Wool City Rocker #14

Page 1


8 TRACK RECORDINGS (10 hour bookings day or night)





souFcllrfrrr trcpfu GEROL'S RECORDS '

. MERRION SUPEIiS1'OIIE LEEDS' ( Tei:lieeds 45776J or ar home 075784 _ 669



RING US NOW And ask for the Special Deal Detaits.



rNl 'ThWlWdf6aWFu%t t

Rn DFd RD,S 131







ROCKg*il CONCERTS pn S}p adnvsion STAR BAI{DS+SUPP0ffs

EyERy t'l0NDAy


{tvis,Costel"('o acine*!!j6&'ne


k ,0o

^ ,00 Tooye 0pen


fichels basemen!

nt E.To

on sate as uiuat aF Union Recorrds in the

of thc qnion buitding.

'ED TTORmL-iffi , PoP-Pishers, h oyt.9 b1leeh rip-off . 9uncan llcCarioll,on pla.cnnEn-E Ehis rochigt yqchyt!. rip-olf. thil tr b'Oeeh*udhnEplacnnEnA

o( ahroclouS 6f alrogl2uq ltulncal ,flgeio{, {ydnF & Alt gakts ailegt t riiegt s as edi?orta| aisfrtqnt &, rel$iottt ailvtser. 5o, iioq fr;nity "bi6s:esl qeE tnis6elo.'this 'cli.bh is the igsue -'i,aiE isii{ r anii"iia Frtj(-Fiiioi-uiqtW be the, f.r'l.al istus,._I',n sthcetpedified me ttinls,inq and slahl be do\nq mre iasqes a{ftr,4ll' - torry if fhal neh,s dr?lrtSsS ,iu. HwetlEr, it', 11o lonqef @[rg Fo be-wonthU. N*.LE Wi// cone oUl- arolno( 9epttmber bmbblvl * 1ft.16-arfund December ft*probabD. Newq(n*Uhelpmd'4nn-Pl t'vetit| kodav) had flDo tl'ol{fr frorn me bq a mad cornpt?er in Nldtlee'iorbu.qh. AE{ranciar M?,les theswr fofd 0('life onplandt EarEhl I't;tE igiiie,q f,dl[di'ii is dl ?rax from a forthconinq 4npf;.r al[hn of'Hrail iands calld 'r4rg.Wilqon'g'chitdren' rrlhriK p coruimotF dn yif6llfgc6rds.'Thank* to'Kari grvutn k gbpn* lt.tJg nytpfi:".9f-lllttt ?" tne Tart they'rs Ttayed fn'mjecl'inI the {'iJ,Lf$t'7Er'u|lr'iJill',^f;iii pa.rdr at iabuye (tee adve* o7 p.z:a) ari ilown ott -a9nte n to pfu*,-Rab(the"iwwter)is chaEinq ircVher Venue bit no-ae geenr 6 Iiklc t\eir prlnigeg salil:ra|.id with'eau4e'br,s?tck qlue W{uie, -iltpitiiisf i,rn6i; 5i'6'tnirfrE sioti aie ttoe'ioit6iii"h-;be,ii h) 'tlntu&v For turi -ahchaob o(the$itb 17 Wool CiPv Rodtn,; (b)'Ao*'nlKofl fenorfgn'-a bohaf ma

i;tw;ltrir,tg#ft{rw,4id,ylnii';,w[q#:'!itrl'!i,www P{f.[nlf""r?n9t?'dqc,

ig now reaxerac




h,s recw( caytratiotr. &aynor'e

j*vfl?Ffr fr",fHf,ffi itri,Br,y:,ffi


f:P/:J'fHfrf,,"'#:,it'!,3it'!'fr,?:lfl#?"f l'^PraWE'AH?:f ,f !3h

centurf .txio 7f glitical, rgiility . 9ut naybe if T vere to get the vtho1e ,f ehb ISSUE ;'ilie ii;l At-i E cker is chuff^e4.aq warm 2nit abatt cnartie & ni'g




TffiWi##:#B##f{,r,W#i,#rl,f##{!i&#w tS-vearli eccrinfu wilt he out Eiinafler tltiT tgeue.Tf t9

Nrcr Gczef


Assisbant Editon

Durcnrv McCnRRor,r. Conbributors,

Iqr.z (4


Srar,l Eruoel Hanny l'lnnsperv f{nny Samuel Touu Tempesr 14.{tpe reviwti

r5 i'bs .$.smilEetaineii

"*b^Ywi;m:l#ip6r4iffi:,!:hvift:ll;iftvtrli,fiwffP' p:'ffiffiitf,l?ffi 'P*^ce(orrn,nehaa.

,i:i fri ruci i ;ii

ft t e n u- rv, ns Ga dtod) l r u mm, ExrcK n ertre ( E ar n r t a\ zaJna Nererhed'./ cnLht{(todn)IDEDRiNGeR(BadNltid).- _ "' A






Srevr Bnowr 0f' S.A[,S: 40p each dij.nect to publie or 6Op each by ma1l.


Bulk ond,ers of 15 otr ore o opies att +


Perrnitre Radio gON ?R3EDY TRESENTS

PENNINE ROCK nr o:'Uorns-d fu

rnmsl tR m*K. .lfit$-rc\

?,0o ?.![. wmfiEsDAIS Pennine Radio 235n MW & 95.O Vifi' Stereo

BADGES 1Y2" black and


f13.50 inc. p.&p.

sae for production price

list and other details.


ffialf t hird Slxth


mSADEA,$ffI?=2O' 000+

'lt\ lrr

sc 3





when they moved back home to 'leed's

F J.

that they' recruited f,obby (from 'HM outf it Elwine ) A underwent na j or slmserv-%Ehieve the rr&rte-change

>, L





ftsad iIn My J{ead" was recorded in 4 with ,John hours at September Sound rrf is very mix he Goodison producing:

rough ha told us he" d be remlxing it before putting it on the album' instrii t;.' fiAht .r! ) and i" o ov ibut he didrttt." "ri " lurore'f,rom wholle they wamt rcow, mo Enter ffrindsay F'rost ( tne. producer who dlsgusting rockscene than tothe glg & to was jinterv,iewed j-n WCR 9) to take the entertain. Debut as X-port is at The hslm on a 26tn 'Mareh recordiing 'Amms jln rlreeds on 27th iMay. J"ssilon at JtrSS Stud,ios , Bradf ord ( ttfre Mearrwood 6! reviiew of this iis 'slsewhere ii-n this C ontac t : lind sry on "[,e ed s 3306 . Posv qcvip!: lobbv Robrngon q*g uthrt beinq rod he ssLue ). f he band feel that the Past toohg.tibe h* q,44,F1lfl: ... 6hat an t2i.r3y ircert (all eight uronths '6hef t ve lb,een fairly apathetic after thej-r initial band- fog*her, noo) : " 9o heta'9 to gow' ?4rr. (obinTon -.. enthue'iasm. I,indlea/ t s arr"ival ha's p the en€rgy baok and he I s now trYlng NEF^VARS out as theiir rmanager_. up on the flexi- with this Ihey croB lhey have iust enbarked. on frneir/(A lHull ''& B. on issue so are A. from latest voyage as X-port, a name/they the album rMrs I s Children' Wilson adppted after a band member'r s mum sa elf-deseriptionr: a funky-post- ) ' claj-rvoyantr who came uP wifth enoug oderne band,,, a f our-pj-ece. 'The/r ve eonvincing facts to a, aze ilnumr among also got a cassette album fWlnter At which was:rrA relation close to you I he Re hearsal R o oms I c oming out on iitw ;in a band which should change own f,ouder Reeords (fron which name &o one beginn,ing rrrith I E I then their debut s,ingle moons agora) . their came rbhey" 11 suc ee edl . 'r ( nut X-pont beglns il'ortheomlng -from tbh€.t label are rxr. jwi'eh . . ?! ). fhis has been a tgug- sirenen whistle t and a ca,ssett,e aLbum lstory. iby rluif,dites,, a ffiuIl-based [he they d.escribe their music as PQF*rsc 't extrlerlmental t, . bemd . Ia,'bal address : moving towards a smoothr not trashyt 2 Adder,bley Grove iBeverfuey Rd r [1u11't , discor/funk f eel. Chris, lobby ( the ( ter . 0,+f2-41788 a,ek f or HU5 1AS one with a birth mark arl his thish the size of a 10 ]-eee so he tells lvlaureen : band bookinge $ame .nd. ). 'IINE{IIP : Norman Rodgeq ,/voc+gtrt Dave Hampt an/ Alii "?at tgrs on /dms : Ally t-l ffi/bass+b\g.voc: ,lttSCoCnlgy: Ist slngle: rPlaying Wlth Fird' c,/w tshattered B-y'It A11 t April '8.0). 2nti single (actually a T6ffiEETffir^'n ?owbeat Recortls label, rlloklng As Zeior ( ?oYbeat iriple a-s,tde E"P): 'Anbitiont,/ rOr TheAway',/rtlrls tlnd F.- Rec-ortls, r80). Of A Dreant Runt c/w Sept Jrct. single: rArtiatlc FI (Demon Recoids,, rSnakes t81). & Lacltlers'' c/wr81). Feb 4th single: (\ Th€ ,f,icenoe' (+ a i:reehie oi {hdtr fliist 2 a-srides ) (Deran, May giving ithe singl-eg & opttlon on conpany an one I iis ileal a 5-yeax iDeran ran albun per year. Next s[ng]e nay be 'r-rl Deal Wltbh llfe I . hShow (ruov'rB0), Rilci:hard S,kinne"r (Jan t81 ), fn Conc'ert F{ SESSIJONS : ?e e1 li. ...l;




, \u A^,v




c! -1

N It



Another Pretty tlace ( Oct 't BO ) , Moondo,gs (r'eU y '81) . Not ibail for a, yearrs work!


