2016/ 2017
Moving Toward Full Equality Includes Over 1,000 LGBT-Friendly Businesses & Organizations From the Publishers of Between The Lines
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Copyright 2016 Pride Source Media Group
EDITORIAL Editor in Chief Susan Horowitz susanhorowitz@pridesource.com
Associate Editor Shelby Clark Petkus shelby@pridesource.com
Contributing Writers Amy Lynn Smith, Todd Heywood, AJ Trager, Kate Opalewski, Tim Retzloff
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Shop The Rainbow There are hundreds of businesses in this edition of Pride Source Magazine that welcome everyone. Invest in equality and work with businesses that support Michigan’s LGBTQ community!
p. 34
p. 8
p. 8
Table of Contents What’s Next For LGBTQ Equality?
- Pg 8
Michigan Non Profits- Pg 112
Party With a Purpose - Pg 34
The 2016/17 LGBT Calendar - Pg 28;
Pride Source Yellow Pages - Pg 45
Hundreds of Michigan organizations serving the LGBTQ Michigan community.
In its sixth year, the Expo welcomes full marriage equality.
Your comprehensive guide to all events LGBT for 2016 and 2017.
Shop equality with these hundreds of LGBT-friendly businesses and non-profits.
p. 18
p. 20
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Publishers’ Letter
What’s Next For LGBTQ Equality? – Some of Michigan’s movement leaders share their thoughts on progress to date and what lies ahead - By Amy Lynn Smith
Connecting Academics With Activists – The Equality Research Center at EMU commits to outreach - By AJ Trager
Your Guide To Michigan’s LGBTQ Past - By Dr. Tim Retzloff
2016/17 LGBT and Pride Season Calendar
Party with a Purpose: The Ultimate LGBT Wedding & Anniversary Expo Welcomes Everyone - By Amy Lynn Smith
Businesses and Non-Profits Listed By Category
Business Directory
Michigan’s LGBT Community Centers in Focus
Non-Profit Organization Directory
Alphabetical Listing Index
November 8, 2016
2016 Election Information - Pg 31
Welcome From The Publishers June 26 marks the one-year anniversary of full marriage equality, an achievement many of us thought we would never see in our lifetimes. In this edition of the Pride Source Magazine & Directory we reflect on the decades of activism, research, outreach, protest and dedication it took for the LGBT community to reach this awesome milestone. Our movement in Michigan has a deep and powerful history from which we can draw wisdom and strength. Dr. Tim Retzloff ’s article “ Your Guide To Michigan’s LGBTQ Past” starting on page 20 looks at where we began and how far we have come. It took special courage to come out in the 1950s in Detroit and we owe a debt of gratitude to those who were willing to break down those barriers and show us the way to keep pushing for our equal rights. Successful activism requires organization at the grassroots level. Here in Michigan we have a network of eight community centers providing support, activities, volunteer opportunities and access to the wider LGBT community. We highlight each of these centers in this issue of Pride Source Magazine & Directory starting on page 108, and encourage you to find the one closest to you and support them in their daily work of connecting LGBT individuals to our community and movement. Any good argument requires solid research, and the case for LGBT equality is a rational argument that too often faces unreasonable fear and hatred. It’s the data that eventually debunks the fear, and the extraordinary project at the Equality Research Center at Eastern Michigan University connects some of the country’s most insightful researchers with the very activists that do the arguing for LGBT rights. This unique effort is featured in the article “Connecting Academics With Activists” on page 18. Today LGBT political activists are in our community organizations and halls of government. They are developing the strategies and tactics we need to protect marriage equality, keep our movement moving forward and fight the onslaught of anti-LGBT legislation cropping up in reaction to marriage equality. We’ve interviewed many of the leading LGBT thinkers and politicians who together are working to make Michigan a better place for LGBT people to live and work. Find out what they plan to do and how they’ll do it in the article on our political leaders “What’s Next For LGBT Equality?” starting on page 8. In 2016 we can legally marry, buy a home together and raise a family. We should continue to invest in our lives and our futures in ways unimaginable to those who decades ago began the long march to full equality. We encourage each of our readers to use the businesses listed in this issue of Pride Source Magazine & Directory. They are affirmatively saying they want to serve the LGBT community. We can invest in our own equality by answering them with our support. We wish all of you a happy and healthy Pride season! Jan Stevenson & Susan Horowitz Publishers
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What’s Next for LGBTQ Equality? Some of Michigan’s movement leaders share their thoughts on progress to date and what lies ahead BY AMY LYNN SMITH
here’s no question that the landscape of LGBTQ equality has shifted dramatically since the 2015 U.S. Supreme Court decision legalizing same-sex marriage. It’s the equivalent of a massive earthquake that’s done more good than harm.
But the aftershocks are significant. Those who oppose LGBTQ equality are pushing back and the backlash is fierce, both in Michigan and across the country. Still, when you talk to leaders in Michigan’s LGBTQ movement, the prevailing attitude is one of optimism. That’s not to say there isn’t a healthy dose of realism about the sometimes daunting amount of work that’s left to be done. Some of this work has been ongoing for decades, and some of it is new work that’s directly related to bold attacks in the wake of marriage equality. Regardless, those leading the charge toward
equality are hopeful and determined. The key, they agree, is to work together and never lose sight of the ultimate goal of lived equality for the entire LGBTQ community. “My prediction is that we’ll look back on 2016 as a year in which things changed and shifted for the LGBTQ movement in Michigan,” says Steph White, executive director of Equality Michigan. “It’s going to take a combination of diverse, powerful leadership that’s also coordinated and unified in its efforts. I think 2016 is the year when we know that and have those components in place.” White goes on to say that the LGBTQ movement needs to demonstrate and exercise its political clout in a smart, strategic way. “We’ve kind of been on the sidelines in terms of politics in our state,” she explains. “If we’re going to stop being used as a political football by both
“There’s a notable difference in having LGBTQ people in policy-making discussions. When folks step out of line (and push anti-LGBT agendas), there are consequences. It damages relationships. People at meetings can hold them accountable. We’ve seen it already.” Jon Hoadley
- State Rep. Jon Hoadley PrideSource Photo: Andrew Potter
Stephanie White PrideSource Photo: Andrew Potter
sides, we have to come to the game with our own political clout. That means people voting and being engaged in the political process.” Curtis Lipscomb, executive director of LGBT Detroit, feels strongly that the movement has already come together. But that’s only the beginning. “We’ve worked together for years to amend the ElliottLarsen Civil Rights Act (ELCRA) and on many other initiatives,” he says. “The real question is: What further actions could we engage in and what partners can we raise up so the work can be done more easily?”
The Tireless Pursuit of Civil Rights Protections The single biggest issue – although not the only one on leaders’ minds – is expanding ELCRA to include protections for the LGBTQ community. Jay Kaplan, staff attorney for the ACLU of Michigan’s LGBT Project, says expanding ELCRA would resolve many issues currently facing the community, but there’s a lot more education WWW.PRIDESOURCE.COM
and groundwork that must go into achieving the goal. “I get that people are impatient,” he says. “But if this issue was so easy to resolve you’d see more states actually having civil rights protections for our community.” Although Chris Jensen, district director and campaign manager for Congresswoman Brenda Lawrence, is among those who didn’t oppose the idea of a ballot initiative to amend ELCRA, she’s not sure that avenue is feasible right now. She says a key first step to expanding ELCRA is winning back the state House and electing more progressive candidates. “I still don’t know that there would be enough political pressure to get things through the Michigan Senate,” she says, “but there’s never going to be a perfect time in politics. You just have to move forward.” Many others share Jensen’s focus on electing more Democrats in 2016 and beyond, but there’s also an increased
“My prediction is that we’ll look back on 2016 as a year in which things changed and shifted for the LGBTQ movement in Michigan. It’s going to take a combination of diverse, powerful leadership that’s also coordinated and unified in its efforts. I think 2016 is the year when we know that and have those components in place.” - Stephanie White, executive director of Equality Michigan
Continued on next page
“We’ve worked together for years to amend the ElliottLarsen Civil Rights Act (ELCRA) and on many other initiatives. The real question is: What further actions could we engage in and what partners can we raise up so the work can be done more easily?” - Curtis Lipscomb, executive director of LGBT Detroit, feels strongly that the movement has already come together. But that’s only the beginning.
Curtis Lipscomb PrideSource Photo: Andrew Potter
emphasis on bipartisanship. After all, with Republicans in the majority and expected to continue holding a significant number of seats in the near future, it’s crucial to gain the support of those who are on the side of LGBTQ equality or could be educated enough to become allies. “I’m a staunch Democrat, but we have to learn to work across the aisle,” says Frank Burger, chair of the Genesee County Democratic Party, who serves in many other capacities including on the Michigan Education Association (MEA) Board of Directors. “We have to show Republicans – and there are some good ones – that we live and work in our communities and pay taxes, just like everybody else.” 10
Signs of Progress Even with a heavily conservative Michigan Legislature, there have already been some victories. An attempt to knock out local anti-discrimination ordinances as part of House Bill 4052 (now Public Act 105) in 2015 was defeated. According to State Rep. Jeremy Moss, the tide is slowly shifting in the direction of equality. In fact, he believes if expanding ELCRA were put to a vote before the end of the 2016 legislative session, it would pass. “The current Speaker (Rep. Kevin Cotter) won’t bring it up for a vote,” Moss says, “but I’m hopeful a new Speaker will in the next session. There are legislative Republicans in the House who would vote for expansion today.”
The presence of openly gay legislators like Rep. Moss and Rep. Jon Hoadley is making a difference, and they both hope other members of the LGBTQ community will join them in the House and Senate. If nothing else, it’s harder for lawmakers to push blatantly anti-LGBTQ legislation when someone from that community is sitting across from them in the Legislature. “There’s a notable difference in having LGBTQ people in policy-making discussions,” says Rep. Hoadley. “When folks step out of line (and push anti-LGBT agendas), there are consequences. It damages relationships. People at meetings can hold them accountable. We’ve seen it already.” 2016 / 17 PRIDE SOURCE MAGAZINE
Pushing Back Against Discrimination Rep. Hoadley, although generally optimistic, has concerns that attempts to roll back LGBTQ protections in Michigan – similar to the legislation passed in North Carolina in 2016 – are inevitable. That’s why he shares the view of so many that the LGBTQ community has to move forward from marriage equality without taking a breath. After all, discriminatory legislation is largely a response to the progress won in the marriage equality decision. Anti-LGBTQ legislation would be particularly harmful to the transgender community. Across the country, transgender people face higher rates of discrimination and even violence, and are becoming a focal point of the anti-marriage equality backlash. Amy Hunter, project coordinator for the ACLU of Michigan’s Transgender Advocacy Project, agrees that amending ELCRA is the primary objective, even as there are incremental steps to take along the way to reduce the fearmongering and scapegoating seen with “bathroom bills” and other antiLGBTQ legislation. “The critical step here is not just education but familiarity,” Hunter says. “We can spout facts all we want, but what we need to do is empower transgender people to advocate not only for themselves but for their community, and
“The critical step here is not just education but familiarity. We can spout facts all we want, but what we need to do is empower transgender people to advocate not only for themselves but for their community, and have that engagement at a broader level than any one person can do alone.” - Amy Hunter, project coordinator for the ACLU of Michigan’s Transgender Advocacy Project, agrees that amending ELCRA is the primary objective, even as there are incremental steps to take along the way to reduce the fearmongering and scapegoating seen with “bathroom bills” and other anti-LGBTQ legislation.
Continued on next page
Amy Hunter PrideSource Photo: Andrew Potter
“I get that people are impatient. But if this issue was so easy to resolve you’d see more states actually having civil rights protections for our community.” - Jay Kaplan, staff attorney for the ACLU of Michigan’s LGBT Project, says expanding ELCRA would resolve many issues currently facing the community, but there’s a lot more education and groundwork that must go into achieving the goal.
PrideSource Photo: Andrew Potter
have that engagement at a broader level than any one person can do alone.” Along with expanding ELCRA protections, fighting so-called Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) bills is another focus for the LGBTQ equality movement. Proponents of RFRA-type bills claim they are simply an extension of the Constitution and seek to protect religious expression. But the truth is that these laws – like the one in Michigan allowing state-funded faith-based adoption agencies to turn away prospective parents and youth on the basis of religious objections – are nothing but anti-LGBTQ legislation in disguise. “When the adoption legislation passed, one of my Republican colleagues apologized to me for voting for it,” says 12
Jay Kaplan Rep. Moss. “That doesn’t excuse her voting for it, but if I hadn’t been there, there would have been no one for her to apologize to.”
Taking Action at the Ballot Box and Beyond Ongoing challenges like these highlight one of the many reasons why Democrats are working diligently to elect more pro-LGBTQ Democrats in 2016 and beyond. “Our number-one goal in 2016 is taking back the state House,” says Mark LaChey, chair of the LGBT and Allies Caucus of the Michigan Democratic Party (MDP), who also serves on the MDP Executive Committee. “We need to flip nine House seats, so it’s an achievable goal.”
It’s also vitally important to elect pro-LGBTQ candidates up and down the ticket, both at the state and national level, in 2016 and beyond. Voting is essential, but it’s not enough. “Voting is the lowest bar,” LaChey says, “second only to posting on Facebook.” Everyone agrees that getting involved in the election process is critical, including being educated about who the candidates are with resources like the Pride Source Voter Guide. What’s more, candidates need to know that LGBTQ people support them. When you make a donation, LaChey says, note that you are part of the LGBTQ community or an ally in the memo field of the check. And help candidates in districts other than your own if they face a tough challenge from a Republican. Roland Leggett, principal at Roland Leggett Strategies, has long believed in the power of organizing, even as he admits it’s not “sexy.” But it’s essential to a winning strategy. “Knocking on doors and making phone calls is what it takes,” he says. “There’s no fundraising letter or flyer that will change a voter’s mind the way a conversation with them will. That’s how Continued on page 14
“I still don’t know that there would be enough political pressure to get things through the Michigan Senate, but there’s never going to be a perfect time in politics. You just have to move forward.” - Chris Jensen, district director and campaign manager for Congresswoman Brenda Lawrence, is among those who didn’t oppose the idea of a ballot initiative to amend ELCRA, she’s not sure that avenue is feasible right now.
Chris Jensen
“I’m a staunch Democrat, but we have to learn to work across the aisle. We have to show Republicans – and there are some good ones – that we live and work in our communities and pay taxes, just like everybody else.” - Frank Burger, chair of the Genesee County Democratic Party, who serves in many other capacities including on the Michigan Education Association (MEA) Board of Directors.
Frank Burger PrideSource Photos: Andrew Potter
Mark LaChey
Stay Engaged
- Mark LaChey, chair of the LGBT and Allies Caucus of the Michigan Democratic Party (MDP), who also serves on the MDP Executive Committee.
ACLU of Michigan Transgender Advocacy Project Amy Hunter, Program Coordinator ahunter@aclumich.org www.aclumich.org 313-578-6800 Equality Michigan Stephanie White, Executive Director swhite@equalitymi.org www.equalitymi.org 313-537-7000 LGBT Detroit Curtis Lipscomb, Executive Director curtislipscomb@lgbtdetroit. org www.lgbtdetroit.org 313-285-9733 LGBT and Allies Caucus of the Michigan Democratic Party www.facebook.com/ TheLGBTACaucusoftheMDP Roland Leggett email: rleggettstrategies.com State Rep. Jon Hoadley N994 House Office Building P.O. Box 30014 Lansing, MI 48909-7514 Phone: 517-373-1785 Toll-Free: 888-833-6636 jonhoadley@house.mi.gov State Rep. Jeremy Moss N-799 House Office Building P.O. Box 30014 Lansing, MI 48909-7514 Phone: 517-373-1788 Toll-Free: 844-347-8035 jeremymoss@house.mi.gov
“We try very hard to show that our issues are everyone’s issues. Our number-one goal in 2016 is taking back the state House. We need to flip nine House seats, so it’s an achievable goal.”
PrideSource Photo: Bryan Hoffman
we make sure the folks who are with us are in office and those who aren’t supportive of us are invited to leave. And then we have to hold our elected officials accountable.” White underscores the importance of voter involvement. “The constituencies that get the most attention from lawmakers are the ones who make their voices heard,” she says. “The more involved we are – in voting, volunteering, donating – it increases our chances to be in conversation with them. The more we have relationships with them, the more they’ll hear us and enact policies on our behalf.” This is particularly important at a time when many voters feel overwhelmed by the negativity in politics. “Political discourse has hit a level of ridiculousness that drives some good voters underground,” Jensen says. But now is not the time for supporters of LGBTQ equality to back down, Kaplan says. Although many are exhausted after the long fight to win marriage equality, the community must stay actively involved, a challenge he acknowledges. “How do we keep people engaged and let them know there’s more work to do – not only the LGBTQ community but our allies?” he says. “Marriage equality isn’t the whole enchilada, so we have to get people to see the value in staying involved in other issues that impact our community.”
From Leggett’s perspective, people want to feel like they’re part of something that’s moving forward. Fortunately, the LGBTQ community is doing just that, even if progress seems incremental. For example, LGBT Detroit is actively pursuing strategies to engage the community, often by bringing together its many intersecting parts. “You need many of us to do that work and we encourage people to get involved,” Lipscomb says. “Not one of us can do it all.”
Onward Toward Lived Equality Rep. Hoadley urges everyone to be heard on the issues, during elections and beyond. “We’ve seen so much progress, but it’s in jeopardy if we don’t engage in the political process and rebuild some political power,” he says. And like the rest of the LGBTQ community, he’s not talking strictly about equality. In fact, demonstrating all the issues the LGBTQ community has in common with everyone in Michigan – such as quality public education, clean drinking water and decent roads to drive on – can go a long way toward building relationships. Addressing all the intersecting issues the community cares about is also fundamental to the goal of lived equality. “We try very hard to show that our issues are everyone’s issues,” LaChey says. Economic issues are central, especially as Michigan’s economic recovery continues to be slower than anyone would like it to be. “More young people identify as LGBT and they’re leaving the state for elsewhere,” Rep. 2016 / 17 PRIDE SOURCE MAGAZINE
Jeremy Moss
”When the adoption legislation passed, one of my Republican colleagues apologized to me for voting for it.That doesn’t excuse her voting for it, but if I hadn’t been there, there would have been no one for her to apologize to.” - State Rep. Jeremy Moss, speaking about Michigan allowing state-funded faith-based adoption agencies to turn away prospective parents and youth on the basis of religious objections.
PrideSource Photos: Andrew Potter
“Knocking on doors and making phone calls is what it takes. There’s no fundraising letter or flyer that will change a voter’s mind the way a conversation with them will. That’s how we make sure the folks who are with us are in office and those who aren’t supportive of us are invited to leave. And then we have to hold our elected officials accountable.” - Roland Leggett, principal at Roland Leggett Strategies, has long believed in the power of organizing, even as he admits it’s not “sexy.” But it’s essential to a winning strategy.
Roland Leggett
Moss says. “If we don’t keep a vibrant LGBT community here, that impacts the economic and quality of life issues we tackle.” To address the broad array of issues that touch LGBTQ people, the community must continue working with organizations such as labor unions, reproductive rights advocates and other groups that promote social justice, Burger says. The LGBTQ community is not alone, and expanding on that unity is how the coalition continues to pursue the goal of lived equality. “Access to healthcare, a non-discrimination act that covers employment, housing and access to public accommodation – these are long-term goals,” Hunter says. “We need to break down systemic and institutional barriers and further longterm cultural changes that allow the transgender community to have truly lived equality.” And it’s not just the transgender community, but the entire LGBTQ movement, that
seeks lived equality. “We’re talking about changing society’s attitudes and approach toward LGBT people, to fully embrace all Michiganders, and that’s hard work,” White says. “It’s not just a matter of changing the laws. It’s changing the tone and tenor of our state and how we relate to each other. We’re talking about changing the personality of Michigan, and that takes this kind of distributed, decentralized leadership that we’re seeing emerge.” “I’m hopeful, and I’ll tell you why,” Lipscomb says. “Our programming attendees are millennials, who are often engaged with devices but are choosing to engage now faceto-face. Diverse people walk into our office: straight, queer, some have severe socioeconomic issues, some are well-to-do. If I didn’t see those people, I’d feel differently about the future. But they feel we’re a resource. Because of their shiny bright faces and their criticisms, we’re getting marching orders and new participation in our work. It’s exhausting, but I’m hopeful.”
Connecting Academics and Activists to Advance Equality EMU’s Equality Research Center Commits to Outreach and Discourse BY AJ TRAGER
astern Michigan University’s Equality Research Center, located in Ypsilanti, uniquely connects doctoral level LGBT research to local and national activists. The ERC, a gem for Michael Tew said the state of Michigan, is unlike any other center in he wants to build the country according to ERC’s director, Michael stronger partnerships Tew. “Our mission is more of an outreach than an with LGBT community in-reach,” Tew described.
“Our center is very committed to the idea centers across of a public intellectual,” said Tew. “Research is Michigan to figure out not there for the edification of the researcher or what they want and the institution. It’s there for the betterment of need their community society. And we have to be able to connect that information to society in meaningful ways.” to know, and to Tew said most Ph.D. candidates never then streamline the present their dissertations to anyone other than dissemination of their advisory committee, and these academics academic findings. are sometimes perceived to be out of touch with the very communities they research. To his knowledge, the ERC is the only universitybased program offering Ph.D. candidates who are doing high-level LGBT research the opportunity speak directly to the public. “They are out of touch, but in actuality, To get in touch with because of the research that they’re doing, the Equality Research they’re probably far more in touch with what’s Center visit their going on in the world than most people. But website at www.emich. they aren’t necessarily adept at or encouraged edu/equality/. Director to communicate that to people,” he said.
Learn more
Michael Tew can be reached by phone at 734-487-1156 or by email at mtew@emich.edu. The Equality Research Center is located at 328 King Hall Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI 48197. Visit their Facebook at www.facebook.com/ equalityemu/
Knowledge Project The Equality Knowledge Project produces that discourse. In the 2015-2016 academic year, Ph.D. candidates from all over the country came to EMU to present their findings on: • LGBT homelessness in the south • Health related consequences of same-sex and intimate partner violence • Culturally competent care for LGBT older adults in Michigan long-term care facilities
• LGBT rights and their impact on antiLGBT violence • Disgust and the dynamics of LGBT politics • Organizational inequality • Policing of LGBT sexual and gender identities post-Don’t Ask Don’t Tell. Knowledge project speakers come from both qualitative and quantitative research backgrounds and have varying mastery of public speaking. It’s not frequent, but some of the presentations go too far into the methodological issues of research work that, often times, speaks over the public understanding. “I want them to talk about their impulse for the research and talk about what they did briefly, but mostly about what they found and what it means. Those forays that academics are very fond of get into the nitty gritty of method. It is enough to make most audiences’ eyes glaze over immediately. I’m not saying it’s them. I’m saying it’s us, as academics, because I’ve done the same thing, too.” Whether the research is qualitative or quantitative, Tew advocates for the information to be expressed in narrative form so that it tells a story. “I find that most of those that tell a story are more appealing in terms of presenting. It’s all a story,” he said. Tew said he wants to build stronger partnerships with LGBT community centers across Michigan to figure out what they want and need their community to know, and to then streamline the dissemination of academic findings. “We can work with Affirmations. We can bring that to West Michigan. We can bring that to the Jim Toy Community Center. We can bring that to LGBT Detroit and places in Northern Michigan. We call that our Leadership Series, and I think that’s the 2016 / 2017 PRIDE SOURCE MAGAZINE
“Research is not there for the edification of the researcher or the institution. It’s there for the betterment of society. And we have to be able to connect that information to society in meaningful ways.” - Equality Research Director Michael Tew
PrideSource Photo: Andrew Potter
direction that it should go: a community based project that is truly embedded in community centers where we’re reaching populations that are already engaged, that just want to know and learn and then they share from there,” Tew said. In fact, a project is already in the works with the LGBT Detroit Leadership Academy to develop a curriculum intended to prepare, motivate and empower students to be active and effective movement and community leaders. “The purpose of LGBT Detroit Leadership Academy is to prepare the next generation of leaders in Michigan’s LGBT movement,” Curtis Lipscomb, executive director of LGBT Detroit, said. “I am honored to have the leadership of Equality Research Center at Eastern Michigan University develop curriculum and content for the students.” “I think that is a perfect illustration of the academics and the community working together to impact leadership, equality, progress, etc. I think that’s the perfect illustration of how the center can reach out other than simply supporting research,” Tew said. Good research does activist work, WWW.PRIDESOURCE.COM
and Tew believes that the ERC can inform practitioners about best practices and trends so that they can apply that to their jobs and help communities become more educated, informed and aware so that they can grow in inclusion. “We see LGBTQ issues as the starting point for the center,” Tew said. “Equality means a lot of things. It’s fundamentally an intersectional concept. To talk about LGBTQ issues alone is a great starting point. But matters of race, gender, economic inequality and equality – as it relates to immigration and all those areas that are related to matters of equity – are potential areas for the center to work.” “One of my hopes is that we start moving in those directions through intersectional research,” Tew said. “Our research, and research that we support, tells us how our systems handle nonroutine information so we can extend far beyond LGBT issues. We can’t make inclusion, but communities can and we can supply the knowledge tools for them to help make that happen.” The ERC was founded in 2010 as the Center for Equality and Human Rights but rebranded the following year. Since
its conception, the ERC has narrowed and devised a clearer mission; however, like many academic projects, funds are limited which affects the growth of the organization. As the ERC developed, Tew and his team threw a lot of “spaghetti at the wall” to see what would stick. But one thing is for certain: it was always intended to be something other than just a resource center. Tew and the board are happy with what the center has sustained over the course of its existence; however, it’s time to expand out, with either a video series or a podcast, for example, to really amplify the impact. Ph.D. candidates can apply for small research grants from the center. “More like research awards,” Tew described. ERC’s Board of Directors and Tew are now in the process of determining who the recipients will be out of 20 applications for the 2016-2017 academic year. “As we find additional resources for the ERC, then we can expand the number of researchers and we can increase the amount of the award. It’s an easy to grow project,” Tew said. 19
Access to old Detroit Free Press articles such as this are newly available through an online vendor. Scrapbooks kept by David Hummel preserve memorabilia of Detroit’s female impersonators of the 1960s.
Your Guide to Michigan’s LGBTQ Past BY TIM RETZLOFF
here do we find our history?
Tim Retzloff teaches history and LGBTQ studies at Michigan State University. He received his Ph.D. in history from Yale in 2014 and is currently at work on a book about gay and lesbian life and politics in Metro Detroit from 1945 to 1985. His writings on Michigan’s queer past have appeared in the anthology “Creating a Place for Ourselves,” the journal GLQ, the collection “Making Suburbia,” and the pages of Between The Lines. 20
In the summer of 1989, simple curiosity led me to the Genesee County Court House to examine criminal cases of local men prosecuted for homosexual activity in the 1950s and ‘60s – five files at a time, retrieved from the attic, with one clerk angrily slamming the materials on the large table in front of me once she realized the types of cases I was looking up. Since then, I have been searching far and wide for Michigan’s LGBTQ past, an obsession that has now become
my career. Where do we find our history? As it turns out, our individual and collective histories are all around us – often hidden, yes, but hidden in plain sight. A notable number of scholars and authors have captured important aspects of earlier queer life in Michigan. By “queer,” I mean various facets of sexual and gender difference, from homosexual to gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender or queer, whether embraced as an identity or not. In the very first issue of the Midwest Gay Academic Journal published in 1977, Dan Tsang recounted a 1959
In the very first issue of the Midwest Gay Academic Journal published in 1977, Dan Tsang recounted a 1959 witch-hunt against gays at the University of Michigan. witch-hunt against gays at the University of Michigan. Roey Thorpe’s research on black and white Detroit lesbians of the 1940s and ‘50s resulted in two influential articles, one in the anthology “Inventing Lesbian Cultures in America,” the other in “Creating a Place for Ourselves.” Historian Anne Enke (who now goes by A. Finn Enke) built on the work of Thorpe in documenting the untold stories of the 1960s softball team Motown Soul Sisters and the 1970s feminist venue Poor Women’s Coffeehouse for the 2007 book, “Finding the Movement.” Scholar Marlon Bailey revealed the crucial role of alternative kinship in “Butch Queens Up in Pumps” about Detroit’s African-American ballroom culture of the 1990s. And Gregory Piazza’s recent “A History of Detroit’s Palmer Park,” released through Arcadia Publishing and richly illustrated with the photographs of Allan Machielse, touches on the gay
heyday of the neighborhood. Many first-person accounts of past LGBTQ life in Michigan are available in print form as well. These include passages in Seymour Kleinberg’s “Alienated Affections;” Philip Bockman’s chapter in the volume “Boys Like Us;” some of Holly Hughes’s performance pieces in “Clit Notes;” Ron Suresha’s essay on coming out as bisexual in the anthology “Bi Men: Coming Out Every Which Way;” Beth Brant’s collection “Mohawk Trails;” numerous pieces in Julie Enszer’s book of essays, “Homesteading;” and sections of Esther Newton’s forthcoming memoir, “My Butch Career.” The poetry of Don Mager, Terri Jewell and Blair gives another lens to the unique perspectives of LGBTQ people in Michigan.
Several documentary films have showcased stories from the local queer past. The 1999 film “Living with Pride
Ruth Ellis @ 100,” by Yvonne Welbon, chronicles the life of Detroit lesbian icon Ruth Ellis as she approached her 100th birthday. Filmmaker dream hampton’s “Treasure,” about Shelly Hilliard, an African-American transgender Detroit teen who was brutally slain in 2011, highlights a quest for trans justice among a largely invisible part of the queer world of southeast Michigan. The Grand Rapids People’s History of the LGBTQ Community, a project of the Grand Rapids Institute for Information Democracy, gives voice to many who have been active in west Michigan gay life for the past several decades. Mandi Wright’s “Accidental Activists,” about the unexpected path of Jayne Rowse and April DeBoer to the Supreme Court’s landmark same-sex marriage ruling, had its premiere at the 2016 Freep Film Festival. Continued on next page
Metro Gay News provided a community lens to gay life from 1976 to 1978.
Merrilee Melvin, who helped organize Detroit’s first Pride march in 1972, is one of dozens of LGBTQ people who have shared their memories in oral history interviews.
Newsletters like the Dyke Heights Dispatch from Lansing need to be collected and safeguarded.
Older films that document the Michigan queer past include “Listening, Learning, Loving,” produced in 1989, featuring the Detroit chapter of Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, and “In Our Own Words,” a 1992 video about gay, lesbian and bisexual students at Central Michigan University. Video histories underway include “America You Kill Me,” a documentary directed by Daniel Land about longtime activist Jeff rey Montgomery. Also in the works is Brian Alexander’s film about the 1991 murders of Susan Pittmann and Christine Puckett, who were among the founders of Affirmations.
Print Media If, as Washington Post publisher Philip Graham once said, journalism serves as a “first rough draft of history,” then the pages of the Gay Liberator, Metro Gay News, the IC Exchange, Metra and Cruise, the Lesbian Connection, Kick!, OutPost, OutSpoken, Sunflower, and Between The Lines have been crucial first drafts to recording our past. Most issues of these publications remain tucked away in libraries and archives. Only two of these have even been microfilmed. M a i n s t r e a m newspapers, including the Detroit Free Press and the Detroit News, the Lansing State Journal, the Traverse City Record-Eagle, the Flint Journal, and the Grand Rapids Press, have documented queer lives for decades, in both negative and positive fashion. Similarly, the Michigan Chronicle, the Fifth Estate and such campus newspapers as the Michigan Daily, the State News and the South End have, at different times, covered
distinct aspects of the LGBTQ community. Until recently, access to even mainstream content has been limited to what had been clipped for library vertical files or cataloged in a few newspaper indexes. New full-text databases such as ProQuest Historical Newspapers and newspapers.com promise to open to fresh avenues to Michigan’s LGBTQ past. The raw evidence of local LGBTQ history is increasingly available in various archives, although a visit to use materials on site is required. Among the rich holdings of the Labadie Collection at the University of Michigan are records of the first formal organization for homosexuals in Michigan, the Detroit Area Council of the Mattachine of the late 1950s, and records of the Leaping Lesbian Collective of the late 1970s, as well as the National Transgender Archive. The Bentley Historical Library at U of M houses the Michigan Organization for Human Rights Records, the James W. Toy Papers, the records of Dignity/Detroit, the papers of Douglas Haller, the amazing scrapbooks of David Hummel, and the journals of Beth Marshall Bashert, among dozens of other important local LGBTQ collections. Since the early 1970s, Special Collections at Michigan State University has gathered a range of LGBTQ materials. Among its holdings are the Terri Jewell Papers, the recently acquired Lansing Association for Human Rights Records and a vast array of subject files. The Walter P. Reuther Library at Wayne State is home to the Ernest Horne Papers and the records of the South East Michigan Gay and Lesbian Association. The Reuther Library is also the designated repository of LGBT Detroit. Among other notable collections are PRIDE Community Center Records in the Genesee Historical Collections Center at UM-Flint, newsletters and documentation of the Metro Detroit chapter of the Lambda Car Club housed at the Downtown Branch of the Detroit Public Library, the Robert Gaylor Collection at Oakland University, and the ALLIES/OUTlook Records at the Central Upper Peninsula and Northern Michigan University Archives. Major LGBTQ collecting outreach is also now underway by the Saugatuck-Douglas Continued on page 24
Historical Society. M Library currently hosts a Beyond Michigan’s borders, a retooled version of the site via nearly full run of Cruise magazine the library’s online portal. is available at the Gerber/Hart Since 2009, Chris Hauck’s Library in Chicago. Moonrise webpage of Detroit gay bars newsletters may be found at the has sought to document every Lesbian Herstory Archives in queer drinking establishment Brooklyn. Notes from an oral in the city’s history and history interview with Tribe continues to be a forum for founder Francisco Del Salvio is people posting their memories. on deposit at the Leather Archives From 2007 to 2012, Joe and Museum in Chicago. Roey Posch’s Supergay Detroit blog, Thorpe’s oral histories have been including his cheeky “Blight preserved as part of the Human Bar Tour,” provided a personal Sexuality Collection at Cornell. take on the unsung gay scene And letters written by gay of the Motor City. The blog Michigan readers are among the remains intact online. voluminous correspondence from WDET’s 2013 series around the U.S. and the globe in the about the landmark radio 1950s and ‘60s to ONE magazine, program “Gayly Speaking” all now safeguarded in the ONE has been preserved in Archives at the University of SoundCloud. Several original Southern California. shows from 1973 and 1974 are Obituaries can be another vital available for listening. window to the local queer past. Phil Similarly, David Meitzler O’Jibway did a phenomenal job has been uploading podcasts during the 1990s of writing obits of recordings of “Closets Are in Cruise magazine for community For Clothes” and “Radio Q,” members who died from AIDS. programs produced by the BTL has published obituaries of Gay Radio Collective for the Michigan LGBTQ folk from its U of M campus radio station start in 1993. More recently, the WCBN from the late 1970s to Lesbian Connection has become the early 2000s. a place where the passing of “Living With Pride Ruth Ellis @ 100” chronicles the life of And the Facebook lesbian elders has been beautifully an influential elder. page for “Queens of Detroit, commemorated. Past, Present, and Future” Newsletters of nearly every has featured photos and type of queer group imaginable reminiscences of such photographs, and other local queer yield crucial documentation of performers as Jennifer Foxx and Michael memorabilia remain tucked away in LGBTQ organizing. Such groups as Burke. attics, garages, basements. And closets. the Association of Suburban People, We must hope that their owners will BWMT, Blue Water Pride, the Celery ensure that such materials, imperative to City Social Club, the early crossdressers our LGBTQ heritage, will find a secure In terms of physical exhibits, organization Crossroads, the Gaylaxians, and permanent home. according to an article last year in the Lutherans Concerned, MAPP, the MetroTimes, Menjo’s managers Mike Network, ONE in Detroit, local chapters Shannon and Tim McKee have initiated of PFLAG, Sappho Sisters Rising, an exhibit area in the longtime nightclub In addition to brick and mortar the Triangle Foundation, and other for displaying memorabilia of bars that organizations have been preserved in archives, online resources about the have come and gone. various locations. Many collections are local queer past continue to emerge and Finally, the most precious and missing issues. Meanwhile, newsletters promise to offer a vital link between endangered sources of Michigan’s of such groups as the Detroit Coalition generations for years to come. LGBTQ past are lesbian, gay, bisexual, Artifacts and Disclosures, an of Black Gays, the BTI Bowling League, transgender and queer people themselves, Lesbian Sisters Building a Network, and online exhibit of Michigan’s LGBT the living repositories of knowledge of Men of Color are lost or in private hands. heritage, was initially launched in 2001 “how things used to be.” For more than An untold quantity of personal through the School of Information at Continued on page 26 papers, organizational records, the University of Michigan. The U of
Living History
20 years, Charles Alexander has shared his stories and perspective in his weekly BTL column, “Parting Glances.” They are a goldmine of history.
