Gulbvieh Guide Summer 2013

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Gelbvieh guide • Summer 2013 • Page 3

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In this issue...

President’s Report CGA Office Memo Gelbvieh Association of AB/BC News Man/Sask Gelbvieh Assoc. News Sale Results Coming Events Advertiser Index

Feature articles... Multi-Breed Genetic Evaluation New Generation CGA EPDs The Quest for the Perfect Photo Canadian People's Choice Bull Futurity Selection Indexes A Winning Ranch Formula Disposition Scoring Allergic Reactions Geomics and Gelbvieh

7 8 12 16 32 40 41

9 10 13 14 18 35 37 39 40

Ross Davidson checking the herd at Lonesome Dove Ranch, Ponteix, Saskatchewan

Advertising Deadlines/Publication Dates Fall - September 1 / October 1 - Commercial Issue Spring - January 1 / February 1 - Herd Sire Issue Summer - May 1 / June 1 - Golden Pages

The official publication of the CANADIAN


5160 Skyline Way N.E., Calgary, Alberta T2E 6V1 Phone: (403) 250-8640 Fax: (403) 291-5624 Email:

Gelbvieh guide • Summer 2013 • Page 5

Provincial Association Representatives to the CGA Board of Directors Gelbvieh Association of Alberta/BC


President - Romacordelia Cox P.O. Box 11, Tatla Lake, BC V0L 1V0 Phone: 250-476-1221 Fax: 250-476-1280 Email:

Man-Sask Gelbvieh Association


Darrell Hickman RR# 2, Vermillion, AB T9X 1Y7

Phone: 780-581-4510 Fax: 780-853-4776 Vice President

Representative -Darcy Hrebeniuk Box 379 Hudson Bay, SK S0E 0Y0 Phone: 306-865-2929 Fax: 306-865-2860 Email:

Romacordelia Cox Fax: 250-476-1280 Past President

Scott Severtson

President -Lee Wargau Box 25 Narcisse, Manitoba, R0C 2H0 Phone/Fax: 204-278-3255

Eastern Canadian Gelbvieh Association

P.O. Box 53, Tatla Lake, BC V0L 1V0

Phone: 250-476-1221

Secretary -Joyce Dawson Box 1616 Vanderhoof, BC V0J 3A0 Phone: 250-567-5430 or 250-570-9179 Email:

Representative -Jason Hurst 234439 Concession 2 WGR RR2, Durham. ON N0G 1R0 Phone: 519-504-6944

Secretary -Laurie Hurst 234439 Concession 2 WGR RR2, Durham. ON N0G 1R0 Phone: 519-369-1763

RR# 2, Innisfail, AB T4G 1T7

Phone/Fax: 403-224-3756

Kert Ness Box 8, Site 7, RR#1, Airdrie, AB T4B 2A3

Phone: 403-860-4634 Fax: 403-948-9236

Darcy Hrebeniuk Box 379, Hudson Bay, SK S0E 0Y0

Phone: 306-865-2929 Fax: 306-865-2860

Jason Hurst 234439 Concession 2 WGR RR2, Durham. ON N0G 1R0

Phone: 519-807-8776

Don’t Miss Out!

Keep in touch by reading the official Gelbvieh Magazine. The Gelbvieh Guide magazine is mailed FREE OF CHARGE for two years to purchasers of registered Gelbvieh cattle when the registration certificate is transferred into the purchaser's name. Ask the seller of the animal for a registration certificate when you purchase a Gelbvieh animal. Note, according to the Animal Pedigree Act (Chapter 13, Section 64(j), no person shall sell a purebred animal without providing to the buyer, within six (6) months after the sale, the animal's duly transferred certificate of registration. If you are not a CGA member and wish to continue to receive the GELBVIEH GUIDE or know of someone who should be on our mailing list, please clip out and send in this coupon and remit $20.00 Canadian and send to the Canadian Gelbvieh Association office.. For out of country subscribers, please fill out the Subscription Form, remit $50.00 Canadian, and send to the Canadian Gelbvieh Association office. Name:

Blair Bentz Box 430 Punnichy, SK S0A 3C0

Phone/Fax: 306-835-2748

Address: City:

Prov/State Postal Code

Vern Pancoast Box 37 Redcliff, AB T0J 2P0 Phone: 403-548-6678 Fax: 403-548-6955 Page 6 • Summer 2013 • Gelbvieh guide

Mail to:


Canadian Gelbvieh Association 5160 Skyline Way NE T2E 6V1 Ph: (403) 250-8640 Fax: (403) 291-5624

q $21.00 Enclosed for Canadian subscription fee. q $50.00 Enclosed for foreign subscription fee.


Darrell Hickman


ith winter behind us, we can look forward to what lies ahead. Summer brings a sense of renewed energy and optimism. This summer there are several activities occurring that I highly encourage you to attend. Industry events such as the Western Beef Development Field Day in Lanigan, International Livestock Congress in Calgary, and certainly let’s not forget the Gelbvieh Field Days, junior shows and Regional Fairs. All events are a prime opportunity to showcase your operation, foster existing relationships and make new connections. Your CGA board has been working hard to help move our breed forward. As a board, we do encourage you to volunteer your time for one of the committees you may have an interest in. Please feel free to phone Wendy or myself to see what openings are available! Make plans to attend the National Show this fall at FarmFair International, the Annual General Meeting and enjoy the camaraderie of our Gelbvieh fraternity. As a board, we have and will continue to work towards a clearer path of communication and support for the membership. We appreciate the feedback, engagement of you as a member, and will continue to push new and exciting opportunities forward for the betterment of the breed.

N•O•T•I•C•E Canadian Gelbvieh Association Annual General Meeting Wednesday, November 6, 2013 1 p.m. - Farmfair Grounds

Edmonton, Alberta 1. The CGA Constitution may be amended at any General meeting of the Association by affirmative vote of two-thirds of the members present, but no amendment shall be valid until approved by the Minister of Agriculture of Canada and filed at the Department of Agriculture of Canada. 2. Notice of all proposed amendments shall be signed by two members in good standing and submitted to the Association at least forty five days in advance of a General Meeting and they shall be included in the Notice calling such meeting, otherwise the meeting shall have no power to deal with the same. 3. The Meeting has only power to deal with the Article and selection as stated in the Notice calling such Meeting. Members wishing to submit amendments to the Constitution are requested to forward some to the Association in accordance with the above. Please include addressed of mover and seconder. All amendments to the Constitution must reach the Association office by Sep. 26 2013 in order to be included in the Notice of Meeting. Copies of the Constitution are available from the CGA office on request.

Gelbvieh guide • Summer 2013 • Page 7


Wendy Belcher


opefully summer has finally arrived for her short visit and those who run a spring calving program had a successful run. With summer come the annual field days, summer shows, 4-H achievement days and other junior events. Summer is short and I encourage everyone to have fun, get out and visit with people while you can (Gelbvieh Fields Days are great meeting places) and get away to see new parts of our beautiful country. With the bull sale season over, I would encourage everyone who hasn't already done so, to get their registration papers transferred over to the new owners. Not only is it the law under the Canadian Animal Pedigree Act, it shows pride in your product and fosters a strong relationship between you and your customers.

GE EPDs Gelbvieh will have Genomically Enhanced EPDs (GE EPDs) starting with the summer of 2013 National Cattle Evaluation. GE EPDs reduce risk by improving the accuracy of EPDs in breeding stock at a younger age which allows for an increased rate of genetic progress. They are also important to get data on economically important traits which are expensive or difficult to measure. The Canadian Gelbvieh Association, with financial assistance from Delta Genomics who arranged for funding under the Agriculture Initiatives Program from Agriculture and Agrifood Canada, as well as the Canadian Cattle Genome Project, the Canadian Gelbvieh Association was able to secure a large number of Canadian Gelbvieh 50K SNP panels which have been included in the Gelbvieh training panel. (The bovine 50K chip requires that the panel be breed specific - it works best if the panel has been trained and is specifically developed for use in that breed. Training a panel with a different breed won't predict as well as a panel that is trained for Gelbvieh and Balancer.) GE EPDs add value to breeding stock. One of the limitations of standard genetic evaluation methods is that it is slow and expensive. A bull may be five years old before he has enough progeny with complete data, including birth, weaning and yearling data, ultrasound scores, etc., to impact EPD accuracies. For a trait such as stayability, the accuracy of a sire's stayability EPD is not increased until his daughters are at least four years of age. Being able to provide commercial customers with bulls and replacement heifers that have higher accuracy EPDs is a great benefit. While it varies for each trait, generally adding genomic information to EPDs equates to seven to 20 progeny performance records and the corresponding increase in accuracies. For Page 8 • Summer 2013 • Gelbvieh guide


females, the improvements in the dependability of EPDs equal more than a lifetime of progeny performance records, which enables years of more profitable mating decisions. For bulls this increase in accuracy can equal a significant portion of a first calf crop - leading to less risky and more dependable selection decisions. While Genomic-enhanced EPDs have become a reality and the benefits of GE EPDs are great for both seedstock breeders and commercial customers, there is still a need to collect and routinely record phenotypic information by seedstock producers. Commercial producers need to realize that EPDs, and economic index values, are the currency of the realm for beef cattle selection. Genomic technology only makes these tools stronger, it does not replace them. The launch of Gelbvieh GE EPDs is a significant accomplishment for the breed and Gelbvieh breeders. Good genetics, proper management, and collecting data will always be essential. GE EPDs are another tool for seedstock breeder and commercial cattlemen to use in making breeding decisions.

Gelbvieh Multi-Breed Genetic Evaluation Gelbvieh, American Simmental and American and Canadian Red Angus are running a multi-breed genetic evaluation (MBGE) and are releasing EPDs on the same base and scale. What this means is that EPDs directly comparable between the participating breeds without any conversion factors. American Maine-Anjou and American Chianina are also participating in the MBGE, however, they are releasing their EPDs on their traditional base. Data from Canadian Black Angus cattle are included in the evaluation as well but their EPDs are not released because the Canadian Angus Association gets their Black Angus EPDS from Angus Genetics Inc.

Gelbvieh on You Tube The Canadian Gelbvieh Association invites you to check out the Gelbvieh - Delta Genomics Video on You Tube at or search for Delta Genomics.

Why Gelbvieh? ... Because a good bottom line starts with a great cow herd!

Grows With Gelbvieh



merican Simmental Association (ASA) and the Red Angus Association of America (RAAA) are pleased to announce to beef industry stakeholders that their joint, multi-breed genetic evaluation (MBGE) now includes the data of the American Gelbvieh Association (AGA) and the CGA. The addition of Gelbvieh data to the Spring 2013 EPDs pushes the multi-breed dataset to over 11.5 million animal records, and includes four of the seven largest beef breeds in North America - Canadian Angus Association (CAA) having been included since the onset of this multi-breed collaboration. "We [participating breeds] share the use of thousands of sires due to Gelbvieh's and Simmental's use of Red and Black Angus in the production of hybrid seedstock," said Dr. Wade Shafer, ASA chief operations officer and director of performance programs. Red Angus, Gelbvieh and Simmental all maintain open herd books that provide the basis for thousands of 'head-to-head' comparisons across breeds in well-formed contemporary groups. Canadian Angus provides similar opportunities to compare Red and Black Angus genetics. "Multi-breed genetic evaluation is a very important tool for Gelbvieh breeders as we strive to offer our commercial customers the most reliable EPDs," offered Dr. Jim Gibb, executive director of AGA. "In addition to being able to account for breed differences, the multi-breed EPD model explains differences in performance due to heterosis. It is imperative for ranchers to be able to accurately compare purebred and hybrid seedstock," Gibb added. AGA's inclusion in this multi-breed collaboration offers another bonus to the beef industry - Gelbvieh EPDs for growth and carcass traits are now published on the same EPD base and scale as Red Angus and Simmental. This allows ranch customers to make direct comparisons across breeds - including hybrid and composite seedstock - for those traits. Greg Comstock, CEO of RAAA, commented that a current goal is to move all traits to a common EPD base for these breeds. The MBGE model uses pedigree, performance, ultrasound, carcass and genomic data from 50K DNA panels in the calculation of multi-breed EPDs. Another unique feature of the MBGE is that RAAA, ASA, CAA and AGA all utilize some form of "Whole Herd Reporting" which provides improved EPD accuracy through building genetic evaluation on complete contemporary group data. Comstock summarized the power in what is believed to be the largest multi-breed beef cattle genetic evaluation database in the world, saying, "Through working together, sharing technical resources and pooling data, our respective breeds' EPDs gain accu-

racy, our bull customers' breeding decisions are simplified because and the seedstock we supply is of greater value - not just to cow-calf producers but to downstream segments of the beef industry." For more information on multi-breed EPDs, visit any of the breed association's websites:, or

Gelbvieh guide • Summer 2013 • Page 9

xpected Progeny Differences (EPDs) can be used to predict the average performance of a bull’s offspring What is an Index? compared to other calves in their contemporary Indexes are tools that allow you to select for several EPDs group (a contemporary group being calves that were born in at once, making selections more efficient than selecting on the same calving season, in the same year, herd, sex, and were one trait at a time. Indexes weigh traits based on their impormanaged similarly). EPDs are measured in the units of the tance to a producer’s bottom line by using a trait’s economic trait, and show the differences in performance between aniand genetic value. Indexes are a good way to put selection mals. For example, if a bull has a weaning weight EPD of 80, emphasis on traits that are economically relevant. and another bull in the same herd has a weaning weight EPD Listed below are the definitions of Canadian Gelbvieh Asof 70, then bull A’s calves would be expected to be 10 pounds sociation EPDs and the units they are published in. heavier at weaning than those of bull B. It is important to remember that this number is just a preCE (Calving Ease Direct) diction of performance. Actual performance depends on many Percent of unassisted births of a bull’s calves when he is factors such as environment, management, etc. This being used on heifers. A higher number is favorable, meaning better said, an EPD is by far the most reliable indicator of an anicalving ease. This EPD can be vital to a rancher looking to demal’s genetic merit due to the amount of information incorcrease the amount of calves pulled in his herd. This value repporated into the calculation. resents the direct influence a sire has on calving ease. Only The Canadian Gelbvieh Association uses all available infirst calf heifer data is included in the calculation of this value. formation to predict an animal’s EPD. This information includes: individual performance, pedigree, progeny performance and grand progeny performance. All this MEANING & ASSOCIATED RISK LEVELS OF ACCURACY VALUES information is combined into one easy to use number that helps breeders make genetic improvement in their ACCURACY herd. MEANING RISK LEVEL



In an EPD listing, an accuracy number is often published below its corresponding EPD. Accuracy is defined as the strength of the relationship between a prediction (EPD) and a sire’s true genetic value. In other words, accuracy is an indicator of the reliability of an EPD. Accuracy is improved by the number of records reported for an animal. For example, a three year old bull with 90 calves would have EPDs of higher accuracy than a virgin yearling bull. Accuracies range from zero to one, with numbers closer to one being more accurate.

