Pig Industry Yearbook 2015

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PIGINDUSTRY YEARBOOK2015 www.primarymedia.com.au

Industry organisation reviews Industry personal listings Supplier company guides


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www.primarymedia.com.au “This year in many ways is a year of consolidation for the Australian pork industry” ....... Andrew Spencer.




Peter Bedwell Alex Bedwell

Rosemary Embery


Alex Bedwell


“It was abundantly clear at our 2014 stakeholders’ meeting in Melbourne in November that research is alive and well in Australia”..... Dr Roger Campbell. YEARBOOK CONTENTS

ADVERTISING SALES Peter Bedwell Phone: (02) 9797 2406 Mob: 0419 235 288 Email: primarymedia@bigpond.com Rates are available at www.primarymedia.com.au


Page 4: Australian Pork Limited (APL) - Pork industry year in review 2014

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Page 5: Pork CRC - 2014: A generally good year for Australian pork prodcuers

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Page 6: Industry Organisations for Australia and New Zealand

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Page 8: Industry Personnel for Australia and New Zealand Page 23-25: Companies Guide Australia & New Zealand Page 25-30: Buyers Guide Australia & New Zealand Page 26: Animal Health Page 27: Breeding Stock, Diagnostic & Pregnancy Testing Page 28: Feed Ingredients Page 29: Piggery Shed Equipment Page 30: Stockfeed & Waste Management

ENQUIRIES OFFICE ADDRESS: 250 Hawthorne Pde, Haberfield NSW 2045 Phone: (02) 9797 2406 Mob: 0419 235 288 Production: 0409 944 472 Email: primarymedia@bigpond.com Pork Journal consists of a bi-monthly management magazine and an annual industry review, The Pig Industry Yearbook. Published by C D Supplies Pty Ltd trading as Primary Media (ACN 091 560 557) All material copyright (editorial and advertisements) and may not be reproduced without the written consent of the publishers. Whilst every care is taken to ensure the accuracy of the contents of PORK JOURNAL, the publishers do not accept any responsibility or liability for the material herein.


Australian Pork Limited (APL) Pork industry year in review 2014

Andrew Spencer, CEO Australian Pork Limited


he past year for the pork industry has been characterised as one of divergent extremes. On the one hand, our progress in building trust in our onfarm production practices, our supply chain, our consumer relationships and the popularity of our pork as food continues to gain momentum in a very positive way. On the other hand, attacks on our industry from vegan extremists through farm invasions has confronted too many of our producers and shocked us with their tactics and fanaticism. Production and pricing The dynamics of pig production in Australia are hidden in the relatively flat processed pig numbers showing up in the statistics. A cursory look at the figures shows an industry with roughly constant production numbers of around 4.75 million pigs during 2013–14, but behind that figure, our industry intelligence tells us that there continues to be rationalisation of pig farmer numbers. The exiting pig farmers from our domestic industry are having their pig production volumes replaced by expansion in some of our larger production units, leading to a relatively flat overall outcome in production volumes. Considering that we can normally count on Australia’s population increasing annually by between 1.5 and 2.0%, an increase to May 2014 in pig slaughters of only 0.1% would


indicate a tightening of supply on a per capita basis. Ex-farm gate pig pricing over the past 12 months has reflected a supply: demand relationship slightly more in favour of the producer through incremental price increases. Given comments about expanding export volumes below, the supply situation for pork on a per capita basis seems even tighter. The limits of supply are brought about by a hesitation within the industry to expand production, even with slowly increasing demand. This seems to be driven by risk aversion still lingering in the industry since the producer profitability crisis of 2007–8 and the higher than average grain prices over the past couple of years limiting profitability. Whilst present producer profitability seems to be positive, it is not at a high enough level to initiate reinvestment into the industry at rates required. Export and import The export/import mix has worked in a positive direction for the Australian pork industry over the past year. Exports are up around 12% for the year to the end of May, 2014 in volume terms. This is not coming from traditional markets such as Singapore but growth in the second tier destinations like Hong Kong, Philippines and Papua New Guinea. Value growth is lower, reflecting the lower value per kg for product going to these countries. Imports have dropped around 20,000 tonnes in shipped weight terms over the past 12 months. As I wrote last year, it seemed at that time that we had very high stock levels in freezers and that it would seem this would eventually correct itself. This has happened with the imports to the end of May down at around 134,000 tonnes compared to levels consistently above 150,000 tonnes a year ago. The impact in terms of consumption change and shifts in market share between imported and domestic product are minimal; Australian pork continuing to have a share of the ham and bacon market of around 30%. Pork for consumers Despite the dynamics of supply, demand for Australian pork continues to rise, particularly into the domestic fresh meat market.

Increases in our share of fresh meat have for many years underpinned the industry’s capacity to remain viable in the face of northward heading import volumes. Per capita fresh pork consumption has increased to 9.24 kgs from 8.86 kg last year. Our platform campaigns for fresh pork promotion are continuing to be supported: namely the ‘Get Some Pork On Your Fork’ television and radio advertising, the PorkStar food service promotions and the April PorkFest. Bolder repertoires of food styles especially for particular market segments through a big expansion in food media over the past years have helped to expand the market to considering pork as a more mainstream alternative. Strategic planning The past 12 months or so has seen the evolution of the next APL Strategic Plan 2015–2020, with consultation from pig producers all over Australia, the Australian Government and its agencies, the supply chain and other interested stakeholders. The last five years has seen the consolidation of the industry and its balance sheets after the profitability crisis late last decade. The next five years is planned to be a phase for opening up and looking more aggressively at the next opportunities for growth – particularly in industry value given the present limitations in our ability to adequately reinvest in industry expansion. Included within this is an intention to look outside Australia’s borders for international marketing opportunities for premium ‘healthy, safe and natural’ Australian pork. Building an international positioning requires significant time and patience, so short term shifts in volume are unlikely; the big moves in business growth are likely to be further over the five year horizon. Today and tomorrow’s innovations With the consistency and alignment of research, development and extension (R,D&E) activities between APL and the Pork Cooperative Research Centre (Pork CRC), the Australian pork industry continues to be well served by a productive research sector. Australia punches internationally above its weight when it comes to the CONTINUED ON PAGE 22 w

Pork CRC - 2014: A generally good year for Australian pork producers

Dr Roger Campbell CEO Poultry CRC


think 2014 was generally a good one for Australia’s pork producers, with prices relatively stable and most producers receiving prices above cost of production, so an okay outcome, considering it’s been a topsy-turvy year, for some sectors of our economy. Significantly, Australian pork producers continued their transition to group housing for gestating sows in 2014, with best guestimates that 70% of producers have transitioned. This is a critical component of our industry’s strategy to differentiate from our international competitors. I believe this change contributed to prices remaining relatively high and while feed costs were also relatively high, particularly in the north, there was room for reasonable margins and a general feeling of optimism was apparent across the industry. Annual report Pork CRC’s annual report for 201314 is available on our website, www. porkcrc.com.au and if you spend time to read it, you’ll marvel at some of the breakthroughs our researchers have made across our four programs. I predict there are more to come in reproduction, enhancing satiety and reducing aggression in sows after grouping, diagnostics for respiratory and enteric pathogens, alternative health strategies, genetics of robustness and resilience, eating quality, grain processing, biogas production and the use of aerobic digesters and algae to

generate heat for use in piggeries and to remediate effluent streams to provide water with markedly reduced pathogen and organic matter loads for wash down purposes. It was abundantly clear at our 2014 stakeholders’ meeting in Melbourne in November that research is alive and well in Australia and we’ve developed excellent research infrastructure and have successfully engaged very smart scientists and students to be involved in Pork CRC and APL programs. Now the challenge is to maintain momentum. The Pork CRC and industry plan to transition Pork CRC to an alternative research model will be central to this. I look forward to 2015 and anticipate our industry will continue to progress and prosper. Meanwhile, here’s a summary of highlights from our four programs in the past year or so. Program One In Program 1 (Reduced Confinement of Sows and Piglets) producers and researchers shared their experiences at two Pork CRC/APL sow housing workshops in April 2014 in Toowoomba and Melbourne. We released the manual ‘Improving the welfare of group housed sows’, in conjunction with the workshops. One of the biggest findings by researchers was that sows adapt very rapidly to mixing and reduced space and Dr Jean-Loup from Melbourne University demonstrated that if a few simple rules are followed, excellent reproduction can be achieved whether sows are grouped at weaning or 5-6 days after mating. Our research on alternative farrowing systems continued to show that apart from being costly, they generally result in higher piglet mortality. Systems from Europe and the UK also require considerable modification for Australian situations, especially for our summer. The UMB pens (Norwegian), investigated by Dr Greg Cronin at Sydney University, were a classic example – they required changes to the piglet environment and nest area and resulted in considerably higher piglet mortality compared to the conventional crate. Nevertheless, the science in the project was exceptional and the outcomes on the sow’s nesting behaviour were particularly interesting.

The results suggest it may be possible to provide the sow’s behavioural needs within conventional systems and this is being followed up. We are also attempting to develop a farrowing system index which acknowledges the needs and welfare of the sow, the needs and welfare of the piglet and needs and costs to the producer. There is still a long way to go, but good basic research is essential to keep us ahead of the curve in what has become a contentious, poorly understood issue by welfare groups, consumers and the community in general. Program Two In Program 2 (Herd Health Management) we’ve seen the development of new diagnostics for a range of pathogens, progress on the selection of pigs for robustness and disease resilience and some very novel alternative health therapies. Many of the latter have been developed and tested by researchers at DAFWA and validated in the commercial facilities of our participants. Several discovered at DAFWA and by Eugeni Roura at the University of Queensland will be incorporated in specialty products which should be available to the industry in 2014. They are designed to enhance piglet performance and heath. Dr Alison Collins from NSW DPI has produced some fascinating information on the build-up of Lawsonia over time in grower-finisher pigs and how this is affected by vaccination, pen hygiene and antimicrobial use. Alison has used a quantitative PCR test developed in a Pork CRC project to measure the population of the pathogen and to link this with animal performance. It is clearly an insidious disease and it appears that there is considerable room for innovation in its management. The data should enable veterinarians to better target vaccination and antimicrobial use to minimise the impact of the disease. Program Three In Program 3 (Healthy Pork Consumption), there continues to be a concerted effort by researchers, processors and retailers to improve the eating quality of Australian pork. One of our Postdocs, Dr Cameron Jose from CONTINUED ON PAGE 21 w

Pig Industry Organisations: Australia Australian Pork Limited CEO: Mr Andrew Spencer Address: PO Box 4746, Kingston ACT 2604 Telephone: (02) 6285 2200 Fax: (02) 6285 2288 E-mail: apl@australianpork.com.au Website: www.australianpork.com.au Chairman: Mr Enzo Allara Directors: Mr John Coward Mr Aeger Kingma Mrs Kathy Grigg Ms Kay Carey Mr Geoff Starr Mr Andrew Johnson Mr Brian Luxford Mr David Plant General Manager, Marketing: Mr Peter Haydon General Manager Finance & Administration: Ms Sarah Lindsay General Manager, Research & Innovation: Dr Darryl D’Souza General Manager, Policy: Ms Deb Kerr General Manager, Communication: Ms Emily Mackintosh CRC for High Integrity Australian Pork PO Box 466, Willaston SA 5118 Website: www.porkcrc.com.au Fax: (08) 8313 7686 Chief Executive Officer: Dr Roger Campbell Telephone: (08) 8313 7683 Mobile: 0407 774 714 Email: roger.campbell@porkcrc.com.au Business Manager: Mr Geoff Crook Telephone: (08) 8313 7684 Email: geoff.crook@porkcrc.com.au Research Manager: Mr Graeme Crook Telephone: (08) 8313 7973 Mob: 0417 805 422 Email: graeme.crook@porkcrc.com.au Finance Manager: Mr Richard Westmacott Telephone: (08) 8313 7685 Email: richard.westmacott@porkcrc.com.au Office Administrator: Ms Rebecca Smith Telephone: (08) 8313 7743 Email: rebecca.smith@porkcrc.com.au Board members: Mr Dennis Mutton, Chairman Ms Kathryn Adams, Ms Sandra Di Blasio


