RAPID EYE red,*h
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*?qffi &ssuel#
4 pag
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PewKtK FrvaqgR&LS * "Tr€ Frn&WMe% ffi Nrcnv r Tug Dsrs * Toxrv Pans<rtrg+ Tuur e Burcxtrrf
cHeLgEAt ToKes Hobs a LoADS *oiJi.Ltt'
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the that we are fighting for, and But between the gen**t aims
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"l:1" we co&e, valking d.orvn get the ::; ;;:"?j,,i*^t fr"nn funniest ionrr*: Looks from everyolte He meet.....
Yt eo.4ql^ ne
R.iFID 4yE t4Cvn{,TNT c,/o io Roush Kougn ''ijrd"de tra"de 2'''2 T,ensi-n,",'ton Pe.rk Hd.
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;:-i:iT:"oii"l"iolT;,:'1fiffi l:-i:n;;"1";jru. 6qlcri^"1Eli l'Jell (ahen) dolng it keepe us off the streets 'l nor,,,
it's a bit cold,
I thought there was
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Al-an Anger
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Andy Nother
prrnt/ cover pic j.s screST t"T." is rron fro$ sereen
r \ cAB€:er vournr*'ffi#
" : confrount your ___ " *'exaggerate daydrean your jaw * rip this up -Wf*rr he Was overioyeO. 'SaI, r-..fff,"rrc-.-.,tt-J.t-*t:.qlg4
did ,o,r-nrri these aUlft'tlfy
wonderfut people? I've never seen anyone like ttlem.' , .i.r
aomTe{c. 3!
ittl Blitri,
Scr /
Scritti Politti are an art band* gulp and moan I till your face turns blue on forr The fact is theyrve produced one of the best singles of the year with rr,skank bloc bolongna tt, tu* rned in two Peel sessions thatt ve eclipsed just about anything done by
drumsf vocals
r I was very intereated in this called rtscritti Folitch6 written by this bloke ealled ffransc:rl(?) while he was in orisonr iie rWell
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Italian conmunist.fr trlle wrote it as a series of notes which were snuggled out of prison and later printed.rr He was- inprisoned by the fascists? G: trYes, he was a political prisonef,r l{e uere influenced by his writingr i*hen lre started a6 a group, but not anymor€ o was an
$ti}L r it alright.f l
dos t nr
, the
name I s
Are you comnunists? Ion frErr I think we all voted Labour. Didnr t we?tt ( it appears they diC )
ialists , but i think
I , r
name came about. f
re all
Tlre apparent uncgrtainty of each others poli tic al- af f iliatioirs serve ( reassuringly). to dispel any suspiciorrs I had about the band being jus'i another bunch of art scLrool $iartyrs coming to save the city by use of, the nnihed-up pulpi t" Youfre not tryins to Eet any great political rfiessase acrCIss vsitlr your sonEs? l* ; tNo , not really. You can say t-rhat you feel about certain thj"ngs but you r
Ihey live together in a housing cooperative in Camd€or their house is a barely organised shambles, not unlike their stage showirgsr They donr t know where anything is, but they have fun finding it. I asked Greenr the gangling centrepiece of the .band, , how the t&n': s boolr
n p,e I
he| s voted Communist in the past.fl i.ii eI : ItYeair r I have vo teci comffiuni st . I vated twice last time ? once here and once in Leeds, trying to iceep lhhtcher out * tl ':..!,
any sta$sering hopeful the b.brcr has served up in nontbs r and performed some of the best gigs seen since Davici $6rrie 'risseql aff. They are I Green - vocr*"&s r g:rri tar O It: I - bass, vocals
Tom -
cantt tput a message acrossf iust like r tirat. i f you try to do that you just . ena up slonganising, itt s a bit point- ' less * like lonr iiobineca.f r { Ana who li ster:s tc r:im? ) vlhy are you in a band? G: rf I t just seemed a natural thing t,o do. vr'€ prefer r.rorking within the context a rock gtroup works j"n rather than that wnich an orciinary artist works ih. rre like the people we deal witn in this ,side of' things, whereas we donr t like the ;f'yl::* *f people t*6 t d have to cieal with in the r artrsorlu | * Anci musi"c is a good way of expressi*g yourself.tl Isnf t it linited? u: rr,tell E €verythinsts limited rea}ly" I think you can ds quite a lot with wcrds anci rnusic. rl 'i': tf il band has far less lirni tations than most artiets" Yf know, there art n't that many rul€$ r and if there are we i'rant to avoid them.rf torn met Green at Leeds *rt rlollege,
in contro
.,{ ii.i
to tl.c {,nAs after
the E"ttl.
sultivating hie in his hometown art school at Srighton. N"ie ls past seems to be cloaked in nystery n apart from the fact that he was an old friend of Greens who was hanging around Leeds. tthy did you turn to music as a form of expression when your d been tau6ht how to do that visually at college? G: tr weli nobody listens to that. I f you do a painting or whatever r and you are really excited about it and yourve put a lot into it n you turn around and wait for some kind of reaction. iSut it just .isnt t there r it t s hopeless.tl Didnr t you do ar\y performance art spending a year
mousey dreadlocks
Gl ttNo. In fact I didnt t do n:uch tirere at all really. tt Is being in a band nuch of a vocation to you. If you encountered the same apathy on s tage as you did at school, would you still sc
l rii er
G: lt"ijr.r.rlol i surrrcofire wef ci lc*!l for another ',,u'3.'r cf expre,ssing our selvâ&#x201A;Źs r be ing in a b*n* i.sn t t the be alL and end, a11. rt ldhat sort of refi ct ion have yslr been Setting? T I Very gooci ren 11y, the paper$ seem to lilte us and resctions at giSs are Sood.. Ytknotlr ]Jwople that coffie to 6iiigs no'rr actrinS-l;r know most of the son{irsr anr] thatrs It f s xlore 'bhan 'ire do l tt incredible. lr'rje n:ake up sonf,,s snstage r;uite Nr a bit. $omet imes half the set is impr ov i sed . rt
) I usually hr;te banii s but r'lith:,',au it seerns qu it e nstural. iio lFs1r finh, it easli? l\: : trlt i.s f airl;ir easy r 4s to hotr ;;';ood it is deFends on how i,{* fe*l 0B ihe ni;,;ht. ltrs difffgult to tell" if a certain bit of ir,rpi,ovisation ie 1d-Jci'kinr; or r:ot , *ecause jrou I re too i-nv*}v*ci in d*ing it, but it usua'1i.1' It ffiakes thinss a bit' seei:is alr:;;iht. ffiior# i.nter'{*stin{l for us enc}" t}:e nc*ople trlrt- cori!* to see us.ll ji.nother rintere*ting: | '.:'venL that #isl1r cr Ii:&:.,'' not occur dur:"ng their set igi {} Bectisn i-lhere soxr:eCIne conieB onsta;qe and re*ds scrnethi.nq cut abcve s jerl"i,y- Cui:tbed-uF itackdrop slJritr1j eS" bli cli+ ,$crits. fire{in: rliiis }iave sonietirin$ d.ifferent r1-'{}J"''.' t ine. A bit of the lccnl ne $p,*per uf i;i'ie ioi*n r,,igr.f* 'l)1e;,rin,ii in or $oi;':e thing, usufi lly the most bernal bit of the paper we can f ind t jus* to sort of point out whet itfs l-jhe l-ivinl; in thnt nsirticuleir toun. It t ti not re$lly relevsnt to anythoin,+ cther than the t irne and place we sre ',dâ&#x201A;Ź just grah anyone urhs lr-1 ayir:S in" hap$sns to be around for that bit.rt It, s*effis t o be an ext ension of the radio tapes on tti',pgntern klorldtl . T:oln I rtI su ripCIse it, is, yeah I it I s the s&il:e sart of idee. Cnc, nii'ht wa$ 51ood1 ire hed l4att (ttre ffiangiler and e*J-r:ost l+t,h m$nber) re&din6 out sl-1 \ the aciv*r?,rs tliat journfiliets ltnd prjp*fsr .Tust in the us abcut 'nrritten t a l ist l F ltnor.l ttansulB,f tu, nrconc i$e ttr-l all that :'ubbieh. 5
G: ilf suppose $or the only thing I Learnt was a by-prod,u ct of iny a'rg:uing; with the teachers. In order to put an arsument acrcss you tencled to read up on that subject you were ar$uing about. in that '.'day you Se t a di f f erins oninions. ?hat hras alL I learrecJ r I read quite a lot, I suppose partly Cue to that experierlce. 3ut overall it wa6 h/orthl€ss I once they realised you weren I t going to sit arounC and paint all the t ime t h ey Save up on you. f I ffArt college is great f or just / lazirp; around in. You can Set away with clcing fuck all for a ?t
Fro r^ t\'g },leil : rtlt's'increclibls what soilne people wr it e . , Chr ie t , trangular sound rt . I rnean, where does the c CInver s.r t ion So from ttrere? | Perlraps we ehould a sk Ian Fenms r r who , as if he | *; lpeen wa it ing f or h is cue lig;ht I has just wa ndered in. Ian I s been playing; the odd t chunk t ( oops I ) of sax with the $crits and Frag Vec recentlyl a task which he perforrns ruith toasue f irmLy in cheek {r*'hich is pr stty dirf ic}r1t ) and notepad in pocket. Iie spills his bee::, ffioans about lris f ellor,s rockscr ibes and t ells ne how good his own bernd are , ( the;1r t re ehit) before bouncing out into ttre nis;ht, no doubt concoct ing anoiher we ird, rd'rond erful and totally und c ipl"ierable acre of the I''iew l"{usical Sxcess on the wa,y home. U}: well, s0 r*uch for the pre.sse .r,
f ew yeaf s *lt You start ed t i:e band a s soCIn a s
you left? O: tlltore or lesE. iie bcoked studio t ime b"ef,ore we brere even a {froupo I'nre had thrre weeks to $et s0$et]::tn*t rusd'q f or it. i',5-e 1 was st ill livin$ in Leeds and he had to boruow soneones / bass and c ome Coisn f or the ses,gion.ll You I d never playp$ anythin,E? i'Il tr$r, not i ju-st learnt the b&ss ,
part for the sih4l,e, it only taok & f e'*r doys f it t's' qlt it e €# s$. tt Can you pla.;r properly no,rr? i':tllieahr I consider so. ,,je11 enou gl:, an:.,r1,,lay. tt !t'hich is all that ma.tters. If mors Feoiple !.rsrs as i;r;; ve/stu::iC
e$ il:iE I ',ye I d have fi vsr:r. raal niusical i'*voluticn cn oir.r hcnis. $cri*;ti F'ol,itti believed in the*sel"v.csr sild cast all traCi;Lcns ,:*sicl u :n crder tc i::et tl:inFis talkins about th'b' prr,;s bring us hanrti ly i:tcvinf,:.'j"'here tfi? s no hcit:b.lrCino"" to your imag€. Did you ever actually thinlr ,ecord ti:: '-r'itlr taF,esr cor?iiranies i about how you d like to be seen by othereS no ll'io, f,ueinp: for contracts, thcy G: !'re just play our stuff to people, t went ehead and did r*l:at tire.i \ ;uet just itf s a pe rformance, 1 suppo$e itfs want ecl t o. ?iie "iloder is in i he performence ar t, with the instant reaction iran*s of tilcse bol,d enoug4h to \ you get frorn t he aud,ience* Theref s no g;rab i.t. ':'rue, oth.er bands heve f calcuLated att ernpt s at Fr o j ec t ing any ione i h is, it t "s just that the vFart icul-ar ima Se though. " ,*cr:-ts Cid it r:ore ilranat ica11.r tou tend to atr ply arty t erms t o r,',rhat you t re ( i' succsesfu3l;,,r ) than n:ost. doing rather t han tradit ional rock I n I ro11 l+as chat &n ir,lpcrtant f actor, etandards Inaltinr,'it alone? T: ttlrlelI we wa nt to Set away from those trYeahr verli riiuclr so. Ferticufi: standards and traditionse and I suppose as c 1ar1;,'at the tjne. ;ie haci tlris we went to Art c oLlege we t end niaybe t o take icl ea tllat tirere chou1C. be hundreads that attitude touards thirigs. fl of banc.is nakinf ,J , j.. y. recordsl But I take it you didntt like art col1ege. and if we c ould do it , anyone c ould. tt G I lt0h god rlo r Art college in a cornplete But youtre not as entl:usiestic waste of tirne. The tutors are Fj,enersIl"y a aborrt the idea nor*'? j;irst bunch of wanke rsr l reslised in rnji f:-rst G:?t','ifell, lr€sr ftts just that in t erm at Leeds. practise it can prove to be a $ut the er,,per i ence did you soffie gccd t}:ou[i]i. f
bit difficult, tirerets a lot more to it than just going in taping a song. tt Fndtt'iCe : ha d t li is idea of ov€rthrowing the big labels y I knoru It was a bit naive I suptross r l/e wanted r and st i1l do want, to de-nystify the-business of making recordsI dls-*rnile all the mytlrs bit-by-bit. That t s irnport ant t o us. tl T : rf lt also means tre have. Sot t of al c ontrol over rshat stuf f is released. fhatf s v€r1r important to us asweIl, werd hate to be told what to do by some record company people.!r ilow did the single sell? l,lat t 3 tf ivell , we r €-pressed it so the total ttras E , OOO n and they t ve all sold out except f or a *c oupIe of hu nclr ed. at Rough Trade. rt uihat did you tdo r'rith thq m oney you got from it ? iulat t : ilBou ght € qu ipm ent , Sot a van and crashed it I i* e put what was left into Setting studio tirn€.ft Iil : tti'Je havrnrt got any riloney l',1
l'ri th the *ioney f or m6le rec,;:rd ins they t ve cl.one sols e iL;i *tq ibu t ion. T$ and e;r have :', lsCI '=,u,t up some ir ore :i:caey fcn us to record .:egff, in, ,so there s gcing to be a three tr'r cr, sinflle corni*g oit r
a t all, vrerre I t you get n LJ on
stil"l signing orl, tt $. any trouble frorn the lf I'I att: trl'iot really, they ffCIt interesi ed ii n us for a while, but all yourve fl at t o do is prove to thenr youtre not a aking any aone.',r from tire l:and and J. t hey i''o abray, rl il hat plane are there for more relea se s?+ ? 3 rr,ofef ve got the 12tr e.F. cominf o ut s oonr It I s Sot six tracks fro;: the Fe,e11 s essions on it , lropefull'y it | 11 he cu'+v f or leos than 2 quid.tt I n these Ca;'s of 6 qu id alburis r tha tfr t f" of to be worthwhj. le. I,nfortunatly (} t he Beeb are being sods about relea l/tar t, he tap€sr due to red tape i,*ith the usicians uniorr r ao the releese dat h as been pui back to about i'lovernber 'if hy rel-ease the Feel secsions at al 1" T ' ft I Cos we went into ttre studio an d r ecorded a few thlnss for possible r eleasel but kJe werlnf t happy ','rith th el f inal tap€s r so we ,scrappe d that an d 4 d eei'ded to get these. out as they ar a !o € '.'last ed.l,,lIr,i o ood and, already rec orded. 7 OO quid in the studios Bo we had t o( tI/ d o something, tt Fl att : trfhe € r p e is ha lf Rough tracle "a nd half St.Fancrn.$. (S.P.s label) t his t ime, I cos they I ve helped us f\"J
not long after the e"F., rnstee d of relying on the b is money of n mn jor l_abel (*.ncl the *uitrioni*g effect thnt soes rith it; the ba*d is helped by xoug;h rrafi.€ and an i:lerestecl cr-rcle of friends, r+ho oft'er critisisrns rn{,noy1 arrd encouragement - ';'he r'uhole orru**ticn l:an,.r,s on co*operaticnr r;r.ther than cagh. I t give s the ;c p i ts the f re ed, they neeci, r: nrl i t helps keen things ;
in jler$,irec ti\r€, Gre()n: ili',is1 1{ou}r.i3i r f, }*,r.ot to be thought of es t profbs riion. 1 i rusicil n$ r fts ,sttch. .,'e r/oul-cltr t t',,.jarjt tc he conEt,.,.ntly t,.'Lirilr.g r:"11 the tiirre eniJ 1.,i,r,rrrlirrb .r-?:o:rt sr. len fi"grrres ::ncl gll- that. just tirj:e g,;ii;s n s t}rey co*re fil-r:ns.,, t*e the i:,ri:d h*s stil.l cnl.y rlone {rrirty od,l g:rgs tri cl.rtel l.-irrt thr inrnrct thnt; theyive hecl h,rs i:een corjsid*"*hle. itve niet v{}ry feirt :reop}e rrho dclnrt -li]':e the''i i-r.ilil, c{rll.Eitl,:ring r t}reir unccnventiCIfl* 1 ". ljj,r*,.?ch it is a fact tl:n t lfove{; li'el: :'" ctri;l} roel" I n I fcl_1, at-tdience ii; f.rr less lr";l_trolr r:iriclecl th' n is fienef.1r. 11)' tlrcirght, It r-.1.1 1or:Jls pron j nin;. f cr the ir_: t-,irc r
Scritti r:'olittis t scnS,s tencit tr: convclr r$,-iods rn-ther than riessaFi€,i!r ','heirs i* ni,qht n:Lrsic, +ihen ti:e eub*concic)Lrs seqqni.g tc be rrn,*e.:rrtJ-:ed_ and. the rninq: nrire ;:bl e to re, shuf f l e rnd beco!'1e recentive. Thn.tts Clne roqsir,tl',i1:;r they are ,3" herd hend to riet i.nt*, trn d"iticn:": aflrl. sllsll'icicnn r-,:Est be f ': rgr:tten u}: e& yi,lt re ccnfrr:*L*#. by ihi,s ba.nd. ,1.-s ;ret t}:ere ,=re r!rr f,1:,ns for :.n al.h'tjn. There is strll roor: fof ir,'':i:cveriicr:t, l;'he Scrits rr€ 1o*se etli:uf:ih fr-r th*re to be trr::orfl for aore i,ieng. "'h-ers in alsa r,.'0r3 for ysu. I I cl advise en)'c;tie to {"c, $nct see them nc'r,J. ,bcritti jrolrtti n-re not eetting out on n ny lc$entle rS r*ad to starri*nr I they n.fB just ,:-r bu.nch of j.nr1 fr,'ir.irrEls e3perimentio.ril a.ncl J 6oi the irnpressicn the ,:psj*ct cr:u1.6 be ca:tctll-ed *t .3.ny l$orrient, if they thous'ht t}:eir control or artintic grntjfj-cation 1,.rBs d,itrin*. ishitrg- (an cbr,'ious t:y-procluct of -n], 1:.-,.ncl t tha t iJC t,S stcn onta ttrn t rnr d , Cnn yr,u I " t.t-}le na.rt in thisi d=,r nC€n.bl-e e:.r":eriment?
