The Story So Far #2

Page 1


rtr BI








lv-Y trIcILrs


BANsiHEES Pcsions












rh: Y-es, at-

last ltrs

2! ?_lrstly rve|d llke yo thank a1l this_lâ‚Źsue posslbre. i'hi; i"il;-vfirJt-lihectr<in froro Trre- ran'tnrough't6Ti""n"i; ;"d-;i iJi""" oot 9l t"Tgg ranslng fbrgettlng the f4b Swell Maps ! ! ! Iye were going to fiave - a Splzz. pnslgi j.ntervlew i! thle iegue. but unfortuiatr!_ au"-io beyond our contror (renember Spizz) we were.unLble to-oo"l "ircurostanceB But we hope io have. an Lnterview ln the near_ future.' a.i-ri-iir.s ieJue- 15-u"i"*inJr,ra"a a plctur'e of the new 11ne. up., tre^hop_e ibat you.will enJoy this issue anal in lseue three we ho n-e to have anon! other thlngs a Dr. Ulr anal the RenLx lnterview ai weu--as-a-il;i:Fr""ii"."i"-i;i";"i;;,Tir.,l..i'r"u those

who rve. macre

here,.. lasue



ililF UF_-?1

!IH, Fditors, layout. l,iAR[S



Photography. TIII (ur:Iess other ) con tr 1bu tl ong:';oftt#i$ i'fe would

like to

thank I

S-urelL iiiaps.



Ibb Mocrget

Rough [rade.

( SUaEe )

Jeremy G1uck.


ssue I- Itlth Barraeudas intervlew plps. Ess_qn_tiaL togt c, [be Doge, Oabeiet Voltaire etc. 30p.

Also ?dditlonal- coples of -lssue


arg- ?yallqb1e from 'Roigh lrade. Mall Order- postage daa -fOp'each co To- Bougb frade 7f 202 f,ensLngton park Rd.

london W.ff.

crrtxnrirf s ; R


FfAefr. [';if,

, oAvG Scsttr rtte63nrr4A eJDrr*GtCtO

letters send to The Story So I' a/o Rough fracle ( see above f oi aaar


, t?i:a?.





Swcll llepa rcrc forncd 1! sorlbutr,oa.ter r9?2 by NJ,kkl l,latrosb r Eplc toundtracka. & Phonca sportstra'.l{ot ald.d by any .ugttal-equrircnt,thg*;p;i$;-;;;i; cuehiona. box.a, af.asttc baade raolc loroicen ,"ttt"c * i t"pc iecorac". Jowe . f,cad, Blggtea Eobke & Golden cockrlrt aonciharc on th. rayrtho r{aps Il:$is_:p baahc.l about at hoac r.cordltl8 lota of bcdrootr & garagc tapo8. ulti] I9??. rn Junc 7? lhcy decLdcd to lakc thsir oun dlaorani rciordci,niaa auout scyoourrat spaccrard studios.rt vag rclcascd a fcr ronthc lat.r o! thc Hapa o"i, n"tn"" Recorde. r"I. ^!l,1ld aold,rnd 1r haa Juat.r.cGnt1lr bcca icteeuca on nousl iiaae satlcr.,Durln6 )hae /1i99-:.*1:: fE tha band r.coldril a rccond alaglc-,Dreadcn Stylcrvhlch-was rcleaccd.Ln conJ ufctlon rJ, th Rougb lradc l-S fcb.?9. ln albuolA t;ip to ft4rlncrlll.c rris ralcaaef ln Juiy ? collaboratlo! wlth nr. Tbc l,{ape__hare. rltroat conpLetcd loat of a accond arlui.ini ttric clourd b;;i;;; i;' tbe Ncn .




fbanka to Nikkl rJor. & Eplc

for frlcndl,y



(?) iturlng tbc Lntc,rvlcr.


twnat do you oeanrthrown outll wa6 golng to leaye. How d1d Scott, qun over Curt. hle replace J:Wtth a caro

He Ead. N;


cked a van lnto hln , lt was v erJr

f)ld Nlcholas Parsons J oln? N:Ieah , he played a glg wl th ua in Dept.f ord Who ls Curt? . N:Hea a Gernaa-Japaneae croaebreedrhes a twa t . He workg tn a rlapanea e ree taurant t ln Solthull. lhen Yaa thc flrst Maps StS? N: Boxlng day 77 at Barbar.allas. How did you go down there? rfu1ly . loved us, they aII threw flow era I they thought we Here yonderful. J:They really liked our halr. J : Wonde

N : Everybody

he new atbuqt

N:Dane place a6 the old one. Do you enJ oy lntervlews,l

r thlnk arl Journarleta and capeciarJ.y fanzlnc wrltere are pratorcepeclally youtwl. Ie thta rockrnrroll,l N:No,lts dandruff. ,l{ould Jrou dee crlbc yours c} f aa a aog band? N': Yeah f were a aod,/e*a band . J:Theres globulee on the apeaker. Would you ever atgn to a btg label? N'cNo r


.I : Yeah , yeah , trouble

la that theyve nâ‚Źver Scrloualyrlf a large label canG up and of

fued lt.

tI :We ' Nv

d pull the{r troueera down, t.rf^G.

Oh yeah'.

E:Ieahryou knowrtheyre so wonderful. Do you enJ olr plaJrlng live?



N:Yeahrlprefer lt to playing dead. Is theregolng to be any llve stuff Yeah , 1 te aII IIv e .Adouble . J:A triplc boxed eet.


