astrol is a name synonymous with the auto world. You’d be hard pressed to remember any racing competition that didn’t sport the green and red of the oil brand. Its products have been used in workshops around the world for more than 100 years. With an evolving car parc comes the need to look to the future of oils, and Castrol explains what it’s doing to stay at the forefront.
When mechanics support mechanics, there are no losers.
Taking care of your own mental motor
Sep/Oct 2024
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eing fair dinkum is something mechanics should pride themselves on. Any mechanic I’ve visited –whether through Australian Car Mechanic or car issues – they’ve always talked straight, outlined the issue, and got on with it.
No jive, right to the point.
It’s an enviable way to work on a daily basis, and certainly takes great resilience and an unmatched even temper.
That’s not to say all mechanics have perfect bedside manner; even the most cavalier of technicians can lose their patience with a frustrating customer or green apprentice now and again.
It’s crucial – however – that when the going gets tough, mechanics don’t feel the need to bury themselves at the cost of their mental health.
Men’s Health Week was in June, with some nations dedicating the entire month to raising awareness about men’s mental health.
With the overwhelming majority of mechanics in Australia being men, it’s a timely reminder to always be looking after yourself in what is a demanding profession.
Seasonal depression can come in the colder months, but when you’re not feeling alright, it’s time to speak up.
In this edition of Australian Car Mechanic, contributing writer Iain Curry shows us how the auto world and mental health can become intertwined.
He tells us about Drive Against Depression; a charity that combines peoples’ love for fine automobiles with generating conversations about how we can look after each other’s mental health.
It’s a heartwarming read – something we desperately need in winter.
Lifeline: 13 11 14
Harry Murtough – Editor
Deflecting beam torque wrenches work by applying torque to a deflecting beam rather than a coil spring. With no wearing parts, the unique design ensures accuracy of +/- 2% throughout the range of the wrench.
The torque setting can easily be set via a sliding scale which displays the torque units. The dual signal feature allows the users to see, feel,
and hear when the selected torque has been reached. When working in a noisy environment the operator can see the signal mechanism release without relying solely on an audible notification.
• Deflecting beam mechanism (no spring)
• Dual signal (see and hear when the wrench has reached the selected torque)
• Torque units displayed in ft.lbs, Nm & kg-cm
• Left & right-hand operation
• Rigidity - all steel construction (Made in Australia)
• Durability - no wearing parts
• Meets or exceeds international standards
• Certificate of calibration can be provided on request
• Lifetime warranty on deflection bar 320500 3/8”, 1-25Nm 326500 1”, 260-1340Nm324500 332600 1/2”, 30-300Nm325750 3/4”, 205-1020Nm323500L
• Repeatability - accurate to +/-2% 1”, 260-1340Nm 30-300Nm 325750 3/4”, 205-1020Nm 323500L 1/2”, 30-300Nm
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IAIN CURRY has been a specialist motoring writer and photographer for 15 years, working for a variety of magazines in Australia, United Kingdom, USA, Germany and Sweden. He is former editor of Performance BMW magazine and features writer for GT Porsche magazine, and has been fortunate enough to photograph Formula 1, the Le Mans 24 Hours, World Touring Cars, V8 Supercars and a range of adventure sports.
For 125 years, Castrol has been at the forefront of lubricant innovation. In the automotive space, this has meant working hand-in-hand with leading car manufacturers to understand market trends and ensure continuous innovation to deliver lubricant solutions for the vehicles of today and tomorrow
Across both the Australian and global automotive landscape, one of the most clearly identifiable trends of the last decade has been the explosion in uptake of electric [EV] and hybrid vehicles.
Underpinning this rapid growth are government-legislated emissions targets, which necessitate OEM’s (original engine manufacturers) focus their attention on the manufacture of hybrids and EVs to fulfil their regulatory obligations. While EVs have seen the majority of the ‘hype’ and mainstream media attention in recent years, infrastructure, supply and demand challenges with EVs, and the battery technology that underpins them, means that hybrids will remain the primary first step in the electrification of the carpark.
While EVs clearly have an important role to play long-term, in a 2023 presentation at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Toyota’s Chief Scientist Gill Pratt shared his view that the EV exclusive vehicle strategies announced by some automakers will likely fall short of achieving emissions-reduction goals. The issue Mr Pratt surmises is a function of the limited availability of the lithium required
for battery production, a challenge which forces a choice between using the limited available lithium to produce many smaller hybrid battery packs or the production of fewer large batteries for EVs. With the overarching aim being to reduce emissions, Mr Pratt concludes that a significantly larger reduction in overall emissions can be achieved by producing many hybrids to displace a large number of Internal Combustion Engine [ICE] vehicles, rather than producing a comparatively small number of EVs whilst retaining many ICE vehicles.
This issue, along with other challenges including cost, charging infrastructure, and diverse customer requirements, will ensure that hybrids become an increasingly common sight on Australian roads.
In fact, one in four new vehicles sold globally in 2025 are forecast to be hybrids, with one in seven vehicles on Australian roads expected to be a hybrid within the next decade (almost 13 per cent of the car parc).
The hybrid headache
With the sustained growth of the hybrid carpark widely anticipated, a clear need existed for all industry stakeholders to assess the implications for the maintenance of hybrid vehicles, and in particular for Castrol, their lubrication requirements. Indeed, given Castrol’s extensive experience working with hybrids - including working on first-generation hybrids such as the Toyota Prius, publishing Society of Automotive Engineers papers on hybrid operating characteristics, and designing bespoke tests to replicate severe hybrid driving conditions – there was an appreciation that the “status quo” would not suffice. While there are fundamentally three different types of hybrid vehicles – mild (MHEV), full (FHEV) and plug-in (PHEV) –every hybrid vehicle uses a combination of engines drawing on different energy sources to propel the vehicle rather than just the internal combustion engine itself (as is the case with a conventional ICE vehicle). Accordingly, due to the presence of internal combustion engines in every hybrid vehicle, every hybrid vehicle has a lubrication requirement.
Castrol’s historical experience with hybrid vehicles had shown that hybrids challenged lubricants in ways that varied from ICE vehicles, with the lubricant forced to deal with the impact of rapid acceleration to high engine speeds, exaggerated stop-start conditions, and cooler engine temperatures and system efficiency requirements. Castrol in turn was able to define three specific challenges of hybrids as follows:
1. Contaminants
Constant switching between the ICE and the electric motor reduces the engine and engine oil’s running temperature. This can lead to water and fuel building up in the oil which can disrupt some lubricants and cause engine deterioration.
2. Engine intermittency
Hybrids repeatedly switch between the electric motor and ICE. Engines can operate at low speeds and then ramp up to high engine speeds quickly. If lubricants can’t keep up, critical engine parts are left vulnerable to metal-tometal contact, wear and a reduction in performance.
The ICE in a hybrid powertrain is the main contributor to recharging the battery that powers the electric motor Cooler running and lower oil temperatures could lead to reduced engine efficiency and in turn, poorer fuel efficiency and charging of the battery.
While Castrol had a clear understanding of these challenges, and a comprehensive portfolio of hybrid-ready lubricants available to their customer base, a more fundamental issue existed for Castrol, its customers, and even industry at large – when it came to hybrid lubrication, no industry standard existed to benchmark against.
While key industry bodes such as API (American Petroleum Institute), ACEA (European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association), and ILSAC (International Lubricants Standardisation and Approval Committee) had developed a range of petrol (e.g. API SP), diesel (e.g. ACEA B5), and petrol/diesel standards (e.g. ACEA C2), no specific industry standard specification had ever been defined for hybrid engine oils.
In the absence of any industry standard, there was no ability to demonstrate lubricant performance in addressing these fundamental hybrid challenges. Without a benchmark there was no means of assuring mechanics or motorists that the lubricants in question would deliver the level of performance or protection they expected in their hybrid vehicle.
In the absence of a unifying industry standard to demonstrate proof of performance, it was clear that the only option would be for Castrol to take the reins to define and establish a standard itself.
While 25 years of accumulated knowledge had provided Castrol with a strong foundation to define this, to get an even better understanding of how hybrids challenge engine oil and to validate all existing hypotheses, a year-long field-trial was conducted with three mild hybrids, three full hybrids, three plug-in hybrids, and one ICE vehicle as the control for comparison.
This on-road testing included country roads, commuting, and city driving with the vehicles travelling over 300,000km over more than 7,000 hours – the equivalent to driving 24/7 for more than 42 weeks. Each
vehicle was fitted with temperature and pressure sensors for real-time analysis within excess of two billion data points being captured. Physical oil samples were also collected every 3,000km to analyse the exact impact of hybrid operating conditions on engine oil chemistry.
The takeaway – as anticipated – was that engine intermittency and cooler hybrid engine temperatures significantly impact the oil with two key findings illustrating these.
• Finding 1: Vehicles with greater electric range – where a larger proportion of the driving was conducted using the e-motor only – had a lower oil sump temperature compared to a traditional ICE-only vehicle. This reduced oil temperature was attributed to the intermittent engine use of hybrids.
• Finding 2: The test showed a clear link between reduced engine operation time and an increase in oil nitration severity. Nitration occurs when your engine oil reacts with blowby gases containing nitrogen oxides formed in combustion. Nitration can prematurely thicken your engine oil which contributes to sludge and deposit formation in critical parts of the engine. The oil analysis also demonstrated signs of reduced activation of antiwear additives due to the lower sump temperature.
Taking the field-trial insights and combining this dataset with everything already known about the challenges faced by hybrid engines, Castrol was ready to define a credible and rigorous hybrid performance standard – HYSPEC - to benchmark its oils against and prove their effectiveness
against the key challenges faced by hybrids.
HYSPEC is Castrol’s new technical standard for hybrid oils. It isn’t a new product ingredient, or a competitor comparison. It’s Castrol’s own benchmark chosen to measure hybrid lubricants against. The HYSPEC standard is defined by 15 hybrid-relevant industry tests - supplemented by relevant bespoke tests where gaps existed within the suite of available industry bench tests - to create the world’s first hybrid performance standard for lubricant. By testing and validating lubricants against the HYSPEC standard, one is able to tangibly demonstrate that their hybrid oils perform against the three HYSPEC factors: contaminants, engine intermittency and system efficiency.
