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aaQ Piru*,vlt iJJ t ''f*-
& ia:"ge crowd t'cffned crrt i* the reope;rtng cf the corinty pavilij'on, and witii !!g staging a re"L:-rni to $orthampton it" nas *n-1-y to be eepected. Fi*n-+in+sFrp+.hesupporiran*e'rid'elrtiythesehadalsaplayedherebefore' tl:ese piere brii"li.ant. Thoy $etre a ] peies band up ur:tlli ;:"'"-;;;;r;-;;.;;.
sr theias,ctw*numberswhentheybougftta&ilr.befcr*eacirnunbersne il*ver pl-ayed' a ihe s*ng sas abcui. 'Iheyi'Biind of ths lead sir:glers exp1.a:i.nec what eyes"(not ware fav*urites bari nun'ner 6rrrin' ihe set mg ny personel j-n It' was Richrnond"' ,iir:ight-"yu*") s3-ng1e thsir "Dnwn i.te cf thet "**" was +"he $"lty dj-sappcintnent en1y frr:nt, ".-pi"" from ihe eiart a'L pog;irrg::i,ght tirey ne'rer did. ax! encore. After Finpoini there was a shcrt break rn*si *f nhi':h I spent getti-ng a drink and fruLling noles in Mi-cks s i'aryer' of when ggg ce$ie on there was a triehi fLasb wnj-eh caueed an explasion ihe of m:st frcm pogoirrg fr*nsiecl *u-qj c " From start to fintsh 999 recleved ef nc'stiy:rsw nr:mbers' teice pecple tiiere. The first haif of, tlie se{ *cnsieted' *'rerybc&y expected tirem to d.uring tnis batch ilr*v "o*ded *he siren a:r€ *"w'iee cld favo-urites' The se"' piay,,Emer6rencsr" but t"ner* wa* rrc si-gn of any of the *,asstopecefterabrrut}nunberswhil.stt}iecrowdwaerncvgdbe'ckofftitestage. aridierr*e called 'uBoys in Them "th*;r carriea on wj-ih a ::i.rnber Ced"ieated to t'he ti"tle to frnn the first half' Hoi to1et the gar6,,, the "if' one i remernb*r"i;?rewha+' ttror:ght of the newieE and d"isappairrt the *"o*& +.he sinSer ask*d ?lre theyb';rst in'io "Energeney"' withoui band t,hem knogr lt was time for tle efJle=. and there aas no tise to +'he l-egs.maving,agatx tired the ai-r*;i. t\ris got a)-1 {ny faTourit'ei. and "Hasty :.rtcp it"aneing ae they fnllu*ed ,r1,-"*ii5-"lto*i*i-*n; cctne baek on if the Naety,," {*.r thls they fini-sherl-anrl said. they w*u}d oniy the stage c-lear,so qr'ricklY""T"y'* c::owe cn the stage get cff* :',3 neller E*ert rriri a {.wn n-."mber encore the }..rest ul'*iti"'n was "itn aiiv*" ianI exceli"cnt.s'ongi' caxrrt waj"t' tne gig was nors at a close and !S$ promised t'o r:r}t-uJ'F again' ;rtl- :.n ali- it was *-? well sPent '
.i ! j n
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ulo t/uro 'fhms cuddt,{ ohaps Kitti5 Ioke UK Dson^l As hteil ah a. ahtJi$ lg ,^.'riler {hos of Uo.r t"riTt^
{**foyrs {aturn}e
odf Pl€/lnc'\^s *r*
pnapta, oomnru,yrfed att $,eort$'t''pu dM fuirK +hnt wo^$ good $ .,^ntl
g, +1,'lt4' gou'il
[ittue 3) h^Ie fkis
stq {hsrqtt to*\oW l6al fuxd' l4an,p dgcidd
fo Hffig
*,1": T:1: lurt4ou{s Y'y^F#P$ffiffi -Tffilc or4 no \nvgr **, t ry*o r: . p.tyd ffiift frDr,,r,
q tW qtfov^qertliwoA,qgu1r' q
lhfie hlry sulosbudvtl ermgn lo pnf, 7I^o a | + vo{iflA yol^l qrwp weA .flovyl ex-r'v",,}eli q'and' ?. hrc l0OK I , -*"nJ Jr.-. , will Vy .suffraOvrq S0DV1, nF 4aunwi tD flMl Shll vp rncXs 4t firu of PtM€ I EE ht*t o Kusio,vs si\qto ,Hf lw t{c'Flhnn,Pton ,n*{rllafwi Hd olbuyur '5nnn'vr-qs 6nd'ls loofirq t^04]lt4,,l A'g bo,n'ds (
ilo* +
f$hrtsd qE;
[B ;
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fN'rront e'tro-z) ciloouf rf, ,.$rard
wq'd' Uko
83 ^no' I* {qid rv[cfut^nrn
elrs Thanx l
hnrtno ifu,ofhf? *,*tlxir |owru Thdki€r hcs n0 rJsi,offu* tonrn{lw c,louns
Thf{ nt in Ptrlio*e* on'l{1sir Rnlinq
ovtf r4orKr\
ghArn qs
dowi Hi{t hm and
Aftd-up dob't q$(
b,rt {ht: rs qOI fa\n Wo\ Io lr\ i*iJfi,ffii'i*H"$,,Ll* st, ue. s
*p.{td'bq {r<l hJo* rerfr rt{t4 it *,* r r r L-lhdt wq,
ryw i4Y1q tu*t
aaferroltS #r1tlqqM , ecruE,Re$t^ "trag (ue'douti kno,r
int. S. C{y,
rcvfarled qrahn^,' do so qA 6ort,
h TSt'aPFrd
$o,t,,.r*U ), ?qulq o'd
The II$4 g?Z line up isi-
btick il lead vocals (o* spok€si?r;*nf Neil e Sase (tr""y) chris - ideas (some) Tim r Crass llmic s ( arrd poet ) Alan - apathy (when he can nanaeie it) Thss* stnri*s :mi*n n*gke ye** fe*[, p*rhbps eye1 lrrynterl uneasy, y.ill wrlr psr$Fp$Qven y, frighreq you**! They will almos{-{brtainly shbck vod-l Bq, ca11yry_irog#Hhit they hav6 f#?##
tq, p' tr
qc&s.- ftrree$-
q-w\#- K&*f*"ag{/b
* ryS-\*-*q$
Stut tu ui \\*t* R*:wSl
rwuy\ *r}T s$" "Tbsulft€c. F*e
S*YFelha"$V,g,, n
*rffiK€ ffieettue\*tL fl-&eh.$ '
Sex€ trpK
L€&\)t* fulldn'').
