RA I L EXP R E S S is compulsory reading and a vital tool for all people working in and around the rail sector.
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Combining the resources of our respected journalism
provides extensive, comprehensive and balanc breaking news and trends in key areas like infrastructure government policy, regulatory issues and technical inn
Published both in print and digitally every month
active par ticipation of the main railway associations in Australia and the broad suppor t of the rail industry.
The only way to ensure you get every copy of Rail Express is to subscribe today Visit railexpress.com.au/subscribe.
Published by:
379 Docklands Drive
Docklands VIC 3008
T: 03 9690 8766
Chief Operating Officer
Christine Clancy
E: christine.clancy@primecreative.com.au
Publisher Sarah Baker
E: sarah.baker@primecreative.com.au
Managing Editor
Lisa Korycki
E: lisa.korycki@primecreative.com.au
Editor Joshua Farrell
E: joshua.farrell@primecreative.com.au
Sales Manager
Alex Cowdery
T: 0422 657 148
E: alex.cowdery@primecreative.com.au
Client Success Manager
Janine Clements
Josh Farrell Editor, Rail Express
E: janine.clements@primecreative.com.au
Art Director
Michelle Weston
E: michelle.weston@primecreative.com.au
Subscriptions subscriptions@primecreative.com.au
The Publisher reserves the right to alter or omit any article or advertisement submitted and requires indemnity from the advertisers and contributors against damages or liabilities that may arise from material published.
You may have noticed this year’s Rail Directory is more pocket sized than year’s gone by, this is not the only change we have made. We have completely overhauled the layout inside to simplify your search for the professionals you need.
We have expanded the categories to better reflect the diversity on display in our industry and to support the rail sector’s search for the right business for any requirement. Each listing has been simplified to include a contact number and website.
Every change has been made to ensure this year’s Rail Directory meets the needs of the ever-expanding rail industry.
2025 promises to be an exciting year in the rail sector as the industry ramps up its support in Australia’s decarbonisation journey. It is expected that the Metro Tunnel in Melbourne will open in 2025, construction will be completed on Cross River Rail and METRONET is continuing to hit major milestones.
2025 will also see work continue on the game changing Inland Rail project which is critical in the need to decarbonise. Rail currently only moves three per cent of the country’s freight and by improving the network we can drastically raise the amount we are moving on our networks.
This Rail Directory is jam packed with companies ready to support the industry and its lofty goals. I encourage everyone to look through categories that are pertinent to their businesses to ensure they have an overview of who is working in that space.
While you may be ruing the missed opportunity to appear in this year’s Rail Directory, you can still head to the website to update your listings on the digital versions. It is also never too early to reach out to Alex Cowdery to secure a position for next year’s directory.
A big thank you to all of the Rail Express team for their support in putting together this year’s directory.
Flags and Canopies
P 03 8677 0873
P +44 (0) 7715 219 646
W petards.comour-solutions/railtechnology
Digital Displays That Keep Commuters Moving
Inform & advertise with MetroSpec’s Passenger Information Displays and Digital Signage made by Metromatics.
Contact Us
07 3868 4255
A sub-division of
Pure Gold Films
P 1300 998 920
W puregoldfilms.com.au
Systematiq Pty Ltd
P 1300 093 812
W systematiq.com.au
Asset Management
Interface Rail Engineering
P 03 9998 1921
W interfacerail.com.au
MBMpl Pty Ltd
P 02 9270 1000
W mbmpl.com.au
VisioStack Inc
P +1 864 214 5883
W visiostack.com
AMTIL Export Hub
P 03 9800 3666
W amtil.com.au
Australian Rail Tram and Bus
Union National Office
P 02 82036099
W rtbu.org.au
Australasian Railway Association
P 1800 826 011
W ara.net.au
Association of Tourist & Heritage Rail Australia
P 0413 271 147
W athra.au
Australian Federated Union of Locomotive Employees
P 07 3844 9163
W afule.org.au
Australian Industry Group
P 1300 55 66 77
W aigroup.com.au
Australian Logistics Council
P 02 6273 0755
W austlogistics.com.au
Australian Manufacturing Technology Institute Limited
P 03 9800 3666
W amtil.com.au
Australian Manufacturing Workers Union
P 02 8868 1500
W amwu.org.au
Australian Rail, Tram and Bus Industry Union
P 02 8203 6099
W rtbu.org.au
Australian Railway Historical Society (New South Wales Division)
P 02 9699 4595
W arhsnsw.com.au
Australian Services Union (ASU) National Office
P 02 9283 9280
W asu.asn.au
Australian Sugar Milling Council
P 0411 933 500
W asmc.com.au
Austrian Consulate GeneralCommercial Section
P 02 9247 8581
W advantageaustria.org
Blue Mountains Commuter and Transport Users Association
OPTIME Ecosystem provides central dashboard visualisation for both condition monitoring & lubrication for rolling stock & fixed plant.
Enzo Cavalli
+61 0407 713 808 enzo.cavalli@schaeffler.com
Below Rail
Allworks (WA) Pty Ltd
P 08 9303 4368
W allworks.com.au
P 02 9170 9200
W gamuda.com.au
Lycopodium Infrastructure
P 02 4920 5800
W lycopodium.com/rail
P 02 9526 5009
W martinusrail.com.au
Permanent Steel
Manufacturing Co.,Ltd
P 0086 731 88787784
W permanentsteel.com
MATISA Australia 02 9062 9760 www.matisa.ch
Phoenix AG Australia PTY LTD
P 03 9800 3360
W phoenix-ag.com.au
Progress Rail Australia Pty Ltd
P 02 8723 6200
W progressrail.com/en/Segments/ GlobalLocations/Australia.html
P 1800 001 114
W projex.com.au
P 1300 928 322
W pyroteknc.com
RailCom Pty Ltd
P 07 5445 7623
W railcom.com.au
Strailastic Australia
P +49 8683 701 0
W strail.de/en
Thomson Engineering Design
P +44 1594 82 66 11
W thomsonrail.com
P 03 5470 4837
W vossloh.com/en
SKF Australia Pty Ltd
P 03 9269 0823
W skf.com.au/industries/railways
The leading independent supplier of rollingstock products and services to the Australian rail industry.
Colliers International
P 02 9257 0222
W colliers.com
COVA Group
P 02 8912 9400
W covagroup.com
P 02 9170 9200
W gamuda.com.au
Salta Properties
P 03 9673 1111
W salta.com.au
The APP Group
P 09 9957 6211
W app.com.au
Electronic & Mechanical Calibrations
Degnan Constructions
P 02 9584 0277
W degnan.com.au
A Leader in Property & Infrastructure
Market leading expertise and advice
Civil Engineering
Ace Infrastructure
P 03 9431 3944
W acecon.com.au
Anric Group
P 02 9620 1520
W anricgroup.com.au
CPB Contractors Pty Limited
P 02 8668 6000
W cpbcon.com.au
Digga Excavations
P 03 6398 1058
W diggaexcavations.com.au
Laing O’Rourke
P 02 9903 0300
W laingorourke.com
Condition Monitoring
ABEN-Technical Services
P 03 9791 1118
W aben-tech.com.au
P 0417 328 051
W agonics.com
Anic Associates Consulting
Engineers Pty Ltd
P 0417 151 283
W anicassociates.com
Autech Rail
P 02 9737 9591
W autechrail.com.au
Azeta Group
P 0405 490 761
W azetagroup.com.au
CAF Rail Australia
P 02 8084 5119
W caf.net
Dassault Systemes Australia
P 07 3036 7000
W 3ds.com/products/delmia/ logistics-workforce/rail-planningoperations
DB Santasalo
P 02 4283 0300
W dbsantasalo.com
P +1 703 321 9000
W ensco.com/rail
P 08 9218 2000
W fugro.com
Hi-Tech Metrology
P 1800 283 095
W hitechmetrology.com.au
Leroy Automation
P +33 562 240 550
W leroy-automation.com/activities/ railway
Loram Pty Ltd
P 1800 059 955
W loram.com/en-au
Lycopodium Infrastructure
P 02 4920 5800
W lycopodium.com/rail
P 08 9418 4952
W nexxis.com.au
Rail Futures Pty Ltd
P 07 5445 7623
W railfutures.com.au
Measurement and Monitoring Solutions
Whether it’s the train, the track or the structure, Dewesoft offers a complete suite of measurement and monitoring solutions to keep your rail operations on track. Learn more at Metromatics.com.au
OPTIME Ecosystem provides central dashboard visualisation for both condition monitoring & lubrication for rolling stock & fixed plant.
