Wool City Rocker #6

Page 1




aug, Pflllr tnlf 6. "Holliny 8d., Br4 dford





for details






*oo'$3:"f#if:'n r'oD & uh[







li' Ht'ff ;it il,: l) S0sitii;,,,

DT l'l Dv'nrtN A



JSG music 10BB Main Streetr Eingley. TeI. 68843.






exohange weleomc amazing diseounte.




7.00 P M Pennine Radio 235n TIIE



& 96.0 Vffi' Stereo


MArN .AsENqs 4pR l{00G,, GIB sON , tAB SERIES r I(ORG t FENDm, RICImNBACKER, TUSIC MAN t :f.fu, MAnsInLL, PAnK, M.M. I cust0M souND, AMPEG, 0VATTONI YAI{AHA, LAIIET , CRUilAR, PEAVEY t ROI"AND r C ARL SmO &, Iot s fiorG o Custon PoA. I s up to zKW FttLL tt/lt cottcr,RT p.A. rtf sTocK.


HEmmmilN6 sT'Umilm ffimM b+FEt"tLErl RIRD,LFED5 L5t7 ZDR. '


Lel, Lseds ++bb?E or \r'lakeField

lFiEtlilllil_ iillFFiElH


l-ln Lill[ lH

]H IE iHltllElH'5

[100 &iv.s



l0 Hou rs lrr oqr B-irach studio lo a 3-s on9 der.no tape.

PLu s:


l'Lq s :



trach stereo

cas seLreg



-J>urt to

o! lhe sangs,


5 Gheapsf,deu



" heL"288EZ,


is Hr tr;j fr-om otc exleniive ?anqe oS r$!t



r*.1, i[iffitr#,$'[i$i:,1if;f our exPQrt0laurQ,, b*j it to bnd

PS, We atso run




ordering tervice,

EDITORIAL This issue'; VeyJ late,corning out \/z qev\ts r,nfo Lhe month - ths due t, a1{ fhe L^iorh invclyeol in runn ing lhe LocaL bancls' Sprtnq R:,cl< 5pecial ef 5t Ge,crge's HaLf

,B'f'r). The

gig drerr., over 1.)aoo people

- Lahich nahes

yne uJcnder


lLrs never 6een donz bzlorz i'r3tionlL tnus'. vr?.99 (ru.rv.e,

at that venue, Reilewers cam? f ron the Mugtcrdns I n\St & Recorcl, l4trrlr) a5 aeli a9 lrom fhe Ia A, ?rtn'; slrllaqe pr-rm,ttrhg) you ll be abie to read. tne revleuts {i1 nid- tlay Nexb igEue wrll bz chance



a do,rlrl ? one-For lunt &,511!e, , trut a)t\tng r',p (hr {abb\ry 6 breah k tnustng lc ptan cvtt the tuaq,e fr,"rure,, neu)s. T've been askerl tc urr le fcr f'lusrc tahs onl) &. so hope


ft gtve !,ome naltrnu;icle ccver6gs it the n'eEt '/o.hs. ec,€rte, T+ the nurnbey 4 neu y/snues bec"mtng a/dlr'abie to bJ)jde tn thtg drea (g angLhing to go by: bhen the gcene i ea;i-,1 is ?tNc.lhdtng TasL - an '.)ru Eo be able

flcouraSing tr-end ,r. tnrge times .T 7t,,rnC99. KeeV o; cin(4clrn1 m? 6bcu-? i:,attls, gi.;lg) \,/e t)V?9) 9&lry otttlel> l3; l4',C,P 8: ang rtire r irrf :. lnat i)u. rhirtR. tnlqht Srab i,te. Come ruhaf M^,J , lvtnz &.tul.y ., , tiLl lhen don,b vistt enaaogtee,









ito. '-

b" Filag 80"



Brb May'tc a




LonL. I DuLons:-

H HEST HMRHS.TMPTffiEruTH Tnis ls rnLl ouJn.,enL ee..,, :ublect;.'gr gqlgc{,rn from Lhe records Z. c.r99ctte tape: in m\ co\,etlrcn ryrtbt rf uLhtfh hars neer' genl ,n +rr rcu,er,u '1., Woo, trt, Qore?f, It's ,/er.t rvrqch arcnoicp o: cttrrerlL'faVourrles & L,J,ti crobanli be roialry clrf{ererrt ,r\ a . )qDre o{ ,eehs, Farse ,'nodegr y preverrtg'i'vre {roryr 'rrcl4di,1o Record 0n A Rarlio gn)uJ bv U,rerrJr N'.l,,tes (tron the\t,2? .I

lrr 1{3d1, Leedg r€c)rd,,rq 9ef.:on), I{ I re nr{ t\dct a cAi:ett e (tr recr.d\ / rom V yr oa,td, t,teit gqitd me one. 1'l r probat'v ;nvrYe 9tnl?rne e\sp t'r lrgfen 11,rrV c)te(-ton'3. d,ralt up a'totlter chort trt J (j,-{p e \' ,u0t111,9. lt4fa,rut nile,l,ore i,, minel-




Nerth X.KIce

Steve .Brown

Plbert Rutherford

nlnL rracLor r,na"9 ^r '! ^ 5n/rt Kon

'She's Gol Control'

R-side of single on Srren Records, 2'Photoqraphs' SfLyE3 'Can't Get You Out 0f My Mind' _lGv nuSsE L h.me-recorded demo tase,unrelrased.

4'Whrre Were \ou I' ll=<ols 5'Outshirls' m


l\rck toczeR Kev lopgood /'en Turr,er

'Gef Ling lVoohere Fast' '

Soys For


l4et A Plan

Hev G;pl' l-




B-slde of sing\e


Record i?eccrds'

A-:ide nf singie.n But fabel, unre\eased Irve del,no,


Spohe Lihe


given below. Bulk orders of 1) or more copies can be had at the discount prioe of 2OP each (so why not seII the magazine yoo"""1f at gigsl school, etc.?)



/io[ent Trrne5' 3RE:l

, 'I

f -slde of single on Fast Records


l.l'c c



Tm.lils 0F SALE: lOp each d.irect to the public or 45p each by mail order from the address


Fornr .DEE?




cn'Mv cieraniurn(, t ?E-zE M'ca nl.racR br'ct.?roof a o^^r

l'1cle Emba'rnlh9 Reorcl:

rn -lhe \.{all n..o.oill


for first

ffi2o time of

ad'rrertising, then {,10 for subsequent Placings. Colourt d.ifferent sizer speoial lay-outl etc. by arrangement. Ring or vrite for advertising ra,tes card & any other details.

h/e' re Tr o rn Brad( x d' 7 hE N, G gt "tc-s- unre\eased derno track, .'sr.lFDDWFflX* l-side cf s ing le o n Brad'! ard Recorcls ReaLLy Into You' l-

B-srde of sir:gle 'tt ?ti i3,v ,i cc r rd s. 3 'Darhness' @ l* 'Trw CcLours' -fRTJo-t A-slde of single cn Rcc'rrburgh I'eco.r1s I5 'finongtlty' }RNCE c",lFF-trR- ,{nreieaEed cle^o Laie l6 '5 i-lcurs'Il -lonrqhl -l-!E-V]e fl srdt ot sinq e tn stal ?cta 1ror"cis. €- S rle :i ; nq ? I'l, 7tt ?t' t':' rdg' l7 'Tc See Jru e


It'Hall ;1 llr ff)fs -I)nw1u^W'p;7"2o l9 'T \', l\e 1-, )S=? Ba'.;a- f' '. 20

'i n,

A-s lie


) Beech '-lemacet cliff e t Bradford BD3 OPYI h'est Yoi'kshire t

r- : nl 1''1 J- ar':n''rafcher Rerords'


?rccrti s. Sr,'


?TroLl'r',9 cio.tvr



ra Luglaoe i.3or ),

l[,{enn Nil5EES:

rn R.cckDqrqh), \n


I rd :).


itagl and.




Another Pretty


Hi Niok- a6 pfonlsed. hele E:re the singles plus photo (sorry itrs a dreaaled Virg,i, press pio but itr6 all we have ) & he?ers a brief ru-n-dlorn on th€ bancl. uike soott (!oc/etr) & John caldwetl (etf,) he$--each ottler back home in Ayr, zigzag,g:.ng in & out of various bands both together & apart ('r*rite_ iteat, The Aaargh, The l,lood, Vince ,r,ovea t": hfilirlwind. & The llvp:;Ai:rFiail;-J-Gm'tirey Edinburgh for university life- Deciding this was a waste of timer they formed Another Pretty Face (tafcing the name from gloriously defunct New York outfit) witrr two other Ayr exiles

These were Crigg.(.*-lrlq"od, drummer) & James Ged.des (a.k.a. Vince Whirlwindt ) on bass - the place Ed"inburgh, the time March t?9. One gig later, a single rAll The Boys Love Ca,miel t Thatt s Not Eaougb.t was recorded with wirliam lrfirsterious 9lo (er-Rezillgg) who played oacaphone & co-produced. Julie Burohill mad.e it I single of thc weekt in N!,iE & the band toured. intermittently with rhe Revirlos. spotteel in London by Virgin Records (uoo niss...ffiI aside), NF were signed. up on Nov.lst rJl. Both Crigg: & Jim had since cLeparteci (as well as temp. trassist Ray Grrnn) to be replaced. bJr drurnrer steve Mclaughlin (ex of littre-l,crown local worthies The cuE) & bassist l{il}ie Kir}rcnood. (ex even lesser-loronn statirlli-?F-e new sinqle with Bra^nsonf s tnrffoons tWhatever Happened- So The West' c/, rGoodb;re 1!J0tst (again produced ty Mysterious) failed to excite the med"ia (despite a few Rad"io 1 plays) or Virgin, though wc think it has a great garage-band appeal. After rmroho hassles & d.isagreements (tartistic controlr, huhs), Virgin let us record an album with OnII-igr bassist Alan Uair at the controLs. They hated. tle Fffiiris is bccauge: (f) tUeV wa,lted

a rhouse ptoctuo.rr Like Dave 3atch.lor, Bill Pficc, llick Clossop etc., cvea tbough thcy 3g!ec nort of them tend to be hooog€Eisedl (ii) it wouldnrt appeal to the Anerioaa narket (big Acall ) ltke Intervielr & Ja.lre Aire eto.t (iii) it con:taileil no fikeiy 6ing1e - aor should it... hr ooltraoi it r.a6 speoified that wc voul.dari allor previous singles to b€ put o4 albuns, r.or ellox .Ibu! traoks to le releasei as 45rs. Ju6t beoause Blolalie & fhr Police do thiE very gucccssful.ly ilocar..t mca! that lt doesurt STINI( LIre IIELL. So thotr (p€ardless) $e werlt on tour wlth Stiff tittle Fiugers who ere very helpful ia nogt t{ays. fh.a they fouud out that Vif,gir had not paid. the tour rbuJ-oar but that fleril had to pay it grE6elvca, sLF gave ua thc shol. €,21500 (l - €it.) back. Thcy also eocouragedl us a lot & rerc lrctty frLcliUy, €vcn lickaaring u! Agg!g_E:!!g9. Right now w. a.rc plannirg to seours !.lease for a.o aJ.bu.n.i ringl. witb a lik.-.qirdeA oollpalJr. goDcfully weri also le ablc to tlg colstadtly & d6ot lots more fa,trs. }le d.o not sct ourselvcs up (or apart) .s dogEiahe - rath.r ire lriEh to aot aE cataly.ts to cnoouragc Indiviauellsm & Bcltof. IS IN TI{E I{ANDS OF IIOLS Do Something About Itl


cheenst Johnny



iitl rhe

waller (uanager,

goys Lo,reCarrie'c/w'That'sNot Enough'(Mewpteasutes'71).

ApF) A-side,s

'nix, buf )f'5 2 5trong vyny| debut. B-stde sprns to another goorl rocher - whrle )t com.5 a..o.s as eigntt,l tepd at tp "td,rr's sha"l oe d sf.Dng .unop" Itve. Jt s.ear, d"un t" lae ,ead Ta,t* w"rh uhich I\ j,k:ttpd Lql ty'y'aler"r h+f?ne.t To lte hesl cr. Go.dD?197a\ (,/;,g." P"c"rls Sr). A'rjP.. Ke",t t4^n,I tiAc this,.. has tot,ltt' p.ed.lab'e. drNinj boat ar )t.' b/ere vrr\ngta d,tenBs this o.e. 1l s a Vtfuin a Jood siagle, thcugh a d,fterett yr"ducer might have been able to p4tl Bowie-esyue punk, Rough

oul 3 s$oryer 4 noft 4rgcernahle banL dznt,9fron the solnd they create. lt/erd oyn|lg to the B side a thev b/atu tha, Vanh cralib:;lify uith 6 51ot2 & heavy Et/on !.tn 7ia4. + vocals. Xeetts, 't'c a ballad - c"nTlete witha 6n"hey sax s"lo mil-eay tl,bugh tte nsabe5 ltt5 a.K., bxt unu,yerted hey'e, Kev':'/eah, a recorrl ior 7 o'clocR rn the ,nornt'rjl I,y A1r&hr.ek x Ker HopqooJ, Revrwe/




for a basic f acili.tY)

offers 4-ERACK with DBX at S]-50 p.h. + tape Gear fncludes:TEAC


DBX' ITAl,l l0-4 deskr


rul,L D.f . + MIKitS W iiKSr Cl\Lit!f,t etc. RING AJ,F or i,l0YA' on BrtrtD 22769.