For an oil to be certified as delivering
Contaminants, system efficiency and engine intermittency were among the key challenges Castrol identified between hybrids and lubricants.
against the HYSPEC standard, it was agreed a Castrol lubricant would need to demonstrate at least 25 per cent benefit against the HYSPEC standard across critical areas.
With the HYSPEC standard defined, the next question was how to approach formulation testing and implementation across Castrol’s vast product portfolio. A key point of emphasis was to ensure that the introduction of HYSPEC to the market did not create additional complexity for workshops via the creation of unnecessary new hybrid-specific product variants. With automotive lubricants already being such a vast and complex domain – a function of often incongruent OEM approvals and industry specifications – it was crucial that HYSPEC provided confidence around performance of existing
The hybrid engine’s entry into the automotive space brought new innovations, but also new challenges.
hybrid-suitable products without forcing needless additional products into the aftermarket.
Accordingly, ahead of nominating formulations for testing, it was agreed that two core guardrails would be applied to ensure the integrity of the standard and simplicity for customers:
1. The formulation viscosity must align with the handbook-recommended viscosities for hybrid vehicles in Australia: SAE 0W16, SAE 0W-20, and SAE 5W-30.
2. No new naming conventions would be created for existing formulations/products that met the HYSPEC standard, and “Hybrid” in product naming conventions would only be applied where the product was exclusively for use in hybrid vehicles (vs. petrol/hybrid & petrol/diesel/hybrid).
After a thorough review of its Australian portfolio, and assessment of the Australian hybrid carpark, a number of local candidate product variants were selected with the hope they would deliver against the HYSPEC standard. Following further engagement with expert technologists based out of Castrol’s Global Technology Centre in Pangbourne (UK) - and review of Castrol’s Global formulation slate – several additional hybrid-appropriate formulations were also added to the testing regime with
the intent to launch in Australia should they surpass the HYSPEC benchmark.
Following months of stakeholder engagement across Australia and Europe, comprehensive independent testing of candidate formulations, and the reformulation of several existing product variants, in late-2023 Castrol was ready to launch HYSPEC to the Australian market. By January 2024 a total of 8 product variants (list below) had been proven to deliver at least 25 per cent benefit against the HYSPEC standard:
- EDGE 0W-20 C5
- EDGE 0W-20
- EDGE 5W-30 A3/B4
- EDGE 5W-30 LL
- MAGNATEC Hybrid 0W-16
The eight Castrol EDGE and MAGNATEC products variants above now represent Castrol’s core offer for hybrid vehicles and collectively provide workshops with a range that can meet the handbook requirements of nearly 100 per cent of the hybrid carpark domestically. This product offer –combined with a sustained commitment by Castrol to facilitate mechanic and consumer education on hybrids - provides
workshops and their customers with absolute confidence in the performance and protection of the hybrid vehicles they service and operate respectively.
At Castrol, it’s known that a hybrid future is only just beginning, and the establishment of HYSPEC is just a starting point.
As a standard, HYSPEC is being continuously reviewed against emerging hybrid technologies from OEM’s to ensure the benchmarks which underpin the standard remain valid and appropriate for lubricant performance and protection in hybrids. To this end, Castrol has already commenced additional hybrid field trials, with parallel lab testing, engine testing, and vehicle tests, all with the objective of feeding vital information about hybrids into Castrol’s ongoing product development.
Castrol will continue to assess future hybrid-relevant product variants and formulations to establish whether they warrant consideration and benchmarking against the HYSPEC standard. In doing so Castrol will provide peace of mind, availability and transparency around our hybrid range for workshops (and their consumers), ultimately delivering market-leading - and defininglubricant solutions.
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It has never been harder … and in many ways easier, to find the right oil for a vehicle than it is today.
The number of oil specifications has grown largely due to governmental legislation to improve fuel efficiency, whilst also reducing pollution and CO2 creation.
OEM’s have responded by building engines requiring newer specs and oil makers have met these by formulating thinner oils providing as much, if not more, protection than ever.
Penrite are making it easy to find the right product for every application with their 100 per cent Australian based Technical Support Group and the Penrite Product Selector mobile apps and website which are kept up to date with the ever-expanding Australian vehicle car landscape. Penrite appreciates that downtime affects your business and takes pride in the knowledge made available through the Melbourne based technical team who are there to ensure that you get the right advice for every application.
Part of Penrite’s commitment to the Australian workshops and automotive professionals is the Penrite PRO range of Australian made engine oils, a ‘trade focussed’ range developed specifically for
workshops, car dealerships and professional vehicle service and repair centres.
The range has been specially blended to meet the oil specifications required by Australian, US, European, Japanese, Asian and Korean manufacturers for petrol, LPG, E10/E85 and diesel fuelled engines.
This range of products covers both modern and classic vehicles, making it easier for your business to service a wider range of vehicles. The range consists of Full Synthetic, Semi Synthetic and Premium Mineral products in 20L, 60L, 205L and larger direct pump-in volumes.
The Pro range features the latest international API and ACEA specifications and selected products are API Licensed for quality assurance and guaranteed performance levels.
Penrite engine oils are formulated using 100 per cent virgin base oils and the highest quality additives which enable lubrication and heat transfer, whilst also providing the engine oil with anti-wear effects, the ability to keep the engine clean and the ability to operate at a range of temperatures from the Australian Alps to the deserts of the outback. These include:
Friction Modifiers - used to reduce internal engine friction and are common in low viscosity oils where fuel economy is important. They affect the frictional properties between two rubbing surfaces to prevent scoring, reduce wear and noise.
Detergents - usually metallic compounds that control deposits and keep engines clean.
1. They lift any deposits from the surfaces of the engine and then chemically combine to form a barrier film, which keeps the deposits from coming out of suspension and coagulating.
2. Detergents neutralize any acids formed by the combustion of the fuel by chemically reacting with the acids in order to form harmless neutralized compounds.
Dispersants - are usually ashless (non metallic) organic chemicals. They keep contaminants and by-products dispersed in the oil, helping to prevent deposits and sludge from forming.
Oxidation Inhibitors - Reduce oxidation of the oil, helping to reduce oil thickening, which can be caused by wear metals that
For nearly 100 years,
has been a leader in lubricants and oils in Australia.
can enhance the rate of oxidation, glycol contamination (from coolants), thermal degradation and severe soot contamination. If this process is not controlled, the lubricant decomposition will lead to oil thickening, the formation of sludge, varnish, resins and corrosive acids.
Anti-wear Agents - Prevent wear that would otherwise occur when they contact each other. These are sacrificial, decreasing throughout the oil drain interval.
Rust and Corrosion Inhibitors - Prevent rust and corrosive attack on metal surfaces from acids that can build up in oils. They help to neutralise their effects and provide a barrier between the metal surface and these harmful compounds.
Foam Depressants/Air Release Agents
- Prevent foam from forming, thereby maintaining a good lubricating film unaffected air bubbles and maintaining the ability of the oil to be pumped effectively.
Pour Point Depressants (PPD) - are used to enable mineral oils to function efficiently at lower temperatures.
Viscosity Index Improvers (VII)
VI Improvers change an oil’s rate of thinning as it heats up, thus improving its ability to lubricate effectively at higher temperatures. They also assist in changing monograde oils
into multigrade oils.
So where are engine oils heading? Does all the talk about electrification of the cars and trucks mean that internal combustion engines (ICE) are destined for the recycling heap, with the oils going into them becoming obsolete? In short, no.
Whilst fully electric vehicles are capturing a larger share of new vehicle sales, the more substantive growth has been in hybrid vehicles. It is projected that by 2027, new car sales in Australia will be about 1.064M of which,18 per cent will be hybrid and 11 per cent fully electric. Even with this relatively strong growth however, the car park in that year will only be comprised of about five per cent hybrid and two per cent electric. The market will therefore continue to rely on IC Engines, including hybrids for a long time to come. In any case, Penrite has been developing products for this segment since 2015 when ENVIRO+ HYBRID 0W-16 (FULL SYN.) was first introduced with further offerings to come in this space. While working hard to provide Australian solutions during the transition to a more electrified future for vehicles, Penrite has also committed to a range of other initiatives to reduce the impact on our great country including:
Enviro box
The award-winning ENVIRO BOX™, bag-in-a-box concept to the Australian market. These reduce waste and save money and provide easier and more cost-effective waste disposal for workshops.
Penrite has developed a sustainability strategy utilising the Australian Packaging Covenant by using recycled plastic in its packaging.
A growing range of Penrite packaging is now composed of 100 per cent recycled, premium quality plastic. Penrite remains committed, as it always has, to using the highest quality 100 per cent virgin base oils and additives throughout its range.
145kW solar system installed on our major site, with plans to roll this out across the other company-owned sites.
Rainwater collected from the Dandenong South site is plumbed for use on site, with over 30,000 litres collected to date.
From humble beginnings on a St KIlda kitchen stove in 1926, Penrite has become a leader in the Aussie automotive lubricant industry delivering products and services that exceed expectations.
As we look to the future, our commitment to excellence has never been stronger. Penrite thanks the automotive industry and community for their continued support and partnership and we look forward to driving the next century of automotive advancements together.
Here’s to 100 years of Penrite Oil – and many more to come.
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beneficiaries) into and completing an apprenticeship in the automotive industry. Our unique group training organisation consists of automotive apprenticeship specialists working with the automotive industry to source apprenticeship opportunities for our beneficiaries. This means we can be more hands-on by regularly working with our Apprentices and their Host Businesses to ensure the satisfaction and well-being of both. You will find us at careers fairs, trade expos, State and Federal Government forums, vocational education and training working groups, and regular meetings with interested
Apprenticeships Are Us Ltd is dedicated to developing sustainable career paths for our beneficiaries so that they may have a strong start to their career. Throughout the apprenticeship journey we provide mentoring, on-the-job support, life skills training and employability training whilst the apprentice undertakes employment and formalised training at a Registered Training Organisation of their choice.
Spare Parts Interpreter
As a business owner and/or manager are you struggling to employ apprentices, enroll apprentices in training and register their apprenticeship? Applicants not turning up for interviews? Do you also struggle to find time to complete weekly payroll? Are you concerned your insurance premiums with relation to employment are increasing? Apprenticeships Are Us have these services covered.
Payroll: Your organisation will receive a weekly invoice that includes all associated costs.
HR: All apprentice-related matters will be handled in collaboration with your organisation.
