rqgE9, For{Ttts \t"\$\FIfuRt
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T\*R Tq'n^'
Wtr R(rt,ur$IPFIGlrOLLf I nust admit to certaln
esprchenslon before seelng TIIS IeFt for the first tJ,ne. $ixtles revlvalletr acesnd ha,nd hrho? I Ha,s t nt surs whether it wouLd be for &or but tt s&Br You can nsvd s, great time st & Jan bang. But xqy &pprehenslon etsrted rlth the ycnrcr the onily other band l td seen there w&s Oeneretlon Xr end, on thst p*rtlcul&r nlght the punterg
c, 2O+h RpRrL
down; fly awsy collared shirt;r g?Grythtng wag tlhe they Fay Xt ulBd
On d,nmr ls RICK BIISI(I,BRT comtng oyer ac thr arehtypal quiet eiln of thc bnndr blech drune and rsal e€n* Whst a great drrummrrl I FRUCE Il0lm0f Blaya bass and nlnga somG yocal.$, I{c hope about thr
atage ltke s rabbtt wlth a brainstsrfr; ln the drese lng roonil he Eh*kets hta hrad, ltkc hc rrants to ts hear the bsnd....It tts,g thet paekgd. get rtd of lt, tftr*t n grcat basststll HoveYGrr the surpriqes started On Suiter and yoosls ls fAUt on arrJ,ysl r ther* Ha,B load,g of peoBlo hlst.LsRr christ docs he lgok the part. thcr€r Altlrough lt Beemed to ne thet Exsetly thr rame type Rlehenb*ekor nost of the loaals had turned up to guit*r that Fete Townacnd uscdr and sec thc Bupport band,. Adrumme r wlth tha sa,ffiG a€tiont a,g vcll. I"tknowp dreadlo cks r a $hsf t lookaltke on bagsr bounclng uB and down hlgher and, htghcr and a lsad clnger with a hcadbandl sn the apot. Shen on the last bounsG fuekln I elL r talk about borcdon. rrh;n hc I s r6a,oh;d ht s htghest po lnt I Absut mldntght thc etago Ya,s htg feGtr haels tsgcthsr go up bahind gct fsr thc Jan; a,s &ugh spno6 a[ hlnr *nd wtth hl; gultar on hia rtght Bosstbla wer und,e; and thers we,r a htpr ha looka oycr hta left shoul.detr 6lant unl.onJ*ck es s backdrop. thls at hts heelsr T.$ABUI,0USI t Yas to n&tch up wlth the Js,mts iltn .Ien orlglnalE ere gosdr not Bac&tng Srltainr type laBcl badgesr much dtffemnt etrusturall.r to most I3{AGS? I well Sehr you gotts new wayG bend.r satrrlal . Srortr erisp talk about tt hnve I nt )ro[r Bea], mod and. Gxeitthgr il In the Ct tg" , thelr gcef; squa,r6 lenEed polsroidEr black ftrst olngle out now on Pot"ydor la suttE f eaturins doubl.e brcaEted good; th;y dld tt twlcsr onee as Yery hishna*y ffian typc jacketar ttght gtrlde; an Gnsolar Other gsod orlginals were with &n alanost unnotteable flalr, FBrlsks end $ortarn r uHy Add,rcsgr r and plnk aoekss blsck ehis;l toed eh66s s0a,rnaby $trest* r all & thtng ealled with whltc uppergl vhltc buttoned about & famous London tourlet attraeti, epBarentls. soma htppy from thc beek ehouts I Sesond hsnd modsf Faul tsatler qulck &s "e flaahr rI donrt, re&ember r eB raater m you? | Therc were ganuine trlbutcs to their heros throughoutr partlcularly & great v;rgion, of aRoflercoaeterf,. But tbe hlghpoint fer m6 wa.s near ths end when psul &nnounssd ssrns rlvthm and, blucsr rlmdnlght Honrtr r Jee: it rreg grea,ts a1or$, it serme( to be wrttten Boundlns for & band Juit ltke thg Jamr as the tlne had now pushed on g* about quatgr to oner thtg aong ws,s res; aBproprsa. Bect of all wag the baes breakr durtns thls numbsr Paur and Rick etop plqytng and Bnrcs chugsr a,$ey at that bsse rlffr tt rcnt a eould f ye crowded
ehlver up r{r backr round rny ncskr back down egai.n.
