Country Club

Princess Anne Country Club is the perfect place to relax with friends, spend quality time with your family and enjoy a laid back beach lifestyle. Since 1916, the Princess Anne has provided a haven for members, their families and guests. As Virginia's premier coastal private country club destination, we are dedicated to providing our Members and guests exceptional hospitality.
All Members and their guests are asked to dress appropriately and within accordance to the outlines shared in this booklet. Thank you in advance for being considerate of your fellow Members and guests, and for respecting the following policies. You are always encouraged to advocate for your Club by wearing PACC branded attire when appropriate.
We appreciate your understanding as we maintain the standards that make our Club special. Your Board of Directors has directed our Leadership Team to uphold our dress code policy to ensure a refined atmosphere for everyone. Please be aware that attire not aligning with the Club Dress Code may be subject to review by the Team at the time of service, and they have been encouraged to deny access to facilities if a member or their guests’ attire does not meet Club standards
Additionally, we kindly remind all Members to adhere to our smoking and cell phone policies to maintain a peaceful Club environment. Thank you for your cooperation and support!
Please watch for attire notifications for advertised Club events.
Smoking Policy
The Princess Anne Country Club is a smoke-free facility. Smoking areas have been designated on the southern porch of the upper level and patios outside of the men's and ladies' lounges on the lower level.
Cell Phone Policy
In order to preserve the tranquility of The Princess Anne Clubhouse and sporting venues, discreet, non-voice cell phone use is permitted throughout the property. Voice calls may be taken in the men’s and ladies’ locker rooms and Club outdoor areas. Voice calls are not permitted in dining areas.

Respects the values and traditions of our Club with regard to appropriate and tasteful dress. Is considerate of other Members and guests.
Members are encouraged to consider respect for tradition, modesty and comfort level of fellow Members when making attire selections. If in doubt as to whether or not attire complies with these guidelines, please choose a more conservative option
Gentlemen wearing hats indoors. Hat bills must face forwards when worn outdoors.
Gentlemen with untucked shirts, unless wearing a specifically designed ‘untuckit’ style shirt.
Denim with visible tears or frayed edges.
Bare midriffs and overly-revealing clothing.
Cut-off shorts, or short shorts.
Golf shoes with penetrating spikes.
Loungewear (i e pajama pants, etc )
Clothing with inappropriate (suggestive, rude, etc.) graphics or language.
Clothing with large lettering or graphics, unless covered by a sweater, jacket or sport coat.
Uncovered swimwear (except in the pool complex). Swimwear must be covered outside the pool complex In the Clubhouse, including the Reef area for young Members, appropriate clothing and shoes are required at all times.
Unless otherwise noted, Club Casual dress is the appropriate attire for all dining areas in the Clubhouse. Racquets, Golf and Fitness attire is also permitted.
Business casual attire.
Dresses, skirts, Bermuda-styled shorts, slacks, modest tank tops.
Neat tailored jeans of any color.
Clean athletic attire including golf and tennis shorts, shirts, skirts/skorts and warm-ups.
Shirts with collars, mock turtlenecks, V-neck and crew sport shirts.
Men's and ladies' open-toed sandals and flip flops.

Club Casual Appropriate Attire Examples
Special events at the Club and holiday events may require Club Formal attire, if stated.
Semi-formal or formal attire, such as dresses, skirts, blouses and evening pant suits
Jackets with a collared shirt and dress slacks are required; necktie encouraged.
Dress shoes or dressy sandals

Club Formal Appropriate Attire Examples

Club Formal Appropriate Attire Examples
Unless otherwise noted, Club Casual dress is the appropriate attire for Breakers and Breaker’s Boulevard. Racquets, Golf and Fitness attire is also permitted.
Business casual attire.
Dresses, skirts, Bermuda-styled shorts, slacks, modest tank tops.
Neat tailored jeans of any color
Clean athletic attire including golf and tennis shorts, shirts, skirts/skorts and warm-ups.
Shirts with collars, mock turtlenecks, V-neck and crew sport shirts.
Dry bathing suits. Ladies are required to wear a cover-up over entire bathing suit. Towels are not acceptable cover-ups.
Men's and ladies' open-toed sandals and flip flops.

GOLF Attire
The Golf Committee kindly requests that all golfers adhere to the established policy of wearing proper golf attire on the practice putting greens, short game area, driving range and golf course.
Proper golf specific attire is required at all times on the course and on all practice areas.
Proper attire includes Bermuda shorts but does not include: denim blue jeans, cut-off shorts, tennis shorts, workout attire, bathing suits and non-golf sweatshirts with or without a hood.
Bare midriffs, bare backs, halter tops, low slung pants, short shorts and tank tops are inappropriate. Collarless and sleeveless shirts, and shirts designed to be worn outside of the pants are appropriate.
Golf specific leggings, Bermuda shorts, shorts, skorts and dresses should be of an appropriate length.
Tucked in shirts with sleeves and collars, including mock turtle necks, are appropriate.
Cut-off shorts, cargo shorts or pants, denim, T-shirts, and hooded sweatshirts are strictly prohibited on the course and at all practice facilities.
Shoes must be of the approved, spikeless variety and are only permitted in the clubhouse lower level. All hats/caps must be worn facing forward.

Golf Appropriate Attire Examples

Golf Appropriate Attire Examples

Racquets attire must meet the following standards.
Proper tennis-specific attire is required at all times. Proper attire does not include: tee-shirts normally worn as undergarments, surf tee-shirts, tank-tops, bathing suits, cut-off shorts, board shorts, khakis, golf apparel, Soffe shorts, non-tennis name brand or other attire determined to be inappropriate by the Board of Directors and Tennis Team.
Color coordinated tennis attire and warm-ups may be of any color.
Exposed midriffs for any reason are inappropriate.
Fifty percent white is required, unless it is a coordinated, matching and tennis-specific outfit. Shirts with sleeves are required. Non-collared shirts are acceptable
Shoes must be tennis-specific and have non-marking soles for hard courts and smooth soles for clay courts. Cross-training, basketball and jogging shoes are not permitted.

Tennis Appropriate Attire Examples

Tennis Appropriate Attire Examples

Fitness attire must meet the following standards.
Athletic attire is recommended in the Fitness Center. Shorts and skorts should be “Country Club appropriate.”
Clothing, including cut-offs, swimwear and denim, clothing with visible tears or frayed edges, crop tops and T-shirts with profane language or inappropriate graphics are not permitted in the Fitness Center. All tops must cover midriff, back, sides and all undergarments, including sports bras.
Athletic shoes. Shoes must have closed toes and heels and rubber soles.
Exceptions made only in the case of specific programs (Mind-Body classes, Spa)

Aquatics attire must meet PACC pool standards.
All swimmers and sun-bathers must wear swimwear which provides proper body coverage in keeping with the Club’s family-oriented setting.
Children in swimming diapers must also wear a swimsuit.
Brazil or French-cut, thong style and/or otherwise revealing swimsuits are not considered appropriate attire.
Garments not specifically designed for swimming are not permitted. Swimsuits with visible clothing underneath (boxer shorts, underwear, etc.) are not appropriate.
Uncovered swimsuits are allowed only in the pool locker rooms and pool complex.
Swimwear attire must be completely and modestly covered and footwear must be worn outside the fenced pool complex, including to and from vehicles.

Aquatics Appropriate Attire Examples