GLns5ffiilED myFRrS, @U0?nR0Sf uen{nnrrnm



Bradford Printshc:p

MUslclRNS 0NtY' MEssRc'Es AI

833973 or834104

+ot t4ALcoLM'


CENTRE, NAY tSth 'UNDAY Rr., HAREdrLrs (Uy fronle R0UNrhly GREFNE TUz)+ l!am-5pm. ovFR 50 5-I ,gLLHOLDERS FROM ALL ?N RT-E OF THE COUNTRY+ ALL T/PFs OF REcORls (excrPr cLAsslcRL)?LUs





ow^ Yo, C dn gvtil' t{ou"r ro( cosl ' r^qYc{fals piiotl F W_e c',n



For details

Phone 22814

sun nglgians {a^n,impromptu ( Forty ortv Bouncing Bounslng Belgians grouping-of i-l"ii"i*ly Type rriE-Tpp_;al' Appeal, half of Airkraft & h-"rfif-Iltiorrt i au lad.y in a ; black iady-in biack .:::t:]:ttv

r!it*i), i!"*";;i";;;;-";;l

the end.


Greece a mlxe(l mixed evenlns' eveni.ng. rn ancle'ra ureece 'Ln ancient

,i""'"-"-"i ll.:::-"::u^::.-i::"-f.:1:^u:*::"*":{-:::::",0'' verse to show up the good stuff b;r contrast. I t'--"-

if Airbaft have hit upon a not-so-new Type Appeal were a duo alternating on gtr & bassr lwond-er l_:_;^-": ad.ding slmth & tapes on occasion. They r*rir"Jfli' l1111iT tlchnicru"'-;1 -p-hil Fos-!er;,

drunk (Uut nappy) Uuaaersfield Town fans. AuSfr.rl ian i;f.. "1', SiEoe Forty Bou-lcing Belgiar! sere pL4ying aumlere j .l-'iil they olainc.L lor to hav6 ."o"'"liii rll:1,:":-1":::-*:::":: ,to leviex then. suffice it to say ihat firEtly tle '!l$.E;'- rhe.:"::1":1:,'",-t::-:::"i:'.:::-T:: 1'::" & cerried to the bard' on lalkias as ir j::llli": you.ns lady in ihe leotard ;;;ii;';:ir:"'""':f ooaoiou' & aeooDd.r.y r a.v.r trJLii *" li?llilg=yT attenPt to :l:^:_Tl_liu: renedv ihis - 1l::1..:1-"9 apart. rrom.r(r #-;;-i;";;il;'."; ;;ia #;:;; ; i"^;i;# il;.:::::1!ibre they have vlrtualry !o stagp preseace' &' at Lo ototoqk airtrraf,t took +rr"-li"i".1ffiifflllas36v' nusioar abilitv' tbey re!€ wortb rbe wait. rueylie"ifr;;-;;;;;i" '3It,l:ot the d'runner ' linited & nore boredl' & r on& oB' s't froE f,atifar & o4e quarrer t-^- *i"i.t"l--- ii"ir 'nole .11::?is" thev '.elrthit oa a aioe instrunentar creeryooal oa bass, sea! o'coo".rl iiil iiris:3:o-]li" ca'ne back in & ruined thinss' rbeak' rent noparlaod & silloE JoneE ett". iii"il"3..i-i. o" 31:^"1:fto"tn roon whiro the encores were soins ont for then at the .o".ot - ii!i'i"-;'igi;;';;";i. lilo.*l: a there sele few of those too' a 'novitrg |lovins Eargetr, a tr"ot o,r"i'rr" t;r out :11-l-*?*o* r'n aflaid' r hope rbe stiokEr cotupiration #;"; --;n;;;"s"i;f l:ll::-i: saplo intment ' lock vonue' isnrt just leadl's s "rb." have bee! setrlBs a sood bit or #;;;-"i;;;;.:111*::tt"tdr lbecomins a mutual atl'rilattil"Hi:i1' ,ii"u l.J' rhey kicked off st a lugterins;l maintained througho[t the sett ia the oourse of --

i-ffili ;;;;-

l:^1]":ill,-lllli il:



;T::':5{,':Hil;:"*"ffi:}[: :""HJ:l];:]"ffi;u]srrruEEs & itre here their strength lies. Apart frorn Xltrs" rRadios in Motionr & a d.istinctively arrang"fr

L, --^- rate lr.was "^


Bar,s'f'a. Aprit,20.

- very rate' what coul'd r say to


versicn oilrrm a Believer'i; they played "r,trT:l{_ lH::tr?lH:f: :"5"ff:: ::"fflrlou'3iilt"i::;:. oris"inal naterial. rhe xorcl. ",Tf"il:t;;"" "::;-:1!l:1_ufli:g* t.tethar" I .on,r l;:';"';i""fi;:"::"il':H";",,i:i';i l: put but a bard. tbat oan to beatt ";:-'-::1^;.::'j: Irve a ala.rk biol'n ov€tcoat.'' But 6aid' 8pt ,-:;l JI "l{o. aboui sonelodvr s ilfatuatioD nith Joyoe c{illeJ ]-;;gi said. But {hen yourre or stage, if you can't b€ a1l bad' At tineE to" T:u:':::'::-1--!1T jokes - don,it spinoes, vooarist bad 1.;;;-tor1 The edge to then; d{sic P€te ., ronentic Shelleyi6h a is a plsfiy distinorive ,""t",i",.i?i"f :H:"";:li;:tilJ::::l"ll*f ,'::;';r:: ;"11"Hf" bard. uttliEe 3 fairly gooal vooaridts in 6tron8, i-rrr" i"t Roals flort-Etag€ stance wbich nakes hin pernutations rhich obviously g'iye.then a alecent look a punk (he isnrt) tte gig was tlemeBalous futr. anourrt of depth in thir d€partn€[t. The fhJrthln. po, kick-off Eone clirty rat had half-ittched section is aB tight as bell, Eoving. betlre€n dllviug spinoeet " vat, inclua1ing ;aLf th6ir stage set-up. funk & xmrx versatile ohoppittg &^"|:"ci"g: €3"' a aeptetoa p.a. & onrv one niclophone a;, wiir xlf,rs pfeEence' alodg tith that of the *!"3tjklf titrt;" why he crurg so alesperatery to ip3"rt.pu is otio€ablr in the ohordiog & licksr.the f:T:T ji;tj;-;he band sor rhrough a ieo-nurber 6er, fo! elanple in the rntroduotioE. to_r science Fi:t1?"j;;;iy u"""lr.ir o"iunilt.a. .dith slsto is the & tbe latt€! iE rJoyoe I'IoKinleyr. Solos-we!€ short r ai; "way t oan ilescribe ho, they thundered. into to the poiat & iEvariebly well-pItored. It.aevei iit"".f""""i.. i Born To Be wlta,, !i, tfruy tlrrashed seeE€d that anything xas pl4yed that }tasnr t :lovingly tbrough a Eunber cal.led rMeatheadsr (anJ !ece€saryt the son86 rsrely €trayin3. nool oY:: -J. ireratioa to BtJckheader lads?). Before eniting the niEute6 in length. These factors combined.ui:h til.e iset wi.th nrore blueE, theytd taken no!'e classica tight arrargedents are a ptetty solid b?:i: l:. th" iitu i,.th""L" On tirer & rsunmertime Bluesr by the tsnal io rork on. But it dli iL seem.io me that there throat & <letivereil rlr1l N€ver ilrink Again't rlf I.as roon for imptovoment. In particularr the set iou-Ooo,t Like Hhat Iro Doingr with a celtain sufferod dlisht1y frod a uni.formity. of .paca.. I't, g"""u to a gooil-humouredL, ,eceptive aualienoe. 'lhe uuvruunrJ urrvJ'vE th€J/r ve obvrousrY Toe l'n'venLrvcrrvt'lJ w].ln tbe iEventivenesg tnalr with g,, was sure thatr i:".t+"- Bar w,q full rrrl t & ttre the encores enc6?es were lrere deserved. alese?veat. vaults the band worrldn't find it all that difficult ---€otr done repeat a number of to a objected 'In-nne a^ r;U, :. 1Vt.q -^-rirttrestin,:3 I -L | .ovL r.'' sliwer- sassagss.':;'" A ;lji > r': :,*"




SPlrVo[g (cont)

earlier ia the set, & it lrent d.own well the second time around.. AI1 in all, chaps Irm sorry I was late & miss,ed the first couple of numbers, because although the ba^nd faltered once or twice musically (which IrlJ- put down to lack of gear & their use of a relief drummer) a f d.idxrt Iike the jokeol the evening was in the end just jolly good, fun. Wbatever Spinoes lacked- because of p.a. or presentation, they made up for in enthusiasm. You might not make your fortune that way, but you can give the puntors a gnod. night out. Hope you get the van back.

ru5 E DLU F?ru Binqlev s EHEFP 'ru'ruFsTg Cenirb,Art S. April TTIE STHTI E 5


The Zi

Arrivi,ng late at the venue, I found Itd oissed the fir6t band on the bill (fhe Statios) {hich sas a dra€ as lrd hearcl a coupl€ of traoks br the ba.d & had been keen to see tirei-Ii-iil6i'. Appareatly thelr'd goae doi'n quite re1l with the Burprisltgly 6nall audlieuce of about l5O. As if that ,ssnrt onoughr Ird al€o miased nost of Cheap tnr l{asty.s bri8ht Eet. Their 1ast threg aunlels were of tight, f!e.h & louttctr pop-rock. ThiE Keighley 4-piece (gtr a voc/bass/tbdo a voo/drns ) are very pol-ishod. r{ith a deal of p?ofessiona.L Etage oonfidence. If you can irna€ine Bi11y Joel gbae rar:nc\r rockir, then youtll bave a louth j.dea of thei! appeal. lhe klds set the strong rnetody linee nhiie the drunner supplieg arl equally strong raage of clanoe rh/thms. Sass & gtr then filt ou* th€ Eound - rith the lattgr adding n6at_but-lot-too-{1aEh-ot'-overlong 1ead. lreaks her6 & there. Th€y ca&e baok on for o!t!y one encole (the audienoe waatecl a second). rDreased To KiIIr r,as an impreEsive fiaiEher. yourd enjoy tbi6 bard - look out for then. A twenty minute wait for bill-toppers Agony Column (whorve a single, their second, Iong overdue from Eack Door & now set for release at the A;d oIMa;f, The Arts Centrers an excellent & under-used venue with good. acousticsr a full lighting rig, a li.cenced bar & an gasy atrnosphere. Agony Colr|'lr| opened with the folthcoding single rlove In The Headt rhich is a strong number but they lrere still ge*tiltg iato thei! sttide & so ii caroe over as slishtly neak. l{€r.t up wai rcoocl Ct.iefr (B-side of their firEt single on Tyger Reoords) & ihis aame ove? we11. The. band offer oLean pogt-Dewwav6 rook with dual harmonies on this 4]lmterrs catchy chorus. Theii acceEsible, distinctive guitar soulrd i6 the outfitrs nain staeng'th - the clever & oreative Ly?ica nrnnillg a close second. The 3!d son6r rI Waana Be Your .P. I (M.P. = !trissi.ng persoa) is exoiti,ng & aggressively CostelLo-ish rith a aioe aholt guitar break nid.-t'ay. rParty Pieoet which followed j.s arother leally strong Elj.oe of po!. Ibe balrd. bave i.nprovecl lnmeasurably since I last oar.rght them ia aotj,or (queens EaJ.l, Btfrd in tate nusic band, but are IgIf tight & '7 - A I r,taE i.nlreEsed thent They're now not just a gpoal nelrcompulsively d.anceable - qualities that \,1"( wE- C,oitlq{o lwere lacking in their Queens Hall set. EH?'WHEN r!'ree Lover was introduced. W the WEYE ftUtSWo 0ovocalist as: 'ra very serious, dSrnamic & moving ballad". It is a little slower, but stil1 intensely rhythmic. (Rlt ttre -CoqLp SfaR{ intro I s are put over neatly with a^n ever-present tongue-in-cheek hurnour). PAcKt'5, But this is too slow for the band.f s punchy style & seems weakish. Next one, please... ttThis is the premiere for a completely new soogo Itf s shit-hot is this... if only I could. remember it. Itrs called rBlovr The Man l)ownr'r. And i !g gnoa - Agony Column at their best i.€. fast, confid.ent, intense & highly energetic. Then rf rm Not idaving Btrt Drowningr (which is a quote from l,{est Yorks, poetess Stevie Srnith who shared. - shef s dead. no$ - birthdays with me = 20th Sept.... interesting stuffr ehr readers??). This is an impressively KEV. complex piece of song*writingy'-arrangi with regular pace-changes & a slow tWhat build-up via various rock-n-reggae rhythms to a reallv exciting finish. The beautifully-titled. Has He Got That I Havenrt Got Apart l'rom Your is another winner. "Now wetre going to d"o a Little reggae-foxtrot: r81 ack Is Scaredr'r. Their dancing out front. "",,1e11 , someone dornm here was asking for fast numbers - from here on in I can promise you itts nothing but...'r (he pauses & grins) "... a d.isappointmetlt...'r (a second pause) ".,.with the possible exception of the number after nextt" Then they go into tlove Is A Blanket Expressionr (a tnerets a dirty joke somewhere in that titte). I had to go out into the foyer at this poj.nt to sell last monthr s Wool City Rocker (trot oft tne press that evening)a so missed the titles of their last three numbers (which included. a couple of sncor€sr f recognised t(I Had It all) Horked Outf which was the A-side of their first single - a much improved, version of the record. And I was told that one of the others was called rfrve Got Performer Troubler (another dirty joke?). Three excellent bands - so whatts r.rronq with all you stor-at-homes?'lhe olace shouldrve been fuIl.