Spoken History Oral histories remain absolutely crucial to making sure our authentic queer lives are recorded. Fortunately, many local LGBTQ people have already been interviewed. Patrick Burton conducted a number of interviews for his 1995 play “Punk,” including a conversation with the late Bramwell “ChiChi” Franklin. Roey Thorpe’s oral histories of Detroit lesbians are part of the Human Sexuality Collection at Cornell. Miriam Frank’s interviews for her stunning book “Out in the Union,” including key Detroiters and Ann Arborites, are held by the Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives at New York University. My own oral history recordings and transcripts, with more than a hundred individuals, will be available at the Bentley Library in 2022. In recent months, inspirational efforts to gather oral histories have been initiated by John Trimble (who seeks to document the experiences of trans women of color), and Wayne State graduate student Nina Perez (who seeks to record memories of Palmer Park). Other efforts would be welcome as well. So if someone asks you to share your LGBTQ stories, please consider saying yes. Where do we find our history? Look around and ask around.
Resources Links to regional and national LGBTQ archives and institutions with queer-related collections: www.lib.umich.edu/labadiecollection bentley.umich.edu/ https://www.lib.msu.edu/spc/ index reuther.wayne.edu/ www.gerberhart.org/ www.lesbianherstoryarchives.org www.leatherarchives.org/ https://rare.library.cornell.edu/HSC one.usc.edu Links to some of the other resources mentioned: grandrapidslgbthistory.org www.lib.umich.edu/onlineexhibits/exhibits/show/ lgbtheritage www.facebook.com/ groups/243079042393381/ supergaydetroit.blogspot.com detroitgayhistory.blogspot.com archives.wdet.org/news/story/ gayly-speaking-series www.gayradiocollective.org
Obituaries such as this for David Krumroy are an often untapped lens into the LGBTQ past.
The Michigan Chronicle regularly covered the black drag scene in the early 1950s.
PRIDE SOURCE | ANNUAL EVENTS CALENDAR Ferndale Pride will take place on Saturday, June 4. Check out www.ferndalepride.com
JUNE 2016 LGBT Pride Month
12-17: Ann Arbor Restaurant Week Restaurant Week, held twice a year, is your opportunity to try as many great Ann Arbor restaurants for one incredibly low fixed price.
4: Ferndale Pride
Ferndale Pride attracts 10,000 to 15,000 participants yearly. The free, all ages event takes to the streets of downtown Ferndale for LGBTQA pride.
13: Michigan LGBT Health Summit The agenda will focus on best practices from industry experts, innovative projects and transformative programs centering on providing quality care for the LGBT population in Michigan.
5: Rainbow Run 5K
The Rainbow Run is a 5K fun run/walk that will weave through the streets of downtown Ferndale. The run/walk is meant for everyone of all ages who supports diversity and acceptance, everyone who supports anti-bullying programs and everyone who believes we can not be complete until all persons are included.
18-19: Grand Rapids Pride Festival The event to celebrate the LGBT community in West Michigan. Family friendly programming and nationally recognized entertainers and hometown favorites on the main stage. www.grpride.org
25: Flint Pride in the Alley 10-11: Kalamazoo Pride
Motor City Pride will take place on June 11 & June 12 this year in Hart Plaza.
The performance line-up is a vibrant mix of music, comedy and drag performances that showcase the diversity of LGBT culture.
11: First Annual Motor City Pride Ball
Flint Pride is an annual community festival that features live music, entertainment, food, educational information, merchandise booths, pinup contest, wrestling show, children’s activities and plenty of fun and dancing. www.facebook.com/FLINTGAYPRIDE
10-30: Ann Arbor Summer Festival
11-12: Motor City Pride
Started in 1984, the three-week gathering offers dozens of performances, activities, exhibitions and screenings representative of the best in music, dance, comedy, film, circus and street arts and family entertainment.
Michigan’s largest LGBTQ pride celebration held in downtown Detroit’s Hart Plaza.
26: U.S. Supreme Court strikes down sodomy laws in 2003 and DOMA in 2013.
See Calendar, page 30
List and find hundreds of events online 24/7.
® Calendar Continued from p. 32
June 26: U.S. Supreme Court rules that same-sex couples be allowed to marry nationwide in 2015. 27: National HIV Testing Day 28: Anniversary of the Stonewall Riots that took place in 1969.
JULY 1-3: Ann Arbor Summer Festival Started in 1984, the three-week gathering offers dozens of performances, activities, exhibitions and screenings representative of the best in music, dance, comedy, film, circus and street arts and family entertainment. www.a2sf.org
21-24: Ann Arbor Street Art Fair A juried street art fair that has been trying to increase public knowledge and appreciation for contemporary fine arts and fine crafts by creating opportunities that connect artists since 1960. www.artfair.org
23: Great Lakes Bay Pride Held in Veterans Memorial Park in Bay City. www.greatlakesbaypride.org
Hotter Than July events take place July 26 - 31. See www.lgbtdetroit.org 26-31: Hotter Than July The most significant social justice and equity rally that combines cultural, spiritual and educational components in its programming. This programming includes a candlelight vigil, boat ride, film festival, conference, picnic, entertainment, worship service, brunch and plenty of partying all week long. www.lgbtdetroit.org/hotterthanjuly
30-31: Orchard Lake Fine Art Show A high quality fine art and craft event with 150 world-renowned artists who are selling their art in all forms of discipline including paintings, clay, glass, sculpture, fiber, wood, jewelry, photography and more. www.hotworks.org/ orchardlakefineartshow
AUGUST 2016 5-7: OUTFest & Washtenaw Pride Picnic www.a2outfest.com
5-7: Windsor Essex Pride Since its humble beginning as a small march of about 100 people on Wyandotte Street back in 1992, the Windsor-Essex Pride Fest has become one of nearby Windosr’s most anticipated cultural attractions. www.windsorpride.com and www.wepridefest.com See Calendar, page 32
AIDS Walk Detroit takes place in September each year. The unveiling of panels from the Names Quilt is part of the activities.
Election Dates August 2, 2016 State Primary November 8, 2016 State General Election
Vote Like Your Life Depends On It – Because It Does! Here’s what you need to know to be ready to vote in 2016 Registration Deadlines July 5, 2016 Last day to register for August primary. Oct. 11, 2016 Last day to register for November general election. Register to vote at any Secretary of State branch office or online at www.Michigan. gov/sos
Voter ID Law Every Michigan voter who offers to vote in the polls must comply with Michigan’s voter identification requirement by showing picture identification. Voters can satisfy the identification requirement by showing
a Michigan driver’s license or a Michigan personal identification card, current U.S Passport, Military ID Card with photo, Student picture ID, or Tribal ID card with photo. Michigan election law anticipates that not all voters will have picture identification. Voters who do not bring picture identification to the polls or do not have picture identification can vote like any other voter by signing an affidavit.
Voting Absentee As a registered voter, you may obtain an absent voter ballot if you are: age 60 years old or older
unable to vote without assistance at the polls expecting to be out of town on election day in jail awaiting arraignment or trial unable to attend the polls due to religious reasons appointed to work as an election inspector in a precinct outside of your precinct of residence. Your application for an absent voter ballot must be submitted to your city or township clerk. Print or download an application at www.michigan.gov/documents/ absentvoterballot_105377-7.pdf Go to www.Michigan.gov/vote to find the address of you city or township clerk
BTL Voter Guide Coming Summer 2016
® Calendar Continued from p. 30
17: Gay American Smoke Out
LGBT History Month
AUG. 13: Transgender Pride in the Park
7: ArtWorks Detroit
An event featuring free food, free fun and great friends held every year by Transgender Michigan.
Formerly Dining By Design. A fundraiser for HIV/AIDS prevention, awareness and more.
AUG. 26-27: Michigan Pride Festival
11: National Coming Out Day
The Pride Parade attracts thousands of spectators annually and includes contingents from around the state. People from all walks of life participate in this annual event to show they have pride.
Begun surrounding the anniversary of the National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights, this day serves as a reminder of the power of coming out.
12: Matthew Shepard Murdered 1998
SEPTEMBER 2016 2-5: Arts, Beats And Eats The annual festival offers more than 200 performances on nine stages, a highly ranked Juried Fine Arts Show and local restaurants with some of the finest cuisine in Metro Detroit. www.artsbeatseats.com
10: Upper Peninsula Pride Fest Based out of Marquette, Upper Peninsula Rainbow Pride consists of people of all backgrounds with one common goal: to bring PRIDE local! www.uprainbowpride.com
18: AIDS Walk Detroit AIDS Walk Detroit provides financial support for programs in HIV prevention, education and services for HIV positive individuals. The organization promotes public awareness through events and activities to ensure people living with HIV/AIDS are treated with dignity and respect. www.aidswalkdetroit.org
23: Celebrate Bisexuality Day First observed in 1999 as a response to the prejudice and marginalization of bisexual persons by both the LGT and straight communities. The day is to recognize and celebrate bisexuality, bisexual history and the community and culture of bisexual people everywhere.
One of the most notorious anti-LGBT hate crimes in American history that would go on to spawn an activist movement that would help change the American landscape.
An opportunity for LGBT individuals to challenge themselves to quit smoking. The Gay American Smoke Out was first introduced in 1994 by the Billy DeFrank Lesbian and Gay Community Center. Typically held on the third Thursday in November, the day was created to coincide with the American Cancer Society’s “Great American Smokeout.”
20: Transgender Day of Remembrance This day memorializes those who were killed due to anti-transgender hatred or prejudice. The Day of Remembrance is held in November to honor Rita Hester, whose murder in 1998 kicked off the “Remembering Our Dead” web project and a San Francisco candlelight vigil in 1999.
24: Thanksgiving 27: Harvey Milk Assassinated 1978
14: First National Gay March On Washington, D.C. 1979 The first march on Washington, D.C. for LGBT rights. It drew between 75,000 and 125,000 gay men, lesbians, bisexuals, transgender people and straight allies demanding equal civil rights and urging the passage of protective civil rights legislation.
Ann Arbor Wine Cellar A charity event featuring good food, wine and more. www.miunified.org
Annual Jewish Book Fair www.jccdet.org/bookfair-home
16: Oscar Wilde Born 1854 The renowned Irish author, playwright and poet would go on to become a figurehead for the LGBT community long after his death.
26: Intersex Awareness Day An internationally observed civil awareness day designed to highlight the challenges faced by intersex people.
University of Michigan-Dearborn LGBT History Month Events Held every year, the Dearborn branch of the U of M family hosts a variety of events throughout the month in honor of LGBT History Month.
DAY DECEMBER 2016 1: World AIDS Day
Transgender Awareness Month 8: Election Day Visit www.MiVoterGuide.com for information on pro-LGBT candidates, causes and more.
Held each year as an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV, show their support for people living with HIV and to commemorate people who have died. World AIDS Day was the first ever global health day and the first one was held in 1988. See World AIDS Day Commemorations
Annual Sistrum Winter Concert
11-12: Women in the Arts Festival A celebration of regional women artists that takes place during the second weekend of November each year in East Lansing.
ANNUAL EVENTS CALENDAR | PRIDESOURCE The Rainbow Run 5K is an annual event taking place in Ferndale during the city’s Pride Weekend. In 2016 it takes place on Sunday, June 5.
16: Martin Luther King Day Annual Ann Arbor Folk Festival The annual festival, a fundraiser for The Ark, features two dynamic and different nights of folk and roots music. www.theark.org
Birmingham Restaurant Week Many of Birmingham’s finest restaurants participate in this event featuring specially priced lunches and dinners. www.birminghamrestaurantweek.org
Ferndale Blues & Music Festival The annual music festival sponsored by MAC, BTL and more is held in downtown Ferndale and neighboring cities. It showcases an array of musicians and bands – now in blues, jazz, rock, country and contemporary styles.
21: Anniversary of U.S. Federal District Judge Bernard Friedman declaring Michigan’s same-sex marriage ban unconstitutional in 2014
Ann Arbor Restaurant Week
23: Anniversary of same-sex marriages performed after Judge Friedman’s ruling in 2014
Restaurant Week, held twice a year, is your opportunity to try as many great Ann Arbor restaurants for one incredibly low fixed price.
31: International Transgender Day of Visibility
FEBRUARY 2017 Black History Month
The first step to empowerment is visibility. International Transgender Day of Visibility is a day to visibly celebrate being transgender and also for allies to show their support for the transgender community.
Ann Arbor Film Festival
KGLRC Winter Gala Annual fundraiser for the Kalamazoo Gay and Lesbian Resource Center featuring food, presentation of the REACH awards and more. www.kglrc.org
MARCH 2017
The Ann Arbor Film Festival is the longestrunning independent and experimental film festival in North America, founded by George Manupelli in 1963. Internationally recognized as a premiere forum for independent filmmakers and artists, each year’s festival engages audiences with remarkable cinematic experiences, including LGBT films. www.aafilmfest.org
Women’s History Month 26: BTL’s 7th Annual Same-Sex Wedding & Anniversary Expo Pride Source Media Group, publisher of Between The Lines, hosts this yearly event featuring businesses that provide wedding services to samesex couples, entertainment, prizes and much more. www.btlweddingexpo.com
Equality Michigan’s LGBT Comedy Fest (Date to be announced) ComedyFest is a fabulous comedy event held annually for Michigan’s LGBTQ and allied communities. Join LGBT and allied comedians from across the nation. www.comedyfest.org
APRIL 2017
Jim Toy Birthday Bash An Ann Arbor event celebrating Jim Toy’s birthday. Jim Toy, namesake of the Jim Toy Community Center in Ann Arbor, was the first publicly out queer in Michigan who co-authored Ann Arbor’s non-discrimination policy and who has had a huge legacy in the LGBT community of Washtenaw County. www.jimtoycenter.org
College Pride Weeks Affirmations Spring Bash www.goaffirmations.org
Lavender Graduations Annual Detroit Together Men’s Chorus Spring Concert www.dtmc.org
MAY 2017 5: Holocaust Remembrance Day The internationally recognized date for Holocaust Remembrance Day corresponds to the 27th day of Nisan on the Hebrew calendar. It marks the anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.
10-18: Passover
17: International Day Against Homophobia
16: Easter
22: Harvey Milk Day
Dining Out for Life
Annual Women’s Golf OUTing
In 1991, Dining Out For Life was created by an ActionAIDS volunteer in Philadelphia. Dining Out For Life is now produced in 60 cities – including Detroit – throughout the United States and Canada. www.diningoutforlife.com
National Give OUT Day www.giveoutday.org
Dining for Dollars Annual HIV/AIDS Fundraiser www.unified.com
A Party with Purpose BY AMY LYNN SMITH Jason Bowen emceed the 2016 Ultimate LGBT Wedding and Anniversary Expo at the MotorCity Casino Hotel and completely charmed everyone – including the bridal gown models!
It was a celebration, no question, of all the progress the LGBT community has made. But every attendee knows there’s still much more to do in the pursuit of lived equality, the ideal of erasing anti-LGBT discrimination from every area of life.
PrideSource Photos: Andrew Potter
The Ultimate LGBT Wedding & Anniversary Expo Welcomes Everyone
he Ultimate LGBT Wedding & Anniversary Expo held March 20, 2016, was an affair to remember.
Positive energy filled MotorCity Casino Hotel as happy couples planned all the memories they will create, with everyone there looking forward to the day when lived equality will no longer be the dream of activists, but the reality for every LGBT American. Hosted for the sixth consecutive year by Between The Lines, the expo was, as promised, bigger and better than ever. More than 110 vendors and 800 attendees gathered to celebrate at the first expo following the 2015 U.S. Supreme Court decision legalizing samesex marriage nationwide. All day long, the event bustled with couples planning weddings, families looking forward to special events, and more than a few singles daydreaming about their special day. Everyone made the most of the festive event, which featured four fashion shows, live entertainment, plenty of tasty food samples and a wide array of vendors – everything from tux shops and bridal salons to event venues,
caterers, adoption services and financial planners. It was a celebration, no question, of all the progress the LGBT community has made. But every attendee knows there’s still much more to do in the pursuit of lived equality, the ideal of erasing anti-LGBT discrimination from every area of life. After all, if discrimination didn’t exist, there would be no need for an LGBT-specific wedding expo. In fact, that’s what inspired Jan Stevenson and Susan Horowitz – co-publishers of Between The Lines and co-producers of the event, who were married 12 years ago in Canada – to create The Ultimate LGBT Wedding & Anniversary Expo in the first place. “Six years ago we got a call from the catering manager at the Marriott in Livonia, who was outraged that LGBT couples were telling her that other venues were turning them away,” Stevenson says. “I told her that happened all the time, and she said she wanted to do an LGBT wedding expo and asked if we would help.” Continued on next page
B. Ella Bridal of Plymouth provided all the breathtaking gowns on the fashion show runway. It’s true – not all brides wear white.
® Party
With A Purpose
Continued from p. 36
Although Stevenson and Horowitz were excited about the prospect of a fun event, it was about more than that. “It was work we’d already been doing, and a response to blatant discrimination we were seeing against LGBT couples,” says Horowitz who, along with Stevenson, has a long, proud history of activism. “And that discrimination is not going to be eradicated because of marriage equality. We’re hearing even more stories of wedding vendors going on the offensive with the ‘religious freedom’ tune, and as long as there are people like Kim Davis and bakers who don’t want to bake cakes, you’re going to have injustice against people who just want to get married.”
Michigan Laws Michigan has a long way to go before LGBT people are treated equally across the board. The state’s Elliott-Larsen Civil 38
Rights Act (ELCRA) does not protect LGBT people against discrimination in employment and housing. Activists are working hard to update ELCRA to expand those protections, which are more necessary than ever, as antiLGBT legislation is making its way through legislatures across the country – including Michigan’s. What’s more, there’s already a law that allows faith-based adoption and foster-care agencies to discriminate against LGBT people in Michigan, and attacks on the gains made by the community seem relentless at times. But every step forward is worth celebrating, to acknowledge the victory and prepare for the work ahead. And there was certainly no shortage of optimism at the 2016 expo. “Now that marriage equality is here, people are looking at the next steps in their lives and we’re excited to be part of it,” said Tina McNeal-O’Brien, a real estate broker and president of BNI Biz. Networx, which was one of the expo vendors. “As an African-American
woman married to an Irishman, if you look back 50 years, that wouldn’t have been possible for me. It’s all about progress and change. It’s about love and it’s about family.” Stevenson and Horowitz are already making plans for The Ultimate LGBT Wedding & Anniversary Expo in 2017 – and holding fast to the vision of lived equality that the LGBT community will be working toward in the meantime. “The first year we did the expo, we had vendors saying, ‘I won’t do anything illegal’ – they were even saying that in 2015, so it’s a huge sea change,” Stevenson says. “But what won’t change is the event’s commitment to activism. It’s always been less about, ‘Let’s throw a party’ and more about, ‘How can we make the community better?’” Mission accomplished, on both counts.
Accommodations Atheneum International Banquet Center 313-963-1400 www.atheneumsuites.com
Westin Book Cadillac 313-442-1616 www.bookcadillacwestin.com
Westin Southfield-Detroit Boyne Resorts 231-439-4078 www.boyne.com
Detroit Marriott Livonia 734-953-7362 www.livoniamarriott.com
Embassy Suites Troy 248-879-7500 www.detroit.embassysuites. com
Hyatt Place at Suburban Collection Showplace 248-348-5600
248-827-4000 westinsouthfielddetroit.com/ wedding
Comerica Bank
Perkins Family Wellness
734-981-2144 www.comerica.com
Flagstar Bank 248-312-2189 www.flagstar.com
Level One Bank 248-538-0700 www.levelonebank.com
Harbour Tax & Accounting 248-399-7331 www.harbourtaxaccounting.com
Adoption Services
Bridal Wear B. Ella Bridal 734-459-0000 http://b-ella-bridal.com
Hands Across The Water 734-477-0135 www.hatw.org
810-610-8240 knobhillbedandbreakfast.com
313-253-6232 www.vistamaria.org
LaQuinta Inns & Suites 312-558-1020 www.lq.com
586-294-7280 www.bombshellbridal.boutique
Marriott - Detroit Regional Properties 216-386-6734 www.marriott.com
Mission Point Resort 906-430-8137 www.missionpoint.com/weddings
MotorCity Casino Hotel 866-782-9622 www.motorcitycasino.com
Radisson Detroit Farmington Hills 248-553-0000 x447 www.radisson.com
Sheraton Detroit Novi Hotel 248-349-4996 www.sheraton.com/detroitnovi
The Wedding Shoppe 248-841-1988 www.theweddingshoppe.net
Catering (see also Venue/Catering)
Iglesia Martell Law Firm 734-369-2331 www.iglesiamartell.com
Jeff Zak Catering 734-459-7125 www.jeffzakcatering.com
Mall Malisow & Cooney P.C. 248-538-1800 www.theeldercarelawfirm.com
Bakery / Cakes Browndog Creamery & Desserts 248-615-2955 browndogcreamery.com
Good Cakes and Bakes 313-468-9915 www.goodcakesandbakes.com
Sweet Dreams Bakery 586-751-8900 www.SweetDreamsWeb.com
Chocolates AG Chocolates 517-917-3385 www.agchocolates.com
Construction Kroll Construction & Gutterglove 734-772-8072 www.krollwindow.com
Cruise Lines
Bombshell Bridal Salon
Vista Maria Adoption Services Knob Hill Bed & Breakfast
248-478-6203 www.perkinsfamilywellness.com
Thomas’s Catering 734-525-5610 http://thomasscatering.com/
Charter Yachts Detroit Princess Riverboat 517-712-2078 www.detroitprincess.com
Infinity-Ovation Yacht Charters 586-778-7030 www.infinityandovation.com
Royal Caribbean Cruise Line 248-203-0022 www.royalcaribbean.com
Custom Clothier 1701 Bespoke 313-444-3680 https://1701bespoke.com
Saks Fifth Avenue/Mark To Measure Suits 248-765-1679
Sylvia Ann Inc. 734-878-9044 www.sylviaann.com
DJs Double Trouble DJs 906-273-2183 www.doubletroubledjs.com
Entertainment/Bands Bluewater Kings Band 734-673-7368 www.bluewaterkingsband.com
Pro Marine Charters 586-879-9255 www.promarinecharters.com
Motif 517-282-9252 www.musicofmotif.com
Sizemore Selectives
AmeriPlus Financial
586-292-3382 www.sizemoreselectives.com
Photo Booths
Derek Cookson Photography
734-994-4848 www.abragem.com
248-224-7423 www.dcooksonphoto.com
Diamond Castle Jewelers Diamond Castle’s exhibit featured a dazzling array of rings and accent pieces.
Event Planning
Event Bliss 248-862-6741
Will U Party Event Planning 313-530-8405 www.willuparty.com
With a Little Help 734-306-4387 www.alittlehelpevents.com
Exchange Students International Experience 517-388-8948 www.iE-USA.org
Financial Services Alicia McGovern, Edward Jones Financial 734-487-2987 www.edwardjones.com
Waddell & Reed 240-220-1650 www.waddell.com
248-442-2440 www.diamondcastlejewelers.com
Howard’s Fine Jewelry 586-268-9500 www.howardsfinejewelrymi.com
Oh Snap! Booths 248-470-9150 http://ohsnapbooths.com
Shutter Booth 248-545-6460 www.shutterbooth.com
Blumz By JR Designs 248-348-5130 www.blumz.com
Gutter Guards Kroll Construction & Gutterglove 734-772-8072 www.krollwindow.com
Health & Beauty
Miner’s Den Jewelers
248-585-6950 www.minersden.com
248-419-1047 www.tapsnapdetroit.com
Tapper’s Diamonds & Fine Jewelry
248-865-6069 http://tappers.com
Derek Cookson Photography 248-224-7423 www.dcooksonphoto.com
Lighting & Special Effects
Kreativ Imaging
Allure Medical Spa 586-992-8300 www.alluremedicalspa.com
Band-Ayd Events Group 585-294-8851 www.band-ayd.com
810-632-6123 www.fountainofyouth-mi.com
It Works Global Ultimate Body Applicator 517-488-1502 www.getfitcouple.com
Light RX Face & Body
Insurance State Farm - Michael Lantzy Agency 248-291-6504 www.lantzysf.com
586-675-7457 www.kreativimaging.com
Milhem Images, Inc. 248-797-2499 www.milhemimages.com
Fountain of Youth
248-579-6772 www.lightrx.com
734-446-8630 www.ameriplusfinancial.com
Limousine Service
Rawlinson Photography Golden Limousines
Satisfaction Limousines 586-725-7799 www.satisfactionlimousines.com
Rebecca Reflections Photography 734-929-4030 www.flickr.com/photos/artispoetry
Whenever you can, please support businesses that support the LGBTQ community. 2016 / 17 PRIDE SOURCE MAGAZINE
Real Estate Agent
David Reese Realty Group
Charmed Salon & Boutique
McNeal OBrien Team Real Estate 248-594-7724 http://motrealestate.com/
Real Estate One - Don Chisholm 248-425-4336 www.donchisholmrealtor.com
Religious/Spiritual Grosse Pointe Unitarian Church 313-881-0420
Metropolitan Community Church of Detroit 248-399-7741 www.mccdetroit.org
Northern Michigan Ministers 231-582-2908
Rentals C & N Party Rentals 248-435-3580
Seating Charts Sizemore Selectives 586-292-3382 www.sizemoreselectives.com
Spa Allure Medical Spa 586-992-8300 www.alluremedicalspa.com
Fountain of Youth 810-632-6123 www.fountainofyouth-mi.com
Title Company Regions Title Agency 248-336-2000
Travel Agency Premium Travel 248-584-4001 www.premtrav.com
734-354-9591 www.youreventpartyrental.com
Restaurants Cafe Cortina 313-570-7497 www.cafecortina.com
The Tux Shop on Woodward LaQuinta Inns & Suites 312-558-1020 www.lq.com
248-269-8424 www.ruthschris.com/Reservation
248-644-5055 www.thetuxshoponwoodward.com
Mission Point Resort
906-430-8137 www.missionpoint.com/weddings
Tuxedos Blumz By JR Designs
Ruth Chris Steak House
Miner’s Den in Royal Oak delighted everyone with their beautiful jewelry, watches and unique designs.
(see also Accommodations)
Your Event Party Rental
Kevin Heard modeled a dashing white tuxedo from The Tux Shop on Woodward in Birmingham.
248-348-5130 www.blumz.com
Sylvia Ann Inc. 734-878-9044 www.sylviaann.com
313-720-9056 www.underclothesonline.com
The Ladies at Busted 313-288-0449 www.bustedindetroit.com
Unions UNITEHERE - Fair Hotel 315-783-9412 www.fairhotel.org
Venues/Catering Ann Arbor Area Convention & Visitors Bureau 734-995-7211 www.visitypsinow.org
Atheneum International Banquet Center 313-963-1400 www.atheneumsuites.com
Boyne Resorts 231-439-4078 www.boyne.com
Burton Manor 734-427-9110 www.burtonmanor.net
Cafe Cortina 313-570-7497 www.cafecortina.com
Marriott - Detroit Regional Properties 216-386-6734 www.marriott.com
Club Venetian 248-399-6788 www.clubvenetian.com
Crystal Gardens Banquet Center 517-545-7650 www.cgliv.com
Michigan Renaissance Festival 248-634-5552 www.michrenfest.com
Mission Point Resort 906-430-8137 www.missionpoint.com/weddings
Detroit Marriott Livonia 734-953-7362 www.livoniamarriott.com
MotorCity Casino Hotel 866-782-9622 www.motorcitycasino.com
Detroit Princess Riverboat 517-712-2078 www.detroitprincess.com
Detroit Symphony Orchestra/ Max Fisher Hall 313-576-5065 www.detroitsymphony.com
Diamond Center at Suburban Collection Showplace 248-348-5600 www.diamondbanquetcenter.com
Embassy Suites Troy 248-879-7500 www.detroit.embassysuites.com
Gem & Colony Events 313-463-6252 http://www.gemtheatre.com
Infinity-Ovation Yacht Charters 586-778-7030 www.infinityandovation.com
Pro Marine Charters 586-879-9255 www.promarinecharters.com
Radisson Detroit Farmington Hills 248-553-0000 x447 www.radisson.com
Zingermans Cornman Farms Sheraton Detroit Novi Hotel 248-349-4996 www.sheraton.com/detroitnovi
Solitude Links Golf & Banquet 810-982-9123 www.solitudelinksgolf.com
The Polo Fields 734-998-1555 www.polofieldsccmi.com
University of Michigan Conference & Event Services 734-764-4276 www.conferences.umich.edu
Lakeland Manor 586-773-2211 www.lakelandmanor.com
Laurel Manor Banquet & Conference Center 734-463-0770 www.laurelmanor.com
The 2016 Expo included a Honeymoon/Wedding Night fashion show with models showcasing the wares of Underclothes and Busted Bra Shop, both in Mid-Town Detroit.
Westin Book Cadillac 313-442-1616 www.bookcadillacwestin.com
Westin Southfield-Detroit 248-827-4000 westinsouthfielddetroit.com/ wedding
734-619-8100 www.zingermanscornmanfarms. com
Visitors Bureau Ann Arbor Area Convention & Visitors Bureau 734-995-7211 visitypsinow.org
Videography Kreativ Imaging 586-675-7457 www.kreativimaging.com
Wedding Registry Williams-Sonoma 248-637-0672 williams-sonoma.com
Visit BTLWeddingExpo.com throughout the year for LGBTQfriendly vendors ready to help with all your party planning needs. Plans are under way for the 2017 Expo, scheduled to take place on Sunday, March 26 at the MotorCity Casino Ballroom once again!
Call 734-293-7200 x.22 42
Be sure to plan your next event with vendors who support the LGBT community. Visit BTLWeddingExpo.com today.
