ffiwruffi-%f, ffieffiwffiro€pffiy tlfuqti*n i lr*r ste. An'*J $***i';* #, "L flnrm"l tib*qa', l:,*,-r --qod#1, i?ffff**'t ffi&w3K& -WffieffiffioK {bj+tr{: tfi€ 4Lf "
*r** ,*kra.ri{Fl Af\iA.Fi' 'l 'j,*r,*b-j,+r.er"rrs.or NJflnqii. $
ln; t Lrd
w rs NO
c9 l\k&0RgF[U,FtrwL.,,r;i;!.ir:.J.
,,;,]-ililIJlf-: i !t;r-:&!-*Lrp
6(ooo s'qnrs
!rr i;'i''')l;'t *ur':'r '* 'i'ir-l'r r virii.i,e-trleJ it'ce riiy l1F'v(l .,o ui":i' j + . el:r . t ]r..rir ir. $ trriel
-i;r Li.i)
itr.l . al s cirotii:"ii
uc fjl;i: J"g iir;i'
i,- i 1*i;^gij 3:..1r'r ilr:r-:L:..;ir-'r;-1f, ;,ii,u..r,,:u{j it:ir., ;l.r*o1..;, :..i.i,.. LJ Iu uq' i-:.Ltli:ri;r, i'rlfi"rLgr$oilrei;iIJes r,i,,râ‚Źi; toli'rrr, il;:, r-ui;,'u;;.Iitl',lc i-ti ti:eue trr-L".;;fi * ,rriae --uolariy ! cJi4usicr:rJ-iie icT,i].i-Ls ir-,giar1eo-r'reilios i. }s ii,iir* iji:.r.e ir.l, ,li.;i gOl,re i;5.lit Iirtl IeaLfif eiif tfiey'fe. tIi,,e$ OaJEa.fiiS iit $C116Cj- a-1,e IO 1,aI ryCt
Lf tiie;':::e-.:'.jiiu':..:tf ireirxriy.ijoliie i'r'(-;i,r,ri; eir..l"r i u,t *.'e;.:-iy ,t'.re'lr,*o wilrr *ry itrtlu.-rttrs"-l :'9pe tii'' i i'eal-jJ e ii i:.r'iio iitiEr.ttrrli ;i'iJi'i''i';u cir*yOU AOnr ! Uiil: .t,; i.,u!tro Oi, rlrii: C;ii.S r DiiI I alrie i;O . slrc:'f'/ ii'y f eeIifi6S I l:1r3u..ri yJri 61:!g7 rypirig. f agr*e rvi tri Siii,o rr bA stock- | I trtiriK i ui g3::. OJ,"i
r^i1 ll!) t "
l, la
4a I sAs gabotAgs ^dp L''
I ras told alt about tfg,g eepgbt of gaff by tbe reste{-of beiag a tcta} ard-uttgs F*****1, $al Ec6a.ff . rsaq told cc tne reI.]' ktBwn tale af the tt reg Jag ad tbe brl'ok.ra4f, the .A,uarehi'et"Sb€ sxerehiet ptdfiA the brlck *d yellear&t$d n***n**s ad rut-tbe tp lrrlok through tbe- wtxdgstc€s$r$b:ls blt.of *tid,Lrae vloleaoe ls Juet-typleei ef tod*ye eeelrtSr,tr tblnk thst pcople tho d,o thle eoagbr af f,tn6 *rb rcal bcroet aryl sbonld- gat aO},*,$$ tAR S.B.S .t m"ea if, lof,t3r caa g.at oac ,&Blror.e eanlt All you nred f,or saraabbiag ta a rtoh souns ear *nd a Y:Y:i iY: - -Ga s* - i @ *s _ - ? _ D G * _ e I'E8SOI et -e&1IIfiS d$&g ASISR $A3S'I'S& A CAR* grou lle ltkr In t .&rdsir* $grl rill etf,ck' aroed., - It rhrreae 5,f Srou e t.tury bit lntelltg*nt you rilJ. d,o a ruruxcr(o_r gycle er&y very quieklyrieevLng e trtal of nrnny br0sa ahrff ) , Sbs ususl sabUer r*If :ru,n e,t lrest Zrll'ee,After you havs f,{rqtshll& xnnnln6ryotr rlll, bteona totalg pemmt&{look o?er yonr efro*Aeru}t Onca you bsve resohed you* 6eff,*sf{Ly ia fer the rest gf,_ee_nfgbt(they_xlll be_Ioak3,ng for yard). _ _ _ _ _ .