81 ) ,


Anltl Qs+i - "t * -\Ler\



lrn e rarnaii,Hll'l.,i,lli !' !wtTj;z,, .?*ft,'?iil*;3":'J5;ro,*


ned.to €ch


V*, 'Qnothrl }cad

SoUa::" + "l{d("("rrrs.i'lj

Rq-A s) G" R.J u,^/I I $oaai*\ ruto"c- rodns\icc\ellr.^ttodic- *i*h ia.e.oucJ r'{'K' 2t^4- I *rrr".ks -l. t,'.rc- 'Ft<l(' ,^l^^i!.. tr S€cdr cxcsfb \3c altocior,rr3uiFar I b,€.K :t' ,*ss:. "1A^13,*lr^'o olrpA-e-k exccft ''S v*'* I

ffi,.-* tA.^^: (R'+ F)loc .L ..- |I $$:l-i&:*: i,*!fr{i#i^ffi u-e;* te. *rf" \. t#4,.#iy.o $tr1'Ef;#Hl5ii,!fr yo,.-;c- o^Wilicr.,\. i ,"-.a5 r".-ri*'..,t...:la I

fi;" hntl^tt:it

<onnleFdv! 'hnr'[heh/all'trim"goirt-conte

l-? 'Helysn


C;4- rnoe,e, r.l d -r$ auo,r,.-, og--{-l Jn,s -+. q;\it,:a'il,...t yei. 8- aiAL {ealE|d<s co,slrcclrA Uocalr o^d . .. ttz:,zz-zzra-l-a-r--


+t-, n^id,-.oo&, n^iA


ft ..f*'_* li<.('=T€r:t{^l -Flno,c-'s o^


{k\t" (Ar.o.a r) * "Sfl$!+" w^*lv"re.Tffi,""* q\busr

(4"-,"d A {.i=f s,g;|,u, -t s<rs\, t^..\ \aot1". .$ Sero.l t,"gto, €x.gt[errt g*',lur \JbFf- +.6Ftsrfql"o *l,r+g5o"ct. Pn4ro cerai+c^(b$ c.et"*l b: R.k-Sr,4fl -.^r-rrnJt 't\ F- :€..g.4 a\l- -.Str.olq o-tq{<ciql oa \o<*{^ e[b.^+.f--th--t' \o aakl *LCcrrrlico,I <rr<r.-tr^gy$ +{\& +"d^ il*lr^ I ;iJ',, Nlc^r{r k,.*^' ulhd Yo^^'( Qad," (nu.".*:)


- $,.!h ;.11^.Jrr-l


\cot{^ s;d.&r

yas y; *,i\\. Wc'tt +elt yov..You-'(( $;d tcctt^ siJiel 4 td'h l;g[er (t^s,elt )€{^t qrtra + (. d{t^-Rt .,!ie.t..,.s) . 1g1si A-C^S5 +\is loo^A -o,r\A .e. :.\', ti 9:.. ,=1; *o 6 o!5o!.* a cotLc.cFton loSt+q-+ s.^A





Ne^^rerlr \Alqrre'

ir €no,+!',"





#'"r,I 5.n$uza:"f (t4o.."


c/v "fkt*r

Litt@ lv..r. ( Ro.,nl QooA s\a,^.AarrAr R',^'R ;!.^*F^\a-

socJ.:l- ula'o'5 .gct $\,i} yo,^ l<^'4' d^6k t,e ''3^. -nJ.l- t'roj r.^& .roco\s o^4 l^c.\ g"c-/c {co. Cto:s.tAr.r^\or or(( oa ae- s+o*f;' .ekc-v,rjcrf iAe.€ss€d ,^;Jd^-{'{^i"? :{.€c;a}t




.Ronfol*,a.wqnrf iellnwd,shop turned tabet,r8reag




Effi"ffii#,'ffiit{#i#ff M'cr.focdh*Duican uiLaririti. -/' iru:lffi_f*.$H jf.rftffiT# Revicrue by

upg,ry:*"a.g,*;stwmigffi;,#Qffi.-"*.ffik}s, r"ea' ;i;.-G 0.-."!k J-]].:[f,;; "Jii;;;ii

R.^r-"'\^-"".r .!"-'RqA".Jtr G.r,o' tlro*,ooe) q$a;L -,Ikaq'€ e* { -rlrir '- * i^-^utFio*.e.-I rti, +l^!- a6 u,e (E <. $. +r,k)Jq..i r'- sar {€. "N. ea,.'n .r,rt', "r93o','{o rc.'rd tle',"So.R{"i.1s".€.^/*€*7o,i**.* *t -U -,C.1".f- ;:t +<,. Nr.'':.bss,c R r*. - eoq.o{c€ ;rU, AroJ^A s'r{qi^.1auirgr-, - oo...- "',t^i^?LlJlr. f, - Si.LA- -+t^.* '.c S^..1*f^ lo"f5 6."b TA!.ti6.\- . \-.ts \FF. -td"iX- r . J.dts lk- C-dkld$q A{.fi^;-.: O"a. a,r. ,.i,.q an.l +r^aeta:S y^€I^^c-..r.s c r..i,u,b i.a* t l*^ +o t r C.q};J.l\h -+r^ rre- rq* ar* -r'tl+.. {le{ (lt^i{,r." o:. o11'-rt"s - <".J^ tor,t*{]i.*

-'"a.ar', g':.r*ruhe,*s-q3=*qif 3fr ffi-.s

-&.r-"r {s;

.ffi ..*ut.

4ru3$!liti,a3''.r$.i:"ff tI,.G*Tiltt

c.nralo\'o"} s,r& ii.tl..a'cG;.).d "N {t5.$"-'+J: b"* +ai. tr.lq..--*rr.C-e-E5r-,-"|i.-'4*.,r\fi{rr A-:i/t/L \ : qr!4 "I"a* -.:,C. ..-E'(4l f:lF,t {ha o,*'-<^j-l.",&"o.- rce. ".c" <r*rr to<Is Itit^ ocl- =.,,;*'t -,r tcoN B:.i& * ij i..G.-r b^a .lo€-.fi.LiJ no. '- ,ra6,aJcn. SLfa g"-i' .ro.'cr- 'r glrat - t i{^ k1.- d'.Jt- +raL f" j(^& "1"s. C.'.t{l.r. a..r $&'d $..o. ^r"t koa A,,.iJb' ' br {& \aJ J\-Cttl :li f.'::^*" n t d{t!^ {1r- rd^s q+ s"a cl'Stlo-,zs"ert'u*p


i6ega!411 bta^l * h t*ntrp_ltl*rca.

Atu."^ "g




},i-\: I -\a :& *s





1t is 4ad:-on--'fm FoEoQrt & this is_belns written ry,.r3iz -[["ili.ii"i*c;$t^: fr:i:: """' t*R t.rR of, Delta 5. A few hou.rs.alo.r i"i[i"eio", rnir"a"rlrrii] ro"ton, {ffjjv Ii:*:1",$'nI:'^?"glg y:-i*l-,_.,, ii;;-ffi'r.A. woy, nan, prayed (fii Ros " f*:"fS_-"T ::-^*:+:..liniidentally+fi;;"-;#'il"ill"ff#"ni"""o 'iEffiff **:J.ri':'-:"f y:-h::: :y:t_lo*" r,;;;;;.'i;?;;;";i!"3 Dear Nick,


ro" iffi:i'irrfi,,ei:Iji,fh: liifrliidlii'iillriilpr-!ll,ill.t "*H;;!it, ;1,:::i** F,df -Si"}i I

ini":'"i:: ffi-o fii ili" &813il" i" ",i!,it.$"*" f ff *lf l" *;r5i"$F:*": Hr,l: w!n, E i:iiir1, a seated venue sone drunken. d;ie;:1"



p€ople got rather iinoolsiiderat: fuel ;;;-"";;;"i trre a *iiii li ""."-u"Jr.'"iiii-J-io,r" about the space thev.w:::_l"fi1g #Jii,Ja'"".awful Many oir rihe prace,c .tot. t ucuat vtnueg. rhi uasi $f;;" r,'*t"#i";J"::H:T":rl$"J," n^ifr:d,v€renr werg--set-up bv Ruth Polekl would g-t -;"'; "i;'";ifr ",1"-I:T (NY cult venue "t'"t[i"E-iiJ"ir'iiir'"i::::t..q]s'. .nlEtrt - ed. ) & the ue aurJ--To Jou west *1"+hs Coart by S!@ (now our nanagei.). trron paper. eroet-lent nelre?wer r lI i;";;: werr*ae_rJrn-trre lexoellent

i[!';;fi:"#dH'"]l!t i]Iul"$:rfilH:"4, lonlv one stlll awake_*.q4"g t" 'tii"t"i"blslin we w"rE-erv€n-eis6 tror lorganlse the whote uy$_c!1_u3iEi,isqilitre Glants & -",#f,;"";;*il#"": lqulte a task & as rrr0 in. the nootl c;iffi"t vottaire toured soon afte? us Ito wrlte, here we ilii!-trr" Rr ser up. 11"9-J__ we cleoided in """+ lahould te1l vou thatj 3T sgl"s ;;;'i";'to record ouxAnJrway al-bun wlth RT for t6 a.a mh. lelgiurn tonorrow Ito vallous.reasons nany of which are too lSo"rs-l-nolr-;;-i;;.f "i-r ifiJ't3ii"+-.: | ;;;^ ;";";;;r 3sll3,*,ii;,*:-5HIfr{"T"_g;,i+i;i""n ;ff'liilg T;"ilt,if,,i1"?i;,T''1"p3 ffi l;fie sinoe rrune, *ft,,-no. rinally_


anlr nore r€cords wltl (x preeuna you are ar eet urp wdth .then -.or


aotual\r algn as eucl of reoortLing d.s aplii are the proflts trron We hatl ) alnglee on S Nowhere . Anlilc ioatior Collour4ry. The'last

i5;ili;i$ :lirf r';i

;ll**: = i: :3n;i iil3,hrffi #:fi i: t:ll" " s#$*;" :r#:* *:fi:#q$," Ftit**irt,; Ji*il*. %il"ffi iili" "



I*i'i[ll1,3*1ft ir"$:#a:l }i:il.li]"}ii+Ei*+:Fir;*{t+i:''11: decidlne whgt_r!!_._cal1 ,.this produbt do you

FRoFf Df rrf S*(cont) ;. . idoing a BIue 'Peter t{p9 thing &. anay to sendl in suggests'd reader'ft l-kiirg .your d*es"fbr it? '[hey can send lbherm 1bo us at 2 Seynour ?l-aes.r [onclon WI .

all pretty happy. At the moment Y{e are just flat

found a & lBethan have efore one was sguatting, the,other living with her mother. We get- enough os-

noney-to live onr molre than dole f,or au&o en;n-g". We are d.6ing what we all want pnobably ilo. fre travel - i:n May'tle 'are likre thingsto Anerica. trtrs ;;itlg-b;Ak ,keep spti+1bu?|lf unt ,golng Tn*t*which .* (;;; ffi;;--{tratis a Eit hea?vl ). rhe tdiea that .y""YP ;f ioine'on toun ;i-n Plag?s.have the chanee otr would,ntt to b6en nev6r Anlnray t hope lf, we were :in a 9-5 i ob etc. us e 1t o you. Do thi-e hae been of s on€ I wrjte baok if there s anYthing Yoq if it I s tp"aiti'caIly w&nt t o 'kno* I 'rtyen than mlne s oplnion other Aetiing eomLone,f t the at photo,o recent t any aren fhere -hold of :sone iI-tJ'I :e€nd mo t"t whdYr.ll get


exctting r rnr b from Doncaster ffiht,r, ,how Whanner,Ilanmen selL dnatts :oa'r:-ut1 N-m Tlxgmse-rveg




gtr) trmmed the.panct 1n ilate '179:

j8,eal}v are:: itla:rlon fiux ,(former.,lgr SG6t otr r* Tlrc GoYef fane) o* voot Davjid-ltsowile (nfs nelf nsnel ) on ba.gs,, Spencer Grant npencer dlns,, itir&nt Anse"J.l Rod.erilck on dlns,r on @gan'& iMark Cresswerll on €tr. $ogothor, they'tre one otr tha fineet &

thoroughly entertalning bands that I rve come aeroas on the local


iiead. artn/ssngrriter' ffilery'rlaok ale o d.oubltres on some neat s11d.e-p1aying. lheytre the bluee sectlo4r to whloh a$e added .Grlarhan Bee (ctms) &' Sue Stralght (bs ). I ogether, they't Ye built a reputation als one otr the best Pub'/elub blues

outf,its in the'n-oar-tli.