5*'ta1e i
sAUHAU-S .I -'ri
t -l.r
the rn a way Bauhaus are as revolutionary astakee revolution Aee d. j. Mick did a good job in wil .. rikes of crass, except their musical lcvel ' ing up the crowd. ( with place mainly on a. personal epd frenzied nos. : : to the fast $ongs that he p layed ) sf , , They seem to prefer &rI rnteligent aud.ie o,cs r they were certainly read.y io"- the ban,j Not an intcrlectual one you und.erstand, The Antibodies started nervo'sly, Ar but rather a, croud thet cen think for them individ.ualt. &s this tended. to effect the music. cf c1 ..:.--, -selves of clich&s 6&d the hate to appear lhey it d,id"n t t help that a nurnber of peop I o polite apd encorcs at the front $ere pissing thern ahout, rock, th; otfigatory The sour.d of a group can be dif f"icrrll applause of the nstandard gigtn" Ivhrsically they d"efy conventiolls to discripe. The Antibod.ies can sound f orrnats ' like producing & *ia* rangs of styles and the Banshe€s r malnly because of r . *theatricsri sta6e and, Their rrghting effects f langer used on some numbefs r yet soar--.(;""]r*rr* do more tha.n iust reprod"uce rnaterlal t imes they ean eorrnd like Puuric rrna r,,. , create highly or even Bauhaos r Also I think that .l;or and. soundsl they entertain.) interesting effects' sounds like steve rgnorxrt (rrtuoug4:r +'. ,. Somctines Fete Murphy appears to hate the eound. on vocals was poof r so that it pr{ audience as he p*"lorrrss o He is violently d.iffieult to ,te1l). ind.ividual and can provoke fear or angel' .. 3y the mifi-e of the set the front r-i case) thined out this in fear baeically still adit so that , with encourairiil*rr-r" in some people, Thoee who und"erstand. his .' ment f rorn the aud.ienee , the band s low I ,. gained. conf id enee . $o , ttBed.room sound " attitude-(;;;;;" instinctively or bv reas?n) are not affected by it, J.ndeed" they seem to at the fitd of the eet was really veJr.v gaod r and the bit where the song d e s e. enjoy it. ttDo only what you Bar:haus ses$ to say into" PrLt s ttlow lifett and then baek in' yourself*. be ttB€*o* sound" proper tras earried o f'| want, think your o$n thoughts, notice no take with this in mlnd. ysu should very well. of reviews, they are just personal opinions The crowd. just managed to get thp,n to be read f or inf ormation and eni o;rment t back on for aJ1 encore, which was ttS.urn,,. and. in this fannine that is all they are agatn (which is another very good sorli: intend.ed" to be read" for r After they had flnished. they were ,i If you havenf t seen Sauhaus live yetr to sign some ar:tographs, so they coulr::. ' see them, Not because ltve just told you ti have gone down that badly. fhe ba^nd tell me that.they would nn'*, but because you want to see something newt ltke to do some support-slots to gain Secause you gm,!,, !q I t t eryerience, so if anybod.y has & spot avatlable'you ean get in touch with thc,^ In a void.. . In a, void they r-
-: .
They tIBY€f . . They never dare
dare. .
Fanzrrcs aen
ba prudurd
ncf . Sa fu ,orryt^njy ^"i.ty clarf 6iln'{
f* {rou da d,: n {an :uyvar 3n*'Fgln u"u hlont a
WuE rhust fu- m6r,c a{ L*K, rbols cround We Are laoking fgr a. rnil vel-\Ln in lGr{harnptoa carr Uou I'ralp uE ? {
ilrat ltd. calL a conventl-onal band,. llhe fact that their keyboar.cliit f" the main vocalist ilLuetret-ee.this_very re1l. In,fact ki'lll"g ^ qurte I 1ot actr:a'Llv) into il#;';I"""iti"""riW "piued over,eoner*rat.(re1l, nost and "intereetingttiaterunuausL the of turtringit-i-nto,one the interrrlern vie,iswe'vedone(otherrBeop}ehavecalJ.ecL1tcrap)....,.. l'iret of a1l- here is lhe tine up as given to ua byi-,the PauL {arzz
(I think) -:keyboardg ) - Sass (Lizara?)
(P . T. G.
Glover sn the record labl.e g*ves ite ranats naneB ae P. -Fergrrsonr.J.Colernan, |.(even durlng chaotic y:-i;; ioi"*i"" turt'rect out to be-sonerLat youtre the only one. not it, let alone-fr;; the tape)p oo if,,ygu get confused be rtnre Y not r: Warning: the foLloving infornratlotr Bay ar ua: Grove and a].so cLailr tadbrd(e in a cquat in tosether iii" Kili;;;-j[" "r"i*Jo been discovered yet, thowh l1,af'-{ps. fron ttteil_T}:1?,.i1, ir'"i tiierr record label (ratlctous
ii"i-li"y-i"""";t #-iJ;"i.ffirl"ti"i-;":-fr;-;"*-"i""'""u*!a
ilil'i"*'"tt'""'t""'aubuthovtnrethatisI|venoictea. *-rrire
''1.11 ""':rr: you ctoing a tour at the nonent?] ,,Werve clone 4 daye work and reire eoing to have a coupl'e of rnonthg rest,t! t'Is this a fanzlne?rl
* ttYeahtf
t'NN4 gPZtr . * "l{hlch tt rrYou roulil,rltt',have heard of itfi trWoulclnrt hEve remembered it if re
I thr.nk {e ansrered.-very well /ot ani""i"t*"tit" banct tlecidetl io interview .9s andthev,rere y-?: (i ;;;;-;i;;" ilF;G ;;iA i" print,il?)'.navbe f1P:::':1 asklng. to stdetrack ma4aged they (or-o*-eu?"troop) but 'by i"t"*iu* teci,nrqft anl ansrer us,to get then ";;;.itofi""ui' (Ufra")'.:?tt?g itrat ttrev rould pronllef 1u9CI!|on were 19 sd.*119 uo*uttttog'.), we tlkect |e!af,lo the CLashPup1ic I*e? an$.tfe Serlistol-e Jolnllg.-i' secrel,-gi.i of a very""rroo"ii-(tU"i-*"*fa't" "ittron cle$)ite no"e pleao for.!i.:lde, ?td diseover that they i""lti""'f;;';;i fr**""nt year a.nd. their-p1ans Bres !o. E"3 rich; to n1lce, ;;;;-;;;" *ine eince July lastthen fuck off beflre the bonb-drops.on thelr can and ryf". ""-ih*y in the bombr...,Porerto the toruiil.:IL;-;;'""-itippres a9 rellr'/ Crass and all thatrr thlngs like that?" * 'IDo you have any v!.ers on nucLear powerr ,tFar out...tt, niAtir..oo nukeg..,ttr tr0ragg...rr, in-losclon, s? bui)'tl|ne-" !:Y": stati'on ln ',rt doesn,t bother u8... reonLive thiy drop a boutb, and W that time us,uqlegs Northumbria tlae;o effect
as nuch money
,,we betiove
wer 'tWe
11 be fuckecl off .. . "
don't glve a shit about paople Ilke you: ,,,-,-^!-- {narchsete ; tror thev are chriEtian ^-^-^'.o 1""*i""i-;;;;;;;-cr,ese* ho*r"inli"""oii"i *3 ":--i".lCiu-0ii" "..':-'*J:r r--^-r..^:r, , a^n+;,Ao , / l* neee;*frr1t'bventual.v..tlecirile tfe out.of way yesent onty the Ili.t* ie il]! glve up' "* neffelon is ioo hea;vy a eubJectr.ald ttrat ------r^r'' ut'it ba'ds n*"uol:l*:fil:Till trWe
i""ffi;';;;; v"""ii""-A;"-d;hi tterre grrpport Gary-Glittegttr,ttw".sq going to
o,, o* *ret r'. . .Jev ,, a ^ --J-^: ^Jnv ch'rch" , ,-::uined hr^..onrnrr
*" ;tei h ;[;T#"i.i;rl],,iT:::;#;'iJ-iJile nrbi TheY rere Divislon. "n,"
Atttrispointapr.urterenterstt'"""o"a"aGFtionsof,n"*"uuffi! haye.anv ngTe ta" onee, ;;;;"*grared, r*'r.tctr'q wr*h a lll3 3u,,?:5:1: shout of 'rrrve got lT*,,11_l-luv 12t'have you got *y ;i"d;i,,, *i"... -- -By
? probabry this tine yourve rearrs"a-*ry
eeen anv D?one", vou r;n;;;ilLo-iol"i"i;":l;;,T;:*Til"l"ilil llli", *::;_:*'1,3:: i: are l!: frightl"ea iryr. them_but the prees of prlittoe-tt*r. ---'
you lorow yhat rnhlp mesns,
ttl"a6tt * ::!"