Baseline audiometric testing will be arranged within the first three months of employment.
ARU will participate in the latest industry group meeting and keep your organization informed of any changes affecting apprentices.
Occupational Health and Safety plays an important role in the modern workplace and regular cleaning is key to ensuring workplaces are safe to prevent injuries to staff. Slipping, falling or stumbling make-up 26 per cent of workplace accidents1 and can result in common work-place injuries such as sprains, strains or dislocations. For occupations where working with oil and grease is an everyday occurrence, cleaning up spills is a priority.
CLR Grease & Oil Remover has just launched its new advanced formula providing a fast-track solution to cleaning oil and grease spills.
CLR Grease & Oil Remover is a powerful, versatile formula that cuts through oil,
grease, tar and built-up grime. Making driveways, factory machinery and equipment, and garage floors look almost like new, CLR Grease & Oil Remover is also perfect for commercial kitchen use too, removing baked on food and fats from ovens, rangehoods and stovetops.
Non-flammable and non-acidic, CLR Grease & Oil Remover’s new formula contains no abrasives or petroleum solvents. It is perfect for use outdoors too as it is readily biodegradable and will not harm grass, shrubs, or surrounding vegetation.
Getting started with CLR Grease & Oil Remover is easy. Simply apply the solution directly onto the surface with a sponge or
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CLR products are available from hardware stores and select supermarkets nationally.
CLR’s Grease & Oil Remover (750ML) RRP$19.89, is available from Bunnings, Coles, Mitre 10, Home Timber Hardware and BCF nationally.
For more information visit clrclean.com.au
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Spark plug testing kits are generally safe to use when following proper procedures and precautions. However, there are a few potential dangers associated with their use and not all spark plug testers take all safety aspects into consideration.
1. Electrical Shock: Since spark plug testing kits involve handling electrical components and wires, there is a risk of electrical shock if not used correctly. Make sure to disconnect the ignition system and follow safety guidelines provided with the testing kit.
2. Burns: Spark plugs and their surrounding components can become very hot during operation. There is a risk of burns if you touch these parts while they are still hot. Allow the engine to cool down before attempting to test or replace the spark plugs.
3. Fire Hazard: Working with petrol engines always carries a risk of fire. Take precautions to prevent petrol spills and ensure proper ventilation in the area where you are working. Avoid using the testing kit near open flames or sources of ignition. In later vehicles as a safety requirement if the engine is required to be turned over there is a necessary requirement to disable the electric fuel
pump from working so that fuel is not sprayed into the cylinders especially if a spark plug or plugs have been removed as the excessive fuel will be pumped out via the spark plug hole which could lead to a fire hazard.
4. Mechanical Injury: Some spark plug testing kits may require you to access tight or awkward spaces within the engine compartment. Exercise caution to avoid injuries such as cuts, bruises, or pinches while maneuvering around the engine.
The Dechmont Spark Plug Testing kit (SPTK) over comes all of the above concerns as listed on their product as the only fool proof & safe way in the world to test a spark plug in any petrol engine (car, motorcycle, lawn mower, chainsaw, outboard etc.) using their own power. Simply connect and turn your engine over to test your spark plug or plugs.
Here are some safety features to look for in a spark plug testing kit:
1. Insulated Probes: Look for a kit with probes that are insulated to prevent electrical shock when handling them.
2. Protective Covers: Some kits come with protective covers for the spark plug
terminals to prevent accidental contact while the engine is running.
3. Safety Instructions: Ensure that the kit includes clear and detailed safety instructions for proper use, including how to safely disconnect the ignition system and handle hot engine components.
4. Quality Construction: Choose a kit made from durable materials that can withstand the conditions of automotive use without compromising safety.
The Dechmont Spark Plug Testing kit (SPTK) provides all the above key factors. The difference is that it has way more extra built in safety aspect where the spark is contained in a see through dome container, making the testing of the spark plug more convenient, where the operator has no chance of being zap or injured by a high voltage spark, the added designed bonus, when using this Tester in a confi ned space, there is a nil chance of the spark igniting any fuel vapors that maybe present within the confi ned space.
Therefore, an external fire hazard would be non-existent when using this designed type of Spark Plug Tester.
You can purchase spark plug testing kits from a variety of sources, including:
1. Automotive Parts Stores: Many auto parts stores carry spark plug testing kits, and they often offer a range of options from different brands.
2. Online Retailers: Online marketplaces like eBay, and websites often have a wide variety of spark plug testing kits available for purchase.
3. Manufacturer Websites: Some manufacturers of automotive diagnostic tools and equipment sell their products directly to consumers through their websites.
Visiting the website of a reputable manufacturer can be a good way to find a safe and reliable spark plug testing kit.
Like any product, be sure to read product descriptions and customer reviews to ensure you’re getting a safe and reliable kit. When shopping for a spark plug testing kits, prioritise all safety features to minimise the risks associated with testing spark plugs.
With the range of safety features mentioned in this article.
It would be extremely advisable, and strongly consider to always follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully and exercise caution when working with automotive electrical systems.
Plugged in
The Dechmont Spark Plug Tester is a device used to test the functionality of spark plugs, which are crucial components in internal combustion engines. Here’s how it positively functions:
1. Diagnostic Tool: It helps diagnose potential issues with spark plugs. By connecting the spark plug to the tester, mechanics or users can quickly determine if the plug is in good working condition or if it needs replacement.
2. Timesaving: Instead of removing each spark plug from the engine to visually inspect it, the tester allows for quick testing without disassembly. This saves time, especially in cases where multiple spark plugs need to be checked. The tester capabilities are useable when
individual high-tension leads are used or accessible.
3. Cost-Effective: By identifying faulty spark plugs early, the tester can prevent potential damage to the engine caused by misfires or incomplete combustion. This can save money on costly repairs that might arise from prolonged use of faulty spark plugs.
4. User-Friendly: The tester typically provides clear indications of the spark plug’s condition, making it easy for both professionals and amateurs to use. It doesn’t require extensive technical knowledge to operate effectively.
5. Preventive Maintenance: Regularly testing spark plugs can be part of a preventive maintenance routine,
ensuring that the engine runs smoothly and efficiently. This proactive approach can extend the lifespan of the engine and improve overall performance.
6. Versatility: Some spark plug testers may be compatible with a variety of spark plug types and sizes, enhancing their usefulness across different engines and vehicles. sOne of the features in (SPKT) and is available for small engines with a pull start mechanism (using
a rope) the operator can install the decompression fitting into the spark plug hole. This allows the engine to be turned over very easily while further testing the function of the spark plug in question.
The safety benefits of the Dechmont Spark Plug Tester primarily revolve around its ability to prevent potential hazards associated with malfunctioning spark plugs and the testing process itself:
1. Preventing Engine Damage: Faulty spark plugs can lead to misfires, rough engine performance, and even engine damage over time. By quickly identifying and replacing faulty spark plugs, the tester helps prevent these issues, ensuring the engine operates safely and efficiently.
2. Reducing Fire Risks: Malfunctioning spark plugs can sometimes cause sparks or electrical arcing, which may pose a fire risk, especially in environments with flammable materials. By detecting faulty spark plugs early, the tester helps reduce the likelihood of such incidents.
3. Avoiding Electrical Shocks: Working on automotive electrical systems can potentially expose individuals to electrical shocks if not done properly. The spark plug tester provides a safe and controlled environment for testing spark plugs, reducing the risk of accidental shocks during the diagnostic process.
4. Preventing Carbon Monoxide Exposure: Incomplete combustion due to faulty spark plugs can lead to increased emissions of harmful gases, including carbon monoxide.
By ensuring proper combustion through timely spark plug testing and replacement, the tester contributes to reducing harmful emissions and minimising the risk of carbon monoxide exposure for both users and bystanders.
5. Minimising Engine Stall Risks: A malfunctioning spark plug can cause engine stalling, especially at critical moments such as during acceleration or while driving.
By identifying and replacing faulty spark plugs promptly, the tester helps minimise the risk of unexpected engine stalls, which could lead to accidents or dangerous situations on the road.
6. Promoting Proper Engine Performance: Ensuring that spark plugs are in good condition and properly functioning is essential for maintaining optimal engine performance and responsiveness.
By facilitating regular spark plug testing and maintenance, the tester contributes to safer driving conditions by promoting consistent and reliable engine operation.
Image A shows the dome shape of the safety areas contained in the Dechmont Spark Plug Tester and as the spark jumps the gap it is being contained in captive surrounds not out to atmosphere.
Image B shows the combustion/fire that has happened outside of the engine on top of the tappet cover area where a person had removed all the spark plugs and rested them against the engine cover so as when the engine is turned over the person can see in turn if all the spark plugs are firing.
1. As the engine is turned over to perform the spark plug test, the petrol going into the engine is forced up through the spark plug hole and because you have spark happening around the spark plug hole area there is a instant fire happening, one is a blue flame the other is a yellow/ orange to a white flame. This could lead to personal injury or a fire badly damaging the vehicle.
2. The Dechmont Spark Plug Tester (SPKT) is designed and works to prevent this dangerous event from happening as one of the safety features is that the SPTK does not use alligator clips to fi x the earth wire or the spark plug does not have to rest against the metal part of the engine to obtain earthing.
3. In the SPKT the earth wire is fi xed to the metal base of the spark plug, as the spark plug is screwed into the captive dome apparatus. The only spark that is going to
happen and happen every time, because the earth wire is fi xed and contained, is in the safety dome. Eliminating any dangerous issues as per in Image B.
In summary, the safety benefits of the Dechmont Spark Plug Tester (SPKT) that have been highlighted in this article
promotes safe operation of testing spark plugs on vehicle engine, large and small including all types of petrol engines in a range of machinery.
To purchase the Dechmont Spark Plug Tester (SPTK) and to obtain further information go to sparktester.net
The NAPA Speedway will be the first sprintcar race held in an Australian city, making it a must-see historic event.
NAPA Auto Parts is pleased to confirm that it will be the namingrights partner of the inaugural NAPA Speedway – Sprintcars in the City – at the 2024 VAILO Adelaide 500 this November.
Celebrating the 25th year of Supercars on the streets of Adelaide, the 2024 event will feature a suite of new activities at the event, making the famed VAILO Adelaide 500 a true Mecca of world class motorsport action.