Enzo Cavalli
+61 0407 713 808 enzo.cavalli@schaeffler.com
Affective Rail
P 02 4227 6222
W affectiverail.com.au
Alliance Automation
P 1300 770 994
W allianceautomation.com.au
Andrews Rockwall & Landscaping
P 0499 168 389
insurance services for the rail industry
- Rail Construction
- Rail Industry Contractors - Heritage / Tourist Rail
- Rail Operators
Beca Pty Ltd
P 02 8216 4500
W beca.com/en-au
BMD Constructors
P 0417 723 301
W bmd.com.au
DT Infrastructure
P 02 9170 9201
W dtinfrastructure.com.au
P 03 9650 4644
W egis-oceania.com.au
Tel: +61 2 9170 9200 gamuda.com.au/rail
Liebherr-Australia Pty. Ltd.
Phone 1800 033 300
em-sales.las@liebherr.com www.liebherr.com.au
Leemark Spinnings
P +44 0121 773 5444
W leemarkspinnings.co.uk
We’re a leading provider of end-toend rail and transport solutions in Australia and New Zealand. From design and construction through to transport operations, we’re transforming how people travel. Connecting Australasia.
McConnell Dowell Pty Ltd
P 03 9816 2400
W mcconnelldowell.com
Seymour Whyte
P 07 3340 4800
W seymourwhyte.com.au
The APP Group
P 09 9957 6211
W app.com.au
Turner & Townsend Pty Ltd
P 08 8113 0800
W turnerandtownsend.com
Achilles Information (Australia) Pty Ltd
P 07 3909 0300
W achilles.com
Adapt Australia Pty Ltd
P 03 9330 0666
W adaptaust.com.au
Adastra Dry Cleaning Perth
P 08 9381 6688
W adastradrycleaning.com.au
P 03 9810 5700
W advisian.com
P 02 8934 0000
W aecom.com
Ai Republic Pty Ltd
P 03 8317 0790
W airepublic.com.au
Alexandrides Engineering and Management Services
Pty Ltd
P 08 7120 7797
W alexems.com.au/index.html
AMOG Pty Ltd
P 03 9542 3700
W amog.consulting/our-work/railtransport
Amtac Professional Services
Pty Ltd
P 07 3380 4600
W qr2id.com.about/amtac
AOC Systems Consortium
W aocsystemsconsortium.com
A Leader in Property & Infrastructure
Specialist insurance services for the rail industry
- Rail Construction
- Rail Industry Contractors
- Heritage / Tourist Rail
- Rail Operators
1800 980 064
info@abcitystate.com.au abcitystate.com.au
Arc Infrastructure
P 08 9212 2800
W arcinfra.com
ARUP Pty Ltd
P 02 9320 9320
W arup.com
P 02 9258 6785
W ashurst.com
Aurecon Australasia Pty Ltd
P 03 9975 3000
W aurecongroup.com
Austact Civil
P 02 6568 4499
W austact.com.au
AVA Consulting Partners
P 0419 439 475
W avaconsultingpartners.com
Avian UAS
P 1300 081 115
W avianuas.com.au
Avista Strategy
W avistastrategy.com
Baxter IP
P 02 9264 6716
W baxterip.com.au
BCON Services
P 0416 115 627
W bconservices.com.au
Beach Wagner Pty Ltd
P 07 3831 6106
W beachwagner.com.au
P 07 5574 0733
W bennettandbennett.com.au
Black Box Control Pty Ltd
P 08 9360 9700
W bbx.com.au/
BLD Engineers
P 1300 593 300
W bldengineers.com
P 03 8620 6100
W bmt.org
Capital Facility Services
P 1300 554 418
W capitalfacilityservices.com.au
CBS Group
P 03 8373 6061
W cbs.com.au
Clayton Utz
P 02 9353 4000
W claytonutz.com
CNC Project Management
P 1300 123 262
W cncprojects.com.au
P 1300 907 103
W cortexia.com.au
Dakar Risk Management
Services Pty Ltd
P 08 6406 9845
W dakarrisk.com
Davidson Transport Consulting
P 0412 148 898
W davidsonwp.com/TransportLogistics-and-Infrastructure
DB Engineering & Consulting GmbH
P 02 9931 6862
W db-engineering-consulting. com/en
P 1800 367 332
W endurasim.com.au
Engineering Advice Pty Ltd
P 0415 562 365
W engineeringadvice.com.au
Forensic Pest Management
Services Pty Ltd
P 1300 360 457
W forensicpestcontrol.com.au
Frazer-Nash Consultancy Ltd
P 08 7325 4200
W fncaustralia.com.au
GBG Australia P/L
P 02 9890 2122
W gbgoz.com.au
Genton Architecture
P 02 9696 5002
W genton.com.au
GHD Pty Ltd
P 02 9239 7100
W ghd.com
Golder Associates Pty Ltd
P 03 8862 3500
W golder.com.au
P 07 3166 7777
W hatch.com
Havas People Pty Ltd
P 02 9963 7880
W havaspeople.com
HF Integration
P 0447 329 672
W hfintegration.com
Hunter Transport Consulting
Pty Ltd
P 0411 106 556
W h-t-c.com.au
Indra Australia Pty Ltd
P 34 914 805 002
W indracompany.com/en
International Engineering
P +1 719 337 5852
W international-engineering.com
Jacobs Group (Australia)
P 02 9928 2100
W jacobs.com
Johnstaff Projects Pty Ltd
P 03 8662 3900
W johnstaff.com.au
KBR - Kellogg Brown Root
Pty Ltd
P 08 8301 1234
W kbr.com/en
Keltbray International Pty Limited
P +44 (0) 20 7643 1000
W keltbray.com
Layer 2 Intelligence
P 1300 652 205
W layer2intelligence.com.au
LEK Consulting
P 02 9323 0700
W lek.com
Lycopodium Infrastructure
P 02 4920 5800
W lycopodium.com/rail
P 03 8676 1200
W meinhardtgroup.com
P 03 7002 2200
W mngsurvey.com.au
Network Rail Consulting Pty
P 02 8249 4975
W networkrailconsulting.com
Newland Chase
P 02 9499 3011
W newlandchase.com/countries/ australia
NGR Project Company Pty Ltd aft
NGR Project Trust t/a Qtectic
P 0466 470 824
W qtectic.com
North Star Rail Operations
Consultancy Pty Ltd
P 971 054 327 6172
W northstarconsultancy.com
Nova Systems
P 08 8252 7100
W novasystems.com
PMRT Consultants
P 0438 110 591
W pmrt.com.au
Prological Consulting
P 02 4226 4844
W proligicalconsulting.com
Rail Management Consultants
Australia Pty Ltd
P +49 151 26382521
W rmcon-int.de/en/rmcon-intaustralia-en/
Rail Safety and Standards Board
P +44 (0) 20 3142 5300
W rssb.co.uk
RoadRail Port
P 0418 873 570
W roadrailport.com
RPS Group
P 02 8099 3200
W rpsgroup.com/services/advisoryand-management-consulting
Pre-award audits of manufacturers, subcontractors & suppliers.