Mr Rod Hamann, Affiliate Prof Pauline Mooney, Prof John Pluske, Mr Kenton Shaw Mr Andrew Spencer, Mr Chris Trengrove Prof Robert van Barneveld, Dr Hugh Wirth Australasian Pig Science Association Website: www.apsa.asn.au Address: c/- Ms Amy Lealiifano (APSA Secretary) Rivalea Australia Pty Ltd, PO Box 78, Corowa NSW 2646 Telephone: (02) 6033 8551 Fax: (02) 6033 8552 E-mail: alealiifano@rivalea.com.au President: Dr Cherie Collins Address: Rivalea Australia Pty Ltd, PO Box 78, Corowa NSW 2646 Telephone: (02) 6033 8551 E-mail: ccollins@rivalea.com.au Vice-president: Dr Alison Collins Address: Elizabeth Maccarthur Agricultural Institute, Woodbridge Road, Menangle NSW 2568 Telephone: (02) 4640 6306 E-mail: alison.collins@dpi.nsw.gov.au Secretary: Ms Amy Lealiifano (APSA Secretary) Rivalea Australia Pty Ltd, PO Box 78, Corowa NSW 2646 Telephone: (02) 6033 8551 Fax: (02) 6033 8552 E-mail: alealiifano@rivalea.com.au Treasurer: Ms Emalyn Loudon Address: Westpork Pty Ltd, 1/7 Foundry Street, Maylands WA 6051 Telephone: (08) 9271 2844 Fax: (08) 9271 2855 E-mail: emalyn.loudon@westpork.com.au Victorian Farmers Federation Pig Group Address: 24 Collins Street, Melbourne Vic 3000 President: John Bourke Telephone: (03) 5857 2381 Fax: (03) 5857 2381 Email: bourke1@iinet.net.au Executive Officer: Brian Krull Telephone: (03) 9207 5524 Fax: (03) 9207 5500 Email: bkrull@vff.org.au Website: www.vff.org.au

Queensland Pork Producers Inc. Address: PO Box 114, Mareeba Qld 4880 Telephone: (07) 4092 3014 Mobile: 0429 923 014 Fax: (07) 4092 3946 Email: robyn.boundy@bigpond.com President: John Coward Vice President: Robyn Boundy Directors: Paul Brosnan, John Riley, Paul Taylor Pork SA Committee for 2014 Address: 652 Seaview Rd, Grange, SA 5022 Chairperson: Matthew Starrick Vice Chairs: Andrew Johnson and Mark Mclean Secretary/Treasurer: Tony Richardson Executive Committee: Barry Lloyd and Peter Brenchin Committee Members: Garry Tiss, Nick Lienert, David Reu, Butch Moses, Rod Hamann, Christine Sapwell West Australian Pork Producers’ Association (WAPPA) Address: Unit 116/396 Scarborough Beach Road, Osborne Park WA 6017 PO Box 61, Floreat WA 6014 Telephone: 08 9208 0330 Fax: 08 9242 2918 Mobile: 0417 963 153 Email: admin@wappa.com.au Website: www.wappa.com.au Executive Officer: Jan Cooper President: Richard Evison Vice President: Dawson Bradford Treasurer: Torben Soerensen Australian Pig Breeders Association Ltd Address: Federal Secretary, PO Box 189, Kiama NSW 2533 Telephone: (02) 4232 3333 Fax: (02) 4232 3350 Email: janelle@lbcentre.com.au Website: www.lbcentre.com.au NSW: Janelle Johnson, PO Box 189, Kiama NSW 2533 QLD: Mrs B Marriage, “Tillrai”, 173 Warahgai Road, Karara Qld 4352

SA: RAS of SA, PO Box 108, Goodwood SA 5043 Victoria: Paulette McIntosh,

619 Lorenzs Road, Katunga Vic 3640

Pig Industry Organisations: New Zealand NZ Pork (The New Zealand Industry Pork Board) Address: PO Box 4048, Wellington 6140 New Zealand Email: info@pork.co.nz Telephone: (04) 917 4750 Fax: (04) 385 8522 Chief Executive Officer: Owen Symmans Email: owen.symmans@pork.co.nz Chairman: Ian Carter Deputy Chair: Steve Kidby

Directors: Ruth Lee, Rick Christie Ben Voice Business Services Manager: Bronwyn Shields Policy & Issues Manager: Frances Clement Communications Manager: Sarah Crysell Communications Advisors: Rebecca Reed & Claire Broun Environmental Advisor: Anita Murrell Technical Advisor: Ian Barugh Administration Assistant: Kasey Cooke New Zealand Pig Breeders Association Address: C/o FWB Miller, Motukarara, RD2, Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand Telephone: (03) 329 7861 Fax: (03) 329 7122 Mobile: 0274 351 280 Email: bru.miller@xtra.co.nz President: N A Dunlop Vice-President: J I Cooley Secretary: FWB Miller

Committee: M.A. Oliver


Pig Industry Personnel: Australia & New Zealand Ahern, Timothy Position: National Pig Business Manager Qualifications: BSc (Hons) BVSc (Hons) Dip Reprod Sci Address: Zoetis Australia Pty Ltd, Mobile: +61 418 124 664 Email: tim.ahern@zoetis.com Website: www.zoetis.com.au Allara, Enzo Position: Chairman Australian Pork Limited Address: PO Box 4746, Kingston ACT 2604 Telephone: (02) 6285 2200 Fax: (02) 6285 2288 Website: www.australianpork.com.au Andersen, Mike Position: Agricultural Engineer Qualifications: BE (Agr.) Hons Address: Mundigo Pty Ltd, Private Bag 2, Bordertown SA 5268 Telephone: 1800 100 820 Mobile: 0427 230 350 Fax: (08) 8752 0999 E-mail: mike@mundigo.com.au Website: www.mundigo.com.au Specific interests: Piggery design, shed construction & engineering, ventilation, liquid feeding, piggery equipment, new technologies to enhance farm productivity. Antonio, Brett Position: Managing Director Qualifications: BBus (Mgt)/LLB,GAICD Address: BEC Feed Solutions Pty Ltd, 66 Antimony Street, Carole Park QLD 4300 PO Box 475, Goodna QLD 4300 Telephone: +61 (7) 3723 9859 Fax: +61 (7) 3271 3080 Mobile: 0427 035 443 E-mail: b.antonio@becfeedsolutions.com.au Website: www.becfeedsolutions.com.au Auld, Malcolm Position: Regional Technical Services Manager, Western Australia Address: PIC Australia, PO Box 39, Grong Grong NSW 2652 Telephone: (02) 6956 2105 Fax: (02) 6956 2203 Mobile: 0427 086 931 E-mail: mauld@picaustralia.com.au Website: www.picaustralia.com.au Avery, Briannon Position: Nutritionist Qualifications: Bachelor of Agricultural Science Address: Ridley Agriproducts, Level 4, 565 Bourke St Melbourne, Australia, 3000 Telephone: (03) 8624 6710 Mobile: 0409961646 E-mail: briannon.avery@ridley.com.au Specific interests: Animal nutrition Banhazi, Thomas Position: Associate Professor Qualifications: PhD (University of Adelaide) Address: National Centre for Engineering in Agriculture (NCEA) Faculty of Engineering and Surveying, University of Southern Queensland (USQ), West Street, Toowoomba QLD 4350 Telephone: +61 7 4631 1191 Fax: +61 7 4631 1870 Mobile: 0402 890 120 E-mail: thomas.banhazi@usq.edu.au Website: www.ncea.org.au


Barugh, Ian Position: Senior Consultant Qualifications: BAgSc, DipSc Address: IFNHH, PN 454, Massey University, Private Bag 11 222, Palmerston North, NZ Telephone: +64 6 350 5308 Fax: +64 6 350 5684 Mobile: 0272462279 E-mail: I.W.Barugh@massey.ac.nz Specific interests: General aspects of pork production and management economics; pork industry training; nutrition; marketing; environmental issues; technical bulletins and technology transfer Black, John L Position: Director Qualifications: BAg, DipEd, PhD, AM, FTSE, FAIAST Address: John L Black Consulting, PO Box 4021, Warrimoo NSW 2774 Telephone: (02) 4753 6231 Fax: (02) 4753 6295 Mobile: 0419 493 567 E-mail: jblack@pnc.com.au Specific interests: Research management consultant; AUSPIG development and application; co-ordinator of the national premium grains for livestock program, now commercialised through the Pork CRC; 4B Sub Program Manager for the Pork CRC. Bowder, Jon Position: Sales Manager Address: Enmach Industries, 17 Charlie Triggs Crescent, Bundaberg QLD 4670 Telephone: 1800 502 267 Fax: (07) 4153 0900 Mobile: 0437 702 661 E-mail: jb@enmachind.com.au Specific interests: Poly silo manufacture, grain and feed storage, silo system design, liquid supplement storage Bradford, Dawson Position: Vice President, West Australian Pork Producers’ Association Address: ‘Hillcroft Farms’, Popanyinning WA 6309 Telephone: (08) 9887 7029 Mobile: 0427 877 055 Fax: (08) 9887 7059 E-mail: 1.bradford@esat.net.au Bradshaw, Wayne Position: Manager Director Address: Jefo Australia Pty Ltd, PO Box 8146, Toowoomba MC Qld 4352 Telephone: (07) 4630 1500 Mobile: 0429 301 500 Fax: (07) 4630 1200 E-mail: wbradshaw@jefo.com Website: www.jefo.com Specific interests: Pan Pacific Pork Expo: benefits of microencapsulated acidifiers in livestock feeds and improvements in FCR. Breasdsell, Iris Position: WA Pork Industry Training Co-ordinator Address: Portec Veterinary Services, PO Box 2112, Carlisle North WA 6101 Telephone: (08) 9361 5550 Fax: (08) 9361 5558 E-mail: iris@portec.com.au

Brooke, Gabby Position: Business Development Manager Qualifications: B. Ag. Sci (hons), M.Anim.Physiol Address: Vaucluse & APS, Chapman Rd, Inglewood, SA 5133 Telephone: (08) 8380 5672 Mobile: 0419 695 126 E-mail: gabby@vaucluse-aps.com.au Website: www.vaucluse-aps.com.au Brown, Lucinda Position: Technical Officer Address: PIC Australia, PO Box 39, Grong Grong NSW 2652 Telephone: (02) 6956 2105 Fax: (02) 6956 2203 E-mail: lbrown@picaustralia.com.au Website: www.picaustralia.com.au Cadogan, David Position: Technical Services Manager Qualifications: BAgriSc, MRurSc, PhD Address: Feedworks Pty Ltd, PO Box 369, Romsey VIC 3435 Telephone: (03) 5429 2433 Mobile: 0409 049 793 Fax: (03) 5429 2433 E-mail: david.cadogan@feedworks.com.au Website: www.feedworks.com.au Cameron, Chris Position: Nutritionist Address: Ace Livestock Consulting, PO Box 108, Cockatoo Valley SA 5351 Telephone: (08) 8524 6082 Mobile: 0408 505 236 Fax: (08) 8524 6890 E-mail: chris@acelive.com.au Cameron, Ranald David Alan Position: Honorary Research Consultant, School of Veterinary Science, University of Queensland Qualifications: BVSc, MVSc, PhD Address: 17/8 Sandford St, St Lucia, Brisbane QLD 4067 Telephone: (07) 3876 8403 Fax: (07) 3876 8403 E-mail: ramacam@mooball.com Specific interests: Pig diseases and reproduction, boar fertility and AI, embryo cryopreservation, culture and transfer in pigs. Cant, Brendon Position: Managing Director Qualifications: Journalism and marketing Address: BCA PR, PO Box 749, South Fremantle, WA 6162 Telephone: (08) 9430 9463 Mobile: 0417 930 536 E-mail: brendon@iinet.net.au Specific interests: Advancement of the Australian pig and pigmeat industry via professional communications Carter, Richard (Rick) Position: Technical Manager Pacific Region Qualifications: BAgSc, MSc, PhD Address: Kemin Pacific Region, 6-7, 694 Pacific Highway, Killara NSW 2071 Telephone: (02) 9844 5700 Mobile: 0412 888 485 Fax: (02) 9418 2544 E-mail: rick.carter@kemin.com Website: www.kemin.com Specific interests: Weaner pigs, nutrition and health, enzyme applications. Channon, Heather Position: Research and Innovation Manager, Product Integrity Qualifications: BAgrSc (Hons), MAgrSc Address: Australian Pork Limited,

c/o Horticulture Innovation Australia Limited Level 5, 606 St Kilda Road, Melbourne VIC 3004 Mobile: 0423 056 045 Email: heather.channon@australianpork.com.au Website: www.australianpork.com.au Specific interests: Eating quality, product integrity, food safety, traceability, carcase measurement. Chenoweth, Vaughan Position: Regional Account Manager Address: Ridley AgriProducts, Mary Terrace, Murray Bridge SA 5253 Mobile: 0428 662 238 Fax: (08) 8532 6656 Email : vchenoweth@ridley.com.au Specific interests: Phase feeding in batch farrowing operations. Specialising in straw based production. Chuah, Bernard Position: Supply Chain & Administration Manager Qualifications: BSc, MBA Address: Biomin Australia Pty Ltd, PO Box 2344, Carlingford NSW 2118 Telephone: (02) 9872 6324 Fax: (02) 9872 5139 Mobile: 0414 610 889 Email: bernard.chuah@biomin.net Website: www.biomin.net Clark, Christine Position: Sales Manager – Southern Region Address: Auspac Ingredients, Unit 1, 84-92 Barnes Street, Tamworth, NSW 2340 Telephone: (02) 6762 7708 Mobile: 0429 662 519 Fax: (02) 6762 7709 Email: christine@auspacingredients.com.au Clement, Frances Position: Policy and Issues Manager Qualifications: B Tech (Hons) MCA Address: New Zealand Pork, PO Box 4048, Wellington, New Zealand Telephone: +64 4 917 4750 Direct: +64 4 917 4756 Fax: +64 4 385 8522 Mobile: +64 21 422 301 Email: frances.clement@pork.co.nz Website: www.pork.co.nz Specific interests: Animal welfare, food safety, biosecurity, environmental issues. Clohesy, Steven Position: Regional Manager, VIC, WA, Southern NSW Address: Stockyard Industries, 54 King St, Clifton QLD 4361 Telephone: (07) 4697 3344 Mobile: 0427 733 141 Email: steven@stockyardindustries.com Colenso, Paul Position: Regional Manager, QLD, NSW Qualifications: BAppSc (Rural Technology) Address: Stockyard Industries, 54 King St, Clifton QLD 4361 Telephone: (07) 4697 3344 Mobile: 0427 583 997 Email: paul@stockyardindustries.com Cook, Peter William Position: Production Analyst Qualifications: BAppSc (Rural Technology) Address: 21 Alice St, Dalby Qld 4405 Telephone: (07) 4662 4726 Mobile: 0417 600 053 Fax: (07) 4662 4267 E-mail: Peter@chmalliance.com.au Specific interests: Decision support system development.