€oNTtU#ep 6y6f
read IOADED. I loved and, hated it. The revierve - I just ltere excellant. I donrt ghare your appreciatlon for THE DaMNED though. punk rock will stand or falL on,the gne_rgylcongtruetive o"-au"ifriii.ilTT"iiiii* or polltical) lt creales. Sashloi :.s just irre rtitge and, wrre'n ir,u-u*i"ty --t pino and etuff-tlrat become pass6 a lot of craB is soi;e l;-#-;;;";";;"n trre (-fn. De.mned, iniLuoed.) lra|ps. thoughts Further on the movement. band
t i'
::i- ;fr Hflff!,"ff :l; " fi{,ffi "l"Y;f;*,
: r f$3"{3{F its^amazlnsJ T" -t:* dyrdtate I really ' io the cr.asrr's ihii;u;thy;-;";;;t-uiia " in tr}{E Last,week they are the total antlthesie of tie trinitu"*""ii#.-ifrJy;|t''-* eutrvive. You may have guessed tbat i donrt like irte ro"e-;;g;i-i;e aspecle of the movement. Anyone can stand. on etage and gob at-the-a"ai!o"".-Cfitirid-ri" bosses dayr all*weex, 5z weeks"a yu.r. ,*r want etreak-'iii*-"ii. -gob on ug--alltttgt.And-8.r{yway TIIE nAMoNEs have got being Blanlcdown to a fine art.-tf"ti"i than alL those bands who real\r [eve to try so bard to foof-dumU.i ]f,iet of the good new wave stuff has come from the -gtateg. (rneyrve got ueiter roots i.3r VEI,\fST UNDERGROUN!, STOOGEST DOORS+ TEtET,ruSION-are incredibfu,-"fr-""--ToM lrERLArlrE slngs 'rr und.ersta,nd. e.Ll aeitruc{ive-uiee;-r-ii-r""0"-" shiver down-rqv spine. TOM PETTY and the HEARIBREAKERS are ;;t., gnbodlgs perfectly the ene-rgy of the new wa.ye. Then ""a-peiif-gqiiu-theies rcct-;i loi""*, The Idiot is probably tfre belt album of the y*".r. -.*t"o worth checking oui' are the rrI,lve-at lvlaxis aLbumrr and, the cBGBrs arbun. -
but.its garry dg.rs yet. The s$( PI$TOI.,S are puppete, overratia ililppets at thatl and t'ialcolnr $cl,aren ls pulling the etrin&i. {ftu knows as much about -anarqW aa lvtrargaret Thatcher knous iuout s"tiiilt-rtilirttii*-jtlrt-*"ii" to sett urrRWox are a bunsb of poE"urir'aiL-:i"yi"e there beet l}u.!1grine.clothes. to t.ootc wasted and und.erfedr and beeidegr 3ob Harris likee tben io tfruie *""t be souething wrong tbere. I havernt checked oui
eound promdsing.
O.K.r hope
?iIE-C9RTINAgryJt ur.i--irtJv*-"-
havernt_bored you
too much, but your ma,g did lnspire me to- put pen to-paper. 3ina11y ao you Xnow whors interested in etartilg Yp a band. in lristol. I€u a vocalisi and ifveanyone got a uliole load. gl.PotteP that i'n dylng to..perfom. {written rarith enttrustaEm anc;i i"i"ylll nJapo S"Ao fJUy;r-uCofa-fr"" li"eui"ubo, Titles include-.nJunkersn, ,tSgboteursdr S Collapsettr.and'rAgltate0. you If know ar{yone wtrb pfays feia, tasE, o" 12 drumsl put th.eu in toueh rulth me. aOB cliApI'IAbI.
