Ed Nl,ek to Joln fqom The Joined. in Febnu*oy. A"-**_ rlviedla* sick rvas none too frngush sttrdenb at nfroi"aEure of the rnove but said he anri I'a eniptr_rle t'o" Uiie;, fre mlght if filrrl:rane. rernalned in bras orrr., ol't itrnee ctnr:nrnJri vras

au(l].rlonecl. ile.nact somel,ning gans tha"! te.}l peolle to r1o the other tl:'urrmers haclntt: thlmgs. Theyt'ne* jubt potrnts ilThe rea$on r,ve picked hirn ,of vi.ew, fn a way, fhatf s was because the 1st rehersal lvhy ltrs called riie }declla,'r he came,to, he was saying, i lctually, the name transipired. in a pub in Knouile, ]ive11r have you ever tried this and ever tried that?t" iFebruary lg7'7, when a name fhe othen drprnmers just want-was needed in'a humy. ractc ed. to play. Thos v,ranted. to , to the songso r . frWe take a lot af etten,tiar }:e nlor e invo J-v â‚Ź d, wh i ch i s very apparent., rt ls imposs- ; to getting things right norr. ible to forget ire is playing.ji,e donrt just blam it out, I shoulcl thlnk if he was - ille stil1 en<i. un rsith sorrleplayimrg down a coal shaft, ',i;hlng rrvhich ls fairly slmple rvhile the others r/ere bash- iernd power"ful, or try tol but ing around on a slag heap we take t lme tc extr)erimâ‚Źr* r rbove, hef d still be notice- 'Some s,ongs, lvetve trled wlth tble. He ad.ded a new (neces- 'about sii Oifferent 'beats.' sany?) dimension to the band ,sometj.mes-theyrre alL erap, rn their way to fame a.nn forlso we rJontt bother to Oo itl bune.". I All thls is very apparent t'Hers a really. sol.iclr pow- ,on thelr demo tape, i,r,hicf, :rful drummer as rr,ie11 as they played us. -They d.o being Agneed. thimgs extnemely professionYijtth bobh .Tohn a,nrl Thos j.n a}ly. Thelr songs nre quite :he band novr rryou corrlcl say, easy listen.i,ng with little ;his"bhabandts only been togeth- that jars. lhe songs that

t long rea 11y, 'r ?hi s st i clc CIut arc the rnore potr)* to inf er that their orientated ones- r on fin- *ltt t sal r ly cleyu a"re f a i r ly di sand the $ong Y,/itli tlr* $r:rli* rosable. rh;nne beginning, furasery tlvew Bloodt. fn fact, dhese The original- irlea vras to ]ase thein rnusie on guitars. 'may be their weal<est songs lick wanted a band like 1!iC5, arnql the quicker they get a lhe Hear"tbreakers. necording contract, the rtOut: music is stil1 basecl er we wi:.l know. .l\,il the soon)n just energy and" guitar 'bit mu- songs are expently put together with plenty of varliic' we tny to unke it a atiou", good. tunes, e]roruses li.fferent... bit err a straLgeF. tr The ir $ongs are a s ,r{pod adli interebterf. it rong a s some 01. "Lhe be st lile e ,, tl You never know, sonss ?r luAlt* )*l n*s in Rrita in rneaning Therer' and lluasntt ', ;hey vrill- ln *t and people na Re A Nr-xruher I rtm y tul,rr out get lvi 11 not tropef'ull;t ) , to ?:.* t:l* to bg plery*{:l :ored llstening to thent time on Rarlio One in fifteen yea/8 rft*r tlnt*' : Llme" ffiIs *rhout *inrr* $oIIt{": It'Ih*y ilt s u,$ually junt clnssie ssng,B c&rne uut Dlto th* Bristol. Partsi e*pecia11.V Lbou'b otlr fefi,otlons when Raehel sllesr-lemi$db'l not llke s1s* .t:rgs. Theyire ?r



grea.t rlee.-L ol.' 'y'ertetre* .r'ficQfil- (}o}lli]Any nre illtereste(tion. This holcls vsell 1.o:r ''Lhey ivant to see t,he bamd hence ?he },lnrrluee gig. the I'IIa1I' bhe tirne lvhen ve p11;'iltristr:l bqryds ltays el repa -qong, \ire r1o it ln a parti-rr:rtation_ -ltrs e>ltremely hard cular--uvay, simply becairse 17" it,o_bneak_out of' lSnis'bol' dontt wair'f it lo"sounct 1i1e iohn:rtff'I neally viant to 1,he rest of'whert gre d.o or ri-e s'baft another" banrl, f v'rou1dntt do it ln Bp1stol. f td lvant it to sori.nrl like t;lre ogrposite o.itvhrit people rtiglrt:r;o tq Lon'Jon to d-o it' Y ou think it should 'sou.nd. lilre- ;' can get riuite a lot of titlcces$ 1n $ristol l:ut still go ergilinst tire grain.r' All tt,