O-4ln*lh., qcerumt
t Lc.\\
€;4 uLt\^ €'<3r
-rHE Nsx,r A Br.ry 876695 ;r
NOT F ..€ F LBT{eRs {cp\.rTe$rs
f*y Sar.tr AA()
rs6ud4 ,'r:AtJS6 J'r*. pots 6- . 2 Pnftf
ffi ## q%#
*Krg '""qw
i#tr#3 ffi#-q"B
ffiffiffiKH &seKKRâ&#x201A;Źru "F
tury ffiffiK&ffiffi
"*1ffi "##msffis*he in"qh*ir shoeE?
a; I .'j
LrrIn0. " . j".rtrtU., "Lr.irt$" ".J*ilitU" ".ir'!ri(J.,.l,iICO"..i,rlit0. ".1r,itd0"..I.ilriL' j $iELt $o liiis j-s tjie ,seiiotri: issue of t Y{"u; I rt.tJ llii.r.rY .iJOir,G {JUit J0-b t -i, i pS$eil'1;n-ir.k ii j-s a Sreat i-riprcv€irie{it on t(re rirst issue.I hope;fou
agree witri flre,rfhis isslie irve Sot loeu$ itiore art as i tnilri< art is a ;:eai-ly i:rilriant iliirrgr&rxl a drdaI way to Se+e yrur "iaeas acrogsrtr'te gp'te at schaol.)"lne otner pieces of cartCIo;r {r€low is irorie \.. Ar.uy(rny art &re *orre iJy €\f{fi,? e'nd d"lF ril. o'Nriei persor-rs !'/rio i i,ot.'i
#re i***ro
Kl.olr auoLit yetl
|';o-ffdl{d b 6*s. u T0oll
?. i*grra{S$ge ,16.
FJq*t FtY
rteess r4fWu{f fpo-e-. HHe" I
yf;$, tf{ fl€ 'f,pr ?o{ ttl{gD l'{ trFft
t1ooof, t$ cic \"regin*-hv$$.
Ypo'se sen4
nore.eft $rfi/fOo$rt"
' 6 ft+ltgy.
lsrA f ld.
,tt fd€t(t*rre5r ru
TLortt'' finrt {o.
Gfle"fff r e(ttnry
i 6, h* pg"[t*o f tos
C€ w*rrsrq ysir. ,.6Vg
pLe*sg 5gl-lF ,1fd(r\tA
ilJlo,r rb'(3
Rfcars l\.lFo,{t
,Alrrtct€5 TO
$Af dta
T$,a e6e
d Al*\
on ctre
tlrcK€4 a
exb*Istpd foor
a,S itlrl!#rn is
tn th€ cstrfrr a t$6se tr€*r baen shd$ed by
$nAil StltTtlttru
Sen:ia Rlch*rdr, 1$, $.ntsfls*d threc months' drtontloil bt )drvr.r mNtlatrrtt tor rDlitlnE |rjf.3]y rf.3]y eliva in sl6 xl6 ogon. 0g6!r. aliv4 ia tl6hqrd6 Flraded f,uilty to iil" rcctltg FupF!,. SEntsnca slt
h.? E
i I $raq 8*tcrtr{ "b*soJ*S** -
ts $,etll
[:s +Lg
pF rgsuc
I.tiJ. uul,.r1d I li
A"l.ilJ rt.i:
0n rer*arn for pi Eroffi;cl?f
jitic]cr.,a-tl 'ra622.4 si.aItC tiotitlacre '!.ab225
r;arren ii3.ane.v. rI iv, tsi son,
AriiJ.e;r i.r€ed $"
tJn reinanci,chargj-ng witn pl.anLlng incerrriia:ry epalJtriierils lltorinie ]Jee U'J26b2 Keviu rial"u.iv.in'lQZy}-g Liary (;ariwri6iri; t{J29o0
la.n Oxrey !029bi
eevices in rur
rotbt'v iL*['s.
H iri Srisan, "&.rrnley r,eeU S.
