19 minute read
from Rail Directory 2022
by Prime Group
The Australasian Railway Association (ARA) is the peak body for the rail sector in Australia and New Zealand.
While 2021 was a challenging year for many, the industry forged ahead providing essential services and progressing key projects during the year.
The ARA worked hard to support this, releasing new research, embarking on new programs and initiatives, and hosting a range of member briefings to support the industry’s response to the pandemic.
Despite the challenges of the year, there remains significant momentum in the industry as we prepare for $155 billion in rail investment over the next 15 years.
While the scale of the work that is to come represents a huge opportunity, it also highlights the need to address key challenges faced by the industry to make sure we can maximise the benefits of this once in a generation period of investment. Our 2021 report on The Australian Rail Supply Chain helped articulate some of the key areas of action required to move the industry forward.
The ARA has wasted no time in addressing these areas, launching our Rail Supply Chain Blueprint in the same year to set out a three-year program of work to support these ambitions.
We have continued to work with industry to support a return to rail as COVID-19 restrictions ease.
While the long lockdowns of Sydney and Melbourne understandably saw rail passenger numbers fall sharply, it will be critical to welcome people back to rail as we return to a more normal way of life.
Work to support this go underway in 2021 and will continue in 2022 to support industry’s efforts to encourage greater use of safe, accessible and convenient public transport options.
This will be particularly critical given the need to take more cars off the road and relieve city congestion to support future growth.
The launch of our Rail Freight Action Plan was also a highlight in 2021 and will be the focus for a significant program of work in 2022.
We have had strong support from industry as we have engaged with rail freight operators to support the development of the plan and I look forward to seeing the outcomes of the working groups supporting its agenda over the next 12 months.
The year also saw the launch of our first Sustainability Strategy – a significant achievement that reflects the growing commitment to sustainability by our members.
The three-year program of work outlined in the strategy will be a major focus for the ARA over the coming years as we support the industry’s path to net zero and its commitment to embed sustainable practices across the asset lifecycle.
While we had the opportunity to host a number of events before lockdowns and COVID-19 restrictions were reintroduced, it was a year where much of our programs and initiatives moved online. While the move online allowed us to keep members connected throughout a difficult year, we are looking forward to a return to a more traditional calendar of events in 2022.
I am really looking forward to seeing members and friends at AusRAIL PLUS in Sydney from 28 February to 2 March 2022.
It will be the first time industry has had the chance to come together in this way for two years, and is sure to be a true celebration of the many achievements of our industry.
I look forward to seeing you at AusRAIL PLUS and other ARA events in the year ahead.
Caroline Wilkie Chief Executive Officer
The ARA continued to advance its advocacy agenda in 2021, releasing key research papers, strategies and reports during the year. Our research focus is informing a strong advocacy program on behalf of members, to advance issues that are critical to the industry’s growth and success.
Return to rail
Passenger numbers on the rail network continued to be impacted by COVID-19 in February, with extended lockdowns in Victoria and New South Wales leading to significant falls in patronage. Despite the impact on lockdowns, passenger operators across the country continued to safely deliver essential services throughout the year.
The ARA released a new quarterly report tracking passenger numbers across Australia and New Zealand to help inform return to rail initiatives as restrictions eased. As vaccination rates rise and borders reopen, we look forward to bringing more people back to rail to support the sustainable growth of our cities and towns.
The ARA will be progressing a number of return to rail initiatives in the 2022, led by its newly formed Return to Rail Committee.
Faster Rail Report
The ARA launched Faster Rail Report in March, confirming the need to immediately invest in improvements to existing regional rail networks.
The report found this investment would improve the speed, reliability and frequency of services on the existing network. It recommended dedicated fast rail lines be developed in the medium term to support improved connections between cities and nearby regional centres.
While high speed rail remains a long term ambition, planning needed to begin now to preserve the rail corridor for when the time is right.
A survey of 600 regional and metropolitan residents across New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland was released to coincide with the report’s launch, finding faster rail connections would make people more likely to consider a move to the regions after COVID-19 as work patterns changed.
With three quarters (77 per cent) of respondents expecting at least some of the changes to their work as a result of COVID-19 to be permanent, a quarter of city residents surveyed (26 per cent) were likely to consider a move to the regions, and faster rail would increase their likelihood of making the move.