{ {
I Ir. Amro]fs WANTS TO G31 rN ToUCH I{ITH n03t IdIIH REGAnD t0 }lEAs wRrTE T0 ME eNo -r i{rli tess-youn LETTnR oN.
GOoD IETTSR I[i! mnurNc A 3.q,NDr
re\ $
lblON?pA&IERr BnI $TOL .
ea3,{TlNuq'p the
finlshed they went stralght into Arthur Cpnleyra rsweet Soul much I spotlight on paul-rgeliu" y"rl1r . Yf now what i liked beet about the Ja,mrs set? Tlreir baruoniesr r mean there wag.only tvro of tem singine-lit-t[eJ-iarmonised. rike i-havernt heard for a long tine-. They arsJ-s"j.d"tr,di" thanklours after we crapped eac.h_oong1 unusual nr'unber
-Ag Mugie*. . . Too
theee d.ayi. Nice ctraps the J&rnr OUT' GET PISSTD AND EO SEE I3J{. ,-.''***'-
l(ete tlclleitl, Glaqow. --iiyE;;Ati
I areiiuiir,l spenr uashing my hair, l tra.viig a qgrir apo smeialti g;iiil iriov iJ s0 | ou: iri i lisco in ev'edrni.'50- r iiiii,, -'I '- ' criri i; il;; iip * tii ,iiiiir;i ' lilih;; I
&qepftire Cofiins,. Sundav s a dav lot relaxins and rhe bcst
lo do this is sit down in frunt ol the
rhe afternoon
l*$. $kr*'E er*Saanrass !'Gagr fricn*l
ffirr3" $'3t$3
if sft*
3'*$ esld $prsy
$4,0. Jvs{
wla. m sPrr-'l*
TV and
thaveverycterruru"".in, l"*** my nipptes, ano irrlj E";;ilJ'il; yo'Iy ;Fti;; il'iirs normar and wi' rha veiis rii;a;iir ' U;;;;;;; #i,;[
S. Ef 3'<i*e tte$f
tar s{.s3.
el*{ {*t*r
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{s-d$e$Fv{}s"{$e.v tr"€}$
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y?*w bamd.
frxld t?:*y 3 r* 3 "tvir;g; exxd giSe"Jrsng in trri ***3 * Tkx FtyFngF:t{*s &r* thtr** J ull; rl;S S"t *S s 1,,{}l*,$* i" r:r*aF*i'ian* * i g # *#. * 3p" rJ v e ;" rslirl- *,? lo' ** b,y th,* * r *nt'hm5si&.ffi{a f*r x?*}r{-* \##--ws Feenk R**k* *xx draxr"rym * * *XAH S:nlHE"f i3?)s F.{.*H}* ** kg#kj-nffi i:gs ki* t,* bi"tm* tr"F*ffi v;hffyl t?:#x:gFs xr* *n* :fl-
;r* x-;;H.h3*ff* ffH-#ffifo.$r?*; tr-x$.
v* *e3 ffi 6 ?h* l- *a**r s ffi*ffigwr*" t sr end *h**f ss*rat}:g:i.*** f*r t?:e E*yfr*es?*e --a,A**3::T#?*Ks ffis? 'i ,*' "* r; *L h3 "& d 3r*ey *3* J#}ilf e# ***ffiXi3 i" *h**. gla f t,ay* m* ps j. tgi ffitrffiae f se*
