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Hls ]rd 8
A]brrm Bands
AfD: Publicising Gigs
2 I[0NfH clc cU]tDE: 500 Grgs LIVE AT PRINCEYILTE: 4 Band.s
LAss rF
Which studio did Dedringer use to get a contract with Dindisc, along with orchestral Manouvres; and which studio did the Gang of four use for their contract with EMI? Radio 5 and Aircraft with Rockburgh, r.o. zero with Logo, Excel with Polydor Music for Pleasure with DJM? And which studio has just recorded the new Fall album & single and a Heavy Metal compilation album for Logo records, released in september? The new Manchester collective arbum'and recordings by DAF from Germany, Mini Pops from Belgium, Girls At our Best, Stranger Than F iction, Joy D ivision, a new album f rom Ada wilson, the Bu zzcocks in during August and a single f rom Dalek l, R n'B group the cheaters, Durutti column, Beats working, and the Donkeys new single, the Killermeters and Danse Macabre? Heavy Metal bands Buffalo, Turbo, Rhab Stallion, Streetf ighter, Scorched Earth, Jededdiah Strutt, oxym & warrior; the comsat Angers and l'm so Hollow, Mysterious Footsteps, the oscillators ancl an alburm with the Not Sensibles? The Studio all these bands recorded at was_
and whether you're mastering or making demos you've got all the same facilities on 16 track or B track, Digital Delay, Anolog Delay, Harmonizers, Echo Plate, Tape Echo, stereo F langers, spring Reverb, Noise Gates, compressors etc. plus our Soundcraft desk with sweep EO and JB L monitoring and that great unique Cargo sound. The price for a day booking on 16 track is just f14 per hour for a 10 hour day or f 16 per hour for less time, and on B track it's only fB per hour for i0 hours or f 10 per hour. The only extras are the./o" tape at f 10 for a full reel and f5 for half a reel and VAT. There are no overtime charges, no tape h ire charges and we're ope n 24 hours 7 days a week, so you can record day or night at no extra cost and we've got a pub next door, So call round or give us a ring, and we'll see you soon......
Recording Studios ion Street Rochdale
(0706\ 524420.
Issue Number 8. AUG.EISEPII8O. EA'rting
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lOp each d-irect
or )op each by
mail'order from the address given below. BuIk orders of lJ or more copies can be had at the discount price of ZOp each (so why not sell the ma4;azine yourself at gigsl school, etc.?) AIIERTISING
: Standard
for first
time of ad'uertising, then {,10 for subsequent placings. Colourt different sizel speoial lay-outl etc. by arrangement. Ring or rrite for advertising rates card & any other details. EDIToRLTII,
Undercliff e, Bradford BDI OPY, XB- Krn't X- uord
Fanztnes, newg iheetsrcomix, gt;.
No{^ll" - rvrll includp o.w.H.t..Gqai9 Irtihareni, Tede d4, I h gr;m;t
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UI(l LATI(lN had a write-up i.n T.no Bradford punk band, Yiolation, the first issue of WCR. At that time, theyrd clone on pubJ-ic gigs. Heref s whatrs happened in the eight months since then.... The band's i.lne-up remaina unchanged (Aky on dms, 'Oxfam' Harry on voc, Mick on gtr, Barry on-Bass). it was the trio of Aky, Mj.ck & Barry (+ assort ed friends ) that walted for ne in The Manville. Plnts ln, clEs lj.t & formalities aside, they let me choose some photos & then began to talk about themselves. The bandrs first two glgs were both at Palm Cove, & both with The Negatives & Total Confusion: r'On the gl g f i rs t we- were-Ttr-Fs-FTandli-T-vy-5iiTToffi' we 11, s o at the second one, we went on after Total Confusion but Harry had laryngltis so it was difficult, though we stil-l seemed to go down well .r' Aky's determination & dedicated enthusiasm has always been a major drlvlng force in the band. By
"lin 4{ "i who just weren't lnterested us at, so we got no proper soundcheck, werG only allowed to do a half hour eet, had to brlng al} oLLr own gear & only got paid O2!, The Clashrs thing of saying that they want to help other bands just isnrt true - nore like they want an inexperienced. band with a bad sound as the support so that they look better when they go on. However, 1t was go to do. We were surprlsed at the really good reception that we got - the fans were 55reat. Also, 1t got us a big feature in The Telegraph &
"We used to rehearse et Coda, but we hari hassLes with thern & anyway couldn't to pay for every rehearsal so wetve now movedafford i"tu a' natefs cellar wjth our gear. We've put money into doing ii up we're low on funds now, but ii,s been *"ir-"oi{i,'jt."o Once we've got more oash, wc,ll do a studio _ in the meantimer wâ&#x201A;Ź're hoping ior. chance todemo do a session for Pennine Radio'(tEat'd give us a demo to send out too).'t Songvrlting : ic by Barry, lyri cs by l{arry. ,,Tt , Trs is stil-I baslcally punkl tho"gi, with touches of new the porui of a punk band but we Ylye.]rBarry:'rWe've llke to thlnk that we it-'iBut u. fot _ sort of like Wlre but more nowerful_.refine we still like to " Aky: Tfnl of ourseives a6 Ueing" a punk band _ & we stllf pfay to & for punks. "
Arg;us .
trielson wlth The Quj.ck as our support . Ttrelfffin-f, wel I
"We d1d the Rai J-way Workers
AIbion, Huddersfield. I : r' i : At Sca.mps, we amazed the manager (& ourseLves e4fr'f * too!) by qeLtin,q over * ..t6t, .
;;3' J"5ilri''i,l'lii i"fi5r. It was our best gig so
B far. llowever, the London ,I management oi Scanps have \ ' since Cecjded trat tr.ey & don't want urnks in treir & clubs, s() we ii- M ""r,'i--,i; irilarn. Tne AIbton went weIlffi t,oo - werr,- blr:k t:.ore on a ffi rebogK rn:: orr Ilth JuI.y. " r y:r'* rltissr:d tt., -,a'iet'I - erl ,). :,.*"
;Rry,'$-PffivIU Whatever inage Princeville
WMC conjures up ln the nind of those yet to vlsit, this venue still rempins an inpreoolve platform for heary roek at its finest, & did so even through the punkr/new wave expl-osion of ,75/,77. Once agalnl tnie iemarkable tradj-ij,on came through late ,June & al1 of ,tluly unblenished as some of the top HM outfits 1n the country succeeded in bringln6 capacity audlencee to thelr feet. Junefs progranme waa cfosed by last-minute & 4-plece band from replacenento [lggetllebtc!r B Ii c xp o o I wn o-a:T6l[ffi-in r e pr o d uc r n g ii M c r- a s s i c e . Yith accurate erccutlone of nunbers l-ike rSpace Station No.5 t , rJailbreakr , rEnerald I , rHighway Starr , & rRook5r Mountaln Wayr to name but a few, they provided sufflclent ammunltion to keep the headbangers at the front conetantly aetive. The ab1l1ty of each of the lndivldual mernbers is unquestionabl-e, although comnerolal succesg will obviouely always eluds them (lronically enough, I thought the beet song of the set elnply because it was thelr own rStreetfightlng', euffered. no comparleon vith tfre origlnal ). Perhape th greatcet hlndera.rce to the band Liee 1n their bass gultarlst yhoae reeemblance to Phi-l lynott in both yooel & playlng otyle (black Fender Prccj_sion et al-) 1e too olose for confort. Howcvcr, at thls level, Strcetflghter wilL never be out of work & f }ook forvard to aeelng then here agaln soon. IltohfyEdc are now ooneldered one of the moet pronlnent up-&-aonlng HI bands, although a great dcal of thclr rcputatlon 1g buiLt entlrcly around their singlc rGlvc rcn Eell'r, an obvj,ous neoesslty for any buildiag rcoord oollectlon. A fuII house wae treateal t a' potcrful set, rlch 1n oxoltenent if not orlglnality. tlltohfyndc rcvel 1n thls aort of atnoephere &, as thl oct prooceded, the band oonpletely obliterated ny (eee WCR4). 'Gettin Heavyr, rDo pr.yloua orltlelsn Itn, rDo You Bcllcvc Yhat You Rcad 1n The Stars?' & rf Uoke Up Scrcnningr rere all_ ercellcnt & vere hcavlJgr donlnated.by aone eycoatchlng (donrt you mean ggoatohlng?!-cd.) drunnlng & powerful gultar work fror Gra Scorcaby & Ilontal.o reapectively. NaturallJ, rcr EeIlI galnccl the beet reeponac fron the 'G1vc hnovledgcable audlenoc vho oan be hard. to pleaee at tlnca but onn oertalaly appreclatG an cxcellent band Ilkc Ultohfyndc. Thc follovlng Thursday wao, for me, onc of total dcprcaalon er J[ found nyac]f at tha other end of tha oountry,* thua was unabl-o to eee the return of Dlanond.Hcad, onc of the flneet Hlil bands to euerge for r.Iglrg tfu9: By aII acoounte t[ey vcrc outstandlng &, rt thc Yardlr g1g on l?th, there werc plenty of Dlqnond Heacl T-ehlrte on y1er. For Yardis thercfore 1t rar a oaar of follow that, but thcylre local favourlteg .& audlcnce reaotj.on & reepect were never 1 doubt. Eovcver, aftcr pravloue performances here, f had dlsnlased Yardlg ag no-hopere ollnglng onto the Iovcr rurxgs of the fadd.er of fame. Sinoe then of oourae, a rooot.dlng contract hae cone thelr way & the ba.u'd. are 1n the prooGBB of recordlng a live albun. Conecquently, Yardls have acquired hlgh quality aqulpnent 1n abundance wh1ch, along wlth the excellent nlr, producsd a supcrb eound wlth baeg & druns roull'dlng oryatal-clear agalngt the unlque sound of Stcvc Zodlaera gultar. Thie vao the flrst tlne It had rc.n Yardls play ae a unlt rather than as lndlviduale at tlnes worklng against each other. Thelr record aonpanyrs lnterest in thern is, on thie showing, wellfounded lndeed. rDesti-nyr, rSituation Negativet & tlOOnphr complete wlth extended. over-the-top lead sol 1n true netal tradlti-on, all went clown a storm, yet for me the beet aongs of the set were both new rThe Lionrs Share'? & secondly ILetIs numbers, firetly Got goon to be released as the bandts next oingle. Encoree lncluded the excellent fIf I Were King' throughout yhlch even Steve Zodlac'rs volce sounded good, but I etill stick to ny op:inion that Yardis woulcl vaetly lnprove by enploylng a strong singerr/ frontnan to bring out their full potential. Desplte th1s, Vardls turned in an overall brilllant set, the only erltlcisu being 1ts length; Just 40 ninutes cxoluding thei.r two encores. On a final note, Yardis have been glven support slot on the forthcomj-ng Eawkvind tour & v111 also support The Plasmatics on thelr solitary Britlsh date in London. rluly'rs programme was cl-osed by Leeds band Red Eye turnlng ln a commendable 1f uninspirlng set. TTE:STa eound ,& the band'rs musical ability were often overehad,owed by some dreadful vocals which dld anythlng but set the crowd alight, Jet nusically Red Eye are very conpetent & at tines excj-ting, espec1all when they unleash dynamic power chords & lntrieate dual gultar breaks fron the twin Gibson SG's - as in tllotorcycle Dreamer'. The eet contained a number of covers of whleh ZZ Top's 'Iush'r & Joe Walsh's 'Rocky Jlountain Wayr were dealt wlth quite well, but their handling of AcrlDc's rLet There Be Rock' & rwhole Lott Rosie'' were terrible ( Bon Scott, God bless hi-m, must have turned in his grave) a tne applause that they received for the latter was more out of reeognition for the sonA that its execution. This was an
j"nconsietent eet by Red Eye with nany conspicuouo faults whlch may d-ecrease with trne; but, Ii-ke Yardls' Red Eye need a linger up front who can at leaet hit a few tiue notee, in order to consolidate their l1r-e-up' bi]l for August looke just ao Prlncevllte'e i-nvrting & potentlally nlndblowing wj-th the returng Whlte Spi-rit & Limelight to name but two-- *eve'rown nonths ago I would have been pushed to find two bands pJ-ayi.ng in the town on a Saturday nlght. However, on thj-s night I cLocked up aeven groupo in four venues, although I had to enploy oome judlcious s print i,ng ! Here 1s a brief ]ook at the evening. 1. The Guests (Pofy). Snappy pop frorn a four-piece thaTTFTiillEE a Eax. Self iiitten materj-al played wltb etyle & sone intelJ-igence - i.e. Icrowi-ng when to use effects euch aqboho & when not to. As I have written elsevhere, t sf,ill- feel sure lead ainger, Dave Haigh, could. beai ntvispoetell-o at hie own gdne. tnie ie * Hudtlersfield barrt that d,eserves your attentj.on. 2. Gloe8y t{ass (white Li-on). Thay donf t cut it w'lth !€, though they do have a strong }ocal following in tov. The sound ie too cluttered. & confused to bc pop with a ating. Take a Lleten to The Guests, boye, to eee how economy does have ite virtuee. J. Propoeltlon Jl (ltUion). I found this enba:rasalng. nneiGffiEffi, tney were oefore a reasonabry attend.ed bar roon. When they finlshed, puntere werc ground, thln on the having found the upstaj-rs bar a better propoei-tl on. These grovn lren gave us a dleplay of crasa etage mannerisle vlth eorc dodgy rock thrown ln. Only a veraion of rI'm so Bored yith Thc USA| relcivecl the ronotony. I thlnk rlrn so Boring 1n l.Iorleyr woultl be eafer, gente. 4. E.t'I.F. (PoIy). A record.ing eka band vho will- Iaet ae E-ng-aa....5. Xpozez (CJ-eopatraa). Three nonthg ago thcy were no-hopere, but nov thcy IG{OW vhat thcy are dolng. Their braud of punl, derivativc of ?he ilew lork Dol-}a (though not thelr llagc) & Thc Art Attaoke, hlte betyean the eyea. A d.ozcn faet, two mlnute aonge eepouelng the Crase philosophy ehowed that eonc of us are etill rj.dlng on man;r
'77 .