“The whole team at NAPA are thrilled to be the inaugural partner of the NAPA Speedway and to see this amazing event come to life, adding to the already world class VAILO Adelaide 500,” GPC Asia Pacific Executive General Manager Mitch Wiley said.
“This will be such a unique spectacle, and an incredible moment for all Australian Speedway fans.
“We’re very proud of our partnership with Hodges Motorsport and James over the past two Sprintcar summers, and to be bringing him to this event continues a very
successful collaboration.”
The NAPA Speedway will be based within
the Adelaide street course precinct, allowing traditional fans of the Repco Supercars Championship and the Adelaide event the opportunity to see the 950
sprintcar prowess has him racing both nationally and overseas in some of the top competitions available.
horsepower Sprintcars – live and loud.
NAPA Speedway is being hailed as the biggest announcement in Australian sprintcar history. Never before has a Sprintcar race been held in a CBD and it is likely to draw the biggest speedway crowds ever seen in this country.
The NAPA Speedway will host two nights of explosive sprintcar action, with as many as 40 competitors set to compete in qualify, heats and races on the Thursday and Friday nights of the event.
“We’re very proud of the amazing entertainment package that speedway provides and can’t wait to see the reactions to just how fast and unpredictable Sprintcars can be,” Speedway Australia CEO Darren Tindal said.
“We’ve been very excited to work alongside the VAILO Adelaide 500 team to make sure that they have the best people at their disposal to make this the safest and best showcase of the sport that we can and reignite the passion for speedway in a state that has produced so many champion racers.”
McFadden rolls in
The VAILO Adelaide 500 has also confirmed that Round 3 of the FOX Australian
Supercross Championship will take place at the iconic Adelaide street circuit.
For the Sprintcars, NAPA Auto Parts has also confirmed that Australian international Sprintcar star James McFadden as the first entrant for the Sprintcars in the City at NAPA Speedway.
“It’s fantastic that Sprintcars are going to be part of the VAILO Adelaide 500 with their own event,” McFadden said.
“I can’t think of a better place to do it –especially on the streets of Adelaide. It’s a great city for sport and motorsport. To be a part of the Adelaide 500 is huge and it’s one of the biggest motorsport events in the world.
“For us to showcase what we do on a stage as big as this is going to be fantastic.
“I grew up going to Speedway City in Adelaide, and I’m excited to come back to the town. I know how great the fans are, and I’m really excited that NAPA has supported this event.
“The South Australian Motorsport Board are going to make it an unbelievable show.
“To have a Speedway built in the middle of the city, in conjunction with the VAILO Adelaide 500, is huge for the sport of speedway. It’s going to be an awesome show. They’ll be a lot of talented drivers and teams, and Sprintcar has such a big
James McFadden frequented Adelaide’s Speedway City as a kid, and later this year he’ll return to the city as a spectacle unto himself.
following in Australia.
“I’m really excited for it. It is going to be huge for our sport. Huge for Adelaide and huge for NAPA.
McFadden, 35, is undoubtably Australia’s leading Sprintcar driver currently racing. In 2024, McFadden is competing in the High Limit Racing series for Roth Motorsports in the USA and currently sits ninth in the standings.
Over the past two Australian summers, McFadden has raced for Hodges Motorsport in the NAPA Auto Partssupported Sprintcar, competing in the big shows down under, including the Grand Annual Classic and the Australian Sprintcar titles.
“Having James (McFadden) back on Australian soil, in the NAPA colours with Hodges for this race is a huge coup,” Wiley added.
“He is Australia’s best Sprintcar driver and will represent the team at NAPA and his sport at the highest level.”
McFadden will rejoin Hodges at NAPA Speedway for the inaugural Sprintcars in the City at NAPA Speedway event, to be held as part of the VAILO Adelaide 500 on November 14-17.
More details on NAPA Speedway will be revealed in the coming months.
ver since he built the engine for his Subaru at 13 years old, Harrison Lockyer has had a knack for all things auto.
The 20-year-old Camden lad grew up surrounded by broken cars, with his father Paul running an auto shop in the southwest Sydney suburb.
In 2019, Harrison started his mechanics apprenticeship with his old man. Bright eyed and ready to dive deeper into the world of mechanics – Harrison also sought to draw upon a resource that specialised in helping auto apprentices.
“I’ve always wanted to work on cars … dad brought me on, and that’s when I found Apprenticeships Are Us,” he said.
At ever turn of Harrison’s apprenticeship, Apprentices Are Us has been there to help.
“They’ve supplied uniforms, and been able to chime in with any advice I may need,” he said.
“They’re super easy going – pretty much whatever I’ve needed during my apprenticeship, they’ve been able to help out.”
Apprenticeships Are Us enables automotive apprentices nationwide to pursue their dreams regardless of financial/ socio-economic background, schooling level or other social disadvantages.
The not-for-profit operation provides plenty of support to apprentices, such as supplying correct PPE equipment, employability and life skills training as well as on-the-job support, taking a handson approach to supporting the next generation.
Harrison completed his mechanics apprenticeship last year, but with his dad acquiring a neighbouring auto electrical business, he decided to expand his resume.
“It’s been really interesting, there’s a lot of changes you have to get used to, but it’s going well now,” Harrison said.
“There’s so much new stuff to learn about cars I have to learn for auto electrical … it’s a completely different line of work.”
Thanks to Apprentices Are Us, Harrison has the support he needed to undertake this exciting new chapter right from the get-go.
Having completed his apprenticeship in mechanics, Harrison is now undertaking an apprenticeship in auto electrical mechanics at his dad’s new business.
“They’ve been brilliant,” he said.
“Ever since we got in touch with them, they’ve been in good contact with me and checking in to make sure everything’s good.
“As soon as I mentioned I was going into auto electrical, we signed straight back
up and they’ve been helping me with that apprenticeship.”
Find out how Apprenticeships Are Us can help you or your workshop! Visit aaprus. com.au or contact 9821 6900 and info@ apprus.com.au for more information.
passion for tinkering with cars is what drew Sean Vains to the world of automotive repair as a teen.
However, it’s the constant innovation and fascination in the world of recycled parts that’s kept the ACM Parts Melbourne Distribution Centre (DC) Manager involved with the company for more than 10 years.
Sean started his apprenticeship in mechanics after doing work experience in a workshop at 16 years old. Ever since, he’s hopscotched his way across the Aussie car parc, eventually landing a job at DIY Auto Parts at ACM Parts’ former Victoria site in Broadmeadows.
“Initially, the roles I was in previously were with smaller companies,” Sean added.
“When I arrived at ACM, I was looking for an expansion and progression from a career point of view.”
It didn’t take long for Sean’s purview to grow as fast as ACM Parts, with the size and scope of the operation quickly outgrowing
DIY Auto Parts, leading to the expansion to a Somerton site.
“One of the things I’ve been really lucky with is the mentors I’ve had at ACM Parts,” Sean said.
“They’ve always been really encouraging to look outside of the box and figure out what the next stage of evolution is, as well as some of the ideas you might want to try.
“It’s never just been about concentrating on getting on with the job, it’s been (about) keeping two or three steps ahead – it’s a really nurturing and encouraging environment.”
As Victoria’s DC Manager, Sean handles distribution operations for ACM Parts products across the state, as well as South Australia and Tasmania. ACM Parts annually dismantles about 8,000 vehicles, recovering about 100,000 recycled parts that can be re-used. Not just recycled parts, however – ACM Parts also offers genuine parts such as panels, as well as aftermarket and
consumable products.
One thing that amazes Sean everyday he clocks on is just how much can be re-purposed from deregistered cars –something that fascinates him both in the professional sense as well as the 16-yearold work experience kid at heart.
“It’s a genuine interest in the work we do that keeps me invested after all this time,” he said.
“Even on weekends, my son and I will be at car shows, or if there’s a show on about cars I’ll more than likely be watching it. It’s evolved so much that things you’d never think were recyclable products that can be now. From things such as different types of steel to cardboard packaging to reusing plastics you get in some car products.
“We’re constantly evolving with that and we’re looking to environmentally friendly options not only with recycled products but new products.”
Find out more about ACM Parts and its offerings at acmautoparts.com.au/
The second annual Evolve Auto Festival, held at Sea World on the Gold Coast on May 17 2024, has been celebrated as a monumental success.
The event exceeded expectations and highlighted the best in automotive innovation and community spirit.
The 2024 festival featured esteemed partners such as Bosch, ZF, Hella Gutmann, LIQUI MOLY, MAHLE, and Schaeffler, alongside industry leaders like Capricorn, the Australian Automotive Aftermarket Association (AAAA), and WorldSkills Australia. New partners this
year included The Garage Network, Sealey Tools, Podium, and Valeo, contributing to a diverse and dynamic event.
“At the heart of the Evolve Auto Festival is a profound appreciation for the people who drive the industry forward,” hsy autoparts Head of Customer Relationships and Marketing Nick Redmond said.
“The event brings together not only industry leaders and manufacturers but also the unsung heroes of the automotive world the workshop owners, technicians, and the next generation of talent from TAFEs.
“It’s a celebration of the diverse
and vibrant community that forms the backbone of the automotive aftermarket.”
The Evolve Auto Festival is more than just a business gathering; it is a platform for people to connect, form friendships, and learn from the industry experts.
“It’s about meeting new people, training, and having some fun,” Nick added. This emphasis on the human aspect of the industry is what sets Evolve apart and contributes to its unique charm.
Come together now hsy autoparts created the festival to address issues highlighted in the
The festival aimed to bring a number of issues to the table, including bolstering the pipeline of apprentices in the auto industry.
In its second year, the
grew both in attendees and partners.
Automotive Skills Shortages report of 2022, which revealed significant gaps in awareness and interaction among the next generation of apprentices and automotive technicians. The report found that 22 per cent of fourth-year apprentices struggled to keep up with formal training, while 34 per cent reported unpleasant work environments. Furthermore, 26 per cent of fourth-year apprentices are expected to leave the industry, underscoring the need for better career prospects and learning opportunities.
To mitigate these challenges, hsy formulated the Evolve Auto Festival as an event to foster and showcase a unified industry, building connections that could improve workplace cultures. The festival’s core message was to celebrate a new era of collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and community-building.
By showcasing existing partnerships and actively fostering opportunities for greater collaboration and innovation,
the Evolve Auto Festival, now in its second year, aims to improve industry employment and enhance Australia’s standing in the global automotive community.