l-Jould you like ascess to a i'iass audi* enc e , or do you l ike your cult e ta tus? Niel: rtidell I don't think tha t just because you have a rile ss arr:,d ieirc e yorl
autornatically get l.istened to. In fac t I think it I s more lil(ely tha t if you have e smaller number of people hearing you then they r*ill be more interested anrl rec eF t ive tc r'.rhe t you I re Co itrS. A ny'r';ay , numbers Con ' t really interest trsr I just d.on't th j nk l+e rd appeaL to a radio audien c e in the d* ytirne , I can I t see them be ing tha t intere sted . tr You I re cbviously resgae influenced, *re yc'u big fans ? Niet I " r es, tr*r€ " 11 are , which obvios* Iy gives , s a comrnon basis far nur own stuf f . ,,ue t ve al"l got R -,ot of reggae , particulEr rl y dub thi:tgs. ,' Joe tiibbs, i>crs tch , Srssi C1arhe , t those scrt of peoTrle."
*Go e nci s€€ r
I'Iho rsrites the lyrics? T: rrGreen c3.oes the l:rrics
the ffiusic. tt I fling in the old
ncl. l're
sound CIr sent
questicn o G: rt1 I m involved in both, T sui).iiose the lvords ii:terest me t co,g T t m very interes
ted in la.ngu=lS€s. " IIfrat aspect of langua{Ies^ G: r?In the '*ray they ' re interpre te C. I t stems from art college . You 8e t ,& picture of 3 yellow' blobs in a corner and it t s "supposecl to i:tean ,sol?:e thing. .''f just loolced into horr pespl* Sot a 'meanins from that sart of thiilS. I looked. in'to the various t,lefs in nhich . at thought or f eeling is cori*unica teC, and how langus,ge cloes it, " It seeffis an investig*tion thntts left i ts treb e s in the $roups '-+crk ,
tF (, 4
s o J 7
Chelsea have been around. since the early d,ays of punk (circat?6 in the u,K. ) ,yet where do you ever see a decent nrticle ? They have become the hated band of the new wave G which is pretty unfair. Sure, they nade nristak€s r but rras their talk of being ''oh-so-r,?.d iea1 | aay worse than the dann and their ou'tburet of naivety on voting Tory'/ Their 'rrradical , stance was no worse than say, thet ,of the CIa sh. Gene Oc tober posed in gay ma gg for soffie money .r before being in a band H but so rvhat ? David .l onansen, Oebbie Harry, Gaye lt dvert did it too. So rvould J ohnny .r,ydon if he rrere beautiful enoush. Gene did go over the top in fa c ing his eudi enc e uritfr violent outbursts , but tha t trn s no wor6e than the early PistoJ-s or J&.mned. And rememb€r r CtreLsea where right there in those clays too. ; TSe press icant Chelsea to go at.r*-y r but they Honrt go.
df Frr
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5 /r
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This, the f irst album by Chelsea is pretty giood ectnal-l y. tjif, ss clash'-like it t s uncaltnf,r Bits that scund iike Joneselr s riuitar and baclt'ing ,vc:cals, bits of Topper style c].rumning, there 's even a I o nffier lFersicn nf an *ld ref:Se.e track ( their I Folice and. thievesi ) ' Thi s pq.r t icular snng is ths oldJirnmy Cliff ehestnut *'l*lany rivers to cross fl sul:g b;." i,ene :'ri.th excell.l"ent vocalising. t',fy own faves r:f€ the Clanhelilt *s; r1e I'enf r t?lecirlef and fFaols and soLd.ierg ' . Ttre cirumming of ex*Ba a,:omi Chr is ila shf ord is gr ea t ' Jsrg€s Stevenson is also {in top form , t}rrep tening to fo1.,:st his 'oipY crrt nf l"iicl: Jsf ijeedlees to say, rrene f'ctober sings as r:ell- Fs ever' ehadow wlth every riff. Jtl-1 never-fo::get the early rsvier,.rs o.f the Roxy clubr l;rhen (lene ttaa ea-l lerl the best voice in purlk. Horri the press can change ite vjer'rsl!! i_
n A: nser
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b o u, 7 lrt
-- --^- ^) obiect now named charles Kowal,s originat plate showing the rrr$-r'Jru
clrffi, -h"r
6ody.shatterirrg blue ( through and stands poised aoosver his bodgfikr and persimrtror
o ra
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o o
h s
The Piralohas are undoubtedly Brightonrs hotteet band a.i the monent. Born on the crest of the Jubilee lear Ner,Warel their humorous" cyni.call self=parodying blend of punk, reggaer. pop aad honesf=to=good.ness entertarining silliness, has brought, then, via a single (liffXl/Coloureel Music) three tracks on the very pgll received "ttd lfau-Ltage t?8 Ip to the verge of a. contract rith a najor record cotr|any. This interview night be one of the last they do ag; a relatively unkno&n,phenonenorn. B1r rrthe;rtrl me&n; The Pirhanagr minug the rhyrthm section of Reg Hornsbury, (taee) and Dick Slerie (aruns).I spoke to John Hehner (guitar, vocals), Bob Grover (guiter, vocaile:) and Zoot Allures (sax, silly nane). Inevitably, talk cf the recorcl deal fea.tured proninent1y1noulconversation'.'so1etlgkickoffthere
+ Is there &, deal ln the off in$ Well, there is and there isnft. Until you sign $oil€thingr there I s nothing; is there ? + Eut Sou have turned some d,own? ZO0T: 0h, yea,b. We told CtsS to fuck off yesterday. + Becauge it sa;g.n I t a"L good enough BOBI
l[e d.idnlt like the bosses I shirts,i The people art Virgin, wear much nicer clothes. JOHNs
8OB,r The first offer we had ras from e publishing companyr to make an a[bum, 'Ihey rooed us on six cans of heer end tro packets of crisps, That was their id.ea of a free m€al . + So you I re just wa,it ing f or the right d.eal to come along? ffiB,: It von,f t come a-L ong ; we I 11 harre to fight for it. ZOOI s We Yant a deal that will al]ow us to ma,ke &: single and. maybe have it flop for Bome reas:on and still be )
able to make &nother one r" without being kicked. off the Iabel. B0B r $ome t ime s 7, if they think a band. I s good. , they t 11 s ign t em up ; give I em a, nainute advsnce r. d.o nothing about the ir first couple of stngles so theytl+ b,ombr and in e f f ec t the'y I ve ru j-ned the band I s 'career for a couple of yee,rs, jus.t to stop anyorri€ exploit ing them to the de triment of other bands on the laber. The bis companies still operate like that. Theyrve got loo many bands, on the label r and. they can lt afford to pr,omote them ailtc + If and wben you do signa, d.eal ,, and assuming that fate d.oesn i t befall you,r.ill image play a big part in your livee? JOliN: 0f course it will. Welll get a; p.R. matr and all the rest of it. + Lro you th ink tLrat s id,e of i t is mad e too
much of?
r tYell, there I s two sides to it. f iret thing is that r,e I re no t eas ily classified, and thatf s B.: good thing. theyI11 tend to concentrate on the JOHN
The So
lvnrlTidun!: eharacter of the beild.. The naiin thing ia: getting an engle. BOBI Thatrg,the rord that alra,ys cropg uP* a'lrgl€. JOES.T But itrs,good to haye a1r angle to be anr'initividtual thing, nnd aot ao
thing. + But ienrt it a contrived indlriduality? JOHI{I llhatt*. the.other eide of it. Tha.trs the dravback* the fect that yourve got to live up to an lnege. We rant an irnage theSre us; one tbat ve dontt have to live up to. + Don-rt trrou think tbait.a' &,b,it naiiue? Surely you roro.rt have an awful lot of sa,y in the na,tter. JOENI Yell, r€rve talked. to a fer people a&out this' and they seelo to think reire a;ibaad rhorre quite eaey to p.R. B0Br I think theyrll try and erptoit the faot that ve make fun: of ourgelvea, rhich ie the sEqe ag, not having an inage, really. J0ENI So, therers ao such thing as, no movement
3OB,: Our
inage is reaility.
J0El{: Everybody thinke their image is re&I,{tyr, but itts not. f tbink theyrll exploit our dead"par,humour. + Xes, tha,+rs arother thing. f,unouf plays a..big part in, your nuaic, doeen0t tt? JOE}II Yee, but itts aot like fhe Albertosn though* all piss-takea end the like. Itrs. part of our rorld*vigrr ma.aaa€ln,. Our reld.= _
&O8,r Nah, I d.oart knor rhat youtre tal.king a&out. Hu&our to ue iE the ire,ee as beer.
It d.eaderna tbe blor a* bit. Our huuour I s born of sg,ffeaing' aot happlness. J0SNr Itts dlifficult at the noment because vhen you fire.t etart getting notioedl they put you in a* bracket= nod, punk, humorousr fhatever. . . + Do you think youfve got a b.umorous inage, tben? JOH[: No, I d.onrt want us to be knorn just ara eonediang. Therers a lot nore to us than that. 8ut in the final analysis it doesnrt natte:r that nuch becauae r,e rve built it up not througb the pxess but through playlng 'to people, and they knor,,r,hat rerre ebooi. ,
You seem
to have nenaged to retain your
accassabil,ity and d.orn*to-earth feel rithout f&lliIag into the "Irn-&rworking* clase-Iad*f rn-aalright,r mould. JOEIIT The nsin thing. to avoid, is trying to be Joe Pub,Iicl llke Jinny Fureey. Wben re net hin he rd. jua"t come bsck fron e. holid.ay ia Barbad.os. Even hin! The lead einger of Tbe Ruts d.rives around in a eports car vith personalieed nunbes=p1at6s. Their inage iE a,1.1 so transparent. They try eo
hard, but it d.oesn,tt ring true. put the stress not eo niuch on rhal re are, mole rhat we arenrt.Werro not superg"fiars or ronderful people. r:ith rings or somethilg. + 3ut arenrt trrou-worried ebout that sort of thing happening if lrou beoone BOBr t{e
reII=knorn? B0B: Theyrd have a. hard. jgb fighting
our lyrics. + A fery of the. grouprs songa these deys seem to contain en elenen,t of social commentary. . .Thiugs like Happy, Fanil;ies' Ivlotor Car, Love GMe,..
JOHN: No. A few.;of MX songs. Do you see this eid.e oi it obniug into your nu.sj.c nore? JOlINr Not panticularly. f dorrrt knor, rbat the next songrs goiug to be about
until I rrite it. + 0kay. Wha.t about the Eor€Er rhioh ssen to be rritten from peraonaot experience= thinge. like Go,tting Beaten Up'and the three Va.ultage tra,cks? BOB': Yeahn *ell I rrtte songs that are
about ego problems nore thaa. a4rthi,ug. John and I do rrite a,loi of stnilar-
etuff, though. + So y.ou don,r t particularly see any thene d.evelopiug in your sotrigs. DO y,ou T€e., Uiourselves prinaftly as enterta.i&ers then?
B0&: r{e prohabfy afi ede ourselves d.ifferently. The only interteiners lrve. ever liked are tbe ones rho oaa ebeer ne up, regardlese of rhether thetrrrre good nusicians, or rhether theyr3e musioi.ans a_t all. + Br.rt rhen yourre p}rying 1ive, entertaiTlng peopter. do you thiuk thegn lie,tala e.i[l that closely to the 1yricsi
anywa;r? JOHNc I hope
so. Theyrre ouppoeed to. We take a:..great deal of troub:le at the sound ohecks to ensure the*. the ly,rics rill be a.ud,ible. + &rt I still thlnk urost pe.ople go to ga&s prinarily to have a. good-tinfn and arenirt too concerned. about listenj.ng to the rord.s. BOE: Well, re s€e. people there rith grins on their facesr, which ia rh8.t re judge it by, so sone people nugt listen. JOENr Ird hate to think'that varre s,tanding up there al.agging off aII theae, ggonle,we hate, vhich is basically rhat allr_aboutr you knorl and. everybody itt: jus"t io dancing up and dorn, oblivtoud, Rock Aga,inet Racien tour gigs you _+_the did.= and this is relevant to aiIl the Sroups invsly66, not just you= hor much ras that to d.o with publicity=ss6ft1n€ and. hor rnuch to d.o with genuine 11
Y# w I
6rrrtrn,if,qsal! Z00Tl lfle d"itl i.t for the moneeeee,! J08Nr The point ian before the tour, ratd alread.y do&s ahout trenty IiAR gigs in Brightonrn vhich aobocly outside the area rould hax,e even heard about. BOBr I think that, ae a band' onr first thought wae that it ras,a gig. ye rould.r.rt
hare done it if it had conflicted rith our beliefel, but I nust ailnit I never thought about it conscieur\r. B*cism ilas
&iu€r,,rord, to ne= Itve rnever had anything lYe rre uOt into RAfi juet because itrs. a fashion. ZOOtr RARrg,Ulfifa.shionable in a.. ragr not and rcrre gtill doiag it. A11 the little baarils use lt just to get their nanes heard.. + That rs rhy I a,akecl the question. B0B: Well, ag: I said., re did it for the Siger but we rouldnft have if it wBS iD: eupport of sonething against our principles. + Alright, a stendard. intervier qUestion nor, for the eake of our nillions of read.erg. Hol, ditl you start, and. rhat did. you have in nind at the tine? JOSN: We started. rell= re enjoyed. it, rhich ras the irnportant thing. + Like so many other people forning bands &3q,1;!r.,; aayhOd.y.
ini tbe sunmer of t77r 3rou rere excited by the punk thing, and d.ecided to ha.ve a go y.ourselvee? ZO0ft Yeah, re junped on tbe punk Rock be,nd.ragon.
+ Iitren I firgt aar you' you didnrt like juet another punk band.
J0[Nl Uor. re rerenrt. IYeused to try aaything, just to see rhat vorked and rhat d,iduit. We tbought, mistakenly, that it ras about variety, but it e.eens nor that it rasntt= it ras about unifornity. + Talkiag about unifornityr Jou used to rear police uniforms on stage. Was that jrue.i a ginruick, to get you noticed? J0trN: The origiual. thirg about punk ras that it r&B supposed, to ahock, so Te thought i{ all these p.qople rere coning to our gigs expectlng to be shockedr. Ietrs ehock ren hy reariag police uniforms- and it realLy did shook then. + Ies1, you rsre turning the shock right bgok on. them. Punks a.renrt ehocked. by other puulat clotheg or behayiourr. but seei.ng a rpunkr band on stege rearirlg polioe uniforns' of all things, must haye beeu genuinely ahocking= nuch nore sp tban juo.t seeing the Lates-t outrageous, alothee their heroee bad d.reemed up. JOHNr Iee, lt hed. a,reaL visual iniact. + Alright= fron on€ rec€nt trend. to an sven more recent one. What do you think about the qurrent ltod revival? J0f,Itr I donrt like the ray itts going.