Experienced & qualified inspectors. Verification of manufacturing & testing in accordance with AS standards.
Surveillance inspections throughout the entire manufacturing process.
Individual inspection of completed equipment.
Pre-delivery & ship loading inspections.
Quality Technical Services LLC
Shanghai Operations Office Contact: Frederik Ford Mobile: +1-707-386-3618 www.qtsinspect.com
Simcon Services Pty Ltd
P 0417 457 105
W simcon-services.com.au
Slattery Australia
P 02 9423 8850
W slattery.com.au
Stantec W
P 03 8554 7000
W stantec.com/en
Systemix Pty Ltd
P 0411 136 489
W systemix.com.au
P 02 9229 8100
W systra.com.au
The PAC Group
P 03 9645 6625
W pacgroup.com
Thermit Australia Pty Ltd
P 02 4340 4988
W thermit.com.au
Providing expertise to Operators, Maintainers, Constructors, and Asset Managers in the Light, Passenger, and Construction sectors of the Rail industry.
• Bids & Proposals
• Procurement Plans
• Systems Engineering
• Asset Management
Melbourne | Sydney Canberra | Brisbane
Think Sustainability
P 0492 909 892
W thinksustainability.com.au
Top Rail Services
P 1300 772 678
W toprailservices.com.au
P +44 (0) 7775 631033
W tpd.uk.com
Transcend Rail Engineering
Consulting Pty Ltd
P 0428 248 218
W transcendraileng.com.au
UniQuest Pty Limited
P 07 3365 4037
W uniquest.com.au
Uptimise Consulting
P 0410 458 059
W uptimiseconsulting.com.au
Vitruvius Ltd
P +64 9 320 1369
W vitruvius.co.nz
VIZIONX Pty Limited
P 1800 1300 1800
W vznx.com
WolfPeak Group Pty Ltd
P 1800 979 716
W wolfpeak.com.au/contact
Worley Consulting
P 03 9810 5700
W worley.com/en/solutions/ worley-consulting
P 03 8862 3500
W wsp.com
A Leader in Property & Infrastructure
Market leading expertise and advice
Australian Spatial Analytics
P 0418 818 938
W asanalytics.com.au
IDS Australasia Pty Ltd
P 0434 509 976
W idscorporation.com/safetyprotection-systems/railway-safety
Gemco Rail
P 08 9365 6901
W gemcorail.com.au
Centre for Railway Engineering
P 07 4930 9769
W cqu.edu.au/cre
P 0403 087 914
W honeywell.com/us/en
P 1800 646 828
W kallipr.com
SC3 Automation
P 02 8003 4363
W sc3automation.com
Schaeffler Australia
P 02 8977 1000
W schaeffler.com.au
P 02 8870 1100
W yokogawa.com
AFL Telecommunications
Pty Ltd
P 1300 232 476
W aflglobal.com
Allied Connectors
P 03 9701 8514
W alliedconnectors.com
ASN Switchgear - Rotary
P 03 8390 6790
W asn-switchgear.com.au
Delta Australia
P 1300 335 823
W eltek.com
Electromek Pty Ltd
P 08 7127 1039
W electromek.com.au
Eltek Australia Pty Ltd
P 02 9479 4200
W eltek.com
Pty Ltd
P 02 89771200
W hubersuhner.com/en
Hylec Controls
P 02 9645 4777
W hyleccontrols.com.au
Mondoe Electronics
P 08 9330 9000
W mondoe.com
P&R Electrical Wholesalers
P 08 8369 9000
W electrical.com.au
Renown Power
P +91 8920 507 272
W renownpower.com
Scientific Devices Australia
P 03 9569 1366
W scientific-devices.com.au
Weidmuller Pty Ltd
P 1800 739 988
W weidmuller.com.au
Cambridge Technologies
P 03 8336 1000
W cambridge-technologies.com
Carson Signs
P 03 9125 9083
W carsonsigns.com.au
CIMC Enric
P +86 512 6957 1032
W cimcenric.com
CNE Custom Cables Pty Ltd
P 03 9763 5502
W customcables.com.au
Connector-Tech ALS Pty Ltd
P 07 3376 4900
W ctals.com.au
CUBIS Systems
P 1800 065 356
W cubis-systems.com
Deccan Electricals
P 91 40 27712145
W deccancorp.com
M Brodribb are ISO 9001 certified Australian manufacturers of a wide range of battery chargers used in substations Brodribb clients include Sydney Trains, Sydney Metro, MTM and Aurizon
We provide both switchmode and thyristor controlled solutions for DC applications including switchgear tripping, backup DC for control and for emergency lighting.Contact us to discuss DC with experts P
TriFlex Automation and Controls
P 02 9631 5977
W triflex.com.au
Alpha Technologies
P 02 8599 6960
W alpha.com
Amphenol Australia Pty Ltd
P 03 8796 8888
W amphenol.com.au
Blue Electronics Pty Ltd
P 07 3245 4445
W blueelectronics.com.au
Braemac Engineering Pty Ltd
P 02 9550 6600
W braemac.com.au
P 03 9312 6633
W gvk.com.au
Kraus & Naimer Pty Ltd
P 1800 567 948
W krausnaimer.com/au_en
Middys Rail Infrastructure
P +61 370675555
W middys.com.au
New Era Group
P 1300 136 922
W neweragroup.com.au
P 1300 004 758
W novaris.com.au
PDC Group (Australia)
P 02 4952 5200
W pdcgroup.com.au
PJ White & Co
P 1300 253 306
W pjwhite.com.au
Platinum Cables
P 1300 209 690
W platinumcables.com.au
Sunlec International Pty Ltd
P 1800 999 440
W sunlec.com.au
Syskim International Pty Ltd
P 02 9659 2900
W syskim.com
TE Connectivity
P 1800 522 6752
W te.comen/home.html
Teksol International Pty Ltd
P 02 9584 3400
W teksolinternational.com.au
TK Distributors
P 1300 853 405
W tkdistributors.com.au
Traction Group
P 0800 872 284 66
W tgl.nz
TTM Rail
P 03 9408 3722
W ttmrail.com.au
Wenzhou Yikun Electric
P 86 577 63654852 53
W chinese-arrester.com
Aarvee Associates Pty Ltd
P 07 3607 3846
W aarvee.com.au
Acmena Group Pty Ltd
P 0424 732 853.
W acmena.com.au
Advanced Composite
Structures Australia
P 03 9676 4900
W acs-aus.com
leading expertise and advice
Arlin Pty Ltd
P 0421 546 180
W arlin.com.au
Atkins Realis
P 02 8239 9700
W snclavalin.com
Build a best-in-class project team with ARCH’s support
Delivering real value in SYSTEMS ENGINEERING & SAFETY ASSURANCE, PROJECT SERVICES and ENVIRONMENT & SUSTAINABILITY across rail, roads, renewables & power, and water.