To be a vendor at the 2017 Expo contact Jan Stevenson at 734-293 -7200 ext. 22
SAVE THE DATE Sunday, March 26, 2017 At MotorCity Casino Ballroom • Detroit WWW.PRIDESOURCE.COM
46 See also Financial Services, Tax Planning
Air Conditioning & Heating Antiques Art Fairs Art Galleries Artists Attorneys Auto Collision Auto/Dealer Auto/Repair Auto/Tires Awnings
46 47 47 47 47 47 50 50 52 54 54
Counseling Counseling Education Countertops Credit Union
62 66 66 66
Dentists DJ Drag Queen Bingo
66 69 69
69 69 69 69 70
Entertainment Entertainment Agency Erotica Event Planners Exchange Student Placement
Farmers Market
70 Festival Production 70 Financial Services 70 Flooring 72 See also Carpets & Rugs Florists/Floral Design 72 Foster Care 74 Framing 74 Funeral Services 74 Furniture 74
54 Banks 54 See also Credit Unions Banquet Halls/Catering 54 See also Catering, Charter Yachts Beauty Spa 56 See also Health & Beauty Bicycles 56 Blinds/Drapery 56 See also Window Treatments Bookstores 56 Bridal Gowns 56 Builders 58 See also Handyman, Kitchen & Bath, Roofing
Garden Supplies See Landscaping/Nurseries Gift Shops 74
Carpet Cleaning
Hair Cutting & Styling
58 58
Carpeting & Rugs See also Flooring Casino 58 Catering 58 See also Banquet Halls Ceramic Tile 58 See also Tile Charter Yachts 60 Chiropractors 60 Chocolates 60 Clothiers Custom 60 Concert/Music 60 Construction/Builders 60 Corporate Transport 62
Garage Doors
74 74 77
Hair Removal Health & Beauty See also Beauty Spa Heating & Cooling 77 Home Inspectors 78
Insurance Invitations
78 78
Janitorial Supplies Jewelers
78 78
Kitchen & Bath
82 84
Landscape Supplies 84 Landscaping & Nurseries 84 See also Urban Gardener Leather Gear 84 Lighting 84 Limousines 84 Lingerie 86 See also Underwear Long Term Care 86 See Also Insurance
Martial Arts Massage Therapy Massage Therapy School Mortgages Mosquito Control Motorcycles Moving Companies
Opera Company Optometrists
Rental Service Restaurants Roofing RVs
99 99 100 100
100 Spirits102 See also Wine Shops Symphony Orchestra 102
Tai Chi 102 Tax Planning/ Preparation 102 See also Accounting, Financial Services Theaters 102 Tile 103 See also Ceramic Tile Title Company 103 Travel 103 Tuxedo 105 See also Custom Clothiers
86 86 86 86 86 86 86 89 89
Pet Adoption
89 See also Veterinarians Pet Boarding 89 Pet Day Care 89 Pet Grooming 91 Pet Memorials 91 Pet Services/Boutique 91 Pet Supplies 91 Pet Training 91 Pharmacy 93 Photo Booth 93 Photography 93 Physicians 93 Physicians/Gynecology & Obstetrics 93 Plumbing 94 Podiatrists 94 Pools & Spas 94 Printing 94 Publications 94
See also Lingerie Urban Gardener
105 See also Pet Services Videos 105 Visitors Bureau 105
Wedding Cakes - see Bakeries Wedding/Event Planners 105 Wedding Chapel 105 Wedding Gowns 105 Wedding Officiant 107 Wedding Registry 107 Weight Loss 107 Window Treatments 107 See also Blinds & Drapery Wine Shop 107 See also Spirits Writers 107
Real Estate Appraiser Kitchen Cabinets
94 Real Estate/Agent 94 Recreational Vehicles 99
Families and Parents 116
AIDS/HIV Hotlines
Foundations and
AIDS/HIV Organizations
Funders 112
Hotlines & Switchboards
Labor Unions
Legal Organizations
Music Groups
Camping Groups
National Organizations 118 Political Organizations 119
and Alumni Groups 115
Cancer Support
Religious & Spiritual
Community Centers
Senior Living
Women’s Health
Substance Abuse
Youth Services
Animal Shelter
Campus; Student
Social/Community Organizations 123
Whenever you can, please support businesses that support the LGBTQ community.
ACCOMMODATIONS Atheneum International Banquet and Conference Center 1000 Brush St. Detroit, MI 48226
Detroit Marriott Livonia 17100 Laurel Park Livonia, MI 48152 www.livoniamarriott.com 734-462-3100
www.atheneumsuites.com 800-772-2323
Birchmont Motel
Weddings and commitment ceremonies welcome!
2090 U.S. 41 South
See our ad on this page
Marquette, MI 49855 birchmontmotel@aol.com
The Dunes Resort
www.birchmontmotel.com 877-458-7805
Boyne Resorts 3600 Village Harbor Dr. Bay Harbor, MI 49770 bkear@boyne.com www.boyne.com 231-439-4078
Courtyard by Marriott Detroit Downtown
333 Blue Star Hwy. Douglas, MI 49406 info@dunesresort.com www.dunesresort.com 269-857-1401 Midwest Largest LGBTQ Resort & Entertainment Complex located in West Michigan’s beautiful Saugatuck and Douglas.
Embassy Suites by Hilton Detroit Troy/ Auburn Hills 850 Tower Drive Troy, MI 48098 dtttr_ds@hilton.com www.detroittroy.embassysuites. com 248-879-7500 Welcome to the Embassy Suites by Hilton Detroit Troy/Auburn Hills hotel in Troy, Michigan. This all-suite hotel boasts an ideal location, close to many well known Detroit corporations and attractions. Enjoy the range of attractions from the Motown Historical Museum to the Hubble Imax’s 3D journey through space at the Detroit Science Center. Settle into a spacious two-room suite, and expect amenities such as two flatscreen LCD televisions featuring 30-plus HD channels, with on-demand movies, WiFi and a refrigerator.
Knob Hill Bed & Breakfast
333 East Jefferson Ave.
1105 South Dr.
Detroit, MI 48226
Duneswood Resort
Flint, MI 48503
www.marriott.com/hotels/travel/dtwdccourtyard-detroit-downtown 313-222-7700
7194 South Dune Hwy.
Empire, MI 49630
Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center
810-424-3888 810-610-8240 810-424-6496 810-449-7357 Knob Hill is a luxury boutique bed and breakfast located in a 1920’s mansion. Rates include a full gourmet breakfast, nightly wine and cheese reception and complimentary snacks and beverages 24/7. Knob Hill Bed & Breakfast has been inspected and certified by the Michigan Lake to Lake Bed and Breakfast Association.
Renaissance Center Detroit, MI 48243 888-253-1328
Labrys Wilderness Resort For women Sleeping Bear Dunes Nat’l Lakeshore 4115 N. Scenic Hwy. Honor, MI 49640 labrysresort@gmail.com 231-882-5994 Sleeping Bear Dunes Nat’l Lakeshore.
Lake Cabins Rental Lake, MI 48622 http://lakecabinsrental.com 386-801-2752
LaQuinta Inn & Suites Bill Navarre One South Franklin Chicago, IL 60606 www.lq.com 312-558-1020
Ann Arbor Marriott Ypsilanti at Eagle Crest 1275 S. Huron St. Ypsilanti, MI 48197 www.annarbormarriott.com 734-487-2000
MGM Grand Detroit 1777 Third St. Detroit, MI 48226 www.mgmgranddetroit.com 877-888-2121 Five-star hotel in the heart of downtown Detroit.
Accommodations continued...
Mission Point Resort One Lakeshore Drive Mackinac Island, MI 49757 www.missionpoint.com/weddings 906-847-3312
MotorCity Casino Hotel
Harbour Tax & Accounting Diane R. Harbour, EA An affiliate of ATS Advisors 2310 E. Eleven Mile Rd Royal Oak, MI 48067 diane@harbourtaxaccounting.com www.harbourtaxaccounting.com 248-399-7331 fax 248-414-3848
2901 Grand River Ave. Detroit, MI 48201 www.motorcitycasino.com 866-STAY-MCC
See our ad on this page
Park House Inn
Karen Ryan Enterprises, LLC
888 Holland St. Saugatuck, MI 49453 info@parkhouseinn.com 269-857-4535
Radisson Detroit - Farmington Hills
Karen Ryan 416 W. Grand River Fowlerville, MI 48836 realtaxpro@yahoo.com www.karenryan.com 517-223-5046
31525 West 12 Mile Rd Farmington Hills, MI 48336 www.radisson.com 248-553-0000
Kuderik and Associates
Sheraton Detroit Novi Hotel
John E. Kuderik, CPA, CVA Certified Public Accountant and Certified Valuation Analyst 32121 Woodward Ave. Ste. 202 Royal Oak, MI 48073 info@kuderikcpa.com www.kuderikcpa.com 248-835-7755
21111 Haggerty Road
See our ad on this page
Saravilla Bed & Breakfast 633 N. State St. Alma, MI 48801 innkeeper@saravilla.com www.saravilla.com 989-463-4078
Novi , MI 48375 http://www.sheraton.com/detroitnovi 248-349-4000
Wayfarer Lodgings 1912 South Scenic Hwy
AIR CONDITIONING/ HEATING AAC Services Heating, Cooling & Refrigeration
Frankfort, MI 49635 wayfarerlodgings@charter.net www.wayfarerlodgings.com/ 231-352-9264
The Westin Southfield Detroit 1500 Town Center Southfield, MI 48075 cbishop@westinsouthfield.com www.westinsouthfielddetroit.com/wedding 248-827-4000
30029 John R Madison Hgts., MI 48071 adam@aacforyou.com www.aacforyou.com 248-399-9111 586-582-9000 248-399-0483
Westin Book Cadillac Detroit
We service all Heating, Cooling, Boilers and Water Heaters.
1114 Washington Blvd.
See our ad on pages 16-17
Detroit, MI 48242 www.westinbookcadillac.com
C&C Heating & Air Conditioning 313-442-1600
Serving all of SE Michigan 29420 Groesbeck
Roseville, MI 48066 www.candcheat.com 586-296-1800
Ameritax Plus Alan Semonian, CPA 3336 W. Twelve Mile Rd. Berkley, MI 48072 TaxAlan@aol.com 248-584-1040 tollfree 800-TAX-ALAN See our ad on page 47
Briggs Tax Service 18020 Mack Ave Grosse Pointe, MI 48230 www.briggstax.com 313-884-2270
Diversified Heating & Cooling, Inc. 20789 Parker St. Farmington Hills, MI 48336 sbartram@diversifiedhtg.com www.DiversifiedHtg.com tollfree 800-680-6244 248-473-5690 Proud to serve the LGBT community since 1957! Gay owned and operated family business. Residential/ Commercial service and installation. We service all makes/models of air-conditioners, boilers, furnaces, geothermal systems, heat pumps, minisplits and water heaters. See our ad on page 74
Royal Oak Farmer’s Market Open year-round
316 E. Eleven Mile Rd.
Detroit Artists Market
Royal Oak, MI 48067
4719 Woodward Ave.
Find us on Facebook
Bassett & Associates, PLLC
Detroit, MI 48201 248-246-3276
www.detroitartistmarket.org 313-832-8540
Salt City Antiques 115 W Michigan Ave Ypsilanti, 481 734-487-1259
ARTISTS Charles Alexander Studio 110 W. Forest Detroit, MI 48201 alexandersart1@mac.com http://home.earthlink. net/~alexandersart/
Ann Arbor Art Fairs Every July http://artfairs.visitannarbor.org
Hinson Heating & Air Conditioning
Art Birmingham Each May and September
See our ad on page 23
827 E. Fourth St., Royal Oak, MI 48067 248-541-7007
www.theguild.org/art-fairs/art-birmingham. org 734-662-3382
The Guild of Artists & Artisans
ANTIQUES Evergreen Antiques 2758 Coolidge Hwy, Berkley, MI 48072 evrgrnantiques@hotmail.com http://www.evrgrnantiques.com 248-439-0176 973-818-1100 An eclectic offering of rare, unusual, and useful antiques from American estates and collections. We buy single items, entire estates and collections. Appraisal and consulting services. See our ad on this page
Jane A. Bassett 2045 Hogback Ann Arbor, MI 48105 www.bassettlaw.com 734-930-9200
Bidwell Tovarez PLLC David E. Tovarez 333 West 7th #140 Royal Oak, MI 48067 432 N. Saginaw, Ste 800 Flint, MI 48502 david@bidwelltovarez.com www.bidwelltovarez.com 248-270-3333 866-959-6828 See our ad on page 48
118 N. Fourth Ave. Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Art Beats & Eats
Each Labor Day Weekend
Royal Oak, www.artsbeatseats.com 248-334-4600
Orchard Lake Fine Art Show presented by HotWorks.org each summer Patty Narozny info@hotworks.org www.hotworks.org Plenty of free parking behind Barnes & Noble, Beaumont Medical Center, & West Bloomfield Corporate Plaza
Whenever you can, please support businesses that support the LGBTQ community.
Iglesia Martell Law Firm PLLC
Louise L. Labadie, PLLC
Angie Martell 117 N. First St., Ste. 111 Ann Arbor, MI 48104 angie@iglesiamartell.com www.iglesiamartell.com 734-369-2331
Attorney at Law 900 Victors Way, Ste. 300 Ann Arbor, MI 48108 labadie@labadielaw.net www.labadielaw.net 734-668-4100 Estate planning for non-traditional family settings.
Detroit, MI
Iglesia Martell Law Firm understands the needs of the LGBT community. We have been advocates and representatives for the LGBT community for over 26 years. The myriad of legal issues facing LGBT individuals and couples remain volatile. LGBT clients are the only ones whose legal status and legal rights are dependent on where they live, visit or travel. Additionally, there are challenges facing the community, including the basic rights concerning our children and our property. Iglesia Martell Law Firm seeks to transform the practice of law through education and support of holistic practice.
See our ad on page this page
Attorneys continued...
Buckstad & Associates Erik K. Buckstad 1755 W. Big Beaver Troy, MI 48084 ebuckstad248@aol.com www.buckstadbankruptcy.com 248-822-4800 fax 248-822-7130 Bankruptcy Chapter 7&13, Stop Foreclosure, Stop Garnishment, Stop Repossession, Eliminate debts and lower monthly payments with faceto-face personalized service. We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code. See our ad on page 48
Natalia Gentry The Modern Law Firm 535 Griswold St. Ste. 2618
http://www.gaynupt.com/ 586-718-0034
Armene Kaye, Esq.
Hilf and Hilf PLC
Law Offices of Armene Kaye P.C.
Sufen Hilf
2900 Bel Aire Dr., Ste 200
Heritage Sq., 1775 W. Big Beaver Rd.
Highland, MI 48357-4104
Troy, MI 48084
www.Hilfandhilf.com 248-792-2590
248-496-9500 office 248-887-5581
Mall Malisow & Cooney, P.C. Mai Kazakos-Resh, Dir. of Op. Karen Monticciolo, Off. Mgr. 30445 Northwestern Hwy. Ste. 310 Farmington Hills, MI 48334 mkr@teclf.com
Josephine R. Sbrocca Sbrocca Law Office 29204 Hoover Rd. Warren, MI 48093 537 Lewis Birmingham, MI 48009 jsbrocca@yahoo.com www.josephinesbroccalaw.com 586-751-4421 fax 586-751-1552 248-421-1433 Call Jo, Get Jo. Receive a free initial confidential consultation. Family Law, Bankruptcy, Misdemeanor & Traffic Violations, Felony Expungement, Personal Injury & Car Accidents,Real Estate, and Civil Litigation. Give me a call.
http://www.theeldercarelawfirm.com/ 248-538-1800
See our ad on page 50
Lisa J. Peterson
Schmidt Law Services PLLC
Lisa J. Peterson, PLLC 401 N. Main St. Ann Arbor, MI 48104 lpeterson.law@gmail.com www.lpetersonlaw.com cell 734-474-2334 Schedule your free consultation today. Divorce, child custody, child support, criminal defense, medical marijuana, misdemeanors, felony, drunk driving, drug possession, partnership agreements and dissolution, mediation agreements, medical malpractice and social security disability.
Lisa J. Schmidt 22720 Woodward Ste. 203 Ferndale, MI 48220 www.schmidtlawservices.com 248-764-8584 See our ad on page this page
Attorneys continued...
Robert G. Tighe
Shelton & Deon Law Group
Attorney at Law 22811 Greater Mack Ave., Ste. 110 St. Clair Shores, MI 48080 attytighe@yahoo.com 586-552-5429
Amanda J. Shelton and Mary K. Deon 612 East Fourth St. Royal Oak, MI 48067 ajs@sheltondeonlaw.com www.sheltondeonlaw.com 248-494-7444 248-494-7445 The Shelton & Deon Law Group provides clients the quality and depth of experience that is expected of a large firm with the flexibility and individual attention only a small law firm can offer.Legal services include Employment & Labor Law, Commercial Litigation, Estate Planning, Family Law and LGBT Law. See our ad on page 48
Pamela J. Sisson, Attorney & Mediator 2295 Sower Blvd. Okemos, MI 48864-3292 sissonlawyer@gmail.com 517-381-7000 Quality legal planning, prevention and representation. 34 years’ experience. Wills/trusts, powers of attorney, probate of estates, guardianship, family law, domestic partnership agreements and dissolution, divorce, real estate, mediation.
Rachel H. Tucker, Esq. Law Offices of Joelson Rosenberg, PLC 30665 Northwestern Hwy., Ste. 200 Farmington Hills, MI rtucker@joelsonrosenberg.com 248-626-2226 fax 248-626-2177
Gary M. Wilson 21002 Mack Ave Grosse Pointe Woods, MI 48236 gary@wilsonlawmi.com www.wilsonlawmi.com 313-886-5600 See our ad on page 51
Christine Yared 2503 Mason Ridge Court NE Grand Rapids , MI 48525 cayared@comcast.net www.christineyared.com 616-363-9041
AUTO COLLISION Dependable Collision Center 5133 Carpenter Rd. Ypsilanti, MI 48197 www.dependablecc.com 734-528-9581
BMW of Rochester Hills 45550 Dequindre Rd. Rochester Hills, MI 48317 Sales@BMWofRochesterHills.com BMWofRochesterHills.com tollfree 866-896-1242
Fairlane Ford
Great Lakes Collision Andrew Beesley 110 W. Ten Mile Rd. Madison Hts., MI 48071 greatlakescoll@aol.com www.greatlakescollision.com 248-543-8018 fax 248-543-9030 At Great Lakes Collision, we provide superior customer service and outstanding workmanship for your collision and repair needs. Towing and rental cars are available through our facility. Our goal is 100% customer satisfaction. See our ad on page this page
Randy T. Woods 14585 Michigan Ave. Dearborn, MI 48126 rwoods@fairlaneford.com http://www.fairlaneford.com 313-216-1072 FAIRLANE FORD DRIVEN TO SERVE SINCE 1923 ONE MILE EAST OF SOUTHFIELD FREEWAY
Jorgensen Ford 8333 Michigan Ave. Detroit, MI 48210 tjorgen877@hotmail.com www.jorgensenford.com 313-584-2250 fax 313-584-0477 See our ad on page 3
Art Moran Buick GMC 29300 Telegraph Rd. Southfield, MI 48034 www.artmoran.com 248-353-9000 See our ad on page 53
Auto/Dealer continued...
Williams Volkswagen
SUBARU-Hodges Imported Cars, Inc
2845 East Saginaw Lansing, MI 48912 www.williamsvolkswagen.com 517-484-1341
TJ Mendiola, Sales Manager 21205 Woodward Ave. Ferndale, MI 48220 Subaru Parts and Service-Hodges 21425 Wooodward Ave Ferndale, MI 48220 hodgesimp@aol.com www.hodgessubaru.com tollfree 877-547-8825 248-547-8800 586-242-4262 A family owned and operated in fashionable Ferndale, MI since 1925 and purveyor of Symmetrical all wheel drive vehicles since 1972. Metro Detroit’s Subaru-Only Dealer.
See our ad on page 55
AUTO/REPAIR Darrell’s Firestone 23534 Farmington Road Farmington, MI 48336 darrellstires@aol.com www.darrellsfirestone.com 248-477-9090 Family owned and operated. We treat our customers the way we would want to be treated. We respect your vehicles clean, friendly and honest are some of the ways our customers describe us. Become one of our thousands of satisfied loyal customers who refer there friends and family to us.
Suburban Cadillac of Plymouth
Franklin Auto Service
40475 Ann Arbor Rd.
32725 Franklin Rd.
Plymouth, MI 48170
Franklin, MI 48025
www.suburbancadillacofplymouth.com 734-453-7500
Suburban Ford of Ferndale
Northern Auto Repairs
21600 Woodward Ave.
27201 Woodward Ave.
Ferndale, MI 48220
Berkley, MI 48072
www.suburbanford.com/ 248-399-1000
Williams Audi 2845 East Saginaw Lansing, MI 48912 www.williamsaudi.com 517-484-1341 See our ad on page 55
Williams Auto World 2845 East Saginaw Lansing, MI 48912 www.williamsautoworld.com 517-484-1341 See our ad on page 55
Williams Subaru 525 N. Howard Street Lansing, MI 48912 www.williamssubaru.com 517-484-1341 See our ad on page 55
www.northernautorepairs.com 248-548-3430 office 248-548-6748 Mechanical repairs, computer diagnostics, oil change, AC, tires, belts, brakes, shocks, mufflers, axles, batteries, radiators, alignment, alternators
Orion Automotive Services Inc Rich Cox Lovin’ Ann Arbor’s Cars! 101 Parkland Plaza Ann Arbor, MI 48103 www.oriona2.com 734-995-3188 fax 734-913-9442 We at Orion Auto recognize the investment you’ve made in your vehicle. Thatís why we’ve made the investment to help you maintain it. We are equipped with the most up-todate factory-designed diagnostic and service equipment. Our technicians are master craftsmen certified to the highest standard in the industry. We look forward to serving you today. Let us make you a customer for life! See our ad on this page
The BTL Annual Auto Issue. Find it online and in print. Call 734-293-7200 x22
Only Minutes From You
Since 1972, Art Moran has been commited to having completely satisfied customers on new and used vehicles. From our committed experienced sales team to our state of the art service department, and five star body shop, our goal has always been the same: To keep you completely satisfied.
AUTO/TIRES Kimberly Tire and Wheel Inc. Kelly Paczas 650 N. Rochester Rd. Clawson, MI 48017 kelly@kimberlytire.com http://www.kimberlytire.com 248-585-8740
Good Cakes and Bakes
Flagstar Bank
Michelle and April Anderson
Robert Lalicki, VP
Ann Arbor Area Convention & Vistors Bureau
19363 Livernois
28653 Woodward Ave.
315 W Huron St #340
Detroit, MI 48221
Berkley, MI 48072
Ann Arbor, MI 48103
www.goodcakesandbakes.com 313-468-9915
Pastry Palace Bakeries 28525 Beck Rd. #117
Level One Bank
Wixom, MI 48393 www.thepastrypalace.com 248-380-2810
AWNINGS Sweet Dreams Belle Isle Awning
3848 Thirteen Mile Rd
20220 Cornillie, Roseville, MI 48066
Warren, MI 48092
http://www.sweetdreamsweb.com/ 586-751-8900
BAKERIES Browndog Creamery & Dessert Bar 118 E Main St, Northville, MI 48167 info@browndogcreamery.com www.browndogcreamery.com 248-615-2955
Crust - a Baking Company
734-995-7281 248-541-5781 800-642-0039
BANKS Comerica Bank www.comerica.com tollfree 800-266-3742 Comerica Incorporated is a financial services company headquartered in Dallas, strategically aligned into three major business segments: The Business Bank, The Retail Bank, and Wealth & Institutional Management.
104 W Caroline St., Fenton , MI 48430 http://www.crustandbeyond.com 810-629-8882
32991 Hamilton Court Farmington Hills, MI 48334 jmcquiggin@levelonebank.com www.levelonebank.com 248-737-1110 office 248-737-1108 Branches located in Ferndale, Birmingham, Northville, Sterling Heights, Bloomfield Twp, Farmington Hills, Novi and Detroit
BANQUET HALL/ CATERING See also: Accommodations, Catering
Atheneum International Banquet and Conference Center 1000 Brush St. Detroit, MI 48226 http://www.atheneumsuites.com 313-963-1400
Burton Manor Banquet and Conference Center 27777 Schoolcraft Rd. Livonia, MI 48150 www.burtonmanor.net 734-427-9110
Club Venetian 29310 John R Madison Heights, MI 48071
Andiamo Italia Banquet Center 7096 E. 14 Mile Rd.
info@clubvenetian.com http://www.clubvenetian.com/
Warren, MI 48092
dlagocki@andiamoitalia.com www.andiamoitalia.com/banquets 568-268-3200
Crystal Gardens Banquet Center 5768 E Grand River Ave. Howell, MI 48843 info@CGLIV.com www.CGLIV.com 517-545-1000
See our ad on this page
here are hundreds of businesses in this edition of Pride Source Magazine that welcome everyone. Invest in equality and work with businesses that support Michigan’s LGBTQ community!
Banquet Hall/Catering continued...
Detroit Marriott Livonia Julie Emerson, Dir. of Catering 17100 Laurel Park, Livonia, MI 48152 Julie.Emerson@marriott.com www.livoniamarriott.com 734-953-7362
The Polo Fields Golf & Country Club 5200 Polo Fields Dr. Ann Arbor, MI 48103 www.polofieldsccmi.com 734-998-1555 See our ad on page 57
See our ad on page 45
Diamond Center at Suburban Collection Showplace 46100 Grand River Ave., Novi, MI 48374 courtneyt@suburbanshowplace.com
University of Michigan Conference & Event Services 1320 Hubbard Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 conferences@umich.edu
Wabeek Country Club
www.diamondbanquetcenter.com 248-348-5600
4000 Club Gate Dr.
Epicurean Catering and Events
1380 East Jefferson, Detroit, MI 48207
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302 248-855-0700
catering@theepicureangroup.com http://www.theepicureangroup.com/index.html 248-646-0370
Zingerman’s Cornman Farms 8540 Island Lake Rd, Dexter, MI 48130 cornmanevents@zingermans.com
Farina’s Banquet Center An Affair to Remember 2485 Coolidge Hwy, Berkley, MI 48072 brooke_farinas@yahoo.com www.farinasbanquet.com/ 248-546-7800 See our ad on page 54
www.zingermanscornmanfarms.com 734-619-8100
BEAUTY SPA Light RX Face & Body 34405 W. 12 Mile Rd., Ste. 200 Farmington Hills, MI 48334 www.lightrx.com
BICYCLES Flint Institute Of Arts
Macomb Bike & Fitness
1120 E Kearsley St., Flint, MI 48503 www.flintarts.org 810-234-1695
28411 Schoenherr, Warren, MI 48088 ride@macombbike.com www.macombbike.com 586-756-5400
Lakeland Manor 26211 Harper Ave. St. Clair Shores, MI 48081 www.lakelandmanor.com 586-773-2211
BLINDS / DRAPERY Time for Blinds 9633 Highland Rd.
Laketown Golf Conference Center
White Lake, MI
6069 Blue Star Highway
Saugatuck, MI 49453
248-363-9174 269-857-5730
Laurel Manor 39000 Schoolcraft, Livonia , MI 48150 www.laurelmanor.com
Solitude Golf Links Golf Course and Banquet Center Jennifer Hollenbeck 5810 Flinchbaugh Kimball, MI 48074 events@solitudelinksgolf.com www.solitudelinksgolf.com 810-982-3673 x2
Common Language Keith Orr & Martin Contreras 317 Braun Ct., Ann Arbor, MI 48104 glbtbooks@gmail.com www.glbtbooks.com 734-663-0036
Curious Book Shop 307 E Grand River Ave East Lansing, MI 48823 office@curiousbooks.com www.curiousbooks.com 517-332-0123
Spartan Hospitality Group 219 S. Harrison Rd., Lansing, MI 48824 www.kelloggcenter.com 517-432-1014
BRIDAL GOWNS See also: Wedding Gowns, Clothing Clothiers Custom
B. Ella Bridal 570 S. Main Plymouth , MI 48170 http://b-ella-bridal.com/ 734-459-0000 See our ad on pages 34-35
Bridal Gowns continued...
The Wedding Shoppe
Bombshell Bridal Boutique
27333 Woodward Berkley, MI 48072 weddingshoppe@sbcglobal.net www.theweddingshoppe.net 248-541-1988
27887 Harper Ave. St. Clair Shores, MI 48081 bombshellbridalboutique@yahoo. com http://www.bombshellbridal. boutique/ 586-294-7280 Plus sizes wedding large gowns formal dresses See our ad on page 59
Bride & Joy 870 Wing St. Plymouth , MI 48170 http://www.brideandjoyplymouth. com/home.html 734-455-1150
See our ad on this page
402 S. Main Northville, MI 48167 www.elizabethsbridal.com 248-348-2783 See our ad on page 56
Birmingham World of Rugs 850 S. Old Woodward Birmingham, MI 48009 www.originalhagopian.com tollfree 248-646-RUGS
BUILDERS Honeydonelist.com Ben Widman Berkley, MI ben@honeydonelist.com www.honeydonelist.com 248-321-9486 Handyman: plumbing, electrical, painting, drywall, Home maintenance, carpentry Remodel projects: bathrooms, basements, kitchens See our ad on page 74
Elizabeth’s Bridal Manor
CARPET CLEANING Hagopian Cleaning Services Serving all of SE Michigan www.originalhagopian.com tollfree 800-HAGOPIAN (424-6742) See our ad on page 59
Merkel Furniture and Carpet One 2396 E. Stadium Ann Arbor, MI 48140 205 S. Main St. Chelsea, MI 48118 www.merkelfurniture.com 800-482-3650 734-971-2795
CASINO Grand Traverse Resort & Casinos 100 Grand Traverse Village Blvd
MotorCity Casino 2901 Grand River Ave. Detroit, MI 48201 www.motorcitycasino.com 866-STAY-MCC Luxury hotel and casino, meeting facilities, banquet facilities
CATERING See also: Banquet Halls
D’Amato’s Neighborhood Restaurant 222 S. Sherman Dr. Royal Oak, MI 48067
Jeff Zak Catering, Inc. 696 N. Mill St. #102, Plymouth, MI 48170 events@jeffzakcateringmi.com www.jeffzakcatering.com
734-459-7125 We are a full service caterer located in downtown Plymouth. We have over 15 years of catering expertise to orchestrate your event beautifully. At Jeff Zak Catering we offer two in house chefs, a floral designer, a fabulous wait staff and bartenders to ensure your day is planned down to the very last detail.
Acme, MI 48612 http://www.grandtraverseresort.com/ 231-534-6000
Thomas’s Catering 29125 W. Six Mile Rd. , Livonia , MI 48152 www.thomasscatering.com
MGM Grand Detroit 1777 Third St. Detroit, MI 48226 www.mgmgranddetroit.com 877-888-2121
CERAMIC TILE See also: Tile
Brick Coping Tile Enterprises LLC 43525 Eureka Dr., Clinton Twp, MI 48036 kurt.robert.riedel@gmail.com www.riedelbrickcopingtile.com 586-707-1065
CHARTER YACHTS Detroit Princess Riverboat 14616 Mack Ave. Detroit, MI 48215 kira@detroitprincess.com www.detroitprincess.com 517-712-2078
Infinity & Ovation Yacht Charters 400 Maple Park Blvd. Ste. 404 St. Clair Shores, MI 48081 info@infinityandovation.com www.infinityandovation.com/ 586-778-7030 fax 586-773-3100
Portofino Dinner Cruises 3455 Biddle Ave. Wyandotte, MI 48192 http://www.portofinoontheriver. com/ 734-281-6700 See our ad on page 1
Triangle Chiropractic Dr. John Tsakos 19650 Harper Ave., Ste. 107 Grosse Pointe Woods, MI 48236 drjohn99@aol.com www.triangleclinic.com 313-885-9496 Chiropractic and therapeutic deep tissue massage, nutrition, and now tens units for home use for pain relief. Participating provider with Blue Cross, PPOM /Cofinity, Medicare, United Healthcare and Aetna. Located at I-94/ Allard exit in Grosse Pointe. See our ad on this page
The Ark 316 S. Main St., Ann Arbor, MI 48104 www.theark.org 734-763-TKTS (8587) The Ark is Ann Arbor’s nonprofit home for acoustic music. Considered one of the top music clubs in the world, The Ark is renowned for the quality and breadth of its programming. The Ark is an intimate 400-seat club presenting performers who fall into the wide-ranging genres of folk and roots music. With live music nearly 300 nights each year in one of the best listening rooms anywhere, The Ark is a sure bet for a memorable evening of enriching entertainment, musical artistry, and personal warmth.
AG Chocolates Chris Kitley 1920 West North St. Jackson, MI 49202 chris@agchocolates.com www.agchocolates.com 517-917-3385 See our ad on 61
Pro Marine Charters
Captain Daryl Lozon
24600 Jefferson Ave.
University Musical Society 881 North University Ave Ann Arbor, MI 48109 umstix@umich.edu www.ums.org 734-764-2538
St. Clair Shores, MI 48080
1701 Bespoke
Tom Daguanno & Max Sxhmidt
Brick Coping Tile Enterprises LLC
4160 Woodward Ave., 3rd floor
43525 Eureka Dr.
Detroit, MI 48201
Clinton Twp, MI 48036
CHIROPRACTORS Dr. Greg Kramer Kramer Chiropractic - Livonia Spine and Injury
https://1701bespoke.com 313-444-3680
Honeydonelist.com Ben Widman Berkley, ben@honeydonelist.com www.honeydonelist.com 248-321-9486 See our ad on page 74
Kroll Construction Jacqueline Harris 29017 Ford Rd. Garden City, MI 48135 jgutterglove@aol.com 734-772-8072
Tri-Pups, Inc. 25580 Farmbrook Rd. Southfield, MI 48034 tripups@comcast.net www.tri-pups.com 248-597-2929 fax 248-996-8509 Tri-Pups, Inc. is a full service Residential and Commercial Remodeling and Maintenance Company founded in 1997 to provide exceptional customer service. Our coverage area is all of Macomb and Oakland Counties, and parts of Wayne County. See our ad on this page
www.riedelbrickcopingtile.com 586-707-1065
Detroit Snob detroitsnob@gmail.com www.detroitsnob.com 313-570-1246
34441 8 Mile Rd. Ste.116 Livonia, MI
Saks Fifth Avenue, Mark to Measure Suits
gkchiro@msn.com www.WellnessChampions.org
Anthony Sherman 248-615-1533
2901 W. Big Beaver
Perkins Family Wellness
Troy, MI 48084
33966 West 8 Mile Rd.
anthony_sherman@SFA.com 248-765-1679
Farmington, MI 49335 info@perkinswellness.com
Sylvia Ann Inc.
www.perkinsfamilywellness.com 248-478-6203
Sylvia A. Stetz 2279 Sunny Ridge Drive Pinckney , MI 48169 http://www.sylviaann.com/index.htm 734-878-9044
CORPORATE TRANSPORTATION Golden Limousine 11900 Carpenter Rd. Milan, MI 48160 www.goldenlimo.com 800-300-5151 See our ad on page 87
Satisfaction Limousines Wide limo selection, serving all of SE Michigan info@satisfactionlimousines.com www.satisfactionlimousines.com 586-725-7799
COUNSELING Mary K. Anderson, PhD, PLLC Fully Licensed Psychologist 328 Thompson, Ste. 201 Ann Arbor, MI 48104 734-327-5934 See our ad on page 63
Fran Brown, PsyD, LP Fully Licensed Psychologist Thrive Therapy Group, PC 40522 Hayes Rd., Ste. 600 Clinton Twp, MI 48038 lmitchellttg@gmail.com www.thrivetherapygroup.com 586-260-2404 Thrive Therapy associates provide LGBTQ affirming psychotherapy for individuals, couples, children and families. Most insurance accepted. Sliding scale based on demonstrated need. Private parking, handicap accessible.