t}:ats wsrth e X*t ?her* rtr sed ** he f *ur 3*#fri"*m*m* baat gt s#*s? be*ers* *bv**las t* **ar?p Tj.ms €; J*hm that th* m f *sprgk ;m*mb*r p'ietr & f*.rt at h*ert, r u and ?:* s*ssl l*f t t* f ir:d h*s *wn xie rt i *rale,r w* * d s t * *k ixr s*$ie hj"pFy begt*u ?hm r*re&*x:gng thr** hm"v* x:*qd h**n r*k*&r#fm# m*3f*.ly f*r th* lest m3x w**km s ar:* &a** x:#w r*aryr t* qa:!t pSeyfng 5n & *ir*R*, m,nd" gtrt *ut *n fr**t *f x;tr*p3** Th*ir m*ngm ar* r#&ilg pr**tf gs*#r *R*a3*ty* * u*34s* ursj.sx? sey ne"m*trs ffi**ncfti*x?img* and the fvrmtS* ha**d y*ms*l hiarffit*ro *Fra'affitetf*F?ss a33 g**d *rigin**3$* ?h*5 r ffi*s:Str &r* f ise*s brxt a$ 'u=.'i-th e lot of new y*ung grsups th*i r *q:aipm*nt d* * ffi nt d; tr, ju*ti*** *me *f *h**r *-ffiIls is *ne* a **nv*r**d ? uY* , {bext thes?s f cr r rm se#"X33 and #ffie *f th*ir *gnr*ph*x?* 3 1:*-m g* t & kr* * **m h"*x*sffi*de *ta"ndl 3n *y?*3re*i*n3 I must sey h*w impr*sned. i ws"s arith th*s{l s and i l'* i slr ti?&rc 3m*k* y*u wi3l Fr*b*b3y ffist th* che,n** t* s** th.*m pretty s*sns a.nd, 3r*aa r d. b*ttsr take thrat sFp* rt':";ni *y . ?h*y ffi*.y n* t b* the Sr*at c mt s but at eaxt t}:ey r r* ere d.o ir:g sorcethimg ps sitive s rshi ch i s mc re tban Jrou t re i ng J j (pr eege ign*r€ this }*mt 'c,s r*xn&rk if y*u ege r** d* in& s*ffi**hing p* mi tive) Tffi SOYFR:H}f}$ r* #{ixffnitmerote ar:d *eym*
wffi v*wK ffi*vtrEEbffi€* p
:31trR*V3$* T]:I *,.**, ,*, u,*,n*.
$ $FiI?Ty CSTY
ffintus *WP. k;fth*rup
fuq.*# {#rffi{,F
t rh*
?he F*P GR*1.3F er* & E,*** tsri mt*} bax:*, . Thsy s v* b**n &nn,*y.gffis
tr3$f**ffiet,*s f*r *he kaxt *#ffiX:3* *f s*lgtay en the
ffi*nttam hy glrectimirug n&y* * {.t r*e} h*3 e }
There er* d*f inet s3.;r f*arr *f *hs bando elth*aagh ah*r* m*ght b* f i"v* * e& *x*v& gax*tar*" mt * s roemberffi
r*x:ffiti"d.3"y d.tr3ru# t* j* *"n* beat hs h"es s gst hi"n equiprn*nt t*gether yet* i???) Aryrarmpr, lg&ffii STruAHX' *s the xtnger and" rt"ght 3*g m?:ak*F* GAFff}t pSey ffi 3 *ee3 gia i ter end qle iv*trs &. lc t . Ea.s s gaaitar i" s ?aan*"L *d. *rx *ah3y by that we33 kn*wn p*y*h* s5ffi*ffi tJ$*E:{s**& *mmx*r ER{JilE Si{:?H i.s gp*at s hs *3me*st peeged, f*r G*ri*r&ti*n x *nc*r urkfhite his* 9g: thsir ant?:*ffip a- s*ng y*ut}l" rernember exed &_ g**d gr*i:p ef f*rt * Th*y aSso sxle*f *li s* in Ygrgi*x:s *f rsR*adrus?xt€s* * f$X**al*-e L*mi# a*.d m3 *?f":_ h* p#ur d*g -L-& w*e s S* * *" wre* *3:i- ffig th*:ry reh*erseg i, re*k*n thsg t aa be srcet in frcnt ofan aud**;r:c€* s
8*ur: g*iig:
g# I ;€iu
Arrtt r'1.{ TflF
AN' i..
FilCKtNtt4D; Ar-t Fucf, Trfts, rHAIi rr,\rl f\4gk F$fl$FU cK,
rHAT PurlI( r*ouqh
ctRrArNLy 4lrrli{
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'1t1\ ''.