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Less than .40

Possibility of change with more information


.40 to .60

Some change likely, records on few progeny


.60 to .80

Small change possible, records on numerous progeny


Grater than .80

Not likely to change much

Very Low

BW (Birth Weight) Predicts the difference, in pounds, for birth weight of the calf.

YG (Yield Grade) This value predicts the differences in Yield Grade score, which is a predictor of percent retail product. Higher values suggest that progeny will have a lower ratio of lean to fat.

WW (Weaning Weight)

CW (Carcass Weight)

Predicts the difference, in pounds, for weaning weight (adjusted to age of dam and a standard 205 days of age). This is an indicator of growth from birth to weaning.

This value predicts differences, expressed in pounds of hot carcass weight, adjusted to an industry standard age endpoint, of a sire’s progeny.

YW (Yearling Weight)

RE (Rib Eye Area)

This value predicts the difference, in pounds, for yearling weight (adjusted a standard 365 days of age). This is an indicator of growth from birth to yearling.

This value predicts the differences, expressed in square inches of rib eye muscle area between the 12th 7 13th rib. This is a good predictor of the total amount of muscle in the carcass and is highly related to carcass weight. Greater rib eye areas are preferable.

MK (Milk)

This value represents the genetic ability of a sire’s daughters to produce milk and is expressed in pounds of weaning weight.

TM (Total Maternal)

An index that combines growth and milk information as a prediction of the weaning weight performance of calves from a sire’s daughters. As an index, this value is not reported with an accompanying accuracy. A greater TM value means a mother that returns comparatively higher weaning weights on her calves. TM Index = MK EPD + ½ WW EPD

CED (Calving Ease Daughters)

Represented as percent of unassisted births in a sire’s firstcalving daughters. A higher number represents more favorable calving ease. This EPD is important to a rancher’s bottom line because it predicts which heifers have a genetic pre-disposition to calve on their own. This value represents the calving ease that a sire transmits to his daughters. Only first calf daughters are considered in the calculation of this EPD.

ST (Stayability)

This value predicts the genetic difference, in terms of percentage probability, that a sire’s daughters will stay productive within a herd to at least six years of age. The Stayability EPD is one of the best measures currently available to compare a bull’s ability to produce females with reproductive longevity.

MB (Marbling)

This value predicts the differences in the degree of marbling within the rib eye and is expressed in marbling score units. Greater marbling numbers are preferable and are an indicator of higher carcass Quality Grades.

FT (Fat Thickness)

This value predicts the differences in back fat thickness, measured in inches over the 12th rib. Smaller numbers of fat thickness are preferable as excess fat can be detrimental to Yield Grade.

CV (Carcass Value)

An index, expressed in dollar value per head that compares progeny of one animal to another in dollar differences when progeny are sold on a grid. This is a true economic comparison. Projected carcass weight, penalties for carcass weights that are too heavy or too light, Quality Grade and Yield Grade premiums and discounts are all included in calculating this dollar value index.

FM (Feedlot Merit)

An index, expressed in dollar value per head. FM measures the dollar value associated with the expected gain and feedlot efficiency of progeny when fed in a “typical” feedlot arrangement.

Gelbvieh guide • Summer 2013 • Page 11

Association News

By Cordy Cox, President, GAA/BC


pring has finally arrived in my area of BC and the leaves are out and the cows are eagerly awaiting when they can get full mouths of green grass. Most of the ranches are in the process of branding in preparation for turn out. Mother’s Day weekend is always the main branding at the Dane Ranch where we enjoy roping calves on great horses with awesome friends both old and new. Branding and vaccinating is an important time of year, and hopefully also a rewarding one after a successful calving season. While ranchers and farmers are busy preparing their cattle and crops the GAA/BC has also been busy at work planning for a great year of Gelbvieh events. The 2013 GAA/BC field day will be held Saturday, August 10th at Royal Western Gelbvieh and BNH Livestock at Innisfail, Alberta. Rodney & Tanya and Brad & Nicole Hollman and families are looking forward to showing us a day of great cattle and hospitality. We will meet at RWG at 1pm although guests are welcome to arrive at any time. Please contact the Hollmans if you require any other information. RV’s and campers are more than welcome. Supper and refreshments will follow the dinner so please bring your own lawn chairs. Please RVSP with the Hollmans so they can plan accordingly. The National Gelbvieh and Balancer Show will be held at Farmfair International in 2013. Preparations are well under way for this event and Farmfair is once again making changes to make their event more accessible and economical for exhibitors and spectators alike with changes to entry fees, etc. For more information please contact Darren Dunford (780) 3074850. The CGA is in the process of planning their AGM and an auction in conjunction with the National Show festivities. I would like to encourage all of the Gelbvieh exhibitors and breeders to attend Farmfair in 2013 and witness the many positive changes that Farmfair has made in the past years to promote the beef industry and encourage more traffic through the barns in a first class facility. Let’s make our National Show in Alberta a huge success in 2013!! Plans for the Wish List weekend are also well under way and on track for another successful event. We are pleased to announce that T Bar C was chosen as the sales management for 2013 and are looking forward to working with them to showcase excellent Gelbvieh genetics on the auction block. If you are interested in consigning cattle to the Wish List sale or have any questions regarding the sale do not hesitate to contact Chris Polley at T Bar C at (306) 933-4200. New for 2013 is the Canadian People’s Choice Bull Futurity as well as the Maternal Edge Sale at Vold, Jones Vold in Ponoka. Page 12 • Summer 2013 • Gelbvieh guide

The two tiered Canadian People’s Choice Bull Futurity boasts a $15,000 jackpot to the owner of the winning bull and a chance for one lucky member to win the champion entry as well. The higher level membership also entitles the member to 10 straws of semen from the winning bull with the option to purchase more at a discounted price. Sale credits to the 2013 Wish List Sale will be given away in the draw down as well as many other great prizes. We have already raised the jackpot prize and have a long list of paid members who are eagerly awaiting this event at the end of November, so don’t hesitate and buy your membership today. For more information please see page 14 and 15 of the Guide or contact Rodney Hollman at (780) 588-8620. The Maternal Edge Sale is a commercial Gelbvieh influenced female sale that will be held at VJV on Saturday, November 30th in conjunction with VJV’s bred cow sale. Both open and bred Gelbvieh influenced females will be eligible so if you have females that you would like to consign (females will be sold in groups) or know of a commercial bull customer who may have females he/she would like to consign please do not hesitate to contact Larry Fecho (780) 986-9705 or Darrell Hickman at (780)581-4510. The regular VJV commission rates will apply. This is an excellent opportunity to showcase Gelbvieh influenced females at their best. Once again the GAA/BC will be hosting their annual AGM and banquet during the Wish List weekend. Also new for 2013, the Wish List Sale catalogue will be available for viewing and for sale online through Live Auctions TV. Jill Mader will be onsite Friday and Saturday with LiveAuctions TV. We are pleased to announce that Grant Rolston will be the official videographer and photographer for the Wish List weekend will also be available both Friday and Saturday. Rooms are available in Ponoka at the Super 8 and the Stampeder. Please book early as they book fast. For more information on the Wish List event please contact Aaron Birch at (403)485-5518. I would like to wish everyone a happy spring and successful summer and I look forward to seeing you all at the field day and many events down the road. We are always looking for comments and suggestions and welcome your input at any time, so please don’t be shy and contact one of the board members. A personal thank you to all of those who continue to work hard to promote our breed both near and far.


By Jennifer Scharpe


t’s often said photographers spend a lifetime taking thousands of photos in the quest for that perfect photo. That perfect photo is often very elusive. It can happen at the spur of the moment or it can take countless hours and numerous shots to get it just right. And even when you think you may have it, when you get back to the computer to look at them, you realized that perfect photo is still elusive. But when you do get that shot, it’s a photographers dream. Since October 2010, I have shot over 26,000 photos, a minuscule number to professional photographers. With the Junior Classic photography contest around the corner and the upcoming Gelbvieh World July Herd Reference Edition cover photo contest, here are a few tips to assist in the quest for that perfect shot. It starts with a quality camera. Digital camera technology has come a long way over the years and there are quality cameras available at any price level. A camera with 6.0 megapixels is sufficient, however the greater the megapixels the higher the quality of the photo – 12-18 megapixels are better. Choose the camera that fits your budget and most importantly, one you are comfortable using. Take photos in the early morning or the later afternoon. Sunlight will make or break a photo. Best results are usually achieved during the early morning hours or later in the evenings. And if you get that great sunrise or sunset photo, consider it a bonus. A mentor of mine often says cattle are calmer and more relaxed in the early morning and late evening hours, making them easier to photograph. Angles of the photo are important. Whether shooting animal photos or kids playing in the dirt, a photographer needs to get down on their level. Side profile animal photos should be taken so the camera is held level with the middle third of the animal. No matter the subject, shoot at camera angles that are appealing to the subject, making it look its best. Also, feel free to play around with different angles, even cocking the camera to the side. Be sure to get multiple angles of the same subject as you never know what will look best when you open them on the computer.

Whether taking photos for the Junior Classic or just wanting to improve your pictures, here are a few helpful tips: take photos in early morning or late afternoon hours, play with angles, tell a story, practice and patience. Tell a story. Perhaps one of the best ways to create an interesting photo is to tell a story with the photo. Create a connection between the photo and the person seeing it. The connection will differ for each person. Try to create photos that draw people in, that cause an emotional response, or cause a viewer to wonder what is going on inside that photo or what may be happening off camera that resulted in the photo’s subject reacting a certain way. Cover photos are best vertical. A tip if you one day want to find your photo on the cover of Gelbvieh Guide is that vertical photos work best for magazine cover photos. Sometimes if the photo resolution is high enough quality a horizontal photo can be cropped vertically. However, starting with a vertical image is best. One final tip, practice and patience will ultimately help photographers in their quest for the perfect photo. Printed with permission of Gelbvieh World.

Gelbvieh guide • Summer 2013 • Page 13

Canadian People's Choice Futurity Members to Date

$15,000.00 Prize Money to the Exhibitor of the Canadian People’s Choice Champion Bull!!! November 29 & 30, 2013 Ponoka, Alberta, Canada In conjunction with the Wish List Sale, the GAA/BC Annual Meeting & Banquet • Bull Nomination deadline: November 1, 2013 • Bull Substitution deadline: November 15, 2013 • Eligible bulls - born from April 1, 2012 and all calendar year bulls. • All bulls must be CGA or AGA registered PC88 or Purebred/Fullblood bulls and have DNA on file with their breed association. Deadline for DNA to reach the CGA is October 20, 2013. Bulls without DNA will be disqualified without financial reimbursement. • All bulls must be Tattoo Checked, Weighed, Scrotal measured to compete. • All bulls will be Videoed at event facility's previous to start of futurity and made available on-line. • All bulls must be quiet and easy to handle, but do not need to be halter broke! (Although it is suggested as wash facilities require animals to be properly halter broke.) • All bulls must be free from infectious diseases, such as lice, ring worm, etc. • Clipping of futurity bulls is suggested and will be left at the discretion of each owner. The event will be a dry brush show, zero tolerance for glues and paints. • Futurity draw down prizes will include WISH LIST sale credits. • Futurity Champion will receive a $15,000 minimum payout.

Online viewing and voting will be available for those that are unable to attend the event in person. For further information contact: Rodney Hollman • Ph: 403-588-8620 • Darrell Hickman • Ph: 780-581-4510 •

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Royal Western Gelbvieh Twin Bridge Farms Sienknecht Cattle Co. & Chris Mitchell Golden Buckle Gelbvieh Boehler Gelbviehs Meng Farms Cattle Company Cedar Top Ranch 4DJ Farms Ltd. Prairie Hills Gelbvieh Chimney Butte Ranch Nelson Gelbvieh Twin Bridge Farms - #2 BNH Livestock EYOT Valley Ranch Circle S Ranch Fladeland Livestock Stone Gate Farm Twisted T Gelbvieh Ridinger Cattle Company Jumping Cow Gelbvieh Ranch Thackeray Gelbvieh Farms Pin to Point Gelbvieh CDC Farms Middle Creek Farms Severtson Land & Cattle Jonus Cattle LC Ranch Unger Land & Livestock Fir River Livestock Rocky Top Gelbvieh Foursquare Gelbvieh Henibrit Enterprises LS Cattle Co./Dane Cattle Co. Jen-Ty Gelbviehs Towerview Ranch Maple Grove Gelbvieh /Bluff Island Stock Farm Warner Beef Genetics Brittain Farms Carlson Cattle Company Cranview Gelbvieh KLAtown Stock Farms

Association News


he Man-Sask Gelbvieh Association is once again preparing for the upcoming year. This year the Association will be awarding one purebred/commercial breeder in Manitoba and one in Saskatchewan. Nominations for this award must be submitted by September 1, 2013 to our Secretary, Cynthia Wirgau, Box 25 Narcisse, MB R0C 2H0. T Bar C Cattle Co. will be the sale consultants for the Agribition Sale. Please contact them to enter your sale consignments. We were the highest averaging sale of all the breeds at Agribition last year; let’s try to maintain that record!!! We will be looking for sponsors for Agribition, contact Del Fladeland (306-869-8123) or James Jasper (204) 741-0763 if you are interested. Your support is greatly appreciated. Please let us know of any 4-H member exhibiting a Gelbvieh influenced calf. The Association will be putting all 4-H member names into a draw, and they will win $500 towards the purchase of an animal. The draw will be made October 1/13. Submit names and photos (if possible) to or A reminder that the 2013 AGJA Northern Lights Classic will be held in Rochester, Minnestoa from June 29 to July 5. If anyone is interested in going please contact Cynthia Wargau or Darrell Hickman. Deadline for entries is June 1. This year the Man-Sask Gelbvieh Association will be sponsoring class winners and champions in the Prospect show at Agribition. Check the CWA show information for details. If any members are interested in hosting a field day, please get in touch with one if the board members. The Man-Sask Sweetheart Classic will continue to be open to calves and bred females, but all will be judged together. Please contact Del Fladeland or Trevor Burks (306) 7157476 to obtain your membership.

