Prime News 3

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PRIME NEWS 3. Edition, JuLY 2010



Louise Rosenkær Hynkemejer


Jesper Høilund Anne-Mette Stender Louise Rosenkær Hynkemejer


Indius Pedersen Louise Rosenkær Hynkemejer


Table of contents Honoured with integration prize

PAGE 8 AEO-certified

PAGE 10 Teamwork and conversations with the clients is what counts


FashionAid Day

PAGE 14 Personal contacts create mutual benefits Networking is important



Gazoline in their veines

PAGE 30 Good experience

PAGE 19 Recipe for prosperity


Prime Cargo succeeds with seminars

Recipe for prosperity 2 tablespoon loyalty 2 dl credibility 2 cups service 3/4 cup foresight

PAGE 20 Wind turbines to China


The green bicycles fro Danish and Chinese designers

Innovation gives more work to SteamLine


Prime Cargo goes to Turkey





ComlogFleet-system locates stolen trailer



Editorial partner we are today to our many customers.

Jesper Høilund

Monday 16th of November 2009 at 13.17 was a dark time in my over forty-year forwarding career and a dark time for Prime Cargo A/S.

At this exact time Bestseller announced at a visit in Kol­­ding, that 25 years of co­operation would end on April 1st 2010 at the latest. A cooperation which we have appreciated for many years and which have helped to shape Prime Cargo A/S to the professional and solid

It has been an exciting time, where we, together with the most successful company in Denmark, in all modesty have been an important part of the cog wheel that brought Bestseller to where they are today.

Unfortunately, in this situa­ tion we have had to say goodbye to staff members. Employees, who do not deserve to be dismissed, and who have made a great effort at Prime Cargo over the years. When something like this happens, it also leads to introspection, ingenuity with new initiatives, review of routines and procedures,

IT solutions etc. and it may well happen that we come out stronger from this process. Probably not economic in the short term, but strengthened organizationally and with an even greater team spirit than before. I am convinced that we still have a team that will do everything to maintain Prime Cargo as a trendsetting company who will still be able to attract customers who want a so­lid and professional partner.


Honered with Integration prize Monday September 28th, the mayor of Kolding, Mr Per Bødker Andersen handed over the Integration Prize of the Integration Council at a ceremony at the “Embassy” in Skovparken. The prize went to Prime Cargo and SteamLine as they make a great effort to integrate people with different ethnic background than Danish into the labour market. A responsible business 15 percent of all employees at Prime Cargo has roots in countries like Iraq, Somalia, Poland and Germany. In order to meet all employees and their religion, the cafeteria always prepares an alternative to pork dishes. Prime Cargo also makes a great effort to establish internships, so people with different ethnic background than Danish may sniff at the Danish labor market. “Prime Cargo’s management believes it is important to have an integration poli­

cy. They believe that they have a moral and social responsibility to do something positive for integration. And it is one of the reasons why Prime Cargo is receiving the Integration Council prize”, said Mayor Bødker Andersen during Ceremony.

Integration at the heart Kolding Municipality Integration awards each year the integration prize. The prize is given to a company or an association which has made a special effort for integration in Kolding. “The price appreciates those who have integration at heart. Integration is very important both in the workplace, in our daily lives and in our neighbourhoods”, said Chairman of the Integration Council Kamalesh Biswas at the event.



AEO-certified (Authorized Economic Operator) After working on the certifying process for one year, Prime Cargo has officially been AEO certified on July 9th, 2010. The growth of global trade and increasing security threats to the international movement of goods have forced the European Union to shift their focus more and more to securing the international trade flow and away from the traditional task of collecting customs duties. One of the main elements of the security amendment is the creation of the AEO concept. Authorised Economic Operator, AEO, is a joint EU certification programme, designed to increase the security in the world as well as to harmonise

the customs related operations within the EU and make them more efficient.

AEO – a corporate seal of quality AEO is a certification of a company made by the tax authorities, like for example the ISO certification. To optimize the processes and process descriptions of the company, they are examined. If weak points or deficiencies are found, the company will either correct this or make an improvement plan.


No procedure changes In 2007, the certifying process was launched just to be shelved. It took about two years before the right man for the job was found. From August 2009 to June 2010, Klaus Secher Hansen, Controller at Prime Cargo in Kolding, was in charge of the process.