N:tlowe Head band.

l,[erton Parkas . How would Jrou deacrlbc tbe sound J



N:Musict nake'l



:'About two f ect.

the new LP to cone out? :Probably Ncw Whatstletg bulld a carrabout? l{ : Building a cB! t hlhate lets go to New York about? Whcns



wrltce what.and


N:t{hat stupld, queatlona.lte, on the a}buc you ldtot t, J:Yeahrtwat.Dcserye a good kl.cking for that(unprovoked scenea of vlolence ensue) OWlweve got to beat up the Journallet. 8ow dl.d you get'a peel geeeion? N;We asked for one and they let ua do onG Are you 6olng to do another one? -


duano. Whate the ncxt


aingle goi4& t! !e? J:Let ua fabrlcate an autonobile.

to New Yorko l-tc notrlte about not wanting to go to New York. J:Golng to Croydonractually. N : I ts aboutbulldl,ng hcdgehoge . J:There wlll be a Phoncs Sportanan elngle! Are there any new bands you like? J 3Goi-ng



Jowc Head lland, Phonee Sportsnan l3and , OuIt l'lguree I G! o . . Pere Ubu, Prag Vcc , Pop Group. tI:HeIIo boye & gil:lsrJuat a llttlc atory here.l{hen fwae about ! ycars oldrny slster ancl one of her frlcnde dccldcd to have a Ilt

8*""*tf;e# dftn"lf,g lg"rt"l3ts$8":13{ BB!"'fi"


prctcnd to be Hank Marvln and they I'aughed at ne, and Idldnt rrorr3r, bccauee I vas .haylnge a nLca tine lcaping airind ninlng




Spizz &ereA/ EaeM.lle

tF" D""',

Despilie a rriggtirrg ald rr:rnccessgry prc-giig slror


of nrgclE

t5r the boys

in blue

off a elean &ndrdt uudera€r Spizz: nrpporters, Spizz lbergi delivereil ao caerrrating ect, urcb b {rig ecribers ib€rs mrprlse. ",rrprts". Fra.nllyr, I erpEcrted' a hc.B-baked avaqt gerde exereigc bcaw oa perspiratio[, ervco lnspiration, butuot usiflcatiou. lhst I got res five guys colial trock' ta. rqIL bcbid. eccsrtrd.c and appealing hrstJ,ed'

lXrrica, ertroely€f eniiarnrsing. Erou thc teped

iaterstellar Stac lrels iafiro straight through to Spl.zzts Eolo eorcone norderiru: Spizz Erergi dfestlvely itaolished. ny e$d.g:ing: ar-t. school' fiasco preoonitloas, a

Spizz; actiag thg tlaeated oadustor, skated. throueh nyriad acrobatias rhich rere ec-d'earins anil fagciueting:. Bbash ard. looser.seLf-chastised as .gobts aa a nerb'r, he

tp ptrt acrott8 a tllsa:ming enjoynut ofhis nausic as well ag a serioug desirc to cotllnraicate it to d'eloteo and noviec alike, lVo 'nrheo heeppeared bridty at thc first eDcor€ ves,rj-lt8" a Eitlcr uouetache to eon?Ienert his serruro Aryan hnirsff:e you bad, to


low tbe $ry, eveo i.j, tlrese ciap of paatr;nriEe brcilaghirts. glarllilg hi- the rest of tbe group sonetiu€s *istracrted hrtnever spizz.ts eo'lirestage autres. 0n bis fer ldt is keyboardist Mark,



playi:rg rttb coacstretion and elocutd.ou oinple figuree that rrnderltre the fragnerrted




nougter if ever tbere rasr aadhe doespeel off soue pratty grltty seales.

Seottr e!s- Ba:lk ofDrestlec cult f[Brre., p€eks ard, pieks arouad tbe stg6e liEe a proverbial psycho-chieken. Ee certaialy olasthorgli.est guitar La rock Inr roII, honenad,e

fteo aot




by Spizzts antalrb car*rheeling Sircsh

of a kntikezc pilot


beets the skiag

rith the

fron his last aixeraf,t'earrier deck. the


of a-beavier nrnble tbat ca,rries aloug.tbe songs at a.a ineisterrt asd coufortable pacer Ji.E is pleasaatly soott'eh oa bass r etchj-ng his bud.dies vitb foma.k€r. i^n.favou:r

sooL a,ffectioa


or stariag irrto tie d.istance ahead.

trCaptaia Kiricng tbe

thoueb uy lack og gern'



nert si::gle, aail 'rYirginla


rere tbe rnost noorable

l:-arity vritb the set teEtricts, Ef' scop€r

alot fros Spizz &ergi antt I thkrk tJrry calo d,eliver tt, all You can erpect.

Tbatfs realtry


Slourslc & the Banshcoa :Hann.rslith. To oy great aurpriec ;tbc flrst band on hrcre thc l,lo-Dcttca lrho got aJ.no8t zcro-rcact lon fro! th. crovdrThcy pla)rcd a falr acticouprleln6 of all thefr oya Bon88.auch ag thc grcat,r hlhltc Mlccr and 'satlafy yourscrf..poppy ionga auch a8v theac coniraated rrlth thc thc roody contre6t6 of rThc l(ray Tvlna ranal thc Stonca Pcrlcctly rPaint_lt Black'.Thcy cncor.d aa usuar vlth r rrrlat & ghouirrat uhlch 6tagG on ran thc f-2-J-4 l,1o- Dtfl ca tlona . Shanc anrl varloue frlcnds. Aft€r.about I5 nlnutcr E on catre thc Curc.Thclr flrst nunbcr yaa practlcally lnaudlbLe'but thc eound hprov.d aftc! thiarand, they aoon got all th. iunky typca poSolng and aho.utinS rcqucatc.Tbcy playcd nost of the etufi off .Thrcc Inagtnary Uoya. prue_ I Boys dont cryrand a fcn ncv aolgs.As an Gncorc thcy dld r r(ll,l,ltg an irab.uucbto thc plearurr of thc crowd. wh.n thc Balehces flnau.y ca[c onrthc cro]rd l,cnt xllal and p1lcd up thc front to tbc tunc of t Poppy Dayr.Play8round 'Iwlst followcdrwl-th Stouxalc dieplayJ,ng her atandird th.atrlcal po6 ca. slouxal!. raa danclng around arlovcr thc cxt.ndcd dtagcrand.stcvc Loohcd happyr but Robtrt saitb stayGd flroly rootod to h1a bld. of thc atagc.Budgl'c kcpt tlc Llit up pcrfictlyrand waa th6 p.rfcct rcp].aceocnt for K.Uorrls.But thcrl raa -oocthln6 ll'aslng. ThLs vasfurtbcr notcd durlngr Love ln a'voldrrr,bcn 1t vas palnfully appar-nt tbat e Curc guitarlat cennot phJr Banohcea Gusic.But thc blaDc ahoulal not rc6t on blorbut on nGaarar l{clGy and Horrlarwho havc actcd Llkc light prata.obrlousry Robcrt Snlth could Dot bavo had nuch practl,carbut thc chaoletry raa dcflnatcly not trll rlght on thc ni8htr.rhc hl6hl1ghta of thc ;venlng wcrc thl pcrf.ctl,y cxctutcd rSrltchrrhlch caoc acroac wlth lta dealrad subtlcty'anil fccllngrind. Suburban Ralapaal Praycrr.for thc arguc cnbctnccn thcacrsloirxalc ecaled-itrr pl. atacks.rcallng -rlorda thcrc for a whlle,etlcklng her !1ke. lnto the PA. 60 that thc Ftark6 Bhrlck.d and .crcanad g:lvin6 rrhc'Lorda Prayerr therchaoar 6ffect.The)r pLaycd the fuu rJrElnlto vcrsioarand thcn Palkad off etage.The crowd Bclaaaed for norcrand a6 the band ca[c on thcy wera chcercd ahcad.Bcforc thay reauncd playrsiouxelc 6avc her llttLe apscchrlhc tine le rlpc fof.!c' to have a go at trro pooplrr.rcerlia thc tGrribl,. trlna,Jobn and Kcnny.Agaln thc cr.owd roarcd thel-! appfoval.They rncorcd wlthrHeLtcr gkr]tcrr rand thcD rrGnt off vlth SiouxsiG r€laln1ng to gLtc thanks to'!Th" curcrthc road cr.lrrand cvcrJrona clac cxccpt John & Kcnny.,


