Catalogue Primavera Editorial

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Primavera: fiction Offer to the readers editions with a good quality contemporary writing, using cutting edge design and production. Brazilian Title: 31 Profissão solteira Original Title: 31 Profesión: Soltera Original Language: Spanish Author: Claudia Aldana Salinas Foreign publisher: Aguilar It seems the protagonist Consuelo Aldunate has everything: financial independence, good friends, an entertaining job, an beautiful clothings and a top apartment. But she wants more. Which sounds basic for many people, for Consuelo it’s the most difficult to achieve. Although it seems to be everywhere. She wants a man. Brazilian Title: A cidade perdida Original Title: La ciudad perdida Original Language: Spanish Author: Pedro Terrón Foreign publisher / Agent: Editorial Nowtilus Nowadays, Runy, a young Spanish, finds one of the stars in the Mediterranean. Amazingly, he dreamed several times of this reverie. From here, he engages in a thrilling adventure that will lead him to an ancient time, where he can relive a past life full of unusual facts and know Dámeris, his soulmate. Brazilian Title: A chave do amanhecer Original Title: La llave del amanecer Original Language: Spanish Author: Pedro Terrón Foreign publisher / Agent: Editorial Nowtilus A strange piece of pottery hides a book infested with ancient mysteries to be revealed. The old pages patiently hold a remote history that will change the comfortable life of Dámeris forever… Guided by a manuscript of the eighteenth century, the young researcher Dámeris Bossy embarks on a frantic journey full of unknowns. A story in which the central plot connects with the wreck of a famous galleon lost in the Atlantic ocean. Brazilian Title: A bússola do peregrino Original Title: La brújula del peregrino Original Language: Spanish Author: Pedro Terrón Foreign publisher / Agent: Editorial Nowtilus The trail of kalixti’s jewels links the protagonists Ron and Dámeris in an exciting archaeological project with uncertain future. If in the present both face another danger – themselves – in the past, the drama is even greater: relive a hard experience both moving and epic. Brazilian Title: A esposa do fugitivo Original Title: The Runaway Wife To be published in 2016 Original Language: English Author: Elizabeth Birkelund Foreign publisher: Harper Paperbacks | Agent: International Editors’ Co. Recently fired from his high-power finance job and dumped by his fiancée, Jim Olsen has come to the Swiss Alps to clear his head. At the charming Cabane des Audannes, he meets Clio, Thalia and Helene Castellane, who are on a quest of their own: their mother, Calliope, has fled to these mountains to escape her womanizer politician husband. As snow threatens to descend upon the Alps, the women have come to bring their mother home.

Brazilian Title: A décima sinfonia Original Title: La décima sinfonía Original Language: Spanish Author: Joseph Gelinek Foreign publisher: Plaza & Janés| Agent: Mondadori España The appearance of a conductor responsible for the interpretation of a lost sketches of the Symphony n. 10, rekindles the eternal enigmas about the posthumous work of Beethoven. Musicologist Daniel Paniagua, the inspector Mateos and judge Rodriguez will be involved, 181 years after the death of the most famous composer in history, in an investigation that will make them confront powerful groups, puzzles and a genius’ history. Brazilian Title: A neta de Maharani Original Title: The Maharani’s Hidden Granddaughter Original Language: English Author: Maha Akhtar Foreign publisher: Arab Scientific Publishers | Agent: Pontas Agency The granddaughter of Anita Delgado, the Spanish flamenco dancer who married to an Indian maharaja, tells the story of her paternal grandmother the Maharani, as well as that of her Lebanese maternal grandmother and mother, and finally herself.

Brazilian Title: Morte entre poetas Original Title: Muerte entre poetas Original Language: Spanish Author: Ángela Vallvey Foreign publisher: Planeta | Agent: MB - Agencia Literaria Finalist of the 2008 Prémio Planeta (an important literary award), Nimble and subtle, but profound, bright and fun, Muerte entre Poetas is a true success story that will impress readers. A delightful story that pays honor to the ancient novels of Agatha Christie and literary wars of Pío Baroja. Brazilian Title: Na ponta do leque Original Title: Au bout de l’éventail Original Language: French Author: Jocelyne Godard Foreign publisher / Agent: Editions Philippe Picquier On a spring morning in the year 1000, Yasumi leaves the Masushi Province carrying only a bag containing a kimono, some chopsticks, a small Buddhist altar, a fan and a sword. She wants to find a father she never knew and rehabilitate her name within the great Fujiwara family, powerful at court. Arriving in Kyoto, Yasumi must comply with the manners of a deap-read and refined court. While Fujiwara reigns supreme over the kingdom, Yasumi meets the most erudite women of her time and, caught in an unexpected plot, her life changes to an unusual fate. Brazilian Title: Uma centena de flores Original Title: A Hundred Flowers Original Language: English Author: Gail Tsukiyama Foreign publisher: St. Martin’s Griffin | Agent: International Editors’ Co. This is a powerful new novel about an ordinary family facing extraordinary times at the start of the Chinese Cultural Revolution (China, 1957). Chairman Mao has declared a new openness in society: “Let a hundred flowers bloom; let a hundred schools of thought contend”. Many intellectuals fear it is only a trick, and Kai Ying’s husband, Sheng, a teacher, has promised not to jeopardize their safety or that of their young son, Tao. But one July morning, just before his sixth birthday, Tao watches helplessly as Sheng is dragged away for writing a letter criticizing the Communist Party and sent to a labor camp for “reeducation”.