ConJeuc'h: t ony onlonc . 5 5062 or 54t51. circuit. thEt r nd,I 'E:.gn]! oonrla@enoe i.r-sn GasIr thelr set opened l,lth rfintrdr, a gus]oda^n 9m9t[X 1r-r prace -.oool, bao riiiii-iiii""f,!"i"r.-r-[eo-o"r" 9 . t9 & poli*hed' Thcy nake lt sesn so to,!t ("gt!9"! stfehtfy-reggae popsong ballatl eaey. 9-cl-orrcr tft"E--6"i,-f"iafa'Sireaf , not Slrceia! )'based 'tlrouible'r,r is-atypical kMs,' the around tone t&-'fn" i*ning. 'i-fiicn-"ii.&h. but ulns ttrgw!.: sltr"{l1Ag31..._;;"-;;"iii-t"i"l-i"xi carrvlng *t:. 'Ng confort'r Jtm i"o{io" band; ;-itt"c"riti lg}9"t. &, 'itr 'rReil f,ron rhythn-to "tvil.t piotegiionalisn. or kcynotc t"r"i tri" fFF4p rSonc.tthindJ ls '&o bc tih€ ;Cniiiee;-f;-"pop f"nf.-;n"a-li""ii 6sgA;Lert'r br t''ITino-- r'i-iorri G a aiow polnons favourite $r1t 1iry]9r -th.eir firet a1bun. -th:l on tl1?-*i1l-l'iYlg traok ifui ini"""iis-il"tro"'i vocaf'p^o*""I gtr & nin itary dms open nt i"ti*o-paocl;soncthlng' (ilYou- *iryl"g rEonny. lrhlch_ fseals us nore reggaad;;-".611y' ionethinei-;i1iy,'reaity But bancl a sounal & etyle the _-a ispop. cr..e-to-nft#'neee) that arc ggnu-ln€liyhae io*"t[ilre-" own. A:nother thej-r a-ciiory-,Ufene oe rln:nocentr with in ;q *-l;" ri-oli_reai""it"ilo""ri/poi. ,that #da;-r,i+h-"n ru*y-pgp_ Palla.l . . s there'r Ard balted out . tasef ln6 61vooa1s fisO."t"t t one-botton-no:fii -Sinp1io.ity-* pure .tlt"-ii:se"". coTltant noar-reggae reference poi4rt pop whlch 1e the bantl's anchor,. but not la.nA'al foiqtrta. ;;p-;i-"nd;"fin6-tfr" ialentlty., !!e{rre much Eore jTrn seeingtheir ttrat lin convinoea lfl.iiaay reggge/pop/funt the sum irf rtfreir jln for enormous than e bandl whorrc I -ilUeurd tline l{arclssue r a. driving -..,ie a punotuateil cgn!9n:t. 't ""oc"ie. :::f ": 73f,":li!.u:*;t"lt" i'ti3g**'3", :ffi Hl "' HH:l' i : 1 ag brief as 'trntnor. Eno@€s' t9 to 5r & tRetl fgil;-i fltie's.-tnese rirq. the pauees betw€en songs ) . Agaln. .AL6rtt . - ,rrrch roczcl. .




Gear everyrvhene. An'61-rulkeE-ogarw


Ara h.9L *i/y4'r

+. lei.,c t-..n.J

f.1., t i'r

3o\9'h 3oooo rrolrs tm'o,1gh spnd

t&[a,stic i'Man t, rWelfane State,r With p9p!{ itram-like arrangement, *Ig. t Cliff Richard.r that" s all rnytnn & unch, & the excellent fFireblllt -

helr strongest sgn-g.

.\. Nick,(orczek.

0F tEA6lr&t Fil.neK lln thdlr blabk sults



tharr thedr flasles&kte (a clty g,i'&f,r{o%,4 ,chance ,which twlce eusteilrned. mal or 's.eigos b91v-fr1e{ lfrhat terminateil ;in the self-

' ,*eetruction of th€ inhabitants & aIL ihito shlrts,, fi'loek otr Seagu]ls cosre on tigh'6'r hald ,:& "rloud. il"ith tthaiq tnei:r property: agaiinst 'the Persians oneninE'nunber - '!'Mod,ern love 'Is I under #larpagrs ,i-n 546mC & the Ronans Mike AirtomaT:.or., The.ftre a.4-piece: i Hnder lBrutus irn 4PC r both bad r6igs LReylolds (voc/gtr/syntths PauL Soore )r tu*e ril aS Oad t agraeligg 9'XE^9[op ( tA..gtr ) , X'rank Maud siley ( bo/voc ) & InoO present a Crovo the





AlLi Boore (dns ) . '' Etrck We iUp ' ard 'ffeleeommuniaatlonr both .iimpness partioularly the latter with oowbell



Top B,evlelg

fuzlc nlght out at Bradford Unl rtth AilAD rnet Ktng Sounds lgrael lteG. Flrgt A$f.1D. oan I say? An lneredlbly good perfore'k solid etr/bs riff that prq&uce.il an $hat fron lnce a Earyellous band (sonerhat Loud' edgy & echoing rhythn, All fouq &re nir at ttnes aone feedbaok ) . Brl,neley fron filverpool, have been together in Ford seened to& have a frog ln bls tbroat at lFlock f,on 5 years c& l-n vanj-ous o'&her Flrgt I but be 6ot over lt glvlng a good Ilocal oufrfrite bef ore that. lEhe pr a,. perfornance and lntroduelng Yln Gordoa rrlth ils giving then ,a arystajl-cilelg;r soaffId genulno tav€foBoor the brags eeotlon could & fihiis jts an excellent start ' be faulted - brougbt on for rRalpbor {Intro" j-s an inetru,mental ilith tidy not l rBebyLoar; and an ebsol.utely ept c rhytllrn chaegeg '& a simp;le hut ij.nstant ]uLturet farrLor Charge I I tbey certelnl'y did nlce melody iline. [he band. oozes power & np -scores the tlrace. Oreat $ar rorh fron llchaeL foar trneeiisi-on. The -ilast al,so rsantrRosel 'tfthe and Rlae blo;ing fron Eeldte a'r two numbers a:ce r trespe etivel,V,r G,ordon tbougb raa rdnderfuL VLnnle Dban. :& b-dirdes of their second. eing[Ie. f fx€ tme naster of hle lnstrupont. Credlt fi-rst., released iMay 'r Bl r i,.s t (r t t s t Inust go to the dreed at tbe sontrolg rho c/v not rne.) Talkingt 'tX'aetory ,'![usiio alrocl a good eound, ustng tbe ecbo unlt on 3i11 Nelson t s Cocteau Record,s leavlng the brass sectlon labe1. rNel-eon produo.6d all 4 sides. ver1r ;e11 andstorn after everyone bad left up & blorlng Oqrer the next f ew numbers r which gtese tnNAr srrlmtee contrlbutlon naklng and tbe jnew inoLud.ed the branrd t t stancliing ]ln The Doorwayr r 'nNeed A sound llke a runs;ay traln on aPeedt rGj-rl ilike ffout,r tConmitted,t & 'f1lhe Day Dltrnnle rase,by the reJlr absoluteJ.y terrlflt She Goes'r,, frhey veered, first towa:rfls - taklng an ecboed dnrs breakl be atopped rthe Eohor/Ieand.rop I, t pool sound. & ther ha3.f-ray through to look at bls drune I'n amazenent as tUoV oarrl,ed. onl then cracbed ( atsappoln'fr,ingly ) s,liid ;into tthinrly jI beok lnl tlabalee ecboed, cXrubal's orasbed heaw'y rock. At the ,erldl disgulsed Host of 'tthat ,mJr iruiti,al enthuslaen 'had and lockg fLe;! tovad everly mlnute. felt tThree outt.'jlike care numbers knoln tbe bettar nead,i-ng a .good. been deflateil tltrs not our vl'sht (rith Babylonr, who-dun-it & then guess:lng who two chapters f,rom the end. They were good Drrrns1e on.vocalg), antl the three prevl.ously uentlqned. For tbe encorel lnfinoduclng bult what [Looked tr-lke originality tbe nenbers of tbe bandp Brlnsley dragged faded bef ore ithey .i[ef t th,e stap3e., They .ineed. rmotre fresh & inventiwer/up- on tbe $tepplng [aster wbo proceede to ;ork' tc-date material. 'tha,t apart r thef tvc llven-up tlfngs rlth sone great dancerhere sequence hllarl.ous a the rtth going li.ive llbat encled f cm then. Ard,r a J"o"fr r sing}ee sound. like they r 11 do tthlngs Brinsley coul.dnf t got ble btke (? ) to rorkt byeviowed bg Nish Toczeh. and titb soEe great synth lork from cllfton lfor to band . i




olr x.oJro('&xql'