Contact Conrad Winter Director of Markets
E: conrad.winter@archservices.com.au
W: www.archservices.com.au
P: 0409 790 011
Australis Rail Consulting
P 0490 021 901
W australisrail.com
Bexon Crane Rail Pty Ltd
P 02 9522 9437
W bexon.com.au
Andrew Engineering provides premier rolling stock maintenance equipment solutions. Specialising in consulting, design, manufacture, installation, and through-life support.
Andrew Engineering provides premier rolling stock maintenance equipment solutions. Specialising in consulting, design, manufacture, installation, and through-life support.
Built by rail for rail, we’re a proud not-for-profit insurer that puts our members first. Call 1300 56 46 46
P 02 9277 7000
W mcarthur.com.au
Perfect Hire
P 02 7202 2723
W perfecthire.com.au
P 0431 459 227
W randstad.com.au
Sterling Group
P 03 9329 9370
W sterling.com.au
Technical Resources Pty Ltd
P 08 6382 7000
W techresources.com.au
GTE Rail Australia Pty Ltd
P 1300 483 483
W gteaustralia.com
Hays Recruitment
P 02 9254 4505
W hays.com.au
Industrial Recruitment
P 08 9477 7999
W irp.net.au
P 02 9492 7500
W kinexus.com.au
P 02 8286 7900
W lhh.com/us/en
Track Protection Australia
P 1300 355 800
W trackprotection.com.au
Workforce International
Pty Ltd
P 1300 936 723
W workforce.com.au Inclusion
At MTR, we focus on delivering what customers really want by leveraging our world-leading performance in delivering new integrated metros as well as operations and maintenance, along with our world leading Rail Plus Property developments tailored for the Australian context.
P 03 9706 4440
W abeckgroup.com.au
Abergeldie Complex
P 02 8717 7777
W abergeldie.com
Ajax Fasteners
P 03 9586 6666
W ajaxfast.com.au
Alcoa Fastening Systems
P 03 8545 3333
W afshuck.net
A Leader in Property & Infrastructure
Market leading expertise and advice
P 34 985 187 167
W corporate.arcelormittal.com
ARCH Artifex
P 0409 790 011
W archservices.com.au
Australian Railway Supply Co.
Pty Ltd
P 03 9653 9697
W arsc.com.au
Baron Rubber
P 03 9357 4767
W baronrubber.com.au
British Steel
P 44 0 1724 404040
W britishsteel.co.uk
Bureau Veritas Australia
Pty Ltd
P 03 9922 0700
W bureauveritas.com.au
CADwalk Global Pty Ltd
P 08 9353 6200
W cadwalk.global
Coffey A Tetra Tech Company
P 02 9406 1000
W coffey.com
Fluor Australia Pty Ltd
P 08 9278 7555
W fluor.com
P 02 9170 9200
W gamuda.com.au
Glass and Surface Protection Technologies Australia Pty Limited
P 02 8514 7005
W glassprotech.com.au
Groundmaster Engineering
P 03 9394 0800
W groundmaster.com.au
GS1 Australia
P 1300 227 263
W gs1au.org
Hardface Technologys
P 02 4721 4088
W hardface.com.au
Hawkins Infrastructure
P 64 9 980 2200
W hawkins.co.nz
IMI Precision Engineering
P 0418 448 918
W norgren.com/en
Insulect Australia
P 1300 446 565
W insulect.com
J Steel Australasia Pty Ltd
P 02 8198 9500
W jsteel.com.au
P 1300 566 632
W konnectfasteningsystems.com.au
Lycopodium Infrastructure
P 02 4920 5800
W lycopodium.com/rail
Marciano Industries
P 1300 787 077
W marcianoindustries.com.au
MFL Maschinenfabrik Liezen und Giesserei GmbH
P +43 3612 270 800
W mfl.at/en
Taylor Rail Australia Pty Ltd
M Brodribb are ISO 9001 certified Australian manufacturers of Cathodic protection rectifiers use for mitigation of stray current corrosion in DC traction systems. Brodribb have recently released an automated high current mitigation rectifier for TDU or TRAD applications. Contact us to discuss stray current corrosion mitigation with experts
Northern Iron and Brass
Foundry Pty Ltd
P 07 4064 0500
W nibf.com.au
Platipus Anchors
P +44 (0) 1737 762300
W platipus-anchors.com
Polycorp Ltd.
P 1800 265 2710
W poly-corp.com
Polyfabrics Australasia
P 1300 287 484
W polyfabrics.com.au
Rail Technology International Pty Ltd
P 03 8768 6000
W rti-group.com
Raymax Applications Pty Ltd
P 02 9979 7646
W raymax.com.au
P +91 33 4018 8200
W royaltrack.com
Smale Rail
P 03 9544 7188
W jcsmale.com
Steelrod Pty Ltd
P 07 3888 2341
W steelrod.com.au
Strategic Connections Group Pty Ltd
P 03 9840 6925
W strategicconnectionsgroup.com
P 02 4272 1586
W taylorrail.com.au
Technofast Industries
P 07 3803 6550
W technofast.com
Tesmec S.p.A.
P 39 035 4232911
W tesmec.com
Trelleborg Engineered
Systems Australia Pty Ltd
P 07 3866 7444
W trelleborg.com
Ultra Group
P 44 0 20 8813 4321
W ultra.group/gb
P 03 9619 1111
W victrack.com.au
Voith Turbo Pty Ltd
P 07 3273 9200
W voith.com/corp-en/about-us/ markets-locations/australia-andnew-zealand.html
Inform & advertise with MetroSpec’s Passenger Information Displays and Digital Signage made by Metromatics.
At MTR, we focus on delivering what customers really want by leveraging our world-leading performance in delivering new integrated metros as well as operations and maintenance, along with our world leading Rail Plus Property developments tailored for the Australian context.
P 1300 793 466
W alliedconnectors.com
Worthington Rail
P 03 9989 5919
W worthingtonrail.com.au
Major Projects
P 03 9624 4200
W acciona.com.au
ARCH Artifex
P 0409 790 011
W archservices.com.au
P 02 9170 9200
W gamuda.com.au
Andrew Engineering provides premier rolling stock maintenance equipment solutions.
Specialising in consulting, design, manufacture, installation, and through-life support.
Trust Andrew Engineering for reliable, innovative, and comprehensive depot equipment solutions to keep your operations on track. - Rail
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Heidelberg West, VIC, 3081
P +61 3 9457 0700 W www.andeng.com.au
Liebherr-Australia Pty. Ltd.
Phone 1800 033 300
em-sales.las@liebherr.com www.liebherr.com.au
P 0403 313 831
W ratpdevaustralia.com.au
P 02 9922 2511
W tbhconsultancy.com
Allplastics Engineering Pty Ltd
P 02 8038 2000
W allplastics.com.au
P 02 4240 1630
W bluescopesteel.com
Era Polymers
P 02 9666 3788
W erapol.com.au
Falcon Engineering 95 Pty Ltd
P 08 9393 0095
W falconeng95.com.au
Howmet Aerospace
P 03 8545 3333
W hfsindustrial.com.au
Intertech Engineering
P 03 8770 5500
W intertech-eng.com.au
Keech Australia
P 03 5443 8233
W keech.com.au
The leading independent supplier of rollingstock products and services to the Australian rail industry.