I mea:e, theyrve got their 'rsniffing Glue'r, and eventually theyrll tiave their lflark Penry. Sorneone said. theyrre like the punksr younger brothers aofne
their own thing. Ifn annoyed, because f really into it. There raa a lot of energy generated by lhe Jan, but the ray itts going at the noment itre just eo cynical. It got exploited. too quickly= it ras in the national papers before there yas a soene there. BOB; I reckon itrs. s,tupid! llod. res wag
about being mod.ern and being innovatore and rearing clothes tha,f nobody ever
vore before, and. for someone to cone along fifteen years later and call
thenselve&,tr{iod.s ie ridiculous. punks are the llod.s nor. JOHN: No, theyrre not. They etill rear their leather jackets- antt their Sid Vicious T=shirts. B0B: Yeah, but theyrre stilJ nore than ten years nerer than Dodj*. yourd never get the original Mod reariag the sane gear ten years later, They usett to change their clothes every tro or three
*eelcel d.id.rarrt they? JOHN: The whole TOts thing aeens to hanre heenr about plundering pa&t eres. Itrs like they look in thelr picture books and decice rhatl.to rear thiE yeer. + I think it's becqube people juet donrt rant to, live ln 'ttre ZOf s' itrs beeu such a bad decadei JOHN.: I donrt. I thi.nk itrs juat because people havenrt got enough ideas.
3OB: The rhole Mod thing's a contradiction, as far as I can see. Itra exactly nonsmod€rn. J0HN: I dontt think theyrre the future of rock Inr ro11, .but I donrt think any of the punk bancla are, eitber. BOBI The ray I eee itn either the punk ba.nd.s are going to progreso, 'or theyrre going to fLzzle out and all the old hairy hairy bands rhcirve ailvays run it, are going to junp back in egain. + But eurely punk nusic has progressed enornoue\r rith the likes of The Oeng 0f tr'our and any number of lNar Susiki band,s? JOEN: Yes, itrs like the bourgeoie kidg getting back in again. The best of itre a lot better than nost of the stuff knocking about at the monent. frve seen a fer of thoee band.s, and I found The Mekons really gort of,.. inepiriug in a ray. Rough, but inspiring. But I thtnk the arty bands like Scrittl potitti en<l Throbbing Gristle are ehit. l{e,ffsville, Arizona,, m&.n. + I heve to disagree. I sar Scrittl
Politti a few months ago, and, they Tere one of the mo s t, exc i t ing }ive groups lfrre seen for a long time. Z00T I I find I know far less about whatfs going on in the music scene now than I did when t wasn I t so busy in i t myself , + Donf t you get much of a chance to see many, groups, then? Z00T l We can only ge t to see tsrighton bands normally, because when we rre in Lond.on or wherev€re re f re usually
playing a gig ourselves. I find all I can d.o is listen to John Peel. If I had any noney I I d go and. inve s t igate them irn the record. shops. That I s what I used to d.o. + Are you still not making much noney out of all these gigs you do? J0Hbl: Naa&h ! We rve got debts. Af ter paying f or pe trol and road.ie s and. eerlipnent and the upkeep of the van and
then paying Tony ( nyf ord. , the ir manager ) r, there I s not nuch lef t betreen f ive of lls. The money comes in from the gigs and goes ,
straight out again . $Ie t ve got to be careful wha,t we d.o with it. + Are you dreading the rhole music biz s id,e of it if you s ign a big d.eat ? JOHNr Werre looking forward to being signed up and being on &r wage. + But all the things that go with it? JOHN: The las t thing we want to do. ls play in Brighton f orever rror€ o It t s not that we. don t t l ike playing here , but we ve got to move oo,, Hhat will happen if we s tay in Br igkr ton i s that f or while our gigs rill be packed, then people will alow1y lose interest r and eventually we I 11 be ptayir,r;g in the local pub, to ten people agaj-n, like in the beginning. Signing a d"eal is just part of the natural growth thirrg. f
Welle fhe Piranhae ARl,l groringr and i Gantl see them playing to audiencee of ten for a goocl rhile yet. nut at the same timel theyrre hard,Iy the next Beatles, and I only hope for their ee'k6r aad the eake of their potentially large number of fane, tbat they don,ft ov€T-eatinate thelr value to the nusic i-ndustry by holding out for too uuchl a"4 erd up heing elappeil on the rrists and. e,enrt home rithout any 6upper f,or being greed.y bo1rs. Their cour&ge in turning d.ownr eone b.lg d.eals alreaity is. aituirabler rhero so nanJr ba.ad.e opt fbr the faat huck auil errd up inr.g-traitJackets, hnt theyrre not indispeusah'le tri the nusio irdustry or the oreat,ditish-Fublic; end if they push it too farr the record conpaniee night juet IosS pettience and imtereetr and then sooner or later they WILI b,e back playing to ten"people in the locel puh. For the tine beingr thoughr deal or no d.eal, they are due shortly to release their second eingle, Yap Y:ap:Ia.p/ Happy Fanilies on the locatr Attrii labelr, rho releaseai tbeir tro otbei vinyl excursions to date. lfho knors? It night be ihe next [Are Frieads Electric?" or "Oangaters'r. If gor, it roultl give then vagtly inproved. bargaining Bower rith the najors. When I talked to then, I:iound them affable and ready to talk about thenselves and their music= not playing at superstars or wond.erftrl people with rings. Letrs hope it stays that vay. There rag also an agreeeble }ack of carefully thought=out collective world=vierr for aJ-1 Johnts kidd.ing. During the intervier lhey frequently disagreed rith each other and argued. anongst thenselvesn and. that oan only be a gootl thingl the ray I.see it. !'ricti.on rhich causes constructive, positive resPonses among ite nenbers is the life=blood. of a group rhich rants to continually chaage; gJroy, mature. Thie lot aren,tt a buach of earnest young nen trying to cran their earnest young viere dorn our throat*1 Pop Group style. Theyrre basj.cally a good-time band, and theyrre there to be enjoyed. rtnjoy then. By the tine you read. this, the fears I expressed further up the page nay prove to have.heen uafountted by the ners that The Piranhas have eigned. a iavourable contract vith a hig conpany. I hope so, because theyrve got a,. lot to offer, an6 their music *ill appeal to many people. tr'itnql rord. to the Piranhas thenselves: Donrt blor it, Iad.s! IViICK
' f Do sob4ETHtNS oN RtflDs LocAL 9CEN€,oR ox -tHE t€DS,
|vAys FoR N€w BANDs ro qiq' --r onoR...A BouT ' ( lNE
i',iAY$ TO
ve heard of The Fridfe House in Cn nning Tovrn? THE'place for banCs (a.ny ba.nd) to i:la.F in the tr:lst fnd, a.IcrF.ir lieccs of the Mods. ijell there I s ilior€o It I s ,r1 pub ; i:r gig and a record cornpaily a 11 rollerl into one r. nd run by Tem:i Iiuri:hy ( tir e boss ) , Glen ''uririry ( pub m,x.na $er and bo:*er) , and. Jon I'{cGe,:.dy ( ttre i::ost inporta.nt one to )'ou I cos he I s the ()ne to send t:rpes to if you 1.;i: ilt e Eig ) You
T0 Bg s€€N.,.
I'Ar{E YCU FrtiCU$
v{ith a record conpany? Itrs a pub and bands play there seven ni6hts r lre€k ( r,.rhat a"re YCU doing tonight?) By day itrs a record conpany. Teruy llurphy satr the need for another venue several year6 ago. He started r.rith band.s l-ike Tom Robinson, The Stra.nglers, The;lezilos etc. etc. and lots of local groups, tlhe Ticl<ets1 and lirore recentLl', The Oockney Rejects, amoung others. So pleased nith the succsess of the venue, he decided herd piece together an aIbum, just as a thankyou to all the bands whord nlaled iher6 regularly and oomehotr been overl-ooked b3'the supposed-:y ecclectic elres of the BIZ. Ehe doubl-e live album rA week at the Bridger r..'a6 recordecl and produced by Chris Thorepson ( then of l"lanfred ltrenn ). For sorf,e cif the banrls it 'nrae tfretr only recorded vrork, but for others ( titce Night ) it was just the leg-up they so badly needed.
A. Pub
Ttre last ffithestartofBridgeIIouserecordsrthenoneofthefeutrue1.yinQpenda.nt record conpanies. A brace of singles folLowed. tsticky Jackf frc'rl The '-:arn: .T€tsr IRockashochar by Rebel, tltll- be *vour FinUpt by'ihe TiclcetsI rl'rrods doriIt sbil rent (an ode to Durex) by Z:omo. - fony Bl-achburn d.idntt play e6* of them. I,lot deterred,'-Uerxy decided to go for bust q"nd rnalie a couple of r,,3.buns, one of Itheatricalr rock band Dogrn'atch (sort of a cult brnrl in the East pnd)e and'nother of an amalgae of srurtly dressed people '..,ho trere going <lown a stcrm on i'ionday nights ia the pub....Mods. T'he Fresent
I'lods llayday
'7?. * 1t nen nunbersl !
ner* bands
'Ihis, the clefinative nod (and BridgeHouse) album, h,rs been the l"bels big;lest succes6 to date'and is nor* universalLy aval-iable through rristi. Tlhe n:cds still gone play on lionday nights! even thou.gh many of ther:r featrrred on the rlbrr.m h:-ve 'llrirl8e. the on to bigger things, Secret Affair, Squire Pr co.1 the;7 stil-l return to -l.es,'-:on? C.K. thatts the story so farl aod:rhy shou)-d you be i:-:ter.:ste;l:ln.lli.strry 'al-lling l'ounded c:,r.l.leci. tl,ell, lets say your., banci, rny band, but lets say 1'ourre and yourve sent your tape to five miliion places and the:f stj-Il danrt ltno',: you frcn Adan (the r,taunclei. r*hot). gut youtve sent one to the Bridge antl Lhey lffer you,L trJ-ay a fetr ti::ies and thel' selrrf'.,'h:.trs support gig (nig deal eh? - It rnight Ue).3o you r.;rell r,ghatsit?'t river you Ao?ItDor-rn the that son! , sortehor.'lr(;u rri;ht end up'.'rith:r" piece of-plastic that says on it ttThe'alking'.'ounder'1 tr !!)orrYi oir the river l'-'aiting ior the r*ind. to blor*'r. Yiah, this is a.lfiost - true storl'(the sinSle isnrt out;rnrt) The t'uture r' i"iell, apart oron uFcoraing releases fror.: RolI Ups fferry Iia c i voy" th e f u ture is to bo ther f inirhing off th': l".o r.
Inon Js$nt work at $q ts*fohe.lc)
L ovc,tr !#ALwt
THt FoY Jvlic
to rrrn g! . Ar. o\Iernati,ne ojinim t-r,^ tn.l po+sor.s-* J.lla R,ccl.;tl. d*iust;1 i^iJ,*^t tl* h,r,qsic r^d^stry-tte ,,;h. cs q, sto.,, f
Or "N
rfA foolleh consistancy is the hobgoblin of l-ittLe mind,s. ., ( Ihe farnous J ,r;;y Parsons quo tes frorn $mgrson , ( ph il osnper , not keyboard reptilian) illusi"uting how to live the life of the rnost cont* roversial critic of rock'structr-lre and survive . rn o ther r+ord,s say vrha t you like, but be sure you rre, sitting by the
escape hatch when you do so. The prospect of rneeting the dyna*ic duo of supposed. shlt-faces-ff.bout-tor;n '*rithing tha plush c oc oon o f the r. E! . e. was r to say the lee st r interesting. To
turn the tables on the enfants terribles of the ( -open brackets- ldet - close brackets I rochd,ream prornised to f l ing these chic of"f ices into a stn te of chaos. t;r s the man nigtrt s,r.f, I FteLting typewri ters*toppling f iling cabiaetg-f ires burnins oti"*u or p*yCIia t d bank notes and free copies of 'blorr train comingri -reels of f ilm flickering a Debbie lramyT'Neil ,spencer bf;droom 6ceue on the fast coj lapsing waII. gnd the sole survivor bein6 one honest john fanzine editor stumbling out thr**gt the fura€s r cordroys, and, piles of un-€&rthed guilt. ythnow the score, after all they,ve snidl r had &. mission. x- Do you ever set sick of this rrrockbiarr thing you re involvecl in? -A soft u,est\,ountry accent pipes up from behind the desk. r discover its source is one 20 year c'ld Julie i:rrrchill-. irtere 'nre no fangs or diecernable bald patches, .iBlrriiiell , you get useci to it. Tt is a tsUISI-JESS a f ter a1L 1 f ecord conipenies, l_ilce *nI_colnpanyl af,e afounrl ta make illon€,yr to sell produc t , you can t t blnme thern for doing that.'l tt$eLL procluctrt- seems g- pretty l*impish opinion from sorneone who cla ims to vra.nt fo destroy the star t.rorshippins scheme of things. x8 "But hasn t t .rocli I n I robl go t any niore ryeaning than th,* t ? r t knoll , crea ti;i ty , indipendance I El.rtistic expression, n venting of feelings blah, b1ah.. Tony Parsons clipped lissex shunts into the fray. TP:rtYeah, of courser.but thatrs a very priveJ"edged view. Bveryone has sot to ha ve money to survive r no rna. t ter horr independn nt anyone is , they should,n I t critisise sorneone purely I cos, they ',r&rt to get some. rt f,-pan you hcnestly say yourve never written soneone off just to caus€ a bit of sensatibnalisrn to further your ot n o
Pluq tN.,..
,r 3. hueh decende (one s f the var:s*ly Pregnant vari*t;r y x* You cerry a rot of influence, after allDo you feel any resrronsibiri ty to the peoplg you r+rite about: ':'P: tt'igg11, nol.J you nention it, T supt:ose rre have a cert+in nrH0rent of infl-u*nce in tha t respec t. -i, r ve honestly never thought about it th*t r/eF, :l" just r,,,rite r.rhat f thinkl aod r rm totally h*nest ,.,he'l
come6 to r+ritin.e nbaut n b::nrtr sr r;:h,rt_
evefr I dontt pre*judn* rrlrrr-,rle" ftrs just that r donrt hel-i*r* in hcnouringl Ileoples reput,- ti,-,11s r l" jr:*t *it ,i611.,,11 and write the truth. l lot or ,--,enple ,:lcnrl lilte the tru th , hrrt r. c$uldn r t ,Eiv* -q Cenn ,rboirt thcse Lr€o|:-1.e. rl JB:'t:'.ie just cl.*nrt see the .poir:t of hein,g so llolite *nd ,qenerolts to ,snme c:,f people uhen they clr;nr! cieserve it. these rjome of these 'rsc]: star$ r "brea t :re{:ple l ilte nhit just 1:ec,,dt fi* th*y hrve p r:o11 _1ilee reilutation' irre just ig_Irire their *,frst things ancl trea t ther,,: ll *"crd in91;g. rf peopre clon t t agr*e then they can cone to their nlrn opinions, ilrey eloir r t hr r/€ to t*ke .ny nctice of us.', x;' so )rou r ve never {ione - il.d rrret Fiomerne tr'ittr the intentic,n of c-1,_,fp;1 hetchel_5oU
Perr.y sold his Airfix-eroded integrity for 8500 Dy Tloggrr rY u rights of the Sniffin' Glue Brittanica to the ancient manager , rpl Glye's Adverts, who published them as a t2 paperback, The Be '#a---i"-*l of Snitfin' Glue. lt thereby joined the ranks of the long line of e: pu *',-nloitation books, all written 0nder sweat-shop, slave-labot
;lh '/7y,'
Sirnira.t.,' .l-'_^,Tctched'Fan-Scenes.
Iarnla shoe_sl Wher of vinyt i
rit tney had pur-
death w se
wh s : ^1 re w lq a s n g,e';;# j: n g e t ;' ij rd, flygg; ol' ri.'fiil iTq',: .:l lri i rn n o ;J,vi "co
fanzining soon '77 the fanzines
lne; duplicated,
rooil;T:'li":1,fl{'i'"-13;l;"',1",:*'lir?i,:'ffi ,::;",","; every coo
irjlii":i;ff {iisrn";frffi ::li:*
en ts
on them? ' IP:rt No. Youve got to $o in r+ith ..n onen mind. There are people that you.thinlr are going to be l{..rn}<ers who lrr' out to be aLright. ,
Tp:,ji;e11, I didn,t think Ird like Fee i'Jaybill much, but r.rhen J rnet him he seern' ed to be a good bloke, knen ryha t he tlaa
talking '.bout. y f t<now, t clon't iiii" ;;; tubes imager &nd f on15, like tvro ilubes songs, llthite.punl<s & Donrt touch !-ile there) Uut r{e got on fine despite -ij- ot that- -here 4.re lots of tinel thnt 'hen sort of thing happens.tt l- .;hat do you see :16 being the role of the rnusic ryriter ? JB: ...\11 t{e do is 1et'l;id$ }cnow .,..,.h.t is going on, and give r:ur c.pinions on it. f t.s up tc them to check them out.,, .f,- Are the rumours of pa.ycla true? Ty:ttt\ot rea_Llyr.if .a rvriter rrss rnu$ enou_ gh to tal<e bribes then he d soon be out of trork. Things li}<e tha,t gct around in this buisness, his r+riting i.r,'ur.rl. be 'urcrth nothing to anycne. rtfs not a big problem or r.nything.i: J(- Have you person:J.ly got many friends who are musicians? TP:tfNot mn-ny, a few. like T was chatting wi.th tro€ the other day, we ve been frieia -1y for a l_ong. tiner and I rtrasltrt sure hovr he'd react ,to rneeting me again a:fter ild said rvhat r think of the ciastr nor.+acl... ays in the pajler. ,.ilfvrrf , t{e still Sot on o.k. Hef s a selu.ible sort of bloj<e, Strummer, he realises what I ,gride about ,oeo_ ples stuff isn t personal.rr JB: ;i.rugt cos lre havrnlt got nany rock_ star friends dosf art ureajr, anything. 1./e dontt have rary friends anytray. Tir.tf s how r,{e like it. ,,'e just hav€- a snal1 circle of good friends from cutside of the busine66. Ve donrt go in for the Ui6 social cirbuit thing at all.,' X- Do you ever go out: and see g"o,rps f or your ohrn anusement ? TPs ..nard1y everr ro. f don't think going to see a gig is al.l . that good any .hrayr Xou canrt see fuck al1. fbe beet BlSs Itve seen were the early ones at the Hoxy, i;e used, to go a lot before it , ,bccanrc rubbish.lt X- tave you no friende. lvho are .writers ? dB : tln here : tt ( Stre looke a.round the office at the zeal-ous scribee bashing their battered typewnitere ) rrl{ot ,""i. lbey thlnk we sboul d do more of the eort of things they do, vre're not rea_ - lly part 'of if.ir big happy family thing at aII. t' TP: "ItrB just a ;,iU to uso lf the editof 'sks ua to go to Glasgon 5r sonewhere io cover a Big or eonething and ;
- they were
/ou would have ileeved single.