I \IflEtrtt eL -trJr.l


1 4 ba


bfkel) started lt rPr rode round tbe atage PRoFI'LE tNI (shadea of tbe llalr Sear Buncht) then off ,A HbFrlg-_ad.e baffi playrrrg what they ieavlng the band to flnlsh the get ' Superbl b'er€It eall good quaJ-ity rocr, ruhey I vejust Support, tbe Israelltesl oane on to a' in existence a while, but have tbe orord rartrcoollsh -u1i'"byreceptlonl but hadrfiatty-Cs-lo tinlgh:e,cl extensive remod elling with nunber tlre tblrd ed +1] $in Sriierley ( bs ) as tthe only , f ounder lit"i rBore numbers they lntroduced. r", ,(gtr) i'l'Iarsk Rowannrember remainios. thelr leaderl Klng Soundsl &nd on he strol$ith Nige1 .ioined ilast August,l stepping natty dread lni frarrig on (ane )-& ' &im Bsrneit - ( etr ) as Led - a nllltant nill,tary goar ancl pratsing Jab, rlry Coll-te the ].ates$ newcomers. Vocalist J.C. Bongs ) and cbanting down leva, who oonpletes the line-up, ha;s ( one of the Love to s*efhear been in the baJld for a while . 3-txonth itttr"" (iuo"otf u"' ) ' renJoy slnglng about rehearsing took then to the start of good leggae elngers who Ionethini they tnrLy bel*eve 1nr and Klng live work-at the end of Feb. & theY SoundE ras passLonate to the ertrene are now setting up gigs throughout be 88rl$r ahaklng ble locke and snlling as the north .of England. Wlth about 5 tYou can be llne a had One of the songs grand"rs-worth olf gear between themt Buslcr raggae 1lke a baldhead and ' Seen 6 single & a German tour in frhe * 7frLMFE rtviev,ted byTtUO better ! a seen brotber pipetine , theftre :iin $iith . _









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in tbedsdre


* EF.ilHhd DAI/|E on stw ltth dut y.

x*Txritr|wffi r.a_1*ti ffi,a*a{)



?stt, w

IgEIffiffil= W fi(sp fress!- also at fi#anv'k


;;;;;::";ii,';:;;; iu,"ne'' ,"!"il';t"" phooe: "-

;l?EYsr"-'-'r -

dil.6d?,ru'.iE: -rzTinE

i t-

lo rrr{rrnn

,rr*'ttlt#1'j;1], o"-5s 'i.^ii1-;';;; . 5gart


l}ilrriilnrr lan'filnlI9,7,tz

l7*w -il-

Hrymn$ N

:lAU N E- .4h?,ieibie

fn*fly n DiVe TIt



In-/il7 "v''9{$''K'# errlys tbe sthars r1 r I

atayef,. lBhe nupport band uere vetTf energetl and deeewed, an oncoro - aftarrardE tbe flruuer had to beva hls atna puLled (to gpt tben,,back lnto tbeLr sookets perhaps? ) Bear of ctage the floor ts llke spagbettl Junctlon - s$od knors rhat ;ef 11 d.o lf gonethlng goes rrong. FerLl nover ftnd out :rblch rire goes rrhetro.il



Half the band mlssed tho ferry fron Fellrgtora cnd have to travel throegb Copenbagen at a great rate

Sorreglan fV are tbdre ts reoord the hapBy

evettt ' tbotrgh tbe pt cture s sren I t too g@ d, Sbg.y.isere anoklng at the front. Dotrens ,of f

knotE. flot aach E€nqr

- their Eanagpr bainrt arrlved yet - tbe pross coaference held. in the hotel bar aeeme to have gone re1l. fist sone at ttss banct anct crsrr - verlr genulne aad ltkeabls aad tsndering that f rn dolng bere. frey'd be velT bappy for ae to Bhoto tbeel lhlsh Fag: raE lt agala? r ri Eet Paellne for the flrgt tine ('f f ras ln

b selt aad lt allaln t t lrpree s ) - ras later tolil tbat nott such lrprerses our i,*r'ji.i, tr,lttle gtar. rfould I be wrlting as tell as taklng Bir'?i n If yoa rant, tbougb I nugt kaor beforehand.n fa left it that I tould teet her nanager rhen ,he arrlved. Left a E€slag€ la big ptrgeon-bole and left lt at tbat. Bcceptlonlst r FTeg, he t a deflnltel.y lrrlved. and I gave bl.n your Eeggage. Eventeally trraeked hln.dora t6 tbe ABC tre rbere he resntt'over entbuslastlc Paltae lsnrt too keea...F .hc talLed off , ....rLth, tbls belng tbe flnet date of the boar end. e aer band, end, qulte frankLy re ldnft erpect aaybody fron England to be Fc.n Ah, so nor re gst to the nttty Cfttt - rhat|g good enough for dear o1d OeLo Lsaf t Of for U.K. Coukl tbs lnage be al{nfrlogr er€ thil rough ctlger begtnntng to gl6*t hoad on. lo agreed tbat he-sbould have aaether rord rlth PauLtne to see hor ghe felt Oot the lnprerslon that I tae being glvcn tbe bnnrs msb... Fenacl.oue to the enal I d.ecldeil to bang on ln tbere snd heep pltoh!.ng - Eor€ to see bor far be t tl 6o than eqJrtbtag elsc - nHor about lf I take tbe pirr gtve you tbe fllag (lhat?) antl lf theyrre grelt keep tbenl lf theytro not, sltng ntell I lf you give Ee then tonLght tben tbetfll be OK, but Ifll Juot obeek rtth Paullne to make Bu:le.....h Ab. rellt Didnrt fancy tbe f.dea of gfvtng fll.ns trp eaJrlay, (a blt like belng iolil to rrlte. ) Thc gn;ra ln the band and crerr seemed Eurlp leed. thst If d no cenera ;Ltb ne. I expl.aln tha problea, they nodded as tf theyrd. erpected. ltl gttll.l I tas golng to tbe gfg and, they scened, qulte happy at thst. Out of the va.Dl torardg the etagp door and, t ,re r€ surrounde d. ( re 1 1 approa che rl ) by fAf,r olregtan teenage puak fqnqlee rbo proceed,led to shout and screan abuse at llg, - tltL one Eccord re turned rotrnd anrl .dld passabl.e llnltatlons of lfiuppet'i$;e6lchefs at then they all rent. slds of stare I e

l l

localc ara there rith enerytblng ranglng fron Hlkond to nnstanatl.as - also to reEord. the bappy BCOB€r n t n Eo; d.o you haor tbat they ron t aend plr I g yerlr easlF to to. England? After allp Lt put a pleture on the rlrc tbese d.ayr.s iAh rellr f dontt kns; you d.o I ?n- I good old sanager*e e!19he. Tben the nouent retve be6n ralttng forl Paullne enterse rearlng a sult....(trtr lnpressed). nTherets no atuosphoror f,here are they all ?n - I couldtve tolit her that they tere aLl ln tha dtsoo dornstelrg but I altdnf t thllnk ghe cosld bandle tt. They go oBr itbelr audlence ooEe baok la drlbe and 4rabg aLen tbe dlroo etops and theyfre all tllre. Fhc flont ror ls niag upmf Bunksl one of rbol le lntent on eptttlng at our b6rol,ns the otbers try rlthout nuch suceas to 'Brevent thlg. Keyboards nonl.tor lr ftrokedl lt t s tbe Lea0 - Pete eant t bear a tblng. Paaltne turrrs round n Oan you turn tbe keyboarda d.orn ?'I oantt heer a thlngln lntl 8o tbe get goldlers oB - the PA lsntt too Boodr tbe better sne tbat tbey oouldfve hlred ras three tloes es erpenslve they seke d.o. : Sobert,?s load ooaes out - he klcks a i,Jtuctton bor acrora the stage at tbe bsckEBrro All ls not ;e1L3 and stll1 tbe 'llne faas at tbe front uouth the ;ords as our dsntnutlve one utters then. fboy etoru off otagel evox5rone ts unhappyt Pste on keyboude Is plesed off - and no ono ca,B really blaqe bLn. Tbe crew ilonf t venture backetag:e untll they bave tot llorrlflcn - f rom thelr very conpetent gound-nan Gary. So encore for Oelo I and so 45O ,fans 'nake tbelr tay hone tbroirgb tbe drlgalel anil so &o I. (f half erpeoterl thatr bad I atayed., ,I ;ould have been sgked to take tbe bIane.) Eharets a lot of atleage betreen Oslo gpil Englande rhtoh la Juat ag ;olL la tblg ,


C88€ r

it being a blg t rant to be photographed :llke naybe Horprcl Hugbec. Could be tnre she certaLnly looked. 'half-dead rhen I 'plooed ber fron ny botet roon rlndor aS, "they Left for, StockhoLn on $aturday. And to tblnk that tlanfred f,ann ras appearlng ln Dramnen only 40kn a;ay. Oh';ellr therer alrays th€ fho on the bor t6ntght.

; tlaybe cbe r s practtslng

'star rbo



f lrOan HIlrfSiFI



Duil€ilrt+lc.Catl,orts tPO€

rrTil ttr!il€rtot{-F$R


}l0tt Hr RrcrRtc- t:r*rretrLFert

fiEf#fr* l3 t: BOP DELETE d,ietrlbutlon the realty ord got iilto the Delh.rre: hat band B'|LL