5. The Kltlsryr€tg (foty). tneir firat hom toru glg ofn6FTffiffil@fTariet, but they havenrt lost thclr sounal , whlch j-e described by Erone aE rfreshr & othcrs rl1np aa & tiredt. Thio etyle of nod oannot give then a llving for nuch longer unleee thelr forthcoming firet LP aurpri.eeo everybody & revitali.ses the nod market. 7. lhe Yibratore (Cleopatras). I'l not oure how nany nenffil-TF6and ar-e fron the line up, but nb matter, the i-rage is preserveil as'?Z olean punks. Audience reactlon was sllght to the new matcrlal, it belng both ulfanlllar ,* eecond ratc. An attenpt at vocal harnony on rsweet Sweet Heart' (fron the firet lP) vag a sad disappoi-ntnent, but the nagnlfioence of the two 1977 slngles Beby' ,& 'Lonilon Glr1gr wa6 j-t wae juet good undlnlnlshcd - perhaps'Ba,by to hear then agaln.
- 6ris
Ironically, The Rip Offs' c.iE at The Cocti-6taos-{Ie
(supporting pportlrrg theffiir..ffi) IneJiffiffiEt couia have coufa nave been one of or' the the townts townrs swanr.song swangong roclievents: for. as as glg sis venuea venues vents; for, throughout the town cloee under financial pres€ure, Harrogaters tvo dozen or so banda are finding dates ha.rd to cone by. Meanwhile, like Ronnn revellers before the ci.tyts fall , glg-goers thoroughly enjoyed the line-up at The Cock. Bradford punk poet little Brother made one of his infrequent visits- to HEF6[dTeEtertain a packed hall 1n his own inimitable sat.irical style. fhe Rip Offs are a newly-forned 8-nerober Harrogate band already naklng an lnpact in the area. Fun & unconvetionality are the bandrs nain almsr as evidenced by such songs as rMichael Rowed The Boat Ashorer & a stylised version of the Batrnan thene-tune. The Rip Offs are brothers Martin & Niek Hutchinson (gt & bass), brothers Gary & Dave Krnder (voc & dns, the latter for absentee Dave Howitt), Dave Hanks & Pete Richmond (gtrs) & backing vocalists Caroline Barrett & Rachel Nash. Hlgh-points i,n a varied & di-sverse set were rlrn A Sharkt, a fj-shy little number with a floating base line (theee puns are awful, well done, John "a.) & nrnning through it to give a desert ieland flavour rHe11o, He11or, a teenage love bal}ad, A Lene Lovich touch was added by backing vocalists Caroline & Rachel & the group was held'together throughout by rock-steady bassist, l{ick, standirrg out of the lrnel-ight at th{back of the stase. -foJry.lhisfrolrl
ornca under thlr nanc ln Novenber tI1 ohartcd vlth thc aong of the sanc/ Ion* before !!g$q.hbox .}hXiTIE-E7* .:i[ o^ th€ {rrcf {rrnnar.n-bandlwagon Junperai TTt Just reoent lronrlsacnn ---: -aaant na"n6 -- ao .. The orlglnal llno-up *ae Boyd Oreenqnfth (rn gtr) r /*i\\$ PauI Harrleon (<lns)' Rlchard fhorne (b) & Garry t111' early t79 :. laetcd ttll voc/etr). Thle lastcd Straln (ta voc/gtr). 'N(ffiti whcn Boyd & Rlch lcft. For the naxt yearr they went through varlous llne-ups, lnolutling a wtth socll wtth-no baseist & a short stlnt ,*rt
a sar player (untlI the band cleotded to drop sone rookln'ro}l nunbers that wcre in thelr ect & go for purc rockabilly - & hlIlbilIics dldnft naie s"xeb). Slnce Jen'-aO PauI & Garry (who long ago gavo up playir-tg gtr & juet does vocs.rrl was a f6usf euft;riaa-tt)-hive bcin worklng wilh Graham Ksarns on bisJ & Nigcl Hope on gultar - a stable & casy-goingfor a sulday E ,rttrt. It ,"s-thls tunch + nanager that I metThe Cook & Bottle {unchtlne clrink 1n Bradfordfs ohto hostelry a J enJoyed thle lntervlew nore than any othcr Itvc done to datc.-f[eyrve got an infeotlous sanse of fun - my local doesnrt
have nan! people with cowboy gear, Gene Vincent baclgee & 50fs rourd ttonrt usually uEu..IlJ pass in qon'I/ oo come coroe In Tno8c InaT that-do Ir1Ur' It,uru halrstyles - & thosc r. halrstvfis
v babiee... Je1ly -In lErru. Irve band. the urrE ur-u auL,ur. about out t:r a blt goonery, tI O1O to ILno find ou! nanage IO d.1d nanAge the SOOnefy, between the In between of WCR. 'rft not secn tne band 11ve-, but reviewed thelr EP ln the la.stitissue wlth Dean ieached no.2 ia the R$ritR chart ln Sounds.r'trWe recorded '79 Scholey on guitar & t[artyn lynch on bass - that vas back 1n July Uartynis noi lead gultarist i'ftn Johnfry,Storq & The Hurricanes (& before he Box labe l on joinla us hc wal wf tn Ygnesak.e wn Uici fn i?6,)'r. I asked tE€iT.Tit nore about the bandfs own E.P. countrified of 1t - how they got the distinotlve spicfifoalli tne recording ei,rly rook iound. ,'Ye wanted a genuine live sound - not a studio-pnoducad done in nulti-traok€d & prooessed. product. There are no overdubsr.it was alL one straight taki. Antl the-onIy effcct is some echo, nothlng else. Thatrs how vc'f11 always be.trTheyrve turned dorm offers of auditions for TV progranmes such as tOL Boyt & ,Gtts Rookr because it wouldrve involned mirni-ng on stage & the band are adanant that they will only ever go for a genuine line t recordlng or nothing. oldles $ Their 6urrent llvE set is-t["pure rockabilly plus a few obsoure RrnrR P. E. the two on only oriet-nat-sJnss are the . (;-;ie";-a-;i;;-i;";k; F ). 5 to but they are *itf"S new material- at the nomentl rrThe real problem ietine . saEe the E come up-with new tuneg that aren'rt standartl 12-bar, blt at COrllnefC]'AI SeLL-OUI as \stry/ frLrt,(,fluur Lru. aren|tasnuchofab1atant1yconnercia1seLL-outas(say)@do.E fentt aS nUCn Of A olAlanlfy beard E It turns out tnat NiEJf , wh-o Iooke the odd one out with- hiE'-[t566's,te!-Iqgl & noustache, used to"be'1n Bradford beavy :rook bends suoh ae-!-lsqE I
nE'r,nfi[ soun[ STU$D
TEL. 633717
ARIOLA EMI SIRE and GRANADA TV also numerous custom pressings on our own
nE'r,nfi[ Sioun[ S|TU$D
Gabriel gets Phil'd in 3rd time round
psychiatrlst than in the eonpulslve manner of a mononaniac: 'rThe sense of ie olation j-nspires ne. . . I ]1ke the touch & the smell of all the pretty dressee you wear". This lack of feeling for the subject & a tendancy to fil-l in wjth stock cLich'es pervades most of the album. Take I Biko I f or exampl-e : 'rYou can blow out a candle,/But you ca-rr't blow out ;r f ire,/tmce the f lane begins to catch/The w j-nd wil-.L blow it higher". to be quite a-n amiable fellow. However much the view that justice will prevall has are roalnly of two sorts. Cn The tracks on third rlntruder', rNo Sel-f-Control'r succoured the hearts of the oppressed, rt doee not, the one hand there are rLead A Norma rmfortunately, appear to be borne out by the facts 'I Donft Renembert, 'Family Snapshotr, Through The Wirer, a]l of which, to som of hlstory as countless groups of people & Life'&'And lndivi-duals who have gone to the wal-I would testlfy degree, explore etates of personal obsession & On the other, 'Not One of Usr & the much isolation. - at best, thebelief 1s confort in a hopeles.s situation, at worst an obstacle to effective action. inclined' acolalued rBiko' are more polltically tGamee lJi.thout Frontiers' These inadequacies reach their nadir in rl'ani-ly neatly unites these Snapshot' - a portrayal of a Lee Harvey Oswald type but brief' ooncerns. A heavily lntroepective' character who's about to assassinate an lnportant instru-mental- - rStart' - le thrown ln for good poli.tical f igure. Again, when hers not reporti-ng tfre hunorous touches that marked measure. The erpliclt events & stock actions whlch constitute the nuch of hls work with Genesls as well as his earlier stereotyped concept of this situatron - I'The streets played & the mus'Lc down solo efforts are notlceably are tined wj-th carcera-crews/Everywhere he goes, is underllnes thls bleaker perspective. news" - Cabrjel- resorts to psychological cl iches: Thc nost lumediately noticeable aspect of the I'I want Lo be sonebodyr/You were l j.ke tirat too,/If you albun ls the violent, thrusting & at tlnes nervegratlng nature of nuch of the muslc on hand. Thls is don't get given you learn to take/And I will take you". Perhaps the song wouldn't be so bad if it rirythm 1s effccted ln a variety of ways. firstly' wasntt for the awful concl-usion - we discover tne lnvariabl-y pushcd to the foreground. Thj-s 1s built is motivated by a desire to gain the nurderer on the foundations of a drum eound whieh is cymbalattention he had not had as a chrld due to the Ies,s, very thlck eet, relyj,ng much on the use of break-u6r of his parents' mprriage. restless, ton-ton & baes drum, at tisles prinitive, Itrs unfair not to mentlon that rn lurohing & drlvlng. This ie acce[tua ted by s orne fr:: ll-places the lyrics are pretty good. Take pretty halr-ralsj.ng baos lines fron both bass & tt__tt ---= ' .-.=tpamilJr Snapshot' The ehorus il----_-=-__syntheslser & some of the raunehiest rhythn I'I rm shooti,ng into again. ll---_the llghtrr i-s neat, gultar If ve heard for a whil-e (parti cularly lt pointlng on the tribution up Wellerrs con It--wa.y the Paul hero is shooti notlceabl-e here 1e tt_to theattentlon of the public by 'And Through The Wlre'). Over the to pr gome buzz- tlll=: shooting down the good aspect of eaw gultar llcks, neat, frenzied seq uencer loops lt-'himsel-f . Or rAnd Through The Wire', a & deft synthealser & volce effects & vocal song about the amblguities & arxarlgemente aLl- contrlbute to the a 1r of urgency frustrations of a love relationship t oonfueion. At t1nee, bY contrast, the music where wire 1s telephone wire, cage & dl rctness as, sfuopliclty nanlfests restralnt, J ll-------tlea Nornal d A wire, of trip wlre, the arrangernent elec trlc wire , cxample, for barbed wire, etc. - inages which loop & a Life' buil-t up on a sequeneer A concretely point up the slngre-line piano iig"i"l--""- OO the spartan conplexlties.'Gameg Wrthout drum beat & bagpiPe (! PauI V h Frontlerst also stands up to pretty close scrutiny. For the maln part, though, f thj_nk ( Gabriel- not only encapsulateo the profound human mysteries of nelody & an lmmedlately obseesion, isolati,on, violence acceesible hook-Iine 1s I rBikor, & rnadness rn tri-te fornulae, but present - apart fron ll rl,ead A Nornal Lifet & the also fails to convincingly ll portray them. Hi_s vision is instrumental, almost every track buttressed by a cocoon of music 1s easlly a potential slngle. (excellent in itself) whjeh Anybody lookin6g for solo gives it enotlonalw111 be histrior'es plausibility, but ii dioappoli.ted: everythlng is remains aesthetieally & subordj-nated to the goal of intell-ectualJ-y totally unsound . well crafted, Antl I wonder if this is integrated pleces of musie because Gabriel- is not so - gultar work, for example, from Bob Fripp 1e in evidence (a as coneerned wi-th the iseues he raises as he would have us Fripp-like aa eYer) Uut strictly bdli.eve. 