Wool City Rock #4

Page 1








twrcH._ ..\nA





HilruS soopaeo'll SirPs FOOT IIII--II-




Def LePPard' E1vis CostelLo one A&It vex, Ca^meras- in- Cars Ihp Qufck Coast To Coast Dawnwatcher Dance Chapter

SIae Effect








rosc: !


+ Nq-wl &lhfo.{

Little' Brother I Aftal$o!e..!! r, {r4

Record &Tepc Revrewtl





@AU-H,B*,: FluslflL rrsrRullEtl7s- sArES + ltrRE + ExpERT tufftotl Oil 9UrfnR, 8455, lRUl.,lS, KEyEonRDJ + REPA1R5

REHgRRSfl Root/.s + RscoRDNs &.V,DEI STuD,os + LtvE REC0nDNeg FaR AAflDS, c,Roups, AKT|STS. P.A.

tltRE (too- 3,ooo uatt)



Liue Enfs Euer F r idoy

GRElrr and



f'larshatt, [uCw;1, Carlsboro, Oyat ion, r., 0 ty n3 i c, Ta q a, f bane z, Fr ar [, Beye r,

lr.9 T. A,K.G-, Kory, ?bavey, Gretsch, Stingerlani,


,N LRRGE sTocxs oF IER'iIEZ GurrnRs FRor{ flso -9700, TUST





? ,?s

!ftteetr C

al,t You PUNr(s & AJ,L YOU TEDS







At1an & tseath 16 x B



Tascarn gofA Rcvox W7 $Pace Echo Mlm Sterco Graphi.cs

AKO Shurc Elcotrovolag Cr1rec Mikes RcsS,deut Produoer

RECORD PRESSING Rates; g7 per hr. + tape 850 per B ht. d.ayr + tape Blngley 68843 or Brfrd BlefBT Bf fr





PRFND X GCoRGE * Hnxv }roiE





OtlR $0P 50 ALBUUS -'

t2.00. off ..

at up to







huncing back with issue 4 - & getting to look like a rock mag & less; Iike a f anzine. Big error on the cover that I d.i dn r t s,pot ti 11 it t d. beea printed up - this is now a West Yorkshlrq Rock Magl not just Brad"ford" - oopsl Itr 11 be put right next time. Mor s d.one a lot to make the cover look less formal tha^rr my ef f orts to date. I r ve tri ed. to make the contents more varied & arn gradually getting a fecl for the mag:r el overall identity. The photos - most of which are by Lindsay Ineson - should cone out better than last issue asr lrve gone for a better printing process,' & her original photos a,re all very good quality. Hope you like the new typed. layout. Keep the letters, ideas, criticistnsl review tapes & recorC.s, phone call s frorn bands r inf o f or the gig guider etco coming inn Ho hum Apri} next so whots fooling who.".? I Here I go at 45rpmo r zoorl zoom zoomr ^. \ \\{-.\NtrE ^ more






of sale t l0p each d.irect to ttre public or 45p each by rnail order from the add.ress, g"iven Leliow. &rlk ord.ers, of L5 or nxlre copiee oan be plaoed at discount rate of 2Op GBCrrLo






l{ysterious, FootsteDs; interviewed + Re99ae Choise Gary Glitter speaks; lb gets photo t d The Clashl reviewed. in Leeds/phototd. in Btford Live reviews3- E1vis Costello in Eradford. Side Effeot in Ilkley t{itohfynae/uet Leppard in Bf f I d Reviewe of, tapes & records, received Gig round-up (cancelled 4ue fo [ac[ { 97ac) .Bnia.ll Rushgrovâ‚Ź | g Rookr nrRoll Pa6e C las$if ied, ad.s; Ken Turncrt s Rockword West Yorkshire gig guiata + Lindsayr s photosr Stanf s cartoonse etc. t




Silent Movie (from Bradford) llhe Oscillators (from Harrogate) The Distrihrtors (from Wakefiold.) =


t BO-

Ken Turner hi an Rushgrove Stev-e hown Keithr E Rice Nick Ryle



li:-il:-n*H: [i;:t nffij"u) Mini Poster Raeta Posta by Mo Maklouf



Mo Maklouf Lind"say Ine son

4 4

3ffi l Coas,t":H::"[rll;"Lliii:] to Coast ( from Sradford)

aneras, in C ars (f rom BradfordThe Quick (from KeighlcY)



Cover design by Mo !,Iaklouf of Witch DesigR Puoriles t C







Adverti sir:re rate s: t box is C2O for first ad,rmt. & 10 for onrlccquent pl^aoings,. C olour, d.iff .

lo 11 L2


t3 14

sizer epecial lay-outl


15r 1.6



ctc. ly arrangement. write to editorial add.ress gr.ven

Ring: on

1?l Lclow' r?l coHrRrGHr o 1g8o ti8 W.C.R. Publications. i



0p!, H. yoRKs. (nrra


dan.e tluqtqT

tlhey d.escribe their music as being strong on (fro^ Leed) rhythmr without any tead Voice - Ctrmus, breaks or solos & with Gtr/Voc - Steve Had.field the emphasis on a wholeBassy'Voc a Stu band sound. throughout.

linedup except for a d.iffereat kld.-plryer. After a few gigsr he Left & they qontinued to gig as a {.-pl,ece

until mj.d-f 79 wben Pete 'rThe starting*point for . jointed. them' nthatrC is the been a real headache a The group formed. in Sept most of the songs generated emotional f'eel werd. wanted a good kbdr t78 with one A.P.Jagger by Cyrusf s words. That player butl until he on gtr &, the f-d.o zen atmo is the overall sphere c,?fll€ along, we r d. Just r rgigs that they d.id. of each song tend.s to not been able to fintl r before he left in the the I;rrics.'f hinge on one - loads of gtitstsl I foflowing March included 0ther instrurnentation is rlo-one rho couldl but i a support to Gang of 4 then add.ed to this as & play good kbds & who | "t Lepds PoIy + gigs at where it fits. The final had good enough g€arr H I The Fan CIub etc. product isnf t complexr As a healry rock band l I Stuart Green came in on rather tends towards it fiad. tbat the raain they t79 & I St" from May-l{ov & rhythmically problem the simple is getting g:rgs I tfrey supported.The the repetative; with venues tbat are big in I Selecter at The Fan CIub lyrics often tending to enough to take tbeir at rhe sci-Fi merge-with the music in po&e rig & lrOoor*att I Festival at Queens HaII t the finaL mix. Similarlyl allow them to gpt a I Leeds (where P.I.L. were they try to avoid letting good sound out of it. I un-topp"rs [T[o" the gtr adopt a lead role ttlt often involves us gigs & local other w"*" I the whole thing in the ad.d.ed expense of I one treck out to Hul1 - - though very fluid.: is going round checkiag "We I ttth"r, we threw hirn out'r. continually question & out possible venues ield joined experiment with what I St"tr" lladf ourseLv€s.tl I io Nov r79 to complete we I re d.oingl &, try to Locally I there atre I the current line-up. And avoid, writing to arly really only two regular I since then theyrve been specific formuLa.rt venues for them - fhe I rehearsin#tatkinsl ttlggt fl like to think that Princeville in Btford & I nhoning,/recording. This people would have an Greene in teed.s. I month will see their lst emotional reaction to the Fforde 'rBut wel ve always gone I ri.r" appesr'ro€o in for promoting a Lot songs as well as simply I Theyt ve recently been enjoying music itself." of our own gigs round the I in Ram Stud.ios - a new erperimenting Theyrre here. This yearl w€rve I 8-track in Leeds. "We & instruments d,one highouse Civic with other I sot a really good sound. (organised jointly their Dms

- Jonnie



I - nothing tinny e, I amateurish like so many I new bands seen to Setr I Uut a fuIl on€o The d.ms I A bass carne out well.'f just one I nn"y record.ed rAnonymityt I track I whioh theytve submitted. I for possible inclusion I ott a compilation alburn I of northern bands. rrThe

I S,r" putting the LP I together likes the track I Uut wants us to shorten I it from 6 mins d-or,uo to | + or 5 & wer re reluctant I to d.o that because we I feef that itr 11 destroyrl the songr s atmo sphere " I

some of existing songs as well as writing new on"s. 'Ftost of all, we want to keep our rmrsic minimaL & orr appro ach to it f lexible. tf con-b-acl: Luke or cyrus on G;A;Zle5rg.