top 50 & would have gone hlgher ilf o years before he wourd, lt -&he gtatement I'MU s trike hadn t st opped a T 0[? $e,s up" The last naJonr f Sunburst S'lnishr. The ibancl :members appeararroe. Golng baok to the reeord technlorlane but nore roote cof s who'rd reJected the single,, he rere good lin 70 t s rock than f orwarddooking. lf t rrov gofr : tr{Sreat elng}e, what have .you got progreesively harder f,or hln tto got that'r s llke llt?tt Churnlng outt formula :songo wasn t t rthat he wanted , exlnc€Bs hls ld,eas thnough '&he banel. so etlIl no deal. Svantuallyr. after on the ;r€xt llhe bancl was stretdhed t d d.one scrm6 work iln Se1giun, t tMod,ern he that Music ; & factor a album becane all too apparent on theilr lae label out there, C:repesoule, a,e'ked to r ,hear demos. Ho sent som6 of the home " DrastLo ?lastic . All '&he tsebop nater,lal has been deleted W PUI t 4-tracks & .they $ore so keen that though the/tve a oonpllatlon album of they relea.eed then asr they trere. the if-ngleb (a- & b-gildes) ready tror (Hortgaged up to the hilt & witth a release ilf h1s brand new albun takes mlnlmal lneone at thls tlme, he off. ffie salro ihe ,:no longer llstens to 'oou}d.d.l t anyt{ay aff ord to uae a large tRborab With Brittle Yier*.s t any cf this naterial - it tend,s to i etudio). d.eprees hln. ,He f eel,e,r though I that lwas coupled writh an lnstrumental I Dada Chrlter I . 1t should be avallable lf only for l$eilson Ls now,,'eilgncd . to'.'F1ero.ury (a 1tg valid.lty ln terme of mld-70 ! e DIis fri-rst rook or afr e retrospecttve reference subs,td.. of ?honogran)). ellngle f or them was t'Banal t whieh he source for anJrone lntereeted 1n ihis work cr& d.ovelopnent. iI,Ie views h1s recorded near ihis :home ln Selbyt reoorded work as a d.1a4Y - with the Yorkso orr the Rolling Sto&es nobile studlo. The fllp had 5 traokg: f Turn flrst few eplsodes now mlsslng. So Slcti6rr'r i':& ffiers lfs'A lush out one album Red, Nolse: [hey put -rSduTffi ( both home 4-tracks ) plue -whleh met wnth a 1o'6 Sflj-tue,tion' Soun&f tMr l&laggretlsmt (ffon the Rockfleld otr reslstanoe wlthin Ghe ilind.ustry. sessrj.ons wlth Ean) , llhe title tBanal t Everyone to1d.'hln it Has far too from some 'tad.vise I he got from whereas ihe icornes erpeilmen'tal hnaecesEbJ-e,r old management co. who toltl hin fett then j'& stlll feels that it ls ihis lit wasrlf t even enough to wrlte that one df hls most aoeessible works. [he oommexdrlal songs - they had to be l-ive work by the band was wellihlts ! ffiie ,n€w album is banal be to : recelveil & satr"es of the albun then & rquilt Dreaming And Get On 1[he Beamtslnee have proved the reoord oo. & wrltten in 'r 78 & recordecl in naterial nanagenenlt cultlcg vtrong - gven on a, 't With the ffirst 10 r 000 oosles a 79. purely flnancial assesgment. IHowevert second albun t Sounding Ihe R1tue1 bppositlon vte,s so strorlg that his US Ec:hot whlch is a seleetion -lfron 5 hre label dropped hlm & nelatlonshlpe tnstruxtentals of home Eecorded with hte ui( label (stiil EMf ) a-with lhe descrlbeg ag 'rambient imusicf that . See hls nanagement (who slmp\Y took a eilsewhetre. rewii,ew back eeat ) ;progf eseiively Yf orsened,. FIe has just finl$hed the,'unusic 1to a play 'by lf he Vorks':hlre Actors | '0o. $olo: .ilack of record co. interest t'Thb Olbinet 0f Dr Caligarl ' ( bas ed tffit that by the end d 't'19 he f,ound pieoes hlngelf, wlth about 60 - ma,nY on the cLasslc earily 'ho:ror fllln). otr then jtnstnunentails recorded as EIers also very busy producing in the stud.io. ltroue hie demos {n stud'ios for other bands inoluding 4-track Everyone saiid they l,{ets€ good. but 'nott 'llhe Skids, ,Nash The Slash and a bunch of less€r-known northern oonmercilait enough. Wilth hLs 'whole with nanag€ment oo. about to go out of, outfits - several of then buefnees owing him 1r000rs d quid s ingl e s c omiing out on thi s own lab e 1 t (tfrat he mever eaw), :he put the last C oct eau. 5to7 ?Kees; Fill Ndwn B <rrfrenfly {ehey61n0 aflE$ htd, of hls money ;into trorming Cocteau ?




will Ve qiqqinq inen yom enl'r?'Atqi, t1rr,l onwardg. He lur a Taisiqy |ined ap arue tl there arc Ftanv trr rhe 'ar for i;h U WrlLbn a )oif rnjectwith Andy gyrne ({athiiq Tartn'ilqe. / kc) & hvid Headv) - tt"uq }i th&, rl' r+ be ?omLit cali,Lc ea^r Rack hine recorrded Noige 4t i wodi thz fufurt. ,hhew tjld,eal Honest (a}eo RI{ from alt thrielai' dear a nll'ro[ ,rt;,ce in llieir.i;rio*, heche f Atom rMam. -ffroves Raclio gcheLuleE,- Ntl?otu f5 al?o aitthq hVdvetl fn phobqnrhl&. erane eresslon) t79 bg falteo lhe ph,at"g an hiv-new'albwm cova,?(s). ]He'ho/e,, srrmm€r at i(wnth -t" pronotion oir lowL;n;?oor1 briryowt 4 b*k of hir caroerj wor|'.' t no RoelrmielLd, )

traek '79) +




fanr , ttith








:'f ; C- l.{


( lftP


thc ...-at-, q{:o l^€.,r.\ cs 'yar..rr- G*. Drecrr.r ..;r Cr"S A-4i^Sk;.b.-:------. lVarr - Lttcr onJ H+r arzs (b"a-1) 4 - +.r.h! oi-,"t1-i.":-. if,---6*'-:;'-E;:;:;ffili;-X. '2 tgrs <x - S.*.joa d +.-o^ vas/eo.ar*.d 9r.\./ a&al:d' r,i,r- ."'r.i.r^e f"a.L.r'Ri\.i i'4. ;\""i-*;r ' ' \,!oe + (i4. F*a.cl^ls\-q. . '2.'- 24-o' b .r<r5 erl<!,..-r. J$.i\Ti.-t;if --U, r, p.rii+-S,^ 4€- + -d ..gr- 6.ist^r 4l^-thr'..L n :13--Yt r*.lr.-*-* -+{.,.-r-*-ui) {*,-f,}--G**\tr1,t a\!1rn

Ff,:fl{r-'l..oi:" ** -S,"+,

+d(\^,otA. A ctaov\ ,-ri .^a p-oclffa{ Crri+-^^r.,t-rt s^c..ni\5. \icftc-\ fo.-r4y. fc^il*t-! Qos-'q{-r<4 Sq,tih csdedv

3-9"* .8 Ar*;.r '+ l"s/.,.o + ".r<-lpc. \Lr.{ at tl.. J.rr- .o .r**q.r-^fo *^f ..r,sii-.U.t--*"-5i,i J.i.d l'uaic,r.si+,-{{r-8,''uo<'Is.-Cqqr6*k ;6-.-- -,a. -r+-I . u"{".s-.Aqfr'\;4 '^--1J,c- "{rG *. .{'+{.!..fri.,{ ;: >r'-1\ers//vi, \'a.,e ' O.'arqll o. .ti. rd-? f4].o b. -!{ o^ grf uu:idw,sl".ii- -{"A'L*

Naf<'i.f , a.'.rt3lE-

trntrffiS TrlE' SEFLI-.VI NfiLS, ffi ffi:-$l,ipr+&,s,,HH al Ve-rergt Aiws. ., .


#ffi13+*,-'-6..**r.*+ ffiffi





q{qi$ nffi ffi^i.#' T * F .ffii#.gr*tskRffi SEttEB-ff,pl: .9*F9-'8arh..\sFlur' _

rereased onc&a*..

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f*ge*ti *s$**ltffi SrS.,ff. \t9*^ft.,9*^ttd*t^\

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oA dr$-s..r- H"L'$.Fui.Ci

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Bv lisezt! - "E.A,g.T" ars.* (ropi. Q.tu.b *pS .y;1*1--4 ti,.c- *.5..F,t.. n*. <s{.}v.. -v^!- Frr +^a v^.r\ erai,\rr,^e- ;+ qrg..:.- *\S- &q";-;__ an J "a,r -.*-..,...1-. nt ,s4r al.*.{..t-, "G,+*'o.,r E^'6E o..-{r,u5 tr,,\'t rr...rt b..t o,",{^$- ^ .f*Y**

Cdt a



<pe.i> + "r -er -rr^r.{ ilaUrri o.^i-li*- -r_* +.tttr- raa't- dJl-.'o*-'&. -{.

a Gtt 2.,tfi.r-'r,..f q*lj.^ \ ^ot^,Li-5 -fi. \4..L{. '{s ql-a..l. ot-' b.* ^.lt \t nFr.







ffisffiffisHffi{ff"w torry:*9a"J.d,Ti f \

>hxuesr.P a,li

fh|LUAN P€OPLe rN IRis

co,rntrS dlor€. ..



- 'i*t lin k-$ ail t1iacdeJd.r.L[f - h,rrrdrez{s oF

*onS a

-Y?N,t"itinq nL ll n*ronl sho4dc-X. . ..


iF on(q ul€- cotrlo\


- ,-.


Live at Tiffany'.s in Leeds . rqte wpd,

W#J Unmistalrabli'. 'llhatrg

by M'ch. iczek

elta 5


.0he sound of

r under e hard rajln


rums,, they sniing theiir hlgh female oca]ls ',* sharp knlves of edgy gultar

to tho flring line.

fhree a,lternatlve ahart hlts beh:ind hen, they hustle a winning hand otr fas!, tanry,, mod.ernlst pop with loose conf ldence. We get the exeellent tAnticlpationl lus a selectlon from the other elngles & the forthconing a,Lbun. itrulz splns & bounoes rouldl the etage. Kelvln drops his towel on a laqp & it bursts 1nt6 flames , smoke everytvhere. John tlee (of former ilooal fanzine ed isoods ) tells iEIB not to use the phrase rrtwin bas,s ,attaokrr . Ihe

t?aralysed | ls their bleakest & barest number, wlth ilts free ss-p&llsesl & :spoken interJ eotlons, The tenelon pers;i;et8. faire a hard crlean beat. FilI tthe spaces with a conetant variety of

cllche. fhle ls & eenlou,s lf rm watchlng & machine an it we}ds egch wrouglrt rhythn & ,et,ee,I pace :change jlnto plaoe, drivlng;it home. Hollow rlng of echo broughlt lnto pley on the vocqls. iI ihear the rfhole rGaqg chant jin unlson the chill chorrus ! tTf-iI-couldk 9 e p - 1 t -.f otr -oy-s eLtr f[.t-,t - 6 o ul dl.+k,€ I p it-fon€ly-sellf...f Ihe vocale weren'r t olear enough ,fio really pick up on thelr poLitlcs, so tthey are no, part of thts- review. llhe 819, less off a performance; ,rlor€ e demonstratilon of how they work: thertn creatlve trrtroc'ese . They functlon well. y*q iimpressed by what rbhey dld,- but {d i'd,rt' t t en.'i oy lt . We Engl l'e h I you }nr,ow we take our imusio itoo seriously. novoelty game



