Do you watch reality dating television?
If so, which shows, and why do you enjoy watching them? Did reading The One change the way you look at this type of entertainment?

From the outset, Emily is positioned to be a major frontrunner. Why do you think Emily succeeds in this environment? What are the different ways one could measure success in a setting like The One ?
Most of the novel is told from Emily’s perspective, yet there are a select handful of sections that focus on Miranda. How did the inclusion of Miranda’s story impact your reading experience? Did it complicate what you thought was going on, or was it illuminating?
Throughout the course of the novel, Emily’s fascination with Sam grows and develops. What is it about Sam that is so appealing to someone like Emily? Why do you think they connect so well?
If you were ever offered a spot on a show like The One, would you take the opportunity? Why or why not?
At times, Emily is conflicted about her true feelings for Dylan. How does Emily’s wish to feel desire, and to be desired in return, influence her approach to their relationship? How does her experience with Dylan influence her own understanding of herself?
As Sam’s producer, Wyatt plays a key role in the novel. How does his relationship to his contestants differ from that of Miranda’s? Who do you think has the better approach? Is one of them ultimately more manipulative than the other?
While most of the show’s production takes place in a bubble, moments of real life burst through during filming. How do the events of the real world intersect with the fantasy life these women have been living? How do these events impact their experience?
Like much of reality television, The One plays with the idea of perception and reality. Talk about the ways in which performance and surveillance influence our culture.
What do you think is next for the women of The One, particularly Miranda, Sam, and Emily?