$ervii4; a 4 :!ea.x $eitte.:ree for arsoti, r:.tta,sk r:n vivisectorr s vehi.clesl
fain t'ic$aru tt?i5:5 B(2) iJirrg, b )qui *rI G,J,l ft" h iu lrison 'fiie verlle, psr"tlano, b^r'lu,6' ,crset. Servj"ng a 3 .)"ear senianc s tcr coiispiri.rig iio i:ur5ie lrickhan nesearch fuabor;;tories :&riice r,lunn J9 2297 |i iu .lrisont I f;*&* P.o"s,?Z(I,lli Sr Uor:riiii1.1, I Sireprorl r,.aLl €!r Lltrnnu, K* I se t. Sonier i I serrtaijceLr io 2 years icr attel;itirig ro ri; qp tle ,ure of .Beaufortrs [rave : Jcrnr: t,lurriir r'1 ? 288 nb le-{*ns d :.' Prison, I .lr-,.::tnoor , | }rilrce trorvli, I ftrtl,,st*eJ YeJ.verton, II l,gvvi.o
nu:rry d,elsoy H # Srison, tteases rtdl
Serita:rceo for conspiring Pau.} TJatkilrs i'64779 -Peter Anid'eison 1164805 riigel Llrouch ,i1218.7
ri ff
Y. L:. C. CIaley ) j-L1.oghby, W
r)avici (uuggsJ Carre ir6480? i{ gi }rison, Oakham,
-PA G.C:
w WM Pd#MWd '1"haii@fW^,
to bur:;;re ,,,*fr::
":m,ries in .ausust
i' *tt,
l'tick sweqt $142ffi Boris .darker n7 4946 Keith tlri-ffj.n 874948 Alan 0ooper it74960
$ ArJilir$Sd,) llLlil!. .
tri Prisortr 54 GaoJ. iid,
Staf 1'ord.
Jella irowick ,28008 V5-rginia Scholey 127117 H ls }risotlt
r.;1fal.,e |!a11,
ggclesrrali, Sta.f r-o rd. OarI "Elgan I)74945 dary eLj-en A74947 n iii fri.sotrr lyelforct rid, .l,eigester. $arly .r..evitt rt2731'4 Jebuie S&tth r.t2S007 rl i$ Prisof,rt
EL RO v Arl ? FA&l frrry: s
tjullwooc. Hall,
rta ,
i{.ockley , -tissex.
Karl Garsio.e Jr651,tT Llric urarsnall !b4806 |l iYr Y.0.0. HewetrI Grarlge Redaitehrv{ Worc$o
.beverley CowteY 12731'6 ll $ Prisont Oookham iVood t
G{t l Klrr l
ilo cne sier t lient. nere are IBany loore political pri*oners or trrej-r aooresses write tol lni,ncrt tlrt0$S(Prisoners $upport),
3li iH:$ I ttlR I i33f; " l; $' 4 $?fl ' ruLonr tsO1r.rv3Xrt. l.r.!. S. (i. ,-dox ASS r )9 Ooorriage $T r eeos 2. -ylease seru dortations to ttre aoove ilres s€s. rfheri writing to prisoriers please oe careful wnat you say-alJarn read.. opened etrers are i IIF_t=.!\\-s;t t-
?2----_ /{Ft?ohv)i -F---{il
ccutl0L HqrsES
i cotrtlll
t tr rr 11 1 r1 11 r I lJ _.^ -lf1f,t;.{.*,u*lr.ru,*r wrh -Io* Bon* +!n': ,.ro*lJ l,ne to horut{Do* post,'--: you Clase $ar?irJas'Yt'becauge l.rthy did vou uet up were f e'*- irJL_ wi: th- thg prescirt Angrchi st $oupg??? Yes inost aoarchist groups at the time didnft have' anythtng to say to the people on the street.At that timi: you had to live In a squatrwear black na{lsrbe a vegitarian ets. to be an arrarchist a$d these anarchiet ideae ha"d no relavance to most
1_1 ?