Christine Cantrell, Ph.D. Prism of Possibilities Psychotherapy 1026 W. 11 Mile, Ste. C Royal Oak, MI 48067 info@christinecantrell.com www.christinecantrell.com 248-591-2888 Therapy for depression, anxiety, relationship issues, work problems, grief and loss, and spirituality issues. See our ad on page 64
Gayle R. Beck, Ph.D. 31700 West 13 Mile, Ste. 219 Farmington Hills, MI drgaylebeck.com 248-851-2040 Adults, adolescents, individuals, couples. Relationship, work and family issues, anxiety, depression, grief and loss.
Julian Diaz, LMSW Birmingham Maple Clinic 2075 W. Big Beave Rd., Ste. 520 Troy, MI 48084 www.birminghammaple.com 248-646-6659 Birmingham Maple Clinic is a BC/BS provider of outpatient mental health services for individuals, couples, families and groups.Psychiatrists, Psychologists and Clinical Social Workers specialize in treatment of children, adolescents and adults. Areas of expertise include testing, ADHD, mood disorders, PTSD, relationships, addictions, chronic illness and violence. See our ad on page 62
Lori Edelson, LMSW, ACSW,BCD,LMFT Birmingham Maple Clinic 2075 W. Big Beaver Rd., Suite 250 Troy, MI 48084 www.birminghammaple.com 248-646-6659 Birmingham Maple Clinic is a BC/BS provider of outpatient mental health services for individuals, couples, families and groups.Psychiatrists, Psychologists and Clinical Social Workers specialize in treatment of children, adolescents and adults. Areas of expertise include testing, ADHD, mood disorders, PTSD, relationships, addictions, chronic illness and violence.
James Eisenshtadt, Ph.D. Bloomfield Counseling, P.C. 5600 W. Maple Rd., Ste. B-208 West Bloomfield, MI 48322 jephd@aol.com 248-851-7181 Individual and couples therapy for adolescents and adults.
Susan Flinders, Ph.D. Fully Licensed Clinical Psychologist 3133 Union Lake Rd. Ste. D Commerce Twp., MI 48382 slfphd@aol.com 248-363-4420 810-444-3274 Chelsea See our ad on page 62
Sara Gellner, LMSW 25600 Woodward Ave. #102 Royal Oak, MI 48067 saragellnerlmsw@gmail.com www.saragellner.com 810-599-8286 Specializing and experienced in issues specific to LGBTQ individual and couples. Other specialities include, depression, anxiety, bipolar, OCD. I provide a comfortable, nonjudgmental, and safe environment to feeling better.
Counseling continued...
Marge Greene, L.M.S.W., A.C.S.W. 2311 Shelby Ave., Ste. 106-D Ann Arbor, MI 48103 megreene@aol.com 734-668-8667
David Harris Ph. D. 234 Michigan Ave.
Rosemary A. Jozwiak and Associates Rosemary Jozwiak, LPC, LMSW, CCBT, CQTP 524 E. Fourth St. Royal Oak, MI 48067 rosemary@therapy4you.com www.therapy4you.com 248-546-9402 tollfree 888-522-1115
26789 Woodward Ave., Ste. 108
We utilize traditional and alternative therapy methods for lingering struggles with relationship conflicts, trauma healing, sexuality issues, addictions, breakup recovery, anger management, gender identity, ACOA, stress & anxiety, depression, chronic illness, grief & loss, physical, emotional and psychological pain.
Huntington Woods, MI
See our ad on page 65
E. Lansing, MI g.david.harris@comcast.net 517-337-6545 ext. 232 fax 517-337-3010
Ruth Hiner, PsyD LLP Safe Space Therapeuric Services LLC
Laura Hutchinson & Associates 26105 Orchard Lake Rd. Ste. 207
KaraLee and Associates
Farmington Hills, MI
Karen Shernit
1308 S. Main St. Plymouth, MI 48170
www.safespacetherapy.info 248-491-8152
Denise Joseph, Ph.D. Licensed Psychologist and Counselor 1026 W. Eleven Mile, Suite C Royal Oak, MI 48067 dr.dj@Comcast.net 248-613-9230 The Long and Short of It: Denise works with Adults and older Adolescents in a variety of settings. Whether you are seeking Long-Term Therapy to work on life’s repeated issues or Short-Term Counseling to get through a rough patch, Denise can assist you. Her expertise includes Psychodynamic and Feminist Therapy and can occur Face to Face in her office, at your location, or through long distance Phone calls. Compassionate and Spiritual solutions sought. Group and Corporate workshop presentations and consultations available. Additional Supervision provided for Temporary and Limited Licensees. See our ad on this page
karaleeandassociates@yahoo.com www.karaleeandassociates.com 734-457-3440
Joe Kort, Ph.D., LMSW Joe Kort, Ph.D. & Associates, PC 25600 Woodward Ave., Ste. 218 Royal Oak, MI 48067 joekort@joekort.com www.joekort.com 248-399-7317 Joe Kort, Ph.D., is a clinical sexologist and relationship therapist, coach and founded his practice in 1985. His specialities include: IMAGO Relationship therapy. See our ad on page 63
Rhonna Nelson, LMSW, ACSW, CAADC PC 31000 Telegraph Rd., Suite. 150 Bingham Farms, MI 48025 www.rhonna.homestead.com/ rhonna.html 248-723-4114 Specializing in: Couples, Eating Disorders, EMDR, Adult Sexual Abuse Survivors,Chemical Dependency, Anxiety & Depression. Northeast Corner of Telegraph and 13 Mile See our ad on this page
Counseling continued...
Dr. Bernadine Petzold PhD, LPC, BCPC, CQTP 524 E. 4th Street Royal Oak, MI 48067 bernie.petzold@sbcglobal.net http://www.therapy4you.com 248-765-5735 Holistic Psychotherapy. Trauma Specialist. EMDR, EFT, DBT Certified.
Genisys Credit Union Multiple Locations throughout Metro Detroit www.genisyscu.org 800-521-8440
Michigan State University Federal Credit Union (MSUFCU) 3777 West Rd. E. Lansing, MI 48823
See our ad on page 62
Laurel A. Sills, Psy.D., Licensed Psychologist Short-term Interactive Couple’s Therapy 31313 Northwestern Hwy. Ste. 120 West Bloomfield, MI 48334 Windosills@aol.com www.BuildAStrongerYou.com 248-788-4230 Attention Couples: Resolve to stop Fighting now. Get the intimacy, joy and understanding YOU deserve!
Oakland University Branch 248-370-3545 3265 Five Points Dr. Auburn Hills, MI East Lansing Branch 517-353-5565 523 E. Grand River Blvd. E. Lansing, MI 48823 Meridian Branch 1775 Central Park Dr. Okemos, MI 48864
West Side Branch 653 Migaldi Lane Lansing, MI 48917
See our ad on page 63
Matt Sweet, MSW, PC Psychotherapist 25600 Woodward Ave., Ste. 100 Royal Oak, MI 48067 matt@mattsweet.com www.mattsweet.com 248-930-2137 Specializing in anxiety, depression, sexual compulsion,sex therapy, abuse recovery, HIV/AIDS, chronic disease, relationship therapy, polyamoury/nonmonogamy, and sexual orientation. See our ad on page 65
www.msufcu.org 517-353-2280 tollfree 800-MSU-4-YOU Serving the MSU and OU communities with financial services including checking, VISA, mortgages, home equity loans, loans for all purposes, savings, IRAs and online services including bill payment. Faculty, staff, students, alumni association members and their families are eligible for membership. See our ad on page 71
COUNSELING EDUCATION Michigan School of Professional Psychology
DENTISTS Richard S. Bernstein DDS 31158 Haggerty Rd.
26811 Orchard Lake
Farmington Hills, MI
Farmington Hills, MI 48334
Ssmileart@aol.com 248-661-8700
admissions@mispp.edu www.mispp.edu 248-476-1122
COUNTERTOPS Dexter Cabinet & Countertop 1084 Baker Rd. Dexter , MI 48130 del@dextercabinet.com www.dextercabinet.com 734-426-5035 734-216-1492 Dexter Cabinet & Countertop has been serving Washtenaw County’s Gay and Lesbian Community since 1984. We offer Merillat cabinets and carry several types of countertop materials including Cambria quartz, Corian and granite. We also offer†kitchen and bath design and remodeling. Our showroom is just north of I-94 at Baker Rd. in Dexter.
Caring Family Dentistry Dr. Marnie Grant 740 S. Emerick Ypsilanti, MI 48198 info@drmarniegrant.com www.drmarniegrant.com 734-482-8671 See our ad on page 69
Community Dental Assoc. 2340 S. Commerce Road Walled Lake, MI 48390-2126 248-669-3434
Dentists continued...
Demi Kazanis, DDS Demi C. Kazanis DDS Family & Cosmetic Dentistry 4251 Coolidge Hwy. Royal Oak, MI 48073 demi@kazanisdds.com http://www.kazanisdds.com/ 248-547-3700
Tyrrell Electric
The Hot House
Joe Tyrrell, Licensed Master Electrician Farmington Hills, MI 48334 jttyrrell@yahoo.com www.tyrrellelectric.com 248-767-5238
15810 S. US 27 Lansing, MI 48906 info@lansinghothouse.com www.lansinghothouse.com 517-372-1020
We are a dental practice devoted to restoring and enhancing the natural beauty of your smile using conservative, state-of-the-art procedures that will result in beautiful, long lasting smiles!
Commercial, residential, small industrial. Serving the LGBT community in SE Michigan for 20 years. We install automatic standby whole-home generators and portable generator tieins to your existing electric panel
See our ad on page 67
See our ad on this page
Dr. Keith Nowicki 32545 Garfield Fraser, MI 48026
See our ad on page 100
Uptown Adult Superstore 16541 Woodward Ave Detroit, MI 48203 16401 W. Eight Mile Rd. Detroit, MI 48235 http://www.uptownadultvideo.com 313-869-9477 313-836-0647 See our ad on page 106
ENTERTAINMENT Bluewater Kings Band Detroit
586-293-3633 See our ad on page 66
www.bluewaterkingsband.com 248-884-6637
Thane Ostroth DDS
Dr. Thane Ostroth 3310 Crooks, Royal Oak, MI 48073 drthane@yahoo.com www.thaneostroth.com 248-435-3910
Eric Swanson Gerianne DittoHarvey MI 48220 esswanson@gmail.com www.motifband.weebly.com 517-282-9252
See our ad on page 68
High energy top 40 band covering songs from the 70s, 80s, 90s, 2K, and 2Day!
Ron T. Williamson DDS 1964 W. 11 Mile Rd., Ste. 4 Berkley, MI 48072 kimberlymonette@yahoo.com www.rontwilliamsondds.com 248-399-4455 See our ad on the inside back cover
DJ Double Trouble Entertainment contact@doubletroubledjs.com www.doubletroubledjs.com 248-808-8212
DRAG QUEEN BINGO Five 15 515 S. Washington, Royal Oak, MI 48067 gary@five15.net http://five15.net 248-515-2551
ENTERTAINMENT AGENCY BSA Events & Entertainment 24120 Schoenherr, Ste. A Warren, MI 48089 46 Chagrin Plaza, Ste. 131 Chagrin Falls, OH 44022 bstevens@berniestevens.com www.bsaevents.com 248-850-5870 tollfree 800-4-BERNIE fax 888-427-5896 BSA Events & Entertainmnet is a full service entertainment agency, event planner, and speakers bureau. We supply Corporations, companies, organizations, civic clubs, fairs and festivals throughout the States of Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, as well as across the rest of country with quality entertainment, event planning services, and keynote speakers.
C & N Party Rentals
EVENT PLANNERS See also: Wedding Planning
BSA Events & Entertainment 24120 Schoenherr, Ste. A Warren , MI 48089 46 Chagrin Plaza, Ste. 131 Chagrin Falls, OH 44022 bstevens@berniestevens.com www.bsaevents.com 248-850-5870 tollfree 800-4-BERNIE fax 248-634-5870 BSA Events & Entertainment is a full service entertainment agency, event planner, and speakers bureau. We supply Corporations, companies, organizations, civic clubs, fairs and festivals throughout the States of Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, as well as across the rest of country with quality entertainment, event planning services, and keynote speakers.
5140 Meijer Dr. Royal Oak, MI 48073 cnparty@excite.com www.cnparty.com 248-435-3580 C & N Party Rentals is a full-service rental center providing special events products to residential and commercial customers in the greater Detroit area. We specialize in the rental of top quality tents, tables, chairs, linens, china, glassware, cooking equipment, and many other party/event-related products. See our ad on page 98
Event Bliss Terri Trepeck & Susie Siegal
Uncle Buck’s Party Rental 3160 Haggerty Rd. Ste.Q West Bloomfield, MI 48323 unclebucksparty@gmail.com http://www.unclebucksparty.com 248-666-5432 For over 30 years Uncle Buck’s has been helping clients “make memories” for their families and guests. We offer an extensive collection of rentals including tents, tables, chairs, china, glassware, flatware, dance floors, staging, Chiavari chairs, specialty linens, and much more. We pride ourselves in delivering exceptional products and service to help make your event memorable. So for your next event, call Uncle Buck’s and Just Add Guests!
32802 Franklin Rd
FARMERS MARKET Royal Oak Farmer’s Market Open year-long 316 E. Eleven Mile Rd. Royal Oak, MI 48067 http://www.facebook.com/ pages/Royal-Oak-FarmersMarket/61634046945 248-246-3276 248-548-8822
FESTIVAL PRODUCTION Michigan Renaissance Festival 12600 Dixie Hwy. Holly, MI 48442
Franklin, MI 48025
The Wedding Connection
Miriam Jerris / Stephen Stawicki
10544 Lincoln Dr.
Perfect Day Celebrations
Huntington Woods, MI 48070
Women In the Arts Festival
Wedding Officiant
469 N. Haggadorn Rd.
www.perfectdaycelebrations.com 734-673-8857
www.theweddingconnection.net 248-543-7396 Miriam Jerris is licensed in Ontario Canada
East Lansing, MI 48823
Will U Party Event Planning
Brandy Lane
Comerica Bank
Detroit, MI willuparty@gmail.com
www.comerica.com tollfree 800-266-3742
http://www.willuparty.com/ 313-530-8405 We Plan! You Party!
Comerica Incorporated is a financial services company headquartered in Dallas, strategically aligned into three major business segments: The Business Bank, The Retail Bank, and Wealth & Institutional Management.
International Experience Joe Bissell-Maynard
Michael H. DeLap, CFS, MST, MBA
Regional Director 317 Lincoln Ave. Lansing , MI 48910 National Office 209 S. Water. St., Suite 102 Northfield, MN 55057 j.bissell@international-experience.net www.iE-USA.org 517-455-7518 cell 517-388-8948 International Experience is a non-profit organization that places high school exchange students from around the world with host families throughout the United States. Host families are volunteer, providing room & board, but students have their own spending money for all other expenses as well as insurance.
Equitas America Financial Group 28175 Haggerty Rd. Ste. 130 Novi, MI 48377 mike.delap@securitiesamerica.com www.saionline.com 248-363-2548 Full service investment advisor that does both financial planning as well as wealth management and discretionary accounts.
here are hundreds of businesses in this edition of Pride Source Magazine that welcome everyone. Invest in equality and work with businesses that support Michigan’s LGBTQ community!
Financial Services continued...
Edward Jones Lori A. Fell, AAMS 3410 Belle Chase Way Ste 500 Lansing, MI 48911 lori.fell@edwardjones.com 517-393-5575
Genisys Credit Union Multiple Locations throughout Metro Detroit www.genisyscu.org
Michigan State University Federal Credit Union (MSUFCU) 3777 West Rd. E. Lansing, MI 48823 Oakland University Branch 248-370-3545 3265 Five Points Dr. Auburn Hills, MI 48326
Diane R. Harbour, EA An affiliate of ATS Advisors Harbour Tax & Accounting 2310 E. Eleven Mile Rd Royal Oak, MI 48067 diane@harbourtaxaccounting.com www.harbourtaxaccounting.com 248-399-7331 fax 248-414-3848 See our ad on page 46
East Lansing Branch 517-353-5565 523 E. Grand River Avenue East Lansing, MI 48823 Meridian Branch 1775 Central Park Dr. Okemos, MI 48864
West Side Branch 653 Migaldi Lane Lansing, MI 48917
Raymond James Reid Beyerlein 3336 West 12 Mile Berkley, MI 48072 reid.beyerlein@raymondjames.com www.raymondjames.com/ berkleyMI 248-399-3245 fax 248-399-6902 cell 586-914-1259 Full service financial brokerage firm. Specializing in estate planning and trust services, retirement, roth and traditional IRA’s, life and long term care insurance, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, savings, banking services, annuities, 401k’s, 403b’s, CD’s, college savings plans, and asset allocation. See our ad on page 70
www.msufcu.org 517-353-2280 tollfree 800-MSU-4-YOU Serving the MSU and OU communities with financial services including checking, VISA, mortgages, home equity loans, loans for all purposes, savings, IRAs and online services including bill payment. Faculty, staff, students, alumni association members and their families are eligible for membership.
Merkel Furniture and Carpet One
FLORISTS/FLORAL DESIGN Norton’s Flowers and Gifts 2900 Washtenaw Ave. Ypsilanti, MI 48197 service@nortonsflowers.com www.nortonsflowers.com 734-434-2700
Ashley’s Flowers 333 E. Jefferson Ave., in The Millender Center Detroit, MI 48226 also in the GM Headquarters at the Ren Center Tower 100 Detroit, MI ashleysdowntown@msn.com www.ashleysflowers.com 313-222-1777 See our ad on page 70
2396 E. Stadium Ann Arbor, MI 48104 205 S. Main St. Chelsea, MI 48118 www.merkelfurniture.com 800-482-3650 734-971-2795
See our ad on page 71
Florists / Floral Designs continued...
Blossoms Full Service Florist celebrating since 1977 Voted Best Florist by HOUR magazine and The Knot 33866 Woodward Ave. Birmingham, MI 48009 customerservice@ blossomsbirmingham.com www.blossomsbirmingham.com 248-644-4411 tollfree 888-820-6597 Voted Best Florist by Hour Magazine numerous times. Named Best in Michigan by Michigan Meeting Planners Magazine, top pick 2012 The Knot. Blossoms flowers have been featured in many local magazines and movies. Celebrating more than 35 years in the flower business. Visit our all new modertly priced PARTY BLOSSOMS website www.partyblossoms.net for wedding and corporate flowers. We give back to the community by supporting Equality Michigan, Hope Fund, Affirmations, Ruth Ellis Center, AIDS Partnership, DIFFA and others.
Blumz by JRDesigns Jerome Raska Robbin Yelverton 1260 Library Street Detroit, MI 48226 503 E Nine Mile Road Ferndale, MI 48220 blumz@blumz.com www.blumz.com 313-964-5777 248-398-5130
Find us on Twitter Facebook Between The Lines Newspaper @YourBTL
Blumz by JRDesigns is a full service floral, wedding and event planning company with two full service location in Detroit and Ferndale MI and a by appointment only location in Ann Arbor MI. Visit us online at blumz.com and ourprettywedding.com.
FURNITURE Merkel Furniture and Carpet One 2396 E. Stadium Ann Arbor, MI 48104 205 S. Main St. Chelsea, MI 48118 www.merkelfurniture.com 800-482-3650 734-971-2795
Newport Furnishings 52504 Grand River Wixom, MI 48393 www.newportfurnishingsmi.com 248-679-8910
GARAGE DOORS Town & Country Door, LLC 1991 Orchard Lake Sylvan Lake, MI 48320 townandcountrydoor@comcast.net www.townandcountrydoor.net/ 248-213-7822 See our ad on page 72
GIFT SHOPS Five 15 515 S. Washington Royal Oak, MI 48067 gary@five15.net http://five15.net 248-515-2551
Slades Gift Shop 6349 Orchard Lake Rd West Bloomfield, MI 48322 sladesgifts@comcast.net www.sladesgifts.com 248-851-0066
20651 West Warren Avenue Dearborn Hts., MI 48127 313-271-3050
FRAMING Urban Ashes 713 West Ellsworth #F, Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Jason Rice 3210 Crooks Road Royal Oak, MI 48073 www.changezsalon.com 248-288-3434 See our ad on page 73
Charmed Salon and Boutique
www.urbanashes.com 734-657-5586
42303 Ann Arbor Rd. Plymouth, MI 48170
FUNERAL SERVICES Spaulding & Curtin Funeral Directors
charmedsm@gmail.com https://www.facebook.com/ CharmedSalonAndBoutique 734-416-0400
500 W. Nine Mile Rd., Ferndale, MI 48220 info@spauldingcurtin.net
www.spauldingcurtin.com 248-544-0500
Fountain of Youth
Sullivan & Son Funeral Directors
10112 Highland Rd.
705 W Eleven Mile Rd, Royal Oak, MI 48067
Hartland, MI 48353
8459 Hall Rd, Utica, MI 48317
www.sullivanfuneraldirectors.com 248-541-7000 Royal Oak 586-731-2411 Utica
www.fountainofyouth-mi.com 810-632-6123
HANDYMAN See also Construction
Honeydonelist.com Ben Widman Berkley, MI ben@honeydonelist.com www.honeydonelist.com 248-321-9486
Tri-Pups, Inc 25580 Farmbrook Rd. Southfield, MI 48034 info@tri-pups.com www.tri-pups.com 248-597-2929 fax 248-996-8509
Remodel projects: bathrooms, basements, kitchens
Tri-Pups, Inc. is a full service Residential and Commercial Remodeling and Maintenance Company founded in 1997 to provide exceptional customer service. Our coverage area is all of Macomb and Oakland Counties, and parts of Wayne County.
See our ad on page 74
See our ad on page 60
Handyman: plumbing, electrical, painting, drywall, Home maintenance, carpentry
HEALTH & BEAUTY It Works Global Ultimate Body Applicator Gennesis Boyd gennesislynn@hotmail.com www.getfitcouple.com 517-488-1502 517-488-1501 It Works! Global supplies incredible, all natural, nongmo health, skin and body contouring products. Our Ultimate Body Applicator tightens, tones and firms in as little as 45 minutes! Our mission with It Works is to help people become healthier through the use of our Amazing products and healthier choices when it comes to eating and activities. We also strive to help people reach their financial goals through our awesome business opportunity.
HEATING & COOLING AAC Services Heating, Cooling & Refrigeration 30029 John R Madison Hgts, MI 48071 adam@aacforyou.com www.aacforyou.com 248-399-9111 586-582-9000 248-399-0483 - We offer repairs, install and parts all services for Heating, Cooling, Water Heater and Boilers.
Comfort Plus, LC Heating & Cooling Chris Traynoff chris@comfortpluslc.com www.comfortpluslc.com 248-280-2800
Diversified Heating & Cooling, Inc. 20789 Parker St. Farmington Hills, MI 48336 sbartram@diversifiedhtg.com www.DiversifiedHtg.com tollfree 800-680-6244 248-473-5690
-Consumers Energy & DTE Energy Participating Contractor
Proud to serve the LGBT community since 1957! Gay owned and operated family business. Residential/ Commercial service and installation. We service all makes/models of air-conditioners, boilers, furnaces, geothermal systems, heat pumps, minisplits and water heaters.
-DHS clients welcomed
See our ad on page 75
- All makes and models. - Large inventory of parts on trucks & storefront open to the public. -BBB Accredited
See our ad on pages 16-17
C&C Heating & Air Conditioning Serving all of SE Michigan 29420 Groesbeck, Roseville, MI 48066
Hinson Heating & Air Conditioning 827 E. Fourth St. Royal Oak, MI 48067 248-541-7007
www.candcheat.com 586-296-1800
Charest Heating & Cooling Michael Charest 586-480-5060 248-987-4244 24 Hour Emergency Service. Furnance & Air Conditioning Repair. FAMILY owned and operated.
Otto A. Trzos Company 3101 Orchard Lake Rd. Keego Harbor, MI 48320 248-682-3100
Find us on Facebook Between The Lines Newspaper
HOME INSPECTORS Honeydonelist.com Ben Widman Berkley, MI ben@honeydonelist.com www.honeydonelist.com 248-321-9486
Insurance Exchange Agency 670 Griswold, Ste. 100 Northville, MI 48167 www.ieagency.com 248-349-1122 fax 248-349-2548
State Farm - Michael Lantzy Agency
Home Inspecting Construction consulting
LTC Advisors Michael R. Burns Royal Oak, MI mburns@LTCAdvisor.info www.ltcadvisor.info/burns 313-418-5600 Serving the long term care insurance needs of individuals and couples throughout southeast Michigan.
See our ad on page 74
Rev. Ken & Judy Grimes
State Farm Insurance 23285 Farmington Rd. Farmington, MI 48336 joan@warneragency.com 248-474-8020 tollfree 888-298-8020
Abracadabra Jewelry / Gem Gallery
18601 15 Mile Rd
Home Auto Life Health Business Insurance IRA’s Mutual Funds
See our ad on page 37
Clinton Twp., MI
See our ad on page 76
Royal Oak, MI 48067 mike@lantzysf.com
http://www.lantzysf.com/ 248-291-6504
Monique Woods Agency LLC Allstate Insurance 5640 W. Maple Road, Ste. 202 West Bloomfield, MI 48322 moniquewoods@allstate.com www.allstateagencies.com/ othawilliamsagency 248-626-6300 fax 248-626-6375
See our ad on page 79
Joan Warner
27100 Woodward Ave.
Nelco Supply 49751 Woodward Ave. Pontiac, MI 48342 sales@NelcoSupply.com http://www.nelcosupply.com 248-333-2000
See our ad on page 77
Michael Lantzy
Air quality testing (mold, asbestos, radon, lead, water)
Beverly Lochard State Farm Insurance
beverly.lochard.ssmq@statefarm.com 586-296-1616
205 E. Liberty St. Ann Arbor, MI 48104 www.abragem.com 734-994-4848
Astrein’s Creative Jewelers 120 West Maple Road
Birmingham, MI 48009 info@astreins.com
Sizemore Selectives
sizemoreselectives@wowway.com http://www.sizemoreselectives.com/ 586-737-7492
248-644-1651 fax 248-644-7477
Allstate Insurance Co Nick Schrock 23225 Woodward Ave. Ferndale, MI 48220 nschrock@allstate.com 248-547-4010
Jewelers continued...
Grinstein Jewelry
Bespoke Design Company
162 S. Old Woodward Birmingham, MI 48009 info@grinsteinjewelry.com www.grinsteinjewelry.com 248-647-4414
Patrick & Lisa Schaefer 1327 Jones Dr. #202 Ann Arbor, MI 48105 hello@bespokejc.com www.bespokejewelrycompany. com 734-358-7095 See our ad on this page
Diamond Castle Jewelers 39955 Grand River Novi, MI 48375 www.diamondcastlejewelers.com 248-442-2440 fax 248-442-7148 See our ad on inside front cover
Dillon’s Jewelry 1007 S. Wayne Rd. Westland, MI 48186 dillonsjewelers.com 734-629-4400
Fredrick Jewelers
Howard’s Fine Jewelry 34228 Van Dyke Avenue Sterling Hts, MI 48312 howardsdiscount@yahoo.com http://howardsfinejewelrymi.com/ 586-268-9500 See our ad on page 82
J. Thomas Jewelers 2254 Crooks Rd. Rochester Hills, MI 48309 gems@jthomasjewelers.com http://www.wemakeloverock.com 248-299-5250 OUR MISSION is to create the ultimate retail jewelry experience for our guests by offering excellent value and selection, not simply by meeting our guest’s needs, but by exceeding expectations.
Lewis Jewelers
889 W. Long Lake Bloomfield Hills, MI 48032 fredrickjeweler@gmail.com www.fredrickjewelers.com 248-646-0973
2000 W. Stadium Blvd. Ann Arbor, MI 48103 lewisjewelers@aol.com www.lewisjewelers.com 734-994-5111
See our ad on page 82
See our ad on page 78
Shop The Rainbow
here are hundreds of businesses in this edition of Pride Source Magazine that welcome everyone. Invest in equality and work with businesses that support Michigan’s LGBTQ community!
Jewelers continued...
Metals In Time 400 S. Main St. Royal Oak, MI 48067 metalsintime@aol.com www.metalsintime.com 248-582-9344 See our ad on page 81
Miner’s Den Jewelers 3417 Rochester Rd. Royal Oak, MI 48073 kyle@minersden.com www.minersden.com 248-585-6950 See our ad on page 83
Tapper’s Diamonds & Fine Jewelry 6337 Orchard Lake Rd. West Bloomfield, MI 48322 Twelve Oaks Mall 27716 Novi Rd Novi, MI 48377 Somerset Collection 2800 W Big Beaver Rd Troy, MI 48084 www.tappers.com 248-932-7700 248-465-1800 248-649-2000 See our ad on the back cover
KITCHEN & BATH Infusion Showrooms
Showroom of Elegance Fine Jewelry 6018 Canton Center Rd. Canton, MI 48187 lindarobin0@gmail.com http://showroomofelegance.com/ 734-207-1906
29949 Beck Rd. Wixom , MI 48393 www.infusionshowrooms.com 248-624-6905 See our ad on page 85
See our ad on page 80
KITCHEN CABINETS Dexter Cabinet & Countertop 1084 Baker Rd. Dexter, MI 48130 info@dextercabinet.com http://www.dextercabinet.com 734-426-5035 Dexter Cabinet & Countertop has been serving Washtenaw County’s Gay and Lesbian Community since 1984. We offer Merillat cabinets and carry several types of countertop materials including Cambria quartz, Corian and granite. We also offer†kitchen and bath design and remodeling. Our showroom is just north of I-94 at Baker Rd. in Dexter.
Bradly’s Home and Garden
Rock Shoppe
Old Town Lansing, MI 48906
Band-Ayd Events Group
6275 Gotfredson Rd.
www.bradlyshomeandgarden.com 517-719-8081
355 E. Whitcomb
Green Thumb Garden Center
22963 Woodward Ave.
Plymouth, MI 48170
307 E. Grand River Ave
586-294-8851 248-439-1851
Nature’s Garden Center 6400 E. Michigan Ave.
6456 Merriman
Westland, MI 48185
www.naturesgardencenter.com 734-944-8644
Philip Michael 5576 East 10 Mile Rd.
Plymouth Nursery 9900 Plymouth Ann Arbor Rd. Plymouth, MI 48170 www.plymouthnursery.net 734-453-5500 See our ad on this page
Warren, MI 48091 limodeals@aol.com www.allaroundlimos.info 586-303-7303 We offer a new stretch limousine that seats up to eight adults for local events. We have 14 and 20 passenger party buses for larger groups.
Golden Limousine
LEATHER GEAR Noir Leather Keith Howarth, Owner
Invest in equality and work with businesses that support Michigan’s LGBTQ community!
Saline, MI 48176
here are hundreds of businesses in this edition of Pride Source Magazine that welcome everyone.
Madison Hts., MI 48071
Ferndale, MI 48220
Barson’s Greenhouses
11900 Carpenter Rd. Milan, MI 48160 www.goldenlimo.com 800-300-5151 See our ad on page 87
124 W. 4th St. Royal Oak, MI 48067 noir317@ameritech.net www.noirleather.com 248-541-3979
Limousines continued...
Satisfaction Limousines
Wide limo selection, serving all of SE Mich. info@satisfactionlimousines.com www.satisfactionlimousines.com 586-725-7799
LINGERIE Busted Bra Shop 15 East Kirby St, Ste. A, Detroit, MI 48202 www.bustedindetroit.com
LONG TERM CARE LTC Advisors Michael R. Burns Royal Oak, MI mburns@LTCAdvisor.info www.ltcadvisor.info/burns 313-418-5600 Serving the long term care insurance needs of individuals and couples throughout southeast Michigan.
Irene’s Myomassology Institute 26061 Franklin Rd, Southfield, MI 48034 info@irenes.edu www.irenes.edu 248-350-1400 As a nationally accredited institution, we are committed to providing the best program in therapeutic massage available. Irene’s provides everything a national school has to offer and so much more. We are a family-owned business that truly cares about each of our students. Our curriculum is founded on Irene’s innovative techniques and 50 years experience. Come join our family and start your journey today!
MORTGAGES AmeriPlus Financial Todd Caldwell Rev. Ken & Judy Grimes
See our ad on page 77
44340 Hanford Rd.
Canton, MI 49187 www.ameriplusfinancial.com 734-446-8630
Mejishi Martial Arts Jaye Spiro 247 W. 9 Mile Rd., Ferndale, MI 48220 mejishimartialarts@att.net www.mejishi.250x.com 248-542-5371 Traditional Karate - develop physically, mentally and spiritually. Try FILIPINO STICK FIGHTING or our practical Self Defense programs. All ages, sizes and physical abilities are welcome. Located in downtown Ferndale.
Flagstar Bank Robert Lalicki, VP 28653 Woodward Ave. Berkley, MI 48072 robert.lalicki@flagstar.com 248-541-5781
MOSQUITO CONTROL Mosquito Joe of SE MI 28716 Wall St, Wixom, MI 48393
MASSAGE THERAPY Greenleaf Bodywork 251 E. Nine Mile Rd, Ferndale, MI 48220 info@greenleafbodywork.com greenleafbodywork.com/index.php 248-548-4838
Massage Therapy by David Rosenberg 209 W. Kingsley St, Ann Arbor, MI 48103 W. 12 Mile Road, Berkley, MI 48076 massage4@aol.com www.trymassage.com 734-662-6282 Also, host massage groups for gay/bi men in Ann Arbor on Tuesdays and Saturdays at 8pm, and Thursdays at 2pm.