Cooper, Jan Position: Executive Officer, West Australian Pork Producers’ Association Qualifications: BA AFAIM Address: Unit 116/396 Scarborough Beach Road, Osborne Park WA 6017 PO Box 61, Floreat WA 6014 Telephone: (08) 9208 0330 Mobile: 0417 963 153 Fax: 08 9242 2918 Email: admin@wappa.com.au Cransberg, Peter Position: Sales Representative Qualifications: BSc (Ag) Address: BEC Feed Solutions Pty Ltd, 50 Antimony St, Carole Park, QLD 4300. PO Box 475, Goodna QLD 4300 Telephone: (07) 3723 9875 Fax: (07) 3271 3080 Mobile: 0439 605 339 E-mail: p.cransberg@becfeedsolutions.com.au Website: www.becfeedsolutions.com.au Crawford, Ken Position: Science Writer Qualifications: MSustAg (USyd) BA (Earth Science), HDA (Hons) Address: ‘Gowrie’, 12811 Kamilaroi Highway, Boggabri NSW 2382 Telephone: (02) 6743 4792 Mobile: 0428 665 691 E-mail: kscrawford@bigpond.com Specific interests: Australian pork industry. Recycling waste nutrients using natural zeolites as a food additive in animal diets. Future development of Castle Mountain Zeolites Red Roc Booster in creating environmentally friendly animal feed. Cronin, Greg Position: Senior Lecturer in Animal Behaviour and Welfare Science Address: Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Sydney, Private Bag 4003, Narellan NSW 2567 Telephone: +61 2 9351 1629 Fax: +61 2 9351 1693 E-mail: greg.cronin@sydney.edu.au Cuff, Phil Position: Commodity Trader (Animal Proteins) Address: BEC Feed Solutions Pty Ltd, 66 Antimony Street, Carole Park QLD 4300 PO Box 475, Goodna QLD 4300 Telephone: +61 (7) 3723 9840 Mobile: 0428 520 035 Fax: +61 (7) 3271 3080 E-mail: p.cuff@becfeed solutions.com.au Website: www.becfeedsolutions.com.au Cutler, Ross S Position: Principal Qualifications: BVSc, PhD Address: Ross Cutler & Associates, 140 The Parade, Ocean Grove VIC 3226 Telephone: (03) 5255 5614 Mobile: 0411 033 746 Fax: (03) 5255 5613 E-mail: rosscutler@optusnet.com.au Specific interests: Veterinary medicine, international aid, teaching. Davine, Elise Position: Nutritionist Qualifications: Bachelor of Agricultural Science (hons) Address: Ridley Agriproducts, Level 4, 565 Bourke St Melbourne, Australia, 3000


Telephone: (03) 8624 6523 Mobile: 0467 795 402 E-mail: elise.davine@ridley.com.au Specific interests: Pig and Layer Nutrition Davis, Mark Position: Commodity Trading (Vegetable Proteins) Address: BEC Feed Solutions Pty Ltd, 50 Antimony St, Carole Park, QLD 4300. PO Box 475, Goodna QLD 4300 Telephone: (07) 3723 9875 Fax: (07) 3271 3080 Mobile: 0419 636 937 E-mail: m.davis@becfeedsolutions.com.au Website: www.becfeedsolutions.com.au Daykin, Shane Position: Regional Manager, South Australia Address: Stockyard Industries, 54 King St Clifton Qld 4361 Telephone: (07) 4697 3344 Mobile: 0427 733 141 E-mail: shane@stockyardindustries.com De Greef, Dr Sarah Position: Swine Veterinarian Address: Country Vet, 27-33 Piper Lane, Bendigo East VIC 3550 Telephone: (03) 5442 6142 Fax: (03) 5443 3829 Mobile: 0429 049 708 E-mail: sarah@chrisrichards.com.au Website: www.chrisrichards.com.au Dickson, Cassie Position: Nutritionist Qualifications: BSc Animal Science Address: Lienert Australia Pty Ltd, 8 Roseworthy Road, Roseworthy SA 5371 Telephone: (08) 8524 8150 Mobile: 0417 149 715 Email: cassie.dickson@lienerts.com.au Website: www.lienerts.com.au Doak, Toby Position: Technical Sales Representative Address: Alltech Biotechnology Pty Ltd, 64-70 Nissan Drive, Dandeonong South Vic 3175 Telephone: (03) 9767 2800 Mobile: 0408 304 914 Fax: (03) 9791 6423 E-mail: tdoak@alltech.com Website: www.alltech.com Dobbs, Tiffany Position: Technical Sales/Premix Formulation Officer Qualifications: PhD BAppSc (Animal Sc) (Hons) Address: BEC Feed Solutions Pty Ltd, 50 Antimony St, Carole Park, QLD 4300. PO Box 475, Goodna QLD 4300 Telephone: (07) 3723 9875 Fax: (07) 3271 3080 Mobile: 0447 897 919 E-mail: t.dobbs@becfeedsolutions.com.au Website: www.becfeedsolutions.com.au Doubleday, Jonothon Position: Director Address: Auspac Ingredients, Unit 1, 84-92 Barnes Street, Tamworth, NSW 2340 Telephone: (02) 6762 7708 Mobile: 0428 662 510 Fax: (02) 6762 7709 Email: jonothon@auspacingredients.com.au

D’Souza, Darryl Dr Position: General Manager, Research & Innovation Qualifications: BSc (Hons), PhD Address: Australian Pork Limited, PO Box 4746, Kingston ACT 2604 Telephone: (02) 6285 2200 Fax: (02) 6285 2288 Email: darryl.d’souza@australianpork.com.au Website: www.australianpork.com.au Dunlop, Dr Hugo Position: Pig Veterinary Consultant Qualifications: BVMS, MSc, PhD Address: 144 Murphy Street, Bendigo VIC 3550 Telephone: (03) 5442 6142 Fax: (03) 5443 3829 Mobile: 0428 129 053 Email: hugo@countryvet.com.au Specific interests: Herd health programs, disease investigations, health monitoring, on-farm quality assurance, disease eradication, food-safety. Edwards, A C (Tony) Position: Consultant Animal Nutritionist Qualifications: BRurSc (Hons) Address: Ace Livestock Consulting Pty Ltd, PO Box 108, Cockatoo Valley SA 5351 Telephone: (08) 8524 6082 Mobile: 0408 505 194 Fax: (08) 8524 6890 Email: acelive@ihug.com.au Specific interests: Commercial livestock nutrition, feed milling, feedstuff evaluation, technical training Edwards, Joe Position: National Sales Manager - Pig Address: Ridley Agriproducts, 87 Charleston Road, Bendigo VIC 3550 Mobile: 0467 807 599 E-mail: joe.edwards@ridley.com.au Specific interests: Pig production Edwards, Megan Position: Nutritionist Address: Ace Livestock Consulting Pty Ltd, PO Box 108, Cockatoo Valley SA 5351 Telephone: (08) 8524 6082 Mobile: 0408 505 911 Fax: (08) 8524 6890 Email: megan@acelive.com.au Edwards, Mitch Position: Marketing Manager Address: Australian Pork Limited, Level 8, 1 Chifley Square, Sydney NSW 2000 Mobile: 0423 208 082 Email: mitch.edwards@australianpork.com.au Website: www.australianpork.com.au Evison, Richard Position: Westpork, Production Manager Position: President, West Australian Pork Producers’ Association Qualifications: Diploma in Agriculture Graduate Certificate Australian Rural Leadership Address: Unit 1, 7 Foundry Street, Maylands WA 6051 Telephone: (08) 9271 2844 Mobile: 0417 702 692 Email: richard.evison@westpork.com.au Fahy, V A (Tony) Position: Specialist Pig Veterinarian Qualifications: BVSc (Hons), PhD Address: Arrow Animal Health Advisory, PO Box 42 Epsom VIC 3551

Mobile: +61 409 335 707 Email: tony.fahy@dpi.vic.gov.au Email: tony@thefahygroup.com Specific interests: Control of respiratory and enteric diseases, E.coli scours, reduction of sucker and weaner mortality, autogenous vaccines, disease eradication, the economics and logistics of total and Swiss depopulation, Fisher, Lynell (Lyn) Position: Senior Nutritionist Qualifications: Bachelor of Applied Science Address: Ridley Agriproducts 154 Anzac Ave Toowoomba, QLD 4350 Mobile: 0455 099 445 E-mail: lynell.fisher@ridley.com.au Specific Interests: Layer and pig nutrition batch farrowing. Forbes, Clark Position: Technical Sales Associate Southern Region Address: PIC Australia, PO Box 39, Grong Grong, NSW 2652 Telephone: (02) 6956 2105 Fax: (02) 6956 2203 Mobile: 0427 909 361 Email: cforbes@picaustralia.com.au Website: www.picaustralia.com.au Fraser, Rob Position: Commodity Trading Manager Qualifications: Bbus (Agribus) Address: BEC Feed Solutions Pty Ltd, 50 & 66 Antimony Street, Carole Park QLD 4300 PO Box 475, Goodna QLD 4300 Telephone: +61 (7) 3723 9845 Fax: +61 (7) 3271 3080 Mobile: 0423 426 764 Email: r.fraser@becfeedsolutions.com.au Website: www.becfeddsolutions.com.au Frey, Barb Position: Veterinary Consultant Qualifications: DVM (Guelph) Address: PO Box 317, Guildford WA 6935 Mobile: 0400 298 258 Email: barb@consistentpork.com.au Specific interests: Growing herd performance analysis, marketing efficiency, staff training, Prohand, carcase data analysis. Gannon, Dr Kate Position: Veterinarian Qualifications: BVMS Address: Portec Veterinary Services, PO Box 2112, Carlisle North WA 6101 Telephone: (08) 9361 5550 Mobile: 0407 082 934 Fax: (08) 9361 5558 Email: kate@portec.com.au Website: www.portec.com.au Specific interests: Pig herd health, welfare and management, food safety, tertiary education and stockperson training. Gannon, Neil Joseph Position: Managing Director Qualifications: B.Sc.Agr (Hons), PhD Address: Biomin Australia Pty Ltd, PO Box 2419 Toowoomba QLD 4350 Telephone: (02) 9872 6324 Fax: (02) 9872 5139 Mobile: 0458 634 554 E-mail: neil.gannon@biomin.net Website: www.biomin.net


Gleeson, Dr Bernie Position: Swine Veterinarian Qualifications: BVSc Address: Country Vet, 27-33 Piper Lane, East Bendigo VIC 3550 Telephone: (03) 5442 6142 Mobile: 0428 270 091 Fax: (03) 5443 3829 Email: Bernie@countryvet.com.au Gourlay, Charlie Position: Technical Sales Associate, Northern Region and New Zealand Address: PIC Australia, PO Box 39, Grong Grong NSW 2652 Telephone: (02) 6956 2105 Mobile: 0429 030 091 (NZ phone) +64 277 209 193 Fax: (02) 6956 2203 Email: cgourlay@picaustralia.com.au or (NZ email) charlie.gourlay@picnz.co.nz Website: www.picaustralia.com.au Grech, Tina Position: Senior Nutritionist Qualifications: B App Sci (Ag) Address: Lienert Australia Pty Ltd, 8 Roseworthy Rd, Roseworthy SA 5371 Telephone: (08) 8521 0623 Mobile: 0407 608 179 Email: tina.grech@lienerts.com.au Grieve, Dr Avril Position: National Swine Senior Territory Manager Address: Elanco Australia Telephone: 0418 115 314 Email: grieve_avril@elanco.com Website: elanco.com.au Groves, Lynda Position: Sales Manager – Export Address: Rivalea, (Australia) Pty Ltd, PO Box 78, Corowa NSW 2646 Telephone: (02) 6033 8237 Mobile: 0417 256 907 Fax: (02) 6033 8257 Email: LGroves@rivalea.com.au Website: www.rivalea.com.au Hamann, Rod Position: CEO, Australian Pork Farms Group; Directorships in Pork CRC, Auspork Limited, Big River Pork Abattoir, and a member of Pork SA and SA PIAG Boards. Address: PO Box 792, Stirling SA 5152 Telephone: (08) 8339 9700 Email: rod@austporkfarms.com.au Hampson, David John Position: Professor of Veterinary Microbiology Qualifications: BVet Med, PhD, DSc, FASM, FRCPath, FAAM, FRCVS Address: School of Veterinary and Life Sciences, Murdoch University WA 6150 Telephone: (08) 9360 2287 Fax: (08) 9310 4144 E-mail: D.Hampson@murdoch.edu.au Specific interests: Intestinal spirochaete infections of chickens; wet litter; necrotic enteritis; bacterial infections of poultry. Vaccines and diagnostics for intestinal spirochaetes. Harrison, David Position: Contracting Manager Qualifications: CertAppSci (Animal Technician), Grad Dip (Environmental Mgmt), Grad Cert (Manufacturing Mgmt) Address: Rivalea Australia Pty Ltd, PO Box 78,


