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Four Ways Collagen Improves Hair By Dr Ben De Campo
With all the recent buzz collagen has had over the recent years, you may get clients that would be interested to know how collagen can improve their hair. After all, collagen is touted to be a key structural protein for the body’s many connective tissues - including the skin, bones, muscles, joints and nails. In fact, the word collagen is derived from the Greek work ‘kolla,’ meaning glue. So, it begs the question, what does collagen do for hair and how can this be used to promote stronger, healthier growth.
Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let’s revisit the basics. The hair on our head is largely made from a protein called keratin - which is created with the help of several amino acids - that’s where collagen comes in. Collagen contains the necessary amino acids to build keratin. When our bodies break down this compound, it uses these building blocks to create new proteins. This can potentially repair any hair damage and may lead to thicker hair and healthier roots.
Our bodies produce collagen with the amino acids we get through the diet. Though as we age, our collagen production levels decrease - leading to effects like wrinkles and thinner hair. Fortunately, this effect can be fought with the help of collagen supplements or collagen-rich products.
So, what does collagen do for your hair? In short, there are believed to be various ways that it can help fortify your follicles. One of the main benefits of collagen is that it can strengthen and protect the layer of skin that holds the hair’s roots. Over time, our collagen levels drop and our skin’s durability fades - this could be a potential cause of hair thinning. Since collagen can promote elasticity for the skin, bolstering it could prevent hair thinning or loss caused by age. compounds may wreak havoc on our hair follicles. Luckily, one of the best ways to fight off this damage is with antioxidants. That’s where collagen comes in. Collagen has shown strong potential as a powerful antioxidant. This means it could potentially be used to stabilise any free radicals and prevent further damage to the hair. Another popular benefit that collagen is praised for is its hairthickening abilities. As we mentioned before, collagen contains the amino acids (or ‘building-blocks’) of what our body needs to create keratin - the protein that makes up our hair. When exposed to collagen, our bodies break down the compound into its amino acids. These amino acids may then be distributed to create the proteins that make our hair.
Final fun fact! Did you know that collagen may also be able to help delay greying? Once again, this all comes down to the potential antioxidant effects of collagen. Greying occurs when free radicals begin to damage the cells responsible for hair colour. As a possible antioxidant, collagen may help by stabilising these free radicals - preventing damage and slowing down the hair greying process.
After all, collagen offers a powerhouse of benefits for our hair. It shows great promise for repairing damage, boosting hair thickness, nourishing the roots, and so much more. With all these benefits up for grabs, why not add a kick of collagen to your hair care routine?