14 minute read
from Quarry Apr 2020
by Prime Group
In today’s busy, competitive environment, conveying downtime is the bane of the quarrying process, especially in remote locations. The experience of 2019 Supplier of the Year recipient Peter Laskey is that the personal touch is still integral to delivering effective customer solutions.
Peter Laskey is on his way to work. Usually, people would be complaining about their one-hour commute in Melbourne’s congested traffic – but not Laskey.
With his car serving as a makeshift office, Laskey is travelling eight hours from Melbourne to Broken Hill in New South Wales. This is not out of the ordinary for Laskey, who has worked as a field applications specialist for Kinder Australia since 2016.
Laskey, who was previously involved with construction work, has been at Kinder since 2011. The 59-year-old now has the responsibility of looking after customers in the quarrying and extractive industry to help fix and improve site equipment. Laskey helps his clients using the wide range of technology Kinder offers to the industry. His role at Kinder also extends to the mining industry and grain handlers.
“We’re mainly looking at situations at the transfer sites with skirting issues, if they’ve got spillage there,” Laskey said. “We also help with belt tracking as well.
“I started [at Kinder] in 2011 as a warehouse supervisor and that’s where I gained a lot of product knowledge.”
Between 2018 and 2019, Laskey visited more than 100 customer sites – with most being from the from quarrying and extractive industries. His work is primarily focused in parts of Victoria and South Australia, but he has driven as far as Broken Hill, NSW.
“Melbourne to Broken Hill was my longest trip,” Laskey said. “That was about 13 hours. Going as far as Broken Hill and offering solutions with their belt cleaning in a mine site there was a pretty huge moment for me. They were having a lot of issues and we seem to have solved those issues. That was really good.”
IQA CEO Kylie Fahey presents Peter Laskey with the IQA Supplier of the Year Award.
strong work ethic, Laskey was nominated for the IQA’s 2019 Supplier of the Year Award. Laskey considers it one of the proudest moments in his nine years at Kinder.
“To be involved and to be recognised was something out of the blue and something that I was really chuffed about,” he said. “I believe in the company that I work for and the industry that we’re in. Both of those are very progressive and it’s a good place to be at this time because I think the expansion [at Kinder] and everything that’s going on – I really like that situation.
“Honestly, it was a shock. I thought it was good of the company to put me up there.”
With a new accolade on the wall, Laskey believes his passion pushes him to go further.
“I guess I’m very driven because I want to help people and I want to help this company,” he said. “It’s a family-run business, so I like those initiatives.
“What motivates me is being able to represent the company and myself in a good light.”
Positive feedback from customers is a rewarding experience in Laskey’s line of work. This has been one of the driving forces behind his business.
“We might suggest something, and they go for that idea – and the next month they’re saying, ‘Can we look at getting another one of these installed?’ or ‘That’s worked really well in that area’,” he said. “It’s offering the solutions and getting customers to come back to us and say ‘Yes, we want to add more of those in’.”
Laskey’s support extends beyond supplying solutions to customers – he also helps run maintenance training programs at sites.
“We also offer conveyor maintenance training in house and also out on site,” he said. “So that’s always worthwhile when you get the feedback there from the customers saying, ‘Yes, that was really worthwhile doing and beneficial for us’, and that’s something I can take back to the field and implement.”
COMPELLING BUSINESS CASE In Laskey’s eyes, making a business case to customers is the most challenging part of the job. This means he must explain why his solutions are worthwhile.
“I know our company is very innovative in keeping up with the latest solutions,” he said. “But making a business case for our products means we as an organisation are highly attuned to industry pain points, our customers are challenged by constant on-site dust emissions and material spillage issues.”
A combined conveyor skirting and sealing, conveyor belt support and conveyor belt cover system is offered by Kinder Australia. “The Essential Seal combination transforms high risk dust and material spillage transfer points into productive, efficient, safe and clean workspaces,” he said.
For Laskey, his mantra is simple – be yourself and be honest.