DR. I,IIX-SCRI'f TI POLITTI -SWELL HAPS : ION IX)N UN IVIiIi^SIII . Itr not BurG Hbo. organlaed th16 glgrbut 1t was a bit of a aistake.The gc.g v.RB dt.rlctly l{US neabcrsrand the velue rraa 1n a yery aykward locatlonrnllca froo a tube atatlon.

It vaa not aurprLalng.that no one turn.d uprundcr tha circuoatancea, Thc Iargc hall vaa not cxactly fullraa thc llcoix claabor.U onto the otaterand Dr.[lx eaphaaLzcd thls by countlnE the ncobeta of the audl.nca-t2o...WOl{: ' But thc banda conqucrcd thls rand th.rc waa a really good atnoaphcre.Thc ReDlx aro a great bandrand thls uaa thc flr6t t1nc, I had seen then ]lvc.They surpa66cd all oy cxpactatlor8rand played a captlvatLng a6t { ol covera. Thc Benlx'arc r6alnlaccat ofJr ltrld-slxt1c8 garago punk bandrand t.flcct tbls ln thcir choLcc of naterial-SJ.ln Harpo'arIn a Klng llec'rthc ScedarOut of th. quelilonrr rNo Furf( thc Stoo6ea)tlI cant control nya clf( Trogge ) ,$adll"Ia c ' (Vince Taylor)and thc classlc r!{hsrc have all thc good t1[ea goncr(K1nka).flay a],8o do a oedl€Jr of Llttle RlcbardarKe.p e knockln8r and Oene Vlncentarsay MaDa'. But though they pLalr a 66t coB6lstlng entlrely of-coverdrthey Lnterpret thcn lnto thcir olr! Raol,r foraat. Dt.lll.x acqa Just ]lkc an I66y clonerrolllng atound tha floor in front of thc stage.Pt.asant surprlse of the nlght was Danlcl Hlllcrtplaylng wlth thco on kcyboards.Hc aug[ented thclr sound pcrf€ctly ' PronPtlng ahouts ofrRock 1t uPr Daal,alr ..tlhcre haye aLl tbG good tlnes gonc'ras aagnlflcentrand totally unrccognlsablc untll the chorus. TbLg band [ak. a great no16c. Aft?r a short lntervalidurlng whlch'ccrtaln BaFacudaa ncrc naking thelr preeenca fcl.t.and Joe aanagcd to a.t ay halr allght'Scrlttl ca!4c on as , replacencnt for Esscntlal Lo61c.I had a6en Scrlttl once beforerand fould lyaolt a Scrlttl I waa glad to havc anothcr opportunity to sce thca.Th€lr fuBlotr of a rcggaa beatiand a .gound that LcndE froa Perc Ubu and the $ofts lg a pcrfcct coupllng.Ton l.s the perfact drunaer for scrlttl;aad GrcenF dctachcd gultar strokca and K6vln Ayera Ln8plred vocals are leyarcd on l{lalra baas rrork.fbey pfaysd a }ong setrlncluding the newly lecorded slng}iPA.IGrccn looked very out of itrand unresponeive durln! oon6e,while Nla] didnt trove an lnch.But they got a good reactlonrand b'ent dow4 very waLl. D R.

, 14 18 D€Ftes


DAtu'E t 19


rF c*411 Ty.

ffiiwitt l r o'.t:


atrRl6ht afterwardarJu6t NlkklrDplc and Jowe.aB Bl8gIcE naa it hls ovn blrthday Party.Thcy atartcdiaa uaual HlthrLcts bull.d a carr.and pLalrcd all thcl,r aor atuffr(Lcta go to)Ney, Yort{rsecrci Island'rtHallcopter Spt ca !}'or I R-alshocka r iAna Ralncoat caoc oD to to botstcroua.appLause.Thls dedlcatcd to ts1gg16s- r Blgglee ls 6rea 816g1.6 1e our lnaplratlon. Blggrca le aupcr'.Thc ltape soundcd tiiuy gooil"na N*ii }.aa running around atage aa uauar,Jowe looklng happyrwhlrc Ana added a totarlt dlff crcnt sound to thc MaPs wlyh her HayFan gultar Btrokea. 'Ihls Le our LaBt aon6r;and ae an addcd bonue.thay ycnt headlong lnto .Falrytalo. wltb'V1cky on vlolinrand. Glna on vocaLs and bec! g1as6.6.It, was Juat 1!.kc an old Ralncoats gi6.-Then thcy all rent off, conlng back to do Tclevlaion peraonalltlea 'I4th Floortif,ith Ana.on and Eplc on gultar?It was rcalnl'eccnt of thc Ralncoatg playing'Part tlne..punkarat the Dal,ston Rlo earLlcr thla y.a!. I cant wait untLi] thc RaLncoato ar. back 1n actlonrand hopcfully bul.d l.lth tbc Mapa.Thc Maps 5-aprovc cvcry tlne I ace thcarand hopcfuLLy wlll contlnue sol The llape ca!!c on