[ThatrB ug.rl
Enter their 'rdictatorrt S1"",, to whom the band claim absolute obed.ience rhlle hl*._i-ili"k-fi; ianas,ea to srln up i*i: this *l:3f^:t1,,*:_:l*.T_:"^Jl:y:d intervier by p'rocleining thet anybocly who-beltevee anythi"e [iiii;; ;#" ever say ie a fucking idtot: (ro l"iu"r) "Fuck oif ,' "Hey Sria'n rhy d.id .you comt that monev. put it back in your pocket again?', tir,lgh at 'rf yourre g'in!: to-print a.nything peiit "*1 your perilr,,..,,, ,,0r, rcon_
finr you worst fearet...,t, ,,0r, tFgck off !ri;r.rt The erroup then say that they'want'to be'rj'k; trrl crash, rhm the d.reseing roon -they door flys open reveaLing an agc.tated prmter aeking the-ba.nd. if rere golag to.do an-encorel so they reasure hln tbt ttrey afwayg do their etrcorea 20 ninute after aLl the audLence.hag left * uWhatts tfuu to,,redt about?tt tlMake qp your ora nind't * trEave you got any nrr qnrr . ueaning. behlnd any af your son6e?r of ?Atr, i poiotlese ninctlese love Jugt songs realiy" ]p"ttre ".uverY one is about...tt; ilSHIIT lPltt, rr...€Jf,8,ct1y,ir l
.," .. * rlfhat notivates you?" rrl[on€vr porerr drtr4n...tt, ttwe dontt take d::trgurrl t...gvi], naety trrhgsr..,,r\ t'Fry fishlngtt, oer, t'. . .naglc. .. r, Kiliing Jokes nain influenees are appari"lly the Eagles and the claeh, trhore nev albun - lond,on calJ.ing, 1e (eo thereav) tte begt recorril ever nade. 'rt5t"tre Like bl-ack people, thiy cin reany-ieel;;l-"rui,iiililiirr profeesionals,,, .. .playin6 to all those poor paople in AmerlEF .,,' t, AIso the ba.nd want to get a tnrnpel elction ana a and do ska because thatg rbat the record coqpauy wante tben to do ancl"t"f"i'u"ction tU"i.afiai"-ao ." trreyr""-iofa, of course-';ntu;""n.*"r,"",-"i.ti-tii;;i 3:*11:l-tn3^?3"::.lh::-?3l_11? -'"st.a$d llle're toLd that^thcyrve got a wizard tbai n;gs-ronnd rith then aotsBlsacrifices. tinee rtrlch makes the atnosphere quiie nas_ty, rtrey are; ai"oi.ir reporte that doing a { year reeidentc?i at the regxe u""al-ci.fui"e i},rt llt"y:':" ltarquegr a1d that theytre clolng it for f'I a reef aach bui they ii;u""troiry the have to rork , over tine for it. rrl doart mind reaL1trril1 ${or ltrs 6ood for the ooulnr-ryesh, half the bagtarcls hevenrt *y..: d.one rrhey rana c a days..rork ulJr-.!ror-rr. J.u. thein urelr "J'ucKlng d,tsfiugttng", Liferr, rLre"r ttPucking -:'""..' aisFustdur'--irg5", Frl ;;;'----in doler d'oIe..t", 'lstop.the eet the fucking sc"",ro€tsrs'offr-stop pop :.iC" :i:l lF iiliSlS: :1"1"*3?:i;3; ;H :*t*fu*o*"*'oeri" ' and alr' "o/tE or'nislv ll{
ffi ,* lllr you ever take anythlng Leriously?tt I llm:,,-
eePeciaLly speed'r,
tol.d you rerlL be eertous
you get us
Ey tbl,s tlne_re get the feeling that the lntenriew is a dead. Ioes, but rho f,ucklnE cates anyray? - per€on&lly I think that Ki$lng Joke are a great btmch of nrier:Z an I to say? ,bot who ttSo youtve got no long tgrrn pfans?tt ** I SS haven t pt any plarre you prick, r told youl fl
Irftor fi ietter letters letters letters letters letters letters letters letters letters letters letters To l;NU
Right straight to thetr'ointr I reckon crass are a" bunch of fuckinr hippies. Anarchy rpeace + Freedorn would be great br: t the hippies tried it and failed in the 60 | s ' The crass gig at the paddock was a real" bore' The only reason they p)-ay fast, raw rnusic is beeause oowtrr" music. there is no demand for f'lower I was real gooC ! iiNh of sh i t las the Anyuay , RU.,i lAI'Ir RULE I
Dear Chris t
Phit (i;rus ) .
'llianks f or the complement t r t ve not i ceci that nus icai ly r Feoiile e ither l cve or hate Crass r anC many Paral i' e I s ca'n be tl ra.wti : on I t unde rs tand them aliyway . af ter all t wha t i arid between crass and the hippies wrong with Peace + Freedom. t The niain difference is that crass dorr t sF'e a revorution happening overnight, but continue tc work towlrrds it anyway. .-:
are searchers anil scme al'e f i-no€rs. 'Ihose sixties cats were searchers ciiasing an illuslonary nervara, we do it- now desprte their' chaos, fuck all concePts Ys ssngisv€.rl "tl+Z - Se:rnan riockton. frsome people
This is a letter for Yoirr fanzinel'rorn the N ortharnpton area. I thought we had better write so that you could keep the fanzine goi,ng- it I s one of the best I; ve seen for the price except for when you d-o intenriews a;1d you tylpe over picture s that I ook l ike f ingeryrint s g:one wrong (Crass) etc. I also think you should aclvert i se more coming gi d"s ag1d date S .