'rAll you people in TV bound by ito oontent & augmentative J.and/I will wakL up-your enpty rather than obtruslve. shellsr/Pcak trme viewing blown in All of whlch was pretty much to be do^^\ a fl-ash,/As I burn i-nto your nemory erpected - Gabrielrs musical abilities are '-rA, "dt cell-s.. . t' si-ngs the as.sassin in und.oubted. But the alburn does leave me oo rFarolly Snapshot ' , yâ&#x201A;Źt it coul-d as not for nusical- reasons, mainly diesatisfied -j-es easily be Gabrj-eI slnging etrai6ght at in the lyri-cs. Obviously, f or f or inadequac his audienee. It seems to me that he is as certaln artlsts it would be unfair to be so rnuch concerned to act the role, much romanticised, concerned with the words, but with Gabriel lt's of the allenated outside as to understand the grisly pretty clear that theyrre an important part of the reallty - & you'fl- find that klnd of thing done far whole so they should stand up to ccnsidiration at length. They nar the work for ne simply because they more honestly by the likes of Judas Priest. But with far lese skill - you pays yer money & takes yer attenpt to project a signlfj_cance not actually choic e. present & which Gabriel does not seem to have been abl-e to ereate. The first track, rlntruderr, is a monologue by a murderous voyeur; the music & words are intended t RebS, (contrnued frorrr ?aee.6) ., convey the twlsted aspects of his psyche, but al_most imnediatelyr in the third line, Gabriel- loses track Gogdnlght Vienna (with his wlfe): r'I wasn't rnto of what he's up to & has hlm utter: Itf know where to & trune.t-ess new wave, but dld want something di-fferent flnd precious things in your cupboards & drawersrl from heavy meta.l-. In thls mus j,c I rea-t_i.y get a chance when in essence a voyeur,/murderer is not concerned to play guitar &, though it was a frTffta] from what wlth valuables as such, but with the fetishes that I ima6rned I'd be doing, I'm totally [oot6a on it flre his l-ibido whlch could be shoes, photographs , now. W1th1n the 12-bar frarnework, therers a lot of underwear, but eertainly not cash & jewelry. When he nelody & it offers endl-ess possibilities for a does get baek to his subJect itrs nore in the guitarist. I now use a very clean guitar sound where abstract & lifeLess terlos of a natlonal health I used to use a heavy metaL drole.il The others told i t's his guitar-work ne that & heavy rock backgrounci fr*LL? Ba[{qn g?,Sexa&K h&mq"vtffi that make the group s.rund distlhctrveJ-y drfferEnt from other rocxabilJ-y combos. Theyrre I club banci, but are keen to try gigs jn rock ttuUs &/or on the o* , coJ-Iege c.i rcuit. -, **r5 No Solt Aqe,,r BooL i)irecrr iOHlt , avai'lable (gopeach \n/,c,R,,sstEcHtra.,utttt$$[ror;9.W,r"o*nr.
Peter Gabrlel's thlrd albun has becone sonethin of an event - hars been acclained both on the alr & ln prlnt & it has been halled as a r-nasterplece by no lesi an tauthorlty' tnan Derek Jewell of The Sunday Tlmes - eo I thought ftd have a listen & see what aII & the fuse was about - havlng been, in the&dim dlstant past, a 'fan' of Gabriel myaelf feeli'ng him
fl I
W4&Mgtreft ,W,tr!ffi,fwf,ffi rnct.p.ip) frorn
tttDS /90994
The Rt. Hon. Joeephinc Kennlngton-Kennington on Iead larynx. As soon as I met her I becqme enchanted a fey wecke ago whcn they were recordlng their second by her phenomenal pair of lungs. L former deb., she tounded the party set by anlvlng at her coming single - l{ircless l{orlil - which is to be rcleased by t baII on a lrj.umph 750 (honest!). Ariola. fhe pre-release tape is revieyed elsewhere Mac on bass. Rumoured to be a long-Iost relati,ve 1n thle iseue. tr vas going to interview the band, but f the Mactavish of Mactavish. Plays a Rickenbacker. vG uarc a1l too buey, so Dave Parkinson (tUasr/vo6 a aonguritcr) sent ne a copy of a hypothetieal" gf illj.ng 1th a custonised lower cutaway to accomnodate his nornoua dangling sporran. of hlnsalf by ne, so what follows 1s:Gorgeous Graham Turner (who used to go out with A FAIiGD INTERYIEW WITH CUBA'S DAVE PARKINSON:
Nt: Hov <lld the band get together? DP: I used. to play kbds & yrlte for The Sneakers. That band fell-apart ln nld'79 - a vE$-ffiE'ffiTing tlne - the agency folded, we sneshed up our van reoordcd a single for Phonog"r-iT""""i"""-i"*iln"I vhlch they ditlnrt release. Eventual,ly, our gtr, bass & drune left to Joln The Roy Sundholn Band. In the lnterh, yâ&#x201A;Ź'd recorded a demo with a girl einger Ellie Oant, at R1c-Rac, vhloh I produced. Unfortunatcly ehe turned out gounding like a D.Harry clone, ao after the regt of thc bantl eplit f got to knor Josle (voo) & Ph1I (arns); rerecorded thsir tracks onto the tleno & acnt it off to record co.s Ln (tne r.rK ten oonpan dcaprratlon. ulra].gnlaway, ccaparaTlon. Stralghta lloE1s Nonle tTne oonpany for Arlola) plokrtt up on 1t & offcrcd us a deal vlth albul opttons albun optlons - Yaoko! vc ve thought. thourht. trl1l: I hcar they rcleaged that damo, unaltered, aa th (Furtlve Ytnfe,/Yalkyrie of love:triola flrat ringle rF^55I). DP: lcb. fhcy could.n't belleve lt wag done on 8-trac I rvc prod,uacd danoa for other bands at Rlc-Rao (like fhc lllrror Bovr & The Neat ) & reckon 8-traok outeldc Lond.on. You oould,nrt hopc to vork vlth a nore sJrnpathctlo & helpful cntlnecr tharr lllok Robson. [ov hef s gone full-tlne, frd raoonncnd Rlo-Rac to any band wantlng a olasg dcno. II: fha socord. stnglere a blt dlffcrant - why dld you tlok vlth Rlo-Rao for 1t? DP: YeIl, thcre are dravbacke ln naetering a single on 8-tiaol - e.t. ve hadt to bounce d.orn 2 gtr tracke + 2 rynth tracka onto 1 track - but we got an crocllent raunohy sound. It'e go casy to subnerge your rualoal peraonallty ln a bigger studlo - not so et Rio-Rac. Il: So vhenra the 2nd slnglc bc1ng rilcescil by lrlol,e? DP: Ear-<ll-har. I,ct nc s&y ve're Yery clown on Nonis il Arlola. Baelcally thcy're fuLl of ahlt. fhcy hevcnrt 2 braln oclla to rub together. They fa1lcd to pronotc the flrst alngle & they'Ye no ldea what to clo vlth thc Znd. Yhat vlth the rcceatlon hlttlng tbc malo blz, they're all ahlt-soared to oorunlt thcrsclvce to a-nythlag - 1t neane puttlng thclr Joba on thc Ilne. .. Il: (after DP haa expou-nclcd. at length on the above toplo) fr, vhat'a the ourrent llne-up then? Yellp aftcr wc ligned to Arlolar ve DPI araitea 1n Bob &-Bat (u a gtr) fron th dcfunct tccny-pop band Strangewaye. of After heaw ieireirgate,-6i-f,8fr8 our flrat g1g, they nadc a rtactlcal vlthilraral', but vcrre stiD good natee
Vicky - ed. ) on guitar. Actually 8i"11 Nelsonts smarter brother (clock those pallld, my eousin
pinched features! ). He glves gultar lessons at Coda (plue), but we don't hold j-t against hlm. PhiI ?arkin on ilrums. A former trainee hod-carrler he flunked the exans & became a denol,ition expert. fn fact i-f you listen to Wlrel-ess World, yourIl
ealise he's not actually playlng drurns - we taped 1n knooking down an outslde tollet, NT: FinaIIy, what about rmusical policy' (as they say) for the future? DP: WeIl, with Sneakers I wrote naln1y coromercial pop songs. I etiTfTal6 a penchant for really craag pop (llke the Er'sld.e of the Zntl slugle), but werre beconlng very, very different - a whole lot norc adventurous. My ldeal band, I thlnk, would be an analgan of The Human league, ioy Division, Weather Report, Desnond. Dekker, Charlie Drake & Nervoue Norvue. Werll be working with Bj-ll Nelson 1n Autunn Phil & - go that ehould prod,uce eome goodles. Alsor & on I recently worked vith lhe Mirror Boysr llve their single & were qulte lnfluenoed by thelr songwrltlng approach. -ulNrFivlFb/ED 6Y NlcX Tbczlx. Coltqct: Mark Saunders (nanager) on Wakefield 7021I (vork) or 0904-703706 (norne).
Gron Kelly (voc/narp), Peter OrGrady (tUas,/ &3p: ocJllan Booth (tenor sar)r Mlck Robinson (gtr), hrle Swlndclle (bass/voo), Joh:r Shepard (dng) &
oger Pond-Jones (guest harp).
he band's hlstory is aa long as 1t is lnvolved; t to be as brief ae possi-ble, thoee of ue who remcnber Spiral Hichvay wllL know of Gron & John. John jolned with Peter in OyI, & Chrle & Mick were playlng 1n Martha's Grave.yEE. Cnrfs branohed out
countrffied Ten-iegged Frle$r i-rto fr eome verl ehort-Ilvea barids ens@ John wlth fan & Peter playing. John neanwhileraving left Snenkere, phoned Gron to see whether ucKy Str:-xcTEi6Gsrbie. Ar-ter 5 monrne or ao oi oose anarâ&#x201A;Źenente, the band. reached lts preeent orn, & lt was Peter who listed eome song8, saying
letrs play theserr. A flred line-up in the band with variable but neatly ananged set brought rcqueets or nore g1gs. The band as a prlnclple, hovevcr, re playlng Juet for fun. Theyrve been around long nough to know better than to proclaln thengelves tare of a:qr nagni.tude. Ihey're Juet good mueiolnne Iqylng good-tine R&B & aoul nus1o. They d,on't play 1te - or rather lf they do, the hits are nid-6Ors
es played wlth real- feellag. The band ljJre the udience to have a good. tlme, & if they went to nncor go much the better. Irucky Strikc are based n Leeds, but might ventureEgE6:;-IiIf,RVIEUED !Y KEN fUAIER ontact: John Shepard on leeds 756070. pernanent bassict, Mao - so
the new Ilne-up ls
truly plue:-
Stan Enq"L p orr
requv[ar carloontvV
fr"e ,GttT' n.u Aone thzcc'rtr' flh\ de:iar,
Rav',t Ret'ord'i {or iTh,
Two Cuban heels. one uith a Setere dose
of Parhrnson'5 disease.