tfhen was ]rour first



years ago, but the band. were gigging Lefore that.f think the first gig the band had was' PtraYing a Youth club on the council estate lvhers lve Iive. Was the band. d.oins sinilar'nat-9-r-iaIat that tine? No it was obvioustrY a 1ot more s tand,ards and. a.,l-QF of balIard.s , because at thatllile-were trylng to

get gigs at 1iI3 working n-ens clubs, social clubs, because of the age groupr Kids like Yourself r nY ?8e-, dnd tiae 80 year btas r so You had to d.o a wid,e varletY of material.


3. Paul, since Itve known hin has always been vrriting. His earlier stuff was like bal.lards" Basically, I suppose he felt he had to rv'rite ilrot sort of shrff to play at social c1ubs.

But stuff like the first albumfs


B. Yeah, rve rve just gone throughI phases. Just prior to ref.easlng In fhe Ci ty I album , rve was in to Dr . Fee1good...




; {;;*il;$ff;;}ll'J':T*,,F"ftff '" band I s

too busy at the I:_Oh.!o!-werre ol];$i


", lifiil';"i,'f w9're just sort-;f-; l{;H x" ;fi f ,'o" 3

"oixing that






it1" Jr.l'#o t;3i"f" Itl*rou I ve got s5ore- vartous radio.

iltit*$ri:#i";:lit$ of the year






;i/e pref er iI r dun-no just naybe the I 'atmosphere t6rts t"iter at tfie Ralnbc

for some strange plus thls . tisre rve're geiTine-in" ""*"on,f irst f our rows taken, ,i[ie4 ig-"o*"iiing - v ^*v vrr that we ve -ort, b e eri p" Jris;e .






it talce vou to


. Ile1l this album r s ta^ken us a blt while pronotlng the }glg"t, tAll Mod_because Const album, ?aul hasirt had nueh chance to w-iite new matertal B

Is the new albun very d,ifferent? B. I think i,t I s a totally dtff erent sound . ft t s still the Jai but tbe structure of the songs is a lot differ en t . Caq you ctraSstfy any 6f the songs? B. Yeah, I suppose there r s two or three tracks that you could, clescelbeas . near pop songs r or sort of l1ati weigh_t songs but not exactly throw away lyrles. ou dotnt seem t e mad.e

W"ll q! the tlne obvlously we . r, T-. tbought 1t was classto. EVerf aLhum we releaee we thlnk is classic at the tine, and lf you look back you can ? t really compare t In Ehe City r to t.0r11 Mod ' C.ons t f or ins tanee . beaauee ther er a Z years e1apse6. and at tbe tine, _ when lt oatne out , lt was rsw, sttl1 ls. We dldnrt take as nueh tlne tn flnesse, oi niae llttle touches on the aitrrnr wâ‚Ź just

B. No I d.ontt think we wilL. Ilave you anlr anbitlons on tht f ront?

-to get it clown and, pit it ou!. after all, thet was wLat it was all about anJmay. ned e live that


B. We record,ed lt d,own at Reading at a unlverslty- I,Te r ecord,ed. the' whole show. But really, the qua3it3rwe. dldntt come. acloss very weII. fd,ont tliak that wef re reahy to put out a ltve track. It probably wfll happen sometlme. Tfe would llice to lf we clo get lt out, we t d. like to do tt as a fl1ler betnveen one slngle and, the next.

to stay out theie for 5 nonths To tly and, break it we tve stiIl got plenty to do here. Has all the material been releaeed B. Yeah, well they I ve switched slctes over there . llhey released t llr . Clean t as single. It got good airplay -out. a.there, belleve it or not evbn with tfuckt on it. lhey released tButterfly Colleetort prlor to that But neither of then charted at alL,.



er b:e


other son

rtll r-._-: listen io thJi?wo B. Norr and again . ' Do vou ever

-T-o yo-u have any

regrets about



would you release


\ Wetvb had

on 1n GerEany?




yeah, right, maybe wetlI

something leke



fLexable is your contract? B. Ithink ?aul saicl it quite well ealier today- we tve got control I suppose. Wlth us and. -of eompromise.s. Polyd.or we rve got-a realIy good relatlonship. Put it this way nothing would ggt reled,sed. without our ._ognsent, we f ve always been happy t with 'Polydor . Tie11 no thats a 1le , we ve hacl ,our ups and downs, but at the noment everythings flne. Eow lone is your cotract for? How


17e11r w€ aud,ltionecl e keYbo?Iq player ; I Tfe one e Pla;'ed. in the I09 ifu6 with a. keyboard, PlaYer, and other gultarists, but no one seened' to fit; so we renai}ed a tbrge Piece and stayed like that.I w€ t v.e done a, version- of I Heatwave on the new albun, and, we brought in a sa^I and keyboard player for that.



1?e11 lt was 5 albums , plus a f.urther option of 2. f ve got like one more album after "Te this one and then they lve got an optlon on the next 2 Lt they want to d,epending on how suecesfirl or or unsucessful we are j.n say a yeaxs time or so r I think wetre going tl be around. for a long wh1le yet. ve Pol dor ever


'you 1i\e l4e'll.tllie then?