Lotus Steel
P 02 9896 1846
W lotussteel.com.au
OzLinc Industries
P 08 9314 5556
W ozlinc.com.au
Pathtech Pty Ltd
P 1800852316
W pathtech.com.au
P 03 9543 5044
W stug.com.au
Swift Metal Services Pty Ltd
P 1800 626 525
W swiftmetal.com.au
Treadwell Group
P 1800 246 800
W treadwellgroup.com.au
P 1300 793 466
W alliedconnectors.com
Worthington Rail
P 03 9989 5919
W worthingtonrail.com.au
Australian Bulk Handling Review is Australia’s leading publication that focuses on bulk handling technology and equipment in the mining, agricultural, quarrying, food, energy, and logistics industries.
Contact P 03 9690 8766
W bulkhandlingreview.com.au
Australian Bulk Handling Review
P 03 9690 8766
W bulkhandlingreview.com.au
Constructive Media
P 08 9461 7380
W constructivemedia.com.au
Cross & Frampton Pty Ltd
P 07 3257 2336
W crossandframpton.com.au
Cult Creative Pty Ltd
P 0422 476 474
W cultcreative.com.au
Encanta Event Management
P 08 9389 1488
W encanta.com.au
Hanover Displays Pty Ltd
P 03 9872 6673
W hanoverdisplays.com
International Quality & Productivity Centre (IQPC)
P 02 9229 1000
W iqpc.com.au
Madrigal Communications
P 1300 77 88 18
W madrigal.com.au
Rail Express is Australia’s authoritative business to business rail publication. Updated daily, Rail Express provides uniquely extensive and comprehensive balanced coverage of breaking news and trends in key areas such as infrastructure, investment, government policy, regulatory issues and technical innovation.
At MTR, we focus on delivering what customers really want by leveraging our world-leading performance in delivering new integrated metros as well as operations and maintenance, along with our world leading Rail Plus Property developments tailored for the Australian context.
Major Projects Canberra
P 61 2 6205 3842
W act.gov.au/ majorprojectscanberra
Manildra Group
P 02 9879 9800
W manildra.com.au
Pandrol Australia Pty Ltd
P 08 8344 0100
W pandrol.com
Pemberton Tramway
Company Pty Ltd
P 08 97761322
W pemtram.com.au
Public Transport Victoria
P 1800 800 007
W ptv.vic.gov.au
P 0403 313 831
W ratpdevaustralia.com.au
Roy Hill Infrastructure Pty Ltd
P 08 6242 1000
W royhill.com.au
SCT Logistics
P 03 9931 5333
W sctlogistics.com.au
Sojitz Australia
P 0423 326 011
W sojitz.comen
SS Rail
P 03 5434 7777
W southernshorthaulrailroad.com.au
Sydney Trains
P 131 500
W transportnsw.info
Systematiq Pty Ltd
P 1300 093 812
W systematiq.com.au
P 1300 827 724
W tasrail.com.au
Transdev Auckland
P 64 9 969 7777
W transdev.com.au/about-us/ourlocations-in-australia-new-zealand/ transdev-in-new-zealand
Transdev Australasia Pty Ltd
P 0482 962 699
W transdev.com.au
Transport for NSW
P 02 8202 2200
W transport.nsw.gov.au
Watco Companies Western
P 08 9416 6382
W watcocompanies.com
Yarra Trams
P 03 9619 3200
W yarratrams.com.au
P 0403 313 831
W ratpdevaustralia.com.au
We’re a leading provider of end-toend rail and transport solutions in Australia and New Zealand. From design and construction through to transport operations, we’re transforming how people travel.
At MTR, we focus on delivering what customers really want by leveraging our world-leading performance in delivering new integrated metros as well as operations and maintenance, along with our world leading Rail Plus Property developments tailored for the Australian context.
Busways Group
P 1300 692 929
W busways.com.au
Department of Planning
Transport and Infrastructure
P 1300 872 677
W dit.sa.gov.au
Ettamogah Rail Hub
P 02 6025 0133
W ettamogah-hub.com.au
Metro Trains Sydney
P 0484 824 711
W metrotrains-sydney.com.au
P 03 9619 5000
W vline.com.au
Overhead Infrastructure
AEGIS Engineering Systems
P 03 9650 4644
W aegisengineering.co.uk
P 02 9170 9200
W gamuda.com.au
Mosdorfer Graph Pty Ltd
P 03 9899 2431
W mosdorfergraph.com.au
P 0427 767 844
W graffiti-enz.com.au
Usher Group
P 1800 686 505
W ushergroup.com
Connecting people to new possibilities
All across the world, cities are expanding. People need better connections to access new places, MTR makes it happen in Hong Kong, Melbourne, Sydney, the United Kingdom, Sweden, as well as in the Mainland of China and Macao
Keolis Downer P 02 8073 4068
W keolisdowner.com.au
KiwiRail P 64 4 498 3000 W kiwirail.co.nz
Magnetic Automation Pty Ltd P 1300 364 864 W magnetic-access.com/en-AU
Metro Trains Melbourne P 1800 800 007
W metrotrains.com.au
P 08 9259 5535
W accuweigh.com.au
Aeson Power P 03 9545 5993
W aesonpower.com.au
Allworks (WA) Pty Ltd
P 08 9303 4368 W allworks.com.au
Alpha Civil Pty Ltd P 0410 637 247
W alphacivil.net.au
Alpha Electrics P 03 6435 1708 W alphaew.com.au
APR P 08 8359 4999
W a-p-r.com.au
APR Composites
P 08 8359 4999
W aprcomposites.com.au
Ashley Benoit & Co
P 02 8753 6900
W ashleybenoit.com.au
Austrak Pty Ltd
P 03 9525 4333
W austrak.com.au
Balance and Vibration
P 02 9894 1001
W balvibe.com.au
BST Group Pty Ltd
P 03 5332 5332
W bstgroup.com.aurail.html
Chieftain Trailers Ltd
P 44 2887 747531
W chieftaintrailers.com
Dangerous Goods
P 1300 413 155
W dgeng.com.au
P 1300 069 970
W diverseco.com.au
Drake Trailers
P 07 3271 5888
W thedrakegroup.com.au/lowloaders
DRYSYS Australia Pty Ltd
P 03 9416 9794
W drysys.com.au
DSH Systems Ltd
P 64 9 828 8012
W dshsystems.com
Dymax Rail
P 1800 530 5407
W dymaxrail.com
Engcon Australia
P 44 1684 297168
W engcon.comen_gb.html
wFlip Screen Australia
P 02 9055 7756
W flipscreen.net
GLH Rail and Civil
P 07 3879 1936
W loaderhire.com.au
GPR Trucks
P 08 9350 6337
W gprtrucks.com.au
Hartrite Pty Ltd
P 02 4724 4500
W hartrite.com.au
HMA Materials HandlingTechniplan
P 02 4389 6191
W hmagrp.com
Howell Rail Pty Ltd
P 03 5465 3855
W howellrail.com.au
Incite Fire
P 1300 462 483
W incitefire.com.au
Industrial Truck
P 08 8340 4111
W industrialtruck.com.au
Investment Casting
P 0086 574 27682916
W china-investmentcastings.com
JRT Group
P 07 4913 5300
W jrtgroup.com
Karmot Pty Ltd
P 02 9622 7388
W karmot.com
LB Wire Ropes
P 02 9631 8833
W lbwireropes.com.au
Linklite Systems
P 1300 853 860
W linklite.com.au
Linmag Australia Pty Ltd
P 03 9988 2355
W linmag.com
P 43 7613 8840
W linsinger.com
Manco Rail Hire
P 1800 626 261
W mancorailhire.com.au
MATISA Australia Pty Ltd
P 02 9062 9760
W matisa.ch
Melvelle Equipment Corp Pty
P 02 4951 5244
W melvelle.com.au
Mercedes-Benz Special Trucks
P 1800 033 557
W daimlertruck.com.au
P 1300 363 409
W metoptix.com.au
Metcalf Crane Services
P 0411 591 870
W metcalfcranes.com.au
Mettler Toledo
P 1300 659 761
W mt.comau/en/home.html
Milspec Manufacturing Pty Ltd
P 02 8488 3086
W milspecmanufacturing.com
Mining Industrial Trade Suppliers
Pty Ltd t/as Safety Mits
P 02 9838 8887
W safetymits.com
Monitor Industries Pty Ltd
P 1800 025 024
W monitor.net.au
Motovated Design & Analysis Ltd.