owl'Ftl d
A1o1 ulvd5ftotu\ene"'
1 T;
owt othar cerfoont>c +,p M.t! 'crtsie , luL, , ,Yr:, ri,,,r2i7, flryf , iY,;" .P" 41\e l(se a Fal("f Sohrrnt/ fiJo'onP ";i t! w /*h' i : ^!;;;V i g{,' ttr^{,' nid i * f e /'t'?,",,of ;6e?' W(n't nf r frrlit- 1-ft.i'.),- at,', .- $,igne' oP-the 1? X^v' t,[ai"i1l3'!^,1:!J:?";lrw;-ft3-:-^tll ?v{"t co. Whos< ttor!- vcllde> L,?, covzrv i;J'*,ili, /";",# de:ior. g+u' al;}i;/", .q'z[itri i47, . i:l:,,a'( W.291::(yly,iqn 'n.*f yeir icrcY{ry -r, :-b[;,lf;'i"iir${ri Kev l"l olaoo/-^
';ti"u.(.r/n1)t:toN,s e Age ?Pe.N TP DFFSR, ALL 3 ARe AyAIL^BLE Fop. Aul toi{s, ibrwncr THRot^ON W.i.n. (aAl<*/pbne,'lo, r^{ro'rr af nra.g) -
Anty S. e svs A bil o{ pe'rnal tREXIIilENn .muslc, WeII will
eh? Thls'ls the age of lj.ve , I tell that to all- the narrow-ninded I going to eec Clty be along w111 Iittle ;lrfs who I Linltsr-S1de Effect & Agony Column ln the coning I weeke at the I'larquls. All the above-named groups I are good - but so are Treatnent. So why the total I Iaok of human activity tonlght? If 1t wasn't for I & my nate, the auclience would have numbered ${i:tt I 0.K. - eo there were no advertisenents in the I local paper, no postera around the town, & the Dallas I repeati wcre juat starting on BBC2 - but surely' _. I after fitling The Royal Park & packing The White llon I in the prevlous week, surely they are justified a I greatcr-audience than juot two peoplel I obvlous feeling & the spaceo, Deeplte the enpty I got up they aII band, entire the through of deepalr I profeselona] 1J-song very a on etage & ctished out I ect. Openlng with rBirth Certiflcate', the imnediate I & laatlng impreseion rraa that thls was going !o b9 ? I ve"y ver] go6d set - & it wael 'You Reall-y Got Me' q I rEgo Yoyeur' followed up & the catchy littte rlffs & I chorusce ehoved that tlespite the nagelve lack of I to be no practloe session. I audlence, thie was golng f safe & Soundr, rXow You See Me, Nov You Donrtr & rJesus Wantg l{e For A Sunbeq.nr proved to be the high- I| l1ght of the evening. They typlfj.ed the excellent. I quittty otr thlg Purc-pop eet, & thie band, given just I 1t nake naY a ttny bit of luok, Juat I it'n eotry lt's a klnd of patchy revlew, but with I only tvo people thcre (A one of then suffering fron I a c-ota) fi vi.s harcl to put thie gig into any kind of I perspeotivc. Eowevcr, this 1s a good Pgtd' so I w14t I iff tne able-bodied people who read this to get off I thelr bums .& go & eee then - r1eht?lrevie.rrd by Andy Sbertas someone please
& trnir"pffi
Robineon - bass,/voc; Bobbi Yalentino
- violln/gtr/nandolln/voc; BrYn I Burrovs - drum. I The Fabulous Poodlea ere a band everyone eeemg. to I like, but no-one goes overboard on then. They were I fornstl ln nid-75 when the remnante of The Poodles' I Tony & Bobby were Jolned by Richle & Bryn. They cane I eupportlng Ton Petty I to the attention of mny uhilst glnce alwaye eecmed to I on hls tour of Ancrica, & have bc on thc fringc of gonethlng blg. They are a Ysry I tlght rookrn'roll bard wlth an extraordlnary knack of I being able to oaptivate any audience & then proceed I to kecp then engrogeed in a whlrlnind eet. rChicago I Bridge' opened the evening' wlth I 'sulcide Boloar' followi-ng up, eoundi.ng for aII the vorld like I a vrrJr early Stonee nunbcr. It was clearly evideat at I thlg eerly etage tbat the band genuinely enJoyed I thcir nuslc (a etate of rnind vhich ie eadly lacking I ln 'nrny of today'a top groups) r a crovded Fforde . I wamly apprcolated an hour of nothlng but 1OOF I Gleene cffort. I The flret two of flve nev nunbers on the eet liet I proved to be the hlghlighte of a gct vhlch contalned I produccd thc spark to set the I no bacl song8, Xst ncvar rholc thing alight. rPoleon Pear & rPackage lealsr, I along rlth the bandra personal the new nu.nbers, I f Talklng Trashr, nsde the effort the on favorrLtc I PoodLee I side all worthwhj.le. I Ylth the two 45rs avellable on Pye 'Blonlc l{anr & | rYor* Shy' offered to round off the night i-n fine I style, tr aet off hone Yery worried: The 3ab Pooer new I they indeed headlng. for that are suggeete naterlal I aoncthing big, but I hg.ve a nagging doubt that I aoll. one night juat beat thern to it !-r.ui.*.d stevcns. by Andy
exPERlElleEE PR0DUCEfi Dory'T
FoR sANrs wrrH rHr.ilNErrrsruDro
WA9TE Mot'rEy !gE!!f' gea fl g00D ENt R€tULT,.. 8E FoR F(RrHE( vETA\L,, R|NG LtNtgAy 0N L((tt Qt'oL.
WonX-tinos Ot rtscS. 5u[6
0r oNg.
I\0CA[,U5T/GUnf ,ARillT tUr1Uqnsn tl
9b(t, G€,
Rl{lvll RE
iii |rt'e"sr'uvr
? e
GzAR FtYEe L leilo vrrln SERV/lAE,-!'.'e..ov? fNR eivitx ql;i."rioie Lecps ++504+ FoR v(n/15
eeEKe NuttctAus
;nlto*rAitr THIN ExfENeNc€.. (tNrAcT: toHN, 4Q Gt1RGe 9T,
7Nll-Y/ nhf Per W\ra!
, tFltNtp tNttt/909, flFrER gERVlll( 89, 1rc, - lou Wg tT MAttEt 6E,AR
gouxtv &rH( BnNsHeE9. stu NELsov, RoB€RrFRIPPA 6IR(Y AMDRTWg,LE\E4)€ Of GCNTL€HEN,9WTLE MIIVP', UT,WAST€ YouTt-l, crocK DVA, finEgn NiGEt MoDTRN CMettsH, &lAHFLAHbtAH, gutic qoR ?LF4sURl MIRKoll Bole, 4ENA (A\/A, ACRoFATg oFvEgtR€, Y? , g DI9TRI6UfbR9, <FLT, ffIY JACK'DN, EATEN ALIVE TY IN,ECT 'OFT S[ui I1\V llt+WSEPT,, GRRY ('LrrrER, ArtlLl--rtco e?tr"89?slcHtDEtrc iuRi iAzri o corltor s M'oAnY?€, 4BE 2's , yguNG nAr.bLe GIANT1 ,;oFr 6oYs,lutuTTl coLq[N, CLAtS|X r',louVEAUX , 9g.tqrl tRRltv, BLURT, N7T 9eN9$t89, T E9V E KAt€ SlcY CLE 5, F RANflc 6'LUV ATog9, ( LoW€ Bs, goars Fo* IAIqNry,V ICJ V'K94, NRT(IY, NAKED LUNCH, HoU9E/JDLD NAN€,
SA]f il}U fiEPT,
TnGKErsi- fr|penday
lAvaavnbL? rRvN: AOHN
+ fxMV 6rad{ord
gtr; Stevc itrevc voc/rn grr; Erdoe - ld Ld voc,/rtn Stephen IStef ,j-ne-up: Steplien Line-up: 'Stef ' .L:rclos ffin""i"':-ra etr/uxe voc; Kcith Grahai -'Ld str/ kbds; Mick Noonan - baee/bXg voe; Istn Shaw - dnsWarlord are the succesaore to Shaftdrlve (eee WCR'e 1 heary metal outflt of nuch AflF-fradford-based potential , who spl-it at the-.beglnni-rrg of the year ln i.crlnonloug circumatanoes. Whllc drummer Pete Elnnoncls has been in & out of Tranpua ,& bassist Riok Ironmongcr played with Beezer Bob t ttre Bralnvavce beforc flndlng i nlw hone wlth Vex, Steve & Keith decided to kcop thcir lead gultar partnerehlp together & bu1ld a ner band.
Thlnge began to faII into pJ-ace for the tvo vlth guitaii-sts when Keith vae invited. to rehcarec Stuf e Mlck & subaequently got Steve j-nvolved. Ae well they found thenselvee as hitting it off nusically, free of the ego trlps & pereonality claehes relatlveli Shaftdrlve; by the end of February ;Ei-sTa.f,destroyed in" fo"" had agrled to forn a band togethcr & legan wrlting nev songa '& reheareing intenelvely uhil-e seeklng a drummer. & first linketl up wlth ,tdick Is a clasgically-tralned Stef sone four yeara ago, teachlng hin to play guj'tar' They ran a bancl called-Paradox during the lattcr half -t78, weavi-ng a curioug line between neu wave & of l{otorhead-stylJ IIM. Following Paradol's denise' Stef & Irlick sinply rehearsed & auditioned for ologe on a year. Heitring of the Shaftdrive eplit'. they f1T:t Leked Rick to play base for them, but he. vagoillated & in the neantj.ne Mick d.ecided to epply hle own consj-derable tafent to lbarning base. They then nade the connection wlth Kei,th & Steve, Under the name of Bloody Sunday, the ncw band nsde its debut at Queen'e Hall durlng the tsradford, Festival in April' with Japanese Soldiere' John Binne etanding in oir drume, & weie well rece{ved. A few days later the same line-up played at Scanps in Bradford; followlng whlch the four prlncipals went back to rehearslng & auditloning. fhey met-their future drummer at Scanpe -when he ' in a by statl of coneiderable rnebriation, caused a scene attempting to jan with the understandably reluctant The band met Ian agaln the followlng nacfsiideit night in The Yaults Bar, discovered that he was in falt a drummer of gone experience, & asked h1n to rehearse wi-th them. With Ian in place end under the new name of Warlord' the band ptayed at Scanps again in Late June & successful set at followed tnat wittr a particularly The White Lion, Huddeisfj-eld. No , with the advice of ex-Azel bassist Barry }lore (who j-s also actlng ae soundman), they are linj-ng up a series of late summer glg5. -Iievitably, Warlord's gound is slmilar to that of as they include I old numbere Shaftdrive- tSoli.iaryr - especj,ally rNo tTreeet, Returnt) in the prcsent set & ( - but the new band ins-ist that thei"r sound is nore clearly defined:rrltrs a lot faster than Shaftdrlve was. Werve stopped trying to please both punks & bj-kers. We're iuet aiilin[ for the heavy metal audlence. A Iot more skiil has gone into i t. " - r411ften &.re*archetl by Ketth(,.K\ce Contec! i Stef on B ' f ord 1L93O .
c(co.patra's, Hdders{ieLd z tTHrErrco Splzz 80+erpport. f{onle Grterc, LeedgJ ttueucrr.
it( Thirsh
ifute,fhirsh ' frader&tebour
Sowerby fnsf
r{ in doubY, suv? 2lay Ir* &. wahrh kllvd e tt Angl/kPy,o 'n 'ut llf ?;#'1:'t;tY,',i,t7',ff,[f'6
nl{ort : itJr a nE Ltnt.
pDl(fl orr A
Hr{don Hjtt,
+ j ett
r|Ror. cr t t
Srrq*q?"*,tledl,rrvar'"r/ R.yll ?r.lt,Uje"di -- 7eo eyt, F unhoinEa r, ft iqltley ( un rt), fl e ow x.
ereele. ' Ar,nlY rouli,t{
6haqrrrqt.'t LeeJs
gpr +ln"rtrrRDrrFR.
6rr, Bod{o'd ' ruE hullr (ovr Petpr r 6ref,futd
& Cruon.
E ee', ELe
Xonl ft rh,r-ecdi
:rzz ' lre
y'otto H
rerlltt Ear, 9raA( ord z
Ro(x 6AYD.