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Gelbvieh guide • Summer 2013 • Page 17

By Susan Willmon


raditionally the tools beef producers have used to make genetic progress in various traits have been individual expected progeny differences (EPDs). As we evaluate new traits with new EPDs the process for finding animals with superior merit can become more complicated and in many cases producers fall back to subjective measures of an animal’s superiority. Is there an easier way to identify animals with superior genetic merit and make measured genetic progress? Yes, the solution is the use of an economic selection index. Interestingly, the concept of an economic selection index for determining genetic merit is not a new one. Originally this idea was brought forth by Dr. L N Hazel of Iowa State University in 1943. Since then, his mathematical methodologies have been widely used by animal breeders. In today’s poultry, swine, and dairy industries genetic selection decisions are influenced by an animal’s ranking on a specified index. What is a selection index? A selection index includes an estimate of an animals’ genetic merit as measured in the beef animal by an EPD. Multiple traits are included and each trait’s EPD is weighted based on an economic value, dependent on the goal of the index. Also factored into the index is the heritability (the proportion of variation of a particular trait that can be attributed to genetic factors and can be inherited by an animal’s offspring) as well as the genetic associations between traits. Once created a selection index will account for both production levels and economic values of the included traits. How is a selection index created? The first step is to determine an overall goal of the index. For example an index focused on profitability of the carcass end product might include feedlot performance traits such as average daily gain and feed intake; along with carcass measures such as Yield Grade, carcass weight, and Quality Grade as measured

by marbling. Economic weights are added and typically based on industry statistics such as a five-year rolling average for cost of gain or Choice-Select spread. The result of this is one value that predicts the combined impact of an animal’s genetic merit on profitability. Why do indexes work? Most bull buyers can relate to agonizing over a bull buying decision. Does bull A have too much milk, not enough calving ease? Is bull B a better choice because of a higher growth EPD but is below average in marbling? Each of these scenarios illustrates the complexity of selecting an animal on individual traits rather than looking at the combined package of overall genetic merit and profitability based on an index value. In many cases a bull that has a profitable EPD profile might get overlooked because one EPD looks antagonistic to a specific breeding objective. Or a producer selects strongly for one trait for a few

Breeders and commercial producers can use economic indexes as simplified tools in making genetic selection decisions. Economic indexes use multiple EPDs and are expressed in dollars per head. The CGA strategic plan calls for an evaluation of current indexes and addition of new indexes for Gelbvieh and Balancer® to “own maternal efficiency and stay between the guardrails for all other traits.” Page 18 • Summer 2013 • Gelbvieh guide

years then buys the next round of bulls to tackle the next trait. Indexes roll all these pieces together, account for positive relationships and antagonisms between traits, and ultimately predict the bottom line profitability of an animal and that animal’s future progeny. How does the Canadian Gelbvieh Association plan to implement indexes? As the CGA continues to evaluate new traits, rather than publishing a list of new EPDs the forward-looking strategy is to include these in an index. Such is the thought process that resulted from the AGA Impacting the Beef Business strategic plan regarding maternal traits. Currently Dr. Mike McNeil of Delta Genetics, who has developed indexes for many of the beef breeds, is working with AGA breed improvement staff to evaluate maternal traits such as heifer and 30 month pregnancy, udder scores, and mature weight. The goal is to produce an index that will allow CGA members to select genetics based on the inherent maternal strengths of Gelbvieh and Balancer® cattle. Additional options that combine data from feed intake, carcass and performance traits into either targeted or broader focused indexes are being evaluated. Can we make progress? We can look at our genetic trends and know that positive selection pressure on a trait has resulted in genetic change. The beauty of the selection index is that it mini-

mizes the distractions of individual EPDs in favor of selection for a group of traits and greater measured progress towards that identified goal. We are not blazing new trails here. This strategy has been proven and significant progress measured in other livestock species as well as in the beef seedstock industry in countries like Australia where economic selection indexes have been used widely. For CGA members the use of newly developed indexes will provide an easy to use package for genetic progress that can be simply explained and utilized by seedstock and commercial producers alike.

Gelbvieh guide • Summer 2013 • Page 19

Win a Free Ad! First Prize in Each Category

1/4 page advertisement in Summer 2014 Gelbvieh Guide 1. Cow/Calf 2. Scenic or Artistic


3. Bull(s) 4. Herd

1. Send or email unmarked colored print (3 1/2” X 5” or 4” X 6”) or digital file of each photograph entered. 2. All entries must be postmarked or emailed on or before Dec. 1/2013. Judging will take place before Jan. 15/2014. 3. Prizes must be accepted as awarded. 4. Winners will be notified and assistance given in setting up ads. Contest and prizes sponsored by the Canadian Gelbvieh Association

Please send only your best shots! The Canadian Gelbvieh Association reserves the right to use all photos entered in the contest Page 20 • Summer 2013 • Gelbvieh guide

Please send your photos to: Canadian Gelbvieh Association

5160 Skyline Way NE, Calgary, AB T2E 6V1 or

Gelbvieh guide • Summer 2013 • Page 21

Canadian Junior Gelbvieh Association Scholarship

All eligible juniors are encouraged to apply for the $500 Scholarship. Please complete the Scholarship Application Form and include a one page essay describing your involvement in the Gelbvieh breed. Please submit your application form and essay to Wendy Belcher by email (, fax (403-291-5624), or mail (5160 Skyline Way NE, Calgary, Alberta T2E 6V1). The deadline to apply is June 30, 2013. To be eligible you must be a current or previous member of the Canadian Junior Gelbvieh Association between the ages fifteen (15) and twenty five (25) as of January 1st of the current calendar year. Juniors are eligible to receive the award more than once. Scholarship recipients will be presented with a cheque upon proof of enrollment. Send an official class enrollment form or receipt of tuition payment to the Canadian Gelbvieh Association office no later than October 1, 2013. In the event that a circumstance arises that prevents the recipient from enrolling in the school of choice by the above deadline, the scholarship will be forfeited. To retain scholarship, the recipient must complete at least one semester of full enrollment. If the semester is not completed, money awarded must be refunded to the Canadian Junior Gelbvieh Association. Full Name:___________________________________________________________________________

Full Address:__________________________________________________________________________

Birth Date: _______________________________Place of Birth:__________________________________ Sex



Social Insurance Number:_____________________________________

Parent or Guardian Name(s):___________________________________________________________ Parent or Guardian Address:_______________________________________________________

High School Name:____________________________________________________________ High School Address:________________________________________________________ Graduation Date: _____________ Grade Point Average: ___________(example 3.5/4.0)

Estimated Percentage of Tuition Paid by Scholarships or grants during you last semester of post secondary education or for the upcoming semester?______________________

List any scholarships you have bee awarded:_________________________________


Career Goal:__________________________________________________________

If you are currently attending a Post Secondary Education facility, please complete the following: Name of Post Secondary Education Facility you have previously or are currently attending: ____________________________________________________________________

Major:_______________________________ Grade Point Average:_______________

If you are a graduating high school senior, please complete the following: Post Secondary education Facility you plan to attend: ____________________________________________________________________

Anticipated Major______________________________________________________

________________________________ Signature of Applicant Date Page 22 • Summer 2013 • Gelbvieh guide

________________________________ Signature of Parent/ Guardian Date

Barnert, Jeremiah Pin To Point Gelbvieh Box 4, Site 1, RR# 1 Okotoks, AB T1S 1A1 Phone: 403/617-3985 Fax: 403/938-8168 Email: Prefix: JAB


Abel Farm Murray Abel & Susan Crump RR# 5 Lacombe, AB T4L 2N5 Phone: 403/782-1009, 403/872-0612 Email: Prefix: AFL Adams, David & Janice Adamsgreen Gelbvieh Box 2344 High Prairie, AB T0G 1E0 Phone: 780-524-5382 Email: Prefix: ADA

Anderson, Ron & Gail Bar GR Cattle Box 1342 High Prairie, AB T0G 1E0 Phone: 780-523-2116, 780-523-8509 Fax: 780-523-2116 Email: Prefix: GR

Beamish, Calvin & Donna Beamish Land & Cattle Box 53 Jarvie, AB T0G 1H0 Phone: 780/954-2285, 780/307-4842 Fax: 780/954-2671 Email: Prefix: BLC Birch, Aaron Box 192 Lomond, AB T0L 1G0 Phone: 403/485-5518 Email: Prefix: AWB

Andruchow, Art & Marie Limestone Stock Farms Box 386 Andrew, AB T0B 0C0 Phone: 780/896-2352 Email: Prefix: AM

Andruchow, Jessica Box 386 Andrew, AB T0B 0C0 Phone: 780/297-2352 Email: Prefix: JNA Bahrynowski, Peter & Lisl Duke Cattle Company Box 486 Wildwood, AB T0E 2M0 Phone: 780/325-2611, 780/909-0436 Email: Prefix: DUKE

Birch, Ron & Carol Twin Bridge Farms Ltd. Box 192 Lomond, AB T0L 1G0 Phone: 403/792-2123 Fax: 403/792-2123 Email: twinbridgefarms@ Website: Prefix: SA

Brittain, Kelly & Colleen RR# 1 Falun, AB T0C 1H0 Phone: 780/352-0676, 780/387-6446 Fax: 780/352-0676 Email: Prefix: CK

Page 24 Canadian Gelbvieh Association Membership Directory

Carlson, Lon T. Carlson Farms Gelbvieh Box 86 Magrath, AB T0K 1J0 Phone: 403/653-2246 Fax: 403/653-2198 Email: Website: Prefix: LTC Congdon, Cody Rocky Top Gelbvieh Box 366 Bashaw, AB T0B 0H0 Phone: 403/350-5791 Email: Prefix: RTG Cymbaluk, Ted & Jo-Anne T-Anchor Gelbvieh Box 2148 Valleyview, AB T0H 3N0 Phone: 780/524-4667 Prefix: CFC

Davis, Barry & Leslie Coventry Gelbvieh Box 736 Kirriemuir, AB T0C 1R0 Phone: 403/552-2249, 403/575-5100 Fax: 403/550-2362 Email: Prefix: CON

Davisson, Ray & Anne LC Ranch Box 764 Stettler, AB T0C 2L0 Phone: 403/742-2524, 403/742-4427 Fax: 403/742-6262 Email: Prefix: LCR

Dunford, Darren Dusty Rose Cattle Co Box 22, Site 2, RR# 1 Dapp. AB T0G 0S0 Phone: 780/954-3796, 780/307-4850 Fax: 780/954-2456 Email: Prefix: DR

Fecho, Larry & Lynne EYOT Valley Ranch RR# 2 Millet, AB T0C 1Z0 Phone: 780/986-9705, 780/718-5477 Fax: 780/986-9705 Email: Prefix: EV

Hickman, Darrell & Leila Stone Gate Farm RR# 2 Vermilion, AB T9X 1Y7 Phone: 780/581-0077, 780/581-4510 Fax: 780/853-8704, 780/835-4518 Email:, Prefix: STON Hoffman, Ron Box 819 Carstairs, AB T0M 0N0 Prefix: RRR

Hollman, Brad & Nicole BNH Livestock RR# 4 Innisfail, AB T4G 1T9 Phone: 403/352-0816, 403/896-8851 Fax: 403/886-2813 Email: Prefix: NGC

Hollman, Rodney & Tanya Royal Western Gelbvieh Site 8, Box 25, RR# 4 Innisfail, AB T4G 1T9 Phone: 403/754-5499, 403/588-8620 Fax: 403/886-2813 Email: Prefix: RWG

Janzen, Jason & Agatha Janzen Gelbvieh Box 1433 LaCrete, AB T0H 2H0 Phone: 780/928-2044, 780/926-0156 Email: Prefix: JAJ

Keeping, Tom Keeya Creek Farms Inc. Box 4228 Taber, AB T1G 2C7 Phone: 403/223-1509, 403/308-2713 Fax: 403/223-0274 Email: Prefix: KEE Lightfoot, Larry Triple L Gelbvieh RR# 1, Site 16, Box 2 Grande Prairie, AB T8V 2Z8 Phone: 780/532-6633 Email: Prefix: LL

Marsman, Wanda Widowewa Holdings Ltd./Hillsdown Gelbvieh RR# 1 Delburne, AB T0M 0V0 Phone: 403/749-3075 Fax: 403/749-3056 Email: Prefix: HDG

Milne, Harold & Bev. Milne's Gelbvieh Box 1573 Fairview, AB T0H 1L0 Phone: 780/835-2645, 780/855-0365 Fax: 780/835-2645 Email: Website: Prefix: GCC Milne, John Dunvegan Cattle Co. Ltd. Box 1209 Fairview, AB T0H 1L0 Phone: 780/835-4518 Fax: 780/835-4518 Email: Prefix: DCC

Muhlbach, Jason Jace Cattle Company 6113 - 38 Avenue Stettler, AB T0C 2L1 Phone: 403/740-2526 Fax: 403/574-2189 Email: Prefix: JM

Murphy, Andrew & Susan Crump Red Dawn Ranch Box 59, Site 5, RR #4 Lacombe, AB T4L 2N4 Phone: 403/782-4713 Fax: 403/782-4713 Email: Prefix: RDR

Nelson, Darrell & Duane Box 1144 Glenwood, AB T0K 2R0 Phone: 403/626-3279, 403/331-9086 Fax: 403/626-3036 Email: Prefix: DDN

Ness, Joe Jonus Cattle #74, 115 Bergen Rd. NW Calgary, AB T3K 1P2 Phone: 403/274-1684, 403/852-7332 Fax: 403/516-6005 Prefix: JOE

Ness, Kert & Joe Keriness Cattle Company Ltd. Box 8, Site 7, RR# 1 Airdrie, AB T4B 2A3 Phone: 403/948-3282, 403/860-4634 Fax: 403/948-2236 Email: Prefix: KCC

Nielsen, Adam RR #1, Site 2, Box 20 Sylvan Lake, AB T4S 1X6 Phone: 403/887-4971, 403/588-9281 Fax: 403/346-3054 Email: Prefix: AJN

Canadian Gelbvieh Association Membership Directory Page 25

Nielsen, Dan & Marilyn Dayspring Cattle RR #1, Site 2, Box 20 Sylvan Lake, AB T4S 1X6 Phone: 403/887-4971 Fax: 403/887-4971 Email: Prefix: DSP Nish, Ben & Jody Nish Gelbvieh Box 38 Aetna, AB T0K 1Y0 Phone: 403-653-1312 Email: Prefix: NSH

Okell, Don W. & Lorna Jen-Ty Gelbvieh Box 627 Duchess, AB T0J 0Z0 Phone: 403/378-4898 Fax: 403/378-4894 Email: Website: Prefix: DL

Pahl, Gary & Judy Towerview Ranch Box 331 Medicine Hat, AB T1A 7G1 Phone: 403/548-7150 Fax: 403/548-7139 Email: Website: Prefix: TVR

Pancoast, Vern & Vivienne V & V Farms Box 37 Redcliff, AB T0J 2P0 Phone: 403/548-6678, 403/580-9532 Fax: 403/548-6955 Email: Prefix: VV

Radomske, Dan Valley Gelbvieh RR# 2 Innisfail, AB T4G 1T7 Phone: 403/227-2105 Fax: 403/227-1207 Prefix: VG

Rauch, Otto Mo-Roc Gelbvieh Farms Ltd. R.R.# 3 Rocky Mtn. House, AB T4T 2A3 Phone: 403/845-6425 Fax: 403/845-5441 Prefix: OAR

Roy, Henry M. HMR Gelbvieh A-54319 HWY 748 W Yellowhead County, AB T7E 3N6 Phone: 780/723-2361 Prefix: HMR Ryder Ridge Cattle Company Dr. Dale Gibson, Gail Bower & Ryder Bower 50260 RR 234 Leduc County, AB T4X 0L6 Phone: 780-504-9267 Prefix: RRCC