Hall with $tallion


from ffin-orrse ) , Bingley Arts Centre


(wi{rr 533- s.quadron)

Hope Bank Grammar



****16*j6*lc**rr.,Flr*.,rfi.11.1'{. *lr** Keighley Leisure Centre ******,fnrrntf*ltltttxr6.,f***lf*if* WhiCh is the biggeSt &

fi;-ll:' rcouncil i:;-,l":'*i; Dawnwatchg put ban 4') Kbds Bass

- p"tu"(fitsrt$$l!

- Ges Smith Gtr - cralg Richardson Dms - Peter Kaberry Voc - Bnlly Barton fhey started. gieging in early t77 with the above



bands going over B5au

which is cra7f, - a d'rumkit

t register


unrniked't will about 130 &

even normal crowd. applause hits about 1"2C3'l

-ro*nconrtc er.crErolrlrn RtcolDs {tccds) inclr/a sirgles hli-fheEeand *'Yod (bothfwnLeilr)&'rheFartt' (mtrlict{)

I&nt to lo yarr owa posfers,t-shi*s,etc. or hac then lonr {or pu1 cherpl RlngBfU Rirtshop on 22518. They d"o a lot of gigs bancls a.re interested. in be out of it. The bassin the l[. g. probably the ic-ea they can get in player & f moved up to more than they do here touch with os. tt Leeds with the aim of I in Yorks. 'f It s real Iy C ont acJ : Bi lly on Keighley forming a new group. good up there. You get l{e (.forrn Raymond) &, I huge crowds turning out @'1jre crui tecL Dave wi thin even doing Sun. lunch the f irst week.'r spots. Theyr re harC to Dave t ake s up the rrJrm from please, but if they like narrative' ke you then they really }et" Cleckheaton 8c was the you know. If there t s a original kbd-player rock club openr then it r.iith .ilxcel in f act I alr.rays full &, theyr ll for.n"ffit band. & g:ave give any band. a listent (ttren name it itb even if theyrve never spelt ]!L). until I heard. of them before. joined this bandr It d And that I s so different been working in a from attitudes round group caIled. Snogts ,, hereo rl pI aying rounci Leeds/ They aim at a loud & Bt forC. powerful sound with a Ray Herton joined. in lot of basse with the July: 'tIl n from !*Iarley kbdso s€rvirg to fill in The !'{est l,iidlands &, it out &, broad-en the plqyed all round. there scope for the gtrist. with a Bf ham-baseC band Hovrever, until recently tArflwfiTcHER called. Ki11€r.rr * * ** * ** * * ** **** rf the kbds had only been *** * ** ** ***** r'tith r61ffi:.rr on * **** * * * ** * l.* ** * ** ** fitting into material bassr & under ihe name that they alre ady ha.d. Bre akd.or^rn I they went before he joined. l{ew Germany for a month to ,D?:" ertdfor4) g



material that theyrre r^riting takes much f uller advant age of hi s skills. "The two tracks going onto oun forthcoming single are more reptrcsentative of how the bandr s now

vODli" ,iD I


*9,,.;o, "cr. Gerry Clark

tsass,/Voc Tony

Kbd./Voc - Daviti Dms - Ray Horton

Creed. Fahy

Gerry; the founder-member t from Southend originates d.eveloping. " a hotbed. tra,ditionally The single (see reviews) (Feelgoodsl etc). r-&-b of will be out in e arly John of member As a I'larch & will be on sale s C lay r he pl ayed at gigs & in some local Potterf major London rock all the musical instrurnent shops the bend released. venues & f tf s a double A-sid.e of (a l{ightlawk P on an I Spellboundr c/w I Hall Faulty Records of subsid. of Mimorsf on therir own which is run by ltliles Dawnwatcher Records Copel and). 'f The ba^nd I abel. split up around. June last r 'rWe re hoping to bring just as the tr year out more heavy rock came opt. I donft even singles on the Iabel. a copy myself r but Itf d be on the basis of have told that it ve been ft bands paying for the sola about 5r0OO copies. prod.uction of it r but The band" was all r-&-b/ wetd. aim to be cheaP &' wasnt t the would give a lot of helP r-&-f which sort of stuff that I was with recordingr promotion r+riting so I felt very & o+,her aspects. If any frustrated & was glad to

of nightly gigs at


American Legion Club,

Frankfurt 'f It was shit, but it served- to tib:hten up the bartd't. Back in l')ngl arid r they had f,,JOO-worth of gear nicked & lined. up some gigs to recoup the morl€f,o (Lesson one 34ways insure ge ar

against loss or theft)'

tfJohn was involved"

with a woman & d"id,nf t want to tour - so we had to sack him.'l After a month of auditions I they gut

John (whots from Brfor & was formerly in the band. AI ): rrAl looked like getting a d-eal with EIIII on the

strength of our demos' but egog within the band messed it up & we disbanded' I joined thi s band. e arly in Feb.


silt tched to gtr & Robin t,ook up bass - onLy he d.id,nt t work out r so the to record. in April. For' put him on kbdst '|l{G the irnrnediate future t Ld Martin Voo Sad.ofski d.idntt have the heart t the bandf s based in Beokenha,n Tim throw him outl'f A gont Br ford. but are lining up !J1/Voo*- Kbd'g Robin briefly oaLled Viotor $oy1e possible u"rgs wherewr Bbss - Anthony Sowden played bass for thern (ii"f"aing I short before Anthony was weekly r"sidency in B t ft.* 13" - Phil llawksworth Axlcs Bkg Vocs The dra.fted back in & taugh dorrn for each - ariving gig) . il;r ii eventually (Jennic I Susam & Debbie ) how to play it by Tim. Under the name Various base the band in whatever C-in{ had their start thcy lebuted. at Artistr atrea gigs seem to be 2 ago in some &, then played Vue &ILe ;rrs working out best. d.omestio taping sessions youth for frec clubs 10 Currently r theyr re trto gtrs Robin & lflartin by on get experiencert, rehearsing 5hrs a day & Anthony on I lftrpperware pl aying 'rprimitive punk for 4 nights a week . to unreccptive audience with the gear set up in tubsr Robin to & bega^n I{artin " In summer t ?B r Tony disused scbool. about Ingharn started. manag:ing Gerry & Tony each rvrite think seriously grouP own their forming band & gpt them a the soags & the new set rockes hear6r after seeing gig at The Royal oonsiets entirely of (nette EIf their schooJ. at a,ndard. supporting St their numbers. They they ffi) subsequentlyl They went Dirty Max. i desoribe it as being Elf barnboozled played. ther somehow &, dorm well mostly commercial hearrY basgist Tim into joining billtoppers twice as rock - but not bearrY them. (Tim was once a later in the year rrnd.er metaI. member of Shaf t llrive & the aew narne of Caneras I C ont aot s tbnJr on B ford, still keeps his hand in in C ars - the name at hippie nusio "by moon- ;1-arrg--being prrely on ffi4:,-or Dave on CLeckheaton 879L97o lighting with an ad-hoc a whim of ldartin! s. called Now the band aJie ( tbere you are , Gemy, ::i9l"T:iation moving into a more )iili' *gi]==**l' another friend sophistioated & intact good thing f " - Recruiting PhiL - to eclectic new wave music -- play r- s., d.ms.; -'Ev'' didnl t mention that you theY _^ rehearsing ^ at began ^-:::*i &, are planning to work :^r-^ rrere a,Lso in poP-PaP Cod.a with borrowed. & r*ith a girl.ie backing band Love Af-f-Aift ) triol The A:cles (t).