The search for a new venue for 2025 has already begun, with hopes that both current and new suppliers will join as the
festival continues to grow and thrive.
The Evolve Auto Festival 2024 has set a new benchmark for future events. The organizers are immensely proud of this year’s achievements and are grateful for the enthusiastic participation and support from all involved.
A visit to the incomparable Bowden car collection shows the huge support for the integral work done by the Drive Against Depression charity
Apassion for cars. That’s why many mechanics devote their working lives to the auto industry. But it’s a life not without its stresses and pressures, no matter how much you love the work. And it often takes its toll.
Many mechanics suffer health and wellbeing issues, and despite increased awareness and outlets to get help, it’d be naïve to believe there isn’t a stigma attached to admitting mental health struggles, and a reticence to discuss it with family, co-workers and bosses. Not least in the seemingly ‘macho’ world of fixing cars.
An initiative with cars at its core, and how the love of driving and connecting with like-minded people is an ideal conversation starter for those struggling with mental health, is the Drive Against Depression (DAD) charity. It organises motoring-themed events
to encourage connections, share stories, listen to keynote speakers and provide a relaxed and judgement-free environment.
It’s a superb initiative. Organised drive days have taken place across Australia, and the routes, destinations and wide variety of enthusiast vehicles make them compelling events to be involved with. It doesn’t matter your vehicle – Lamborghini Aventador or Ford truck – these are events celebrating the joy and blues-busting potential of just going for a drive with mates new and old.
I headed along to DAD’s recent Sunshine Coast drive day, the dangling carrot being our destination was the renowned Bowden family car collection for a private viewing and tour. You’ll be familiar with their name on the Bowden’s Own car care products, and many will know they house a race and road car collection the envy of every serious
collector in the world, let alone Australia. It houses absolute Australian motorsport royalty, including Bathurst and Australian Touring Car Championship winners steered by names including Brock, Moffat, Richards and Johnson.
But before we get into that, the greater purpose was DAD’s awareness raising and connecting with others. And it’s important stuff for mechanics. Mental health statistics for those in our industry aren’t easy to find, but a report was released earlier this year by UK automotive industry charity, Ben. Its figures make for sobering reading.
Its survey results showed 27 per cent of those in the auto industry reported issues managing their mental health, making it far higher than the 16 per cent reporting likewise from the general workforce. An overwhelming 99.6 per cent of automotive workers said
The drive’s start point is an opportunity to hear about Drive Against Depression’s mission, plus learn about the drive route and meet like-minded enthusiasts.
they’ve been affected by health and wellbeing issues in the past 12 months. For automotive employees, the most common issues faced were stress (56 per cent), poor sleep (51 per cent), anxiety (43 per cent) and low mood (41 per cent).
Mind on the motor
Seven in 10 respondents said they worry about money and cost of living pressures. Another key concern was lack of health and wellbeing support from employers, something many reading this will no doubt recognise. The report showed 40 per cent of those in the auto industry gave negative comments
on the matter, including employers not taking mental health seriously and a lack of care where profits seemingly come first.
“Our mission is to support mental wellness through the freedom of driving,” explains co-founder and managing director of DAD, Sarah Davis. She’d helped expertly organise the drive event, and lucked into a perfect Queensland winter’s day as 38 cars and almost 80 people gathered at the starting point.
There was no hard sell, and no pressure. Sarah and event director David James spoke about DAD’s mission and why it’s important, but even before then it was clear this
was a good mix of car people introducing themselves, chatting, laughing and sharing stories. You couldn’t miss the cars, of course. A Lotus Elise racer, Porsche 718, Tesla Model 3, Ford F-150 truck, Ford Fiesta RS, air-cooled Porsche 911, Hyundai i30N, a tatty old BMW E39 530i (that’d be mine) and an even tattier BMW E36 318iS making me feel better. A brilliantly eclectic mix.
A beautiful drive route through the Sunshine Coast hinterland had been suggested by Chris Bowden from Bowden’s Own, and our convoy was soon snaking through stunning scenery. There were no strict rules on when or where to stop – drivers could take a break at any number of suggested roadside cafes – before arriving at the Bowden’s destination in time for our tour. Chris gave his own excellent speech about how his family – like so many – had been affected by mental health issues in its many forms.
Then there was the veritable candy store of four-wheeled brilliance. David Bowden –Chris’ father – was the collection’s founder, amassing an inventory with a targeted aim on competition cars with significant histories. And boy did he nail that.
There’s Alan Moffatt’s 1973 Australian Touring Car Championship-winning ’71
Ford XY Falcon GT-HO Phase III; the Brock/ Richards ’79 Holden LX Torana SS A9X in absolutely original condition as it was when it won Bathurst by six laps in 1979. Over there is Kevin Bartlett’s Channel 9-sponsored Chevrolet Camaro which famously ended up on its roof at Bathurst in 1982; then a 1963 Ford Lotus Cortina Mk1 that had been through both Jim Clark’s and Allan Moffat’s ultra-talented hands.
Gettin’ around
Seeing so many legendary Falcon GT-HOs in one place is both mind-bending and wonderful; there are more ex-Brock LX Torana A9Xs, a 1979 BMW M1 Procar, and then – wow – there’s Dick Johnson’s Tru Blue 1981 XD Falcon beside his ’84 Greens Tuf XE Falcon. BMW fans – myself included – got gooey over an original racing E30 M3 alongside an ex-Jim Richards 635 CSi dressed in evocative John Player Special black and gold, plus a couple of Ford Sierra Cosworth RS500s that helped make touring car racing of that era so unbeatable.
I’ve barely time to touch on the road cars, but it’d be impossible not to mention Bowden’s 1955 Mercedes-Benz 300SL Gullwing, an ex-Jackie Oliver 1971 Porsche 911S beside a ’68 Porsche 911 TR, then a delicious ex-Ron Thorp 1964 AC Shelby Cobra. A few of the attendees were discussing potential value of the complete
collection, and rest assured all were coming up with a very big number indeed.
After Chris’ superb insight and storytelling around each car, guests were given free rein to wander around this automotive nirvanayou could see the connections being made at this superb event. “We always try to provide a unique motoring experience, so it’s something people can look forward to,” says Sarah Davis. “But the Bowden collection trip has been extra special. It achieved the intention of the day not only to provide a memorable experience, but to create safe spaces for mental health conversations and
to offer connection between people that they mightn’t otherwise have had.”
Speaking to those who participated, of course they were in awe of the collection itself, but they also mentioned they felt safe and welcome to share honest stories about what was going on for them. In these days of seemingly ever more stressful lives, the importance of this can’t be underestimated. And to frame it around our love of cars, that’s something very special indeed.
More information: driveagainstdepression.com.au
As a leading friction material and brake component company that traces its roots in Australia back to 1955, Bendix boasts a huge amount of experience as both an OE and aftermarket supplier to the automotive industry.
When local vehicle manufacturing was in full swing, Bendix was a trusted brake pad supplier to the likes of Toyota, Holden, Ford, Mitsubishi and others, providing quality brake pad solutions that met exacting OE requirements.
While high volume local auto manufacturing may have wound up, Bendix remains committed to developing and supplying motorists with high quality braking solutions for both older and all-new models. In all cases, the goal is for the Bendix replacement to not only meet but exceed OE equivalents.
In the case of disc brake pads for new models, Bendix undertakes a thorough audit of the manufacturer pad; it’s a process that begins with a 3D scan allowing the company’s industrial designers to develop their own Unigraphics CAD drawings, leading to perfect clearances and edges, and a flawless fit in the finished product.
From the drawings, Bendix develops a backing plate and also scrutinises all components of the source pad, particularly the friction material. Engineers analyse the composition of the friction material using a powerful electron microscope, which allows them to identify the various compounds and materials used in the formula and in what quantities.
The analysis lets Bendix compare the
friction material to existing Bendix formulas, and develop its own versions with a view to surpassing the performance of what was originally provided by the manufacturer. Additionally, Bendix can adjust its formulas to produce friction material blends to suit various applications and driving styles. As an example, some motorists may prefer pads that offer a balanced performance for everyday commuting such as the General CT™ range, where owners who enjoy more spirited driving could opt for pads from the Ultimate+ range, which provide reduced brake fade and added bite.
Once the friction formula has been finalised, Bendix manufactures sample pads in its prototyping laboratory, it’s a
facility that allows the company to make small volumes ready for testing without having to go into full production mode.
Among the evaluation protocols are a series of dynamometer brake tests that measure noise, performance and wear on three different machines. Certain tests see the pads run continuously on the dyno for seven days experiencing intermittent brake applications at various speeds (up to 175 kp/h) while another will expose the pads to braking temperatures of over 300 degrees C. The noise dyno sees the pads mic’d up to analyse volume, ensuring performance meets Bendix’s low noise benchmarking.
During the testing, all SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) procedures are adhered to. Following these laboratory tests, Bendix moves to real-world vehicle trials using its own fleet. If an exact model is not available the closest available vehicle within the segment will be chosen, one with similar, size, weight and broader specifications.
Bendix’s commitment to developing high quality OE replacement disc brake pads and an exhausting testing process sees Bendix pads rated as ‘E+ Original Equipment Fit’. This rating ensures the design, construction and performance requirements, as well as test protocols meet strict European OE specifications, including testing for braking capabilities, speed sensitivity and cold performance.
The result is disc brake pads that allow drivers to put their foot down with confidence no matter what the vehicle or conditions.
You can trust JB Weld to make products that aren’t just high quality but easy to use and to carry like the company’s range of syringes with ClearWeld, JB Weld, MarineWeld, WoodWeld, PlasticBonders, PlasticWeld, MinuteWeld, KwikWeld, HighHeat and AutoWeld.
These syringes are handy to have in the workshop, onsite and on the road since they take up very little space and require no special tools to use. With 10 different syringe products there is one that will do whatever job is at hand in the workshop from repairs that need to work under water repairs that require high tensile strength.
1. ClearWeld is a quick setting, multipurpose two-part epoxy for a strong and lasting bond on most surfaces including tile, most plastics, ceramic, glass, wood, fibreglass, carpet and metal. It cures to a clear, transparent bond when used at thicknesses of less than 15ml, sets in five minutes and cures in one hour. It has a tensile strength of 3900PSI.