Sayer, Roger D. & Kim Foursquare Gelbvieh RR# 2, Box 15, Site 6 Carstairs, AB T0M 0N0 Phone: 403/337-5847, 403/875-8418 Fax: 403/337-2280 Email: Prefix: FRSQ Schiestel, Steve & Lisa Silver Line Farm Box 371 Eckville, AB T0M 0X0 Phone: 403/358-8259, 403/318-7472 Email: Website: Prefix: SFL

Page 26 Canadian Gelbvieh Association Membership Directory

Severtson, Scott & Lisa Severtson Land & Cattle RR 2 Innisfail, AB T4G 1T7 Phone: 403/224-3756, 403/358-4676 Fax: 403/224-3756 Email: Website: Prefix: SLC Shaw, Wyatt Box 175 Carstairs, AB T0M 0N0 Phone: 403-337-8018 Prefix: WS Simpson, R. George Simpson Farms Box 159 Jarvie, AB T0G 1H0 Phone: 780/954-2353 Prefix: GS

Thome, Lorinda & Rick RLT Farms Box 13, Site 3, RR# 1 Spirit River, AB T0H 3G0 Phone: 780/864-2961 Fax: 780/864-2785 Email: Website: Prefix: RLT

Tuplin, Merv Henibrit Enterprises 4215 - 83rd Street NW Edmonton, AB T6K 1C8 Phone: 780/450-1280 Email: Prefix: MJT

Unger, Loren & Karen Unger Land & Livestock RR 1 Olds, AB T4H 1P2 Phone: 403/556-6499, 403/994-1211 Fax: 403/556-6499 Email: Prefix: ULL

Vancuren, Darren Sunberry Valley Ranch Box 7, Site 16, RR# 2 Sundre, AB T0M 1X0 Phone: 403/638-4142, 403/507-5424 Prefix: SUN

Vander Velden, Emylene Rainbow’s Edge Gelbvieh Box 5384 Lacombe, AB T4L 1X1 Phone: 403-506-9693 Fax: 403-782-6213 Email: Prefix: EMY Watson, Wade & Jolene Watson Cattle Company - Double U Gelbvieh Box 635, Stn. Main Medicine Hat, AB T1A 7G6 Phone: 403/528-7456 Fax: 403/529-2293 Email: Prefix: WJW Williams, Chuck & Jennifer Flatland Ranch Box 1086 Hanna, AB T0J 1P0 Phone: 403-854-6279 Email: Prefix: FLR Williams, Wade & Lorna WL Farms Box 1384 Hanna, AB T0J 1P0 Phone: 403/854-2474 Fax: 403/854-2437 Email: Prefix: WL

Winder, Con & Gail Winder's Golden Gelbvieh R.R.# 2 Camrose, AB T4V 2N1 Phone: 780/672-9950 Fax: 780/672-9950 Email: Prefix: WGG

Wrubleski, Brian & Gerrylyn Brilyn Gelbvieh Box 217 New Sarepta, AB T0B 3M0 Phone: 780/941-3774 Fax: 780/941-3738 Email: Prefix: BLF

Mader, Barry & Robin B & R Ranch RR #1, 2108 Duck Range Road Pritchard, BC V0E 2P0 Phone: 250/577-3486 Fax: 250/577-3486 Email: b& Prefix: BRM


Cox, Dale or Romacordelia Dane Ranch Box 53 Tatla Lake, BC V0L 1V0 Phone: 250/476-1221, 250/709-8625 Fax: 250/476-1280 Email: Prefix: COX

Cox, Romacordelia RAC Gelbvieh P.O. Box 11 Tatla Lake, BC V0L 1V0 Phone: 250/476-1221, 250/709-8625 Fax: 250/476-1280 Email: Prefix: RAC

Dawson, Joyce Gold Bar Gelbvieh Box 1616 Vanderhoof, BC V0J 3A0 Phone: 250/567-5430, 250/570-9179 Fax: 250/567-5430 Email: Prefix: JLD Hogberg, Ralf & Glenn Hogberg Ranch RR 1, Site 904, Box 29 Progress, BC V0C 2E0 Phone: 250/843-7653 Fax: 250/843-7653 Email: Prefix: HG Kelly, Brenda RR# 1, Site 23, Comp. 5 Oliver, BC V0H 1T0 Phone: 250/498-3432 Prefix: BPK

Raven, Arne Box 344 Pritchard, BC V0E 2P0 Phone: 250/577-3486 Prefix: ARN

Spence, Wayne & Charlotte Mountain Spring Farm 1636 Chase Falkland Road Chase, BC V0E 1M0 Phone: 250/679-3744 Fax: 250/679-3744 Email: Prefix: MSF Stratuliak, Brian Kiskatinaw Gelbvieh RR# 2, Site 13, Comp 16 Dawson Creek, BC V1G 4E8 Phone: 250/759-4143 Fax: 250/759-4143 Email: Prefix: BES

Tuchlinski, Barbara Francois Lake Gelbvieh Box 1434, 24192 Trout Creek Rd. Burns Lake, BC V0J 1E0 Phone: 250/695-6620 Fax: 250/695-6620 Email: Prefix: TL MANITOBA

Bodin Bros Peter Bodin Box 248 Hartney, MB R0M 0X0 Phone: 204/858-2599 Prefix: BFL

Canadian Gelbvieh Association Membership Directory Page 27

Bonchuck, Amy AJB Gelbvieh Box 243 Birtle, MB R0M 0C0 Phone:204-842-5231, 204-773-6140 Fax: 204-842-3706 Email: Prefix:AJBG

Devonald, Matthew & Nikki Turtle River Gelbvieh RR # 1 McCreary, MB R0J 1B0 Phone: 204/835-2467 Fax: 204/835-2467 Email: Prefix: DEV Gofflot, Camile Gofflot Bar 2 Ranch Box 293, R.R.# 1 Pipestone, MB R0M 1T0 Phone: 204/854-2530 Prefix: GCG

Grose, Patrick & Terry Bruce Bluff Island Stock Farm Box 126 Inwood, MB R0C 1P0 Phone: 204/278-3308, 204/886-7950 Email: Prefix: BISF Jasper, James & Shayla JSJ Gelbvieh Box 24 Hartney, MB R0M 0X0 Phone: 204/858-2476 Email: Prefix: JSJ

Overby, Neil Overby Stock Farm Box 180 St. Ros Du Lac, MB R0L 1S0 Phone: 204/447-5552 Email: Prefix: OSF

Richardson, Alan & Gail Johnson A & G Richardson Box 301 Elm Creek, MB R0G 0N0 Phone: 204/436-2655 Email: Prefix: AGR

Wiens, Barry & Vanessa Crest View Farms Box 55 Pansy, MB R0A 1J0 Phone: 204/434-9412, 204/434-6110 Fax: 204/434-9412 Email: Prefix: CVF

Wirgau, Lee & Neal Maple Grove Gelbvieh Box 25 Narcisse, MB R0C 2H0 Phone: 204/278-3255, 204/886-7588 Fax: 204/278-3255 Email: Prefix: MGF NEW BRUNSWICK

Kevin R. Budd Kathidin View Gelbvieh 20 Ivey Road Limestone, NB E7N 2N2 Phone: 506/277-1082 Email: Prefix: KVG ONTARIO

Duffin, Jim, Doug or Darcy Triple D Farm Enterprises 20627 Fairview Rd., RR# 2 Thorndale, ON N0M 2P0 Phone: 519/461-1377 Fax: 519/461-0369 Email: Prefix: TDF

Page 28 Canadian Gelbvieh Association Membership Directory

Hurst, Jason RR #2 234439 Concession 2 WGR Durham, ON N0G 1R0 Phone: 519/807-8776 Email: Prefix: JPH

Hurst, Paul & Laurie Carroll Creek Cattle Company RR #2 234439 Concession 2 WGR Durham, ON N0G 1R0 Phone: 519/369-1763, 519/504-6944 Email: Prefix: CCCC

Klages, Mike KLAtown Stock Farms RR# 2, 056289 Con 12 Desboro, ON N0H 1K0 Phone: 519/363-6307, 519/357-6390 Email: Prefix: KLA

Linton, David & Susan Ward Killoran Creek Cattle Company RR# 1, 12135 County Road 45 Hastings, ON K0L 1Y0 Phone: 705/969-3853, 705/927-0373 Prefix: KC Rye, Carson & Jason RR# 1 20004 McCowan Rd Mount Albert, ON L0G 1M0 Phone: 905/473-2572 Prefix: RYE Ward, David & Valda Davalda Gelbvieh Box 95 Roseneath, ON K0K 2X0 Phone: 905/352-2317 Prefix: DVW

Waterton, Glynn GSW Gelbvieh RR# 8, 557733 Con. 4 Owen Sound, ON N4K 5W4 Phone: 519/376-8413 Email: Prefix: GSW Wattie, Ellery Soperton Gelbvieh Farm RR# 1, 275 County Rd. 42 Delta, ON K0E 1G0 Phone: 613/924-2307 Email: Prefix: EW West, Ray & Jean Windy Ridge Farm Gelbvieh RR #2, 2231 County Road 22 Bath, ON K0H 1G0 Phone: 613/352-9916 Fax: 613/352-4175 Email: Prefix: RJW Williamson, John C. Memory Farm Gelbvieh 4145 Holmes Rd., RR # 1 Inverary, ON K0H 1X0 Phone: 613/353-7335 Fax: 613/353-7335 Email: Prefix: MFG

PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND Whalen, Ron O'Faelan Farms Inc. Avondale Cattle Company 165 Hermitage Road Vernon River, PE C0A 2E0 Phone: 902/651-2006 Email: Prefix: OFI QUEBEC

Laroche, Luc et Diane Ferme Ludi 2001, Rang Roberge Chesterville, QC G0P 1J0

Phone: 819/382-2679 Fax: 819/382-2680 Email: Prefix: LUDI

Dufour, Serge et Gilles Dufour Ferme Dufour et Fils Enr 226a StHermel Sud St-Alexis de’Matapedia, QC G0J 2E0 Phone: 418/299-1324 Fax: 418/299-3154 Email: Prefix: FDF SASKATCHEWAN

Bentz, Blair & Lorie Goodview Gelbvieh Box 430 Punnichy, SK S0A 3C0 Phone: 306/835-2748, 306/746-8037 Fax: 306/835-2748 Email: Prefix: BLB

Bilokreli, Ron & Sons Vale Country Ranch Ltd. Box 14 Theodore, SK S0A 4C0 Phone: 306/647-2665, 306/521-2266 Fax: 306/647-2665 Email: Prefix: VCR Burks, Trevor & Amber Twisted T Gelbvieh Box 329 Asquith, SK S0K 0J0 Phone: 306-715-7476 Email: Prefix: TTG Davidson, Angus & Marlene Box 385 Ponteix, SK S0N 1Z0 Phone: 306/785-4512 Prefix: AMD

Davidson, Ross & Tara Lonesome Dove Ranch Box 147 Ponteix, SK S0N 1Z0 Phone: 306/625-3513, 306/625-7045 Fax: 306/625-3782 Email: lonesomedoveranch@ Website: Prefix: DRT

Davidson, Vernon & Eileen Davidson Gelbvieh Box 681 Ponteix, SK S0N 1Z0 Phone: 306/625-3755, 306/625-7863 Fax: 306/625-3524 Email: Website: Prefix: DVE Davidson, Wade Box 385 Ponteix, SK S0N 1Z0 Phone: 306/785-4512 Fax: 306/785-4533 Email: Prefix: WDE

Davisson, Barry & Chris Deroo-Davisson LC Cattle Company Box 1443 Unity, SK S0K 4L0 Phone: 306/228-3048, 306/228-7193 Prefix: LCD Egan, Phillip & Wendy P-W Gelbvieh Box 503 Moose Jaw, SK S6H 4P1 Phone: 306/693-6096 Email: Prefix: PW

Canadian Gelbvieh Association Membership Directory Page 29

Fladeland, Wayne, Delyle & Clinton Fladeland Livestock Box 70 Gladmar, SK S0C 1A0 Phone: 306/969-4829, 306/809-8123 Fax: 306/969-4834 Email: Website: Prefix: FLAD Gardiner, Simon G. Gardiner Gelbvieh Box 133 Quill Lake, SK S0A 3E0 Phone: 306/383-2736 Fax: 306/383-2736 Email: Prefix: SGG

Gavelin, David & Kim Deep Sands Livestock Box 149 Meyronne, SK S0H 3A0 Phone: 306/264-3635 Fax: 306/264-3665 Email: Prefix: DSL Gray, Robert Wascana Ridge Livestock Box 136 Vibank, SK S0G 4Y0 Phone: 306/531-5088 Prefix: WRL

Hansen, Jeff & Jodi Double J Land & Cattle Company Box 529 Springside, SK S0A 3V0 Phone: 306/792-2042 Fax: 306/792-2042 Email: Prefix: JJH

Hrebeniuk, Darcy Fir River Livestock Box 379 Hudson Bay, SK S0E 0Y0 Phone: 306/865-2929, 306/865-7859 Fax: 306/865-2860 Email: Website: Prefix: FRL Hurlburt, Kirk & Leigh Ann Hurlburt Livestock Ltd. Box 3, Site 206, RR# 2 Saskatoon, SK S7K 3J5 Phone: 306-931-2551, 306-222-8210 Fax: 306-931-2827 Email: Prefix: HL

Kirwan, Kenneth & Pamela Prairie Land Gelbvieh Box 352 Gull Lake, SK S0N 1A0 Phone: 306/672-4283, 306/671-7267 Fax: 306/672-3305 Prefix: PLG Lawes, James & Judy Double JL Gelbvieh Box 355 Dinsmore, SK S0L 0T0 Phone: 306/846-4733, 306/846-2052 Fax: 306/846-4733 Email: Prefix: JJL

Lawes, Kevin & Bonny Lawes Gelbvieh Box 176 Dinsmore, SK S0L 0T0 Phone: 306/357-2099, 306/831-7055 Fax: 306846-4733 Website: Email: Prefix: KJL

Page 30 Canadian Gelbvieh Association Membership Directory

Nicholas, Gary J. & Chad McCoy Cattle Company Ltd. Box 479 Milestone, SK S0G 3L0 Phone: 306/436-2086, 306/436-7300 Fax: 306/436-4613 Email: Website: Prefix: ZTM Schrempp, Will Morgan Tau Gelbvieh RR# 1, Box 44 Melville, SK S0A 2P0 Phone: 701-509-3737 Email: Prefix: MTG Seidle, Cameron J. & Cyndi Rocking Arrow Gelbvieh Box 119 Medstead, SK S0M 1W0 Phone: 306-342-4670 Fax: 306-342-4333 Email: c.seidle@littleloon,ca Prefix: RA

Selin, Wayne R. & Lois Selin's Gelbvieh Box 97 Stockholm, SK S0A 3Y0 Phone: 306/793-4568 Fax: 306/793-4568 Email: Prefix: WRS Simpson, Garth & Marlette Cypress View Gelbvieh Box 376 Shaunavon, SK S0N 2M0 Phone: 306/297-3746 Fax: 306/297-5455 Prefix: CVG

Sommerfeld, Raymond & Pauline RPS Gelbvieh Box 7 Medstead, SK S0M 1W0 Phone: 306/342-4490 Fax: 306/342-4490 Email: , Prefix: RPS

Spray, Brett, Shane, Brian & Karen Triple S Cattle Company Box 796 Preeceville, SK S0A 3B0 Phone: 306/325-4515 Fax: 306/325-4540 Email: Prefix: BJS

Thackeray, Ian Thackeray Gelbvieh Farms Box 1002 Weyburn, SK S4H 2L2 Phone: 306/456-2555, 306/861-7687 Fax: 306/456-2554 Email: Prefix: TIP

Thoreson, Daryl & Janice Circle T Ranch Box 7, Site 1 Cabri, SK S0N 0J0 Phone: 306/587-2874 Fax: 306/587-2225 Prefix: DAT

$25.00 from every Canadian Gelbvieh Association

Wick, Kendra-Shane Krazy Woman Ranch Box 133 Lake Alma, SK S0C 1M0 Phone: 306-447-4510, 306-869-6917 Email: Prefix: KWR

membership goes to the Provincial Association where the member resides for membership in their respective regional organization.