eturn off D5 to thelr home town could have been harit work, but they make lt eesy for thenselves ',& ithe punrters. Snergetio,, unpretentlous & chatty : ext tlnre thef t ll head.llne. Strange sltuatton f,Or iPere Ubu - to H":;" T{;ifr,?! SHE be a eult band on '&he strength oif a hon E was told about this gfg at bunch of 4-year-o1d. aongs. Sti1l ob,ert ,llown Communlty 0entr6 r rtry lqt on'6e.i1 by the certaiinil;r strange eaotlon was - oh no, not ,anothbr t rsona otr Davjld Thonas , they ve n!1selt19 riron type gig_,wiith -waiiti;ing d-nce nade the notable ad.ditlon of em^barras ne{,. pauges,:& dread"fiul- or&onjRed o |Ihompson orf Crayola fame. organi;sation , & with ,xnors ts inf,truence has undearllned their exist,ent han a. fair share otr lrannies ,* unconpnomis,lng musical eccentricil'&y. creamlng uncontrolled.,&i-d,e . live , Pere rUbr.L f s a noi sy farnyard ll{ot off 1t ! Thls was a rea1ly blend of ihunan ,& anlmal conversatiion iood a bft t ; well but ,unobitruslwely ldo - an eluslve grln underlaying every organiqed uith excellent grub r& ile & ove. Orfihodu rock rhythm sectlon ls _of, a11,, very f\ne endertainnent. the only fixed polrnb tn a Jung1e of bggt She live sounds ca^nb f,rom that eyboard,., vocal ,& gultar interplay elue,ive . grgpp of ohaps ( grannies,/grub hat is semi-lmprornlsed. / cn?ps-j-s this_ the :rew rock - jargon? An -d.nitial atnosphere of audience/ ed. ) ,knowr. eollectively as n[;-Sheds. perf,ormer uncertainty restrajins theilr Ett tro sets, tiref provided tE,fiTFe t B;pontanei'&y & the band doesrl t quiite otr t''nf bt V-Ept Cqast, t'lnrr,,&.,pop;(a talce off . Do vre Engllsh take our reva.np of '?![hen Ifle '-IGlssed ;Me t) I usi-c too seriously? f,he muslc was wei.[il-exeouted. It t'lsht t Not Eventually, si-ngle current Ut..eh Roger i(gtr/,,voo) s$horrLing soGXB rne& appy I paradorically breaks the iice. sollos that aetual$r sounded orlgi:funAll. hey wiln through. By "fihe encore, we I voeals some'frii'mes verged on .the ;Bo 11 want to be iln on theitr adventutre.




tight larot of rhythn that thunders out from paced , up-front bags. (Gang ileeds 0f A

D;rla,n grtrd but, along wifrh original numbers ewig by ihinseLf & Dave Shonas I some \rery rneat- vocal & guiitar ha:moniies came out. The rhythrn f,fon Geoff Coghlill. (ans') sorrm ,iluvly driving bass from Pete Southwood broughS '&he whole evenlng

Four,, llke D5r are a baR.d t*lth big things ( t I ) to prove ,here i their most prestigious tour to ,d.ate, he band r alternately in silhouette, ellow llght, red light, dress l-ess really out. After the flrst eouple of like rocksters - more like offlceboyq numbers the dane e f,loor was paoked tto capacity & at one point, when the A blown amp shoots down their disco tnied 'to resume, the aur&ieno€ opening pace ln flames. Tough. A shouted. then off in favour of more mlnute I s sllence, then guitar harnmerlng back like a train over iron Iive muslc, $o, Slheds , how about getti:ing off drum rails. Ihelr musie is a your arses & gigging around. a bit relentless peroussive tide I alnost ore. eh? o formal to b !

[llt$llCogPRrE:It{rnsloIL'nl^:ll:il':ti":t"]!"iF:."':i.iiT:i.:'"a e

Sarberr1la'g I rt thr elbur rhloh rrr! atldtbt lrto th. Spiri ttartrd off aolo Putk F..tlyal on tgth Aurult 19??r lrPlov- | tep 20. ?bry Prrdorrra i 168tby tour of I BriteXn eni ln SrBtonbrr pcrforncd at tbr lrin6 natrrlal orr a berrorod guLtar. t77 by Lyerun iJhoatrrl pert of rblch ras fllrcL ipp.aratreGt mvorel aar Oetobrr lrolurlo! lt! tb. falthcadlt rtYr,. P.tlol lchoelfrl.ra P.t. s!1rs 8ni' fo!r.! I for rUr6b3 - A,-url.e T8rr. at Lonlor?r Vortu CLub, lholl pronotm Drvt loola Bt?..a to aot tr tl.lr r3ra3.r. I I .hort p.dol ot lr.otlvlty tr! f,ollor.al 3ll1.a ...&lsr t??r tlr lus Plat.a !h.rt I by tbr LD.rtut. of lalk rra Dav. to ?u!.ee1 rt6tr,rrou! 6r.-.ff lrpravustlorl of I ur rolo ?roJaet.. A rrt thr-up albstk.i .! auli.Dc. pa!'tlclpa- | on e hn3 U.s. tour rith liur f,otr.ll.tt cf .li B.r!.. r.r3r sll rlry. b..r rrltobri .ffr llth. D8r!.l ara tlr Et3t l tak1n3 Dav. ! tlor rurb.! crll.a r!ttt.! afl.r 8 elub ruagor turnol rff tbr I lpleor anl ikcar.lng e prrrenrlt k.tlostar Spl!tl.! p.r.r aur'lng or. of th.lr ..rll.rt prrfon- | Elyrr. ?bir outflt tout i ar Th. elbuo entitlcd i SplkeJr arocr r I e-d mleaaeil an Flot.t|i r -rhleh. inclutleil strgs favep By 19?8 th. rer. Sptto Oll r'r! €elr.a, I lreal r Sat€ilr'r Blalaraahllg lila r t aEal rcoDtS.r cf trortb lnrplroi bt .tt.rtlv. cav.!3at I o11 1r tte !a11.. rha auo ltlat.l 8 1.t1.! | rat Padr I as rell aa a a.' vctslon of, of otl 1t3r ouldaatla3 et th,. RoEnilos.. I rr'Soliller Solall.:lr anil the rlagle rngagat'r 1r JuJ.yl ;hca tbcy playcl tltb Slsurslc asl @ tb,e Berrhc*. rrhr eei'.quo'e.t ef ttt:"::f,Saia$E$S.t ,tN$ftI'f,*F th$$SS{tllt|thilil l'.::'"'?li il:':.lii"'"T M'rll"T::f'lll .fl*lt$t"l ?l T':Xeg'utr Ti"s':pp::t"t-t{ tas th. i!tr !o!.lv. lrbrt riiii i.r"ii.f i. I Sirnlnghan-telcal f.r.r.l nrua! lretr prurntoil bl1l by 1ocal p!onot.-! ,6o0o iii re cr.iy;-Ll tL. r.t.r.. ef: | loylrl r

r e Srog CLub. I John Koenas at - Euildcrtf lcld. 'Cr1t Clty:4r. raara b::: for-a f" v'ar! s!1!! o11 rtelt.a 31tgrn3 et th. .!l or a I nor. anil. l:"" "t:Tl hevr aehlcvcd 11 lt.il_ rlth f.ii U.f . tosr iftf tiJ Bitrhror.enl LLr I, -.ucccre_ tlaklng actually 1tr. tto allu." f,ulir Lralsr, alil r'tli of i.l1b.''atlo'. l-out rlnglct etrA E.P.rrrfLtb ec rcll al an cf a f.u! rrr rrrultr. Ir ilr rirr3rtc. lvarlour ylarr r?9 aPPreraac. at lart Rcedlng Fcrtlval tL. lrr plrtlrt uri.! llnr-ut 1! I3!Gh I atral nun.rou! tour.r tboy sn havc ttllL not rare Silrr B!.rg1, f.qturtr3 Jlr Stlrr I hradllntd. Daspltc thlr frustratlonl a (kbtr Ac bett aal t{ark coalfirif ). I lru[cr].tr qsart.t thay P.rfo .l aDoth.! I XagluE rtl}1 pcrfo::E tbolr orn brend of iohi l..l a.!.ic! aal Jolncl a netlonri.c I h.tw lock rltb vrrvc and Ylt811ty. t.ur .!grr1r.t bt BT tith trl..ror $l tlr I rhr llnc-up of ?ony Clerkln. (gtr)r 3ob R.lr..atr. I cathy (voo), coul Lor. (b!), Rlcheril lfbrlr flrrt y.nturl Lrte tbr r.corLlng I nettay (ttaa)r ane K.r Gorl.n (aac) f" B v.4r .troDg unlt but th.lt rtultr rar rltb grr$t lnumr 3r1a,n l. Icrrtelnly pclhrpa a ltttl. too lnconlllti rstttlal Ll .,$r Eraailr, rni r lrtrrt r tolk tithoutrsdlirr I rcnSlrg tbr roiioorr t Cb,algrl I t proluori th!.. aoDSrl lrboarrd iytrg1nla JentrporGrftrl floa fAll rshcrota pLa1ar, of Ey Lifcr, anl SoLlirrr,, 11164r.4- f.r-t arfrr.rllrt Itho rnrk. ot br.akr Thc ?ygarl ar. at th. iltch r.!. lubloqu.ntly Cs!t81s it*t I rT o t rrlrcharrl lt BT. 3.nsln. !.v.! playrl llvr I !tr8. of thoir carrrr rtth tho tSprllbourl'r. of thrlr aacoli elbul ritb tb. ti,ni, $ra Pct. P.trol ].ft to l.aro t-ra-th. eaaltio! of vooallat Jol Drvrrlllt fclo tir .tn trcut rBrDltltlmr rll,lgt ll1tb rho rrplaorl Jrll Cor;. tbry havc 6a1!.d a SplB' ErE3l gt36ri rlth e!.8!.ettn.rt of I ilh.nrioB rr DrvrrlLl la ruch lora luttEltr tr r,ri .runera far tL. r.!t ef tbr I nrr oaf,o I forccful. (and ln tuno ). .. etr crrllctrt rtertr thc g!/grnr lort top of tlo !r,t et Csptrlr fl!l' Itfh.t I Aftcrtay r..kr eni .o!.vhlt rltb gultarlrt. not! for trvrn ehlftr lh. Alt.rretly. lth.lr lullrg tbl! p.rloi tL. fl,rlt rt8bh J.lar-upf t.ir aial Joh! JrLr Stkcr tr'lflBg tc play r".r3-l rlth tb. lnt!.luctlor of C.P. snrr.l too qulckly ari io'lorlng th. .urteln.*' pottr of, GerlJFr.t nulb.rr l1I. inock or lrure ana Dev. Scott oa aultar. Thlc lcbori rl{f RolL'llaef . Tha dual. gultar round rcelly te,ruantrd. yrt enothcr n.t na'Ea ant Atblctt grabbcd you rork by tho throat but unfortunatGly llve $piaz 8O cormoncGl oxtealivG t that hold. rrlLl ;aa too &t aoon rrllnquigbcl. 80 throughout thr U .K . ln carly n I Thc rbJrtbE. tlt.l llrtt lcctlon tlth Bockt (bt) ara th. for aa v"nturllg lnto Europc (tne) Dlek rar ?ho lo-D.tt.t. oorprtrnt inl rhono Sicrr ln Ieroh 'llu frllor l8r1al rrlld.c.t i o! R:ntll of lllsrtrS/ I I ncv singtrrrspo6k'. ,lllT:fnfllrt alburt rluor.totL..tl.tl.-t!3ok rrnt rtrel;thr 'raa rrlaasri ar tb.lt r.turn aEa-fo Dlckr. ty[rlc g,fut to thr top @f thc lntlo charts. Tho.- . [{rymning. .iirr Lei oor. to !.coti th. r.!crt.l!. that[ Tbo 81g taf hlghly .nJoyab].c but coull :o bavr bcrn outrtena.lag lt thc pot.!tbaa tak n.h!p. ov.r tL.. p!.v|,.u. 12 EontblGsrlly -llcl rhorn by both benCr hal bron lalatahcl rnl tbr 1lbunrp6 d 3ua.nu r re! r.oora..l throu3hout . oy.r tL. Sanh Holllay t..k.ni fn Xay 196q.- l - r?vi!\,td [y ilcru, tqcfrfRDta .'