Triangle Chiropractic Dr. John Tsakos 19650 Harper Ave., Ste. 107 Grosse Pointe, MI 48236 drjohn99@aol.com trianglechiropractic.chiroweb.com 313-885-9496
www.mosquitojoe.com 248-507-4014
MOTORCYCLES Full Throttle Motor Sports I96 East at Lansing 9555 Woodlane Dr. Dimondale, MI 48821 www.fullthrottlemotorsports.com 866-487-1253 Motorcycles - 4 Wheelers - Jetskis - ATVs
MOVING COMPANIES Bos Moving & Service, Inc. www.bosmove.com 248-360-6644 Family owned and operated since 1982. Specializing in local moving. Residential & Commercial Movers. One Item or a Truckload. Piano and Organ Moving. In-Office and In-House Moving. WIll load or unload your Rental Truck. Licensed and Insured. See our ad on this page
Chiropractic and therapeutic deep tissue massage. Participating provider with Blue Cross, PPOM, Medicare and United Healthcare. Located at I-94/ Allard exit in Grosse Pointe. See our ad on page 60
Moving Companies continued...
Manzo Eye Care
Men on the Move
David Manzo MD, Ophthalmologist, Kathryn Baruch, O.D., Optometrist 621 West 11 Mile Royal Oak, MI 48067 medical@manzoeyecare.com www.manzoeyecare.com 248-541-4200
39101 Webb Drive Westland, MI 48185 also located: 6544 Jackson Rd. Ann Arbor, MI 48103 www.michiganmovers.com 734-729-6683 Serving Wayne and Oakland Counties! See our ad on page 87
OPERA COMPANY Arbor Opera Theater P.O. Box 8055 Ann Arbor, MI 48107
Individual approach to eye care, provided by a board certified ophthalmologist. General ophthalmology, refractive and laser vision correction, cataract and implant surgery. Treatment for glaucoma, retinal, infectious, inflammatory, neurological and hereditary diseases. Optical shop with expert fitting and style consulting. Most insurances accepted.
arboropera@gmail.com www.arboropera.com 734-332-9063
Humane Society of Huron Valley Providing low cost vet services 3100 Cherry Hill Rd.
Michigan Opera Theatre
Ann Arbor, MI 48105 info@hshv.org
1526 Broadway St. Detroit, MI 48226 www.michiganopera.org 313-237-7464
www.hshv.org 734-662-5585 shelter 734-662-4365 vet clinic
Wag’n Tails Pet Resort
Fernlee Kennels 4507 Fernlee Ave. Royal Oak, MI 48073 fernleekennels@gmail.com 248-549-5182
Happy Hounds Dog Day Care & Lodging 673 S. Main St. Plymouth, MI 48170 plymouthdogmom@msn.com www.happyhoundsdaycare.com 734-459-3647 Cage-Free Boarding See our ad on page 88
Tom Metevier 2802 Alpha Access Lansing, MI 48910 hairytails@comcast.net www.wagntailspetresort.net 517-482-7799 fax 517-482-7013 Wag’n Tails Pet Resort An All Deluxe Suite Resort. Lansing areas Finest in Luxury Boarding & Grooming. Each suite furnished with Bed, TV, Fresh Flow Water, Private Indoor Patio, ample outside playtime and socialization. Expert Professional AllBreed Grooming for Cats and Dogs. Trust your best friends with Lansing’s Best Pet Care. See our ad on this page
Longview Boarding & Grooming, LTD Cherie Noullet, Owner 5403 Livernois Rd. Troy, MI 48098 www.longviewboarding.com 248-879-0420 Like Longview Boarding on FACEBOOK. Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., Sat. 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., Sun 4 p.m. - 7 p.m.
PET DAY CARE See also Veterinarians
4 Paws Community Center 2244 Franklin Rd. Bloomfield Hills, MI 48320 linda@4pawscc.com http://4pawscc.com/ 248-230-PAWS (7297) See our ad on page 88
See also Veterinarians
Crane Optical Dr. Howard Crane 236 W. Nine Mile Rd. Ferndale, MI 48220 service@craneoptical.com www.craneoptical.com 248-545-5600
4 Paws Community Center 2244 Franklin Rd. Bloomfield Hills, MI 48320 linda@4pawscc.com http://4pawscc.com/ 248-230-PAWS (7297)
Friendly, professional eye care services since 1949.
See our ad on page 88
Thorough vision and health evaluations.
Club Pet Too
Designer frames at discount prices sunglasses - sports frames - contact lenses - eye laser surgery consultation.
Canine College 23717 Research Dr. Farmington Hills, MI 48335 www.caninecollegemi.com 248-427-8245
3181 Walnut Lake Court Commerce Twp., MI 48390 1400 E. Commerce Road Milford, MI 48381 lena_clubpettoo@yahoo.com www.club-pet.net 248-669-4501 248-685-8836
Free repairs - rapid service. Most insurances accepted.
See our ad on page 88
here are hundreds of businesses in this edition of Pride Source Magazine that welcome everyone. Invest in equality and work with businesses that support Michigan’s LGBTQ community!
Find us on Facebook Between The Lines Newspaper
Pet Day Care continued...
Bingo Pet Salon
Club Pet Too
108 W. Fourth St. Royal Oak, MI 48067 info@bingopetsalon.com http://www.bingopetsalon.com/ 248-544-7424
3181 Walnut Lake Court Commerce Twp., MI 48390 1400 E Commerce Road Milford, MI 48381 lena_clubpettoo@yahoo.com www.club-pet.net 248-669-4501 See our ad on page 88
See our ad on page 90
Canine College 23717 Research Dr.
673 S. Main St. Plymouth, MI 48170 plymouthdogmom@msn.com www.happyhoundsdaycare.com 734-459-3647 Totally Cage-Free Day Care & Boarding See our ad on page 88
Animal Haus, Inc.
Club Pet Too 3181 Walnut Lake Court Commerce Twp., MI 48390 1400 E Commerce Road Milford, MI 48381 lena_clubpettoo@yahoo.com www.club-pet.net 248-669-4501
animalhaus8904@mi.rr.com 248-344-8904 Professional Pet Stylists Monday thru Saturday 8:30 am until 5:30 pm Closed Sunday
Faithful Companion Memorials 4900 Fernlee Royal Oak , MI 48037 contact@faithfulcompanion.com www.faithfulcompanion.com 248-435-7500 See our ad on this page
keylore@yahoo.com http://www.petrest.com/ 810-659-6114
550 Forest Ave. #7 Plymouth, MI 48170 www.threedogbakeryplymouth. com 734-453-9663
Premier Pet Supply 31215 Southfield Beverly Hills, MI 48025 63 W. Auburn Rd. Rochester Hills, MI 47810 Grand River Ave. Novi, MI www.premierpetsupply.com 248-647-4310 See our ad on page 92
Preuss Pets 1127 No. Cedar Street Lansing , MI info@preusspets.com http://preusspets.com/store/
See our ad on page 90
Canine College
Animal Learning Systems, Inc.
23717 Research Dr. Farmington Hills, MI 48335 www.caninecollegemi.com
547 West Seven Mile Rd. Northville , MI 48167
Flushing, MI 48433
Three Dog Bakery
See our ad on page 88
7185 Gillette Road
Farmington Hills, MI 48335
Happy Hounds Dog Day Care & Lodging
Key-Lore Pet Rest Gardens
Color Pet Products 27499 Schoolcraft Livonia, MI 48150 http://www.colorpet.com 844-743-6228
Jim Lessenberry 18540 Mack Ave. Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236 info@animallearningsystems.com http://www. animallearningsystems.com/ 313-882-6180 248-236-9974 A behavioral house call practice, we also offer turnkey off leash training programs, and dog training classes in Birmingham, Grosse Pointe, Plymouth, and Rochester.
Pet Training continued...
Michael Burkey
1964 West 11 Mile Rd. Berkley, MI www.medcartpharmacy.com 248-542-2300
Michigan Dog Training 1031 Cherry St. Plymouth, MI 48170 info@MichiganDogTraining.com www.MichiganDogTraining.com 734-634-4152
See our ad on page 92
Fido Personal Dog training, LLC
Oh Snap Booths!
703 Livernois
Ferndale, MI 48220
http://ohsnapbooths.com/index.html 248-470-9150
www.fidodogtraining.com 313-204-6154
PRO K-9 In-Home Training Professionals Serving Southeast , MI info@prok9training.com http://www.ProK9training.com/ 734-482-4808 Basic & Advanced Obedience | Behavior Modification | Socializing Groups | Dog Walking & Pet Sitting | FREE In-Home Evaluation | Call us to discuss your training needs or to schedule an evaluation | Visit our web site for program details and client testimonials
Shutter Booth 1225 E. Eleven Mile Rd. Royal Oak, MI 48068 www.shutterbooth.com
Brian Masserman 2900 Orchard Lake Road Suite 7 Keego Harbor, MI 48320 massermanphoto@gmail.com www.massermanphotography. com 248-365-4014 tollfree 888-763-3686 cell 248-346-6791 Since 1992, Brian has made the commitment to please his guests with high quality photography and service. Brian holds multiple merit and honor awards for outstanding portraiture. Oh, by the way he has a great sense of humor too.
Milhem Images
Janice Milhem
6476 Orchard Lake Rd. Ste. A
243 Mulholland Dr.
West Bloomfield, MI 48322
Ann Arbor, MI 48103
www.tapsnapdetroit.com 248-419-1047
PHOTOGRAPHY Rebecca Reflections Photography Rebecca Fry 3025 Wolverine Dr.
28577 Schoenherr Rd.
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Warren, MI 48088
jus7agurl@gmail.com 586-573-8300
Paul Benson, D.O.
Berkley Pharmacy
Masserman Photography
www.flickr.com/photos/artispoetry 734-929-4030
http://www.milhemimages.com 248-797-2499
Rawlinson Photography 1365 South Main St Plymouth, MI 48170 rawlinsonphotography@comcast.net www.rawlinsonphoto.com 734-453-8872
Derek Cookson Photography
Specialists in HIV and Cancer Drugs 24401 Plymouth Rd Redford, MI 48239 crownpharmacy1@aol.com 313-532-DRUG (3784) tollfree 866-575-3784 fax 313-532-3718
Derek Cookson
Emilio Antunano, MD
Royal Oak , MI
1724 Airport Rd. Waterford, MI 48327
The little pharmacy with a big heart! Hours: Mon.-Fri. 10am - 7pm Sat. 10am - 4pm Closed Sundays and Holidays. Owner: Val Randall. MENTION PRIDE SOURCE FOR FREE SHIPPING STATEWIDE!
http://www.dcooksonphoto.com 248-224-7423
Kreativ Imaging Kristofer Petruska Kristofer@kreativimaging.com http://www.kreativimaging.com 586-675-7457
Primary medical care for your lifestyle including HIV and non-HIV concerns. See our ad on page 95
Manzo Eye Care David Manzo MD, Ophthalmologist, Kathryn Baruch, O.D., Optometrist 621 West 11 Mile Royal Oak, MI 48067 medical@manzoeyecare.com www.manzoeyecare.com 248-541-4200 Individual approach to eye care, provided by a board certified ophthalmologist. General ophthalmology, refractive and laser vision correction, cataract and implant surgery. Treatment for glaucoma, retinal, infectious, inflammatory, neurological and hereditary diseases. Optical shop with expert fitting and style consulting. Most insurances accepted.
See our ad on page 92
Crown Pharmacy
1964 W 11 Mile Berkley, MI 48072 drpaulbenson@doctorbewell.com www.doctorbewell.com 248-544-9300 fax 248-544-1148
Comprehensive Women’s Health, P.C. Dr. Lana Powell, M.D. 1157 S. Adams Road Birmingham, MI 48009 51 S. Washington St., Ste. E Oxford, MI 48371 www. comprehensivewomenshealth.net 248-594-4006 248-236-0840 See our ad on page 94
Physicians / Gynecology & Obstetrics continued...
Partridge Creek Obstetrics and Gynecology Rhonda Kobold, D.O. Beth Mutch, FNP Hina Javaid, MD Tanya Vaughn, CNM Theressa Kuz, WHNP Angela Viviano, FNP 15959 Hall Rd, Suite 301 Macomb Township, MI 48044-3904 Washington Township 58851 Van Dyke, Suite 100 Washington Twp. , MI 48094 www.partridgecreekobgyn.com 586-247-8609 See our ad on page 93
PLUMBING Horton Plumbing & Remodeling 1382 S. Main St, Plymouth, MI 48170 www.hortonplumbingmichigan.com 734-455-3332
Water Work Plumbing 1049 Hilton Ferndale , MI 48220 debby@waterworkplumbing.com www.WaterWorkPlumbing.com 248-542-8016 248-542-8022
Michigan Foot and Ankle
Between The Lines
Gerry Banister
20222 Farmington Rd. Livonia, MI 48152 info@pridesource.com www.pridesource.com 734-293-7200 fax 734-293-7201
RE/MAX Showcase Homes gerrybanister@aol.com www.gerrybanister.com 248-645-1589
641 W. Nine Mile Rd. Ferndale, MI 48220 248-548-7363 fax 248-548-5304 See our ad on this page
POOLS & SPAS B & B Pools and Spas 29440 Six Mile Rd. Livonia, MI 48152 www.bandbpools.com 734-427-3242 fax 734-522-7946
PRINTING The Print Stop Tim Toggweiler 3172 W. Twelve Mile Rd. Berkley, MI 48072 tim@theprintstopinc.com www.theprintstopinc.com 248-543-7867 fax 248-399-7677
Brad Bell Sine & Monaghan 30574 Woodward Ave. Royal Oak, MI 48073 bradbellrealestate@gmail.com www.bradbellrealestate.com 248-835-4644
Elsie Publishing Lesbian Connection What Helen Heard P.O. Box 811 East Lansing, MI 48226 LC@LConline.org
See our ad on page 97
www.lconline.org 517-371-5257 Lesbian Connection: The free worldwide forum of news and ideas, for, by and about Lesbians and What Helen Heard: What’s happening for Michigan Lesbians.
REAL ESTATE APPRAISER Deborah Campbell Certified Residential Real Estate Appraiser FHA Approved Beverly Hills, MI 48025 debcamp102@gmail.com cell 586-382-0439 fax 586-261-5500
Don Chisholm Real Estate One 26236 Woodward Ave. Royal Oak, MI 48067 DChisholm@RealEstateOne.com www.DonChisholmRealtor.com cell 248-425-4366 office 248-414-1355 Proud to serve the Woodward Corridor and beyond! See our ad on page 98
Servicing 9 counties: Oakland, Macomb, Wayne, St. Clair, Genessee, Lapeer, Sanilac, Livingston and Washtenaw. Call for other areas in Michigan.
Shop The Rainbow
here are hundreds of businesses in this edition of Pride Source Magazine that welcome everyone. Invest in equality and work with businesses that support Michigan’s LGBTQ community!
Real Estate continued ...
Pride Realty
City Living Detroit
Rich Harrison 31874 Northwestern Hwy. Farmington Hills, MI 48334 richardh@priderealtyassociates.com 248-851-8700 cell 586-222-4653
Austin Black 444 West Willis #108 Detroit, MI 48201 austin@citylivingdetroit.com www.citylivingdetroit.com 313-242-7800 See our ad on this page
See our ad on page 98
David Reese Century 21 AAA North
16432 26 Mile Rd.
The Nation’s Top Gay Realtors FREE Buyers Representation! manager@gayrealestate.com www.gayrealestate.com 1-888-420-MOVE (6683)
Macomb, MI
Instant FREE access to Michigan and the Nation’s Top
202 Center St.
Gay & Lesbian Realtors. Free Buyers Representation,
Free Sellers Market Analysis - Free Relocation Kit!
Linda Lombardini The LindaLom Team at Trillium Real Estate 323 Braun Ct. Ann Arbor, MI 48104 linda@trilliumrealtors.com www.LindaLom.com cell 734-216-6415 office 734-302-3600 Proudly serving the greater Ann Arbor & Ypsilanti areas. See our ad on page 96
McNeal-O’Brien Team Real Estate LLC Tina McNeal-O’Brien 28305 Southfield Rd. Lathrup Village, MI 48076 tina@motrealestate.com http://motrealestate.com/ 248-594-7724
Debbie Pike Re/MAX Dream Properties
soldbydreese@gmail.com 586-764-4326
Jim Sellman Shoreline Realtors Douglas, MI 269-857-8030
Jim Shaffer Keller Williiams Real Estate 304 W. 4th Street Royal Oak, MI 48067 jimshaffersellshouses@yahoo.com 248-288-3500 cell 734-748-6953 See our ad on page 27
Lynn Stange Real Estate One 70 W. Long Lake Rd. Troy, MI 48098 LLStange@aol.com www.lynnstange.com cell 248-561-6967 Lynn Stange has been servicing the needs of the Metro Detroit LGBT community for over 30 years. Being a Detroit-area native, her experience in the different locales and homes across the Metro area is unequaled. Lynn has years of experience servicing the lesbian and gay community’s needs as well as specializing in relocations to the Detroit area. See our ad on page 96
130 Main Center Northville, MI 248-374-7700
Real Estate continued ...
Terry Randall Century 21 Row
37172 6 Mile
General RV Center
Livonia, MI
Lori MacDonald 48500 12 Mile Rd. Wixom, MI 48393 lmacdonald@generalrv.com www.generalrv.com 248-349-0900 x7024
trandall@househuntersmi.com www.househuntersmi.com 734-464-7111 cell 734-674-2750
Dick Waskin, Broker/Owner RE/MAX Saugatuck-Douglas 2914 Blue Star Hwy. Saugatuck, MI remax@wmol.com
RENTAL SERVICE See also: Event Planning
www.remaxsaugatuckdouglas.com 269-857-2191 Dick Waskin,Broker/Owner is the top selling Realtor in the Saugatuck/Douglas for 4 years in a row. Making your vacation home and real estate investment dreams come true and having fun doing it.
C & N Party Rentals
Christine Winans
See our ad on page 98
Berkshire Hathaway HWWB Realtors 880 S. Old Woodward Birmingham, MI 48009 cwinans@hwwbrealtors.com http://www.TheWinansHomes.com cell 248-505-1704 office 248-283-0380 248-283-0338 See our ad on page 96
5140 Meijer Dr. Royal Oak, MI 48073 www.cnparty.com 248-435-3580
Uncle Buck’s Party Rental 3160 Haggerty Rd. Ste.Q West Bloomfield, MI 48323 unclebucksparty@gmail.com http://www.unclebucksparty.com 248-666-5432 For over 30 years Uncle Buck’s has been helping clients “make memories” for their families and guests. We offer an extensive collection of rentals including tents, tables, chairs, china, glassware, flatware, dance floors, staging, Chiavari chairs, specialty linens, and much more. We pride ourselves in delivering exceptional products and service to help make your event memorable. So for your next event, call Uncle Buck’s and Just Add Guests!
YOUR EVENT Party Rental
Amici’s Pizza & Amici’s Living Room 3249 12 Mile Rd. Berkley, Mi 48072 www.amicispizza.com 248-544-4100
Angelina’s Italian Bistro 1565 Broadway Detroit, MI 48226 info@angelinadetroit.com www.angelinadetroit.com 313-962-1355
/aut/Bar Keith Orr & Martin Contreras 315 Braun Court Ann Arbor, MI 48104 www.autbar.com 734-994-3677 See our ad on page 100
15101 Cleat Street Plymouth, MI 48170
Cafe Cortina
30715 W. 10 Mile
www.youreventpartyrental.com 734-354-9591
Farmington Hills, MI 48336 info@cafecortina.com www.cafecortina.com 248-474-3033
RESTAURANTS Beans & Cornbread
D’Amato’s Neighborhood Restaurant
29508 Northwestern Hwy.
222 S. Sherman Dr.
Southfield, MI 48034
Royal Oak, MI 48067 248-584-7400
www.beanscornbread.com 248-208-1680
Lakepointe Construction
Restaurants continued ...
Fishbones Rythym Kitchen Cafe 400 Monroe
Dale Vigliarolo 664 LaPrairie Ferndale, MI 48220
Detroit, MI 48226
www.fishbonesusa.com 313-965-4600
Portofino Restaurant & Banquet Facility 3455 Biddle Ave. Wyandotte, MI 48192 http://www.portofinoontheriver. com/ 734-281-6700 See our ad on page 1
Ruth’s Chris Steak House 755 W Big Beaver Troy, MI 48084
http://www.lakepte.com/ cell 248-544-0413 248-982-5237
RVS General RV Center Lori MacDonald 48500 12 Mile Rd. Wixom, MI 48393 lmacdonald@generalrv.com www.generalrv.com 248-349-0900 x7024
www.ruthschris.com 248-269-8424
Sweet Lorraine’s Cafe & Bar 29101 Greenfield Southfield, MI 48076 Second Location 17100 N. Laurel Park Dr in the Marriott Livonia, MI 48152 248-559-5985 734-953-7480
The Laundry 125 W. Shiawassee Fenton, MI 48430 mhamel@lunchandbeyond.com www.lunchandbeyond.com 810-629-8852 See our ad on this page
Tios Mexican Cafe 401 E. Liberty Ann Arbor, MI 48104 www.tiosmexicancafe.com 734-761-6650 See our ad on page 99
Allure Medical Spa www.alluremedicalspa.com 800-577-2570 Seven Locations in the Metro Detroit Area Shelby Township Livonia Clarkston Warren Southgate Beverly Hills
B & B Pools and Spas 29440 Six Mile Rd. Livonia, MI 48152 www.bandbpools.com 734-427-3242 fax 734-522-7946
The Hot House 15810 S. US 27 Lansing, MI 48906 info@lansinghothouse.com www.lansinghothouse.com 517-372-1020 See our ad on this page
Chess Roofing & Siding Ferndale, MI 48220 gethin@chessroofing.us www.chessroofing.us 248-398-1050 See our ad on page 101
Kuderik and Associates
SPIRITS Tito’s Handmade Vodka sam@titosvodka.com www.titosvodka.com 248-885-3424
Fisher Theatre
John E. Kuderik, CPA 32121 Woodward Ave. #202 Royal Oak, MI 48073 info@kuderikcpa.com www.kuderikcpa.com 248-835-7755 See our ad on page 46
Performance Network
3011 W. Grand Blvd. Detroit, MI 48202 www.broadwayindetroit.com 313-872-1000
2211 Woodward Ave. Detroit, MI 48201 www.fox.theaterdetroit.com 313-471-6611
Ann Arbor Civic Theatre
The Gem & Colony Club
322 W. Ann St., Ann Arbor, MI 48104 manager@a2ct.org www.a2ct.org 734-971-2228
333 Madison Ave.
Detroit Symphony Orchestra
The Ark
The Hilberry Theatre
www.dso.org 313-576-5111
Lansing Symphony Orchestra 501 S. Capitol Ave., Ste. 400 Lansing, MI 48933 www.LansingSymphony.org
TAI CHI Taoist Tai Chi Society of the USA Amy Park
The Ark is Ann Arbor’s nonprofit home for acoustic music. Considered one of the top music clubs in the world, The Ark is renowned for the quality and breadth of its programming. The Ark is an intimate 400-seat club presenting performers who fall into the wide-ranging genres of folk and roots music. With live music nearly 300 nights each year in one of the best listening rooms anywhere, The Ark is a sure bet for a memorable evening of enriching entertainment, musical artistry, and personal warmth.
413 N. Main St. detroit.mi@taoist.org
Berman Center for the Performing Arts
6600 W. Maple Rd. 248-399-7344
www.gemtheatre.com 313-963-9800
Wayne State University Theater 4743 Cass Ave. Detroit, MI 48201 313-577-2972
Jewish Ensemble Theatre 6600 W. Maple Rd., W.Bloomfield, MI 48322 www.jettheatre.org 248-788-2900
Masonic Temple Theater 500 Temple Ave. Detroit, MI 48201 www.themasonic.com
West Bloomfield, MI 48322
See also: Financial Services
Ameritax Plus Alan Semonian, CPA 3336 W. Twelve Mile Rd. Berkley, MI 48072 TaxAlan@aol.com 248-584-1040 See our ad on page 47
Diane R. Harbour, EA An affiliate of ATS Advisors Harbour Tax & Accounting 2310 E. Eleven Mile Rd Royal Oak, MI 48067 diane@harbourtaxaccounting.com www.harbourtaxaccounting.com 248-399-7331 fax 248-414-3848 See our ad on page 46
Karen Ryan Enterprises, LLC Karen Ryan 416 W. Grand River Fowlerville, MI 48836 realtaxpro@yahoo.com www.karenryan.com 517-223-5046
Bonstelle Theatre Wayne State University 3424 Woodward Ave. Detroit, MI 48202-3025 www.bonstelle.com 313-577-2960
Michigan Theater 603 East Liberty Ann Arbor, MI 48104 www.michtheater.org 734-668-8397 See our ad on page 103
Mosaic Youth Theatre of Detroit 3011 West Grand Blvd., Ste. 1510
Chene Park Amphitheater
Detroit, MI 48202
2600 Atwater St.
Detroit, MI 48207
https://cheneparkdetroit.com 313- 393-7128
Detroit Repertory Theatre 13103 Woodrow Wilson Dr. Detroit, MI 48238 www.detroitreptheatre.com 313-868-1347
EncoreMichigan.com www.encoremichigan.com
Farmington Players 32332 W. Twelve Mile Rd.
www.redfordtheatre.com 313-537-2560 The Redford Theatre, with its historic original 3 manual, 10 rank Barton Theatre Pipe Organ, has served as a Metro Detroit entertainment center since it opened in 1928. The non-profit Motor City Theatre Organ Society owns and operates the Redford Theatre at 17360 Lahser Road, Detroit, MI 48219. Enjoy the classic film series, organ concerts or your special event, enhanced by this beautifully restored setting.
Ringwald Theatre 2272 Woodward Ferndale, MI 48220 info@theringwald.com http://www.TheRingwald.com/ 248-545-5545 The Ringwald is located in the “Times Square of Ferndale,” just south of Nine Mile on the East side of Woodward. The Ringwald produces work that will blur the lines between race, income, religion, and sexuality. Seasons to include productions focusing primarily on newer works, previously un-produced scripts, and fresh interpretations of seasoned classics.
Stagecrafters at the Baldwin Theatre
Matrix Theatre
Detroit, MI 48219
2730 Bagley, Detroit, MI 48216
Detroit, MI 48226
Royal Oak, MI 48067
www.performancenetwork.org 734-663-0681
The Historic Redford Theater
220 E. Huron, Ste. 470 Ann Arbor, MI 48104 www.a2so.com 734-994-4801
3711 Woodward Ave. Detroit, MI 48201
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
17360 Lahser
Fox Theatre
Ann Arbor Symphony Orchestra
316 S. Main St., Ann Arbor, MI 48104 info@theark.org www.theark.org 734-763-TKTS (8587)
120 E. Huron
313-872-6910 Mosaic Youth Theatre of Detroit is an internationally acclaimed youth development program that concentrates on helping young artists excel on stage and in life. Mosaic’s mission is to empower young people to maximize their potential through professional performing arts training and the creation of first-rate theatrical and musical art.
Oakland University Dept. of Music, Theatre & Dance 2200 N. Squirrel Road Rochester, MI 48309 mtd@oakland.edu www.oakland.edu/mtd 248-370-2030
415 S. Lafayette Ave. Royal Oak, MI 48067 info@stagecrafters.org www.stagecrafters.org 248-541-6430 office 248-541-8027 Stagecrafters brings exciting and fresh entertainment to Southeast Michigan! With affordable ticket prices, a 60 year history of quality productions and a great location in downtown Royal Oak, Stagecrafters has something for everyone with its three venues. The Main Stage plays host to popular Broadway caliber plays and musicals. 2nd Stage, a blackbox studio theatre, presents contemporary and off Broadway shows. Stagecrafters Youth Theatre offers fun, wholesome entertainment for youth by youth. Consistently voted one of the top five best theatre groups in the area, prepare to be amazed at the selection of shows, youth improv classes, and special events offered. Stagecrafters makes their home at the historic Baldwin Theatre, a beautifully restored former vaudeville playhouse built in 1922.
University of Detroit The Theatre Company 4001 W. McNichols Detroit, MI 48221 theatre@udmercy.edu http://theatre.udmercy.edu 313-993-3270
Farmington Hills, MI 48334
The Palace
http://farmingtonplayers.org 248-417-9818
6 Championship Dr. Auburn Hills, MI 48236 www.palacenet.com
Wharton Center for Performing Arts
Motawi Tileworks
Michigan State University, 750 East Shaw Lane
Ann Arbor, MI 48103
170 Enterprise Dr. www.motawi.com
East Lansing, MI 48824-1318
www.whartoncenter.com 517-432-2000 tollfree 800-WHARTON Michigan State Universityís Wharton Center for Performing Arts has generated state and national prominence for its success with touring megahits and sold-out sensations, making producers, performers and patrons turn their attention toward mid-Michigan.
Williamston Theatre 122 South Putnam Williamston, MI 48895 info@williamstontheatre.org www.williamstontheatre.org 517-655-7469 fax 517-655-1112 Mid-Michigan’s award-winning professional live theatre. Williamston Theatre’s mission is to produce professional theatre that excites and engages our audiences while challenging us all to explore our lives.
Pewabic Pottery 10125 E. Jefferson Detroit, MI 48202 www.pewabic.com 313-822-0954
TITLE COMPANY Regions Title Agency Edward Hudson Rev. Ken & Judy Grimes 570 Kirts Blvd Ste 205 Troy, MI 48084 248-336-2000 cell 248-677-1828
TRAVEL Cadillac Travel Group 3000 Town Center, Ste. 22
Southfield, MI 48075
See also: Ceramic Tile
Brick Coping Tile Enterprises LLC 43525 Eureka Dr. Clinton Twp, MI 48036 kurt.robert.riedel@gmail.com www.riedelbrickcopingtile.com 586-707-1065
Humane Society of Huron Valley
Travel continued ...
Royal International Travel A Virtuoso Agency 31455 Southfield Beverly Hills, MI 48025 www.royalint.com 248-644-1600 fax 248-644-1510 See our ad on page 103
Wake’s Travel - Cruise Planners
Providing low cost vet services 3100 Cherry Hill Rd. Ann Arbor, MI 48105 info@hshv.org www.hshv.org 734-662-5585 shelter 734-662-4365 vet clinic
North Main Animal Hospital Bruce M. Baker, DVM James G. Mast, DVM 1611 North Main St. Royal Oak, MI 48067 info@northmainanimal.com www.northmainanimal.com 248-543-2311
Laura Wake Bloomfield, MI 48302 Laura@WakesWaveGoodbyeTravel. com www.WakesWaveGoodbyeTravel. com 734-464-0866 tollfree 855-468-3457
See our ad on page 104
Need a vacation? Need help finding the perfect place to go? Let us put our experience to work for you. We’ll do all the work, so you can have all the fun.
1400 S. Telegraph Rd. Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302 www.ovrs.com 248-334-6877
Relax and enjoy! That’s what we can do for you! Call us today!
Oakland Veterinary Referral Services
Patterson Dog & Cat Hospital
33423 S. Woodward Ave.
Glynes D. Graham, DVM 3800 Grand River Ave. Detroit, MI 48208 313-832-7282 fax 313-832-4990
Birmingham, MI 48009
See our ad on page 104
httwww.thetuxshoponwoodward.com 248-644-5055
Pets Ahoy Animal Hospital
TUXEDO See also: Clothiers Custom
The Tux Shop on Woodward
Dr. Gloria Williams
Not Listed in Michigan’s Gay-To-Z Resource Directory? Then Get Listed Today! If your business or organization is not included in the Pride Source Directory you are missing out on a huge opportunity to build your business. Contact us today to get listed online right away. Your listing will also appear in the 2017 print edition of the Pride Source Magazine & Directory. Call us at 734-293-7200 ext. 22 or email sales@pridesource.com
Get Listed. Invest in Equality today! Complete media kit with demographics, distribution information, pricing, ad specs and deadlines available online at www.Pridesource.com or call 734-293-7200 ext. 22 to talk with one of our sales representatives
21856 23 Mile Road (In the Stratford Plaza behind Walgreens) Macomb, MI 48047
Jeremy Tick
15 E. Kirby St. #B5
Detroit, MI 48202 jt@tickmanagement.com
www.underclothesonline.com 313-720-9056
URBAN GARDENER Reformation Growers Luke Malski P.O. Box 6933 Grand Rapids, MI 49516 reformationgrowers.gmail.com www.reformationgrowers.com 626-222-6427 Edible landscapes, art gardens, urban homesteads, vegetable gardens, design back yards, greenhouses and build services.
VETERINARIANS See also: Pet Services
Uptown Adult Superstore 16541 Woodward Ave. Highland Park, MI 48203 16401 W. Eight Mile Rd. Detroit, MI 48235 http://www.uptownadultvideo.com 313-869-9477 313-836-0647 See our ad on page 106
VISITORS BUREAU Ann Arbor Area Convention & Vistors Bureau 315 W Huron St #340 Ann Arbor, MI 48103
Arbor Pointe Veterinary Hospital Dr. Michael Petty, DVM
www.visitannarbor.org 734-995-7281
42043 Ford Rd. Canton, MI 48187 734-844-8844 fax 734-844-8436 Reliable Compassionate Healthcare.
Enter your listing online today at www.PrideSource.com/add_directory.html 105
WEDDING / EVENT PLANNER See also: Event Planners
Entertainment Productions Co. 4696 Dixie Hwy. Waterford, MI 48329 timL1592@gmail.com www.epc.events.net 248-618-1100
The Wedding Connection Miriam Jerris / Stephen Stawicki
Bride & Joy
870 Wing St. Plymouth , MI 48170 http://www.brideandjoyplymouth. com/home.html 734-455-1150
Elizabeth’s Bridal Manor
Huntington Woods, MI 48070 info@theweddingconnection.net www.theweddingconnection.net 248-543-7396 Miriam Jerris is licensed in Ontario Canada
With A Little Help Amanda Laidlaw www.alittlehelpevents.com 734-306-4387
Amy Lynn Smith
9633 Highland Rd.White Lake, MI
Birmingham, MI
timeforblinds1@hot mail.com 248-363-9174
See our ad on page 56
Cloverleaf Fine Wine
The Wedding Shoppe 27333 Woodward Berkley, MI 48072 weddingshoppe@sbcglobal.net www.theweddingshoppe.net 248-541-1988
248-643-7920 amy@alswrite.com www.alswrite.com
Barefoot Wine & Bubbly
See our ad on page 58
Plymouth , MI
Time for Blinds
402 S. Main Northville, MI 48167 www.elizabethsbridal.com 248-348-2783
10544 Lincoln Dr.
See our ad on page 104
Grand Rapids , MI barefootwine.com
711 S. Main St., Royal Oak, MI 48067 www.cloverleafwine.com 248-357-0400 See our ad on this page
Men’s Yoga David Rosenberg 209 West Kingsley St Ann Arbor, MI 48103 massage4@aol.com groups.yahoo.com/group/Michigan_Mens_ Clothing_Optional_Yoga 734-662-6282 Classes meet every Tuesday night from 6:30 to 7:30pm. Learn yoga poses with a group of men in a friendly clothes free environment.