Wrtt,roRD. t H E zt
9.' ArwuE
F{ord?.gftrlr?, Lreds - crel.g rcHool + rorrerrnru y. ?rr'attvrllt. 9rr lfql = u?leLt cHt.
s= t*/E, j.tve\.
Hullcrrf iet{
=i^(ltb,llclg, WrL
E Ai
Ceatre,lorh= Vrr{y! ?rilER'.
Htrd J€,'S\\E lxe +yskrt
Vauttr gar, $nd
9fahrry, l,l
\ t
k l ? A<ce W Rtft$t.
dd rtf i1l/ = THC F uoR.
)n FRI
Royrt ?orh, Lad s i- sLwr. Chb,Letdf= BhuHnut +fitrn show. nqetra'e, Huld?'9freld = 1.9.7. frad{ard t f. r.f .
/alt r Carc ,
trr + NgU oftm. $N/chrER t Tt{EFo, rNors€[slsur HovEx.N
9rqmC Ert, Lrtrr
4hibhi",Hutrdr*irU ! f Auttltt(,
r1oflz Grtese, L+ilc ;
Mar{urs 4 tr.a.,h,lce{s = A6otl corurrr. ,Qou^/ \iU, o+thl6rd : !rn?!r ttlt F{orlt Grvele, l+d. e z Rlr RocKaRe, R"Yrl ?ar[ , Lecdr . LosF ricr(e'o{ rr}lt HuNt
8ar, Erad{ord :
Lfiiftirr*siftr ff,frti::' 'tortc G{.erc,lasle cltclrc(r+ $lI1Ff 9ftE. i-qcde
c^nn't R*X^tilLl Fe'|fur,
W'H'c.,Eurnle.y' f,,ocKnul]-'t
VoTRE lvllLtTAtRf
tq{q)Lr iltll,RoEs'
ho{€, Ledl zflr{AB. Hr[,Wrhg{itll= trrrctyox+
Ffon4e unrhy
rfrT Tnfs:,:-1
lth(arf lJc, vt&{'Yl = e.7, t^$D. Whlh Lii, Hullcr*itJ, n s.
C*e,lndi"d . rxr xurtotrt.
tiryrl ft:rh,
.nrr Rtott FoovrEn-
{ordc C'nene,
I1fit{ feilil.
tE Lvrl,
,rfle evterfis. (r'rqr ht 1d, lqslv,tollryrulry. f,e9c
'taqtrr o(96nbv,t_a.ls= rltot.' j. lferFetri, Walihdl, frw. lorle Gr.eerte.t-arl c " \ A<(Eif fl|(. /iitc hbn. xif2;*4i?lJ' orlr ttx. ruE lSuus Eaq Bnfiord,=wsrrTrmt V. hln tove .Srrd{#d:IhE tlzr. f,tq9lrD. Rosc. c Crburn, ktlloy : EUT!.
Harlrri of Granly,lgdg =Trrl91E! NERVE. I\w^9@e Hofrl, Eernghv, Ltneutur.
h ffil#i#fHj irk*
Huddersf teld Ruqbq Ctub VSutlr Bar, Ood(irI .
Fu'rhaixhr: krie\lry (luu!
f+-,;ii'Oni",i-'i-"rdc ' fir urvAler9+ Do!6Y r^cft(9. 1oLor'y t ig9. hAlf? U'rn. illuaereliell
Tlffanyr, L€edr
tdhlt tibh, H,id/?refi{l,l
Royat Parh. Leeds g
: Jt/oeFfAAru
ii??'Si; er*cn,dr f
fjilf-,i;,flilfJi F4wd,e
WYE tufv >cxafc Hove\q2(19:Twttltt Xvto.
9rr, Errd{ond
t{r{|, l.tpdt = tttr| lFFit, crtaa,tds : irrt Jrtrr trlD.
9nil*l (trirN gH11a9. Jrr 96!n,ttCr ir rFrrrldo|laltfltt{luA). Pdn co'r-,tnllorl. tc$ 'W lrE$nq kd( t dr'o tuG1 ?r redre. *^JiJd ; 9rtftIx.ED tD49. A.fvllJ.. 'Jlrt Kpfrl htl - LicAu. cllr.he 'iAcncl. fl.r'nt?vrttc
'?ffi,#ffiiffiffi| ffi#ffi ffi Yffi:,ua:""*ffiff#$ffii.*k# .
npou Ir fd.)=r yrm rrai
ffiftffifiy$fiif,'f$;'fr%f.r#,ffi#:l';*,"" ru rut
Vtrrttr 9er,
< l1e pqetr. xe rt',a R6/,- r\ttD
IvED Vlittls Bar, 9rld;[orl= o?(rc Ne?ve. lvhih Li.n, tkdi{iald = eicxrrrocr.
gc}ilfr,$nd|'orl.d' vex'
m Kr\t
irbr,,,nl f lh,lev,Tocr< hut{G(9 l{crd, rQighhl ro,rtfE Er&E
vaqlB Bar,96d{ord, z AouoH sugrtcc.
rouq\ t Id,
Iiorl'er' ri pr.
N htte Lp"^,Hy/iie 19(
Vtutls Bar,6nd6rd. 'Ittt FUrCt{9. Alrr (lvt,gndl'rX --Ylu J["L?EL tANt, ?o:e & Crororl.llhlcy: S/tfEh. Knyr Hrrd . atuzbr-.
tt ot.
lrbrr|bildl KeFn't Cl(b, bar^c)al. Lt ileLt$.'i. ?ni.rwiltr, gnntftr{ ' R cc A&^tttl 7tA.,
fiopl ?arh.,tcl
E = GroerY
hn (luL,Ltd1,T.6.A.
ilq It's-B ?1
: ir€c loH{Fx tArp. Rryll fla'&, 'lcilt. xxtrY eyct. Fe" Ct(b, kedg : WAfitD /o(1fi * A(FotAIe ftriccvillr.,9fadlcr{
-re?atrl'g, Hddedield z !.AD tttN,'FRt. I blnGare,Sre&"il. T j.A. ?'de crrtenei lu.dt'rrcxsrlnil ctttt,
t, r-
gatt Hotel, Le€ds: t/osttRRn c,t
eol.; t ra' e,
{ dd.
9ccilE (fr3vrtu
F$h Ginnz,U2JlztutNo
T, x,, A.
6". ,9r,l{oil--ne
I f ? fl
ldeallvly, here ':{4r,nl lo do a coufre yloney is-no-olaTul publttlyangarqq6r Uw, boi[": '.r{ry{sv.5 seyrg lhri youv b;;1d.'s,""rinq /q,qqrnqr*^d file ,n^lit^,)^,^!^*,_ /:,^,t,Llo
# :,f !:f f!
f av ioc
ffifi t$Hf1}i_t!ff iludir*til/. T*a.
(Iub,hedg- H6-penrs+ supft!.
? i$Ht:#d,;ffi',fr1'fr;":;
,il,f,ffi rilfn'ffi
llhite Lm,
ludley H;tl *fongV.A gar, Brr[fird . PRq?otrnt{ lauLtr
U'i).?J[:#ft i#\Zf?-;:Uiili":"H,ffi;Hi't!1$E^ft'?"!"tffi Zatl.. ore, gtrrd{d.d= I tt tor (ekrh'i(, n* Trrh) . fai /,{lo, ii€di. f n n .
Vlih Li'^,fi&t }iall l6rd)r ilrrnr &trd.
alEp chr(rltnrnasluhaleuer-whru\i
Fr ff
f'huf le<p
yrbud? nrnt
rrilllrl ly.,.'rw rosririiifi$.
.Qn 7orh. ltpt f,t.ll b,t. 30, /rq>_qd e uitihr blorurnq bu,F ltr kandeli a(ttaBoysl ?orh wrlh vuiband. E< tlterct . lT-ttt?ft'tl.
of Gnnby,Lcedl
h&rc,L}a{, = Ftgggtl FTNGERg tr'lik ti'*, ttr/l?"eftcl{ ' ornt tlv. Rgrl fuE, ktrlt ' r{ootrY DRulKt'
Bdlr-il . {ittH
wlit l,;i j i*lii'r st7eil. xt t'lv Ktee'Ht rNAxrr' *ii d, ?*t, Giii i' k u e e
tli;"':#fl ll;H$',lSii;* clfY L'n llt' &
r Ht1d,
Vaulls 9ar, gndfud'Net,t KrlG tNAKt.
Kiaqs HeaA, Kerqhley j Ytw uL.'eRtDf. tlartw'' Vau(fs9x, grld|+o,L, cRATtY AWNLre.
ft\q[\q '
Yrutb Brr' 9rtdftr{25*vzr YEAf, l.lEn' Wrife Lrin' lhddr:'$QU = w"t^t1 {!1y,*gattol'
rrcrctt arxs
Flniitl;t At-eori
gralford z HHnC Izilf ?eA,Lcodi = AcqL(l{lo1t '
Cle oTaE
ra's, Huddcr sf ;cld "
tltrffi :;'l'Jl':Pt'l'dii,*1li,i'l#tl;"xeenr(e,+<ue)
ffi ifffiff.truiit$.g:n:xptre*'yrL)*I?nbr^F'rr*r i;;i7aa, krd,
. flsrt
,t c,'
l|dt,tro{f I
rg;g. L titl.'
(a*l?+od' lut'}l.t $8. Flatde fr?ttc' Lttut,'IR r' w t in ta,i+,,{din{itd ttre,t)' nvn 2 tlur'pry)'rys'
; ;il- ;5; tnrcr.
Funholl r
= Kt,ghltry
,EPGe. r. 4'
rfiffir'rfi"# " ta *, ilt' :J,Wl;ff Hf, W ;fi#;#.#t ;T"'
?f Et
t'iqty _V. n.g.,t gdt,. p,,cr^-attLr Prlx'6ve, gt'd{ 67{. T' A'A.
* vrartY
VtiE Ar, t'ral
ff H+[llH:::;:*Wwffitf ffi1r.'^*'
: t r ^a'w
- [Li eFrcIr-
= dtA(I
no1 t vea
W'F;iW#:,ff*^* ffi; riii;lLisf#;: Nt\tl s\L zot€'
nrnror Aawrg ncryEl ' &y.ctlUfttj Utt9it9.
hullr 8rr' gfafforl
khih (rrn,
: Ug(3llt-tl.
*dk[' w xttl'
?rrh' kedg z7t11o '/ruleu(t.
I s151111 @lflll cbrb,Leelt'nur e{tz.
lc GrcrrC, t*l,r
> v.r^tws^.
lrrtr Faqql
Lrrlttl *Lrltt ttttts
ilaCuz,irzdh/'c r.0.t. Fdia Criat'f,,,' Ld,t tr (,o tfulF t(f9,
; utra,i s nc*'
rer"h t
iii"r '6vt, *ad{<vl, '1t.A.
Hiddon Hrit,
ucrdi I r#l./cestr (a-vv:).
' z1 Yent lbn,Hud/trs+ictd
Kryil fd.F,qgrr'rrttttw' . t' -ft,rhorrre &r, Kthb,lw/lutrrlt)'I rA6or{YCo!ot{J. ffi
. w xrrt uo",
,3ndhr1"r,g.n' il{p;,.nf*t+g=;;;;|ff Hrll, t'eed'' xt/tfE aDCE'
t'tar q lns'* G7d]J;,' d;Vs 1- v tx,t t v tiidcvillel gr.trtir{ : Rod?A. K'iqr lltld'Kcighlq = Tlobr{'oN
-) tsru/& *
St Eerdt *U..6 nll"rl
Ntn wlE'u[( not vE 9. glceli. A?f ilA.
6ll ltth l4T.
vna'tancr lud ne hr cotldn t bs botlarcd fo rt)d 7f,c I i 4+., A,,ef, brl xlcf fi.^tter Li/ n't hnnu
P,Wffiil[B',7]'Sntbv*' lWizl I
K o!fiffi ilil'^lilfl i -tiil\'.-
ffi ;iffi";;;,*u
it'r'?arl', it-*jr, i,: erderff eiq lu5i:e i t I hilc('l+cmn' Out'), 9uca*ae Gamtt. /O"rsddb* 6i-iuir , Tiie *. , h{1 a; e*'$
iiffiHffilHl}#iitfi##o' \ \
Hal!qr''r+ :z+ miy!9$ 5?.!+^l!^,eq 1 q t u @J!ebC,, 'i[i:
oi1fr.B iool. fu.ni
eaibr :John 0rrne// cre c,r,dt
T,-s cz'tma
t{lr9tt 3.
ot . Rrhg 7ul on lluils L+ZoO.