Adamsgreen Gelbvieh, David & Janice Green



Circle T Ranch, Daryl & Janice Thoreson



Abel Farm, Murray Abel



Dunvegan Cattle Co. Ltd., John Milne



A & G Richardson


DDN Darrell & Duane Nelson


AJBG AJB Gelbvieh, Amy Bonchuck





Adam Nielsen



Jen-Ty Gelbvieh, Don & Lorna Okell



Limestone Stock Farms, Art & Marie Andruchow



Dusty Rose Cattle Co., Darren Dunford


AMD Angus & Marlene Davidson



Lonesome Dove Ranch, Ross & Tara Davidson



Arne Raven



Deep Sands Gelbvieh, David & Kim Gavelin



Aaron Birch



Dayspring Cattle, Dan & Marilyn Nielsen



Kiskatinaw Gelbvieh, Brian Stratuliak


DUKE Duke Cattle Company, Peter & Lisl Bahrynowski



Bodin Bros., Peter Bodin





Bluff Island Stock Farms, Patrick Grose & Terry Bruce


Turtle River Gelbvieh, Matthew & Nikki Devonald

Davidson Gelbvieh, Vernon & Eileen Davidson

DVW Davalda Gelbvieh, David & Valda Ward



Rainbow’s Edge Gelbvieh, Emylene Vander Velden AB


Triple S Cattle Co, Brett, Shane, Brian & Karen Spray SK


EYOT Valley Ranch, Larry & Lynne Fecho



Goodview Gelbvieh, Blair & Lorie Bentz


Soperton Gelbvieh Farm, Ellery Wattie



Beamish Land & Cattle, Calvin & Donna Beamish AB


Ferme Dufour et Fils Enr., Serge et Gilles Dufour



Brenda Kelly



B & R Ranch, Barry & Robin Mader


FLAD Fladeland Livestock, Wayne, Delyle & Clinton Fladeland


CCCC Carrol Creek Cattle Company, Paul & Laurie Hurst



Flatland Ranch, Chuck & Jennifer Williams



T-Anchor Gelbvieh, Ted & Jo-Anne Cymbaluk



Fir River Livestock, Darcy Hrebeniuk



Brittain Farms, Kelly & Colleen Brittain


FRSQ Foursquare Gelbvieh, Roger & Kim Sayer



CON Coventry Gelbvieh, Barry & Leslie Davis



Milne’s Gelbvieh, Harold & Bev Milne


COX Dane Ranch, Dale Cox or Romacordelia Cox



Gofflot Bar 2 Ranch, Camile Gofflot\



Crest View Farms, Barry & Vanessa Wiens



Bar GR Cattle, Ron & Gail Anderson



Cypress View Gelbvieh, Garth & Marlette Simpson



Simpson Farms, R. George Simpson


Canadian Gelbvieh Association Membership Directory Page 31


GSW Gelbvieh, Glynn Waterton


HDG Widowewa Holdings Ltd./Hillsdown Gelbvieh, Wanda Marsman



Hogberg Ranch, Glenn & Ralf Hogberg



Hurlburt Livestock Ltd., Kirk & Leigh Ann Hurlburt



P-W Gelbvieh, Phillip & Wendy Egan



Rocking Arrow Gelbvieh, Cameron J. & Cindi Seidle



RAC Gelbvieh, Romacordelia Cox



Red Dawn Ranch, Andrew Murphy & Susan CrumpAB


HMR Gelbvieh, Henry M. Roy



Windy Ridge Farm Gelbvieh, Ray & Jean West



Pin To Point Gelbvieh, Jeremiah Barnert



RLT Farms, Lorinda & Rick Thome



Janzen Gelbvieh, Jason & Agatha Janzen



RPS Gelbvieh, Raymond & Pauline Sommerfeld



Double J Land & Cattle Company, Jeff & Jodi Hansen


RRCC Ryder Ridge Cattle Company, Dr. Dale Gibson, Gail Bower & Ryder Bower


Ron Hoffman


Rocky Top Gelbvieh, Cody Congdon



Double JL Gelbvieh, James & Judy Lawes




Gold Bar Gelbvieh, Joyce Dawson




Jace Cattle Company, Jason Muhlbach


RWG Royal Western Gelbvieh, Rodney & Tanya Hollman AB


Jessica Andruchow



Carson & Jason Rye


Twin Bridge Farms Ltd., Ron & Carol Birch



Jonus Cattle, Joe Ness




Jason Hurst



Silver Line Farm, Steve & Lisa Schiestel



JSJ Gelbvieh, James & Shayla Jasper



Gardiner Gelbvieh, Simon G. Gardiner



Killoran Creek Cattle Co, David Linton & Susan Ward


Severtson Land & Cattle, Scott & Lisa Severtson


STON Stone Gate Farm, Darrell & Leila Hickman



Keriness Cattle Company Ltd., Kert & Joe Ness



Sunberry Valley Ranch, Darren Vancuren



Keeya Creek Farms Inc., Tom Keeping




Lawes Gelbvieh, Kevin & Bonny Lawes


Triple D Farm Enterprises, Jim, Doug or Darcy Duffin


Thackeray Gelbvieh Farms, Ian Thackeray




KLAtown Stock Farms, Mike Klages




Kathidin View Gelbvieh, Kevin Budd



Francois Lake Gelbvieh, Barbara Tuchlinski




Twisted T Gelbvieh, Trevor & Amber Burks


LC Cattle Company, Barry Davisson & Chris Deroo-Davisson


Towerview Ranch, Gary & Judy Pahl




Unger Land & Livestock, Loren & Karen Unger



LC Ranch, Ray & Anne Davisson



Vale Country Ranch Ltd., Ron Bilokreli & Sons



Triple L Gelbvieh, Larry Lightfoot



Valley Gelbvieh, Dan Radomske



Carlson Farms Gelbvieh, Lon T. Carlson



V & V Farms, Vern & Vivienne Pancoast

LUDI Ferme Ludi, Luc et Diane Laroche


WDE Wade Davidson


MFG Memory Farm Gelbvieh, John C. Williamson


WGG Winder’s Golden Gelbvieh, Con & Gail Winder


MGF Maple Grove Gelbvieh, Lee & Neal Wirgau


WJW Watson Cattle Company, Wade & Jolene



Henibrit Enterprises, Merv Tuplin



Mountain Spring Farm, Wayne & Charlotte Spence BC

KWR Krazy Woman Ranch, Kendra-Shane Wick LCD



WL Farms, Wade & Lorna Williams



Wascana Ridge Gelbvieh, Robert Gray


MTG Morgan Tau Gelbvieh, Will Schrempp



Selin’s Gelbvieh, Wayne R. & Lois Selin


NGC BNH Livestock, Brad & Nicole Hollman



Wyatt Shaw



Nish Gelbvieh, Ben & Jody Nish



Mo-Roc Gelbvieh Farms Ltd., Otto Rauch


ZTM McCoy Cattle Company Ltd., Gary J. & Chad Nicholas


O'Faelan Farms Inc., Ron Whalen



Overby Stock Farms, Neil Overby



Prairie Land Gelbvieh, Kenneth & Pamela Kirwan


Page 32 Canadian Gelbvieh Association Membership Directory



The Canadian Gelbvieh Association invites you to be a part of the Association!

___________________________________________________________________________________ MEMBERSHIP NAME (Please Print)

Note: This is the name that will print on the registration certificates.

NAME OF OWNER(S):_________________________________________________________________________________________

________________________ PHONE #

______________________________ FAX #

______________________________________________ EMAIL:

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ STREET OR RURAL ADDRESS (Print) CITY/TOWN PROV. P-CODE

I (We) hereby apply for:

_______ ANNUAL ($125.00 + Tax) Note: Includes membership to applicable Provincial Gelbvieh Association.

_______ JUNIOR (Under 21 years of age) Birth date: __________________ ($10.00 Annual Activity Fee + Tax )


Please allot HERD IDENTIFICATION LETTERS - (1st choice) _________ (2nd choice) _________ (3rd choice) _________ for tattooing Gelbvieh Cattle. Herd letters can be two, three or four letter combinations: ie AB, ABC or ABCD. The correct method for Tattooing: first - Herd letters “ABC”, second - unique ID number of animal “24”, and last, - year of birth letter “B”. eg. Complete tattoo - “ABC 24B”.

_______ HERD NAME ($25.00 + Tax)

Please register, _____________________________________________ as the Herd Name, for the exclusive use of this membership when naming animals. Please Note: The Herd Name must be acceptable to the CGA.

I undersigned hereby applies for membership in the Canadian Gelbvieh Association, a non-profit corporation, with all rights and privileges and subject to the obligations thereof, as fully set forth in the By-Laws of the Association. I (We) agree to conform to the By-Laws and Regulations of the Canadian Gelbvieh Association. I (We) waive any claim against and grant an absolute release to the Canadian Gelbvieh Association, any member, employee or agent of the Association, for any act or omission in connection with the Association, including but not limited to, any enforcement of the rules and regulations presently in effect or hereafter adopted by the Association. I(We) further release any and all data submitted to the CGA for use in Breed Improvement Programs.

_______ I do not wish for the CGA to use my personal contact information for business purposes it deems necessary. _______________________________________________ Applicants Sign Here

________________________________________________ Applicants Sign Here

_______________________________________________ Print Name Here

________________________________________________ Print Name Here

This application must be signed by the individual, all members of the partnership or signing officer in the organization applying for membership.

Canadian Gelbvieh Association, 5160 Skyline Way NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 6V1 Phone: (403) 250-8640 • Fax: (403) 291-5624 • email: • Canadian Gelbvieh Association Membership Directory Page 33

Memberships are due on or before January 1st each year. Only memberships paid up as of April 1st are included in this directory.

Canadian Gelbvieh Association

5160 Skyline Way N.E. Calgary, Alberta T2E 6V1 Phone: (403) 250-8640 Fax: (403) 291-5624 email: Web Site:


his is the kind of ranch story Canada’s beef industry likes. A young family with heritage ranching roots and a clear energy about the opportunity to build a business and a family life around cows and grass. Round Rock Ranching near Vermilion, in Northeastern Alberta has a very clear vision: ‘Producing the best beef in a better world.’ “We like to say we have a kinship with the land,” says Sean McGrath, the fifth generation to live on this land, and young father of the sixth. “In simple business terms we focus on the grass and land and use cows to manage it,” he explains. “We watch costs. If we can do something for less money, that’s clearly an objective. But we’re also concerned about value added, trying to make every calf worth more. That’s through our genetics, our vaccination and herd health program and our management program. Everything ties together.”

Grazing to cut costs A cornerstone of the ranch is its advanced grazing system. Built on nearly year around grazing, it’s designed to aggressively cut feeding costs for the 200 cow herd. “Our goal is to

feed cows as little as possible. More than 45 days is considered strenuous.” Calves are weaned early, mid-October to mid-November and back grounded on bale grazing. Cows graze native prairie into January/February. “They’ll put 100 to 150 pounds of weight on in that time,” says McGrath. “Then we’ll switch to swath grazing, then bale grazing and eventually, in spring, to tame forage. “We don’t do mixed farming and 80 percent of our land is native pasture. Our approach is pretty unusual for this area. We’re usually taking cows out to grass when everyone else is bringing theirs in.”

Customer first, value added “We try to make every calf worth more, but more than anything, we sell ourselves,” says McGrath. The cow herd is primarily Angus. An AI/natural mating program is used on younger animals that are bred Angus and Simmental bulls are naturally mated on older cows. Heavy reliance is placed on EPD, ultrasound and visual appraisal in sire selection.

The McGrath family ranch is 105 years old and heading for another century

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The ranch markets grass finished beef, feeder calves, F1 heifers and grass cattle. “Our rule is we don’t sell weaned calves.” Replacement heifers are retained from the younger group of cows, maximizing genetic progress. Customers first, is the marketing mentality and a big part of that is being able to document management practices. The operation is audited under the Verified Beef Production (VBP) program to ensure animal and human health wellbeing. The ranch is also actively involved with several range health and environmental sustainability programs and has started marketing Environmental Goods and Services through the Alternative Land Use Services (ALUS) program. Additional research and monitoring is ongoing with groups like Cows and Fish and Alberta Sustainable Resources. Research studies on bale grazing are also underway with AESB (formerly PFRA). The ranch also participates in the AgriProfit$ program through Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development to objectively benchmark economic performance. Even labor is tracked through the program, ensuring time ranching is well spent. These partnerships all benefit the business and create win: win situations for those involved. Calves are all age verified. All cows have DNA records, and all vaccination and medical records are documented and VBP protocols followed.

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“From a marketing and documentation of integrity, it’s all there,” says McGrath. “We’re quite comfortable saying to any of our grass fed beef customers that if they would like to come in and look at our system and pick a calf, we will show them the records on our computer, so they will see what we are doing.