-r.-- a*r,+lt r-* r,rwytirrnri oT Tanzlngs hlmsglf, Mark Perry of Sniffin' Glue (what a girl), became just another Blast Furnace when he shut up his printing press after Sniffin' Glue's twelfth issue. ln this farewell edition he enclosed the free gift (no one would buy it!) of his newly-formed band's first single - thus perpetuating the limp myth that all music journalists are frustrated front-men.
I.--n ':uch-
r-grown wimPs. ox rock papers, the Queen, the ring unemploy-
tt --!aa
r./e don t t rrant to, then r./e l''lone c,f the cthers say tha ffliost
6ay we rjonrt.
t, " Jll: of then o"""' frustratecl roclr shrrs anyvray. i{ave either of you ever been in a Iband ?
fP: ',
ttNo, neither
r.roul cin ?t
t to ;: ;;"" nllf"; :;;:
JB: "Ihuy 1e.,6 horrible ltves, r.rusici* ans. llp and doi.rn the- r,rotorr.ray oi: the tirne. If'd hatb it.,i :t- _'eople could say that lrou,re not quallfied to,g3iticise the :,or1< mlrsic ians do, aF you heve no exDt:rience of working in their rriedium .,t'.ii.-' could say th:t, IPtrtPeonl..q but itrcl be ,:. stu'.rid cri ti c ism to . na6e . ,re are v*iters, rre clon r t l.rant to be n'sicia:rs, 'v*iting rue enjr.,y ,,.,,e and rre goocl t t I- s our job. r-'e ' ve both bJen at it. borrght up on rocls , it r s n lriays fr*"" :r big part of-nusi.c our iirr"", !.re l.*ite v,rh:t rve think ,:,b.ut rock"-nisic ";; n:iu to ;r-nd tha t t s just r+h,.r t i.Ie d_o. ,, JB: ''l/e clonrt claim to Br able to -ituy. a musici,;rns lob any better than c,:1t?,, .:nd rrrueicians l+ho lrio.,..I1 .bout should['t claim to be able to-J"-";;us, job.',Jhen we hr.ve rousicians guost things here on the paper-it "*iiir.,6.; are usually terrible_ no styf e :r t *y aIL.tf fP: ItI don ' t mind being ."i ised , but l,.lf of the neoplc that tic clr: it can I t even lyrite their o, jn nage.,r FaultLess 3-ogic . ,,. uri can criticise r,rithout being ..61ster to pi brft F musician cr.nnot criticise rvith_ "y, out being r.ble to ,.,,rite. f:dd con:ing frorrr a cou:-]1e whoes o*g,rnrurtu ;;;(however ur;.,o1:uIar ) usu.alIy hi;;iy vnlid. I only that these "tn such .,tbink tro have had lot of shit thro_ iln r t then in the ,rrast, they are confused as. to why it is ueing-Jiup_ -.tched in their d.irection. ciiti.i.e people three_ times and they t"na-to dismiss it without bothering ine the reasoninf, behind it; to €Xar._ I think that this talk h,s touch_ ed on a coupLe of points that ut "rfais be outlined. . In *y oninion trvhtch as uselese as .anybobios) werre stuck with three factois rirat i;;t-ioili' go together. Generally, ,rnusici-ns r (none of whone hranrt.to take a job on th;-n.fir.e.) tant critisism to be mJre consrtctive and specific. Journaliste ruant th ir-piecee of critisism to be good reading, io uphold their own reputntion as writer & ,,iiti..
rditors want to sell papers and vrill go to i)rnctically any lengths rto do sp ( including re j ec ting- r.rork tha t is not ilnew6w.o"T-thJ ttgrr|controversiaI rr ough. or va;uelf icnnectcd .-iiirr-trr* enristo.! $. !o attract readers. ) lioich ie all- fr.ir enough I suppose, after all, theyrve all got their jobe to cio, and itrs truer you canf t bianre thern for that. The trouble with that is it Ie1v*es tlie people lyho really ma tter, 0$,mugs r"rho f ork out a hard earned fiveg.{rr an album, often ie uninfoy'naedl,a;6 tr, , where in the first place., .i\nd.'it i.- us people ,rrotutorra be looki.ng, to indipbndant shops/labels aa$ magazines for our future years of consunership. By trAliS FOR F{l1iS (supp_ osedly) Stit1, bacl< to the talk. X- lfirat do you think of the rockpress I s
tandr rds
TP: ttThe n.n.€. is niles ahead. of ite so-calledtt (Ripper??) fr..1.ivals, but I suppose ,it's fair to say it isnf t as good as it used to be. Itrs lost a- bit of its spark, but I thinli tha.t reflects on the record.s being released at the noment.rt At 1e.st its not vice-v€r63r TP: trllell yeah , it a in ! t TH."r T poverful. X- fs the rivalry betr+een papers l,ery
TP: rr Yeah. i,'e all hate each otherl Our su;;]s,6 are different. ,his laDer is nore live1y. r hardly ever bother. read,_ ing the others. 'tlgoa.g is alrightl a nice bunch out there, tre only write fcr them for fun, the,v pay you sod. .oI1. l.- i'hat is the money like Eenerally.l Tp: ttlf your freelance itrs'good. If you I re on the staf f it's pretty qa p. ,hey len ve you pretty r:ruch to your own devices thoughr so it's a good job to have,,, Itrs a job thc.,usands of pe,-pLe wr uld like to have, when the rlroe€. advertised the vacancy left by hrsons q Burchill they !/ere swarnped witb applicn tionsc jrlthough the post had aLready be en given to Paul tqorlg y and Danny .raker.before it bra6 even made pubJ.ic. t'ry and thinl< of alL the papers and magnzines tha t have tpop t rrrriters on their books, I can think of at least two dozen, which rnakes this a massively over-subscribed profps sion that , e supplying the hot poop to a1I the houseivives and young Liberals on this doo-wapping Isle of ours. The bu ness of writing guff about nusic ie alnoet a6 big a.nd dirty as the nusic bueinese itself, and neitner can survive wrthout the other. Both are equally bloated, both are equally nice to one ",nother.
Papers lroo companies for thoee blg
exllueive interviews,
bo ok( l.Jrhe n he t/as a nere ithisp of a laC ;lg :edt1 t6, ttThe l! idstt , nubl ished by iilhe Ne w EnrtTl ish I ibrary ( remember them ?
free recrs kiLnht9ff, d I & f liana' where amount t hnir orde, luneheer Farty iavitations It' telr,1 ry gems ). It sold ?"5 r|o0 cc,p ies and buienese trips. rrltre the easiest job in the world'i be fo)re,b ein61 dis*continued. Leatri nE! the rnd, er to wa ste his dubious ta -! ente offere Es. ;urclill-- whord argue? bo v woond X- What would you be doing if you tf (}:rkiin n$ r$ in a gin distill. ery and th e wer'nrt in tbis Job? ten tioned dockyard. :rh€r r in 1-, te af OT:ernrnen ,7 6,,hhe JB: "Probab1y down the till of the .e nftsl{€red en ad in the B.m. €. as kiLngsf locn I Co-vp. rf ;f or ttgunslingers", as did J ulie i:lu:rc:hi .11 (tfren a r,"lere 16 year- old j el'ri sh Tony reakois herd still be on the i11 sc holcIlei dockyard. ,gi r1 in bear.i ti ful downtown n ris tol- ) re st is history, IE th )t- g; it'e Juat an eacape then? 'd id you vrrite I Johnny t ? x- jhyyd I woultlntt of thought it was rauch TP 3tl j:'1 ,ut o ( tfre publishers ) came a I ong end lut fun writiug about otber peopLe a1L rg. 11S to 1."'ri te R book. rd. 11S ke your life. ire thou sht it uL be worthwhil"e., . so r,:,'€ d,id. " lfP: ttthat I a probabl-y right. rt'e *a x- r:t wa s bil"led a6 "the obituary of rock opportunity for ue to write r trhicb tn rr:ollL" ,f- " and. you s)"ag,Sed off paact j. ca 1"1 y we both wanted to do, aad got pald iI1ts in it.., ev er one Itfs' ')to for it at the eane tLme. nr J] t'ha t book t"rt s an r'ttempt tn d e ntrcy rnost important not the certainly s0tme)oof those niyths ttrn t $r.rrrar*ned tho ne thing in tbe world for uB. rtrs juet good fob a couple of yeare. pe,o ',1ee, r il.d this buisness, ''re ius t i-94::ore d thhe rlrlss thettve been carried f'l:if r":Ugh rhatte why ve quit. $erre Just a fr or1it thee t 60s , seyin g ttr* t r*ck,q ta rs bit pieecd off rvitb the routine. sh,ourlddb p e talten serir:r;sl;r an* lcok ed up to.tt r:r,- What a.re you going to do now? TP: rrA filn. TbaneE approached us r*tth the idea I but when theY heard what we r*anted to do on the technicaL side they backed out. lre went to the ts.s.(r. with tbe idea .,,nd they welconed it with opcn artns. They've got an arny of techniciane dYing to have their rbilitiee put to use. fbey're lookiag upon it ae a ehalleage. X- Did you get in e.ny trouhle bece-use of it'rtre going to be the best proggramme fP: rt0h Ssah. llondies il,inlra.gementt the on rock ever. .4LL the other etuff A d'rerts r lit*rm 1 ly dcr"en,r of peoFle t]:rr€n tabout rrtusic oD t.v. ie uatered*down ehit. l','erve got a r*hole load of vie- ened, to sue ris r V- rrrhere in cr:uf,t right up to the dr y the book trIn s clue to come out, ual ideas we want to put to use.rl fheytd i'rp?)lieC fc,r Rn injucti,:,n to ,sto.-, it X- *ohat sort of effecte? rrlote rel"€,:serL, being but the judge rul.ed th*t it of eplit-screeni-ng and TP: phorilri orit. J re*"lly erijoyed coTnnil in* one filn on $o super-impoeing bits of fi'r the evir.lence the cnurt ca se. I thin}.. if want donrt I another. Iots of thlngs rcoE Hriter wasnrt 1td l.i]."e tc' he € l.awysf,.?! t a sone you looee itrlL to te1l *ni e hA t € n ii a t-'''o cke t i'li por!; Lawyer th of a poesibilities lbe -,n inpact. of ite ful- 1 c'f Fp e e,C ? televLsion are end1e66.rr ,*{- faLking of slanCer r Cid ;r il}one 6ctun I ly JB: It$ony and I are narrating itt sue you in th'+ en d ? wcrve got accsess to all- the film ln TF: rr},lo; nncl thnt just Tt]'ovesi th''1 ever:irthe B.B.C. archives, theY've got r'th€f,t"ra r; true. everytbing. h/ut"e getting paid roore thing r,.Fel sa id in the bnoh l? i,.Iotlld. Con€. r'lise they werve 've for thie tban for anYthing X- !+lhors been the bj.gnent infhtet'rce on cver done. The looney in television your rvri ting ? ie ridiculous, theY juet fl"ing it bombarcl bored ha.cks wLth
.,.j I
a t
you etlll be writing? {-nl{iIl ttoh yeah. still contribrrting .IBr paper and things. Tonere to the doing a book.tr X- What about? l[p: rrNot tellLng you. T]ts a novel, eo youill- have to wait and see.rt It tranepire that Parsond wrote a
TF : rtJuL
ie rf
ri gt',1}Y -I,,'B
Do I detect a del+y Sl-,nce bett*een the ?
X- !'tea t sor t o f th ings do you r ea d ? TP: rrl go through phases nf reading things by one au thor r I Se t intere s ted in soroe one n.nd read evefyt{ord he t s }.'f itten. f tve been through Kerclu& c r I'it"' gera ld r loo ds of I em.lt
. N;. is*
- t'dih a t sort of music do you listen to? fptt Early Pistols, a lot of ,sprinEsteen, some Tim Euckl€X. tt llow street. JB: rtEarly Hoxy , oh r all sor ts reft- lly nn;rthing th'' tIs good. X - :,fo you ever go out an.d .buy re c orcls for yCIurself ? TP : ir1t r s funny you should sny th:a t. lJe t ve just started going out ,:.nd buyins our ewn records =S.is. Tt 's much ffiore funr Hl{}.kes it t:iore of an jf
ing bombar * ded with free recs,Isds, it rii:g sounri great to Sotsr but it certainly t;,rlces r;Te sell. a lot of the fun out cf it. free s.ny',ray ones mos t of ttre r or" give JB
ir'e ge t f ed
gm away.
up l.ri th
she As if te unc!.erline her Point, gives me' the r oP Srouprs ?tYtt, jL- Is the actuel r:jusic stilj- *.s itilr:* ortant to you aE it htas t+hen yc,u 'ere back in school: JB: ttl\io. l{ocktn'roII isn't irurp r,r t * ant at * 11. l,'Je I re just not intere -" rt I s jus t ,1;ood. stuff sted in it. to have cn in the b^ cltgrot:nd i.itren
'know. tl Yeah I f do . Calcula ted ironY anil all $hat. TheY d*n I t re311Y c:'r€ about the stuf f tha t seeps frcm the regorcls they rnnt on sc much :'bc'ut. ,tre .?pparent that theY, an'd i:helr you
re tallting r
truth is,
noH, r r
As I step out intc: CarnabY street, that oh-so-tric ms-rket p-1"ace t','here rr f gens and ;,. rlarchY ba d.ge sell siqte-by*side, anC re,sFectehle bu3-
rinessil:en flog cheap ilrug paraphinalia r just fot the tcurists, one und.erste.nds ) ., I een 't h*lP bret notice the sericus elr.*rreflsions on the f-c€s of the hcprdes of pu.nles, hippies nnd mods elike Rs they p$r:'de s-long living cut their Little piece of the rncl-" dPgn.fil . , *:ids vicfir*ised feEtrires fl*.r,e d*r".rn r'rithI a $tor*n i c gr i"n ' r'f t IS onl-;r r* ck n *ral 1 ll I'CI.L". + '
*,{n by
,colreagues cn the pr perF are -uore concerned. with the im" ges an'* person -&.lities that 80 urith it. *he .
lthough I d.on t t n. lt$e ]rs * #ree wi th the s:-'ecific cftntent of their cl-evsr* clever Fritingsn J vrish theri: elrery $u;cses,.s in their self*j"npased niss ion. ;r nd if tha t li:ea.ns I I m no t a rcck fan , then LLF yiiurs 'rfiff. te . I',{aybe vrhen the 'industry' collapses se ! 11 be able tc look n t the art ra ther tha.n the artists . Bu t f or
VleNAsHr!\ BeetN
reallY cares no t r ea }'r'y '
about rock I n I rol;]' ,
off the self-irai;ortant veneer of'ifallt rock rnusic for *" long t rs they to , and ffiore Po'.-'er to em.