B.tMf llke their e8rller stuff but not too struck on vrhat theyrre I novr.

ou ooJ.oure

B. Ieah thats the thing PeoPle are 'probably going to compare on lhe a txo r ilbun. hnEre t E a lot 6r peo1ffi, sure want to here us do I H6atwave I




eas e

, well it

was done

withr strange fown I but

A'lot of

PeoPle on the last tour said why clo t nt vre record' 1t as a si,ngl-e. But lve Put -it I on the a1bun. As long as You don t

start prlngln$ bPck 311 the fflro tlone ' it menoribs"ciuse' ttre Who agaln. All the old '"Yho coqPaslsnns b6cauge .ffe ve over come all that , we dofnt neeA lt again. Itfst !1}! becauge tbe. IIho clone 1t r it s-iust because ltrs a good. song.




on record,.



nt want it to collle acro:ss' like that. Again we cor.lld. treat it as an extra brrnus .between singles r or put in with ah albun or sorlethingr or bung it in rvitha new album sonetime but as -a- f r q ebie . bo t on the albwn -eve-r -tEonAht of havins Elve- vou




we had one

d,o I



a couple of offers, l1ke recently. everything was set npr distribution dealr we could haVe probably earnt a few bob out of iS, but the pf,ot nas so boring like it had'bee,n dbne before. Ilke 7 or 4 worklng lads that come fion no where and hlt stardom, along those lines . It ivould have piobably soldryou know rags to riches- sort ol touch. lle '. might get into our own fif play or sonethingr or do somethlng ouiselves. tLe Aclverts dfd that but it was


B. IIeII w0re not at the .stage of flhe Jams greatest hits or sonethingrwe




B. You can look at it in fivo ways, flrstly, lf you tri,eten to it at- ti.e tlne that lt was released,, then itts okay. But lf you ltsten to it now the productlorl polnt of 'vtew, fron it I s fucklng awful. It r.s not a case of slagging-off the producer, because itf s the sametd.grry rvhor's with us norv you know. We Llke - to naybe sometimt to get round, tor rerecording sonle of on lhls Is Ihe Mod.ern the tracks I


tve got a

thatrs like a got chord,s to 1t. Letter, but itts . I,t I s in letter f orm, like the lyrlcb willI be Brinted out in letter form. It s rea11y good 1ik e the singing postman I suppose.

B. Yea, f was in one, itfs quite j funny actually bebause the guy that 'plays bass 1n the Jags I was in a ,band wiih hirn. lYe never got anJrwhere irve iu?t +id . rehearsals , ind aUbut one gig in two years. i

in the states

n ot

over her e .



,Ilel1 obviously itrs a drag nintn6 and klcls gettlng pushecl around. like sb,eep, but unf ortuneately, it t s Just one of those things like that it gives peaple a chance to see you salf up North, because Jrour not tourlng, lt gives you good, €overage and also sells youx records.




Else' 4H! ,ygu g,uJoy gotng 'sonetb,tng wlth alf thest B; lbetf g the trouble Iivi-J[ois. -Ittg a good'lclea but

thcr nevst Eeem to t come otf.




no itnospb,erc, You cl have thought tbere rould have been. llhere was only about 20 PeoPle there and theY rsr6 reallY neivous as weIl. If thev had ait had a few cans of beer

D;i- got out of hand, - not go! totalY

plss€d, rFr but Just loosened qP iaeleaUy.r because we feed' off the anttlesce a lot at gigs. t? t 31d {ou e,ver dq Bev,olver B. Yeahr -w€ done that as wel1. that a6ain w6s a good i-def r more ]cids r,, n6re I1ke a Eig. lile a show : in Spussels at tne beginling.of !h" yiar, the saae solt of thing to ievoiver and that iras excellent, us that was reallY good" 4here wasan'ct the Buzzcobks. lhey 4qn-" half an hour and, we d'one a half hour r' ana the kids Just went beserlc reall; good.

llrat about the Marc shovr? Itfs B. Yeah,j-fagaln we PIaYed Iive. reelly d f lcult f gt us to: comewe tve across. sound wise Ilve unless got the right $rYs- !F"r9' m+fln.g 6ur souncl. -But-w-e like to think tha tbats overcone bY visuals.

PauI. f,hat €rn overall eort of ' 'i plcture of, lt you mean. Err Eo not 'rea1lyr' I d,of n! thlnk so. Illke that concept thing tn the Nlmr Xor knowt that was really nothing to do wlth lt. Itfs got certain themes on the IrP whlch llnk together in somewayE, ancl ln someways they don t t. fbere r s other songs whLch me€rn nothlng at all to it, so thef.e I s a 'blt of everythlng real$y. Just songs Llke wetve always written, ln a, sence, about what I -' lnnedlately se€ around, rr€. everyday. things I sirppose. -Ithats I Eton Rl.f les t written about? --i- It wbs rfr-l'tten from a titl-e flrst of all. I saw thls $f progt€unme. I just thought lt was a good tltle. But the actual song is just a piss take on the class -ystea and tLat. f mean f tm a very sort of olass conscious petson. I realise tttg a j oke ancl it should.n I t realIy exlst in theI I9801s, but it still d,oes. lt s a glisstake on that. nrt 1t t s ' So obvlously b.pisstake of Ltke these trendy soelb.Iists and theee' trend,y leftists, oh, and I mean the faelbts as well. Just lt I s got one llne tbat says t &ought you we{e smart when Xotr 1lt the fuse, tore'down the house gf , connoRs in yoJrr brand. new shoes | . ft t s just like tb}ing the piss out of them, Obviously lt goes baek to some of the bancls in the be$lnning, llke rs r [he Clash, ,and, the Fistols-and all inat, ,I just it ' s all the sort of bullshit that bands cone out rvlth. I mean we t re igclucted, lve daid it as well to a certain extent, but I still stand by some of the things I sald.. f st1II -.' mean lt, but lt t a d,lff icult , I dunno , ,most of the songs are geLf-eipranitoryl ;i,ou ve only go t- to read, tbe lyries and things. There I s notb,ing confustng thern, It I s alL there real Iy. Tlhat w&s lt about tlie orislnal thlrrl aroum Qemos lnat wagBrE lagn!? P. It I s jusr like we d,one some demog . lTe d,id about I0 tracks or something Like that. Tle just used bits and 1-r - v pieces , and, cut bits up r ancl ueed then f or t Al]. Mocl Cons t . It t s like tbet th,e songs weren t t up to .stanctard,, they were Just ehit. that was a bad perlocl for the J@+ because we wste wrtttlng conplete nonsEncoo MoEt of the stlrff bas been used, anlmey. ttie been resh,aped. t3l1ly Eunt-f *li on "ils-6n '














it rt Boub-t r rlo-Be Soneoiie r lt,a few thingso



Ieabr tt was trole llke a poem. l.rnert ;t! a!,Ad:Lan Eenry Boem ',; ca}lrd rI lant [o Palntr-aid, . ast[sllyr I Juat gort of nlcked the tltlc tlou olc of hls poens. f was got$g, to uge 1! 1n a s6ng, Uut I !c?or got roqld to lt.