“All departments has to a greater or less extend participated in the process and they have all contributed with process descriptions, answered to questions from SKAT (Danish Tax and Customs Administration) and in general, everyone has just been very helpful”, explains Klaus. That Prime Cargo is on the right track, Klaus can confirm: “We have been certified without making any essential procedure changes, and off course this gives us the certainty that we are using the right processes in regards to correct and secure handling of our customers’ flow of goods.

Benefits for our Customers The AEO certification benefits the import and export companies in regards to the flow of goods in and out of the EU: • a reduced number of cargo inspections at Community borders; • possibility to request a specific place for customs checks • facilitations in the form of a reduced number of data that you need to provide in the summary declarations • easier access to authorizations and permits • a specially appointed customs support, serving as your initial point of contact with Customs • Mutual Recognition of AEO status by major non-EU Customs Authorities “For both Prime Cargo and our business partners our new AEO status serve as a mark of good quality and security – the AEO Certification will become a “Quality Mark” for supply chain security.


Hong Kong: Teamwork and conversations with the clients is what counts Frantz Pedersen, 28 years old does not rest on his laurels in Hong Kong. He is working hard to gain new customers for Prime Cargo. Partly, he cultivates the Hong Kong market, where Danish, Norwegian and Dutch companies ship cargo from Europe to Hong Kong and Southern China, and partly he contacts companies in Hong Kong and Southern China who has cargo to the North European market. Hong Kong experiences progress which is a result of teamwork and canvassing. When Frantz inquires prices from colleagues, they respond quickly. “In times like these it is important to provide an optimal service and go one step further”, says Frantz.

Frantz is working as spearhead against the customers who are pleased to have a Prime Cargo employee who speaks their own language. It provides the customers with a sense of security and break barriers. The most important thing is whether Frantz’ collages supports him or not, and “they do”, says Frantz Pedersen.

He started his Prime Cargo career in January 2008 at the headquarters in Kolding, where he worked for one month. He worked in the import and export departments and later on visited the warehouse to see how the workflow was there. With his newly acquired knowledge, he came to Hong Kong where he has multiplied the number of clients since. Frantz Pedersen has a degree in economics and finance.


FashionAid Day “It never goes out of fashion to help other people,” requests the Danish Red Cross when they together with Dansk Mode & Textil (Danish Fashion & Textile) instituted a new tradition on May 10th - the world’s first ­FashionAid Day. Thus an annual national clothes collection day in aid of the world’s marginalized people was started.

Prime Cargo always supports a good cause, and therefore Prime Cargo sponsors the transportation of the clothes collection at FashionAid Day, an initiative of Dansk Fashion and Textile and the Red Cross, as part of their cooperation, FashionAid.

The purpose of the day is to collect clothes (and cell phones) for the Danish Red Cross, who then can help the needed.

On FashionAid Day businesses, schools and other institutions are encouraged


to gather together all the clothes they do not use anymore and bring it to their work/school to donate to the Red Cross. The Red Cross global relief work assures that clothes from Danish workers will benefit in areas where people need it. Free pickup “It is a great initiative that is easy to support. Most people have good clothes lying in the back of the closet, that they never use, and why not donate this clothes to someone who will have much more joy of it, “says Louise Hynkemejer, Executive Secretary at Prime Cargo in

Kolding. “Just find all the clothes you are never using and bring it in your workplace on May 10th”.

“Prime Cargo picks up your clothes for free for members of Dansk Fashion and Textile during the weeks 20/21 and brought to the Danish Red Cross centres in Horsens and Køge. Also non-members will benefit from the agreement as non-members will be given an extremely attractive price of Prime Cargo, “says lawyer at Dansk Fashion and Textile and originator to FashionAid Day, Mikkel Gudesø.

Personal contacts create mutual benefits Prime Cargo’s commercial success is based not only on a good and welltrimmed concept and employees with the right expertise. Also personal contacts play an important role. Personal contacts can be helpful in creating connections to other operators and mutually harvest the benefits in the freight forwarding industry.