fr|ti^:wfi::#:{,ffi, L




5 T/PES 0F RoGK; Pon rnZZ & rPt /NK.."" -t ts'f'ord) '"r"* The AIPPS (ueds/ ne Zipps (Leeds/ o'Ford) Mick u & $ei1 Neil joined uc up with steve, rornerly with TAKE


an ?i1

out-&-out rook band, Bastille. predirtably, the Spark = Bass/Backib.g Voc.; D.J. = c-tr/B.Vocsi inew band rooks a tot rn-iE-Ilin its preiteoejsor, siDon sharp = Dmsi o€ot.ge Littl€ - voc. d,'*,.{"/ r/rrlrddlalthough l]ne jazz influence is still very powerfu]an all-o"iginal setr h.I.ittea a.lmost entirely The zipps bave only beon in action since earlv luithDave' the bald have slowly but gurely becn ,6-0,fravilre doae 4 -sigs - tir" s..hi""-l; l;ft"ia, lb{ over ilitially-teluotant tock audieaoes & The Albior in iludd.s;, latley lotn" ff"ff a fft" lwllning Royal itatrdald in Brird. ffr""ifi- 1"".-ao""--" lti, lare now hoping to break onto the universj.ty (at Queeas HarI, Brf,d) W tir, ' recentlv leoordeil 5 nunbers at Jsc in !.th orhers riaed up a'"i"e & hope to have thei? popular instru,nenta: ",;lll""{";r:"#"llf: lJn:{ 1"""0f ri'" v.Ji"-1r;i;al i 1*-iiril'i,i""-i""io"]i."-""'l*:*?10' Lymer released br eithe! pye o" nead AtI have b€en in various foo.f t*al--i" ifri'o.nt - lroountess Records i'a Junei that witl be followed ly a.o & Ceorget 6 clain to fa.,n. is th.t-h. Of"""U--iiri-lcood rcarry on Nigef in August' by punk' Andy FelooiouE, in trre roct< r"iiJui r, Id,'.P',.headed -i*raj 'du prolablv iddrg.8 are one of the most technically (ri1it" br; ri"-i""*a- eiit" | balds giSgi.ng ia llest forkshire at had a r1lll ""uio-ly at The lLbanbla, S,f'd a-"i; .t "ii"ii""J" laccomplished civio Th€atre. rt wag a popular show, but lack or ]pl?"tlt: All tut steve ale full-tine musioj'a[6; lrork in ilance bands when Middle q is capltal called a hali io p1a,ns to taj;e it aovn t. l?rl ?l them Lortlo[. linactive & have done orodigious amounlE-iT-ilve &


i$"i';.ll'{"lli:::f--::$:l5i"Tol ":X'ff; guok a now outfit - theyr ve got a roon in- the


;::1fl":il::iti::"l:,:f:t::"il:i have badges plinted &, on 9th May, witl ii;"f;; be going

-#+*d=ll.l:ffi,,u l('1662' ].

uur.r' o"



Mick on



lline-up: into S€ptenber Sourd Stud.ios (Hudds. ) to lecord a pom =rf-oo; $ev = Ld. gtr/Voo; (enny = BaEsi ldick . d.6no tape. This demo, together with some oarefully llms. (r,t.,i€{?i r, {i"r fdeD deaigned publioityr nill then be RoinR out to I^ had rehearsing be€n ldth a bald they recoral conlaniea in the hope i".r I Tl * T"" when thev decided to rorir ro! the batrd. they are teon to"i-"ii"si"s-. ;;; ;;h s.i " +l9rg{-I+4rg T}16 battd came together in Feb' & have ' H11:: q!+ti+,]' (irt"y'atLit" it-to--u"-e-a r,ri done I 8i8-s -.a11.j.n^Brf'd - 2-at scamp6r l_at, ".[""-ii."r ""rprw tfo aa orm-labeI job. tho fitst of these' they only did lhey {rito al1 their own naterial & desolib€ tr,"it]P!T"-Ht11' at * oovers !y glgPt s'''l' r""a-""i";; - ;_'- ilgg8ht€r 6tage lresenta'iion as vj. suaL 1,:"". 1*b:":--e-' & The- pgss- & -o-f-songs U.K. Sub6. Theyrre aow busy higb-energy rnoveoent. Bhey've ;-"itr ii"---- .ft -A writing more of their own songs & dt.opping sone of iailuences, but aj-n at oo..."oiJ 3y tbe time this has been pf,intedt "o""a, " auaieaoeu-"o-io" 66en6 to o!,k well in tir"t lthe covels' n*' crockedl up a 4th sia (at dH.oa1 "i no-.or6, s yet oode up af,rer . ui" |],l:{ltl & theyrle lining up nrore - inoludint a "rJriu'i"""i. "i yon€ a €Ise.,r tike sould iHudds.) t9 l'lvste!+ous -a"**t; F.ootsteD6 & Delt-a.5 at Erf rd o""! Jon""o" (1..r. ) on rrrra 5l?614. |,tl3-*:,

H;;'"i';l#"i:,fl;i;*"|;:,Ti: i:#il:"'1":1","

!lne-uo !

of our songs are,pretty.hard punk - thou6h ffi". = Kbd.E-/voc: steve pollarat = cttr: Mick I 'rMost rBa'' added a new (regea'e) nunber called calledl rBen Jl"t r par"/voo; corting tase/sa"" lase/sa"" Noit Noil Raper -ort..",r - Drns. :::": 1""*a seni-feggae !":c91) --- Raoer tlron Sonbr & do also calleal <"tiiih.d ::1":-!::t"-:to [he lave & l,lick started off togethe! in C.P.o. atout Fi6tr that was written hr Nev & a f?ien.L, steve jarz-rook years playing a€o, in the style of A gqr oall.ed Purkey wrote a coupLg of ou! 4 g,*.gb.r Caaell !9g & Weather 4€pgtLL. Ih]tilrg the lParkj.n. llyrics for us - though mostly it,s Kentry & Dom i Eii-i.liGil-r! r-Ifr"y EiifrEi'?fid reputaiion, lwrro do the lyrics & Nev rho writee aII tbe nusio. an excellent alemo tape rhich was ligtened to with pur own sorlgs a,re going dol{n lrel.t in the set int€rsst W lecoril compani.es approacbedlt & thatrs why wetre doing nore. Tet'mital 3 at Heathlo, u,

eventually Neil as thei.r regular d.rummer. iis for international G.P.O. became llid.d,le B about a year ago when Davelairports."


non,! 67



t= Lrr'w;;"iii";'jilffi'\ffij

-IREY c,oggpQ or,l

0txo5, $rt


d-epartures & Ir{ick likes ttev/57 65)8

or Mick/5019?I.

vocs, . 'r{inston -Bazoomies (A1 a^n Saya6) - vocs/mouth organ, Louis Alphonso - rm.gtrl David. Faren - bassl

like ttYourve seen the'poster - now meet the flesh. A1l of itt'f & so orrr f was, to say the least, apprehensi at the idea of such a confrontation. Ilerman - trumpet. That isr until f anived. Having made Sail Mannera a.re a N.London-based. 9-piece up my mind to sidle neatly up to the in my books are the nuttiest & funniest dressing room d.oor & introd.uce myself with a of the ska revival bands. The rather nervous rrHi.trr & possibly a step backnard.s, f large Doug formed the group about 5 yrs was about to knock when suddenly, & without ago as Stoop Solo & The Sheet Starohers. prompting2 the doo:r was open.ed W - not a wo years a€o, their numbers peaked at jolly grant of a mEut - but a young ladyl 6 nembers. Slimming dorrn to 9r thetrr Gaspl sighs of relief. rrEllore she said, then began in ernest. In the early daysl &, not that Itm usually this forward with their musio was more Rrnf BAeggae orilniated., but ladi.es, I forrnd myself asking 'rHello; GaJo I they progressively moved deeper into ska. come in?" Indeed, in we wentl but not to fincL Itr s only siace Christmas that the bancl have been things rapidly in preparation the gig. fhe playing full-time - it being then that tbey signed only real sign of musical life for was And.rew Mason a record. deal with lrla€net. Although they are (sa:cophonist) licking reeds in a corner of the d.sfinitely a ska band.1 they have retained their room while deftly cracking a bottle of Stel.Ia roots. The music has an RtntB/Caribbea,n ed.ge to it, Artois. Tb.e others (namely prince Nutty & Chalkie shom \r their versions of rtfoolly ulJ.yr & rtip It informed me that the support ba,nd. had.ni t amived. Fattyr. These roots set them apart from other ska & the lads in the band. were playing pool. revivalists as being original. The band are at their best on stage, f was told, Tbe band. cane on at 1O.30pmr the support band despite rumours of practical jokes galore & aving pulled out at the last minute without tirne spontaneous outbursts of kleptoma.nia when theyrre or a replacement to be found.. The first number aboutl so off I dutifully rThe Magnifioent Jr was done without Fatty. He carne The turn-out for the gig went to watch & Iisten, wasnrt encouraging, & I for the second number rWoolly Bullyr which was erpected more bodies to arrive later. fhey d_idnrt ma€ic,. Dougrs size & his amazingly long tongue but of course hact Bad Manners appeared. on TOTp (whieh was consta,ntLy d-isplayed) rafce a stunning prior to the gig (tney appeared. on it next clay ocal point for the band. Other excellent tracks ed-.) it would have been vastly rtifferent. As it re rl{e-Ne l[a-Na Na-lla Nu-Nuf tl,ip Up Fattyt was, however, if you werenrt therer euite simply rHoli.days', rThe KilLert, tKingr Ska/X'ar, rCa;1f tI Eelp you missed. a treat. Bad Manners potively flew on out & the most arnazing version of rMonster Munchl stage & super ska took ovoro After a gwift burst u could ever imagine. This uausual bunch of of rl{do1ly Bu1lyt, Fatty (or is it Bustert) triea acters danrce & loon about on sta6e1 ?r€ great to ded"icate the next number to a mate of hisg atch & even better to dance to. l{o politics, no presumably Norman or something; but it must have ociaL commitnents, just plenty of posing & really been nerves that made it come out as 't1[his oners ood fun music. for you, l{e-$e Na-Ifa l{a-[a Nu-Nu3r l{ever mind., ehr They got'a really good reception, rightfully because it was superb. Then that was followed by eceiving two encoreg - the first of which inoluded something for everyone - Big Shots, Scarfaces, El Pussycatr & rNe-Ne Na-Na Na-Na Nu-Nuf I while the Monsters, Fattiesr mor€ Woolly BulLies & even econd (tney couldtve done a third) was f l'Ioolly Pussy Catsl I loved the neat version of the olcl lyt played fast - perhaps the best number of the Dave & Ansel Coltins bit tDoubl.e Bame1f too. In ght. short, it proved d.ifficult & unneceosary to judge Their brass section is one of the best in the each number seperately. There seened. littte poiat iness & it bLend.s realIy well with the mouth once the audience were rhipped. into a frenzy, & tg?,no What they lack in musical brilliancer they the band got them going with a rapid-fire & ertainly nake up with lots of effort & enerry. The consta.ntly excellent set. The overall sor:nd was nere a bit d.igappointed with the turn-out, but crispl brillia:rt & exciting, & I especially liked t didnrt stop them putting everything into the the wailing saxaphone. (ttayte thatrs what SteLlaimpregnated. reed.s d.o for you?). Anywayl the crowd, OltllSllG€r ltheir single tNe-Ne l{a-}Ia Na-Na lfu-Nur hasnrt done still'disappointingly smalll but having enough f for a thousa.ndl demand.ed more when the music weLl as it shouLd have doner but theref s still stopped, & for a moment i.t almost seemed.as if t ine. The album tSkarnrBt from which most of their set was to be played. agaia in ful1t We should. be et comes is reaL1y good & received excellent so luclgr, but I was more than pleased. to have views in the national music presso performancet lived through it oncet Nice show fel"las. Cheerg 18 great songs; a loony full-filled. & f hope Normanr buys the single & the a1bun. Prootor. - Ken Turner.

Ittartin Stewart - kbds, Bnia.n Chen-it dmse And.rew tl,fatrcus Absentr Mason - sax, Chris Kane - tenor sax, Gus (ttot tips)

K.K/ TA16' TeetctT:





fntNC 'Lufisx151it

4e w1c *eve.


Pege 8





ffide Wfrfison's

mrqj,gr f,: -n

'? t-

-'-"fl----rY Darft Kqupnryg Erd d'paokage throuâ‚Źh the post

;r l:t F1.r a 6. t'V^.