?, IIe have d,one , but nuch Boney. You know

it costs too llke thls tlne wette havlng the flrst rows taken out. But we t ve been tol,d, that it coasts t grand,. Brrt how d,oes it boll d,orEn to i


P. tr\rck knows , but if you rlng them upr therefs a fucking good artlcle B.,Xfve bcen reacllng'a fot of bookg f or you ! A lot of kids., come up to Ietelry, llke etuff 5y .0,1an Sf,litone us and say take out the seatsan{ a few other . wrtt-ers , llke lat e ' - - ----'- ----flftles boote , t saturday Wient, Eour more of a dance band than. than Qunday !fiofilngt. f dunn6 lf-yorl,tve o??r Eee! the f 11n? ,[heyshored a lUSl One taa! you s].t oone ano watca? eerleg of' 50 t g fllns ab6ut' A, nonths ' P. But last at the Ralnbow most ago. Well anytvay there was the books ll-ke that. [bey werernt of the geate were ta^ken out anlnrayacfirally 60r9. booker- they were f95O Dtd you come? Frrcklng all the l:lclb booke. tore out th,e seatE anynayr eo lt tlldn tt real,ly matter. Ilhst about 'nuetc ? But would you rather play the Bainbow P. Ilhat latety, I LIke the Ski.ds 'a lot' f tve bein 1lst9nlng to the gbfdJ'qtrtte e Iikâ‚Ź-the ?urp! Eearts, I thlnk theyrre rea1ly good', Are you soine to clo another PeeI I}o vou l,lkE the Balnbow? '\ P- Ifhet aE a venue? Itts alrtghtt Yaeh, wef re golng to do a new one on f ld not too struck on lt reallY' Mond,ay ox the l$onclay af terward,g . ,











After problems over remixing the album (No side to fal1 White rYoure a Million) it is to be finally released.



inroff Duty Trip,Black



?, VIC,LY.

i,'iliffi ilgr,.1!


tr.eGndous lllrrovclrnt on th. BLndlatand 6houa aorc clphaala bJr the ErouproD a [ore

nelodic sound. The on the albun ls: .







Thc alblrn bcgina

rlth th. uBuat tfrf".nT"iffitFthcHT'aLr



ln,rwhlch 1s.ltcratod


Vlclqrra viollnrand c]loax.s wlth layercd vocale.Thla la f,olloued bJr a ouch hprovcd veral,o[ of lAdvcaturce C].osG to HoD€rrl,lth ita aharp gultarralal ttg4t rhyth!. rOFtr duty tr1!r le thc dafk thtthnlc eong l't has alraya bcen,aaC la 1n coopLeto coltraet ylth tbc next treck-rBleck and ltlhltcr haa o.tanorphorls.d sl,nce R:ldhard and .Icrenle wers ln the grouDrand nor, has a totally dlftcrent fcclrwith Vlcky and PalorF.Also lnclud€d la a brilllant vcrsion of thc Klnka I Lolat ryhlch 'Vol,d I uaB put to practlco on thc toutrclthor a! pert of thd setror .ncore. I The tnt-ro-aucie tlc rccond alde, end l,! bullt on a tcally hauntln8 baaa llnr and Blou vloua.Th16 nas a Btandout iteo of thelr 6.t or th6 tourrandl'vcry [c[orab]a. rl:lfc on thc Lltrcr 18 a rong whlch ha6 bcen Ln thc bande act fron thc vcry begC-nnlngrdnd ha8 n.vcr conprorlaedror Iooksd back. rlourc e l{llllon I IliE a alnple but strlkl'ng foroat.bullt on a onc chord ".ry end8 on thc note of Ane slaodn& h.r gultar agalnst gul"tar rlffrand vlolla.It a oikc etand.f rln lovcrla Gtrnars vocal BpotlLghtrand ls focuaaed on a pronl,ncnt babe llnrrand roalLJr bcautifuL vocaf,e on th6 ver8es.Anotb€r htghllght of thelr a6t wa8 rllo Lookln6' ,wblchjraa uauallJr fcatufed twicrralso as an encorerbecauae quote:.rW€F havent got aay loro aong6t. The naincoats aro on. of the nogt Etrlklng and !.laoyatLvc groupa of thle ycar, aDd hay. coi. up vlth on. of thc Eoat debuts of '?9. I could not rsconncld tbts lacord hl8hlt anough





Lr s Lof HA- DRUMs . ( z,l )

ThiB lntcr.vicw wfth Uarlenc & Klaudl-a waa done irhltc theJr were on hoLidayrln London. Thankg to llarlcne & Kraurfor dolng th6 lntolylGrv,and to scott for uae of-hla tapr. ALaorthanka to And)r for hclplng u6 get the

Ddd you flnd a, qeplacenent einge{? Marlene 3Yes.eince two weeke.Shes called

Do you

Chriger l'reund.

Do lrou thi.nk you could spell that pleaee? Klaudia : Shee 16. ,: M: She doesnt }1ve ln Zurlch, the town lre r,

Ilvc inrahe llvcs 1n the capltal city of SwltzerlandrBern and they talk a llttle different than uerbut 1ta fun. When you wcre looking for a new ein8errdld you want it to be a glrl.rcepcclally? l a a boy or l.l: No,we sald it could be 51r1t it docent oatterrahe was the bestrand we tri-ed a lotrabout fO. Were they aII from Swltzerland?


learnad any thlnF on I M:Iee ,we Lcarned englleh a blt better. llld you galn exoerlcncc by playlnx llve? K:Wc threc, XcB. But thc olnger, no'/ Whats your ae! Ilke at the noraent? M:Now nc havc five songs.