P +64 3 982 5283
W motovated.co.nz
MPower Products Pty Ltd
P 1300 733 004
W mpower.com.au
Mr Lift It
P 02 9755 2225
W mrliftit.com.au
Nayla Pty Limited
P 02 9678 9200
W nayla.com
Nitto Kohki Australia Pty Ltd
P 07 3340 4600
W nitto-australia.com.au
O’Halloran Management
P 02 9648 2244
W ohms.net.au
Olympus Australia
P 1300 132 992
W olympus.com.au
OnSiteCameras Pty Ltd
P 1300 592 556
W onsitecameras.com
Pacific Hoists Pty Ltd
P 02 8825 6900
W pacifichoists.com.au
Performance iN Lighting
Australasia Pty Ltd
P 07 3335 3555
W performanceinlighting.com.au/ en
Piave Refrigeration Systems
P 0419 011 992
W piaverefrigeration.com.au
Pilbara Rail Maintenance
P 0459 380 051
W pilbara-rm.com.au
Pinnacle Hire
P 1300 447 392
W pinnaclehire.com.au
PowerRail Australia Pty Ltd
P 570 883 7005
W epowerrail.com.au
Predator Trailers
P +44 (0) 28 3754 8889
W predator100.com
PTronik Pty Ltd
P 1300 058 194
W ptronik.com
Railquip Pty Ltd
P 02 4577 8788
W railquip.com.au
ROV Railway Industry Inc.
P +1 305 299 8264
W rovrailwayindustry.com
Royal Wolf Trading Australia
Pty Limited
P 1300 651 700
W royalwolf.com.au
Sammode Lighting
Australasia Pty Ltd
P 07 3335 3504
W sammode.com.au
P 1800 571 464
W screenmasters.com.au
SICK Pty Ltd
P 1800 334 802
W sick.com.au
Sonaray Australia
P 03 9315 1377
W sonaray.com.au
Speno Rail Maintenance
Australia Pty Ltd
P 08 9471 5000
W speno.com.au
P 08 8241 0888
W precisemfg.com.au
The RS Group
P 971 3 7847900
W the-rsgroup.com
Theta International
P 07 3878 5086
W theta-international.com.au
Trakblaze Pty Ltd
P 03 9318 9277
W trakblaze.com
Unipart Group Australia
Pty Ltd
P 02 8787 5900
W unipart.com.au
Varley Group
P 02 4940 8515
W varleygroup.com
Vector Lifting
P 08 9417 9128
W vectorlifting.com.au
Webbair Prolec
P 1300 092 995
W webbair.com.au
West Crane Services
P 03 9369 1154
W westcranes.com.au
Westermo Data
Communications Pty Ltd
P 02 8014 6520
W westermo.com
William Adams Cat
P 1300 923 267
W williamadams.com.au
ZCL Electric Motor
Technology Co., Ltd
P +86 139 3119 2007
W zcl-group.com
Zitron Australia
P 08 95215101
W zitron.com.au
ZOELLNER Australia Pty Ltd
P 0451 922 382
W zoellner.de/en/
Flinders Ports
P 08 8447 0611
W flindersports.com.au
Fremantle Ports
P 08 9430 3555
W fremantleports.com.au
North Queensland Bulk Ports Corporation
P 07 4955 8147
W nqbp.com.au
NSW Ports
P 1300 922 524
W nswports.com.au
Pilbara Ports
P 1300 100 772
W pilbaraports.com.au
Port Authority of New South Wales
P 02 9296 4999
W portauthoritynsw.com.au
Port of Brisbane Pty Ltd
P 07 3258 4888
W portbris.com.au
Port of Melbourne Operations
Pty Ltd ATF the Port of Melbourne Unit Trust
P 1300 857 662
W portofmelbourne.com
Port of Newcastle
P 02 4908 8200
W portofnewcastle.com.au
Port of Townsville Limited
P 07 4781 1500
W townsville-port.com.au
P 02 9922 2511
W tbhconsultancy.com
Austbrokers City State Rail
P 1800 980 064
W abcitystate.com.au
Systematiq Pty Ltd
P 1300 093 812
W systematiq.com.au
The APP Group
P 09 9957 6211
W app.com.au
Product Supplies
Gemco Rail
P 08 9365 6901
W gemcorail.com.au
Project Controls
Donald Cant Watts Corke
P 03 8662 1111
W dcwc.com.au
P 0428 912 444
W essesse.com.au
Highgate Management
P 02 9377 1077
W highgatemanagement.com.au
P 03 9291 0800
W ineight.com
Lewis Woolcott
P 07 3155 3565
W lewiswoolcott.com
P 0431 504 007
W orbiz.io
Pitt & Sherry
P 0431 194 365
W pittsh.com.au
P 07 3481 9666
W pronamics.com.au
WT Partnership
P 02 9929 7422
W wtpartnership.com.au
Design & Build Recruitment
P 0468 927 182
W designandbuild.com.au
Momentum Rail
P 1300 117 778
W momentumrail.com
Rail Personnel Limited
P +852 2753 5636
W railpersonnel.com
Recruit Australia
P 03 9696 6520
W recruitaustralia.com
Smart Labour Hire
P 03 8787 3377
W smartlabourhire.com.au
Track Protection Services Pty
P 07 5445 7998
W trackps.com.au
Wood Recruitment
P 08 9221 8122
W woodrecruitment.com.au
Your Recruit Place
P 0401 880 740
W yourecruitplace.com.au
Integrated Recycling Pty Ltd
P 1300 729 253
W integratedrecycling.com.au
The APP Group
P 09 9957 6211
W app.com.au
Centre for Advanced Transport Engineering and Research (C.A.T.E.R) is an experienced Australian company developing a wide range of innovative cost effective and well proven Rail Inspection systems for the global rail industry. C.A.T.E.R has a strong focus on identifying rail flaw trending leading to Condition Monitoring using a suite of selfdeveloped products. International customers such as Network Rail MTR Hong Kong Siemens and Transport for London recognise this holistic system capability. www.cater-au.com 08 9300 9697 sales@cater-au.com
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Connley Walker Pty Ltd
P 03 9010 5677
W connleywalker.com.au
DNV GL Business Assurance
Australia & New Zealand
P 02 9922 1966
W dnv.com.au/assurance
Feddersen Consulting Group
P +61 499 628 269