Laskey enjoys looking after customers in the quarrying and extractive industry to help fix and improve site equipment.
“I reckon its vital because I think a lot of what I do is just myself being myself and if people can see that you’re an open book it’s easy to relate to that person,” he said. “They know what they’re going to get each time you see them and a lot of what I do is getting to know people too.”
“It’s also important that I do get to know the person so that it makes it easier and they feel relaxed and I feel relaxed as well.
“It’s not just ‘Hi, how are you going?’ but just digging a little deeper and getting to know the person. And being a sports nut is pretty easy in Victoria and South Australia where we talk about the football.
“Open and honest communication is paramount for people to trust you.”
Since starting his career at Kinder in 2011, Laskey has grown to be one of the company’s brightest and successful employees. As he continues to drive around quarries both near and far, his goal is to continue learning as much as he can about the industry he helps to keep operating. •
The IQA awards recognise the industry’s highest achievers who demonstrate leadership and excellence.
The Supplier of the Year Award acknowledges an IQA member that works for a quarry supplier organisation.
The winner will demonstrate all facets of the IQA’s code of conduct, values and professional standards. They will also need to exhibit the highest amount of professionalism as a supplier.
According to the IQA, applicants for the award will be judged based on the following criteria: • Broad engagement with the IQA through branches, events and committees. • Demonstrating the highest standards of professionalism, IQA code of conduct and values. • Excellence against reaching KPI targets in their work and outcomes. • A broad range of industry knowledge. • Participating in and contributing to the extractive industry. • Exhibiting commitment and leadership in their area of responsibility. • Letters of recommendation from suppliers, managers and colleagues.
The winner of the IQA Supplier of the Year award receives a framed certificate and recognition through IQA marketing.

