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Editors Letter

Looking back at a year that was both painful and inspiring, there are so many parts of 2021, that I hope to leave behind forever, yet, in saying that, it has also been a year of resilience and huge personal growth.

Learning to be OK with change, learning to adapt to new environments, to let go of the things I cannot control, and focus on the things that I can control…


Navigating all the lockdowns in Melbourne with my own salon business, living 1254km away in another state, and trying to support my team remotely, was really difficult, both mentally and emotionally.

It’s taught me a lot about myself though, and it’s made me realise just how strong and determined I am when faced with adversity. I know at times we wonder how on earth we are going to get through the crisis we are facing, but somehow, we just do. It is through these tough times, where we gain all our personal growth and build resilience.

I know that I am looking forward to the year ahead, and fingers crossed that 2022 brings a year of positivity, a year of prosperity and most importantly a year of peace for us all!

In this issue we spend 10 minutes with Lyndal Salmon, chat all things Health & Wellness with Laura Macleod, we meet Hot Shots’ Evie Golding and catch up with the lovely Tabatha Coffey!

Across the globe we hear from Errol Douglas, meet Sylvestre Finold with Robert Masciave’s Open Eye interview, and get to know a little more about Global Artistic Ambassador for Revlon Professional, Mark Leeson.

We also have our business writers and bloggers and lot’s more for you to delve into in this issue, including meeting the Mocha Team!

Before I sign off for the year, I would love to personally thank Jenni Tarrant, Clive Allwright, Gary Latham, Dario Cotroneo, David Watts, Paul Frasca, Kristie Kesic, Simone Lee, Rachel Medlock, Sarah Garner, Kelly Cuningham, Brodie-Lee Tskinaris, Kym Krey, The Zing Team, Angeli Marie Shaw, Anthony Gray, Sharlene Lee, Robert Mascaive, Errol Douglas, Pauline McCabe, Sandy Chong, Leanne Cutler, Julie Bellinger-Gibb and all our guest writers who contributed to the 2021 Hair Biz Magazine.

Wishing you all a safe and wonderful Christmas,

Much love,

Lou x


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