(arc r.r
zoNE. = NAI(NAv Y'rHEtltzL -'rHEtAzL IRocx 9ilf0'
Q*e k cnun,rl hleY' xxre
I Frt.-rw.t.
& one Heather Wibbley drink ny coffee & eil in ny chairs nust be the start of another WCR i.nterview, ft is. Herers what f foundorrt. G.J. & aometlme side-kick, Rob Metcal-f began lj.ve life as a duo called Thc i{ibblql Brot[ers - first in schoo] shows about 4 years a8o.Th@tainerofTheYear,gettin61toth6London finaLs: [then we failed abysmal]y, but it got us our fj.rst pro engs.genent - 4 nlghts doing a spot between records at Jjngles, a London disco. We got paid off after the Jrd nrght - not a great start ! " That was back in Xroas/New Year t'7y;/ t'7t} . Prior to this j-nterview, Ird had - though the post - G.J.ts demo tape of some 24 tracks, some Iive. others home recorded. There are a couple of.poeue done (inevltably) i:r JCC style, several poems done to guitar & a whole bunch of songs done variously to 65uitar/drum machine, etc. - with Mr Metcalf & Ms WLbbley in there for guest appearances. It's a most interesting tape, wLth G. J. comi-ng across- as a skili.ed lyricistr/poet & a versatile performer-songwriter. Persona1Iy, I feeL a shorter demo with tNorthern SouL', 'Soclal Parasltef & maybe two 'Raincoatsr, othere on it would be more effective - easier to l-rsten thru & consi.stently impr.esoive. The I naned numbers wouLd make a i great f irst single/El. Back to the lntervj.ew. LivinlS in London (well, Bushey in Herte, actual-ly) durrng holidays & at Leecls Univ. durinr; tern time, he's been glgging mostly in the two cities - wi.th a few others on the college,/unlv circuit (Oxford, Leicester', York, Nottingham) - often aB a support solo act to a rnajor trrulin" band. fn thls capacity, hers worked wrth Delta 5, Gary G1j- tter, The Photos , 9 Bel-ow Zero, the Wi.mps (wlth whom he actually plays guitar occasionally as well), 0tway & Barrett, etc. He has mcre gigs lined up ln Leede during September & j-s hopi.ng to do a set of during .freehers' conferences. appeara.nces around universlties For the past 12 months, he's been waiting for some songs to be released on The Wrnpe'own label- Snlff, but it doesn't look like that'I1 rnateriaLise. Red interest havenrt FTiffiAT%rk label-) were interested, but since that initlal said any nore. However, hete hoping that the current demo & the work that it's getti-ng him on the 11ve scene will generate some intereet elsewhere thatrll lead to a recording deal. Guy 'Jackson
cfteon frnds a gr^r fdr rn g par{
lilber b\'n . trres it on 167 ,,p1 k-.r rn a hearbv N' gtreet & ' W fhen lrtt-S $" to,tr{'rsq66fg '
Bearded Baker
tW &:o4 to pLat th,e doulgh f'' Lo ,rgmab-e hri", popular mustc
sfd n
Contact: ring 01-950-1491.
H.17 are: Ian Ti.lliard (voc), Mark Tighe (gtrlb.voc ), ran .Andergon ( pno/org/b.voc Niok triIec (bass/b.voc), Tony Horsfal-l n8). The band'g
have been friends
alnce '7'l & the band cane together graduall5r over a year or 8or with the roup actualLy together & begi'nnlng to 4 ane about the aoour wae a bit 01! There ltas Sept ''79. /y. 'rnere chearac by Sepr rchearee band in WCR?, herers a catalogue of their glgging that highl-lghts in it crperiences - interestlng nany of the factors which effect moet nelt bandg I trying to break into the local pub rock clrcui-t. ! The band's first booking was at The Kingrs Head rru t vrr on.the a uf mix-up '- not due to vv a ' lllin Ke1gh1ey, UU ! -- uuE tJ t but the regulars (agedpubrs^gI6IIf roctr nifnt. The manager & ^-qy were erpecting eone gort of about 50 for the noat part)ItWe got our nixj-n5; deek as far n.o.r. cabaret duo. - ag the door & were turned away.rr Leeson one. Make nanagenent you & the clearly understand sure that what each of you mearls bY rmusicr. Their 2nd gig was at The Adetphi Hotel, HarrogaterHavl-ng agreed on the Sigr we began to vorry whent one after another, 4 bancle phoned us to say they
k #'
(Leeda/B'f'd) 'Furtive winte' c/w 'Valkyrie of Love TFl[5rpn on Nonis Music '80). Off-beat pop iir which the oonpler uaequeradea aa the superflcial. Steve liked the B-elde vlth 1ts Paul-ine (of Penctration, RIP) vocals & heavier gui.tar work. I loved the welrd rushed vocals on the A-eide & we both agreed that the eong was qulte refreehlngly oiiginal, \rlthout obvloug influencee. See tapce received for revlew of forthconing follow-up. rLolre In The Head' c/w ,Free AGO f, COIU}IN (leeasr/n'f'd) OlToveTf7r45rpn on tsack Door '80). t faet, ti.ght ourfi firnly rooted in progreeelve new wave, but wlth pre-r?? lnfluences too. Good eongg on thls long-awalted 2nd 45, thor slightly dj.eappolntlng as eingle-iaterial. I stiti ferl that the band ehould ain at alburn market, not this. They need nore time & epace to get their mueic acrosa than 2 J-nlnute burste like this, LIilELIGHf, (Manefield) 'Metal llan, c/v 'HoId ,Me, Toueh Mel Double A of nild-mannered meial from on ffffiEarth'80). of the fineet l1ve bande on the IOI ctub circult. 2 good nunbcrs that loee much power on thls weak production. Rxocllcnt aongs, lrnrnnculately exeouteil , but l,lqp vocale lst Ist eidc eidc - a faet faet carly carly Rainbow-ish no. no. - & a rather rither popp oo trcatmcnt on slalc 2. ltfe herd to_eee whorll- bW 1t --too eoft/ttgnt for Ht{ fans, too clich'cd for pop. Stive wante rl{en Of Colourar on thclr ncxt slngle. OCEAI{ (Brf rd) rDonrt l{ant You Io lovc_ }lc{ c/,tt ,I Must Be (I,lttls Black plastlc 'Bo). Highly conmercial ffitng' l{CR pop vlth atrong lata-r5Org folk-rock undertonee given ie olcrn I balanoed production by JSG Studlos. A olub/ oabarct bend, Oocan have comc up wlth a s1ng1e that'll clo vclil ln that aort o,f narket. lllore varlatlon of pace & terturc oould.'rve glven the numbers a blt nore punch. CUEA
(Iecda) rCapt. Soott' 'At Tlffany,e' (in a) TffiEt---gCIc rJuDEf--gCtc Sult{ lAO). A (7n45rpn (7n,[5rpn on Yortley IfmTftiSlfc Sul-t{ (?n46ron SuLt{ wortlev Road Roari isola trio tri ++ 2 fron fron Cuba gucetlng rucgtlns on dne/kbde. d goo lq a good 'Tlffany'et DUXRCR BOYS
if al1ghtly drab song..rJSSr. ls far morc oatchy - a pop rong vlth bounolng dma/kbdE/sar & neat uec of vocale on thc ohorur whcn onJ-y d.rne back then. The brlef 'Capt. Soott 1r bed-of thc 5, dlet1ngu1ched by allghtly welrd voos & fbda. 111 the nunbers arc danceable & fun. wglEBtrqUS to0lsTEpti (n't'6; n'r 'cr,, 't,lkc '!1rc Tney rro rn In Tnc Thc _uov rloviee, they dao).Do Yeti r8O). ffi'45rpn Er-llegatlvee nr-re".tto"" 5rpn on yeti (nlnua Dave Ulloor) oone-up wlth rc6gac. SteveinWnat t a'dalre about thls band 1s that they play wlthin thelr nb1I1ty, thuc ensurlng that uhat they. tlo, they do vcll though i[rn not lmpreescll vlth theso Bongs at all .n [ick: ohorus lincs. 'lt llkc theec - cepcolally for the catoh Of ell thc rcoord.s vcnye got herc, rllovieer 1s the one tbrt rtiEta ln ny head. thc rscoriting qualltyre fj.ne (Cergo Studloa). lty only orltlolan 1g the laok of varlety. thcy latoh onto a good. rlff & d.onrt let go for evcn a bar or tvo. r .[[i[IIDLE 8 (Bradfortl). rllieaclventure' o/v rCountegs of l5rne' thev offer 2 on JsctSo) ,Jrzr-rock outfit' TF-I!Fn lnatru-ncntale on thelr vinyl debut. Steve: rrThc A-aide suooegafully rcorcatce thc- soundl of Oolliseum I[ (c1rca rwardnnoety'Elcotrlc Savage'' ).' B-eidc l-a ]lke a TY thenc tu.nc. 'tus1o1aneh1p 1e nuoh in evldence - eepeclal-ly on Str/tUas - wlth the wtrole enhanced by a flne etudlo job fton JSG. rWe Donrt DEIA.XIOER (Leeae/Bradford) 'Sunday Drivers' c/v oh DlnDleo r80). Arrived the day after f,ffiIrT7rl5rpn Steve uaa round to rcvicu vith ne - shame, hetd have liked tt. I do too. It vae parurcd by all on a recent Rouadtable Salon'e alnger... & they were (naato onc), cven Blf?FE] *rong! It'e wcII rccordetl heavy-oommercial rock wlth a porciful doubLc ohorus - n_o9t oI ?lfr it-eounde exolting. btncr glclc'r! ncr6 prcdlctable, but equally good. Dj-nDisc look act to bccome faehionable & Dedrlngerfll go with th rlrn The one' c/u SL UCHTER & THE Docs (lfanchester) aHetl rn New Yorkr (7"45rpn on This ffi Rccordc '8O). Scnlnal punke etlD after the big chance. A-eidc la an attractlve el1ce of raw rock/punk croanover. FIlp for 2 tracks that're more heavy than P"+. like U.SPj.siole or Engllah N.Y.Dolls. Yery baslcr but everythlng herc aug6eete that there'e plenty of l1fe in the old dogs. yct. coild catch the I{M punk narket (Hotorhead, Daroned...I THE oHEATEBs (Manoheetcr) rTriple Ar (r-traek 7'r45rpn EP Described. as R'nrB, 1t opene tlieappoint 5ilIE6]|E5-T0). got a weak lllLeppolrtlAg1y with a crappy pop songrBaby !h?t'."What You Want chant for a chorus. footbill-terraoes good' but nunber Reed Jimny t{e fo Dor ie the classic Rockplle beat all comera in this neck-of-the-woods rtr'rom - but i.t'f e Stevete faYourlte track. I go for the closer The Hi-p'which le pure '5J RrnrB & I was 13 years old... INSIAII AUTOMAIoNS (Scunthorpe/Grinsby) rPeter Paints His at lltrpn on ?n on Deleted '80). steve ffis hates it/I Like it vlth a couple of deflnlte exceptions: let trackts goodr Znd is self-indutgent & bad' lrd is a slightly pretentious Numan piss-take (.c1ones & robots in the lyrlc). what's ryq! to be parody,/put down also snelle like theyrve been drawn j-nto it thenselves. Over a llttle for 4th - a Likeable poen to music rPeople Laugh At Me Cos I Ilj.ke l{elrd Muelcr. [hcn More ]oony fun wlth rJohn's Ends with Vacuun Cfeanerr & eYen Ste en likes the lyrict Peterrg fence getting an instrumental respray & hartaoniea on heavy echo del-ay is rnost effective. Very arnateur,/fun.