It: New Bong6 . J'l:tJe dont play

the oJ-d e tuf f any nore . Were atartlng agaln.And now wlth the nen s1n6er wc havc to rehearae. What have you done sl-nce the tour'l H:l{eve wrltten new songa rand found a slnger lh Jou think. that when vou are norc ornan-ie ydu wiII cone to Dngland and glg agaln?

ltl:I{.c hope Boo fron Hamburg. -, r_ j - _ _ ;Do you like EntrIand? Did you ever thlnk of ataylng as a 2rvi\ece.ll:Ycahrotherwiae we wouldnt come ovcr all M:Norwe always wanted to flnd a new sl-nger.' the tlne. anJrwalr, but af ter the tour we rehearsed and Dld you GvGr get a following in Swltzerland on our ownrKlaudia and Llelot H:No I one wa6



K:But i.n Englarid we had rorâ‚Źo Yorr Bot'a fanzlne wrltten about

What ie the swLse Ecene like?

Jrog. K:Theres no clubs at the noncnttall ciosed r,M : Tha ta grca t., I }ike lt . but oanJr bands. Yeahrlte good(OK rendy'l ) Are there any bande there that you Ilke? DLd you have trouble getting gf6lwhgg_,you K: Yeah. M:TNTIs.Lqst week was a punk f eetlval r-two l.l: No. daye., wi th only ewles groups,ri t was great t n K:No,at" this tlne ther were two clube,and Whoe gootl over there then? oany placee you could play. M:It wao ln the begtnnlngrand they didnt K:Slck. I rf,ae codlngrso they aald, well you what .know M: TNT S. play '"*r, here, the first and laat' tlne ! K : Sperna. you 'Havc to aee anv Eroupa over here? bcen Dl,d You llke the RT tour? !l:Yeah.yestcrdayrLene wa6 great, l.t: Ycs . K:On Frldayrld llke to see the Buzzcocks and Joy }lvlslon. Have vou had anv other offere fron record



K:Norwc dld the EP. on sunrise rbut if we dir : anothcr alngle.wefD like to do it on Rough Traderwe dont llke the blg rccord conpanlee, How inportant are the words to your sonFe? K : I th j.nk the new singer le be t tcr ai wrl tir , than us.She hae poweril. 'lM:An(l ehes reall.y lnto it. K: Before ahe jolncd, the t!'ree of us had to wrl tc tbe lyrlcs ,and wc arent Yer1r good. Ithlnk lte better that the slnger writee tht wordsrbecauee shc auet sing. Whlr dj.dnt you do _a Jon PeeI e eselon't Hi I think, that th.ere were aome problens witt Iaws on foreign groups.Wc couldnt get pernieelon to do radlo showe. K:We trled dolng a TV.ehow in Switzerlanclt qnd lte really ehltrbccauae you cant play Ij -G.


I f we could ge t pernleeion to do a s cseior we wouldrbut you have to 5o through aII the Iawg. How nuch rrr^! do you thiak youve lnproved slnce !


tour'i lA K:WeII wo reheareed a lotrjuet us threc'

l,l:ttdere gctttn6 bettcr and better. .rJho wrltea thc eonga? K: hlc wrltc tben all together. l.l:Oac hae an ldcarand thenwe J-leten to lt,


hara a thuoblcr d.oII he hae a etand up co1lar he put tha hande ln'the hips and do thla and that and put lt all to6eth- he drlnks one over the clght hls hatr stands on cnd Gf. hc lcaps j-n the dark So hov long has thc ba nd be en goi-ng? he doee only things 1n epltc MsNcarly two ycare. hc doca. only thlnge ln spltc...,.... Bov dld Jlrc alnglcg ecllin Switzerland?

K:In Swltzcrland thc EP. sold frlOO.fta dfigal (Barndutsch) not a lotrbut lt la fof Swltzorland. zundech du 01 wurkll a ? Werc you juet playing juet tl 4 chord thlngs zundach du nl, zundsch du rul in the begLnntng? zundoch du ni wurkll a ? !l:No, two chorda. ann ab16 wotech nlt mlr grad hcI Why dldnt thc ncw ain6er coac over? klngech lner undercn tlsch zwusche dtbel K:Bccauae shc hae no noncyrand no Job at thc 'machach grag dinl triba wel noacnt .. di a echwelnercl ,What do you do for work now? ettcrs. . zundsch du nl wurklt a '! K:Ha Ha! zunds ch du nlrzundsch du ni flWcll ,1 te 0K . I ECE tr zundsch du o1 wurkfi a ? K:Shc hae to get irp at five of clock. What do you dorXlau? KLIIENEX SONGS : Thuarbler DoIl. f,:Ihave no job ln noncntrl nugt look for tVAt" onc.I worked ln an office for flvp wecka- Ilal . w4ta+tca, AAGII I p|,tG5. HulIy-tiully Bae Your ncrt alnscr ]-cft school? K : No . thcy thrcw her out t Shc nrrs t 8o to a Tleko. ncw echool ln aprlng. DC-rO. How. Iontr doce ehe have, to atay on? K:I think ahc wont finLeh t\c school. Shc alwaya comea to echooL wlth blue eye .




Tho Ncw lork: Dbtts lrcre flrat concelvcd tn JanuarY T972.the line uP waa: Davld JohanacP vocela Johnny Ttrundcr'i guLtat/vocals

Rick Rivete gUltar Arthur Kane beis Blllv llurcla' "'diiung

Rl'ck Rlveta wla thrown out of thc DoIIe Ln March'?2 rbccausc hebcgan to noee to turn uP latc tot around and bcgan 'Sylvaln. wae brought ln rchearaala .8yI ar hl.s replacclcnt.

Johanscn,prlor to playlng wlt| the DoI

had bsen ln two groupe-The Vagabond l{Lsslonarlce ,whlie he waE a! school t and Japs ' Both wer Fas t Eddlc & Tbe rilcc trli Statcn Ieland bands rand he was vocallst

l.n bothgroupa


) \


\ )



ThunderirUurcla and Syl SyJ'valn had prevlously $CS " of Aetroeg.