working ci"ass people"fhey sarit anachists as a bunch of welrdos.Claes lfar r*as started to malce asurchis'b ideae relavant to ordlnarXr working
clase peoplen 2.'Chat
thlnic of the the cress ever
claim Dobsons housa
reports in the prese are usually focuaed on just an ordinary member of psrs*nal}y'Itm ne rm junt Clarss War-i like the other nembere in $ogdx 467, Leu0Od.E58 CLass r,'far*The press haue to hane eomeone to fmus 'Lldr.ri-f* 4lor+hhr. thel.r hate on"Atrari f'rom the intenrler* withe you this is tr16 onif, cne itll. dr:*ri+ ottrers*l,iost reports are crap for exampLe the Dally i'llrror said that Olase y{ar uas :run by a polltb*ro of 2} peaplalthe sane goes for the report that we firebombed A;iita Fsbao-s !:,:i,iie.rJe did a thing saying that Anita Dobeon gasout,oforderforu-tiyir1ga200oo00pcundhor.ise(flat)rnHapping,afterthatanearby 6lock of flats(council)cai:ght fire efid the press iurn t'he event intorfuigle In Clasg *'ar Firebomb Hogort.It was cornpie't,e erap designed to turn working clasa people against ll$ r
leaue l$a Hlen tlglr..'{qrl?? _ iiId'-beai.lle.r,oleavehcrnewirentheywanttftheythir*about the consequence$ and if rhr:y ii66 .ganewhere worked out to stay and who to stay 'rdth.I nouldnft let, a clrlkl r;f *iine walk out *f the door arrd Just sayrlrm leavingr nithorrt *aying where trrey wele going or who lh*y i*ere goin6: to stay wlthnltrs a plty that there is ni:r*here i,zhere child'::en can rtay withoui: parentsrlike there- ls in* hlest Germany. lock lost hig life in the 1 Tot sturbinn *.hai FS r i gtsthil yo!, [ate- tc'. sgi -.] o= glgqr?.rE]Ep -=relatr.gnp I sh.Hetva bean stuck l.n the shock/ ffi horror phase but working: cla,*s people dle in their thr:usands everyday fron starvationt hypoti:ermia and baci living condiiione and to ilie thatts juet ac much violent as IC BlakeLocks death,Itts inevJ.tabie t,lrai t,o ggetlr!"d" people who rule our soci.ety today vof,itt give up por.ter vithout a flght.I think ue ihere rvili have ic be violenc*rf,,fi6:y shoul.ri regret viol-ence other +;l:ari glorifle it ar:; r*e ltave done in the past.I. would aay to Blakelocks reiations*ll1' :i',-'u joln the police force artd enfnrce the poyer'of the fen then yourre bound t,$ C;e1; iru*t *hen the many siart to fight, back. 5.Do ycu thrnk ',hat people sti;rild lose their iife* for ''*hat they bqlig.yg j,n?
l"lo y,og_ihi$ c.SI ry
their beLiefe into actior:.-lts a ,liference between Ad.olf t{lt1er and Aif If Hitler hed been kllle*rthat r:right, ha"ve sa'.râ&#x201A;Źd 10r0$Cs of llves later onl ,enforce
bgggilq}tu:ieg$ -189 g?xg!L@ ;So,moone asked sne wir+**iit<i pay ou b 4Eiroe in zur anarehist situationrthe polnt ls you run front have to have a coinpleterly dlfferent conceptionsf tire 'ray society would be 've a hartd in hf rioerrAfl ararchist s*lety wcal<I inean l-ot* of hard. vork'Ifueryone wouid job taklng' rould mean for life.It doir1g all tire sldp*orkrno one vculâ&#x201A;Ź be stusk in one the carry out actlon to 'co1leci;ive d.ecisions irr your own comrnunityrarrd therr ta kirr69 shttty uorkrbut ,decisions ycur eelf.F,*op1.e ,a}*'ays say no cne i*ould want to do the thats based :on people -tn eoci#ty to-day '*hos nctlvatlons are only selflshness and f$dividualisn+!{lr.ere there have been aria:cirie& societles in the past ,e.g i.n spain -{io fgle)rttre uhqge-.9qnmqn.it} did taks turrrs in d.oin6 r*ork that needed. to be done. $dgji-goulg-Jgu,pro-Fq
L!* iAN 30lIE rllTmvl$i{ co$T,.. ?.In event of nuc uar rr@ , I wculd like to be with the lrople I care about. &", Do yop thlqk C1assl{a"r the paper hae a,eheived anythlru:rctherthen gether nore
Cfas€lfar hae gone aa far *s lt can ln lts praeent f6tm.Its becdre verry predietable and Sn er o,tm vays a}nast carlcatured. At the natlonal C/!d conf,erence ln H,sto} ws declded to completel"y change the vhole fonuat a rd content of, the paper. The 'ccntent of tho riew look C/\t Wper is rmrch raore lfke th€ trSW[ or tt]fiRR0Rrr ertc. Itb*a wlll b asre cerenage of aca&dal;?rYreaptrsGxrlrop nr*cltlrfngs pcoplc anr fro*erestcit tn ht rJ.th class $ar politLca rlrnfng all the'my tlurough tbe a^rtl.cles, I thfick tlp ner Look paper uill ahock a fem of ore readers but tt ts abaoluteLy nnc*ccary for frrnthpr p*litica.L dorelopmho&.ts n*r loolc eLass m.r Fapar stll bc eftff tlrai{R%fu"t'?*.o"ter which tl'tIl be cnrt ln t{ar 87" Pes*vF Fou ivgg,cont:on1q*i*lL&r fapq .!o-face-? stiations around ten yeare ago 1 walked around a corner elap A r*ae shit ecared and irve never run 50 fast ln my lifet Fers.I 20 N into the rir:AAte of the N F face to face ls tthen the odds are 10 to 1 in to confront way like 5. The onl-y far being a street flghtlng: manr ability rny known for not 'ny favour.ltm aocounti a bank vou nnaselve LO.Have eot in Rolls ftoycee and all }lve in Hanpotead I going around about ue(Class itar.) other the stobles r*hich are some of '
you canrt think
of anythlng to tlo then write to us at rCUrPo (,
Bo-x $67'L0ND0N,E58BE.