WEDDING CHAPEL The Little Wedding Chapel 15215 Thirteen Mile Rd. Fraser, MI 48206 thelittleweddingchapeleast@gmail.com www.thelittlechapeleast.com 586-293-6760
WEDDING GOWNS See also: Bridal Gowns
B. Ella Bridal 570 S. Main Plymouth , MI 48170 http://b-ella-bridal.com/ 734-459-0000 See our ad on page 34-35
Rev. Tricia Stehle 25635 Sun Sail Court Harrison Twp, MI 48045 Tricia@boattownweddings.com www.boattownweddings.com 248-840-5517 I am an ordained minister that performs weddings for heterosexual and same sex couples alike. Included in my pricing is custom design of your ceremony, officiating of, attendance at rehearsal (if there is a rehearsal), unlimited texting and calling for assistance with planning, and filing of your marriage license.
Mark Ephraim South Lyon, MI markpephraim@gmail.com www.weddingofficiantmarkpephraim.com 248-880-7308
Bombshell Bridal Boutique
27887 Harper Ave. St. Clair Shores, MI 48081 bombshellbridalboutique@yahoo. com http://www.bombshellbridal. boutique/ 586-294-7280
plus sizes wedding large gowns formal dresses See our ad on page 59
Whenever you can, please support businesses that support the LGBTQ community.
2801 W. Big Beaver
Ste G-219
Troy, MI 48084 http://www.williams-sonoma.com 248-637-0672
WEIGHT LOSS Alpha LifeStyle Center of Birmingham 1010 Bowers Street Birmingham, MI 48009 info@alphalaserinfo.com http://www.alphalaserinfo.com 248-594-1303 30 years of experience (Est. Windsor, Ontario in 1986) helping individuals combat nicotine addiction. Our program pairs principles of acupuncture with laser technology to offer an advanced, alternative and comprehensive approach to nicotine addiction in a single visit without pain, needles, drugs or side effects.
Our LGBT Community Centers Community centers are the bedrock of the LGBT movement, providing safe spaces for LGBT people and allies to meet, receive services, organize, learn, volunteer and give back. The eight community centers in Michigan each provide social programs tailored to the specific needs of their members and users. No matter where you live in Michigan there is an LGBT community center nearby that is ready to serve and to represent LGBT people to the larger population. Here are descriptions of each of these essential organizations, complete with contact information and brief outlines of their programmatic priorities. Each center does remarkable work with limited resources. We encourage everyone to reach out to the one closest to you and volunteer, join and support your LGBT community center.
ANN ARBOR Jim Toy Community Center Founded 1995 as the Washtenaw Rainbow Action Project. Mission: The JTCC envisions an inclusive community where people of diverse sexual orientation and gender identity are visible and live together in equality, respect and happiness. The JTCC serves as a resource center to provide information, education, social events and advocacy by and for the LGBT and ally community in the Washtenaw Country area. The organization offers multiple programs and meeting groups including the Ann Arbor TNG, a kink and fetish oriented group for younger kinksters focused on education, support and sharing information; the rainbow book club; sex addicts anonymous; alcoholics anonymous; peer-to-peer groups for LGBT individuals; gay business networking; Know Your Rights, an LGBT-centered legal assistance and referral group; polyamory network; older lesbian meet ups; peer-facilitated group on sexual health awareness and safety; and more. The Jim Toy Community Center puts on OUTFest and Pride Picnic, Washtenaw County’s LGBT Pride event. The center was re-named in 2010 after Jim Toy, the first publicly out gay man in the state. Since coming out in the 70’s Toy has spent over 40 years working to create safety and equality for people of all sexual and gender preferences through his speaking, teaching, writing, administrating, organizing and protesting. Website: www.jimtoycenter.org. JTCC 319 Braun Court Ann Arbor, MI 48104 Phone: 734-995-9867 2016 / 17 PRIDE SOURCE MAGAZINE
The Out Center
LGBT Detroit
Founded 2003. Mission: To provide LGBT people and their families support and advocacy and to establish respect, understanding and nondiscrimination of LGBT people in Southwest Michigan. The Out Center became an independent non-profit after receiving funding from the Arcus Foundation and has continued to provide new precedents in serving the LGBT community while working to establish safe and whole communities for everyone. The Out Center offers a variety of services including LGBT diversity and competency training, free on-site counseling, a drop-in center and offers support groups and meetings such as the Whole Lives Healthy Lives Adult Support Group, to discuss important issues with leaders and to encourage people to advocate and speak out for themselves. The Out Center organizes Lake Effect Pride, an annual LGBT pride event focused on making Benton Harbor a fully integrated community in which LGBT people and their families are welcome, respected, valued, understood and afforded the same rights and responsibilities as everyone else.
Founded 1994. Mission: For over two decades LGBT Detroit has served the Detroit LGBT community by increasing awareness of and support to Detroit’s dynamic LGBT culture through education and advocacy with integrity and pride. LGBT Detroit has formed community partnerships to testify before local and state legislatures, provided safe gathering spaces and has led pride celebrations and rallies of national significance. LGBT Detroit serves the community by offering support groups for all LGBT identities, providing the Detroit Elder Project, Forever Faithful Project as well as developing the LGBT Detroit Leadership Academy, a social justice training program for young LGBT activists. The organization has partnered with the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention to provide HIV prevention services to members in racial and ethnic communities and has partnered with the CDC to focus on supporting the planning, implementation an evaluation of interdisciplinary interventions to promote positive community sexual health. LGBT Detroit has five employees and 80 active volunteers and is the sole organizer of Hotter Than July, a multi-day Black gay pride celebration organized by community-member volunteers.
Website: http://outcenter.org The Out Center 132 Water St. Benton Harbor, MI Phone: 269-925-8330 Email the center at info@outcenter.org
Website: www.lgbtdetroit.org LGBT Detroit 41 Burroughs Street, Suite 109 Detroit, MI 48202 Phone: 313-285-9733
GRAND RAPIDS Grand Rapids Pride Center
FERNDALE Affirmations Founded 1989. Mission: Affirmations provides a welcoming space where people of all sexual orientations, gender identities & expressions, and cultures can find support and unconditional acceptance, and where they can learn, grow, socialize and have fun. Affirmations is Michigan’s longest running LGBT community center and is ranked as one of the 10 largest LGBT community centers in the country. Affirmations serves the community by offering an array of support and discussion groups including: trans and cis gender specific groups, coming out over coffee, senior koffee klatch, smart recovery, smeared lipstick for self-identified feminine lesbian women, transgender life support, newly single, FTM Detroit, Alcoholics and Narcotics Anonymous, Motor City Bears, a drop-in center and more. On top of the social opportunities Affirmations offers a 7-week relationship skills course, counseling services, sexual health testing and a health and wellness network. Affirmations has partnered with the CDC to offer intensive tobacco prevention and cessation programs. The organization provides youth ages 13-24 with a career focused 12-week training so that they can learn the soft and hard skill necessary for succeeding in the workforce. Additionally, Affirmations hosts Delta, a transformational leadership program designated to provide LGBT professionals with education, training, networking and mentoring opportunities.
Founded 1987. Mission: Empowering our LGBTQ community through supportive services and awareness. The Grand Rapids Pride Center has seen some changes in the past year, changing its name and some services. The GRPC offers support groups for youth, young adults, parents of LGBT individuals, trans and gender non-conforming individuals, parents of trans men and women as well support groups dedicated to serving men, women and families. The GRPC offers help for those navigating the coming out process, tobacco cessation, offers a six-week LGBT career development program and is committed to helping LGBT youth, young adults, adults and seniors build stronger, healthier and happier selves. The GRPC organizes the annual Grand Rapids Pride Festival the second largest LGBT pride fest in the state. Website: www.grpride.org GRPC 343 Atlas Ave. SE Grand Rapids, MI 49506 Email info@grpride.org Phone: 616-458-3511
Website: http://goaffirmations.org Affirmations 290 W Nine Mile Rd Ferndale, MI 48220 Affirmations is open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Phone: 248-398-7105 110
Kalamazoo Gay and Lesbian Resource Center
Perceptions, Tri-City Area
Founded 1988. Mission: To create a just, inclusive, and supportive environment in Southwest Michigan for people of all sexual orientations and gender identities and expressions. The KLGRC aims to be a “one-stop shop” for info and support for LGBT and ally members of the greater Kalamazoo community and offers an array of services including: youth, faith alliance, parent and family, senior services, health and wellness, trans, addiction and abuse counseling, training and social opportunities. Located within the KGLRC is the James B. Knox Resource Library, which offers an array of media representing LGBT specific collections, authors and topics. The KGLRC has partnered with many of the LGBT community centers in the state to offer in-depth tobacco cessation programs as well as push for a strong interfaith coalition. The KGLRC is the organizer of Kalamazoo Pride, an annual event celebrating LGBT identities. Website: www.kglrc.org KGLRC 629 Pioneer Street, Suite 102 Kalamazoo, MI 49008-1860 Open Monday through Thursday, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (One exception: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Fridays from Memorial Day through Labor Day). Phone: 269-349-4234
Founded 2001. Mission: To provide inclusive education, advocacy, and networking for our diverse LGBT individuals, allies and organizations in the community. Perceptions is an all volunteer organization and works with 70 active volunteers. The organization directly serves the tri-city area of Midland, Bay City and Saginaw but offers services to much of northeastern Michigan and areas in the thumb. The community center offers discussion groups that address the special needs of the LGBT community including trans and cis centered support groups, hosts speakers, organizes social gatherings, advocates at the grass roots level for the rights of LGBT Michiganders and offers tobacco cessation campaigns to help LGBT people quit smoking. Perceptions annually organizes the Great Lakes Bay Pride Festival, a celebration of LGBT and ally identities, and the community to celebrate pride, freedom and equality for all. Website: www.perceptionsmi.org Perceptions PO Box 1525 Midland, MI 48641 Email: Info@PerceptionsMI.org Phone: 989-891-1429
MUSKEGON The Center (LGBT Support Services) Founded 2015. Mission: To provide a safe place to understand ourselves, connect, and support one another, and come together to make a change and input in our community. The Center is an all-inclusive centralized Community Center offering resources, support, social opportunities, education and referrals to all LGBT and ally people in Muskegon, Kent, Oceana, Mason, Newaygo and Ottaway counties regardless of ethnic background, race, age, religious affiliation, political affiliation and social economic status. The Center offers a 24-hour emergency service line, an outreach program reaching local high schools, and hosts an array of services including suicide prevention
and anti-bullying, drug and alcohol abuse, life planning, recovery, support groups for cis and transgender LGBT individuals and the aging communities. The Center is home to Safe Harbor Ministries where Rev. Robert Teszlewicz, the Center’s first executive director, is able to link with churches and community organizations to educate them regarding LGBT issues. Website: http://thecentermuskegon.org Email: lgbtssmc@gmail.com The Center 402 Center St., Suite A North Muskegon, MI 49445. Phone: 231-747-8329
ADOPTION SERVICES Family Service & Children’s Aid 330 W. Michigan Ave. Jackson, Mic 49201
Allegan County Health Department
Community Health Outreach Workers
Health Emergency Lifeline Programs
Cindy Stiles, R.N.
220 Bagley, Ste 740
1726 Howard St.
3255 122nd Ave., Ste. 200
Detroit, MI 48226
Detroit, MI 48216
Allegan, MI 49010
www.Strong-Families.org 517-787-7920 Assisting Michigan families through equal opportuntity counseling, foster care, adoption, community and school based programs, substance abuse treatment and other services for children and families.
Hands Across The Water 781 Avis Dr., Ste. 200 Ann Arbor, MI 48108 Monroe Office 20 W Fifth Street Ste. 104 Monroe, MI 48131 Mount Clemens Office S. Main Street Ste. 103B Mount Clemens, MI 48043 info@hatw.org
www.allegancounty.org 269-686-5424 fax 269-673-2163 Free Confidential/anonymous HIV testing by appointment. STD screening and treatment. Free condoms and safer sex tools/education. We never turn any one away due to their lack of ability to pay.
Am-Indian Health & Family Services of SE Michigan P.O. Box 810 Dearborn, MI 48121 313-846-3719
Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services (ACCESS)
www.hatw.org 734-477-0135
6450 Maple Dearborn, MI 48126
See our ad on page 113
AIDS/HIV HOTLINES CDC National Prevention Information Network 800-458-5231
Michigan HIV/STD Hotline AIDS Partnership Michigan Detroit, MI 48207 tollfree 800-872-2437
www.accesscommunity.org 313-216-2235 313-216-2231 Offering Free and low cost STD screening and treatment, Comprehensive HIV care services, including case management, primary care, with on site pharmacy. Arabic speaking staff, Pharmacy accepts ADAP, Clinic accepts private insurance and Ryan White.
Cabrini Clinic Sister Mary Ellen Howard 1234 Porter St. Detroit, MI 48226 313-961-7863
AIDS/HIV ORGANIZATIONS AIDS Action Council 1906 Sunderland Place NW Washington, DC 20036 aidsaction@aidsaction.org www.aidsaction.org 202-530-8030
AIDS Committee Of Windsor Michele Sharp, Exec. Dir. David Lenz, Director of Resource Development 511 Pelissier St Windsor ONT., CAN N9A 4L2 admin@aidswindsor.org www.aidswindsor.com tollfree 800-265-4858 519-973-0222 The AIDS Committee of Windsor provides client advocacy, support, harm reduction, health promotion and education services for people at risk of, living with, or affected by HIV/AIDS in Windsor-Essex and Chatham-Kent.
CARES (Community AIDS Resource and Education Services) Pioneer Bldg. 629 Pioneer St. Ste. 200 Kalamazoo, MI 49008 Vincent Bldg. 185 E. Main St. Ste. 604 Benton Harbor, MI 49022 info@CARESswm.org www.CARESswm.org tollfree 800-944-2437 Kalamazoo 269-381-2437 tollfree 800-663-2437 Benton Harbor CARES provides community education to prevent HIV, free HIV testing and assistance for people living with HIV. Offices are located in Kalamazoo and Benton Harbor.
CDC National Prevention Information Network P. O. Box 6003 Rockville, MD 20849-6003
AIDS Walk Detroit P.O. Box 1618, Royal Oak, MI 48068 info@aidswalkdetroit.org
Hearth Home Jimmie Burkhead 732 Hoyt St. (we are located just a few blocks behind St. Mary’s of Saginaw)
320 E. Canfield St.
Saginaw, MI 48607
Detroit, MI 48201
989-753-9011 office 989-295-8223 We provide HIV testing and counseling free of charge. We have LGBT and LGBT friendly staff. Overall it’s a nice confidential place to get services.
www.lib.wayne.edu/dcal 313-577-6666 fax 313-577-6668 Gateway to HIV/AIDS Information for Detroit and Southeastern Michigan.
Hemophilia Foundation 1921 W. Michigan Ave.
Detroit Department of Health and Wellness Promotion - HIV/AIDS PROGRAMS Patrick Yankee, Dir. 1600 W. Lafayette, 2nd Floor Detroit, MI 48216 www.ci.detroit.mi.us 313-876-4204 The HIV/AIDS Program administers federal and state funds which provide services to persons living with HIV including medical care, social services, and housing assistance in Wayne, Oakland, Macomb, St. Clair, Lapeer and Monroe counties.
Detroit Hispanic Development Corp.
Ypsilanti, MI 48197 www.hfmich.org tollfree 800-482-3041
Henry Ford Hospital Division of Infectious Diseases 2799 W. Grand Blvd. Detroit, MI 48202 www.henryford.com 313-876-2556
Grand Rapids Red Project 343 Atlas SE Grand Rapids, MI 49506 hasinc@hasinc.org http://redproject.org/ 616-456-9063 HAS offers prevention services to at-risk communities and a harm reduction/needle exchange program for injecting drug users.
1211 Trumbull
Horizons Project
Detroit, MI 48216
Wayne State University School of Medicine Childrens Hospital of Michigan
www.dhdc1.org 313-967-4880
Detroit Lighthouse Program 3800 Woodward Ave., Ste. 400 Detroit, MI 48201 dlhp@pnlh.org 313-832-1300 Comprehensive nursing-based substance abuse counseling. Housing available while participating in treatment.
Genesee County Health Department Primary Care Clinic
3127 E. Canfield St. Detroit, MI 48207 www.peds.med.wayne.edu/horizons 313-924-9493 Care and Prevention services for HIV + youth ages 13 to 24.
Kalamazoo County Health & Community Services 3299 Gull Rd. G-9 P. O. Box 42 Nazareth, MI 49074 www.kalcounty.com 269-373-5208
Sandra Manssur FNP, BC 630 S. Saginaw St., Ste. 4
Lansing Area AIDS Network
Flint, MI 48502 smanssur@gchd.us www.gchd.us 810-257-3621 cell 810-280-5775 Genesee County Health Department has opened up a primary care clinic. We are affiliated with Wellness Services. The clinic is open to anyone but we are focused on promoting services to LGBT+ and HIV+ patients. I do prescribe hormones and PrEP.
913 W. Holmes Rd., Ste. 115 Lansing, MI 48910 http://www.laanonline.org 517-394-3719 fax 517-394-1298
Mariners Inn 445 Ledyard St. Detroit, MI 48201
207 E. Fulton, 3rd Flr.
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Community Health Awareness Group
1300 W. Fort St.
We provide transportation to medical appts. of need and deliver food to persons living with HIV/AIDS.
Detroit, MI 48226
Mazurek Medical Educations Commons
Lisa Mitchell 800-458-5231
AIDS Foundation of Chicago 312-922-2322
Wayne State University Shiffman Medical Library
GRACE/AIDS Care Network
info@cdcnpin.org www.cdcnpin.org
200 W. Jackson Blvd, Ste. 2200
Detroit Community AIDS Library (DCAL)
See our ad on page 112
Chicago, IL 60607
help@helpoffice.org 313-963-3352
www.chagdetroit.org 313-963-3434
www.aidswalkdetroit.org 248-399-WALK
AIDS/HIV Organizations continued...
Matrix Ryan White HIV/ AIDS Program 120 Parsons Street Detroit, MI 48201 429 Livernois Ferndale, MI 48220 http://www.matrixhumanservices. org/programs/ryanwhite/ tollfree 877-931-3248 office 248-545-1435 Offering service coverage that extends across Wayne, Oakland, Macomb, St. Clair, Monroe and Lapeer counties, the Matrix Ryan White Programís safety net ensures patients are linked and maintained in medical care through medical and community service referrals, mental health therapy, inhome care, case management, and so much more.
Saint Mary’s Health Services Special Immunology and Infectious Disease 310 Lafayette SE, Suite 410 Grand Rapids, MI 49503 http://www.smmmc.org/ clinicalservices/specialty.shtml tollfree 888-800-7010 616-685-8200 Hours: Monday-Thursday 8:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m., Friday 8:30 a.m. - Noon. McAuley’s has been absorbed into the Saint Mary’s Health Care Special Immunology Services. Which it’s goal is to provide care to persons at risk for or living with HIV in west Michigan. Services include: Free HIV testing, counseling and education, community outreach, case management, medical evaluation and treatment, individual and group counseling and housing services.
Michigan Department of Community Health-Division of Health, Wellness, & Disease Control 109 Michigan Ave
Sacred Heart Rehabilitation Center
University of Michigan HIV/AIDS Treatment Program
1106 S. Washington Bay City, MI 48708
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-5378
Lansing, MI 48913 http://www.michigan.gov/mdch 517-241-5900
See our ad on page 115
Michigan Protection and Advocacy Service HIV/AIDS Advocacy Program
The Corner Health Center
Lansing & Marquette,
Ypsilanti, MI 48197
tollfree 800-288-5923 HIV/AIDS Advocacy program (HAAP) provides information and referral, direct advocacy, legal representation, trainings, attorney referral, attorney technical assistance and publication of educational materials.
Young Adult Health Center 47 N. Huron
Tribal Health Services A Community Based Organization Larry Klein, Coordinator
National Episcopal AIDS Coalition
2864 Ashmun St.
520 Clinton Ave.
Sault St. Marie, MI 49783
Brooklyn, NY 11238
906-632-5265 906-322-5844
www.neac.org 718-857-9445
National Minority AIDS Council 1000 Vermont Ave. NW, Ste. 200 Washingon, DC 20005 communications@nmac.org www.nmac.org Provides assistance to minority AIDS organizations.
Oakland County Health Division 1200 N. Telegraph, Building 34 East Pontiac, MI 48341 Oakland County Health Division 27725 Greenfield Southfield, MI 48076 www.oakgov.com/health/ program_service/hiv_control.html 248-858-1280 tollfree 888-350-0990 ext. 85416 Confidential HIV counseling and testing with same day results. Hours-Monday, Noon-8:00pm and Tuesday-Friday, 8:30am-5:00pm
Unified - HIV Health and Beyond Bill VanHemert, MSW, CEO 3011 W. Grand Blvd. Suite 230 Detroit, MI 48202 3075 Clark Rd. #203 Ypsilanti, MI 48197 211 W. Genson St #110 Jackson, MI 49201 info@miunified.org www.miunified.org 313-446-9800 734-572-9355 517-780-3262 Multi-service, multicultural organization providing HIV testing and counseling, prevention and education, case management, behavioral health services and volunteer opportunities. Michigan HIV/STD Hotline 800-8722437. See our ad on page 113
3120 Taubman Center http://www.med.umich.edu/intmed/ infectious/hiv/services.html 734-936-8186 tollfree 888-224-7939
Wellness AIDS Services 311 E. Court St. Flint, MI 48502 Safe Space Drop-In Center 453 S. Saginaw St. Flint, MI 48502 info@wellnessaids.org www.wellnessaids.org 810-232-0888 Prevention and case management services, free HIV rapid testing, free Hep C screenings, free condoms and lube, individual and group level Mental Health services available for HIV positives, free needle exchange program, Safe Space LGBT drop-in center (HIV screenings available at both locations). See our ad on page 114
Wonderful Animals Giving Support (WAGS) 429 Livernois St. Ferndale, MI 48220 info@aidsprevention.org www.aidsprevention.org 248-545-1435
World AIDS Day Detroit 3670 Woodward Ave., #314 Detroit, MI 48201 mcameron@worldaidsdaydetroit.com www.worldaidsdaydetroit.com 313-757-2177
ALZHEIMER’S ASSOCIATION Alzheimer’s Association Michigan Chapter 20300 Civic Center, Ste. 100 Southfield, MI 48076 alz.org/gmc tollfree 800-272-3900 (24 hour hotline) fax 248-351-0417
Humane Society of Huron Valley Placing homeless pets in caring homes and providing low cost vet services
P.O. Box 530104 Livonia, MI 48153
21000 W. 10 Mile Road, A. Alfred Taubman Student Services Center, C404
ANTI-VIOLENCE Equality Michigan 19641 West 7 Mile Rd., Detroit, MI 48219 report@equalitymi.org www.equalitymi.org 1-866-962-1147
ARCHIVES/ COLLECTIONS Michigan State University American Radicalism Collection
734-464-3402 A Male camping club that camps once a month at a predetermined place. A private membership group that is open to gay/bisexual men who like to explore the out-of-doors with other men.
CAMPUS; STUDENT AND ALUMNI GROUPS Alma College Pride, Center for Student Development, Alma LGB Students 614 W. Superior St. Alma, MI 48801 989-463-7225
Southfield, Mic 48075 http://www.LTU.edu/student_affairs/lgbt.asp 248-204-3142
302 Student Services Building Lbgtrc.msu.edu/student-faculty-staff-andalumni-organizations 517-353-9520 fax 517-432-1495 MSU hosts 15+ LGBT graduate, undergraduate, faculty and alumni organizations on campus. See website for organizations’ details.
UC 125, Central Michigan University
441 Student Union
Mount Pleasant, MI 48859
East Lansing, MI 48824-1020
913 S. University Ave., 7th Floor Ann Arbor, MI
lib.umich.edu/labadie-collection 734-764-9377
Cornell University Human Sexuality Collection 2B Carl A. Kroch Library Ithaca, NY rmc.library.cornell.edu/HSC 607-255-3530
University of Michigan Bentley Historical Library 1150 Beal Ave. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 bentley.umich.edu 734-764-3482
Outlook.nmu.edu 906-227-1554
Oakland University Gender & Sexuality Center Grace Wojcik Rochester, MI 48309 gsc@oakland.edu www.oakland.edu/gsc
Special Collections Library, East Lansing, MI
Facebook: Central Michigan University: Gay and Lesbian Programs
East Lansing, Mic 48824-1113
Michigan State University Alliance of Lesbian-Bi-Gay & Transgendered Students
University of Michigan Labadie Collection
Marquette, Mic 49855
490 Oakland Center
Michigan State University LGBT Resource Center
Central Michigan University - Office of Gay and Lesbian Programs
Northern Michigan University Gay/Lesbian Multicultural Resource Center 1401 Presque Isle Ave.
Lawrence Technological University LGBT Resource Center
http://www.mttc.net/ 734-662-5585 shelter 734-662-4365 vet clinic
1161 Kirkhof Center Allendale, MI 49401 www.gvsu.edu/lgbtrc
Male Tent and Trailer Campers
3100 Cherry Hill Rd. Ann Arbor, MI 48105 www.hshv.org
GVSU LGBT Resource Center
Speaking Out Loud Saginaw Valley State University, Student Life Center, 7400 Bay Road Saginaw, Mic 48710 ajnorthr@svsu.edu Facebook.com/groups/speakingoutloud/ Acting as an advocate/educator of LGBT issues/concerns and shed light on topics at local, state, national, and global levels. Events and activities range from hosting information tables, to bringing in speakers that talk on LGBT topics.
MSU GLBT Alumni Association P.O. Box 6182 East Lansing, MI 48826
Eastern Michigan University, LGBT Resource Center
glbtalum@msu.edu www.msu.edu/~glbtalum
Mary Larkin, Director 354 EMU Student Center Ypsilanti, MI 48197 lgbtrc@emich.edu www.emich.edu/lgbtrc 734-487-4149
GLOBE (Gay, Lesbian or Bisexual Equity) Hope College Lesbian and Gay Student Union
Wayne State University Walter P. Reuther Library 5401 Cass Ave. Detroit, MI 48202 reuther.wayne.edu 313-577-4024
Grand Rapids Community College StandOut rallingt@grcc.edu
Campus; Student and Alumni Groups continued...
University of Michigan - Division of Student Affairs Spectrum Center 3200 Michigan Union - 530 S. State St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1308 spectrumcenter@umich.edu http://spectrumcenter.umich.edu 734-763-4186
University of Michigan - Dearborn, LGBTQ Inclusion Initiatives
Sing Out Detroit Chorus P.O. Box 510822 Livonia, MI 48151 lindacbrin@gmail.com singoutdetroit.org 248-943-2411 Sing Out Detroit is a 40+ member chorus for LGBT and Allies. To join as a singing member, you must be able to match pitches and pass a simple voice test. We welcome non-singing members to help out behind the scenes! Go to singoutdetroit.org and click the “Contact Us” tab.
OutLoud Chorus LGBT Mixed Chorus PO Box 7107 Ann Arbor, MI 48107 OutLoudChorus@gmail.com
Caitlynn Smith, Coordinator University Center, 4901 Evergreen Rd. Dearborn, MI 48128-1491 jonalars@umd.umich.edu umd.umich.edu/lgbtqa 313-593-5390
See our ad on page 115
P.O. Box 150194
University of Michigan - Flint Ellen Bommarito LGBT Center
734-265-0740 Concert dates on the website. Practice 7:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. every Monday in Ann Arbor at Trinity Lutheran Church,1400 W. Stadium.
West Michigan Gay Men’s Chorus
Kalamazoo Gay Lesbian Resource Center
Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians & Gays (PFLAG) National Office
629 Pioneer Street, Suite 102 Kalamazoo, MI 49008 contact@kglrc.org www.kglrc.org 269-349-4234 fax 269-349-7490
Washington, DC 20036
We offer: LGBT Youth Group, Transgender Support Group, Resource library of over 3,000 lgbt items, LGBT friendly health provider and other professional referrals. Workplace diversity training, Speaker Panels, Community activities and events.
Karibu House Community Center for LGBT Persons of Color 313-865-2170, ext. 3 Cosponsor of co-gender rap sessions for LGBTs of color.
Grand Rapids, MI 49515-0194
The Center (LGBT Support Services)
402 Center St., Ste. A
N. Muskegon, MI 49445 lgbtssmc@gmail.com
Flint, Mic 48502-1950
http://thecentermuskegon.org/ 231-747-8329 Offers resources, support, social opportunities, education and referrals to people from all sexual orientations, gender identities and gender expressions.
Western Michigan University, Office of LBGT Student Services Jennifer Hsu, Coordinator 3504/3506 Faunce Kalamazoo, MI 49008-5326 lbgt-coordinator@wmich.edu www.wmich.edu/lgbt 269-387-2123 Offering education and advocacy to the campus community.
CANCER SUPPORT GROUPS Gilda’s Club Grand Rapids 1806 Bridge St. NW Grand Rapids, MI 49504 616-453-8300
Gilda’s Club Metro Detroit Michelle Warren 3517 Rochester Rd. Royal Oak, MI 48073 mwarren@gildasclubdetroit.org www.gildasclubdetroit.org 248-577-0800
CHORUS Detroit Together Men’s Chorus 2441 Pinecrest
Affirmations Metro Detroit’s community center for lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender people and their allies. 290 W. 9 Mile Rd. Ferndale, MI 48220 info@GoAffirmatrions.org www.GoAffirmations.org 248-398-7105 800-398-GAYS (4297) Affirmations is the community center for LGBT people and their allies serving the Detroit region. Programs & activities include: Arts & Cultural events, civic engagement, family fun activities, health services, HIV/AIDS prevention, older adult support, social and recreational activities, sports & fitness programs, support & discussion groups, workshops & seminars and youth groups. Resources offered: Art Gallery, cybercenter & cafe, game room, LGBT-Friendly Health Care Provider Referral Network, media center & library, meeting rooms, speakers bureau, toll-free Helpline, training & education.
6600 W. Maple Rd.
Grand Rapids, MI 49506 www.grpride.org 616-458-3500 616-458-3511
OutCenter 132 Water St. Benton Harbor, MI 49022 Info@outcenter.org 269-925-8330 fax 269-925-8330 Seeking to provide support and advocacy for respect, understanding and nondiscrimination to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and allied persons and their families in Berrien County.
FAMILIES AND PARENTS Coalition for Adoption Rights Equality, Inc. (CARE)
Ferndale, MI 48220
Jim Toy Community Center
www.dtmc.org 248-544-3872
Grand Rapids Women’s Chorus Welcoming new members! P.O. Box 68486 Grand Rapids, MI 49516 info@grwc.org www.grwc.org 616-459-2655
319 Braun Ct. Ann Arbor, MI 48104 info@jimtoycenter.org www.jimtoycenter.org 734-995-9867 The Jim Toy Community Center exists to provide information, education, social events and advocacy by and for the Queer and Ally Community in the Washtenaw County area. We welcome all who support this mission to participate in our activities.
Ann Arbor, MI 48107 president@pflagaa.org www.flagaa.org 734-741-0659
PFLAG Tri-Cities (Bay City/ Saginaw/Midland) P. O. Box 362 Bay City, MI 48707-0362 pflag@pflag-mbs.org www.pflag-mbs.org 989-941-1458 Offers support, education and advocacy for families, friends and LGBT individuals.
35127 Garfield Clinton Township, MI 48035 pflag.ct@gmail.com http://www.pflagct.org/ 586-296-8760
P.O. Box 1169 Royal Oak, MI 48068-1169 Lutheran Church Of The Master 3333 Coolidge Hwy Troy, MI 48084 genoffice@pflagdetroit.org www.pflagdetroit.org 248-656-2875 Keeping Families Together
PFLAG Family Reunion Detroit 1635 Edison St. Detroit, MI 48231 info@pflag-fr-detroit.org www.pflag-fr-detroit.org 313-286-8572
PFLAG Fenton
Family Equality Council
P.O. Box 534 Fenton , MI 48430 http://pflagfenton.org/?page_id=2 810-373-5243
PFLAG Genesee County
Washington , DC 20036
2474 South Ballenger Hwy
Flint, MI 48507-1301
PFLAG Ann Arbor P.O. Box 7471
P.O. Box 2784
1050 17th St. NW, Ste. 600
W. Bloomfield, MI 48322
202-467-8180 National Office
PFLAG Detroit
345 Atlas Ave. SE
Jewish Community Center of Metropolitan Detroit
Grand Rapids Pride Center
Ann Arbor, MI 48106
See our ad on page 117
info @pflag.org
PFLAG Clinton Township
365 University Center, 303 S. Saginaw St. Umflint.edu/lgbt
1828 L St. NW, Ste. 660
Grand Rapids Alternative Families social support for LGBT parents, their children and allies graltfamilies@aol.com http://groups.yahoo.com/group/graltfamilies
Lesbian Mom’s Network P.O. Box 2113 Ann Arbor, MI 48106-2113
pflagflint@yahoo.com www.pflagflint.com 810-496-8302
PFLAG - Holland/Lakeshore P.O. Box 1246 Holland, MI 49422-1246 pflaghols@juno.com www.lakeshore.org 616-399-2161 616-494-0765 meets the third Friday of every month from 7pm to 9pm at Grace Episcopal Church in Holland
LMNmembership@yahoo.com www.lmnetwork.org
Families and Parents continued...