“The cooperation between Alpi Sverige AB and Prime Cargo is a concrete example of the above. Personal contacts between Jesper Høilund and members of Alpi’s board creates the basis for this successful cooperation, which was established 10 years ago, “says Anders Svensson, who is part owner of the freight forwarding company Alpi Sverige AB, whose complete name actually is Albini & Pitigliani Sverige AB. Alpi is based in Boras, which from a logistics point of view, is the perfect location in Sweden. “The personal aspect plays a big role here at Alpi Sverige. Our business is based on cooperation on a personal level. We emphasize listening to our cus-


tomers, giving us a better understanding of their needs. Thereby we are able to create services that give the customer a visible added value “, explains Anders Svensson.

The main market of Alpi Sverige AB is transportation to and from Italy and Portugal, but also in Southeast Asia and the Far East a huge market has been built up. “And it is especially on the Asian transportation, we work together with Prime Cargo,” says Anders Svensson and continues: “The cooperation has definitely great benefits for both companies. Seen from Alpi Sverige’s point of view, we consider the cooperation to be fantastic. As result of the cooperation with Prime Cargo with its many branches in the Far East, we are able to supply our customers with the specific skills they require and a complete transport solution, as they also expect of us. In the cooperation we see ourselves as the younger brother and Prime Cargo as the older brother”.

With its own route net and freight terminal in Borås which also functions as bonded warehouse, Alpi Sverige can offer their customers great flexibility in regards to storage, sorting and international distribution via sea, air and car travel. Thus, Prime Cargo’s Swedish partner is a freight forwarding company with a broad product range and a worldwide network of contacts. About the foundation of the cooperation ­Anders Svensson says: “We need to maintain personal contacts. Therefore, we meet regularly and not always with an agenda. This was the case when Mikael Lindskog, who is also co-owner of Alpi Sverige AB, and I visited the office in Kolding, where we had a good and profitable conversation with Jesper Høilund and the other owners in Kolding.


Networking is important for development Sports clubs, associations, schools, friends - networking is important in all these situations, and it turns out that the same network can be used to successfully reach new customers for your work place. The personal network of the individual employee has in some cases resulted in potential customer opportunities for Prime Cargo’s sales department.

“It’s been a great success. We have signed deals with several small as well as large customers on that basis. We simply made a sales competition across departments. Points were given for all leads on poten-

tial customers, and if a lead turned into a real customer, more points were given. The competition ran over 4 weeks and each week a winner (a department) was named. The prizes ranged from a trip to the cinema to a paintball arrangement“, says Morten Nielsen, International Sales Director.

John Nielsen

Casper Frederiksen

Pia Boisen

Brian Kamper Nielsen

Lone Bull Hansen

Good experience For Brian Kamper Nielsen and his colleagues in the export department, it was a good experience to participate in the sales competition to acquire customers from their personal network. Together with his colleague, Brian gathered together names of potential customers and with good results.

“The competition gave us new customers as well as team building within the department - together with good food and fun. Such an arrangement pushes people together, “says Brian Kamper Nielsen.

Lene Østerlund Andersen

Jan Skovdal Hansen

Prime Cargo succeeds with seminars Prime Cargo has participated in several seminars through the past and on several occasions we have hosted the seminars - most recently at the seminar “Success in India”. SUCCESS IN INDIA Monday 8th of March 2010 we held a seminar entitled “Success in India”. “Whether the seminar will secure the participants in India, the future will show, but for Prime Cargo the seminar was a success,” says Morten Nielsen, International

Sales Director at Prime Cargo.

About the idea behind the seminar Morten says: “It is closely connected with our new sales strategy where we want to offer our customers more than just freight. We want to help give them the know­ ledge they need when they are considering es-

Two of the guest speakers at the India seminar: Ejvind Vøgg, Director at The Confederation of Danish Industry in India and Michael Viberg Pedersen, Internationalisation Advisor at The Confederation of Danish Industry, Copenhagen


Rooso Ramachandran, Branch Manager at Expolanka Ltd c/o Prime Cargo India explains about the possibilities in India.

tablishing, buying or selling in / to a new country”.

Prime Cargo presented an exciting team of speakers who each gave their input on which benefits and challenges India brings. A total of 63 participants from a handful of different companies around the country joined the seminar.

“The event was undoubtedly a great success for us,” says Morten Nielsen and continues: “We have subsequently received a lot of positive feedback. The seminar has helped to uphold our name in the market as one of those who are a little different and dare a little more than our colleagues”.