Hlainly I ihink that after the last raCecour=*-Sig (xuSsianSr'LeroS + i;rew) the n ron : t e rs wi I r have sussed out tilat the y tc get 6'e t more money f rom char6ripg less way -1 gor) r anry otLre than l.t i the on i* t loI otirer hope rfas tLett. r pretty ful it county the iy Especial sc)oll cn cal-s catcir ' ' lltiit itll ]) \r
1,,! nrs n irlr 5 .
sCvertisernent of gigs does geem to be something of a Probiem. We wi l-1 Print, Cetail-s r I :i-rr-11 f r rt,he cnrnE g'i g if tol0 of it trefcre cornine'to r:r:int, anC itm sure thai,the ottier loca: far,zines wii1 as welJ' l've wou Ln I ike +* .i o set rletails cf a.s ::iiil$ Eigs 3-:r :'ar: iritr"'
lic',-sel|he.,nnefore.LneyaciualJyocc;r.rr(the-time beiween editions being o'-ery variable)' ----:-:
The short Crass interesting' uas interview a nore as I see anarch3r than r'ather thing, f crce ful as togethernessnt attsocial Steve seemed to see it' A politition will react more to kick in the cl:tltch " e C rass song' But than anywayr AnarchY in England is almost no more than "rolnant ic ideal ismn . Thanks for PrintinE mY letter (Uu t tr:e cornpJ ement is sornerrrriat 10st see ins I uas trie only fucker to send ycu one t : ). It was a crap letter tao, but at ieast i t ma,t' get Your o the r readers to think-tl can Co, better than this si:itheadlltt I hope You g:t a be t ter
feSp0nSe t''r tSSUe j. 1 ii'ontt wri te in htlPe of getting mY t 1e tter prin tec . I nn a soc iable guy wiio I ii"es to srrcourage wr.)rtrir^rhile things . ie o NNI+/ 9P7" Cheers t S teve .
A loyal fan at last I :
Thanks S tev€ . Tlie re are mally f orms of AnarchY. It would be niee i f we coulo achieve an
Anarchistic state by sheer forcet but would you like to live in the o v er violent chaos that would result? Life would be 1ittle better if not Horse than it is ncw! Sure, &t "L,he incmen t A.narchY is rrlionu,ntju Ideaiismtt I brr{ then nc€ f j ction has trrroc;uced a lot of r0lna$t,ic ideas , tha t b'ecause
they irave been fol"l cwei uFp have eveiltually hneeame reality' I l iked ;/our t,of ten, Yorr do have ( fa:rf Y ) -rPlend.ed tas te I
f I
! I
letters l.etters letters letters letters ,letters ..dletters letters lettere letters letters letters rFFlrt
Irve just read issue 1 of
anil forurd
it very interesting.
i\Wn,p' d :, li \
-,:it;i;t*"ti*: :iffit*,;H":"l;T, *l?f, lrf;llo"ll H,ill"."i":iT:niilg',Hl
-r ltl I
pwrk it was tre. ru*Euaer"':-:'j*:-l;,":: lrnasd'n"*to:-::tl-i?ll" 4\ ;'act that Lrr'tu r'u P!'.^ was Zl\1, -l' prl,r{p yolRowN Bt)t,tr6t- oeur,l og]lr,.AF YonR.owr,t &l*tttg',s* i the sa.ne applies I| .t \ technical skil-Lr not ered., ",^,p \1. PrtFalfra(tc h)ND| - TH6 *trvrs Qe) to fanzines. I5 f
4 i 3. ru*?tNct eoA,ffi nsErrcArN --r,t€cuK€ :L::iTr?ntix.itr:1""3if"";:Ii""-l [Into "u,rJ;"} -+.LtF€?*{, t)k{4tue ground". "rnto tne the II A_ -+.ur€P0e*{6 t)ktta1a6-T*{,xtN6tt&t6s $kids at the coulty $kid.s cor.uty ground-. zthe the f -rmxtN&It&tDs etc. 'are eti1l creat, but Live theV-l ?-lYattey" left me wrlmpressed.
h.aK,tt"rsg-B*uuW w"rrc I I fhe salre trrtue happenecl N' w's\' 6.mr uMatwttd,.Dt€R-TH€FoRy I/47"4' ll Y.\. "h"r *'T:it_!: rn"i" 'nE see the GanE of Fo"" in Lond.on. Z .-7''#,aus I ""i e#T/,wtcrcx?-sPtzzw€<*t urrc II /t orr the sl,lllr on or stuff enlJ.rery of aJ.nogT entirely GOnSlStec aLrnost consLsted tJ.r a.nil adctecl very little to the recorAea | $*S , WNt Ruru, pN lv.K. gtg,pqs4{t.*WtTfrL tETTfr., vergfons. l. ^,--. Jottrt ^ lnw*zztE' 1' cet(4 I 1 r r /"-;t;J"Ot that Bauhaus at the nags heacl I q g.
tl A
vi\^1"iil:l.":H",;:"h:ili."l3.;.i*iliiH'|tgl,!|, as quality I a lot,. _ r very good I _ -7,,]'i;,"ver,Ioverheard-som€one1nAcrnesa.=*;;L!|i ^---
The eowrd
-- .--
1v-Ethathedidn't1ikethearrd1encesthatrl|_J__---: /<iu"-eroup are attracting these tlaye (people lf f near Chrisr Itg unfortrnate, A couple of weeks a€o me and.a a_ unfortunate, but lt mavbe?) Its ne. maybe?) I II I ?tiixe like ne, I
1111 get more lf they srill csrtainly looks as if f certaJ,nly a party in $ortha"uptor.rdfl -T:":_-_^, , I friend getecrashetl and lose sone of their the successful end a bana cafie on calLecl :"11_appea1. tA^ You review a concert at the wlndnill cLub' l ?l{_towards(we tnrn*), md they were great. _ lgR0tlP-ot'tg *n" trny."1"1:_ and complain about tne they diil diit a fRushden ittushden a.ncl short set they tirey reaily rea1ly, I I }""*t ..ho"et could. !e inn-; ?Maybe the advertising for Eie€ 111{,"I"1:trr",n" | | imnreesed. ue" and re rea1ly """r1 to ""1
til:"*i;"t,li"l'ib 7;x"tiJ,1'ff";o:;:"f Even reg:ular venues^Like the yoro
:r::;,l"xil"l,:i':*'Julu :;:$;;l:;;;
|I | I that one of their ,,"rrl vas Job. I _report, Pavilion.and,. the oounty groundl| | excelt Yfe ,re Headr the now nor wanr ro rant lnNagT to liltor hror why they tf,u' haven!,t frave"ii ! _. | played. _ the pavilion or pad"d.ock; or somewhere' d.onr t always advertise in the local press Kettering Evening reLeeraph)'l yl"i" to"" p"opi;-(# ai; ;y-;;"", I 1lve over 20 niles fron $orthamptonr so r 1 | them, so can yoo o" Brrf rea-d.ers te1l-us ,T have very littLe chance of hearing about # | | anything at all about irre*! mouth. of by word these concerts I I I .]-16i"---Paul 0nce aeain, thanks for an interesting readrl i S"" anit I look forward to issue 4. r I i I I l-
if IIr t-t
,ll: lJri,] ll--
^1..1^.i^JIl"$S-{tlffi: -
yr'T,* [Iffil ffi1""; Y,,::,!*l ryry "Eillrl'ff*;"fr;i: {tri\r {tue ""' ;| _ cres., -;oo?T"rfl^?^*?41 trhirtestane cres" ry .o*t W* r or vv,al-N* -:**#Hffitrtr*l f:#:;}i:::. Northanpton. iiffi*5u,l, "tilfu :J _(a,navewouldreallylike,._-l ffi }cll ur hore. tl I ll lllqn{
*hri s 'lMlI4 20
:^^^^^l ^l-, J a.-ooaoonasqoq^A*oe**ol alar-f sotwhodl
gp fi " ,
CHAOS ''w-
)-l I I I ' I I I
q1+ rw hqch .,r,Jr.
to hear from you so rrlte!