With an additional 10 million people expected to move to Sydney, Melbourne or Brisbane by 2060, faster rail will be an essential part of supporting urban renewal in key regional centres and reducing congestion in our cities.
The Renaissance of Light Rail
The ARA released its report on The Renaissance of Light Rail at the Light Rail Conference in Sydney in June 2021. Both Australia and New Zealand are experiencing a resurgence in light rail as governments recognise its invaluable contribution to managing population growth in our cities.
Light rail has increased in popularity as it connects communities, regenerates CBDs and encourages investment at levels beyond other forms of public transport.
Our report highlighted the need for a coordinated approach between the public and private sectors for light rail planning to ensure the best outcomes for passengers and communities.
The report also confirmed the success of light rail projects in Australia and the significant benefits they deliver to their local areas. In Newcastle, light rail activated the CBD and increased public transport use by 23 per cent due to unprecedented patronage amongst first-time users.
Unlike buses or trackless trams, the certainty provided by the installation of light rail infrastructure was found to provide investors with the confidence that access to public transport will remain in place and won’t be changed or removed based on changes in government policy.
Rail Freight Action Plan
The ARA led a series of industry workshops in 2021 to develop a dedicated program of work to advance the issues of critical importance to our rail freight members. The workshops led to the development of the Rail Freight Action Plan, which will guide the ARA’s advocacy efforts on freightspecific issues in 2022.
The plan is focused on improving the regulatory environment, promoting investment in rail as an essential service, and increasing rail freight’s modal share. It will seek to build on the clear environmental, safety and community benefits greater use of rail freight can deliver and address persistent challenges that have constrained mode shift in the past.
Establishing new working groups
The ARA established three new working groups to lead the implementation of key aspects of the Rail Freight Action Plan.
(1) Interoperability and Regulation Working Group Interoperability issues affect how operators move across borders and navigate multiple networks.
The ARA established an Interoperability and Regulation Working Group to define the key issues limited rail freight productivity, and how they can be addressed.
The working group will advance the priority areas of rollingstock and equipment approvals; inconsistent environmental regulation; communications and signalling; driver requirements; and network investment connectivity. An issues papers to support industry consultation on these issues will be released in 2022.
(2) Modal Shift Working Group Despite the clear advantages that can be achieved through greater use of rail, mode share in and out of ports has often been lower than government aspirations or industry expectations.
The Mode Shift Working Group was established in 2021 and will build on research commissioned by the ARA on impediments to mode shift to identify opportunities to overcome common obstacles experienced by industry. This will include the consideration of potential mode shift incentive schemes to support the achievement of mode share targets.
(3) Competitive Neutrality Working Group The ARA’s Rail Freight Action Plan confirmed the need to make the most of all modes of freight transport to support the significant growth in demand expected over the next decade.
With rail set to meet three quarters of new demand to 2030, it is essential Australia makes the best use of rail freight to meet the needs of the economy and community.
The Competitive Neutrality Working Group was established in 2021 to identify the factors that contribute to competitive inequality between road and rail, and propose solutions that can be delivered by government and industry.
The Australian Rail Supply Chain The ARA released a comprehensive overview of the Australian Rail Supply Chain in 2021, outlining nine key areas for action to advance the industry and meet future community needs.
The report captured the significant opportunities ahead for the rail industry, with $155 billion in rail investment planned over the next 15 years. The report confirmed action must be taken on key issues including procurement, local content, type approvals, sustainability and technology and innovation to make the most of this significant period of growth and change for the industry.
The report also provided a snapshot of the rail industry’s composition, surveying businesses operating across Australia on the size and scope of their operations, and their key areas of concern as they plan for the future.
Rail Supply Chain Blueprint
The Rail Supply Chain Blueprint was released in 2021 and sets out a three-year plan to drive reform to support the industry’s growth.
It identifies clear actions across eight key areas to lead reform and support improved outcomes for industry and the community.
The blueprint expanded on the issues raised in The Australian Rail Supply Chain and addresses issues included procurement, standards, local content and type approvals. The blueprint also includes further actions to drive innovation, technology and sustainability, support skills development and promote the industry’s export capability.