PAGE 22 | PRIME NEWS 3 Danish Export Association

Since its foundation in 1965, the Danish Export Association has provided an unrivalled platform for quality-conscious Danish manufacturers and service providers to interface with their foreign customers and partners. The concept has been such a success that it is now the largest export association in Denmark with more than 500 members, making it an excellent platform to locate new business partners and suppliers.

The Danish Export Association operates by planning and executing export campaigns, often linked to international trade fairs and exhibitions, and by providing a forum for Danish exporters and foreign buyers.

The association provides a reliable and easy shortcut to quality-conscious Danish companies - simply supply us with details of your requirements in terms of expertise, capacity and know-how, or search our databases and website online to find the company with the resources, products and quality you need.

Wind turbines to China What challenges may arise when exporting and establishing production in China in regards to logistics and customs? The answer was, inter alia, given by Prime Cargo at the Danish Export Association’s wind turbine seminar.


Wind turbine seminar Prime Cargo has been invited as a consultant by the Danish Export Association at a number of their “China growth” seminars. Here subdivisions of the Danish Export Association holds seminars tailored specifically to their members.

Prime Cargo attended the Danish Wind Industry Association (DWIA) seminar on Tuesday 13th April 2010, where Morten Nielsen gave advice about the challenges that exist in regards to general export and establish-

ment of production in China in relation to logistics and Customs Authorities.

Potential customers “In total approx 40 companies participated in the seminar, some of them are already our customers, while the rest of them are new potential customers that we are currently processing,” says Morten Nielsen.


HOTIAD is the primary spokesman of Turkish employers in The Netherlands.

Specially selected Turkish employers in The Netherlands come together as an association who combines their strength to profile themselves as a powerful organisation. This leads to the following: • Stimulates the enterprise spirit • To become a unity for social engagement • To organize press conferences • Stimulate relationship between Dutch and Turkish companies • Strong relations and connections with the Dutch Government • Meetings with other Turkish companies within Europe HOTIAD shows respect for Human rights and freedom.

HOTIAD is an example symbol of a association for good relations between Dutch and Turkish employers.

Prime Cargo goes to Turkey To further the trading between Turkey and Holland, Prime Cargo Netherlands attended a Turkish congress in Maastricht, organized by the Turkish organisation HOTIAD. For one and a half year Prime Cargo Netherlands has brought Turkey into focus.

Shipments by air freight, sea freight and a weekly groupage service by truck from Istanbul to Rotterdam with our partner AS-AV are realised! The commodities we handle are primarily garments and textiles.

Juni 19th 2010 Prime Cargo made a perfect impression with a stand on a 2 days Turkish Con-


Representing Prime Cargo at the Turkish Congress in Maastricht was Sultan Karademir, Branch Manager at Prime Cargo in Düsseldorf and Levent Sarilmiser, Seafreight Operator at Prime Cargo Netherlands in Rotterdam.

gress held in Maastricht & organised by HOTIAD ( The Turkish association for Turkish businessmen). Prime Cargo is the first and only ‘’Dutch’’ member within this group. A few hundred selected businessmen were invited for this event where discussions and presentations were held

for further business developments between Holland and Turkey. As we were the only forwarder at the congress, a good impression was made and many new contacts was established.

The future for Prime Cargo in Turkey looks bright!


The green bicycles from Chinese and Danish designers Students from the Design School Kolding in Denmark and Tongji University in Shanghai have jointly over five weeks designed modern bicycles to the world’s big cities. The goal is to promote green transportation and make it smart to use the bike rather than the car. The cooperation was a part of the preparations for EXPO 2010 in Shanghai. The bicycles were also exhibited in Copenhagen during the big climate conference COP15, where leaders from all over the world attended. And Prime Cargo sponsored the transportation of the bicycles from China to Denmark. Prime Cargo is part of the green wave to ensure the environment in the future.

“The students have made a total of 15 bicycles. The bicycles must indirectly tell that they are helping ensuring the environment. In addition, bikes are often a faster means of transport than a car. Prime Cargo sponsored the shipment from China to Denmark,” says Elsebeth Gerner Nielsen, Rector at the School of Design in Kolding.