$. t\.tG.tl
(!. (r. ti i:
il$: il (\. (\. i: (1.
A. ilF:
il [: G.
i-: il
$r {rr
$ellcrer',/lrull/..,I] rr,.t,-1,'
I .iILin.'{
'L,l'lgrs - . e;v :rl j- -,rr'L ri.!ir LL.u .1,,. torls I ,rri Lut./ -t o,1 2 sntul' ! rf i. '1,;.
or-l[ ol i.r:c t<:iti;ht a:ld it Sllo:le'J.. sito'.rr.rL. slglec!::r" - lle[tet' thln I tr rei L]/ ..ll(JlJll r, I itj, .'i l'ecenI6.1;r €xllectur., exr)eCt!.rr .,1 f"eCGft ..r(J.Jrl
- l'ass Heao
resefirbled. v'u Cntss inr vr:19J ttlltilltheir I I[ey ----r -l'lll
: -
in s.dr.e Ways I alrpeafan.e and.,I'VJO Eneilr ILttSie. statiOn:,fy I
lioLl,r : jl:jir
: :
- j piuce r.r.o(i
I boa:rd.s/syniln ltlayen.---irr*-' t]re focus of II latter.- being --o rtoet ol' ,ry of ro/ lttention, rt.tention, he rtird. n:rd. I i&ost ,u.,.rt*li".u, ot' tne ,^iry v _ II }.|r" rr,lprrei t/ '!'Ul'l0d.' . 'Irieif. 'frieir go*nd so rnt} W:lS iv ri II tp,.I:{Cr1'. e.['f'es[ed by berr.ible,Lixirrg, tireo or'Iiru -;:c.r/51rt* be-rL yet lur*Loolcirlg r rir .'r,,i this .fiU.ntt ]rid.e lrtr*-"i"",l sorlnd I " j,,j .; l,ir,; cteririsc they r'rj-l to &od, vr;trcl 1rtrud.lG€. In f ic I tlre I ,16 i4auv L,alxirr6 of titt.: sv ,uade you *,-r:rLL-r'. However they l-ISugIl listen -** J\r\ II bad tirin-ring roore crriir,;*d co,rll)letr; ',r ny inrently to wirrt they I uere i.y'ir1g. '*nrt tilc; , -, 1 r,-,i r set full of &{a.ny 1iI o-t ti}e -lr""tr...ii*g I I nLr-,:.tie"r" t .rr
: : ;
;o: :
; : : :
$: vi t i tr i lirrr-i
lo,iliut*J .ir r ^$* anger guitrrr, r',1!'tjcLu',r r', 1!'t;cLu'r.i.I flare [;riJ, [;riJ nrostL.T .i.t,._flare 1ie.-ivy clrr-Lri.,rri,rg .rod. clrr-Lri.,rri,rg.rod. ii: [: (Ieetrt '-i I l.i,.-r : tt. u U so'nd So,lotl cr::! ti'r ru tlle the_ 1rir. l-i, Iln. Ln rrr,/ Atl,iIiC l'nelr|, -j.o _Theii' []i^jric b:tse, b rsu, .ri t,r :rd.dgd :rd.ded I er'f rir,/ [: Cr. tpJ,{,jri t ,"vltrt1'4eir being L j. cr' .i.,trl ]relYret' liv; ec f,s I'roru [: I t:oerni:LIV;L].c1.i-lIone:],YIeI'|eIfecf,lirrot0.,PJ:{.jri|''1'IleLr ..,j ti:ln .il trli r ur' LrrL' sica. :*r'o(LlLi. t. cliinceaLrls Lori, yet *vvt (\' |I .un-;ic....-,w ^:-*, .il G. t. ir'I..y' peo1.rl€ ^..r j sgr:.,rcd [o be (!._t (!. C!.
i, i:
[: $:
I 'lil::i;
IIK Decrt.'r * i,i'j
I '., |
t and -{acic.rf 'l;:L};"?::; [tre
rf lla"fr0€
: : : :
ieir boy, -v./
: :i
overall ef fcctiveness ' Jet Lf tnese n*u**$ w rri Luet * I titrough the ,uixing, -
: : :{
A cos.irut)oi.itrL.:r.o',,JcL rtlere hene*
'i:i"i:::jt*ff"3{'+@ llt':l:: I v,lisdrt.,t "t'I.u., L.iL ../utu Ll.r.rr r He €rrLer..Lri,rutr
rl r. .lr'r./
: : :
-r. i -l-m9Tl(y\- )q rhq oprruon 4'v tut lu'o) 'faqilu * l:, dt cpntut BiPv ,*U'o'*-+*
;i"3:ii1l,i;.',;;. ;;,-:;l'J;*; '*' i F: .* rnatle r.)€o,)rc 1,,. r. r.,rice i,i.'ocirr
[:'[:ll?i"'i,,';:.,,,:"::;;'3ff: '_*^l-*XlT '*f,* ws4tL[' "ffifft,ftY-nff"vl|,w* $: .lo'.yrt lhi u b''* ur. und. gr.i*nrs. Ii ^-
ilrlj'[rr'S,i.Ij;J[\,u\r.:i|eIse**i".,i@.o,: t oo* vtq> 4'6lQ'fl0rqreo ad,vi.o rat/J sw st\u th lrt shrt sta"t lL tL &l Lei1,i.rr.; rr.i(; ,.l,,1,,tiflitf. ,1,; rL l'; j-'i,,rrtiaall;, iT. iiI l3,l,,i;'." |0'ltl,a {^a :i $ ::- [s,
flii";li r:: *.';y: Jl":iinl f ;T ktY,.rJy,fi t t*
--I ttrpsclru ' **''!i="ijI'ii.-iijn;*"+iliji'.If*tm:^*9*i*.+;;',,Wn,,:, flfll ^,"* tirei r;utt Lu rtu 5 ll}"l-,il;.,l'i:];;i*.:lfrl'"'flffi*,vubUl,ud''.eoo(,}.alllll I *la*pi,l**r'rL ,r r.crr :,i[IHwu- *JJ^ht 6, tr-,if*^ \%"- ' rvt^'urcf,'
uussri Le i:r-.itr'r.ru'rt p*ouLe,nr
1[ 1r]
-i, vrir,)/ evetri n,i.
