Book Club Picks
Summer 2022 and Fall 2022 For a complete list of formats and ISBNs for each title, view or download the excel spreadsheet here.
Liz’s 3 in 3 Staff Pick!
T he Lioness
Chris Bohjalian
HC: 978-0-385-54482-5 Dou bl eday | 150,000 On Sal e May 10, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook, Large Print, CD, an d DN Edition s
T his Time Tomorrow Em m a Straub
Iona Iverson's Rules for Commuting Clare Pooley
HC: 978-0-525-53900-1 Ri v erhead Books | 150,000 On Sal e May 17, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook, Large Print, CD, an d DN Edition s
A l u xuriou s African safari turns Th e Ne w York Times bestselling deadl y for a Hollywood starlet and her au thor of The Vacationers and All en tou rage in this riveting historical Adults He re com bines her trademark th riller from the New York Times ch arm and wit with a m oving fatherbestselling author of The Flight dau ghter story and a playful twist on Atte ndant. th e i dea of time travel. Requ est a n eGalley on Edelweiss. Requ est a n eGalley on Edelweiss. Requ est a n eGalley on NetGalley. Requ est a n eGalley on NetGalley.
HC: 978-1-9848-7864-9 Pam ela Dorm an Books | 100,000 On Sal e June 7, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook and DN Edi tion s
Fly ing Solo Linda Holm es
HC: 978-0-525-61927-7 Bal lantine Books | 150,000 On Sal e June 14, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook, Large Print, an d DN Edition s
A wom an returns to h er small Maine From th e New York Times bestselling h om etown, uncov ering family secrets th at take her on a journey of selfau thor of The Authenticity Project di scov ery and new love, in this warm com es an escapist read that will an d charming n ovel from the New transport you, cheer y ou, and make York Times bestselling author of y ou sm ile—and make you, too, wish Evvie Drake Starts Over. y ou h ad Ion a's gift for bringing out th e best in everyone. Requ est a n eGalley on Edelweiss. Requ est a n eGalley on Edelweiss. Requ est a n eGalley on NetGalley. Requ est a n eGalley on NetGalley.
Liz’s 3 in 3 Staff Pick!
Grown Ups Marie Aubert
TR: 978-1-78227-708-8 Pu shkin Press | 35,000 On Sal e June 21, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook Edition
T omorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow Gabrielle Zevin
HC: 978-0-593-32120-1 Kn opf | 200,000 On Sal e July 5, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook, Large Print, and DN Edi tion s
A wh ip-smart n ovel about modern In th is exhilarating nov el by the best-selling m oth erhood and sibling rivalry, from au thor of The Storied Life of A. J. Fikry, two on e of N orway's rising stars—perfect fri ends—often in lov e, but n ever l overs— for fans of Emma Straub and the films com e together as creative partners in the of Greta Gerwig! worl d of v ideo game design, where success bri n gs them fame, joy , tragedy, duplicity, Requ est a n eGalley on Edelweiss. an d, ultimately, a kind of immortality. Requ est a n eGalley on NetGalley. Requ est a n eGalley on Edelweiss. Requ est a n eGalley on NetGalley.
Joan: A Novel of Joan of Arc Katherine J. Chen
HC: 978-1-9848-5580-0 Ran dom Hou se | 40,000 On Sal e July 5, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook and DN Edi tion s
T he Force of Such Beauty Barbara Bourland
Hc: 978-0-593-32934-4 Du tton | 35,000 On Sal e July 19, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook and DN Edi tion s
A fter a failed attempt at escape, the pri n cess of a tiny kingdom begins to Gi rl . Warrior. Heretic. Saint? A reev aluate her life. stu nning secular reimagining of the epi c l ife of Joan of A rc, in the bol d Requ est a n eGalley on Edelweiss. tradition of Hilary Mantel's Wolf Hall. Requ est a n eGalley on NetGalley. Requ est a n eGalley on Edelweiss. Requ est a n eGalley on NetGalley.