c iln"i'u.$i i 1"1.$ r hrr1, lv):a t b* ncls cl o


1: e

i:e nier*ningles,r outsid.n liut r:,rlia b b hey rea lly




actuallf like to listen to. to do is get their musie a much wirler Their likes are an amalga- , ecross to (: rj enc ljn t ura l}y a re c ori i ud r ilrent mn t i on of' bancl-s, i.rnhn : f'ulf ccn-bract i ls bhi- s * t:n anrJ. On an'j on al;out #}en t"1?art 13r j;ecau,$e : John L,1atlr:ckts songs. T]:c,$ likes ;' I tte* in the lieve song$ ,*rt&. songnr l:errtnlce short r sintnl* r fob lileer: Capterin Reeflr*ar:t, l;i ii;rs i' f nee The Only Ones and the vronrl- nbsolute;ly no point irr be'ing in a band if , ett every erful Brrzzcocks vrhereas jig you playr youtre not Rachel ts fonrl of The Alex f

ittg )rour s e lf .. ?he lde d.i a trva nt t o eree t e fun and enjoyrnent. Thntrs b$io writers in tire band. but '- ,he only reasonr in rny opin, io?r for gigs. Aften a1J.t Rachel has just lvr'5-tten a itts extremely hanrl to be song lvhlch {he rest of the


en j oy

Iinr:vey i*:nfl. ltlick lvnsntt bhere to coltl]R*ttJ;. At the moment thene are

profound. at gigs even if band are yet to hear. ?he song vurlting prfucess ie. i;he songs are -lynics eire '9o,;i of the time inaud-itrle. a long driv,'n out ffiainr, ALl bhe bancl ane collectsometimes lasting a year. money from the gffvernthough worthv,ihile Fortuna'Le1y fon doing no$hing at ntent wlia.t a reconding Ancl of' contract? Things seem to be bhe moment' Thos has a accelar;rting slightly in this'post-gracluate grant. He feparticular f ie1c1. Their []an- els evenyborly has accepted Sem* nt hlr s s ent t l:,e i r rlerrlc: i:he fant th*: t he I s opted out, i



to Yirgi.n, R*cJ"nr andl tr ft I s like il gatne of' tennis :fll$ recorrls anr] 1;lrc tnnd nre ancl f t ve cnught the ba ll fi nd. ;r};tlrils$ ?hr: i,,ifir'{1t1"s* in iiept* f tm s&i}l ,$tandins in the tt Tht'r"b t s Univer,r I t;f *nrt:er pu-re-l-)' "[--c:r tl{icord t: ortrt . &*ntpri ]:1i g g, t; * i:;:-;'{:} t; }tr:n. t*lr*rc :







I rt




.L i



rj.f'{j fi



* *;:inlt rsiil-1-y 1rrr1"g* i131 * lr i;i I'rj i Fr . rf Tlln t I'0*,


, ,,1-t'.; j-l;

l,lili t


' il


..,,,re'r.e 0Lg ].ri ,n;i'or'rsi

education L'or,J.'ou-.





Theyrd. all (naturally) pre-_ TheSr are'pfeased 's. 1nitl 1:he fer to be on a_ wgge aE oppose4r,rgrl,.u it't;hei:r: pta;r:-r:rg. bo lt being a hobby. T!9"ta tt ,,ras falr,ly 1-uck;i reat.lyr also feeL a great $eal happl ,lere lv's rro t,ecoril .:r: r^ruil_ ler if ihey vrere' pla.ying all l:'.city i' thei.' early niys the time. Rut they all want .' beciruse triillly bands i,,,iro bl,:.,r* anrl. gir"t si.ngles out lers.L year are to play their ovrn music 'by record ,5ir,rr** iliri u up or mâ‚Ź.sse r.r pp. i?-!_P"rli"llll-lffiil companles, rnanagenient etc. I r'It uroiitArve'been .fohn:trtrf tirey (tfre manage- pj_ce to have rehearr,qer1"*uiiiy fon a nrent) water d.ovrn our. year and be at thjs stage no.o,; ttusic ernd make - i t mr:re llop|y and come out and o1-ay. ie L,lrlrn it lvas r r t cl. leave,. Part- lvoukl t ve iio L a. tot rlbre ivel-l ly because I lvouLdntt be aiile l<.norivn straigirt awijry becetr.rse

h* pla;r tl:nt "$CIr'"t, cJ' s'bu"ff' rnd it,t' ,* :'tCI-{, irr ]n* "t;o Co itru' f f ;i ou t vc n{:\trer i:eelr'c;. of' Ilh* lr.,tetl ia, t,lr"n.tIs nr:t .}rour lnult. Theyrve had. sorne bad rr:ganlser.ti.on eoncerning gf,gs 'rrlth ha.r:c1"]-y anybody turning tpr ancl. there hels been no rdventising for them. Actually :liey are qulte travelled. conirarecL to otner Brisl,ol band.s.