a tor:r in Gernantrr & an nP which theyrre going

ameras IN ars (frorn Sredfcrd)


ji-, I r^pt-{d. liit to scrc'r^l .,A,, 5;;titw*t=cw{*

b7;',h)'.^??'^:31!\ ,rla Set C or^r A**?rtS doron



I'tartinl who writes all the banrdr s material & is vory much the leader cite s l{ire . Ultravox &



the bandf e major inf luences but ad.d.g r 'rPeoplc in our band like d.ifferent kinds of mugio. Our ima6e is not -having an image. tr .: The band hope to be record.ing their first A L asingle at JSC Studio (ntford) ro March - to .G+r be released on their q)



own INCINC label

(geddit?) - & thentll be gigging all over Yorkshire to promote tt (Uo contact no d given what is it, C-in-C?) + thir nronth:



orrcl( (t(

across to the aud.ience.

play loud with speed. & energy. 'rlive gigs are what we really wa,nt to d.o. Recorcling They

would. be a bonus,.


play so fast that I d.onr t think we could. go. on for more than the 40 mins. There are no intros r wo just go straight through the numberg. rt - Bob. The lead voc is taken by Dale; but theyld l ike to get in a good. lead. singer - probably male. [Werve tried. out a few girls, but they werenr t what we wanted. rl Though theyr re not amateurs, theytre not Otny'Voa - DaIe Kitson after pushing musicianGtr/Voc - Ian Spencer ship for its own sake. Bass/Voc - Steve Hilson Their musicf s not as Dms/voc - R;; (oorio"i"ir) f ast as The Di.okies t Wadd ington more ril<@ LittLe Fingers . ItIt r s Theyl re a new ba^nd rho a very solid sound., not calne together l ast Xâ‚Źaf, r though a1l are experienced. beaqy metal, but nor is it as bitty & empty as musi ci ans. a lot of punk. ft Davel Steve & f aa have At the moment, their been together ia varj.ous line-ups for about 5 yrs pl ans a,re to get more local gigs. rrHe want playing in pubs & youth more experience & a chance to sound out audience reaction.' If it I s what we expeot I

clubs around Skipton.

Rob has played- in all kinds of bands in L|poolt lrondon & Leeds. He once even jammed. with Gary Moore (of 'Ihin Lizzy fame ) when he was in a Lond.on band called. Slick

Mick & The @.

band. in Shipley calleeL New Threat which split

rpr Rob joined. the other

then werll take it from there - though turning pro is something

have to consid.er carefully. " Contact: Rob on Keighley we r d.

6-oW ** ** * *** Jtrf

3 & they

became The Quick summer ,79.

)ff **

)t.n* *******f

{.t tt *ri* 'rr${'*******

-* )6f.tt,.rf

formed, a band caIled. Stress. Fao_tor, ohanged. I

then to Active Skies

finalfyr@ when


Ian & Ad.e joincdt

to $.ilent

Moyig. ffEvery one of our song

is diffcrentl but itfs

basioaLly melodia


rookl though no.t heavy rnetal. Itt s all our own materia-l & itr s good. rt ALl atre from Belle Vue

school where they did. their first two gigs in Dec '79 as part of the school re\rue. Their lst pub}ic gig was at Queens HalI r Bt ford. on Jan 12th. 'rWe went dorsn quite well - espeoially considering that nearly

all the aud.ienoe wa"s punkn'f That gig was as support to sohool-mates Cameras irl Gqre (q.v.). For maroU,/a,priT theyr re lining up more local gigs includ.ing The Princeville t Vaults


& PaIm Cove. Their plan is to work locally-based. for about 18 months to build uP a, professionally experienced. attitude & to get the band reallY tight. frArd itr s not a

matter of individual commitmentl but a tot Froug commitment. Do d.ie - if we get a chance r wâ‚Ź take it t whatever happens. In LB months we|re sho off d.own to Lond.on to make




Contactr Zenko on Bfft Silent in Tg:.@r Paul on B'ff Their set consistc of zenko rua/s,ynth/Vo,c 41?10 or else Derek on original numbers with !E. Zdolyny Bf f ord. 496529 (ort the exception of their S td Gtr/Voc - Paul Hud.son thatfs enough - what own version of Gary Ian Hinitt Gtry'Voc Rm you thigk this is d.o Glltterrs (hets getting E Bass/Voc - Chris Firth telephone bloody a i! a lot of mentions in r Lee Ade Ilns d.irectory?t - 94.): this issuet - Ed) rl[ever rf* f * * x ** * x x* * ***.r*** *** .it* In April t79 Zenkor PauI * **f *{f * *** ***lf ** ***** thought I loved. you till Chris together with a HOpe YR A rL E\oYlqG & I saw you rock-n-rolIr. THls ISSUE...BAMA|M Their prime airn is to t rhythrn gtrist & d.ner |!E.

Rcrord;nr6 Rar(Lre&)thir nonth: 8EAtl3+ Yu+tntronst +?ot'l toAr{rf Bil,to+D)m3

tilan9n+ gaovqefiT YrEtla

I eeds)





(fronr Harrogatr{


is##trors ictt)

(trc". wahcf r\__ r-\^--: r rr^1 -^\^-,'6"'r \r r,r-l u uri c""gooy J ,peckory r:Dlrnr .f:5* lot*3:. ="^";""" l11 _ Keith Ctrf,Synth,/Voc Drns/swearing/Voo Vee Dee uu'/

I::_;,1:""t1_11":*:::' Bass/Voc - Dave Proton



$I:l;l{j;i:rrr". r


suitar 1:Tl*"ill^"-:t:fl'* guitar solo in the -'r*6trs *(' vs note singre



James . middle. The other A nelr wave band. - 'rWe try Bass/Voc - Enzo BaphaeL sid.e has a hear|y lil 4ub sound. to it. " I'l f antastically hard to be Gtr/SyntU/f apes/Voo Irnmediately lll funnyl but only succeed Mick Switzerland. in being si}ly. l{e formed in oct berieve fun,s the most rhey ,r?8 iiH:":""113""" U a drummerless trio as \ EP, ilt""r the irnportant thing about experimental *1:{i:" music. t.le love The *iif ,nnsx.c:' usins taped lt::q-:P,:



ffi;.""&Nei1Downni:;*:;#l'ii*.,"ltseriesofLondon4ates. (gt'/voc) went into cq* 3i::r:3;r:i:"luli"" H$#;ui[llriff*"3; studio s Rochdale on t?:n -;;;il"Holme jo s ined up ll, rieriJisgiii:tii"r. ' The result lrtas .:-;:-: JuIy '79. He uses only wffierd 2513x3. Jan in '79. The oscillatorsf lst


ffid---twodrums&,]cymba1stoI[I#II$i#*iiii*#I effect a unique d-rumming -? r.- . h )r; aava-.at .-''--r gljili:";"*I"'T"il,"n:l;il:aun],queorumm].ng1u'"r<aArvorrfitY During r79 they gigged' l*A'h3 J 1 .1,-a-- 1-s^.,rrr.r. ^,.4 An 'r,raa \around y*r p ;5l":";:3::.l"l"i3r'n" ";;;;;:ruuy


getting sorne barltg (tnat being the pressinc Lond'on med-ia attention which ora,jn plant which ;;;y';;;;j:'.

Both sonss are tredited 'rl'rrl'ri. to the 3 of them. (See \in June' reviews rheir first March thevr on lst """tioa).