Corowa NSW 2646 Telephone: (02) 6033 8568 Email: dharrison@rivalea.com.au Website: www.rivalea.com.au Specific interests: Pig production Hartmann, Peter Edwin Position: Professor Qualifications: BRurSc, PhD Address: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology School of Biomedical, Biomolecular and Chemical Sciences M310 University of Western Australia, 35 Stirling Hwy, Crawley WA 6009 Telephone: (08) 6488 3327 Fax: (08) 6488 1148 Email: hartmanp@cyllene.uwa.edu.au Specific interests: Lactation; farrowing; piglet development. Hassan, George Position: Gene Centre Manager, Cefn Genetics Pty Ltd Address: Murray Bridge, South Australia Mobile: 0427 567 722 Email: george.cefn.internode.om.net Haydon, Peter Position: General Manager, Marketing Address: Australian Pork Limited, PO Box 4746, Kingston ACT 2604 Telephone: (02) 6270 8847 Fax: (02) 6285 2288 Email: peter.haydon@australianpork.com.au Website: www.australianpork.com.au Healey, Kevin Position: Research and Development Manager Qualifications: BSc, Dipl.FDA, M App Sc, MSc (Biotech) Address: IAH Sales Pty Ltd, 18 Healey Circuit, Huntingwood NSW 2148 Telephone: (02) 9672 7944 Mobile: 0417 269 193 Fax: (02) 9672 7988 Email: khealey@iahp.com.au Website: www.iahp.com.au Specific interests: Probiotics for pigs and poultry, feed additives, premixes, coccidiostats, disinfectants. Hemsworth, Paul Hamilton Position: Director Qualifications: BAgSc (Hons), PhD Address: Animal Welfare Science Centre, Faculty of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences The University of Melbourne, Parkville, VIC 3010 Telephone: (03) 8344 8383 Mobile: 0418 360 284 Fax: (03) 8344 5037 Email: phh@unimelb.edu.au Specific interests: Human/animal interactions; stress, welfare; sexual behaviour, housing systems. Henry, Matt Position: Country Manager Australia Address: Kemin AgriFoods Asia, Suite 6-7 694 Pacific Highway, Killara NSW 2071 Telephone: (02) 9844 5700 Mobile: 0439 136 602 Fax: (02) 9418 2544 Email: matthew.henry@kemin.com Website www.kemin.com.au Hermesch, Susanne Position: Associate Professor Qualifications: DipIngAg, PhD Address: Animal Genetics and Breeding Unit, University of New England, Armidale NSW 2351 Telephone: (02) 6773 2055

Direct: (02) 6773 3787 Fax: (02) 6773 3266 Email: Susanne.Hermesch@une.edu.au Website: http://agbu.une.edu.au Specific interests: Healthy robust pig genotypes, use of haemoglobin in pig breeding programs; selection for improved carcase market value; PIGBLUP, adoption and knowledge transfer. Hinchcliffe, Graeme Position: Southern Sales Manager Address: Lienert Australia, 8 Maynard Ave, Bendigo VIC 3551 Telephone: (03) 5448 5740 Mobile: 0417 700 666 Email: graeme.hinchcliffe@lienerts.com.au Website: www.lienerts.com.au Hirst, Andrew Nicholas Position: General Manager Address: Windridge Pig Farm, P O Box 50, Young, NSW 2594 Telephone: (02) 6382 1311 Mobile: 0417 434 778 Fax: (02) 6382 4280 Email: WindridgePigFarm@bigpond.com Holyoake, Dr Patricia Kaye (Trish) Qualifications: BVSc PhD CMAVA ANZCVS Address: Holyoake Veterinary Consulting 196 Mannes Lane, Strathfieldsaye VIC 3551 Mobile: 0427 302 754 Email: trishpigvet@icloud.com Specific interests: Health, welfare, reproduction, APIQ auditor, Certificate IV in Training and Assessment, Specialist expertise and interest in servicing free range, smallholder and pet pig owners as well as larger commercial farms Hovers, Marsha Position: Marketing Coordinator Address: BEC Feed Solutions Pty Ltd, 50 Antimony St, Carole Park, QLD 4300. PO Box 475, Goodna QLD 4300 Telephone: (07) 3723 9855 Fax: (07) 3271 3080 Email: m.hovers@bedfeedsolutions.com.au Website: www.becfeedsolutions.com.au Hovers, Ton Position: Chief Operations Officer Qualifications: MSc Address: BEC Feed Solutions Pty Ltd, 66 Antimony Street, Carole Park QLD 4300 PO Box 475, Goodna QLD 4300 Telephone: +61 (7) 3723 9829 Mobile: 0457 786 228 Fax: +61 (7) 3271 3080 Email: t.hovers@becfeedsolutions.com.au Website: www.becfeedsolutions.com.au Hughes, Paul Position: Program Leader, Intensive Livestock Production Systems Qualifications: BSc, PhD Address: Pig and Poultry Production Institute SARDI Livestock Systems, Roseworthy Campus, Roseworthy SA 5371 Telephone: (08) 8313 7788 Mobile: 0422 001 286 Fax: (08) 8313 7797 Email: paul.hughes2@sa.gov.au Website: www.sardi.sa.gov.au Specific interests: Pig reproduction and nutrition. Training and education for the pig industry.

Ireland, Greg Position: Veterinarian Qualifications: BSc, (Hons) BVSc (Hons) Address: 106 Brisbane Street, Tamworth NSW 2340 Telephone: (02) 6766 3988 Fax: (02) 6766 4259 Email: gireland@mpx.com.au Website: www.tamworthvet.com.au Specific interests: Herd health and production programs. Isaac, David Position: Animal Health, Innovation & Research Manager Qualifications: DVM MRCVS Address: BEC Feed Solutions Pty Ltd 50 Antimony St, Carole Park, Qld 4300, PO Box 475, Goodna Qld 4300 Telephone: (07) 3723 9844 Fax: (07) 3271 3080 Mobile: 0400 603 483 Email: d.isaac@becfeedsolutions.com.au Website: www.becfeedsolutions.com Jamieson, Lisa Position: ANZ Intensive Food Animal Sales Manager Address: Elanco Animal Health, 112 Wharf Road, West Ryde NSW 2114 Telephone: +61 2 9878 7757 Fax: +61 2 9878 7720 Mobile: +61 447 456 308 Email: jamiesonli@elanco.com Jervois, Bridget Position: Operations Manager, Pork Storks Australia Qualifications: Bachelor Agricultural Science Address: 3140 Midland Highway, Lethbridge VIC 3332 Telephone: (03) 5281 7546 Mobile: 0408 855 875 Fax: (03) 5281 7547 Email: bridget@porkstorks.com.au Website: www.porkstorks.com.au Specific interests: Semen production and analysis, boar stud management, customer liaison, QA, distribution, Post Cervical AI. Johanson, Will Position: Territory Manager (Victoria) Qualifications: Bachelor of Agriculture Address: Ridley Agriproducts, 87 Charleston Road, Bendigo VIC 3550 Mobile: 0477 716 784 E-mail: will. johanson@ridley.com.au Specific interests: Layer and pig production Johnston, Robert Position: PIC Operations Manager Address: PIC Australia, PO Box 39, Grong Grong NSW 2652 Telephone: (02) 6956 2105 Fax: (02) 6956 2203 Email: rjohnston@picaustralia.com.au Website: www.picaustralia.com.au Jones, Andrew Position: General Manager Production – CEFN Pty Ltd Address: 54 King Street, Clifton QLD 4361 Telephone: (07) 4697 3344 Mobile: 0429 471 497 Fax: (07) 4697 3532 Jones, Marcus Position: Director of Sales, Stockyard Industries, CEFN Genetics Address: CEFN Pty Ltd, 54 King Street, Clifton QLD 4361 Telephone: (07) 4697 3344 Mobile: 0427 601 605 E-mail: marcusj@cefn.com.au


Karaconji, Branislav Position: Technical Services Manager Qualifications: Dipl. Vet.Med (DVM), MAHM (Master of Avian Health and Medicine) Address: Zoetis Australia Pty Ltd Mobile: 0448 055 159 Email: branislav.karaconji@zoetis.com Website: www.zoetis.com.au Kim, Jae Cheol Position: Research Officer and Project Manager Qualifications: BScAg, MSc, PhD, RAnNutr Address: Pork Innovation, WA Department of Agriculture and Food, Locked Bag No 4, Bentley Delivery Centre WA 6983 Telephone: (08) 9368 3322 Mobile: 0412 828 357 Fax: (08) 9368 2095 Email: jae.kim@agric.wa.gov.au Specific interests: Carbohydrate nutrition, amino acid nutrition, feedstuff evaluation, carbohydrate-protein/gut health interaction, weaner pig nutrition, use of antibiotic free diets, immunity of weaner pigs. King, Ray Position: Science Consultant Qualifications: B.Ag Sc, PhD Address: RHK Consulting Pty Ltd, 30 Hedderwick St, Essendon VIC 3040 Telephone: (03) 9337 8615 Mobile: 0412 322 047 Email: r.h.king@bigpond.net.au Specific interests: Pig nutrition; sow reproduction and lactation, project management. Knowles, Craig Position: Site Supervisor, Glencoe GTC Address: Porkstorks Australia, 336 Glencoe Gowrie Road, Glencoe Qld 4352 Telephone: (07) 4699 3055 Mobile: 0400 672 418 Fax: (07) 4699 3832 Email: craig@porkstorks.com.au Website: www.porkstorks.com.au Specific interests: Semen production and analysis, semen delivery. Kopinski, John S Dr Position: Principal Coordinator LQMS/Principal Research Nutritionist Qualifications: BSc (Hons), PhD Address: DAFF, Ecosciences Precinct, GPO Box 267 Brisbane QLD 4001 Telephone: (07) 32554303 Email: john.kopinski@daff.qld.gov.au Website: www.dpi.qld.gov.au/pigs Specific interests: Ergot sorghum, alternative feeds, pig digestion, vitamin and minerals, biotin, digestible energy, gastric ulcers, mycotoxins, white wheat, GMOs. Lahm, Matt Position: Sales Representative Address: Lienert Australia Pty Ltd, 8 Maynard Drive Bendigo VIC 3551 Telephone: (03) 5448 5740 Mobile: 0437 056 369 Email: matt.lahm@lienerts.com.au Website: www.lienerts.com.au Lakin, Ron Position: Managing Director Address: Bio Bowser Tecnnologies Pty Ltd, 89 Pinjarra Rd, Pinjarra Hills QLD 4069 Mobile: 0422 872 586 Email: ronl@biobowser.com.au Specific interests: Renewable energy


Lambeth, Philip Position: Director Address: Auspac Ingredients Pty Ltd, Unit 1, 84-92 Barnes Street, Tamworth NSW 2340 Telephone: (02) 6762 7708 Mobile: 0428 662 512 Fax: (02) 6762 7709 Email: philip@auspacingredients.com.au Lawlor, Chris Position: Director – IAH Sales Pty Ltd Address: 18 Healey Circuit, Huntingwood NSW 2148 Telephone: (02) 9672 7944 Fax: (02) 9672 7988 Email: clawlor@iahp.com.au Website: www.iahp.com.au Specific interests: Probiotics for pigs and poultry, feed additives, premixes, coccidiostats, disinfectants. Lewis, Craig Position: Custom Genetic Improvement Officer Qualifications: PhD Address: PIC North America, 100 Bluegrass Commons Blvd, Suite 2200 Hebdersonville, TN 37075 Telephone: 615 265 2800 Email: craig.lewis@genuspic.com Lloyd, Barry Raymond Position: Veterinary consultant Qualifications: BVSc (Hons) Address: PO Box 654, Gawler SA 5118 Telephone/Fax: (08) 8522 5504 Mobile: 0418 825 010 Email: barryvet8@bigpond.com Specific interests: Herd health management, implementation of modern pig flow techniques, real time ultrasound services. Loudon, Emalyn Position: Technical Services Manager Qualifications: B.Agribus Address: Westpork Pty Ltd, 1/7 Foundry Street, Maylands WA 6051 Telephone: (08) 9271 2844 Fax: (08) 9271 2855 Mobile: 0477 444 141 Email: emalyn.loudon@westpork.com.au Specific interests: Welfare benchmarking, on-farm R&D, quality assurance, staff training. Lu, Jason Position: Nutritionist Qualifications: BSc, MAppSC MEd Address: Riverina Australia, 25 Donkin St, West End Brisbane QLD 4101 Telephone: (07) 3007 6807 Mobile: 0428 457 524 Fax: (07) 3846 0684 Email: jlu@riverina.com.au Luxford, Brian Position: General Manager Research & Innovation Qualifications: PhD Address: Rivalea Australia Pty Ltd, PO Box 78, Corowa NSW 2646 Telephone: (02) 6033 8333 Mobile: 0418 261 844 Fax: (02) 6033 8320 E-mail: bluxford@rivalea.com Specific interests: Genetics & mating management. McCann, Craig Position: National Sales Manager Qualifications: GDipAgribus, MBus Address: BEC Feed Solutions Pty Ltd, 50 & 66 Antimony Street, Carole Park, QLD 4300 PO Box 475, Goodna QLD 4300 Mobile: 0488 025 555 Email: c.mccann@becfeedsolutions.com.au Website: www.becfeedsolutions.com.au

