THE PrimeTIMES — SEPTEMBER 2022— PAGE 1 Volume 3, Number 2 • SEPTEMBER 2022 Visit us at PRIMETIMEAGRIMARKETING.COM ©PrimeTime AgriMarketing Network, Inc. PrimeTIMESLivestockThe and Agri-News That Matters to You Since 1991 Start Feeding Your Champion Today! (888) 771-1250 • OWN OUR BEST IN THESE TWO COMING SALES: SEPT 28 - THE EARLY OPPORTUNITY SALE NOV 26 - THE RIGHT BY DESIGN SALE STOP IN SOON TO SEE WHAT’S COMING! 2022 AJSA National Classic RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION PUREBRED Shown by Chloe Clark - Berwick x Serena 74Y Raised by King Cattle, IN 2022 South Dakota Summer Spotlight SUPREME CHAMPION Berwick x Serena D74 - Shown by Kai Thomsen Raised here and sold by Schrag/Nikkel 2022 Simmental Breeders’ Sweepstakes GRAND CHAMPION PERCENTAGE Blacklist x Serena 74Y - Shown by Mercedes Ferree Raised here and sold with David Smith 2022 Simmental Breeders’ Sweepstakes RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION Berwick x Serena 74Y - Shown by Camryn Clapp Raised here with The Farmer Group Reserve your catalog now at or contact the marketing agents at 877.800.9230 2022 Southwest Ohio Breeders Fall Sale October 24th Hosted By SC Online Sales Consignments Welcome! Call Erin Horst, 740-517-1427 or Glenna Duvelius 513-288-6991 FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK SOUTHWEST OHIO BREEDER SALE

PAGE 2 — SEPTEMBER 2022 — THE PrimeTIMES No One Sells a Better Selection at a Better Price than Us! I Am Here Here I Am Chosen 1 Wingman W/C Bet On Red 24 Karat Ultimate calving ease, maternal & profile! coolImprovingdesignandvalue!Red & right! Winning Show Steers & Heifers FOR PRIVATELYSALE SALES BEGIN SEPT 1 ON THE FARM STOP IN ANYTIME BUT DON’T WAIT! THEY SELL! BRED HERE! SHOWN BY MAIN/TOLLE/SCHAEFER BRED HERE! SHOWN BY WINEGARDNER SHOW CATTLE BRED HERE! SHOWN BY MADILYN NORVELL Congratulations to these and more winners from our 2021 crop! Located between I-70 and US 4010 minutes from the OH/IN border www.MoorMansShowTec.com800-217-2007AN_ShowFeedHelp@adm.comSHOW FEED SPECIALIST Krisha Geffert – 307-760-0327
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THE PrimeTIMES — SEPTEMBER 2022— PAGE 3 “Join Us!”“Join Us!” MORE PEOPLE ONLINE, MORE FOR YOUR MONEY! Call or email today for more info. Broadcasting some of the countryʼs top sale events! Gold Winner Dillon Shiess Blackhawk East College Kennedy Hobbs Texas A&M University Lyric Waugh Texas Tech University To apply for a 2023 award please visit and apply before June 1. Brought to you by the parters at DONORS UNLIMITED and the families of BRENT BEITLESPACHER, LOGAN RAU, and NICK REIMANN. THANK YOU to our many donors in 2022. A portion of every purchase made in a Donors Unlimited event supports this fund and, without your support, these awards would not be possible. To date, more than $62,000 has been awarded to students in need. MOVING FORWARD BUT REMEMBERING FONDLY. 605/806 Learn more at or call the fund administrators at 877.800.9230. CONGRATULATIONS to these winners for their scholastic and extracurricular excellence. The 605/806 Memorial Fund is proud to assist these future agricultural leaders as they pursue their dreams. 605_806.qxp_Layout 1 8/22/22 1:46 PM Page 1 2022 SAN ANGELO STOCK SHOW GRAND CHAMPION STEER SHOWN BY ANNISTON PATSCHKE - SOLD BY NEWMAN/BONHAM RAISED BY MIMMS FULL SIBS SELL 2021 TULSA STATE FAIR GRAND CHAMPION STEER SHOWN BY LANEY LAWSON SOLD BY BONHAM RAISED BY MIMMS 2022 ARIZONA NATIONALSHOWNSMOKECHAMPIONSTEERBYELIZABETHNORWOOD-SOLDBYSHIRLEYCATTLERAISEDBYMIMMSFULLSIBSSELL 2022STOCKSANDHILLSSHOW RESERVE POLLED STEER SHOWN BY RYDER DAY RAISED BY SHIRLEY CATTLE DAM SOLD AS LOT 97 IN OUR 2021 SALE 2022 West Virginia State Fair RESERVE GRANDFEEDERCHAMPIONSTEER 2021 West Virginia State Fair GRAND FEEDERCHAMPIONSTEER