;::"tl:*rlil,r'r::i"il:, '*'!'v'


kA v



single x********************** Iflifift\i\*iliiliffii},i ll n: '[f'il:":i;",;iffii; brother ll":rn.t*;,i;-'i;:;" ;: i","1{xt"il":il:i;'.titfle- graaforl) copies' alreadv well very selling - with out copie s of mo st lhe taken or the shops in by distributors (sic).

titles being rMarylin ;/;-\E-boat' . ;;;;; ,rrhe ban&r s sound. has changed i.mmensely since we record.ed. rleonard-r . Werre now much more of

They had 21000 pressed. & it' s

This change was

follow-up rereasl

n"ol"""-;;;;/;# "oo,,a.



suddenly Bradf ord seems to be sprouting poets who r re t aking to the lta,ge at rock venues (wilrr Aries Enterprises

*ilitg l*.i*"Iil :l; of rast month for the p1-::ili):l:i^1t,, *--ll*^^* probabl.y EF that il*"t m a pro jected gtrist (cregorY) who can ;l;;-;; ^aa* ut in "r series of poetry events H;y: probably.ye"t ?"tly? i};,1 lil:TL;'S*: [!" KS) or bunoh a tv sot thumped #:tf,:: i:::,:"ot#lt" I tA"# bikers. tl C

ont act



Mark ( e arlY ott l{amogate

B?9408. * * ** * * * ** *** xx * *** * * * t&x **.*';t* *** * *x* ** * ** *'*,t* *t


l/',Ct *for, a-firr.Cr\

lY, ry)qnv o** E)r bzrD,e} lqrzsi fL3Yq,.E+yirr .ry\ih'dY'"

Stockwell ).

s read his r+ork out n public a few times t but has only recentlY started working the locaI roek circuit. fn fact r his first g:ig was lBhe Modsl Xmas Party at PaIm Hef

Cove. He went on



i{ods had d.one



$€t. rrl

a short set about 10 min$ - with a lot of heckling from nods at the front who ranted. rmrsic oor not tn€r ft rdas & couple of mins d.id.

r then itf 11 be on sale at his, gigs. C,ont act : 1?1 Bro adstone Laner Holmewood.r Btftd 4 (ro phone ). r(* JrtG{.** so

* ** ** * * *** ** *r*** *tt ** x *l**qb *rb **tt ** * * a,fter If d. come off' that ***.rthere was that fight that gpt fire Palm Cove elosed to groupc for the nart f ew weekgia tr' Ile supponted. ELe Mekons, et lranchester ETtT6@ii; /Voc - PauL i'tcKendrick - a small venuc (Zoo Str/Voc - teon Phillipe Gepo ) tut, it, was about russy'Spoorrs - Iain Dentnr ful.L & they tiked hi6, es Dave Robinson nms/P'if 'rthe best since John Cooper Clarke'r - which i aul & Leon originally fair praise from & t together with fault o l{anchester anrdienoe. otherr Martinl on d.ms. At the beginning of thi With various bassists,; yearr he supportod &, hey formed the original C1'as;h at teeds Univ. tivatorel gigging by far hig biggest around. the area between aud.ience to d.ate. The of t 78 & J'uly ,'19,. At bill in order of that poiat e they d.raf,ted iT


appea,rance was Expelai{e


+ Mikev Ilread + Little whot d. been working Ei.other + The C.lash. 'tlt ogether in various was o ok. I tmt I onlY d.id" outh club bands for about ) u&rr. before the about 3 f,rso D.I; stopped. me { I was The cument line-up read.ing frorn his console began gigging life with & a couple of cans got a lrlond.ry night res,idency thrown so he was worried as support band at The f or hi s g€8t. rf 966, Club - as the His n'ext g'ig was an weekly opening bandt unannounced spot at hey supported Shake Br ford, Univ. between gtr zfV, Stranger

The Mehons,& Gang of, 4 an Fi cll;r.qtr _Eg1_!erfli_9-q the about half of . &' audienoe had gone to the $ince thenl theyt ve d.one bar, but he reckons he few gigs but have been went d.own o.k. with tbe rking hard on their ones, who were still material - nhLch theyrve there. r;written & designated ttfr6 not real,ly a poetl r l{ewbeet}.

of b lyric-talkero Ifve been trying to put a band. together for a while rrow; butr ve not had much success in finding the right musioiang.. . . onesl that play well I have the right spirit & alse look more,




s thinking of d.oing a eoLlection of his erformance oems - if Her

Musicall;rl they believe tbat theyr ve come up with

a new & original approac to the two guitar formate though they give a nod. i the direction of recent

al. Rhythrns a.re I prime importance in their musicr but theY still retain the standar pop song format of verse t

XTC materi

chorus &, midd.te B. fhev are very confident

keen to d.o more local gigging. As for recordinSr they have a home derno out

with small record labe1s at the moraent & are going into Ram Studios '( it Leeds ) towards the end of this month to spend. 2 d.ays record.ing 4 tracks to what they hope will be recording st andard. They I 1I then look for a labe1 to sigtl them. 'rWe I re already all in d.ebt fgr equipment werve bought etc. &, go donf t have th

money to release a d.isc on a labe1 of our owD,r



d.o d.emo gr.gs o

sepports che aply at arry venue thatr 11 consider rebooking then if they go dovrn weII. Contact: f ain on Leed.s ffi/a^uu on Leeds 5B5LOl/Paul on Leeds 65a974

- leaving a if b.et s not



****rf** -,tri*-t$* ***** lf *{-****1.*.* ** *** ** ** * ** 16****


iJo*jtr hr.s be?P:'

*IArr.-fiffthD,liTrhAry ?)a^, es r. bdl<* art&e-tV ,oyt", HA \'/lF';'^S h_,







I i



rcm Cleck fieaton have 5t

e out nor{ on

'Nnat Went


Negatives develop to reveal MYSTERIOUS FOOTSTEPSJ Mysterious, Footsteps






is the new ba.nd formed. from * of The Nega-!lv1;5. The& Tino Pete Sto bbs ( gbr/voc ) , Bob ttobinso@

Palmer (ams). The Lord M4yorr s On 19th Jan tB0, The Ne atives d.id their final gig Benefit at Br ford Univ. wit@& Shadowf'ax). After that r their vocalist - Dave !'lilcox left to form his own band. Apart from the line-up changeI the band had two reasons for the name-chanp a singlers just been released. by a Sheffield. band called The Negatives & alsD, Daver s departure has re'qu1ted. in a very dif ferent musical style ! 'r0ur musict s not punk any more - itr s white-dread. rockbeat.rf "Yeah, we were the first Bt ford punk band.. Now we r re the f irst white-drerd band." The threesome did two try-out gigs last month under the narne of The Gunrunners one at Brford.f s Vaults n@at Batleyr s Club 70. 't0ur aim i s to wi den ou.r aud i ence whi l st hopefully retainirg some of T.tre Negs f ans. " PErr 9ro8g9 They feel that the new settll go down well em For at gigs - some of the new numbers theyr re sure of include : I iteoui Youtht + t L j.ke They Do In The i,loviesr + Tornorrowr s Worldf + t Last Tango In r'{atfordr . I asked them whatt d- been happening with The $ug=t- single that came out a f ew months ?Soo It aopears that r of the 11 0OO cressed., over 5Ot-l have be en solci. Two srnall label distributors - Pinnacle (lonCon) .t Red ,lirino=1( Yorkr have just ordered. a fr:rther 3OO after the record got played by John Pee1. 'rThe rest should. sell out within a couple of months or sor Hetd not intended. to repress itt but if it takes off in Londonr then Pinnacle will take a lot morer so we may Fg go for a second pressing after a1l." s

Future plans for the band- include more local gigsr a projected M.F. single on the!"r own label I & a short tour with arl Iri sh band. cal}ed. The Tear ierkeiq (who I ve a single out on Back Door called- | Murder



ltrro (poth photo:



BoB RogHsoN L'au lts Bar)

tahrn rt

FinaIIy I I asked the band what they f eIt l ike sucldenly reduced. to a \piece. Rehearsals, it seemed.l w€f€ much tighter & they feel therers alreadyamuchbettergeneralsound''Howeverlthe;rtvsstillgottosee what itf s like on sta6e without Dave there to front the band. "l{e noticed. at the last fcw N"gs gags: that everyone knew the songs & jumped about I but we got none of the old applause. i.Ie real}y got to f eel that !r€ r pl ayed. our selve s oot o l power chords & "We nolr feel a lot freer to extend the musio - beyond 1-2-3-4 bashes.'r, Contact I 3r ford. 13531. f

HlV. H, Cheapside,

,({atEuRItxc sPEnR ob

RocKrilg rtrfrEnsiut- ldittrr ldillirrnt+Trchle flifloo


-l rc-rerag.. on Henmcr, I - nt tfg/ ?rqd' -ce6pbe I (Lp)

togHi$Eyt ?lrEWnnflg n F R I c rtr,

€olttl T

went in


thcm to

Ailr H E Fr RteflTs - rtfcr PeFgona

lorh (lp)


frcm lhc

reggu rtocA.