McFarlane, Rob Position: General Manager Address: Alltech (NZ) Ltd, PO Box 69 170, Glendene, Auckland 0645, New Zealand Telephone: +64 9 837 3214 Fax: +64 9 837 3214 Mobile: +64 27 667 7744 Email: rmcfarlane@alltech.com M’Gee, Denis Position: Nutrition & Technical Services Riverbank Stockfeeds Qualifications: BSc, M Ag Sc, Dip Food Safety, Dip Training, RANutr Address: PO Box 221, Werribee VIC 3030 Telephone: (03) 9731 9888 Mobile: 0400 722 260 Email: denism@riv.com.au Website: www.riv.com.au McKenzie, Mark Position: General Manager - Sales & Marketing Qualifications: BAgSc Address: Rivalea (Australia) Pty Ltd, PO Box 78, Corowa NSW 2646 Telephone: (02) 6033 8333 Fax: (02) 6033 8257 Mobile: 0418 578 433 E-mail: mmckenzie@rivalea.com.au Specific interests: Domestic and export sale of pigmeat. McKenzie, Simon Position: Area Sales Manager Australia - New Zealand Address: Vencomatic Group Mobile: +61 (0) 419 881 005 Email: simon.mckenzie@vencomaticgroup.com Website: www.vencomaticgroup.com Specific interests: Specialising in equipment solutions for rearing and production in the layer, breeder and broiler segment. McKenna, Martin Position: Director – Clear Span Shelters Address: Clear Span Shelters, 1999 Baynton Road, Kyneton Vic 3444 Telephone: (03) 5423 7144 Fax: (03) 5423 7145 Mackintosh, Emily Position: General Manager, Communication Address: Australian Pork Limited, PO Box 4746, Kingston ACT 2604 Telephone: (02) 6270 8802 Fax: (02) 6285 2288 Email: apl@australianpork.com.au Website: www.australianpork.com.au Malloy, Michael D Position: National Sales and Marketing Address: Sarus Pty Ltd, PO Box 499, Forbes NSW 2871 Telephone: (02) 6851 1747 Mobile: 0412 905 720 Fax: (02) 6851 2134 Email: info@sarus.com.au Website: www.sarus.com Specific interests: Feed conveying and animal husbandry equipment and disinfectants. Martin, Paul Position: Sales Representative Southern Region Address: Auspac Ingredients Pty Ltd, Unit 1, 84-92 Barnes Street, Tamworth NSW 2340 Telephone: (02) 6762 7708 Mobile: 0417 259 908 Fax: (02) 6762 7709 Email: paul@auspacingredients.com.au Mathieson, Leigh Position: Lethbridge Site Supervisor, Pork Storks Australia Address: 3140 Midland Highway, Lethbridge VIC 3332 Telephone: (03) 5281 7546 Mobile: 0457 742 352 Fax: (03) 5281 7547 Email: leigh@porkstorks.com.au Website: www.porkstorks.com.au Specific interests: Semen production and analysis, boar stud management, boar welfare, procedural management, performance testing and boar selection.

Matthews, Dr Beren Position: Swine Veterinarian Qualifications: BVSc (Hons) Address: Country Vet, 45 Piper Lane, East Bendigo VIC 3550 Telephone: (03) 5442 6142 Mobile: 0457 742 352 Fax: (03) 5443 3829 Email: beren@countryvet.com.au Meads, Nigel Position: Corporate Accounts Manager Address: Alltech (NZ) Ltd, PO Box 69-170 Glendene, Waitakere Auckland 0645, New Zealand Telephone: +64 9 837 3243 Fax: +64 9 837 3214 Email: nmeads@alltech.com Specific interests: All aspects of pig nutrition; antibiotic alternatives; application of biotech products to improve pig performance. Meaney, Bruce Position: Senior Nutritionist Address: Lienert Australia, PO Box 65, Roseworthy SA 5371 Telephone: (08) 8524 8150 Fax: (08) 8524 8001 Mobile: 0400 800 978 Email: bruce.meaney@lienerts.com.au Website: www.lienerts.com.au Meaney, Darryl Position: National Sales Manager Address: Zoetis Australia Pty Ltd Mobile: 0419 594 922 Email: darryl.meaney@zoetis.com Website: www.zoetis.com.au Miller, Kym Position: Business Manager Address: National Feed Solutions, PO Box 6370, Wetherill Park B/C NSW 2164 Mobile: 0439 066 006 Fax: (02) 9609 7923 Email: kym@nationalfeedsolutions.com.au Website: www.nationalfeedsolutions.com.au Miller, Dr Yvette Position: Veterinarian Qualifications: BVSc, PhD Address: 27-33 Piper Lane, East Bendigo VIC 3550 Telephone: +613 5445 5900 Mobile: 0428 479 000 Fax: +613 5445 5914 Email: yvette@chrisrichards.com.au Website: www.chrisrichards.com.au Specific interests: Pig and poultry health, welfare and management, training, research. Mingay, Mark Position: Project Manager Qualifications: B.App Sci (Ag) Address: Stockyard Industries, 54 King St, Clifton QLD 4361 Telephone: (07) 4697 3344 Mobile: 0417 168 548 Fax: (07) 4697 3532 Email: mark@stockyardindustries.com Website: www.stockyardindustries.com Mitchell, Pat Position: Research & Innovation Manager, Production Stewardship Address: Australian Pork Limited C/o 3068 Prairie-Rochester Rd, Prairie VIC 3572 Telephone: (03) 5488 2306 Mobile: 0402 794 912 Fax: (03) 5488 2304 Email: pat.mitchell@australianpork.com.au Website: www.australianpork.com.au Specific interests: Animal welfare, health, production, reproduction, pig industry students, biosecurity, zoonotics, food safety, antibiotic usage & antimicrobial resistance.


Modra,Vin Position: Sales Representative SA Address: Lienert Australia, PO Box 65, Roseworthy SA 5371 Telephone: (08) 8524 8150 Mobile: 0407 723 679 Fax: (08) 8524 8001 Email: vin.modra@lienerts.com.au Website: www.lienerts.com.au Moore, Karen Position: Research Officer Qualifications: BSc (Agriculture) Hons Address: Department of Agriculture and Food WA, Locked Bag No 4 Bentley Delivery Centre WA 6983 Telephone: (08) 9368 3636 Fax: (08) 9368 3570 Email: karen.moore@agric.wa.gov.au Specific interests: Environmental extension, meat quality, nutrtion. Moore, Michael Position: Policy Project Officer Qualifications: RDA Address: GPO Box 1671, Adelaide SA 5001 Telephone: (08) 8463 3289 Mobile: 0401 122 096 Fax: (08) 8463 3366 Email: michael.moore@sa.gov.au Specific interests: Pork industry development in SA; health; management and production: marketing; welfare; QA. Morel, Patrick C H Position: Professor for Animal Science, Director Animal Nutrition Qualifications: Dip IngAg, Dr Sc.Tech (ETH Zurich, Switzerland) Address: Institute of Veterinary, Animal and Biomedical Sciences, Massey University, Private Bag 11-222, Palmerston North New Zealand Telephone: +64 6 350 5338 Email: P.C.Morel@massey.ac.nz Specific interests: Pig nutrition; meat quality; animal breeding; growth modelling; feed evaluation. Morgan, Jayce Position: Development Officer Pigs Qualifications: Dipp Appl Sc (Agric), Grad Dip Sus Ag, MRSc Address: Tamworth Agricultural Research Institute 4 Marsden Park Road, Calala NSW 2340 Telephone: (02) 6763 1257 Fax: (02) 6763 1222 Mobile: 0428 416 518 E-mail: jayce.morgan@dpi.nsw.gov.au Specific interests: Pigs and pork production. Morris, Dr Andrew Position: Swine Veterinarian Qualifications: BVSc, MACVS Address: Country Vet, 144 Murphy St, Bendigo VIC 3550 Telephone: (03) 5442 6142 Mobile: 0437 011 818 Fax: (03) 5443 3829 Email: andrew.morris@countryvet.com.au Mottram, Malcolm Position: Managing Partner Qualifications: BAg. Sci, Address: Feedworks Pty Ltd, PO Box 369, Romsey VIC 3435 Telephone: (03) 5429 2433 Mobile: 0407 366 118 Fax: (03) 5429 2433 Email: mal.mottram@feedworks.com.au Website: www.feedworks.com.au Mullan, Bruce Position: Director Qualifications: BScAg, PhD, RAn NUTR


Address: WA Department of Agriculture and Food, Locked Bag No 4, Bentley Delivery Centre WA 6983 Telephone: (08) 9368 3578 Mobile: 0428 279 551 Fax: (08) 9368 2095 Email: bmullan@agric.wa.gov.au Specific interests: Auspig; environment/nutrition interaction; lactation; feedstuff evaluation; nutritional effects on meat quality. Nairn, Kim Alexander Position: Veterinarian Qualifications: BVMS Address: Portec Veterinary Services, PO Box 2112, Carlisle North WA 6101 Telephone: (08) 9361 5550 Mobile: 0429 960 051 Fax: (08) 9361 5558 Email: kim@portec.com.au Website: www.portec.com.au Specific interests: Pig and poultry health, welfare and management, food safety, tertiary education and stockperson training. Naylor, Adam Position: General Manager Address: Alltech Biotechnology Pty Ltd, 64-70 Nissan Drive, Dandeonong South VIC 3175 Telephone: (03) 9767 2800 Mobile: 0417 177 237 Fax: (03) 9791 6423 Email: anaylor@alltech.com Website: www.alltech.com Naylor, Jess Position: Regional Sales Manager - Northern Qualifications: B Rural Science (Hons) Address: Auspac Ingredients, Unit 1, 84-92 Barnes Street, Tamworth NSW 2340 Telephone: (02) 6762 7708 Mobile: 0439 195 993 Fax: (02) 6762 7709 Email: jess@auspacingredients.com.au Nettle, Nick Position: Sales Director Address: Novus Nutrition Pty Ltd, PO Box 151, Drummoyne NSW 1470 Telephone: (02) 6882 4324 Mobile: 0438 153 105 E-mail: nick.nettle@novusint.com Website: www.novusint.com Specific interests: Gut enhancers for swine, organic mineral nutrition, improving sow feed intakes. Nicholson, Shane Position: Northern Sales Manager - Monogastric Address: Lienert Australia Pty Ltd, PO Box 6489, Toowoomba West, QLD 4350 Telephone: 1800 649 231 Fax: 1800 649 336 Mobile: 0427 200 262 Email: shane.nicholson@lienerts.com.au Website: www.lienerts.com.au Nietschke, Lisa Position: Nutritionist Qualifications: BSc (Animal Science) Address: Lienert Australia, 8 Roseworthy Road, Roseworthy SA 5371 Telephone: (08) 8524 8150 Fax: (08) 8524 8001 Mobile: 0428 848 249 Email: lisa.nietschke@lienerts.com.au Website: www.lienerts.com.au Nilon, Shem Position: Area Manager NSW Address: Stockyard Industries, 54 King St, Clifton QLD 4361 Telephone: (07) 4697 3344 Mobile: 0448 026 956 Email: shem@stockyardindustries.com