PAGE 4 — SEPTEMBER 2022 — THE PrimeTIMES CARDINAL CATTLE COMPANY J. Riley, Owner Jeff Wisnefski, Manager: Lucas815/274-3860Wisnefski, 309/883-3971 PO Box 305 - Perrysburg, OH 877.800.9230 - toll free 419.350.9159 - mobile For more information or to request auction information visit or call the marketing agents at: YOUNGDALE HONOUR 16H Angus Bull #20373212 Total Angus outcross blood with calving ease, maternal power, and quality CARDINAL WARRANTY 901J Angus Bull #20198682 The $52,000 calving ease and $M specialist from one of our best first calvers SEMEN AVAILABLE FROM THESE AND OTHER CARDINAL SIRES Visit or call 309/883-3971 Plan to Attend: THE PROGRAM FEMALEDecemberSALE10 THE PROGRAM BULLFebruarySALE4 MAINES WANTED! SAT., MARCH 18, 2023 Entry Deadline: January 31, 2023 Entries are limited! Get your best cattle entered now! Entry forms are available online andSponsoredwww.primetimeagrimarketing.comatbyOhioMaine-AnjouAssociationPRIMETIMEAGRIMARKETINGNETWORKCraigM.Reiter,SaleManagerPOBox305-PerrysburgOhio43552877.800.9230419.350.9159, CODY FOOR SPENCER GOETTEMOELLER SPENCER GOETTEMOELLER ADDIE FOOR HAILEY DEAN LOGAN KING KANZLER FAMILY KAILI MILLS JETT MOORE GAGE FARRAR SPENCER GOETTEMOELLER RODALYN DUNHAM THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20 - 7:30 PM Selling 15 Outstanding 18-month-old Bulls from Elite Dams Tremendous Power, Versatility & Value ON DISPLAY NOW - STOP IN or CALL Get everything you need to sort, bid, buy, pay, and deliver at DONORSUNLIMITED.COM MimmsCompanyCattle Mike Mimms, DVM & 1.806.344.5016Family Auction Manager: PrimeTIME, Inc Craig Reiter: 1.419.350.9159 Out There x Donor 369 Now working for Hale Cattle, Miami, TX Carpe Diem x BR Moler Now working for Patin Cattle, Bulverde, TX

#2: Have You Told ‘Em? Do your customers know that you have items to sell? Have you advertised? Even if you have been around awhile you still need to let people know if you want them to come and buy. If you want new customers, you must advertise. If you want old customers, you must advertise. Do it yourself or let us help, but you must do it. #3 Have You Checked On ‘Em? You need to stay in touch with customers if you want them to stick - not all the time, but at least some of the time. Over the years it has always amazed me how little communication often occurs between livestock sellers and buyers. Conversely, all you do is surf the Nike website one time and they’ll then blanket you with emails and other ads for months. A little customer communication can go a long way. So…now all you need to do is get them healthy, hairy, broke, and shiny; super simple as you know. Enjoy the process. I think it’s going to go great. Buy. Sell. Be Happy.
#1: Have You Got ‘Em? How is your inventory? This can mean different things. You do not need 100 to get people to pay attention – sometimes all it takes is that 1 special 1 – but your odds are better when you have enough stock to give customers options. How is your quality? Nothing beats quality when it comes to selling stock, or really anything. Take a good, hard look at your products and ask the hard questions. If you like them then proceed to the next question. Are they ready to sell? No reason to sell them before they are ripe - even if your neighbors are. The time to sell for best returns is different for every outfit. Think about when you like your calves the best, that’s the time to offer them for sale. Are you pushing the right product to the right audience? Whether you realizee it or not, most of your customers will live close to you. Knowing that, are you offering the right options for them age and breed wise?