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p EopLE
r?orv--f Râ&#x201A;Ź-tr|p
R\JlggrsH ? rtta not very-often i go out with a grouD of matcel have a few beersr and 8ee.a band, and wisrr itd never gone. But the AJIVEpTg at the Iioundaboutr Newport on the 2?th of April wae one of those rare occasiona. r*e, d a1' turned. Ii".i"*13 ln:'fi-ilf;fi*mffi-.:f;"*:";"ln;il: l[":H"'n:r::e: 3ut lhra alntt true because ifve ueen wanting io s.E-the Ad,verts for soma considerabLe tine. Apparently the bloke who.!ro*oi-i these l{ednieday night rev: YFe'.(previously-pralseh in roaogD Two)-;;;;-it" Heartbreakers coutd,rnt Lo
H33ltt*3"*?13^l*:.i:!ia;!t H*E'tf,{; ttl fe":l*:-":tiiii;5"1g;i;r*i,1ili", e?en in the same leaguelt or the Ad,vcrte il;fie*"r:"*f;Y:nn?*3ir{i";t}"i"3"Y"'il:l;*"3 "rprl-"o""o8n3*E good reeordl but fuckinS rollr if thts li.ie periorrn"n"e **s typfcaif"ii-i- think
1t tJ&s r es the bend, thenns;lveg pretty happy with the Bound) eoa help the l,ondon Klds who rave over themi To say i expected better, would be the und.erstatement of the e&gr i me&n we rve a'11 rca,d the se $nlf f in t ctue quo tes r i . G * 'rA band i reelly believe in are the Advert seemed
wag embemaeing to weteh thâ&#x201A;Ź&r The mlx us,s terrlble. Can you lmagine the bass guttar mixed, &s thb lead, instnrmcntrand when you canrt hear thc Jeauap
guitar at allr that eekes for a, pretty dlre sound.Plusr they were elr pla,yinb out of tune with onc Lnd other. On d,nrms le I,ORRY DRIlmAr probabl. the best muslcl,an in the band,r arlrrirugh s,t t imcts r Bart i curarly nca,r the end. of t[e $ofi8$ r he I d. speed. eycr}rthlng up end f inigh a couple of Beconde bef ore eycryonc else. On gultar is Howard Advert or Ttr'rankenstein or whatcyer hi s la.tsst moilkerl is. Ae I s&id before you couldrnt hcar htc playlng, eo what ean I F&g r All the sa,me he t s a really wlerd looklng guyr hc could bc l?1 and, he could be 36 r impo eibl e to teIl. Gaqe Advert playe baasj but not very we1l. She playe right out frontr but at a differant pace to eyeryone else. Strtra the onlythlng ln the grouB worth J.ooking at. Black hairr black eycsl leattrer jacfet covered ln Iegy badgecr Bhofa got IGOY POp rtrrltten acrosl the toB of ier guitarr and her asa hangg out of her Jeant. So much for vieuale.l.oh yeahl ehe docgrnt moYe at all r and ahe clngo ln a tone Lee Marvin made fambus. T.Y. blnith (real name Tin), is the front san. I really loved his cnrshed velvet suit with studs dowir the sea.ms. IIe bopa about on,one leg and gete hlneelf into all sorts of deformed Johnry Rotten influenced poeeslbut lt just looke ailly. Hc writes all the eonge. (l ftn getting a btt bored vtth writing this reviewpao itm gonna bring it to a close pretty 6oon - Tin) Their f irat song was trone Chord ttonderar r but cverything after that eounded the BarnGl the titl.es i rernember arc ilSombslte Boyrr iThc Great Britieh l,listakeir and trBored TeenagerB.tr They try to play avant garde punk rock (HONESTTt) They need practlee, tcauBe practiee makes bearable. E
THFGr<RNhRY b I t'lc*e-*Lo- Grqnn^{, b.d- I hds*L rt e$en ."e'e- . :r"L'^ |t".*, ir!
t"d'il-,i;i;:";ffi;i*^^.hox, qr.aTt* o*n;* t,u. o* rt.qe .Tl*'.^sf*c\* *. i;
ffiffiWffi aff;SgdftS "
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3;kf *";*!ffi " T1-uril*-_;:!] .*Ton"G
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