I ( 7" r s AII Miner e/y ' Slay Me with Your 45 firUrgent '79) -+ IOK_' c,/w-'Thatf s Not Me'r (as before ?5Fpirao). Their Ist 2 slnglee. Firet ie new waYe vocalg butflfr'p xrrlrnN 'she
comblned with pop nelodiee : but ltre the dj-etlnctive gtr eound that grabs you with lte orlginal phraej-ng & odd slide technique. 2nd slngle is more poppy,& conoequently
Iess originai - but add the excellent mix/production job norc roarketable (no"tfi"id 24-track) & you'vffi-rouch connodlty. Swlngs & roundabouts... rltrg The Only i{ay CIGARETTES rI Can't Sleep l,t Night' c/v tl6E6-15i")' (?n45rprn bn Dcad-Good '80)., comes with a poeter oi Haggte T. dubbed: rBrltain'g Nuclear Threatr' 2 anti-nuke ionge (f tnittt, but lyrlce are hard to hcar)' A-eide'rg a sort of Undertones-nect-Buzzoocke thatrg not inatantly catehy, but qulckly grows on you. B-eide'rs einilar, but less listenable. ltlal'& BJ1IOVIES 'The Soldier Stood Alone, e/v'Drownlng (?"45rpm on Dead Goocl r8o). Another Petc ffiack' gtudlo game ae Clggt Shelley vocal1et. Recordgd in the the baird sounal nuch the aan€ - eYcn IBo?G Buzzcodke than kbde to theyrve that 1n Ihe Buzzcocke! Oety different bartl to hear the fore. Agaln, vocale are l:rltatlngly but thcrers a good sonerrltsr here. rFunk Waye' c/v ' Love l'Ie Tonlght' (l.Zn45rpn on KOSE-A-BII tfdfiATreo). I{Y labc1 for NY black dlgco band whorre visitiirg Brfrd, where 2 of band were born. I,i-vc' thcy'Ys. been pufting 1n immaculately tight & varled ecta that put dieooldlenlisers 1n the aamc league ae the FIat Earth Society. Here, they cone up with a couple of good but standaid d1sc6 noa., nelther of whlch givc nuch indloation of the bandts overall sooPc. TIIIUDO UOON 'Scream Y/lth A Yiewr (4-traak l2rr45rpn EP on FiilffiEG 'aO). Steve Brown flnds hig nanesake her on synthe/eaxee/voes - but dieaoclatee hineelf fron hirn expcrlnentation & 1a no! eit:-rety. thle ie San Francigcan ah"r": rrThey appear to be a band FF6 a-t""te" lhe 2 S.B. 'J nerely play with sound.'r f, disagee (again! ). Having becn none tob keen let time, Itve since played thie several timee & am inpreesed with the proceesed' goundg & the atmoepheres that they generate. Neither PlP nor.rock, itrs rooted tn jazz & electronj.cs, wlth each of thc 4 nusicj-ans playing an-j.npressiv€ range of inetruments. Good one.
r , H0tDI{t,rTttc,H
"Hcaug t4
dal rrlFdL erlogrrve11ry 6n
*-grrL{g ,w
Dot{(tsfifu l3 BannsLgy-
l{ls:a&&_ hrf. LE6p5. FEN
ci-Err Fec|crrcts
Sf*_t"l'*1t Every F riday
Road, Bradford 8. (Tel. 499895)
Rock Bands (with bar from 7.30pm-1am)
Every Saturday:
Reggae Bands
(with bar from 9pm-1am) 1/z price adm ission before 10 pm. Every
Su nday:
Jed's Blues Band
(with bar f rom 7.30pm- 10.30Pm) oub orice beer
E*ry Live Jazz-Rock (with bar from 9pm-midnight) TOP
@@AMusrc 28 Church Bank, Bradford 1' (Tel 307433)
LIVE RECORDINGS FOR BANDS, GROUPS, ARTISTS. E (100 3,000 watts) + CR EW and TRANSPORT. (P.A. Rig -3O12 Allen & Heath + RSD & BGW Amos + Shure & AKG & Beyer Mikes) HIR
Agents for:-Marshall, Ludwig, Carlsboro, Ovation, Premier, Olynrpic, Tama, lbanez, Pearl, Beyer, Korg, Peavey, Gretsch, Sl ingerland. WE CAN NOW SUPP LY ANY V INTAG E AMERICAN GUITAR - RING FOR OUOTE
for a basic facility)
offers 4 TRACK with DBX at f3.50 p.h. + tape Gear lncludes:TEAC 3340, DBX, ITAM 1O-4 desk, LEAVE RS.R I CH E2OO, R EVOX 877, ORBAN REVERB, FI LTERS, GRAPHICS, etc.
FULL D.l. + MIKES by AKG, CALREC, etc. R
ING ALF or MOYA on Bradford 22769.
qNP/l,l' AT {/ IvcS;'rR
}r cH
Xfght Vlqito e. A 5-pj.eoe band that perfo,rms modern rock with electronlcr reggae & new wave infLuences. See WCR? (p.f 4 ) f ,,t' fuller 1nf o on thi-s outfit. 262. An crperlnental music outflt that records but i[Gg no ]ive wort. ALeo featured in WCR? (eee p.I4 for info on band & revj-ev of therr cassette). SfU3ggqa B!!. l, l-piece outflt that was algo featured on ilTi[-of_WCR7. Theyrve an E.P. & a caesette out. Strandid. A J-piece Jarn-like outfi-t fron Salford. ai:t, pretty profeoaional. Recently they trf-veffi'tage suppoited itre Cranis at I'lancheeter Pol-y. (I sav them at Queene Hall, Bradford laet month & enjoyed their aet - tlght & powerful, though the on-etage plreeence waBn't to good - sd.). tvo Tonc pinks. Good eo-caLled nod bsnd. Play a fev Have a 4-track cassette celled E?ffiTon-B'. 'Yerbal Cock-ups' out at the mouent. (fne nane waa plcked before Thc Speclale I Tvo Tone Label etole our nat 1on I e heart away - ett. ) . vclrd, fun-ky band. 5-plece Pure hod.uot. hoellent, Singlc out on Streets Ahead label. Backroon Boys. Had a aingle out on RSO ae The Tuncs. kb<ie, Et", base, dmel. Costaiioieh t+fo'--fvoflgtr, eound. Making an albun at Cargo at the noment. Worth eeclng. The Inaqea. Yery young nod band. Yery real-1etio of early l{ho, SnaLl Faces, etc. Great ffi}?ffiTons fun! llatlnee. Good. }-plccc. Yery tight, great drunner In-EET they're atl good playera. Bit llke The Jsm ln plaoca. Thr Trcnd. Tlghtr PoPPY band - blt like Thc Salford Oettlng popuJ-ar nov, wlth Sigs ln ET.TuFbetter. London & cinglea on l{Cl'. Therc are loads morc bande j"n the area of couraet suoh ag A Certain Ratio, Armed Foreesr the rermlns of.Joy Dlvlelon, The Freehies' The Thinger The Worns Thc Photographs Thr:.nder Boys, etc.
Tho l{illatonc,
Thonaa St. (off Tib St.). ETilffi?ffi regularly in upatalra rool. Band takea d.oor moncy. Run by Cl1ve of The Tyletlng _lglra:rle oontact hln through the pub. Portland Bare, Plccadilly plaza. -tsands on noat nlghte of the yeek. Free to gat ln, bald gete â&#x201A;Ź25. Audition night Wed Cyprue taverns. Princese Street. EErt'fs oaTundAt nlghta - run by Hanchegter liluelcj-ane C
oLlect tve
Clubr-at_Oogltra Club, fewgatc St., Shudchill. 9each f,ey vonue, banrdo & fllna every Wdd. until 2an. Quito a good plaoe. rs, Lloyd St. 511, PhIIPI .Club, at Devil-le Quite vell-known bande on on eone Thursdays. 9a-ud,on
the Ua]l-,
Swan St.
PopuLar Jazz club which puts rock on on Mon. TFe ^0.Id*, Coupland St. (off Ca.ubrj_dgc St.). B1g elub, rock on Thure. -
phone nos.
rom dt rertot
enq ui.r
Iluzrlins': City Fun. Ueually fortnightly. Similar fornat to Eof,TTfiV Rocker. Maln Manch-ester fanzine. Contact Ne1l on Glossop 52798 or Clty Fu:r, c/o lev llornones, Newton Bui-Idlngs, 50 Newton Street, ltlancheate. _qS!pCl_lgff4i4ql" New Termi-nal ltusie fanzl'ne/inf o sheenTeeTurlng reviows of Night Yisitore & 262, Night Yisltors gig 11ets, other Salford/Manchester band info., etc. To be sold at Night Yisitore glgs. BeqellJle Tlmes. Not a fanzlne(! ) but reporter Paul
s great forreviewlng tapes, gigs & so on & of infornation. Contact hlm through The Radcliffe Tlnes, 40 Church St., Radellffe, M26 9SQ. Photophobia. Serappy litt1e fanzlne, comes out every sir weeke or ao. Address 1s g Egerton Grove, Chorley, l.1 a nlne
UAmp De
PR? 2HQ.