GLITTER fflf ve been living in Paris for the past 4 $es,ra;o Last year I tor:red for 3 months in t

Tke Roc\;r. Honror. Showf round New Zealand. & Australia. You sâ‚Źâ‚Źr the, author based it on me & Bowie so he was keen f,or one of us to d,o' it - which ig why he approa,ched. rneo: llhat, was great... actual]y learning lines & playing another eharacter - quite thrilling. in fact. " 'rThere a.re 2 ways o.f tor:ring - either you bring out th'e record. first & then tour or else the tor:r comes first. Host of n6r sonfwriting ideas come from grgs so f decided. to do them first before the whole recording maehinery moved in. So fr m now getting back into shape r itf s ratb.er like training for the Otrympics. And the aud.i.ence are verJr much part of the whoL,e thing. ftts

always down

to them & m6.'r

pThie torrr reallyr began in Octo,ber & was only going to last about I weeks - but itt's sttLll. going strong. tfhen f had. that rt:ur of hitsl we were touring hall,s { the university & oollege circuitfs a new ventrre & itrs amazing, brrt If m pulling a whole new

aud.ience - like at Essex University the whole place was full,, of punks, & theyr d all cone to see me d.o the old hits. Itr s, rea1Ly ve,ry excitingl'f trEver;rthingt s nrnning late tonight so Irm a bit ed.glrtt (he grins ) ".. ,We lrere recording last week. The single - probably r ft m Not Just A Pretff Facer - should be out towards the' end of lrtarch. ftt 1l most likely be on our own label, Gtritter Reeords. frd. like to start record.ing other bands too. Do some producing. I Love a, lot of the rmrsic thatls happeniog tlowr rt


the future, Mike teander & r alpe writingr more material - so thererlr be an album later in the yeatr.

As f said, I want to do some producing for other bands. ff d also like to do more acting - theatre, moviesr whatever - to expa,nd.. r arways put a rot of enerry & enthusiasm into whatever I do, itfs ho'rr, f Hork. Now r want to &iversify. At my asp you want to try other fietrds. f f 11 be 2:J next birthd.ayr Xou

knos3 tt'



hall had been eold out for weekse & expectations were running as Union C h:igh, as, the temperatrrre inside the builcting when The Ia* pl'a6red the uruiversity:. 2OO0 people cramrned, themselves inside, &'during: the evening it became hotter & hotter - in every possible walr Local band. The _EFpelaire s opened. r & showed. a lot of promi se I with a sharp , eatry set that augered. well for the futurer althouShr as is now the fashionl the crowd hardly aohowled.ged. their pr€s;eilc€r ftr s a sad & destructive attitudei new taLent need.s alL the encoura€pment it can get. ltlikqy _Drea9 firllowed, & proceeded. to bore e\reryone half to death with his, rnonotonous band of, r€gga€r Odd; I always thought light & shade were integral parts of JamaLcan music. Then a bief appearance from punk poet L.ittle Brotheq who ca,me & went to a thorougbly d.eserved. chorus of boos & insultse & it was time for The Clash. So rnuch has Leen writtenr so much said r & now itr s time for the legend to stand. up & te counted. hankly':, I was prepared. for an anti-climactic evening AI1 I had. to go on were tbe records; & they did.nf t seem enough to build the e&ifice oilr As a regtrlt f was caugtrt entirely ux,&woxoso Urged. on ty the continuous, frenzy of the d.elerious crowd.r the band charged. through a set of o,Ld. f avo,rrites & new songs, bringing that special ed.ge to rockf ntroll that s'i.ngles, out the great bandEt the commitment the Clash bring to their music is awesome in its intensityi the whole 8O minute set was one non-stop dose of adrenalin. Aided by some highly effective lightingr they looked. sharpp & played. sharper. Irlick Jopes has heoome a superb guitaristi totally in tuner Yet constantly probingn exploring round the ed.gss. Strummer backs him up perfectLy, d.oing the sj,mple-d.emeated. things wel1' while Topper Headon & Paul Simenon fashion. Ad.d to this a sense of on-stage thrashed. & thumped in best & the result is a rock band. on equalled rarely I seen have d;ma^mics that peak form with the pedal pushed. right to the floor. Just one drarbaelr. There was a problem in the vooal d.epartrnent. Joe $trummerf g voioe has been sbot to pieces as a result of the exhausting sched.ule the band have set themselv€s1 & there were times when the norrnal snarl vras. :sepla,ced by a sort of hit-or-miss gurgle. The others took their turns at the mikey but none of them havr strong voicesr & I can see this remaining the weakest aspect of the band. Thoroughly encouraging though r,,'as the wqy in which new stuff from f London Callingr has been bnought inio the setr & itr s songs like the title track & f Jirnnryr Jazzl that lrovide muchneeded contras*r os well as pointing the way for ''ahe Clas!; a way that lead away from the limiting confines of prlnkr & into an era when they pLucr iCeas from every quarter &, mould. thenn into something tnrly special. The legend" ili not I & does not Iie' Revi,ewed at leeds universlty- by Eick itylsI Photof d. at St Georg'er s Hall r Bt f t d. by Lind.saL The

I il::l*.