Noone, Paul Position: Regional Manager, Northern Region Address: PIC Australia, PO Box 39, Grong Grong NSW 2652 Telephone: (02) 6956 2105 Fax: (02) 6956 2203 Mobile: 0408 717 727 E-mail: pnoone@picaustralia.com.au Website: www.picaustralia.com.au O’Brien, Nathan Position: National Sales Manager Address: Lienert Australia Pty Ltd, 28 Durham St, Forbes NSW 2871 Mobile: 0427 772 515 E-mail: nathan.obrien@lienerts.com.au Website: www.lienerts.com.au O’Leary, Paul D Position: Chief Executive Officer Address: PIC Australia, PO Box 39, Grong Grong NSW 2652 Telephone: (02) 6956 2105 Fax: (02) 6956 2203 Email: poleary@picaustralia.com.au Website: www.picaustralia.com.au Olley, Mark Position: Regional Director Address: Biomin (Australia) Pty Ltd, PO Box 5233, Maroochydore QLD 4558 Telephone: (02) 9872 6324 Fax: (02) 9872 5139 Mobile: 0437 076 615 Email: mark.olley@biomin.net Website: www.biomin.net Parkes, Robert Position: Business Manager - Poultry & Pigs Qualifications: Bachelor of Rural Science(hons), Graduate Diploma of Business Address: Ridley Agriproducts, 70-80 Bald Hill Road, Pakenham, VIC 3550 Telephone: (03) 5941 0315 E-mail: robert.parkes@ridley.com.au Specific interests: Nutrition, feed manufacture & biosecurity Payne, Hugh Position: Development Officer Qualifications: MSc (Animal Science) Address: Department of Agriculture and Food WA Locked Bag No 4, Bentley Delivery Centre, WA 6983 Telephone: (08) 9368 3576 Fax: (08) 9368 2095 Email: hugh.payne@agric.wa.gov.au Specific interests: Housing, Welfare, Environment Peebles, Mark Position: General Manager Qualifications: B.Appl. Sc (Rural Tech) Address: Lienert Australia Pty Ltd, 8 Roseworthy Rd, Roseworthy SA 5371 Telephone: (08) 8524 8150 Mobile: 0400 174 722 Email: mark.peebles@lienerts.com.au Specific interests: Livestock nutrition, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, animal health products. Pena, Jorge Position: National Key Account Manager Address: Alltech Biotechnology Pty Ltd, 64-70 Nissan Drive, Dandeonong South Vic 3175 Telephone: (03) 9767 2800 Mobile: 0418 791 270 Fax: (03) 9791 6423 Email: jpena@alltech.com Website: www.alltech.com

Pluske, John Position: Professor and Associate Dean – Research Qualifications: BScAgric (Hons), PhD Address: School of Veterinary & Life Sciences, Murdoch University, Murdoch WA 6150 Telephone: (08) 9360 2012 Fax: (08) 9360 6628 Email: J.Pluske@murdoch.edu.au Website: www.murdoch.edu.au Specific interests: Digestive physiology, piglet nutrition, feedstuff evaluation, comparative monogastric nutrition Pollock, Geoff Position: Northern Regional Manager Qualifications: B.App.Sci (Rural Technology) Address: Chris Richards and Associates, 6 Freighter Avenue, Wilsonton, QLD 4350 Telephone: +613 5445 5900 Mobile: +61488 242 001 Fax: +613 5445 5914 Email: geoff.chrisrichards.com.au Website: www.chrisrichards.com.au Specific interests: Production management and training, herd recording and data analysis, iVet health management system Pope, Graeme J Position: Consultant: Graeme Pope Consulting Qualifications: RDA; RGDA; ADWM Address: Graeme Pope Consulting, PO Box 1095, Nuriootpa SA 5355 Telephone: (08) 8562 3531 Mobile: 0438 423 900 Email: graemepopeconsulting@bigpond.com Specific interests: Stockperson training, APIQ auditing, AI, Pig Welfare. Price, Janine Position: Research and Innovation Manager, Environment Address: Australian Pork Limited, PO Box 4746, Kingston, ACT 2604 Telephone: (02) 6270 8827 Fax: (02) 6285 2288 Email: janine.price@australianpork.com.au Website: www.australianpork.com.au Pritchard, Michael Position: Manager Biosecurity Qualifications: MBT, MRIPHH Address: 70 Kissing Point Road, Turramurra NSW 2074 Telephone: (02) 9144 4574 Mobile: 0407 764 850 Fax: (02) 9144 4574 Email: Michael.Pritchard@lienerts.com.au Website: www.lienerts.com.au Proudman, Fiona Position: Nutritionist Qaulifications: B Ag Sc. (University of Adelaide) Address: Lienert Australia, PO Box 65, Roseworthy SA 5371 Telephone: (08) 8524 8150 Fax: (08) 8524 8001 Email: fiona.proudman@liernerts.com.au Website: www.lienerts.com.au Reeves, John Position: Marketing Manager Intensive Business Unit Qualifications: B.Bus, MBA Address: Zoetis Australia Pty Ltd Mobile: 0412 264 497 Email: john.reeves@zoetis.com Website: www.zoetis.com.au Reu, David Position: Managing Director Qualifications: 11 years of pig farming Address: APS & Vaucluse, Chapman Rd, Inglewood SA 5133 Telephone: (08) 8380 5672 Fax: (08) 8380 5176 Email: davidreu@vaucluse-aps.com.au Website: www.vaucluse-aps.com.au Specific interests: Ultrasonography, breeding.


Richards, Dr Christopher I Position: Veterinary consultant Qualifications: BVSc, BSc Address: 27-33 Piper Lane, East Bendigo VIC 3550 Telephone: (03) 5445 5900 Mobile: 0429 843 184 Fax: (03) 5443 3829 E-mail: chris@chrisrichardsgroup.com.au Website: chrisrichards.com.au Specific interests: veterinary consultant; disease eradication; quality assurance; multi-site production, artificial insemination, semen analysis. Richards, Dr Kirsty Position: Veterinary Systems Manager Qualifications: BVSc, MVPHMgt Address: 45 Piper Lane East Bendigo VIC 3550 Telephone: (03) 5442 6142 Mobile: 0407 282 592 Fax: (03) 5443 3829 E-mail: kirsty@countryvet.com.au Website: chrisrichards.com.au Rikard-Bell, Charles Position: Regional Brand Manager Swine - Asia PACRIM Qualifications: BSc Agr, MSc, PhD Address: Elanco Animal Health, PO Box 101, Mallala SA 5502 Telephone: (08) 8527 2337 Mobile: 0427 267 734 E-mail: c.rikardbell@elanco.com Roberts, Dave Position: Managing Director Qualifications: DipAgrSci (LAC) Address: Think Livestock 16 Grevillea Road, Huntly VIC 3551 Telephone: 03 5448 8942 Fax: 03 5448 8943 Mobile: 0417 127 321 E-mail: daveroberts@thinklivestock.com Website: www.thinklivestock.com Skype: daveroberts3 Specific interests: Vaccination and water medication technologies. Roberts, Kylie Position: National Food Service Trade Marketing Manager Address: Australian Pork Limited, Level 8, 1 Chifley Square, Sydney NSW 2000 Mobile: 0400 832 382 Email: kylie.roberts@australianpork.com.au Website: www.australianpork.com.au Scammel, Deborah Position: Sales Representative Address: Lienert Australia Pty Ltd, 8 Roseworthy Road, Roseworthy SA 5371 Telephone: (08) 8524 8150 Mobile: 0400 515 182 E-mail: deborah.scammel@lienerts.com.au Website: www.lienerts.com.au Schwarz, Herbert Position: Director – AgInvest Pty Ltd Qualifications: M Ag Bus Address: PO Box 422, Angaston SA 5353 Telephone: (08) 8564 3411 Mobile: 0427 643 411 Fax: (08) 8564 3611 Email: aginvest@bigpond.com Schwenke, Fred Position: Business Unit Director Qualifications: B AgrSc, MBA Address: Zoetis Australia Pty Ltd Mobile: 0417 844 231


Email: fred.schwenke@zoetis.com Website: www.zoetis.com.au Specific interests: Meat quality, pig health and nutrition. Scotts, Linda Position: Sales Representative – NSW Address: Lienert Australia, PO Box 194, Forbes NSW 2871 Telephone: 1800 649 231 Fax: 1800 649 336 Mobile: 0428 972 599 Email: linda.scotts@lienerts.com.au Website: www.lienerts.com.au Sergeant, Mike Position: Director Qualifications: BA, MBA Address: Axon Machinery Pty Ltd, 9 Beauty Drive, Avalon NSW 2107 Telephone: (02) 9974 2704 Mobile: 0428 637 717 Fax: (02) 9974 2705 Email: axonmach@bigpond.com Website: www.axonmachinery.com.au Specific interests: Manure and compost handling equipment. Sharrock, Alan Position: Veterinarian Qualifications: BVSc, MACVSc Address: Lachlan Valley Veterinary Clinic, 50 Sheriff Street, Forbes NSW 2871 Telephone: (02) 6851 1100 Fax: (02) 6851 1505 Email: sharrock@westserv.net.au Specific interests: Herd health, management and production, nutrition, new projects, benchmarking. Sherwood, David Position: Sales Manager Qualifications: BApp Sc (Agriculture) Address: CCD Animal Health, Unit 2, 84-92 Barnes Street, Tamworth NSW 2340 Telephone: 1300 791 009 Fax: 1300 798 005 Mobile: 0487 777 089 Email: david@ccdanimalhealth.com.au Website: www.ccdanimalhealth.com.au Skerman, Alan Position: Principal Environmental Engineer Address: Queensland Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, PO Box 102, (203 Tor St) Toowoomba QLD 4350 Telephone: (07) 4688 1247 Mobile 0407 462 529 Fax: (07) 4688 1192 Email: alan.skerman@daff.qld.gov.au Website: www.daff.qld.gov.au Specific interests: Effluent management and biogas research and extension. Skuse, Jeremy M Position: Executive Officer Qualifications: B Sc (Hons), Ag. Sc. Leeds Address: Animal Welfare Science Centre, Faculty of Veterinary ans Agricultural Sciences, University of Melbourne, VIC 3010 Telephone: (03) 8344 8933 Mobile 0402 091 685 Fax: (03) 8344 5037 Email: jskuse@unimelb.edu.au Website: www.animalwelfare.net.au Specific interests: Environmental and human effects on the welfare and productivity of farm animals. Smith, Katana Position: Consumer Marketing Executive - Comunications Address: Australian Pork Limited, Level 8, 1 Chifley Square, Sydney NSW 2000 Mobile: 0409 122 556 Email: katana.smith@australianpork.com.au Website: www.australianpork.com.au

Smith, Matthew Position: Director Asia Pacific Address: Alltech Biotechnologies Pty Ltd PO Box 69, 170 Glendene, Waitakere 654 New Zealand Telephone: +64 9 837 3243 Fax: +64 9 837 3214 Mobile: +64 21 681 388 Email: msmith@alltech.com Smits, Robert Position: Research Manager Qualifications: BScAg (Hons), MSc (Agriculture) Address: Rivalea (Australia) Pty Ltd, PO Box 78, Corowa NSW 2646 Telephone: (02) 6033 1200 Direct: (02) 6033 8204 Fax: (02) 6033 8224 Email: rsmits@rivalea.com.au Specific interests: Research management, AUSPIG, reproduction, growth and nutritiion, contract research and development; Aims are to provide scientific and technical advice to QAF Meat Industries to improve cost-effective production of pigs. Sokolinski, Rolf Position: Technical Manager Address: PIC Australia, PO Box 39, Grong Grong NSW 2652 Telephone: (02) 6956 2105 Fax: (02) 6956 2203 Mobile: 0459 100 995 Email: rsokolinski@picaustralia.com.au Website: www.picaustralia.com.au Spencer, Andrew Position: CEO Australian Pork Limited Address: PO Box 4746, Kingston ACT 2604 Telephone: (02) 6285 2200 Fax: (02) 6285 2288 Email: apl@australianpork.com.au Website: www.australianpork.com.au Spragg, John Position: Executive Officer Address: Stockfeed Manufacturers’ Council of Australia PO Box 383, Beaconsfield VIC 3807 Telephone: (03) 9769 7170 Mobile: 0402 831 843 Email: jspragg@sfmca.com.au Spragge, Andres Position: Sales Representative Address: BEC Feed Solutions Pty Ltd, 50 & 66 Antimony St, Carole Park QLD 4300, PO Box 475, Goodna QLD 4300 Telephone: (07) 3723 9835 Fax: (07) 3271 3080 Mobile: 0427 152 412 Email: a.spragge@becfeedsolutions.com.au Website: www.becfeedsolutions.com.au Steinborner, Luke Position: National Sales Manager Address: National Feed Solutions, PO Box 6370, Wetherill Park B/C NSW 2164 Mobile: 0439 066 006 Fax: (02) 9609 7923 E-mail: luke.steinborner@nationalfeedsolutions.com.au Website: www.nationalfeedsolutions.com.au Stuart, Greg Position: Technical Sales Manager - Southern Australia Qualifications: B.Rur.Sc Address: Biomin Australia Pty Ltd. PO Box 3058, Yarrunga LPO, Wangaratta VIC 3677 Telephone: (02) 9872 6324 Mobile: 0499 287 710 Fax: (02) 9872 5139 E-mail: greg.stuart@biomin.net Website: www.biomin.net Tapping, Sandra Position: Director Address: Vereyken Bros Pty Ltd, PO Box 421, Grafton NSW 2460