PFLAG Jackson P.O. Box 4065, Jackson, MI 49204 pflag_jackson@yahoo.com www.community.pflag.org/jacksonmichigan 517-750-3045
The Forum Foundation P.O. Box 3073 Center Line, MI 48015 jdidonato9932@comcast.net www.theforumfoundation.org 586-573-9932 fax 586-573-4895 An endowed foundation for the purpose of granting scholarships to LGBT students in Michigan.
PFLAG Lansing P.O. Box 35 Okemos, MI 48805 pflaglans@aol.com 517-332-4550
Funders for LGBTQ Issues
PFLAG Lenawee Siena Heights University, 1247 E. Siena Heights Dr., Adrian, Mic 49221
info@lgbtfunders.org www.lgbtfunders.org 212-475-2930
PFLAGLenawee@gmail.com Meets third Sunday of every month.
Funding Exchange/OUT Fund for Lesbian & Gay Liberation
PFLAG Livingston County
666 Broadway, Ste. 500
P.O. Box 2116
New York, NY 10012
Howell , MI 48844
info@fex.org 212-529-5300
The Gill Foundation
3rd Thursday of Every Month 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm First United Methodist Church 400 E. Grand River Brighton, MI
2215 Market St.
PFLAG Traverse City
Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan 333 W. Fort St., Ste. 2010 Detroit, MI 48226 http://cfsem.org/hope-fund 313-961-6675
Denver, CO 80205 www.gillfoundation.org 303-292-4455
The HOPE Fund
1022 E. Front St. Traverse City, MI 49686 tollfree 800-442-7315
Rainbow Families Great Lakes (RFGL)
A fund of the Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan, The HOPE Fund is dedicated to funding LGBT projects in the seven county region of southeast Michigan.
PO Box 457, Douglas, MI info@rfgl.org www.rfgl.org
The Arcus Foundation
Affirmations Helpline
44 W. 28th St., 17th Fl.
800-398-GAYS (4297) Affirmations Helpline provides peer counseling, information and referral for people who are LGBT, questioning, and allies.
New York, NY contact@arcusfoundation.org www.arcusfoundation.org 212-488-3000 Kalamazoo, MI 49007
Common Ground Sanctuary
1410 S. Telegraph Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302 269-373-4373
The Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice 116 E. Sixteenth St., 7th Floor
Flint Crisis Line 810-257-3740
Michigan Department of Community Health Cancer Hotline 800-922-MAMM(6266)
Transgender Michigan Help Line Rachel Crandall
Community Foundation for SE Michigan Mariam Noland, Pres. Detroit, MI 48226 cfsm@cfsem.org www.cfsem.org 313-961-6675
23211 Woodward Ave. #309
www.uaw.org 313-926-5000 The UAW is one of the nationĂs most diverse unions, representing workers in manufacturing, health care, higher education, gaming, public service and other sectors. It is a union with a long, proud history of fighting for equality and social justice for all.
Jay Kaplan, LGBT Staff Attorney 2966 Woodward Ave. Detroit, MI 48201 kaplan@aclumich.org www.aclumich.org 313-578-6800 See our ad on page 25
Lambda Legal Defense & Education Fund, Midwest Regional Office
Michigan State University Museum the science and culture museum at MSU 409 W. Circle Dr. East Lansing, MI 48824 pr@museum.msu.edu museum.msu.edu 517-884-6897 The MSU Museum is the science and culture museum at Michigan State University and the state’s first Smithsonian Institution affiliate. The MSU Museum features three floors and 15 galleries and changing exhibit spaces with collections and research, new and recent acquisitions, MSU faculty and student work, and traveling exhibitions.
MUSIC GROUPS Equality Band of Michigan East Lansing, MI equalitybandmi@gmail.com http://equalitybandofmichigan.com cell 517-525-1732 The Equality Band of Michigan is a band compromised of musicians from across the state who support equality for LGBT citizens. WE perform at Pride events across the state. We are open to all skill level; no auditions are required.
11 E. Adams Ste. 1008
American Civil Liberties Union, Lesbian and Gay Project
Chicago, IL 60603
125 Broad St.
312-663-4413 ext. 31 Committed to full recognition of the civil rights of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, the transgendered, and people living with HIV/AIDS through test-case litigation, education and public policy work.
New York, NY 10004
Neighborhood Legal Services of Michigan
440 E. Congress, Ste. 350 Detroit, MI 48226 313-874-5820
MUSEUM Charles H. Wright Museum of African-American History
www.charleshwrightmuseum.org 313-494-5800
Detroit Institute of Arts
www.aclu.org tollfree 888-567-ACLU
Equality Forum Equality Forum is a national and international GLBT civil rights organization with an educational focus. Equality Forum coordinates GLBT History Month, produces documentary films, undertakes high impact initiatives and presents the largest annual international GLBT civil rights summit.
Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund 1133 15th St. NW Ste. 350 Washington, DC 20005 victory1@victoryfund.org www.victoryfund.org 202-842-8679 A donor network committed to electing openly gay and lesbian candidates to public office.
Gay and Lesbian Medical Association 459 Fulton St., Ste. 107 San Francisco, CA 94102
5200 Woodward Ave. Detroit, MI 48202
pmarcil@dia.org www.dia.org 313-833-7900
Ferndale, MI 48220 www.transgendermichigan.org/help-line.html 855-345-TGMI 855-345-8464
333 W. Fort St., Ste. 2010
8000 E. Jefferson Ave. Detroit, Mic 48214
Detroit, MI 48201-1443
212-529-8021 The Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice works for social, racial and economic justice in the U.S. and internationally. Our grantmaking and philanthropic advocacy programs help lesbians and allied communities challenge oppression and claim their human rights.
United Auto Workers UAW
315 East Warren Ave.
Crisis information and referral.
New York, NY 10003 www.astaeafoundation.org
402 East Michigan Ave.
Alcoholic Anonymous
23-31 31St. Dr. #4B, Astoria, NY 11106
American Civil Liberties Union of Michigan
Kalamazoo Institute of Arts 314 S. Park St. Kalamazoo, MI 49007 www.kiarts.org
Unite Here - Fair Hotel
116 E. 16th St., 7th Fl. New York, NY 10003
Flint Institute Of Arts 1120 E. Kearsley St. Flint, MI 48503 www.flintarts.org 810-234-1695
www.glma.org 415-255-4547
Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network National 90 Broad St. 2nd floor New York, NY 10004 www.glsen.org 212-727-0135
GenderPac gpac@gpac.org Gender, affectional and racial equality.
LAHR-PAC (Lansing Association for Human Rights Political Action Committee)
Suits And The City
Central United Methodist Church
Lansing, MI
23 East Adams
Detroit, MI 48203
P.O. Box 16014
Human Rights Campaign
Lansing, MI 48901-6014
Chad Griffin, President
1640 Rhode Island Ave. NW
http://www.facebook.com/group. php?gid=130790286942567
Washington, DC 20036 hrc@hrc.org www.hrc.org 202-216-1500 PAC contributes to congressional candidates; lobby fights for GLBT rights in Congress.
Libertarians for Gay and Lesbian Concerns P.O. Box 447 Chelsea, MI 48118
Suits And The City is greater Lansing’s premier association of Gay and Lesbian Professionals! *Participate in monthly after work Events *Network to generate business contacts *Meet new people in pleasant social setting *Enjoy stimulating conversation Learn more at www.SuitsAndTheCity.com
Ties Like Me
Immigration Equality
Pro-Choice Advocates
40 Exchange Place, Ste. 1705
P.O. Box 6872, Grand Rapids, MI 49516 616-954-2555
New York, NY 10005 info@immigrationequality.org www.immigrationequality.org 212-714-2904
Log Cabin Republicans
Professional networking group in southeast Michigan. Meetings are every third Wednesday at various locations throughout Southeast Michigan from 5:30 to 8:00pm.
Washington, DC 20006 info@logcabin.org
Kevin Heard
American Friends Service Committee
Detroit , MI
1414 Hill St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
We represent the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, + Ally Business Community in Southeastern Michigan. Our chamber believes accepting diversity creates a wealth of knowledge. Recognizing our differences can organically create innovations in enterprise. Connecting our LGBT members to a strong base of ally partners and corporate support; we provide stellar opportunities for all businesses in the region. Contact us to join today!
https://afsc.org/office/ann-arbor-mi 734-761-8283
Comerica LGBT Affinity Group
www.logcabin.org 202-347-5306
National Black Justice Coalition P.O. Box 71395 Washington, D.C 20024 info@nbjc.org www.nbjc.org 202-319-1552
National Center for Lesbian Rights 870 Market St., Ste. 570
Ann Arbor, MI
San Francisco, CA 94102
https://www.comerica.com/Pages/default. aspx
info@nclrights.org 415-392-6257 tollfree 800-528-NCLR (6257)
Ann Arbor Friends Meeting 1420 Hill St. Ann Arbor, MI 48104 admin@annarborfriends.org
Birmingham Temple
1420 K Street NW, Ste. 400 Washington, DC 20005 info@llego.org 202-408-5380
People for the American Way
http://fordglobe.org Ford GLOBE’s mission is to foster an inclusive and supportive atmosphere within Ford for LGBT persons and their allies.
pfaw@pfaw.org www.pfaw.org 202-467-4999
Community of Christ the Good Shepherd A progressive Independent Catholic faith community 22331 Woodward Ave. Ferndale, MI 48220 frcharlesblanchard@gmail.com http://www.ferndalecgs.com/ 248-677-5700
Carriage Town Tabernacle
Oak Park, MI 48237
Christopher Wellington
321 University
Flint, MI 48503
248-823-7115 Shabbat service schedule; Mondry Building is barrier free. Attire is casual.
pastor@ctflint.com www.ctflint.com 810-259-2376 Carriage Town Tabernacle (CT Flint) is a new work extending the love of Jesus to ALL. We answer the question, can you be gay and Christian ... YES!
121 W. 27 St., Ste. 804 New York, NY 10001 www.glsen.org 212-727-0135
Washington, DC 20036
www.christthekingcatholicdetroit.org 313-532-1211 Join us for 10:00 am Sunday Mass. You are welcome.
Mondry Bldg., 15000 W 10 Mile
2000 M Street NW, #400
Detroit, MI 48219
Congregation T’chiyah
Farmington Hills, MI 48334
GLSEN National
16805 Pierson
See our ad on page 121
Rabbi Tamara Kolton
PMB #187 26300 Ford Rd. Dearborn Hts., MI 48127
National Latina/o Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Organization (LLEGO)
See our ad on this page
28611 W. Twelve Mile Rd.
Senior Pastor Dr. Robert Cornwall Associate Pastor Rev. Rick Modglin-Green 3955 W. Big Beaver Rd. Troy, MI 48084 www.centralwoodward.org 248-644-0512
Christ the King Catholic Church
Detroit Regional LGBT Chamber of Commerce
1901 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Ste. 902
Central Woodward Christian Church
Cathedral Church Of St. Paul
GLSEN Southeast Michigan
4800 Woodward Ave.
429 Livernois St.
Detroit, MI 48201
Ferndale, MI 48220
Congregation Shir Tikvah Rabbi Arnie Sleutelberg 3900 Northfield Pkwy. Troy, MI 48084
248-649-4418 x 55
glsensemi@gmail.com http://glsen.org/chapters/southeastmichigan (248) 716-0106 fax (248) 932-2949
GM PLUS - General Motors LGBT & Ally Employee Resource Group
Equality Michigan 19641 West 7 Mile Rd. Detroit, MI 48219 info@equalitymi.org www.equalitymi.org 313-537-7000 We work to achieve full equality and respect for all people in the state of Michigan regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.
Michael Tew, Director Equality Research Center 124 Quirk, Eastern Michigan University Ypsilanti, MI www.emich.edu/equality 734-487-3032
P.O. Box 446 Royal Oak, MI 48068-0446 GM.PLUS.ERG@gmail.com http://gmplus.gm.com (GM intranet only) 248-877-3797 GM PLUS (People Like US) is the affinity group for direct, contract and retired employees of General Motors, its subsidiaries and affiliates, in support of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) workplace equality.
Religious & Spiritual continued...
Fellowship United Methodist Church
Detroit Unity Temple
4050 Coolidge Hwy.
17505 Second Ave., Detroit, MI 48203
Troy, MI 48098
www.gbgm-umc.org/fellowship 248-643-8585 On Coolidge north of Wattles. A diverse and welcoming church with open doors. LGBT welcome.
Dignity Detroit P.O. Box 558 Royal Oak, MI 48068 dignitydetroit78@yahoo.com www.dignitydetroit.org 313-278-4786 Services every Sunday at 6:00 p.m. in the chapel of Marygrove College. Marygrove College is located on West McNichols immediately East of Wyoming. See our ad on page 123
Divine Peace Metropolitan Community Church Rev. Beth Rakestraw, Pastor 1400 Scott Lake Rd., Ste. H Waterford, MI 48328 request@dpmcc.net www.dpmcc.net 248-332-1186 See our ad on page 122
Cathedral of St. Anthony 5247 Sheridan St. Detroit, MI 48213 cathedralst.anthony@yahoo.com http://www. cathedralofstanthonydetroit.org/ 313-279-5561
First Congregational United Church of Christ The Rev. Nicolette L. Siragusa 210 W. Saginaw Hwy. (1/2 mile west of M-100) Grand Ledge, MI 48837 grandledgeucc@aol.com www.ucc.org 517-627-2336 No matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here! We are an Open and Affirming church that seeks to help people draw closer to God by developing a relevant, spiritual, up-lifing faith in an intentionally inclusive congregation.
First Unitarian Universalist Church 4605 Cass Ave. Detroit, MI 48201 info@1stuu.org www.1stuu.org
313-833-9107 First Unitarian Universalist Church of Detroit- a progressive, clear alternative. Looking for sacred space? We support the worth and dignity of every individual. Venue for social, economic and racial justice initiatives, programs, concerts.
First Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Ann Arbor Rev. Gail R. Geisenhainer, Senior Minister 4001 Ann Arbor-Saline Rd. Ann Arbor, MI 48103-8739 office@uuaa.org uuaa.org 734-665-6158
First United Methodist Church
See our ad on page 121
57 Southbound Gratiot
Edgewood United Church, United Church of Christ
Mt. Clemens, MI 48043 www.mountclemensumc.org 586-468-6464
Full Truth Fellowship Of Christ Church
469 N. Hagadorn Rd. E. Lansing, MI 48823 www.edgewooducc.org 517-332-8693
Rev. Ronchele Andres, Senior Pastor
No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey you are welcome here.
313-459-3033 Sunday Morning worship 11:30 a.m.; Thursday Bible study 6:30 p.m.; Friday Choir Rehearsal 7:00 p.m.
Emerson Church Unitarian Universalist
Gays in Faith Together
4230 Livernois
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Troy, MI 48085
248-524-9339 Emerson Church Unitarian Universalist, a small and growing church, values community, diversity and independent thinking. Supportive of GLBT individuals and their families, it teaches respect for all people and all religions. Visit. Find a spiritual home.
616-774-0446 Dedicated to working toward the affirmation of LGBT persons in the faith communities of West Michigan.
Episcopal Church of the Incarnation
207 East Fulton Street
3257 Lohr Rd
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
4458 Joy Rd. Detroit, MI 48204
207 East Fulton
GIFT - “Gay Christian? Yes!” Campaign Grand Rapids, MI 49503
www.ecincarnation.org 734-769-7900
Evangelicals Concerned
Gods Agape Love put Into Practice
P.O. Box 6011
Grand Rapids, MI 49516
National online network of welcoming gay friendly churches and resources.
Religious & Spiritual continued...
Grosse Pointe Congregational Church 240 Chalfonte Ave. Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236 www.gpcong.org 313-884-3075 See our ad on page 123
Grosse Pointe Unitarian Church Dr. Alex Reigel - Minister 17150 Maumee Ave. Grosse Pointe, MI 48230 gpuc@gpuc.us www.gpuuc.org 313-881-0420 Radical inclusivity
Jewish Gay Network info@jgnmi.org, www.jgnmi.org
Journey of Faith Christian Church
Metropolitan Community Church of Detroit
Phoenix Community Church United Church of Christ
Renaissance Unity Spiritual Center
2208 Winchell Ave.
11200 E 11 Mile Rd, Warren, MI 48089
Kalamazoo, MI 49008
Rev. Dr. Roland Stringfellow Pastor Rev. Deb Cox Associate Pastor P.O. Box 836 Royal Oak, MI 48068-0836 mccdetroit@gmail.com www.mccdetroit.org office 248-399-7741
www.phoenixchurch.org 269-383-3222 We are an open and affirming progressive Christian congregation. We worship every Sunday 6:00 p.m. at Christian Church, 2208 Winchell Ave., Kalamazoo.
586-353-2300 fax 586-758-1159 Renaissance Unity is an inclusive spiritual community that celebrates and honors all people and all paths to God. We are dedicated to living spiritual principles that transform lives and the world.
Plymouth Congregational Church
The Rev. Dr. Susan E. McGarry
A Christian denomination celebrating 40 years of service to the LGBT community. Services each Sunday at 11 a.m., midweek connection groups, choir practice and various social events meeting at Drayton Ave. Presbyterian Church’s chapel, 2441 Pinecrest, Ferndale. Chartered church of the Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches.
4010 Kalamazoo Ave. SE Grand Rapids, Mic 616-455-4260
See our ad on page 120
Metropolitan Community Church of Flint
1900 Manchester Road Ann Arbor, MI 48104 jofdisciples@gmail.com www.a2disciples.org 734-971-4245
Rev. Steph Maxson
See our ad on page 121
Rev. Martha Daniels
2474 S. Ballenger Highway, Flint, MI 48507
Metropolitan Community Church of Windsor 1728 Lincoln Rd. , Windsor, ON N8W 2P7 info@mccwindsor.org
Lord of Light Lutheran Church/ Lutheran Campus Ministry for UofM 801 S. Forest Ann Arbor, MI 48104 www.lordoflight.org 734-668-7622
http://www.mccwindsor.org/ 519-977-6897 Worship every Sunday at 1:30 p.m. at Westminster United Church on the corner of Dougall & Tecumseh.
Northern Michigan Ministers Rev. Ken & Judy Grimes
St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, 540 W. Lewiston Ave. Ferndale, Mic PraiseFCC.org 586-201-7884 “A Spirit-Led, Open & Affirming Christian Church”. Worship is Sunday 7:00 PM at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church
Rainbow Crossing - First United Methodist Church of Ann Arbor
1679 Broadway St., Ann Arbor, MI 48105 nam.ministries@sbcglobal.net www.staidan.org 734-663-5503 St. Aidan’s was the first Episcopal Church to hire an out Lesbian (or Gay man) as their rector (head priest) in the Diocese of Michigan (SE Michigan). It is very LGBT friendly, has programs for children, and a 5 acre Wildlife Habitat.
St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church 306 N. Division St. Ann Arbor, MI 48104 www.standrewsaa.org 734-930-0056
St. Clare’s Episcopal Church Rev. Beth Scriven 2309 Packard Rd. Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Pastors Doug Paterson, Bob Roth, & Nancy Lynn
120 S. State St.
Sundays, 7:45 a.m., 10:00 a.m.
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
St John’s Episcopal Church
Green Wood - Saturdays
Rev. Beth Taylor
1001 Green Rd.
26998 Woodward
Ann Arbor, MI
Royal Oak, MI 48067
www.stjohnro.org 248-546-1255
Rainbow Crossing meets on 4th Sunday @ 3:30 PM
St. Lukes Episcopal Church
715 E. Deerlake Rd. Boyne City, MI 49712 kenandjudygrimes@aol.com 231-582-2908
Northside Presbyterian Church Rev. Brooke Pickrell
Reconciliation Metropolitan Community Church
120 N. Huron
3864 Benjamin, NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49525
Ypsilanti, MI 48197
www.reconciliationmcc.org 616-364-7633
1679 Broadway St.
St. Luke’s Episcopal Church
Ann Arbor, MI 48105
540 W. Lewiston
Ferndale, Mic 48220 www.StLukesFerndale.org
www.northsidepres.org 734-663-5503
Praise Fellowship Christian Church
St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church
248-543-5900 The Episcopal Church welcomes and celebrates the ministries of all people, regardless of gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, marital status, social class or age.
St. Paul United Church of Christ An Open and Affirming Congregation 31654 Mound Rd. Warren, MI 48092 stpauluccwarren@gmail.com www.stpauluccwarren.com 586-264-4777
Unity Chapel
14951 Northline Rd. Southgate, MI 48195 734-285-7722
Unity of Royal Oak
22 Edison
Royal Oak, Mi 48073
Ann Arbor, MI 48105
Detroit, MI 48202
http://www.med.umich.edu/seniors/ 734-998-9337
25301 Halsted Farmington Hills, MI 48335 info@uufarmington.org www.uufarmington.org 248-478-7272
Whosoever Ministry
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
Rev Dr. Selma Massey, Pastor 2930 Woodward Ave. Ecumenical Theological Seminary Detroit, MI 48201 doctorselma@msn.com www.WhosoeverMinistry.org 313-259-0000 888-770-1322
Sunday services 11:00am.
2309 Packard St
www.templebethemeth.org 734-665-4744
Weddings by appointment Like Us On Facebook
Temple Emanu-El
See our ad on page 122
Rabbi Joseph Klein 14450 W. Ten Mile Rd.
Williamston United Methodist Church
Oak Park, MI 48237 www.emanuel-mich.org 248-967-4020
Theosophical Society
Rev. Julie Greyerbiehl
517-351-4081 We are a Welcoming Congregation offering Sunday worship services, children’s faith development, and classes and groups for adults.
Rochester Hills, MI 48309 shs1215@hotmail.com www.seniorshelpingseniors.com 248-659-8648 Non-medical home care for seniors provided by caring compassionate seniors. An experienced and credible resource of help for older adults who want to stay in their own homes. Our franchise services northern Macomb and Southern St. Clair Counties.
P.O. Box 441562 Detroit, MI 48237 bwmtdetroit@sbcglobal.net 248-219-0772 A Social Organization for all People Singles and Couples Welcomed
Detroit Coalition Against Police Brutality Ron Scott 220 Bagley, Ste. 808, Detroit, MI 48226 detcoalition@sbcglobal.net 313-963-8116
Detroit Latin@z Detroit, Mic Ramagdaleno@gmail.com 734-474-2372 Social organization for metro area latina women. Meets at Affirmations Community Center in Ferndale.
Ferndale Pride 215 W. Troy St., Ste. 2049
1509 East Court St.
Meet monthly at the Jim Toy Community Center in Braun Court. A kink and fetish oriented group for younger kinksters. The group focuses on support, the sharing of information in the form of demonstrations or discussion groups and socializing. Open to all.
Flint, MI 48503
next to Mott Community College
345 Clair Hill Drive
Walt Baraboll
Woodside Church
Rev. Kathryn Bert
Seniors Helping Seniors
Black & White Men Together Detroit
East Lansing, MI 48823
The mission of SAGE Metro Detroit is to build awareness and promotes change so that LGBT older adults may age with dignity and authenticity.
Ferndale, MI 48220
Unitarian Universalist Church of Greater Lansing 855 Grove St.
Ann Arbor , Mic
Ann Arbor, Mic
Kathleen LaTosch, Board Chair 290 W. 9 Mile Rd. Ferndale, MI 48220 sagemetrodetroit@gmail.com www.lgbtolderadults.com 248-398-7105
319 Braun Ct.
Williamston, MI 48895
Bisexual Peer Group
SAGE Metro Detroit
A2 TNG (Next Generation of Kinkster)
211 S. Putnam St.
27745 Woodward Ave. Berkley, MI 48072
Billionaire Boys Club
319 Braun Ct.
Contemporary worship with the Canales Academy on Tuesday evenings at 7 pm, featuring a unique blend of world music rhythms, dance and praise. Call for scheduled dates.
Cantor Ann Z. Rose
2401 Plymouth Rd., Ste. C
Rev. Alex Riegel
Rabbi Robert Levy and Rabbi Lisa Delson
2500 Crooks Rd.
Universalist Unitarian Church of Farmington
Temple Beth Emeth
Hazel Park, MI 48030
Rev. Ric Beattie
Traditional Sunday Worship Services at 9:50 am.
“Wherever You Are On Life’s Journey, You Are Welcome Here”
P.O. Box 471
Janet Hunko, Director
An Open and Affirming Congregation
Free Community Supper First Wednesday of Every Month.
Housing Bureau for Seniors, University of Michigan Health System
Al Gamea
A.L.O.R.D.E. Collective
143 Albany at Woodward
African-American Lesbians Organized to Renew Dignity and Empowerment.
Ferndale, MI 48220
Detroit, MI
ALORDEcollective.gmail.com 313-865-2170, ext. 04
Zion Lutheran Church (ELCA)
www.fernzion.org 248-398-5510
International Mr. Leather, Inc. 5015 N. Clark St. Chicago, IL 60640 info@imrl.com www.imrl.com 773-907-9700 tollfree 800-545-6753 fax 773-907-9797
La Comunidad 429 Livernois St. Ferndale, MI 48220 248-545-1435 fax 248-545-3313
Social/Community Organizations continued...
Lambda Car Club International - Detroit Region P.O. Box 446 Royal Oak, MI 48068-0446 info@LCCDetroit.org www.lccdetroit.org So you thought you were the only LGBT person interested in cars or trucks? You are not alone! The Lambda Car Club has over 2,200 members in 30 Regions across the US and Canada who share the same passion you have for everything automotive. The Detroit Region of LCCI has over 200 members who collects cars of all different eras and types. To learn about LCCI Detroit, visit www.lccdetroit.org. For more information about our national organization, or to join online, go to www.lccmembers.com.
Lansing Association for Human Rights (LAHR) P.O. Box 6565
Michigan Roundtable for Diversity and Inclusion
Urban Institute for Contemporary Arts
Team Detroit Aquatics (swimming)
3031 W. Grand Blvd. Suite 525
GLBT Expressive Arts Program
Jack Butler
Detroit, MI 48202-3025
2 W. Fulton
Team Detroit Aquatics Tailfins
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
616-454-7000 x25 Dance and performance. Monday evenings 5-7pm
Motor City Bears Scott Wood, President
Windsor Pride Community
422 Pelissler Ave
Windsor, ON N9A 4K9 windsorpride@windsorpride.com
Motor City Pride
Equality Michigan 19641 West Seven Mile Road Detroit, MI 48219-2721 www.motorcitypride.org 313-537-7000 fax 313-537-3379
Northern Michigan Pride PO Box Nine
519-973-4656 fax 519-962-9256 Windsor Pride Community is a not-for-profit organization providing programs and services to support the LGBTIQ community in Windsor-Essex, Ontario. We offer a drop-in centre and programs for youth, seniors and parents of gay youth, recreational and social activities and plan educational activities to enlighten the community, including Anti-Homophobia Day and the Windsor Pride Festival, which takes place in August each year.
Traverse City, MI 49685-0009
http://NorthernMichiganPride.org 231-943-5050
GOAL: Get Out And Live! Perceptions
Metro-Detroit Area, MI
P.O. Box 1525, Midland, MI 48641
E. Lansing, MI 48826 president@lahronline.org www.lahronline.org advocacy, social events. Free newsletter with membership. Lansing’s local human rights organization.
Lesbian Lending Library P.O. Box 811 E. Lansing, MI 48826 elsiepub@aol.com www.lesbianconnection.org 517-371-5257
LGBT Detroit The Center in Detroit 41 Burroughs St., Ste. 109 Detroit, MI 48202 detroit@lgbtdetroit.org www.lgbtdetroit.org 313-285-9733 Become a Friend of LGBT Detroit at http://www.lgbtdetroit.org/supportus BrLike Us on http://facebook.com/ LGBTDetroit. BrSupport the historic 21st Anniversary of Hotter Than Julyat www. hotterthanjuly.org BrFind us and place your next order smile.amazon.com See our ad on page 29
Ann Arbor Queer Aquatics
989-891-1429 Perceptions is a non-profit community organization that offers education, advocacy, and networking for its diverse LGBT, their allies and organizations in the community.
Prime Timers Metro Detroit
www.a2qua.com 248-547-2523 734-761-2790
Detroit Derby Girls 37637 Five Mile Rd. Livonia, MI 48154
P. O. Box 1293 Royal Oak, MI 48068-1293 info@PrimeTimersMetroDetroit.org www.PrimeTimersMetroDetroit. org 248-224-0273
The SE Michigan Chapter of Prime Timers Worldwide, an organization whose purpose is to provide mature gay and bisexual men, and their admirers, with opportunities to come together in a supportive atmosphere to enjoy social, educational and recreational activities.
http://www.igbo.org/about/default.cfm 616-604-1989 Our Mission Statement: IGBO, an international gay bowling organization, provides educational services, communication avenues, and social opportunities to promote the sport of bowling and to enrich lives of individuals through leagues and tournaments worldwide.
IGBO (International Gay Bowling Organization)
Metro Detroit Softball League P.O. Box 20215 Ferndale, MI 48220
P.O. Box 69016
Pleasant Ridge, MI 48069
www.mdsl.org 248-545-7527
S.P.I.C.E. Sistahs Providing Intelligence Creativity and Empowerment Detroit, MI 48231 spicewomyn@sbcglobal.net
Motor City Tennis Alliance
S.P.I.C.E. exist to affirm the lives of lesbians of color.
P.O. Box 225
The Scarab Club
Novi, MI 48376
Kalamazoo, MI 49005-1416
Christine Renner, Executive Director
Treena Flannery Ericson, Gallery Director
Michigan Pride, Inc
217 Farnsworth
Michigan Statewide Pride Events
Detroit, MI 48202
Held at the State Capitol
P.O. Box 22086
www.scarabclub.org 313-831-1250
Lansing, MI 48909 pride@michiganpride.org
Southwest Michigan Bears
P.O. Box 2812
Official organizers of the statewide Pride events held at the State Capitol every year.
Grand Rapids, MI 49501-2812
Al-Anon Office of Metro Detroit 26150 Five Mile Rd. Redford, MI 48239 313-242-0300 Open Monday 11 a.m. to 7 p.m., Tues. & Wed. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.. Closed Thursday and Friday.
Alcoholic Anonymous 248-541-6565
Detroit Department of Health & Wellness Promotion Bureau of Substance Abuse Prevention, Treatment & Recovery 1151 Taylor Detroit, MI 48202 tollfree 800-467-2452 detroit tollfree 888-736-0253 statewide To seek help for problems with substance abuse. We provide a wide range of treatment and support services and we’re ready to help. Call 24/7. Call now.
Together We Can P.O. Box 247 Royal Oak, MI 48068 twc@twcdetroit.com www.twcdetroit.com 248-838-9905 The goal of Together We Can is to provide educational opportunities on substance abuse issues to the gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and allied communities.
cell 248-229-9296 The Metro Detroit Gay and Lesbian Softball League is celebrating its 25th season this year. Games are played in Rochester Hills every Sunday from May 2 - August 22. We offer different skill levels for all ball players, whether you are a starter or you tried out for the Detroit Tigers. Visit our website at www.mdsl.org to learn more about the league and get involved today.
P.O. Box 51416
Rainbow Ridge Association
P.O. Box 3064
Michiana Dunes Region Lambda Car Club International
248-568-7820 At Team Detroit Aquatics all levels of adult swimmers (from “cocktail” lane to the advanced swimmer lane) enjoy a supportive swim environment with helpful coaches on deck. Practice at Ferndale Highschool, 8pm, alternating Tuesdays and Fridays each week, see website or face book group for current calendar.
Gender Identity Network Alliance Hannah Hartley, President/Chair Anthony Sherman Ferndale, MI http://www.gna-usa.com/ Creating positive social change supporting all forms of gender identity and expression through charitable, educational, and service works. Established 2005.
Stand With Trans
313-460-3909 Metro Detroit’s GLBT tennis organization, offering league play, drop-in and social events. Hosting National Tournament in August (Annually)
Farmington, MI roz@standwithtrans.org www.standwithtrans.org 248-739-9254 Stand with Trans hopes to bridge the gap from coming out to coming into their own by providing the tools needed by transgender youth so they will be empowered, supported and validated as they transition to their authentic life. See our ad on page 125
Transgender Michigan
23211 Woodward Ave. #309 Ferndale, MI 48220
MEP Alternative High School
Scott Bentas
www.transgendermichigan.org office 800-842-2954 tollfree 855-345-TGMI
Gregory Moore 290 W. Nine Mile Rd. Ferndale, MI 48220
Transgender Detroit
586-382-3317 586-677-5074 An alternative high school offering a safe place for young people to earn their high school diploma.
Detroit, MI www.TransgenderDetroit.org Improving the lives of transgender citizens in the Detroit and Metro Detroit Areas by enlightening the general public with the real life issues surrounding transgender individuals.
Alternatives For Girls 903 W. Grand Blvd. Detroit, MI 48208
UMHS Comprehensive Gender Services Program
2025 Traverwood Dr., Suite A
877-350-4001 tollfree 888-234-3919 fax 313-361-8938 office 313-361-4000 Street outreach and case planning services for transgender and other sex workers. Resource line answered 24 hours/7 days per week; Resource email looked at M-F 9-5.
Ann Arbor, MI 48105 um-cgsp@umich.edu www.med.umich.edu/transgender 734-998-2150 fax 734-998-2152 State of the art health care in a comfortable and respectful atmosphere. Comprehensive Care for individuals and families. Including: primary medical care (including hormones), mental health care, plastic and reconstructive surgery (including GRS) and speech/ language therapy.
