Bring on the late fall and winter sales. This train is rolling, and it is super exciting to be involved with! Since I wrote my last one of these, I have assisted with the sale of more than $315MM in auction sales (cows, cars, horses, and machines) and it has been amazing I have to say. Sadly, for me, not enough of that stayed in my account to keep us from hustling to produce another issue, but it has been a darn exciting few weeks and I feel obliged to report part of what I have observed from ringside. Good cows are in high demand and short supply; there simply are not enough of them. In late September I helped with the Cattlemen for Cattlemen Sale in Zanesville, OH. Matt Brown and friends presented a well-prepared offering of Angus and Simmental cows and heifers, and they averaged more than $850/head more than they did a year ago despite the relative drought in that region. And we could have sold several more. That is just one example.
People love to show cattle, and they love to have some help. This was evident in the Kastel & Friends Sale in Hudson, xichigan that was a very
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happy show of support for what Josh & Michelle do and the team they have built. Their sale was wild! They experienced new records for highest priced individuals, average, and gross plus the giant crowd stayed until the end of a long auction. Grass is cash. Inventory is King. The cattle have been high in the dryer regions, but they are spicier in the areas that have more hay and grass, considerably, regardless of breed. At the first Bucksnort Angus Sale in middle Tennessee, the cattle averaged $7960. The next day in east Tennessee, we had an excellent Burns Beef Bull Sale but the commercial heifer sale was amazing. Commercial heifers – black, smoke, and Hereford straight off grass - due in the spring to multiple sires brought up to $4,000! They were turning in groups at $33-3500! Again, we could have sold several more loads if we had them.
I cannot wait to see what is next and I hope you get to benefit. Let the good times roll! Buy. Sell. Be Happy.
Craig Reiter Publisher