ttfhank ;rour Thatf s it. .. Oood nightt A great rock-song rrriter, EoCols

co s TELLO F'-{sj,i*9 a 1at9


]"d rapidly becoming a star-qualitY act on a sold-out bill headlined W singer & performcr - if he ca.n hold the paoe, hetL1 be up there for a Ro'ckpile (with Dave Ed.munds & t{ick this ffi"F--supported W Us bluesband Tlre Bgod. few yea,rs. If yolt missednext Fabulous Thunderbirds - turned out to one r make sur.e You oateh him time around. IS5.ak Toczek @-ntiis,costcll l.ttr eotions. ****.rrt* **** ***** ***** * ** ** ** * * ** ** ** llhl s, w&s a trY-out of the sct theyt dt Iined up for thei.r forthcoming tour & Sfr6 Fjib dt fi*:lf*,:,'; 5*'9 it featrrred most of the numbers from The competence level of the avera€e their new atbun I Cbt HaPPYT . rock band continues to rise & rise' ohees loud' a^nid. sta6e fbey took the Ta^ke Side Bffect; a modestr semi-pro & imrned.iately launched into thelr fst Foup-wi{h no e arth-ehatt ering number. A good clean sorrnd. with the r,Wirationsr Playing an uninspiring Costelloe & sharp. tight really band, venue r yet ma.naging to turn in a guJrst of cheerful mo the st not always thoroughlY well-PlaYed set of gras obviousily in f ine mood. r 'rHc1lo t consid.erable Promise. how atre you?w(cheers)"This is Horace Basing most of their Eong:s around ir guit st ari ( towards ) noas . . Batrlott. etr/fta interchangPr the band il... & this is a numbet caltred' rThe the mana6e to whip PlentY of life fron to thanks gives brief . He Beatr that much-exploited. rock warhorlct plugs r Rockpile for this guest spot the solo r witfr John Bedf ord ( tbd. ) a tPos,sessionf go into a they Tiffi-utr* Bruce Wilson (Str) meshing nicely, & g:o They loud approvaL. oarns nhd.ob occasionally soaring to rrnexpected'tNo E'C;' typical another utraight' on,into heights. Standout numbers? 'r{e11, . dns/kbds"intron powerful iumber with a Chancer totally belies its title r & pounding' a into &r, a eLow butlel-trp convinces, &,later in the set rThis itt's announcernent rto rooker. Againr Timei & rContra-indicati-onst rind l'Less, ThaJr ilers,? a good PunchSr themselves uP into balls of enerry & s itr feel I aliwafs iust version; butrrThank bounce around the rooltu Otberwise t d'o a to Like Jrouo a bit slo,w. nothing too spectacular; e couple of ]5 called' Itr s' you rrowo uew song for songs nosedived. to the level of a a' make ' coul''d This . Oears In Rcversef f i-ller on an earl,y Steppenwolf albuml g+rf good got some Itt s 'fine single. but mostLy.it was adequateI enjoyable their of reuriniseent kbds, work thatr s rockl with PlentY of bite. earlier hit rPump It Upt. Good rhythm Vocalist Tony HaLl makes an enga€:-ng changes too. "This is a great tovrnl'l frontman in the Roger Chapman mould And. ft" jokes about ToP of The PoPs although The Rose & Crown crond rf just watching becn which het s showed. few signs of life r & the '' in Sister Nolan The dancing away to rhythm section (lave.ldaude - drnsl &' Brrgglesrro fhe rry trotef ro-om... & $teve Peareon - bass) PiaY their it hear s letr parts with enthusi&slllr Gary Numan... cr mon, Although theY PIaYed- for over an f or Lena Martelll'r (loua cheers ) . rlArlywaye this is for mY gr:3t-(U, horr, I got the irnPression that the t XTre I l ed cal f rilnds The Jagg - it s main problem was lack of rnaterial' Irnpo stor t t rt ir[sx1 uP i s hi s own Padding out the set with old version of a song he wrote for Strangiers favourites simply doesnr t r Girls Talkr followed Itt s Edmunds washr especiallY when the bandt s ' recent their ty the final number original songs are stretched out way a been has beyond. their natural Lengthz only to hit roliverfs, Armyr. This preat set with the excellent be found wanting. It? s all exceptiona back-up song that will stand- an B-10 minute Iffiotions providing subtle live version, & SE d-onr t have many of vocals as well as the immaculate goes those. This i * the inst ant a€e &, if i'jnstrunentation. The audience back New Have has taught us anythingt it| ctazY f ot an encore & theYrre the lesson of tbe 3 minute songi for one number - their new single rI Canrt Stand Up For Fallinr Downl ' snappy, punchy. $ taut' The closing tb



ro gr '8411 Oeneer I oflr€ cLogegt to thig lieall & a few nore like ltr & theyrlL bave oraokei itl becausc thererE pl.enff of prorniec & guts in this landl & theyrre worth an hou:r of, agroner s tLne. A final P.S. to The Rose & Crornol fu1l narks for your policy of turaday aigbt rook; but Letr s get something done about the lighting. $,i.ek Ryle * tft * *** *****

*** ** rb** * * * *****


they put, on at the university


that their above-quoted. philosophy has only strengthenedr though theSr tend.eC at tines; to get a littl-e distant from thcir andl.enoe. The set opened. rith rlt Cou1d Be Yorf - a netr song rtloh d.emonstratei the bandt s mugidal matrr:rity despite thelr average €Up being only L8.r This lras f ollowed by the bandr e orrment s,i.ngle - t &lLo, Americant - a song ln which Joe Ell,iot fLarrnts his high-pitohed, ahnost strained. vocals to good effec tl{hen The Walls Came Tumbling Dormf is perhap's the fiaest song of the eornbining a slaw nel.od.io opening rith pur€ enerry at its most refined & centred. around. a superb nocal hook-


tRock Brigadet' featureg the C.trrnamic & aoconplished. Rick A}l.en on dns playing at a volume aG] audible as arr erpress: traLn runntng oT?er your hearing aid. whil-st youf re etill wcaring 1.t.. fhe B-s,i.ds of their geIf,;fina,noed EF which first established. the bend f'Qvasts'st - is, a good indioation of,

their versatility. It starts rrith Sterre Glark on gtr & her s soon joined W other gtrist Pete Willie (otr a Gilson kplorer - a perk from their' 6ifigura record.ing d.cal). This number

would, do Rush prouc!. Numbers that followed like I Answer Amiving about *-t"V throug:h the to the Masterl r I Sorrow is a Womant & I Oood. Morning Freedorf were all a wall hit €m I rf,ac set,l t{itohf,yndc W d.eliwred rrith great professional:ism thunderous yet f aniliar sound,. The &, enJoyment W the band.. llhe set word. t f ani]{al't doegnf t reter to rqf previous enoourter with the hand at wound up with I S:ateliter & | tfastcdl'r (where but to elec?), PrinoavilX,e the e great improvement o'n the poorLy originalitY reoord.ed. versi.on on their Lgt single. their total laok of which appl.iee to vocaLs I guitar s'tyle't ltrey returned to enoore rrith t Rid.e overaLl mund. & image. Howeverl thcy Iato fhe Sunt &, t Getcha Rocks 0fff d.id. turn in a fiae r tight get & fu.lly the latter destinedl to become a Iflll Ceservcd. the enoore they reoeiveC. anthem' In a baok oopy of Soundel I found. The great thing about Leppard. whioh bassistl Lepp,ardf'E this quote fron mdces Witohfynd"e appear ordina4r is g*imp1y oLasei llhe band. have earrred. a Riok Savagef 'lBasieetlyr itt s just d.owa to tbe faot tbat rcf ra all lot of strcosg$ in a short time & itf be tough if it went to theii heads Poeafs,o tls ell went to gn onstaget ueatr din\y rbLte Loo ee tight trougers' not that I think it will. I prediot & havc etl thc girlrs Looking at our that this year theyt 11 headline at Lall.e. llhatf B rftu that f g Lt. l{e t ne man;r maJor UK \renue$. ftreir fj.rst enrogant ba^stard.s. n alburn fon Through mc Uifhtt is out thenl thls modh, - I onJ.y hope thrt the that w88; 6 months sfloo Slnoe the bagit vc got a lucrativle coatract' produotionr s better than on their previous offcrlnge. Steve Brorm rtth Phonogran &t ve toured rith Sarnny Ebgs & A0y'm. Hstrclt€t 1 the show rrcH



Nich Toczeh of Jance chapfers track (rce earlcr)1 b,tt rev iewed

rss RelensE (casseffe "i setf-nrade L,re reardin3) /oo sfron3 b.r>i ct Good ?qali ty rercrdrng - tt 7t for pirrrty ol tne feel oi a lyr tape. rrrflrnx - w,th Onrf,ryt' ,thef 're Ni^) vtu)ttght k off?r an tvnprfi*tte syecfnta of vocal x rausicat Ekill" The Orfir5t'n eni.v ari_ 7wt/ bui r feel /rtet'rfgnurh ,nEfriakrtf.tb,oir , w,th runQ o{ the ltltlrtttdne etg,nq to let utt fo, a morttflnt, It ruelnv eglin*t ar ,r 8d v?j q:hrh B*, v"ery deflf goe> rgdrnt dente' do*rrcl?ao{nd- uoktth rrrf nt treflds. None-the'lrvr, r t'r hgh ttme rtc,orol leal .L lrl +r,ed {"r (rfud,o I . \ i, girrre cua*tl. ca*tette) 'Anonymily fAi* is a 6'nrnute troch (rrc b,,i,tl pr"iile) runith hrs a drrvinq & tn;tfeatly hyp^tic Touttr. A noil