Rail Industry Worker program The Rail Industry Worker program continues to support industry across Australia and now caters for more than 90,000 card holders. An update of more than 30 improvements was successfully delivered in 2021 to continue to improve the program’s offering to participating organisations. The next major system release is expected in April 2022 and work has commenced to seek feedback on suggested changes from the RIW community.
REMSMART The ARA launched the first rail-specific remuneration portal in Australia in April, providing information on salary and benefits for key industry roles to inform members’ workforce planning. This has been extremely popular with participating organisations, providing new insights to inform remuneration strategies and workforce planning as skills shortages become more acute. REMSMART was developed by the ARA in partnership with BDO as an exclusive member-only benefit. Members (Class E and above) who take part in the rail remuneration survey are provided access to the portal free of charge. The portal will be updated with new remuneration data twice yearly to help members attract and retain top talent for critical or hard to fill roles.
National Rail Action Plan (NRAP) National Rail Skills Hub The ARA has continued to be closely involved in working groups as part of the National Rail Action Plan during 2021. Funding for the establishment of National Rail Skills Hub was approved at the Infrastructure and Transport Ministers’ Meeting (ITMM) in May 2021. The ARA is continuing to engage with the NRAP Steering Committee as it progresses its agenda for the year ahead.
Promoting rail careers The ARA has commenced planning for a Work in Rail website to be delivered in 2022. The website will promote the rail industry as an employer of choice and highlight the significant benefits working in rail has to offer. Detailed information on roles offered by the industry, including training pathways and key skills and requirements, will form part of the website. The ARA is working closely with industry to support the website’s development, which will be a key focus for rail promotion as skills shortages become more acute in 2022 and beyond.
Safety Policy Committee The ARA established a new Safety Policy Committee in 2021 to lead the ARA’s engagement on key safety policy and regulatory issues, as well as working to improve the industry’s safety culture. The first meeting of the Committee was held in late 2021, where its Terms of Reference was confirmed and an issues mapping exercise was completed. The Committee will deliver its workplan in 2022 to progress the issues identified at its first meeting.
National Rail Safety Data Strategy The ARA and the Office of the National Rail Safety Regulator (ONRSR) continued to progress the National Rail Safety Data Strategy in 2021. The new data strategy is expected to streamline reporting requirements, reduce regulatory burden and provide by ONRSR and industry with more accurate, consistent and informative data to improve rail safety. The ARA will continue to work closely with ONRSR and industry as this key project progresses.
Sustainability Strategy The ARA released its first Sustainability Strategy in 2021, outlining a three-year program of work to guide the development of key sustainability issues together with industry. The strategy outlines the ARA’s commitment across the six key themes of leadership, people, energy and carbon, environment, resource efficiency and resilience.
Its development following extensive consultation with industry. Work is now underway to progress the strategy, with a rail sustainability play book to be launched in 2022.
Environmental sustainability project The ARA joined forces with Roads Australia and the Infrastructure Sustainability Council in 2021 on an environmental sustainability project to identify opportunities to accelerate decarbonisation across the transport asset lifecycle. The project commenced in September and has been supported by the development of a strategy reference group to engage industry representatives as the project is being delivered. The report will be the focus on a spotlight on sustainability event to be held in 2022.
Rail Sustainability Conference The ARA will host its first Rail Sustainability Conference in 2022 to discuss the key issues being explored as it implements its sustainability strategy.
The ARA has developed a wide range of events and programs to support your career development.
Our extensive webinar program continued to gather pace in 2021 and will return in the new year. Register for our free webinars to hear case studies, panel discussions and project updates from industry leaders and influencers. Look out for regular updates on upcoming webinars in the ARA’s Weekly Update.
Join the member-only meet the buyer series in 2022 to hear from the departments, operators and tier one contractors with major projects in the pipeline. Find out about new works packages being planned and what decision makers will be looking for from successful bidders. This is a unique opportunity to hear from major buyers in the industry to support your business development.
The Women in Rail Network and Young Rail Professionals Network provide opportunities for you to network and share information with your peers in the rail industry. Join our networks to be part of discussions on career development and participate in networking events to support stronger connections in the industry.
Our mentoring programs provide you with the unique chance to build your career and share your industry knowledge. We bring together mentors and mentees as part of a formal program to support information sharing and connection across the rail industry. Our Women in Rail program will return in 2022 in response to popular demand.