Carl Rippberger Youth Services Program 290 W. Nine Mile Rd. Ferndale, MI 48220 info@goaffirmations.org
www.goaffirmations.org 248-398-7105 tollfree 800-398-4297
Planned Parenthood Centers of West and Northern Michigan
Common Ground Sanctuary
425 Cherry St. SE
12295 Washington Youth Outreach Center Royal Oak, MI 48077
Grand Rapids, MI 49503 616-459-3101
Planned Parenthood Mid and South Michigan
www.commongroundhelps.org 248-456-8150
The Corner Health Center Young Adult Health Center RAP Line-Runaway Assistance Program
47 N. Huron
P.O. Box 3673 3100 Professional Dr. Ann Arbor, MI 48106 contact@ppmchoice.com www.plannedparenthood.org/ midsouthmi 734-973-0710
Ypsilanti, MI 48197
GIFT Refuge (Group for High School Students)
629 Pioneer St.
Planned Parenthood of South Central Michigan
207 East Fulton Street
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
4201 W. Michigan Ave.
Kalamazoo, MI 49006
269-349-4234 Meets every Thursday 7 PM. Please call for location.
616-774-0446 GIFT TNT is an affirming, faith-based group for LGBT youth. It meets twice a month for group dialogue, support, education and social events.
www.ppscm.org 269-372-1205 STD Screening/treatment/free HIV tests. Satellite office at 693 Capital Ave SW, Battle Creek MI 49015 and 101 N. Albion, Albion, MI 49224
Sexual Health Services, Planned Parenthood of West and Northern Michigan 3641 Byron Center Ave. SW Wyoming, MI 49519 www.ppwnm.org 616-531-3070 Affordable, quality health care for men and women all ages. Annual physical exams, cancer screenings, contraceptives, educational services, HIV testing, STI testing/treatment, sterilization info/referrals. Stop in for free condoms (three per person per day) at any PPWNM locations!
eclement@cornerhealth.org www.cornerhealth.org 734-484-3600 Walk-in medical services
tollfree 800-292-4517 Teenage runaway crisis line. For teenagers who are questioning their identity, who are suicidal and/or who are thinking of running away from home.
Resource Center Youth Group Kalamazoo, MI 49008
77 Victor St. Highland Park, MI 48203 info@ruthelliscenter.org www.ruthelliscenter.org 313-252-1950 fax 313-865-3372 Ruth Ellis Center provides residential safe space and support services for runaway, homeless and at risk gay,lesbian, biattractional, transgender and questioning youth.
The Trevor Helpline National toll-free 24 hour, 365 day-ayear confidential suicide hotline for gay & questioning teens.
Ozone House Youth and Family Services
www.thetrevorproject.org tollfree 866-488-7386
102 N. Hamiltion St. Ypsilanti, MI 734-662-2265 734-662-2222 PrideZone is a social and support group for youth ages 13-20 who identify as LGBTQ. PrideZone is a safe place to socialize, build community, and access support services.
PLUS - People Like Us LGBT Youth Support Group 343 Atlas Ave SE Grand Rapids, MI 49506 616-458-3511
New Online Resource Available
Ruth Ellis Center
Led by the True Colors Fund and National LGBTQ Task Force, the first-of-itskind online publication offers approaches to supporting youth experiencing homelessness, case studies of successful models, and concrete solutions to ending homelessness among LGBTQ youth. 125
4 Paws Community Center
Community Based Organization 114 A.L.O.R.D.E. Collective 123 A2 TNG (Next Generation of Kinkster) 123 AAC Services Heating, Cooling & Refrigeration 46, 77 Abracadabra Jewelry / Gem Gallery 78 ACCESS 112 ACLU Lesbian and Gay Project 118 Affirmations 116 Affirmations Helpline 118 African-American Lesbians to Renew Dignity & Empowerment. 123 AG Chocolates 60 AIDS Action Council 112 AIDS Committee Of Windsor 112 AIDS Foundation of Chicago 112 AIDS Walk Detroit 112 Al Gamea 123 Al-Anon Office of Metro Detroit 124 Alcoholic Anonymous 118, 124 Alexander, Charles 47 All Around Limos LLC 84 Allegan County Health Department 112 Allstate Insurance 78 Allure Medical Spa 100 Alma College Pride 115 Alpha LifeStyle Center of Birmingham 107 Alternatives For Girls 125 Alzheimer’s Association - Mi Chapter 114 Am-Indian Health & Family Services 112 American Civil Liberties Union of Michigan 118 American Friends Service Committee 119 American Radicalism Collection 115 AmeriPlus Financial 86 Ameritax Plus 46, 102 Amici’s Pizza & Amici’s Living Room 99 Anderson, April 54 Anderson, Mary K., PhD 62 Anderson, Michelle 54 Andiamo Italia Banquet Center 54 Andres, Rev. Ronchele 120 Angelina’s Italian Bistro 99 Animal Haus, Inc. 91 Animal Learning Systems, Inc. 91 Ann Arbor Vistors Bureau 54, 105 Ann Arbor Art Fairs 47 Ann Arbor Civic Theatre 102 Ann Arbor Friends Meeting 119 Ann Arbor Marriott Ypsilanti at Eagle Crest 45 Ann Arbor Queer Aquatics 124 Ann Arbor Symphony Orchestra 102 Antunano, Emilio, MD 93 Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services 112 Arbor Opera Theater 89 Arbor Pointe Veterinary Hospital 105 Arcus Foundation, The 118 Ark, The 60, 102 Art Beats & Eats 47 Art Birmingham 47 Art Moran Buick GMC 50 Ashley’s Flowers 72 Astraea Lesbian Foundation 118 Astrein’s Creative Jewelers 78 Atheneum International Banquet and Conference Center 45, 54 ATS Advisors 46, 72, 102 /aut/Bar 99
& B Pools and Spas B. Ella Bridal Baker, Bruce M., DVM Band-Ayd Events Group Banister, Gerry Baraboll, Walt Barefoot Wine & Bubbly Barson’s Greenhouses Baruch, Kathryn, O.D. Bassett & Associates, PLLC Bassett, Jane A.
94, 100 56, 105 105 84 94 123 107 84 89, 93 47 47
Beans & Cornbread 99 Beattie, Rev. Ric 123 Beck, Gayle R., Ph.D. 62 Beesley, Andrew 50 Bell, Brad 94 Belle Isle Awning 54 Benson, Paul, D.O. 93 Bentas, Scott 125 Bentley Historical Library 115 Berkley Pharmacy 93 Berkshire Hathaway HWWB Realtors 99 Berman Center for the Performing Arts102 Bernstein, Richard S., DDS 66 Bert, Rev. Kathryn 123 Bespoke Design Company 80 Between The Lines 94 Beyerlein, Reid 72 Bidwell Tovarez PLLC 47 Billionaire Boys Club 123 Bingo Pet Salon 91 Birchmont Motel 45 Birmingham Maple Clinic 63 Birmingham Temple 119 Birmingham World of Rugs 58 Bisexual Peer Group 123 Bissell-Maynard, Joe 70 Black & White Men Together Detroit 123 Black, Austin 97 Bloomfield Counseling, P.C. 63 Blossoms 74 Bluewater Kings Band 69 Blumz by JRDesigns 74 BMW of Rochester Hills 50 Boattown Weddings 107 Bombshell Bridal Boutique 58, 105 Bonstelle Theatre 102 Bos Moving & Service, Inc. 86 Boyd, Gennesis 77 Boyne Resorts 45 Bradly’s Home and Garden 84 Brick Coping Tile Enterprises LLC 58, 60, 103 Bride & Joy 58, 105 Briggs Tax Service 46 Brown, Fran, PsyD, LP 62 Browndog Creamery & Dessert Bar 54 BSA Events & Entertainment 69, 70 Buckstad & Associates 49 Buckstad, Erik K. 49 Burkey, Michael 93 Burkhead, Jimmie 112 Burns, Michael R. 78, 86 Burton Manor Banquet and Conference Center 54 Busted Bra Shop 86 Butler Jack 124
& C Heating & Air Conditioning 46, 77 C & N Party Rentals 70, 99 Cabrini Clinic 112 Cadillac Travel Group 103 Cafe Cortina 99 Caldwell, Todd 86 Campbell, Deborah 94 Canine College 89, 91 Cantrell, Christine, Ph.D. 62 CARE 116 CARES 112 Caring Family Dentistry 66 Carl Rippberger Youth Services Program 125 Carriage Town Tabernacle 119 Cathedral Church Of St. Paul 119 Cathedral of St. Anthony 120 CDC National Prevention Information Network 112 Center (LGBT Support Services), The 116 Central Michigan University - Office of Gay and Lesbian Programs 115 Central United Methodist Church 119 Central Woodward Christian Church 119 Century 21 AAA North 97 Century 21 Row 99 Changez Salon 74
Charest Heating & Cooling 77 Charest, Michael 77 Charles Alexander Studio 47 Charles H. Wright Museum of African-American History 118 Charmed Salon and Boutique 74 Chene Park Amphitheater 102 Chess Roofing & Siding 100 Chisholm, Don 94 Christ the King Catholic Church 119 City Living Detroit 97 Cloverleaf Fine Wine 107 Club Pet Too 89, 91 Club Venetian 54 Coalition for Adoption Rights Equality 116 Color Pet Products 91 Comerica Bank 54, 70 Comerica LGBT Affinity Group 119 Comfort Plus, LC Heating & Cooling 77 Common Ground Sanctuary 118, 125 Common Language 56 Community AIDS Resource and Education Services 112 Community Dental Assoc. 66 Community Foundation for SE Michigan 118 Community Health Awareness Group 112 Community Health Outreach Workers 112 Community of Christ the Good Shepherd 119 Comprehensive Women’s Health, P.C. 93 Congregation Shir Tikvah 119 Congregation T’chiyah 119 Contreras, Martin 56, 99 Cookson, Derek 93 Cornell University 115 Corner Health Center - Young Adult Health Center, The 125 Corner Health Center, The 114 Cornwall, Dr. Robert 119 Courtyard by Marriott Detroit Downtown 45 Cox, Rev. Deb 122 Cox, Rich 52 Crandall, Rachel 118 Crane Optical 89 Crane, Howard 89 Crown Pharmacy 93 Crust - a Baking Company 54 Crystal Gardens Banquet Center 54 Curious Book Shop 56
D’Amato’s Restaurant
58, 99 Daguanno, Tom 60 Daniels, Rev. Martha 122 Darrell’s Firestone 52 DeLap, Michael H. 70 Delson, Rabbi Lisa 123 Demi C. Kazanis DDS Family & Cosmetic Dentistry 69 Deon, Mary K. 50 Dependable Collision Center 50 Derek Cookson Photography 93 Detroit Artists Market 47 Detroit Coal.Against Police Brutality 123 Detroit Community AIDS Library 112 Detroit Dept. of Health & Wellness Promotion Bureau of Substance Abuse Prevention, Treatment & Recovery 124 Detroit Dept. of Health and Wellness Promotion - HIV/AIDS 112 Detroit Derby Girls 124 Detroit Hispanic Development Corp. 112 Detroit Institute of Arts 118 Detroit Latin@z 123 Detroit Lighthouse Program 112 Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center 45 Detroit Marriott Livonia 45, 56 Detroit Princess Riverboat 60 Detroit Regional LGBT Chamber of Commerce 119 Detroit Repertory Theatre 102
Detroit Snob Detroit Symphony Orchestra Detroit Together Men’s Chorus Detroit Unity Temple Dexter Cabinet & Countertop Diamond Castle Jewelers Diamond Center at Suburban Collection Showplace Diaz, Julian, LMSW Dignity Detroit Dillon’s Jewelry Ditto Harvey, Gerianne Diversified Heating & Cooling Divine Peace Metropolitan Community Church Double Trouble Entertainment Dunes Resort, The Duneswood Resort
60 102 116 120 66, 84 80 56 63 120 80 69 47, 77 120 69 45 45
Eastern Michigan University, LGBT Resource Center 115 Edelson, Lori, LMSW 63 Edgewood United Church, United Church of Christ 120 Eisenshtadt, James, Ph.D. 63 Elizabeth’s Bridal Manor 58, 107 Elsie Publishing 94 Embassy Suites by Hilton Detroit Troy/ Auburn Hills 45 Emerson Church Unitarian Universalist 120 Emerson, Julie 56 EncoreMichigan.com 102 Entertainment Productions Co. 105 Ephraim, Mark 107 Epicurean Catering and Events 56 Episcopal Church of the Incarnation 120 Equality Band of Michigan 118 Equality Forum 118 Equality Michigan 115, 119, 14 Equality Research Center 119 Equitas America Financial Group 70 Evangelicals Concerned 120 Event Bliss 70 Evergreen Antiques 47
Fairlane Ford
50 Faithful Companion Memorials 91 Family Equality Council 116 Family Service & Children’s Aid 112 Farmington Players 102 Fell, Lori A. 72 Fellowship United Methodist Church 120 Ferndale Pride 123 Fernlee Kennels 89 Fido Personal Dog training, LLC 93 First Congregational United Church of Christ 120 First Unitarian Universalist Church 120 First Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Ann Arbor 120 First United Methodist Church 120 Fishbones Rythym Kitchen Cafe 100 Fisher Theatre 102 Five 15 69, 74 Flagstar Bank 54, 86 Flannery Ericson, Treena 124 Flinders, Susan, Ph.D. 63 Flint Crisis Line 118 Flint Institute Of Arts 56, 118 Ford GLOBE 119 Forum Foundation, The 118 Fountain of Youth 74 Fox Theatre 102 Franklin Auto Service 52 Fredrick Jewelers 80 Fry, Rebecca 93 Full Throttle Motor Sports 86 Full Truth Fellowship Of Christ Church 120 Funding Exchange/OUT Fund for Lesbian & Gay Liberation 118
Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund
Gay and Lesbian Medical Association 118 Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network National 118 Gays in Faith Together 120 Geisenhainer, Rev. Gail R. 120 Gellner, Sara, LMSW 63 Gem & Colony Club, The 102 Gender & Sexuality Center 115 Gender Identity Network Alliance 124 GenderPac 119 General RV Center 99. 100 Genesee County Health Dept. Primary Care Clinic 112 Genisys Credit Union 66. 72 Gentry, Natalia 49 GIFT - “Gay Christian? Yes!” Campaign 120 GIFT Refuge (Group for High School Students) 125 Gilda’s Club Grand Rapids 116 Gilda’s Club Metro Detroit 116 Gill Foundation, The 118 GLBT Expressive Arts Program 124 GLOBE (Gay, Lesbian or Bisexual Equity) 115 GLSEN National 119 GLSEN Southeast Michigan 119 GM PLUS - General Motors LGBT & Ally Employee Resource Group 119 GOAL: Get Out And Live! 124 Gods Agape Love put Into Practice 120 Golden Limousine 62, 84 Good Cakes and Bakes 54 Graham, Glynes D., DVM 105 Grand Rapids Alternative Families 116 Grand Rapids Community College 115 Grand Rapids Pride Center 116 Grand Rapids Red Project 112 Grand Rapids Women’s Chorus 116 Grand Traverse Resort & Casinos 58 Grand Valley State University GLBT Resources 115 Grant, Marnie 66 Great Lakes Collision 50 Green Thumb Garden Center 84 Greene, Marge, LMSW 64 Greenleaf Bodywork 86 Greyerbiehl, Rev. Julie 123 Griffin, Chad 119 Grimes, Rev. Judy 78, 86, 102, 122 Grimes, Rev. Ken 78, 86, 102, 122 Grinstein Jewelry 80 Grosse Pointe Congregational Church 122 Grosse Pointe Unitarian Church 122 Guild of Artists & Artisans, The 47 GVSU LGBT Resource Center 115
agopian Cleaning Services 58 Hands Across The Water 112 Happy Hounds Dog Day Care & Lodging 89, 91 Harbour Tax & Accounting 46, 72, 102 Harbour, Diane R., EA 46, 72, 102 Harris, David, Ph. D. 64 Harris, Jacqueline 60 Harrison, Rich 97 Hartley, Hannah 124 Health Emergency Lifeline Programs 112 Heard, Kevin 119 Hearth Home 112 Hemophilia Foundation 112 Henry Ford Hospital Division of Infectious Diseases 112 Hilberry Theatre, The 102 Hilf and Hilf PLC 49 Hilf, Sufen 49 Hiner, Ruth, PsyD 64 Hinson Heating & Air Conditioning 47, 77 Historic Redford Theater, The 102 Hollenbeck, Jennifer 56 Honeydonelist.com 58, 60, 77, 78 Hope College 115 HOPE Fund, The 118 Horizons Project 112
Horton Plumbing & Remodeling 94 Hot House, The 69, 100 Housing Bureau for Seniors, UofM Health System 123 Howard, Sister Mary Ellen 112 Howard’s Fine Jewelry 80 Howarth, Keith 84 Hsu, Jennifer 116 Hudson, Edward 103 Human Rights Campaign 119 Humane Society Huron Valley 89, 105, 115 Hunko, Janet 123
IGBO (International Gay Bowling Organization) Iglesia Martell Law Firm PLLC Immigration Equality Infinity & Ovation Yacht Charters Infusion Showrooms Insurance Exchange Agency International Experience International Mr. Leather, Inc. Irene’s Myomassology Institute It Works Global
124 49 119 60 82 78 70 123 86 77
. Thomas Jewelers 80 Javaid, Hina, MD 124 Jeff Zak Catering, Inc. 58 Jerris, Miriam 70, 105 Jewish Community Center, Detroit 116 Jewish Ensemble Theatre 102 Jewish Gay Network 122 Jim Toy Community Center 116 Joe Kort, Ph.D. & Associates, PC 64 Jorgensen Ford 50 Joseph, Denise, Ph.D. 64 Journey of Faith Christian Church 122 Jozwiak, Rosemary, LPC, LMSW 64
Kalamazoo County Health & Community Services 112 Kalamazoo Gay Lesbian Resource Center 116 Kalamazoo Institute of Arts 118 Kaplan, Jay 118 KaraLee and Associates 64 Karen Ryan Enterprises, LLC 46, 102 Karibu House Community Center for LGBT Persons of Color 116 Kaye, Armene 49 Kazakos-Resh, Mai 49 Kazanis, Demi, DDS 69 Keller Williiams Real Estate 97 Key-Lore Pet Rest Gardens 91 Kimberly Tire and Wheel Inc. 54 Kitley, Chris 60 Klein, Larry 114 Klein, Rabbi Joseph 123 Knob Hill Bed & Breakfast 45 Kobold, Rhonda, D.O. 94 Kolton, Rabbi Tamara 119 Kort, Joe, Ph.D. 64 Kramer Chiropractic Livonia Spine and Injury 60 Kramer, Greg 60 Kreativ Imaging 93 Kroll Construction 60 Kuderik and Associates 46, 102 Kuderik, John E. 46, 102 Kuz, Theressa 94
La Comunidad
123 Labadie Collection 115 Labadie, Louise L. 49 Labrys Wilderness Resort 45 Laidlaw, Amanda 105 Lake Cabins Rental 45 Lakeland Manor 56 Lakepointe Construction 100 Laketown Golf Conference Center 56 Lalicki, Robert 54, 86 Lambda Car Club International Detroit Region 124
Lambda Legal Defense & Education Fund, Midwest Regional Office 118 Lane, Brandy 70 Lansing Area AIDS Network 112 Lansing Association for Human Rights (LAHR) 124 Lansing Association for Human Rights Political Action Committee 119 Lansing Symphony Orchestra 102 Lantzy, Michael 78 LaQuinta Inn & Suites 45 Larkin, Mary 115 LaTosch, Kathleen 123 Laundry, The 100 Laurel Manor 56 Lawrence Technological University LGBT Resource Center 115 Lenz, David 112 Lesbian Connection 94 Lesbian Lending Library 124 Lesbian Mom’s Network 116 Lessenberry, Jim 91 Level One Bank 54 Levy, Rabbi Robert 123 Lewis Jewelers 80 LGBT Detroit 124 LGBT Youth Support Group 125 Libertarians for Gay and Lesbian Concerns 119 Light RX Face & Body 56 LindaLom Team at Trillium Real Estate, The 97 Little Wedding Chapel, The 105 Lochard, Beverly 78 Log Cabin Republicans 119 Lombardini, Linda 97 Longview Boarding & Grooming, LTD 89 Lord of Light Lutheran Church 122 Lozon, Daryl 60 LTC Advisors 78, 86 Lutheran Campus Ministry for UofM 122 Lynn, Pastor Nancy 122
MacDonald, Lori
99, 100 Macomb Bike & Fitness 56 Male Tent and Trailer Campers 115 Mall Malisow & Cooney, P.C. 49 Malski, Luke 105 Manor, Laurel 56 Manssur, Sandra 112 Manzo Eye Care 89, 93 Manzo, David, MD 89, 93 Mariners Inn 112 Martell, Angie 49 Masonic Temple Theater 102 Massage Therapy by David Rosenberg 86 Masserman Photography 93 Masserman, Brian 93 Massey, Rev. Dr. Selma 123 Mast, James G., DVM 105 Matrix Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program 114 Matrix Theatre 102 Mazurek Medical Educations Commons 112 McGarry, Rev. Dr. Susan E. 122 McNeal-O’Brien, Tina 97 MedCart 93 Mejishi Martial Arts 86 Men on the Move 89 Men’s Yoga 107 Mendiola, TJ 52 MEP Alternative High School 125 Merkel Furniture &Carpet One 58, 72, 74 Metals In Time 82 Metevier, Tom 89 Metro Detroit Softball League 124 Metropolitan Community Church of Detroit 122 Metropolitan Community Church of Flint 122 Metropolitan Community Church of Windsor 122 MGM Grand Detroit 45, 58 Michael, Philip 84
Michiana Dunes Region Lambda Car Club International
Michigan Department of Community Health Cancer Hotline 118 Michigan Department Community HealthDivision of Health, Wellness, & Disease Control 114 Michigan Dog Training 93 Michigan Foot and Ankle 94 Michigan HIV/STD Hotline 112 Michigan Opera Theatre 89 Michigan Pride, Inc 124 Michigan Protection Advocacy Service HIV/AIDS Advocacy 114 Michigan Renaissance Festival 70 Michigan Roundtable for Diversity and Inclusion 124 Michigan School of Professional Psychology 66 Michigan State University 115 Michigan State University Alliance of Lesbian-Bi-Gay & Transgendered Students 115 Michigan State University Federal Credit Union 66 Michigan State University LGBT Resource Center 115 Michigan State University Museum 118 Michigan Theater 102 Milhem Images 93 Milhem, Janice 93 Miner’s Den Jewelers 82 Mission Point Resort 46 Mitchell, Lisa 112 Modern Law Firm, The 49 Modglin-Green, Rick 119 Monique Woods Agency LLC 78 Monticciolo, Karen 49 Moore, Gregory 125 Mosaic Youth Theatre of Detroit 102 Mosquito Joe of SE MI 86 Motawi Tileworks 103 Motif 69 Motor City Bears 124 Motor City Pride 124 Motor City Tennis Alliance 124 MotorCity Casino 58 MotorCity Casino Hotel 46 MSU GLBT Alumni Association 115 Mutch, Beth, FNP 94
Namaste Yoga
107 Narozny, Patty 47 National Black Justice Coalition 119 National Center for Lesbian Rights 119 National Episcopal AIDS Coalition 114 National Latina/o (LLEGO) 119 National Minority AIDS Council 114 Navarre, Bill 45 Neighborhood Legal Services MI 118 Nelco Supply 78 Nelson, Rhonna, LMSW 64 Newport Furnishings 74 Noir Leather 84 Noland, Mariam 118 North Main Animal Hospital 105 Northern Auto Repairs 52 Northern Michigan Ministers 122 Northern Michigan Pride 124 Northern Michigan University Gay/Lesbian Multicultural Resource Ctr. 115 Northside Presbyterian Church 122 Norton’s Flowers and Gifts 72 Noullet, Cherie 89 Nowicki, Keith 69
Oakland County Health Division
114 Oakland University 115 Oakland University Dept. of Music, Theatre & Dance 102 Oakland Veterinary Referral Services 105 Oh Snap Booths! 93 Orchard Lake Fine Art Show 47
Orion Automotive Services Inc 52 Orr, Keith 56, 99 Ostroth, Thane, DDS 69 Otto A. Trzos Company 77 OutCenter 116 OutLoud Chorus LGBT Mixed Chorus 116 Ozone House Youth and Family Services 125
Paczas, Kelly
54 Palace, The 102 Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians & Gays (PFLAG) National Office 116 Park House Inn 46 Park, Amy 102 Partridge Creek Obstetrics and Gynecology 94 Pastry Palace Bakeries 54 Paterson, Pastor Doug 122 Patterson Dog & Cat Hospital 105 People for the American Way 119 Perceptions 124 Perfect Day Celebrations 70 Performance Network 102 Perkins Family Wellness 60 Peterson, Lisa J. 49 Petruska, Kristofer 93 Pets Ahoy Animal Hospital 105 Petty, Michael, DVM 105 Petzold, Bernadine PhD 66 Pewabic Pottery 103 PFLAG Ann Arbor 116 PFLAG Clinton Township 116 PFLAG Detroit 116 PFLAG Family Reunion Detroit 116 PFLAG Fenton 116 PFLAG Genesee County 116 PFLAG Holland/Lakeshore 116 PFLAG Jackson 118 PFLAG Lansing 118 PFLAG Lenawee 118 PFLAG Livingston County 118 PFLAG Traverse City 118 PFLAG Tri-Cities (Bay City/Saginaw/ Midland) 116 Phoenix Community Church United Church of Christ 122 Pickrell, Rev. Brooke 122 Pike, Debbie 97 Planned Parenthood Centers of West and Northern Michigan 125 Planned Parenthood Mid and South Michigan 125 Planned Parenthood of South Central Michigan 125 PLUS - People Like Us 125 Plymouth Congregational Church 122 Plymouth Nursery 84 Polo Fields Golf & Country Club, The 56 Portofino Dinner Cruises 60 Portofino Restaurant & Banquet Facility 100 Powell, Lana, M.D. 93 Praise Fellowship Christian Church 122 Premier Pet Supply 91 Preuss Pets 91 Pride Realty 97 Prime Timers Metro Detroit 124 Print Stop, The 94 Prism of Possibilities Psychotherapy 62 PRO K-9 In-Home Training Professionals 93 Pro Marine Charters 60 Pro-Choice Advocates 119
Radisson Detroit - Farmington Hills
46 Rainbow Crossing - First United Methodist Church of Ann Arbor 122 Rainbow Families Great Lakes (RFGL)118 Rainbow Ridge Association 124 Rakestraw, Rev. Beth 120 Randall, Terry 99 RAP Line-Runaway Program 125 Raska, Jerome 74
Rawlinson Photography 93 Re/MAX Dream Properties 97 RE/MAX Saugatuck-Douglas 99 RE/MAX Showcase Homes 94 Real Estate One 94, 97 Rebecca Reflections Photography 93 Reconciliation Metropolitan Community Church 122 Reese, David 97 Reformation Growers 105 Regions Title Agency 103 Reigel, Alex 122 Renaissance Unity Spiritual Center 122 Renner, Christine 124 Resource Center Youth Group 125 Rice, Jason 74 Riegel, Rev. Alex 123 Ringwald Theatre 102 Rock Shoppe 84 Rose, Cantor Ann Z. 123 Rosemary A. Jozwiak and Associates 64 Rosenberg, David 107 Rosenberg, Joelson 50 Roth, Pastor Bob 122 Royal International Travel 105 Royal Oak Farmer’s Market 47, 70 Ruth Ellis Center 125 Ruth’s Chris Steak House 100 Ryan, Karen 46, 102
.P.I.C.E. 124 Sacred Heart Rehabilitation Center 114 Safe Space Therapeuric Services 64 SAGE Metro Detroit 123 Saint Mary’s Health Services 114 Saks Fifth Avenue, Mark to Measure Suits 60 Salt City Antiques 47 Saravilla Bed & Breakfast 46 Satisfaction Limousines 62, 86 Sbrocca Law Office 49 Sbrocca, Josephine R. 49 Scarab Club, The 124 Schaefer, Lisa 80 Schaefer, Patrick 80 Schmidt Law Services PLLC 49 Schmidt, Lisa J. 49 Schmidt, Max 60 Schrock, Nick 78 Scott, Ron 123 Scriven, Rev. Beth 122 Sellman, Jim 97 Semonian, Alan, CPA 46, 102 Seniors Helping Seniors 123 Sexual Health Services, Planned Parenthood of West and Northern Michigan 125 Shaffer, Jim 97 Sharp, Michele 112 Shelton & Deon Law Group 50 Shelton, Amanda J. 50 Sheraton Detroit Novi Hotel 46 Sherman, Anthony 60, 124 Shernit, Karen 64 Shoreline Realtors 97 Showroom of Elegance Fine Jewelry 82 Shutter Booth 93 Siegal, Susie 70 Sills, Laurel A., Psy.D. 66 Sine & Monaghan 94 Sing Out Detroit Chorus 116 Siragusa, Rev. Nicolette L. 120 Sisson, Pamela J. 50 Sistahs Providing Intelligence Creativity and Empowerment 124 Sizemore Selectives 78 Slades Gift Shop 74 Sleutelberg, Rabbi Arnie 119 Smith, Amy Lynn 107 Smith, Caitlynn 116 Solitude Golf Links Golf Course and Banquet Center 56 Southwest Michigan Bears 124 Spartan Hospitality Group 56 Spaulding & Curtin Funeral Directors 74
Speaking Out Loud 115 Special Immunology and Infectious Disease 114 Spectrum Center 116 Spiro, Jaye 86 St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church 122 St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church 122 St. Clare’s Episcopal Church 122 St. John’s Episcopal Church 122 St. Luke’s Episcopal Church 122 St. Paul United Church of Christ 123 Stagecrafters at the Baldwin Theatre 102 Stand With Trans 124 StandOut 115 Stange, Lynn 97 State Farm - Michael Lantzy Agency 78 State Farm Insurance 78 Stawicki, Stephen 70, 105 Stehle, Rev. Tricia 107 Stetz, Sylvia A. 60 Stiles, Cindy, R.N. 112 Stringfellow, Rev. Dr. Roland 122 SUBARU-Hodges Imported Cars, Inc 52 Suburban Cadillac of Plymouth 52 Suburban Ford of Ferndale 52 Suits And The City 119 Sullivan & Son Funeral Directors 74 Swanson, Eric 69 Sweet Dreams 54 Sweet Lorraine’s Cafe & Bar 100 Sweet, Matt, MSW 66
Taoist Tai Chi Society of the USA
102 Tapper’s Diamonds & Fine Jewelry 82 TapSnap 93 Taylor, Rev. Beth 122 Team Detroit Aquatics (swimming) 124 Team Detroit Aquatics Tailfins 124 Temple Beth Emeth 123 Temple Emanu-El 123 Tew, Michael 119 Theatre Company, The 102 Theosophical Society 123 Thomas’s Catering 58 Three Dog Bakery 91 Thrive Therapy Group, PC 62 Tick, Jeremy 105 Ties Like Me 119 Tighe, Robert G. 50 Time for Blinds 56, 107 Tios Mexican Cafe 100 Tito’s Handmade Vodka 102 Together We Can 124 Toggweiler, Tim 94 Tovarez, David E. 47 Town & Country Door, LLC 74 Transgender Detroit 125 Transgender Michigan 125 Transgender Michigan Help Line 118 Traynoff, Chris 77 Trepeck, Terri 70 Trevor Helpline, The 125 Tri-Pups, Inc 60, 77 Triangle Chiropractic 60, 86 Tribal Health Services 114 Tsakos, John 60, 86 Tucker, Rachel H. 50 Tux Shop on Woodward, The 105 Tyrrell Electric 69 Tyrrell, Joe 69
UMHS Comprehensive Gender Services Program Uncle Buck’s Party Rental Unified - HIV Health and Beyond Unitarian Universalist Church of Greater Lansing Unite Here - Fair Hotel United Auto Workers - UAW Unity of Royal Oak Unity Chapel Universalist Unitarian Church of Farmington University Musical Society University of Detroit
125 70, 99 114 123 118 118 123 123
University of Michigan 115 University of Michigan - Dearborn, LGBTQ Inclusion Initiatives 116 University of Michigan Division of Student Affairs 116 University of Michigan - Flint Ellen Bommarito LGBT Center 116 University of Michigan Conference & Event Services 56 University of Michigan HIV/AIDS Treatment Program 114 Uptown Adult Superstore 69, 105 Urban Ashes 74 Urban Institute for Contemporary Arts 124
anHemert, Bill Vaughn, Tanya Vigliarolo, Dale Vista Maria Viviano, Angela, FNP
114 94 100 74 94
Wabeek Country Club
56 Wag’n Tails Pet Resort 89 WAGS 114 Wake, Laura 105 Wake’s Travel - Cruise Planners 105 Walter P. Reuther Library 115 Warner, Joan 78 Warren, Michelle 116 Waskin, Dick 99 Water Work Plumbing 94 Wayfarer Lodgings 46 Wayne State University 102, 115 Wayne State University School of Medicine Childrens Hospital of Michigan 112 Wayne State University Shiffman Medical Library 112 Wayne State University Theater 102 Wedding Connection, The 70, 105 Wedding Shoppe, The 58, 107 Wellington, Christopher 119 Wellness AIDS Services 114 West Michigan Gay Men’s Chorus 116 Western Michigan University, Office of LBGT Student Services 116 Westin Book Cadillac Detroit 46 Westin Southfield Detroit, The 46 Wharton Center for Performing Arts 103 What Helen Heard 94 Whosoever Ministry 123 Widman, Ben 58, 60, 77, 78 Will U Party Event Planning 70 Williams Audi 52 Williams Auto World 52 Williams Subaru 52 Williams Volkswagen 52 Williams-Sonoma 107 Williams, Gloria 105 Williamson, Ron T. DDS 69 Williamston Theatre 103 Williamston United Methodist Church 123 Wilson, Gary M. 50 Winans, Christine 99 Windsor Pride Community 124 With A Little Help 105 Wojcik, Grace 115 Women In the Arts Festival 70 Wonderful Animals Giving Support 114 Wood, Scott 124 Woods, Monique 78 Woods, Randy T. 50 Woodside Church 123 World AIDS Day Detroit 114
ankee, Patrick Yared, Christine Yelverton, Robbin YOUR EVENT Party Rental
112 50 74 99
Zingerman’s Cornman Farms
56 123
Zion Lutheran Church (ELCA) 123 60 102