jrfirrr):l-e rii/oulilnrt l:irvry s*{*r}. u,*


ltng te: 1.:ir:k; ii.i] fi.rl ft r,,'$rrLri 'l;l, ii. grei,it vi*t;:ite if' l,hey wen'l, qtr$orneLroiJ.i; i;nn.-d"*


trr:ticecj Jlort,heir career. see l-rirnd,s like th-i.s you hoi'i t-lc)lnr:' bands have recortlinil cont;r'*icts and" even hr:ve alblrms out.I o|l,v irope conle$ 'r,rhen J/ou

out of l'heir ivia-rr-1uee IJig. fheftve p11yer1 in exotic pl.aces litcet r,ul;on a1d, i'io'nlolrrThings. can orr)-y get better. . ,.. Aslt. f

ffir rH q ffit ffiil



'tr )f

,i! i 'tl t






M Jl,r{u IkISJN1"llt


ffffir .sE1s



ry .'





Itfs one of tlioue solrss lvi'rose raw elrer6y Srows on Youreacll ,time yoLr ttear it" ( rrolyncr ) ' It seems to be sollr€ rj-nct Tlre first single (e,t last!) protest against nllclear of fr-om one of the oest bandu in ureapons r dfawing on both per{ilurglan d " lii*uxsie warbles in her ovr/n irtinritai:le style "Beau- - -onal and natdronal experienc e , *ti-t ulty constructeu Iyricr, i* a nuclear holecauct. . 6irrinE ttre ex.L)ecLea orierttal The nrusic n uil us t o a feelrwhich the wno-le son$ coo- ' clirnax r over tsau} l'leller I s -tairlflrTtre rifr. is s(lueaken vivict gortrait jand tlrelr, juct ouL at a furious pecerartd in ca$e you nrirsed it t the illes-' ficundfi jurt perf ect. tVoicesf rorl ttie -S ciciet {i*allY spelled ogt :s_ASg is ttA-P'.g-C*A*L*y*p-,$*E f or y ou : ! rt a linten or tworbut onse Sot u$ed toric e::trethelY effe- RICH KIUS; -cbive.This uind,Ie $Iloula ile a GIIOSI,S OT' IJRIN C!]$ IN TO't'J$R$ . ounstantial lrit-ltitv it won I t ! s I0 ux,s llt Ai'i JJ TH.E: s lu\iril{$}.itj !i0i\r {i K0i{ G GAITD$N n



($"lYlor.) fRich Kicir:twas too sloppyrand ,Lackect direc tion i I l,lerching Men I was nowhere near commercial


ttavid !{at ts / ' I g I iSonrb in l'rlaruolrr,bLreet


( troly


ctor )

f Davict vdattst ic ttre cat, 'chie$t of these two I A I sid€$ r , bttus naking it tire fiklierf .canCittate for air-pI&Y.Itls a L )b'l Kinks s on$ a0 out tne Ki cl n cho o1 , wlro har i t all , an d ,*t 'can rtever put a foot wrong. : iuior e tiran any tlrins , trris snowili tne Jqn' t ei ;rnif ity lo tacrle ttre niore nielortic 60 t a $tyle tpcptrwhictr fiLs tlreir vtell o and ,s tyle su.r;lrisingtY ,givec thelr every right to tlreir clain to be ttre TtJts i


fiIotls I


in i{ar do ur s tr e e'L souricln lix.e a rleaci*on collins*iolr netvJeen the Claflihrancl vitlo r circa Ii'Iy Generstian' /T ilan t t $xplain t ivarnirlreu witn '[ne,.]atlr I s clistinc*ive style' t A I iJonb


b ut this is just right . rfritten by GIen I'tatlock, and guitarist gteve New, this ha$ both a powerful tune anrl chorus . Tire re corrJ is smooth; glL_ttre partc fitting together like a finished jiess,w.vfith trria recorci, the Rish Krds are, sone of the at last, fulfilling . early pronrises lunrpecl upon the , Lhem by certain. .,€r rcfitics



j Tl{il }4OTUR$: For$€t About you ( virg;in ) Pleasant c at ctry , dispcsable pop -if you havenrt forgotten the I'iotorci alreaily , do so now !