-.''i#. l,-il-*ffill;;****,r**,t****.r****tfJ}*.}t****$x;Jmyqn;l:*fu"&uh*,l.Ul
ffi#m,w w:,
,".,,:ry_ *lW L*d*r_h;d ,_r, 'vwta <,av*fttnrfl#t#Wy,.frtil;"^)J a* .lddn. __.. ll bg H' &wt wtru,^,S,_*. IIIn ,#Y\wfr -ffiil-I;#1ffi*;krtil,-, ll.-(rr{
k^i*^, ***''t**r****f*****+***'**l'*tt'flt*tt'**Jf,t***t"lt'ftt,flf*lf**'tf*********if*****rf**********n*****rf
rr"[ aff
l i I
$*&sd otr{^ru$W.. *
A Fr.J cnnn&
'Jtre ilrsw n,l tltur Zenoter/fhe Rusel,F.ng ArE you ha, the 1, tho tulsr? s tt*xGtsGO;lrtJs Fnvi r. &re y6u he , ? | e lord, ytllnsp ne,ffiter? ts J"t you that ho].*e-tha le[shes Y* the -.*owhlte blobe , ;iohly d"eath. * sf $fnst on .lvsrls t;,i E* #nSWS fr$ra
I escepe tfrefr E*lpt can r rebel,, or be ref,elied affiinst?
ffitltnn Kuyftes, fh*t TT*ysd, :l Sood- s$ t of p0p,4) *nii tn n"n eppref,i,rtiVS ftrl*i r,ir*s r *tsing 't
how? what chofses? d eat rr/a I st ruc t/Ci srxrpt/A* et ro y u
fg,u;rle vo0i3.iist', ofl -jo,Jlg nft&b$rs. I'fieir i.,^,.lsr if ttrey wgI.e tr."'/in$ to i)ru.jucI oiIg, \rtt&S s li gir t ty I.r c Kifl., .
the point ie elusfv* amon$st the par8.11e1s a&d para.doxes
may I be free sir? fhe Zenors wsre or nc:r.t :".rl got IE'€-xpecier.l rece. [ron l'rcl,n ?ri"i* ineo]-ent child, rfat1.$ r'? of dj.sease, are you near? The Zdrg's, in ,uy opinion,master -cEIn you hear... are gocld et !y['].t L.rtj/ d0, but I d.oni I t life ,,.,,ir , I Li.e;t d.o. $tilr se9 . . ne? they are bettcr l]r-i:I sotLe of the .do.1 eli1,e (iiocret .q,f,fair, grder ruLes/rules order t{entOn Pansers, ia1,,rbr.ett,as uf,".) "I am not a nunberl I an a free na'l', fhey geen to ',vor.r{ rrerd, on their"' eay's who? you
c&n ilever be fngg , tl$i c end. i.r.. iv u; riJ c:,r"rl$ Jnm h},o tJJ1,d.. a nlunber in some er*histe '*lq ,,R*9.;iSLIJ;, ',r/,:r".; tappXns & isig parad.ise. t liss hacl o t, , .fti:r& Ll . Thetr tset t'dt.Ls short LJ.I Cf.'E: GtiVg. 'l']isy Ifi
fi,..id m,i"{ry p*ulrre,*ovins tc fii&rrbers incJ'rr*Lns 'r'rcirl :trrssia wltli i*rve, Do i t ed i rt t :artrt i;.i gsle c;tion ffim$$ffi$ sf rs&i$5iu n L;rlier,ln tNcnrt hetrl*, ti:sir bent ur' ;[iri;i type, Their s€t was ijlrurr.tctr t;ie.t}. &efj&el, $ffi# en*Lng on t 'Ii.5J'i t,;rr F& I , Xtre, "R**riiang ,irrj $rI"J L).1 srbjle to tretcil encl to Llsf,*n tfi, $€t I have orte srltici;nn eiret is that thrsir svsr set has f,hiinse* verlr tittle fro& whet they l*rere *stftg & Ji[s*Lth"s, ego. hHue ,
another SiE rn::rred, by , :rs t fro& tfie s * wlto w&ra boi s tsf o,iui, br:.t'ei.nhee*n froi&. a IarS* nrrunher of *, r.H *i$Fs, Th* epriv*L o f Li ru sre .l.ssrs, nignal ied **r de*;.,. rr t r.lr- e vi a tjre s f age ff,nd. t}iro *sjr t;is baeK d,nor, why mt"r*t &n*rb$ b* r. ivrr L f s.*ti'ons Why gm.n I t evtur.ytor,l,y' r (;a***" sKir}*i punkn an* &res.;setr;i) ei{.$ny w}:*t theJr *o end. nc L i- ** t i t J-nter"f ffr * wl th sthg,r p*cple , nr *o setrI* p *sple firel-y sn j o./ r]:ems#lv* s wh&& thelr er* d.***r*yimg a ther s
"'a*lF$ntstr6rn" ts
thur qi h't
s *n j a_f .iie n L j X-hi brhon fte{d st yylil snplg
!fSIL bf,mhnffi'r, M' $ttr rac *fu ts np p€&T6d *t x*r* $n flta htr IilF+y sslr dyd+ornlng biuo, of I* Serwent * {oil (f$}Ktngru
.&m$ff;-Hffi ..dlffe,
ffiNl:l &u[rl
hwu{* fiyt
m+Pfritu-t {4fh
M-&. -*r*lta$rf,e fE*rw*rs *ensa,m*nt i 'h6sn * ma&'e#esxns&rt
ffr Su*h
is the
at trac t i on o f rauhraus nowad&Ts r *he room was packed to almost overflol*ing, duc no d*uh t to the re 1 ease of thei r Znd.
\,&&r{&$Us i+ FF l$ I r)+' iF 'N\ thv Irr fi l l FLr.}&bb- sf l$
singlex , n** to msntion ilre ageing John Peel. Tha band came on around g.15pm. to prey ..an enGrgrstic and partly experirnsnt set a.s we1l as being en electrifying perforrm.ncsr They kicked ciff the set with & new soffi€l *itled ltf d*ffi which involved a, filmed weddi"g. sc*ne outside a chulrcl: played ba*k on a T *yo se t r r*hrils * F* te Murphy sang arrd played wj. th the tuning d.ial of a rad.jo to create & distortional effect, nf$mall talk $tinks* had been revorked to incl'ud.e & fuu xy bn,ss sound. *Kamihaze rf had" al so been reworked. to a great effect, being urgent antl deliberate * *Selatt wes
w&$ the usuel set includrng ttlarkitffntriesnn as the last song sf the set . Althsugtr the cramped tions made it hard for the ba*deond,f.l, Fete Murruhy used what there rye*s Yras to good effect. Mi ssed the nrrpport band whoever , t,hey were and only Sot into the gig because we happened" to meet Spi r,z,t g
God ffi
grritarist in the nearest pub. (many thankn to hrim) , Needless to say the p lac e w&s panked and. it wasn t t long
Fu,i,/ s
ffi ffi
H ffiHffi g
$' ffiffi g Y) ltfr
ffiffhI E$fIsilil*ffi#
ffiffi $$
$ $ffiffi ffi
ffi ryffi,Hffi ffi ;{'}
i:] ffi ffi .6 ffi itlil ffi ;3 f*'ffi ffi {ffi r{'ryffiffi ffi .dr cr ,ffiffiffi tr ffi ,g i.ry,ffi ffi ffi 6 6i ffiffiffiffi ffi
sddcr sq*r
fore the mafun band. came 0I] * For * h* f,i-rmt mmup le *f s*ngs Sp izz stay* e d, ba*kstagn d"uring thi s t ime the keyboards player did the singing, thes* ssngs trere vsry average and. l,:j mund"ans ,mat*rial_. But then $pizz took the ntagw tc a €reat sheer from the crowd, and wlth vi tality md. enthusiasm liftef, the performalnce playing all the old. fave s suchr as ttRed + Blacktt , tt#*ld #f*Ft'r tts*ld"ier serldierttr ttVf.r* ginia plaixru** $tAm*ssiatt amd of course t*s'flh*rss *np tnin Kirk" , the l atter havi.&#: t"h* j..n*r* *f rr#.1 **k** &T:ff big rnaeh$nss t:*avy** o &s well &s ether h*
#ffi"tu,t fu.ffi-*ffi*.