- i/rlr$iv/yL'

from this la.rrdr so S.T.F. are Stcve Kenaet (voc/gtr), lrolhe- Jt.:;-what follows is hat follows is gleaned that. Bl,eaicd from that. lKennet (dms), C1yan Banks (bass) & Norman pierce (eeping Dark oenirog around Ada Hilson (ax,SeaJI McKerna[ (]oth on syDihs). | fhe origi.nal iana formea alout 18 nohths aso i;.: STi'fi,iiGfon gtr/voosl Pete Morton (.i-!C{! Frank stranseJgE) on dms & Steve Srni.tb g.-t,eE SIISSEEISE) rirst IJ listed. Smith 61lr"-tjtne guitarist w.,rh. listed above + a rhythm rhythn guitarisi GFJusi the firgi oa bass/vocs. Another regular nenbe! is soon left, being replaoeal !y ferry CostelLo on -----,-_-.-o."-.., !!345, Dave Whittaker (who; as Idusic Fol P1easure, wTote synth. This line-up record.ed. the bandrs & performed. tHuma.n Factorr on Rockburghts fHicks only single to date, but Terry left From The Stickst album) on pno/org&no Other musos after about 9 months -'fHe d.id.nrt who occasionally join in are Furb (vocs/trarmonica) really fit in with us - did.ntt even

+ Ian Ne1son ("o) + Gough Snape (special effects) look right for the band..rrNorman was a + Maggie Coen (violin). lrhythm guitarist (u*-lgXch!g_llolt", .t The bandrs first vynyl action was a singlel self-loutfit from Dewsbu:1r)-FGGE"ys fi.na.nced & released on EIIie Jay Records late laet been with us, helping out as a year. rIn My Quiet Roomr c/w tIrm In Control Herer lroad.ie/sound engineer. "For the was a November single of the week in Sound.s. The type of stuff we doe we needed. recent follow-up (on Rockburgh Records) is fHead lsJrn-ln operators raTner rather Tnall tha^n kbd.s 1s;mth operaTors rIt Doesnrt Have To Ber - the rplayers, In The Cloudst Clouds, c/w rlt so it wasnft wasnf t too hard h lpf lplaJers, A-sid.e of which"/talso features on rHicks From The ,to to work them both in on the 'songs. Sticksf songs. This is now d.one done & the t lband have just started. gigging again with recent gigs in Wtfrd, Sheffield & Barnsley. These have gone well & theytre pleased with ' the new line-up. The singLe - "fnto The Void'f c/w ' Darlcressr was self-financed & released on Ellie Jay Records in a pressing of I'OO0. It was irecorded- a September Sound. last iSeptember - "About the time we \rrj :did Leeds Sci-Fi Festival." It got\H llittle reaction from the music press l(a one-fine mention in NME) but John Peel played it. Theytve sold about 800, mostly at gigs & without any idistribution deal. It still sells jwell & they should" sell out soor. Contaetr David. OCdie (raana6er) on Wtf rd. 255801. I A phone call from Des Moines about TAg Sing[eS : 'rn rhe euref of My Room cf w'L'mrn Control rlere'. irHicksr prompted them to gend bim a tst side opins urth dr.,.m mach,ne Frld rnelancnol;, vsca'sls!r tn'netl


\./ ri {


acoustic qt, f hand-clapsf ,ttolin, Oddly 60s car/y P'ah.toycl etund, Later on'th'z,re s hbds' & sttil f rte' r)ru^ naih,n? Ltylder:.,,tr,,nq L(

lust 66oqetrc qtr. + Vocals, Sho.f-latrrr) ' ol[-rock. ]aevid P,llen-tsh", Clean prod{clron on Lltt,, anachronism. Ada loinq hs own tht,t9 tui of r'nte. Jh & Ll s on F tlie lay kecord.s'19. atL


1nd. side has

htppte f




$= ;,ii,.# =, not too pleased with the =t quality of the track as it aDpears on the record.. ' Head I,^ Ihe Clouds clut It c|,oesr, L Have 16Ae' I tn earty Mayl theyrre going into Cargo Stud-ios to {laybe we ve qoL rt aL( uronq & it ,rull;t isn't llgo. Ad,a's - probably rLosing Your elw frecord a second single rCharneleonf Touch & Gor if or - les Moines having noi tahen ui a f,rlre, & niore copr)y oand qN.nd I nas d.ea1. to them secure a nhts' hrI 'l' oe a smasln, dtr,^.1 >,Ji1ncr loffered. becoue lolt,eslgealles. sound - but 'L6 8< as 9urh, rt s 3 hlqhl', tornrrenc'at S nqle U,i,q ga; \>crS I They aim at a commercial electronic too commercial. 'rTheref s a good melody-line to inot ftar,bour,n? 1-,ir,n9 out rte s:u,td 0ntn? P >'de 3 ; de lafl the songs. Most are written on gtr, but the stmtlan. Rochbuigh 80. (Nrc,t',or4h-+ Ke,t Arygoo;.\ lfinal product has synths up front, with the gtr lactually dropped completely from a couple." Ad ,,st^r-r^ Lvd qo,^ W rc;r'eI For the immediate future, theytre after gigs plus bi+""ril,A h^f" a ia recording & manaâ‚Źement deal. Di-n-Disc have just fecently expresseC an interest in the Land-. They ldo see themselvcs as both a live & recording band: One ctqg I loo &+) i"We always seem to get a good reacti.on livc. The lr4-r< qrtS yr,o imusicts danceable, ranging frorn weirC jerlqy iasect ^'A idanoes (Chameleon), though more poppy synth songs ito eerie rnysterious songs (Ice rge ). i qon_!aq1: Steve on Royston 3992. i'in!?r,.,,ti.,,: i,,cnl:::ic.\ r-.-_ 'into Tne !'rici'.i,^,'la.nne ss'(r ir:iav 3euns" iTJlC SingtCt t( r)(a ,4rdi:rl orr'0, i: . ,'' i( ' ,i rr-l i I 5 rte ,5 9i'rltr\- oXtd r ec.,-)n lda,tre a,, ( r 116r) rtrosl -rltrC, -'^ \t,,t';ri 1r;'e 4'L{r a r'}i: } -,,,' ' i, Bsde ners'Lfn,,.ir.,.r, j.-., lrr:,;,c. ,lr.l,,' lnow



:,.1,:,,,_, l,.,) .1- -. - '. ,i '.)'? 1,., t,-. .1,r.,r1 iAi, (r e l,: ,, ,,Lr 1 ,.,1,. ;, -a ,10'-i la "1 ',-r,.': -: -ta, , ,'l.t//1t\. I - tlt'd. a,t :/''.,1, * L.,tl .' afr,r rr i,'.' -i rru,'1r, , ^ ,,' (r;chrcczeh+Kev Hopsood: lt ,





Last no!.thr s iasuo oouta.in€d, the first I BEnd Aidr page (listin8 venues throughou+ g.yorks & giviaA son€ lufo. on D.I.t. ?ecord proaluotion. Ii seemecl popular, eo Itll try to r!a]e it a regular feature. Ia factr lro plainilg to produce a uortbern baadsi handbook at the end of th€ year whioh HiIl have iD it a1l the g€asral ido. Irve gathered. thatrll be useful for gloups, managerg, eto. took out for nore about thi.3 itr forthoomi.Dg issued. lleaEwhile, herers .thi6 oo[thr s paget-


I listed some local recording studios in last ish. The next step is to get a master laquer cut - ie to tra.nsfer the record.ing onto d.isc. You may have noticed that, scratched into the a.rea between the grooves & the labe1 on a lot of small label/independ.ent records are the words rA Porky Prime Cutr. This guy (real name George) tras a reputation for doing a good job. He used to work for !{aster Room, ll Riding House St., London W1. (terl-dffi:Zni4) but f,as now moved to rs sound.

within about three weeks. Amange for aL1 of them to be delivered direct to the pressing pla^nt, but d.o ask to see proofs of labels & sleeves to check for any emors before theyrre actually printed. up. Next month Ir11 cover pressing & the legal & copyrighting a.ngIe. After that IrlI give some info on getting reviews, airplay & general media

i{hile this is being doner you should a}so be having Iabels & sleeves printed. The pressing plant will require mastersp labels & sleeves before they go al:ead with pressing - this because the pressingt labelling & inserting into sleeves is one through proc€sso The printing of 1abels is a specialised job because of the odd shape of labels & the glue used. Likewise with sleeves because of the awkward fold.ing & gluing process. Conserluentlyr these tend to come a bit expensive. For labelsr try Shalford Pressr B5b Bradford Street, Braintree, Essexr CMJ 6=[F(tet. o376-2Lrz5fz6tto) ; Peter Gray (don' t have the add.ress) (t"1. or-4ga@ Son Ltd"., Printing House Laner Hayesr Middlesex. Ter.dr-5?3-3828). Howeverr xou can cut corners €re. Most pressing plants will- put on plain white labels free. of charge - you can then use either a bber stamp or have stickers printed if you're prepared. to put in the time in adding the info. to ach record individ.ually - not recommended if you ant the thing to look at all rprofessionalr. Ieeves are done by Delga Press (the main ones), Dingrratl Houser B Marlborough itoadr Bromleyr Kente BR2 9NH. (teI. 0f-450-0112). others include Uniprint, ILV Euston Road, London Wl. (tef 01-3BB(no add-ress), (tel. 0533-691411); l{est 4 Record Coverse West 4 Tapes & Records, L59 liiJtick High Ra.r tondon l{4 2DR. Supply your own artwor\,/d.esign if you can. Play about with ideas before d.eciding on a final cover - yout ll have to live with it & rely on it to sell your record' for uo A good photo, letraset lettering, the help of a friend who can do a good cartoon or drawingr etc. are all worth considering. If you can afford extra or a card cover, they always look better thart aper covers. Good idea to go for bright color:rs & eye-catching design so that people notice it in record shop d.isplEy. Make sure the groupr s name s clearly legible so anyone whots hear of you ca^I1 asily spot it. If you send off taper sleeve design Iabels on the same day' they should all be ready

JSG (see ad.verts) totir d,o hires on a wide range


Finallye for those of you already with singles out or in the pipeline; here are some more Recording Studiosr J5 Portland Place, Londii--r,n. distributors (I gave about half a d,ozen last ftre cutting engineer that rrve month):- Spartan, Lond.on Roade Wembiey, Midd.Iesex. @). dealt with & found very helpful is Briaa East of (or-gol-4Tn,-rc8 Mojo (regg.e), )! cr'aven park Spectrum Soundt L27 Ashford Road, Bearsted., Road., Harlesdon, tondon NWl0; Virgin Recorde Maid.stone, Kent. (te}. O622-389t). Others you might Retail Ltd. I 32 Avonmore Road, Avon fraaing estat try includ.e Trident' Recording Stud.ios, 1l St.Annesl West Kensington, tondon WI{. (tel. 01-503-4588). Court, Lond.o:r Tape One Thanks to Rough Trade, Common Knowledge & the stud.ios, 29/30 wind.mirl street, TottenhrmGt Rd, ba"nd Scritti Politti for most of the addresses. Do London li1P lHG. (tel. 0I-580-0444/5/6)t LfS_rondon read the info in !6R J - much of which ties in Studios, L7 Ct. Cumberland. Place, Londoillfl@. with the above (back issues are 45p inc, postage OL-262-55O2). There are others, but these shoulrl be from me). enough to give you some choice. Reckon on paying about f,40 + an extra tJ or so for an aoetate (itts SERVICES optional, but Ird. highly recommend that you have one done - itr s a disc that you can play only a P.A. Hire. Several bands do regulatr prar hires few times with a light needle, but itt s the only in Leed.s Bradford area these includ.e Agony Co1umn chance your 11 get to listen to the d.isc before you (up to I'OOO watts - tel. Btf| d, 66488j or Leeds pay for the pressing - if itfg not right, then you 460679), Shadowfax (tel. Bill Chapnam on'pud.sey can stop here & maybe remix your studio tape or 57699L) & Trampus (I d-on't have their numbere but check for a mastering fault). theytre in The Vau1ts Bar most evenings). Coda &


of gear. J.C. P. A. Hire are supposed" to be very good, cheap & efficient (ring Chris on Royston 3267 or John on Royston 32Jl). For up to 21000 watts, ring NeiI hewer PoA. Hire on O254-66746j (trome) or 0254-56163 (work). Lighting. Sweat Lighting & Effects are at 5 Field i{ead Lane, I}}ingworth, Halifax, l1X2 !JL. They're good & cheap. (Ring Dave trFryer on Hfftx 24?331 or Chris Rodziewitr on Brighouse ?IBO92). Transport. You can usually find a whdle list of self-drive hire companies in yellow pages (let your fingers d.o the roadie-ing) A,/or the local paper. Also in the local paper will be a list of driver-&-var hires (under light removals, wit\ the best list appearing on f'ri./Sat - cut these out & file them fbr qu.ick referenoe - you never.lqrow when you might need them). We (Ulterior Motives) use Malcolm Douglas (Bt1td 44428). Dave Eall (,nanager/roadie for Leeds band Knife Edge is also available most nights on Leeds 74LO72). So thatts it. Next month on this page Ir11 also be d,oing a feature on publicity - covering posterg leaflets, stickers, bad.ges, radio & press gig guides (includ.ing idcRtsl ), ete. Few gigs are properly publicised & as a result bands play to smaller audiences than they need tol venues often fold due to lack of attend.ance & we all lose out. I hope that some of my ideas might help to reduce these problems at your gigs.

for one last note here. If youf ve any id.eas on info. that yourd like to have included in future I Band Aidr pa€es then please get in touch Ir11 happily try to research & coLlate any useful Room

det ai 1 s.


A-sicLe has a clockwork drtr rhythm fed with spoken vocals (Ferry-style) a melody kb4s.

