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BLOG SPOT with Don De Sanctis

Starts with the Why!

Throughout my years of being a business owner, I have been blessed with the achievements of my company, Barber Boys. But I am always striving for more, with growth and success. My brain is constantly thinking, trying to figure out what I need to do next. I was once told about “The Why” by Simon Sinek, he is an inspirational speaker who published a book called ‘Start with Why’ and after reading his book, he has opened my mind when it comes to having a successful business.


It all starts with Why? But what is a why?

Why is all about your purpose, cause, or belief. It is the reason why your company exists.

Having a why is vital for everyone in the company, no matter at what level or stage they are at. By understanding your why as a team, you are all working towards a common cause in which you all believe in. If you talk about what you believe, you attract those who believe in you. Successfully communicating the passion behind the Why is a way to attract. By doing this, consumers start to use their Limbic brain, which controls human behaviour and decision making. This is when they will start to believe in you and the company.

The goal is not to hire people who need a job, it is to hire people who believe what you believe.

If you have employees just because they can do a job, they are just doing it for the money. Not saying these people will not get the job done, but your business will not grow. You will simply stay where you are and that will eventually start to decline. But if you hire people who believe what you believe, they will continue to work hard, blood, sweat and tears. Your employees will push themselves, striving to succeed and constantly smashing goals within the company.

Another reason why it is important for your team to believe the company’s why, is to have and demonstrate the trust and confidence in themselves and the company. If they understand and believe in the why, customers will be able to sense, feel, and believe in your employees’ confidence and passion. Price increases happen all the time, so instead of your employees freaking out that they will loose customers, they need to turn it into a positive and believe they are worth that price increase. Your employees will be more dedicated and put more effort into their services, making their clients feel valuable and significant.

Its all about doing it differently, compared to other companies and competitors. Simon refers to it as the ‘Golden Circle’, and most companies start with What (what they do and what they sell) and How (things that makes them special and sets them apart from their competitors). But starting with the Why, working from the inside out of the circle, we are communicating to our customers on a personal level. If the company’s why matches the customer’s why, you have gained a customer who will stand by you.

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