couli hevc gGcn tb,r rhoJ.c rct but. . . . . . On to thr terrhourc, thrt rarlty algng rarltllal a naLc elub rbero you €eB rnJoy yourrrlf rnl a placc rultcd to .Ycr1r brnl I bavr te.n thcre: 0rango Julcr brlag n@ cerptloa. Duc to aa ehlal.etratl.vo eeck-Ep I nLacod half of. Qhrlr srt al ;c11 erll arrlvrl to flad tbe atiotplore fu1} of pop toagt purvryrC ta e Scotttab bro3ur rlth ehlll-llko rnthurlslnr Looktng llko r buncb of frshvlLlc blckrt thry soartol threugb a art cf nrc-€ountrT & !rrtcrru./6}'s BoB lontsr ftnJ,y stani!.ng tn thr 80''r enl lodnstcd by tvol Janglyr 'ttrL-ooeuatlc gultara snal brl ttlc r rtrllrnt veealc. Thclr enateur tieBliclty anl neivrty ef rta6r prrfornanca gayc tbc grt a rero rrnso of.hunour rhich Jurtly ?rlARRy IIAR1DEN carncd, thcr tro cnoorct . -

5t Llt A

Leurcr tro of, SeotlsCrc fl'rlct aud onr ron teedoa. Dcolalsal lcclalonlt But lrct thr F C1ub. Slrtcna of Horcyr .A,ltrrrl trnegel & a arlLarful of purhr & Belrhr elorrr. Lorltr orn Strtrrr sf hroy eano ut flllrt thr alr rlth throbbtng bccr t

rrlbaek, fuzzcl Suitarl aaC & taught rrtrcllcl voll soprlhcrl n.ar r I'lrl bcrrd{Joha Irylon. Unlorseethla ;tralgbt hr on thc trus nacbl.nr fougbt to pp.u througb tho nusle elcnt ;lth a taBc of lreealeg alabb of s'oual ooEpoualtng tat ferrlarc bLock of rollr. 'songrr atartrl t flrlrhol rlth rrnlon lllrcgarl for rtmoturc; rcnde rod onc-llrraaibnel by thc ppelllag nrslo. Tbc al.a6rr lookri protty lrtarcc but tho el5nlfleqlcl rds lclt. rrtonrlly I ;eaart toc hrlnl but @n e of alght...... AltcrrCt Iragcr lrlo oac grlh fcr all tlrlr mrlotrs fccrr aal va5x.rr blenknoga ' roly oorotalln6 tholr aCntratlon for tho


baaa a'e-lnEf Steve Jones (b")t

Fielding (ro.gtr;r (lil.gtrlvoarbarP) t faltb (ar")t Chrls Sardner (nno). fhey lTt Yeseen started aa aB offsboot of $treetl.ight -, Bobber?r of ;bos Rob and Anaty rero menb{' F -trl ets. Steve tras reortrlted througb the Bradford Unt GultEr CIub ;biLe lfallb ras --{ lntroducait by a nrrtual frleatl. Cbrls llver and rorkg ta Prest6n aail so ie onLy sR E F 'oooegional' aeqber of the baad. e rtt lfbey . play' nalnl'y electrlf ted Cblc- tfi as liet lnflueaces adel ago-type blues to varled as Cbnek Serrlrr SlLko Johnson, :r Rob Slrtdleonbe

lo! I thc Iaagrc Savl tbr " ptrnkr ;hat thcy rcrtod. rlth gtylc anl a promLro for tbc f,uturr. flth a plnt-alsc glrl llagrr ouallng ltka Soorha For; end a nuaLcal renlng proBrllrl by peuallng lrun pattc reggtng tBerse gulterr tbcy kgeckal ln t ebort p@p ;ontt rlth rountLag coaflt- Xuil{y latersl and Dave Bnrbeck. SaEed -JC. on seen regelarly be can tbey Bradford, co r Tbo eullcnat lappol lt up al tho !. tt tbe Loea1 pub elronrit . EF,!'| t brttcr snd brttrr; I oaly rlsh f ,



d"Nww m@w6 Fear



6uAcK, GoLD



u3 T<NOw HDW MANY VOU rn/ANf ANU w€ wrLL o.Uoa€...)-L4=ef


(na,Ntl4rJM loar>)


_ DIS cs"

stNcE 1965 Registered Office:

Telephone: O1-4O3 OO44 Telex: 883177 Albums G

175 Bermondsey Street, London, SE1 3U\A/


tuvey,A,tt.,Req{. H .1y. %t :.lfFqr-e,vox, Ar*rqq.R tl[ We,{G n^N' Efog; i";,, il;ii: l. W' r, 'ffi,, ^", ilAlN ., hono E 7esffi. goeooW l\\^f\4sK, rvAve\/. nvq, g.qnla #+E ShMer-rW .- -. Ee raetffi, R*l s"*R, fr ;)o n", ffi. ?AeT 4,c*,+r,tta W;^;L',I;';" i;ilffiG .

: wnt+-,r













ffi. . ..s2.00









uvrvnhstry BRADFORD





SAT. 50 MAY NINS BEITOII{ 2ffi,0 GH. . . fiL.75





. L3



GH... .S1.50





rer' Bradrord 34135/8







Tzu,IG (aenrut

CB.. . . .. .


= Comnunal Buildiing = Great ftIalI

$EARDRO? EXPI,ODES Cm. . . .:3"2.75



Equlv4gntt V

.II took the stqge afr

-t > fn

abo.n'& 9.30_&:pnoseed,ed Hri-th a $tudilous P a,ir of contrii'dence ,'& a ihlnt otr llnperr&ing -C m{ e exciitemenfr whtch {lo\r8r actuaf,ly ,^ O= appeared,. I{ith a so.rrnd ,rtrd;=plirnea by P=S Sol 'i,rt"- sparse qolld,, $lnn?fle rrflrrrm rhrrtthmns ,&-hea',rry ''J^- hacrrtrar hlo., d.rum nhy&trns bass PY=D.D

I i" *{:"m'**-'"I?:':{^g*1:?-"., :}::l*"gover the top, the voo,all':ist tlntoned iin a" ;I4ry =

morrrnful nanner which jlnevitably *n n suggested compariisons wt-th Or.rrfie, llL-_, fforuieon et a.1. fi{al-trw4y t,hroqgh the set -'d< oalr'e a venslon gn :lippg f,np 'tlunky r<= Town'r,, ,note perf,ect., strlpped d.own but 1.1d= uii.thout trhe exc;it,emenrt .& bounee otr the orlglnal. With g s tage p{esence aJ<ln to {

their namesake (a plle of Urieks), the t_ * ilnltial atanosphere '-& tension 1aps6d.., 1-I =iLnterest waned c& rather than ending iln Fr{ -t a clllnax the set ran 1ts oourfre & no nore. the band finished uith their new I single rBil-oodt && drifted off iirnto itsF


oiln world of.....? Hith the departure of Squlvalent III]II

Arvon Foundation at Lumb Bank poetry playwriting

o prose . performance

We.offer the unique opportunity to lire and work alongside established wriqers and other artists for five days at Lumb Bank in the heart of the Pennines.

Forfurther details send S.A.E. to: Amon Foundatfu)n at Lumb Bank, Hebden llridge. West Yorkshire, H X7 6DF.


!k*rffirqf:q+:*:ifu{s:*."{ Wtrllf0V'rour:lf"d trrrt (/ 0 F FEH eE''l *l*f#,Ttffi4*ljhrffi ;H'J wqqpon d ?eace geaerate reggac 1ne-up they

