4 minute read
from Quarry May 2019
by Prime Group
David Mitchell constructed an extensive battery of pot kilns in response to the limitations of intermittent burning technologies, which enabled round the clock production.
Once the quarry is filled, the spoil will be left to settle for at least three years. The work is being undertaken under the supervision of the project geotechnical consultants Tonkin and Taylor.
“There have been several similar developments on other quarries that are much shallower than this – maybe up to 40m deep,” Roger Olds, principal geotechnical engineer at Tonkin and Taylor said. “They’re usually quite challenging in terms of getting the right materials and so forth. But this one is unique in the depth and the stresses that are applied to the soil at the base of the pit.” In an effort to forestall any problems, the ground is being over-compacted. As part of this process, a heavy-duty pump operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week, pumping 1.8 million litres of ground water per day. Ordinarily, soil needs to be compacted to 98 per cent density on commercial projects and 96 per cent on residential. But the soil at the former quarry is being compacted to a minimum of 101 per cent and an average of 103 per cent. Bayport has turned to Caterpillar, a supplier with which it has had a relationship with since the 1960s, to help it complete this unique project. Two Caterpillar 825K compactors and two Cat 19-tonne vibratory rollers – a CP76 padfoot and a smooth drum CS78 – are being used at the site to provide superior compaction as each layer of the quarry is filled to the specified density. Each compactor has a GPS record for ease of operation, helping operators to distinguish between areas that have been compacted and those that still require attention. There are also seven large Cat 773 50-tonne dump trucks carrying material from the top to the bottom of the quarry. The largest of the machines on-site is the Caterpillar 390F L hydraulic excavator,
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which is one of two 390s on-site. This machine ensures production numbers remain high, while reducing operating costs and providing the power, fuel efficiency and reliability to maximise productivity. The excavators are used in conjunction with Cat 773 G trucks, guaranteeing that haul material can be loaded at a lower cost per tonne. The latest additions to the Cat fleet at Cave Hill are the D8T dozer and the Cat 982M series wheel loader.

PARKLAND SUBURB Upon completion, the land will hold about 3000 new residences and a host of local retail, community and commercial facilities. The old quarry will become Kinley, a new suburb set among natural parkland.
The first 35 premium lots were released in October 2018 through an on-site ballot. The first stage release is adjacent to Hull Road, Lilydale with selected lots enjoying views to the Dandenong and Yarra Ranges. In mid-March, the second stage was released, featuring 11 lots ranging in size from 400m²

The McCloskey J50 V2 jaw crusher feeds the R155 reclaimer at Cave Hill Quarry. The fixed crushing, screening and conveying circuit remains intact.
to 526m² with a selection of frontages. The developers envisage Kinley being a “walkable suburb” where people are in pedestrian proximity to vibrant infrastructure such as retail, culture, restaurants, education and general street life.
In much the same way that the Exhibition Building stands as a testament to a particular period of Melbourne’s history, Kinley embodies the contemporary mood.
Australia, it’s sometimes said, was the first suburban nation; the dream of owning a home in a leafy suburb, away from the hustle and bustle of the city, is something of a national obsession.
Moreover, Kinley, as the last major parcel of land east of the capital, offers a rare opportunity for many more people to realise that dream. •