Telephone: (02) 6644 6065 Fax: (02) 6644 7568 Mobile: 0429 796 555 Email: vereyken@bigpond.com Specific interests: Piggery equipment. Tippett, Julie Position: General Manager/CFO Qualifications: Degree – Business of Commerce (Accounting) Address: 144 Murphy St, Bendigo Vic 3550 Telephone: (03) 5442 6142 Fax: (03) 5443 3829 Email: julie@countryvet.com.au Website: www.chrisrichards.com.au Trainor, Russell Position: Technical Sales Representative Address: Alltech Biotechnology Pty Ltd, 64-70 Nissan Drive, Dandeonong South VIC 3175 Telephone: (03) 9767 2800 Mobile: 0427 138 205 Fax: (03) 9791 6423 Email: rtrainor@alltech.com Website: www.alltech.com Trezona-Murray, Megan Position: Research Officer Qualifications: BSc (Agriculture), MSc(Agriculture) PhD (Animal Growth & Development) Address: Department of Agriculture and Food WA Locked Bag No 4, Bentley Delivery Centre, WA 6983 Telephone: (08) 9368 3606 Fax: (08) 9368 3750 Email: megan.trezona@agric.wa.gov.au Specific interests: Carcass quality, carcass variation, meat quality, nutrition. Tucker, Robyn Position: Principal Consultant - Livestock Environmental and Planning Qualifications: BAppSci (Rural Tech), MBA (Envt Mgt) Cert Prof Soil Scientist, Cert Prac Agriculturist. Address: Livestock Environmental and Planning, Private Bag 260, Horsham VIC 3401 Telephone: (03) 5381 0709 Mobile: 0419 787 137 Fax: (03) 5381 0719 Email: robyn@leap-consulting.com.au Website: www.leap-consulting.com.au Specific interests: Piggery applications, environmental management plans, sustainable effluent reuse, environmental R&D, environmental training Tull, Matthew Position: Business Manager - Primegro Address: Rivalea (Australia) Pty Ltd, PO Box 78, Corowa NSW 2646 Telephone: (02) 6033 8340 Fax: (02) 6033 8203 Mobile: 0439 612 747 Email: MTull@rivalea.com.au Website: www.primegro.com.au Turni, Conny Position: Research Fellow Qualifications: PhD Address: Ecosciences Precinct, GPO Box 267, Brisbane QLD 4001 Telephone: (07) 3255 4296 Mobile: 0432 548 199 E-mail: c.turni1@deedi.qld.gov.au Website: www.uq.edu.au Specific interests: Glässer’s disease, respiratory bacterial pathogens. van Barneveld, Marnie Position: Commercial Development Manager Qualifications: B App Sci (Rur Tech), Grad Dip Bus Stud Address: Country Vet Wholesaling Pty Ltd, 27-33 Piper Lane, East Bendigo VIC 3550 Telephone: (03) 5445 5920 Mobile: 0418 977 056 Fax: (03) 5445 5914 Email: marnie@countryvet.com.au


van Barneveld, Robert John Position: Consultant Research Scientist (Nutrition) Qualifications: B Agr Sc (Hons), PhD, RAnNutr, FAICD Address: Barneveld Nutrition Pty Ltd, Unit 7, Riverland Central, 16-18 Riverland Drive, Loganholme, Qld 4129 PO Box 4477, Loganholme DC 4129 Telephone: (07) 3806 0671 Mobile: 0418 802 462 Fax: (07) 3806 4993 E-mail: rob@barneveld.com.au Specific interests: Nutrition and pork production, innovation in pork production research, technologies for feed evaluation (specifically NIR), role of the Australian pork industry in sustainable food production. Vardanega, Amanda Position: National Swine Specialist Address: MSD Animal Health, 91-105 Harpin St, Bendigo East VIC 3550 Mobile: 0427 011 579 Email: amanda.vardanega@merck.com Specific interests: Manufacturer and supploer of pig vaccines for the breeding herd and progeny and pig reproductive and respiratory health solutions. Vella, Joseph Position: Manager – Protective Fabrications Address: 1045 Silverdale Road, Werombi NSW 2570 Telephone: (02) 4653 1293 Mobile: 0418 965 369 Fax: (02) 4653 1130 Email: profab@optusnet.com.au Specific interests: Manufacture/supply/design/installation of winchable curtain systems for pig shedding; automatic or manual; dam liners; grain covers etc. Vereyken, Richard Position: Director Address: Vereyken Bros Pty Ltd, PO Box 421, Grafton NSW 2460 Telephone: (02) 6644 6065 Fax: (02) 6644 7568 Mobile: 0437 431 901 Email: vereyken@bigpond.com Specific interests: Piggery equipment. Watts, Peter Jeffrey Position: Managing Director Qualifications: BE (Agr), PhD, RPEQ CPENG Address: FSA Consulting, PO Box 2175, Toowoomba QLD 4350 Telephone: (07) 4632 8230 Mobile: 0409 623 590 Fax: (07) 4632 8057 Email: peter.watts@fsaconsulting.net Website: www.fsaconsulting.net Specific interests: Environmental impact statements (Rural), sustainable disposal of effluent, irrigation system design, MEDLI modelling, piggery site selection, environmental management plans, waste management research; odour modelling Welch, Bruce Position: Veterinarian/Consultant Qualificaions: BVSc, MRCVS Address: PVS Limited, 83 Broadhaven Ave, Queenspark, Christchurch, New Zealand Telephone: +64 3 383 8138 Mobile: +64 275 999 186 Fax: +64 3 383 1834 Email: bruce.welch@xtra.co.nz Specific interests: Pig production management and efficiency, production recording, disease control, facility design and operation, genetics, reproduction, staff training. Wilhelm, Kym Position: Corporate Business Manager Address: Lienert Australia, PO Box 65, Roseworthy SA 5371 Telephone: (08) 8524 8150 Fax: (08) 8524 8001 Mobile: 0409 600 377 Email: kym.wilhelm@lienerts.com.au Website: www.lienerts.com.au


Willis, Sara Position: Senior Extension Officer Qualifications: BAppSc (Rural Technology) Address: Agri-Science Queensland, Dept of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, 203 Tor Street, Toowoomba QLD 4350, PO Box 102, Toowoomba QLD 4350 Telephone: (07) 4688 1214 Mobile: 0423 027 053 Fax: (07) 4688 1192 E-mail: sara.willis@daff.qld.gov.au Website: www.deedi.qld.gov.au Call centre: 13 25 23 Specific interests: The practical application of Auspig, applied pig nutrition, feed formulation, feed quality, feeding systems, technology adoption. Wilson, Rob Position: Consultant – Production, R&D Management, Commercialisation Manager Pork CRC Qualifications: BSc, DipSciAgric, MBA, PhD Address: Rob Wilson Consulting, 5 Beagle Close, Mosman Park, Perth WA 6012 Telephone: (08) 9384 9758 Mobile: 0418 486 141 Email: rob@robwilsonconsulting.com.au Specific Interests: General on-farm production and management; nutrition, environment and welfare systems; research management and application, commercialisation and adoption. Wright, Cameron Position: Premix Supervisor/Nutritionist Address: BEC Feed Solutions Pty Ltd, 66 Antimony St, Carole Park Qld 4300 PO Box 475, Goodna, Qld 4300 Telephone: +61 (7) 3723 9825 Mobile: 0418 491 124 Fax: +61 (7) 3721 3080 Email: c.wright@becfeedsolutions.com.au Website: www.becfeedsolutions.com.au Wright, Charlotte Position: Sales Associate - Northern Australia Address: Biomin Australia Pty Ltd PO Box 2419, Toowoomba QLD 4300 Telephone: (02) 9872 6324 Fax: (02) 9872 5139 Mobile: 0499 171 010 Email: charlotte.wright@biomin.net Website: www.biomin.net Wright, Chas Michael Position: Purchasing and Trading Manager Address: Lienert Australia, PO Box 65, Roseworthy SA 5371 Telephone: (08) 8524 8150 Fax: (08) 8524 8001 Mobile: 0438 889 012 E-mail: chas.wright@lienerts.com.au Website: www.lienerts.com.au Wundke, Rohan Position: Technical Manager Qualifications: B App Sc (Ag) Address: Lienert Australia, PO Box 65, Roseworthy SA 5371 Telephone: (08) 8524 8150 Fax: (08) 8524 8001 Mobile: 0409 087 624 Email: rohan.wundke@lienerts.com.au Website: www.lienerts.com.au Younger, Andrew Position: Regional Account Manager (NSW QLD) Address: Ridley Agriproducts, 154 Anzac Ave, Toowoomba, QLD 4350 Mobile: 0419772558 E-mail: andrew.younger@ridley.com.au Specific interests: Layer egg production

v CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5 DAFWA, demonstrated a link between ultimate pH of the loin and eating quality assessed by consumer panels. He showed that in one supply chain the fail rate (judged as terrible or below average eating quality) of loins with low pH was some 20% higher than for loins of normal pH. It would also appear that the ultimate pH of Australian pork is declining so we have a challenge. In other projects conducted across a number of supply chains by Heather Channon and Prof Frank Dunshea at University of Melbourne, fail rates, especially for the loin and silver side roast, remain unacceptably high. However, the percentage of pork rated as good or to have premium eating quality is consistently higher than that which fails the consumer tests and we probably have enough information now to identify pork in the different categories and to label and/or manage it accordingly. It is fascinating, but frustrating research and our researchers are working closely with all supply chains across Australia to enhance the eating quality of Australian pork. A study by Karen Moore (DAFWA) on immunocastration found no significant difference in the objective meat quality between entire males or immunocastrates, but in eating quality tests the fail rate was significantly higher for pork from entire males. The results simply confirm that entire males are not necessarily conducive to improving eating quality and there is little relationship between objective measures of meat quality and consumer perceptions. We continue to generate interesting information in our research on the human health attributes of Australian pork. In a follow up with participants in a project to look at the effects of pork on the iron status of young women Dr Samir Samman from Sydney University found that women who included pork in their diet actually consumed significantly less fast (bad) food and more fruit and vegetables than those on the control diet or those who took an iron supplement during the study. In two other follow up studies on pork consumption by children and participants in a pork study looking at cardiovascular health and weight loss, researchers reported that consumers thought pork was as healthy as other meats, but considered its use in meals was limited by the lack of exposure compared to other meats and by the lack of information on recipes and how to cook pork. Most also thought all fresh and manufactured pork was from Australia. We have invested in a project with

APL on how to cook pork. There is something about pork and human health and we need to get the messages out there. Program Four In Program 4 (Carbon Conscious Nutrient Inputs and Outputs) the Bioenergy Support Program (BSB) at the University of Queensland, managed by Dr Stephan Tait, continues to lead the industry in the efficient and cost effective production of Biogas. Stephan and his team also have a number of projects on maximising methane production from covered ponds, developing rapid and affordable tests to assess the efficiency with which ponds are operating and looking at alternative uses of methane. Stephan works closely with our producer based advisory group, industry in general and the regulators and the program is a real asset for the Australian industry. Outcomes from research on grain processing and feed manufacture continue to demonstrate there is still considerable money left on the table in how we prepare grain and feed for pigs. Tony Edwards of Ace Livestock Consulting demonstrated that using a disc mill to reduce the particle size of wheat/barley based diets from approximately 1.1 mm to 0.55 mm improved the feed efficiency of finisher pigs by 5.6%. Our research on NIRS to rapidly determine the nutritive value of grains and protein meals has continued to demonstrate considerable variation in the DE of grains and the reactive lysine content of soy bean meal and canola meal. For grains, much of the variation in DE is associated with growing conditions and can only be taken into account in diet formulation by using the AusScan calibrations to measure what you have. Algae projects We have also invested in two innovative algae projects. One is with Murdoch University and is based on a discovery by Jeremy Ayres (honours student) of algae species which grow in sand filtered but otherwise untreated, piggery effluent. The other is with Flinders University to establish a demonstration site at the SARDI/ University of Adelaide piggery at Roseworthy, involving an aerobic digester and algal ponds to generate heat for use in the piggery and reduce the pathogen and nitrogen loads in the effluent so the water can be reused for cleaning and other purposes. Research across all programs is extremely active and our researchers and students remain enthusiastic and

Top: Dr Jean-Loup Rault, University of Melbourne. Above: Prof Frank Dunshea, University of Melbourne.

innovative, hence on behalf of the board and industry I thank them all for their contributions to the Pork CRC. Without them and our participants, who work closely with researchers and students, the necessary technologies and knowledge to produce high integrity Australian pork and differentiate the Australian industry would not be generated. This year Dennis Mutton completed his first full year as chair of Pork CRC and we welcomed Affiliate Professor Pauline Mooney to the board. She replaced Professor Simon Maddocks as SARDI’s representative in March after Simon left SARDI for Charles Darwin University. In closing, I thank my executive team for their loyalty, Pork CRC directors for their advice and guidance, the Federal Government and our participants for their continued support and input and our researchers and students for the excellent science they produced, so often in conjunction with passionate pork producers. Dr Roger Campbell CEO Pork CRC


v CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4 recognition of our science and our scientists. The natural split in APL taking the lead in productivity based R&D and the Pork CRC working in the area of ‘high integrity’ indicators like animal welfare, the environment, pork health and nutrition, and emissions management has been a great success. With the Pork CRC due to wind up in 2019, we are looking to the future in a model which can sustain this healthy R,D&E environment post the Pork CRC. A key part of this future model will be to make it attractive for external participants such as pig production companies and major pork researchers to be closely involved. The processes around objective setting and project commissioning in the pork industry and APL have become a template for many in the rural research world. Involvement by pig farmers and industry specialists who understand the challenges open for addressing through new innovation have helped focus our efforts into the areas that really matter for success. Community engagement The past year has been challenging for the dozen or so pig farms which have been raided by activists and had defamatory video footage place for all to see on the web. APL continues to do our best to help manage the impact of these invasions for our members through our toolkit, engagement with the media to balance the debate around intensive farming, discussions with government around appropriate future policy to help provide the legal protection pig farmers are entitled to and policing authorities around preventative strategies. While the vegan philosophy underpinning the thinking of these farm invaders is not supported by mainstream society, we need as an industry to retain the trust of our consumers and the community that we are doing the right thing and acting consistently with how they would want us to produce their pork. We envisage that over the next years, it will be a positive move for our industry to improve the overall transparency of the way we farm pigs and the production practices we use. This could be achieved through opening up our farms more regularly to visits, web based camera technologies, case studies and independent scrutiny. We’ll be working with industry leaders to discuss the best way for us to maintain this trust through greater transparency.