The ARA will host a series of workshops with the Diversity Council Australia in 2022. This is the ideal opportunity to find out how you can increase your diversity focus in the year ahead. Look out for more details in the ARA Weekly Update in early 2022.
The ARA will be part of an extensive range of events in 2022 to bring the industry together to network, share information and showcase the best in the industry. Go to www.ara.net.au/events for all the details.
AusRAIL PLUS 28 February – 2 March 2022, Sydney
AusRAIL PLUS has been relocated to Sydney in early 2022 to provide the first opportunity for the industry to come together as the country reopens for business. Join us in Sydney to experience the best of AusRAIL in the first event of its kind for two years. Take advantage of the extensive program including international keynotes and a range of specialist streams, and make the most of the many social events and networking opportunities to get your year off to a great start.
AusRAIL 2022 5-7 December 2022, Brisbane
AusRAIL 2022 will take place in Brisbane, providing the perfect opportunity to bring the industry together to celebrate another busy year. Join us to make the most of our extensive program and exhibition and take advantage of the final chance to network and promote your business for the year.
For more information, go to www.ausrail2022.com
Our highly popular industry networking dinners are set to return in 2022, bringing together key industry leaders from each state. The Sydney and Brisbane networking dinners in 2021 were well attended, highlighting the continued popularity of these key events on the ARA calendar. Look out for ticket releases in the Weekly Update or on our upcoming events page over the course of the year.
The ARA will deliver new online forums in addition to our extensive program of events in 2022. Look out for updates on forums on topics such as Return To Rail and Women In Rail. The online format will provide the opportunity for more members and industry representatives from across Australia and New Zealand to take part in these essential industry discussions.
In becoming an ARA member, your organisation and employees gain access to a variety of benefits.
The ARA brings the rail industry together, helping you connect with the leaders, influencers and technical specialists working across Australia and New Zealand.
Your ARA membership can help unlock new connections in the industry, put you at the centre of advocacy to support the future of rail and give you unmatched access to our range of events.
1. Connect with leaders and experts in the industry
Be part of a network that brings together the top leaders and technical specialists working in the rail industry.
Connect with people that are shaping the industry to share information and best practice or create new work opportunities for your business.
2. Be among the first to receive the latest information about the rail industry
Take advantage of the ARA’s extensive network to be among the first to hear the latest news and industry developments and what they mean for you. Make the most of our regular member updates, detailed insights and opportunities to network with your peers to make sure you are always up to date. 3. Contribute to the future of rail
Join our committees and working groups to help shape the policy positions and advocacy agenda that will support a strong and sustainable rail industry for all of us. Be part of advancing the issues that matter to your business to make your mark in the industry.
4. Gain access to ARA events at discounted rates
The ARA’s networking and events program is not to be missed and, as a member, you can access even more events by taking advantage of discounted rates. Make the most of networking and business development at our events to ensure you are visible to key decision makers in the industry.
5. Get ahead of the pack with member-only content
The ARA has introduced a select number of member only webinars and events to provide members with exclusive access to key decision makers and influencers. Take advantage of your membership status by joining our member-only webinars and leaders’ luncheons to take your networking to the next level
Go to ara.net.au/about-us/become-a-member to sign up today.
Stay up to date with the latest ARA news and insights in 2022.
Sign up to our Weekly Update enewsletter to hear how we are working to support our members and stay up to date with industry news. This is a great resource for anyone working in the rail industry – subscribe at: www.ara.net.au
We provide regular updates on social media to keep you informed of the latest news and events in the rail industry. Follow us to make sure you are always up to date.
The ARA is on social media, join us in conversation on Twitter, Linkedin and Facebook.
Follow us to keep up-to-date with our latest information: LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/austrail Twitter @Austrail Instagram @Ausrail Facebook https://www.facebook.com/AustRailAssoc
Join our events and webinars to hear first hand how the ARA is supporting the industry, and the key issues we are advancing on members’ behalf. New events are added to our calendar throughout the year, so keep an eye on our website for new event listings.
Find out the latest news on our projects, committees and events in our Quarterly Update. This comprehensive summary is published four times a year to keep members up to date with ARA activities.
If you have news to share with industry, send the details to news@ara.net.au. Key member updates and industry news will be shared with our members through our Weekly Update newsletter and social media channels.