2. J-B Weld Syringe is the original coldweld two-part epoxy for strong, lasting repairs to metal and multiple surfaces. It forms a permanent bond and can be shaped, tapped, filed, sanded and drilled after curing. At room temperature, J-B Weld sets in 4-6 hours to a dark grey color. Full cure is reached in 15-24 hours, it has a tensile strength of 5020PSI and sets to a hard bond overnight.
3. MarineWeld is a specially formulated two part Cold-Weld adhesive system that provides strong, lasting repairs for bonding different or similar surfaces, such as metal, composites, fiberglass and others. It sets in five minutes at room temperature, and cures in an hour to a white colour. It may then be shaped, tapped, filed, sanded and drilled, retaining full strength above or below the waters’ surface. MarineWeld has a tensile strength of 2350PSI.
4. PlasticWeld is a specially formulated two-part adhesive and epoxy filler system that will bond a variety of surfaces, such as metal, composites, fibreglass and others. It sets in five minutes at room temperature and is fully cured in one hour with a tensile strength of 3900PSI and cures clear.
5. WoodWeld Syringe is a fast-setting, twopart adhesive system for wood bonding and repairs. When fully cured, it is a light tan colour, and can be shaped, tapped, filed, sanded and drilled. It provides a lasting permanent bond that is stronger than wood.
6. PlasticBonder is a quick-setting, two-part, urethane adhesive system that provides strong and lasting repairs and works on thermoset, carbon fibre composites, thermoplastics and coated metals. It sets in 15 minutes and can be sanded after 30 minutes. With a tensile strength of 3770PSI. There is a PlasticBonder that sets to a tan colour and one that sets to black, both cure to a hard, permanent bond.
7. MinuteWeld is a special formulated, high-strength, two-part instant setting epoxy that will set under most temperature conditions in one minute. It is designed to adhere to multiple surfaces and can be used on ceramic, tile, glass, stone, most plastics, wood and metal.
8. KwikWeld is a fast-setting version of the original J-B Weld two-part epoxy cold weld system, it forms a permanent bond and can be shaped, tapped, filed, sanded and drilled after curing. It sets in six minutes and is fully cured in 4-6 hours and cures to a dark grey colour, is rated at a tensile strength of 3127PSI and will withstand temperatures up to 300ºF.
9. J-B Weld HighHeat is a two-part epoxy system for lasting, heat-resistant repairs up to 550°F. It forms a permanent bond that has a 4730PSI strength and is chemical and fuel resistant. At room temperature, HighHeat sets in one hour and cures in 24 hours. HighHeat’s cure time is accelerated by heat and can cure in 1 hour at 287°C.
10. J-B Weld AutoWeld is a high-strength, impact-resistant automotive adhesive, filler and sealer, which is ready for sanding and painting in 30 minutes. Great for bumper bars, trim and body panel repairs.
The JB Weld Australian catalogue is available to download from hpplunds.com.au/j-bweld/ or from this site qrco.de/bcjxKo for a hardcopy version contact Ben Leonard on 07 3722 1111. A QR code is also available to obtain the catalogue
martLink Remote Diagnostic Solutions (SRDS) is the latest product from Launch that equips Australian mechanics for advanced diagnostics. This cutting-edge technology enables seamless remote diagnostics, vastly improving upon current methods. With SmartLink, a remote scanner, and a simple VCI — SmartLink C — mechanics can diagnose and repair vehicles from afar, without any limitations on diagnostic functions, whether it’s diagnosis, programming, or coding.
1. Unmatched flexibility and functionality:
• Perform remote diagnostics, programming, and coding without limitations.
• Compatible with all diagnostic scan tools, including Launch tools, OEM tools, and other branded diagnostic tools.
2. Remote expert assistance:
• Mechanics can assist customers from the other side of the country, provided they have SmartLink B and the necessary diagnostic functions.
• Leverage the expertise of remote technicians to handle complex issues.
3. Effortless operation:
• Create an account on the Launch Smartlink Platform.
• SmartLink C users can publish diagnostic requests with car information.
• SmartLink B technicians respond to requests, initiating remote diagnostics after a brief phone or message confirmation.
4. Comprehensive compatibility:
• Works with both passenger and heavyduty commercial vehicles.
• Supports advanced protocols like DoIP, CAN FD, and CAN 2.0, and operates on 12/24V systems.
5. Enhanced local and remote diagnostics:
• SmartLink C can also be used for local diagnostics with specific Launchintelligent diagnostic scan tools.
How SmartLink works
• SmartLink B: Connected to diagnostic scan tools, ideal for expert technicians who use their skills and tools to provide remote diagnostics to SmartLink C users.
• SmartLink C: Connected to the vehicle to collect and send information to
SmartLink B. Perfect for DIYers, technicians, and auto repair shops lacking advanced tools.
1. Create an account: Register on the Launch Smartlink Platform.
2. Publish requests: SmartLink C users submit car information and diagnostic requests.
3. Respond to requests: SmartLink B technicians respond, confirming via phone or message.
4. Start remote diagnostics: Begin the diagnostic process with no limitations on the tools or functions.
• No brand limitations: Compatible with any diagnostic scan tool brand.
• Comprehensive vehicle support: Suitable for a wide range of vehicles, from passenger cars to heavy-duty trucks.
• User-friendly interface: Easy to publish requests and receive service offers via the Launch Super Remote Diagnosis Reservation Platform.
SmartLink Remote Diagnostic Solutions offer Australian mechanics a powerful tool to enhance their service capabilities, providing remote expertise and comprehensive diagnostic solutions. Embrace the future of automotive repair with SmartLink, and ensure your customers receive the best possible service, no matter where they are.
For more information and to start using SmartLink, visit launchtech.com.au or call 1300 369 788
Powerful formula cuts through oil, grease, tar, and built-up grime
Perfect for garages and workshops
Readily Biodegradable
1.5x more effective than previous formula
Ahead of the curve: Ryco
Ryco, Australia’s leading filtration company, has announced the release of a new range of Hybrid
Ryco remains at the forefront of auto air filtration technology.
Timing Belt Kits and Components and Drive Belts
Drive Belt and Alternator Over Running Pulleys
GMB Premium Under Bonnet Components
Water Pumps and Fan Clutches
“When quality counts, contact GMB for your nearest authorised stockist”.
Airborne contaminants can cause the clogging of battery cell air passages, which increases their internal temperature and reduces charge capacity and battery life. By using Ryco’s new filters, hybrid vehicle owners can prevent these problems, ensuring their batteries remain efficient and reliable.
Ryco’s commitment to progressive technology and innovation is evident in the development of these filters. As the number of hybrid vehicles on the roads continues to grow, Ryco is staying ahead of the curve by providing essential products that cater to the unique needs of these vehicles.
The new Ryco Hybrid Vehicle Battery Air Filters are now available at all Ryco stockists. For more detailed information, including full product specifications, customers can visit the Ryco website at rycofilters.com.au/battery-air-filters or inquire at their local Ryco stockist.
With these new filters, Ryco is prepared to provide superior protection for hybrid vehicles, ensuring they remain in top condition. So, when your hybrid vehicle needs the best care, be Ryco Ready.
ith an industry that is constantly evolving and growing with new parts, tools and equipment, Burson Auto Parts is who the trade turns to.
Australian Car Mechanic was lucky enough to chat with Burson Equipment National Sales Manager Adrian Butler on all things equipment for the automotive trade.
Burson Auto Parts as we know has over 210 stores across Australia that service the trade, however their equipment team is equally matched with streamlined sales and services for Australian mechanics. The equipment team allow for the trade to have direct access to ordering hoists, wheel balancers, alignment machines and more to provide a consistent after sales service that mechanics are supported through every step of the way.
Whether you need to fit out an entire workshop, replace old equipment units or upgrade to the latest technology to enhance your shops performance, the Burson Equipment team have you covered. For two decades, Adrian has learnt the tricks of the automotive trade, spending time in dealerships and aftermarket spaces.
Adrian has been with Burson for seven years, four of which he has taken on the role as an equipment specialist.
“This year will mark my 20th year in trade. I started off as an apprentice mechanic, moved through the ranks in dealership, from a service advisor to
working in spare parts,” Adrian said.
“I was assistant service manager at one stage, and that lasted for 13 years. It got to a point where I wanted a change and a new challenge in my career. I saw the opportunity with the Equipment business and took the leap of faith.
“I haven’t looked back.”
As Adrian highlights, the appeal of Burson Equipment and services is that it caters to every level of store ownership.
“We get a range of inquiries every day and each day it is something different,” Adrian said.
“One day we will sell a customer a tyre changer, we will install it and provide a training session on how to use it. On the flip side of that, we might get somebody that’s opening up a 10-bay workshop, and needs everything from the ground up. From hoists, scan tools, tyre changes, wheel balances, to air conditioning machines, we can build a full workshop solution, quite literally from the ground up.”
The extra layer that Burson Equipment prides itself on is the quality of service they provide their customers. When purchasing a piece of equipment at Burson, you are guaranteed to be looked after, as their role extends to supporting workshops, no matter the size.
Burson offers a range of services for Australian mechanics.
“We sell equipment, but we also install and provide training,” Adrian said.
Once the initial training has concluded, Burson remains a trustworthy point of call for customers.
Burson also trains new employees in workshops that are unfamiliar with Burson products.
“If a workshop we have completed a fit out on has a new mechanic that comes on board, our team will revisit the shop again to ensure that new employee gets the training they deserve to help elevate their skills. This can be for a scan tool, wheel alignment machine or balancer, our team is always there to help,” Adrian said.
“We don’t charge anything to the customer. It’s just part of the service we provide.”
“Through Burson and our sister company, Precision Automotive Equipment, we provide service offerings as well. Those offerings range from hoist servicing, to wheel servicing, and even air conditioning machines. We look to provide a full service offering as well as the sales.”
Burson Equipment has added another layer to the strong trade business, seeing Equipment go from strength to strength within nine years since joining Burson Auto Parts.
This has allowed Burson to have more control over the entire equipment service.
Through ordering directly from the supplier, importing it, and having full inventory control, Burson can offer an entire service for their customers.
“We are involved in the whole workshop fit out. Our team are always there for backup support and that’s what makes Burson Equipment unique,” Adrian said.
A streamlined relationship with mechanics
With knowledgeable staff across all industries, the experts at Burson cover the main service areas for mechanics, including diagnostics, vehicle hoisting and wheel service.