SINGTES ii ,.il]
Deer: ,End. Dp.ns s
000flii) fifi'0t] nfifilii'
[1 4i 50 il :i: i?:'{ 5i'; 5:
58 SJ
rji i:
$il$11 00
Fl l,i ir,f-F' ffl {i:'
?1 ;?
il000 1.{
thy f ollor+-uo to their fu"rcon ' 1 c ontr ibutions "Af ter d,e rk " "Cr'iminn 1 riltenti cnsf r. nâ&#x201A;ŹmiR ic ent of 'Tyr anersauru,S He x in fl biz" rre sort of wn- f,. Pit ter patters alongr sticl.-s in th e s.3 ne plac e sr yllinor'.r, t hat sort of t hin,q. *.,ove: y ham nui ta f C{:,UfteSy c f ;r ncly uopla n d eler,'a tes i t from Great .
to riCiculou
c! t\t a
virgin Memories - PUBLIC It1,1,G8 ',don't fergat the l,td. How rnuch longer wil-L P.I.L. have to live in the shadow cast by the PistoLs? They're creating the most incredible raod.ern dance end idiots ere sti.l-l forking out for the conttnuing swindle variations. This is superb r+hite punk disco music, long, dark and proud. Smash it up r T$E DAI'1NED chis',',ric1( llmost sophietiea-ted. rrore ftve Ehmunds than dAryneil. Ttre captd.in lets rin urith his new found lead and someone fiddles with 0n organ at the back. Sou canrt blane them for trying to rnove on a fraction, fut itris lacks just,'about every thing. 'iop of the pops fo<lder? You i ve got my number lbe band which makes old rnan rock ntroLl put in his teeth' slip on hie locs and get his first hard-on in years. IIot as good ae the surrmer hi ts t thre e tir-es is too nuch:) but stiLl overflorving vrith ,.iispos,'ble energy. fh.e monochrome set - MoNCcIIR{.r}.i.i silT rough trade r6os sounds dressed up for the r8(-s. If fhe Valvet lJnc']-erground vere frcm the :iest coast the resu-l.ts may have been l-ike this bcpfing dirge. Neverthelesst way better than rilost - rrfrst.ade3eb1,e / you*re depl-crrbLerr - itts al-I fluch "t
lot of fun.
Never I ad nt"ithin Never get nuthin' neither tri th this. i lik',ed i,icldle Tor;ers end evcn lleenege l1r4i'.'.i;:*g, but i{:'' seems the;i t re just conteirt to be :iuni.erlc.nclg ailsll*r to ,r,lhafil 69 , and if that I s true they c:r"n s]'t cvii, i t.
into the open .r FII{ITR,\ ?ICI'I The trouble is, bearrtiful as : etllines voice is t it I s Rever had the inrliviCual charecter of ,tia* uxiâ&#x201A;Źs r and here she seerns to be trying to ncund as smooth and bland lcommercial) as Debbie }Iarrf' rtte an obvious attemqrt tn get airplayr itilC they nay be sucsessful .:"lbUm cUt r {rilcl they iii"i } be sltgseggful. 1lUt bett'ieell yau ernC ne - itf s pot really too ho t, Found out too late - 999 Tbey were good once , bef ore rrFeel ini, alri gh t ' ri th the cre!r tf end atl that er3jl, If yod like 6O year-old punks rn: king lii yer r-t:ld rir,U$iCn ;1,1:ut11 lc:ve this.
ls ;7
tvl A N o€ v eRs 45' Et?rlQtqw' Straw Dogs - "$TIFF I,IFfT,H ouT AqAtN onr Ff,cTt'8$. Ikrleearn Photogrn phy FTI.IG}iR.g. Celluloid love r SA s0bgx EX CELSI EVERYTHTN q oN THrs Flore pi ti ful- than an#{ry " I I ve PRqE CEPT 'THUnSm.(S. Perfe c tion alwa ys thongh t .lakes v*ice Dock of the bay - rHU$SDAY$ scund.ed l ike .a dent is ts dril1 Auto- Fuggestion mounting * brick rrrSWR.Y. Rring From eafety to where ...? ,r JCY PIVI fiTON back the *evice-or forget it. Faet U fta.rcogl ? EarcOm is tta comic for the earett, or so the tlg. Itte a 12 incher lads at Faet tel} Kil].ing .Toke *cpr * I{ILLI}fG Jf'KH 'minutes, complete trith a lasting 2A odd Iialici$us *te$e comic and a F,osterr aJ-I for just over ? quid. the idea is to get recorded stuff A debut ten*inch €.Pr frorr: a out from bands too youn6 to Se t a bona b,* nd thn t n re a c 9mpl e tlY unknown f ide contrac t r and. to supply you r+ith s que.ntity to ff!€. Very T,yd'oil-1i1ce much information about then a"s posniblet scr#-tchings r scrnpings t n-nd thin6s as cheaply aF possible. A rnore '.',iorthwhile ttra t g* bump nor,r and # Sh,in. A gimmic you l*ron I t f ind anywhere. It I s gaoci debut :i c tun 11y. S Fpbllody about time independant label-s investi$*- ted John T-:eel h;.*"e st*-rted to e"rently a fellr aLternetivee to the *.ctual use end pl"ay this enC Tiroriiises lr session f ormat of the vinyl . Hopefully this is sosn r sCI :tc) cloubt tlre;r | 11 be just the be6,i nni 3S. Joy Sivisiorl r probably hip and in the F,ounds altsrnntive the best ltaown of this brrnch, were & bit che rt by x*-Irts.s r of a. let-d.o\.ln to ffi€. Suto-stlggesti'or: trsugUgi-y }"ian seethes aLons anid a mass cf vausely gestedtt sounds and snippets of speeded-'up tape ( playins backwards ?) . It h* s the Liark Fe*;,rs *H*:fi-rl3:"11** . game fl,llellity of ctillne$S fi.s i',As i:oseesed .$emi-csncir:Hs rrintg sl:at c'ut by the Doof,s I building ta ttre enevit,=ble over tinn*y pian* anrS. r*,*nic clinnax a t the end, , bui somehr:w it d,$sen ' t gu i- tar :rr: is€ . ,t n ntheri' f *r quite i+ork. From Saf ety to wher€ ' . . ? is th*"se *f us t,ih* feel evffir:ithing ; slightl,y upbeat ktnltz of the undecided. is tr-t:ong trith the lv"i,r3d ' I Tlrur*Aays t Perfeetion is s.k. , but they {:entirnepit*: ; br: t T waul-dn t t th* love set theinselves apart r'rith the beet and, Yet t- no,ther Sf *tlT.' to buy it, most bizarre version of the old *tie *u t f r-:'r thc: | ' tch Red,ding ge& ,gitting in the dock o f the Nuc J.ear -levic e * TIl:i i-:TRE I'lfiI,5RS bay. It eounde like tlre Velvets c irca Loaded, loose and slurr€d. ?his alone makes $orry, thi* wa tered*d-ctsn "$atSgy it eIl worthwhile. lguscraxr from Cleveland af & record dt]s,tntt bel*ng here. (not Ow-hi*yow, Teesidei. Corning from there 1* ds ' Try Time *ut *t€alls they t re probably Roxy L'rusic fEtns r it certainly sounAe it. Their barely controlled Col* cuts i *-e - $TIV I3ATGRS hysteria shows their ycuth, and it I s good to ?hi s is tha t itew York *u'Po?Fnu' $ee bands like this getting a break. il'i:ey the Ile=d Hoyn "inf t it? G*t eertainly donrt let therfiselvee down. etabbec t* de*th or ssElethingq A ltogetlrer I Bf eat value for mcney r great dic?ntt he? ; Thrtrs rigEht" enob value'tfo, I-Jatch all these three banels, Hessase to You RudY - THe ':Pst'*l r'S the fn bul,oris eequel G i ER]I il'Btl u
fhis label has brought out 3, ,now 4, nice c o f fe e *table/nro d ish /r *ggg e ishr/da nc en"bIe solutions to the revolutions. llow can the y fa i}? they t re on telly rff{rre than Farkinssn ( thant< god ) . Nothing much to do r,-rith n nything, but good rrrhile we treed bt;r ter. Plastic smile - }{ERTCN iJA RT{& S
Fespi te the :'ronderfnL titJ.e, this isnt t a pa tch on the Da t.* Panik cl,:r ys . And Y*u I d think the)'f dt lenrn play in syilc b.y nolr i',iotllcln t you-i tc He!
Beggars Banquet
Fros the label who still
can t t
how comes ano ther
everyone sw&llowed Gary Ftro one bunch of dipp€f,s. r dontt like I this, but r I Can ,t unc!.erltand, why l{ods ' don t seem to f
alout them'seli"ing outi, eitb*r*'";;;;t[i"e l{ho or secret A f fal-r Tlhe would I mean I that? ever do
Sbort thoughts, grubby feet, and the future of hunanity
rmagine a urall of speakers blasting ttNo feelingsr'. A dancefloor co- ntamin6ted witfi bodies ddnc ing solo , -
a pulsating m€ ss bump:ing into each other! h*ving tfunr. those srightly familier fgces cruise the coruidors fraunting their latest clothes for hero€Ei. uv light illuminates false smiles r making thenq evsn more unreal. Danger stranger, you r d better 3:aint yer fac€. r Itfs all a, see-y&-later situation it t s all "I must go buy a clrink', it I s all looking for my friends -the peopl-e f was supposed to meet* And t go buy my drink and, I stand against the urall -we aII stand a gB.inst the w6l1lAnd this pla c e is so sa d tcos we rre all losers losing heart and 1osing friend s it dosrnrt rnatter "no feelingstr.. rf Brtlee{ber? But Jbhnny didn I t mean ttra t I know what ,l-ohnny rile*.nt Johnny had his head screwed on -but not llowLike a 1l of ua doomeg to die *''like rrall fLowerg :,n glorif ied opert houaes waiting for friends who'11 never a.rrive ;_uet 'lLke t|" good times. o , '
he coneiderg playing '::ith the Frloiind 'rd virl,eo equ iP#rent in the c nrner r but d ec ide s t recite a- fev nor€. noem$ frorn the tattered, exercise br:ok {in hin kneel Scrqwled rLo'rrn in s.-: f €s r tr'* ins and r,r8iting :{oomg , they build into e rireEs *f exnerienees,End, ohsefvstiatrsr r'iss*ta.li eB c,f the rnoral s, politics r ha blts *nd institutions we all love to hate. liis iriting is s-bout f€nlity. IJe is literal , unl ike r sflF r a Bor,,rie CIr a Burroughs, he flb.kes no etternpt to disgr:ise his intentisns wittr cut *out c]'rarica. tures and ?rhunt the hidden rneaning " lyric isr$ . He is hone st . Theref ore he 1e..ves hir*seL"f r'ride o$en to simpl-istic critisism. His ]:on*sty can easily be misconstru.de cils neiveity, his down-to-ii'arth lyr ic;r 1 ntyl e as irnrna ture writing abil ity. l:jo n'* ttrra]}y he ' s been the t. 1. get f 6r sn ide j*pen concocted by rockscribee who ar€ too out:of"'-touch to understand or too secdre to care r &F& h6ve just one more single to retr' i e,.',r iref{ire roing home to tep:.. Althcugh he ''in't god.s gift to EnSl ish vgs€ r his writi.ng is a f t en insp recl and thoufiht-Ff,ovoking, T knnw how l:e f eeJ.g. Itrs a lot lii;e th*tr the lt{nsic iiachine. ?'tYealr , J wro te thn t ages a go , a Il, these ,''."runks were jue t boi=:pin I around trying to I ook contented r, Ild in control, ttl{6 feelingst' was on. Tt just seelied ft bit ironic at the time" It c:' It be rref y s:= d, , th,* t pl" c € . rt fha t poern 1 Rlong with hundrea ds cf others, will probably never see the light of dny. F.itusernld maf be erratic, but he is prolific. Thi s f,ea r he t s toured all- over liritain , and done gigs in l.reland , Holland '' od l'ranc e,
rtfhe FXusic Hachinett :'Pa.trik Fitzgerald sits anid the potted plante of Polydors "hospitality lounge "
was gcing
releasing the 17 track l'Grubby Etorieert 1.p.1 a book of Doems, and the "AII ser*n uptt & tffmprove nysel-ftr eingles on the way; ltre not rare for him tti'slip in new naterial at gigs (or on certain radio sessione) eithen 'njhen
asked about
he sniles and looks s3.ightLy cbuffed.
I work on the theortrr: that I In going to drop dead at any monent trrou see, tha,tts not a morbid theory, it's just a theory of practicality. If I didnrt think like that I'd probrb3-y never get any work done. It gives me a Eense of panic to workl to leave rny mark on the world before I go. I just vrite things as they comerdor*n in me Little book. frve got Loads of stuff at hone.rr Q; Ie it theraputic? PF:rtYeah, I 6uppo6e it is, after lrve got it down on pap6r I feel contented for a while, glad itrs out of my systen. Maybe everyone should d.o it.ft QiAre you 46 paranoid as a lot of your stuff suggests? PF;ttParanoid? Oh yeah, paranoya ie my life. Itve been na.de that way by other peopl.e.tt It dosrnft require too nuch inagination to see why. llowever l-iberaL London is supposeil to b a lot of people dontt take kindLy to vierral oddities like thi .bive foot not mucb, hat perched on top of streeked b:'rnetr dan-. gling eamingl aseorted coloured frxfan hang offs, soneones ab*oItWeLl-,
to be treated differently, thenl might as uell neke a oint.out of that difference and survive vifhptrs vhy you et..rted writing; i:one of the reasone, yeah. uuet to prove to a1]. those idiots t school that f an somebodyr yikaorv... Se grins. I recaLl the sentinent. The rock,n,roll (freak/ ahow is rnade up aLmost entirely of teenage rejects. Towneend, tsowie , Dury, Botteu... ttHello, Itm a reject, all" of fHIS.'' (He Sestures does one arm han$ down . longer : r' "uptimismT Rejectrl Xou're very independant then?
