2 minute read
Andrew Martinez & Christina Brass - Pueblo of Nambe
Brook Kristovich & Kevin Esquibel - Santo Domingo Pueblo
David Burnell - Pinnacle Bank
Floyd Tortalita - Pueblo of Acoma
Francisco Simbana - Pueblo of Santa Clara
Lauren Van Schilfgaarde - San Manuel Band of Mission Indians Tribal Legal Development Clinic Director at UCLA School of Law
Marcus Lopez - Pueblo of Nambe
Randall Akee - Assistant Professor in the Department of Public Policy and American Indian Studies
Theodore Jojola - Indigenous Design + Planning Institute
Tomasita Duran - Ohkay Owingeh Pueblo
Case Study Interview Questions
Can you touch upon traditional pueblo housing within the [tribe name]?
What were traditional dwellings like in terms of design, size, material, and where were they geographically located? Are they being occupied right now, if not why?
What type of housing is usually built and how long has that kind been built? (Single family detached, complexes, mixed used)
Has there been any new housing development on tribal land?
Is [TDHE name] trying to build more rental properties or homes to encourage homeownership?
How do you feel HUD has impacted housing development in the 1970s during the public housing era on tribal land? • Construction Process?
Environmental Review? Financing? Rental Rates? Design?
How many houses did HUD build for the 1937 Housing Act? (General size, # of bdrms, style, location on tribal land)
How do you feel NAHASDA has impacted housing development on tribal land? • Construction Process? • Environmental Review? • Financing? • Rental Rates? • Design?
Roughly speaking how much of NAHASDA block grant funding does [TDHE name] normally receive?
When did [TDHE name] start developing LIHTC projects, and why?
How many LIHTC projects does [TDHE name] currently have?
What initial challenges did you face with developing LIHTC projects, and what challenges do you face today?
How do you feel LIHTC has impacted housing development in tribal land? • Construction Process? • Environmental Review? • Financing? • Rental Rates? • Design?
How do you think LIHTC development can be improved?
What type of housing would you like to see in [tribe name] and do you think HUD limits that possibility? (i.e. affordable, duplexes, single detached homes, etc.)
Do you believe housing HUD rental rates on tribal land is affordable? Or would you rather set your own rates for affordable housing using IHBG and/or LIHTC?
Can you touch upon current housing conditions/challenges within the Pueblo of [tribe]?
How much are you able to save if any from the NAHASDA’s IHBG? How much do you allocate for maintenance of existing housing and how much for construction of new housing?