Whether mechanics need assistance
with software updates, calibration or training, Burson is there every step of the way.
“Wheel aligners, for instance, require software updates and calibration. Some equipment requires annual servicing, and we can provide those updates. We provide the full backup service for each equipment type,” Adrian said.
Burson has established a seamless and proactive process for the after service of wheel aligners.
“Over the last few years, we’ve started to implement proactive servicing. We have an asset management system that allows us to be up to date with our customer’s servicing requirements,” Adrian said.
“So, if a customer buys a wheel aligner, rather than the customer calling us in 11 month’s time for a service, our system will notify us and we communicate that to our clients,” Adrian said.
Other equipment, including scan tools, are currently in the process of being finalised for the system.
Despite the changing landscape of the automotive industry, Australian mechanics can be certain that Burson Auto Parts will be a consistent point of support for years to come.
Find out more about Burson Auto Parts Equipment here: bursonequipment.com.au
TRemember when American car design ruled the world? Here’s the lesser spotted Chevy Kingswood wagon in all its be-finned, nine-seat glory
Like many cars of the time, this Kingswood fits the whole nuclear family, or three!
he year 1959 was peak excess in American car world. The fins, the ornamentation, the chrome and the sheer over-the-top size of vehicles rolling off Detroit production lines had got wonderfully out of hand. These things were mega yachts for the road. Exhibit A is Luciana Battel’s magnificent Chevrolet Kingswood wagon: three rows, seating for nine, and at almost 5.4-metres long, takes up more parking space than a 2024 Toyota HiLux.
Making this chrome monster look even longer is its custom air suspension setup, Luciana happily dropping her Chevy on its guts for maximum visual effect. When you consider the plasticky cookie-cutter SUVs swarming our roads today, it’s barely believable that 65 years ago car companies had the flair and freedom to produce such majestic beasts as family cars. Brilliantly, stylists had the upper hand over accountants in those days.
We Aussies may remember our old (and unrelated) Holden Kingswoods as decentsized station wagons, but trust me, when you stand beside a ’59 Chevy Kingswood, our domestic effort looks comically inadequate. The Chev’s three vinyl-topped bench seats offer serious space – each giving off 50s US diner vibes – while a dash-mount swivel button drops the
electric rear tailgate window to let the thirdrow rear-facing travellers enjoy an open-air road trip. Don’t tell me times weren’t better back then.
A flick through Chevrolet’s 1959 sales brochure shows just how evocative its inventory was. The Biscayne and Bel Air sedans, the Impala, the Corvette, and then its wagons. You could buy a two-door, six-seat Brookwood; the four-door six-seat Parkwoods and Brookwoods, then our Big Daddy – the Kingswood – with enough space for super breeders. Yep, if 50s mum and dad had produced seven offspring, there was still space for the whole brood. Sure, the boot was now taken up with kids, but as Luciana’s ’59 shows, that’s nothing a metal roof rack and rear mount bike rack can’t solve.
She’s one hell of an enthusiast too. Based on Queensland’s Gold Coast, Luciana’s owned dozens of significant American cars, personally importing many from the States. The Kingswood was one, an eBay purchase - sight unseen - from Colorado in 2017. “I’d bought a 1959 Parkwood wagon in 2014, but sold it to some friends in Victoria and had missed it so much,” she said. “I’d seen a Kingswood wagon at the Cooly Rocks On festival so had a quick look on eBay and this one was up for auction. I won it, then shipped it over with a ’52 sedan.”
Luciana and the Chevies
On arrival in Queensland, Luciana was pleased to see it was in good original condition, but the 235 cu in six-cylinder had suffered engine bearing failure. No matter, time to fit a V8 to better suit the excess-allareas nature of the wagon. “I had a spare 283 engine at home that’d recently been rebuilt; it’s completely stock, no cam or anything, and with the three-speed column shift manual gearbox,” Luciana said.
Local specialist Chuck Fakes at Heavy Metal Garage was employed to conduct the bulk of the restoration and custom work, from the motor to the air bag suspension. But Luciana is always hands-on, thanks to her long history working with and around such cars.
“My mum and dad’s first car was a ’57 Chevy sedan – a great family car – and then sometime later a ’69 Dodge,” she said. “So we’ve always liked American cars, and my dad had tip trucks, so I learned to grease and change oil. I was that way inclined and just loved it. In my later life I started doing things on my own cars, and became more interested in the mechanical side of it.”
Luciana’s big into the ‘bomb’ scene –basically GM vehicles from around 1936 to 1954 which feature original engines, body lines, trim and accessories, but with the striking lowrider suspension drop.
The look has been well translated onto her Kingswood, with a particular mention needed for the decorated swamp cooler (air conditioner) mounted above the right rear window. Other lovely touches included ornamentation for the radio aerial and beautiful Bellflower exhaust tips running the length of the bodywork behind both rear wheel arches.
She’s bombed her ’37 Chev, and also counts a 1960 Chevrolet El Camino and a ’57 two-door station wagon in her line-up, all stored in a large shed locally. “I have a hoist there and a turning circle, so can get at least three or maybe four in there at a squeeze,” she said. That’s the thing with these giant 50s Americans – owning and running them is one thing, but just finding space to keep them is quite another.
Everything from the motor back has been rebuilt in the Kingswood – gearbox, clutch and diff included – by Tino’s Classic Car Garage in Brendale, while Heavy Metal Garage sorted rust in the roof’s lengthy overhangs and replaced the rubbers – lots of them – in the wagon’s many windows.
Keeping the interior original was imperative, but Luciana’s first to admit it’s not perfect. Although she’s being too harsh. The seat material is a lovely blend of green vinyl and
stitched cloth with white piping, and there’s a handy fold-down armrest in the front bench seat. Stickers adorn the colourcoded dash; the radio and instruments couldn’t be more 50s if they tried, while a steering wheel knob’s fitted to exploit the uprated power steering – blessedly it appears very easy to turn this old Chev – if you’ve got road space enough to do so.
Back to the style of this thing. Being the most family-friendly wagon with space for nine, Chevy made the Kingswood properly distinctive. The twin headlights were mounted as low as legally permitted in between the giant chrome grille, while the ‘cats eye’ rear lights were totally unique to the model, and only survived for the 1959 model year. By 1960 – the
last year of the Kingswood – double cone rear lights (which were less spectacular) were fitted, and sadly the model was discontinued after this year. It’d be 1969 before GM resurrected the Kingswood name.
As if Luciana’s wagon isn’t visually arresting enough, it’s been her idea to fit the custom bicycle on the back. “I had to get the brackets for it from the States, and it’ll just sit perfectly on the bumper bar,” she explained. Even with the bike there, with rear glass dropped into the tailgate you can reach into the back seat – or a crafty kid could quickly clamber in without needing the rear doors opened.
It’s a car you can’t stop staring at. Note the deep-dish alloys with white wall tyres absolutely lost in the slammed bodywork; the intricate curved glass in the wagon back, and the magnificent sharp points of the fins, tapered side body trim and tailgate chrome. It is car as art, compete with giant three-metre wheelbase ready to transport most of the footie team in spacious comfort.
Luciana reports it’s an easy enough wagon to drive, and maintenance hasn’t proved troublesome. “The motor’s fine because you can easily get parts from here or the States, while the gearbox and diff having been rebuilt, they’re now good for another 60 years,” she said. “The wipers didn’t really work all the time, so an electrician friend pulled the motor apart, greased it up and now they’re fine. There’s much less involved than what you’d find in a new car!”
Only have eyes for the
It’s a proper time capsule. A car from a simpler time. Peer into the back at the rear-facing seat and – to hell with safety – you just want to go on a cross country trip back here, cold Coca Cola bottle in hand, comic book in the other, and a hot summer’s day outside. I’m not convinced three modern adults would have a chance at squeezing across the rear bench seat, but a trio of young kids could happily laze back here – feet in the neat cutout well – making faces at the car drivers behind.
Luciana points out the Kingswood – unlike the Parkwoods and Brookwoods – didn’t have the spare wheel mounted in the side panel, making packaging for nine possible. It meant a full-size fuel tank too – imperative with that thirsty V8 up front – rather than the smaller kidney-shaped ones in the smaller Chev wagons.
“You make a lot of friends with this car, that’s for sure,” Luciana said, explaining it’s a car people can’t help but come and ask questions about. It’s one of those rare cars that makes absolutely everyone smile. Beautiful, bold, daring and an unquestionable high point of late 50s Detroit design. Anyone else up for a road trip?
• Up to 150% more light
• 6000K
• Plug and play direct-fit
• Glare free technology
• Up to 150% more light
• 3500K Halogen colour match
• Classic Warm Yellow LED
• Plug and Play Direct Fit
• Up to 160% more light
• 5800K
• Optimised for projector & reflector
• 12 & 24V compatible
• Glare free OEM technology
• Up to 350% more light
• 5800K
• Optimised for projector & reflector
• 12 & 24V compatible
• Best in class cut off line design
• Up to 400% more light
• 6500K & 50W per globe
• 12 & 24V compatible
• Optimised for high beam power
The Xtreme Outback series of high-performance 4x4 clutch upgrades is crafted for the most challenging terrains. As part of Australian Clutch Services (ACS), these upgrades are designed and engineered in-house to offer the perfect balance of clamping force and drivability for modified 4x4 vehicles and towing needs.
The Xtreme Outback line includes a wide range of upgrade options for hundreds of vehicles. They also provide custom clutch solutions for engine or transmission conversions.
“Our range has been developed over two decades to provide the most extensive range of complete clutch kits, accessories and hydraulics for modified 4x4’s around Australia and the world,” Australian Clutch Services Sales Manager
“The Xtreme Outback range is trusted by enthusiasts who are looking for a performance clutch upgrade to handle a higher torque capacity with a minimal change in drivability. Our engineering team are focused on providing upgrade solutions that meet the performance needs of these vehicles while always keeping the engagement and drivability characteristics as close to OE as possible for ease of use on the street.”
All Xtreme Outback kits, like other ACS clutch solutions, come as a ‘one box solution’ for value and efficiency during installation. Basic kits include a heavy-duty pressure plate, friction disc, release bearing, pilot bearing or bush, alignment tool, and spline grease. Expanded kits can include a replacement flywheel, flywheel bolts,
pressure plate bolts, and concentric slave cylinder as needed.