VBP aids marketing “We use the VBP record information a lot for marketing,” adds McGrath. “If we sell a load of calves, we’ll contact the potential buyers well ahead of time and let them know about the cattle. They’ll know that they have been vaccinated and that there are records for all of that.” The ranch recently expanded their operation adding a custom grazing enterprise in Saskatchewan. “We are pretty excited about the future and the opportunities for the next generation,” says McGrath. Sean and his wife Tanya and family ranch in partnership with Sean’s parents. Printed with permission from Meristem Communications and Verified Beef Production.


eedlot Performance, Carcass Value and Tenderness: Numerous research studies in the last several years have shown the economic advantage in the feedlot from calmer disposition cattle. Favorable differences in feedlot performance have been shown specifically in the area of increased daily gain, as well as reduced mortality and medical treatment costs for calmer calves. Once the calves left the feedlot docile calves reported a higher percentage of Choice and Prime Quality grades. That improvement along with increased gain translated into an economic value difference of $62.19 per head for the docile calves based on a study of over 13,000 beef calves fed at eight Iowa feedlots. Research done by Colorado State University showed more excitable animals had more borderline dark cutters and tougher meat characteristics than animals with calm temperaments. Excitable animals exceeded the food service industry’s acceptable threshold for tenderness 40 percent of the time compared to 13.7% for more docile steers with disposition rankings, using the BIF scoring system, from 1 to 3. On the Ranch: Research performed at Texas A&M showed that after a 168-day grazing period more temperamental calves had reduced growth performance and body composition. Calmer calves in general responded more favorably to vaccinations at weaning, which translates to a higher likelihood of these calves not getting sick or dying once they enter the feedlot or are put in a more stressful situation. Studies in both beef and dairy herds have also shown that calmer cows have higher levels of milk production.

When to Score: The ideal time to score is when the calves are still within their weaning contemporary group. This scoring could take place at branding or at weaning processing or even a short time after weaning when the producer is making the final evaluation of animals prior to them leaving the herd. Scoring at this time gives a better unbiased set of scores across all sires represented in a group of calves.

How to score: Included in this bulletin is the Beef Improvement Federation’s Guidelines for Disposition Scoring. This system is a simple 1 to 6 score where animals that score a 1 are the most docile and a 6 is the most aggressive. A scoring system can be implemented during one of the times calves are brought through the working facilities. Within the guidelines are several cues to differentiate between the levels of scoring. Over time it will be easier to differentiate a 2 versus a 3 and possibly the best advice for the first couple of times you score is to separate the animals into 3 groups: Docile (easy to manage), Nervous and Aggressive. Fine tuning from there makes the task less daunting. One note is that the same person should do all the scoring within a group of calves.

Where to Score: Special facilities are not required to score animals for Disposition. The BIF scoring guidelines are designed to be used in a typical alley/chute type of working facility. Some producers score animals in a wider alley as calves are worked past them, while others score the animals as they’re worked through the alley and are confined in the working chute. Find a system that works best and can be incorporated into whatever management practice that makes sense in your operation.

Recording the data: Currently the CGA Registration application and On-Line Registry Program provide a space for including a Disposition score.

What is the benefit to an individual’s operation for Disposition Scoring? Disposition has shown to be a moderately heritable trait. Producers can make improvement through genetic selection. Since the early days of Gelbvieh genetics being used in North America, the breed has been known for its favorable disposition. Over time Gelbvieh breeders have culled hard on disposition in an effort to retain this favorable trait. However as Gelbvieh guide • Summer 2013 • Page 37

this data has not be collected on a formal basis little information has been collected to identify any genetics that may cause a more negative trend in this trait. Gelbvieh breeders that currently disposition score within their programs comment that it has helped them identify bloodlines that are less docile and eliminate animals that exhibit handling challenges for themselves and their customers. Disposition can also be impacted by management and handling practices. Evaluating animals for disposition may also give the operation an opportunity to evaluate if their current handling practices are consistent with the goal of producing animals with a favorable disposition.

How will the DNA scoring for Disposition impact this trait? Initially the CGA/AGA’s goal is to have contemporary groups of cattle that have been scored for Disposition and have had DNA collected to produce a DNA Breeding Value for this trait as well. Ideally, the DNA should be collected during the same processing sequence so scoring of the animal is not biased by knowledge of the DNA score. Then, using multiple contemporary groups with both DNA values and Dispositions scores the CGA/AGA can move faster towards building an EPD for the Disposition trait. Long term as the DNA technology progresses we may be able to use just the DNA as the means of evaluating animals.

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Beef Improvement Federation Guidelines for Disposition Scoring Score 1 – Docile. Mild disposition. Gentle and easily handled. Stands and moves slowly during processing. Undisturbed, settled, somewhat dull. Does not pull on head gate when in chute. Exits chute calmly. Score 2 – Restless. Quieter than average, but may be stubborn during processing. May try to back out of chute or pull back on head gate. Some flicking of tail. Exits chute promptly. Score 3 – Nervous. Typical temperament is manageable, but nervous and impatient. A moderate amount of struggling, movement and tail flicking. Repeated pushing and pulling on head gate. Exits chute briskly. Score 4 – Flighty (Wild). Jumpy and out of control, quivers and struggles violently. May bellow and froth at the mouth. Continuous tail flicking. Defecates and urinates during processing. Frantically runs fence line and may jump when penned individually. Exhibits long flight distance and exits chute wildly. Score 5 – Aggressive. May be similar to Score 4, but with added aggressive behavior, fearfulness, extreme agitation, and continuous movement which may include jumping and bellowing while in chute. Exits chute frantically and may exhibit attack behavior when handled alone. Score 6 – Very Aggressive. Extremely aggressive temperament. Thrashes about or attacks wildly when confined in small, tight places. Pronounced attack behavior.


ith only the rare occurrence of allergic reactions in cattle, they are not mentioned much in the literature. However today’s modern producers give more in the way of vaccines and antimicrobials. With longer acting products that are only approved subcutaneously or intramuscularly and not intravenously the risk level is elevated. The carrier or base in the products also can cause allergic reactions so you never know when one will arise. The treatment is very effective if given in time so I thought this was an ideal time to raise the whole issue of allergic reactions in the cattle sector. Most commonly allergic reactions come about from the parental administration of products such as vaccines or antibiotics. Less commonly an allergen can be inhaled or taken in orally. The reaction may be local such as can happen with a bee sting where the tissue in a large surrounding area becomes

very swollen. In the cattle industry we are more concerned with the full-blown reaction where eventually the lungs can fill with fluid resulting in pulmonary edema and death. Generally speaking the severe reactions happen within fifteen to twenty minutes of the insult. Clinical signs might include uneasiness, increased respiration and the most noticeable signs can be swollen puffy eyelids and copious amounts of salivation. Bloat and staggering often follows these clinical signs. Signs then can progress to collapse from the lack of oxygen the animal turns blue and dies. It is a good routine to get into, to take a quick look at cattle after processing once they have settled to observe any thing abnormal. If castrating cattle with a knife and covering with penicillin we always observe the pen for two things. Excessive bleeding and any telltale signs of an allergic reaction. It has been my experience with antibiotics if you get one reaction there may be several. Continued on page 30

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here has been a lot of coverage of genomics in the popular press of late. Basically genomics is the study of DNA and how it is expressed in the animal. One of the more popular misconceptions is that DNA will replace data collection. This may or may not be true in the long term, but certainly in the short to medium term the need to collect data is intensified by genomics. In order to investigate what effect DNA is producing in a cattle population we need 2 things. First we need DNA and secondly we need performance data to compare it to. If we are interested in using DNA to figure out growth effects, then we require DNA and growth records; if we are interested in fertility/longevity, then we need DNA and fertility records; if we are interested in carcass or feed efficiency then we need DNA, carcass and feed efficiency records to compare. We also require this information from different breeds for various reasons, most importantly because not all breeds are the same. In other words a Gelbvieh is a Gelbvieh because it has specific characteristics and a Gelbvieh has these characteristics because its’ DNA is different than those cattle that are not Gelbvieh. This means that the same DNA tests may not work in one breed as well as they work in another and that it is important to have DNA and data on Gelbvieh cattle. Current DNA testing technology generally looks at SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms – pronounced “SNIP”) that are ASSOCIATED with a trait, not necessarily the gene for the trait itself. By identifying variations in areas of DNA that result in a change to a trait, we can then take that information and look for changes before the trait is expressed to predict what will happen with greater accuracy. In other words, we use the data to find differences in DNA that occurs whenever a specific phenotypic difference is present. By figuring this out, we can then look for these DNA differences and predict phenotypic differences. For example let’s say that research has identified two SNPs A and B in the Gelbvieh breed. The data shows that in the Gelbvieh population, cows with the A variant wean one more calf on average than those with the B variant. If we then test a weaned bull calf for A and B and he has variant A, we can predict with greater accuracy that his daughters should have more calves in their lifetime. This is before he has even sired a single calf. Another good example would be horned/polled. If we see a piece of DNA appear every time there is a horned calf, we can say that it is associated with horned. If we see a polled animal, but the DNA shows this horned DNA is present, then we know the animal is heterozygous. So how does a breed go about getting this information? DNA testing creates a data “Catch 22”. There is no incentive to pay for DNA testing if the test does not provide immediate useful information, however it is impossible to develop useful tests without a base of DNA. This is where the Genome Canada Project fits in. The project provides a tremendous opportunity for the breed and the industry to step into the DNA world with very minimal cost. The Genome Canada project is assessing the DNA present in several major beef breeds. This involves sequencing the DNA of the 25 most heavily influential bulls in the breed and 5 influential young sires (looking at every piece of DNA from start to finish), performing high density testing on several hundred animals (looking at roughly 770,000 pieces of DNA) and conducting 50K testing on several hundred animals with less influence (looking at roughly 50,000 pieces of DNA).

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This is a huge investment, and the only requirement for Gelbvieh to participate is to provide samples. The breed association already has a significant database of performance and pedigree data, and this provides the missing DNA part of the puzzle. Besides providing a DNA map for the GV breed, the project will also help to identify what we could term “informative SNPs” or pieces of DNA that tell us something or have predictive ability of future offspring performance. The project is also working on a technique called imputation, in which a highly detailed map (sequencing) provides the basis for inferring the DNA of animals tested at a lower density (cheaper) level, thus adding accuracy to the DNA tests at a lower cost. General agreement at this point is that DNA is not going to replace performance testing and EPDs. Instead the opportunity lies in adding DNA information to the EPD calculations to improve predictability of the results. Imagine a yearling bull on which we have as much information as if he had already sired 15 progeny and had 3 or 4 daughters in production. That is where genomics can really shine. Genomics can also provide tremendous advantages in assessing traits that are otherwise difficult and expensive to measure such as feed efficiency. We will still require anchor populations in which we collect

DNA and performance data; however the DNA testing lets us expand that information into the population at a very reasonable cost without physically testing every animal. The Genome Canada Project is actively and aggressively seeking samples on Gelbvieh genetics. The list presented below shows the high priority animals that are slated for sequencing in the project. There are also several hundred other animals on the list for DNA testing/analysis at various levels for which we are seeking DNA. This represents a great opportunity to engage your herd and the breed in the world of genomics with very small investment. If you believe you may have some samples and are interested in contributing samples to the project please contact Sean McGrath. Samples do not need to be frozen. Contact Information: Sean McGrath, Box 3528, Vermilion, AB T9X 2B5 (780)853-9673, There is a time deadline for these bulls to be sequenced, however, high profile bulls shown below will be done at high density (looking at 770,000 pieces of DNA) if they are not received in time for sequencing.

TYPE Ancestor Ancestor Ancestor Ancestor Ancestor Ancestor Ancestor Ancestor Ancestor Ancestor Ancestor Ancestor Ancestor Ancestor Ancestor Ancestor Ancestor Ancestor Ancestor Ancestor Ancestor Ancestor Ancestor Ancestor Ancestor Young bull Young bull Young bull Young bull Young bull


NUMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 2 3 4 5

REGISTRATION CDGV88 CDGV37 AMGV3013 CDGV38968 GEGV70287 CDGV95 CDGV73 CDGV5 CDGV8 CDGV44 CDGV85 CDGV893 CDGV2590 CDGV9624324 CDGV70584 GEGV70020 CDGV18 CDGV127 AMGV756 CDGV70260 CDGV73245 CDGV7108 CDGV10 CDGV1038 CDGV4 CDGV97470 CDGV79007 CDGV75847 CDGV74909 CDGV94481


Gelbvieh guide • Summer 2013 • Page 41

Continued from page 27 There can be a genetic susceptibility in a herd to a specific allergen so if you inject a number of animals and you get one reaction watch very closely for others. Mark down the animal affected especially if a breeding animal as it could reoccur next time and that product needs to be avoided on that animal for sure. In producers treatment kits there should always be a bottle of epinephrine, the universal antidote for allergic reactions. If you never need to use it that is a good thing. The bottle will often get dust covered and expired so check once in a while and replace it as necessary. It will be way too late to go to the neighbors or rush to the veterinary clinic to purchase a bottle. Allergic reactions happen too fast. Even if you have a bottle and it is expired (which is often the case) it can be used in a pinch and may save the life of the animal. Efficacy may be decreased and you may need to use more to get the desired results. The one good thing about allergic reactions is you know right away if the treatment is working. Dosage of epinephrine is one cc per hundred pounds given subcutaneously or intramuscularly (the product comes in the strength of 1mg per ml). One may want to hurry up the process by giving it intravenously but that can cause heart fibrillation. If given this way it is diluted to a 10 percent solution with saline and only ¼ of the dose given. I personally don’t recommend it. If the animal is having difficulty breathing it is fractious so best to give it quicker by the other routes described. I have a tendency to split the dose in two places giving one subcutaneously the other intramuscularly. Clinical signs will begin to decrease within minutes. You are not done yet; as often the dosage may need to be repeated several times as the epinephrine wears off so keep the affected ones under close observation. You want at least an hour after the last treatment before being fully confident the allergic response will not return. Corticosteroids such as dexamethasone may also be prescribed for longer coverage or a diuretic given to remove excess lung fluid. Do all this in consultation with your veterinarian. It is good if he/she is aware of any allergic reactions as several steps may be taken. Often if a product is involved the pharmaceutical manufacturer wants to know about it and check the product. You may be advised not to use the product if there is thought to be the genetic susceptibility I

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talked about. Record the one animal to avoid it in the future and if several animals are involved that product may need to be avoided completely on that ranch. Individual reactions can occur with some products if not approved for intravenous usage and you happen to hit a small arteriole when injecting. This likelihood has been dramatically reduced with most products now approved subcutaneously. If given properly subcutaneously it is almost impossible to hit a big enough vein or artery. With intramuscular products like daily penicillin, it is a good preventative to first place the needle and then attach the syringe with the product. If blood comes bubbling out of the needle it is best to pull it out and place it in another location. I always tell farmers I could induce an allergic reaction every time by giving penicillin intravenously. Our management practices have reduced many individual allergic reactions. Pharmaceutical companies also monitor which carriers and immune stimulators cause more reactions and try and develop effective but less reactive ones. Hopefully you will never have an allergic reaction on your farm. But if you do have epinephrine on hand and labeled, it is cheap insurance and most definitely could save several lives. Make sure and keep the expiry date in mind and replace it when it expires.



he Man-Sask Gelbvieh Association recently sponsored a bull selection worskshop hosted by the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture in Mankota, SK in February,

2013. Local bull breeders representing several different breeds were there, with bulls on display that were used for conformation and ultrasound testing demonstrations. The Gelbvieh breed surpassed all other breeds, with ultrasound data demonstrating the highest levels of intramuscular fat, rib eye area and rib fat. Ultrasound testing was performed by a CUP-certified technician and Gelbvieh bulls were supplied by Davidson Gelbvieh and Lonesome Dove Ranch of Ponteix.