makes us strong
r.vfli1q, rVD dot^€.L i 4oop f a -i'ALt4 o ri R€-fi {LF t F ,r}rS LoN,rtE(lVAfr/e P,tlzTY..
I lJ it i -Jl*//l *
Sr'"3h,cx frF
o.* 5€4,\.
fi;Wii\,i:,i!', g"', r. :!tl' .*O;r|., rr,
YW#'XZ:7 g WffI) rrr
r;t-I i.{$ryi h tL-' $'-
-- :iin'u 5
rffi::lfii;; T l.lfi 6;i*"#,,,,,,,tr **
tutlgy}$vi rPgal Srcrrurr€s the rPgar 'l,sdnat Se 3 !ci4k:of 3g€ $ou, FainE;o4 l$q$t uo you tnat alount Ite donr t give 3 {ucr about tho se so-cal}eO nuuans wno sperul whole fi"::-i:-f?l:llg of nronsy fat arsing about . @ w$en r,newavins tne arsebores iinins L:.t""k r?: :il:..''i:$ worth-savirlg ;il;i''*;;;;;" ;;";;"{";il rriakes oI snould we iUst; you wonoer if toey ard st'eetsrit Ieave trieri tn tne cLutqnes of treilIocracilb 2-Ja vpu tnl nlr rgEre-is.sexitsnr-wliri}'$ our m9vgl=ngrlr'? tn tneir own opinons novetrient rt Ieat!*e any ar'l_views arro tney are ttoi *ir trri iueliistic vj.ews sor'ie wouiti iilce [", to iloitiron all tnbir noraiistic is1t19s" +^ irro rrnr'yrts of :..,io y.-ou trrl-.,r r;iots qil .a +iil*gg.-3qg;*e- Yg$*t=l9CS, to tue crownt'ali r+"-jr* sa nT : gQoetrlgn *'n,''' -u vloleuce ar]o a iot of inno-l iI just tniri[-Fss-riors wou].o teao to ilrass peopJ-e berrig uuo"uO"fr"*-tttru.r11|ers sucn alr organiseu movement cerit .trrateyeIyfftenoe.I:s*."'yl"so'i.l-tac5sot.ag6,ressionoIilyonpeopie the frenzy of violence tri€y f eel creserve it or aie iney caugrrt up- ilr over-ridee ratiorral t&or-: --. &!o $ob rutr"-*nu"* satet!-i1-""*1""$-!otaiiy anytfliug-yina"trs ailL taken out on anyone ;ii1! &fl11 alot of agSressibn is l;?riestroy-aj-vision iir:'es' t'ihos passing !1ri , Ehis,wori;irri; "f""E"traitoir irii"L on tnij-r rines anCI- acopt their systeml juugerilent o; ;il-"o*irro";i as the *o, of inr,ocenc€ axrl 6uiJ.trwae;e punieris'ient is oeserveq- as far t
: :
cal-reo luO"ges are concernecl"
fui;ure-anY tr:'ing Plaruied?