Nowhere Fast c/w i{arm Girls

necoia Records tB0). We put

Slight pbasing - especlallY on vocals & drums works ldell. A good if s1ightlY unimaglnative slice of electronic PoP. Bside has much more to it. Phased electronic iazz traffic overlaid with Piaro - a bit like an up-d.ated t Wade In The Waterr. Look out for this guY this single might have sliPPed through the net unnoticedr but a couple more could see him sneaking into the publicr s fiokle affection.

the 2nd sirde on first - the one that everyone seems to be treating as the A-side.

REVIEWS Itrs good distinctive post+5'5 331 aod ToPes punk with Judy Evans (vocs) sound.ing like Annie Halsarn (of Renaissaneq) improbabJ.y drafted into The Banshees. The other siders more of a John PeeI Show track. I prefer itt Kevr s less keen. Itr s a g?ower I like the record more each time I be r it. This was singre of the week in Nl,lE a couple of weeks agor but donrt Iet that put you off . The bandr s frorn Leed.s - I ETFE3 believe theytre a gession group that includes a STATICSs i.{4ite sound + Donrt TeJLI M9... lfHE ,7e). Mekono Freeze ldice Deep with linked. combo whotre Leeds l.O, SHAKE your pop to be | (""" album review). If you like lnan,:uqoiwe &. renetitious then vourll so for this reggaed guitar plus Fiona Mitchell soundingl midband. Loud bassl drums & chanted vocals are Atlantic. BLondie meetg Pretenders for a likeable of kbd'r/electronic soundg pop-sotrg that should s-erve to earn this Leeds ba.nd livened. up by a variety rWhite Souadt. Similar can be Thatrs & overlaid. faster l-side is attention. & rnedia some airplay said of the 2nd- traok - though itf s much nore nore aggressivel but more rnonotonous too - Kev & appealing witb a good poppy melod'y & teggand' I werenr t that interesterl either. danceability. If itts to be a singler then this RADIO 5e True golours c/w Animal Cognections should be the A-side. (Rockbureh r80). A-sider Kev points out that the rDanrce KI{IFE EDG&-Fqyourite Girl + SiSr You Will Awayt. i.ntrors juot like Bryan Feryrs release drum Rolantlnachitre JJ Effective use of their as a single on their own No Hessle label in a throughout, with the full band only coming in for couple of weeks). A-side has strong d-riving gtrs. brief ohorus sorties. If ve heard- this song often (tive, on B-sid.e of rJapanese Artr their own-label & a catchy tune that sticks with you. Main,line on which it really soores points is the stand-out single released last month & on fHicks From The airplay & may Stickst ) & I like it very much. Kev was less:'koen vocalist. This canrt fail to getcharts. B-sider s labe1s get the small into gtr. even rlSrthm Fast choppedB-siiler hearing. on first ty too much little a up broken too, but strong gone heavy.'l & vocals. Kev3'flike fhe Bugglos its rhythm changes. Interest ng d.iscordant guitar break using long:d.etay ecbo effect. Kev: 'rAa interesting single but CIfy LIffITSi :lo nepre:.s + Da{cing In The it wonrt make No.l." R5 are ournently Brad.fordts eleise as a single on b and-rno st-1 ikelY-to . own tuggage Label in a few weeks). Thistll be the ba.nd.ts 9nd single & is good- pop, though very much BAD UANNEBIT Ne-Ne llada X-q@ In the Joe Jackson/Elvis Costello mould. Both h[a€n; sides are good. enough to get them airplay & to Itrs Bf f rd. Univ. gig. Put the B-sid.e on first. sell well. Neat & professional. Ird not be at all fore. to the bnass section d.ancing ska with surprised to see this release s€curing a major Nothing much to distinguish it from the rest of this ilk. A-siilets one we both like. The band have labe1 contract for the banrd-.



i t


t I

fill"",:'iff::i,lll'*"llli,'l"lll;"'ff'li:"il tboga$einf.otious&loo4ygeaseoffu.EintJitffi,,thoo"" + that {ad.!edB aohi.ve. D€selvei to be more thalr s inor hit.

+ vooalg + elcctronic effects. _ - ffi;;tm;T-kbdE -listened to be (ev Eo!8ood & Nlok 'rocze! Diffels healthily fron mo6t olectlonio effolts in it ftae variety - not tbe h6erd-one-track-&Tyo dot6 a'rived afte! trev had done home to ]tft"t your synilrome' Itrs.a curiou6 w-heatd-tben-all to eaobl reactioa rny soli iuaaersttel<i - so h€rers hs c slrvsr.ecreer lu::H";"ill"o:f"il ffi:; l5l"3l:rl'l"i'lll" srLvER ScRE.m{ crE!_D.l-! wonder wl5r so muoh of this music lacks d'irection I.-_t:o? :"u1 ssc |iv1 t,"i; (Vaults Bar & Brfrd Univ) &, for a banc maybe becantse therers no developed. marlcet to supremely confident in thei" own abilityt

found dictate terms. It seems to depend a lot on basic tlem disappoiating in the ettreme...-but.h"t.l" . l;;;ii;, of oachinory to proituoe rhythog + u6e of tlne alngtY'l 6r'ngJ'e'1 .^--; effects !e arLabl'y rLne poor i.5 an remarKaory rith poor the vind"ication. vlndi.oation. This is eifacrq to t6 add edd variationsl variaiioas. often often with so''ta Both the songs powerful with excellent arraigemel].=l p"rrormance poetry for lyrics. irte Soft CeIl are

&goodmixofsound..Livinguptotheirg1am-rockl.PYrI.\,IIllalv9l,vv9lJ}vr rem-rock imase they rearry do pick up where


Fl- fl;:"3:.X[: lH";;:"t:::*r,l"l*riit3:"lll3t{n"

I I{e{ YorL Dolls ].eft-off. This is heaw i:stdt1,!oe t".p oi iuiit"s the ;leotrconics stand in heleve! vocals' powerful Bith hel1 4-pdt ii'iiGTiEfrTle i-rit-oriei""f itv & insptratio! run a little ihi!. d.riving r\ythns & llelodic - sttongth. A-3ide 8u€Ets Frorn leedJ, theyire gLggin6 ro!!t:l the area. Ird just the riehJ' . I t"-i"tu"ested to see whether their audiences AIan Bailey on kbd-s & he injects extra texture. B-siders as Socd - well-paced' with ;;r;;-to tir" music. lvlost electronic music events good. guitar-work. SSG are from Brad'ford' itft"i-iJ"* been to tenrl, to induce letharry & Irm

:ri lH"lli:d"":ffi.::


be ho seens to oome t-roin aone{nere io the ,iirection' i a branoh of pop/rook then suaely lt should €houldnrt it? llaybe Eomeoae out the?et li noff, i" credited 1th voca.ls, syath aiEels & excitingr 'l itreatei' percussioa. No other nusiciats involved. like to teply-to.th".tlot:' .,- ,-tapes }istened to by lJiclc 'loczek.


jl'..xf FFon Tne Srrcxs -aitri* Irfuch-vaunted.

classic s;rnth-song rWarm Leatherettef is provid.ed. tf l.1tr1t"to"s. But I TV lr{ef is a good song northern ba.nd.s just'under half of them from from H. Yorks. Heref rn T*? 1'Es own right - so the Lp ends well,. s a track-by-track breakd.pwnr Summary: Tracks 4, 9,r LZ, L5 & L6 wJ"ia,ve ma.de Side 1r a grea! e.po Tracks l, Z, 3, 6,, "1, 14 are oi.-"*" tMove fn Rhythrnr is one IfEErf!'u sampler tracks, but I hope of the Lprs tt" bands have most immediately commercial tracks - its avant better stuff t-ran than this itr.t in their sets. Tracks, garde new wave feer is produced via an oda amatgarn 10, ll, 13 are the pifslrit. Al1 told, an 2r.8, of standard. pgp.outtakes rather than a.ny real interesting album, with a few geoa originality. (2) orpelairest 'SympaiUy th";i tracks - & f suppose thatfs thestartlingty g. Uest you cL Taken ro)1 i" aisffiffilr by the poors-ish k;;s/ expect from a compilation. Even the o"ig:.rr"t basslines/repeatetr vocals ttrai' 6Ots best-seller (CnSts tRoct }lachine turns you tffir-Jr tir. group. A-side of their curent "" Rockburgh single, it Ont ) which persuaded. the music biz that sa:nplers isnt t as good as their earlier Zoo sin!}" weregood money-spinners contains a deal of dross rFrequeacyt. (l) Cfoct lVa offer ryourre Without "u,ilud. among its tracks. -a1 Sou^n'd.r . Their reputation an experimental new fnlv GrnnNrur.ts Ane BuuurrpRooF wave baad. has got them a considerable und.erground.r/ cult following. This is an interesting piecJ of A brave venturel this. Deep Freeze release crossover commercial_ weird.ness with a hint of not their own single, bFTh6Ir onnMice Lp on Mole electronics. (+) fire first exciting track on the Records. And the whole thins,s highly iriliry f.e3ora1, l:::11:iTg :::11:iTewith arbum is Music For preasurers rrhe Huma* Factorr. gallons of quirlcy i?rr.c.:.na-I Good catchlr electronic rock thatrs rhJrthmic without Itrack then:"pp"ai. rraiU_ly_ being.toring/fast without being monotonous. Good. sound like electronio spinet * a tune lf),XUas that rhyme on€o (5) Iigntr"r"s t" W"x sound like }ate 6Ofs simplicity + oddty sung:-&-sps!s l|Il^"Hsery fshangri-lat peeftd play this once for freaks on (l:*:. an improved peter perret of only On_es 1i{:1i 't(adio yoghurtr.is a old. timers sake & then.dump it. So woulC I. Main strong e taeTffi??. ltAu/. j.n fault is simply that they try to pack in far too lArrwaves a carton. (z) rr Vote Corr""".,rltir" marqr disjointed. ideas. It d,oesnrt gel & the whole rrm In Love wiih'you);";; ;il::;:;';; i('c"rr"" mess, tastes of hippie failure. (5) Ada Hilson & il,laegi.e T. The Not Sensibles also have a,n il.T. love Keepins Dark have tHead rn The ctouEffiG I nrote oae for a ba.nd. I used to be in back ]:o"9_1 classy mid-60r s copy-pop with brass section, kbdsl ]]" ' {6 (mrne ended; 'r...sh€rll give me an electi.on tamb, etc add.ed for extra spice. fn fact, the song l: tol. at,the top of ry poltl"). (i) ,Emile ZoLa,l works much better as a sampler track than as a lyrics LJrr\,s that ula,L menrrlrn mentibn tn1s this llterary titerary i:::j"::slais single in its own right (see singles reviews). ggTS ends witb a delectably unbearabte ltTo*. Th" (7) Ugdgfn nonts rChoreographyr is ok but, tite a On this side of the Lp, I like tracks -(4) lot of the weaker tracks on this Lp, itrs ord.inary ]91"-*1o. particular. So rphytti; is a protoaod in Jr_6 ]lr 1: where it should be exciting & repetitive where it (5 ) 'ntnt.rming Fruia Future | . rry r:.. .,W lT_*t"::.ikls . sbould be inventive. (B) Oitto for rThem r Mef by l':** tr,i"-o""-(;;T#*t"r, joke). r#" Mgdium Med.iurn. This begins promisinglyl sta€:rates with a sax break. Weird as ever & twiee " i"roy.l"gq"e as li.keable. For those into word.s, this one iell$ after a minute or so, & then just seems to go on.& on fo:r a€€s. f tr s a pqsitive relief when the needle a horror story thatrs got all the subtle charm of, a blood-stained. brea.d.hnife. (6) rf met a maa wno arm lifts off. d-e 2; spoke like an uccA fornr. This is a olassic track. p) Radio 5rs ttru.e Colourst is very catchy & stops f love it passionately & I d.onft loow wlqy. Is it soon enough to leave you wa^nting more. Itr s fresh & because ( a) . it' s odd (t) r' m od.J i" l'-it-i"a." f,un & I like the skillful use of the lyrics (swerve abruptly (a)f Uow what an UCCA form is & have a y''deserve). sg" also singles reviews. (ioj tuJ." u""t degree in rndustrial Metallurgy (true) (e) i;ve net the same bloke (f) f was that man? Marks awarded" Be Russians (arentt the names of all ttteseGG I i'lhere Have I Seen your & for correct anrswers only & d.ed.ucted for wrong good.3 ) set me oo€so "ri. why it is that so mamy northera ba^nds are Discuse,the last sentence & the next one. wondering This is so d.oggedly churning out thinly-d.isguised 101rear- no way to r,vrite a review. olal rock songE. lfhis sounde liie a eong off alrff -_sia. 2t one 1oE€i dainly-iastrqnoatal. track catled " have ]'lne ootagolal Rablit surpluer. ftr6 rtew r.a!b avant Couat"y Joe & Tbe FiEh albun. (12) lEt FaiLure rcinnickr oa offlr.-Tire motrotony hElilA-ut f ao icaFd€. olassical nusic iajeoted 1gitb pop ext1.aots & actu€,lly like it thi6 tim6. Shame that itrs_trapped 1:ar:ety of.sounds & noi.ses ploduced p\ysicdJ.Iy & olt side 2 aDoBgst a bunch of substanaarae. (fl) La vLa plocos66d eleotronios. ftis tota,lly dlfferett th€ A-Eide (fron 34g A-side, ia fact). Odd ye qet'I l)onrt trnoflr !y I,-E_99_8o49! & they reaffylffomsnatches of catEh] rhythm are there only donr t know... Take l-aav FpE-offiFe & Banshees " ]rittregnotl.oh & qlnn^-^^ -.,-:^ rTE^ llOng r:*r.!--:-!- into rr-^ lon8 enough 1trar you *n for rrnrt slow lhom then da'.n dovn *n to le-1 to a*-n* half+ --^^,t sta,tt gettiac speed. larr-de-nr-iEli-T6i-1Ie thenl& dj.sabled. Oopst f.ve dissed out (11), though with lbefo!€ they vani.sh rithout trao€, a-oe, legi[e of Sood leasotl. Itr6 Sectiolr 25's I After-Inager. fase sflnd dtepping ia. If I like thiB gide 1e68, then De th€ P.I.L.st f've got a heaaachet This is litrs onlJ beoause itrs deliberately olusd.ve. Te4 boredlom given a good production job & fLattered by lTl"t of seoi-classical aoE-rock, the[ a toilet llusheE (Iiterally) & a gtr lr€aL leads lnto a 30some ok ousiciaaghip. I ronde! if the other 24 gections are aE likeLy as this i6 to star+ The yawn lle?. bulst of rocksoag thatrs then suoked off (l) aa tb6 rer i!-thitrg? (14) Eot atnosptrelic atance-pop into the void & thetets a solo soErion for tbe f.orn Waht Heat in the form of rEey Disco Joet. ldrunDer - on oydbals r no dnms. I* mias of this fuontsd. ty srolle grsat basslines, lrith clluD nacbine &_& Ye sLip beck into the rooksong ("Irm really nice, porerful vocals. The oombination is strong enoue.tr tolrffjle really nicer IIers roalIy nicer'retc. - g?eat make sure that this nu,nber works nelt. 8ui it goes Pbilosopbioal lyrioot). Another flush of the toilet on alout _one-mi!1. too long & has a mess fo! a l& werre off againr this tine on ktds.... luJr thiB fi ish. (15) Stra.nge! Than Fiotion: r Inmol.tal fn lbunch-of bu).letproof blooDs for cold roct€ntr. Thsy (see atso p.9 ,o9d" from Leeds. you'Ir be surprisrat. l{irrorar. iteriillli-iiliGo-ii-Ei-at for featrEe & sinjfe rewiew). f love this track. J,.ry tne.wayr while werv€ on the subjeot of 1016r & AppealiDg vocals backeal leatly bJr tt! velsus kbds. 'Y.arcl ais r r.hen soft liachile Eplit in half iE r71, A real wianer (& it,s otrIy roogh aero recorcling iiobert dyatt formed a bard of his or{n. f'reaoh for that war never intenaledl f-or"reteiset). Watch out forsoft l,lachiae is Maohine l{ou Eo his band !.as Matohi tbl'con}o'they.Le6exveabiggerbiieoftherock Ia.., 3f FI{f;F GqryrS ! l4!S TurTroN I l":!,Ilrls.Beginneis 'Ppp1e. (16 ) A soeeded-uo rio-eff nf 'nhe Normaltt s adv.trrced. Leeds ilr€a. Phone leeds b81abL. compi1ation