CORF # Scan Date









































* NOTE: Row 5 & 6 demonstrate data from the Gelbvieh bulls

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The 40th Anniversary Gelbvieh buckle was presented in a buyer's draw Connor Creech of the Hill 70 Quantock Ranch at Lloydminster, Alberta.

Average $ 3,702 $ 1,685

Auctioneer: Don Savage Sale Manager: Don Savage Auctions The 13th Annual Saskatoon Gelbvieh Bull & Female Sale was again very successful. With a three-day blizzard across much of western Canada the sale was postponed until the following day, giving everyone a little extra time to dig out through the snow drifts. Cattle presented by Fir River Livestock, Stone Gate Farm and the Davidsons were considered to be some of the best. Due to the blizzard the Davidson cattle did not arrive but were sold by means of sale cattle pictures projected on a screen. Keriness Cattle Company – Airdrie, AB were in attendance and selected two bulls. Their first choice was FIR RIVER RONNY 652Z at $7,000. He is sired by MGF RIG ROCKER and out of a DCC RIKHARDS RED sired dam. Keriness Cattle also selected FIR RIVER HOLMAN 627Z for $4,500 a son of LTC RIDGE STAR HOLMAN and out of a RED ROCK sired dam. Twisted T Gelbvieh – Asquith, SK selected FIR RIVER HUGH 660Z at $4,400. He is a son of EGL PABST and out of a RALLY LOU sired dam. Stone Gate Farm had another good sale in 2013. Bluff Island Stock Farm – Inwood, MB selected STON ZORO 10Z at $5,750. He is a son of SLC MASTER PLAN and out of the STON MISS JULIE cow family. Lorne and Sandi Zentner – Consul, SK chose STON ZEUS 25Z, a son of VV XTRA TIME, for $4,500. V & V Farms – Redcliff, AB chose STON ZANDER 8Z at $4,500. 8Z is a son of CES DECKA OUTBACK and out of a Fir River sires dam. Richard Gamache – Bonnyville, AB selected STON 32Z at $4,400, a son of DES DECKA OUTBACK and out of STON LADY ANTEBELLUM. Hill70 Quantock Ranch – Lloydminster, AB selected STON 7Z for $4,300. 7Z is a son of SLC MASTER PLAN and out of a JBM bred dam.

The Masterfeeds jacket went to the buyer draw winner Clayton Reade from Cando, SK. The jacket was presented by Masterfeeds represenitive Daniel Dueck.

Wade Davidson – Ponteix, SK sold WDE DAVIDSON DYNAMIC 2Z to Jason Ekeberg – Lac La Biche, AB for $5,300. 2Z is a son of DAVIDSON SHOWTIME and out of a DAVIDSON ROMEO sired dam. Gary Tweddle – Harris, SK selected AMD 10Z from Angus and Marlene Davidson for $4,500. AMD 10Z is a son of DAVIDSON SHOWTIME and out of a DAVIDSON SUPREME sired dam. Barry Cloutier – Ponteix, SK selected AMD 11Z also for $4,500. He is a DAVIDSON SHOWTIME son out of a TOP BRASS sired dam.


Average $ 4,020

Auctioneer: Steve Dorran The 20th Annual Severtson Land and Cattle bull sale was held on March 4 at their ranch at Innisfail, Alberta. The high selling bull was SLC Master Plan111Y, a Master Plan 191U son, who sold to Hulburt Livestock of Saskatoon, SK for $7800. Another Master Plan son, SLC Master Plan 176Y, sold to Fladland LivePage 44 • Summer 2013 • Gelbvieh guide

stock of Gladmar, SK for $7500. SLC Outback 89Y, a son of Decka Outback 75S sold to Fir River Livestock of Hudson Bay, SK for $6500. A very large crowd was in attendance and bulls sold into BC, AB and SK.


76 Purebred Yearling Bulls

One of the longest running purebred Gelbvieh Bull sales in North America was held on Saturday, March 2, 2013 as Davidson Gelbvieh & Lonesome Dove Ranch hosted their 24th Annual Bull Sale at their new Sale Barn at the Bull Yards, southwest of Ponteix, SK. A great day and a great crowd made for a fun event! Bulls sold into 4 states and 5 provinces with many bulls selling within one hour from home. The high selling bull sold to repeat buyers Cedar Top Ranch of Nebraska for $11,250. They purchased the 2013 NWSS futurity entry DVE Davidson Jackpot 74Z, a son of Navaho. A Dandy sired son, DVE Davidson Moola 78Z, sold to Flecks in North Dakota for $10,750. M Heart D Gelbvieh of Montana, also repeat buyers, selected DVE Davidson Lucky 7Z for $8200. Brittian

Farms of Falun, Alberta bid $6600 to own a DRT Mambo son, Davidson Bachelor 144Z. Ted & Brian Reed of Gavelbourg, SK purchased 4 bulls including DVE Davidson Handyandy 95Z, another son of Dandy for $6600. Semex purchased a Dandy son, out of a first calf heifer, DVE Davidson Pld Dan 14Z for $6500. Joe & Tracey Kuffner of Glentworth, SK also selected 4 bulls for their commercial cattle program. Volume buyers for the day were long-time repeat customers Hillcrest Colony of Dundurn, SK, who selected 6 new herd sires for their commercial operation. Plans are underway as they anticipate celebrating their 25th Anniversary Bull Sale to be held Saturday, March 1, 2014 at their Bull Yards. Watch for updates!


GLENWOOD, ALBERTA Grossed $62,000

Average $ $2,818

The annual Nelson Gelbvieh Bull sale held on March 23, 2013 saw a good number of Gelbvieh enthusiasts attend. The day was cool but sunny. This year Ben Nish offered some of his bulls for sale. He is a new and young breeder to the industry. High selling bull of the day was DDN 20Z. Riverside Ranches paid $4100 for this dark red and well haired son out of AWB Birch's Iron Man 35X and DDN Belly River Xetera 100X. Monkman Cattle Company then bid $3600 to take a black and friendly 75% son of STON Xplosive 5X and DDN Belly River Future 350N. Riverside Ranches then came back and bought another Iron Man 35X son, DDN 160Z, out of the

VG Valley Kirk 27R daughter DDN Belly River Why Me 9150W for $3500. Ryan Sommerfeld of RPS Gelbvieh bid $3400 to own DDN 116Z, a moderate framed, hairy, and quiet black bull out of RWG Fed-X 0411 mated with DDN Belly River Wanda 9160W who is another Valley Kirk offspring. Rener Farms Ltd. purchased a Nish bull, NSH 16Z for $3300. His sire, DDN Belly River Writer 9112W, was sired by VV Raisin Lou 33R. Volume buyers of the day were Monkman Cattle Company with 5 head and Rener Farms and Riverside Ranches each taking home 3 bulls. Nelson Gelbvieh and the Ben Nish family want to thank everyone who attended the sale and bid on the bulls. Gelbvieh guide • Summer 2013 • Page 45



Bulls Purebred Open Heifers Commercial Open Heifers

Average $3,410 $2,175 $1,238

Sale Manager: Mitchell Marketing Service Reported by: Brian Rogers A great crowd was on hand to witness the return of the annual Prairie Hills Gelbvieh production sale. The Sickler family has built their program on outcross Gelbvieh genetics with performance and style. The sale was held via video auction in the newly built Prairie Hills Gelbvieh sale facility. Topping the sale was Lot 15, PHG Roughneck Z23, a homozygous black, double polled, February 25, 2012 son of DVE Davidson Payday 59W and a PHG Fighting Irish dam. This purebred Gelbvieh bull posted an 86-pound birth weight, with an impressive 801-pound weaning weight. After active bidding, Mark

Hoff of Richardton, N.D., purchased this moderately made, performance-minded bull for $6,250. The second high selling bull was Lot 12, PHG Cash Machine Z06. He is a February 15, 2012, double black, homozygous polled, purebred Gelbvieh bull also sired by DVE Davidson Payday 59W and out of a JBOB Carolina Fortune dam. Dale Anderson of Reserve, Mont., was the winning bidder at $5,500. Prairie Hills Gelbvieh also offered a select group of open replacement heifers. Lot 36, PHG Mighty Girl Z18, was the top selling heifer at $2,750 to Warner Beef Genetics, Beaver City, Neb. This February 23, 2012, red, double polled heifer was sired by PHG Womanizer W24. Cattle sold into five states and Canada. Plans are underway for this summer’s customer appreciation open house to be held August 3, 2013 at Prairie Hills Gelbvieh.



The Beck McCoy Bull Sale was held Feb. 23, 2013 at the Optimum Genetics Sale Facility near Regina, SK. A nice crowd was on hand for the 116 Charolais, Hereford and Gelbvieh bulls on offer. Two top selling Charolais bulls brought $7,000 and both went to Quebec . A popular set of flush siblings resulted in the high selling Hereford bull. He sold for $9,000 to Bruce Hardy

of Midale, SK. The top selling Gelbvieh bull was ZTM 226X Voltage 85Z. He was purchased by Thackeray Gelbvieh Farms of Weyburn, SK. The Beck and Nicholas families would like to thank their bidders and buyers for making the day a success.



Bulls Heifers

Average $ 2,887 $ 2,028

Auctioneer: Don Savage Sale Manager: Don Savage Auctions Twin Bridge Farms Ltd. along with Jen-Ty Gelbvieh and Keriness Cattle Company offered outstanding Gelbvieh genetics at their second event with the addition of open heifers in this year’s sale. Jim and Anita Soroka – Edgewood, BC selected their bull SA 77Z for $4,600. SA 77Z is a son of VV TIREE 150T and out of a top producing dam sired by VV MEGALITH 26M. Also selling for $4,600 was AWB 29Z selling to Lauren Spreeman – Olds, AB. AWB 29Z is a black son of SPUR BERETTA Page 46 • Summer 2013 • Gelbvieh guide

and out of a SLC HEAD START sired dam. Double J L Gelbvieh, Jim and Judy Lawes – Dinsmore, SK selected their next herd sire, DL 22Z for $4,400, from Jen-Ty Gelbvieh. He is sired by DEG TRENT 480T and out of a DL JEN-TY QUARTERBACK sired dam. Lon Carlson – Magrath, AB chose to add into his herd AWB 151Z for $4,000. 151Z is a son of Owen Birch’s RICO and out of a RJD sired dam. There was a good group of heifers offered. Topping this division was JOE 429Z from Joe Ness selling to Towerview Ranch – Medicine Hat, AB for $3,100. V & V Farms – Redcliff, AB selected SA 75Z for $2,600 and Foursquare Gelbvieh – Carstairs, AB selected SA 76Z at $2,400.



Purebred Bulls Purebred Heifers

Average $ 3,530 $ 2,077

Auctioneer: Don Savage Sale Manager: Don Savage Auctions V & V Farms, Vern and Vivienne Pancoast along with their guest consignor, Towerview Ranch, Gary and Judy Pahl and family presented an excellent set of top quality consistent bulls for their 12th Annual Sale with a number of repeat customers in attendance. Cattle sold into five provinces. Flatland Ranch of Hanna, AB selected the high selling bull of the day, VV 74Z for $5,500. He is a son of FIR RIVER RANALDO and out of a DTJ bred dam. Beamish Land and Cattle, Jarvie, AB, repeat customers, selected VV 128Z for $5,000. VV 128Z is a son of VV XTRA SUGAR PLEASE 76X and out of a VV SECOND EDITION 116S sired dam. Lorne and Sandi Zentner from Consul, SK were active bidders throughout the day selecting a number of lots including VV 110Z for $5,000. 110Z is a Balancer son of BTI EXTRA 2016K with loads of depth and performance.

W L Farms, Hanna, AB selected VV 44Z at $4,800 for their purebred program. VV 44Z is a son of JD PD ASTRO and out of a JRI HEAVY EQUIPMENT sired dam. Dar-Lin Ranching Ltd. of Youngstown, AB chose a number of top bulls including TVR 219Z for $4,200 from Towerview Ranch. 219Z is a son of COLB MR XAVIER and out of a DOUBLE INFUSION sired dam. V & V Farms sold a number of top quality open purebred heifers. Leading off this group was VV 48Z selling to Fir River Livestock of Hudson Bay, SK for $3,800. Ian Thackeray, Weyburn, SK selected VV 261Z at $3,600; Alan and Gail Richardson, Elm Creek, MB selected VV 103Z at $2,700 and Twin Bridge Farms selected VV 159Z at $2,500. V & V Farms will be donating the proceeds of the sale of VV 12Z to the Canadian Gelbvieh Association. She was purchased by Jonus Cattle, Calgary, AB Watch for details on V & V Farms upcoming fall and spring sales.


Average $3,579

A large crowd was in attendance for the 11th anual Prairie Gelbvieh Alliance Bull Sale held at Johnstone Auction in Moose Jaw, SK. on April 6, 2013. Bulls were consigned Thackery Gelbvieh, Selin Gelbvieh and Fladeland Livestock and sold to new and repeat buyers throughout the prairies. Fladeland Livestock - The Silent Stan 20S sons were once again in high demand. Fladeland Cananova 160Z sold to Kary Farms, Olds, AB for $10,500 and Fladeland DJW Hurricane 143Z who was purchased by Nelson Gelbvieh and Royal Western Gelbvieh for $10,250. Repeat buyer Brian Petruic took home two powerful bulls, Fladeland Rob Zombie 20Z for $6500 and Fladeland Tuco 110Z $5000. Alvin and Kitona Gibson purchased two high performance bulls Fladeland Sniper 37Z a Stan son for $4250 and Fladeland Iceman 64Z a Tex son for $4500. Long time repeat buyer Kevin Staples purchased Fladeland Backdraft 6Z, an Astro son for $4100. Fladeland blacks bulls also sold stong with Vale Country Ranch selecting a Fladeland Axel 27X son, Fladeland Zoro 47Z for

$6000 and Davidson Gelbvieh paid $6000 for a V V Udell 185U son, Fladeland Chipolte 68Z. The volume buyers for Fladeland Livestock were Bruce and Colin Montgomery who selected three bulls, and Gary Gorzo also purchased three bulls. Larry and Sheila Fishley bought two bulls, Gerald and Susan Antosh bought two bulls as did Brian and Iris Polley. Selen's Gelbviehs - RPS Gelbvieh selected the very well made 41cm bull, WRS Zoom Boom 19Z for $3500. J D Cattle Co. took home WRS Chiller42Z and WRS Fargo 54Z for $3400 and$2000. Back again this year was Vale Country Ranch who selected WRS Black Bizz 21Z for $2500. Thackeray Gelbvieh Farms - Brennan Zackerson, Tribune, SK purchased a new herdsire for $3500 and Neil and Darla Heaton, Kipling, SK. purchased their new bull for $3200. Both are repeat buyers of Thackeray genetics.