rrYes. 0 yes" ri'hatls one of
the few things that f do believe in, indipendF!rrc€. You've got to be .os indip.endant rs possible. I mean, any origion.l thoughts ycu brv€ come from you being .n individual. Mine do, I hope Itd tit<e to be r.e independdnt as possible.ff How' ie independance poesibl-e nowadaXs r itper"sona 1 polities?rf rll gui:pose it t s tli,'t, yes. I tbink people shr:ulC. h*ve far rriore freeclon when it comes to p;uiding their own lives, they shouLd make decisions for' thensel',;es a bit more. I ihink pp,rty. ;io3-itics is e johe, it ' s doned. sandles oa grubby, b^re unbelieveable, just think of that e.l"ection. " feet. -r'l/ictin of their lack. I Doa I t f olLor'; l-e-, ders t of feelingp/victim of their r rR.9.I' I ao easy t* sprn-.i on lack of brains.rt You know the undergroundr so hard to the feelLng? Eers a naturaL rut into action. Itte hip noving target. to stand there sloganising if yourve got a guitar in Eave you been picked on a lot? ycur hand,. ttl suppose r bave, yeah. nll the time at school. ,lt's not so Qttluet how comdrtted are you do you etand? nuch getting beaten up or anYth where rfl for e.nything that staad -ing though, so much ns being wiLl instigate some dort of treated differentl-Y fron other gioing to change. not Irm peopler r Euppose it stenned or Thatcher something Ehoot fron rny size" I was alwaYo wish soneoae wculd I though ah'atre of being different floq I do uhat beLieve in sin6 I an early age. It's Lao,e of r,ai,age real}yl i nean, r didn'$ I would.nrt do it otherrrise. cven kaow if ny parents liked ne Like, if there gg.€. c revolor notr it took ne ye re to work ution br scinethingr then that oae o,ut. weLl, X finnall"y what came e.fter it h s gr:t to be nore interesting th*n Gatre tr; the cecision that if r i
the f" xf crd j:lt . cn vR Ic ade *,utsicie) rlylkns,.,', buses g;oin5i" up nnd Ssl'rn1 f*ges l-ookinfl out of ,iindavrs, i,;ids l-en'inB schc*1 i'rith the snfile exF*ct* ticil$ r sarile pre;ur3ices , s $le eger * ryth ihg " A 1l- living in the snfiie cycle r:"g their pnrents r . not p, dva.nciflS. ,lust going rln to Iive niserabl-e Little J-ives th" t are jumt the s=n€ .*-s everyone *lses, T ddnf t bel-iev in it'r I donnt believe in ' ', n]t cf, it" ,{t l-eest T can proi=ris,e H?ys*lf that l4Y life is going to he interestinn, if ftr-rthi*S e]se"tt to
1ie1.e {1 krAy
yf'H n)trray-*
ycu ltne t ' ycru n f,.'ver r-r.Iolll d. b r+li en y', th,'ugi:'i t a h*-ut it 1t-i:"r
ch t i:," e s
not €rft-rugh -l trs it't s never enough, .' ff tf ,1 11 jiewn Uptl
It mes.ns a 1o t to * r tha t scng, just lil"e ??lTel pl ess Cancer t' , or ttFactc'fY" , or even l'.he Purnle t{en rts llFruetraticn'I. All nsl*;ing f.nilier c1l0stiohs.r nfrne of thern nven ITt
cffering *ny ferJ. n]'!s"r*f,$r "Ha V€ l;rCi: gO t "' ny '- nSr"'.r*f -
PF ; ttl'{o. r r . It t s sad
t !:ut !1lor Tlrn no J'uclrin' mess* ia f igirre or F, t'ilf th Ilfl. I don't clairn tn h*ve) the an,gt'trers I T I m c *rt'l i nl)r
not Qlrn'l if ieC tn give thenn i have certain i*e.rsr but thrtf s nc.t nF i'port,.rrt
at poaLag the qurstlons. People should think, and aupply thcir own answers. If I help any perBoa to think a bit more about their
prrtlcular deetiny r and to take a nore po6otivc rolo ia' their ordn d,estiny, then that I e 8ot to be good. Youfve got to anash things dora before you can build a bravr new uorld or vha tgYor. tf Do you think a revolutio$ will happen here? Ql trl doart kaou, I hope Bor otherwise lrn waste tng nJr tine. f ntght aa rell be churning out stuff like Rod Stewart or soneone. No change la golag to halpen overnight.?1 Qt So you thtnk'you catr u6o music to instlgate pol.tttca I chaage ? rUcllr BB I eaidr Xou ca! use it to make rem thiak, pcrhape nake then aak thenselves queetLoas. Tbc reet ie up to then. I nean, itte obvl.ous trhe effect things like ttAnarchytt had oD pcople. Uhen tbat cane out I rushed, out and got tbat r I uented to be in on aaything like tha t tbatl Punk shored how diasatiefied people were rlth thinga, not Juqt nusic, but everything. " It opeaed up a uhole lot of-doore for you. nlcehi'tbat crploaion at the beggining really orottcd lcr cyeryone eeened to be doing sometLdagr I uaa goiag out and seeing b'nds agal4, ullcb. I hednf t done for Jrearsr ard I was meeting I lot of pcopl.e who thought like ure r So f thoulIt I atght a6 uelI get up and play tbern my tolttr rhlch I rouldaf t have dreaned of doing brfors. lnSrusy, l, trae ln thie awfuL bandr and,. r11' tbo rcst ranted to play old Stones things efi crap ll&c that r s9 I left and went out on tt outao I rrally feel a part of that movementr lt plaaca rc ott rhea pebple Bay that I have ffSllg to do rtth it. Tba uhole cllnate waa cid cf clu6c, it uas rea1ly encouragiag, rrd t li.Iod e lot of rbat urt goiag on and being said nllr ,by Jolnny Bottcn and people.tt tot lh{ i;bc taac backgrouad. - t&CI| 'I,ydoa? Ob ycab r Catbolic granner schooL afd el} tbat Iot. n ["iis brougbt up in that environeat ;;-t;-tfr; *lcl to[ tblat aad agk queatione a bit earlier
nrtt tle* lI rtlpt c!. lt doca. It I e an obvioue thing to pick llp elr trrrTtll,agre Gratrcrated r all theee peopl,e tafll.;3 tou tberc gtorica and thinga r Lt 's a btt ,btl .to taho ttLaotq Itf e natural to aek qucstions, brt tollft rnppoacd to elt back and accept it all. I ttlrl. tt nkm'you a blt aore rcbelloug . 'I found lt rXl'itr;l'tally unbcll.cvablo- I do beltcvc that O?fffiIr ot rorctblng la arouad aonswherG. It etrikes a sc{-f i _|tfffi. lo rt lf tt t a ltke eoncthing fronne werc ffi. fltt tbcar thlaga uatching uB like llveg. If n not sutre if I Cc tfu trlly, t3ldlag our llll ttrt ldee tbou6fr 'lt nakeg uE out to be Ot rouf.tblagr t dontt rant to be anybodl'cg ffib trynntt r 'aycr trlcd acckl,ng the an6w€rs to thoee W; til cEtttlolrt t; {idr I qlltt !t. tbc pol.nt rcaIly' I Gatrtt understrrl r11 tfrar proPlc gottlag into tbeee religloas and ehu!_tlng , ' r$l tb1r6rr.llkr ,proplc golng a_wfl f! all- seems ,W|ulht4elfrt 111 rcnaatirlci and thingcr nc' r havc thougbt or booking Eliilili-Af.t."t, lo
into an asvruu for a t"fi"vg"$
j};l'll"n:li :1"1t:'"nlriilr"i*", toth?lt'"""t Juat
tnel- g"fng-back don't think of the ,rn"fa andeort;a"outl 'But r to. get yoo"u"i'r it ' I don I t wortb ansner;-";; eeeklng those knou.
dozena your ,eci-flr idea is reminicent of read? 'what do You of booke, I I vo 8ot *1e11 r t rf Nothing. bored by ""hi-"nytrrios' quite a few books b;;-i o"o"Ily 8et, it find I flret {"*.ptgcs' them after the no great have I then in ' hard to get invol'ved if th't's what you influencee foon ttil"it' mean.Iprefertow.tchthetel.lyreally..''.'F .
Atthiepointone.'f!}e.gd'vaBta8egofbeing bis r"u"r is _nai.) e e r'parant ' signed ,i;;"; of cold ule are brought in "*lo*a ew 6wt'gg tn }cee I f^"ott:-.:f p"iiilt rela'xes Larger' bis Past' about bit a and teffe-me factory he frlrle dad I e dead, tu*ilcs to _the t*' and I Il've
'trueUandr wiLh me ui"i"" ana her at hone"ir*iiu'srr"i;;; o bUp t l'u:" real'ly cours€ of l"'lun me 4nd, " the dol'e a cat r I was oll good, putting up tilu- me ' *I*'e at hone Juat ep"nt *oi-r year8 for three in i'"^t ":l; ,riiti's i"i- e"ttins l"Hiilurt" of Y"iIl^"?:";; an office for a couP1e tble o f worked' in elrt I and' that r ted ha thing aerell t wberebut ;;;;"" connounity or eort protleils- "na stuff, .;; people ""."-;itl. t;;;;nuctr erood. I en Joyed ; I t think it "i-r*"a I didn dif f erent , .ilavin* being o, ttre doLeploir"l gave I$e the it -""a so r wouldnft hours rron moet,tii! thinger inspirrtioo to get idre chat I it' s notin i,ilit;" indulses in riuerl:|-" Iitp been h!'s whv bard to """ paperg'. He r E 6orne of the lese ;t;el""tive he looks ;;elq;oti"""ioe ' fairly €r sf, 8o1ns rraillytt thinga ' like a clown , h9 - says soqeItlEeagxtowritr;i*-offaajustanother hprd to be as novelty, anothet'Xfa trying possibl? aa I ^]h" with eccent"i" anrl shocking p:"" 'i""' llttercd' pa6ies of yeeterdnys P't ninutee theirl5 it*oing these token t"i"il"glug" prrirceediage I the intbis B)' of falne' caae here' ien't the rearieioe"init t' j tbis t'r ovi"e PF :
do are
of the intervievreof^1thc on€ ft!] tark.- lioet- rilppant re -ru:18 pol'ntl;;; ' {}"t beforeit.'Itall"'bsup;-;illghtwcight.tl you about your Icah, r *"" suiig io askinage ' fbe mioa sspidlt chanEe8' i rna ,,c I: I ve bsen ^^ - lnagc ,r,ob r thie ruclcii '" t;Ev-u""" a1l ' I 6uppos' ai if gtuck with ' 1 aon ' t lii<e I.rvebeenonfori'o"tein.tbatre6pect.|| th;l- it"g" though?i never went t,lbY il'iu"t" ilWe1l, tbere'B ; fev re?sons' IFAGS' I never in that out to pueb any p*tti"ular ""itur"e concioulry rriedvi;";;;; t€.d reapect.Tbat"ra"ofitloa.'iintintereetE€. depends on what peoplc I Buppose it ai;;how 8€Yera1 treatedr tbey:re into songsr and'
h4oRE PFrrRl t< ,.. jt thinge z'ea1ly; rhe way they re recorded, ytseel I find it hard to sit dorn to record thiaga in a studio.
I canrt eettle down. I like the inetant re.ction you get at gige, vhich you obviouely don't get in a little roon, and things I do tend to cone out aE being a bit cold and glippantq but Irn getting' over that problen now lcos frve got mysetf a good tape recorder and t hope to experinent with that, so things
the acoustis. i'ie thought it
r{ou1C be nice to put just a sax together with an acoustic and have nothing else with them except the vocals It lenves n lot of spacs. Bowie ha s d.one tha t ; so I suppose itre a natural cor[por rison to make , but I know when I trote that song r lt was back in '?2 I think, and I waen I t rea llY into his stuff then anywayr I know why I wrote that song toe. It was a.bout nY beet friend at school. ' IeII r she was a girL nnd didn I t gc to the same school as ffi€ r so i it Has a bit difficult ' but we worked Bomething out. rl He smirlie, but dosrnrt eLa-
t-Ihich L ed. to y,our play at the floyal CourtttYeah, t&tbytalkt. It Has pretty $or:d that. $ome bloke ju'st a sl'ed me to rr'rite A plaY r s0 I did , T,'Je got a I oa d of youn$; kids t0 act in it And sort of invent their o1':n char ic ters. TheY were tletY
go*d. r IJha t
future plans ha ve you gc't? rrgeli ybu knop J|ve
sort of hiberllzting for a While, tlell f fm I10W On. stBrt ing tc.r eig I b it lYou rneln yourll n.?ke expernowr Trm doing rflore imental music | .uro Fitz? nNo. Itm not really that guite A fetr gigs nrornd. the country CIn riy olr,rll' t interested in that sort and s$me proba blY on borete. of thing, not renough to do the Fenetration teur' it myself anyway. I nean l.f l-1 f ftf s true to say Bolrie was Nothing t s redrl 1Y'$orted an inf luenc e then . record tbinge to see their effectl and get used to being ilI like him a lot. I suppose out dt the rnoment 'cos Ilm r'rithout I contract he was the nearest I ever recorded, nrybe even juet r, I rsa. f igure. hero to had a . t the mom€rlt. !' record all my stuff there.', ie tha t ? Back to your imngel donrt lIy admire his klriting abil- 'tl,Jhy riJf,rs just that liiy ity, I respect him f or wtrat you bl.ame the {rre6s for it? con tra c t with PaIYdcr trto an extent. They never hets done. I didntt like lout , anel theY I re tf Lodger?f at f irnt thou$h t ran me aek anything interesting, t but it s grown on me rotro tle hqmiqs and harinfi al:*ut theyrre very predictabl-e and f 9.rfi9,to'ing it " didntt have a lat to saY on obviouB. rl re yotl g'-:,ing to go bn ci: tr reeentthose Capital things f I feel guilty as f ask the Srnelf irionder ? with disea bit was a ly though r I next (obvious) guestion. tl the r.rhol-e ;m int 0f *pointed. "1,{e11 Then why ilo lt? to trolYdc,r bras ne.fioing Hen h/ith tfWell, I euppose it sticks vlere invclved r You \ of l'Icrk ( lot pitt a Bov,rie$ to nn&nn f irst Set Ser By name in the paperr the ii)heY thet5. f ror: cnreer. abray on in In earlier Your on3-y other time I nentioned crf f I'Jith it pissed 1.,r€]'.€ ome t c thn about? did I{ovr is when I get slagged. off in trWell , be ing rea 1IY n+ iv€ r It,e bnly tsete ( Stennet ) the review section. I doart and his r+ife r3oing it -1. just tlrote to him " rld let it bother me'l tc sort of helP People asked him to be mY lTlane.ger. (r tnin* he doee) out rr..itfs just that I donrt A bitr nnd When T I thou6ht If d be whisliecl selling qu:-te I btarted away and be made an ovef,like to be judgect by their tlie:r 8c't i.lf records 1o t llY night star ! I ron u6ual stanfurrds, which are extra I the with up fed easY. that thousht it d be alwaJre the sane. Irdant to d. wnrkLoa a rne helpecl i r1rwaf, I Ken make stand:.rds of mY owrl.rt r-You dicl- gigr'; in Trel.a nrl Iot. He susgested that I ' He rounds his conments off rec ently"d idtt t t You : to l esscns singing take by concluding ttYeah, 9olYdor lilte ne tfon the vrhole, journalistic i.mprove rny c onf idenc € r and ther€o T was met dt the I did and he got rne inter quality is niL.tl ' A irPcrt b]' th e chn irn'n ested in the thea tre and Now you 6ee why Patrik Fitzr n nd given a ri de in thi s things whichIt I d, never gerald is the dgrling of the ' preea. Back to the beat. thought of . play people I fhe ParafWhen noid Wardr they alweye seem to say...(he cuts in) nI bet they eay Cruel-lest Crine sounds l"ike Eowie!rl Yee, Huaky Dory actually. r(Be laughe ) trReally? HeLl tbi.tre funny rcoe'thatr6 one of the few Bowie 1.p.ts I . 3iott got. I suppoee itrs should rapidLy inprove froo
bloody 6reat limo, yrknow, I thought "fuckin hell"
like! Iref"nd,s weird, itre really .ol-d fashioned, in the hotel they thought I was a aut or sonething 'cos I v{as werring tbis Kinono thing. It seens a very bigoted country. The gigs were good though, except in Dub1in thebe punks uere trying to be like relfast punks and had a bloody great fight uith these Catho1ics, and = bloke r,as stabbed, which wasnrt very nice. fhe ironic thing wae they didn't know I vras CathoLicl I origicnally went there nith the intenticn of doing a Roots thing, yrknow, finding your ancestors, but they were al1 dead so.I didn,t
bother! rl (,{:Are ;rou going to do any more poetry books? Itt donrt know. I did the first one rcos the people at ?.II.A.P. (fower ltanlets Arts Projecti are friends of nine, and itrs a sor.t of good East Bnd caurie yrknow. ! may do a songbook, reos loade of people write to me acking'for copies of ny songs to playl and I spend r*eeks writin6 the ihings down, which is difficult rcos I canrt write nusic. Q: Eave you got a lot of ngw na teria 1 ? "Some yeah. I bavrnrt been
writing a lot lately becauee Irve been coasideriag retiering. Irm not sure if what lrn ''doing ie that worthwhiLe anyntore. irve been re-eva1uing everything. lrn aleo pissed off with the record industry side of it. Ird like to write a song and bave it : out straight awa.Xr but the whole proceaa takes too 1on6, and by the time sonethingrs out Ifve f,orgottea about it. I like the instant reation that nueic is suppoeed to have, if I didn't rrant' that *rd probably just rritE atories and. poenE.tl At first l though this retirrment tling was juet a quoteable ploy, but it does aeem . tha't Patrik is, serioueS-y thinking abott bis role in the
ttbuy me,/se11
rt rec ording
routine. rrltrs just thr,t Ttm a bit disench'nted with it all at the aoment; I probn bly wouLd have cuit before if I didn t ha ve c omitments (fre gl-anc e s over hi s sholtl * der a s if the PoS.ydcr brass hn d just r+a lked in ) tta nd f enjoy perforrning if the reation is posotive fr*m the people !;s. tching rrle r So If11 probnbly continue to do what 1 am now, it just seems very clastrophobic in ldngl-and. f lsent to rngterdem rec ently an d it wa s r€n lly free nd easy going over ther€ r then I got back to i,ondon in the rush*hour, it ?rr s raining of course and everyone wa s d,. shing a.bout looking ntis€rp b1e. I thoug;ht I rra s go ing to cr.rck upr it was a f,eaI shock to come b,*,ch and see this city as it re.11y is. That didn I t help na tter$. " Are you going to move ? ?rf doubt it, I live here and in sorire ways it t s great, itrs my home after aLl, not that I feel- at alL patriotic about it. I wouldn't mind Living on the rsle af Wight thou{iht tt Do you feeJ- hemmed in? tVet'g much so r f In typecast aB a muaician here, I consider myself nore of F. writer than a music in n. I I d lihe to be reffiembered for ny writing rather than ?
my music.