wers very impressive
wh* wtrre ff" vsry entertaining band. of ," *Iso beinEr very young **d**? am* prmff*ssfona}, which rnade a refr*mhir$# *hmxrE*. played great a -Thuy s*t a,nd. fncruded tr:eir singre io be, ttfhey e&me and tnok her'u *rt I hope to sse more nf the band in the fut*re. After the br*ak Bauhaus came ca,rue o:3 to play & fa$.rry gond met inclild.109 s" ngw-.s*ng whreh w&s entitled" 'rstlgnra*ntt thls bef.ng very good, they alnn played ff,n CIld fave "H"iiy" whfsh w&,s &s fresh goundlng as *r**- othsr_ wise
fueking csnclusi*nsr I {$eals }.
f# {1
. The p f**" on were the $care,
*'bsd" f rorn tomights.,psrf*rmans*
r o1"*, "ut,Sod
o bl"*ms w$.th th*iw scund inatr full* an* f irst
1?r vsry cranrped a'd limtt..' rng eond.r"ttons s,s well a8 having pr_
* sey that -i mi sseOfsuch because of sons:s like **$py rn *hs # ab' (whioh g* ts be*t*r every time I l:ear i t ) r $mubls fie::* " vr*-tlr i ts urriqu* basm mln th* Nighto *nd of soters* rr]ark &;rrtrirs**,* T*Segram Sam*t trad a grma-t, twist in it when nearing the enc tNre band burst into il$c yap *iranne *ou*h firett whrile pete singles sut someone in the audi €ri,ce $*edless to ffie,y th*y left the audisnce ** &" rrffi,rm reception and ca.ffie back on gtase 'hc* pi*y *r3ite my hipt*, , thin b*ing excelent wi*h Fete Hurphy running" at and inta *he aaid-ience . Als* be trveen sons$ reci ting verss t": aJnuse, feeling safer on horo* grorrnd, fhi e bsnd" gs* be t te r al 1 the time , Whrere r*ill it end??? thor:gh
'*0J,ffi ffi
cs$lrnam*able tumeq, ff}:e ffinssr* *snsisted *f t*ilapt. Xirktr and" & brilli*n* vsr#fom mf tt6$00 Crauy*u and Gn ths wh**3,m &, gss* evenj-ngs entertm,in"* ment.
trr* iJ;
.rii i:u F Vl;fii3 L*/ U,ri tlrf n ;i rii L;-l" fKSy hg,ef *.r L u V u ;)!i itll * ;ic:IuVi:r nesu
cti: yfi i-t -['er I ilbo rt being lik"g"nf;cl to
B,:inglree s
tt clcle$nrt hatlrsr Lrs tfint t'rriJ-ft3:l str"s I f ri! nof a fe,nr*ls mire;4#r '[ r *"re] Iy tnn t ;r1,.;1f,.i] ]iis.g, the;ir, T tirii:,lc itt,* ?.he* " id e r t* ,:rc I'-L iitj*'*r* *i&evg kig:**r usgs t,.irrrI Sae& it., I ' m tn *f f srr tlsi rls, Li -ru rlu,r ta tirgra bfrc,a rl,se trr *, ! t r* sor & *f i$*r f eve r, tv&s, Di'J tne sitrgles yo,utve rele;rsed. help yorr get gigs in n
'ltrrj r,'irg& o&,# elid.n.t t "b**&t:ffis tlret. wr::t_;s ,iratt*y b:rr1 p rtr,1.u ti) ir:uxperierui;& nnrl, ln*i{. af .rito,tl"€g, blrt tire S€,*O ntl r!*r",ril,tj, tr"r i;t, iioind {ilri te ld'u*l I eft* t}ra ts how $u* ga,t tjre I ist [v*n Si i1 'J ' ,rl$n o,rh 'thg Isnd"grb s#€,rLe its whei yfirl itnnw* *rki*s$ f u 't I ::. qi ;t rmt t hat:"ii. arl* i t.g h":*s.{l to SfrE d,i$,g* Do yoq u'rink the l"gton, ne.w w:lve scene hae d.wind.l,,eu.l bit r ffi.* *J: t I"y
g aloL of violence i"n Luton and, ulany, b,a&ds had dX ss qloeed down ,incl tlrere !s &o gig in L*ton" we have to s*.h eltra otrvrl, Also tner.e I s a genenal apattry in the Lrrtor:. pe.ople. 'ffe seso to i-re thre only band. l.reople co,ue to J the paople ere very jrand t.o pleaee, its onty thaL we"r* dr-ci arot of gige in our earry days ancl they stih co.de 6o see Lt$. BancLs donrt erpect to get l&ore tfr,an 2o pe.rpre pneu:oania
turn .tF. Anylvay ar"e bac,c toget*hen agal,,r.-f V$as it {t ioint elucisir}tt to share tiLe first sln#Ie ? -t t w&n betw*,;rI irtr* a"nf, tlre llllj-fta{i$sr of .Frret;isff.r}i;ln we B:lCh ffie*J" &ed. to r s I"e n ss * sins L& n b *t vsJl*ru w€ fatrrrrd tire *nst. and. t'i; *rrd o et lue d,id,ft t t tlii\Fe eno *sh ffi,oney ou tn relea s* ,e mi rugle fro.ir eech benct we decid.ed to p'rt o*t tw* sj" rlgtes ffnr tiie r*i,J'ice of o'n&, ;*h&.rirus the cost, Arryw,ay f*. gi g '[agc[i"rt*r iint wit.h t]re her:*e aft #ititei. ffild.ew# 0fill*f;dtil mlrugl* bht*y \*Jer&ft | t corltrestins ffit"yles, You i*entiorreo the apathy ia Lul;on, do sosle o.f yoor rluiutlers tcr,rclr on irris srrbject ? .d L
$c t, Irt*nI l./" ldes$eg.* PistoJ".t:"oru ig nbn*t t"he L*ttan '{ews "[ryirus t,o &tt] &f f the tu* [an { Ic:*'r,.L r*$) ! lt traa been iitul*i * ***ns fnr ye&r s $ rl,/ 6iits ther& w&s *-ny cr$xr.CI i rr t*;t*lll b;r*j,l t d hl*rrne i t o{} ihe p rirr}rs r r*.r}q the $ti*e :rr*
Vf,r./ li€ 3'f,y
f *,r:.[* ;*,t 6
.A dr
iJrouni"rl./ d.ue **tu
lrair. Tlri$ apatny I that alot have turnelt skins,:
anybody I'ritil, spitqy
to tiris
li;j $l g*# R,o{{Ilifrcs
nd* ru [,ll i rl L*t om
Ls tlrnt
Yasn we hilu lreen g,oing aborrt J nont"hs when a pi*serl rrania triecl to icnocii'down clun c1rrr.,ii.nen ln a viln whil*t tre rva* i'lalring arong 'f,he paveincat, ttris gpt o,ur" baslcs r{r. tiee;1