There are other Manchester fanzj-nee such as Flylng (Hlt), but I don't know nuch about therq. -conprled {or {.c R. by Glin Robin:on of wrLh help
f.orn &d-.1[jgrh
Vriifor, LL7 uTerniazl
^'/19ht 4 S!3nee!&e,
complex & occasionally
OF BN.EAD: 2O-trACK demo
tapc (hona,produoed) fron thls Bradford Dadrlrt oonbo (ocnt along vlth thle oartoon, a eeleotion of.we1rd paintinge & varloua other ocldnents). Stevir (aftei Igt I treokr): rYeLl... -f thlnk I oan oonfldcntally predlct thet thcy're not <lcstlnad for oomerolal sucoeag.tr So vc llrten to 20 antl-aongs fron thls suooraoor to S"qg (gcc yCR l) & the lced vooat prF6T io be unrcnlttlngly & rclenthesly ayful . Sonewhcrc heie 1a an attcnpt to come up wlth eoncthlng othcr than the u!ual oonmcrlal pop drorr. t{oatly thcy only offer another d.rom fron a dlffcrcnt kltohcn - though throughout thercrc a real acngc of dlrootlon & atrong hlnts of real oreatlve orlglnallty (v1th lnvcntlve lyrioe ) Uut thryrve a long vay to go, A couple of yeare & they oould be lnflucntlally avant garde. gtrvc: %Fg Joy Divieion sbund IikI Bonoy
ignif icant J-y lmproved by better production. Thelr Jazzy arrangenents wofk wcll most of the t1me, but 1n several places the musiclans actually work againot, rather than with, each other.. AN ITCH: 4 tracks done as a demo on a portable cassette recorder in the guitarist's fiont room. ft's a very rough recording so therers a bad j_nbalance between the instruments & an atrocious vocal sound so the band are hard to assess accurately. ft eeeme to be narginally experimental rock that doesn't come across. Itrs a bit boring. Ti-tle of 2nd song aumg then up on thrs showing: rMediocrlty Killet. However, they seem to be a new outflt, so wetll.reserve judgernent til} we can revj-ew a g1g or hear a better rec ordlng. s
BIUSH: 'Totally.Up' (a 5-track tape released on Venal O02). Heavy nelodic pbp that combines the T"p9u,,CelI best of commerclal new wave (Blo;1die/Jan/Sq;e;;;) ;;i the across-the-board type of rock appeal'tiiat, say, The Motors achieved. Nblably there'i'a good friavy-ftr sound wlth well-used effects plus. impreJslve bacl_up page vocal harnonles to a Joe Jackeon/Ianlead voca1. Bvery song's a potential single, wlth j.nventj.ve arrangements .& fu1l narks to Ric-Rao for a top ggalfly procluction job. Only real reservatlon is that, like lhe Jago, & a nillion other bands theyrve a woul-d-be Elvls Coste}lo on vocaLs - good but too derivative. The caseettefs â&#x201A;Ź1-99 from manager Steve liluseon, 5 Green Lane, Mansfiel-d, Notts. The band thenaelves are from the Wakefield area. CUBA: 'Wlre1ees World, c/v rFrankie'. (pre-release tape of oingle due out on Arlola). Leeds/Bradford band wlth another Ric-Rao recording. Irm totalJ-y sold on the Aaldo. Other sldote a stralghtforvard 60's-ish popsong. Steve rightly pointe out a strong parallel wlth tne Tourlsts - ltne there in the overall sound, but more cepcoially 1n the vocal (which he thought was Annie Lennox at flrst). Steve: "Yooals are a bit-Eraey throughout, maklng the choruseg eound wcak. Aleo, the sauc baelo ploddlng drunming on both traoks ie more & moro notlaeable as you lleten - lrrltatingly eo.rl
Vtrl/L DfiNg\7i[r:fi or. ,ol|*t"
YINII DINERS: J track cassette: rGerm4nyr, 'On The Boxr & rStarbeckr - availabLe at gigs or ring John (nanager) on Harrogate 889184. P"nkt new ravi pop with vocaL harnonies (nale lsad voc + 2 fenel_e-bickup vocs) tnat glve then an overall eound rs,ther reminlscent of Rezllloe/Revi"ll-oe. Extrenely catchy & instantly enjoyabJ.e. Werre both very impreeeed. [IALO !{l
TAR04: 5-track etudl0 deno from these pontefract hcawy rockors. Stevc: ttThis j-s nore up my street though itrs not exactly the best. Theyrve played Prlncevllle a couple of tlnes & went down ok, but not great. There'e good & bad HM - this falle eoncvhere betveen. Itrs good to hear forceful gtr,
but there are a lot of standard lnfluences heie. Therers no doubti,ng their nuslcal ability & the ti-ghtnese of the band, but - now theyrve been togother IB roonths - they should try to develop a more distlnctlve sound of thelr own othervlso thei-r chancee of furtherlng their c&reers in the muslc biz must remaln slight.rt NIGHT VISITORS: 5-track re]ease on Terminal Music (or i-e this juet a demo for ne'2). Rlng Andy on 061-7892686 if you're interested. Some excellent eommercj-al eounds epoiled by suepect harmoni-es over the eroellent fenale lead vocali-st (who sounds not unlike The Photost Wendy Wu). On nost tracks therers alsi, a aynth that I e too proroJ-nent. I Playing The FooI' was a good number (no synth or bacring vocals on j-tl) with added sar-appeal. Overal-I, these Manculians show good variation in pace & nelody on a tape which would be
RIC-RAC STUDI0: various artiste
reoontly 1n the (epeoi-ally conpj.led by the etudio for WCR). llyaiq One: Sidc THE NEAT. The whol-e of thie side of the to a selection of their light, - tape ie devoted 5Ore-etyle pop w i-ch ledone well , with good. Earironica &, overalL arr&ngsnente that are pleaein[. In addltlon, thie recording capturee the band-'e bubbfy acngc of tacky fun. Howevcr, the Bongs are ratherwcak wlth nclody linee that are prcdiotabLe &/or very dcrivatlvc. r79=nod, stuff . Rocl on, Tonuryl llQ=lowerpopr slde two: THE EITO,IAUS (4 'BO-thie tracks), cunts MCIRRIS (2 THE GRUIIBIEwEEDS (f tract). niret-up i" !rgc!s), deliberate "o^. & coneldered rock wj_th diuc-atyle^drunmlng & hypnotic gultar. Not poppy or lnmediate- - qulte thC reverae, it'c falrly reetricted - but noat appealing. Col-d, hard & interestj_ng - they uae repeateA'iitfe with_out becoming boring. parallele with Joy nlvielon, but lees dooned & gloony. Chri.s Morrie (exipaper l,ac6) jolns with Mj.ck Robson (ovmer/engineer at RiclRao) to' cone up with two of Chris I own songa to imnaoulately produoed, M.0.R. dlsoo formula. Ercellent of theln k1nd, but ultra-bland from the vlewpolnt of a rock fan. Steve: rtThe_sort of thlng that El'lIf d slgn up etralght awayrr. Flnally, wc rye The Grunbl_ewe6de | - ellce of pure 50''e rock. Again, the productlonrs exoellent. gtr, yoes al_I sound totally authentlc. Ae a bonus 9*, therers.excitlng use of echo on-the drums. However, Steve et1l1 thinks that the band are at their best with thei_r nore farn1-llar humoroug materlal . (Try them on Radlo 2 - Sun or Frl nlghte). YEX: deno recorded at Cargo on Aprll 29th rgO. Traeka: IwoJima'/'MercenarIes, ,/, dyberneii-s '7;i;O Li; i , Swltch -' Me On'. Experinental synth-baeed Bradford-oirtftt wttn a nev l1ne-up. They sound a blt llke O.M.f.T.D. - 1e theyrre at the poppy end of electronlc eccentrlcltil Thls is mueh better than thei_r prevlous aeno (WCR 4). Sest track is rltercenarlesf Flrst & Iast traeks aleo have appeal, but we dldn't like the other two at all. Thls contrasts strongly with the bandrs own preferenceâ&#x201A;Źr - so I guess werre on dlfferent taoke. They rate lReplyr as the best track (itrs the worst) & dismlse f Switch iMe On'r as a ness (which it,'s not). chacun son gout - whatever thet t"Ti,''.nt".zeh&SteveSroron' V.D. & Btush (we11, wouldn't you??) - these 2 win top marks this ieh. Give then a (dose of) clap. While Ric-Rac gets a special nention for productlon quality.
IEflTFE, FBUTDHRS gU., trnneiiiirg(t3#: Admission: 3op Fqf , "1,SUN.3lrt AUC . )ver f,O s{a\(/to|/er.' fronal( paris sf {hs countr}/+ a(( typJs o{ r?cords ' A/to,6ooAs, .naldttnet, Sadqes, poster+, eic . FOR FURTHE TtflE HsrrrHrH
Cweul ?rl,*ou (luolnnrnnl 629 Leeds Road, Bradford. Tel . lO2141 666060. EAT lN and TAKE-AWAY SERVICE Specialists in CU R R ED CHICKEN, KEBAB, I
TIKKA and all kinds of Asian
4a.m. ffigtm.until th_e following morning. . .HOME DELIVERY BY TAXI CAN BE ARRANGED TAXI CHARGE PAYABLE
10 % Dtscoul{T ON
ALL STUDIO PRICES (OnlY With This Advert.)
whltasnake ready
nlchael Jackson. off the ral1
londou calll-ng,.E3-ro
ac/dc _,.rr yOU----., lT Want
tuw arnatradlng. .nerEy etc.
wurltr.ffoeKt tAsT
organiaers are hoping thj-e wil} be a regular event in tnE Scottlgh rock- calcndar' & 1t certalnly YaB Yâ&#x201A;Źry popular & managod to attraot a lot of b1g bands. beipite all this, the organlsatlon l-eft a lot to be aesi.rea (especiaily when-compared to Readlng). For example, on arrival you're collared f2 to park tee car, gJ1 for your weekend ticket, then a further fl to set up y'tlnt a good 4OO yarde (i-t could have been further)-awayfrom yrcar, & all this is a good mile walk up a country lane away from the actua.l- arena. Upon bvery entrance to the arena, You were frrsked in-your foi oarryine any kind of drink & any found posaeasion iraa to, be di-scarded at the gate. nJ plsaed & causlng getting iuppose it prevents people trbuble", tr thought, until I saw a tent inside the ground selli-ng nothing but Skol- at great expense. -On to the show (at last) t ttre first major band to nake an appearance were Stiff littIe Finsers- Go 'd throat news is that Jaiie-nurns ffi & his gravel-plt vocals were ln fine form. Wrth tlie iaw agressi.on, the.y hammered their way throu4h ueual rsuepeot Devlce', r^A.Iternative Ul-ster' &'On The Edgel etc. ln f ine atyle. f was Just d j-sappoint ed ir L the shortnesc of their oet, i hour, followed by an lnterval of an hour before wc 8atJ the vivacious Annir: lennor hit the stage wlth The Touriete. Thle was towarde tbe gteetetl by a ba:ra[e of St<6ll-ffiSing itaee whioh eoon took the sting out of Annie's ta.tl- 4: thciefore resulted 1n a very medlocre, half-heartecl porformance. [1nd you, I really enioyed the heuntinr': iendltion of '],onellest ItI&n In The Worldr. To flnish off thc Saturday n1ght, the band ve were dj-dnft let us all valtj-ng for - The Ja,q - & they down. They were toirg-E-tra5;ress j-ve, especlally aiter PauI l{e1ler gave the snall eectlon of the audi-encer thelr last warallng for sllngi-ng cans of Skol . (Fortunately, 1t vorked). A narvellous set whlch conprlsed of 7 of their 10 the singlee, plus seYeral B-sides (lncluctlngrDovn In The ercellent 'A Bonb [n Ward.our Strectr & & alao the best part o.t the rsetting lubc Statlon') I'Thle next song io about what'e Songr albun. Paul WeIIer (referrlng happening to you lot. I' snarled elencnt), trftre called 'Golng to-ban tEroving [nnderground I'r. And they really launched lnto the eong vlth great fccllng backed up by tr'oxtonfs aolid brns & Buckl-erf e stead,y beat, they ereouted the number in flnc etyle. By nov I'd had ny noneJrrg worth, & Sunday wac gtill to follov. Sunday errived vlth a farevclL to the rovd'y punke & nods & a greeting for the peaoeful rookcre' hipplee' eto. I voke up too late to see W1Id Horees, nuoh to my dlagust, 6ut arrived. in tlmeTo:TliTE'e pseudo hazd na.n ba.nd &rokue (fron Swltzerland, which eeems I1ke a good. erETEil Ihey got away with a eot vhich appearcd to conprise of about two ohords dlatortlng fouaf.y, the ocoaslonal lea^tl break consietlng of tvo notes euepended for as long as posslble, & aome pravn (aveo haliy chest) soreaming h1e balls off. Why thcy went d.ovn vc1}, JI Just donrt know. lindisfarne provialed a break fron the heavy netal & roiIuoAIE-Tun eet that was appreoi.atcd by aII (eroept thoee who deoided lt wasnrt cool 1f they heads). tLady Eleanorr, rRun wcranit ehaklng'their For Honet & rFog On Thc lyner lrerâ&#x201A;Ź espocially well rc cc 1ve d. . Nert was the old war horse of head ehaidng, tonsil ::attling & groln gultar fame, Ian Gillan, Thle v{aB ar on Tha Jobl lncrediSly dhort set inoludlngTFee & rlt{r. Unlverser but eurprleingly no rYengance' (fst grinnad the at audj-ence: "f slngle). Glllan leered & Enokc'r , he sald, leaving the th j-nk ve nesd. a tittlg intro. Torn'e to do hie mlnute Bernle 5 s'tage for It iaenrt 1111 Torn6 flnally struek the frrst 1 lnnortal chord.s that the vast majorlty preoont we were in for one of the roek cl-asslcs realised that rSmoke 0n The Waterr, then the heads of our tlme, starled shaklng as the reet of the band rcjolned Torn6, John McCoy bouncing about l-ike a space hopper & nakilg his bass look like a banjo. Saron vere aa borlng as thcir Swlss counterparts ' IG?m', with the addltion of the gultarist spendlng the laet ten minutes of the set rol-ling around the stage (as if The A11en was trylng to escape fron inslde h1m) & throwing his guitar about, collecti-ng as mueh feedback as posslble. rrPure talent!!t' Finally came the big nornent' lishbone Ash. it out of appearei after about-| nour thffiEflEEf-iun material- & were repeatlng thenselves, go much so tha+" & went ho-qg. I became bored, bought a hamburger dear'{'rf neS9?4 bl
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+6^ C t'ty- tI GrA?1anr 5?., I tor hip. 5e"d, 4f ft'. i ? - Ene uthmrh
.Solubira to Roc&rrfor4 N96.
Uvrd Hil, g(zL 6Ne.
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,U.['i'*fp; pdge,,1g,
& VfrUtT$ tsHB
fwffitr,,fffffiMffi: KL{g Fram 1st. Sept. 1980 an exte nslve seLe"tion of hand-put[.d traditionaL ales ui[l' be avalLabLe at botlr fArsr venues. Thrse wL[[ incLude,sn04uHt sMilTH"s TJil4OTTilY TffiY[CIRS
THEflKSII'@NS SC@TTjSH &NElWCflSfl"E Fer all enqutlrieg
3-TRACK f5O per eight hr. day ! Fully Equipped Studio Us ilNF Thsrffim, ffiuueru Hemrnr
Hgfl"ffiruD, BUHD, RH"m,
EmumEEo P&E,n B&8,
Polymoog, Minimoog, Fender Rhodes suitecase, Hammond X5 organ, Moog Taurus Bass pedars, ARp Sarina string Machine, cravinet D6,
Mellotron, premier Drums, Kramer 5000 D'mz Bass, Acoustic piano & * numerous
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