Brazilian Title: Marshmallow Original Title: Marshmallow for Breakfast Original Language: English Author: Dorothy Koomson Foreign publisher: Delta | Agent: MB - Agencia Literaria When Kendra Tamale returns to England from Australia she rents a room from Kyle, a divorced father of two kids, and begins a new job. She’s looking forward to a fresh start and a simple life. Then she bumps into the man who shares her awful secret, and things fall apart. The only way to fix things is to confess her painful past. Brazilian Title: O livro dos negros Original Title: The Book of Negroes / Someone Knows My Name Original Language: English Author: Lawrence Hill Foreign publisher: Black Swan | Agent: Agência Riff Abducted from Africa as a child and enslaved in South Carolina, Aminata Diallo thinks only of freedom and of what she needs to get home. Sold to an indigo trader who recognizes her intelligence, Aminata is torn from her husband and child and thrown into the chaos of the American Revolutionary War. In Manhattan, Aminata helps pen The Book of Negroes, a list of blacks rewarded for service to the king with safe passage to Nova Scotia. When the British abolitionists come looking for “adventurers” to create a new colony in Sierra Leone, Aminata assists in moving 1,200 Nova Scotians to Africa and aiding the abolitionist cause by revealing the realities of slavery to the British public. This book became BET’s first miniseries in 2015. Brazilian Title: Terapeuta de Deus Original Title: God’s Shrink Original Language: English Author: Michael Adamse Foreign publisher: HCI | Agent: Health Communications Like most seasoned psychiatrists, Dr. Richard Johnson thought he’d heard it all. His assuredness falters when a first-time client arrives at his office and announces that he is God. Listening intently to the man, who is obviously suffering from severe psychosis, he agrees to take the case. What transpires over the course of the next nine sessions will test everything in the doctor’s bag of tricks. As he struggles to unravel the client’s illness before he becomes a danger to himself, a chilling series of coincidences and events cause him to question everything he thought he knew about himself, his place in the world, and life after death. Was their time together the revelations of divinity or the ramblings of a delusional? What’s possible? You decide… Ten sessions. A lifetime of answers. Brazilian Title: Há muito o que contar... Aqui Original Title: Day Original Language: English Author: A. L. Kennedy Foreign publisher: Vintage Books | Agent: Antony Harwood Alfie Day, RAF airman and former World War II POW, never expected to survive the war. Now, five years later and more alone than ever, Alfie finds himself drawn to unearth those strange, passionate days by working as an extra on a POW film. What he will discover on the set about himself, his loves and the world around him will make the war itself look simple. Funny and moving, wise and sad, this book Day is a truly original look at the intensity and courage to be found in the closeness of death, from one of Britain’s most iconoclastic and highly acclaimed young writers. Brazilian Title: La Llorona Original Title: La Llorona Original Language: Spanish Author: Marcela Serrano Foreign publisher: Rayo Editores | Agent: Schavelzon Graham The saga of a humble woman in search of her daughter who disappeared from the hospital a few days after birth. Connected to women who experience the same drama, the protagonist – whose cry is invisible – search answers and reshapes her life in surprising ways.

BIZ: business It publishes trade books in subjects like management, leadership, business, narrative, and career advice. Brazilian Title: As 3 leis do desempenho: Reescrevendo o futuro de seu negócio e de sua vida Original Title: The Three Laws of Performance: Rewriting the Future of Your Organization and Your Life Original Language: English Author: Steve Zaffron e Dave Logan Foreign publisher: Wiley Jossey-Bass | Agent: John Wiley & Sons International Rights A proven system for rallying all of an organizations’ employees around a new vision and ideas for making the vision stick – when something at work isn’t going smoothly, managers struggle with what part of the problem to tackle first. Do they start with cost reduction? Or should they go for process improvements first? The authors who have helped hundreds of companies and individuals change and improve say spend time and money adjusting the systems in which people operate, rather than targeting people and their performance directly. The authors show that it’s in fact possible to change everything at once with a focus on making such transformations permanent and repeatable.

e há

Brazilian Title: Manual de gentilezas do executivo: Como pequenos gestos constroem grandes empresas Original Title: The Manager’s Book of Decencies: How Small Gestures Build Great Companies Original Language: English Author: Steve Harrison Foreign publisher / Agent: McGraw-Hill Education in loco

This book delivers a top-to-bottom approach to creating the kind of positive corporate culture, which has shown time and again to improve performance, attract and retain top talent, promote well-behaved organizations, and advance a vision of shared values. This is crucial reading for every manager and professionals.