Liz’s 3 in 3 Staff Pick!
T he War Girls V.S. Alexander
TR: 978-1-4967-3479-2 Ken si ngton | 45,000 On Sal e July 26, 2022
Mercury Pictures Presents Anthony Marra
HC: 978-0-451-49520-4 Hogarth | 100,000 On Sal e August 2, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook, Large Print, an d DN Edition s
Based on true WWII stories of life in th e Warsaw Ghetto during the Occu pation and the women who serv ed the Allies as agents and spies... Th e epi c tale of a brilliant woman who Casti ng light into on e of the darkest m u st reinvent herself to survive, peri ods of World War II, acclaimed m ov i ng from Mu ssol ini's Italy to au thor V.S. Alexander's powerful 1940s Los A ngeles—a timeless story of h i storical n ovel tells of two Jewish l ov e, deceit, and sacrifice from the si sters—one imprisoned in the award-winning, New York Times Warsaw Gh etto and the other who bestselling author of A Constellation joi n s the Special Operations Executive of Vital Phe nomena. i n a daring attempt to free her family Requ est a n eGalley on Edelweiss. from the ever-tightening Nazi Requ est a n eGalley on NetGalley. stranglehol d.
How to Fall Out of Love Madly
T he Magic of Lemon Drop Pie
HC: 978-0-593-44772-7 Th e Di al Press | 75,000 On Sal e August 2, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook and DN Edi tion s
TR: 978-0-593-44019-3 Berkl ey | 75,000 On Sal e August 2, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook and DN Edi tion s
Jana Cas ale
Rachel Linden
Th ree wom en con front the A n u plifting nov el abou t a com prom ises they’ve made to appease h eartbroken y oung pie maker who i s th e m en they lov e in this razor-sharp, granted a magical secon d chance to em oti on ally reson ant nov el from an l i v e the life she didn't choose. . . . from au thor who “makes a particular th e bestselling author of The fem ale experience vivid, centered, Enlighte nme nt of Bees. seen ” (Elle). Requ est a n eGalley on Edelweiss. Requ est a n eGalley on Edelweiss. Requ est a n eGalley on NetGalley. Requ est a n eGalley on NetGalley.
Requ est a n eGalley on NetGalley.
Cover Not Final
T he Neapolitan Sisters Margo Candela
TR: 978-1-63910-084-2 A l cov e Press | 35,000 On Sal e August 9, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook Edition Th ree sisters. Th ree v astly different l i v es. A maelstrom of family secrets. For fan s of María Amparo Escandón an d Laurie Frankel, Margo Can dela pen s a riotous, provocative tale of fam ily and sisterhood.
Bobby Finger
Nam wali Serpell
T he Furrows
Shrines of Gaiety
HC: 978-0-593-42234-2 G.P. Pu tnam's Son s | 75,000 On Sal e September 20, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook and DN Edi tion s
HC: 978-0-593-44891-5 Hogarth | 25,000 On Sal e September 27, 2022 A l so Available i n eBook and DN Edi tion s
HC: 978-0-385-54797-0 Dou bl eday | 150,000 On Sal e September 27, 2022
A bi ghearted and moving debut about a wry retired school teacher whose decade—ol d secret threatens to come to l i ght and send shockwaves through h er small Texas town.
How do y ou grieve an absence? A bri lliantly i nventive novel about loss an d belon ging, from the awardwi n ning author of The Old Drift.
Th e #1 n ational bestselling, awardwi n ning author of Life After Life transports us to the dazzling Lon don of th e Roaring Twenties i n a whirlwind tal e of corruption, seduction, and debts th at have com e due.
Cl i ck for More In f ormation.
Cl i ck for More In f ormation.
T he Old Place
Requ est a n eGalley on NetGalley. Requ est a n eGalley on Edelweiss. Requ est a n eGalley on NetGalley.
Kate Atk ins on