LenO GurrnRrsr



posrLion in roch banci




SIHBHETEITS A packa€e haa oone through from Neflcagtle band. fhe sablelets - pr'esd releasea gitrgle & ooverirg l€tter. the lotter says that theyire td;E-6;r-e ity Rooker b€cau.e /pboto/teu tronrt set arv Covela€€ ilt the LondoD nu6io pre66 rCOs llert'e based up he!e'r. So herers afpage"we oD then.... .A 4-pioger Dane1y Di€s6L La Fune, Kid. Clover, Reno,Reeds & Attoine Legrfi, ib€y iionrt oata€oliEo their du6lcr but have been aleacribed as an 80rs R&y'rookabilly baud; tiough thei! itrfluencoE ertend llto oourjtrJr, oajur, Jazz & Latj.tr An€ricaa forne. Remo, on cl.rurls, i; ihe iatest additi.ot - r.ith the othsrg d.oubling o! variouE irstrunetrto inoluding Eares, coagas, guitars, naracoaE & harnonica. flrst €iltler 'Eadiolandt c/w.rAoe caf,Er & rcaldoniai wae-rele"red it r79 W Bluspot,t Becord. &-Their xaE p1ryeil regulat\y on nadio one (John Peel, Paur Bu!!ett, etc.) & got rnto ii.o"e o;;;-'n"p T;;: -In recent monthsl the band. bave toured. with The Darts & The Pirates on their northern dates affierl as gping out as part of the Blueport Records package shows round the college circuit up north & also down to Lond.oa for two shows. During the Bed.rock Festival in thein home tornr' they topped the bill at The Guildhall. At the end. of last monthe Blueport Records released. the band.rs second single, rVoodoo Cave, ,/n tAt The Quaysid.et1(see review beiow) A the band. have lined up a tour of the North-east & Sootland. d.uring May. After thatr theytre hoping to line up some gigs on the continent where their first single became quite popular. The band can be contacted through Mike Maurice at Blueport Records on 0532-8L2377.



il, ,At fhe Qua,ysid.er (Blueport Eiteael [a lFunae Kid trLwven r80). Th€ a-sid€ r.s' a- lather ulidspirott rock slightly iipii"7"rrtr."-r"r, thougb the fast-played qolgas opelilrg ia effective * "*G;-iil-;;tls therer s sone lice ear.-Itr-s ttu- gr.itr" tl"t re.lly sorewg it up - that & the ov€rall noaototry. The howerrer, is a gr€st ri;tle nuoler !.hioh iE a oloas betxeett EurEalI Elver6 & DartE. Itrs appoa^lilg pop riiu a -iiitilihook & a nic€ touoh '-Eid6, or s6tr paro{v. tt'e abouT:ir;-Eair€ s-ing;;;iti!s t"- in.-"i"i"" (n'i+itJatiolg irl i"-tii"-tbeE to cortre & 6tal' uith hin, 'riaoll, itrs lot a€ if lrd just arotber joier in a ber at Th; rrn Dic-sel La h,,re th€ fanou! rook & rolr Eiar at rhe luaysitre/But evirT screen gotl.Leaa i,veA""V"ia!7 rrittea to y6tAhe*r De for iho lett€!6 4 are Eeadslher t;;";"A"yr sber E aevlr even hia.rd of rbe sgbt,cJets -rotzeh' or Tbe Quaysid.e.rr Should have been the A-sid.e. & Kpv fl"pgoor)", Rev.ewe) by Nir4 f

Vood.oo Cavet




Follolfhg clog€ behild. Rookbursl'6 lforthelr t-a" IJB'l'1) now undo! ner oanagotrentTE? natra€lr llav r-sgr8ersrac AalI narr corpil.tloL 4 orDilatloL colle6 co|!e6 oae oysr er.o olose! to i" 1046. i"."^ at i+-*"l!9 !*ki"e tfe l7i-.."i ."6 bandg, t"' puat. f*:' TeltD6rEro6 ":'"" but "-"' hT.tlc^!.tds. "to.li rtuaio/later rollovl4s 6!d of thl! Lortb Rar, ihe La.d6 ll-r:iq:: troise (Bird) cloln. ir rvesate 999tli^r"t ;;;r";.s-;T,i; ;;'";;"i;;; ;fiiil;.-ili"^riu lllillv] l.about |sv3]s-. T-lre puuk bard8 rroral'roa cI lotal rorar uo'rudlo! Coafugioa ol one ole tlaoks !6corded ia traoks i4 the tbe etudlo studto bt b; i;;J-Ld". looal bands. nost lh*ligfglio" l":*. -T!6irorusual gTi? nortf,---TG'e """t ili qf tt€' baEed in L€edE. rt r".ii,"il-iti;;:'";;' Figltor last '";--*;:" strippels ll& toplesr toplsss bart!al,d8... Dt!!l!el cl8... or does j.t it bv lbill of -srrLppera by 6 ba,.tr, band.st .trhe !h€ F^,.+ Fot.at. ,r,r,|!he r^*r--"^-KotivatorE. Side Effect.l"lrr tbo fa.nziEe oomins.out of Es$osat Ginuickg, ru;W;me_6=Gfi*i-ffiii :+cry+.qg.q' has been sileat fo! EoDe irontha tror - t6 HcR ;?E-aih;"TT; u;?= i"*r" i;;iilT.",orllr na€ left in r'rorks? """"ir"it rcvi€v in rert ieane). rt v"o u"y-il"'iil;;;;;iii:: lIeH j.Egue our out now aon or of ltly nry orner .rh-;;:i:;;;-; other magazlne nagaziDe -'lne - lhc Litt ,.t several re{€?^1 freebies fr.etiaq with {i+b it. {i- The get also nhole thine l-i::-rnsue ^1rd *-tit"rarfit*lt:r!!+ur,t""-*i"?(tto.11).^r1:" promises to be well worth grabbing. And for -tG'cJi"t-i"ui(perfect full oolou! cover, real """"-iu iinat torcl of ailded interiet, -- llutlodigd etc.- bourd' uoh snarte! thao {CRl). SSpagBg br mBrs rcsid.ni oartoo*st,'Sii er*;i.---*' ltypes€tting, iore reoortting o""u. Asoq" ioio'o'u i"o'"insru ?:-:::::f ^31:t1:, T.::T',3tr:les & I'do. o4 th€ interlational snall pres. tit. sc6a€. Itr s oaly 8Op rlov€ t! rhe H;adr "i1iffiiT;;-Fi.ii*"r;i-i".x dltect froo.ne-at El'" 49":l!. Door label this north. s"t" ii il"ai"iii J"""tii- (+.r5P.posta€p) Howardrs Kirk Enterprises witl be putting B"J;;d lI:m still after more outlets for WCR so if itts soups onto wnvl - starting with Mv"t"rior." r":^::.:,i1"^.11.,I:**fl:"_f^{:: ll_t1k_{"i g:1 "f FootEtepa (oxlt{eeative") *ii,i. r"ar-E-iiiiT"r ta possible outlet' then pleage tivo m€ a fitrti. vourd.rike to trv 6e1-li!g eon€ G;;;ft-hi" ui;TE-recorai.rg traoks fo! " .r""./.l"rvill!? I if vou thitrk then JuEt.s€t i4 touoh' You set singre rel€ase ln a fi"st p""*ire ooo-""'pi"i".F3l1':-"iT:'11 at t disoount &_Eo atard to ma,ke 10p ott ev€ry "i-i, staidara llh:'D Otber iltorested balrd. horve ggt-st'di6 )opy you sell - should pay for a fe_

!r6ure^u rv-tsJt ;ffi::;:";":il":;'';.*n"*toJHit5renmoreRoad'F:iil'#""i:::.'i" ,l . ,,^n A Aries Enterprises (Jules, who manages--Hustler St. ,i . "^b.ri?:" qlili"r-prl* Band, Little tsnother & t'litly Becket) are in .




. \ y,




conflict with Palrn Cove Club over events that took place after thelr their gig there in March - a nasty nasty I prepared to back down. argunent with neither side down, i sid.e prepared. r ooks aaL- like llike i r-^ legal r ^-^r Looks ^^+.i ^^^-r + say rot"."-"' III action, so IT canrt iloreo. Town Beat, the Hudds. fanrzine, has folded (at ]L . feast for the present, thorrgh it may reappear in i a few nonths). sonre of the work linert up for the I issue that failed. to appear is in this issue of I wcRr as are some of the cartoons W their goy-i"r i -






Sr4l"iieu'-ixiqlo"^,.^\ qaliet





in'el"i,r 'in Ma,\^l,iio\fr{np llti;^i"1!,i&rffi' 'tr. 'at.

il,lili ileDii

111qr(i)5r<\t "*:.lll.'Z;li,?*:t ,\19u""1\' rhe 1r9to"i11){lr,'te, 'il.;,,:3ti"f;;1"'

"-itli',,,,qteirjrw"9 --\ !?, _ct


i'l:;^?#!:t;t Ktr$3,i.r\" tii'ot't tront\o'


E SPECIAL A.K.A. 'Gangslers' (2 Tone) ll this represenls the future of anything, then I will eat one of Pete Silverton's exotic sandwiches while baring my privates to the entire secretarial force of Hi Fi For Pleasure. That may appear ro be a potentially stupid and vulgar piece of self-promotion, but lq is 'Gangsters'., . Like an MoR TV theme mixed in with " despicable 'pink' reggae. If you don't agree, then give the Special AKA all your


you are ,mate,here arel maTe for scrapboef Line-up: Uit nniagman (Vocs/Ctr), imanaged to build up a regular & d.evoted. following petE catrirr (nass/vocs), Dermot itn the year theytve been gigging. Quigley (qtr), Irlogs (nfio S"x), I_fr"ylve recently record.ed some numbers nritten bry Dave Lee (Oms). lJon (the bandts driving force) at Ram Stud"ios, & at 16agt o[e of these rlrr uppe"* on Ra,lr.s upoonlag ru-*- ., -**--'--^