CtITtr HIUHARUI PI,I{AS Ji itili',Hi,,$rllt }t.t"l . (U.Fr.I.) r{0!



:t'tljl s

"f AfuJ.r




;'xlq | $ Hrts/rK0uT i;



(Step ffsrwarct) The faJ.l an extreruely j-nt*€renting bandlBut ttrey have two raain faultsrboth of which are appef e&t on ttris record,. fhe $inger (l,tarX $mith ) u$es a

I tire or*e%e of ancttrer day?'r f I t f'a:" -t-s ! T"It.Sn


too Gcou To tse True.


A s i;rcln5., r,iu{i taine d scn6, L aken Jrpttt ttre albuni ( r -*rower in ttre Iuranc uniarf I tune 1'*l I cockney elrawl , nraking hi.s v oic e ut t erly JJa"rrne${i t } ; at arr lim€s , ri e erui- * clic.pos ab le , The ii e c cn d f'ault j.s rtgly constructecr ar.cund bhe tnaL all the instrluuents seem keyooartr$. $ {.iee Tonr }toninr:on ts be playi-ng; in non-al,ignect tne cynic"l,lr:r:t clf his lyricu keys . llov{ever , if the laL t er seefir to ile loosely connectect w€re rectifiectrTlre Falltn ori* f iies , $loda*s a*d phr.fl{j €s r -ginality woulc pe lost omakins $rriply tfrrolvn to6'e ther r resujLtJrenr sound" juct lilce a nuffiber *ind in tne wnole tyrical;errt_ of other average bands PIaYinS; uei}6 ooficure,lSut in aYerade son$s.Tne t'aIIts tune$ -ity ruenlorable irlaces, ttric style rieerlts caicaren I t partisularilp *ulated I'bwo .{ieerr,ingly superft-. but theY seeru to iar insicfe *utous linBsrfollorveu by sevsryor,rr nead.HuY tnis recorcl for -aI ilrcre o v,rfiich hrt ttre irea,r b : rr0an t t firid, the I'Ioor in Ltne asy tis t enin5 I ttre warurobe/Cantt fino my urer;l ULTHAVOX; irr ttre .pub/*:*fe in a CIrlus:itter" sl,O!\f lq0fr0N oe;dlzuri*/ to So horne in ( trland ) tne dark. /AIl- day t o ctay , ; us t Ungurpriaing t electro-technoexc us e f or tomorr ow I ttorrrcrr'ovJ punK I from UJ.travox * Vaguely sorlie Lhin6 to uo*/Tan good ; ust in leresti-ng. ?l$le.rvuohw nrotionfl ; tti "66*f;rfr6il. Trying t o pai-n t €r. n igh tnrar e/ $ut on r'€ * ex a$ri-riat ion , t"rie t superf ].u';us I lrne r.: rns";./ lJe {ir}sri ure&"ni $cbne,whicir ttre rflorcls f ail t o c oripl einen t tl"re rn us ic : bs adei $orfiettring tc ttre overrrI{,ilslt Qan you feeJ- tlre trees *all, piic Lure . $o far avray't/Huritrf cf.n yclu feel

i t,



ffi;\ffifWW Owt*M-


aL rh))- Dtttl-qnot k:i'eLs trvaK:'t"1 .:L,L,v qo,[ it--',vt7 ^W^:{tf))ra"* 'Va^b L\,'+ yqry"Z*-: I*'*-^i U\aLv/, UtfrLA , J{VvL otrt- UINL 'yivt *f ,,Wr\ .S/-upd;S ,L vd v-tJ*

0on*tructive tlritici"sni/ ;LIlg i'iuE:ic lteviews to! tli,eep Liprigtrt llo Not iJenctr.. . ! y {iarnrartlren Hoad, Hen}eaz*.SSy 4$U sT$p Flt$,$$ I ffe wish to tlrank: ***{c**#*trf* Tirrt t ltival, JJsadiine t Hevolver r 0ur infsrnieu $ource lran been AngLls r Patsy anrl irhj.Iipp&. r 'fCitnout wnOrirâ‚Źtcr. .etcr. r re iruf'orfiie d !'I'ire Pi6r lrSlq i *plit up. liever*nl nevunlrou;-rm AIt tr:lro t clgrapfr-t ( exc e l,t lriur;lro w ' iihoto i ccL{rteny .t{ryaf } !,l'olarH,* \ will n"Iqfvg fro;n tlrip s piit. ,



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