is to geturi-r.l o :"9r+:,rl1{ +? la new uetno ooneoWiri*o nopeliJ.Iy vre^'ii*':t get someb.cry to release it it ourselsres as an ep or.-{lqxi" iayni *he .tutnre
f:-t or
rnat"osort of vielvs ,rroto]'Hd[iIng-s!atterrrig1ugs:-1iie'war'poritics larro al.yttiing we can rel.ate aoc ,..i-_4.! t'l o"Jo ai r or
f! factory-Jonrury our guitatrist ileirlHarvey o Ill !(){I{IOIT <1Jl.'I ilIgrlr"r}v a-l:b-i1^":g:o.iT,"':ig::"::l-?:" a-JOI) rias oiuiiut ria: our oa$,SiSt corleuse-darry OUI, at COffeUge-dafl'y iis at liS is our new etj'iicln Cloie"lJave t;e o$ oack,iLe(ieeie)ard.,lavle are ico,alr4; iri€ piays Zrtrr guitar. is itgtlatit.ltrs aLi jusi; crazy iltirsl-less KITOW aS we KI iri,irr.r.ei-..q iiiearui-r.,.ri to filg iii€a.riJ-rr$. itberer s no-tJIe.Jt crap. trown ? 8"1s it true rriat Jarnie went to, ,live j'rr 'i-oiuj'Pr\,i4ogts but reII t1en
Jte ll'l€itir& l@me
en arirt
.j'$all]ia Jae{so
viiio ne? d " +E.l=sgt= q;ko3F"a'fi On lrle Oi 01G€
Ii 85*tff i*3-#ils r e' -i or'.l,io we stic"lc to
?*te ep $. At ,tt1406g" FoA,*l_JO I 747s tnese GaYs" j-rr 1Yo7? riO ile@ Nrie of sp6n fi6 ASRC{S Ar T00, A&toio 10, rtire. t was Ene irrice '$,rage€i.l'n 1883! ! ne equ vjfelrt oI a years ir {r sO*r.ff .}1eroa'0.('Ua
Elitly rBrle ir^ngbert yg3:r vgTy olun pot9"y teacher"Xgr firat ptoee of gogog fron Baretb rsltoa la loxleJrrrlogope soiry typrie sr3gr lgte3l tberelshat I aeant- to" aaq lo ael,ley or sbserraeie aear uniis dnpay. Sera Soesis.Beneath tbe f,roren brid$errthe coenopolltaa parkrr4Lt the frignterec,peopla rull,lag fron t.nc cirk, $atutray aorniug cJ-lrana crunbJ.isg to tne grou:rd,. fbe ples-stl.nklng seappiag ceatree. reteh the eity as the surr goee ctonul llere comee anothex Binter of high hopes $ere comes anoiher rinter walti.ug tor Utopta Wa5'tlag for nell to fresse 6$er. tbis is the ranrd where notfiing ohanges, 'Iiaie is tbe lann where pineh:ing ls our, a.ce
*#":"tn*TfH ;?iffi"'i3:'" f*.Xo:d.tf:=irlF'" i{eve tLe3'r ilorieJr"
I.tre nretten in the pepars ttla sritten on tha rcalls lhe ray tir"is courrtry is disfutea to fall. the f ingexs - gett'ing sxeaty beneath tbe vbite rightr +.ll you,r pocket turng into a *ollar Hhen tbe pound, ln Shle ie tbe 51et state of tlre UitA. Sagar t that iolly goo$'f?I,et me krmw wnat you tnought of it and aleo what d.o you tntnk of thls:-t_o-g 1,4te_ tA Se tiarrea So
to war to fight for your cougtry Or waat are you fighttng. for't .Fj-gariug for your fredron? Ilhe freeoon of oeatb? $o naybe rith your. i;ersirral breath &rarching
Youtll so.ye the earth? *uut wbat t a i.t vworth*
t0oe tae earth will forget fhat you once livec, here Sa tnis slowly rotatingleJrtuog epatrq Ithj,sb hse hilJ.oo xany mrri.ors I.a ea na$y saJs
Alt *oble aro, brave Aut too late to be sa$eo.
that fine -iifJgi\lt'I
pier,re or p-otery ras wrirre:r ui'ir'.1 ,i(J Ux],,lSitAt-]"U1d*,iU .L .J U;lt
rc:, *jru
f$, -> ,lrt l{r lrrrli{tr{ls
ii $;i.ri S1 rui tru,rl !i;..rJ ri.{iIIUritl
,e*ri la"p./3;""
0r' ti$.i-i0YAl
issaq l'; 4fr".n;4 .rc{tl .
i*f *lrr nt