-Right I,ril:-.-r"*::*.., di:il:ii:!i-iiii: ii:ilffir. rar in the early summer of ,78, ln:iiiril;:-*yr"s"*;t: l;;ii;;-;iri-"ip";';;"-ija"'riffi"t i.p.-i"i;:;

ll*ffi llrA|lEI

Goff uvrr ___-1-

Jackson & !'.1.,rtnvlr s_:Ils_gjgr fhe Huns, then r,llrrll-_-_, comprising Pete & Mik with Howard' & Esly on guitars, prayed their legend.ary !9refe first gig at the university at the encl of the " autnner isrn. oue6t superstar dru ner. John. Diano"a ioined ihe bald on th€ a.fiernoon:l 11:.fl9 &, havias reo€lv€d a turultuoug

lt", At .tho a+a n.r _.,i Ram ir, in .rrrrooJr:JNe. At playing the nnnon* momentr *rra the harr{ ba^nd are iw n"yorks. r*y !{est possible gigs aD as to build up b*6D lr"

he raa

'v'p4vlv -i"r-ii* l;;"i;i"ii"-i"s.""' ''ro the band.r s attitude toward.s what I tfruy; 1-'aoi"g, roay sry6, ,,lle ar€ a coll€otive o"ti:.i e re donrt ,a*ufron the ba.d.. Our i ealoy""ttttoa" ourselvee.,, larm ro ;ust to ertelta.iE"'p.orry iu I siae eireot's outwaril-lookin! lref!.eoted ia the way they haG aoae a consiaeratte l",nount of p.a. rrork for other Leed.s - - ;;;;-;;;;; luiaai" g, ihe re"t a 1]""- i."rrul

ii:"Ji:ii:fir-*:-"*"1#;.i'FLi:;i#i:"'3,f,' gucoes.r

l{he ciby Linril-s

roqoptio!' th6 Eosaril & EgIy

band promptLv


!]1,:tT*1],, _,, troke up' with lrttk,

Horrara returtred to Leetls in rT9 &, th{t_ riving 100 yara. fron p€ter ^ftniinggun6 I{k -foln€d rr with him. saleem Gazd'ax was drafted in on 2nd. guit8r, Joha Detuning on alrrtlls A ik commuted


IGCEI ffiti#u; ?5-?ffiff


tho ba.od !trok€ up again. a '- -'---':Pet€ & ltik slent th€ autunn of '79 rriting songs _!i!g.:l!,r Ted ilaite (f,a Voo/nm Gtr), AnthoDy P€art & lookilg out fo! rultable Eulrs. The preeent liae-l(Ld Gtr/voo)r PauL Hartrood (&se) a colia fcca^ig up cane together in spring r8o & plaved tb6tr lst l(DnE). gi8 at rhe noval Park ir apriL. rl. 1*: A:.. I tu.ey,ve been tog€the! rtth this tin€-up for 4-5 hoping lot io split up this tine i:l:il].s Before that, tuey rork€al as a 5-pieoe for t,T: pl to atr thelr.Lrend of. fraoturee-.rhythro Lottie- lnontis. yuou. 3 l"pp"oi. waggling (r a:"an't nrite this - edl ) music at any l-iil"ii'rir"";:;if-f,inanced single*tras released. venues that will have them." l^:-.t-::--^-- & ---r:- in aL^ -r---! earlier +L:--rr out this year first sold the 4r', almost Contaetr Dave.(teeds 623306 evenings or 0tley teft - avail_abte d.irect lt-";;;|"-fr-r!"*""oiil +e+6i6 daytime)' i""r-it"art Rhodes, manager, 2r Manor Terr., 1r ino' 3til3l"ti*l::u?i,"::: l3H"-,n:::H"?i' lff I Theyrve since been back into Ricrao Stuclios in chris .rclaush,''r ioyl), 1ig^oa1eo" t"*" li"li#"';:".iu"lli ;"lilyl"::"r"Tii" _!l?.-Epl Liste! (Dns). Ctr)r Joba I€6i (Voc) & Xlck out tiemselwes. The ..\\\\\.\ balld. learl tor,arild e ooEneroial tnothor lott.r. nhis one reaits! DWe started i4 sound., trying to be d.ancy, t{ov r?9 (havrng a1l been friencls for a long time), lnoo \:o r6taisiltg Lut alLlrt have enoueh gea! to lsally spt Eolra i""a NN"NSNXNXfXX proper1yunti1Xrnas.Afterthis1westartecLlanairof aorious\r praoticias & rritins 6ons€. chtl6 wlitos I NN\\\\\\\)\\\\)i\N N - teohnlcatttv the nuBio & lin wrlt€s tbe rores' then r€ nake I NN\i\rill;,.1r:1'. 'J \r & to p16as€ oovers_.._l NN"i Einor adiusr'eutE a6 a sroup.hile ,,,.S *_?:_1* l *trti"fr:if::"





oooltaatioa. er.€ all Inio difforert kind6 of lt ll I l\ N\lrl\l?.5-|i: RN\r.J H€'re talkilg ltlth a oouple of duaic xhioh keeps it interesting for us. Nk& I I |\N\#Ni||/N"' fecortl. oonpali es fe c ou! fir;t sis at skipto; r01{! Earl $t!,.N"S ll i INhN\\fNN rhe Defects a vacant a while back, taking 30-40'\Nk il hillllllflllilllfliNNN' ,Tl 1?1h1"s i: ;fiGlffius-iffir"strengthofthemhavingNlfillllll1lll]l|lill/$,1N.-.d.efinite&wel1e uatoh€d us practioe' heard our tap€s or heard of i=T=T=NH/fl1i1 lllllil Llii/S\li happv elousb io keep. us by word. of moutb. We were very pleased with the H"H,H'*";:"T";:o;J""H:"veryp1easedwiththellIillNil{fli{i/liilljilj${'#"3*ilituil,""a" 757929r. Ia tbq n€ar futule r.e hope to ao a fer. Euppo?tgr **tcsi^9re r?vied.dr^ucRr! perhaps at our school, & maybe promote something with The Defects al a local youth cLub. !'Ie liked -^ ^ ^ :- - - - -

MffiW ffi[f*{f' T',"',:'", r'^ffffi 5i de Ef{ect \-/L v \t

\' I I v' v l'


ran Rarrrnr.rr (t





the remnants of Leeds


tult'4 r4r't' BLilcxatont

;:r: ::;:,": lil;;i lJ.'-t'

r79 when h'uce h,'ce -e llnO^t April,?e Side Effect were formed. in April

outfit Black









ji*:::'::51*'^l;;i:'1!#::i$!ii$,!i,'J*" ry:ffi }#"" s -ryt?Y' i-. tine' outfit ,r.. tul. to start -.. the nefl cigcinqb N^''," ehortly ai'ter folniEg. Playiug drivirg melorlio rock with some complex, iazzy arangementsl they have Page L+ Eone




llffi.Fffit\\lffiv[tLt KffffiFffiLt o(l

This modest haven of metal mayhem, which has seen band.s such as Sg,


i:'ffitli;;"li'l;,1""i**fl:";::l l3;:'l;"fn5'31*:t:,:-ilm:: rt'vi:il";"l:i'; lproduced some fine performa.nces. Tbe

first of the6e


fro6 Ded.ringet, a Leeds-based

ba.nd 1'ho na,ke



vived inte i cept


appearanoes at

PriEoeville & alway€ paove to be g?reat crowdl pullers. lhe dimlnutlve JonnJr lloyle on vocals is vell suited. to UM but i6 by rro rneans the focal point of the !and. All too oftea my attention drifted aray frolll the mudi.c as a nhole & lloyle as frontnanr to the t o rriLdmen of the outfit - NeiL Huilson on Guitar & espeoially the orazedl Lee Flarington rho sields his Ibaaez Fl.ying V to g?eat effeot. l{urbels eatly ia the set Euch as rDi.6ct Lilr€r &'Shets ot Readyr oonfilnedl the tightness of the bartd. Their blashr hard rock nusj.c is very comnercial & the barld as a whole most versaiile. Audtience pat'ticipation ias alwavs in evidoncer not only in the nultituda of posgessed headbangers at the front, but also duj.j.ng the oboruses of songE like r Rqlaua)'r & rlazy Suadayr. ?uite deservedly, the band leceived tiro encofes, the 2nd of irhioh was jQ1@, s 'hlhole Lotta nosier, a vefsj.on nhich was hoHeve! !aib!! tane & revealecl the band.r s ea,knesEes. overall. it was a fine set flom ,edtinger $lth sone inpressi.ve guitar lrolk fro|n the dual Gibson Les Pauls of l{eil itudsoE & A1 Scott. Kenny Jones (hs) a L"" Flaxing"ton ere lnvaluable, alespite a lather suspect nrii on their instl'uments. the band will be back at Prirlcelril].e soon & I ruggest you make an effolt to be there. S€ven deys later oarne the turn of another Local !and, Vardis. The impression I got f!ol! ihis l_Piece outfit was that it was sinply a oDe-nai sbow. Steve Zodi.ac, guitarist, vooaLi.st & tbe bandrs aongrritort it s ialented musician €speciall.y with his ponelful rhythn wo!k. llowever, I folt he was 1et doi'n €omellhat bJr the bass 8litaxist & dlumlner paxtLy due to the bad sounal ni.x. At ti.mes though tbey funotioned percfeotly a6 a unit & 6ho!.eal thenselveg to be followib€ in the styLe, be it purposely or tlotr of [otorhead.r !,hioh ln my opinioD dloe6 then cledit. odi.ac, although a fine guitalist, is lot out out to be a silger & the band. ould oertainly benefit fion a po{elful vocalist. The best two songs they performed rrere the txo tlackg on their crrl ent dingle - well worth buyiag. There was nearly no balrd at a1l the follorirg ree'k. Appareitly bio 8e1I & hiE baDd. had a apot of engine trouble somerhete nea! Stoke on Trent, but finaLly arrived. at about 9.30. Unfortunately, i.t took €onre tirne to tring the bandtE soutrd anything near foEpeotahility. At tj.mes the band sounaledl nore r.av $::jl_-}!$, Robl! ttolrer than r,Ir.all Tt like II-ewuIt'IZZy Cane oro? IlIIIl9elIo him6elf. An pagt COIUleCt3-OnS An LD.qJ-QaTLOn iad.ication OI lellrE paSl of D€IJ.'S cotttoctiolrBftl.tn I'nIn Lizay itb Tbin came ith a weak version of rWhisky In fhe Jarr which was applauded more in recognition of-Efrong rather than fo! the way it r{ss deliveted. the high spot of a dull-l6h set na.6 Thin Lirzyrs old sta€€ fav€ rThe Rockerr tbich was Hell-executed thou8h Epoilt !y an i!.diffelent lead 60!.0. If this was something of an r:ninspired. evenfng, then it was more than made up for the following week when Diamond. Hea.d made their first appearatlce at Princeville. Their reputation & excellent debut single had drawn a fuI} house. They opened w'ith tlielplessr I the B-side of their single & a brilliant umber delviered with boua.dless €r€rglf o The bandf s set showed. them to be the best to have visited rincevi.lle since ia4olts last gig there. Their posters proud.ly d.isplay a quotation from Sounds which uDs: rthe biggest ae, plospect. ln heavJr rock sinoe !gl-t4!!g!f3r &, although this is perhaps a little vor the topr Dianond Eead have defiaitely got what it takes. Sean Ilarris is one of the best flontmeu/ calists I have ever encountered & he creates an excellent rapport with the audience - especially ith those head-banging at the front as he enthusiastically joins them. ft took Brian Tatler a while show what good. effect he could create from his Flying V but it was well worth waiting for, The ot s enthusiasm at times tend.ed. to overshad.ow their musicl but the sound was brilliantly controlled. d.rummer Dunoan Scott. Dia^rnond Head have an album entitled. tLightning To The Nationf in the pipeline hich ril1 include numbers like fTricl< 0r Treatr, rstreets Of Goldt, 'Itts Electricr, tTo Heaven F*rom e1ltT tPley It Loudr & rAm I Evil?re all of which axe superb & I greatly }ook forward. to hearing it. wo encores once morer the 2nd of which was called rsweet & Innocentr & was the best song of the set. This climaxed a great month of III,! musj.c at Princeville, not so much vrith a ba^ng but more with an xplo sion.