As a result of a collaboration between Design School Kolding and EXPO Odense, one of the bikes is displayed at EXPO 2010. “We have chosen to exhibit one of the students’ bikes as our bid for The Bike of the Future. Our title is “Spinning Wheels” with the subtitle “Revival of the Bicycle”. New and exciting design solutions are central to the development


of cycling, if the bicycle should not just be seen as a means of transport but a lifestyle, “says Helle Thylkjær, project manager at EXPO 2010 in Odense. The 15 bicycles can all be seen at an exhibition in Kolding, Kolding Åpark 1 on weekdays from 8 to 16.

The theme for EXPO 2010 is “Better City Better Life” and it is expected that 70 million people will visit the world exhibition from 1 May to 31 October 2010.


Sultan Karademir

Düsseldorf Sultan Karademir, Joerg Dittmar and Marcel Grollius makes up the brilliant Prime Cargo team, which since April 2009 have managed the Düsseldorf office. From here, all transport and transport documentation (customs clearance documentation etc.) for any shipment to and from Germany will be made.

“It has been exciting since the beginning. A lot of good tasks, but nothing comes of its own accord”, says Sultan Karademir, a 30 year old employee at the office.


Marcel Grollius

Joerg Dittmar


Prime Cargo Hong Kong with gasoline in the veins

For Kevin and Ricky from Prime Cargo in Hong Kong – gasoline runs in their veins. One of their friends, CK Lo, owner of KK Motor in HKG, needed to have sports cars shipped to Tianjin in China, and Kevin and Ricky were first in line to offer their assistance. Prime Cargo sponsored the transportation and in return they could advertise on the sports cars, a Nissan GT-R and a Porsche 911. The cars exhibited at and participated in the large “Sports Car Performance Tuning Show” in Tianjin from October 1st to 6th 2009.

“CK Lo is a well known person within the sports car tuning community. He can easily tune a Nissan GT-R VG 3.8 Twin turbo engine from 480 hp to 820 hp” said Ricky Cheung, Prime Cargo Hong Kong. He continues: “More than 50,000 people visited the show, where the highlight was the race. In track races, the KK engine tuned Nissan GT-R won, while the Porsche won the drag race. And everyone at


Prime Cargo are convinced that the victory came because Prime Cargo had its logo on the cars.� Prime Cargo was also in action in September 2009 when KK Motor needed to import a supercar - a Zonda R, f r o m

­Italy to Hong Kong with airfreight. The value of the Zonda is around 16,000,000 HKD (1,700,000 EURO).

Gardermoen has the RECIPE for Prosperity

Ever since Prime Cargo Norway established the office in Gardermoen in New Year 2008, a course has been charted for prosperity. After a short while it was decided to handle both air and sea freight in the new office. Vestby functions as warehouse, where e.g. goods for seafreight are handled. The Merger The merger began on May 1st 2009 and was brought to an end one month later. Colleagues from Vestby moved to the Gardermoen office, which was in new premise due to the expanded staff of employees (went from 5 to 8 employees).

Not unexpectedly, this disposition goes to show to be very important. It is busy at the office Recipe for Prosp erity 2 table s p o o and the extent of the activi- 2 dl cre n loyalty d 2 cups ibility s e ties continues to grow. 3/4 cup rvice foresig

ht Crumb le credibil the loyalty in to the ity. Ad the ser little at vice a a time. foresig Finally ht a until it and stir the m d the is smo ix ture oth. Bake fo r heated 20 minutes in oven a t 200 d a preegrees .

“We continue acquiring new customers because we can offer them a service our competitors cannot,” says Vegard Kristiansen, Branch Manager in Oslo, whose main focus is sea freight and warehouse in Vestby. The fact is that Vegard and his colleagues are making specific business offers that exactly describe what Prime Cargo can offer.

“Our offers have brought us several customers within areas such as shipping equipment, where we consolidate their export shipments at our warehouse in Vestby,” explains Vegard and continues: “As something special, we offer customers close control over what happens to their goods, and how far the cargo


is. And as we consolidate the goods in Vestby, we can lower the freight costs, because of the greater volume, “explains Vegard. Better control The reason to why Prime Cargo Norway is able to better control the shipments and at the same time keep costs down is the warehouse in Vestby. “By bringing together the exporters’ shipments to the warehouse in Vestby, we can build up large quantities of freight, and have everything ready when the ship arrives,” says Vegard.

