n my roles as an employer of optometrists and an academic, it seemed to me mental health issues and burnout in our industry have been increasing during the past 10 years. Anecdotally, early career optometrists were reconsidering their professional options, academics were burnt out from increasing teaching workloads and research funding constraints, and students were struggling to juggle their studies, need to work and general life challenges. In 2013 Beyond Blue conducted Australia’s first 'National Mental Health Survey of Doctors and Medical Students' and found doctors and medical students had high rates of burnout and were more likely to experience psychological distress than the general community. This prompted a group of us at Queensland University of Technology (QUT) to conduct the first survey of registered practising Australian optometrists to estimate rates of psychological distress and burnout, and in so doing, determine the likely magnitude of the problem. The study was conducted in November 2019, prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. Standard mental health and burnout questionnaires were used, in addition to invited comments on the topic. Nine per cent (505) of Australian optometrists responded to the survey. Rates of burnout and moderate-to-severe psychological distress were high (31%) relative to the general population and consistent with rates for other healthcare professionals, such as doctors, nurses and pharmacists. Optometrists aged under
INSIGHT March 2022
probability of leaving a profession. It’s essential the situation is addressed, particularly for our early career optometrists. While optometry would benefit from studies to inform the most appropriate next steps and evaluate the effectiveness of strategies, much has been written about how to reduce burnout in medicine, nursing and business, which could be applied to optometry. For example, mental health promotion programs, monitoring and support programs by employers and professional bodies targeted at both the individual and workplace level, workload 30 were 3.5 times more likely to report reduction, fostering a sense of belonging, moderate-to-severe psychological distress as well as mental health and resilience compared with optometrists over 30 years. programs at university for optometry Younger age and burnout were significant students prior to entry to the profession. risk factors for psychological distress. It’s important to note our study was According to the World Health conducted just prior to the COVID-19 Organization, ‘burnout’ is a syndrome pandemic, which imposed many resulting from chronic workplace stress additional challenges and stresses for and is characterised by: feelings of optometrists. It’s likely optometrists energy depletion or exhaustion; increased have been even more susceptible to mental distance from one’s job, or developing mental health conditions feelings of negativity or cynicism related to and burnout during this time. We are one’s job; and perceived low self-efficacy currently seeking funding to design and and achievement in one’s profession evaluate evidence-based interventions (feeling ineffective at work). for optometry that will enable individuals Additional specific studies are needed to thrive, engage, commit and find to explore the exact reasons for burnout meaning in their work at the personal and among optometrists. However, the most organisational level. frequent work-related issues mentioned ‘The Mental Health and Wellbeing Survey by participants in our study were of Australian Optometrists’ by optometrists retail pressures, workload and career Professor Sharon Bentley (second from dissatisfaction. Too much focus on sales right), Associate Professor Alex Black (far targets rather than patient care was right), Professor Joanne Wood (second perceived as problematic. Commercial from left) and Ms Amanda Griffiths from pressures were also noted by optometry the Centre for Vision and Eye Research, business managers and owners. School of Optometry and Vision Science, Most participants talked about QUT, psychologist Professor Nigar insufficient breaks and working late because of seeing too many patients with Khawaja (far left) from QUT’s School of appointments that are too short, making Psychology and Counselling and health the pace of work feel stressful. They also psychologist Dr Fiona Fylan from Leeds described feelings of job insecurity related Beckett University UK, was published to increasing numbers of graduating in Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics optometrists and frustration with lack in 2021. n of opportunities for career progression. Some find optometry monotonous. Name: Prof Sharon Bentley Burnout is a complex issue, affecting Qualifications: PhD MOptom MPH individuals as well as healthcare CertOcTher GAICD CF FACO FAAO (DipLV) organisations and patients. Studies AFHEA (Indigenous) have shown burnout is associated with Organisation: Queensland University of reduced productivity, absenteeism, Technology patient errors, poor attitudes to patients, Location: Brisbane Years in profession: 33 high staff turnover and increased