1 minute read
Marbled pots
from Gcfgvggbt
60 minutes and it’s done!
£3.50 each
RBLED POTS Upgrade your indoor pots for pennies with a rainbow of LEFTOVER LACQUER
Time to give your houseplants a pamper! Using leftover nail varnish to marble their pots is an easy way to upgrade your indoor plant display from minimalist to maximalist. Using this technique to create personalised mugs is a big interiors trend at the moment, but we think it works even better for pots! You may have old bottles of lacquer you can use, or friends will be happy for the excuse to get rid of old bottles they no longer want. Plain block colour varnishes tend to create clean lines and ‘crack’ patterns in the marbling, while pearlescent varnishes will spread further over the surface. Combining both gives a beautiful effect. Pots with a smooth, shiny, light-coloured surface work best, though you can also use terracotta.
FOR EACH POT YOU WILL NEED ✽ Bucket ✽ Water ✽ 3 nail varnish bottles in different colours ✽ 1L plant pot, clean and dry
WHAT TO DO 1 Fill a clean bucket with lukewarm water. Unless the weather is very cold, work outdoors – it prevents fumes from the varnish building up and makes drips easier to clean up. 2 Shake the varnish bottles well. Make sure they are still runny and not clotted. Have everything you need to hand and prepare to work quickly – once the varnish is in the water it will start to form a skin or a crust that affects the marbling if left too long. 3 Give the water a gentle stir to get it moving. Drip the varnish into the water, moving the bottle in circles or side to side to create a random pattern on the water. Drip one or two more colours onto the surface in the same way. The varnish will mostly float at the surface and spread to create a marbled effect. 4 Smoothly dip the pot into the water. You can submerge it, or just dip part of it at an angle to create a strong line of colour. As you pull it out again, you can twist it to create more shapes in the pattern. Set it on newspaper to dry.
OUR BUDGET ✽ White Scheurich 13cm Plant Pot, £3.50 homebase.co.uk ✽ Nail varnish Free TOTAL: £3.50 each