Sylvatn ftra t tllought ol the nane ( though he wasnt ln the orl'5lnal line up)and Johanacn canG up wl'th the New York preflx.In the carly daya of thc grouprthe DoIIa cltcd thclr influences is tbe l(lnks . Jarea Brown r Plnk Falrlas and carly atonce.Thc etonce lnflucncc was aleo repreacnted 1n thclrcolorful wardroberand Johanaena rOacnlalencc of Jagger.

Bt dd-r9?2rt'hc. Dolre had a rocal accne solng at ttri.i"rc"r arte -":it::'1- -- -, I ItioisLore of gllttcr and flash owned by ilffrorn*rc unconccrncd wlth " a Proflt. aaklng Ey playf nl rcSular glgg tlrcrc ' they becanc


cult hcroea.

Thcy achclvcd lntcrnatlonal fanc thro artlcle ln l{clody }laker.Ae a result of thl-a,al'l thc naJor labels Ln the etatce verc on thclr trat.l'.and the Fac had then fLownovcr to Londoa as thclr aR

aupport act at Wc4!!91,

But Jurt aE cvcrythlng uao bcgLnnlng to plck up tragcdy a truck. Bllly l{urcla ' the Dolla'lade thclr way back O.Dtdrand to thc atatcg ln a ahanblca.

\ <-f-



ln JcrrY No1anr*no cd at that tlcc.


In decenbar Tg?2' havlng found a recordlng ii"i wlth uercury, they began work on tlelr to ftret albuo''call-lng ln Todd Rundgren producerS other 20 asklng,ter oroduce would have anythJ'ng to do ion" of whlch rNcw lork DoIIe I wae releaaed *rtr, thea.


aunnst T9?r. Thc DoIIa carrled on aB pcr usualrplaylng aelcct 8188 at CBGBf s after the l'lercer closed down.-Thou6h tbcy wero snornoua ln aake any lnpreealon -New lorkrthcy dldntatateerdeaplte natlonal on the rest of the of sunorr the '?4rthey tourlnglrand by ucre eiftf playlng the New York club

to work on the eecond llblt' by tbe legendary Shadou produccd thle tloc ;;;;.;;fiairoo lrluch boo soon'wa' rereaaed


;;- ;;;;'"d"""'" '?4.


The Dolle only releaeed two albuns of naterlalrand two alnglee(Jet tsoyrand Stranded ln the Jungle')everrbut theee nere the lnsplratlon for nanJr r punk I bands Iaterra whllc after the DoIIa denlee. Both albuns woro elagged off at the tloe of releaee.but the productlon nao ao advan cedrthat lt atande up next to lt.s predeceseora adnirably after nore than flie yeara Both albuas worc re-packaged ln 1977 rae a doublc ln what auet be the roret repackage evcrrwlth both orlglnal slecvca Ieft for a bland dayglow cover and slceve

[lEME DODDS this

lGIIer 'Kane had devaloped a drinlc problca, and the DolJ's roadle Peter Jordan used to etep ln on baasrwhen Kane wao not in a f1t atate to play. notes by Tony Paraong. The DoIIs vinyl !ra6 not acll.lng in any approciable quantltyrand epl.rlte were Thc Passtons. ..Ack1an llall T3,TI. low bft' the end ofI974. e Paseions arc cither lnappropriately or ironically nanedrbecausc fn early '75rl,la1coln l'lc0laren etcpped 1n thej-r actual stage pcraonnae are as a father figurerand helped the DoIIs dctached, cool rand unenotional.Thls out a blt.And the Do1ls went out on tour, fbetter ie not to Eay the band arent good, under the banner of red than deadf and by the Las t thlrd of the nodee t uslng a conrrunlst flag aa a backdrop. lnd ly attended ect(when will peoplelea They had wrltten a aong called'Red patenl rn tha't the Acklan is a loslng prop Lcather frhich had all klnds of red ovcrtone osttion?)the Paesions brlek pace and But, thl.s waa a phase rwhere the DoIId Here fuII guLtan sound gcllcd as thcy fina relylng on paBt glorieerand eventuallJr lly hi t thel-r e tridc . Ballspa , the I Thundera and Nolan apllt.during a scaeon point of the band eharee lcad focal of gigs tn Florldaraprllr?5. gutar chorcs with Clivc.but is not as conftdent a pJ.cker and kceps her Johanccn trled to contlnue with a revlsed volunc at a frustratlngly subordinate DoIIs Il'ne uprwhlch nrde 6oney bt tourlng r level . Hcr hauntin6 voL ce j-s qui te Japan rwhere the Dolls had a largo f ollowi-ng uniqucrand ls onc of the bands etrong Th; Doll-e.ttes (ae Johansen nov, ref ere to es.! asscts , bu! again, thc qualtty waa thea)trflnally packed up in Itt"- I2?t:often lost ln hcr unnccesearlly nod eet dclivery.A notable exccptlon is her vocal on | f,rclands War | ( I dont grieve for Alrey Ncave)the lyrice of which Irleh born Barbara wrote and 6ang convlnci ngly . : Oh no I i ts you | ls pc,rhape thclr atrongest 6ong' despitc lts ts-sidc statue on-thcir single. Tha .cncorc was 6anuincly sought and well dcserved.Thc PassLons dld not dl sappolnt anJront wlth: appca rence by Johnny G.who eang and playect guitarr in a rcd-hotl rendi-tion of 'llippys Gravcyard I ,a htgh splrited. j goodtine rockout whlch cappcd the ntg bt off perfcctly and left the audicncc well enlertalncd and hungry for anoth NTS 5!_v,AgHvtu,C (t^l r ?. orrt cr chancc to acc thc Paeaions who arc rAr ) a band who wlII dcvclop tlnc as they dJ'scovcr a confortablc and confid ent collectl-ve pcrsonallty. Scott. tsy

tlure ,



ALIO.TI{ANI<5 TO: I .srrraz !:NERctr ,Ilavc ttoods ,and Glnger (l'or hclptng ua at thc Naehvllle). $cott Plcring. Shlrlcy. Ursula.

Sue Dunn.


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