BIG DATA BOOSTS CRANE SAFETY Robway Safety is using data collection technology to improve operator behaviour and awareness. WORKSITES CAN OFTEN be full of hidden hazards that can go undetected when operating a pick and carry crane. If the ground slope or the crane’s attitude changes unexpectedly, the weight than can be safely lifted can change suddenly, potentially leading to disaster.
In an effort to reduce these risks, crane safety company Robway Safety developed its Dynamic Load Moment Indicator (LMI) system, which monitors the attitude of the crane and adjusts the capacity it can safely carry in real time. Jon Koval, Robway Safety General Manager, said before this type of
The LMI monitors the attitude of the crane.
With the LMI, the operator is able to actively monitor the load while it is in transport. 58 / CAL March 2019
technology was introduced, operators were required to use paper charts and load duration tables when operating a pick and carry crane. “These weren’t just unproductive, they also took the operator’s mind of the task at hand when they need it the most,” he said. “With the LMI system, an operator is now able to actively monitor the load while it is in transport, while the system recalculates the maximum capacity, lifting parameters and angle and length of the boom. “It allows the operator to see what percentage of their safe lifting capacity is at any given instant, similar to how a speed alert works within a car,” Koval said. The system was designed through a joint development between Terex and TRT. Robway developed the mathematical models for calculating the loads and boom length, while the other companies assisted in developing the algorithm to calculate the rated capacities based on the slope, boom angles and length. This was then placed into the control system to monitor the load and provide warnings through the dashboard of the crane. If a crane reaches its maximum operating capacity, it will be unable to enter any unsafe configurations but still able to retreat back to a safer position. In addition to this system, Robway has also developed a datalogging system that works similar to a plane’s black box. Originally based on European standards, the technology records every action taken within the crane to monitor operator behaviour and assist investigations. Koval said the system had immediate results when installed on one of their client’s machines.