tr fashiionitl a stile I I Llgffi breeqy pop tn tihe 60rg nouid lriffs & strutrnrtlanoo about the stagt *ith A Zg're attack-& a mnohant f,or lparty-fashion. A clanoe band &..for -l usnng I ohortlg when one- rould do Jnurfota, a_ac1l-out: doing an-lddie I re auiltitng .il-n a bluntiing of the cuttlng lGrant. - Bentl 5rou at the ]crdeg on eve etlge otr;tupLlo;lty peEent dn the uesi l4eaw lrcat. fhe fornulars : ,.'.. pop songr. ?op aoi.g6 rilthout hooks? llrreslstable - boon-oba boon-ohata(& repeat & repeat) & au. oiettuEg i.t iorted,, aonetinej:tt ]ohata-oba puntere the are ttanc 1irg. i 1e sg ltl,n'r t, naJ.nJ.y depefrdtng on {tre lof ertrumane ot tne Lead-'iacer r&ho'ch pn how to go ilonn w61l on the hroughoat tln ,bsnd povlded a glosEy lunlver$ity olrouit. A punk pass€s !t€ slilck-performanoo which po.ieotEa fai [Jolnt. The overJ.ay of jazzy- aax. past tli speaikcrs. StatGt.i6s pnore lEAlL you. otutlente sh,ould lnow this thie sott of th1oe ig quite poiular lword - the eongrs oalleil rSugsr...[ (nay vary poputar). Peicona.liy-tr t d JEverarone Jlves away the neseage (le notes on th€ k6ys. ronethJ.ng ,nore a lltt!.o fetrer lrostJ. long slov of olioky wooclen etli ahallcngtng. lPunotuation on tlruna. policc eircn And, trinalLy The Squares for *hm A |rln-ahots onrr ght was: promotfon :rilght tror theilr [over the entl of thc song wa1ls out. rlfrl a-sltle of .the soon-oono ew aiingle. BaailcatrLy Ih- Squarce are d -lsing16, p;p-tana 1s as oatohy as the rest. ratilt16na1 50's i[o-aocgs-: 1ke the 5Or q, aot ,Ilke i1t, play Alke lAnal a long cla^ncer glvcs aach on6 ln t,& are €vcn of the qge t6 na*-e oro lturn a soLo atint - showoase for u*pect that tihey r{leag s6!sc1r1Jr t'here. ltheilr cLassy .nualoienghlp. So dlodrt like all copylcts they steal thc moot lget ne urong, W;0.?. are a 6reat uperfrioilall- eL6ncnt B bf thc ofifuilnall g lband. Shanelesa orowd pl-easers. gpon'e ttre rest, jln this oase oieatlng frrght. Senil the pubLlo- honewaril, hot $'ac};Ir taolw oabaret'itmage oabaret ,lnage tgther frhan a rglihor {ihan ; l& happy. lA_[appy, pop stablenates & felLor band.. Shwt btrsttlng, exailting l_trlke. forn€r_ pop songp sdifrh-iharmontes &:mr,lni lSrumnies U840, they're at the Abba end, of reggae't s broad.enlng speotrum. uitar soLos i verse' chorus,, verse, horus,r ntddlle I, 8, Yerse v6rse dhor,uei, dholr,uei, | ornod witth a slugglshness thg,t ,sftatiisfrieg about fr:hie bana bu.ilti Lntecl that whilo th€ ban4 rcre o1ea3il.y cartr t ree itheu or anv riiii. tten ;rn n lorc illth the p€rjloal they ysrc stl-ll {ihe charts. Earenrt ire.lrad a GOre .stcp awqgr_ trron_ t o'&al.36r belier.41ng i1-n r€divaL ? A4yorlc for a 6Ors rcvlval

5-Blece otr





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rffiE rwlorris

( gtr/voa ) wa.g out cycling Kev , when ihe had a crash 'iilith a car. hs finger & result w&s & badlY severed guitar-p1a5rln ;hi;g fihe need to rewcnik style compltete35r. . . :not a good start

the hrnd. ftnc -;'Kev & Colin lHingston (Us') Yerg &oth -.in .iJed, I s Blue s Band (,& Colln also -

b ba,nd 9g"1PnP1 and ffisc o/reggae outf,it-Ea,sh. -.ffi'g;tr*" ;i"'cu 56pt ' t0,? 'ehE-TiFE6r two-rcmbers arq eaiy whitfil@Id -(voc ) & Sean Randile ( dns ) . Ehe ba"nd p}ay rf nf b + ,ti:lts of reggae'& soulr all uith -6he enphasls on rhythn - 'they ain '&o be danceable :& entertalning..

ser , j6



dKEE /MAff,W

Uprants d 60{' of thelr Llve mstenlal ii; oaflglnal (songs bq xev) FAKTHER EXTfrRIMVW9 ycith the rsst na&e up of, stand'ards iiutartlin Steelle ( strs/voc.) , Greg flinrlh ( gtn),, cadl nrirth ,,( bs ) , ,Ji,n iBaker All sh1k11' Superstltd-ous r:.te 'r '; ' tHang (O*")-have beren together siince the On Overr & a reggae 'nedley,cff (I). aiew .seax,1.& are just gettlng g3derlpY Sloopyt 'lb'rltlld fhing' describe theii falnl urlit. The a,s a gisglng Ehei'- fee1 that they achieve e - t Open r,, 'muslic-ai Red Nois with Souttd. th on (& ong) a veriatlle soux.d fulIjnfluences, rlyrios are by jlnstrumenfrs, some Cure kbds as & ad'd may but J group. whole the by music lvlartin, the fufrure. Lln tino Contaof, Gary on lB'f 'd t94IL8 crr 0o1i Contaet: Stevre on Barnsley 758024 or q4b+t (before Jpn weeladays ). 'ffifln-on 755474. ;ffia

# + +

\0 -


Or]|!een's Li{6 BlAcKl,tufic Ewrl f,Tllizfl trt{hf




l/eld Lt.avt

qnA Taz=- BanAf zvQrl: Sultl. MoN . \leP. 'Bnadfond College Students'LJnion . Ouacns Hlll Monley


Bnsdford BO7 1B\A/ Tel: (O274t 39271?13,14




Att the end c'f 'March t Bl leeds band The released their debut single fffi-EMess 'frusted t e/w r'r f m Falltttg t on their own Reasonable Reeords, 'Ihe line-up on the record was Phil Mayne on BtT. , Choe on bass & Mat lHiggtns on dms. Mat only spent a short tine ,in the band & has sj-nce been rep)-aced

by 0arl




rin '' 77 as a j oke punk band ..b-ltt r they bigan to take the musie a mCIre.

grace many & ont EIan top band, wblle the otber gultarlst 16, qdte boneatly,uselee s+ In the long nrn thte ie bound to retard tbe bandsr progroesr Another weakness is the fact tbat they donft bave one rea11y outstsndlng feature to got then notlced. Crlticisms apart thougbe I wleh then rell on tbelr preoent succeas and hope tb.ey don t t disappear into obseurlty. Glllan have no guch rorries. fllth tb.e ner albuml tFuture $hookr r crasblng straigbt lnto the cbarts at I[o.2, tbe bands Bopularity f u I blgber than ov€r before. A fuLl house at I St . George I s Hal1 I Bradford sar a ratber I dlsappotnting shor due to the fact that fr. I Clllan hlneelf rae not on top fone, breaklnb down mld-song on Bore than on€ oceagion. at ono polnt I erpected to see a premature end to the'evenlngs eventgl but to Ianrg credit he tbrer eelde hle allnEnts and seng Eore Ilke hls olcl self over tbe laet 20 ninutes or so o fbe rest of the band tere as eolld and ercltlng as ever ritb Bernie Torue'g diietlnctlve aad ortgtnal gultar style tbe sain attractl.on. Hls antieg Justtfy bls status aE a gultar berol andlae

ously whe4 Phil j oined . 'They't ** now a pop band playing all their own material. tUnlike many bands I they r--e b,een none too keen tbo gig ,for fear of getting caught up lin frhe rut off ,doirtg lbhre nound otr local venues. Cail }ilkes ljlve work, r$o they are taking isome booking$ '- though the maj.n plan iis stilJ- to concentrate on recordlng & the proepect off mo-re eiingl,es. A gig at The Royal Pa:rk ;in Feb. was thdln f,rinst j1n a year. Theyrve since done others and describe thelr set as mixed pop accessible rhythmic nusic with sparse gultar, Phil j oking far ae I atr concerned.l bis arrlval in the that he can''t be bothered to play. band has gualqnteed tbelr succeqa. Colln _ Carl': rrThere'r s a lot of movement Towns p-roitaes tha tnre class of the benil music in the set.rr The single whlch rltb bls haunttng keyboards and' nelodtoue was recorded last Sept. is mueh flute. Ele lnfluence ras psrtloufarly the ir current s clund . As fuller thantrWe apparent ln ron the Rockgtr rbele hts says : try to takeI aclvantage t€re ghorn to be of the hlgheet "iiffs it llke s not of studio faeilit,les so "hil quaLlty.' rr T{e put down 2 gtr. our live sound. Tbe bandf e set ls so strong at tbe fFallingt & an aeoustic on moment tracks on resuLttng ln many brtl,Llant nuubers r[ & Tr ("For all folkles!tr), but being out . The onest tbat renainedl left "tthef t ve avoi.d ed. cm€ruse ofl eff e cts . such aE f Vengeanoer r rAre you sure?r r rilo Conta,ct : Reasonable Record.s lUnltd. Easy $ayt l and the tlnelees I Smoke on tbe (ffio?ttn-€verything r &c tuarly I rt ) on Yaterr 1 went d.orn a stornp est did their ner naterlal fros tFuture Shockr. Gillan rtlL alrays be favourlteg rtth the orowdgr slnply becase of thelr extenatest step on tbe roacl torards commerelal stve tounlng and. regular reoord,ed. natertal ccess:;aft6r sloggtng thetr way round tbe They certainly have no pLane for slr nlghts at Hamy Odeon rltb only a couple ortbertr roak clrcult fo? the past couple of provlncial dates beeldes. fllth a long f yaars. Tbey bave already toured wltb tour of Brltaln planned for !{ovember a lchael flchenker aritl lfrlunBh nrd have Decenbffip anotber studlo albr.rs and then a Dinqllsc contraot=sith Lucratlve recordLng live te|!e' golng to be hearing albumr al.bun thelr dsbut ho recentl.y reLeassd tDtrect Llner as follor up to tbe r$unday qulte a lot of Gillan ln the near future sbock ) . - STEYE rivers I slngl.e. Horeverl 8lo Dedrlnger orthy of suoh attention? On tonlgbts shorzinloout HMD nchedr fn'nilr (mr.it, wiLh 3'hnq elzclruti.o lug I ten0 to thlnk 8or PartLaularly lmpfecro*river tr voluft e cqrrlloll gslve ras tbe rhythn seetlon of Kenny Jones x XOr j0 fnblt 6016o rnt4 (not tbat one ) on dlrtrse I and basetst tee il8"b-ei"tYtulf"fjHfl9gD Flarlngton. Tbey not only provlde the erful drtve ln the band but aLes bol'd then together as tlghtly es posslble. frry;,#ry[#+*;,l Dedringprts matslaL ls sufflolentl'y etroag tnttlrlruiciDildlf conh and cotnEeroial to gl.va tben the chance of h,nfh buitf-rir vlq,+? r I f qbr eunrlval over the nert eoupl.e of yeare. '*RNlalr;'+fiBY"t+: on€vot1 I oanrt ever cee then beadlllnlng -leay tu! o( Hsll'clw tbelr otn tour a! thls sort of level' aB can wait'(wit{ virivt} ,1"anYx. t (o-oo. 'Fii the band do have a ntraber of reaknosseEo For le. Dedrinser possesg one exceLL- q**qA ,s,eri



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