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The Team Rocket quickbuild kit comes with factory jigged and skinned wings. The bulk of the tricky building, especially with the EVO taper wing, is done for you. Those EVO wings are compound curved and tapered. And the type of airfoil it is makes it more critical to get the dimensions just right. I wanted a quick build. I didn't want to do all the complex jigging that accompanies the wing and fuselage. I was happy to spend the money to let the factory complete this difficult chore. When my kit finally arrived, the EVO wings were supplied with the kit. The flaps and ailerons are part of the kit, but were still in development. They arrived about a year after my kit. That was over a year ago, so don't worry, the parts are readily available now. The wings are a work of art. Regardless of whether you think the EVO tapered wing is right for your plane or not, you have to admire their beauty. And the construction work is excellent. Those Czechs know how to build airplanes! The EVO wing has a laminated spar, similar to an RV kit. That gives you lots of strength and safety. One lamination fails, well, there's lots of others still to support you. Each wing has a 26 gallon removable tank that should be able to be removed without TOO much fuss. It looks like you can unscrew them and pull them out from the front of the wing. But they do come pre-assembled and sealed with the caps and fuel level sensors installed. IHere's an EVO wings sitting in my cheap ass rack. I was undecided whether to work with them standing up on the LE (Leading Edge) or work with them on their backs (top skin facing down). So I'm going to start with one oriented each way and see how it goes. Certainly leaving the wings upright in


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