W feddersenconsulting.com
Security Consulting Group
Pty Ltd
P 03 9020 7310
W securityconsultinggroup.com.au
P 07 3040 0876
W tawfikgroup.com.au
P 02 9922 2511
W tbhconsultancy.com
Rolling Stock
A & G Price Ltd
P 64 7 868 6060
W agprice.co.nz
P 33 4 7540 5979
W acorel.com
Advanced Rail Electronics
Pty Ltd
P 02 9997 1010
W advancedrailelectronics.com
AG Associated Gaskets
P 02 9774 3333
W agaus.com.au
Air Radiators Pty Ltd
P 03 5275 6644
W airradiators.com
Alstom Transport Australia
Pty Limited
P 02 8870 6000
W alstom.com
ALTRAC Light Rail
P 02 9091 1954
W altraclightrail.com.au
Altro APAC Pty Ltd
P 03 9764 7000
W altro.com.au
AMETEK Thermal Management Systems
P 49 814 595 1767
W ametek-airtechnology. commarkets/rail
Amsted Rail Company Inc
P +1 312 922 4501
W amstedrail.com
Anric Developments Pty Ltd
P 02 9620 1520
W anricdevelopments.com
Archer Enterprises
P 02 4340 1211
W archerenterprises.com.au
Arex Precision
P 02 4677 2613
W arex.com.au
Asahi Glass CorporationAGC Transport Defence & Fire
P +1 248 522 9300
W agc-automotive.com/en/home
Australian Rollforming
P 03 8769 7444
W ausrollform.com.au
Ballistic & Mechanical Testing
P 03 9646 4211
W armourtesting.com
BAS Rail & Electrical Pty Ltd
P 02 9838 8059
W basrail.com.au
Bearing Engineering Services
P 02 8717 8111
W schaeffler.com.au/en
Beaver Technology Services
P 02 8811 3500
W btstech.com.au
P 02 4926 8200
W bradken.com
Danobat Australia
P 0400 793 192
W danobat.com/en/railway
David Brown Gear Industries
P 02 4283 0300
W davidbrown.com
DCL Engineering Group
P 02 9754 1300
W dcleng.com.au
Deanquip Powertrans & Hydraulics
P 03 9729 0201
W deanquip.com
Delkor Rail Pty Ltd
P 02 9709 2918
W delkorrail.com
Dellner Couplers Australia
Pty Ltd
CN Threeway Steel Co., Ltd
P +86 0731 8873 9521
W threewaysteel.com
Copernicus Technology Ltd
P 0412 831 410
W copernicustechnology.com
P 03 9581 9888
W covestro.comen/company/ covestro-worldwide/australia-andnew-zealand
CRRC Australia Pty Ltd
P 02 9893 7008
W crrcgc.cc/en
CVW Engineering Pty Ltd
P 02 9609 6977
W cvwengineering.com.au
P 03 542 077 32
W dellner.com
Deluxe Taxis
P 0402 963 440
W deluxetaxiservices.com.au
Dotmar Engineering Plastics
P 1800 170 001
W dotmar.com.au/index.php
Downer Group
P 1800 369 637
W downergroup.com
Dressage Engineering Pty Ltd
P 03 9466 3365
W dressageengineering.com.au
The leading independent supplier of rollingstock products and services to the Australian rail industry.
Drivetrain Power and Propulsion (NSW)
P 02 8838 5500
W drivetrainpower.com
G. James Safety Glass QLD
Pty Ltd
P 07 3877 2333
W gjames.com
Gangways & Bellows
P 02 9652 0017
W hubner-group.com
P 1800 66 99 99
W garlandcables.com.au
Go-Ahead Group
P +44 (0) 20 7799 8999
W go-ahead.com
Grogan Group
P 1300 859 960
W grogangroup.com.au
P 03 9466 7088
W harting.com/en-AU
Hyundai Rotem Company
P 82 2 3464 7273
W hyundai-rotem.co.kr/en/main/ index.do
Imtram Pty Ltd
P 03 9879 5200
W imtram.com
Industrial Design Alliance
P 0425 340 017
W id-alliance.com.au
International Electronic Machine Company
P 518 268 1636
W iem.net
International Paint
P 02 9616 6900
W international-pc.com
Inver Engineering Pty Ltd
P 03 9399 2166
W inver.com.au
IXL Metal Castings
P 03 5225 2222
W ixlfoundry.com.au
Kineco Alte Train
Technologies Pvt Ltd
P 0832 671 0900
W kinecogroup.com/
Knorr-Bremse Australia
Pty Ltd
P 02 8863 6191
W knorr-bremse.com/en
LAPP Australia
P 1800 931 559
W lappaustralia.com.au/en
LH Marthinusen
P +27 11 615 6722
W lhm.co.za
Liberty Primary Steel
P 1800 161 199
W libertygfg.com
Lock Focus Pty Ltd
P 03 9798 1322
W lockfocus.com.au
P 02 9621 4700
W mann-hummel.com
McConnell Seats
P 03 9350 7277
W mcconnellseats.com.au
P 03 8768 6666
W mcnaughtans.com.au
Mills Ormiston Rubber Pty Ltd
P 03 9706 7399
W millsormistonrubber.com.au
Miner Enterprises
P 1 630 232 3000
W minerent.com
Mitsui Rail Capital LLC
P 1 312 803 8855
W mrc-rail.com
P 02 4974 0411
W molycop.com/products/ engineered/rail-wheels
Motion Australia
P 0408 006 132
W motionasiapac.com
National Railway Equipment Co.
P 1 423 599 5274
W nre.com
New Touch Industries Pty Ltd
P 03 9720 8248
W newtouchfab.com.au
Noske-Kaeser Rail & Vehicle
New Zealand Ltd
P +64 (6) 353 0350
W nkrvnz.com
Parker Hannifin (Australia)
Pty Ltd
P 02 9842 5150
W parker.com/au/en/home.html
Penske Power Systems
P 07 3271 7777
W penske.com.au/industries/rail
Premier Steel Technologies
P 02 9756 0602
W pstech.com.au
Rail Confidence
P 02 9211 7661
W railconfidence.com
Rail First
P 02 8965 0000
W railfirst.com.au
Reliance Rail Pty Ltd
P 02 9249 3619
W reliancerail.com.au
Ronane International Trading
P 02 9419 2799
W ronane.com.au
Ross Equipment Australia
Pty Ltd
P 02 9979 7089
W rossequip.com.au
Saft Batteries Pty Ltd
P 33 1 58 63 16 00
W saft.com
Sigra Rollingstock Components
P 02 4732 1433
W sigrail.com
Simplex Engineering & Foundry Works Pvt. Ltd.