THE PrimeTIMES — SEPTEMBER 2022— PAGE 5 $10,000 Lot 10 in 2021 to Cooksey Farms, OH BISMARCK X MONOPOLY $10,500 Lot 26 in 2021 to Schlabach Farms, OH PRIMO X SH ANNIE LU 6087 $15,500 Lot 38 in 2021 to Archer Cattle, PA HALFTIME X BROKER X HAIRIETTA $10,500 Lot 63 in 2021 to Blind Badger Ranch, CO DATABANK X WHO DA MAN $26,000 Lot 86A in 2021 to Bird Cattle, TX DADDY’S MONEY X DLB MISS WHISKEY 2T $10,000 Lot 88 in 2021 to Watson Cattle, OH NO LIMIT X WHO DA MAN Fall Bull Sale October 12 OMAHA, ARKANSAS The Cowman's Kind READY TO WORK “Red State" - Sold to Mimms Cattle, TX in 2021 Bid in-person or via your mobile device or PC at 1.866.419.6279 For more information: Jake Fowler: 870/715-8038 Selling 30 Bulls Red Angus - MaineTainer - SimAngus 18 mos and Yearlings REITER’S BLOCK 2022SEPTEMBER Craig Reiter, Publisher Get ‘Em Sold! It’s September and for spring-calving herds that means it’s calf-selling time, always a fun but challenging time. Having done this for a long time for lots of folks, we get plenty of questions each year about the best ways to approach calf sales: What is the best way? How can I sell them the fastest? How do I get the most for them? How do I get people to come to see what I have? It seems like the answers and the process can be complicated but, in fact, it really boils down to three basics.

PAGE 6 — SEPTEMBER 2022 — THE PrimeTIMES Chippewa Valley Angus Farms Rod Ferguson 330-697-7537 | Matthew Brown 330-383-1516 | Matthew Horst 330-464-8243 Hopkins Simmentals Stan Hopkins 740-962-5288 | Heil Farms Adam Heil 740-819-6839 | Brady Clemens 740-605-6347 VanHorn Farms Josh VanHorn 740-607-1074 | Tybenal Farm Allen Shockling 740-509-8499 | 1840 Angus Farm Ross Cockrall 330-347-8081 Request your sale catalog today! Email: or Call: Matt Brown 330-383-1516 CattlemenCattlemen FOR SELLING 65 BRED FEMALES ANGUS | SIMANGUS | SIMMENTAL SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 2022 6:30 PM | ZANESVILLE, OH MUSKINGUM LIVESTOCK Bid Online!LiveAuctions TV 1034 / ANGUS S A V President 6847 x Connealy Consensus 7229 Bred to DMCC/WOOD Fully Loaded 39D Request Your Catalog Today! 1023 / ANGUS Tehama Tahoe B767 x Connealy Thunder 596B Bred to Tehama Patriarch F028 Wayview Confidence B160-9180 x EXAR Upshot 0562B Bred to Wayview Irish 7131 1125 7030 / ANGUS 6J / 1/4 SM 3/4 AN Connealy Comrade 1385 x Mytty In Focus Due early September with a heifer calf by DMCC/WOOD Fully Loaded 39D E78 / PB SM Hook’s Broadway x CNS Dream On Bred to Northern Improvement 4480 8120 / ANGUS Q A S Traveler 23-4 x S A V 8180 Traveler 004 Bred to Doc Ryan 9115 / ANGUS SAC Conversation x Coleman Regis 904 Bred to SJF Payroll FOR CATALOGS AND INFORMATION: John Ferguson 440-478-0782 Lindsey Rowland 440-478-0503 FERGUSONSHOWCATTLE.COM Follow us on Facebook and Instagram RARE 10 High End Show Prospects With Jr Incentives 40 Breds All AI`d With Sexed Semen 5 Strong Aged Bulls Ready To Breed Sexed Pregnancies From Top Donors Herd Building Genetic Lots Vintage SALE September 24TH JEFFERSON, OHIO I f the answer to any of these questions is “ yes ” call Pr imeT IME today and let us make your world a better place! We can fill all orders from that 1 special donor to 100 herdbuilders and the results of our past selections are proven in our customers ’ pastures and appreciative smiles! W hy waste your time and money roaming the countr yside? Instead, call Pr imeT IME we ’ ll find them and have them delivered to your doorstep Problem solved Call Today No Obligation Genetic Consultation, Free Pr icing , Hu ge Selection, Many Breeds Availa ble S how Heifers? S how S teers? Bred Females? Bulls? Rec ipient Females?Frozen Embr yos? PO Box 305 | Perr ysburg Ohio USA 43552 877 800 9230 voice 567 336 6170 facsimile 419 350 9159 mobile primetimeagrimarketing com DoYouNeed.qxp_Layout 1 10/19/20 7:56 PM Page 1