At the same time, Vegard and his colleagues use the warehouse in Vestby to rearrange cargo. If the cargo arrives on pallets from the exporter, the warehouse operatives can rearrange the cargo by packing it in special made boxes, securing the cargo from damage during transportation – regardless if the cargo is shipped by sea, air or road. “We are in fact the only ones who can offer this service and this is also the reason why

we are still able to attract new customers,” explains Vegard.

Better business Development has also made the warehouse in Vestby a better business than it has been before. Earnings have increased, and it has, among other things, to do with the choice of customers. “We have acquired four new customers for Vestby, customers who needs shipping equipment and groceries transported quickly. It rapidly generates a turnover, “says Vegard and concludes:” With our specific offers to customers, better management and control of cargo and low freight costs, we have significantly increased our market share”.

SteamLine: Innovation gives more work A development cooperation between SteamLine and KD Emballage has resulted in a “wardrobe box” that has become a success. At SteamLine, between 50,000 and 100,000 boxes designed as a “wardrobe” with pole and hangers are filled with clothing each year. The clothes maintain its pressed form and has no creases when it arrives at the shop, where it is hung up and ready for sale. At the same time the development of textile boxes facilitates the distribution handling, the delivery time is shortened and the price substantially reduced, compared with the traditional hanging distribution. It is all about flexibility and efficiency. “We need to have as little as possible of hanging garments; it often sounded

“The d tu


deficit has been urned into good business” Flemming Mortensen Director of SteamLine

from customers since we started 7 years ago. Distribution does not work, it is expensive and it takes too long. We have had considerable challenges, and in the beginning also a deficiency. It is an extensive handling process, and we only had a few customers and low volume. We could not increase the price as this would increase the customer‘s costs instead of lowering them. We had to sell the idea to more clients and now the deficit has turned into a good business, “says Flemming Mortensen, Director of SteamLine. He continues: “As soon as we receive the clothes, we unpack and hang on hangers. Then the clothes is steamed and bagged again. We handle pick and pack for almost all our customers, and distribute the clothes to all European countries in wardrobe boxes. Between 8 and 24 hangers fit in the box. It goes without saying that if we are dealing with dresses, many units fit in one box, while the quilted jackets with hoods and fur collar takes up much more space per unit and therefore cannot fit as many in a box “.


COMLOGFleet system locates stolen trailer Lars Bull, Distribution Manager at Prime Cargo Kolding, is not easy to get around. Not for thieves either. Even when Lars sits and enjoys his weekend at a campsite, he can follow the Prime Cargo trailer fleet with his computer. A chip is monitored at each trailer and through a satellite position reports are given to a web site. “Two months after a solid investment in the COMLOGFleet system a trailer disappears. A haulier calls me a Satur-

day in May. I am enjoying my morning coffee at a campsite by Skamling, and ­Anders from Brøndum Transport says that a trailer has been stolen in Central Jutland. I tell Anders to wait ten minutes as I need to start up my computer. In COMLOGFleet I can see that the trailer, which is empty, was parked by Anders at 19:31 and stolen at 23:50. I can also tell where the trailer has been and exactly where it is now. Anders then gives this information to the police”, says Lars Bull proudly and continues: “The police


Lars Bull in fonnt of the COMLOGFleet screen, where he can follow the positions of the different Prime Cargo trailers

were informed. Less than 2 hours after the trailer has been reported stolen, it is found at a haulage contractor, who is also a scrap dealer. The trailer has been used for theft of aluminium. The cargo was returned to the crime scene at 17:14 and we got our trailer back. Unfortunately the police lacked the final evidence, so the thief probably walks free”. Besides locating stolen trailers the system is used for the daily disposition

of road transport. Partly to know the whereabouts of the trailers, and partly to ensure the shortest possible deadline in transport, servicing customers and how we ensure the best handling at Prime Cargo. Lars Bull continues: “Now I know where the trailers are, who has got the goods delivered and at what time. The COMLOGFleet system ensures the optimization of the work. So it is no longer necessary to call the driver to hear how far he is”.

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