Is your writing irnproving ? ItI think 5o r rnost of the stuff I I ve done up to now has been fairly lightweight. Just scratching the surfrc€. f ts,r uniting gloonier songs now, Jf$ not woruied that theyr 16 gS.oony r ' cos they r re more important than the old stuff. rtm Just tryins to pinpoint trhat I s blrong uith the schenne of things r using short, acoustic pop sorgsorf r It souneis lilte .Jac quee ;:reI' ttHa I I really like him. I got an alburn r:f his in France which is reeLllY piood. VerY r.rei.rd sort of caberet stuff. I I ve also got one bY
of aLl peolrle, singing lirel song6 in english. Itd Like to beach the stage when I can write as rrlell as him.rl lHave you any plans for recording ttt''Jell
, maybe ItlL use the Honey I get from the tour to get some studio time and d,o a few things. I t m no t sure Er t the fiionlent. irhat I may do is do a few catchy one6 tha t I Ll- Se t Eie in the
charts, then I can do t I like af ter it. i: need noney a t the lronlen t. tt rt t least he t s honest. I hope that he dostntt need to resort to radio fodder to get Fome more recogni* tion, it r-rould be a wa ste. Che day I-'atrik FitageraLds vrha
VenenoUs W0lt'ld-Vieg iS uratered*down and nme"de sa f e'? will be a sad orLe. Although I don't agree rsith everything he Say6 or
doee 1 I do befieve that as lopg "r F threre is room for sqme honesty in this I buisnessf that relye on its half-truths and fleeting images for its fast buck r then th€re is room f or patrik Fitzgerald. ttHhatever happetrB r I t11 never sell many rec -nrds in rny care€fr I d,onf t expect to, thatts not why ltm doing a 11 this. ,$o long p 6 some people listen it I s alright. tr *I suptiose so l"Jetrie out on the street now, interview over, I have a parting shot. I ask hin ttrha t he thinks of the compo
a-risons made between him 8Johnny Ol-arke. trThere I s no comparison. He
just r.rants to rnake people laugh, T r*ant to melie t em think. Itm not a stand*up comed,ianr ard I ainf t j oking
rnonths llhe next fer'renerf,ence of the r*itness Fitzger*Ld' the rler,' ;;;"rt see r - ntta 1'te wilJ-
f net an Alien the other day he wn s r+alking dol.rn fottenham uourt Roao Trying to seLl the bibLe whispering his g,.,spels in riy â&#x201A;Źar r He told me ttHarf this prane t ' s alien nowr fruth t : Come down frorn ano ther 1:lanet r arying to convert you Lot I cos you r ve rua de ,a rness o f your 1o t, tr,e don t t have any unernploynient lle don' t have any wars
36 Hno
of,o +tXi
bic f:;;
Ei fr
do.E -:Xta1 b'9
r*hatts cCIuntries? Countries don I t exist on our planet.
of rulers in rnoney. They I re content to go on living, They I re content when everybody else on the pLenetrs content. Happy ru"i th the r'rorh tlrey do Happy trith the amount of leisure tirne they I ve got. Happy r cos sverybody else is happy Ienrt th,:t good?tt I'f ell it ' s be tter then thiri fuchin t pl*ne t I
o +t
tds.3 got
T fi* dF,AC .$oo =*rtrrH
gd:,; -+)8tr r5'b i'4+,'d 8o.sFi
!feF {$
e*.-f !t.EFr ?E
utO .rl d1
gs.s i hoE-o -'cro Ar
dogFr qld'itar
n5 g t i d f; {f,.e t g T.9 s.3 3t a
fi8 E T +C:-F{O
Fb.EPi v-ri,od
EE # { Ffi T & * Ad+,
i* s i
urerve got . s a rol; They ain t interested
8.Es .tr .d i;+to
PE nn-vo
tlAny chance of some tea ?tt Fiark }terry : slcs o f the ba ckro onr boys in r'a"ul ty Froduc ts basement l,.Iearhotr6€ o Fuck of f ltt Ch well , so mnch for free speech , he c ou?promises bY rubbing
his hnnds togetbert itis atrfu1 cold d.ovln here- tkrat dos t ns t t+or]<, eithef r The room looks like --rl abancioneC f ilm se t , ha If declted out in P1ttsh le,r.ther chairs and Slossy photogr;r"phs of assorted FaultY Persons r half & di*r clus ty jung1l of old Posters , Hoovers , t*" tterecl speaker cabine ts and ess*r te d j unli. r.row r s lraul ty run t n-.ie1l, it I s Il-}e ga1 R,:Cords, Step Fofr'i.:ifd I and, De*ltford F' un City. I'1iles Uopeland cllns nost t:f it. but doesr: t t tio do mucho end Ine and the ethers all of Beptf ord end bit,s of the athef s r .Uverythins'frarn dcing the post to record"ing sr b;:.nd cr sorilething. ft;i11 r,'or}'is pr e t ty t""e11 . Cr"rinS; - i'lhat h,:rve ]rou been -i e I-Y le t er e r o r.JI?. ca rrUF 'till recently Jtve been plrrying drurns f cr the Lemon ni ttens from xeed ingr rlos I ttanted tc Set int* other things , li}<e ba cking .iruople e nc tha t. $nytiay , tha t f ell through cos they vrere f uckin t me i: bout a bi t. I was go ing out to lt€ac].in$ f cr rehersals and th ey r.,7€r ' n . t e ven, turn it: f'- up J- i].i€ . orr t nol{ I I re d c infi thing,: i'ri th ,=on e other pecrle, like e uibing p,i:rt tuo. It's a- sort af "oltinuation from the f irst thill-,::. i.Je | 1I be record^ins it erouncl christnr,::rs for releese ebcut 'u
eburery. f * lfith You l','riting it? tlYeahr I wrote it e11, but I don't dictate to thenr ex3-ctl-y t+hr-t notes to play or r*nything, It *"inf t that strict T0 do that yotl have tc be a realty, virtucso Suitarint or 6o:r:lethingr *rd- I
l'Ie eintt thntt ltts e Lte"nd thingr .tthetus hc;r"r atI contribute littl.e bits' one st le the on t LiI'.e I like to t.rork. to say Itd nativest, the say, 'Release J)ennis that I r.rant it to scund heavlrn like the iungle. so he r,;ror.ks out1;f8his part and cornes back l.;ith it, e-nd, stick.:r-11 the good iden.s I"Ie h::-Ve t*g.eth€rr Dennis (surnsl is great; I hirn , ' cos think r | 11 a lr.rays rvorlt ',+i ih rl g !{e 'r'.rork so 'tie 11 to f thef ' : ,nhat are YoUf soi:"Ss abaUt? ttI don ' t know really. A t the time r write them I have no idea wht t they ' re go in$ to be about , l:ut in r e trospe c t sort they I rs about lonliness. i "u* J"ike. l{orldt of one Han ageinst the
I suFpo$e I just f e*l th-'' t 1'J3 y t''' bout things irofiletinsg. J I m. F. loner a$;rtsnyr t r ha te crCIwds and tlart i eg * n et th j nfis " A.lso r think tha t th;r t i,n the rnr in proi-rleri in the lr'lsrld ' There I s nr:t enough indiviCuali.tyr silr1 if r'. l*id ge ts out o f l ine i;: some ldn Y , the systern thing rruts hiil CCI'u,;rt r ;r I know ' He builds tt-p al.J, thie effressi'-'n, Ehatus :+het fl i,'filRS :rj-ih ,5*cit',t;"r r"r uh;,rtever licu l'r* nt tc c*r l-l it ' It 's real-l-;r l".cnelF? ,'le*,11#, *r firouils nf -r?*oFls, lilc* tl:e prini:'s s*-)'rr feeJi.,solrteri, n:rd th,rt brinEn E, l"ot of jlrcbJ.et,:s, rhat I s l';l:,r t th*y' re,l"b*ttt. .:,
* l,,Ier* ),rau feelin;i I ilip th" t t+h*n y*t1, st,r.rte';.1- *:Liffirr' Ghte ? It reahr I sul)-nr:se ,toc f felt 1il-e th-rt al 1 thrr:u,qh rilJ'r timn at sch*cf'' I h,r-teel "11 th.e r-;th*r }:lidsl r never fittecL l-n 1:rlEtt the:::,1.t rlLs f nll'reys felt llft *ut *f ttrinliso I ,qnt cr:"t *f ',eFtfrrrcl ',rhen J cnL''J-d, *theyJise If d sti1..l tre there J-i'l:e nll- r1* r:ir'ten frc::,: nclior'L' Ytknot,r, r cf.rt fir, inla L rr:b cn"d ntil], aes n cla se.u: of ,;he hl ok*g f r0:'' schcol stil-l ther€r still serving their ,r pJlrenticeehip ti, e;,r s t'' rteC str* i,rht after rchce,-l-. f nfteded. ta fiet r'rtt cf 1 su"-po$e th* Glue he'rped me do ti:a t. rt the tirne the punk t'hing ';iss it. beinSi ignored. i:). the JJressr anrl T got thc ider, of daing n11 nltern*"tive thing to o over the liunlt ba nd-s . T sar"r a lL these t.merican tilings you s*e in sl:ecial.ised. sl:oFs. Lilce f.i'R shetlts aild Country n-nd 'lesterl:. -Li€:is thingfi r sort of af nei-rs bulletins to }<eep the fann t1:*.t type of n:':-:.siC up*t'J-il-;=*ter tCcn the nrusic prnss diCn't real-ly ci'ver it. I just d id ;c and ae sirlfriend clid some r:rl1 ,a frer*x riip-chinc t wori:" s" ncl I tcotrt t ent ill;ol,'jl1 to the sho r; in 'toh* ruar]:et and saicL e'Look t'lh,'tt Jrve got'" .
a rt
rlr SBIES /
103 ttIstRY (Prs!06) 105 Elor{Drl oRrcrxlr Al7 E!I,ASSrI Dttttxt
'Br StRIl9 / 25p mol I.IGILIgB Cr$nABrs FO2 COrG rcot rxrac8v (PrsmE) b0[ G.s.t.Q.(Plslol,s) B005 coHPI.lTl coltBol p.10 Pltu r$roPrl mu Pllu Bu.E lpt3 IOU RrlD m16 BORTD tBtNAorA F23 r{otoRBlAD ErouND m2ll l,rcmR8DlD rcRN I0 IOSE brn L.l. l'i.F. m3! rrrr xr RrcRrrrs RrBI
8173 D.O,A,
c 208 IEffBr3tlS C E9 HICd{LY INTLA},'U BIA C 210 UBOBBING CRISILS rO c 211 tnnoRrstls ct0lttrqJ8s rltr c 2]'2 K.AU!nAS c 213 UX. SUBS BLUE 0 211+ ItK SUBS PII'RPLE c'2L, UK SI'ES RED c 2\5 AW - vuTSU c 2L7 IXS Ftlrs (FRANCE) c 218 rt{tr.lrts c 2t9 eRIAfl ,tAHrS c 2n l'{Ir{D buR }totroN c 2?l FASiIOL CI!I1$jTB C 222 A}{I}.IAL IIB IIGIR c 221 WrIfiO c zz[+ 99;. IS SEJ!
3 fig c 199 BUZZCoCKS 'NOWADAYS' C 2OO STITF LITTLE FINCBRS c 201 RUTS c 202 l.oNocERol.lE SE? 'AlpgAvI.LtEt c 203 t{onocERoME SBT rH8'S TRANK' c_ 296 nocr lo.llrisT A to?IA I?TINCS c 2e7 NICKY & THB mrs
C lql+ BELIEVd I:J DtE RtjINS &rE oNly uoroS rmi-uATr!:R... !9.1 trtEy c9 196 swlt;Dt&D c 787 mE CAnPEII-ES rl{EiR tdAy m rau rtp 9 1q8 x RAy spitx i-tNVyElL q TRUE tovE (JILTED JoHt{) ]89 DrcrrAL 9 l9o u.K. suBsDANcE (aercruu) c t9t c.I.D. IrB No. j (Fax) 9 c !22 193 4\Ilitl lHE rJtrDERtoNES C l9l+ ROBERT RE'YIAL C T95 ABBYSININIANS lnISE c 1?6 BAnRACUDAS i,, {;*^'I
B1'7 815[
m65 IF rr lil'l
Ert+Z vrcrrr Bll€ No-ollt 16 tNNoCE{r (S+N) Bl.5l+ tlar YOU stl Is. UI{AI vOU
C155 THI JAM IUBE STATTON c166 AtL MOD COdS c167 rAN DrJRv (srrcKs)
C T77 LEOPARDS ffiE FLruas rs FEt{AtE(,rAniE coL:iiy) 9 -'', c !79 t?9 DREAD EEAD DR4ADFIjL tr:er'Ijr,nii c 180 sEX plsltl3 c lql BSCK & notr swt:,rom C 182 NEYER IRUSI A c 193 cAsH FRoM ciiAosrtlpplE
....trucK oFr(l{^u{t c.) slrFF...
m35 ffiO MIX RDB m37 FLIHII| 600VI!S Bo50 oBolsM IDDICI (BUZZcocKs) 8069 DrVo SAIISFACIIOI F76 I{IVIR MIND lHT BOLIDCKS.. ED99 1rll RISIDts{tS B1r5 FRrl m B0Tr (rcrD QmE{) 8116 WATCH out lUrRrS l JULIT 8129 CoSH rHS mrvlR (PISToIS) B1l+5 ml D0GS (rRAlrcB) nll6 PRttTY
C15r+ BOHIE lo'd
c155 srorfisr8 oAucHE c156 ErJou (FMNCE) c158 r.{8TAt taBArN
B18r surcrDB nouioS-(
stgS rrsn TURNED HUI'IANI'.' 833!8lilf"'Busr'R 8202 txn rlpS
+l+ I'M 4N
COOI CIASH POLICE C002 R.lti0l{f,S SACLI @ol+ BLUI oYgtBR cuLT @0, t4c5
c006 no HrRols @07 ACID PUTIK cooE 1H3 BoYs co10 I mnrt cABl
c01I xrtF co]7 999 @19 ll{16 @22
@21+ Bt ZZCoCtr8 yTLLOT/BLUI
c025 rNTs N0.2 @26 BACK BY PUBLIC DE}.IAI{D co27 rnr rn RlvolutroN c029 DIVO Quotl co32 YltrcW CoSTlLto co37 lBl IOU8 co39 Fr8sl sQurRr cgl+1
col€ l,,T.v,
c c c c
[3 Alrts t{0.3 ,o zLgP^
g5a 5513 /4
52 SHAU rSMr 53 CorlY rsi"ll{D BOY C 65 8PHIIX IWINKIA C 6? T' I.{ A TAZY SOD C 72 T IOVE TO BOOGIB c ,1 xrc B/v
D.s 65 urxK Dts 66 r'M trrTl IuE BAND
c i6 soNrc' I RE[IDrvous BAND C ?? RICK ICTION c 79 taB NoRl,tAL C 80 BUT I3 II I{ORHAL? c 81 0F colRsl rl' s NoRMAL c 83 r,rlcK Jolrrs c gl+ ntrrv 0F 1TIE STATE c R( INIU L LIBIRAIIoN r c 69 rosrrrcra rs DEAD 'l C 90 TATKINO HT,ADS I PSyCIIoKILLIR c 91 t 3 E3
D8S 71 RBILIIY IS FoR PEOPLE tHO CItrIT tsAIDIA DRI]GE Dls 72 ffin( COD I{ADE MAil SHE wAS ONLY IESIIITC DBs 73 r ttstD tn gl prrunTrc BUI
I MllI?