'[:::i:Hii'tnl!,nJ',:'fi'::f a:;,n;il^';*

ihtt,t'? f, , ubHt bw ll - uy eL mteni'L tn"*uohotrf that nvefs tne laia le ,itith do*btt druaheeb ilruahedb cn l,t fr,th end,iln d*Et e^d,vrr C** 'v fiatrh {uY onE ' k*t btr+' lihe th'i

tlul 'r

highly origrnel,


wot* if'9'foo

cheoh'c -


with th{m*trunats

merely ygorhing dqilr,tt etck ottn.Lyrlct ,\renfL too Q";d.; b*t lhe y.tenhels there - it ; w:t d (t nty..ilt to Pe tnuch tghter


thwlre eltwa

qood. olerno,

trp, Verl'p"i; p^mf ynliU , *f y the

blnd iutt f-lt'(rnrnq f,hfouqh nUflber, t4 r.ehaigat l'lott ,i tng .nimWre ?o*rr/ as trtorgh ltqg begTn t{e av nediuyt-N

qerri-aplod-ic roib Eonq? -thou*. hete rut{ed,ffPttn5?, &. ltYt, ft/,.r5 9t l'vQ *,,f:d theg're hsld thW're Isrd.&.f* & heep tlan't out ftn? fhe'band't "l'rwve tc, well , but'thty ouldbe qwl'fnn ,ltw. 'Anothea'crunttU 6y'v' he oiLy glttnl-"ut




fHE ytcT/ttltrons (Etiqte oA vAoFttiel own lebrt) 'TV l1e' ,/w'tilrflei', ttrr, ,, affrnfli/?ed! ebcfivnti pop. A-tlle nruurde me *'ttarn hm,o r (pre-rdeabe cdirelle of rntgle)'fapanese tafiere*." by rhe llorna(' rfts gVt nire B - ridt tfw'irue Colowr/. Erit. rirk"se,nv obxvsd .epeetr/ be*'petlonr. rt'r -td f Art' 'ttrrrg6 i s' rcqqae{rcd'electr>nic9, ftry clerey, 4ger, {aynes, , , A!! nlg I fto;t \e'?, with the tJ*, - pttyor *nle, pi',r lf t '"rt aft'ech vcl . anoth(z t;nner. Et,cellen{niiinq hav lell a cleap lou nd I n w hirh voicev I n"vt ruile tt * arc Uo ttifu t" *h;r. )bu,tt eilhw lot/e if or hale ill abs"luftlv cleor, A'rde't qo"l vodqt nea il.. , rlt? T don'f hate orr,r, ,ri7(r,rgt'J!i iire, wek /po+tlpuh . T-*de't e1at be tler - wrft, qd,'wro ,]t B"ol;yl,l 77 olrwn v+lachmg, frn C heshire' "/r,t 'Fagi grlder Reactor', 2 anti-nufte utmpr"v,Ve'vynyt abunrh 4llnhon.g ftns. G',"d,eryJ ole,nt for R5. Bul if- it'll songs urt a bit batic, gtiqitlv t,hni rrt\t-dcesnt " h out lhv ir"kf, oNr 4n,'r r ( Etudb - recordel /re^o ctgggtte) n, helo & the Pdce-thonqte dre a bit irritottiq, ,ru.(r(ruu, out ,oonshollo!,tf rLon- stlouta De ,nterestifi, rvt^e ouT Tnev're a a lwlqr& theer. W..diiq !!rW),!!'t i1the bet{-7roftcd rh\/re rntte I,re niA ve(. rt meket nul theor,o I,tri "t nlr t (e.n on u,e Luggalu,ry!D,' nor:,, GAE tlrseueg' b/r''r( L hd tlra riie'iTist an't st y tuw qo*rl' lihe'l TgAc reeL'to-r:eel' oie A qoo'd.bie'. ntallv brqhl dartce-pQ ttt fhe f,oe l{y a vrry ctever galne . Arl cen play ?rinceiille ierkqlr^- Eluts'C"greil, n"u ld tl;"@, &. ,ne I dre-ho rd heevy rukvenue) onewe& &?a.lm gong 4 {horr carbn-copy tlurtg ihet're rt/.2, Th\t new dudve) a.q the next - gomt mid IInew inve bve ( Funh Tunh IInid ii {re*, &ong,nti, rf thcy're luchy, qn.e "I d,orrJrr Verv'well at both. they'rt at once P+,db ow'll fa| in'{tchle [oYe the iditE hard a t{,^iiiy'at heary. a PYfy, A l?,' ?f wilhit {"r a ureeh or two. fh}t'd gfiethen elriterrte nt ln tM, nuibeis,' hX ertellrrt the deg'e /vrdbrteh. rr ih.r 6 hl'c.F.1rry:pckt ! yocali'st. Unlike ?râ‚Źr, Reltex , they .keep.the (e.?- cp t I e d .' / ut ch Vithfh e Ad| tt t' o seund unclultered & therreutt ri that'fltey're " R;r"r$. sile 2ne:-'!:rr.l{a2 !t'1 This qdb etmplv qne 4 thebert hndv rn W'fbrkr. Tarhet'* 'oryani*/ i,lo rerrrl'g'out (rLy notl!) /'>u'll hare t" l'fufi 5ilefia ,- ' ,ira,qht Grtfueha'. 1utsilcri thg @ncgillA' *9, catch then lN?, T2ruih! tttey're anoth0r Pyk.,hvf."' gEL(rough hone- mele deno hpe), Drrn4-, fron 'but rtreett ahet["f moEt "f ttteir ilkt *h,). ,"pniinq on 6*itar*, dtft on vocalr,e/i, rye r?nrrtly si7.n 4rff b got thc' ,?me riarH,t to it thlt'baAl l|1e},we ,t rrkr; i;wi1he Ramones rtc*d t eftr'ppuhi mprefiel,'on that thortth.q,th,it hpt do A nwt-affialin{ carrphoy, Rc:lerYe afaUlena/. has lo'thin^y*ice. tf'g o'F',2at



















Aeft, gig









nlllhere lriln" never be another Elvis.'r says the perspiring look-alike in the white suit. True, but while his songs atre stiltr being sung he lives ono lf,ter a snccessful three-year run at The Astoria Theatre, tondon, the anarCd.nning srnash-hit musical f Elvis] finally hit Yorkshire & has just fiuished. a two-week run at The Gnand. Ttreatre, Leeds. lh,e three rnain stars put in performa;nces that r,rere at times quite rnovingo Dave Eallard & Bo l{illis who played. the younger' Elvisr s were well supported by sone shit-hot musioians & backing singers. They did a good job of recreating the sound of the early fifties in partioulatr. hrt it was left to Bogden Komi.nowski as the rnature singer to oaptrrre almost perfect\y the powerful nocal style of, the latir Elvis Presleyo Musioa-l, Director

I Kevin Robinsonr- 'rNot

alL of the audience are rock-n-roll fans though a lot do tr:rn up in their gear to screamr shout &, dance in the aisles. Some of those who gtrew up with E1vis as their hero seem to oome along to sec the Jfotrngot

t-, e::f

ones going wild. They oan probably remember how this sort of musio used to cause riots when the likes of Ealey first started touring. Others probably need. reminding that they once got this involvcd themselvesl Bradford. Rockt nrRoIl Exhibition provided. the display & juke boxer in the theatre" Our roving reponter from tbe exhibition spoke to Bogden, Bo & Dave r al-l of ,whon were quick to say that they were great Preelcy f ansr tfThe musicalf s f antastic with rnarveLlous audience partiaipation.

After its Leed.s runr wâ‚Źf 1I be taking it to $candanavia for six weeks &: then back to this end. of the oountry for a run of, shows in Hull n'r Bb thereo lfhe Bradford.

Rf nf

invited. over to ffiilI


R Erhibitiont s been so popular in Leeds that itf s been when the musicalrs showing there.

ffiLti.,t''fr"^ it!E;il?'t,i'tNii""1l1'TP'"

fiffiiffri'afhs..i: on0ff, . ' l&n







on Vr cn{gl'i wh/ nit'+r y if, laJ.y ?