Gelbvieh guide • Summer 2013 • Page 47


Sale average

A good crowd was on hand for the Gelbvieh Advantage Bull Sale. The lead off bull, EV Thick Bugger30Z, was purchased by Tim Unger, Millet, AB for $9,000 on behalf of a group that wanted a piece of this thick fellow. EV Red 5X, sold to HMR

Gelbvieh of Yellowhead County and Luc Laroche of Chesterville , Quebec for $6250. Darlyn Ranches and Norman Boe each took home a pair of Brttain Bulls and were the volume buyers of the sale.



Gelbvieh Yearling Bulls

Average $3,935

Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Management: T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd. A large crowd was on hand for the 9th annual “Best of the Breeds” bull sale. Bulls sold to all three prairie provinces. The Gelbvieh high seller was BLB 12Z, a thick, dark red son of Fir River Legacy 64L and BBB Maureen 107M, selling a 50% interest to V&V Farms, Redcliff, Alberta for $5000. Runner up bidder, Tim Berscheid of The Pas, Manitoba, then selected BLB 34Z a powerful son of BLB 21P and Flad 105 U for $4000. BLB 5Z, a powerful BLB 21P son out of a Stacker daughter sold to Dave and Gerald Dyke, Grenfell, Saskatchewan for $4900. Jason Eckel selected BLB 4Z, a strong Wrocker son for $3750 and Vale country Ranch selected BLB 17Z, a son of RPS 82U for their herd. A big thanks goes out to all the buyers and bidders for their support to make this a very successful sale. Our 10th annual sale will be held March 30, 2014.

Auctioneers / Sales Management


STON Xplosive 5X

BLB Goodview Pld Stacker 16X

JDPD Astro 407S

JRI Home Brew 213W67 ET OHF Pld Titan 59T

VV Western Chronicle 66W

RPS Exquisite 15X

CK Hustler 17T

VV Ubet On Me 160U

ULL Head Starter 25U

DVE Davidson Tex 106W

ZTM McCoy 301P Trademark 29T COLB Mr Xavier X812

DVE Davidson Pld Dandy 75S

108 Flett Drive Airdrie, Alberta T4B 1N2 Phone: 403/948-3520 Fax: 403/948-2917 email:

• Auctioneering • Sales Management Page 48 • Summer 2013 • Gelbvieh guide

DCJ Dry Coulee Jake 30U

WRS Silent Stan 20S

FLAD Axel 27X


British Columbia

PO Box 53, Tatla Lake BC, V0L 1V0 ph 250 476-1221 cell 250 709-8625 email:


The Official Publication of B.C. Cattlemen’s Association #4, 10145 Dallas Rd., Kamloops, B.C. V2C 6T4

Subscriptions: 1 yr.-$24.00 (GST included) Bob Somers Telephone: 604-732-8394 Cel: 778-938-8393



Barry & Robin Mader Tel: 250.577.3486

Fullblood • Purebred • Hybrid Bulls • Females

B. & R. Ranch

RR #1, 2108 Duck Range Rd. Pritchard, BC V0E 2P0 (1/2 hour east of Kamloops)

Email: b&


Brittain Farms Kelly & Coleen Brittain Gary & Nicole Phone: 780-352-0676 Cell: 780-387-6446 RR #1, Falun, AB T0C 1H0


Purebred & Percentage

Gelbvieh Cattle Cattle

Darrell & Leila Hickman

RR#2, Vermilion, AB T9X 1Y7 Ph/Fax: 780-581-0077 Heather Barr

Phone (403) 337-0052 Cell (780) 853-7067 Fax (403) 337-0052 Head Office: (780) 447-3276 Suite 302, 13220 St. Albert Trail, Edmonton, Alberta T5L 4W1 Transit Livestock Mortality Equine


British Columbia

Commercial Cow/Calf Pine Hill Ralph & Ulla Hogberg 21 Miles West of Dawson Creek on Hart Hwy. Ph: (250) 843-7230 2-1/4 Miles South on Rd. 259 Glenn, Ann, Jason, Progress, BC V0C 2E0 & Annette Hogberg E-mail: Canada Ph: (250) 843-7653



RON & GAIL ANDERSON Phone (780) 523-2116 Fax: (780) 523-3920

Box 1342 High Prairie, Alberta Canada , T0G 1E0

THIS COULD BE YOUR SPOT!! Call the CGA office today to book your yearly business card ad today. Gelbvieh guide • Summer 2013 • Page 49

BUSINESS DIRECTORY Alberta Gelbvieh Breeders

Commercial & Purebred

Vern & Vivienne Pancoast 403-548-6678


Box 37, Redcliff, AB T0J 2P0 Fax: 403-548-6955

Purebred Gelbvieh Ray & Anne Davisson

Box 764, Stettler, AB T0C 2L0

(403) 742-2524

Rodney & Tanya Hollman Site 8, Box 25, RR#4, Innisfail, AB T4G 1T9 PH:(403) 754-5499 Cell:(403) 588-8620 Fax:(403) 886-2813

Duane & Darrell Nelson Box 1144, Glenwood, Alberta T0K 2R0 Duane (403) 626-3279 • Darrell (403) 626-3643

“Raising Gelbvieh Cattle Since 1972!”

Home of 18 Dams of Merit and 5 Dams of Distinction


Black & Tan Purebred & Commercial Gelbvieh Cattle Larry, Lynne, Kate & Sarah FECHO

Don & Lorna Okell Box 627 Duchess, AB T0J 0Z0 403-378-4898 403-793-4549

Phone: (780) 954-2285 Fax: (780) 954-2671 Cell: (780) 307-4842 Box 67, Jarvie, AB T0G 1H0

RR #2 Millet, AB T0C 1Z0 Phone: (780) 986-9705 Cell: (780) 718-5477



PH (780)835-2645 (780) 835-0365




Bulls & Females for Sale • Purebreds and Fullbloods

Wayne & Lois Selin

Box 97, Stockholm, Saskatchewan S0A 3Y0

(306) 793-4568

Page 50 • Summer 2013 • Gelbvieh guide


Raymond & Pauline Sommerfeld Ryan & Michelle Sommerfeld Medstead, SK Phone: 306.342.4490 Phone: 306.342.2136

Fi r River Livestock

COMMERCIAL GELBVIEH 3 PUREBRED year old AND Purebred Gelbvieh bull, DARCY HREBENIUK (306) 865-2929 performance tested, his prime DAVE HREBENIUK (306)in 865-3698 BOx and ready to go.379Open yearling HUDSON BAY SK S0E 0Y0 heifers, polled and horned, ready

Maple Grove Gelbvieh McCoy Cattle Co. Thackeray Gelbvieh Farms Hurlburt Livestock Selin's Gelbvieh

(204) 278-3255 Narcisse, MB (306) 436-2086 Milestone, SK (306) 456-2555 Weyburn, SK (306) 931-2551 Saskatoon, SK (306) 793-4568 Stockholm, SK


The Wirgau’s

Box 25, Narcisse, MB R0C 2H0

Neal & Christine Lee & Cynthia (204) 981-5996 (204) 278-3255 World Class Cattle - First Class Service

GOFFLOT BAR 2 RANCH Daryl & Janice Thoreson Box 7, Site 1, Cabri, Sask. S0N 0J0 Ph: (306) 587-2874 • Polled Purebred Bulls & Heifers For Sale by Private Treaty

Camile & Judy Gofflot

R.R. #1, Pipestone, MB, Ph: (204) 854-2530

Polled Fullblood & Purebred Gelbvieh Bulls & Purebred Gelbvieh Heifers For Sale!


Knudson Farms Gelbvieh “Breeding for Quality Polled Gelbvieh With the Commercial Man in Mind”

c/o James Knudson Ph/Fax: 306-322-4682




Box 386, Archerwill, SK S0E 0B0

Glynn Waterton R.R. #8, Owen Sound ON. N4K 5W4 Tel/Fax: (519) 376-8413

Gelbvieh guide • Summer 2013 • Page 51

COMING EVENTS A Complimentary Service Provided by the Canadian Gelbvieh Association June 15 - Canadian Junior Gelbvieh Scholarship Application Deadline. Contact the CGA office for more details. June 25 – 26 – 6th Annual T Bar Invitational Golf Tournament, Dakota Dunes Golf Links, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. June 29 to July 5 – AGJA Northern Lights Classic, Rochester, Minnesota. July 1 - Canadian Western Agribition Scholarship Deadline. July 27 – Davidson Gelbvieh & Lonesome Dove Ranch Customer Appreciation and Open House and Private Treaty Heifer Sale, Ponteix SK. August 3 – Prairie Hills Gelbvieh Open House, at the ranch, Gladstone, North Dakota. August 10 – GAA/BC Field Day hosted by Royal Western Gelbvieh - Rodney & Tanya Hollman and BNH Gelbvieh – Brad & Nicole Hollman, Innisfail, AB. September 1 - Advertising Deadline for the Fall “Commercial” issue of the Gelbvieh Guide magazine, September 1 – Man-Sask Gelbvieh Association Commercial/Purebred Breeder of the Year Nomination Deadline. October 1 - Entry Deadline for Farmfair International, Edmonton, Alberta. October 15 - Entry Deadline for Canadian Gelbvieh Association Junior High Point Programs (4-H & Open). October 20 – Deadline for DNA samples from potential Canadian People’s Choice Bull Futurity Entries to be in the Canadian Gelbvieh Association office. October 22 – 23 – Livestock Gentec 4th Annual Conference, Edmonton, Alberta.

October 23 - Pre-Sort Gelbvieh Cross Calf Sale, Medicine Hat Feeding Co., Medicine Hat, Alberta 403-526-3129, 403-5026417. October 24 - pre-Sort Gelbvieh Cross Satellite Calf Sale, Heartland Livestock Yard, Swift Current, Saskatchewan, 306-773-3174 November 1 – Canadian People’s Choice Bull Futurity Nomination Deadline. November 6 – Canadian Gelbvieh Association Annual General Meeting, Northlands Park, Edmonton, Alberta. November 7 – Canadian National Gelbvieh & Balancer Show, Farmfair International, Edmonton, Alberta. November 13 - Gelbvieh Show, Canadian Western Agribition, Regina, Saskatchewan. November 14 - Man-Sask Gelbvieh Sweetheart Classic, Canadian Western Agribition, Regina, Saskatchewan. November 14 – Agribition Gelbvieh Sale, Regina, Saskatchewan. November 15 – Canadian People’s Choice Bull Futurity Bull Substitution Deadline. November 23 – V & V Farms Share the Herd Sale, at the farm, Redcliff, Alberta. December 1 - Gelbvieh Guide Photo Contest Deadline. November 29 - 30 - GAA/BC Wish List (Canadian National) Sale, Canadian People’s Choice Bull Futurity & Commercial Pen Show, Ponoka, Alberta. November 30 – Maternal Edge Gelbvieh Influenced Female Sale, VJV Auction, Ponoka, Alberta. December 1 – Gelbvieh Guide Photo Contest Entry Deadline. January 3, 2014 - Advertising Deadline for the Spring “Herd Sires” issue of the Gelbvieh Guide magazine.

The 2013 Board of Directors of the Canadian Beef Breeds Council

Front l-r: Doug Fee, Executive Director; David Bolduc, President; Garner Deobald,Vice President; Byron Templeton, Past President. Back l-r: Directors, Gary Smith, Gordon Stephenson, Rod Remin, Wendy Belcher, Rob Smith and Roger Peters.

Page 52 • Summer 2013 • Gelbvieh guide

ADVERTISERS INDEX Alberta Dodge Dealers Bar GR


Beamish Land & Cattle


Beef In BC



Bow Valley Genetics Ltd. 49 Brittain Farms 49 Canadian Farm Insurance Corp. 49 Canadian People’s Choice Bull Futurity 14 Circle T Ranch 51 Crest View Farms 51 Dane Ranch 49 Davidson, Wade 27 Davidson Gelbvieh OBC Dayspring Cattle 9, 49 Delta Genomics 17 Eyot Valley 50 Fir River Livestock 19, 51

Fladeland Livestock Foursquare Gelbvieh

4, 51 49

GAA/GC Field Day Gelbvieh World Gentec Gofflot Bar 2 Ranch Goodview Gelbvieh GSW Gelbvieh Hogberg Ranch Jen-Ty Gelbvieh JSJ Gelbvieh Keriness Cattle Co. Knudson Farms LC Ranch Lonesome Dove Ranch Mader, Barry & Robin Maple Grove Gelbvieh McCoy Farms

Advertising Content The Gelbvieh Guide assumes no responsibility for the accuracy and truthfulness of submitted advertising copy, and has the right to refuse any ad copy or photos. Advertisers shall indemnify and hold harmless the Guide containing pedigrees or statements regarding performance must conform to records kept by the Canadian Gelbvieh Association. Copy deviating from official records may be changed as necessary without advertiser consent. Editorial Policy Opinions expressed are the writer’s and not necessarily those of Gelbvieh Guide or the Canadian Gelbvieh Association. Photographs are welcome, but no responsibility is assumed during transit or while in the office.

31 49 20 51 51 51 49 50 51 50 51 50 OBC 49 51 3, 51


Gaylene Groeneveld Phone: (403) 250-8640 Fax: (403) 291-5624 Email: (Gaylene)


Prairie Gelbvieh Alliance Prairie Hills Gelbvieh


50 21

RPS Gelbvieh 51 Royal Western Gelbvieh 50 Savage, Don 48 Selin’s Gelbvieh 50 Severtson Land & Cattle IFC,23 Rocky Top Gelbvieh 50 Stockmans Insurance 49 Stone Gate Farm 49 T-C 15, 26, 31, 60 Twin Bridge Farms 24, 50 Twisted T Gelbvieh 50 V&V Farms. 50, IBC Winders Golden Gelbvieh 50

Member Advertising Rates Please send ads and make cheques payable to :

The Canadian Gelbvieh Association Full Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$850.00 Half Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$500.00 Quarter Page . . . . . . . . . . . .$300.00 Business Card . . . . . . . . . . . .$50.00 Classified (25 words) . . . . . . .$20.00 Contact the CGA to book advertising space or for rates on overruns, inserts, catalogues & mailing lists.

Publisher’s Statement: All statements, including product claims, are those of the person or organization making the statement or claim. The publisher does not adopt any such statement or claim as its own, and any such statement or claim does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publisher.

Electronic Composition

Printed by: Westernlitho Printers

Kim Matthews

Regina, SK, Canada Mailed under permit number 40012883 Postage paid at Calgary, AB Canadian Publication Agreement Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: Canadian Gelbvieh Association 5160 Skyline Way NE, Calgary AB T2E 6V1

Milne’s Gelbvieh Nelson Gelbvieh

Box 19, Site 5 RR#2, Olds, Alberta T4H 1P3

(403) 556-8836 (403) 556-8077 (Kim)

Gelbvieh guide • Summer 2013 • Page 53

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