YOUR HEALTHCARE RESOURCES Taking care of your health and wellbeing is an important part of your contribution to the mission of the University. The University provides simple, accessible resources to you and your family so you can get personal, confidential guidance when you need it.
C ON FIDE N T I A L A S S I S TA N C E A N D G U I D A N C E My Health Advocate Access a Personal Health Advocate to help you:
»» understand your benefits coverage »» understand your health conditions »» resolve claims and billing issues
»» find the right doctors, hospitals, and providers
»» schedule appointments and tests
UNLIMITED \ FREE \ CONFIDENTIAL C a l l H e a l t h A dvocate at (866) 695- 8622 M o n d a y – F r i day, 8:00 a.m.–midnight ED T Staff avai l abl e after h o u rs a n d o n we e ke n d s to a n swe r ca lls.
DO-I T-Y OUR S E LF, P E R S O N A L I Z E D H EA LTH C A R E My Transparency Tool by Castlight Use a personalized healthcare application to find:
»» quality, cost, location, and provider
»» in-network medical providers and
»» information regarding your healthcare
»» your past medical expenses and
contact information in one place needs
facilities near you
healthcare plan utilization
Vi s i t m y c a s t l i g h t . c o m/pr inceton or download the app pri n c e t o n .e d u / h r/ t h ri ve
Your path to better healthcare continues with these programs and services
for diagnosis and
$Save Money!
$400 incentive when you get a second opinion for back, hip, or knee surgery
for assistance with
Understand your diagnosis and treatment options before you decide on care.
(866) 904-0910
MSK DIRECT Get immediate access to a team of experts who specialize in cancer care.
Talk with a counselor or get advice on a number of different work life topics.
Get personalized guidance and coaching to achieve your personal health goals.
(800) 437-0911 Company Code: TW8AE
(866) 237-0973
$Save Money!
(844) 303-2123
for lower-cost and
Incentives for those with diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and high cholesterol
Get treated for an injury or illness that requires immediate care but not an ER.
Talk with a physician remotely for evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment.
Utilize independent, in-network facilities like McCosh Health Center.
Save money by utilizing an independent, in-network facility for your scans.
Call Health Advocate or use Castlight to locate a facility.
Contact Aetna or UnitedHealthcare to access Teladoc or Virtual Visits.
Call Health Advocate or use Castlight to locate a facility.
Call Health Advocate or use Castlight to locate a facility.
UNLIMITED \ FREE \ CONFIDENTIAL C a l l H e a l t h A dvocate at (866) 695- 8622 M o n d a y – F r i d ay, 8:00 a.m.–midnight ED T Staff avai l abl e after h o u rs a n d o n we e ke n d s to a n swe r ca lls. pri n c e t o n .e d u / h r/ t h ri ve