2 minute read
From the President
from Trenchless Apr 2022
by Prime Group
THE AUSTRALASIAN SOCIETY FOR TRENCHLESS TECHNOLOGY ABN 43 893 870 966 18 Frinton Place Greenwood, WA 6024 www.astt.com.au jeff pace@astt.com.au President: Ben Crosby Secretary: Jeff Pace Vice President: Blair Telfer
COUNCILLORS Western Australia: Trevor Gosatti Queensland: Ben Crosby New South Wales: Matthew Boyle Victoria: Justin Shepherd South Australia: Shaun Melville New Zealand: Blair Telfer Northern Territory: Vacant Tasmania: Vacant
The trenchless industry is healthy across our regions with some impressive projects being planned and delivered in the last 12 months. This is projected to continue over the next 12 months, despite COVID-19 and whatever variant that we might be dealing with.
The ASTT has remained relevant in QLD and active in the last 12 months by replacing our Queensland Quarterly Presentation and Networking Nights with the ASTT webinars.
Our extra work on the ASTT is to focus on the actions our of our Strategic Plan where Focus Consulting governs this process. Our recent meeting in mid-February we reset our actions, deliverables and timeframes. A key focus is improving the services and support that we offer our members and how we promote trenchless technology.
The Relining and Rehabilitation Special Interest Group (SIG) is active with the production of a guideline and a training course. The ASTT Council will support this SIG in the delivery of these outputs and the appropriate amount of review and promotion when the deliverables are ready.
The Society is currently organising our No-Dig Down Under Conference, which has been postponed twice due to COVID-19 challenges. We have rescheduled this conference for June 2022 where we hope to run a complete conference including three of the licenced NASTT training courses.
The No-Dig Down Under Conference is an event where we can see all the advancements in technology, solutions from suppliers and meet with our peers in one spot. As Australia’s only dedicated exhibition and conference for trenchless technology, this event is incredibly important for our industry.
Special acknowledgement is afforded to Matt Boyle and Lance Horlick who are leading the organisation of this event with our media partner Prime Creative Media.
Over the last 12 months the ASTT is rolling out several initiatives in industry betterment or in the improvement in how the society is governed.
As part of this, it includes updates on training material with NASTT, and the procurement of the NASTT training course books in advance.
The ASTT is pleased to be joining readers for another edition of Trenchless Australasia and the year ahead.
Ben Crosby ASTT President bencrosby@bamser.com.au
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