Must-Have Cookbooks Summer 2022 and Fall 2022
For a complete list of formats and ISBNs for each title, view or download the excel spreadsheet here. Kelly’s 3 in 3 Staff Pick!
Am erica's Test Kitchen HC: 978-1-954210-00-4 A m erica's Test Kitchen | 60,000 On Sal e April 26, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook Tu rn having people ov er into a casual affair-and make i t look good, too. Cl i ck to l earn more.
Black Mixcellence
My America
Tam ik a Hall
Kw am e Onwuachi with Jos hua David Stein HC: 978-0-525-65960-0 Kn opf | 50,000 On Sal e May 17, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook
HC: 978-1-954220-18-8 Ki n gston Imperial | 50,000 On Sal e June 7, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook
Wh at is American food? In his first cookbook, Kwam e On wuachi, the accl aimed author of Note s from a Young Black Chef, shares the di shes of h i s America; di shes that show the true di v ersity of American food.
Bri n ging tasty drink recipes from som e of th e most renowned m i xologists and stories of the h i storical impact of Black people in Mi xol ogy, Black Mixcellence i s the goto dri n k guide for any wine and spirits con n oi sseur.
Requ est a n eGalley on Edelweiss.
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As Cooked on TikTok
Tik Tok Forew ord by Gordon Ramsay HC: 978-0-593-23550-8 Cl arkson Potter | 150,000 On Sal e June 14, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook Th e fi rst official cookbook from Ti kTok, featuring both viral and bran d-new recipes from the com m unity's most belov ed Ti kTok food creators! Cl i ck to l earn more.
Kelly’s 3 in 3 Staff Pick!
Make This Tonight Tas temade
HC: 978-0-593-23218-7 Cl arkson Potter | 75,000 On Sal e June 21, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook
Spice Kitchen
Ariel Fox Forew ord by Gordon Ramsay HC: 978-1-954220-24-9 Ki n gston Imperial | 50,000 On Sal e July 5, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook
Del i ci ous meals just got easier with 100 al l -new recipes inspired by global cu i sines and created for the lov e of food, i n the first-ever cookbook from go-to on l i ne and streaming food desti nation Tastemade.
Th i s compilation of 110 recipes from a He ll's Kitchen winner and awardwi n ning chef takes a healthier approach to cuisines that are often u n derrepresented in cookbooks.
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T he Complete Cook’s Country TV Show Cookbook 15th Anniversary Edition Includes Season 15 Recipes Am erica's Test Kitchen TR: 978-1-948703-68-0 Cook's Cou n try | 110,000 On Sal e August 2, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook Hi t th e road with top-rated Cook's Country TV as i t searches ou t the best A m erican recipes and the cooks and l ocal es that inspired them. Cl i ck to l earn more.
T he Great American Recipe Cookbook
The Great Am erican Recipe HC: 978-1-63774-015-6 Ben Bella Books | 75,000 On Sal e August 16, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook Th i s beautiful cookbook from the h om e cooks and judges on the brandn ew PBS show The Great American Re cipe showcases the best in A m erican region al cooking. Cl i ck to l earn more.
Kelly’s 3 in 3 Staff Pick!
Dinner in One Melis s a Clark
HC: 978-0-593-23325-2 Cl arkson Potter | 100,000 On Sal e September 6, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook 100 al l -new super-simple and i n credibly delicious on e-pot, on e-pan, on e-sh eet-one-everything!-recipes from the New York Times star food wri ter and bestselling author of Dinne r in Fre nch. Cl i ck to l earn more.
Via Carota
Jody William s and Rita Sodi with Anna Kovel HC: 978-0-525-65857-3 Kn opf | 50,000 On Sal e October 11, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook Th e m u ch-anticipated cookbook from "N ew York's Most Perfect Restaurant" (The Ne w Yorker), featuring more th an 140 recipes for i mpossibly fl avorful, vegetable-centric Italian di sh es.
Fiv e Marys Family Style
T he Mediterranean Dish
HC: 978-1-63217-402-4 Sasqu atch Books | 150,000 On Sal e September 6, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook
HC: 978-0-593-23427-3 Cl arkson Potter | 75,000 On Sal e September 13, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook
Fol l owi ng up on her popular cookbook, Five Marys Ranch Raised, Mary Heffernan reveals family life on th e ranch throu gh the traditions, crafts, and meals they share together th rou ghou t the year.
Th e h i ghly anticipated debut cookbook from the creator of The Me dite rranean Dish website, with m ore th an 120 recipes for bright and fl avorful Medi terranean diet-inspired m eals.
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Mary Heffernan
Suz y Karadsheh
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Cover Not Final Go-To Dinners
Sm itten Kitchen Keepers
Cook As You Are
T asty Total Comfort
HC: 978-1-9848-2278-9 Cl arkson Potter | 1,500,000 On Sal e October 25, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook
HC: 978-0-593-31878-2 Kn opf | 200,000 On Sal e Nov ember 1, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook
HC: 978-0-593-32154-6 Kn opf | 35,000 On Sal e Nov ember 8, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook
HC: 978-0-593-23345-0 Cl arkson Potter | 120,000 On Sal e Nov ember 15, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook
A m erica's favorite home cook presents del i cious, crowd-pleasing, go-to recipes th at you'll want to make over and ov er again!
Th e l on g-awaited new book from the best-selling and beloved author of The S mitte n Kitchen Cookbook. A col l ection of essential recipes for m eals you'll want to prepare again and again.
A n o-n on sense collection of more th an 100 accessible, affordable, ach ievable-and, most importantly, del i cious-recipes (plus cou ntless v ariation s), Cook As You Are is an essen tial resource for every taste, ev ery kitchen, and every body.
75 Tasty recipes for your favorite com fort food from around the world, wi th plenty of surprises and wowfactors to keep things interesting. This i s Tasty, after all.
Ina Garten
Requ est a n eGalley on Edelweiss.
Deb Perelm an
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Ruby Tandoh
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Tas ty
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