i$8.[?*&i'3ndtfitil3 tft"]"5ffa fil;afiaeed' up and. trren so o*t
tottt' Lti.r
./u"l, you.l.'.ielf l' el.ite t.o alot of y'11tlr lyrics b
iCv r'*j*ll'Lc ituL Irl $u,ittj o.f' otlr- ne!? rlll"il"usI.ii, w]rig]r ':rrls hal},u* f () t"l. dX;r d f I eilt}e ii $Ju vs besn throtrgh i n Lire. plls t f ew we$r(s * 'bo clo wi tii t$ &.;,, we aar"t" t t I t l{m0roplii I li -,i ' i s,r t too $,uch t$l;ask. C;rtf is abu*[ &n $j'*tgftr AI:*i] r t:l I ly i rruturl;e in it: try and ce.ep u'1.r:t Lherne tJrro*glrFoe story. But ua d.on't'
beeause out oirr $ongs. VJe dropped, UI{, Decay fro.a org set" get'tlng. It m.isinterlrreted. us oo easily an& we was aleo, labelle<i. a.ii a right wing barld." whic.fr werr:e not, We try and, stay unpolitical, fou get left wingene aeKing you rtg[t, wingers to c1o Roctc againet Raeisro gigs and you geL co.uing [o gigs eaylng Uit Decay t"Irats a good. nlene for a rac!s'6 {groop, !11€ ere generally antlpolit',ice. v{e oon't
iilvolved. with thq: iar:'siG'
w:rl1t it
i{avs /a;{-} lrsen &s*ed. to, play
fr"Al? glgs
il.rve done irrr'tlre 1-:a$ti b:t werve t*rned. theig downr',IJe nigjrU Ocl 9r1€ in the future brrt Unid,er a diffeSent na6e. v';u
Havs yo* tir ought abo,rt doing iI Backage tour of L,uton banus 2
A f a;*, 'JrJ# #sr& ffi,ointg "bcl *n a tn *r , 0f rlki , Fne Luni*nj- n l{nr} Tir* ,'L.[i il [] ' fi* i; Fng"ilr&ani e ann '#iie dJ-l,pr* spl-Lt r;p arurt iL,'r '#* &frLl sx$h i;t$Jaelf t s& i [:' ,friiti] j **t an id*n* d.i *J} t t:er Aain flow cio yotr go do'wn rvith Lontlon audiences, 3s to ? that has it extent your ml,rsic still '7o f,eel t"o , A Thats intended.r we eould, j.nt.nod'uce rceyboands and go irrore" th* *orn,nerclal. iYe try to stay as we are and, loorc shlt ln tire preEs, One wseK we ltad a good. revlew oform glg at the :Ta$hvillen the nrext lve'rs iraving, a barl review of ttre single. If yoir buy theiu a few drinlre, a ioeal and youtll get a good. review, if you donrt then you wont" ,f/e don,t have tl.e tfteney to Co itn :,ind. I dontt k.oolv irs r:1,
we|rl do it; nnyw:.y',
t rlo .y'oJ tirinK abo*t tite g,rretlt ,orreic scene 7 iJi:.lt I l,;ri,rrr. it.s been affectecl by tire su.rrent trerrd in
Wtr'i A
irr,lc"r6ilLrfirrt labele,, adveroely. fJrere afe so lilany inclic.s Alr'-i-i[ [irnt cornpan-le* afe {oore eri.rtious about t*,cing trrem ..)it . lflr,:l,urri so fiIa"ny people *asiring in on thie inue;rendant irr.t,l.: tiili; j-[s hartl tO prreh a sindle and !t pr'oo,rses a 8..',.itr i3l!.ui' ['Ig€." iJ"i-.t yu,J
iruLlcir norLey
on ttre firul; single
Iu.i, Lr*[ the money wa ruirdg on tir'.rt weitt lnto rol,i.ing th *, oc',v single, We ttont i{now ho'"u r,r*cl} ruoney vJetve ,rrad"€ ttn til ',qs s[0p uraring records. '.'igtre ]cleing i0oney on srijs. r-{'i,p :.li
','i ...;
rj {
r trre relabiOlrsrritl vui 6tr PIiti .rrt"rnia ceirre abo,rt ?
Jr i" '!l]{;j{} t* dt"i L,J :ir.i.,i iOI;)i wit}t o'.rirtl#;n t5e f}X. L*,'lUi ,$i to fei,i*rift;"ie arud n,$-$fJfii,;*t* t*;4*tlt*Ia nilil ti-r.at # f, ir i: h ndg fr,*,$s [ (]rri* illrsr " i-
,i iiJ* ,.1i$f;cl. i,r.
,y0i.rf' ru,iig# ff0:il
1r;rg Re*igtof*
uK Wcay
&nL' A '.fhefe ud*ru J4 atiigr. l-riiir{l$ o:ilLrtci l,:r* fr,e sistcrs all wi [ir riifl'greiL ripstlifi..3s. trfts ur, Lfls..l w sre a bi*c1 lot r.r.o.ii Le*crls wrloto;:tf;lyec in jr*:nu.*r-r :r i'*:rv t,i;neu, nn* we trru *;tr t th:rt if' 'n'Jr: ;Jli]"$ed. .tfie.re trte,; ,iri.;i:.I a$,$fi*iate *s wt [r:" I tl'*tr#r1 !ce t tgn ,Lerin on ttiu o.trritu Jrt S*G*F r rJe *o *lr1 ti-râ&#x201A;Źirr* ror ssu potitic:rl *rffir:*lt:ss* i;*[ ii !r::1 r fi:e iltest *rigirrrL on$ w* c$ ,ll ul J'i nrt * Wiret :.rfri r/riltr f*.tn$* A
We t\Fs
gis s
rr f ew ,runall s *Slg]fir u ;ir r*" th*re "
rICl3e I
frff * lcr t;* ffind we 'K;
j xmt j* t
lJs ,/ o 'J fr
ri i
hililt-t i;j ;"ij-;iC**i
li l ;i r
.r [; I* t h Al"l Ll$ tJ.il n Ji ,* ulrat*l be**iiJ_ij# ,} l- i" i{. i; t ir * il{mx* er*ls *, ; r t"l r* .{ fu Ll -l' l**ndr: n o l_ i ,i.i:
i I"1. .: 1; l" * L*Lor.,ir"l t ,irJ lj#ilpLr*, ["rtr f ],.-1{} f]*}} ,,;tr
*fi't;i{_}.'iL $ *;i* *,i1.
,.i'} ,.{
il U
t*ii virll{:i}*r:
A, Ltt" L5 i, t"; '.,'L-i l;r-j.;fii i;t*i"l,;_,i; t-lLnt-l',,'i-r t-ji.ft de) i,i"J"L1 lilq*l Lt'Lr ti-i lu,,
,:1 ,:t:Litt
i.iri;i i"'l Iu; i* ; i" u, ,i ,
: *, {, ,. .r;
** ''tu
/"4 **r
, i t}r-rff"[**]
,Jiilir d;3 fiLrt* tirug
,j* lr
'-*-* l n UjTs h*:: i"l*I u] i,.j_&.r:i::* _ -