Drive' have



out thls month - 9tewhviE currently aflerns-, basrirt &dhei





b'f'd witr ttoch





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by local bandg -


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e*L^EJ i.--"*e."&r* lt S" iU$comnis<r.4He\L' ffirfet 8<tr^rll who Fissc{ o^lb 3+l^ , o^4

pfta,ps. (q,d)


qusie $r \lar're. Cfues Do^ln. llAi"t 'g-=. ca,rtootl. (s, *) l; flo;; qil',a"r, d"ot*A ?etcr Hof. '*tirt&qr.a tolArbs I m.tag 1or Eqgrer,t | tsrt ./- \ -^n r rceotl=. -J- (Zr ..s's,4"1 7) irsi. -:t8riqq -,ol<.H. C") ,t4ul*Frq-f<.{arb4 in the nr.rsic ;giLh fu"is ftkd a hiE. (s) +rrisY (s) (ol( Herds's ke$oet"(. ('o) tV Conlvscd Iua\iqn h4l+ sel'; ts vi si tat-tte Vavlts?(r 7(t Zds Qb"eeis nulgs;. (+t) y#d?visiteftte or C-ovr'-? *a^etLra, -or Qaurb Club? (+) in s'As{!ou Scen qrq,n.A cl'rurcl,. ?X*1'ftfik naskool ,h: Q) tRcx, .&t or\e ;ron? {loriz"ntil tAink na ? h) TrTt*iV /jovr&nl ( ioor,br^l (sr+) /s .*\ Clooc4 €^e'., U'*{Ube{the cevcr*- aL tl^,is tjt.c. E, fatJds witlr f,*ti31.t (3'+) hen.s? (lrs; (e1+) ztl(U^.q {or ,'rusicol

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4ei* q^d National Tru3 4 c[mb9(",3,t])

Runosrc-A. +o ]gVe Se-Vc^


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See Cr'r tcpi*i +" \a**. €o //i, D r/, iu:eAJiec .-,Br n o,kz akz iU:ei9i* to,\, .S f-1q,, l:sY^e l:s nnenkLrs ntonkN so s. tJ^is tJ"is V^e s RocKwoRp 3. prece 4f eake. frolcrbal b" Kc,t -Ti,r.cn fve el.rx\ Jrlttz,^ti'. -6* h€'ba^d.(ts anl'^ xrnd I hatt to looh Clua-s f,cross. 4fe-ter l/ Arcives a€ bartv q'. ol -wri3, -Qronr. tLe. Lc.f.Y .rt'{,,^ ti'.e E t"{"loSacdia 8


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T/W m

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alEo an



JSG music 1OBB


Main Street, Bingley. 68843.



exohange weleome amazin6i di seounte.








FEI{Dm , RICIGMBACKER, tusr0 MAN, wH, MARSHALL, PAnKI M.M. I cust{)M souND, AMPEG, ovATroN, YAHAHA, LAl,IEtr CRUIIAR, pEAVEy , ROLAND, CARLSffiO &, lots nopGe Custon PoA. I s up to 2KW {I,II,L n/n coNcERT P,A. IU S[\OCK.


Ilont Fry oSF tlrr hry

tarr, l* eomc 3rl

corr't $ind

A 0lllr 6frI b -

b TllE Ctds PYJrHne




forAil 9AN,t[Nunltr{0d, GL\JF ...


(^)s Arq lpecrq[iled In Des"lrtNilllG { AtBu}4 r StNCLE SLEEVES } poSTL-,?s '


2R 3E



ConLdCt ot

Le Ie Smet &?,,-Fsr.fTlO

Ru,(Roois necono shoP , 15 , L"uHBLANE, gfpB).

IB ds

ouLYt 1e+pa.n



Hollings Rd,, tsnadfordE.




TILL lam Gn

Club aleo,open throughout the week 9pm - rnidnight with regg:ee disoo

ar park at reetr PooI tables Gbod, ltcst Indian Fooi C

Hrw Have, Mod., Rcggac Jukelor




basic facility)

offers 4_IlRAcK with DH( at C3-5,0 p. ho + tape

(Sec gr.g grride on page 20 for details) LICENSED BAR


THE (a posh







TEAC 3340, DE(, IT.&l{ 10-4 deskl IEV,SRS-RfCE E2OO, REVOX W7 ; oRBatf RE\IERB, FILTms, cRApHjtc s,


FULL D. I etoo

. + II{IKES lry AKG, C ALRID ,

RIN0I ALF otr HOIA on BtFrlD ??7,6,9.

tAli a,



sltil. ar+


llttt rlccdr = Srritch.


fFon0f 6rEEIE.lrcdr

illf iiUb[SgJlSll,Sl',"i.S.{l&}l;; r





* 8



uil1! : |c.ryls nil?iC,! Rrrnners +rhc t{ipr. P YrlllstrS tlt,BT'-a s Flildl-r8.

lHuDff ppt',

tflDDot ller{'.La?d3


FfrTff fiifr f#lf

YrtifitlTIlll'fiiif I/;cFr-



ght pic c,c*

l{5. YAlBrs mnrD9'd zVcfi, lqsE & cfoff, Utlcy - Elsnrents.







ttn.t?,{: Oral SarS

lrs-nif f.til$l:,Sif'Hl YlgtTD Bln. Bf 'd r Tlre OuJcl' RDSS



. Sturgecn


flrutcsnriE,dflGTice fi f'th#lr:;,i':nt!tmt'J.,r?'+r$eoml

l*rff ili#ftiilffiifffi +FotsreTs, 6i-s; t:f ; tiilE HALL


rLeeds' The

Wâ‚Ź. -9!:.eE3efle Hnltr

w{f tlwl,i{i:'*hlij3d'ffi:*"a lxbffi,tcdscT,ql uaws 'Efftr gltl

rliae }chu zero+ruptort. =Or Ws lle



FFrlRDr 6ndarrs-,

l0 i.xs'Hripffir'

Unltt fluddr.



wnF umlrfluddtc Glossy l44s.


D'F'D Ut{ry.


|r//ifie !rl,V. liuddl.

rtilrrE tror,Hudir.e llourc-cf om.


HaDroN flnltr Lccir Pr' = AHnG u0U,Huddr. 'TAc


9leDnlot rHrffitf crur, uccit tVet, FlrY crutrlccdr : psychcdelljc Frrg+ Sra3nr. iil3fm'Letds r TLe Cnri3ct't. 13 tFDltg FR'f NcfYllsg .g.oU, = Altetrreth. Fit, VEL'| soYE)ET'de Ygl+kislrn fffls.




cond6.rttt 3t' lhdllcT,g,A. ?tt



Iff# ifffllr+ t$l1hTh;,t $ .*Et!:.n* 3ia

VAULTS BnR. B'{'d io6F

gt crs+v i(htt r

t5 5Ut



.t. -


YrltltTt 3tt, SUtglirlta#t, , !r/U cu !r Li cdr. Sreltirrrt. rtottt cnoil,rtilcy r llctrl Frtigue.










H$trf,f,f:i::ffififs,rtslf^Ffff.tlP, 2, fllli,tt1'*if,ilTf,iTfj|,'nffiitiiEl,ttur"


Ptr i tp

{pirer THctrtf slurrLccds aTh? 9tdict.

;il 7

: f'rehern


rl.itrs Ein, B'jd ;-g[*[di ;t



tl 0ll ril udir,


3 $ffi t ruE





lr E}lf'Effi FJf :{ES'5tK3'ti;+&r'iyr,rrqo,

WH,IE ssoilr

siffi+;i-'l;ffi ffi?


fi?ilt ilffint$l : H":n:

r15r I AUtt S tall r




* c Rorr, i;6i,


Sf Ur Tttel Confurio;,

cFtrxrlrlltyr VhiteLio, r

rlrfgrl3t-Lsc/;t1 (ht,+5++f0f urr




llqddr: Glast

rtt:r cglfili = flIony Col.rlmn. qW$Cs qlt ltlE tT crrl.' qtid s7 78.0, l,lle9 ilE lTfE fE cLrD.,lc?dri A8. h, Ev tttlF4 Dl I Ml 7inge n = " e,, N c

Hfsf,l?Hf,r1lil:ffifn; r

7a lott



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