P 91 788 2283054
W simplexengg.in
P 02 9638 6333
W sulzer.com
Systematiq Pty Ltd
P 1300 093 812
W systematiq.com.au
P 02 9922 2511
W tbhconsultancy.com
P 61 466 842288
W tiscatiara.com/en
P 0406 733 955
W todo-export.com/en/railways
Tynic Automation
P 1300 22 33 35
W tynic.com.au
UGL Rail
P 02 8925 8925
W ugllimited.com
P 1300 793 466
W alliedconnectors.com
Wabtec Corporation
P 02 9680 0200
W wabteccorp.com
Warringah Plastics
P 02 9937 6800
W warringah-plastics.com.au
Worthington Rail
P 03 9989 5919
W worthingtonrail.com.au
VaiCar spA
P 39 030 9686261
W vaiacar.it
Zetica Rail
P 44 0 1993 886682
W zeticarail.com
Rollingstock Interiors
4Tel Pty Ltd
P 02 4923 4100
W 4tel.com.au
Aakira Medical Services
P 1300 355 900
W aakiramedical.com.au
Affinity Shop
P 0415 772 389
W affinityshop.com.au
P 0407 745 680
W cityzens.com.au
P +49 2202 958262
W deuta.com/en
Lycopodium Infrastructure
P 02 4920 5800
W lycopodium.com/rail
Pervidi - Paperless Solutions
P 03 8862 6485
W pervidi.com.au
Plateway Pty Ltd
P 02 9637 5830
W plateway.com.au
Rail Safeworking Solutions
Pty Ltd
P 1300 720 934
Contact Conrad Winter Director of Markets
E: conrad.winter@archservices.com.au
W: www.archservices.com.au
P: 0409 790 011
Frequentis Australasia
P 07 3188 1111
W frequentis.com
P 02 4965 8199
W humanomics.com.au
Industroquip Safety & Signage
P 1300 554 192
W industroquip.com.au
Jacob Reed Australia
P 0428 296 772
W jacobreed.com.au
LSM Technologies
P 07 3725 8100
W lsm.com.au
W railsws.com.au
RGB Assurance Pty Ltd
P 07 3255 0108
W rgbassurance.com.au
SafeMate Antislip Pty Ltd
P 03 9798 7450
W safemate.com
Systematiq Pty Ltd
P 1300 093 812
W systematiq.com.au
The APP Group
P 09 9957 6211
W app.com.au
TruSafety Solutions
P 0407 306 147
W trusafetysolutions.com.au
Urban CGI
P 1300 161 633
W urbancgi.com
P 44 114 230 0822
W zonegreen.co.uk
Aztec Management Group
Pty Ltd
P 1300 631 716
W aztecmanagementgroup.com.au
DD Security Systems
P 03 9300 8899
W ddsecurity.com.au
P 1800 255 336
W kleenit.com.au
ACTOM Signalling
P +27 (0) 10 136 0200
W actom.co.za
Aldridge ITS Pty Ltd
P 02 9807 7777
W railsignal.com
B&R Enclosures Pty Ltd
P 07 3714 1111
W brenclosures.com.au
Bambach Specialised & Industrial Cables
P 02 9938 5622
W bambachcables.com.au
CAF Signalling
P 34 638 945 328
W cafsignalling.com
Caspian Technology
P 02 9764 6555
W caspian.com.au
Comet Industries
P 888 700 4214
W cometind.com
Cyient Australia Pty Ltd
P 02 8887 8600
W cyient.com/rail-transportation
Elsafe Railways Pty Ltd
P 02 9454 7500
W railways.elsafe.com.au
Engcomm Services Pty Ltd
P 0408 428 519
W engcomm.com.au
Exectronics Pty Ltd
P 02 9417 0188
W exectronics.com.au
Fenix Rail Systems
P +44 3300 580180
W fenixrailsystems.com
Frauscher Sensor Technology
Australia Pty Ltd
P 03 8373 4960
W frauscher.com
Hitachi Rail
P 07 3868 9333
W hitachirail.com
P 0418 942 603
W icomera.com
Integrated Rail Engineering
Services Pty Ltd
P 1300 966 936
W integratedrail.wixsite.com/mysite
Ironcore Transformers Pty Ltd
P 03 9480 6044
W ironcore.com.au
JMD Railtech
P 02 9299 5637
W jmdr.com
MCS Digital
P 03 9450 4444
W mcsdigital.com.au
Medha Mobility Australia
P 91 40 6723 7000
W medha.com
PowerCom Solutions
P 1800 626 161
W powercomsolutions.com.au
Ricardo Rail
P 0498 664 211
W ricardo.com
P 08 6364 5062
W salcef.com
Schenck Process
P +91 80 30403600
W qlar.com
P 03 9335 0600
W selectrail.com
Shoal Group Pty Ltd
P 02 6239 4288
W shoalgroup.com
Siemens Mobility
P 03 9616 9000
W mobility.siemens.com.au/en
Systematiq Pty Ltd
P 1300 093 812
W systematiq.com.au
Transport System Solutions
P 02 9893 1860
W transport-ss.com
P 07 3205 3236
W triomf.com.au
Urban Circus Pty Ltd
P 1300 16 16 33
W urbancircus.com.au
P 02 6021 2208
W utilicom.com.au
P 1300 793 466
W alliedconnectors.com
voestalpine Railway Systems
Australia Pty Ltd
P 07 4952 4044
W voestalpine.com/railwaysystems-australia
WAGO Pty Ltd
P 03 8791 6300
W wago.com.au
Wavetrain Systems Pty
P 47 930 920 42
W wavetrain.no
Station Management
P 0403 313 831
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Institute for Intelligent Systems Research and Innovation
P 03 5227 1352
W deakin.edu.au/iisri
Monash University Accident Research Centre
P 03 9905 4371
W monash.edu/muarc
TrackSAFE Foundation
P 0434 347 650
W tracksafefoundation.com.au
Call 1300 56 46 46
RT Health is a division of The Hospitals Contribution Fund of Australia Limited (ACN 000 026 746).
CAF Wheels Axles and Gearboxes
P +34 943 028 660
W cafwheelsets.com
Limmat Group
P 34 644 121 775
W limmat-group.es/home
Auzzie Turf
P 0430 724 909
W auzzieturf.com.au
Eastern Steel Manufacturing Co.,Ltd
P 0086 0731 85591060
W eastern-steels.com
Galvin Machined Castings
P 1300 514 074
W galvinmachinedcastings.com.au
Helios Power Solutions
P 02 7200 9200
W heliosps.com
Lumara Timber Sales
P 02 9481 8333
W lumara.com.au
Luminator Australia
P 0404 074 425
W luminator.com/en-uk
Manuco Electronics Pty Ltd
P 03 9852 7922
W manuco.com.au
Maxcool Workwear
P 0419 220 635
W maxcoolworkwear.com.au
Nexans Power Accessories
P 03 9205 8400
W nexans.com.au/en
Northern Fencing Specialists
Pty Ltd
P 02 9972 5800
W northernfencing.com.au
Omega Packaging
P 03 8348 5611
W omegapackaging.com.au
Stone Depot®
P 02 8607 5116
W stonedepot.com.au
P 1300 793 466
W alliedconnectors.com
P 1300 585 202
W vypa.com.au
The Australasian Rail Directory is a comprehensive, all encompassing rail services directory, available both online and as a traditional hardcopy publication.
The Rail Directory is an industry driven project to provide a complete listing of all businesses involved in the Australasian, Oceanic and Asian rail industries.
This year’s rail directory will be revamped to become even simpler to use. Listings will be sorted into categories allowing users to easily find businesses working in each area of the rail industry.
With over 1000 listings from areas as manufacturing, signalling and maintenance, make your listing standout with a frame advertisement.
To ensure you are in prime position in this year’s rail directory contact Arron Reed today.
Free Listing
To ensure that the Australasian Rail Directory is comprehensive, we offer all businesses who operate or trade in the region one free listing in the directory.
Premium Category
Listing Available
From $600 (+gst)
Double page, full page, half page and quarter page advertisement space also available.
To discuss the advertising opportunities available, please contact: Arron Reed on 0466 923 194 or email: arron.reed@primecreative.com.au
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