c111 lovB
cl09 sKrNs 9112 BIIES
C117 PIL
C 337' I AM I TOURISI c=l39 AI cApout ca\o ANT MUSIC ca\1 potrcE t+M
oF Fom
g12l X RAY SP&K C122 fiIE JAl.{ B,/r,J
C123 THE JAM RED C12l+ AXIM.AI LIB (SBAL) cL25 SKIDS c127 ASWAD c128 go!trGRor.f't c13O SCRTTTT Por,ITTr
c131 CT33
c365 c365
C3t|7 CABS (MIX-UP) cal+8 BlncoM
clr€ sPrzz oft-
c1l9 sPLrT
Elz? q4qA$r_voLrArRE C1'3 IHE MEMEERS
cl++ liffifriFilr;il'"=w CA\5 SPEEDBAti,
10p 20p
REST 30p
Clt+3 RAIPH RSCORDS cI\J its22ggcKs BLUE/BED Cll+7 KfflFnBltK DBvo SHAM 69
mx 99 286
cr38 ( r rrAxt) l.roR8 RoPE c139 M.P. L.r, ClI$ PINK FAIRIES IOVT
c135 FRAG V8C c135 rBE MEIHoD c137 rnE FUGS
-EE rlfi&;:
LrB -'ri,ft 58 JUST OEETII{G ORDERS "A( 59 oBEDTB{cE rs surcrDr 70 }IIIIN II{ MUBt MUI.{BIE
DEs 67 HrprRdoNDRrAcs
*,n, u"'oL#lI
3 29 lTsl'j_PAKr ,-c_ C 99 THE VIPS
45 SWELL MAPS \6 T}IE EDOE DOIiNHILL \7 'rHE CHORDS l+B SHoEs FcR INDUSTRy +9 Mo-DETTES ,O MURDER THE DISTIJRBED suBs (oREEN) 57 u,K. 5Z j Qrmr 53 CRAI,IPS ' ' 54 ts-52'S 5' AU PAIRS 57 RADIOM]TIVIIX ,e cor,i.PUTER Rocr 59 CRASS ' yoo PAy' eZ6o-olrlce !o I1IE },O-osrrss C 267 TIERB IAAF' C 262 GOOD MISSIONI.RIES c 263 DAVE CEOROE IS WEIRD C 254 FIRE FROM HEAVEN c 265 PrL DEAfr DISCO C 266 UK SUBS RED/BLUE c 26? ZIP NOI4X1 C 268 ZIP NoITN2 c 269 ZIP rS COOL C 27O IIM A CUIT FICURE c 271 BUZZCoCKS THARMoNy' c j?5 BUzZcocKs r c0NE hRoNol C Z7Z PRAG VEC N,]$8RT c 273 Ruoe blnl^9 C 274. SPIZZ n{ERGI c 275 B{ER0r CnrSrS c 2z6 Ruts 'BABytoNr c 277 IOVERTS RoCK ftl- .:' cz78 sooN To BE RELEASED c asz TAxr.orRL (rRANcE) c 298 stAnsuoorEn sEry & INTEtli OEN T c 299 SD(Y q2a99 rilrEI,LroENr / c a01 TARoET c a02 Ir[I0l{ JASK c 303 CoNFEDERATE FIAC c a04 MoD sTIl{Ks c 3a5 uB PASSIoNS c 606 sirAo NASTY c 307 liE lrss$( c :08 R00T Boy SLIM c a09 n00I zooM c arc FoGIE TII IIU PUKE c 311 RoCK IOAINSI VAil HAETTSREN c 3)2 'ANIMAT tIB HIPPO c 3t3 ANIMAL tIB DOLPHINS c 31t+ ANIMAL LIB CHICK$I c 315 grcDmToNEs JIMMY JIMMY c a16 MTDNESS c 317 rAE SEIECTER c a18 I]NKNoTN pEAsuREs(Joy D.) c a19 RISCo nULES c a20 Et8 RIVVITS c a21 SURF & DESIRoY (BARRACUDAS) c a22 sEcREt aFFAIR c323 SQUTRE c a2\ PIIRE PRoDUCT C a26 IJ0NmN Z0O c a27 MoNocRoMx sBT 'BIZARRo' C 32E SILICON TEBNS c a29 xUrE RECORDS c 110 sglKE
l'rlQl (J=d ab= <2
€d, llt cd >(J a{ caaq Q <otd d@ 5r fr cd< OE{5'{ c(oor{ oz>o
na"{ thought it was great nnd g,ve. Sane vrith gigs, rre did.a free tour fop fifty quid to finance the next the sar:1e rea,sons. I donrt think recordE one. It just got bigger from there are bea thoulgh. I mean, most ;;r;i;-;;; orr. Caroline Coon dor+n the l{elody s-ensible eni[ugh to b" able to pick got interested aad then al1 ' r+hat they waht, lpker see the price, and decdthe bands started getting in the de for themsblvee. ftre att a'questionpapers. The last one, issue 12, of what record a is worth. ''.,trat tS a is stipposed to have sol-d 15rO0O. record worth? Recently Irve been obses* I packed it in thea tcos ii'uas sed vrith the idea of doing r*hat $crittl getting a bit boozy and self_impo_ colitti done. uut alL th6 corners and. rrwe rtant, yrknor,l were dosn the dispense r+ith all but the mu6ic. I thlnk pub the other flry a[d...fr1 that there is a pLace for alL the rest of it. sort.of thing, like ?,igZag or But the occasinnaL one of them rrould be sonething. It r d done u,hai it 'd good alternative to it.r a set out to do. f wanted to move - Having nore or 1-ees your ou.n label to on a bit and do something else. I play nithl have you gone into naye of always want to do that. T just nahi.ng the actur"L physical side of vrant to be as creative ae I can in records sny cheaper? the time 1tve got. Like f|ll go Itl'IelL1 I thou6;ht rl:out thatl but f rve home tonight tnd paint, no one ti,ilL come to the conclueion that the procese see them but thatrs not irnportant. at the moment is best in terms of gual* If everybociy did things inltead o f, ity and cost. f think thingc t.ike fl-eki eitting r+atching the telly all the discs have go$ ' future, but if ;rou r.rant time ittd be a 1ot better gener;rIIy.rr things to be L'sting, ivhieh f do, then Have you *irays been like it"otr this ::p.y's the best. '{e d.id Love liee Itl{o. the school I went to nasnrt limp as a free thing e,s,a- eort of rnessinteresteil in that. r wanted to be ager and if they nnnterl to lierp it tl:en a footballer. t stiLl Like football. they c<:u1r-1 t:.pe i.t, thlt s o,k. But I go down palace at the noment. It donrt lr*nt nry things to be that disnowould be nearer for me to see Milh'all sable a-nci insb-n1, I d{ontt -ut out but r juet go to where the beet euough stuff for that.rfl eanrt see why otuff- ls being pJ.ayed. f used to go 6one rnagazines donf t ab tUt thcugh. i to -tuLhaml and q.p.R.1 and CheLsea. nean, someone like Tnig:'t+g corrld do r,ne they where glamorous io me. rhay every issuel That things wasted, f donrt always had players that Looked like uant to get at tenr )-ike, ;;rhno.rr, nice raale modelsl now they have pl=yers geezers and all th:rt, but irh"t they sta:rd that play l-ike rnale mode1s. I think for is rubbish. t! all_ that supporting one cl.ub is just - tleve ]rou rn$ Sige lined up for the ei11y. Fuckinr stupid idea th"lt!rt iuture? trl'lot resl-1y. Trve got plans for one, -l'Jhors on the new striff? -8d frA felv new 'reople. Annie Wombat of l,ike to clo i"t do'om the Y.1,'] .0..1 . or the $issioaaries, San out of the SOITIâ&#x201A;Ź':rhere. ItlS Sort of an abeUfd Soft Transmitters, a bloke from the Lernon of opera 'thing, r.rith a namater coning Kittensr all sorts of different on and a_!.1 that. rt should be real_ly people this time. I want to lreep good if it comes offr just a good laugh working with different per.;ple for reall-y- r think ha.lf , the albun r,rif I ever, I l-ike th^a.t. Iive got a sinbe that sort of thing any'.,ey. L ike it g1e with Dennie corniag oui in a week carries on fror': tlife in a d"yt off or tlto. ', Vibin' . It lcoks I ike one nicle | 1] be Genesis P. O*idge involved stiLl./ -Is more lil;e th.t and the other side-r'i'tl" rtlror I bardly eee him anymole, he.s be straight four r,tinute soniTs, :'ith a al-r.rayb busy with uristLe and all his etart ancl a fininh. rtrn still '.+riting pro jects.,, i.t nor.r eo f dt:n't lt:ror+ for ',ure. &ow did your connections cone about?, tr{het r*culC y"u l-i!:e to be thcught of ner t'r,e met at this dinner p.rty! He ItIf T had to be catergorise<l lrd rsant to llEed oy etuff and tre became friends, he just be classed ;,16 a r10-er. .lJot a vrriter or, had second annual.report out and f iist a rriembex of this b-nd or that. sru6t a -ened to it and tilied it, this was about vralking do-er. r had scme kiri say to me early t77. We got together on a couple that T didnrt do anything aayr:iore, but of thinge which where quite interesling. uhrist, tr.rerve done J albume, ! sin63-ee, He l"et u6 use his studio to rehearse in ue've been tourin6; free, lf ve been dcingi asr.relI. lJetre just friends how though. stuC"io r*ork uith reor:l-e and things for -You've put out a couple of cheap the l-abel- lilce. What inore do ya have to recorder ?f,e there going to be any more? .do ? ttil reakon eo. rdos there are prtople ,o1ho A11 things consi"deredt he dosrn't have realJ-y want a record but can,t aglona it. to do anqthing $tnfâ&#x201A;Źo r . r r rne
is D"reX
the Dagon
O Wu gds hone andllas
He qgolrna to destrtg Ka.n/'rs La"ng. c.6d o\d &reK.
jofrU grod
iS or,
tJcbq,n GL,e&uue.
9aras He\Io.
i i i
I lr{" i
t i t
'e otso
psV"ryL}. I
twtg dd Derek.
(hc{â&#x201A;Źs -'t
ct rr.,.,ofciend'.
tfs the lreat
iT#"kl:@ t
4 UWte 2>ahce -(es.rltS : 9e rekh qcfio ^ aef s
gereK does
A couP%oF FEhTuRE
Piranhas, prime i;overs
Rock Garden The l{overs moved otr r gave the unorigional fsgynesa
of ttreir
totaf- iusti*
tion , and rnoved o f f aga in. They I d achieved th e ir obvi ous a ims ( looki * ng l ike the l{eartbrea.kers , sr{eeting the obligatory ; swea t , sounciing l ike the f ici:
ancj pleaSed the headbangers in the pro0€8Er r eFsonally thor , I couldn t Bee the point. Ttre Pirahnas are a diff_
erent }cettl-e of f ish etc, tc . rhey I ve estabLished enough so's not to have too much to prov€ r but af,en I t well-known enough to be abLe to eit back and rest in their littl,e groovs e lhis could be a heaL thy situa,tion to be in, but not in their cn6eo ' Clos they H.d VB ea t ba ck. not workload-wis€ r but they . ve got their f orma t and they seem to rrant to stlck with it. rf you I ve aeen I em once, then their alL-important novelty value weare off . .c ew people would, .6ee the same f iLn twic € . . oarrd, they I re u6ua11y tha t predic table. rhe snile spread,s thinner aB the Music hall humour is repea ted , the d,arc € beconea robotic I the once ',subtle innuend,oes start to sound like 3rd form blue jokes. rt,seems like a script, the movenents are so neat it seeme almost cheoreographed. ThankfuLly ly though r the band were elightly the better for dernon a lcohol tonlght t due to the uard,ens nore c ivil-ized licensing hours) and things rlrere a little more spontanious. The automa tic del ivery hra s blunted , they were almost eloppy for'a change, and uohnny waa the onLy one in unifof,tu. t'hey seernd, rvi t ty a ga in , nowhere more so than with rrSpace invadersr,, ( good to aee nore nevr stuf f slipped -in without the usual- apologies) whichl oomplete e
r+ith marching bessr cbs€rves the fads' genuine invas_ ion of our ercr des l+ith the s ca th i ng r ca sm , tha t on ly the l,ir,:hnas possess. It m,ny be a comnent 0n societ* ies enslavement to rni!.chines or a :':iss*talce of thosel:rho foLlol'r fnshions, I could,n,t cnr€ though, f cos it r s fun* ny ( f thinlc even nichard J3ranson ryill- see the jol<e ). The other nelor stuff dos r n f t fare sc r+ell though. rrA l-ison r.iurpheytr , despi te the rrelcone inclusion of Zoo t on vccels, just sounds like ye t fi. no ther ,IIa ppy farn i l i e s ilermutation, the the ahomi* nable rlltla.nne corfle Up for cof f ee ?tf r rEith it , s obvioue d,ouble entenc-l.re and references tc cafine being a stirnulate just thror,rn in f or good, mea sure ends up sounding like The rlalron ltns..:i!"
ra-n through a.n ? ssortment of structurel.ess jams with
Fenrnan wailing strings of rrords i they ma de a song of ttJ r ys broken my l:, string"r
pnnctu* ted '.''ri th the J-,ens blood --Curci.)- ii:pi Iau,ih. ir nd i so it l.ient. fi'he iden s rrere
Froi:iising l:r-r.t the mood a.nd elrecutinn tr'-In s e:"r;harrf, sing. I t encle r:i tJn s boring + nd rrni??.s i:if ed s i f the1r , d ''Johnny 6, {Tone a nd iila ;yierL ,?.
Goodelt. Perhnps s.fiother t ime , fe n. Ehe Scri ts desnite Grerjns tr:,;: th rrrrsr*
atic:n thet aftern{-}oi:1 , l,"rere *xc*ptir:nal] , ?hey Fl"s yeii.
g o o J O-
sey, it bor*bs. t:ld rrugge* tts like "Tensionrr &?rl,clv€ game tt etill shine ( desr:ite the enevitnbl l*"clt-J.ustre cleliveries ) Er.nd help them score yet no ther London triumph. And ; irnportently everyone l_e,,,:.veg 'uri th e s!fliIe. I can t help but !tro* nder though, hon long it toriLl be before the e;r'liles turn into yal,,/ns next tir:re arnouodr fhe bends fa.ns are c;e tchinn up on them. .n
':'he yirnhnes have nolr $o t enough rna t er ia 1 f or one 6great a lburii r aild one everase orr€; but i f $ontething dostnrt happen sooil
i gh ts n t ten:p t ing to ups ta ge Lenny Bruc e. Irleedless to
rf z
ld g.
gz safe r'tith Greens nerves
end ri id only" one ir*T:ro visecl t'ruffiber, }:rit tha t rtidnr.,t- detract frar:: the
overall effect. Greens 1','3-S still -lerfect , itfs got to be one of the rnost na tur..lly nielodic tocls :: f ound. t sl ips and har:gs be tw,ren Vc;iCe
:,.,Ounding o in tr i c,:r te ss a nd i'orns tinny c on -pe tanc e 0n the drums l ike he l,':i s bcrn l;i th b;r
one t s going to listen to eith€r r ;r-nd that r+ould ,A phem in his headphones. Their set altcrr]=: tes bebe tra gic. f' tr+een dubbed regga e ryt The Fa3-11 Scritti F'olitti, hnns : j erking be t\.re en Ian Fgnman lir sorneon€ r sec tions of haunting _{.1.: .C.4. Tot 0rt. fr:d melody, .itf d ge: dor..rn a The f ire t ba nd 1o oked jrre storm under the ,.tsstway tty, Lighted rnrith aDgle*noi on: a Saturday nigght. They se lamns they sto c cl in played for only ?-5 ninutes hum" n r'rn lJ. onerq ting the ir , but tha t mnde things synthesis€rsr irnfortuna tely concise enough to r+ork they sounde d l ilte I'ra f tr-rspk even better. - Very enguancl no one seemec]. to knou lar e lto ge ther . I ean t t their neme, A plea"sent sc,1.1- semember mnch ebout the nding mystery t}1l*t I wouJ.d FalI t]:atrs not been saicL not mind investifi'.'ting again. bef of o. ihey,'re r'rorth Ian Penmens, tlradical" thr- seeing though. ee piece (2 guitnrs & drum kit/ htad problems, fhey
: ':
Er lltrrcr Eclbert affiil;"i"g
tog"tb"r (after erapplng. instruneuts orum nachinee & evntheaiser'' wiib ;Gi-.-;;;-".f"-p"rindnting appaarias and booked rcins sige will-probably startyogreelvae. ;d;*q ;i;l; can content. ArOr^& DeeCbcf. ilIaawhiLc you Oois people (set thia) a 45 ninute wark,,-a,Nb ?i+ikliiffi6-;,-;l.l"or"i,' snatchae, eerly' rive casseffiffi.a aorris thc rounde, conprieing yourrg intereetcd if ,l"itc here dernps erd,Firioue etidio out-takee. nopefullyof Brighton. out ;"J ;JiI il-ii-eny canoutbe enugsled X-IE&a. ';tatch thle spac"' 'l1ftl lu".'ner''r{af1t*1.11 bc Dralr. bran blab' firot"tooii iu blab bI,+h iu lt firgt fo[ IUna Rensrber, Id 51gprt it
\i/ l,
I"1OVEi"\ENTS' rv\oNocRRof.\E
h^* c-n-[ ?
t"Jb3s-,-Ma$a, hanq,lerer.tr
I{ARD cELL (?)
Fre raAio, the
il:\ rns yvestern .$.,Till':Tp\rsll \rne, r =' wortd _ Au il*. JJlt7.-!,ry.,r\i'":' h, issue FuowERS
hopeFrtt rLgh, bar.ds (tF'116,r Jo,.l ,tr^i
ljdH:.rl$ff}1fi*r# {_ a--t
be n^,es iust been readi.,g. (sh,.fup otrh, o".i).1i.ii*:it' Forlof.
peop\e in New York
F tlriLl il a:t.s'rroTi
ro ba l"tti^l.tTtfu ,',,** ,,WJ j,.r sce^" 'or.. ^t}.e*; ;' r,,,
$, Ii., - u\\ (ehe*l) be gro L- I) !{'f,'[i W Fgil''T'-=:1n-r"-'? i^i4"'p_= ,il 1 ttipk there'.,.itt -.^^^^J at ^F nlt. Gf eFgeoC $*$,* do to,fl',nk?t lore rl rEvieus,I&ilin il ,whaf *'\,,, *l be 1ou. lts sr[poseJ to. rc{l 1o:' tot.,d3Jns, pix, 35r1i. lo-senAr"ffiflF (nJ silL\o.u1 ba'.ds pleas.) tt
E --lt br*bs, *"':'r,h
3+), us
!,F:ou _!ea'
/6 Noulh - T:, "l %R
hact b
tj,i #h
\rqcLg laAdr€ss q.[ F-^t).Tha,,,xt'".Qp[FT. ttog.F-\t1 we,\l be ar\ ,€r,r^ y\ffi alhnahut qttartratiuC next tir*e Qrour.I .Weird se'io.rsl1 looki nq ,^nto t]* ''r'rrv\ po>si[rtit'ies Joi"1 this rJ.Uu,rh ,"-'F^*u,-. f\eries,to_1o
3o, d,\ Sft,. blnAt; -watt
Aeveioprnenlsf Ctassifna
;f *l?i-* "TAr,:it fi,;ltm* r]it" u.rei.) uir *tlr
(T i -x?,J; ,6,.e-"'fF
l*liRiggefi: still [nd**r
ca.ll'^Lrr boss wI^;UT"^.aD Paxs escqpin^ F-^tL - la- s hvinl out L;,s .h"ts F"f,l.q .lF l- tcnd w ,*,L.*{ fiv w.aki'it- ?.o. gteasa I' drrlt Laer rr. aAua^c, 'corttinatslooonrattrina JLooks . ris*g. hkc 1b....'s no r*prq ro'-- gofus istt" END, \"*{DDU ,Zts
t**4*J4'. #5.F_*{fr *-E ':*--tt
-.,& "'3t
if I 4t