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NSW HUNTER SUB-BRANCH • Breakfast meeting
QUEENSLAND BRANCH • Quarrying Safety & Health Conference,
Brisbane • Dinner Meeting & Branch AGM, Brisbane • Annual Breakfast Meeting, Brisbane
CENTRAL QUEENSLAND SUB-BRANCH • Quarrying Safety & Health Seminar,
NORTH QUEENSLAND BRANCH • Quarrying Safety & Health Seminar,
Townsville • Annual Golf Day, Cairns • Dinner Meeting & Branch AGM, Townsville • Annual Golf Day, Townsville • Dinner Meeting, Cairns/Tablelands • Dinner Meeting, Mackay • Christmas Function, Townsville
SOUTH AUSTRALIAN BRANCH • Dinner meeting/Site tours/Partners
Mystery Tour, Rowland Flat, SA • WIQ SA Conference, Adelaide Pavilion
TASMANIA • Dinner meeting
VICTORIAN BRANCH • Student Presentation Night
A NOTE ABOUT UPCOMING IQA EVENTS To support Australian and global strategies aimed at preventing the spread of COVID-19, the IQA Board has postponed all IQA face to face events scheduled up to and including 31 July, 2020. This includes education workshops, conferences and branch events (such as technical evenings, dinners, lunches, etc). While the IQA will postpone face to face events in the coming months, it will monitor the situation and work closely with industry to reschedule events and ensure access to education is maintained. Dates will be announced when it is safe to do so.
The IQA was due to release face to face training on new exposure standards relating to respirable crystalline silica (RCS). This face to face training will be delayed. However, the IQA will release RCS general awareness material and will be available to support any questions on RCS. Members and suppliers will continue to have access to IQA staff via email and phone. See page 6 for further details.
To register for the courses below and for further information, visit: quarry.com.au/Education/ProfessionalDevelopmentProgramsCalendar.aspx
WPDP WEBINARS The IQA is working closely with industry and government representatives to manage the unprecedented response to the COVID-19 outbreak. The IQA’s focus remains the safety of our members, staff, presenters and sponsors. For more information on the IQA’s position on events, education and training, visit quarry.com.au.The IQA is proud to be the industry leader in accredited training and we will continue to deliver webinars and virtual training sessions to meet your needs. To discuss your online training, email education@quarry.com.au
INTRO TO SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS WPDP 23 April, 2020 This webinar provides an introduction to Safety and Health Management Systems (SHMS) for small mines and quarries. Attendees will gain an understanding of what a SHMS should look like for a small quarry, share ideas with other quarry operators, receive help with SHMS elements, and receive information on how to improve their site SHMS.
EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT WPDP 14 May, 2020 All Australian and New Zealand quarrying legislation either implies or specifies that quarrying operations must have a plan to respond to emergency situations. Those plans must be appropriately comprehensive, resourced, tested and updated. This webinar is designed to introduce principles and methodologies of quarry emergency planning and response, including: definitions, interpretations and legislative requirements; developing emergency management and response plans; resourcing emergency management and response; testing emergency management and response plans; and emergency management and response plan review and update.
ACT Peter Hewson: 0429 001 476 NSW Gemma Thursfield: 0402 431 090 Northern Gemma Thursfield: 0402 431 090 Hunter Gemma Thursfield: 0402 431 090 Illawarra Dylan Treadwell: 0418 632 057 Central West Mitchell Bland: 0428 462 987 NT Darren McKenna: 08 8988 4520 QLD Jennifer Milward: 0419 782 688 Gladstone Jennifer Milward: 0419 782 688 Townsville Jennifer Milward: 0419 782 688 Cairns Chris Wilson: 0438 134 752 SA Marie Cunningham: 08 8243 2505 Tasmania Nicholas Palmer: 0418 126 253 Victoria Eli Carbone: 03 8637 4723 VIC Sub-branch Craig Staggard: 0407 509 424 WA Celia Pavri: 0417 027 928
Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the IQA takes the well-being of members, staff, presenters, suppliers and hosts seriously and is conscious of the instructions being given by government and health officials. While there has been a disruption to a number of IQA events, our top priority is everyone’s health and well-being and supporting strategies to that will help stop the spread of the disease.
We will work closely with industry to reschedule events and ensure access to education is maintained. The IQA is constantly increasing its online offerings. If you have urgent training needs, please contact us and we can discuss online options during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The IQA has been proactive in the past few months identifying and responding to specific training needs across all states. To date a number of targeted training events have been held responding to local needs including: • Alcohol and drug awareness training. • Learning from disasters. • Accredited training from
Certificate III to Diploma. • Introduction to Safety
Management Systems. • Effective risk management. • Incident investigation. • Slope stability and more.
Last month I had the pleasure of visiting Tasmania and meeting with the Acting Chief Inspector of Mines for Worksafe Tasmania. This was an extremely productive meeting and the IQA will be working with Worksafe Tasmania to develop and deliver specific training on risk for the state. This type of engagement will continue to ensure training is targeted.
We have also started working with a number of businesses to undertake training needs analysis and will be expanding our capability in this area. The focus is to offer training that is relevant and

supports business outcomes. A key part of ensuring relevance is the alignment with state regulation, business objectives and individual learner needs.
Please take all precautions to keep yourself and others safe.
KYLIE FAHEY CEO Institute of Quarrying Australia

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NEW SOUTH WALES ILLAWARRA SUB-BRANCH NEWS The IQA held its first Learning from Disasters course on Thursday, 5 March, which was hosted at Holcim Albion Park.
The IQA has been approved by the NSW Resources Regulator to deliver this course, which is required under the Maintenance of Competence scheme for those holding a NSW Practicing Certificate – Quarry Manager (without conditions).
The learning outcomes of the course include recognising patterns of failure, identifying and managing principal hazards, and recognising the organisational and human factors which contribute to work health and safety incidents.
Sixteen participants from a range of sites attended the full day face to face program which was delivered by Tony Ferrazza, a former senior mining engineer with WorkSafe Victoria. In that role, Tony had oversight of quarries and open cut mines in Victoria and contributed his extensive experience to facilitate the course.
Throughout the day, participants reviewed a number of case studies related to mining incidents that involved fatalities and the outcomes of subsequent investigations. The important lessons which may be learned from these devastating events can assist in improving the health and safety of the quarrying industry.
The IQA will be scheduling further delivery of this program in the coming months. If you are interested in completing the course, email education@quarry.com.au By Emily Logan Facilitator Tony Ferrazza with some of the 16 course participants at the full day face-to-face program.

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