Manual de Gentilezas do Executivo

SBN: 978-85-61977-02-3

788561 977023

Original Title: Transforming Workplace Cultures: Insights from Great Place to Work® Institute’s first 25 years | Transformando a cultura no ambiente de trabalho: A perspectiva do Great Place to Work® Institute, 25 primeiros anos (two editions: Portuguese and English) Original Language: English Author: Robert Levering Edited by Robert Levering, co-founder of Great Place to Work® Institute, this book is a collection of articles written by consultants and directors of the Institute in the last 25 years. The articles explain how to transform organizational cultures in order to transform companies into a great workplace. The articles were written by authors from several countries in the Americas, Europe, Asia and Oceania showing that a great place to work is independent of country cultures, size, industry and even managerial style. Another aspect dramatically shown is that best workplaces are more productive and more profitable. Brazilian Title: Você não precisa ser um tubarão: Criando seu próprio sucesso Original Title: You Don’t Have to Be a Shark: Creating Your Own Success Original Language: English Author: Robert Herjavec Foreign publisher: St. Martin’s Press | Agent: International Editors’ Co. Many people assume that effective sales ability demands a unique personality and an aggressive attitude. It’s not true, and Robert Herjavec is proof of that. Known as the “Nice Shark” on the ABC’s Emmy Award-winning hit show Shark Tank, Robert Herjavec is loved by viewers, who respond to his affable nature. He has developed an honest and genuine approach to life and selling that has set him apart from his cut-throat colleagues, and rewarded him with a degree of wealth measured in hundreds of millions of dollars. In You Don’t Have to Be a Shark, Robert transcends pure sales techniques and teaches “non-business people” what they need to know in order to sell themselves successfully.

PSI: psychology It publishes psychology and psychoanalysis books and offer to the readers the possibility of growth, reflection and continuous professional learning. Brazilian Title: À margem das noites Original Title: En marge des nuits Original Language: French Author: J.-B. Pontalis Foreign publisher / Agent: Gallimard In this book, Jean-Bertrand Pontalis deals with subjects like dreams, death, aging, fear, and happiness induced by tranquility. The brilliant French psychoanalyst, philosopher and writer also reveals a psychoanalytical humor when dealing with the mystery of the night. Chronic generally have their subjects taken from everyday life, and those of Pontalis are permeated by the daily psychoanalytic. Brazilian Title: À margem dos dias Original Title: En marge des jours Original Language: French Author: J.-B. Pontalis Foreign publisher / Agent: Gallimard This work contains notes written by Jean-Bertrand Pontalis in a notebook “on the sidelines of the days”, in which the author points out the meaning of experience through reflections about life, death, memory, language-communication relationship, psychoanalytic practice and a lot more. This is something typical of Pontalis, a brilliant psychoanalyst, philosopher and writer: his work develops from various incentives. The author also highlights the essence of psychoanalysis: the unknown. Brazilian Title: Antes Original Title: Avant Original Language: French Author: J.-B. Pontalis Foreign publisher / Agent: Gallimard “It was better before” – this is the phrase that opens this Pontalis’ book. The author compares the memory of a woman’s purse, in which “the futile is hidden from the eyes of others and is the imperative of my own eyes”. Then, the text invites to remembering the most everyday situations that would’ve been better “before” to which the author refers: “No, not everything was peachy before, not everything is hateful today”. In the light of psychoanalysis, the author revisits various themes and concepts, in its various forms and examples: memory, time, origin and language. In the matter of language, the author draws a parallel between psychoanalysis and writing, which have the same finality, which is the reason for the human soul, and have the same material, human speech. Also, several authors are put on stage: Borges, Perec, Barthes, Sartre, Victor, and others; and an entire chapter is dedicated to Freud. Brazilian Title: Elas Original Title: Elle Original Language: French Author: J.-B. Pontalis Foreign publisher / Agent: Gallimard Title composed by a succession of short stories with the scope of the happiness and pain of the act of love. Bringing up aspects of daily life as detachment, seduction, strangeness, chaste love and fraternal relations, Pontalis can entangle the literature with various psychological analysis of his characters. Ruffling several universal truths to analyze complex characters, but not far from our reality, the book can involve both lovers of quality literature as researchers in the area.

Primavera Editorial was established in 2008 in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Our mission is to foster a reading habit in Brazilian readers with pleasant, intelligent and instructive contents. Primavera Editorial publishes adult fiction and nonfiction print and digital trade book publishing. We have already published about seventy printed titles, with more than thirty eBooks available. Our publishing house is made up of four imprints: PRIMAVERA (fiction), BIZ (business), PSI (psychology) and EDU (nonfiction: trade and self-help books in continuing education and nonfiction works that offer to the readers possibilities of reflection, learning and concepts’ application).

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