ACS also offers a range of hydraulics and accessories for those needing to replace the master cylinder, clutch booster, hydraulic lines, dampener, clutch fork, pivot ball, and guide tubes for the transmission. “We are focused on providing the complete clutch solution for our customers,” Colin added. “We are constantly updating our product line to include various components in the clutch system to ensure we have everything available, from the pedal all the way to the engine. We are even offering complete pedal assemblies, shifter kits and replacement pedal pads for specific applications.”
The Xtreme Outback kits are available through the ACS nationwide distributor network.
For more information on the Xtreme Outback range, visit xtremeoutback.com.au
n this modern era, vehicles are larger and capable of carrying and towing more weight, but not all are equipped for the diverse demands of adventurers and tradies using heavy haulers and work vehicles. That’s where Disc Brakes Australia (DBA) steps in, providing solutions that meet and exceed the needs of both 4WD adventurers and professionals alike. As road conditions and vehicle capabilities evolve, so too do the expectations for performance, safety, and reliability. DBA’s Upgrade Performance range is designed to address these needs comprehensively, offering a ‘one-stop shop’ for all 4WD requirements. Whether navigating uncharted terrain or handling heavy loads, DBA’s products ensure superior performance and peace of mind for all drivers.
Launching under the all-new Upgrade Performance product label, DBA’s latest offering initially consists of a range of Dual Diaphragm Brake Boosters and a program of brake upgrade kits for heavy duty 4WD applications.
The new Dual Diaphragm Brake Booster is designed specifically for selected 4WD models that tend to suffer from inadequate braking capabilities. This advanced component significantly enhances braking power while reducing the effort required by the driver. The benefits are immediately apparent: a reduction in required pedal pressure, increased braking efficiency by up to 20 per cent, and notably improved emergency stopping distances.
Constructed from powder-coated steel, the Dual Diaphragm Brake Booster is a direct bolt-in replacement for original equipment, ensuring easy installation with minimal downtime. It’s compatible with both the
original master cylinder and DBA’s Street Series master cylinders, offering flexibility for various setups. Furthermore, the booster is ADR-certified, ensuring it meets the rigorous standards for safety and performance.
The introduction of their Upgrade Performance brake kits marks a significant milestone in DBA’s product range, starting with a bespoke brake upgrade kit for the new Ford Ranger. This kit is engineered to deliver unparalleled braking performance and reduced stopping distances, making it a game-changer for this popular vehicle.
Key to the kit’s performance are the 6-piston calipers, which drastically reduce pedal effort by up to 60 per cent. This translates to smoother, more responsive braking that instils confidence in drivers, particularly in emergency situations. The inclusion of the Kangaroo Paw rotor vane design further enhances cooling properties, preventing brake fade even under the most demanding conditions.
The T3 slot design, coupled with XP friction level pads, ensures low brake fade and high bite, providing consistent performance and reliability. Stainless steel braided hoses enhance resistance to heat and pressure, maintaining performance integrity and longevity. The entire kit is designed to fit within the 17” OE wheels, making a wheel change optional. Like the Dual Diaphragm Brake Booster, the kit is fully ADR-approved, and caliper mounting brackets are supplied where applicable, simplifying the upgrade process.
DBA’s commitment to innovation and quality is evident in every aspect of the new Upgrade Performance range. By addressing the specific needs of modern
The Dual Diaphragm Brake Booster provides another level of support for 4WDs tackling harsh Australian conditions.
vehicles and drivers, DBA not only meets but often exceeds expectations, setting new standards in automotive braking technology.
Disc Brakes Australia has proven itself as a leader in providing comprehensive braking solutions for both adventurers and professionals. The introduction of the Dual Diaphragm Brake Booster and the bespoke brake upgrade kit demonstrates DBA’s unwavering commitment to enhancing safety, performance, and reliability.
The latter is designed using DBA’s staple technologies in disc rotors & brake pads to tackle the challenges faced by modern 4WD vehicles, ensuring drivers can control their vehicles with confidence and ease.
By continuously meeting the rigorous standards of today’s automotive landscape, DBA solidifies its position as the go-to source for top-tier braking technology, making every journey safer and more efficient.
Click the QR Code below or visit https://dba. com.au/products/kits/ brake-upgrade-kit for more information and DBA’s comprehensive installation video.
DBA’s Ford Ranger Upgrade Performance brake kit includes 6-piston calipers which greatly reduce pedal effort.
or over 70 years, the Warren & Brown deflecting beam torque wrench has been the gold standard for mechanics across Australia. This iconic tool is renowned for its unparalleled accuracy, durability, and the distinguished quality of being made in Australia.
Unlike spring-loaded torque wrenches, the deflecting beam design applies force to a deflecting beam rather than a coil spring. With no internal wearing parts, it maintains an accuracy of +/- 2 per cent across its entire range—exceptional precision that few other wrenches can match. The torque setting is easily adjustable via a sliding scale that displays units in ft-lbs, Nm, and kg-cm. Additionally, with the dual-signal feature, users can both see and hear when the precise torque value has been reached.
The deflecting beam torque wrench’s all-steel construction provides ultimate rigidity and robustness. It’s simple, virtually
unchanged design since being patented in 1948 is a testament to the tool’s longevity. While the deflecting beam itself is warranted for life, the entire wrench is engineered for maximum durability. Proper maintenance and calibration ensure decades of reliable service on the toughest jobs.
Manufactured from start to finish in Melbourne, each Warren & Brown deflecting beam torque wrench exemplifies the craftsmanship of Australian-made tools. From machining the metal components to final assembly and calibration, no detail is overlooked. While cheap imitations flood in from overseas, the Warren & Brown remains a standout product—handed down through generations of mechanics who appreciate its quality and legacy of precision.
For over seven decades, the Warren & Brown deflecting beam torque wrench has been the go-to tool for professional
mechanics across Australia. Its best-inclass accuracy, rock-solid construction, and proud Australian craftsmanship make it an essential part of any serious mechanic’s toolkit. Check out the latest video showcasing the manufacturing of
these iconic, precision-engineered torque wrenches.
Use code “ACM” for a 10 per cent discount. Coupon valid until September 30, 2024 (online orders only)
MB has seen unprecedented growth after just four years of entering the oceanic region.
Customers continue to realise they can have quality products with excellent pricing from a premium brand. GMB’s strategy of ensuring premium quality products from a leading brand at affordable prices is returning excellent results as unprecedented demand for its products, according to CEO Steve Hampson.
GMB’s recent participation in the Australian Auto Aftermarket Expo (AAAE) has been a huge success and interest in its products has increased substantially. As a result, GMB is now seeking more talented people from the industry to join GMB with positions available in:
• Warehousing and distribution
• Sales
• Product management
Please contact GMB if you are seeking a new position within the automotive
• Designed with OE manufacturing technology
• Optimised for maximised engine efficiency
• Assembled with genuine GMB bearing
• Enhanced fin design for maximum heat dissipation
• Reduced fan noise and vibration during acceleration or cruising
Universal Joint
• Special chrome-molybdenum alloy steel for superior corrosion resistance
• Exact fit snap ring included
• Heavy-duty needle bearings for greater load capacity
• Multi-stage testing prior to assembly for maximum quality control
Tensioner and Idler bearings and
Drive Belts
• Rigorous testing and quality control for all bearing components
• Premium Triple-Lip Seal to maximise grease retention and prevent contamination
• High heat resistant grease
• Global OEM manufacturing technology
• Manufactured using high strength steel
• 100 per cent bearing noise tested
• OE type sensors to ensure proper ABS function, where applicable
• Roll formed hub for higher assembly strength
• Premium triple-lip seals offer maximum protection of the bearing
Water Pump
• 100 per cent factory tested for leakage and dimensional precision
• Bearing noise and durability tested
• Designed to match OE coolant flow rate and pressure
• Electric Water Pump also available
Suspension Parts and steering
• High quality materials and advanced manufacturing techniques used
• Ensures long-lasting performance and durability
• Rigorously tested to withstand high loads and extreme operating conditions
Timing Belt Kits
• Complete OE factory tested timing components
• OE matched coolant flow rate and pressure
• Rigorous testing and QC for all bearing components
hilips is unleashing the power of its OEM quality LED headlights this winter, introducing the UltinonPro LED range to Aussie drivers nationwide.
PPhilips Sales and Business Development Manager ANZ, Reece Walker is thrilled to bring the new Ultinon Pro range to the Australian market.
“It’s a game changer for us,” he said. “We’ve been developing OEM quality lighting for the world’s largest car manufacturers for more than 100 years and inventing our own technology like Xenon HID along the way, so to have an LED range we can offer aftermarket customers, instilled with the Philips DNA and technology is something special.
“The new Ultinon range has been produced using Lumileds OEM technology, which ensures a precise LED focal position replicating that of a halogen, ensuring the light beam is most effective in the ECE Figure of merit, meaning that the light emits on the road where you need it, and does not cause glare to oncoming drivers.”
The competitive new direct-fit globes, are an ultra-compact design and can directly replace a halogen globe with no adaptors required.
Offering up to 150 per cent more light with 6000K of cool white, glare-free light.
24v compatible, the Pro9100 is backed by a 5-year warranty.
With 50W of powerful 6500K LED light, Ultinon Rally globes offer up to 400% more light and are recommended for high beam applications. 12v & 24v compatible and feature Philips AirCool+ technology ensuring maximum light output and longevity.
Projecting an elegant, halogen-like glow at 3500 Kelvin, WeatherVision gives vehicles a timeless look while offering the extra brightness of LED. With 1,500hrs lifetime, 150 per cent more light and a two-year warranty, these direct-fit globes are the perfect plug and play solution.
With Philips top contact innovation and flicker free PCB design, the Pro5100 is optimised for both projector and free form style headlamps, offering a precision beam pattern of up to 160 per cent more light at 5800K. 12v & 24v compatible, the Pro5100 is designed for performance and durability.
The ultimate performance globes on the market today. Using LUXEON Altilon SMD top contact LEDs, for a best in class cut off line. The Pro9100 is optimised for both projector and free form style headlamps, offering a precision beam pattern with up to 350 per cent more light at 5800K. 12v &
Each globe from Phillips has been keenly developed to delivering high quality lighting to their respective vehicle applications.