BECOBDS HUtrE REDUETIUNS Aven Z,@A0 items at eosb pric@ {ru F@s e& &easfr 8il"0@ aFf aL[ #a[$-,priae L,B's {-E



E,lYl,, ,l', KcEa,TE I lH ryH d ilq 'E H ur nt,




EttrFtEeh,gd ab

61 l)'ii1fr,
















MHBmZilTE Gzoo) R5 Rl. 16 IUBR E[trtFffi (ttoo) ?;!,*;:l AT. 17 BRHruo X c185) RHs UN. IE MUERHBE WffiITE BffiMOf' RT. 3I Y[ilF fmfKsffilru u z soi'Ji!*'



Fnts. Secre tarV, Anc.ly Kers haul

-5,llli'nr. Page 15

3 b{;r; o ++, Yo


lf".*, t"")






KrfcK gttsircSS

tuNq exP



nf nqrqe No

or Qooo I


I Cottt?

h4igE {uE tcREWs


-tzrE=: - ' il9 r*r. ';='#rci;


a few

fAciat- iruf,q RieS'

rr*l fwtx



SflREETCReotqLifl. RAr-,t{qS wN 4e /





5 LIVE RFVilEb/s"

lgw T wwlK@ tb) Y?t[tio?.1t:'e'f't'. Among those rrro tlo,,rr-;-; iJt") etsili#""(i""") Lt3



gently into the realms of reality a4;ain. lto seep these. 'Hild Horsesr was commercial goes them something before that reputation a have - llliceexceptionr norsongs, was rI Didntt Know (that you like the prow of a battleship. Thuse it was no l"o gulDrise il."t th.i. first Vanlts Bar gi8 (& only ]loved me)'. The band exchanged instrument6 the bandr s lrd public outing) putled in a ne ar-SRO lthroughout t-he set' Allan on glr/bass' GarJr & PauI audieqce nhich includ.ed. a goodLy number of, lon kbds/gtr/bass & al} 3 using their larynxes line & they never collected musicians come to check them out. lsomewhere along the rGor. passing for 1eastlf,,200 at reputation their deserve immense Th.at S&S psrtially ie in ao doubt. Slliggrs| provj,ales the v€ry They finished tbeir _hou!-Iotrg set i.ith r}lhy loalt heavieEt of foundatiotral bassr6rL yet remains lYou c haj.tr tle lown?r (pelhaps dedioated io Joyce Irv'uuarvJ & rout It lotmt r a nunber atout ihe gnotlgll vrr uu 6rut on lUcKinney) Vvr- ituuIIuJ'It5 ./ w to ii'VUItJ. avoiil vever sounding turg"idi OIg enough L(J Iflexible IexL rPtolLel! Pagel Pa€er was reoo.aling in of recording in studios. studios. rProblem rnaetery lhassle nea!-perfeot mastery executes his hj.6 near-perfect top top of of this this Sak e).eoutes lhaosle of across the heard reprisaL & Ifd. they it swear of tbe guitarl playing fast or economically as la appropriate & making d.elightful use of occasional ]water' wah-wah or feedback. And. in Baby Tuckoor S&S have Paul l{itchell on drums shouldnrt go unnoticed a potentially good. band. Steve Horton is a d.ynarnic either. Hee tike the rest, gave all. The John vocalist & a good frontm'n; & Marc Schofield- is a lBonharns & Phil Collins of this world eat your jhearts out - You ainlt seen nuthinr yett uJ his fs u4rJ lxdtss by pogerful only mared ror! is oIumme! whose wlros€ work POIeIIU-L drummer 0.K.r so naybe Irn slightly biased. I have sometineo allor{illg fl ashy roIls & cymbal-nork to cone befole keeping basit tim€. Put together, the laotually haal the pl'easu!'e of seeing the baad befor 4 m€mb€!6 of Baly tuokoo cleate a solid but l(somewhere in Leeds Bhere you.leetleal to fight with tbrobhed that sound of waLl shifting lthrough tire crowd to see them)_. Howeverl- they baought thsir o.t.n toand of erplosive rook coupledl excj,temJnt & ilreH oue of the most enthusiastio lespongeg Irve seetr j.! rnoaths froo a VauItE' cro d.{ith the lightshow iato the city. All young I'eootil be a- profitall gorrever, eome of the very l.easolB that Bat0r luckoqlab€ls ta.kg beodr llersh words -c-ould_ went do-wa so relL at the VauLts also shou the v€ry partnerdhip for a oa!!ia€€. Afte! al'l, theyrre o[1 the rrorld. defilite liditatioDE of tbeir co!oe?t. lthey pl4yed lhard-workiag loys }Jho wabt to rule Rutherford. -Albert 2 sets of AC/IC & Deep Purple coversl all at a i -

:i*l*lldill":*i*t,"1ll;tTl;"y1";"JnmgBg6Eg6,lr.1l!';l{,aa, have a set of self-composed inferior covers lthe gig got off to a-bit of a lirap start with a


songs. ) Of coulse, this sent the headbangers

apeshit - & they did d-o excellent versions ofrWhole tHighway Starre rsomebody Get Me A Doctorrr Lotta Rosiet (complete with audience "Angus" cha.nt & tBurnr arnoag others - but it made for inevitable boredom for anybody other than total IIIII freaksl & it means that the band have no id'entity of their Ollll


Eaby Suckoo have a lot of potentialr but if S&S ever want to graduate beyond beginnersr & nohopersr veaues like the Vaults, then theyrre going

to have to form their own strong identity includ.ing writing some of their own materialt adding something original to oover versionsr & Iearning to vary pace & intensity. Significantlye one of the most interesting numbers of the night ras. Sladets rGudbye Tr Janef - at }east it sounded' very d.ifferent to the original. -Keith E. Rioe.

WffiB$ffiwithWg#'Dfii'i'i|,';, the

The band opened up

synthesiser pound'ing

out lts heart which neatly led into rProblem Pa€et a number co-written, I believe, by Allan Hollings & Gary Quinn. This was loud & proud, as was: their next iG"rblittg Songt which would probably have had them d"ancing in the aisles at The Rainbow Theatret not to mention The Hammersmith Odeon (you have mentioned it - ed. ).

The introducti"on of Paul Deighton playing t piano swiftly led. us into rClass Distinctiont & My Musict. coupled with the synth, it seemed to slice the room in half (neatly, ttrough, I might add)' rThought I saw somebodyr slovred things dorn'n a bit & I think they probably needed it' However, rCould be Doing Something 3etter at i{ome' soon restored Allanr s-(ttre bassist) energy' (Itm sure he was plugged into a generator somewherell)' Nextcameanumberhe'dwrittenentitlecIIThink I Love Yout. It was ded-i-cateC to someone sornewhere but he never said whol A gooC elaborately weliconstructeC hard-ed,{ed rnelodic rock nu"nberI ( see irJ.C.it. No.!; Keith 4 iiice)it was. io were Susy Irlanr & | Itr s Alrrght' wliich qav" everyone a ch:rnce

song called. rRomantic Rend.ezvousr & stayed pretty

flaccid al1 night. Nothing much to get exiited ove here. After overcoming some hassle or other with their ampr they got into their second. song I Sbe Loves Yo Jimmyt 1 or som€thing like that. Quite a nice song with a good bassline. Things stayed" lukewarn with f Dead End Boyr, another danceable d.ittyr then froze totally with rHorn You Outr r a boringr monotonoust tedious song with no muscle at all. The News s.eem to be another ba:rd. into doing 50r s pop &1 like a lot of other bandsl thgy donr t quite pull it off. Wbatever happened. to punk? - why are bands nowadays so bloody nice?ll Anywayl on with the review. The fifth song was tltts Alright Nowr followed b;r rsecond. fn Your Leaguer, both pretty unremarkable. The next songt rDancing Aloner, I remember quite likingr nice use of hook lines. After this mild. treat oarne alother crashing disappointment cal.Iecl rCaptain Dan Daret eukll Blood.y awful. At this point I d.ecid"ed to go home, so I donrt larow if they d,id. a^nything of note after I left, I doubt it. Why arn I such a rniserable sod.? -Kev Hopgood. oC <r''^rs.^ <Lellv\< Shrck furaatl \ ,S wurDervh^-tt^r S*crc,f,Olwt *. d.O:S, \ c&frs... r^x keep'r^p Kr tr,<a,h^-q.J- Citt

u.le' *:.9yi **J'{ ry,1u1:Yf b1a.*.-

tc(eX.fe b3tw, *-c1_r^4rrcv cirt

G,a'x ^''X\b x xob acla,r:rre Ifu San^--st4&djt 5Plra*ezS r^'"^)<-/

6titq, ba/h^locrCI I

P. ^ -^'.rc'/ ? oi. fi^tr,^a^-u



Clues v'vsr' 4Theu' ,{cross . /rrvrr ' T[.eq'v I eoa-ll..se4 o. lacal , /'l\^. oh . -. i 6o.r an'r f - -!"1/tlzboJ I (s,a) i/'.c,oh,Tr.9 WiUha.,t ba,,.ki.r.n fr.ililS? s^o-.{F.,(?) 5afl^ic-b ^6+- . "(;,=,7,


2;tr?i-'5:' 1.^t31 ( n ,o..,?^li':-4:A; ,i +,w- ;; k.l1 F"dX \k*ltl,?,] H" c




Brian /4cGrath, who rilhs


yjs at Prncerille.rB'{'ol on Th urday s & sunclay s (alter at lunchtrn) rs hoying to start ul, on l'londay nrghts wtt! non- heavy bandE. Splash 'l (ert to E one/a rt O ne B , f is no(t runnlng regularTues. ,ork




-c"i1s.11 orrc :3-t\

nnlqht be,

Dpc-qFtnR . (:6z tD ) G, tt,?)


Tir.e- t4;.- coilc)dval.r, r lrJ& .rris.








(oelca^prd xP



t (rle glru - mostty "f

electronlc banCs. The Crow/t, Nharc- {1r1re- Reke< ccil1es

-fr*. . (*r +) 6idts "o+ I rvorre--vicio.rs I (r)

TrawPus bloutn ou

t hlih. oulz (") S Rile^+'s Tlv. club not uf +t mr.h? (t',=\


r :^t& -o

sElnts pr,ss aoD

&.z,r-i, x.





I LondonWll-



229 ngtgf..


of therr rupprt bookiry to Sdxon at 5t. Georye'q //a l( , 8f ,t' when theY turned uF late I wrh tlteir flear

-t r J o e




O) -1







N trl


When you're thinking of recording Masters or Demos you'll need a studio with a reputation for good sounds, good engineers, and a friendly relaxed atmosphere. A studio with the facilities you want, 16 track or 8 track available by the hour or on day bookings. The effects you'll need like Flanging. Echo, Reverb. A.D.T. Noise Gates, Compressors, Harmonisers, Dolby'A'etc., and a studio area with room to breathe. A studio because of its unique sounds, attracts bands from all over the British lsles, Germany and Denmark, and a studio that doesn't charge the earth.

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Ring us at


ytr: ,$,,,


6AD'.ES /t



t' ru'


lor o rt^\" "' p

30p by poet tron woloti;



@@AU#,FJ,: t'luslcAl IllsTRu]tENTS- sAtEs + H|RE + gxpERT

oil eu,rAR, 8A55, DRU!|5,

md'f:ff6&o SATtr0;BROH8#"









RscoRDNo &.V,DEI STuDtos +

FAR aAilDS, c,Rott?S, ARrrsTs,

P.A. HIRE (tgo 3rooo uaft) TRArrsPoRr. (P.n.Ris:- toh nnen


cREW and

'ljilHl?; :,r1,,!rT

or. r- t

larshalt, Ludwig, Cartsboro, Qrat ion, lgeJfs f l".g1i.r.r Otyrryic, Taqa, f banez, harl ,Beyer, A.K.G., Korg, ftaven Gretsch, Stingerlani.




TJ2EKSnns GlG Gt//,


rR r NcE vrLLE, e R AeF l<e = S l*d ROYAL PARK, LEEps = The De';.+ <

H"tii-etldrtahans+ rhe Mrtivdtors, IHE lly H<LuB,Le(rs, CIU EtM t ALL, g R 4u F o eg ='-BacRsLr de -" r,' F FaRDE GReEiE,|Eze5 =Kni{eli.ia.


7flt-t'4 coyg nBnDr.sr c-9tt"lo cLUb.LtEDs ! -rh€ Shara{,f IFoRDE







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'Wrfivni;r;-ir,!',ffi MARQurs oF cRRNly, r-Err,il <l'lTTffilii Jl0t ujul-r? 3nR, gRRDFoRr,Ordl Sax.'


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UNITy r-/ALt, WAK1F1ELD = Thc Hqmin Leaque + F,4il CL4B, -EEos .l-oca. bands (TDA).









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.u,i!1{'J;lr,idarn a ,t"r-niis



( A6LT s B n R, 6nnw oay = rTE Ll0N r HU'D ER gF tE LD

The Scars,

LtrEu> urvlyrK>lt f i Lot5tnTo? F ..m lJpr 0rleAn(

; v ? ut = KtNGs HEAD, KEtoHLEy = Aq;,"y C":lrdn:'-'-'" J g'F'D F

i I

Tlt J

& cRowN,tLKLEy = Side Eflect,

Vnurr5 8RR,

& cqoh//V1 TLKLE/= Agony C-olunn, yl.tl.LJt BqR,senproso = niddirB.'- ',',' K tN Gs HEAD, KEt GHte'.) = Tie]ieXie n ts. pllrr.tsi [DRF -,5nD. p0tur-EFRncf.g.n\ i?LAsr aN€. BRRDl:6qo c,ll.







n ui'{,ftLEi,iflir:{{J:feW



;i;!'B ; i TI Xi J ;!r3' ?r=, !,

rlE L I oM, nuopg. R.s fl etn ji; ? a;;;-WED Vl, ----r-' yAttLT5 BAR BRADtropD qf,llf't? uutvst<s,7v = ='tt^^t/,,^ ee'.i'ge'hi,ty *nhn chitton,s ,- ,Feetwdrmers . uNt-ry dALL, Wn<erreO=







10 rrtiU-ffi:Wi,,rlrnr::;:s.u,,,,eyr",(aE,hanpachaxe)










q! +



ff,r,.c; =ToBel-onftrmel,) (r.en) "'ro Be




Brranqed. Lo"Ruu:@o;ii


RotE & cRowru,trxtEy ,li6e diirp. I4AutTl BBR, BRR)FoRr, Disco gtude -nt s KI.MGs |ILAD) kt tcHL E y . ( nFt,tr) ttt. b.i!,, . t ^-r, ; .-; F I ),,t r., >l'LHslr cNE. tJr{AI)F)R D". A....,, ^,,.) . Corrnt-c,.4Jr, ^.e.,


<_ e






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