The Australian pork industry has for some years been recognised for its leadership in facing up to challenges to its success as opposed to entrenching ourselves in the past. We have no intentions of shifting away from this cultural lynchpin and seek to profoundly understand the needs of the consumer and the community in directing our ways for the future. Our government partners The Australian Government as a major funder of APL (through the matching of our levy funded research and development expenditure) acts as a major investor in the Australian pork industry. As such, they have rightly an acute interest in the returns on that investment for the Australian taxpayer. APL works hand in hand with government to ensure that our activities are completely aligned with the interests of the nation and its communities. The conditions under which the Australian government partially funds APL are outlined in our Statutory Funding Agreement. Regular meetings with government representatives ensure that there are “no surprises” in where that funding is going and what outcomes are generated, in meeting the conditions of the agreement. One of those conditions is the conducting on a three yearly basis a Performance Review of APL’s activities and conduct. One of these reviews was conducted in the 2013–14 year by ACIL Allen Consulting and showed that “There is ample evidence to suggest that APL is a strategically focused and well organised organisation that is accountable to producers, industry and Government”. Government at a national and state level also substantially contributed to the development of the APL Strategic Plan 2015–2020, and its launch at Parliament House, Canberra on 28 August 2014. APL operations The success of the APL Performance Review is a small demonstration of the expertise, dedication and achievement of the APL staff in Canberra and other sites around the country. Most producers are not able for one reason or another to see the work that we do on their behalf. APL’s staff, like the pig producers they work on behalf of, are proud to belong to a leadership industry for rural Australia. Our culture strives for continuous improvement, better outcomes and recognition, consistent with how our industry operates. Andrew Spencer Chief Executive Officer

Events 2015/2016 VIV ASIA BITEC, (Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre, Thailand. March 11- 13, 2015 FEED QC Pig Feed Quality Conference Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam April 9-10, 2015 VICTORIAN PIG FAIR Bendigo Exhibition Centre, Bendigo Victoria, Australia April 14-15, 2015 ILDEX INDONESIA Jakarta International Expo Jakarta, Indonesia October 8-10, 2015 APSA 2015 (Australian Pig Science Association (Inc) Grand Hyatt, Melbourne, Australia November 22-25, 2015 ILDEX VIETNAM Saigon Exhibition and Convention Centre, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam March 23-25, 2016

Australian Companies Suppliers Guide The following companies are suppliers of goods and services to the pig industry AUSPAC INGREDIENTS See advertisement pages 26 Unit 1, 84-92 Barnes Street, Tamworth NSW 2340 Tel (02) 6762 7708 Fax (02) 6762 7709 E-mail: sales@auspacingredients.com.au AUSTRALIAN FEEDING SYSTEMS See advertisement page 29 21 Martins Lane, Piallamore NSW 2340 PO Box 4009, Nemingha NSW 2340 Tel (02) 6760 9611 Fax (02) 6760 9616 E-mail: afs@activ8.net.au BIOMIN (AUSTRALIA) PTY LTD See advertisement page 28 PO Box 2344, Carlingford NSW 2118 Tel: (02) 9872 6324 Fax: (02) 9872 5139 Email: office.australia@biomin.net Website: www.biomin.net CCD ANIMAL HEALTH See advertisement page 26 Tel 1300 791 009 Fax 1300 798 005 Email: ccdsales@ccdanimalhealth.com.au Website: www.ccdanimalhealth.com.au CHRIS RICHARDS & ASSOCIATES See advertisement page 26 PO Box 2388, Bendigo Delivery Centre VIC 3550 Tel (03) 5442 6142 Fax (03) 5443 3829 Website: www.chrisrichards.com.au

COUNTRY VET WHOLESALING PTY LTD See advertisement page 26 PO BOX 2388, Bendigo Delivery Centre VIC 3550 Tel 1800 426 142 Fax (03) 5442 6119 Email: orders@countryvet.com.au Website: www.countryvet.com.au CRAIG MOSTYN & CO PTY LTD See advertisement page 30 Level 1, 49-51 Stead Street, South Melbourne VIC 3205 PO Box 2199, Melbourne VIC 3001 Tel (03) 9695 4199 Fax (03) 9699 5283 E-mail: wlaycock@craigmostyn.com.au wkehl@craigmostyn.com.au Web: www.craigmostyn.com.au www.cmaqua.com.au DUMAC DISTRIBUTORS See advertisement page 30 F 6/13 Gatwick Road, Bayswater North VIC 3153 PO Box 262, Bayswater North VIC 3153 Tel (03) 9761 5115 Fax (03) 9761 5114 ENMACH INDUSTRIES / POLYSILOS See advertisement Outside Back Cover 17 Charlie Triggs Crescent, Bundaberg, QLD 4670 Tel 1800 502 267 Fax (07) 4153 0999 Mobile: 0437 027 661 Email: jb@enmachind.com.au Website: www.polysilos.com 23

EVONIK AUSTRALIA PTY LTD See advertisement Inside Back Cover Suite 33, 1 Ricketts Rd, (PO Box 656) Mt Waverley VIC 3149 Tel +61 3 8581 8406 Fax +61 3 9544 5002 Email: amy.liu@evonik.com Website: www.evonik.com.au FEEDWORKS See advertisement page 28 PO Box 369, Romsey VIC 3434 Tel (03) 5429 2433 Fax (03) 5429 2433 Email: mal.mottram@feedworks.com.au Website: www.feedworks.com.au QLD: 82 Enkelmanns Rd, Alberton QLD 4207 Mob 0408 735 185 Fax (07) 3299 1048 Email: david.cadogan@feedworks.com.au GE SILOS PTY LTD See advertisement page 29 213 English’s Rd, Goornong VIC 3557 Tel (03) 5432 2384 Fax: (03) 5432 2206 Mobile: 0400 431 959 Email: jason@gesilos.com Website: www.gesilos.com JEFO AUSTRALIA PTY LTD See advertisement page 28 PO Box 8146, Toowoomba Mail Centre, QLD 4352 Tel (07) 4630 1500 Fax (07) 4630 1200 Mobile 0429 301 500 Email: wbradshaw@jefo.com Website: www.jefo.com KEMIN (AUST.) PTY LTD See advertisement page 28 Suite 6-7, 694 Pacific Highway, Killara NSW 2071 Tel (02) 9844 5700 Fax (02) 9418 2544 Web: www.kemin.com 24

NATIONAL FEED SOLUTIONS PTY LTD See advertisement page 28 PO Box 6370, Wetherill Park BC, NSW 2164 Tel (02) 9609 7922 Mobile: 0439 066 054 kym.miller@nationalfeedsolutions.com.au Web: www.nationalfeedsolutions.com.au PIC AUSTRALIA See advertisement page 27 PO Box 39, Grong Grong NSW 2652 Tel (02) 6956 2105 Fax (02) 6956 2203 Freecall: 1800 622 660 Email: info@picaustralia.com.au Website: www.picaustralia.com.au Qld/Nth NSW: Paul Noone 0408 717 727 Charlie Gourlay 0429 030 091 Sth NSW/VIC/TAS/SA: Michael Slater 0418 575 101 WA: Mal Auld 0427 086 931 POLYTEX See advertisement page 29 28-30 Massey Ave Leeton NSW 2705 PO Box 860 Leeton NSW 2705 Tel 1300 059 003 Fax 1300 858 626 Email: info@polytex.net.au Web: www.polytex.net.au PORKSTORKS AUSTRALIA See advertisement page 27 Lethbridge, Victoria Operations Manager: Bridget Jervois Mobile: 0408 855 875 Email: bridget@porkstorks.com.au Victorian Lethbridge Site Freecall: 1800 647 744 Tel (03) 5281 7546 Fax (03) 5281 7547 Email: lethbridge@porkstorks.com.au Site Supervisor: Leigh Mathieson Mobile: 0457 742 352 Email: leigh@porkstorks.com.au Queensland Glencoe Site Tel (07) 4699 3011Fax (07) 4699 3832 Email: glencoe@porkstorks.com.au Site Supervisor: Craig Knowles Mobile: 0400 672 418 Email: craig@porkstorks.com.au

PRIMEGRO TECHNOLOGIES See advertisement page 27 Redlands Road, Corowa NSW 2646 PO Box 78, Corowa NSW 2646 Tel (02) 6033 8333 Fax (02) 6033 8303 Email: mtull@rivalea.com.au Website: www.primegro.com.au RIDLEY AGRIPRODUCTS See our advertisement page 26 Level 4, 565 Bourke Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 Tel + 61 3 8624 6733 Fax + 61 3 8624 6506 Website: www.ridley.com.au SARUS PTY LTD See advertisement page 29 Wongajong Rd, Forbes NSW 2871 PO Box 499 Forbes NSW 2871 Tel (02) 6851 1747 Fax (02) 6851 2134 Email: info@sarus.com.au Website: www.sarus.com.au SKIOLD & VACUUM MILLING SOLUTIONS See advertisement IBC PO Box 952, Jimboomba QLD 4280 Tel (07) 5547 7588 Fax (07) 5547 7677 Email: martin@vacmillsolutions.com.au Website: www.vacmillsolutions.com.au

VAUCLUSE LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT & ANIMAL PRODUCTION SERVICES See advertisements pages 27 & 29 Chapman Road, Inglewood SA 5133 Tel (08) 8380 5672 Fax (08) 8380 5176 E-mail: davidreu@vaucluse-aps.com.au E-mail: gabby@vaucluse-aps.com.au Website: www.vaucluse-aps.com.au VEREYKEN BROS PTY LTD See advertisement page 29 2 Clark Road, Trenayr Industrial Estate Grafton NSW 2460 Tel (02) 6644 6065 Fax (02) 6644 7568 Mobile: 0437 431 901 Email: vereyken@bigpond.com ZOETIS AUSTRALIA See advertisement page 26 38-42 Wharf Road, West Ryde NSW 2114 PO Box 548, West Ryde NSW 1685 Tel 1800 963 847 Email: john.reeves@zoetis.com


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www.porkstorks.com.au For all enquiries please contact Operations Manager: Bridget Jervois Mobile: 0408 855 875 Email: bridget@porkstorks.com.au

Victorian ‘Lethbridge’ Site

Freecall: 1800 647 744 Phone: (03) 5281 7546 Fax: (03) 5281 7547 Email: lethbridge@porkstorks.com.au Site Supervisor: Leigh Mathieson Mobile: 0457 742 352 Email: leigh@porkstorks.com.au Suppliers of quality semen and AI consumables throughout Victoria, SA and southern NSW

Queensland ‘Glencoe’ Site

Phone: (07) 4699 3011 Fax: (07) 4699 3832 Email: glencoe@porkstorks.com.au Site Supervisor: Craig Knowles Mobile: 0400 672 418 Email: craig@porkstorks.com.au Suppliers of quality semen and AI consumables throughout Queensland and northern NSW

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PIGGERY EQUIPMENT Super Clean Self Support Hot Dipped Galvanised Triangle Flooring for farrowing & weaner crates and dry feeders. Plus farrowing and weaner crates dry sow and boar stalls.

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Piggery Shed Equipment 29

Stockfeeds Suppliers appearing under this listing are: CRIAG MOSTYN & CO PTY LTD RIDLEY AGRIPRODUCTS

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Waste Management

Suppliers appearing under this listing are:

19/01/2015 2:12 pm



Ring, write or call and ask for Andrew Hoult PO Box 262, Bayswater, Vic 3153

Tel (03) 9761 5115 Fax (03) 9761 5114

Stockfeeds/Waste Management 30

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